Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 25, 1851, Image 2

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rree Soil, Free Speeeb. Free Men!
Pri.orms fur Free Territory.
Towautla, Saturday, 2fi,
Xtemocratic State Nowlimstiorm.
T.. 11 OtiV L 147.011.
YOU KJKt' kL L.: n'.11,410N I
SECIi C , Lllll✓l:,r+e(.7llC ,Tr.
'Tt JI Si .1., It)" • lIK •I rxt:m I. 1'111"IT.
J1:11E141.111 M. H. ‘CK . SWlL¢car CouNTY.
.i.ll-1X R. 6113 , ;0N to , i'L,IISCIILAND COL . STT.
W ALTER U. Low ALi N.:ar.NT CIfI . 3.FIT.
Ili All(1?1, OttOber it. it' 51.
Term* of The Reporter.
01 50 p,-r • n.l d 1,01:11 r 50 r. 4,14 ,, %.. , i'
1••• .0 • 5,:•.,• b 100
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to ;I. and l't • 'Jr •tte .6 • I.
rl I Ili. l .''''rLi
‘'r•ser , i. Akti,t. and
TnE IIE kincl:ATIE sTAN•
DINO of Brn.l
ford Coun. meet nt the
LVar3 House, in 'rowan L. on Tue,an v. the sfh day
-.f.A,ug.1.4. next at I o'elook,•1'. M. The rollowirg
F.Pnartnen eotrtpt.,e said wee !--11. Lawrence
scott. J. K. SIIII , II. JELI/..S 11. \Vebb, N. Edmin , ,ter,
P. E. Maynard, W. H. Vandyke, I. I 1 Black, E.
I:, Qltaer, Juseph Menaidt. July 12,1851.
Gen. Seth Clover.
The Clariort Dernoeite, in an able article in fa.
Nor of the Democratic candidaie lor Canal Com
rrikssioner, who lives in Claiion, uses the fullowilig
langna L te m reply to a WM:: paper : • •
lle was raised a poor buy—he has a liule distinc
tion, but what he I:as was won by patient mil and
per'severinz'ellort yt•t inttneetnal strength,
PI those attributes which ~ztve us roan his god like
power grandeur, he is the superior ct those
b.‘ ho dare attempt to east reproach upon btmuu ac
count of his humble , pcismon in hie. Ile claims no
Treeedevice—he a 7 k,i sus homage—hts constituents
ail,. his peers, his companions and friends—this
gives hum supelimi!y over such as .endeavor to
:raduce his character merely because lie IS not of
their political faith, and will not tyiw down to the
almighty dollar lather than republican
Sons of Tomperancs Celebration
The a..emliling at this place, during the present
week, of the Giand Divimon of this State, was made
the ot•catim of a putlie display by the Sons of Tem
perance.' A large number of the order were
iendance from nei:zhboring divisions, and at 1I
;'clock on Thursday, a processtori was famed at
.` the room- of Towanda Division, headed by the
I.Vaverly Brass Band. and proceede'd to the Nletho
-,, i tst Church, %%here after. appropl late exercises, an
tltlress was di lo:ered by E. 0 Goonnicx, who was
followed by G. W. A. 9.:11. 111..Friai,A.Nv. (editor of
the flairisburg Kry.stiint) in a cry happy speech,
ft led with wit and humor and yet strongly practi.
eal a n d sound in its characmr.
At the conclusion of the exerciiles at the Church,
,the procession was marched to ihe Court House,
where the ladies of The l‘letheilist Church had pro.
vided refreshments. Several lintidicd partook of a
trio-t bountiful dinner, and finally separated, appa
rently lir...lily pleased with the uccuriences of the
41.1 y.
In the evenin4 thn resolutions of-the Grantl Di
.l,,ion following, w ere presented to the ladies by G.
p Jot=s C. Sims, and Meyers Pica.trws,.Dr.
T%i;INTOSII and M . VATI.LI.NE tuiloWhl; in appropriate
TeM ar ki B
The following 14. solution was unanimously pass;
ed by the Grand Ehivision S. of T. at their late ees- •
~ i nn in,:2sth inst.
Resolved, That we hereby tenaerto the Ladies of
Towanda, our heartfelt thanks fof the kind alien
?lons and hospitality shown by them to the Officers
and Members of the Grand Division, and assure
them, that among the many pleasina recollections
onnneeted with our visit to Towanda, those asso
ciated with the Ladies and the Court House, are
not the least pleasing, nor will they be the soonest
rffar ed.
Resolved, That the G. W. P. communicate ithe
hove resolution to the Ladies at the Court House,
and that if!be published in the papers at this place.
We should not omit to notice that the exercises
the day were enlivened by the singing of the
kihenc Gl-te Dub, which contributed in nn small
tiezrets to lieigtitentirere - njoyment of the occasion
Allotment of Work
The fii;loo mg is the allia men t of iroi k bid lot at
"he letting adverlise,l for June 24th, as published at
Williamsport July 2-Ah.
Section A. and Lock A. T. F. Means. & Co.
Dam No. I & Lock No. l. Brisbin, Platt, & Flood;
section No. 20 Peter J. Dentvrorth.
43. Huston & Co.
" 32 V. E. &J. E. Piolet.
44 W. Griffis & C...
" 65 J. 11. &IL 8. Phinney.^,
83 John McMahon.
•• '•• 32 Winchester & Jayne.
•• " 97 Thornton ilk. Wells.
" 10d James Burns.
" 116 Francis Blair.
•, 128 Sampson & Smiths
" 133 Mowry, Lemon, & Wilson.
" 150 Osterhout & Kelley.
