Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1851, Image 4

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    agrtenattra r.
hay Making.
rine are probably fees. labors involved in the
management of a farm, more important than that of
haymakins, The crop of bay rntiSl he the chief
reliance of the farmer for striek Wetting, however
moth or great may be the assistants be derives
from grain and mhos Ile can never maket these
mbar,* his purpose butitely, though he possesses,
untineetrotiably, the power of rendering them most
valuable adjuncts in the work. Still hay is the
great 'staple, the-principle and main reliance:derieg.
winter. It is therefore of the very that importance
chat his crop Mould be well cored ; erinsegnently
any suggestions having a tendency to emetioratr
the quality of the product, while,M the same time,
it ,shatl affect a diminution ol:the expense involved
in its ammisition—in other words, any system that
enable the farmer to economise one-third Or one
hallo( the labor timely expinded in .the harvest.
with an actual benefit to the I ' 4 must. be of preen. ,
cal value to the husbandman, and entitled to hie
special attention and regard.
Hy Towing ordinary:tress in the firer part of the
day permitting it merely mirth ; and then, wits► a
horns-rake, throwing it in to middling .zed and
well compact winmies, and making. it to" grass
torts" of from sixty to eighty or a buirdred pounds
weight, as circumstances may appear to demand.
the crop will be in• a condition to " make" without
any Wilier trouble, and in a manner too, which
will miler it perfectly brightestastic and sweet, acid
far mote nutritive than hay cured in the ordinary•
way, by exposure to the sun. Good grass, cured in
this manner, trill always be characterised by a
green lively color,- amrthe pecular ammo, so plea
sant in bay fields', will be distinguished in barns
.The succulency of green grass, is perhaps one
of its most attractive features, and bay made on this
principle is heavier from the desicateon of the na
tive juice, than the same when cured by exposure.
Excessive drying causes the stalks to become brit.
tie, and much is in consequence lost in " making,"
especially if the crop is cut when very green, or not
fully ripened. Upon the old plan, frequent spreading
and tossings were considered necessary,' The held
, must be raked carefully,un f the nest day, perhaps,
the cocks are again opened; and so until the fiber is
broken' op and. rendered so fine that cleanliness in
securing it is impossible, and the waste of time in
performing theseoperations, is, after all, not to be
reckoned as the most important loss involved in a
system which has nothitigto recommend it to_the at•
tension sod stifitage of the calmer umess it be Mere
ly the negative excellence of being old The labor'
of caring hay, under this regime, is intense ; it is
performed, necenatity., in the hottest part of the day
and the time expended in its performance is by no
means an item of small or insignificant consequence
for in the hay 'sewage,. time is always valuable.
By pursuing this new plan, and rasing a horse-rake,
if the surface of the soil is such as to admit of its
successful action, three men will easily preform the
labor of di% on the old plan, unassisted by the rake.
This t know to be a fact, not only from observation,
bet the asserationt of my friends, who have tested
both method* fur a series of many years. This (act
is peered. A fate writer, of much critical knowf- - ,
edge and great practical experience in matters per
taining Magrieulture, in some remarks upon the val
ue °Vibe hay crop, and the most economical tray
of curing it, says :
" Hay cured in this way," i.e. in the manner
above described, " is of greater valise, and will com
mend a higher price in market, than hay made in
the old way, by spreading out thin and drying in
the sun, until it Iw-es iisikagance and green color.
The principal idiraniege ol the new method, over
the okt, consists in some measure, in dryng in die
attack the hay not being spread out very thin ; the
fragrance, and a portion of the juice are %emirate
mitairestt, and al➢ the labor of spreading - the first day
is saved. I,practiced the new method for over six
years, and therefore _know its superior advantages.
Ito ittrelfgetst twemr, who will reflect upon the
letbject, and follow if e'new.armoife a re* 'years will
ever go back to the old way. lam aware that to
farmers in.some of the meet improved agricultural
afistricts r uty soggestßxis may seen' to be gratuitous
as they Iwo already adopted . mode."
.A friend to whom I some Ivan since recom
mended the system of pass cocks curing, and who
adopted it, in pa; with a ►ieer of demonstrating,
net its excellency, as he emared me, but the re
verse, *tote me.Laa season as follows:
. 4 I have now wholly fallen into your views, in
reference to the superior eeocomy of curing in "gams
sticks." I haste toiled the s)stem . prettj thetveghly,,
and am cemvineed of what indeed every eon man
be who will reducelhe ;method to thoordeal of ex.
patience, as t have, that hay, thascered; is is may
respect/ 1 greatly superior to thatenred in the ordina
ry manner. Clover hay, in fact, eariseter be thor
oughly a made" in any other tray. It may be
dried, it is true; pin it as no more entitled to the sp.
yellation of hay, than the dry, insipid, and innittr: ! ,
lima haulm, thrown from the threshing floor of the
seed produce
In the first place, every knit and heed which
becomes thoroughly ;made, falls off in the process
ofhandling, and is loss before arriving at the barn.
