Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1851, Image 2

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    Wrabfovi 4ip.oviv..
Free Son, Free Speech, Free Mein
Priselleol• for Erse Territory.
Towauda, Saturday, July 12,
Democratic State NominaUons.,
. .
ron oo r a moio. -
W11.413A M . DICTA:It, or, do. k , ..iltri lAD Cork:CV!
%. • '
i ii., i llia .c,lort I. row myr," - it0...: E re,
ES i
^CI..CVEIt, ' Ir CLA RION! tor7crr.
_, roo li rr 9 . ofts OP, TH C vi .
A r
. E N ) i I:0 1:117. , • •
'3EittAirl 44. in:A ex... .:o r' SONt vlt? Corvry,.
- 401E4 ' t'AMPEIFtLL, ........ ...or _PMTLA nEtagn lA,
RLI.IB LEWIS.. g .;...,;. ... -- .. .. 4 t or /A vvo torr•o,
10HX. IL DR150N.,.. , • . • or. Pt: !kg et En 101 N n COI; NT!.
WALTER " 0. LO WM g,... OF A ! ar vr Co eN irir,
" Veclion .71tisilto October 11, IRSI.
Terms o[ Tler•Reporttrr.
In 30 per annum—if anal within-die year 50 ern:. wii I
tie dedneied—kor rash paid nrionllrin Ode:wee St 00 will be
fueled. No paper ,sent over Iwo ) ear.. ataa . s. ;li far.
4°T"Ti.k74r4". ' 4 ll l nre of ten hoes. 50 et MS for the
IrrallOrrat i MOMu for each idine/pro: inpeniun.
trr Office in the Uwon Mork." north ride of the Toblie
Name. urn dear m lbw Itrad.roril !heel. Entrance between
.14eaalra. Adams' nod El welre low offices.
DINO COMM rEE qf. Brad
."' ford County. will meet at the
Went Home, in 'Towanda. on Tuemlay. the sth day
of Angel next. at I
. cielocit. P. M. The followir g
gentlemen compose said Com mittee.:—LH. Lawrence
,Mott. J. K. Smith.. James 0. Webb. N. Eilminster.
P. Z. Maynard. W. H. Vandyke, r. H. Black. E.
tr."Otiver. Joseph Menardi. July 1851.
Reduction of l'ostage.--An Offer t
The new law reducing the rates of postage
goes into effect on Tuesday next. 1.3 y its pro
visions, news Vipers published weekly are al
lowed ter cireulatefree of postage within the
County where published. This will bring
the County paper within the reach of every
person, and we shall expect a large addition
to our list of subscribers. To facilitate this,•
we will rend the Reporter- after that date up
on the following terms, payment to be ivadc
strictly in-advance -.-
Single copy, one year,
•Five copies, "
For the purpose of extending. out circula
tion through the coming CuMpaign, which
will be - of unti.ital importance, we will send
the Reporter for nix months from the first of
July. fox FIFTY CENTS a pingle, copy •
One copy, during the campaign..... 5O cents
''These low terms wilt induce our friends,
WArcist, to take sonic pains to extend the
cie, m ,,ulation, and, consequently, the nsefulnes,
is'Af r our paper. The campaign, ;which is now
.fairly commenced, 'will be an exciting and im
portant one, involving the .election of State
officers, the new experiment of to Elective'
- Judiciary; together with all the principal offi- .
ceS-in the County. )Vio Demoerat sheitiliPbe
Without his county paper ; and we are ready
to receive order=. Send on your name:
Fourth or .litly at Tarrytown.
The citizens of Terrytew_n and vicinity, celebrat
ed the 65th Anniversary of iitir Nation's Indepen
dent.i., in a spirited and patriotic manner. A large
assemblage met at-the Tabernacle, in that place,
rind after reading the dean-anon of Independence
were addressed by Hon. Dsvio Motor, in an ad
dress of* considerable length, marked OWL much
originality of tlicit#o,4lCcompanied by many plain
and forcible reyrrrestions.. His re abarks were toten- -
eti mricht-i4sreeirsint,,and....4.ste.coricbsion,'
Rev. GepolAstootiry by request, occupies! the atten
tion of the company for . the few militate interven
ing before dinner.
'The dinner, whiCh Was prepared by Dr. Howton,
, consisted of all the various elifiles in season, and
profusion and variety we - lieveneve4een excelled.
v .- Alter 'paying prePer attention to the Dr's good
'doings the company,- in . dee time dispensed. The
occasion was disturbs by tie ciecaunstances eatett
fitted 10:inar the enjoyment of the assemblage.—
therevro:e . po spirituouS liquors; as far as we saw,
. citan4; apd coniemiently none of die "noise and
iscinfusion,7 Which hi:ills origin in rum;rather than
i*.z , • We. shopld not omit ia,awy. that ihe periasion Was
"Allegdi li;y,tha presence coca large number of
d sc atal,if,lttose - 19,,apenilance area fair specimen of
'. becay- and intelligenco, of that portion
. of Brad
, ~154, gine go • •far nithout prOacin. their
equak ' ,
Carr. iNsvxpitcr..—The utility antl'imporiance of
'iriaviiiing for the decease of the supponerof a fami.
means , of a small annual investment in an
Ihsorance urn Life, is dai)y becoming more matii-
it* to the while. By Me payment ofa'few,dol
' Atm ammally, cornparatim adloenee may bp guar
..erleetl; on 'MCISIOIIS' wgictrotherwk.e would leave
a distremed and pnvertyltricipnolmnilfr, 1.
