Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 25, 1851, Image 3

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    vo r Cots 7—Mr Daniel Saylor, of Schuylkill
en , t i as tweacres of wheat land, inthtt borough,
WhlCh.laFt week, he cut 1851 sheav'ks„making
obne ks. The wheat stood very thick and the
1 , 1 *,i was very large. It has been admitted by good
~: e ,.60 thrash 6 bushels tn the 100 Sheaves
- vie tint! II bushels, or 5513 to the acre.—.
usual quanlity to the acre is 30 bushels. Again
sac b ea t it woo can.
rigs g. of me. SoN.—On the 2Sth of this month
7 e 0 : be anlclipse of the Sun, commencing
~•,,,,ork;2l noninit, in the morning, and eon.
;1:: I hoot and -47 inutes. Neatly 4 digits of
, 2 , 2"2oahein limb of the sun . will be d ar k en.e d . _
-, :e eehp,-.6 will he total between the 60th and 62d
,;,,ee, of north laillibde, in 'Noah Atherioa, in
ee:mi d, an j Sivrderi, in •Euroki,
TrouFri—Tito Bolivar Democrat, in its first
• m tri. runs IT lhe names Dickinson. of
\ . exv \ - 0 4 . .. f or pre , lont, and Jeflerson Davis (Se..
ettcinic) nt for Vice President', in
'52, Fo'leet In the t let.i,ion of the National States'
pemerra!ie- convention, if ono is called.
.IPPO;TMENT rs Tut-, Gove.ntioic Gover
or hi. n :NI Y.l- AGNEw, rsq. , o f Beaver
p of he (li,trigt composed of
110.1. , r. Lwa ence Mercer counties, in
1 fie is the \‘'hig
I . r in tl,e thAr:tet to which he has
been aniloone.'.,
,Rirtr ele!lar:jr papPr says :hat " Lhe ed
-01 :Le Albany Express has had legal proceed
: ccimmercii aja .. l:l-! him for libel. Misfortunes
r, r• c ame sia2c. Only a lew weeks ago he was
Pennq)lvania, Indi-
N'lrlzinia, kind indeed in al
or:, il , e Union, are rPper'ed as
exceedingly pro:Teious.
111%14,TURE ALMA
n It 0 1
D.• ot the
- WLD,Es;nr
rrts , v.l r,. •
L 111,/
\cm 3Jvertis-cmtnts
1! Indebted to the estate of MORRIS
\ )\ E . ,I,y e ased, late of Monroe township,
to make payment without delay,
, u 1 pr,o;ii• !la , mg. demands against said estate , are
pre,oaii them. daily n uthenticated for sct..
.I . ‘st. Y. WILLCOX, Administrator.
.nr,le July 19. IPSI.
~;'ICE that the Uniforrnal
.rd cons:Ltuting the (tit
nth° 13'h Dtrimt , n of Pennsylvania Milt
: m-011.1bitrill..tis for parail , , inspection
• . in order : the 2d battalion
!t• I l.r 1,1e,:t. (71-1. John Baldwin, Will MPCt
ty of uzust, 1851. The 4th
ininanind by Lieut. Col. Bertrand E.
hi meet on Tuesday, the ':6th d.ty of
hiGatiallon, commanded by Lieut
, r! 11. W. Root, will meet' on Thur , lay, the
.teinst, 1851. Commanding officers of
.t . ..1,:0r..; will please rZIVC ncttce aecordintly.
'lnspector I,:t 8r0z,., 13th Div.. P. M.
office, Leraysville. July 10, 1853.
ir. Tracy rc. Krerntarc of Jarllllr,
1,. C, ra. Nay Mina 1819. Nos. 273,
'2 1 rad .27.). •
- ( yricy, r herclir given, that the undersigned,
I.avin , ,!.ber:'.n appointed an Auditor by the court
tier: raised by executions issued in
at.h , vr attend tq the business afore
! at hi , Towanda boroug,h, on Wedoes
• .e I I ' 51, at one o'clock, P.
a'l p.r•,.:) , in. , re-ted are refines:ell to pre
. eic c!t, - , 1 ,, h3m.,1 from rimung
• , al.l HENRY 800
NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given
;t tt , .e have been filed ar,d settled in the of
11',Ilti in and htt• the cr usty
71. a , , - •,••ink , of a.t.titnistiat,on ;Ton the
r.tilat :4 WM. Watk:n.. a.ilialni , tratnr of
t• . IL spaltlinL,•,:lec'il. late of Franklin.
aeo.ont of Hannah Armonk., (late Hannah
• ' a 'rnint•trwrix ~f the estate of Moses
late of Monroe.
.ce,utit St morons C. libvi ant
•, , , r3l rs the'estate of Win
wa , en:l-nil:in of Andrew, %VIII
M„ t. nor children of Jiihri
- :e '
nl Jere .1.1.11" , and Eh Ila:rd.exe
of ri rat of I.a:en Buwt:n, tlecea.,ed, late
arr••'^" r,f J Th ,, m3s, - nrlmialistralor
• • s:1, deceased, late of
.... 1 T.Smiley aml John'Ron
~; the *stale of Lyman S.
••(F anklin.
• Deainc , , execut n• of
... • (:f Joseph AJni.strong,
, ~
• ()%c hit. u. hdr.tintstraior
,r;yr, or the estate of
t,; VV3 Sta.
•' ' kr , “, PXPCtI . ..I" .If the eslate
11 late of Granville.
