Mariled, In Sheshequin. June 17th, by ROy. S. J. Gibsoit, p r Ernrron Amens: Esq., 10 4:414-gulalET M. 8 0 0, Es, both 'of Rome. In 11$ter• y 3de-1444—same, Mr. Coltman BA, c oo to‘Alias .f . ANNT JANE DAVIDSON. , In Athens, July 3d., by Gardner, 'Bart., J: Mmis to Miss Louiss Sof PSON. ' 4 . . . f 'Died ! • I D Orwell, Saturday June 2. 1851, PaArras w ife of Jayson phallic, aged 60 gears. ' Th e people of Orwell knew her well, and will say °fa truth, that she was' the most,coniely 'personage of all their acquaintance. She 'wart * the yery er sonification of goodness, gentlenfss, ,Aurl,Conipas. stop, mildness, ;;enerosiLti, benevolence, forgivneis, and charity =- for these shone conspicuously in till her actions. In her month 'was the law of kindness. Kindness brained from her, eyei, and pity sec ued to flow in copious effusions .upon the . sons. of, gri . erf and unto the children of affliction. As'a mother .she was tender hearted--as a sister she was kind and. tibligia;—and as a wife, the heart pi hergiuliatad t (lid safely trust in her, and his confidence was never disappointed. Though dead, she yet lives, in' the reinetabrance of those left behind, speaking to them in,definite . language," to 0 good unto all—to bless and curse not." 'Sister reader, this portray is for your • imitation, let her spirit poi'scss your mind, let her virtues shine in your life, and you shall leave a rich-inheri tance for your children t" A Goon NANV.. " ' Nate 7.lbvettipcmcnts. DAGUERREAN ROOM, Oar O. D. Berraeles, store. • , FOR A .S . IIORT TIME ONLY ! Pictures taken sinzly or in groups in a satisfactory manner. Ttumnila. July 7. 1851. D. McEVVEN. corraNs N a ssortment of READY-MADE COFFINS will 11 be kept constantly an hand at Nye's old stand on ?thin street, where the subscriber is also prepared to wake and repair all kinds , of Furniture. Towanda, July 12, 1851. C. WELLS. A CDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned, hay. /1. ing been appointed an Auditor by the Orptkans' roan of Bradford _county, to distribute the fund ai , rd by administrator's sale or the estate of Niram Arlsin . late of the township ~r Springhill, deceas r,l, nillourud I-0 the duties' of appointment a t his piliec in the ;borough of Towanda, on Saturday. the bli day of Augubt,_lBsl, at two cklock. P. M., nhenand where all. persons interested are required to present (heir claims, or he debarred from coming in upon said fund. jys WM. SCOTT, Auditor. LIST. OF JURORS, drawn for September Oyer an , l Ternmer Sessions, t.n.iSn Jeitons. Aspluni—Jainesirrible. Athens tp—.lol. Robbins, Phthiler Gillett. bor••-11.t.ny ks..Geu Yranklin—Ezra Champion. : • ani, ille—Betqatuin Sas t,m. Het n(1- 7 ,1'1114 Angle, E S Terrell. LttelitAlLl—John II Alcblnney. 1\10'4( i•—Patrick Dunfee. i':,e--John Black, • Rottle—Nt C Cannon. shcshequin—Samuel VAnkise. WiHasley. :.41, St - one—James Gordon. Towanda born— , E 0 Goodrinh. Warren—Timothy Vincent, Caleb Allen Wells—James Drin k. Wyalusing—Chas. Camp, Henry Elliott. W Goodrich. Wilmot—Allen Woodruff'. =I Albany—James Lee, • ApybimHlribert Frutehey, Armenia—l, C Shephard, •Aillens tp—John Raymond, John M: Jackson. 'hor, , —G A l'erkins, (4,1 Memll,, 13•Irb:17!-n-1,orc, , ,- Haight,. \V Miller. Cl,lll/11-I'red 11311. Jtpoin 13"thwell. Din, 1/y ; -11 . .lioin Flare, Israel Smith. crato.iil••—s W shephard,Eber Bwa in, Ezra Haver. Iltr"rick—Richard Hillis, Chas at9l, A Camp, Chat squires. M( Kee. Skinio. - -W II 11 Brown—J Imes Beekus. Norman, Wm Seeley. Roil.- —l)aii Ein...“.11 Jr.: 'm••111 - :..l.f—Warren Allen. A ue,astoq Phelps. llarkne;s, Imcius French. • Sprinzhill—J A Kinney. • Sirsbequin--,Ellas Thu:pron. tst. :•itine-11 \V Tracy, P 1) Havens. ndit p—II M Myer, boro—Jolni W Wilcox. v b , rl)-1-'re,l )Wc Ti. S Lockwood. Shephara. Windham—Lore,* Bra !lota,; Beni Keyk , n(lall. • n Catineld, P/orpont Bartlett, J M ^ Re- !. Ecirc II WEEK, Athen• oo—Tio.mas Plogeld. Burlln;ten—.l hu V Ballard. Canton--4,;•., Maniey. Chas Wright. R Palmer. Monroe—Darnel Dec leer. orwe—Dennis Darling J LSmith. A•Ditnock. Pike—Nelson Ross, Ebenezer Rockwell. lil4berv--Dan A Gillen. R^me--Idn•ltis Eaernan, Samuel Elliott. spnrlold—Theo Wilder, Amos Knapp Jr. snwhfiel , l--0 P Kinesley, ;I he‘he.i , liii--Barry Shaw, John M Smith. • South Creek--ti Dunham, 1) R More. U Decker ro—T. B tte Poin•ror. \_ Towanda t; __Stephen A Mills. Trollr, David Cash. liner-41ln, Edothrd Mills. neon Stone. 131 , ,wn. Passmnle. 11 if ..racq , iknitulng. IVertn---Pe!er Steemburg. • .... IV,ama--llurace 11111: TI 'Alltany--11w• ts A La 64 4 .1 is Menar Athens tp--11,n nt Th. A H Sraltllng Hanle .11. I L;,alt rev S IL Hill. 13 If :a ;anti. l'atuon—TL • P;...., 1 (1 Ptc hard. Craw. iil4-1. , •:,aa Putman. 