,F Can
, ,ram 4 Esq. at. Athens, is MeAgem of the V. S. Life
4iiiturance. Company, and ii4eatly aziy in
, - ,fainiatioa Witch may be desired. -
• 'l 4 ,pc New Fasmon.—Tbe Lyroming Gazell4 an
, ,menneesghat, he new eoslnme has made appear
, .aMitjo - cturt ptece. Friend rfr . igitt wrong.
this time. We itave , been wallint.i t in aexiefir !ewe
ille.atitont of 'the short Skirts aml,continuations p
.tv oF„promenades. Who is to be the first to et
asiJe . the arOttrary exactions of fashion, and on
&costume, whichAs b.tence neat and healthful —:
Thisie thellatastion ; we fear, which it diffieolt of
!; sekation,,for womerrare,iregarion,ly inclined, anti
, 41111 r have the caurago-to slaeke•ofh•the trammf 01
. ~ , ,enehnticinalifies.-, •.- • • •,• • • - ' \ •
. ,-.
I...ifiithiottrios 'or LAW/ Too Tim •CoLi.v.evos..-.:
r -Dltwur—T t bo . Li quor Low of Nowithrapshire p
- the citizens of other States. Ittis
fist partial adoption of °mot (be Land . Rehm
onr police,of thi.eleciy,ruckf
fliers aktbek! , Triwaalla antillufrinvn.f*kciload.
pompater,v.theviarytelo. D. BARTLITi 011113 11'
ths-managerr, was acci4 many unlined.
Whig litorniiiailons. -
_ .
• - !••.Tht..Whig, State Convention which meLat
carter, placed in untiiinapin
anternor, the iir'elien - t ineinlient,: WM. F. JoHrs
Tali; for g.rnial Suitimit i t of ;
the fultoiring r epirilletiten for J int*es;
ai the Sifireine •
RICHARD COULTER. Of .Westrnoreland Co
GEORGE pH AM HEW.% of Franklirk Co
Waf.'I4I.'IIIEIttDITII. of
JOSHUA W. COME X. of Montour,
• W JE.SSUP,rof Stisq neharm a.
This ticket , as far as ability is concerned, is lia
ble to no objections. The candidates ate among
the abl3st lawyersa( ;tint!meti whri'ani that high station, sbonld not c only be
•afile Men, lint should be of pure and - unsullied
character,'Vigirfaiiifintleiifile their4tiainiettance
of the pnrity.und integrity of the laws, and abotte
the snipietotr of being approarhat:le by any *- of the
-influencer which in these degenerate days CtiTT opt
our legi-lation, and assail even di., purity:of the
'Judicial: ermine. It is'highlr necessary for the
complete success 401 the- trincipte, of . i.chieh - this
election is the rest:llolm the men who are first
,eletted ns Judges under it operation, 61tonlif raise
the diameter of the Wench,' should , purity it trom
whatever of odium it may' have already
should in fact t by snob • a poWerful and
palpable arttnntent in favor of the ability of-tha peo
ple to select their Judges,lts well as the makers ir
their laws.
The public expect that the Court, which is Their
last resort, against what is deemed injustice else
where, should be composed of such materials, as
to combine the height of human wisdom, •;r.vith in
tegrity and fair dealing. It is nec essary , in' make
its decisicns.readity and cheerfully acquiesced in,
that its character should be such that public cot fi
deuce can be extended, and perfect reliance be,
placed in both
,its capacity and honesty. It should
be in short, what Caesar would have his wife, above
By a sinular omission, (it maybe resulting from
co ill wilt,) the Northern portion of the
which /MIS up its reliable democratic majorities,
was totally overlooked, in the formation •of the
Democratic ticket. To take advantage of this neg
lect, it will be seen that the whig Convention have
given the Nerds two candidates—comi,y, o f M o n.
tour, and lessee ol Susquehanna. The nomination
of the latter has greatly surprised us If it was in
tended tq. propitiate the North, and strengthen
their ticket, it will most signally fail. Judge Jo
sue, wilt not secure the support of his own neigh
bors, and most assuredly has not the confidence
and esteem of the people of the North. It isnot
our purpose now to fully enter into the dubious eon
flexion he maintained with thin swindling. transac
tions of the exploded Summit:mita County Bank,.
fur we shall have ample opportunity•dortmg the l
pending canvass, and shall fully and- fearlessly.;
animadvert , upon. it.
It does seem to ON however, that the President
of she Surplus Stock CoMpaii)," cannot, with
any degree of assurance ask the priblic to eleiate„i .
hewn) astation like that of'Snpreme Judge. There
was in that transaction, open violation of law. and
gross disregard of the rights of others. It evinced
a degree of moral' - obliquity, to say the least, ap
proachnig very nearly to turpitude. By means of
it, this commuility have beefs lasers to a large
amount, and as Susquehanna County money has
become worthless, those concerned in the operation
have depreciated in their estimation. Place Judge
JD :sun-open the - SePreme Bench, and it would be
folly to ask the 'public to become obliviouS of the
past, and firm believers in the impossibility of his
erring. Every inan,..With • a Susquehanna bill in
his pocket, would .have visions of past occur
rences, and if he said nothing, wool!, elevate his
shoulders into an incredulous shrog, with an elo
quence as plain to be understood as words.
His connection with that Bank, is unfortunate for
Judge 3E5647, in any light it can be placed, when
considered in view of his being a candidate for the
highest Judicial position in the State. The plea cif
ignoiance of the extent of the illegality arid dishon•
esty of conduct of those who ushered the
$1 50
5 00
arable thing into ekfistence, liais no validity, and
if we acknowledge i purity of intention, the erre is
just as dark. X'Jullge, should not only respect the
law himself, buttliould pot countenviee its open
disregard and; violation by others, much less lend
his name and Maumee to sanction such violation.
