!-.. 1., . 0 -"Jr ,/ 1 44/ 4 -I is-1 11'/pl l,l ?1 . 1! 4 : 11M1 '. 3 1 ., ..K. -1 1M a ` Tf l4 " l : 6 T-4.f.C..LCRI. t/ :.1. 1 14M4-#1 kiel 4.sroptce 11 I S{ 1. 0 0110 . .0 etuketu4 tetsatiCalluitaehemisMilb4o ,l be, tgantitlfliookilsbiet ; reet.iy issue from the , t $,004 11 t ia,,thel., l tccgthite#l!,l , 9inagits,. ,119111; rosriT theseqitikitit !ate' but ,compilationst, and Bona of ilkelitikitiiletiihte ethe'opin irsni of abet Cita fate r; r ixbfll s . some not • be gleaned. -Making nitinflth'settne'llitutible remarks •'olf the action al itibrie of those ciOrits flie'rnitl4' Of 'a dreal444l,9foensensti we make 10110min-ex tract.l4-,r , „ „ . agThilir*ifies of lime wise' torn the force w Crrbo, 4.jir id frOt ditte phere•ousaille which it snag be exposed.,.•,Thir attrietlettler .carbonityleitt- Is so prea•erful t that. it *tit klitOd',,inreotitactlt with animal or vegetable nfatter,,Jaey, are, decompoited with great rapidity, for the purpose of furnishing it: • rea.-hirribut we see such geocl re stiltarom the rippficatiOn of lime upon soils"wlieve green crops have been consume. no the latch,- or whereitny of the ‘Miouit plants used lots •that - pat-. pose have been , .pleweil.;iowecit.; It produces equally.good effects, and for the same reason ; in soiliterviy braked up ; in fact, in nll soils rich in regeteble terittei. *When this powerful decompo sing action of lime is known, the occeshity leo:cap tion in applying it.npon land about to be sown, be• coineest once - apparenti Time shouldbe allowed fir thq lime to exhaust a, siiffieient - depth of soil sboul;Lbe interposed between dre.limit and the seed, to protect the latter; • • - 41 4We - einnolteci'atiortgly insists upon the fact, that Molise-WIC& doeinot enable the farmer to dispensc with-the bse of manure ;on the contrary, the more/lime is used*, :so much the mote 'manure t is neceesai 3 y.. sr tf fiat. the chemical action of lime is not confined to the decomposition of vegetable mutters. It up. petits le be:cleail7 . establialtetl by the experiments of M. Fach,:of Munich, and, those of Liebig, that this-substance has also the, properly of gsuirig. at liberty the alkalies which are preSent in exceeding ly small quantities Witte soil, faioring the forma mei of soluble, silicates, winch are so useful to. the cereals. The science of chemistry does not, as yet, explain to us how these decompositions take place we only kiiow that they do so. Such is briar that is at present. known of the-ehem propetties of lime.; and the perfect:elucidation' of the . subjPct, theiFesult of which Would be the establiiturierit of tales to guide the farmer in the use of lime, is well worthy-the attention of the highest scieutific attain ments. " Lime, liowever,.not only acts chemically, but, to a certain extent, it is alsouscful by altering the ineehanieal ((cure of the soil. For Instance, it renders:ou sails lesS tenacious ; antl it is also saki (though we think erroneously) to make light roils firmer. This Meclianical action of lime can, hose ever,-be but slight, as the tillage soil of the astral tlePth weighs nearly 1000 tons. Upon such a (plait. Lire or six toes of lime cannot produce any change which will be perceptible in the working The-land." Coveer Your Harnlrardt: The loettion las been asked how far a judicious min would haul, il'it were given M him, ham-yard inanine, accann.l4ied under the u mut I . cucumatan• ces. , , What are They I Made only horn the 'of ,1 oriaiirri and wheat and ,other groin k open yards, es po - eibm be .drenched and to have the fife washei'l out of it not 00151tyjiii every ruin, but with the wa ter falling'fiern.the unspeuted roofs of the barn and =II • .. The too common error of farmers is to value the btilk ,rather thin. by il:e qualify -- O.te might as well value a woman or a Man in the Fame, .ray. • For Po m e frequent wa.-Iting ie to be eamnaetale.l, Lut not fur manure. Says en ‘• Who:with an rye iu his bead, and gifted' with a partivieeki do reasOing faeulties fieiteradly %lynch- Nafed by a kind Providence. C.lll hell) lamenting ihe , !**!efdtk.vili4ftleniug . enel l ; Pirn 11 !41 11 .! 