11,•rt :,es, llowker. L e 11 'heele,Ilernati Morse. t..l.—.l w , t l l.l;ltinson, Narrtn Knapp• War", —E 11* Hale. licoj Northrop. Ltt tun Jr. Josse 1) Bullonlz, Harry Il Sot nil Npnagli:E.....Eil,.,ter Wells, Itnl.stal Stephlris• :*4l: " l .trte Citat les :Stephens. , n—Jantes Hecker. hor. , --10seph IP-- tlentanita Tears. I Ister—.l.thn Sown-lan. , \ , ; ‘ :valus:htt—.S W tildtLe.l--Porterlltterchant,'Wyllys Bronson . „ Shephard. ,ge t—ealeh Shores - • bIIZ. - BARTON" GRAIN CRADLES, a su perior article, for sale at je27 FOX'S. 1 011 NIS'rItATOR'S NOTICE. persons indebted to the, estate of LYDIA P. GRlDl.EY,.dece.taed, tate of Orwell focep., 3 r , hereby requested to woke payment whi-pot delay, 5 " 11 1'Ne haring' claims against said'estate will please Inrsent them-duly authenticated for settlement. C.G. GINDLEY, Jane 23, IRS I. • Adminigtraton Nq. 1„ bta , MESS P(./N1( t !leept:- thau the chealutht by Jua` '` & LEWIS. .TItOr.NC.A.I?I I I.Y, rr*S, institution haa.beren :soma ypars,iiymicoessr ,Tile.PßartnliTfinciftal w,fil,apakett o pains to a brd to Young ladies adibgeralmneu AWN tur r itcguili,*(A thdrofi t ii,di,odileoktiQu, shied, Ile iy{l (fable filth to Impart w'dit suMeleklt trotingo; ( o enable hiii likelice the ACe4M,y; , ppti- Hon interior to none other of The Aesamnical "Year i will, continence on timil.llll'oo9 °.f eotislati . ar two sessitiurs'oclt weeks each. The vacatliAri occur in DCcmpher 1 14 ,1 4, 4 1" -- Tie pupils _will Have ' " the ailsj'ant,k,of Chemical - , tituitii,,rsit:QTAUTpl JOY Eliti,EN Orthograpliy, PefineriP a,tjrtg, Writing t , ' t . degtapy, A ralbuietrr , ,(L'uieiaoll'H•2 4 a, PVI) ..'HialorY dr _ Work,),Cra'rnm4r . , ,(flolith first pail.). Grammar (Smith). Arithmetic rar ley's Olin: Kb* History. Scholar's, U01up,,,, Algebra, Naturol, Mental and Moral P. 114144 71 phy, Phi siology, trial Thedlogy. A nci Geography, Hit. Ot U. States Lo.tic,Jjranog,ra-, 'COtirtilaltiou, Of the Ancietit and Mitidettl - Creoinetrr, easura.ton ur. %vying, Conic Sections, Mid other higher branches, Matlulnatical . r . r ...... 5 00 Vatititina*Ceek (extra.)...,, 4 00 Piano Forte, OO _Accordpqn, 5 00. Guitar, • r • i • . 8 6 ° Drawing,. . ..... . ....... .3 00 Landscape and Mower Painting, 5 00 Embroidery,:'. 5 00 Wax Flowers, .. 5. 00 Shell Flowers 5 00 'Compositions and liecti ti naono:erck . • N. Board can be obtained at from tit 25 to $1 50. A few boarders will lie taken who wish to learn the nglish and Orttatnental branches. They will bn 1/n• derihelliacipline of.* 'family school; ler r moral, religious, and physical training will he watch ed over with the stricter I care ; and pains will liblaktgi not to eilucate the head at the expense of the bean. Tonna for hoarding, •washing, and Tuition in the English branches, Piano Forte, slravi ing and Painting, per quarter, payable in advance.. • $4O 00 P. S. RUTH, A. M, Principal, Assketl by Mr. RUTH. REFER ENCESL-Rt. Rcv. Alonzo I'ottcr, D.,D., L. L. D., Philadelphia; Rev. Mitten Q. Lightner, Don. Geo. M. Kei in, Reading ; Rev. E. \. Lightner, tiweedeboro ; E. Sehtreid , Etig., Principal Pottsyillo Academy ; Rev. J. Prior, I', icipal of Female Academy Pett,ville; _Rey. D. .1, Doug aaa,.Tooriwta ; N..? YV,. Paine, Esq., Dr.' King. F. niith,,Esq., Troy ; and the patrons generally. . Troy, June 27, MI. TT AY ING TOOLS.—Grass Scythes, Smiths, scythe 11. stones, forks, rakes, &c. for RA by June 27 The beat ail(' clicapc.,l Family 31edicine in The World Dr. Roberts' Compound An alterative, Tonic, Diuretic and mild Cathartic l'rice '25 cents l'er box, containing 50 Ptlir. Each Mix contains fitly pills, which makes them as cheap again as any 'ether standard pill, and four times eheapgr,:litnd warranted much superior in the cure of varioubrdistmises, to any of the Syrup mixtures sold ; besides being a more convenient and proper form for use. The astonishing success which has attended the use of Dr—Roberts Compound Sarsaparilla Pills is proof abundant an 1 conclusive that they' arc truly • Watnre's Own Remedies. and fiat they will cure all ctuable diseases, quicker, and more pleasantly than any other medicine e•,Er known. The Pills are ,principally an 'altr rally° medi cine, (their basis being the solid extract of Sarsaparilla, prepared in a superior manner.) but SignCiOntlY Cad , ' artic to gently assist nature, without purging uniteceli eerily, which inak's them peculiarly adapted to weak and enfeebled persons, invigorating and strengthening the body, purifying the system, producing ,now rich blood and a healthy action of the stomach and liver. They are acknowledged by our ablest physicians to he not only unexceptionable, but efficacious in the high• est degree, and as a general Family, medicine Tlrnect ailed. The