Vhn in, o,uarchan of Maria
.it,! hurimr.lo2).
he rp•F,Tiirktf) the Orphan's
I ;%I, , nthly !hr I,t day
1. , xi. ILI eLlll;rlilati.n
H. 1.0,11:li, neiister.
ers 'rowan ta, July. 4, 18.51.
rrav , r.or th , • viduntaly accignment of Chas.
11 , yry W. Tracy. Inr irUN,Lfor the benefit
". In ihe'coutt of Common Pleas o( Brad
! •;) 'reem,"lt , l9, Nu. fl 4. Notice id
in pur , hahee or an order of. Court
the 1:1:11 day of May, A. D., 1351, that Henry
y. Clia'cles Revd, in this case,
red hts account 1.. r settlrtnent, which has
.!niv fil^d. will he al!nwed and confirm
.y Ole 1:0.111 a f •rek a 4, en the 14 day of Septet:o
-r c?toe he .11,4:1 1 in the contrarr.
-1, 90 — 1ry% n 10:v IS,- 185 I.
4deCnSo Notice.
7 7 1, NTU):`; i• .•rvr:...l to the third section of
April t 2, !BSI, viz :
a „ 1.
•'' '•An act to create a sinking
, r 17, 1. 1.•;l,o cradlial eriain ex
. at t.t•hp dew ~1 the. Commonwealth,
Tar of April, 1949.," shall not be so
, thinnm.e.nny person or persons to;
a ' 7 h 'er •,pa'tins; house, restaurant or
`' 111r • l!rt: , 1 they shall have applied for and
a.. , c , n,e for that purpose. baying first p aid
or licens e fee as 144 iequired in cases of ta
!"e': any person or persons who shall
t'er eatinz lin&e, restaurant, or
, wohout first having paid, his license
be on conviction theitof deemed
a tippling house, and punished
. •
'' ''. , ].) , 1 , d in the above , act, are - informed
* . e.Y tw.t.t pay immediate attention to its pro
p, ' J. M. PECK, Dep. Treas.
''uri 014 e, ,, July 18, 1851.
.. _
'-'"', !— lleNtluality No'. 1, new MESS PORE,
,?I,2aper than the cheapest l'iy
;IN uf ! PAINT !--Ohio and Oneida county Fire
Q Paint for sale very cheap by '
1•,.,• ---•
~,.... .
. ',i ,O oW,DER.-50 lees Bleating Pow•
ns mom' NN I.* RR A, Cif
THE undersigned. would inform the. citizens •of
Towanda and vicinity. that he has arrived here
for the Krpose of enabling those who wish Dago
reo types of themsplyes, or friends, to get them. 'Bay.
ing had'a nittitber or years e x perience" bif.i
ness, lie, feels "confident that his pictures will give
general Satisfiction. Likenesses of children and
aged people, taken with perfect accuracy. Those
wishing . pictures would do well to give him a call.
Room over Barton Kingsbery's store.
• Towanda, July 12, 1851. R.
y7SBUSHELS BYE 4 CORN for sale by
July 8. E. T. VOL
Over -0.1). Bailletef store. .
VOR A SHORT TIME ONLY ! Pictiare's taken
`singly or in groups in a satisfactory manner.
Towanda. July 7. 1851. D. McEWEN.
A N assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS will
be kept constantly on hand at Nye's old stand on
Main street, - where, the subscriber is also prepared to
make and repair all kinds of Furniture.
Towanda, July 12, MI. C.. WELT, .
L UUDITOR'S .NOTICE.—The undersigned, hay
/1- lag been appointed an Auditor by the 04bans
court of bradtitrd county, to distribute the fund
raised by administrator's sale of the estate of iNtram
Ackley, late of the township of Springhill,deceas
ed, will attend to the duties of said appointment at
his ()Eke in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday,
the 9th day of August. 185 t, at. two o'clock, P. M.,
when and where all persona interested are required
to present the:l' claims, or he debarred from coming
in upon said fund. jys 'Wm. SCOTT, Auditor.
4 rioz.-aAR.TGN" GRAIN CRADLES, a ari
perior article, for gale at je27 FOX'S.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of LYDIA
P.GRIDLEY, deceased, late of Orwell tow'p.,
are hereby, requested to tnake payriwnt without delay,
and those having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Orwell, lune 23, 1861. • Administrator.
•us 1;..u3 Sun Sets.
449 725
4 49 7 24
4 60 7 231
4 51 7 22
45'2 i 721
4 52 7 211
4 53 7 19
A VING TOOLS.—Grass Scythes, Snaths.scy the
1.1 stones, Inks, rakes, fir. for sale by
June 27. ; SIIAI'LEY & LEWIS.
The best end cheapest Family Illedicitie in the Maid.
Mr. Roberts' Compo und
- An alterative, Tome, Diuretic and inild Cathartic.
Price 25 cents per boy, eontamipg , r to Pills.
Each box eont nns fifty pile, which makes them as
cheap again as any other standard pill, and four times
cheaper, and warranted much superior lit the cure td
various discuses, to any of the Syrup mixtures sold ;
t hesiees being a more convenient anti proper form"
Gtr use.
The astonishing success which has attended the use
of Pr. RoLerts Compound Sarsaparilla, Pills is proof
abundant and contlu,tec that they are truly
Nature's Own Romedies,
and that they will cure all curable dtseases, quicker
and more pleasantly than any tither medicine ever
k mos a. The Pdls are principally art altaiattve meth
- eine, (their basis being the solid won-I of Ssrapaidla,
prepared in a superior manner,) but sufficiently cath
! ;laic to gr ntly assist nature, without purging unneces
sarily, uhtch make them peculiarly adapted to weak
an d enfeebled persons, invivrating. arid strengthening
the body, purifying the system, producing new rich
blood and a healthy action of the stomach and liver.