0 E0 13 0, 1 firms, and ;a we.p . irticuitirly ii;osc fumers who oiyhcir : licrs have has brought lip to nothing dr. bil l agricultural:employment, and who follow undefeiti. tingly the Afincticd . of their . Fathers to was more" ooninuoit to see wltatought to be manure eaposed an_an eminence:tathe alternate .Leats summer, the blustering winds', the drenching rain, and'lnow of wititer'4its essence wa-dit%, ,inqra granc*in u 7 plactilling ibutEepong, or working io de inus au - J. - N:140:a minting stream? floes this: not ! • And What . refurin More appro priate ikon by the. erection of a roof to potent, the untunrefrorsi the vici*itudes at the weather-,sink ing-tanks id receive the liquid from the stables, crow-hoaxes, and' pigeries, and at least.weekly lanai)* ttt an the mass which readily absnitis it --'causing tto endue fermentation, and to consolidate the Whole as it daily areenfulates by the con:infiatalailion.ofissnuaohnsconveited .into fertilizing spitstaztees 'Suck is the eeinfi/ab Vero, tied at Gilgarran, nut long sinVe.nOtived as the racist sterile. spot in the country,. i but now prodecing cioPo eqnzi`lo ottyln A.'. • . • •-• ilthea.l'lrstCousenerice3 vocifing:ray burn.yrmls, 1 haul ick ; cop imul with the..kens,..ef , ,,MY.,:qiiiAbige/' and 'the diep-moteil pre:ph/ma of my own people, upor,ft,itold• stisohate• laildre and- ikastefat ax- . ! pentlituie... 'But 'Whist say they aMv manure vhen; cut into has the appearmitel.con- , teteriejr el the blackest peat moss; and that theirn-' pratustaspets is the - amp first , year paid all- the •.ea yelps!.,,and has it been as . re4titecti'my stack-. yerti,'"Achiih bailor "several years been Periaafient. ly iota& • &eat . Was the *disedultige r metiCallirid laic/ tath9colv*epetittun,was in progreas,_4l , how mantle the vsie,uo wl, k yiAtad, Jr 7ra far an d , neat strsting,nishesl , ;aid theitpraUteof Jersey IBM uubsiounk, , winch. celtt. seta , abaD'S ttONIIi.--:Four quails of water, two hand:Tel of hopi, l 4liistibstcpetateis,lilicette all isi&ci, soh, atimedendltrained throtgli 40- We,' lull elbettetyrnakelene third of cindiaw 'sadist:lN hi ls: crates, s and ::thel. b 94, whole tett inortio,tatt.: When cool is new milk; add tea e1ik9(,m443 1,1 110 thSthie.-solniel amit4 ertp. ef IsAllery yeast) ot twice its Snack ME erg faiimei,4llOisl4,.bave a ,ipffeiry : 4 7 ,- ; r. is easier to -luive, and certainly nothing === BEEN .44n5ai113,04-34:00011* *tort' AvkaltundeStoroirtt . Tin Stile! AL mr-ronr, STATI ,A . 11111Mpt . VOl SOCISTI 4 3 11115 T fait Ito l liorqe.fewer — k-ftreAct. IPA 44,,1 t tiotaa„hnortant,. firptemerits, 7Q4 • whirl& Pigeol„4 saurcd. . , flpHX.subscriber , takos: this- 'method , -to, infotto the .1 Farmer.; of Bradford and the atiyoutlegetontities, that he is agent for, sraiiigs for eak, the above cel. tas ted end unequalled 41111e3, which he i# prepares!` to' foreigh Oti the Mane teems as by, IheintinufaCterer, with the addition of the 'ikon! Cott of tratimportittitie, contraciettfur at the hitv ! edited hest rates." . • r - ' ' The Subscriber has sold, a number of the shave ma chino. hi l this,,und the wiljhitoing mmetiesiof Pheipang and Tina, and all wiihout exception tutsw glien Me may, hist sari. fact iotr, end wtrere ell farmer's give them the preference, on account of economy threshing, being operited tvith'Mtich , teas expenae, and cracking and wasting much less grain than any other machine in use.. The The Twe.Horse Power Threater and Separator, is capable, with three or four men, of threshing front 150 to 200 btishels'of Wheat or rye, or dbuitle that quantity f oats, per day. ratty. The price's for Emery &_Una, . _ Hor' 43 PqWer. $B5 00 - do Threlhir and Sepstator; 35 00 • do Banda, wreneb, oiler and - extrirpiecee, " 5 00—5125 00 •ak • Taro:lota: Power, 'sllo 00 do Treiber and 'Separator.' 