Compitund Sarsaparilla Pills are used for the perinalwrit care of those diseases which nrise from art impure ,tats of the blood, and morbid serretions iil the liver and stomach, vizl, erysij,rlaa , serofula or hing's evil, ulcers, scald diead, (distillate r utaneons blotches, boils. pimples, sore, vi yak or in tiattii ; glandular swellings, rheumatic rifections, pains in ti , tones and jointe„kopsy, dyspepsia; asthma. their'! and dysentery, coughs. cords, runsunip:ion when caas• 'ed by capillary obstructions of the lungs Li persons or scrofulous constitutions. lull iniatiort.of the lungs, in fluenza, indigestion, headache, j runaict, feverand ague. chili fevers, awl fevers in general, general and nervous dehility./and diseases arising from en injudicious use of mercury, and whenever medicine is required to invigo rate and purify the system. They are a purely vegetable componrid, and may be used by persons of all ages. They are pleasant to die palate, and produce nn nausea, uneasiness or gripin,c, in their operation. Hundred.: of certificates could be given of those who have used them with great hengfit. We ask no person'to talus our word as tothe merits of the medicine, but coil on the agent ant pnrchuse box, arol Hen trial it clues !ii.. p.. 1, ct tell .n, lip v the boy and rereive the cc, Arl ey pail for the saute. be particular In ask fur " Dr. F Compound •Sirs:iparipa Pi 1 1 ,," and .d,:erve that the ;;Teen wrapper catch box has a far -IrMle of the , ignalure of 111.3 A.. IZ. , hertS, M. D. anti C P. Priv. an-I to pur , thase'none Ail applications for agencies and lettercion thri ,ob ject of the medicine, must be addressed, postpaid,. to C. P. Fay, Owego. Tinge Co.. N. li i* ; For sate by H & PORTER,•soIe agents at Towanda Pa. :100 Brick at Atilans. IHAVE now a kiln of brick binned at AtheneT, and am prepared to supply all calls for the reason. .1 Owns i'd. Juno 15, t 8 .51. S. HAYDEN. ' A DMINISTNAXIIIX'S Narici.:. LI, persons indebted to the estate of JAMEIS 4 e FIHES, deceased, late of the township cif Welt's, a hereby rcilueNted to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please present (Item duly au hetitiested for-lettlement. MA 10).1 TZET F RIE4-; Aditunistratrix. !,.. Wells, May '2l, IR il, All Bight atilt° rurnishing, Depot. TT &A. CA '4ll'll ELL:return (heir sineero thank , i • for the IMP al 'patronage heretofore bestowed, and would azain call attention of their friends and ens• tomets to their late arrival of Nnw S e a! yr. ;0.1,5. Consisting of all things necessary for clothing the out er man ; which will ,be sold at a little io - wer prices than has hithertotbre been •a,ked. Please, give us a call before rurchasi,KTel-r , Allerr H. &. A. CAMPBI:I,I. Stuttering & Stammering Oriel in from SO to GO Minutes. rp111; untler ,, igned hav!ng purchased of Z. Makes -I lee the system and ptivilette of pritctictng for the cure t.ftttiamtuei will Cunnalt Iv LP awl a th..u.l to euria<,at !hew Spnnghill, l3r rl. Co. Pa.; those who himy hr aflliele4 with intpc•liznerlis rti !heir • pe , .(' 4, that no pay is retpured moll the ut most •all•farlim: is tziven. D. 11. 111..111(, ttipringhtll, Junu 17, 18.51. C. W. 1.11,ACP.. =I CERTIFICATE I do herthy certify titat D. D. and C. V. Black are capable-of - curing auy cases of the al.ove ivi pedimento, and would recommend them to the'conli• de nee and em ploy raent of all those uhu may be al : teted with, impedinitints to their speech. Z. 111..A11:1 - :SLI:11. Important to Egl Interested ! THE: subscriber tatres this method of informina all those who are indebted to • him, to call and pry up immediately, as it will be of ntueh benefit to him, and for the bitereit of those interested. Towanda, April 26. IFS I. - N. N. BETTS. LAs:•;.—Best quality nt FRENCH (11..V5: 4 . for 1 .-/ - sale IT • - SHAPLEY & 1.11 W Is. . . - Al --! , uperior quality of NA 11.1. for June ::7, : - 11.1 ['LEY W IE3 sHAPLEV & _. fiteliiiit cone - • „,„„„„,..-„,.,...,,.0. •rEtpAr--,,,,, it Nifv,spoNt., NEv4cummign ,GM 0 1 : . "tr t- . - • . 2.,. ei . , •., . . ~,, i. . . , -,,.,„, •:. ~,,,,...„,„,„,..,,.„,. ....,, . J OSEPH ,iciNcpsi Ir., has just returned fro}rl -. HE - ..e./.7.3 7 ... Tr w.uee'sign&l: fortherly*tiriffnah fOttnntivyeairs • Drotv Arciririvitivhii . third grarata6i4tment-neoliciast . , o r t h e I.araykle il nl4 l Mill Slone maiinfactory, for the senerrn; , vtintiraci i a Is•ge.inVoleiv at Partily ,, rariti . V4/Al/ iishtitgOon street- N. V.,. (W.' Trek-lee:A*6l) staple - I,Try Goculsettre ‘, I, whi c h,thnh p&it,tvetrber c old‘ would clean. !el'oevanda,-Jo4. 12,•i51.51:•`• ' , .!'l •I• '' '". . ' he has estutligheditißTlTlßllift fa , 8 - 11.1 1 .411 f. 11A N i:- •'"' •' -- - . FlieTtitY iititiintliaiiiiiinci I'`,.Y.. in " Dui:O- N/OR VINE W GOODS . 