By grass each -curing, I find that all the foliage is
riot only p4terved, but adorer hay thus cured, is
always partaken of by cattle, willigreas neat; it is
nutritive, highly salutary in, action upon the an•
ilium's' health; is never musty, and in the market
is far more eagerly sought for than the same des.
- eription of crop amen dried in the sun. My hay
atop also, *ince the adoption of this system, has
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pane rJ tar and some soh grease, having the toot
clean and dry; apply it•bot, bin not boiling, to all
potto,liotting it run under the shoe as much as poe
sible In bid cases, the application shout& be made
every day for a week, and then two or three times
week, tilt the toot becomes strong and smooth
emtne 1` sterna—Carpestanding in ccold mud
-67 yards, exposed to the izeathet, consume about
twice as:mieb as those isi!abeitettidosableakeidelean
and (Meted, and flee (mathsisizuntulatiout cos.
2gricnlturai implements, c.
Agricultural, Stove, and Tin Store,
Rail Road Horse Power & Tresher,
with the Latest and Important Improvements, for
• irkids Patent is secured.
THE subscriber tab" this treetboa to inform the
Fanners of Bradford and the adjoining emu**,
that he is agent for, and has for sale,pa *hove eel. bra
teti anti unequalled Horse Power and Threshing Ms.
chines, which he is prepared to runtish on the came
terms as by the manufacturer, with the addition of the
actuafeost of transportation, contracted fur at the low
est and- beat rates.
The subscriber has sold a number of the above ma
ebinea in this, and the adiining counties of Chemins
and Tinge, N. Y., and all wiihout exception have given
the red best satisfaction, and where they are known,
-all fanners give them the preference, on account of
economy in threshing, being operated with much less
.ospense, and cracking and wasting much teas grain
than any other machine in use.
The Two-Horse Power Thresher and Fikparatoris
capable, with three or four men, of threshing from 150
to 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or double that quantity
f oats, per day.
The prices for Emery & Co.'s one
norm Power, $B5 00
do Thresher and Separator, 35 OD
do Bands, wrench, oiler and
extra 5 00—5125 00
do Two.henc Power, $llO 00
do Treater and Separator. 35 00
do Bands, oiler, wrench, &c., 5 00—$150 . 00
Also,Wheeter's one-horse povier,Thresher,
and Separator, complete, (improved this
ar.son . ) $l2O 00
Wheeler is two-horse Power, Thresher and
Separator, complete,
Price of Emery's Trashes and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, &c.,
do Saw Mill. complete for use,
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted for
hand or power, from 22 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the coming season be pre
pared to furnish to order
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good fan-
ning mill, cleaning the grain for market, wasting
none. The additional cost being but liule more than
a fanning mill, or about thirty dollars—making the
whole Threshergtd Cleaner cost $75 to the Farmer,
and with Ernee'Bl. Co.'s twe•horse power. $lB5 00,
Cr Oa account of the large demand for the above
machines, end the difficulty of immediately filling or.
dem for them, persons wishing to purchase machines
should give mv , timely notice as to what kind and at
whet time they wish to procure them.
Fanners wishing to do their threshing immediately
after harvest, should procure their mitehinee as early as
the first of July. Also for saki
• Al manufadtaves retail priers, such as
Narrall's Grain .Lesper•
Revoking Mile Atka, Ray, Skase and Manure
fe. #4 Also,
Cut Iron and Wood , Cistern and Well Pinups,
LEAD PIPE of a sizes, in large or email quutti
tug, cheep for , cub.
WC(' 721110
My stark of Stoves, cad prices, will compare hemr
bly with those ninny &ova Btom in any of lams
neighboring towns.
Tin, Japanned and . Sheet Iron Ware,
manufactured sua fat sale ',bole:ale and Wad, Cheap
OT Cask. ,
A large and full Catslogos of Agricultural Inside.
memo end Stoves, id& engrattMge, furnished vat*
tither bare, or on application by mail panpaid.
Athens, Pa., November 30, HMO. „1,211
trite Millet:Tiber. respectfully inform the public that
I. they hare taken the shop fortuity occupied by
Allem Esertorine ' on Main street, weedy opposite
Drake's 'eon shop, where they are prepared to do alt
kinds of 01,ACKSMITHINO upon reasonable team.
They are determined by actin, their work, well and
promptly. tomerit, as they hope to saceive a share of
HOSE -SHOEING done in the beet rimer. AD
kinds of mpairituollachinery, malted in the most slid.
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be male and
repaired viten desired.
MI work done Mtheir shop, win be winrantal tobe
weft done. and msnufsetered from the twee materials.
The public: ate requested to give as a trial, and • judge
for themselvaa ESENWINE & SEEBISCHH.
Towanda, Mq 2, 1851.
ADAM BSENWHiIe respectfully inform. the pub.
lie that he now occupies the shop where himsel
and. brother have for tears wonted, nearly °Moshe
Tozekins' foundry, whets he is nib to do ell work
in his line, se formerly in the (teat money. He is de.