They are acknowledged by our ablest physicians to
I be trot only unexceptionable, but efficacious in the high•
I eat degree, arid as a general
. Early inudicine Unequalled.
The Compound Sarsaparilla Pills are used for the
permanent cure of those diseases which arise froin an
impure state of the blood, and morbid secretions of the
liver and stomach, viz., erysipelas, scrofula or king's
evil, ulcers, scald head, obstinate cutaneous eruptions,
blotches, boils, pimples, sore, weak or iiitipmed eyes,
glandular swellings, rheumatic affections, pains •in the
bones and j tints, dropsy, dyspepsia, asthma. diarrhaca
and dysentery, coughs, cohla, consumption when caus
ed by capillary obstructions of the lungs in persons of
scrofulous constitutions, inflarnation of the lungs, in
fluenza, indigestion, headache, jaundice, reverend ague,
chill fevers, and fevers in general, general and nerc'ems
debility, and diseases arising from an injudicious use of
mercury, and whenever medicine is required - to invigo--
rate and purify the system.
They are a purely vegetable compound, and may be
used by persons of all ages. They are pleasant to the
palate, and produce no nausea, uneasiness or griping
in their operation. Hundreds of certificates could be
given of those who have Used them with great benefit.
• We ask .no person to take out word as loam merits
of the medicine, but calf on the agent and purchase a
box, and if on trial it does not give the most perfect sat
isfaction, they cart return the box and receive the mon
ey paid for the same. Putchasers will he particular
to ask for 't Dr. Robert's Compound Sarsaparilla
Pills," and observe that the green wrapper on each
box has a lac simile of the signature of Jos. Roberts,
M. D. and C P. Fay. and to purchase none others.
All applications fur agencies and letters on the sub
ject of the medicine, must Ire addressed, post paid, to
C. P. Fay, Owego, Tioga Co.. N. V.
Fur sale by HUSTON & PORTER, stile agents at
Towanda Pa. 3m4
Brick at Athens.
T HAVE now a kiln of brick burned at Athens ,and
am prepared to supply all calls for the season.
Athens Pa. June 15, 1151. S. HAYDEN.
4 Robert
. Haney,
Bain and
A T .T. persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
_a FRIES, I lecea-cd, late of the township of Wells,
are hereby requesacil to make payment without delay,
and those having claims against said estate, n ill please
present 'them duly authenticated for settlement.
MARGARET FRIES, Administratris.
\Vella, May 21, 1851.
623:Light at the l'arnishing Depot.
ICt sl. C A MPB ELI., return their sincere thanks
• for the like al patronage heretollne bestowed,
'amd would aaain call attention of their friends and cos.
1. , 1/IrIS to their late arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS.
Cunststing of all things necessary fur clothing the out
er man ; whisk will be sold at a little tower prices than
has hithertufure been asked.
Please give ua a call before purchasing elsewhere.
Stuttering & Stammering Cured in from
40 to 60 Minutes.
THE undersigned having purchased of. z Blakes
lee the Rystrm and privilege of practicing -for
the cure of Stammering, will consult with and attend
to curing at their residence in Springhill, Brad. Co.
Pa.. those who may be afflicted with impedithents
in their speech, that on pay is required until the ut
most satisfaction is given. D. 1). BLACK,
Springhill, June 17, 1851. 0. W. BLACK.:
I do hereby certify that D. D. and C. W. 'Hack
are capable of curing any cases of ,thel- above itn
pedtments, -and would recommend them to the dontl•
de nee "and employment of all those who may be af
ici:d with iinpedlinent in their speech.
0— Important to all Interested !
Tsubscriber takes this method of infortmng 01l
those Who are indebted to him, to call and pay up
immediately, as it will be of much benefit to him, and
for the interest vf those interested.
Towanda, April 20. 1551. N. N. BETTS.
UDITOWS•NOTICE.---The — aderstined, hay
ing been appointed akA,uditor by the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county; td -.marshal' assets and
distribute funds in the hand44l . the Administrator
of - Muses N. Lewis, dec'd," will - attend to the bus'•
ness aforesaid at his office in Towanda borough, on
Thursday, the 5 21st dsy of *August, 1851, at one o'-
clock, P. N., when-all persons interested are requir
ed to present their claims, or-be debarred from coat-
Mg in upon said fund. HENISI" BOOTH, *!
July 10, 1851. Apditnr,
111901:_ec SHOE DEPOTIi-= 104 . ptit at prices that
JO ran duty all competition.
1011N:1'0i V EA' it'. CO.
NCU3 tabucrftscmints.
H. &. A. CAMPBELL. '
TOSEPH, JUNIN:MERV; has just returned from
J New York with his third grand assortment Of goods
for the season, embracing a large invoice of Fancy and
Staple Dry-Goode &c., which shall positively be aeld
cheap. Towanda, June 12, 1851.
J UST received
theils sournp
imenpt d o e f ote, N l T l. G w ricid
ces which we have bad the pleasuPe of introducing into
this market. The cull-paying public are invited to an
examination. SRAPLEY & LEWIS.
Towanda, June 12, 1851.
OOK !—Wo are now selling the best arti
cle of Molasses at 311 cents per gallon.
Towanda, June 12, 185!. \ •
V•ISH ! FISH ! Mackerel by the Bb 'l and 3 Eb . l.-
-1 Also, Mackinaw Trout and-White Flab by
Sltapley 4. Lewis,
RESPECTFULLY iiifutm the citizens of Towanda
and vicinity, that they tak n the store lately occu
pied-by .I.J. Word, where they now invite the attentiot
of purchasers to a large and choice stock of
Drew Spring & Summer Goods,
DRY GOODS. 11 A RDW ARE s• cßoch-r:nv.l
comprising the usual variety, with many articles vu
sty les not to be obtained elsewhere.