1nft,:i5:7.1":.:;Ph„,e::,51'...0t..',..v.i . ,°-4,,:401,....ier .1— •,.. rta ,„,,,,,,,,,. • ler i e - e:avottioeiit 4 f New Goods, littvvill,havo constant !) on.' I . finiti-a),ltirgo) stock of ir . 'ill) vitili - eUtirlf did lupii*,,poediy law pri -2 ' French ' after. Illih ' l " l3e3 '"': 4l ' 4 94 tge 1113PikIV of • WIC ;v i l[ ' '',.,L 1 " ' tii ' ll '. li ' rho ' r • rii A 1 • •!.. Esuptis 4- Auto NlitrA,-also I 'tuck Beirr`Blocks, Bull- . ecs „,..1..,vv , ,..,,v4 ft . ,pe,tism.le.?.. .o,,ro, . ?nto jottricietk, ,, seeeele uriee ontlewiteirreimasteler , 1 this-1 3 /* l ie 7:' 11 4 c, .F 418 .1 h: , : j1. 7 C - O ill •i l Ts ie ss n ' ' ',.' j" ‘ ".l -testi ti l n4i 'tnThe'•unifeisiitnetliisstireirliiiitritsidi irritllhe public ) .- triimihiliong ' .'" -'• ' ' u ' , F. -1 FL: J.L. " - . 1 , :, - o tn i hi, will faitilfrilidifezedrite'ell' On • Terw' enfnisted to TiiveatiOtil•niirevt 4,1'051 1 r '';'" •'' ' `'t` ' ' . - ' - ---. ' , 4 • • le tt ' lit: A •t . ' i .-` _,,.., ~.... !,_.,__4...„ .. • : r _...._.. . ,_ us' eftre, nbt - only al :Inv, ant ' l cen--0 •41TTIC tt, ,E 9, ii 11B,1,0: 4 7 ... i -,, , N;Nearkre, Env selling lAte la . e„ ; 44..erti- fliiririsheil/sn'ff ItAcifA thWtaltfria 'pen-ming... . il'i of hiolfisse"..3 . t • 1 1 cents per callou. Orders ly letter wig hireXCCUiVii ,AN Iti 1 n i much care. ' . • .""1.:;';, ' ' ' - ' I 4I4I'VEY & 1.t 4 w14., ••,,, `titivrii;ehettptylnl when puirliiitnpe l laee, new style; top lining. worsted frin , ,e.rno , ., varnish cloth. patent sales and att le env's ; Trines. .;:e. Harped. Trlnantharr and Saddlery Write of thu eat and most approved stylvea, and of Nouse Trimmings, ‘ve have , on loyal a foil ara•virtment. .'I oa lrr~egnan tity of 1.E.11) which we are prepoled to ternerait at the hiwee.t prier m, tosettier with copper and britatitita sn , i, corks and cork blow:. Any qualiiity of Pump' chains and Kra:" A grnerni ase,orttneit of Ilardware. saw mill, circular and wood saws; plastering and brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels Mid tongs ; tiles and rasps of all sizes; shoe and tack hammers; drawing knives, turner's chisels nerd gouges. saw setts, pinc;:rs, knives and forks, earring knives and forks and steels; bomber, pocket and pallet knives ; coach vvrenehes, sunk. chest and till locks; tailors and sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea glue and enamelled sr4tee kettles; 4tra , s kettlei, from two quarts tn jinlf n bartel ; Hallow ware Mal calildron kettles , ten and collie pots ; brass nad b r ; candlesticks and smitrYr, ; trays, fruit tras and Inge sea sirs; curtain u arms a id pins of the latest ; lair rods and holders; ladies' and gentlemen's pocl,et sci-srs; raLora and razor. straps; tierman silver and banana - 11.a table and lea spoons; hair, clothes and brushes; brass awl steel bat relied pistols and rectal Ver. , : lark:,ern ,{ ..."1 m 1 , 1 :V 01 nipplewn • oclte s; shat , hut pouches Mid powder 11av1%.:,; barn dour,. pollnd T hiljge,S.. Also manufuettnine and will keep domdatttly on hand a 'huge as-ortment and 3'aparined , Wa re. We have also jgsl r et .,•iv e j , 3l) I. ~f I . ( IV Es cotni.scd In part LA I In. following pattern. , and kaze, : air libht Cuokitii.Slove, Niiinber rarinveH du 41.) •. !I 1,11.1 y. of the 1,31,e, Queen of the %Vest, lain King, Improved l'retni tint I:atcrri I'n•mium, Jenny lawl Part or S;io% CottAge C) I I MICE' 41 0 Air tig:ll. ir ti 2 ht f pl,Or Z-lotr §rt plate 6toce.,, The a bove:coo-pm:et; but a let: art ICIFJ of the assot meat %latch eller-Infer to the'pobitt:, and all of %%Inch ill be dispo:led at exfrelar/Y li le, in proof of this, illt , „101? cell at Hall', old tidU Li) xitle-of equate, and ( 4 -Ate:oditat to hoe= trret. Ottl Copper, /AM, lirstlU and most...kinds of Pro. duce, Okra in payment. Towanda, J Jne 6. 11451. B RO‘VPii LINN i:-N C.0.1 . 1 . t 4 f, , r 51 04) I'.\l4l.l'DELl4:i I;,r reiSl Tvet`l,o,l a./4 , '0 I= 4 lo t. 4 .onti 7 to 10 and 1 4 and :1 :.: 3 And I t 1 1,, Ii in 7 ' , u•I:< ver hurt L%. BAR 11/1:1-1 OW0:_0, Ll tiDo,lth, buitolde for niedical,pairpcses.., A large variety Catiiphene, Phospene, and containin • many now and beaii , iful styles. " Being egente rif vilt!the beet l'O/enf ilediriori or dav, purcha.ers mra &pen() upon picturing a genuine, attiele in all eaten: All the Drues and hirfklicihrq kept' at 11101 r e,o3bligli nentA may be relied up'n'a- Ina , t !tic. tea quality, having been •earefully'oeleete,l with, a view to their oFefutnegq. • QJ South store of the NS' aid House:and 1 1 010.2, Dr iris Row. • Toivanda. Mns. 27', isn't,. LOVER. SLED.