The law, if..iolatedoluilers as much if the perpe
(raters be of high standing, as far as wealth and
position in community' rd the churcli isconcemed,
as it come prier wretgrAfered the 'wherewith to
keep body and soul together; 'Some People are old
fashioned enough to think that the crime is in last,
"rester. The common or statutory lands of the tour:-
try may have noprovisions to meet sech eases, but
the Publie are"unabletidiscriminate in favor of the ,
rexpectikße 'perPetrators ofik - 'swindle which requires
a bank ellarter, ant? scorns to " bleed" community
or fess dfahliimdreils thotisitfe
u - of dollars. ' while
the person who obtains a few dollars tennh bigooda
'"inadir false pretences," comes within the provis
ionsof the stelae, and the Judge, to affonl a whole
some example to evil:doers, consigns the realerac
factor, who was sißyenditgh to do his cheating on
a small scalaito a certain State institution, where
lie has an opportunity of learning,a trade, at the ex
pense of the public. In our estimation - , some of
those who have'profited most by the Rank swindles.
iu the Piortk, as richly deserve punishment, and if
they liad an equal opportunity, at pitlitic, t.xpense,
would no repro than get their deserts.
We 'shall take occasiqn, hereafter, to show where
in lodge. Jessep is culpable, from the report and
evidence taken before the Commissioners appoint
ed by the Legislature, and. let the public judge for
theinselves whotherthe Supreme Benclk would not
suffer. it: reputation from his elevation. .
To Posrat i urr cro.—The Oho' of the Nhvv-Yotk
Evangelist, in his paper of duly 26, 1850, Fars—.-
"-A case of grass cireleiticess and 411'1unit:tam' the
part of a distant Postmainit who,saftereil a'copy of
661 - pa Pei 16 etirne'for ieari tit "bis office, after its,
discontinuance by a subscriber, induced us to in
quire, of the Postmaster Geneyal wbether there was
any right Or vrrong
.to, the subject a,it jecognized he
the.pepartment. : A stomp! -enures info' mei! us
ihal an imperative law regui& every' Postmaster
to give immediate notice to a pnbrishei: when M s
paper is nog tain Oat of 14 (Alice, and alto to fra n k
his letter giving such notice. We . may owe as an
indication of the.feclipg, in the Depanment on this
'subject that the Poptreitster in the caw celentil to,
_waste' promptlyr?i,l°.ifTd lo eilVw cause why he sho l ut4
not be vempve,ll.:'
01.-Thervituno oitprittetilkvlitisttiii wits last
winter oho* to lltsettreti•t!, byibe Leits!attire+
the inanis nitigh it- tras tontiNly k rto`xn.
1, 1 "Iti-eijniias - biilittie ability to tail at one's he meant' - 11 iii acinp r ies more ilian two columns
in die Penns •Ivanian with closet j e k,... mute d m ailer
- ' . •.: 16 opponent as a e deinagagne," or trepretensl to be
- -sei ' --sii
--OM! of ileconyitteences of the a:peer:fel of,lbe i , - - -" o: l_e_r s Pf er. n . .. ti stt - -- - w h l'ai r ' s i t e t r ig r it s l9 . 4 4 -be lt • a il y as h Y ., Itia .. elitg nh dishabases 4 rem ti a tit he .
' - -
nreattiluestion, •'. deb during the dept feur yips, ; 4° 1 ; 4 , to ~,
i 1... a coeoeited ciax mbss: ; Antler Is Is in India duritt diettrioitt a
.. V 1
ue n 1a5i 4 v.,..„,• in the Unitedte! . es; th . es-
'aged the attert ri 0.4. - teem . t has all . this- t wit ''Alte
0 t * ; 4'is eUrt - .l
•"1- -• e!
try *feast cl "its
t -
%,.. its, illegatiniate„,• i tt itt„ , ..ue,..,,,, Jain , the :_adfiftdpp' ,s . .er - iOA Vsheet„ rdly 't.. 41 .
cinated to ab b e habits rflhe Bear. j i J. esti , e -,-. .4 „;. •
,el At?. thilly seems Main _ s.
t beetest
beeoshe twoductien of a brood oFtpurittes - eir — tc.
. x ,s. • ''' --..
litidaiiihrepsess-wito under the gatßscePialr'ro*m i 4l iero v: o 4 es el• lis a ti m bo i r n in f l ii ii e in a n . :s t, ' . . 4 1- I :4 aiif e it c d t e li b i l e eil e teM Y i .. ' Et 9 t t g an eustaiiiceslaeery hail' a c entury ago and
practicedgr, cat abules in, the Indies or because she
have improved the opportunity to thrust themselves • editors of the Tag° Eagk fora copy of this Bever
be fiers o the publ ie,stek Mg . & seepage rof-rheAtissithr .Pl 4, rt.i,trFtcit i r;t i l i ft i fs- 4 ,: f i r.ii i 7= to tg e r t - e l.-tli t t i - 'Trite* tliFfffifeltillEallrelitifirtiiiirTheinWif
Mg, interest in thilisestion;tis gain a:Minion; Where ili wh n i e le,l;ill a not, in this place, or at this time, ktop humane Englishman has no right to rife* against ,
slavery in this country. Is the Let that a ' man's
otherwise they cenicl only expect ridicule and con- iiiilltiMute the falselibed and ignot•bace of the Re
,own nation bas been guilty of great and grievous
_This (keel irifion of persons has only a pawl- porter, I may, en passant.yay my_respects teerea e g;
tel in the horde of insects, which the hot sun produce!' I t a i ; t e t t ir s li o rro k ul fgo w o tt a le d : r e s s t s t : l 9; t e s e u d ios e • 6 47,
.e . ll new
, 4 , 1 sveatigs t againeemhttepooktle to prevent him from de.
ktiitinciag ilticittli&esiiie`rer and by whomsoever com
(Pim ilii,satitlit eit the' Nile, and tviiio6;l6 - 406
. v tee &man er a s alto
~ „
.17" .. ,„ ; „„, 1 ._ . „ z: _,. a..... he
Useful in their spheres as the class .n 1 prolound
. e: k 11'; ''''
r ''
' f 11, i i Ne
'ilaiiiiineii — tiwiii - Air6lrorifitralve. 6,,.6, - , ho
.-- - larbstmforitmaterund'inej eftritittrifilitetebetee 7 , —, ,,, :5y*".... _, _ •_.: Ahmvil!".? 4 sll,_. ll W-w 4 .a ,
'Vir 11ita l bein it ' "
biol . into an ephemeratekistenew. ' TiteSesLii•hoSe, of his termas•As , tve.underelateldlre.-Engl id ish I r r e ,..made , se i rl a in ,° .t tsa Si t Areer iea lY s k.T4argkrikl u ßPß l F e, A , P ie I
- 1 langeage , • 41- 'lib' s /Unity in 14, - arii,,tri.„ . siaVeri,,,as.