. . •,' _,.. s _ ~.• tien he has Jelriined as a skilful
41 , 44111rW' ?' l •4'''''"' itta by sat neglect of the !Uteri
42 -110110= tte
*lllif—.: " 4 y any inattention to Waimea
- ;101)(04'
,H,M10,-Itift bed manner, end every. kind of
. • 'dg ?All be done at abort
; Atha' ..- - • st-.4.0,,,,,bk0 , ..r. "lie will also
1 11141-014.41* :
istge ItemisiljiMeilit.
ToWillideases. - 17 1 , sl SW.
C'•,.. • • ••• • -,;, - c - _:2,;;; - 4.,;3 - -
•'''' ?. • it'-
F . C-.; , ,...;,.:---t4. , ;kli , --- ,
i ddie, Harness ilI Trank.Nannfactery
, • .
'ERE Clin.P & CO•salrelAftilly infortn-the' public
4i, that they have taken the shop lately occupied by
1 C. F. Harder. on Main street, a few doors below the
Thick Row, where they' wilt keep on hind s large
stock of
ZILAWKIIO3 O earamutaa ouneatog
Tattsts, tausts, warp, yet.
'All articles in their line manutictrual to order. and
mauls of the best material,and for workmanship cannot
be suipassal in Northern Pennsylvania. They solicit
a call from those wishing to purchase. eonfulentalkti
they can give satisfaction both. as to quality and price.
g"j^ Carib paid far Hides and Sharp Pelts,
at the highest rates, at our &hop.'
l'ewanda November 19th,
Viajted leases &Ito 111111111/Mille. 0 * Trustee
On the nett principle, by which the insured participa
In the profiteT
Chatter Perpetual. Capital $ 2 50,0 0 0.
F. RS. Norm Medical Examiner, A dims, Pa. Infos.-
amnion Oren. and applications renewed by
J.' E. CANFIEI.D, Athena, Pa.
Also applications for Insurance against loss by Fire in
Tke latasktuigtom co. 'lNliittaal isteuresce Co.
The largest Matas, Company in the World.
Capital om $1,000,000 .Over 100,000 membets.
like State Maim% at Harrisburg, P.
The great Pennoilyania Company. being .a Parma
and Merchant's VoUoistriy, with a haw end increasing
cult fund, being hoth a stook and mutual Company.
J. E. CANFIELD, Agent, Athena, Ps.
Pension and Bounty Land Agway.
. The subscriber basing received all the Pension laws
necessary instructions end forms, from the proper de.
gortment at Washington. will attend to the application
of Soldiers, Widows. and minor children of Soldier'',
who by the lati law are entitled to Bounty Lands for
wising rendered during the war of 1812, or any of the
Indian wars since 1700. Aad all Pension claims an
der the various sets of Congresa. The late pension
law* and decisions giving to many pensions not here
tofore entitled to them. Prompt attention given to all
post paid communications, by
Athena, Dec: 20, 1850. J. E. CANFIELD.
Chartet PeOdual...eseh system... Capital $250.000
Office No. 24, Merritants . Exchange.
nROANIZED upon the 'mixed principle," Stock
antrhlatual. which combined features offer to in
sured members double the natal security, The Cash
torero of payments ha also been adopted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid premium
notes. The table rates of premium, upon which its po-
Nies are being issued, is the only scale experience has
proven ationldhe adopted, as sanding requishe smu
tty to be funned, and an undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An esperimentai ta
tile may be found worthless, at the very instant a poli
cy should possess its greatest 'slue. Life Insurance,
iery properly, is attesting the attention of the world.
the public however, in their commendable willingness
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should realm ultimate security the primal), and most
important object, which cat► only be attained by so ad.
jesting the premiums as to anticipate unexpected loss.
es and fluctuations of every kind. is the purpose
of this company annually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, such an amount
of profits as shall not affect the stability, or impair the
sacredness of its contracts. Premiums may, at the op.
Lion of the insured, be paid annually, semi-annually,
or quarterly, in advance. All necessity information,
together with blinks, pamphlets, ike., may be obtained
gratis, at the office of J. E. Casein', Athens, Pa.
145 00
75 00
35 bo
Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B Goddard,
Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, George M'Henry,
Jacob L. Florence, § James Deseret's,
illiam M. Goodwin, John L. Linton.
Anattose W. Toonrsorr, Vice President.
Coot. G. braes, Secretary and Treasurer
A ITC • e 1 , .-.MatMel Eyre.
CovNur. AND ATTOUPIRT4—ThO/112111 Batch.
F. 8. HOTT, Medical Examiner for A►hens.
December 27,1850.
DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore carting between the sub
scribers in the Harness and Trunk making bushrees is
this day dissolved by mullet consent. E. Smith &
Son will settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted toast make intmediatepayment, and those who
have agreed to pay grain. are notified that unless de
livered at the time agreed, Cash will be expected.
November lb, 1850. JERE CULP.