—Lagge And small Clover Seed fm G rain hy • 118 .14ONTA N YES tir CO., TlTtrr received another large at , sortment of those chtilli BOOTS and SHOES at ' 112123 Caution. LI, pematilt ere litirehy cau.ionecl neninst purely ' , Alin a Inntiven by me on the fith of Noateml•cr, 1,450, to , C. B. Barrett, for $l5. The terma 'of the contract for which said note was given. have never been complied with on the part of Barrett, and I 'do not conaider maelf leerally or morally hound to paw it, nod slialltiot do so, unless compelled by law. Monroe, June 11. 1451. • FT 141 FF. Orphan's Court F.:Me BY virtue of ateto - der of the Orphln's Court Bradford county, writ be exposed to public sale on the premises, 'on Saturday the sth day of July, at 1 o'clock, P. Si property, late the e-tate of Lyman Wart finer, itee'4:—Monntleclrn !be north by land.; of ftivi , 'Fowler.on thee., ; I , v land. e . Enos Yarrow. awl on the •vc,t t v lands ll.tato Fairchild. and Hrtitou Baltkin. e,11:1 ,rentv-tl.toe acre- and thirty-two louthe , , nh.,10 fifteen acres there"( improved, with a small house. thereon erected, and a small young o! chard Itemlant \ en. and terms limit , - ktt.two On the day of :ale. T. T. SMILEY, , 0 3: ( May 15,.1531 An exteneive stoelt. of Staple AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Just opening at 117.CNIE.8..I€YMS dt CO THOS}: whir wi.h to porchai.-e (tool .rtie.les of cheap rates, will do well to call. Towanda, May . 1, 18:11 ' NEW COOpS, AND REDUCTION OF PRICES ! If. PHINNE Jr., is just receiving Irow Net 13 • l (As u haze and e•enerri asii,irtinent of Spring rind Nuebrier Goole, eonsiiiting of abuost everything ueually lottnil to a et.rre.toeether with ibri/le,re //,. Pei, Le 1! CT< tronn , i, .o)+ekery (110,"0! . . , re. Fish. t\.: The ,:::• riler t• I,ttit Lis l‘incere thaiths t. , the iil•be h•r their hout.taul patrunav the I.r.t. Le trlr h I h.. ititueaee of business eitable,l liita to tiller hi; coeds .ht.. rummer at still Itmer Fr:es ti thi,, have been in the habit of buying: All person: wt-hitnt to buy glautls (la cab(' fir • ready pay, would do well to call at No. 3, Brick ibiv, arid examine the stock: and prices. as thy goods•are bought ana iatitot - b....a.i. • l'ocesnda, May 1, 1831. . _ Ir "111:.%,*/' and FLoua,—a large quantity jor at my I - PH INN Vs. C,ZAFETY . 4.115E.-10.0p0 feet iin:t rectio,d 'un i t for sale et my It • PHINNEY'S. T mulm:.—Any for nL t price• 14. PHINNEY'S. Imisses, aq4, al . :likens, silk. 1 I worsted ar4l entlon whita_la n In'own'itlid bleaChi4l 11:di chrnp rtt IiE.ETIN & IS hi i lrl lis; GS, brown and bleached Ll—Tie,king, Cotton lint, Carpet warp and Itenihtt wholesale and retail, nt rnytt FOX'S. rofroe, Rice• Fish, Me Rai,ins, Sale rams, spires, Oils, &c cheapest in town, at May 1, 1951.. FOX"S. CII EsT:i [flare of thine Cheap TEAS, war -1 C.) ranted to suit or the money returned in ail es s,, Iny2 PA.C. IVIERCUR Ave nosy receivintr their Second arneral ,stock of Stwin'a Goo%ls, -4 which are offered for sale at W I MLESA LE OR R E- T-11k, at even lower than their natal priers. 111 , 7 say to all r nth purchasers!. untie and see our stork. and tvi!l find rro.) and prices r:zit. Vr., 7 _ _ - - • - - - AV 11:? , L o k ( 1 ). .11. t ;1 I'd ; Coats; Pants and Vest... all l'or GAMPBEI,L . S. - lIE \'r, flat TZ a l, e a „,t mot* hind. of Produce V taken, for wloch the highest price will lw pat at der! PIIINNErs. A - Fll is s. IZATE-a , ortment of Hats f A 7 ,11 UP, and no grumbling, pai I for XV(10 I, a , li()A D(iCernis, Crts,inierv.. Kentmiry J.,n , t) li,sl-I , 's grit , cloth, sob; vary II•v for rid, tut nl t R. KINH`tnNIIV Xrcn lava .iron ! American, Eingligh rind tirreo , 17 , 11.- {.nerd a,Aoptilient rrCall SIZA'S t•t . flit trir, titm , l and floor. noiv received, and cto the hill or aler 1013r11:1 , ... stt IZIT!!'!"'. Cancers con be Gore!! rrif 1414.,,1ber has I•rvii for tr,ro." • • rt!'.l ••It• I tv)iii a nthl 1,31 :!pp114 , .!1 , 1 S.llll I , v ':1.'11 live tittrorNlN vity.oridn, 0i sow,' ir in - , r(% hi 4 cc - m . lEll , mo tq ma, ,•u•••i•iert••I rrmedy. He urr.l nnrnditt^ a Ivw weeks Dn. .1. V. Wn. r r n , N: V., and tan .-heelluliv ie nrimeivl In I t Vco suffering-under that r ...4 It sal 0 , 1 Itllll. ful'OP. To \A smitifieid, n j y 12, 1654. T llATlllni—sole and [7I . TP! Leatht•r: kJ awl for •.alt• K. & en. • . _ g"?: If I{l4 NuL—tr Mola,.;0::, n!.., 4.1 ' t• ~IPR• Tf4 • • ••• rc.. 0 ".,1 , •1T.,. !-4 C:11 Tnr (4 !1i;11 " t' !c!d tr at lE:SEI SPRDTO 00 Vg. , .. . iiil. 3ttAitfetS=Litr, : t i T s uuw jecririnz .x rich anti brantiful nscattinent p r ..1 - ' 1114. Cr It , ..)C&Earbilb,- . 