" 155 Fisher & Flanigan.
. 0 160 McEwen & Sickle,.
jt • . 170 Barnard McLane.
172 Degan & Bartley.
• " 182 Collins & Reynolds.
• 0 184 N.G.. Howe.
Jvnor. Krior.—The Democracy of Jefferson coon
iy instructed for Judge Knox of Arm
snow.; county for the President Judge of that dis
trict. The Cl nriuu Denincrqt tays "we believe we
ere barked by the ,whole dernocratie,and the most
of the Whig party in presenting the name of lion:
Jo C. Knox We hope Mr. K will accept the
imminatiem and we-can premise him his election
by an overw!iebninz majority, no mater who may
op,lo-ing candidate "
11'r .un 111 ,, ':1 , 1 • i In cpc, that the abiliy of Judge
- t% i, I. zat , ied hifn s - --o many Iridn.ts in the West.
1= a Jo•Ltt. I , o•hrt4 few st3periore, at tl few yorg,
men have so early gainea thernsolves eneh an
enviable rein:ration.
While it necessarily al:lords the greatest pleasure
evety true Democrat
,(saysthe l!eading,gazdte.).
, wituess the harmony and Vrtion'Arl the Demo;
crania, pa ty throughout the State : on the .nomlna
Lions made by Ilse Reading and Hairisbuig Conven
the best assort:ate of the triumph of
pure prniciples in atlministering4 the Got:eminent et
the. State ajek-Nation--that pleasure is considerably
enharreq; by ike niandest determination of the
people to frown down any attempt at persecution
for ,opiairat's sake.' A few misguided men, who
!rave no doubt seen their error before time,
showed a disposition to pto•cribe the gentleman
who:e name heads this artiste, nn account of his
associations anil supposed religious terients. The
tact , bow ever, ern sooner became bcnown, than the
I 2,104 honest Felise of the people levelled at the idea.
l If this be-,.rirre hero, whete will it end, and whose
turn will come next was the neat inquiry ; and jit-4
ae rnigitt have been expected Ate public f ympatby
on this pleat recogoitzed principle Of toleration is
likely to ierlotind va-4ly to its advantage. On refer
'. 'mg woos eNchatiges, we see enough to satisfy Gs
that :tie whole ticket yr.!! be cordially supported,
and we arty arid, triumphantly elected.
Ju Je,ssup, of Susquehanna county, and
one of the whig candidates for the Supreme bench,
has devoted his whole,time and attention for many
rears back to the breeding of horses. Of course
Coi‘e and Illack,tinie were neglected.
The above, horn the Pennsylvanian ; hardly does
jus;a:e to J ES,C P. It it; but fair to nay, that
the time he has paid to improving the breed of hor
ses 1:1 this region has not luterrupted his a'tention
..•111 tier
Lria CC
lo die law
(r...„7- A M3l! named Nlichael Gala her, wao nr
reste lin Caibondale, ,on the 9th last., for hay
ing commi•ted a murder in Columbia county, N.
on the 23,1 of October, 1842. Mier an examination
he proved nut to be The trie.ti, and Wag of course re
On an examination of the "Laws of a public
aritl \ geneial tlature," passed by the Legislature of
1851, argil pubic-ned by ihe Secretary of the Com
monweal h, we Mid several enactments of some
imiumance and we publish them fur the informa
bon of the reader : • •
Sec. 11. That the provistons of the fourth section
of an act pa-acd 16th March, 1847, to restrain dos• coodnei at religious rneetin;z., be and the
r:attre are heieby extended to ix:ILI/cal and social
Sec 12 That any justice of the peace or alder
man shall have power to depute any person to act
as constable f ca-e of the absence of the proper
officer, to arrest arty oVender of said provisions of
said act
That from and after the passage of this act, if any
pel6oll or persons shalt be guilty of thumbing any
congregation, society or meeting, assembled for re
ligious worship, or assembled for the purpose of
transacting any business pertaining to religious
'worship ; or, if any person or persons shall be gild•
ty of encouraging, aiding, or in any way counte
nancing any such disturbance, on conviction there.
of before arty judge, justice of the peace or alders
mart of the proper city or county, wherein the of
fence shall be committed, shall pay a fine of not
less , than five do lars, nor more than fif.y dollars,
and-costs, at the discretion of the judge, justice or
alderman trying the same, for thor• use of the city,
township or bolough wheiein-theoffeiree shall be
corn m Med. I f any person or per Sons convicted and
fined for "disturbing, any meeting I,s aforesaid, shall
neglect or refuse to pay the flee and costs imposed
upon him, her or them, it Lhall he the duty of the
i judge, justice or alderman trying the same, toinake
ouf a rnittimus, directed to atty constable in the
county wherein such offence shall he committed,
committing the person or persons so offending to
the jail of the proper county ; and it is hereby made
the duty of the person having charge of such jail, to
receive and keep such person or persons in close
coafinemeat till rice amount of the fine and costs
are fully Paid and discharged.
lion. James Campbell.
General Laws.
ftie 4 II seciio❑ of the act of 16th March, is as
:Sec. 5. That hr;ieafter ; the widow or the children
obany:decedent dying a chin this Cotilmonwealth,
teitate or intestate, may imam either real or person
al ploperty, belonging to said estate, to the value
of.ilirae hundred dollars, and the same shall not be
sold, bnt suffered to remain for the use of the wid
oW and [amity, and .it shalt be the duty ()I the exn•
cMor or administrator of such decedent, to have
the sail property affirmed in the same manner as
provided in the act passed the 9th day of April,
1849, entitled t" An Act to exempt property to the
value of three hundred dollars from levy and sale
cm- execution and distress for rent :" Provided . , That
this section shall not affect or impair any liens fur
the perehme money on such real estate; and the
said appraisement, upon being sig ned and certi fi ed
by the appraisers and approved by the Orphans'
Court, shall be filed among the records thereof.