affinities and'Peduliarities MC' generic, liii. a..f41.. :alkeli t ee•e` c e /e P tleb ll ' ilie. t a Y . t" c .. . t,,....f-'). t' dotes ditties and..hitiiiiiiif thejliii ri iill gpieinin
.. .ent,.".44
resentallie no,i,Dik nearly tiVery triiiii 'Mid hamlet t h at ' 'he i ' °'.B 40 .0 4? , " 10, ;-.ebowy fellow ;" 41 ' sn ''''' . cause the itoreeet'snM . C . ,Enandusten ia t elao g heard
in the critintry;'men whose•names are theta heSmily 'fa cial pretender t° kJP r ied ° erac e emPl ' i , ~ in fireg;enera ontberst of.,itulipAitt seelipz..- , Ttiel
rescued hum obs'eurity, and.WheSe ti aluable•kheivl- Ifehig., thus arrai g ned( I sretplead not guilty . to i a i ne-
a il u i. , , iiin.. ii , i i i i .- h:li . o - ,.i ii4;g l,,t ;. ,
,' ~
i 4 11 beneath beneath I
edge end iirrifOrind'reienteh the 'wield - Would hattet :billiff iodietuteet.i.Wercertainly make: , ere. to 1c
~,,,Tnt(e.4,,i,ii.- wi - is i t -- i s tlt *. l3‘4 4 , l o ' ix uprzepp4 i. '
been ignorant of, but for this beneficent iijipintitinity.- • pretensions•to either yleatoings weafib r pietreeb t e ,
tienee Witli ' iie.Xustriaimptiater,,ti-eseried the..poli.
' • rWe haliAlreatty - takeirsintice of the prOil: tictinn nevelence.t r-We haveseproper appreciation-of tte
4 . of Mir' iOiternment • tOWardefaieigatititionstanil 1
poeition We occupy, anitarepa . infully awar . d . of let • " } - td i t i it i , s ti i i ie j s, , , ,i i ,ii i c4 kg
16iiiniiiiil o,d .. , .. viiiiui,
of one of-this class, whose patriotic 'Zeal 'hes beer"
deficiency in ability and or:Pellet" to dell j ustic e • liail'We ii : ci',iiilit ' - ' le r ittiit,iti ' llirikindicatioll of fre e .
Moselifinehiably ifelayetd,'but Whii efidelittrit now ,
by his moss . periersion• of facciinit' torture of legit(; 4114 h ieease r theetent ' neeess.ities of ii ' are more ItiinciPleiao.,;ablijiat ferth;lheeattsts,tv . ! hate three
•powerful than inclination.. ,We :refuse-10 • receive
by his•nevily revielkeued Zeal in defence of Slavery, millionOf ' titie &nen in , ' • OttrOW.4 - COnitirY 1 ,, (...A mail
to make amends Inefarilinem in appearance: 11,
r' at his contemptuous epithelatind,if Mr. Wean would: •
is a man,'"irci - ilideil lie,lutS hernan,leelings, and be
letter el Mr. IVanti'rf,' it\kill be rethembered, *as 1 a llew ' es i we mi g ht , in a-few. werril " l " him as. 'hcifAnterfettet : :Etiglisli . tn ett Or Yreneb. t .he
. haa. ,asight 1
_._ - -.
brought out by Dr. SAG StantY, a n d 'was a sort,' of to speak lila indignation Wherever Ite.seeti. a lelloir
tender 10 the' Dociots corresphnderice uptin/the .lulmit . , of our conception of thecharacter be has
moo's uter , oppr ion. That chain ol_etylaPethY'l
metsttoned. The general' outline would ' be those of :-.... :'
Same subject. The chinseetience - has been apalling I which unites isurnanhearli;:thilt 'WorltioVer in resist;
a weath.ercock,:in polities . ; a hypocrite in religiniss '
the Penn."! (lonian of June 4th, contains another let=, inee to tyranny and hatred of injustiee, is a .thing
ostentation in charity; falsehood toward friends , and
ter from Mr. IVsatt with the Raioretrop man's insl , totally. beyond the coMinehensioss 'et A, mars like '
servility to enemies; a • show of Altai:intents, pins- i s , - j r. i t i, - . , , i4e is 0 •
.of formation that there are re a few mote of the same ut 1 this i elecnic,,e(reje; .and. if
led from the tabors, 'of others ; pretended • wewlili, - ,,,0 o t-I-"Y ,
sort left !" Why the former letter has beeii repro -1 e to .judge .- from his , halbert ' ' nnaere
deceit, in a diluted form, is Worthy of a moment ' s but doubtful; eolveneysji in• short one who 1 has ne
just claims to the character he a-`'etneerer'd wh g s f of Kgept. fl he ean',Clisc - Over anywher a else on the
, 'feeling for the rights Of Man than the Pacha of
notice. As Dr. Satassuniv Was responsible for the
disguises are too transparent to hide his real Char-al.'s -
former, so the sin of the latter is made tnattach toi
Hon. G. W Wrioinvitti)!.und Mr. IVartecledieafet;' t er. Such would be :ode estimation of. the p ro per Inge alt esPeie(aiiir under ••• E • n a tisb - rule s e nfief ..