'Their assortment has been selected with care express
ly for this market, and purchased at prices which will
at:ow us to St II as cheap as any store in this region of
couhtry. Cash cu.tomers are invited to call, with a
promise that they shall not go away dissatisfied.
a ---- -ftementher, SII A ['LEY & LEW IS' new store,
next south of the %Yard Honse, Main street.
Towanda, May 29„11;51.
ONLY GI CENTS,!—Another Case of those Cheap
Prints, at 64 cents per yard. just received at
VOTICE is hereby given, that an Election will be
hell at the office of Laporte Mason & Co.. in Tow
anda on Saturday the 2lst daYof J one, between tbo hours
of 10 o'clock A. M., and 12 M., for Officers and man
agers of the " Towanda and Burlington Plank Road
Co. In compliance with the charter.
By order of the Commissioners.
M•ty :In. 1851. B. S. RUSSEL Bf-c.v.
Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin,
'HALL & Ia7SSELL having formed a eo-partnh
rterslity, respectfully call* the wention of the pub
lic to their 'assur tineut, to which large additions lia%e
recently been made, making it the Lirgest and inimt
varied ever offered in this region. Among the multi-
Ride of ankles a few will be enumerated:
Iron and Nails.
Eng American andswede; square and round;
English and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable Iron of all descrip
tions. Sc.; tsitli a good assortment of Nails :-3d,
5,1, 63, Rd, 10.1, IV and 20,1; 4, 5 and 6 inch sp;ties ;
wrought nails and horse nails, by the pound, keg or
ton. Also, cast, German, English blister, American
spring and tire steel, ike.
Carpenter's and .7ciaer's Tools,
Of all descriptions, viz: broad, narrow and hand axes;
hatchets, adz, joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer -and
framing chisels; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sizes, from 3 to 2 inch ; braces and bitts ; augur and
pod bitts extra; planes and plane irons ; hand, tenant,
X cut, keyhole and slitting, saws; iron and steel and
try squares of all saes, fromls3 to 15 inches; haminers,
spirit levels, bevels, type lines, mortice gunges o of all
sizes, screw drivers, scratches, hollow augurs, &c.
Blacksmith's 'lice's.
Anvils,tn•llows, vices, hammers, aleilghii,
harnmerstocks and dies, drilling machines, &c.
. Farmer's Tools.
Shovels, square or round points ; picks, hoes, hay,
straw and manure forks; log, cable and binding chains,
crowbars, grubbing hoes, rakes, grass scythes, scythe
shalhes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, bush
F~ythes, corn cutters, shovel plough moulds, gtrden
rakes, i hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trimmiags.
Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ;
India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hub' bands,
concave and Boston patterns ; brass and silver ?latcd
curiain'frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, aPron-rings
land hooks, stump joints rass and silver platid joins. ;
seaming cord ; striped lace, wide and narrow ;
striped lace, now style ; top lining, worsted fringe,moss,
varnish cloth, patent axles and axle arms ; springs, 4-c.
Harness Trimmings and Saddlery Ware of the lat
est and most npprove sty Ive s, and of
house Trimmings,
We have on hand a full ass...rtment. Also a large quan
tity of LEAD PIPE, which we are prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannis
stop cocks and cork stops. Any quantity of l'unip
chains and Well Rggingv. A general assortment of
Saw mill, circular and wood saws; plistering, and
brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tangs;
files and rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack Itammerso,
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and
forks and steels; butcher, pocket and pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, chest and till locks; tailors and
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
hells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles,
from two quarts to half a barrel; Hollow ware and
cauldron keitleri; tea. and coffee pots ; brass and bri
tennis candlesticks and snuffers; trays, fruit trays rind
large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the lq".est styles ;
stair rods and hialdars; ladies' and gentlemen's pocket
scissrs; razors and razor strops; German silver and
britann 7 a table and tea spoons; hair, .elothea and shoe
brushes ; brass anti steel barrelled pistols arid revolvers ;
gun locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches end powder flasks; torn door, strap and T
hinges. Also manufacturing and will keep constantly
on band a large assortment of
Tin and Taganned Ware.
. We have also just rccetved 30 tuns of Srov ES
composed in part of the following patterns end slice,-
Republican air tight Cooking Stove, Number' , 4
Farmer's do do :: 9
Lady of the Lake, do :: . 9
litteen of the went, do 4 to 6
Iron King, do :: 4 and 5
Improved Premium
Eastern Prtnniam,
Jenny Lind Parlor Stovca,
Cottage do
Air tight do
Air tight G plate Stows,
Sir plate Stoves, 3 to 7
The above comprises but a few Wicks of the 3890It
'ment which they offer' to the public, and all of which
will be disposed at extremely low isles. In proof of
Ibis, these call at Hall's old stand. south side of public
square. and extending to Pine street.
0 Old Copper, Iron, Brass and most kinds of Pro-
duce. taken in payment. Towanda. June 0, 1851.
B ROWN LINNEN COATS fur $1 00 at
VLANNEL for Ladies' Sacks, a very nice article.
I just received and for sale by
Dec. 26. 1850. 0. D.BAHTLErT.
rILASS.—Best quality of FREN&U GLASS., for
lT sale by SHIPLEY dr:LEWIS.
NAlLS.—Superior quality of NAILS,_ fox sale by
Joust?. • - > SHAPLEY iFit.fLEWIS.