SEr 12. That if any person or persons, from and
after the passage of this act; shall maliciously or
voluntarily break dowr. any post and rail or other
:ferice put up for the enclosure of lands, and carry
-away, break. or distr7y any post, rai!, or othertna.
:terra) at which such fence was built, within this
-cornifonwealth, @very person or persons so offend
:Mg, and being legally thereof convicted before an,
_justice of the peace or alderman, within this corn
,monwealth, shall loc every such offence forfeit and
- pay the sum of ten dollars, one hall thereof to be
paid to the informer and the other half to the sup.
port of the poor of Such county, township, borough
or ward where the oflerice has been committed, to
gether with costs of prosecution ; and in default of
pai•ment. such person or persons shall be impris
oned in the county jail not exceeding 30 days for
the firsi offence, and 60 days for the second : Pro
eided, That either cf'the partied shall have.the right
of appeal iii the same mariner ad in civil eases.—
West Chester Repub. and Dem.
HARVEST IN PENNSYLVANIA —1 he farmers have
in their hay and wheat-crops the former being an
average yield, though considerably lighter than laq
season. The latter has fully realized the anticipa
tions of those who predicated more than an aver
age yield. Ohe field of torty acres, which we hare
seen, will produce not less than 1,200 bushels, ac
cording to the estimates of those who are competent
judges. Many smaller parcels in different sections
promise more than thirty bushels to the acre. The
gathering of oats will commence this week, and will
not be a very heavy harvest, owing to the dry weath
er a few weeks back, which very much shortened
its growth. The corn crop has been behind time,
but is now pushing forward at arapid rate owing, to
the warm nii - Itits aqd refreshing showers.—Doyles
town Democrat, July 22.
LAMP.—The New Orleans Bulletin gives another
unfortunate result rrom the use of Camphine, in the
death of Me. Thomas, of Algiers, a remaikabty
hale and vigorous man, in the enjoyment of perfect
health. He had filled a brass lamp with the cam
phitie, when the flame of a candle which he was
holdief communicated with:the eamphine, causing
v which threw the burning liquid over
Ids person, set his clothes oil hre, and burnt him so
badly ti at the best medical advice and attention
were of no avail. Camphine ought to be banished
hum every tesidence, and its lige interdicted.
F i orelgn News.
• We glean the following items from the -news
brought by the Asia which - arrived at New York on,
Wedoesday. ;
sed the house of Commons by a very decided : yule.'
It contains soma - qiiiie Pirinent provisions, one of
which imposes a fine of £lOO for the iirocuring;'
publishing, or pointer, in use any Ecclesiastical
8611,1{eseript, &c, and it authorizes private parties
to paiseCute, itli the consent of the Attorney Gen
eial. These provisions met the strenuous opposi
lion of Russel and other members of tile Govern
ment, hut they were carried by a large majority, all
the Irish members having withdrawn before the
vote was taken,
Lour:.—Tire Pope, the European Times says,
has issued an appeal io the Italians fur. subsesiP
thins to build a Cathedral in London, " where the
chinch will be governed by a congregation of Dal
ian secular pliests founded at Rome. that the Ra
man spirit may influence the same." The fresh
document, which is couched in language highly
offensive to all Proiestauts, is published at the
pi-intuit!, press of tile Royal Apostolic Chamber at
Rome. and the Archbishop of Florence has issued
a similar appeal.
THE PoRI E —Negiglations are on fool for libetat
ink the eight Ilunginian refugees at Kutayi.
cordin: to the demands of Aushia, they lung cm
bark direct for the United Sates; on that condition
alone she sanctions their liberty. On the oilier
hand, Tui key will be right glad to get rid of Kos
suth and tollowers. who have cost the treasury a
considerable sum of money.
rtllo , SlA.—lmportaut neivs has been received from
Dahistati via Tiebizontle Atl the correspondence
Tiflb. gives more or less-Ale .letails of the FliC
cess of the mountaineers over tire Russiatis, wtio
have .suffered immense loss:
The leader of the Daghleris is 'Mohamed rutin.
;he nail>. or lieutenant. of Sheikh Chamil. who ,at
the head of 25.000 picked men of the x‘ailike
tribes of the Abedjeks and other independent t,:be.
of the Westecti Catlett-us. had attacked the RUS.IaII
troop* under the command of Gen Cerebtiatioff,
beyond Themer.
The engnernents which took place were bloody
and disastrous, and the Russians suffered so Se
verely (ha l t all the spare Wagons of the army were
barely sufficient to carry their wounded away.—
Their loss according to the impartial statement. is
calculated at 5000 in killed and prisoners. The
position of the Russian army is very insecure, on
account of the ,commonications beR , een Themer
and Kouban being intercepted, and owing to the
vigilance of the Daghleert it is impossible to send
reintorcemerrs in that direction for some time to
come. The mountaineers boast of being well sup
plied with ammunition and arms, and ready to con
tinue the war4igainat the invaders of their homes
throughout di% whole summer.
San ACCIDENT.—Was killed in this villa•ze on
the 19th inst., Fowler, eldest son of Robert Camp
bell, Esq., aged 6 years, 3 months, and 22 days.