E. Smith It Now,
RESPECTFULLY inkrust the public that they ,
will continue the business at their old steal, north
side of the Public square, and will keep on hand. and
manufacture to order. every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, TAMES, fie., of the best
triaterials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
By strte.t attention to business, and promptness in
fulitilling engagement., they hope to continue the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed.
Csaarsaz Taunus° will be done on short notice,
in the neatest-manner.
All kinds of Chain, Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in exchange for work.
; A ri.l i C • A *l4 lik Pli
ESMITH & SON have removed their Saddle &
. Harness Shop to the Wilding nearly opposite
tnis Ward 4110asla law the " op* Ponnsylvanian"
printing office—on Milift street. Jan..
*Union Sklar up stab.; Nooth M. of the
Public Square, over Elwell'a Law Ofliee. Entrance
between Elwell's and Adams' law !Aces; where be
may always be found when not professionally engaged.
Towanda, July 12, 1850.
TUX cnprz moors.
Alias si n *summers.
HE CM BUDGET diadgned toll! a blank in
in the world. of Refined : and Elegant
Literature, Wit,-now, amble Life Sketches of Fes
sign Countries, and the every-day conversations and
the manners of their people. Each number will beam
bglfiabed with spwailid awash**, engraved from new
and original designs by the best Artists in America.
No eld cuts or foreign witticisms, h &, will Sit
admitted, bat everything will have the advantage of
Families united this an interesting Journal for their
parlor table, as from it not only information or the most
agreeable and pleasant kind may be obtained. but they
witiAnd something 'to amom them in their leisure
Them is no paper Us this at present in America, if
biked there be one in any part of, the world ; but out
p. plc ste a reeding people, and require, as we shall
give them, subjects of interest and amusement in •
cheap adeondesed form. We are entirety different
Item the tedium Newspaper or Weekly rapers. our
do we meek to enforce any opinions upon the minds of
our readers, but leave them to form their own.'
Cy-Every Country •Merrbant endshould
read David Alwyn, or the Ruined Country Merchant ;
A peer ilito Mercantile Agencies ; which bas crested
suds • great sensation in business circles, aml will be
continued every week until it is concluded. it is de.
ihried to show rip in their pee light those spies who
live by misrepresentation of the.most primes affairs of
Merchants and Falai ice, to the injury of Ueda sod 'ho
demoralisation of man.
A sample copy of tbe:City Budget will be sent by
mail teveny oddness in the country. if re9ulred4
rhre is not s paper is America that gives as much
original reading matter for the same price.
Price One Dollar per Annum or Two cents per sin•
Rte copy., for labs ►y Newsboys and Newsagents
throughout the United States.
The CITY BUDGE rerill be furnished to Chew at
the (aiming low prices
6 G3plea to one Wilma,. 1 , 5 00
10 Id id 8 00
20 ° a . 15 00
30 " id ' ' 21 00
40 " •• •a• • • •.26 00
. •
50 " e 30 00
100 . " it 50.00
AR eottyneuiestioee west be preque(l. anil address
eCto R. F. MATHER &
T ARIA sssoftment of Cloth', Cassaneres cod
B•uinens, ski Calico end other o.ty Goods so
ebeep-thid defies ecopetion. at PH IN N MPS.
IDRINTED'VIanneIs and Turkey Reds, as well as
• lags dock ofi CeNcoes,.Defaine.s., Cestantres
Awl Alpacces, can be found for sale by
Nov. 7, • S. KINGSOKRY & CO.
t 62 Fulton strtekN. "Y.
AGENCY OF • '; •
Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Medicines
Pulmonary Mom, Depurstive Byeop,
Pectoral Hipettant. Hesn CorreetOr,
Puta►bnary Liniment. • • Hamm Corrector,
rinti•Dyspeptic Mixture, Cooglimul Cattuttiie Pills
Nervine, , rani* Pills. i
Veiruifuoi, Fen.ti Speeiqe,
Pure end Medicinal Cod Lit'er Oili &a.,
Used by him constant/II and withailed sue
eess in the transient of Coughs. Cold OClallsl4olo7l
Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dysjwitaia, &Saida, Skin
Diseases. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, files, 'c
Dr. !hitch's unequalled Pelmet silver ptsxal abdontins
supporter's Improved plated steel ateisi *Wilder
brace; Dr. Pitch's silver inhaling tube.
IFtteles Calibrated Mx :Lectures
On thepureention and cure of Consumption, /kith=
Dim*, of the Heart, &c., and on the method o
preserving health end beauty to an old age.
This book should be in every family. To .the Con
suroptilv it points out the only reasonable hope for to.
fief- To mothers, the directions it gives en the cars sad
education of children ate invaluable. 78,000 copies o
this book have pawed through the pressettud the sale
continues unabated. •
Fee isle try 8.3. Preen & Co., 700 Broadway, N.
Y., and BURTON & PORTER, Tovinunis„ and by
C. E. RATUBONE, Canton.
CO' Dr. Fifeh's Guide tolanulida, Or directions to
persons using Dr. Yitch's remedies, to bb had grated
ail the agents. • 13y
TO TIN MU aireTllll' mum
The following equalled series of Family Medicines
may be depended upon with the utmost pre.