T ItiklT.LlGliTetuntatine.lifu'raing Fiu:(l, lamp.
Oil, Sderm raid Tallow Collates, for s tale in Roy
quantities to suit purchasers it MERCUIC3.
Town! du Feb. 3,
• :: 3 anti 4
Itlistgla;cons. • .
THE undersigned, fornierly.Foreman for many years
of the . Lafayette Burr Mill Stone manufactory.
;AO Washington street N.- (W. Track.. Agent)
*mild inform his friends and the public-in general, that
be has established .a BURRAIII.I. STONE MANE.
FACTORY at Binghamton, N. Y. in 0 . belay Build
ings," opposite "Phenix .liotel,". arid solicits .a share
of their patronage. „
kip will have constantly oif band a taiga stock of
French Burr Mill Stones, as also a large supply of
Esopus 4 Kuhl Sionesialso French Burr Stories, Boll
ing Cloth, Screen Wire and Calcined Plaster. .
The undersigned assures his friends and the public,
that he will faithfully eteente all Older* entrusted to
his care, not only in quality, but is prices of articles
furnished, and solicits their-kind patronage.
Orders by letter wijl be executed,with as much care
and as cheaply as when purchasers are on the spot.
Binalmmtan„ May 24, 1851
LTCSTON &, PORTER have just added to 'their
assortment a large stock of Fresh Drugs, Medi
cines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Groceries and Liquors,
which are now offered to the public nt low tutee.
Their stock of FANCY GOODS & PF RFCIiERY
is the hugest and most complete ever offered in this
Also a choice arortment of pure WINES & LI
QUORS, suitable for medical purposes.
A large variety of Camphene, Phospene, Fluid:Lard.
and tnIiFANIPS, containing many new and beautiful
sty lee.
Delay, agents for all the best Palen! Medicines of tbe
day, purchasers pala depend upon procuring a genuine
article in all cases.
An the Drugs and Medicines kept at their establi.ll-
merits may he relied upon as genuine .1 •tho best
quality, having been carefully selected with a view to
their usefulness.
:tSouth atole of the Wadliouse, arid No.l.Briuk:
Row. Towanda, May 27. 1851.
CLOVER SEED.—Large and small Clever Seed for
wile 10, R oxTANyEs co.
UST recei.ed another- laree assortment of those
chep BOOTS and SHOES at
Dec 4
ALL persona are hereby cautioned against purchas
ing a Dole given by me on the sth of November,
1350, to C. B. Barrett, fur $l5. The terms' of the
contract for which said note was given, have never
been complied with an the part of said Barrett, and I
do not consider myself legally or morally bound to pay
it, and shall not do so, unless compelled by law. '
Monroe, June 11,.1851. H G. GOFF.
14' , • Flk3l \ ?4 , -0 Q ZZ:NZVZ Q
42, .a..s .g•
Adams & IVEacfarlane,
H.kli();(1 entered into ro-pattnership in the practice
of law, have also established an agency for the
sale of real estate iu the county of Bradford. Persons
havinz real estate which they desire to sell, by calling
and leaving a description of their property with the
terina of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their arlYan
Persons desirous of purchasing can learn where prop-
erty f., f.,r sale—a descrytion of the same with the
price and terms of payment 81141 be infoimml as to Coe
vz.lidity of title. J. C. ADAMS.
Towanda, Mey 2. 101. J. MAC rA FULA NE.
An extensive stock of Staple
, J ust opening at
stiormADrzEs & co,s.
THOSE who wish to purchase - Good Articles at
cheap rates, will do well to call:
Towanda. May 1: lcAl.
NEW 000DS,
JH. PHINNEY, Jr., is just receiving from New
. York a large and general assortment of Spring
and Summer Gouls, consisting of almost everything
usually found in a store, together with
Groceries, Ha - dwarf. Paints, 04, Dyes, Leather,
Boots Shoes, 11,as, ('ups. Bwwcts, y,
Glassware, Sall , Fols, 1)-c.
The subscriber would return his sincere thanks to
the public for their bountiful patronage the last whiter,
by which the increase of business enabled him to offer
1 1 his goeds , his summer at still lower prices than they
have been in the habit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy goods for cash or . ready pay, would do well to
call at ;No. 3, Brick Row, and 'examine the stock and
prices, as the.goods are bought and must be sold.
Towanda, May 1, 1851.
and .FLOUR,—* large quantity for sate
at myl PHINNEI.B.
42 A FETY FIiSE.-10,000 feet' just received and
L for sale at tnyl PHINNEY'S:
- - -
T UNIBER.—Any quantity wanted, for which the
market price will be paid at PHINNEY'S.
HOSIERY.—Ladies, misses, and childrens, silk,
worsted and cotton white suit colored Hoe ; al o
gent's and boy's mixed, brown and bleached half home,
cheap at my 2 FOX'S.
QIIEETIN GS & SHIRTING:9, brown and bleached
I...D—TieUna, Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp and Batting
wholesale and retail, at nrv2 FOX'r4.
SUGAR, Coffee, [tics, Fish, Molasses, It aisios, Sale
lotus, Spices, Oils, &c cheapest in town, at
May 1, 1851. FOX'S.
CHESTS more of those Cheap TEAS, %m
-it) ranted to suit or the money returned in all cases,
Are now receiving their
Second aeneral-stOek of Sprat& troodN
whirls are Offered for saleitt 'WHOLESALE OR RE
TAIL, at even lower than their usuarpricea. They
say to all cash purchssers, come and see our stock, and
you will fl e id gouda and prices right. May 9, 1851.