ings al greet. and wroegs DE MODstrOna as exist-un-
the lever to, and saddles its production directly up- characteristics of a "coxcomb." 1
der Soutliere slavery;liesse,ems to 'leak -that he ; has
'on him. •He has bee n unfortunate enough to coin. _Nothing bittonepoSitive promise has (ochre- us
jits i tified. the''" patriarchal, institution
.;". or. at least
.to nDtkillir. W saute present letter, and we' , shall
pliment Mr. WARD upon his' former ineduction, to that ne' . has a right to say aught against it.-S.
express a desire that he will 4 reentinne to write." be la brief as possible.., The few grains 'of 'corn. •
Every expreasion that his loiter contains shows that
1 This may appear strange, but is not entirely incom- mofl sense that it contains' will be easily• disposed
his heart is with the epereisor Slavery in the
prehensible. Mr. W. is not the person to - ' of r fsOn examination, we find that it consists main- •; ', -.•- . :- . •
Brest inches, was in ins estimation r: a„..profitable
lyi-of a bald repetition in imbalance °Mame gottione
.11u good It stealth, and blush to find it fame. ,
. of his former production., and therefore little needs ~
On the contrat t e,, the grand and chntridling . and baleful philanthrophy," thatoverthrew it. , The
pasion of his poraleal lii- (at feast.)
_His light is I ' dd• ' former .
to berm/ in a mon to our reply. . .
genial etruotte,here of liberty, the light, the warmth
s Again be get:Nests the reader to believe that he
not hid under a Mitiliels-shis talents are' not "Tref)• of freedom are lost OTtion a heart that from the midst
is asting , from no " mere personal or patty views" •
beffatahined and Confined" ticiti'in the narrowlimits ' of a fetv community pan utter [pelt such , sentiments
that he , has •no other rtionve than to contribute as
of a simile count's . While following in the wake as th ese
.Let it not be recognized 'abroad as a
far as his humble . laboes May serve , to a j est an
'of Dr. SALsanuiti", lie deviated from his course sue -, - " voice from Bradford County, ,but rather, as a
preciation of that glorious form of governmenswitieli
Lliciently to select 4 different organ, as the means of voice from the "(lark ages." The freemen of
to his views. While the
C has descended to us in the written compact of this enlightening ghtening the public a - 4 Bradford have no simpathy with such. utterances.
I latter was content with the humble sphere of the rePtiblie'n &c.
Patriotiem is the most convenient cloak ever hi.
' (harm) Gazette, hepatronized the Peinisylraitien, to
give greater importance; a n d wider i„ultition to vented for political knavery. ." is always decent'
andsalways makes a eouil show. The only ohjec
his labored effusions. That print, whose highest
bow to it is, that it is so away ,put on, and so gene
object now seems to be the praise or IV sesTes and
relit worn by all sorts of political scoundrels, that
ristsierte mangle at the bait offered by a rank op.
nob dy is deceived by it. He who makes gsatni
prinent of the Democracy, prefaced his firm appear- • n
taus professions-of disintekestedness and patriotism,
once upon the pro-slavery stage by a grand flourish
of tiumpeta That the latter and the comments gets aa'little credit as the , prostitute who makes
public proclamation of her %idea.. Persons who
vimeting for . Itir. IYMa:is nationality have .been
kiiwarijeitto ' the distlngiihtheil men of die nation, really possess geed qualities,, seldom deem ' it 'ne
(Mr: WniMivsno included) to gain attention Io' cessary to say much' about them. When Mr, Ware
sees G mom Tuostesoe, FREDERICK Doncsass and
w‘fat otherwise would" have been unnoticed , the
others le the very act of demolishing the Union, so
have every reason to believe,.. - end Mr. Wooer
that he thinks it incumbent on him to fly to the res.
' wasp's complimentary answer is paraded moat
cue, why - does he consider it important to - . repeat
conspicuously at the bead of tilts next, as a pretext
that lie hes no personal aim to serve, and that he
for its production. A more contemptible piece of
is influenced by pattiotism only I , Is it a thing so
impudence and vanity We have never witnessed.
Our great wonder is that Judge WoODwARD suffered very extraordinary to scribble 4 lew " dual " for a
newspaper, that an honest man should think it tie
1 him Self to be caught in so small a trap.
cessary to deprecate li t eingehare'ed with seine si-
This is the solution for the letter of Ma. %Voce.
'lister motive? and that he shciuhl -make a noise
WARD'S Which MR. WARD takes care to parade
about the purity of his intentions? None but a man
with Such infinite gusto, at the head 011ie second
conscious of being the subject of welfsgrounded
article. He may learn from this something of the
suspicions would think of exculpating himself in
man, by the disrepttiable use Which has been made '
of a mere complimentary letter. We will no' be-
, advance under such circumstances.lieve that it was written with any intention of Mr IV Antis logic is the most extrtisrdittary we
bolstering op the rotten reputation of such a political t have ever met. Bear it in iiiitid, that dial the
' debauchee as Ma. Wane It would be a pour whole aim of his aegutnent in these letters is to
' return for the support and sympathy nniformly_ex justify the present position of slayer)• in the South,
tended to Jtmet WOODWARD by the Democracy of and Silence the cavils of ell ahelitionists and fana-
Bradford. We cannot believe that lie would fend tics. lie does this after' the following fashion : He
hieniene, respected as it is here, to strengthen the'erlia!gek ripen the- fact' th at- the Colonies were
hands of a 'Man, 'who has no affinity
with' o i m a t , 44 :: 'Sieliins'efftrilitili'pOlicy whist- Persistedie' import
mocreety....who has opposed oar principles—who is ing slaves a hundred years ago, contrary to the
contemned by all 'parties, and recognized by wishes of the colonists. Once victims, She-people
none-Whose vacillating,comie has made him nth- ".1 cite efielb l ba`e ce " fineed • -erii shici) to b° ''''it
ecilously impotent's° do harm or goof,--and who ing victims of this same, British !Heber , hr' the
only has vitality as - tie hangs like a parasite upo n mind of 31r. W. this con4lilotes a full justification
thivskitts of some man of character and influence. of the system now, and a most suflicietit reason
sward Still Aerating!