They have the approbation of the lest pi.
mans in the country, and are rerom.
mended by all who have used them
as superior to any medicines.
They have beta before the Public for five yens,
During 'which time more than 3000 certificates have
• been received from eminent public men
and othenhand are now on fill;
at the Company's office,
They are Compounded
With the utmost care and skill, and the ingredients
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, is)
that medicines of a uniform and reliable gua.
lity are guaranteed in all cases. •
Are particularly yak:oW for the prevention and euro of
Fevers in general, all Bilious and Liver Complaints,
Jaundice. General Debility, Common and Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Heart Burn, Costiveness,
Griping, Urinary Diseases, Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza, Asthma, and for a
variety Of othe. Chronic Diseases; in
fine, for all ordinary family uses.
TFull directions for the various Diseases accompany
each box. Prim, 25 cents a box.
The Oradell/log Byrop,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Dtarrfues, Dysenta.
IT, Bloody Mx, Cholera Morton, Cholera inburtnrn
and the ASIATIC CHOLERA. if taken with the first
symptoms, viz 'so - inking and diarrhea. It ne•
ver fails to cure the worst possible - eases of
bowel complaints, generally. in a few hours,
sblkforn beyond a day. It is Putnam
Viagra ais, and takenja any rpm
tity isperfeetly harmless.
The Onefeibeet Oran Noma Ointment.
Invaluable for Barns, Wounds. Sprains, Chilblain*,
Corns. Sores, Swellings of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Rrysipeks, Rmaehitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in
the side and beck immediately relieved, ham*
oration of the Bowels, and for all ewe where
there is Inflammation.
Illatsbents Uterine Catholicon.
A certain cure for Prolapses Uteri, and for most of the
distressing compisints incident to females. Pro.
pared by Dr. TREO. POMEROY, of Utica,
solely for the Graefenberg Company.
Eye Lotion, Ilealih Bitter*,
Conrnmplire Balm, Peter mad
Children', Panacea, Libby', Pile Ointment,
Sarsaparilla Compound.
co. The Graefenberg Manual of Health, • complete
hsnddaok of medicine An families. Price fifty cents:
Osce, 214 Broadway, New York.
eassrress,..-The pantie is requested to hear in mind
that everything prepaneby the Graefenberg Company
bra their sad sposi it. •
Spurious article" hare been issued closely resembling
the trentatte in every particular. except the reel, end
the Utmost care should be used before purchasing.
Agents for Bradionl,County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER. Towanda. Iy3B
HAS removed to s few doors below 'Bridge street,
on the East side of Mains*. in the building for.
merly occupied by J. D. Montanye Esq.
MI operations amounting to $6O, or over, one ha)
to be paid down, the remainder in three mouths. I
the operation proves unsatisfactory, the money paid will
be reloaded. A note of hand however must secure the
payment *Abe half WI unpaid, with a proviso.
TheIEMIZIE 11E0271 4
THE SUBSCRIBER. having now eompleted his
amingeracnts for the accommodation of the Travel
ing. Public, feels warranted in soliciting his abate of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
the beat the market affords. His Stabling is Lane awl
Warm. His Bar shall he 61h rd with as good Lirsos
as are to be fond in the country.
BESIDES, for the *accommodation of many, the
subscriber is manufacturing Boots, Shoes Saddks, liar
nets Trunks and Valets, he., 4c. And keeps on
hand a good as.soriment of PATENT MEDICINES,
foi add of which his patrons will be asked only a raod
rote price.
Come one, come all, both far and near
A home you'l itrol, a home to cheer,
And s cheap atticle if son would buy
Call 'JCL/uterine and try.
For former patronage and fasces, the public aria
please accept the sincere thanks bf T. D. SPRING.
Laceyville, Feb., 13, 1831.
Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store !
A. ilf. WARNER (des this method
. of infintning his old customentand the
public generally,. that he has purchased
of J.P.Bul his stock of Watches, Mocks
and Jewelry, and commenced the.ebove
business in all of ita carious branches at the old stead
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is hardly neves.
sary to say a wond on that point. With his • long es.
persona) and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, be has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches sod clocks, I will
do theta justice. .
All goods sold, or &riling done, warranted is 1
recommend, or the moms refended.
A good assortment of Clock., Watches and .leivelry
kept constantly on band.
My motto abaft be—lnick secs If mill profits, rash
down, and no credit mete. Creak need trot be asked
tor—es t era booed not to make it• aequaintinee.
Towanda, Joky 12, 1850. A. kr. WARN!'.
r rug largest era most complete assortment of schont,
1 Wank and miscellaneous BOOKS & STATION-
ER Y ever offered in this market. and at very low prices,
now just oftttitutut,llo 0. V. VA RTI.ET rs.
Not the Toanmaila ranursem,
flEO: W. POTTER would merpedfully announce.