It has seldom been our painful duty to record so
sad an acculein, as that which term Mated 'in the
death of tbig interesting arid ,promising chill. About
6 o'clock, P. M., of the Bth inst., ho was riding as
he was accustomed, a gentle horse near home, his
Father walkinni ' by his side, when the animal, start
led by something ran, throwing off the Lt le fellow,
who for a time bold on manfully . and dragging h-m
several rods, his loot basing most unfoiturixely
caught in the-stirrup leather. Be was taken up iii.
Sensible, living badly kicked and bruised, and al
thonei medical aid was immediately procured, and
every effort made to arouse him, he continued in a
state of unconsciousness until about 4 o'clock of the
next morning 4 when the silver cord was gently
loosed, and death put an end to his suflerings. A
beautiful and lovely child, he was the object of the
fondest hopes and affections of his parents, with
whom in theirrsad bereavement, a large circle of
friends deeply'fliympathise and mourn.:
The funeral on Thursday was attended by the
teachers and children of the school from which lit
Ile Fowler will be sadly, missed, and a large num
ber of our citizens, and never have we seen more
general grief and sorrow mantle-led than 3n the oc
casion of ihe In,trial of this Mile fellow, whose
bright face and
. .merry laugh will be seen. or heard
no more amongtqrs.—Ruth Advocate.
THE SA Lisnu rtrt;ißANK.—The Baltimore Sun says
" We have liequeiltly urged our citizens to decline
receiving the notes of the Bank of Salisbury, bld ,
but regret to 'find that some of them are still in cir
culation in this city. We copy the following from
the Kent (Delaware) Beacon, as confirmatory of
our views of the character of this Bank: " Toe
Salisbury Bank, or rather the Bank of Salisbury,
Md., is \ believed by those who ou4ht to know, to
be a worthless, rotten concern, and will shortly ex
plode like the 'worthless Havre de Grace Bank.—
Almost the entire stock of this institution in held
by New Yolk Wall street brokers, as was also the
capital stock of the Commercial ank of Millington
and the Havre de Grace Bank. We caution the
public against receiving the current funds, the issues
at this bank, or they may become the sufferers in
the end. This bank is but about forty miles ilia
taut horn nit, and strange as it may seem to some,
its notes do not circulate in this community; none
are offered, and if offered would be refuse. Its
issues have never passed current in this communi
ty, and the institution has always regarded as un
sound and unworthy at confidence."
SINGeLAR DIREASE.—The Annapolis correspons
dent of the Baltimore Sun, gives the following ac
count of a fatal disease which appeared in that vi
cinity :
A disease is now raging in the county of Anne
Arundel between South and West rivers, which has
pioved to he as fatal as the cholera. The early
stages at it is marked by an eruption of the skin, a
Et Wtt Mr! of the ihe throat, lhot41:::.!
scarlet fever ut rhild rry
; :1... , .1:3
with very slight tever
in this e tae of
layg, when all on a 6LI Men fix
vital; with a violence v
remed by nothim: that has. as r hr
John 11. Sel'man, physician of v
profeo.iolial tevutation. in exten:i. •• • .
a citizen of the county raeenrel a-i,t u.
all who knew him, feel, mo , t " ri
yesterday, a victim to i s ravages. He leaves
widow and seven Finall children to mourn thei,:irre
parable loss. Several of his brother's
whom he had attended, had died with this disease,
and from whom it is said he thought he had taken
it. I learn that another of this family of sarveuts
also died with it on yesterday.
Tnc PArcat Orvicc.—The new wing of the
Patent office at IVashinginn, when completed, will
be one of the Most splendid buildings in the world
The workmen are now engaged in selling the great
cornice. The marble columns in the interior are
More than half finished, upon which are now rais
ing for turning the gioin -erches of the Exhibition
Whenompleted, that roam will be 270 feet in
length, 65 feet wide and 30 in height.
The rooms on the first and second floors are irlw
in preparation for the Secretary of the Interior, and
means are provided for hastening the drying.. It is
expected that by the first day of November irext
they will be ready for service. The work reflects
high credit upon all engaged upon it.
Tfl F . CHOIS.RA, has made its appearance at Up.
per Alton,' 111. Cholera cases have occurred at
Mt. Vernon, Carlyle, .Edwardsvill, and Olney, 11l
In the latter town the alarm occasioned a cessation
n 1 businses, and large numbers of persons aban
doned the place. At Hannibal, Mo., for the week
ending on the 3d, 14 deaths of cholera occurred
For the week ending 7th inst., there were 219
deaths in St. Louis, 80 of which were cholera. On
the 7th there were 44 deaths, 13 by cholera. There
were 4 deaths by cholera in the town of West Un
ion, Ohio. The victims were Mr Shinn, his two
sons, and mother-in law.
_ -
Destructive Fire at Williamiport.
Titit. citizens of this borough were awakened yes
terdrik,morninn about one. O'clock; by.the alarmlof
fire, and uponlainening creatli, foundiliat
'a briihubitze issuing front the ,reffeetctry estaish;
ment f ABltAllAal WINECL3OII . a had al ready
illuirtinateilt them to as to °Were the meridian
light of the full Moon. With. all Possible deOpatch
the fire engines were brought upon the ground, but
the devouring element had obtained such headway
before itivaiscovery, that it was-not until the ba.:k
buildiuga contained upon the lots owned respect
ively by Messrs. Abraham Winegardner and Rob
err caries, Esq., were in common sheet of flame,
that any execution could be done by them.i For
tunately for, the town, there vas scarcely a breath
of air stirring, and the cotunin or lire, as it atm in
magnitude, ascended in a Perpendicular direction,
whic`i caused but little apprehenCion for the ! satety
of property beyond the block whielpfivas in part
already (loomed to destruction. It was vain to at
tempt arresting, the fusions eleatent short i:of die
street on the north and the alley On the west,so that
the Minos of the, citizens were very judiciously di
rected to these lOPaliLies, and, With the nii of one.
the engines and the united exertiPns of all present,
not excepting the ladies, who were, as they always
are, on such occasions, the foremost, in a very short
time all danger in this quarter waS utterly dispelled.