JUDGE WOODWARD Should be a better judge of
mankindthan to trast himself in the hands of such
ro,-ersaft, and as nordeasant as the task is to us, we
have felt it ouralotylo warn him a4.Tainst the com
pany he has been caught in. We advi;e him in
all good feeling, as he values hie standing here, or
(be sepport of ouarDemoeracy, to be more careful
of the advartees of men, whose friendihip or en
mity, are equally oflitile eonsequenee, and who
lawn upon hinvonly for the basest and most snitn.
canary purposes. He may be assured that Their ob
jects are only for their o*n aggrandiserrietin pro.
cure a testimonial which may be used where their
weakness and want ol character is tittle known. The
opinions of any sound and honest man, when
sed..onably given to the world, need no man!ii en•
dorsement—no recommendation by persons of in
fluence and character, to gain far them respect and
attention. ' "
This second Epistle of the "Regular Contributor"
egrets 'a haget disdain at" the 'Riporterl - "The
previous letter we had noticed at more length than
its irtiportance demanded:- A Bev: Ma:Xsurtists
published in the Ilbgrt 'Eagle, some litrieteres upon
the proislavery character of the letter; without pre.
leoing to criticise the same: This, Or 'Aram con.
alders an excellent °win:miry toahow his contempt
for whatever the Reporter Might - lay: • Consequent.
ly he refines toionsidtir remstits;lnst takek up
Mr. Cantles,' and discusses him • Mr. C.
will undoubtedly (lee! honnred-'-whil l e *e
are correspondingly abiseri tinder the neglect.-:
We think we understand all this. Sortie - fear mtatths
ago, .Mr. WAl L VV. , vemity Wits tickled 'by sitreivder
and not more 'honest men than himself, until his
paritesirings opened, and he bought the reat‘rials,
and established at this place the lVortA Pennsyt.
cut:Urn—or which he was pistrietcir, editor' and
regular contributor, and a very busy : d not tieea ?
hie time he haa.of it-esitteavoring to write down
the Reporter. His ill suctga then; haii no doubt s
has Mit& him vrisii, `trial is a " btitin child dreads
the fire," - so be hid tither be es'cliseil from agile
waging War of;On'therltriiofter.
_ Stift, ib sti6or "*AiMt'tci - illUstrige hisl4bitual
petulance, to lay hare the passions which make an
- Etri pt his heik and at the samest'stne toclispost
aimmarily of theTeiortri i he makes the character ?
'lst's(' 11;nnn contained Atha following extract:— '
Wily no man,and especially no Englishman, Should
ever open his month against Southern Slavery
When the Southern States ' in the adoption of the
constitution stipulated for the extension of the slave
trade during a long terns of years, they - were the
victims of British policy When they demanded
the:admission olbtissoriri crib a slave constitu
tion, when they sought to extend slaiery Over New
Mexico and California, and when by the passage
Of the fugitive' slave law they struck down the
right of ilia( by jury amofigus, in all this they were
acting as victims of Ifriliih'policy, anduntirelY ex
cusable. II they should iticeeed in their freeboot
ing:sehemettligainst Cuba, they wankl af!ord' most
salislactory.proof of their still remaining helpless
victiMetif the same British policy.
r(is a hopeless (ask to reason with a man who
is so stupid or so honest as to attempt to excuipste
slareTon such grounds as these. Nearly dscen-
tury since the Sea en) co on:glut common with
II - al d tit
'thereat - e ctv e , ,wor t here uF ve .4n , e
guilt OfSlaiery and the slaVe trade. BY insistirr ,
on the contitiftance'of The Slave trade for a loni
time after the :adoption, of thO, constitution,: they
shott-ed that they had heen consenting to the'
before. "It ii.paidess kit them to talk about twit
' having been iietitufsed when it
was one of their first acts after escaping from
British 'role; impose up"oti:ftie''other Colonies as
the eohdhiibn`el their; ITniou,'a t3li(inlUlietti' the
eenrinitanklii'bf th'eStaireirtilk By being involved
in slavery a century of the' . &kith
'vrereltiiity; in a ttegtee neither greater nor less
• than other slarehohlingo comrianifities - at the same
peiind r . - Ily-iiretliiiiithituitedSfates in the guilt
of the slar seties'Ot Years 'after the
lidopiien of the constitution, thej'conimitted it deep
cintrag,e upan htitritthity;intr infliCteTa. ideritpon
the lair tame talth'eyonn repobfio Which liasnever
beeniliaceil. Bin now,' vilitin the last portion of
'civilized *irfti has ulaiery, thepettple of
ik_it , • ks
tne wenn, 2. px,t r netr enorts fur WC intlefilitekemen
iiort:iiidpjroUtitityol 4'13 t. 4
n, - attd forituhlecting
• the' i'itlirargiiireetiMerilioihiii"iinhalloireti ends,
{ll' d
'are doubly. dyet a t,
.oubly aimrted' guilt,
"' Mr. Wait) infdliiiml4 l'iritntitin 'excling the
nhiiiiitieit quer countrymen towards
to this nairiv Ot ilt;aven, ilacri, what tines
(gr. The following account of a Scene in the
recent , Democratic J - uilicial Convention, is taken
from the letters. of the Junior-editor of the Colum
bia Democrat, who was a spectator, and who cer
tainly .will not be accused of having any partiality
fur the delegate from this. County, •As we hate
published nothing before onthe subject, we make
the extract
"It was daring this deflate, that the personal at
tack was made on Wilmot. - by Brewer, of Franklin.
I was pleased to seethe convention indignantly and
promptly, set the seal of their indignation upon so
alpable a breath of parlianientary rule ; not that I
would defend David Wilmot, not that I love Brewer
leas, but that I:love the Democracy more. Wilmot
deserves great credit, for the command of temper he
displayed upon the occasion, and I have no doubt
he stands fairer with his party in State nowdhan he
has done for years. Still. there is mach of what I
coasider the doctrines of, David Wilmot.