4c.,..1!) ' W 10C11 he would Itaeag ,Aiitiitet*titiiiotaiittall (Algi l'urchaseis . , AvArr ani*IRAVS„a•CrOPEr 191461 to'givirtam•* cOl " 1.611,4411q91/.3lllfM!tt4:lLlft gp . ua* tilL , (..A . Ait a a . tow as , illif, ' eter . r 4 fl it piTh neri q h,e.:ipa.r .. kct. 1L.K4,0ing.f1 , 31" Ed ~ .4 ; ~., - gr' l ir. ` f i t. 4? I l l ir a iCi St ifirli t. '`.41111.1-,. gcri ~ :1 ;r. '" 1':11r i..., :,, . .. ,i. - .t.t.oo A tir e ,at i4-aiiiiii4=''' t!}2;;;' ''" - '''.-t ).111=0,101 ' G(tkl E S lA,U t ait:4l:l 4 , t ti f eici E hi li e,,the NOY (loons, whith'afeiiaivl4liitt nitte.,l at I I 141'1 A Yt.e4f P :ts,3 0?..: A ) I : l s 4 ..!ifio.iliflc , l•l, Ci- ri LEAP"ITEVT" C.,1110 PO k • ,• • li., -1 •i A 1•••:•asreo, 9.•3, fir% 1 TS now rervivinz tincrl Crt ; tltt, :in . Voclt a Jarze .and' JL•llditi 3,1::,r1 !nen I ,or (ittlalN .{li7Z 4 , - ) he ott‘il rot galc, A priers ii !;i'-ti Cl-41; ,',lt' rar id ;i'liit ibr (.I" blive, 'ei , p; - Ibi• (Itsti, fihilht-rr.tioft A r eariyan ''( a i.2.1i144` f ie biseportfilW*As tecaltirbin'tarkrAtins - wh:tti - ng In buy . F 0044 thrt);:n% ha it clotarthilied lick to be hitdrisobi. (' l tiir, - anflA, Aril 24. 1 :851. ' ' . -1 • ' '' , ' !- . • .X res.s qat,)d.... . lGil F(IISLARD4 uham i .leen o:eilr, ill'iv -Ikea, I\.. :..z i II:c, Pntrich awl Bare:b. Der,:tilt-c, a new article ,for stmviner cim.stitc: l'rrimit f anii illtighsh intytnc. sill; 4FitestinpiriOnate•bustresuirid': nt.qustritit . * info' hr r it rq4 goods at , •• .1 • • : F0.4.'.6. VEItY l. - - ' I the ' rt I - i largest E . one 'itilWs l lit place tit,. In 1. pl, . as , nunent and:lNst quit - ay el 410 cps ,or ' ol Jeg 'cripli,,lis. I , at s ' ' ap°f. taX . S. R ICH. 11•Mions, Bo a t r t n{t4i tic ‘ a, Let, a 1 nd 11 ;o :rn ‘r. e l. at ~...1 ( 1 1)1.4.4 e'ariaa ; ~ Le t L•vr ib P . 4 arlr a i and{.'. male •.,/l/ titr.iw iim.•st tip'2l; , , . ICIN's. - lOW virne of a writ of Venchtiona 1-.17cp . 4a.c . I J.J . tlte,l (Alt cd the Court. of. liommrso •Pleas ~: Bradford Griti y,,a lid . I,t I)e,(l,rectrti, will he ex,p,..- ,e-1 to 1 ,111,j,,. :- ale, at the cgttrt lion-se -3:1 , 011.: ..}iyt. ,' ;.,r l'nwrin - fil r , r1 ., ;7“. , f1t - iy, 'I , t . :l ', llVlj , of Jane in one reelnetr P. Itl ~ the &Afro.. al.! piece or Tvarrs.4 (.1 7 -, ----- ;A ---, 7" -- ........5.,-2 - 44,-Nr - ,er..4\ 5 t hro 4,, i-i-v i -. 5 -,,,, t p ~ ,-,.„-- F ,•,,, , 1.36 d :Ittlate itt.the towolltip 1 . 1. AtheaFt, *hounded; 0:: ::,...:,...- ,—.. —1 , ..J N.nd ..::-.....11 , w ..--/-1-„: -if '...J 2"... , ....NJ ..: - .LAI.J.L.. the oorti, 10, Lind:. to pt-15:4tN'ion.ol Tim/41a CoVkeli• , Xs StiU in .Operation ! ea t by 1 IRA of Gear:. e Saodr.rcorj,,,,nrttl.Y lands (•t Ilaniel itti.llanlifr, west he lan ts of I)a vitt Garrivt•l T I I'. pialweriber, havo moved-lathe clew building on (loritaininy4 ; ntooty- live CrCP, more or lese; itao,t . _1 Pine area, one door below Merturs store. u here 1 tve . l t• e cures it4ptou s ed, one 1i ward bitro,..oaall plti IA they wildkeep nd hand and in.dte 410 order, 1:10111A ,t, .I”ve anti .0114 /rnroi of almost all de4rriptionxi. Tore• house and oiLhai L l inet eon, 11'.5 4 0-onr. o'flter lot ofland Iying lii lite - 1 7 /4in cog and Tatting op wort:, will I.d- dvno ttkumn reotortable ' Wrap; as at Eltnir3 „ Owego. 1P.,1 iron will be taken " i P " f All } '," * ,' t , l ": l :; innv , th t 7 inlet of Witn,Stitnr, A ut i . .s., c ARNIAN &,QO. son: en , t, ..lin. 11. -eo. -a n t .erAo.„ ~,ul,l . ,oy.dt f i., 111 I , IIVOIO/11. • :kots:11111.11, April Vi. IS:t 1., I, . - J. J. :11,:l,, west by land of Jacob liaty. , _cot -- tatFint; about !hurt: acr,e,, mute ur let‘s, about )t-s. t- I)11Y (1001”:1—A good 'assortment of Merinoe.,' ty aer'e , -. imprnt (0 . , frarned hpuqe, tranied baraq.„4 I',:linieres. De Lairi's, Nlilarai, and print. now tear II nit treeF thereont • opening at jI9 ' it11:1W I ;11"R, r Stated anti taken in execdttion at tlte.,*utt o,t,liikt H - , .ar , no:. v:-. J. Joe: tilt!!'- and . 1 . 1,, ~ nit, („',O ha.. Impertant, and 'True .! - 1 .11,s , g—tIv rimer of a tet it of Levaril"aria- . : Ow !VIA, perAorts--a about - respect to ilge , Of C 01011441 i f.,llowilll fiP.CTIIIPd piece of land in Shtsliesni-n tp. ..:. ind..hted to Me, ate clipeolell nod In.l4fied ta i Beginutitg at the s, , utli-eas.e corner vil a Jot hill 1.1.: ri'l bkP im illcdi'a .. P 4 Y t3 e" l. i o, vilit-L) then, that I ant 1 to litchard ..1,,k1it! , ,0t. a - ,4or•t;, thcnce la weal 81 -i- to 11 1 . 1.11111 , 11 till j-lmf *lle. tr 1 I hive engagements to p. It a ~, ,,, . -1., !lien( e Iv t.-', " ;., 5 -I 0 percht:-. , to a p- 1 -1 'meet. -- w i ttieh !ill re(riire toe toiltave par ot 'those! ow- ! thei o 4o Noio,h .31 6.111 ner;tr . e. In a post .; th 4 rtirt tinrti, ing me. T s'lleittlif prefer that they witul.l do sriv6irtrilal.-- , 1 sti° %Veil 168 9-In percles to a cost for a corner, it ly, hot if not, shall without delay. itiloke the a§4Atatue ' Iwo , : I.