- active and well- directed efforts of a few
persons in leafing down the fences and small build•
inns which formed a connection With the barns and
siables on the alley south of the fire, those proper-
ties were preserved and a limit: to the demon pf
destruction prescribed in this direction also.
Meantime, with irresistible fury the flames had
communicated from the large twin budding of Mr.
Faries, to theloti and frame house:of Mr. John King,
e hick adjoined it on the east, aittl in a few min.
tiles aftt-r ll,itt n le 01 it was also in a blaze.—
Connected •strh this. tit, Oat corner of Third and
Mtilheriy s•tet ,, - skald .he fironedwelling of Messrs
J Furor Ilrhl. tt hit hto all appearance was
.I , rri,+..! IU a ke ta:e. I u wi h ciimmendable skill'
a , , 't n t,' :owe von men who had charge of
•he 'nom!, e scaled the
.building, and by
using the ho-e auache, In it to the best advantage,
nut a dumper on tire progress of the fire, until by
the assistance of the ii;), Pr engitles, it was finally
extingni-lied,some•ime af:er daVight.
It is impossit-le to divine in ;what way the fire
originated. but twin its position' at the time it was
discovered, it is supposed to hale caught from the
oven or flue of the bakery or refectory building -of
Mr. Winegardner, which, however, had been thor
oughly examined and pronoun4ed safe by compe
tent judges. The buildings consumed, are in the
most busibess section of the borough, and covereL
the full front of three lots. The:; one on the corner
ot the street and alley was owned and occupied by
Mr. Winegaidtier as a (livening anti confectionary
store, arid by Messrs. Upde,grail & Mudge, as a
store. The second, a three story brick building.
owned by R. Furies. Eq., was bbt Martially tenanted
a small portion of it being usedj‘y Dr. S. F Green,
as a mannfactory of pale lit nreprines The third
was owned by Mr. John King : occopied by him
self, A. J. Little. F,s( - 1, and King 8z Allen. The
whole amount of loss, it is supposed, will DC in the
neighborhood - of $23,000, a greater part of which
however, is corered by insurafice, as follows:
Loss Trisuranc4A,
A. Winegardner; 56000 52,500 StaltilMutoal
I:phegrafl & Mudge, 7000 6000 Nluney Mutual.
Robert Fades, • 5000 4000 Franklin Co.,
King- & Allen, 2000 1000 Money Mutual.
John King, . 2500 2300 "
JI. M . Coy, 300 (No Insurance )
S. F. Green, 300 "
A. J. Little, 300 " ((
Anecdote of Washington.
At the recent Fourth of July celebration at Mon.
son. the venerable Dr. Ely was called upon to re
spond to. a sentiment commemoratiie of Washing
ton, and in so doing related the following personal
incident, which we find reported in the Springfield
Republieon :
%Then a boy, I resided in West Springfield and
worked on a farm In the autumn of the year
1769, 1 was engaged with thy employer, in gather
ing a load of cornstalks from a field not far distant
from the Connecticut River. My employer had
driven his loaded team from the lot, and left me,
as usual, to put up the bars. •
Whilst thus occupied, I noticed the approach of
four fine horses and a large vehicle. There was
no driver upon the carriage, but'astride the nigh
.parse of each-span was a young mulatto postillion
There were also two outriders and footman. The
vehicle (in which ikas seated a gentleman whose
striking personal presence impressed me) was cal
led in those days a chariot. It was entirely unique,
and un:ike anything in present use, except in its
running part. I saw the outriders gallop on, in ad
vance of the chariot, and hold some parley. with
my employer, who occupied the entire road with
his loaded cart—the roads at that time being sp
narrow that two teams could not pass unless one
yielded the way to the other.
I perceived that my employer yielded none of
his right of the road, and that the chariot was de.
tained by the cart until they reached a t• turnout."
when the cortege passed by. I soon overtook my
employer and enquired who the distinguished per
-son was ‘Nho had just passed us, and I was inform
ed that it was GEOnue, I•llasineuvoN ! I obtained
permission to run on and see it 1 could not catch
another glimpse l a the great chieftain, whose deeds
during the war had so filled my wandering fancy.
As there was no brings across the Connecticut at
that time, I hoped that the ferry boat might be orr
the opposite side' and that-I might reach the beach
before it arrived' In this i was not disappointed.
I found General Washington standing upon the
shore of the river, dressed in a snuff colored stir
tout, with a long:lapelled vest of the same color and
material. and in t• small clothes" and boots, and
the most tnnjoAtir and dignified looking man he was
• •!•• is. .11 Fi•fil-..(1 and said that he wttitld
not snip. tilt,. he had as Bond a , i.:111 to the road as
Goort , p Wa-litilgion had." The siti.p!e rt-pkt of
Wit-hint - nowt° this :was. ' And so he had " thn
postillion, after a moment's look of wonder and
astonishment at thocondeseension of the President
of the United States, quietly put on his hat and
again mounted . his horse. I watched the cortege
until it was out of sight, but my impression and
memory ul Washivolon are as vivid_ and distinct
this moment, as if.l had seen the great matr only
bincstxx CRUELTY A German named George
Rvlee, and wife Philipina, have been arrested in
Philadelphia for cruelty to an orphan child. a little
girl about six years of age. She was found locked
in a garret, crouching like an idiot in one corner of
the room, without bed, food or drink, the hot rays
of the suit pouring through the roof. The little suf
ferer was so weak with the summer complaint that
she could scarcely stand she was emaciated nearly
to a skeleton ; arid there were masks from her head
to her feet of excessive whippings and beatings. .A
mob of more than one thousand persons are said
to have collected . around the house at the lime of ihe
arrest, and would have torn Eclee to pieces had not
the police protected him.