"Brewer's remarks:were. in substance this ;"That
~in debate, or capacity, he would scorn to, arrogate
:iii himself any arbrantage over the gentleman, (Wil
mot ;) and that jibe had any advantage, it was in
devotton to the. Democratic cause, that he had nev
er, in con veutfon, pledged himself to support the
nominees, and then basely turned round aitd op
posed-them." The 'storm of intligrrat inn with which
this was received, brought Brewer to his seat, and
Wilutat rose. He begged to be permitted to say a
few words. Perraission=Was'granted, Ile said, he
was glad that the charge - had been made, that it had
been made here, and that.he had an opporiumy to
set himself. right, before rfai assembled • Democracy
Odle State. lie said b.e hid never made the pledges
attributed to him by the newspapers. He deni.6l if
before God and man. He- said 'that be had urged
thc.-lectitarof bis friend,a delegate to the .National
Convention, and he, (W ihnot.),had pledged - himself
that' bis friend woUld support and eacry_ out, in the
- National ConirendOn, instinetiobs Of the State
CouVoiltion. lirot•phedgealiad beetirrerdeemed,ibmse
instructions hail been observed, but that he, (Wil
mot,) had never matle,bad never been a.sked to make
any other pledge's: '
CI NCII6I4TIAtitSIVUNtOII.- . =-W/3 would again
tall the attentiombf our; iendersilnrihis Institution,
and the extensive catalogue of pictures al ready' pur.
chased for distribution among the inembers tor the
present year. In the - list vl ton tritrttere 'ef paintings
we..,notice many- namee not miknown `l6" guns . ;
Win* works are muchSonghtlor And-highly prized.
-The last nimiberof. the /Maims' Jouritatcentains
ihernost flattering,'aceonntt Of -the - prospects of the
institstion, which exceed 'vied this' most sanguine
expectations of the Managers.'
'The fig of - paintingiknotr on the walls is large,
numbering ovei , stiverity,iltnil works haveteen or.
dared from T.'S.. Read; Whittridge, Dancanscin,
Griswold : Frankenstein and - others, 'which is a sure
guarantee that imbseribers•wilt recei've the va
lue of their money. •,• -
It is not necessary for us at thislime to urge the
utility of a'euitivation'of''-ttie fine arts, as
, all must
hive feltthetr-ralue; And Me prepated to acknowl
edgellibir intportalite4'-Az.great Change has' been
-raking place in public taste for some years past, and
the establishment of " Art Utiions Jr' has had no lit
tle share in directing, and should-be encouraged, as
the surest means of purifying and elevating it.
The drawing of thS ri union " take place on
the firii of September . Thoie Who wish to become
inernbers can *do so to Vir:ss.M.Piastinv,
Honorary Secretary, who will cheerfully, glve •
intomnition desired, etinCerning thilite;fitution.
• %Vicars& To Alas Siv : raoiettry—Daytoti,' Ihe
CaShier'cit the 4.guilet ttatiitait; at Morris; Was
before, the Snirime Court of New iiitti; o u Wed
ne ay, 2tl inat fckeecteUcirr:'' The Court tool; in•
to'cOnsilleri . tiorigho J itiiitnieriaoo'n' to root
cY, acintenCed hire ` W Pay 5601 t fine and costs ;
and stand committed until aid, This,consideting
the nature of thi Offenci,inifdie timelier iti which
the public are made to sutler su:h transactienrs
138 rtrf "favorat4 '
•soit ricitiest'ed 'to
stitelliat the reatitar'Oadetrylneetiniof the Grand
DititiodK 61T.; 6.111 Witeltlen iti - this place, com
meneing on Wednesday, 2il6lthii ini s sent
It 'to hard On6lic tneetin2, of
this ord'ertit -L ientis fiTtitind
whieb dais node e trill
Dtsrii&ssi ea Accunrift.—A little child sor.
yams of' ^e youngest son of Mr. (friar:.
e to editor-of the gontrosc p ee;;
AnQi k wasbip, on Saturday lest, at,
ail fel to a vessel of hot water in the
its p nts from the room, and teas to se-.
aid to caw its death on the follow, ;
So dis ' iiessinn acausully eprnmands the sy ,
of every feeling p4rent, for the bereaved.
GEL Scan has now beets Iteßtie,d rcz
Presidency by Whigeti;allotistiltions in
Penesyltrania, Michig n andintliana, and hr
lie meetings and papers in several other
Every Whig paper in Maine, {he Sknowhi
ter ; states favegftt„t.'7.ntrjaatign-
New-113stsime i tyle'1750(Vi ifoirtesteau
3 2 1 i0n Dill / tti l ll l S_M-sed. 112 P. J.FL1T9931 -
ima i bovieg pieTiously, l bgeik a lpiplefi4A,l)
tike. '' l ll4s - is ti (lecidelfifekyy of the Land Re:
e - ti, who w iil 66c - ni be mprinii, for Lund Loh:
Law. .;:7AIZYT
Profits: 40e l tisai illaindacturc.
'fine Litf,gtethiilV4iftftilivelf 1 0fifltAlle
stories pet'
sea sustained dfiiiirglfieli-tast's* - eoigm
factureri "cat NeWEriifillitfrfitr"yeOt ,g hat
ti protections?? One 'ohibbciiiirt/ 'or this
sufficient to expose the lal or stride ,
complaints of Whig - paric;iitWera;'':,
We yesterday. pubbltsfieci paragraph
rounds,ofrtheprests,Abic4,lau f gac, authoriti
Boston Allsis r ga,ve.4o.lqssen,fcts r ibi, last. ,
six mannfactofiegi in the tieighbcrdwod
at $240,000 ! The argument deduced from fl,
is, that more protections is necessary tor nab
a facture cotton forcer awn market.- Now, a e
no such opinion. • We-do now, and would cc
1.1 manufacture cotton forTcput .own consurn
against all the world, even should otir, ports v
be made free. in evidence of Vie truth of th
ion r tve clip the folloaringTiolii Ai 'Bogen
" The'Directorit of the 4 Dean cotton
Factory,, have - thedgitp - theit 'ttetaubts' far
and this . daydolare4 dtvidplid o f tthenty
cent. for the fast twelve ;months. A 44140
liar amount Was paid lagtlun'e; and Id's
years, time the ; fortunate steclateltlers,hall
one half the.origittal value of their/6.10CW
sult, 11 15 said, is Inainly.attributableno. tht
management of.the.agent of the corporation
S. Dean, Esq:p
manulacturhq. fide, are Tarty equalled.".