- :he vitt -,, e of •• 1 a k fa-I . q, t v . tt I 11" t Orliel 4 vi. il/LI, U of the law. . kaac 10.,,ti ; tio.r,,e la. 111, i 1 ea.' lid kelt-11e , L. , a T.,csAnd3. /roil 'IQ. I ,a.. 1. . ' /t• (.. II A If- t 'F_ . t : ',Li., -. , . ~, d, 7 , i ,.: f.". 71 7-ft) retch,: to the - • bet;lrtn in.: , ' ( ditainit.- , „th• In/ t'erl arid cerPritot it ti e t e.,an t l tom hundred a tod ant ty ralr petcheAst-to 1 ;,t)J I,3ce fur MA i\ I'ILTA's at - Iv ! • - ! TIMINEY's nhssoh !on. T rlrtner4hip iierWeett r. k (41i. o. W. Portt n. nnd, r the fi rm nf & (to. 1.1 thl eke di nnitrd by mnlnil roniont. The honk , : :in:l 2erntlnN are Ittli with .1. 1). settletnetlf, Luoti - ing diem-vire , indebte:,l to the abo i te firm re quested to end Ittl ,ettle t.p. 'FONIKti‘N i !•;Cr.V. Kit %V. ft( rl• FMI;. 1.. WAIZIZINVII, Spring &SummerteToods. AND *NI 11 r a il. , , yLich flit plq,ge theittelVPS Seli2ltr lOW a,lite tots - est;•,,,triteidintitt , ttiti - attention oti I.tirrtra:ers which has bveriiiiinght at : tow Flee., anti will he %oh! et•tbe•tonreet - Tiiwanda:-Atcrit I ~.....-.--i.--._ NEW SPRING: GOODS - I VII in , . tIOW ;i1 rrist•lpi .11:iiiSpcir , .• 1. 1 , • 'aid% u/Ars ..r, t• , it Fit-- ,•:”.!) ai•:P it:\artl t ert'l 3,. 0. B Pape: P a per }II? ' • j tinnier... %%o vidutv rper, pine Kept reZi , ll, ni prier: it, low a. rati be found at retail ['MCI I H or out ot,t bo •11 , 11 ay N. 0.1)..11A . A 1)i tic ISSEs' SHOES—a go.NI assortment 1.-4 el ladies' and misses' sliuvo,,lwots and eaiten., 6ure,,tv please. O.,D. BA RTI.Erl'. STO.II).E. ( -IEO. IL repectfully infertile the' pnh. .T lic that he has. Ponov.d lA.:Moro to Col. 11 , Ans' one ikor hel.r.'l , Warner's watch shop, whch• • Ntill,he li n u t ) , to see a 11..wh0 may be in want of hnd Clothiiz. lic is constantly adJina to him Mock-nll the new and ilestrable styles and ,pat terns, and feels confident he can satisfy any on At hes may give him a call. Just rcceiviinj, from New lurk, a large and weasona• ble assortment of Sprinz and Nu ru met Cirrih mg, mad, in the twat 411 inner, and which will be sold as .usual at t h e low e st pricey. Ile has also received, a large lot of .3 ituTirs & ("-1111.1./IIENS tlI.OTIIIN(1. to which he invites at rntiue and which will be sold at low riitca. Ile has •na.le arr.lo.7.,roitolt- w 1111.1) lie viii send for any at. ,iele desired, with the certainty of procuring a good Zuttina and molting up, done as usual m the mu~ , fashionable inanrer, promptly and to order. xy arida, May S, 18 i I v. BOOTS & SHOES! .Sohn W. Wilcox, 11 mumvcd 1.1. b tore. orrnath street and the plll.lfr....(itiale, mid well e.mtintle the 'emit/1.1(11.2re of IT. rots tit4tl I) or , a het eio.i"rr. Ilt • 111, jil-t reee:‘,l ri,in Netv York a Ilfge Js.)rt went „ 1 11',,„, e ,,°.., (''hYdre7r . .Y am! 1 1 7 .04'3: . 4 " , '" ,,,, . ,0 1 , 4:li a 4 re A tow Vice-c The niteidrin r c f Ilw I,4diee. I , ~,,, , ..lii.nly di!retrd to I l k ,i,,,,rtnient, reirnprt , in. , 'h.: f;dr.. , t , in.; rr :dli.- •--1'1.161.,11e,116m ) Laud if• if ~ i„ T .. ; d o -dine- : H d _ ark dtsting and g nt, s ; ,-.:' , ,1.,g ...-nq .., du kin ~, A ,.. Mi.ze:-.. gaiter. ai),l 41,e f „ 1 cr. r A . .!, i „pii,v,.. A Nrp. - a , •iiinirni-or Chi!d:in'i 1111'. ,z,ai: , c ~ 1. ,,, 1 , JD:, 101.yeA, pr ,ill km'd!..,. F. i id& Genrli wen. il'ino..;l wkeiy sale of zajtrie on.! '17,1. , - t , t,k 11:4-: dcrn per , onally fedeord tt.till ~:.•, .in ! !lc kli, ,t. , he : all 4 , 11;,r Aperior al lide.4 0 0 . ...... IL ,. ,t 1 it It A a t I( fllitlll 1 , ..1 . 1 , , 1 PI .11.4r,!ffuclur,PC, aUdlid l lol ,, '.4 by de wad; itril to tatrit a conti tt u: a:;,• ~ t 0.1, I.b T .! pop-maze 1,, I,a, huh,/to tt.'cri%,ll.. Totiinida,, M ,y H, ISP. p 11i lacll.ti —N tine asoortr»clit of 1:not And 41.- Ft.)Vb. _ - 4 -1 1;0[7:1:f•V die 7••,- •• I 7, t I F'17:.1 I) hipQlB.4 . - . • - - - —• • rt,nr r \ .• - I hirr •T•••r;ccl,-aloci ~ arr 111 I.lllll4lgirt 1:n!. nt tvub „ 0 1 , '" "'`. -I • ‘:••• •it 1. 1 Proltrl 1411 C., ell Sitrfit,drr Z, 1:1 Mt; 3 . 1" Wl\ 1,104 t, !Wel Vect-41 NIA v I • IN.TA 't , All 11( i't , 01 , ! rhPar' ,l ''`f fu , vloly i‘sv. mill 11, ,1“ 1: trii4fic p1M10.,. •• I 1"fl. .1: di Ill' OEM ME -11 111Ciebilitbite, , lott.; • TRACW,di IVIOGPILM, HE now re.log jiroct from New ; Yu! Iv , a larg , A_ eeit n.:61 !mem of New W . .inqurt & Adolis Itairoad Lotigg. TOW ANDA CHEAP lIM ior Luz, - torii In !Writ:. roll I?lbc rcrc. i SA ICla r 174' " r N Vol yr A Chemical Compoand-Simitar to the Aatoral Uhl •;titti,p4hE Ho lit3 =EI SINELMSZ Er. 8.111, GLCGS. criesikr. , „lls6 , o I,,,ablit,i;: k ri;iii'-atibriifiir l e „. • - • 'mciting-the-groallh, lux; rilitcb 'unit beauty oftalio :-. ll " 4 •7 — mut'vrtiT disotkrUffrfrAeli. FPI lic9ria .0,10 4 " MP 'l4 ; OR t ci - tty!, &Toesscalp-7; UP' e