Dismcssrim DE A TH. —On Tbnrsdav morning big!
Mrs.'William Webb, went ont to bathe in the bath
house, nt her husband's residence, on - the Laticatder
Pike, about a mile from Wilmington. She was
found shortly after immersed in the tab with her
head down ft is'supposed that she became ca•
batiste(' and fell alter slipping into the bath, and
was unable to recover "herself. The coldness of the.
water causing asuddett rush of the blood to the
head. She was amiable lady, universally esteem.
.ed follies many good qualittes.
ii;lon him, one of his postil
tr 2 Will uncovering
.1 I!. tift.f.r. ;1,41
nyv : Vnin Ex
,1 ,, 1 z a lit'lt. lt bur
•drd earl. w.. 11;)
!Inn In :oni) in;
..a-• Tl' ;Pouted I Met:
Int,hinir' , )r, was in Ihe rimri-
' •-•,1
real Flood In the Jun
• Hisinscrros, July 16th, 1851.
keommenced mining here yesterday about noon,
and Conti iced to raittet intervals luring the atter.
noon, and until about len o'clock at ° night, but no
one dreamed that such terrible consequences .were
to follow .what was brit an ordinary rain, Mori.
in. , revealed a fearful flood raging m the riVer.—
Triti banks of the canal were overflown, the water
extended from our lower street to , the front of the
ridge opposite town, aril open' surface Were
floating boxes, barrels, fragments of houses and
mills, dead animals, and almost every species of
property, which by this sudden rain had been in
volved in indiscriminate destruction. The reports
which have reached us state •that Many of the
bridges between Tyrone and Sprute Creek are so
much injured that it will take some time to make
them passable.' Between these Oleo points. there
are, I believe, about twelve bridges, and we hope
here that, if they have sustained injury, (of which
there can be little doubt,) it is but panial, and that a
lew days labor, with a strong force, will restore
them. There are several culverts washed away
between these point% and ar least one below Spruce
Creek, upon the little Juniata, has lost at least two
spans, and one span of the Pe.ersburg bridge is
gone. The bridge at Milt Creek has also sustain
ed some injury, as the cars came up to it to-day but
could _not reach this place. Some of the smaller
- brid4esr over the runs, are also washed out.
Considerattle injury has also been done the ca
nal, and it wiltbe several weeks beforenavigation
r•an he resumed upon it. The towing' path bridge
below, Petersburg is gone, the filling at Piper's
dam, and a long extent of rdwing path are washed
away, the aqueduct at Jacketown moved from its
place, and there are many smaller breaks in em
bankments, eulvett4, &c.
Rumor says that the flood was so great in Spruce
Creek as to sweep every forge and mill dam -from
its mouth to its source, and also a number of build
ings. Many of the farmers along the river and
itirotvzh the valleys, have lost their ertire crops,
and in most instances they were cut, and ready to
be housed,
l'hus far I hare epoken only of the loss of prop•
erty, a loss which may be restored. But the most
melancholy part of the calamity is in the loss of
life. Robert Kinhead Esq lived upon the bank
of a small stream, above Water street. Ile wan
absent horn home Ili. wife andffive children were I
at home, and a female friend, Miss Ullman, was
staying over night with them to avoid riding home
to the rain. The water rose so suddenly and to
such a height, as to carry away the house with'out
warning it. sleeping inmates, and not one of them
lives to tell the tale of their disasters. The bodies
o Mrs Kinheadipnd Mies Hileman have been
found ; rs yet the others have not been discovered.
The feelings off the hushan - r1 and lather this morning
upot. cornitig to where
.was once his home, turd
leatning that Wife', and home, and child ten were
all snatched as "at one fell swoop," may he
better irriagineo than described. The child 01 I/r.
1 : 3,35h, who lives between Water street and Alex
andlia,was MO drowned. and has rot yet beep
found Thus far we have not heard 01 loss of
any other although there were many narrow
This sultill run, upon which-stood Esq. Kinhead's
house, caused immense damage. In the distance
of less than hatra mile, it mnept away a greater
part of the dwelling of Samuel Reid, a school-house.
a house of Esquire Kinkead, the store of Morris
Davis & Fetterhoof, stables and other out-buttiling's,
Mytinger's Mill, one of the warehouses of Messrs.
Cunningham & Crentiell,.and other property.
The loss of property at Alexandria is not so great
as at ottler places, although most of the citizens;
b , st till that was in their cellars and gardens, and
sustained some sliglit'inju: ies Jo property.
The villagelof McConnelstown, five miles from
this, has suffered sevetely. The roll raised so lu s h
as to carry off almost entirely two tanneries, be
longing to Dry Protzmati, and the Messrs Lang,
cotzents,land several dwelling houses. Some
of the lumen:lin its vicinity lost their" whole crop,
and most of Them through the valley had all their
grass destroyed.
The iarrns of Messrs. Fish & M'Murtin. Gen A
I'. W'il-on, and John McCahen. Esq adjoining the
town. were i)erfectly deluged, as were also all the
out lots lying along Stone Creek ; and the crops cut
and standing, were destroyed.