This notonly pseveti theinanufactnring; of
to be prolitablei. but it shows that while 'ere'
ure of mauufacturero is sit down solely to a
protedion, merchants anti mee'hanies fail by
and no such apology for"ri lack of judgment
omy in their case is thought of.. 'lbe man(
in the eye of iiiksympalliOsig - 100141s, is .
wise r nal discreet; tuaitag,ingAlis affairs to th
possible advantage, while the failures of all
are set down to profligacy or want ot taco in
ness. For ourselves, we have no idea !hat a
wisdom is centred in manulacturing,
more limn tare have that Congress will ever
more protection:to thatmusoness that it nowk
Bad managements is found' in.manutacturir;
quently as an other pursuits-: •
VILLE —:OE Sunday after . 1, as we teat'
the 'Pottsville Emporia Anthony Fox
man • for Mr, George A Ales, at his mines
West Norwegian, ash t clistapoe'abovn
Mr. Joseph Oldknow, out side foremam
James llowardoteighbor, and littlespn
six or eight - years olt_, were ilteadiully bun
an explosion of fire damp, shich occurred
entrance of the air shaft .near the surlat•e c
ground. The foreman, with his companion,
ed the shaft, 'which had been clnseil for some
for the
- purpose of opening it, when the gas,
had very unexpectedly .:Cumulated at. that
took fire 'from a lighted lamp they carried , , at
ploded with most—tearful effect: They w(
shockingly burned.; thouzh hopes aru -erne
of their .recovery, with the exception of th
kioy, whose injuries it is feared will prove 1,
. •
Tut: A. TA RY LAND Yr HEAT IL: !LOP .—The,
Am - en - din of San:v(3lly says, the harvest
pettily going on for a wept: vast, ard cart,
itt,g. day will now rriakett„trioria 'general.
Weather for a eries.„ we eks has t r ienTertiaik
propituitens for the grbwing crop , aril the I.:
universal4:'eutettairied that tha'yiefif wilt be
abutulant as to quantity and some Than usr
ce/lent in quality An Eastern Shore fsrmet
experience,e.prrsses the opinion, that the ci
be larger ; qliait any preretlinn ° - year back
On - %it Amp. thitatireett. tor red (Medito
wheat is fintihed,butthe White wheats are
: Wind secured. , • .
Dirt' Tkliw . Rftsi. Pii-trte, • •by
Nicirtojua, iioompleted, and ithe.time-will
tweuty4ltree dor:it:tom New Yell to. Ban i ra , :
The land cauiage gn this,rome is but tweivc
The Aliz;tarice be.twedii:ihe.two oceans is
Arrangements 'are edniplille'd ;no
month. - Thetcfitts cur thee , Sun• Jean are 11,21
sure, anti draw but-11 inches,loaded-with 31
congers. and „freight. There is_water enact .
,to,cany the, bastion at the:lowesi s.
water.' Th'e , t PrOinedieuq" , w'llt leave Not'
on the 14th inst., for San Juan de Nrcarat
the sf Paci fi c i A . .wjltidave:San.Jutu) del Sud
By the census just - fikken, is shown to be
a fraction of twenty-one millions, Ireland
about, Etltt, millions, nearly the same that it
years agos The poprilition of the Unite I Sta.
the last census, wris 23 1 ,347,884, oinch is 2,4;
more than that of England and Scotland. Or
crease:in ten yeqs wa5:6,283,:196, or 36 8 per
the British increase was 5,563,550, or 12.1 per
We are therefOre',meftiplying our population'
timea as rapidly as Great ;Britain.
A Coma* Yvor:--Art, Captain Nye, the coma
der of the Pacific, .WAS conducting a party of 1
peirn friends through Phalon'S magnificent n
iat Siloonx - irt New York, for the pnrpoie of
-Mg, thesis- what an expensive and elegant per
Americans are, not tmtyl,in the -fitting up
steataho:ns, but even itt the decoration ot,
bar's shops, a pugnacious bull dog:belong:in:l
of the: foreign gentleniatt . suddenly phinged tl
mirror a costly extending from The floor to'
ing, and shattered it into a hundred fr:kt.
The price,of the mirror vas five hundred doi
which 6tuil the owner of the' dog handed Ore:
Mr. Phalan with the ;greatest nonchalance. •
; Day* of the
' SCNbA If ~ ..
c "
,r I, moll' ESIIA 14. ,
T .
a rl 17 1117 * s p" , t,
'' - ratn•At,
Svirtnnar '
frliE taidersigned NvOlthr inform the eiti:
Towanda and vicinity. that he hasarritte
for then porpest of rumbling those Who ...wish.
r.enlYPes4thentaelcgs,, or friends, to get them.
.ingad ti,npinber of years experience ihe
ttesiAi - 'feels ennfident , that his_ piernris
idneral 'satisfaction. Likenesses of. children
aged people. taken • with perfect, accuracy... 3
wishing pictures would do well:to_give him ,a
N. Ic,'e charge car 'Coloring. ' 11.-0/
rn. BUSFIEI;:3 16T & CORN (icy
1 " July ,
***E T. f'm'
. ba y S un Rises
71 39
4 40
4 40
4 41 .
4 42_
4 52'