%.7" to the public that be is Mt possession of the New
and Commeationa 1 .
rousuisar 4 slattern afro. a
the borough of Towanda, at the place whine me
Chair and Bedstead Factory 'formerly stood, whets be
inteLds to eurnufactrink and keep constantly on hand
all such work in the above line as the wants of the
public requite, each as Mill frons.and Gearing, Saw
mill rods end Cider-inM sample, Horse-power work.
Pioneer, of various patterns, Cora Ploughs, BetaPom
Cattiest:re, dm. rte. . \
He pledges himself to use his best aide:Vows toteep
up with the Improvements of the age In articles of bum
bendry in'the line of his menufacturn. He has long
since learned that the best way so serve One's self IS to
serve the public; and he feels confident that his efforts
from time to time to introduce etch articles as experi
ence has proved to be useful to the user, will be pro
poly appreciated.
He would say in short, that he intends O. be In Pow
session of the best patterns erns of Ploughs and Cultivators,
and all articles of husbandry In his line. He would
also say that he has had an experience of five and twen
ty year in building. Machinery, and tura great acme•
modations for that purpose, and would invite those who
may want Castings or Machines z fiued to give him a
all; and es ha attend, to his own bueloses personelly r
he pledges himself that the wt* en the public Ls his
capacity shall be fully attended to.
As be is desirous of bringing his business near cash
as passible, be will sell sittouishimilf low to mit pay
ing customers. Come one, come all ! and the subscri
ber pledges himself to please all who will he pleased.
0::?* He has on hand and will manor .amuM STOVEII
fin sale. Towanda, May . 1 26.,tefi I.
No. 128 Fulton street, Bun bxilding, New York.
No. 17 Canal street Row, New Pr/eana,
To Newspaper l'addishere and Printers.
'IXTIH confidence I invite the trade, before they
Purchase elsewhere, to give me a call at No.
1U Fulton-street, New York, or at No. IT Canal•st.
Row, New Orleans, where I am ready to furnish
them with all kinds of
of the newest and most beautiful style. I am also
prepared to supply the mach admired Scotch letter.
having late/y procured from Scotland a series of
these beautiful faces, together with every variety of
form and pattern of
Bordering, &c. I feel assured that the elegance
and accuracy of all the Type manufactured by me
cannot be surpassed by any Pounder in' the Union.
By an entirely new method in the mixing and east.
ing I am enabled to retain the-virtues or Me comp°•
trent party of the faded, and thus to produce,in addi
tion to an elegant the most
heretofore offered the public. To this last feature
would in particular call attention, for solidity and
'durability of Type is on the principle of economy,
of the greatest importance to all typographers. The
members of the craft will also find me ready to.sup
ply all kinds of
for the establishment of complete Printing Offices,
such as Presses. Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
Press and Wood Rules, Imposing Stones, Compos
ing Stick, Brass and Wood Galleys, Riglets, Closet
Racks, 4c, &a.
Old Type taken it:exchange for new at 4 cents
per lb. The Trade dealt with on the most liberal
terms, and patronage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of an article with which
he will be pleased and which will bring hint the
worth of his money.
Editors or Printers wishing to establish a News
paper or Job Printing Office, will be furnished with
an estimate in detail of the cost by stating size of
paper and kind of work to be executed.
Publishers of Newspapers who will insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Nesbitt's Register.,"
Neer York, will be paid in materials of my mann
facture, provided they`purchase six times the amount
of their bills for advertising.
No. 128 New York, and
No. 17 Row, New Orleans.
m 43
Removed B. Kingsbery's Block !
it .1. Chamberlin,
AS just returned from the city
. LA- of New York with a large
(6- Input= rt pply of Watches, Jewelry and
Silver ware, comprising in pa,
( the following articles:--Lever,
L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
t)IL -- a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Pin
g" Ri ni , B rea m pigs, seceleta, Lockets, Gold chain;
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads--all of which he offers
for sale eneeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on abort notice, sob warreented
to run well, or the money will be refunded. and a writ.
ten agreement given to that effect if required. '
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in paresees fat work ; mod dm *arm now, wed
foreeer,Mat Me Produce must be paid mice tie murk
is done--I war siphon credit in all its forma.
Towanda. April 28, 1850.
cotravr 5u%%%%1 t.
WVING locoed in Towanda, his services may
IL be obtained by addressing a line through the Post
Mee t or by tailing at the offiee of Ulysses !demur,
Esq., where he will be found, or where a written ap•
liestpton may be left. Nov. 1, 1850.
0. U. P. BUMINIFf,
OLs- Office, North side of the Public Square.
E. H. MASON, M. D.,
OFFICE on Main street, font doom below Bridge
sweet, where he may be: found, when no profes
sionally engegad. Towanda, N0v.30, 1850.
HEaubscriber respectfully 'inform the public that
lihas taken possession of his old. stand, in the
south pitt of the Boro'fof Athens, where ho will be at
all times happy to see his friends, and will endeavor to
make their stay with him agreeable: He frusta 'bat an
assiduous attention to flab wishes of the travelling pub
lie will secure him the favor of the old patrons of the
" Mansion," and the visit of those who desire a com
fortable and convenient stopping-place.