II . I °r keeping tile hair ltnparinig to 'rickshit anti teantifill luorre. , solithitikbritl 32 , 144 1 0 e propeitien unit be found , ifomarkobbir,oppfiarti; ildret 414,11 earl or trrili4o,o4s.Pu &b aiLiu— i5,44.44ria11 of the A l hone and Oil, preparations so cow tor' ' Yti , lion lora) , over all hail' piettavitlini4 , entisiatoin itieproperties being noilatetting tn.l . coolbir„ .inatritil. of ilry tog and,hvating,too,itirt :alcoholic preppra - IP?ilf , ,,are; , qutlitict rat tvar row, Its pntyer to the f* l t oi t ioiis'6,,, t . !Whl'eh I ltir - Jr . fhb' t • healthy; oral ivitich pa sputa tiles falbcoi•ttumesuably. tit-ce,saty,fici : ,t lie natural molative, 0 p.l ;road} tht, ltair eneiptatle,h One o r ptiL,; nr 0 . 6, more' faining-liettirty'orirt , toolotore , bair,Vtlatir; whole bottle of the oienhoilr; preparatipos.ittwaily: sub' ; be f ijes it will not t oil the tinc4 ; I ! L nen., 1t0, , ' h hi gray. INA fina this a).10. to niake trwi: ! b'air ilarker';;;ltirl i•Orolit their '.0.8), htitti•fer. t rept ible. Mothers, wilt arid 'hi. prevarntion :Ittietb,•L they cnn use 1- tress i/PlFo4 4, vl , i9if giving it beautiful4tst,e,amt cauri% it Lo cp.." I ,xtiriat.t!Y. Tf nay pteparatinti ran cauke Lb. , hair to groW, the Sparriab.lfair U to.m will dol;. • Very liberal discounts made .40,1Jrusgisia.usui-14"--' who buy by Avi t olt7. 4 le. ray, N. V. I'l i6e .1.!") cerils pPrlmt.te. 'For ante by 11iriSTO*24 sale titan}., Towanda, Pa. •r- ri3sysB P. DeDnter , and tr,fe Th,,. NV Wel 1, 7 r, rtftmin • Iratar Cum: 11 heeler, itee'il. piong:fgor of ji hi, Butler, 11.11. IILWr;t alit; ( iet• ‘• ,111),Ifi., ter, tei ) ai. , , . 101. s. liirn , -.T”wan h. May t:7. 11451. •• t tr r. - rm 4] Ntli3 crliz+ year V;irietv, rocftrr end E4illftor" ti".tor'e . ' ! Tir 1' NY . h,t , re6ti've ,•litftlishtn . era direeiti :tete.. the .teeet fi,rn hi• oh? ctstia, its the sure laterq wetipte.l by Mr. 9t.b.we. where he Will be happy iu -ee liis tiLl 01,toluer6, asid.Les piagy new Cif leb z s may tit •••11••ils. of • 'lselin:in t ; &nicks In 11!•I tie :11110 Icijie.f ITn4sITAP- ra. Nay: It, 1810. • . _ . . .. . ._-- 4 ,....._. ( )11F: rase gpiii,t , sivlr inott.stiill 1100 % itSO Le21101:1 and Paint leaf -11.1. at - POI'S A 11 MIN ISTR.ITOIt . NO I('r. persona ill,M , terl to Ow r•qtate of AT.T.P.N AIUODI . , Jeceaied. lair .of Dutch] ..lowfithip, ate Lcrp!,y ;,-,1 to mai—it vith"ut ele. iay.:0,,1 haslng c1.4:11;, , •41‘1 e.t.!10 mill plea , e (LOW I 111.!le-, f ; • . ; !ef f;,t smilernew Ie ilwr4 yr 61 31 1”I1.1 of ttio il.• Dall day Ma!, I 1.4 the purptbo I roltri ihirt.ll 1114'it .:4, I 3 • mi ;a at -rt my. EL tSrZ: I 71;1 'gs GOOD TALLOW MOULD CANDLES, At only It) ctlit: poutlJ,, at P 3,10; TElrs cud uf the Want liouw rovv,lndi. :larch 41. 0 MILS. 01.1) Y 0111( STATI.I . WHII9ItII - jut received find for ante in largo or f.mall lilies, at the lowed nattaltet price, lay Much 1, 1.z5l 1,. W. TII'FASI. New Chair and Bedstead Warepont.- • JESSE TAYLOR:, bin , rins the 'prildie that he I,n. 11. opened a shop-at his new han.e. corner or Afaill and Paine istreut_w nearly opposiro Edward_ (Jsetlee • - Taa•ands, where h , • will keep uu•hand of manufaciore to order, Ftae-ssraied. Con Windsor. Flory, Cam, sealed and Cor o mou CH An - N. made of the hest ma, terials. and of superior durability. Ito has aa:rb tar sal,: an usbotynent of Er.UsTE.Anq al low prices ITeFrairine arid Rraf•nq ( r om•nnn. Canc•bottom and .Flae•srated ehairs. n n reason tie terms. Cherry, IlasswUdd. \A tiliewotKl at d Cuctftubor lum ber taken is payrncio t..r %%wk. Tir• th4t hi.. Imiq tit:awl:lc; in Ihia enunly, find 'hr. durability nl hia work P•ate.l by runny yPara eirridtier, will accure bun u share of pultkic paercui• 1•45 I. 11.0VER. ZNEEI).—A superior Hard,' of both the Llarge and ,ec.l, for le ChCip 111Nr .!1 KINI:STERS": . _ . _ I : 1 into ' inership in thn 1 „H„".. have estaNlidleit an atten , y 1.. r real esy.tite in the county of Bradford. Penton. et,tate t%ht.i It they ilestut to sell, In. rallti and teat nig a dr.rnhtnm nl their inolici:y yeah th e terrnt of salr, will undqulitetny (kit it t lb. o advait l'cro fts deArow, of rurrha-ing r-ut learn witcre prop erly , do-4 , liarrllittf'it or 010 ...tiv2 with 11, price and trunz ,'...91)..11i.A.J.4 1.3 5 1 111‘ rai litV 011.00. th‘m,. M'r 2 q! , • I, \I %CFA i `f A \ )nr 1r et."' silo?, DE Pk Er— I IWO rAir at prices the c:01 ,Irty nll ccrittrutaio.i. rdwiat MI))11'.1N1 A; CI), - 13 (NT ! PAIYI' !—( HOO and Oneida ennui:y.l'n+ r/r mak I err 1111 V I. \ NIT:4 kro IT A Nrul-oN . - . 1! 1 ,I f P.;•••••A. ii.try , NT k IN dk. ' ru. ; :11:1N, I f.. SHERIFF'S SALE -2 fr* W. l e =II darns s4c Ittacfe,rlane, r•10.1, ‘ " 1;1 4 risT =I a mmirtratora CO,