W II s O 2 L O E O, S a t t IITS, Goals, Paula
c an A d m V p es n t E s, Li al , l s for
- —---
AATHEAT, Oats, Rye ancl_most kipils of Produce
V takeo,.for which the highest price will be pail
_dec4 PHI YPiEV'S.
A YrBST RATE assortment of Hats at
CASH UP, and no grumbling, paid for WOOL at
BROADCOTHS . , Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans,
iheep'e ertiy cloth, &r., Rohl very law for cash
by nl4 13. KINGSBERY &
7 to 10
and 4
2 end 3
1 to 3
2 to 6
Iron T Iron f Iran I
241 TONS American, English and Swedes (ton;
II a general assortment of all sines of lound,square
flat bar, band and hoop, now received, awl -for sale by
the on or Rmlller quantify, al. E Vli 'B.
Cancers can be Cured !,
THE subscriber has, been for many years elided
with a C neer, and had applied in vain for help to
live different physicians off come celebrity in such cases.
his complaint being considered by them and others
without remedy. He has recently been fully cured by
attending a few weeks'with DA. A. V. Wor.rxivrox,
of Roehester,'. li. V., and can cheerfully recent rend to
those suffering tinder that' terrible disease to roll on him.
Bmithfiel4e May 17. 1851.
4- •
109000 1.0. Stine, Swedes sad other IRON
Just received nt
(41. finger and Molasses, also, 10 cheats more ul
V that fresh - new Tea warranted good of the money
returned, Coffee, Baleratus,Rice, Fish and Tobacco, all
of to hich - aill be soli cheap at
• ••
- .
4.lcrellantii)e, -C-r.
- rs nnw recriving a richituf,L4scratifi.4l 49 , ),
I Dull Goons; ito voitiCliNl
particularly 'invite ;he attention of ,
and will Wake it An."l l ) l *;.l l : l .theralo.Ovalli
as he is determined to sell Lis imAif
as was ever before offered In the market. .H
id no procuring the choicest snide.
scriber feels fully canteen( that he can give
isfaction to his cusicitnars.
r dig
ri law r
vin. spit
the sub.
pril 26'
-1 ••
riWietE ONE, bOME ALL, anil : canmiiie the I N.4:ve
Gouda, which are now being exhiliiial ell.,
_ _ —
D. T. PDX,
Ts now receiving direct from New York 11 litrCY and
!lend itl assortment of hoods tchich he oilers far
sale at prices whi:h cannot fail to suit the closed (My
ers, fur CAS% Paola-es. on A PIMOVIraI Cs Dail lie
respectfuLly asks a call from all persons wishing Co buy
goods cheep, as he is deterniined not to ho undefacild.
towands. April 24.1851.
- . •
Dress Goods.
RICH FOULA RD, Chameleon Chem', IEII , Dress
Silks, French and Ilarege DeLanes, a ,ftem 'rticle
for summer dresses. French and English town , Sill;
Tissues, Linuen Lustros and iny . .quantity oti peke ' dress
r VERY one knows that the place to fndj theargest
jj assortment and best quality of gloves of a I des
criptions is at
aptl6 PO. S.
RICH Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Lei*e and !Ctlties of
11, ~ - ap26 FO: 4 ;."8.
..: --
011s°;r1:::lain,iatsni:t., Leghorn, ,, P l . , :lp Leaf 7 0 1 fcrla
B I,'K :Silk and 1311,Stlk Lace fur.IIIA7.47 F IL O VS at
Is Still in Operation !
MITE subscribers have moved to the new building on
Pine street, one door below Mercura store where
they will keep on 'hand and make to order, pleughs,
stove and mill irons stfalrriost all ilosetiptiops. Turn
ing and fitting up work, will be done also on reasonable
terms as at Elmira ar Owego. Old iron will be taken
in payment. JOHN CARMAN ;& cO.
Towanda, April 26, litst
DM" GOODs,—A good assortment o 1 Merinoes,
CsOnneres, De Leine, Alpicae, and prints now
ya htEllterWS.
- - -
Zraportant, and True!
opening at
nut - respect to age or condition
—indebted to me, are expected and noTiqed to
make immediate payment. To satisfy them! that I am
in earnest, I will just ~.tate. that I have engagements to
meal, which will require me to have pay of !those ow
ing me. I should prefer that they would do so volentari
ly, but if not, shall without delay, invoke the assistance
of the law.
'Noranlia. April 1 , 3, ISS I
MHE copartnership heretofore exi,ting between E.
'Femur & SY, and Ck.o. W. POTWEit under
the farm of Toinkins, Stan & Co. is this day liitsol44
by mureal consent. The books and accounts aFe 'left
with J. U. Goodenough for settlement, and all Reisons
knowing themelves indebted to the above lino lere re
quested to call and settle up.
April 14, 1451. GEO. W. POTTI4.
New Chair and Bedstead Wareroom.
"r) ESPECTFULLY informs the public that he hes
11,.. opened a shop at his new house, corner nf Main
and Paine streets, nearly opposite Edward (hr ee i on ' s ,
Towanda, where he will keep on'hand or manhfacture
to Oljer,Ting-f‘a2ted, Causer, Windsor. Panel?, Ca'ne
scaled and Common CHAIRS, made of the hest ma-
Wrists, and of superior durability.
lie has also fur sale an assortment of BEtisimitis.
at law prices
Repairing and Seating Com Man, Cane-bottom and
Flag-seated Chairs, nn reasonable.term.i.
Cherry, Basswood, Whitewood and Cucumber lum
ber taken in payment for work.
He trusts that his long acgWantance in this county,
and the durability of his work as tested by man! , y ean .,
experience, will secure him a share of public patron
age. 'fowania, March I, 1851.