35'00 do Ilinds,roiler, wrench, &c.;•5 00—$150 00 • Alio,WheelerYinds-borse pow . ei,Threiher, and SeparitOi; complete, (improved ibis season) , u $l2O 00 Wheeler's tin:4one Power, Thresher and Separator, complete, , , • 115 00 Price of Emery's Teacher and Cleaner, . with bands, wrcrichcs,"Ste.,' 75 00 do Saw complete for use 35 00 Price of Urant's Fen Mills, adapted for hand. Or Power; front , 22 00 to 25'00 The rubseriber will sleo the coming season be pre pared to -furnish to order EMERY. & Co.'s .NJ W THRESITER AND CLEANER, The Clesder has-ell the advantages, of a good fan ning mill, cleaning the groin fit, fur market, wasting none, The edditional . cost being but little More than s c fanning toil!, or about Shirfrfollast--msking:the whole Threshei and Cleaner cost $75. to the Farmer, and with Etner7ll. Co.'s tire-borse pOwet.slBs' . lly Ott account of the large demand for'the above machines, and the difficulty of immediately filling or ders for them, persona wishing to purchase machine's should give me timely notice ns to what , kind and at what lime they wish to piocure them. Farmers waking to do their threshing immediately_ diet harvest, should procure their machines ea early as the Arid of July. „4,lsofortrale A Gne li.s.VisidirrillET or turcOrtri AG CIARRALA vHHORTICIR.TURAL _IMPLINENTS, At . tilitnerfaittieetirtf ail pricit; iitieh as el: sHELLrits, IIA Y - Si STRAW CUTTERS, I'LTIVATORS, OQNPLANTERS, • - _ - SIIIBBLE,SIVARD,SUIi'SOIL 4. other PLOWF, DOG POWERS FOR 111.7 NS, KEN DA LL'S fIURNS, GRANT'S GRAIN CRA DI .ES, 219nalt's Grain lioaper. Revolriag Horse Rubs, Thy, Straw tuti Manure ForLs,, V. 4c. Also, Cast Iron and Wood, Cistern and Well Pampa, ‘D PIPE of an staea, idlarge of small quanti tics, ebeeplor cash. ' COOK, PARLOR 4. OTHER 0207.M0 veteIOVS 6.422#471Pit54416—ec, My shrek of etrietriebtl pricey cwt . /yarn favoli• bly with those ninny :Cove More' in *id, urihilugt. neighboring towns. , . Tin, ...Japanned and, Simi; Irqn , Warr-, minisfictiovi and 'fel , saii;tiOjeutllliiiikilietkst -, CLeap or Cash. . A large and NU Catalogue cif Agrimiltiiial metal and Stoves, engravings, furnished gratii, either here, or on application by tread post•paid. RAYMOND 51. WELLES. Athens, Fe., November 130, 1850. • 14y20 NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscriber, respectfully-inform the ?Alio that they liaystaktn the shop formerly otxnpied by Adsui Lien Fine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, abere they are piepareJ to do ell kinds of BLAC)iSMITIIING upon reasonable terns. They arc determined by doing their work well 'Sod promptly. tomerit, sa,they hope to receive at share Of public patronage. , 10,18E-S) - 10EING done in the best mime,. All kind§ of repairing Machinery, executed in the Most akal. Cut manner. . • WOOD WORK for wagons will Aeolic made and repaired when desired.' Ml work done at their ahop, will be snerented to be swell - dutiecandosiOnnetured frona;..ibe . The pottier-in reiniested to give mei tliattiord-4-jtidge for thermion. -,..EBPN WINE , * -14EDISpIll. ' • Townitledilai 2. 1851,.,. A DANI USEIINVIINTE reapecenjly infornertbe pia& lie tllat he 'now oeenpies tibtre-Ninsel 'arra brcribei hive fOr svotkeil.'.nearly Opp o site Tonikini v ontidiyi idler& he is *illy tei'dolittleorit: d'liiiineet# ht . beit"tnanciik tenhiliel'ltsi' re:potation' i*,tt ni skilful . tiotiefiiil6l.lll - not id", by nay hilted of di inter 4stliPt. . e.itebnairs trY asy . ,fitattetatkn ` to Lpiiilcis. '1'01211:8, nunnefietutid ' to prilei==ilniebinto of kinds eepsttell in ibebed manlier, 'vial every kindl'oe: &Railing Ina leinitifoitirligleilr be lino it Aloft nottee. aid in "limit.* • Rioting, onritainiable din take Colliers Prochice in mom fot arinit,,ka jects strongly to hiedit. • " Towanda, Jan. 17,'1341:' "' 4 • • ' - ECONOMY • • - Saari, Harness & Trunk lianafittori. jtag CITGP ac,-Co.;igpertfoU7 - inAanzi thefeat.' :diet tba# itiop oie,opiad C.T.. Harden oo Mikiso444 awl Doors 'bei m " th e Brick ROW, Ilhero ant will keep; 04 . ; Watt; it. *tie eteeit:of 14. .; r grAgg4t7g4',:atigP-tth it9III4ZI3P4P: Tarixo,, wAitioeoputro,kritei - ,_ Alt toilelea itolliottlittritaatuGietared to otaaraiirat made 61 era best topteriakand for wa s liatattabiggannot, beitapisaullti Borth it' aptiaylithii; The wh it realfrOin'tAiri , vibeiins to 'pi:!tobsiKtionOletit they 'isle& ersatisfactios both its fo l iPtelity - ind Gr Cott tent be paid lei' ilides.'esuleteek'Poley. at the highest tato. at our shop.. - Tomsk ~711atembet 69tb,-1850. • BM ESE 22/ El OM IKACMVtTHING , - _::~~^-b = 4' • 1 rf - e' PO*, *ON 1)i o T• _ 4.44 Ure 41tRititiiiiieftoffet - PEPOT4 4 titti-Tt3111; .1:47 t That/acid SitentitiLlra 04 di suiriiiino tericktkeiniterediwitkipiA , 2,1! . $:l 4 . • 1. isAititi; Metticor - Efii*W 4ib&s;&r nuitionllinits; Ina bf-: n Ver J. g. 6yFkl is til' `The Ariy'qr4Eiini! mAn Iffiirid; - Capiuil . 