Hi. TAILS will I. well stlyolied---and the best li
quors be procured for the lila.
Goon arsautio is attached with careful and men
tire hostler,.
Cl- An omn;:sta will I* ran- to the. Waverly eta
lion. Worry ',monger% to and from every, train, east
or west. . E. 8. MATHEWSON.
Atheris April iB, teal.
DOZEN more of those cheap sod good kINEN
'V COATS, ibis day, tcr.eived by
May 29. If. t!k. A. CAMPariLit
lathity' I.
Afflicted Jo not Despair
Anollter /dime bek,* rescued from Death by Sdtentk's
Pubnavie Syrup.
The Wowing ems is one of the greatest triumphs
of medicine over disease met published in medical his.
tiny. Read it!
Prompted by ochlthmithen theling of benevolenee ,
and for the benefit of my afflicted feline beingi, ds.
sire to make known a short &sedition of my disease,
and the unexpmted eure !'obtained from SCHENCRB
PULWINIC SYRUP. About threeyears *gni was
afflicted with a violent cold, which settled on my breast
and side, renderer, tow days wound ohm 'oroneiders
bla blood; my edngh was tight and distressing every
day I had violent fever creeping &ills, and patinae
nests at night, with greet di/Realty of bending and
v e s t toes of appetite; my system was entirely pros.
Meted, being confined to my bed most of the. time,
woo! the most eminent physicians of this vitr o *.
tended me, and after exhausting all their skill. pro.
nounced my cam incurable. Indeed, one said my
lungs were almost gone, end I could the possibly re
cover. At this stags of my disease, Lwas pymaikd
I b o n d
try Dr. Schenelea Palatonie Sne, sad Ware
bad taken half a dozen boPlesi coo so Fal otoalered
as to be to go slant the hoe*. seemed to strength.
eft my whale eye:era—it loosened the IMMO end stop.
ped the bleeding--my bowels berme minter. Be d
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and nourish
my whole system. Indeed, such was the rapid pro.
grew of my health and so sudden the change, that
became too sanguine of a speedy cute, and abandon.
ed the use, of the medicine before the disease wilt
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in another attack
of bleeding at the lungs last talLiaccompanied by rt
waging cough. I again commenced taking the Pa.
movie Hyrup, and sent for Dr. fle.henek who, apau
careful ezareletetion. advised use to continue 'Mg
Belem Iv. lad taken four bottles, an einem* formal*
my side, which gathered and broke, discharging, as net
as I tan judge, a pint of very disagreeable yellow mop
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my wholesye
tem, Prim this time 1 begin toga* better, and we
happy to say entirely recovered. I sin ewe at this
time I enjoy better health than I have for the last ten
years. *site I commerical taking the Poleax& Syr.
up, I have - hover failed to recommend it wherever I
went, that others, es well as Emelt, might be erred
saved from that aw(al disease; for I fad it a duty I
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the *odd. Permit
use to mention' a feW caseamhich have come under my
.immediate observation. Being on a visit to Camden.
N. 1., last sutumera saw a and. evidently in the last
stage of bowel' consumption. The mother inhumed
um that the physicians had . given the child up as in
curable. I told her whet benefit I had rectitred (toot
the nee of Sehenck'a Pultnonie Syrup, and induced
her to procure a bottle. I heard nothing more from
the little sufferer until stout three month: after; being
in the motet, my attention was
. drawn to a lady who
observed lee very attentively. ' She finally approached
me, and asked if I was not the lady who recommend
ed Schenck". Polmonie Syrup to her dying child last
summer in t lamden. I replied that I was. She said
that her child had entirely recovered, red was uncom
monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, and now
resides in Heidesberg. Another lady I would mention
in particular, who had a scrolojpos affection. Huhu*
and neck presented one-continued sore, and one of her
eyes was wrionsty, affected with it. She had became
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery.
I induced' her to try Schenek's Pulmonre Syrup, which
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady,
Mrs. McMillen, whose residence I will give on appli
cation, vas - evidently in the last stage of Consumption,
merailed upon her to try the Pulmonic Syrup. Ins
very short time she was entirety recovered, and omen. ,
joys eieelfent, health, having become exceedingly fiesky
These are three eases within my knowledge, Which f
know were caved by Seltenck's Pultnonie Syrup, All
Who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble to
call on me at my residence' Pahish Street five .dooe•
above tenth north aide, I think I will .be able to satis
factorily corvine* them by own more, end !others that
I know have been cured by this Syrup. Sines my
care, there have !ere so many to we me !phone what
I took, that I haire had a very good opportunity of
knowing a meet many that have taken it, and have
been greatly Demented thereby, and I think if persona
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would
mid for Dr. Schenck, and let him easefully monitor
their lungs. and if he says he can cure them, kikmebse •
directions, and prevent taking cold, they will rapid*
Phihdelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H, Scusocir—Heav Ktr—l have brown Hrs.