IlAttnisauaG, July 19 —The accounts from the
Juniata are by no means as disastrous as we were
at first led to anticipate. The Railroad has escaped
without great injury beyond the destruction of two
or three bridges, which will speedily be rebuilt,
and trade and travel over the entire road to Holli
chlysburg„ it is expecoed, will be Tues
day or Wednesday next.
The Canal has suffered more, and in some pla
ces the entitelerribankment is said to have been
swept away; I The Canal Commissioners are now
on the line, altd will use every effort to place it in
uavigable outlfr with the least possible delay. Ten
days of two weeks, it is thought, will complete the
—The New York Tribune gives the following par
ticulars of a sad catastrophe on the New Haven
Railroad : •
Yesterday afternoon, while the three o'clock Ac
commodation Train trom New York was approach
ing New Rochelle, and within about two - miles of
that place, a break (some say an axle) gave way
in one of the last cars of the train, (there being five
or Six.) the consequence of which was that the first
car bet* the broken one was completely smashed,
every seat being torn up, and the car itself thrown
bottom side up against a stone wan ; the second car
was much broken and thrown half way over against
the first, and th third was wrenched crosswise ofl
the track. For 41 few minutes all was in most pain
ful confusion,: irbeing naturally supposed that many
of the pa.ssOngers were killed; but-much to the sur
prise of thoSe who were on hand, all those who
were in or hail been in the smashed car were alive.
although nearly all of them were very badly ,inju
ed. As Soon as it was possible to do so. the
wounded were got into the cars which were 0 1l
the tar k acid taken forward to New Rochell,-.
where! they were provided with beds in a hotel.
and Pis Smith and Morton and others called to give
:hum mejtcdl assisumce,
infornried that the recent rah.s have produced a tre
mendous fie4het in this river. The rise has been
very sud,'.rni and unexpected, and it is feared much
thintat_te has been done We understand that the
Itailinad Midge. a Petershorg. Huntington county,
has be i en swell, away. Several other bridges, it 's
also said, have been either very much damwied or
carried away: In many places the canal and river stream oLwater for miles It is feared that
the canal will not be navigable this season, There
is aftiola break in the culvert at Dlill Creek, at ss Inch
place the cars were stopped.
Pax-PAT Porascr..—Many persons do not seem
to remember that by the new post-office law, let.
tent which are prepaid are subject to but three cents
postage, while those which are not prepaid are
charged-withfive. It is hardly lair to tax those to
whom; a letter may be sent sixty-six percent., more
than would be charge] to the writer, if the letter
should be paid at the time of its being mailed. In
order to carry Out the intention of Congress in es
tablishing a cheap and unitomt system of ,postace,
we would recommend to all to-pre-pay their lettiiis
Fowl Exxcunosts.—Governor Lowe, of Maly
land, has fixed upon Friday the Bth of August, as
the day on which the three wretched men Taylor.
Murphy and Shelton are to expiate their awlul
crime of the massacre of the Cosden family, by
rendering op their lives upon the _allows The
negro Green is to be executed at Ellicott's Mill, in
Hartford county, on the same day.
A .111noct. SUBSCRIPTION LIST.—The editor o! the
Albany Patriot. published at Albany, Ga , who was
recently on a collecting tour in Decatur en, says,
" Every man who was called on paid his account."
This iscomniendation enough for any people.
IMPoIiTAST News treotelCossuitt.—The Exeter,
N H. Nees Letter learns by private letters received
in that 'Owls Vain "Constantinople, that Kosso:b
has recently,,taated to a gentleman commissioned to
visit him at Kutayhh, the ... place of his confineme nt
in Turkey, and inform him of the offer of this Gov.
eminent to furnish him a free passage to an asylum
in thb United States, that he has finallyresolved f o
remain in Ebrope, although he expressed his gr a b.
tode to this Government in the warmest terms fur
the interest it has taken in his fate, thereby show.
ink its syinpathfib have been with the Hungarians
in their late strpggle. It is supposed thst this de
termination will not be final; but that Kossuiles de
sire to remain is eng enderetl by the very 'aim
highly honorable an d patriotic hope that he rosy
yet be of service to his unhappy country. The il
lustrious exile, quite forgetful of himself, seems to
hopeqeven'in this day of gloom, that the future may
be more kind than the past has been to his oaths
(* - -Fuom CALIFOGNIA.—There was an arrival
.from California, last week, bringing over 200 pas
sent.7ers and a considereble quantity of gold.
Lynch Law appears to be the order of :he day at
San Francisco, Stockton and.other places; and it is
resorted to on the ground that it is the only means
of staying the course and bringing to punishment
the large numbers of Burglars, Incediaries, Robbers,
and hlurdertits. with which the country is infested.
The reports from the mines continue favorable.
The greater poitiou of the burnt district of San-
Francisco, had already been built up, and busiuet
was steadily reviving. '
7 crrence PP 21kManus, one of the. Irish Exiles,
who escaped from Launceston, Australia, arrived at
San Francisco, on the 4th of June, in good health
and spit its. His arrival was celebrated by a publi:
dinner, in which the Mayor, Senators, Representa
tives and distinguished citizens participated. A clan
had been a rrai l'e(1 for the escape of O'Brien ()Ton
ogne, and 0 Doherty. but owing to the treachery ef
one individual, it
first time in the history of criminal jurisprudence, a
boy bur fleven years 01 age, was on Thupday con
victed in Baltimore City Court, ok murder in the
first degree. The murder was one of intent, and
not the result of an accidental blow, and the jury,
with evidenoe of a clear intent to kill, could nut tali.
erwi..e than convict him capitally. The prisoner,
George Leng, who killed the little boy George—
Rump, his junior by some two years, did nut seem
to know what was going on arpund him, hut amused
himself during the trial catching flies and scratching
his head. and sometimes falling orl into a dtfze,witli
his head leaning against the bar. lie seemed to think
the hial a very dull affair. at d did not seem to un
derstand the effect of the verdict The Jury ant!