100,0.00 "ii)initiers. ' ' Pia' gmat - Pritlisylraiiia Urimpany; tittinwl fittrieti and Wrchifie4 Co litany. hitg? ihe Nett faitiC 14in'iliniti 'a ' ' IL-`4.7.4.lo7lEVDPAtetit,4theiti,Ti:' Pension and lionnti . Laird' Aleei4g: fitiblcipo IL Of I Pensjytilasys necosbaly instetictiiins lindlortn& frOinttlie proVerAfe primed at Wallington, will attend to the application ist* suNocYrpiliiiiip t and !Mont eltkldrttrof43aldiers, who*.iliiirAaßsialrryaresinitol ektionnfits for "lvtlii*llletoAnegileei v i g e lirrilit4* the Indian *nth since '1790: And alt Penbiati „dating tAti der thi!•yarioust.actir of Conyers& bite pastern laws and-decisions giving to : many , pensions notittre• tofore entitled to theta. Prompt attention 'given/U . O poet-pibilmeriMunicoulons, by • • ~.- . .Athens. Dee. 28.:1880..+. 4. Ei CANFIELD. . „ LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AM TRUST COMPAN Y. Charter 'Perpetual. r ICash system... Capital $2:10.000 Offiee f(o: 2t, TaTerchanti Exchange. . nitGANIZED upon the ~ m ixed pyinciPle.". ` Stock sad Centiblned fixture. offer to" in anted members dontild'the ulna? seetoity, :The o'o3 syste..l of pannenta hai also been sdopted;:thus aiOid ing'the heavy drawbacks created by premium twice- ,the tads rates of premittni, upoh Wb!ch its Wes are being issued, is the only scale etpetiintie heti proven. fbould.be adopted, as affording requisite iteetti ny tolk Insured, and an Undoubted guarantee foi the perpetuity Of such institutioits:, An experimental is- We may be found-worthless, at the very instant a poli cy should posse, its greatest *aloe. Life. Insurance, very properly; ls arresting - the attention of the world. Vhe piddle however,'ln their contmedtlable willlngnees to embeireand employ its Wise and salutary provtairina, should nide; 'Ultiniate security the primary andinost .important- object; which can only be attained by so ud josting the prymiitmesuato anticipate unetpected loss. es and fluctuations of every kind. It is the purpose of this-company' annually' to credit, upon the polices of holder* and books of the Company, such in amount of profile as shall not affect - the viability; or impair the sacredness Of its enntrnits. Premiums may at the op lion of the insured, be paid annually; semi-annually, or quarterly, in advance. All necessity information, together with Hanks, pamphlets, die:, may be obtained gratis, et the office of J. E. Csarigin, Athens, Ps. t:turcrons. Steptien R. Crawford, Paul 11 Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, fieorge M'Henry, - Jacob L. Florence, James Dosereuz, IYilliam M. Goodwin. • John-L. Linton. STEPHEN W. CRAW FORD, President. • Ammon W. Tit OM PWON. Vice President. Cuss. G. firt.sy;Secretary and Treasurer kwrese v.—Manuel Eyre. COUNSILL AND A rrotimmr—Thomes Balch. Pj HOT?, Medical Eseminer For 'Adam December 27.4850. DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between the sub scribentlir tbn Bantus and - sgralnk wain( business* thiS day dissolved 47,:giutort ceinsktd,, ticaiill-& &lei *ireAottfts the'business dethil indebted must make !Immediate payment, and those who haveiagraid tri:tiay griiirt — ,lnii:notifleirthatiantess de. livered at tae.tiute agreed, Cash will be expected.: • E. SMITH. • V. SMITH, November 15, 1850. JERE CULP. ,•, , • , . SADDLES;VIM AND 'TRUNICMANUFACTORY, E. Smith If Son, ESPECrrt:LLY inform the public that they Lk will continue the business at their old stand, north side of the Public I•qustr, and will keen fur - hand. and manufacture to order. every variety of hiALDT,EB, HARNESS; TRUNKS, VALICES, &c., of the best materials and of