P chases of :iew ( iuods which makes his s ri tOro t n ir e .
of the most extensive in the country—for sale on the
most favotat,le terms for cash or approved credit—cash
buyers are particularly invited to call and examine the
stock. m.rti 11 A Puri.
Paper hangings.
THE only complete assortment of Paper Han rings,
Borders, Window Paper, and Fire hoard Viesee,
Lept in this region, and at prices as low as can be
found at retail either in or out of the principal cities, at
Mav R. 0. D. B 4RTI.TIT V.
Es' Rr WISs ES' SIIOES—a gooil assortment
1.4 of ladies and misses' tine shoes, boots and gaiters,
sure to }noose, a t ' D. BA RTLETt.
Witasport k Athens Railroad Leith!.
,EO.. H. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pub.
lic that he has removed his store to Cot. Nelms'
building, ono door below Warner's midi shop, where
he will be happy to see all who may be' in want ci
Good and Cheap Clothing. lie is constantly - adding
to his stork all the new arid desirable styles and pat
terns, and feels confident he can satisfy ahy•une -who
may give him a call. - ,
Just-receiving from New 1 ork, a large and seasona
ble assortment of Spring and Subpar, CWhing; made
in are best manner, and which will be sold as usual at
the lowest prices.
He has also received, a large Int of YrMTH'S &
CH11.1.1406" im.oTHING, to which he invites at
•givion and which will be sold at low rates, lie has
made arrangements by which he eon Send for any 'or
acle desired, with the 'certainly orpraiiulifi t i, a goad
Cutting and making up, duuo :IS usual in the mo-t
fashionable manner, promptly and to order,
Towanda. May Ft, 185Iy
Sohn W. Wilco;:, -
T_TAS removed his establishment to Mix'a store,
11 corner of main street and tkerlitthlto squire. and
will continue the manufacture of Bate and :sbece, as
He his jost received from New York a large asAnt
ment of Women's, Children's and Misies' Slioes, which
arc offered at low prices. The, attention ct the Ladies
is par' ic trimly directed to his areu)rlinent, cornprpang
the following new styles :—Enainelled fenny Lind gai
ter bunts; do, shoe. i black lastidg.oird silk gaiters ;
walking shoes, huskins,dic. MissesNpiters an I Ithoes,
of every dereliction. A large assortinent of Child:ties
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes,, of al! kinds.
For the Pentleinen, almost ev:risi±i'fir of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been per:simony, selected with
pare, and he believes he can offer superior articles at
reasonable prices.
(o.'The strictest ,attenlion ppid ,to Ilfatris j encfn.ting,
and he lolics by doing work welt to toerit a continu
um of the liberal patruiroga,lth lasOthheria.rcceived.
Towrint wi11ay9,•1351. • • =' • •
DIVRASOLS-4 frig assol*ent of
,Lied and other
fashionable styles, e(
CROCKERY.—The largest stock lo
dinner and tea 'setts, of white tranite sod.iblue
ware,'Whleh will he Mild cheapat iH. FOX!.
C LOVER SEED.—AApperiorjortapto of both the
V/ large ant! small teed, fur sale chip by
.M.Arz.: 1, 11. lONGSBERY.
i -
A Cht - micvl Comyrind Alma 1•) thr (third( 011
01 !
stiAtimen /zit ra azos . L.
CLEAN, white and l't?cutifui.prniaration tar p• , "•
ntotingihe gstterth,eitiltsUctif..wand beauty of tioi
111dr—removing dandruff. Ogles erril,ezorf,..n.l curing
the cutaneous , diseases cu the scalpi---aticqualtcd'fer
keeping the hair moist, imparting to it a riek eil!ty soft •
hers And beautiful lustre, lija 'soothing and agretebli
properties will tie found reidirkable, niThed either la
the header irritations on the skin. It is unlike ahs
the Alcoholic and O i l preparation,: 64 con: 111014 ti.e.l
for the hair. Its superiority over all hair preparations
consists lit its propertielebe,inmnoistening and cooling,
instead of .rying . and heating as the alcoholic prepare- .
hone are; and being lice of the greasy qualities ot lase
row, tills. Air. Its to ter - nave the glutiniit.s e&at
ing which obstructs the mei or the akin us heir un•
healthy, and which preterit* the f 411n:es ham exuding
an ailjcsubstance, necessary to. the natural mai
hcauij and wow h nr iho hair' is unrqnslled.
One frig spplisatiowof the flair Gloss trill imp a rt s
more ranting beauty and tnoi,turo In tho hair, than a
whole bottle of the alroloitie preparation, usually sold .
besides it will not soil the fiiiest lin. l'ereons mho, a
hair is slightly gray, will arid this urn' be to make their
hair darker. and recd. r their gray 11. ire scarcely per
ceptible. 511.rthers wtti find rri.i.ariition the hi at
they can use to dresa c h, .:rill'. hair, keeping it to place.
giving it a tno..t beautilul lustre. arid causii.s it to grow
Ittsuriuntly. If arty 14qm-it:on ef art can mote the
hair to grow, Cie If air hoes will to tt.
Very liberal discounts made to Thus:gists and those
who buy by wholesale. Address C: I'. Fay, Ducey,,
N. V. Price 25 cents per hot le.
For sale by 110T0N POI:TEM solo agents,
Tnwanda, 3w52
. .
72ST a[lo •
Variea, Gi:ocery and Liquor Store !
T 'l'l FFA N Y 'has rerneved his establislintrtit
kis directly across the street loofa his old stand, in
the store lately occupied by Mr. Doane, where he will
be happy to Mee his old customers, end as many new
ones as may be desirous of, urchaiing erticlvs in let
ne a the lowest possible , - tt t 5. Noe. 14, 18Za.