Leiben for several years, as a lumber of my church,
and have all eonfidence in her statement, and Oro re.
joined to find her again restored to health. Any thing
more, in addition to her statement, is needless.
Yours, truly, THOS. L. JANE WAY,
Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church.
Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th st. above Green.
Prepared and sold by J. H.BCHENCK,a>•hiI Lab.
orratory 8. E. corner Coates & Marshall its., snd•by
the following Agents in Bradford Cxtaty.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Dailey, Lerayareille; T.
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn. Rome;
J. J. Warted, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst, Le Roy;
C. E. Ratbbone, Canton ; King & Vosbarg, Troy
and by MIX & MASON, Towanda. •
Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half dom.
ROOMY 111111,
litary_yentra of egiarberce„ and etas dam a "(mama fl ew
weed Clare* of Veusampthne Complaints, Woe prolvd to
the undoubted sublaction of all perking wile kayo become ar
upairmad with lids sowdrefat
.ease, that It it gineetsly is
because ii Is weekkip and haatier, and went cereal=
Cowsuurpolow of ilser ugs, than anylemr Iteneedris tra
wotid. We bare, isoweses,that it is laid tome Ow Comm.
dos can ace he aired. Re that the opinion the teeny or Om legr,
we than not attempt to argue with inch , but this we welt asp, era
do atm; sii I width cut be peered in tillegilaudo of elm.
this assdiclee cured iCesgilaand dimmer wkieb.=l l l /
. 4 .
atm irate were called reed 0101M04.41014 _
were suieuled xi epurrowe dre tesswebild,froA IMO is au "'
00 " 5°6 120 0 14 Petwo &thew iFle its. lord ed . deal me wei to
base died w ith deli fital disease Cleftwillelptlssm.. This B.M.
has cooed thsawasee of persona who wee said to be hopakul7 sin
licted-wbobed*rdiku, Cat Perm lothrticeelar
and thd•-111laciallty of frau...rwelort Dparree
ties -flake Pew -N, waraffir *MCI 010
Flesh and Bleed. beteg =eh campUftts bare bras
cured Mew It Ina said they orate gee Mire a Week. longer. The
Medicine has cured seam who lingresuppoeed to be to • OW
*tate, but, by the use of th is moody, Ussy guru sites and *
good ealth.
This Marissuer is Randy a agetiableseausewo— f. it Isplesisse st
take, sod sew due fruary to enyftrage of diocese or teem' igal dr'
c u
lt effects les Irow‘eKel erd oboes redtwealses
Cares hi Pleriff f ft v 11214 fOr•ndil i g d.
whole eystent-by Ore an acing a Wet
serbor-eitos p CeuglreseckUp Ifervens--nd OW
red failisatieg ep tamalee. It twee the tollewhlS 4
01110116 viz ".... .
COMM sad peta, Banatila..dakaa, asitemcmmi, Nu+
tap at Ma t"mbia tpa Smut, fidg, a i d jcp_afoat! ,,, l .
Mt= ate4regan.4.7l.`
tn.* be
l? Art Proof and paniettlara of Carew me car hr
owns am Thealblap—all car Avow lowa dim to two ontr•
for sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda
C. H. Herrick, Athens; C. E. Ratbbona, Coke
D. D. Parkh nest, Leroy; 1. Hanson, Moorman; E
W. Baird, Rnannersfield; D. Bailey & Son, Lahr
villa; T. HoropbreT, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn
&ale F.B. Tracy, Smith6eld ; Gee,
lin 0011 ; L.& P.. Runyon,Troy.
Alt orders muse% addressed 0. WALLACE
CO. 304 Broadway, N. Y. 34sorrlY
,Stratege but tree.
Gentleman of Utics,.N. Y., has abtained "
-hi the Witch-hstal, a simple revelly, bir a
more just claim to the name of " family curs ail " man
any Medicine we have ever before knout. Nothisg
is connected with it but a Mile Alcohol to preserve it ,
and yet it acts with great certainty_ in remeeifei
and all local indentation, curing elf sores, burr* kw'
tee and lameness, rapidly: Pilei oemPlele ta
cholera-morons, hemorrhage, ear ache,'Llodpache, eori
eyes, and all nervous affections. .ft is white as son
and as harmless, and it is called
" Pond's Pain Destroyer and Healing Estract."
Nona is simian except "Pond's Extract" is blosreet
the heals. -Me. Pond Bratintrodomid this tordieirie le
the public and be. expended a vast deal of time 01
money in bringing it to* hisleatiite of petOmikeh _,
we notv.warrarit every bottle to give satisfaction.
A man by
. the name of Spencer has put Wise
article celled "The Coyle Extract"-which claims 0
be from the Witcb-heel. If from that shrub, item °
a s perfect deception, and it is a very impairer&
tie; be nor deceived, get a pamphlet and see.
For gale at Mant)nye's ar. Co. Towanda, 8. 8.
man Monrodon, Nahum & Ltimh Leßev, IWO
Willey Franklin. June bth ISA