workmanship, not to be surpassed. By wrict attention to business, and tworoptness in fullfilling engagements, they hope to continue the lib eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed. Camases Taman:se will be done on abort notice, in die neatest manner. All kinds of -Grain, Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts, will be taken in exchange for work. -------- • LI SMITH & SON have iemoved their Saddle do IL'as Harness Shop to the hmtding nearly oppoSite the Ward House.. late the •'/Vorth Penneylvinittn" utliee--on main street. Jan.. CHARLES K 'LADD; DIII(6ICiAN AND 81.TRGEON, (Ace in the Union. Diod e " up stain!.; Korth. aide of the Pu!riie Square:over Eiwctrs Law. Office. Entranc'e between Elwell's and Adams' law offices; where he may always bet founi: when not-prnicisionalty engaged. Towel:o3;July i 2; 1850". - ' ' ai f Y 'l~2 ~1~ ~'4 A New Mra in-Newspapees. HE CITY BUDGET is ;designed to fill a blank% V in the newspaper world. of Refined and Elegant Literature, Wit, Humor, Graphic Life Sketches of For eign Countries. and the wery-day conversations atul the manners of their wore.. • Each nomberwill he etn4 bellished with ependid engravings. engraved from new and original designs by the best Artist! in America. No old tote or foreign witticisms, whistle.', will • be admittel,but everything will hive the advantage of ~Fo rn iiit s will figj Olean interesting Journal for their parlor table, as Iran it *4,4:4 inrohvation at , the moil agreeable end Pliai t erit kind may be obtained, but - they will find something to *Muse t h em `in their leisure There is - no paper like this at pieient inAmetica, ii indeed there be one iu any part of the world ; but out people are a reading people, and require, is we , nhal give them, subjects cf • interest . and thitteement' in "e cheap end tentlansed form. 'We are entirely different lnim the ordinary Newspaper or Weekly Papers our do we seek to enforce any opinions upon the eiindi Of otir reederi, hut keen them to form their own. - • 03#titay'Coiritry Newham and , Fainilk ihouW lisrobant A peep :'into Mercantile Agencies ; whichibas crested such "Areal sensation, in business circles. apd.will 'be ceetinueaseety creek itntitit is - eoncfuled. 'it is de signed iiiihear up in their true light thoso spies echo Mee by mfsrepreientstion of the ruostioisatti :agar! Of Mercluisdcand Falai its, to the injury of trade imPhe dentorsilkotlon of man. ' kiainpii entwit of ;the City Ilndgei will be 'sent by mint #i Say,schliersiinthe comity; regtive4l4 • ' Ihnit' Is tick 'a ialier In America that' gives as mach original reading nutter fey, *arum° .price. One_Price Dollar'iiq,artoiiiit To ' Toe. Cents pfr 'eepy;" Tr 'sale PY NewihOil 11e#satehts United „ • 10 COUNTRY NUM& POSTNIAVER& The crrx 4unGE r *WI funkisittl, to Chiba at thy fottrralefgtor prices: ' 19' lotals CO tine address, ' SS' PO etg • - ' oii ' .4•;'l 4 •••.'er . ;;i r 600 • 20 '" * - tie, ". ". " 40 - " • -" I‘, ....... C) - , xuvo i , •4 111.:7 ;..:•;150 CO 'All iistinni i nieStiMii bettreipild; ecl to" ' ' • MATIIFR h cp.; _ - 102 unbn,slitekß. Li; Altez•" iiiiittniift :of voiri•;Ciiissiiiiiiii aid ' Itaithiittijiase t ‘Cs_lioo 'till offiet 1:0:8.4 aims .Lo. sk.itult-Aents . reorapetioa it PRIN# 6I O B . ''''' ik'S '', , = -• .1 -,,, , ~1 :,=; f:; . rott i 'o7 3 oßCll:il;'iti'iitill' is I large stock-of Ziiiiiieie,":Del.aicesi-Disbioeies ,and Alpaccas r cas be found for sale by Noe. 7. B. KENOBBERY & CO. nnAn4t 4 1(441 ~ ; . ,,I)itU A , ~, -4 `, . t.. .ii'l'4,,, 7 s ~- ' !triAlc a tr 4 i rli tgrlftv'Nef o rar ts . i . i f wawa-4 .4- .11,11/_ Leu4l:.. a -foloshio , ll.l*Woe, .; , .‘ t, itilltepg - 0, ; :',. 1 . gi-.1 ,Pectohit 1 S Ai t rhiiE_i ox p.y ec I. M an i l t. ' .iili f ,ili4i i ir ,g .D io rterpor;e *r A l t" mfM h. - Nlri' Ltalnta - 7 - limprtlonvegt 1 -- r,t an peci e, ,t 1 ' "'" Plaiiiiid ibeeDill Md . , rear.olt,lat 1 i - . , , , 11.... !a. ~,-,-, :,•., , 7 I ' 'l'', .1 ; . '" ' ,V° ' , 11 44 4 om! te4 P ll* E : en Ciyleß 11 t fi -i .l * ,l ' Olt ta gi # . . 1813 1 221 / 1 4 1 ilbtP"sPea A* 4 . 