Attorney Cenotal, as well as the Court. immediate
ly. however. joined - in a recommendattnn to the Gov
ernor to commute his sentence to Imprt•on meta lor
life—ail eeing that he Should be put out of ':tie
tray of an cyporturllty 331 again exerci..ina his biotin)
SHOCKING :\ iriti , t:it —The last number of the Ash.
land (Ohio) Union. ;nye , : the follo%%ing acconitt of
one of the ititt-t bt real murders op record :
•• We have to record one it the most revs l:r;
minders tliat has ever sinivfii'l the puhlte ear. The
171 urdered person w as Clam mda Vantilburg. a
ilanOnet, of Isaac Vantilburg. one of the best citizens
in Jackson township in this county Her age about
ten year , . idiotic and Liu:,' ! The fiend, who per
petra,ed tie deed is named Charles Stinegracer,
wa= employed as a laticrer urn r f Mr.
Vantillinpr. and on the 4th lost. it role Mr. V and
his (amity (except :Lets helpless and hapless child.)
were absent at the celebration at the 4th at Polk,
this monster committed the muCer. At I,is own
urgent solicitation, the parents had cohfitled the child
to his charge dining their ahvice. Ile undertook,"
when led alone'; to gra.ity his Initial passions upon
the chdd; her resistance, added to a fear of her
test musty. provoked the therntin spirit within him,
arid tie 'inflicted blows upon her person AA loch
caused lo r death. Depravity anti crime have,
marked the whole comeie of the villian's . Ile
ha. now two wives tiding—one in Washington, Pa ,
and one in Jackson township in this count). He
is said to have threatened repeatedly the lives of
bush of them."
THE AUGUST Er.ccri icctions will take
place in the State ot Ket idirtiia, Alabama,
Arkansas, Missouri. 1111 , _ .avra, on the 4th ril
August, and in North Carolina and Tennessee on
the 7th of Augusk, Kentucky is to choose a Govern.
or, Lieutenant Governor, Legislature anti members
of Congress. Indiana as like wt-e to choose ten
members ot Congress. The.election in A l abania
is for Governor, Legislature, and seven members
of Congrcsi. In A kansas a member 01 Congress
is to be elected. Missouri, Illinoig and, lowa have
already chosen their Congressional belegations.—
This year they have simply to elect local and judi
cial officers North Carolina will chose nine mem•
hers of congress. In Tennessee, the election is for
GoveriaOr Legislature and eleven members 'of
No LICENSI tv It.Litiois.—The following is 11,0
substance of the No License bill which has passed
the Legisluture of 111inoid :
1. It repeals all present License Laws.
2. Prohibits the sale of intoxicating drinks in less
quantity than one Quart, under a penalty of
-3. If sold toNruinors, increases the fine to from .
f.-:3t. to *lOO.
4. Provides for a penalty of not less than 5.2:5, nor
over $lOO, for selling more than a quart, and
permitting the same to be drunk on the premise, ut
the seller.
5. Giving away liquor, to come 'within the pro
visions of the law.
OZ:r ON THE NIGHT that the remains of Stephen
Girard were disinterred and Conveyed to-the under
takei's residence, previous to being deposited to
Girard Collage, a curious citinnistance occurred.
Tile coffin was to be opened in the presence of ser
ea pep - sons As they were about remcving the
lid a ,di;ln explosion was heard, and combustible
_a••er-capt.l.l fturn the inner case. No damage re
s tled, hoµ er er, except a slight-tco thing of the
er I:11 It I- not known whether the fear t,l
ghosts hurl any hint Li do with it, but it is certain
tnai the occur ence caused the room to be" vacated
in the shortest possible time.
THE MicurnAN Di;semmuor-4.--The trials still
continue at Detroit: The testimony develops as
v ilia in ous a set of rascals as ever disgraced Italy.—
AntAg other oaths which the members of,the
an; a ere compelled to take, was the following
tiend-like one : should my wife, inyfather,o) my
sister be on board the cats, 1 wdl not cease my et
lot ts for the destrnction of the-Railroad propeity.'
Over S3OO were raised in Madison on the
4th for Delaney Thayer, the printer, who was injured
by the explorsion of a cannon he was fnurg. Bird)
his arms were amputated at the . shoulders, and
there wefts strong hopes of saving his tile and erre
eye. Thayer served in the Mexican war, and has
been married about a year, and was the father of it
child but two days old when the accident occurred.
the Christian Adrocate and Journal, that the negd:
Nation, consequent upon the ~ . .araest reeommenda-
Ii n. of the Court,.for an amicable settlement of the
unfortunate dispute bet Wen the two branches of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Hare tailed, the South
making it a pirrequisite that the justice of her cal ti
shall b e admitted, aiul the North refusing to make
any such ilekllOWletk , ,ttlent.
Oz.'r The St. Louis Republican of the 4th states
that Mr. Charles K Tyler, a young actor in the em
ploy of Messrs. Ludlow• & died on the pre
ceding, afternoon, atter a short illness. He was a
native of Monuose, Pa. The death of Mr. Tyler is
the third that has occured in the company of Ludlow
& Smith during only a very few weeks. Mr. Tyler
was known in this community, having been .et:•
gaged dorm; the fiat sea3Uttuf the A delphi.