. _
E case syrtng s'yle tnolt•tluu Hats; also I•eelturu
and Palm leaf Hats et
A.LI, persona indebted to the estate of ALLEN
MOOD V. deceased, late of Durell township,
are hereby requested to
,make payment vvithout de,
lay. and those havinc claims against eiid eatato
please present them duly authenticated tot settlement.
The subscribers will attend at the houarsof tha. &c . d.
on Friday. the 9th day of May, 1851, for the purpose
of settling the bustricas of sail
Duren. April 24; 18 • Ailrninistr3tor.i.
IST OF JURORS, drat n 0; P 7
1-4 and Terrntner Sc , sions, IF•51.
A , ylum—Joseph Gamble.
Athens tr.—Job Robbins. P:amley
n—Zany Parks. Geo I'tucher.
Fran:situ—Ezra Champn.n.
Granville—Der,',amin Naxton.
Angle, E Terrell
Lichfield—John 11 McKinney.— Eurift.t
Rome—M C Cannon.
:?pr mzheLl—E W
Towan•la Levu-1..: 0 Goodc,eh.
Warren—Timothy Vincent, Caleb Aile,
W..i."—Jame. Brink.
Camp, Henry ELliott.
NVlf,ox—William \V Goodrich'.
Nitro—Mlen Wt.,od ru
D. C. HAjl.l.
ARmny—James:Loe. .
Astinn—R, übell Ft utch , y,
Armenia—l. C 61.ephard.
Atl):ms tp—lnim Raymond, John M. lacks.,x,
\•• boro-0 .% Perkins, (leo :Verrill's,
tin:L:llf, S W Mifler.
Canton—Fred 11,i11..11htin Botriwe:l. -
Duren—W . lll:am I'Lice, Linci Smith.
Gran‘ille—S W Llier tSn Ezra Dave:
Heitick—•-flichard (' 1 ::, • : 4 ,11, A U Camp.
Charles 6q ti,
Lercy—Nut•ert Jh Kre.
Monroe—V.' II It
Ilifigl.mry— Harman,
Smo.hficod—AA'arrtnn All. n, Aog,igtos Phelps.
Sprin;fiel-1,-.1 U Harkness, Lucius I'rericn.
.1 Kilme‘.
st. st,ne —II W 'Fraer, P U Havens 4
Towanda ip—ll M
born—L•hn W
S Lockwood.
WeltA— Daniel ttitrucg, Allen t3hephael.•
Windham—Loren Bradford, Wm Russel:. .Renj
. Key.kenclail.
Wyaluslifst—llenjainin Lewis,
Wybox—NL)-e., Canfield, Pisrpont Bartlett, 1 M.
A awns li - ,—TiwifiaNl';oyd.
Burling , ort—Jahn V Ballard.
Canton—Lieu Manley. L'llas Wrght.
Leros.--I). R l'aimer.
Monroe— Dame' Decker.
Orweil-1),I..;, Da; lin; J i, Su - I,th. A D:efin. - A
Ebeoe.r. L Puccx :I.
Itidfibery- -Inv, A CiUrti. -
Rome-I.uctu, Eastmon, Samuel El la tt.
Sprinfield--Theu Wilde.. Amos Knapp Jr.
Smithfield-41 1'
:''hau - ,1..11n \T F- , rorl'i
South Creel;--G Durdiam, 1) It yv Decker
Troy boro--1. B Hyatt. I:dtayedte Putnruy.
14)--Steilv n A
',•• -Win Trout, 1).“41 rash.
Cictee -Jolin *Hutehin-nln'. t:itwarrl Mitt ,
Wvalpisins--Phileinon StOne.
Warren -Peter Fors:!nitiiir,z.
1111n1b EV.---..PECIIL rOT•117.
A Ladd, Jos Menami.
Attesais Thoina , . A II Si -aiding Dame,
Abijah tlced.
aeN nr ..t or .- -.1,e.e p s ( tn phc!f. SII Hill.
rulurnbia--Thomas B liowlat.d.
Pratt. A Pis.kard.
Flanishn--Ablam Mace.
lottnan Putman.
Ilernek—tl D line., Bowker.
Wheeler. Defuses-44 i
Tkliittisnu, Aaron Knapp:
3lanrue-4'. \V aide, lienj :Northrop.
Rome—Jubn IloiNn Jr.
Springfield-- I D Butlttck, Harry 13 Smith.
Springhill--rhester Judsr.n ••. , tephens
st Stone-- Chat ies Stephens.
Tuwandi tp--Jaines Decker.
" buro--Jrweph
Trov tii—Denjamin T e ars.
- Ulster--Jultn Bon - rnaa.
• Windhain--Pruter'l l .•••:itut.,, \Y‘ l .3 s 1.117.1 . n50n.
Wells •Nathan
pan; leb
THE subscril , rrs having just received a large addi•
(lon to thui- ctivk , as. prepared to furnish a per•
F•on unit a complete outfit." ronatoine of
Ourr'Pals. coutv, Pani3,
prqtarry, 11111, Cops, Su.yeaders. Cravats. 4'e.
All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest Cut
reendy pas. H. At A. CAMPBEI;I:.
TowonJa, November 1.1, IsA•
Tj A RRISON'S 1:(11X 3 M 131 AN IN V. ftir sale whole
.l.ll. sale and retail at Pltiiattatitllia Pricto4
rebru :try %.'2. MONTANYES & CO.
just received and far Auk( in large or small yaw.
titiea, at the lovrest inliket price, by