4 , -41 ' 1 "ei• iiiitulFig* rnPlaillih'- , NK , 4 4 ir Dr. Fitetir itriOstrett' fliftnt - 4i'vet p*a aiaoiain. - - tainic:rireif-hetrototitle tolitiiFited iprivflOiliciiilder '': IMO*, r:TrcfitWar oliteVintfolitit taint ' ,Sfx. Lectlres On the prevention-Ind cure of Conkiirnptiork, !Asthma liiiiskes;OU arrfitip WlY,ttOl 4l oY: l 44 l .7# 3l l l24olVad)i g e: t This ho ochchifirlis Ide:cry fitniil.#. To tito Con ouroptitfp St pointer otat•thotpply -1;!” . 4111109114 for ro• ..mothersA , ttipdii-ecpons. ttoyas in rhocab ttr.d ediciartin'Ot Cbilaren ate 14,(roffrAlieti 66 , thiouthoi; FOntiiniOr'iniitotted. • For:4ll4j; .8.'4, &*;it,;:'l6o tii4airoy", Ir, ilia 'HINTON*. mrip. r .,;#siA4.,atia:-.1,1 c;•entwletinteiv;tantivrt.' J . Dr. FiteWa Guide to Lit4dids: to Terms -wa g air.rnWoltrorottienlit*o hod,ends of el-the S . , y , 13y , ' AN , JADVERTMEMENTi ' . 4 113AT - lIPPLALS TO TOE mow SENN 1111 =Tu COMMUSITT. Sitan . _ ne's. The Plowing equalled series of Family Medicines may be , depeauted upon with the utmost ccra . ficle. ! de. They /tare the approbation of the best pityst turns in. the 'nunzatry; and :are recom• mended by all who:have used 'them I • as superior to any- They hate been before the - Public for five . yearii, Duriniveliichihrie more' than 5000 certificates' have been received froat.smincrit public men and melte • at the Com (tiny 'a office. Thiel* niro Cbanpounded With the utmost care and skill, and the himedients ate thoroughly teetrit bt scientific (herniate, so that medicines oft Maroc:Wind reliableqiia. lily are guaranteed in all cowl. THE GRAEFENBERG VEGETABIA PILLS, Are Partieufarly valuable for !he pieventiolt and `citeof Fevers by genet el, an Biliousand ;Over t iimplainta. , Jacindieo; General Debility aindt Sick ' • Headache.- Dyspepsia, Heed Bam,-Corrfteneas, Griping, Urinary Dkeitesi. Chatnictioris of the Menses, Influenza; Asthma, ankfot tr variety of. othe. Chronic Diseases; in fine, for all ordinary family uses. directions for the various Diseases accompany each box. Prime 26 cents a box.l The Grnefenherg Dysentery gym, A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhcca, Dysentr• BloodyThix,`Chnlerri Moiling, Cholera Infaxtum and the Astarte CIM1t1!1., if taken with the first symptoms; Cm!' Vomiting and diatihrea: ' It ne ver fails to cure the worst possible eases 'of .bowel complaints, generally in a few hours, sbldum beyond a day. It is Petit.* Yeart,ctrxx, - and taken in any airy is perfectly harmless. • The Oraelenberg green lionninin Ointment. nvalpalilejor,Bunis. Wounds. Sprains, Chillhiains, Corns, Sores. 4wel inga,of all kinds, litteunlvlism. Erysipelss, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains iu the side anti hack inscuediately relieved, inflacu. rustiest of the Dowels, and for all cases where • therm is Inflarrnation. • ilar;b 4 ll's Iltering Calk, - A certain cure for.Prolapsys Uteri, and fur moil of the distressing ethiiplainis incident to females, Pre. pared by Dr. THEO. POIifEROY, of Utica. solely, for tim,Graefenburp Company.. Tilt 011111& 01111134N8r11111 ET VII AWE Eye Lotion, Heath Bitters, Consnraptive Bala:, Fever and Akira Pith, Children's Panacea, ' Ldrby's Pite_Ointment, Sarsaparilla Compound. f:z7 The Graefenberg Manual of Mardi, e complete handbook roeilirine for families. Price - hily cents. Office, 214 Broadway. New York. Clarion.—Tbe paittlie is requested to beer in mind tbkl_ensyttriu PrAiwpmerkbr, 1 4 PtpCrow4mQ.CusrpnnJ his their t.pow it ; , • Sperrious ',tides hate been issued closely . resembling the genuine in every particular, except the seal, and the„utrpost care should he itsc4.before purchoring. Aucnts for Diaarrird :County—Dr: and Dr. PORTER, TovvindL Iy3B WINTOSII, :DENTIST, RAS removed to a few doom below Midge street, on the Etat ride of l4airifst. in the building for merly occupied by J. D. Illontisnye Esq. All operations amounting tot PO; or , over. one hal to be paid down, the remainder in three sionths. I the 'operation proves oosatisfi lorf. the money paid will he refunded.; A note of bond however must scam the payment dills half left unpaid, with , a proviso. ILACITTITLIE THE -SUBSCRIBER . having now completed hie arrangements for the acceinmodation of the Travel ing Public, feels warrinted in soliciting his share of Public Patronage. . The Table shall he funtisheti with the-best the market affords. His &Wing is Large and Waren.t, His Rae shall be Gtted with as wird Ligner as are to belound in , the country, BESIDPI,I?r the eceommoihition of many, the . stileitiber ientanufacturing Mots, Shoes Saddles, Mr nets, Trutiks and l'altes, 4.e. And keeps on band • goal assortment of PATENT MEDICINEtv, for all of which his patrons will he asked only a mode rate prin. , c ome one, come elf, both far and near A hOriie 'out! find, a twin, o to cheer, flf _ Can at Liii7;tille wavy. For formai. patroOago aria favors, the pabSe. trip pleas!, roeptlhe sPiere :Maar of T. D. SPITING. Laceriille. Faby /04 18 4 11, . -----: mysTENION'KNOCKINGS IN TOWAN! Clock, Nitta,. anti Jewelry; Store! ' A.M.' WAITIVER takes this method ' of informing itir old mammon and the ~'• ,* '''''tinklit g e ne ra lly . that he h - p as irielvased -- or I.P.Einti tili Wet of Watches. Limb `y 6) • 1 44 • --, ' • Jewelry. and commenced the shove business in all of its various branches at tbar old stand of therlseteron Mier itiaktwn doors'iteinth of Prick Row: ' - ;1111 tipttetierr es a *wet - tePri' rer Waxed! ttedittlistted in this community:that it is ItartNy• never tory to tape Word onilwit point. • Witlilis' ions es.. 'peAenets'endlrest adontagee for aotoiringa thorough. 'knowledge elf &Ursine's he has confident* in saying to the publie, hying on yaw 'estaches and clocks, t will do.theittjosticit.i ::•-• - , ,: , 1 • , All goods seld,or Repairing dewl ies imwretreed we 1 recd t Or tha•monse refundO, , _ L gee isitionnieteof clochi,, , 111f ' kept,autumn etm4 . . .. , : . r Ai , motiol f hAint•-,ll#o isrei k vinery 'yolks: watt down. and no credit limo ? , Credit need' not, bet asked for-w,-botti al not to m ake lts i acquaintinee ~. ' Towanda. - July 12 .. 1850 . Ai M. 'W A IttElt. . . 4113;Mb1=4 '.ll"lai r * ad most nampleteamerueent seluelt,, ititAnticalllhaeoua 3001{6 STATIONSc ERY ever offend in thii market. and at very low Mimi, now just opening at di, InSTEETTIII. . . . . 1 •131 V: Vs' +\''''14.t.4.....9/)tOkihtt.';'l4'l,...o.j.", 4.-IT t r re'l ! .t."".' '4. .' -. ' .. t er riiiiii tito444 , ale ", Inf 1, ,, j - ; - 1:1 5; 1 - 0 - . 4 lfeiii , ' --• 4 -';1 , 17! .ft! • ''''Ci•':""f '' ''i --'• PGlr. kine_a_iiiiaioo4ri !P0 1 4.8 4 0 1 14V0Ys ipli 1 . 11 •#:? ' 4- YiAtOgt IttjW .siAliOn6Ahx**ctini; guiti*Piloppr.44,YonirsftioNifilFscsoy. .!I), ,, gibitit . • tl;filluiltiarPhY4l/4 4Wvigon3l;o4oA , 'l4' 6 040 04, 0.04Luit.tiiilWt 0*.)4441 !(,4.o4:Atota .0000:7: - •*9 4 .:ctigid*Y4 etabkV, l ol;iii:litivoidr,t4"ii_intaMpA ~.,4100; . IT # B P l #lF' o ,Pwli iiiit e 4 i ••,7 -I - '‘:',''.- 1 3 ,',.. 4 s el - '' ' l'iiii iiiiiiiiii" . --- ', French. per qiiartet, , l sl "On Latin, ~. 04-- .1.-" t• --- 4 00 idale. ' - ''.':`... '' 'f" /2 • ';, ' ' , " - -4; 00 Sitratiattli thlidati.o Fitaili; ' '''". ' ; ' '' IO 00 gfilb&rffofiatl itilf - erdkii 4 "t - ' ',.,, ''. .` '' - '-2.00 Any 'younglidtretielVittgltiiittutelltioriat'• - thift PiinO, L privileged to Team' tOgoiolit'; - or any , otio 4f die shoes lingua, , and die &bi - link teitboat additianal Aare. To a y og lady , vaitic.stoiliiis.thir English' branches, 1- thole aof learning pH* kif the above - branchricare ic T,L.pis qui r, + • ~ i . • .1 :s. - r .:' ' ' , 'is . 00 Instructions on the Cultism,. . . :-. ~. - ..4.00 Use of Pianos, 1 '75 r 4 - i ' .4 - Drawing and painting '-'- q et. ors, ,liicinlltryg* , tho 'nee ardliterfidi, iiefi'as drawing paper, • ' minis, pencils, ,&e. ' ' ' " • 400 Oil-rdnuntt on esnveiti. • L"' `, ".. 10-4)0 Paintitag trenspatent window shades; inc ludin g; the supply of ins terials,leach ' : 4 00 Formula painting on paper; silk 5ai1:1644 per.' --_ 'Waive leisOnir, : - ..11 e ' . ''„ - - 4 . -00 Gilding on silk, eripa. deg., - ' ' • ' tin. •`":: 4 - so Waxll no'et4..Per matte ' ' • '0 00 Pens ind'ink; " I ' - . ' 5O Wieling, ! Board in var. - oda:CO tfdipq ;ieei',' . Letteril Poe-paid, address ed to the liege ': W ll i &GRIFFIN, Binghamt , Broom so., N. 1 4 %, wilt ',O•• sews prompt attention. 1• ; . '-- • ' " • • '' ' ' g ev GREEN'S T FOUNDRY No. 128 Fulton slred,l Sou' bxilding, ',Nett Yoik. . 17 Caital 414 Rote , New Orliani. tiro Newapipor trablishers and confidencel !invite the trade, tfefore they Y V purchase elseivhVre, in give me anal! at Nu. 128 Fulton.street-,NeivlYorir, or , at No. 17 Canal•st. Beni; Neir - Oileansatkierl ieadj'fii - fairish, them with all kinds. &IV • BOOK AND NEW SPAPER TYPE, of the newest arid - utosi tienutifutstyle.. :I. am alio . prepared to supply•theirtiztah admired Scotch letter, having lately procnredi from Scotland a series of these beautiful faces, tegether with:every variety:of form and pattern of ORNAMENTAL ND JOBBING, TYPE, Bordering, Ate. I feel assured that the elegance and accuracy ofalithq Type Manufactured by, me cannot be surpassed by any Founder in the- Union. tly,an entirely new method in the mixing and (=l ing I am enabled to retain the virtue's of the comp. neat par& of the mefa4and thus to produce, in addi tion to an elegant the most SOLID AND IDURABLE TYPE, heretofore offered , tbe ,public, To Ibis last feature 1 would in particular call attention. for solidity and durability of Type is on the principle. of ecouoiny, of the greatest importance to all typographers. The members of the craft *ill also Mad, me ready to sup ply ail kinds or - PRINTING OFFICEIPURNITURR, for the establishment:of complete Printing Offices, such as Preis eA, W oOd Type. Casesollands. Brass, Press - and W ood Imposing.estunes, Compos ing-fehr:ck; Rosa : mid Woctii Galleys, Riglets, Uluiet Hicks, 4c., std. Uhf Ty , p 'k e taen in exchange fur new at -9 cents per lb: The Trade dealt with on the 'most liberal 'term druf pattoagge fun the ground of fur nishing to the parcha i ser of en article with which he will be pleased .anll.whit will, bring him the worth of his nipper: 1 , 1 •Editors or PrinieVs! Wishing io establish • News paper or Job Printing Office, will be furnished with an estimate in detail lof the cost by swing size of paper and kind of work io be executed.. Publishers of New papers who veil) insert this advertisement three oath and send me the papers containing- it addre se d to " Itesbiti's &vizier.," Nero York , will be pi id i'n' materialk of my manu facture, provided thes purchase six times the arMniut of their bills for advertising. IL H. GREEN, No. 1f,.8 Fulton-st. New York. and No. 11 Canal-st. Row, New Orleans. m 45 Removed to B. Intaskry s Block ! 111' .1. Chambertin, am. Al; just returned from the city of New York with a large -- - : s upply of Watches, Jewelry and e . a - aver ware, comprising in part, . - •1 . )c fulloning articles:—Lever, Epme and Plain Watches, with # complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin. ger Rin ;s, Breast Pin's, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens. Keys, etti, Also, all sorts of Silverware,- atid any quantity of 844, Bends-roll of which -he titrer. for sale esceeediney kheap for CABII.. Watches repaired; on short notice, and warranted to run well, or the money will be refunded, and a writ ten agreement given Ito that effect if required. N. B.—MAPLE' PVGAIL and Country .Produce token in pnyinenriliiO4orli inindriers:—/tertrvntoratni. forever, t hat the Predate must fie paid when the work is done-1 war hgnittstcredit in all its forms. W. A. CIIAMBERLIN, Agent. • Towanda, April 2S, 1 850 .; • COMMA - 0 AT , 3117.tYfrAMA.,. ' TOB, ----i ,THE subscriber has, removal 'de new shop, a few rods above former location , and on the op ite:iide of the street, where he dinuec to Manufacture and ep,on band, all hieda of cane Ad wood seat CHAIRS; and ETTEES of various kinds, & tEDSTEADS of ever, dercriP vt, which 1 will sell low fin le or Cherry Lumber, or ci eu plank, wiil reCeived for work. TURNING done to order ha the neatest manner. Also, CABINET WORK, make etriT kept on band, or made to order, in the bet winner:: JAMES M A KINSON. Towanda. Merck 9. 1849.. II Mai NICZore 111E-311E40.311C-4.9 **C4IC. cothrrr scavenge. HAVING loceiell in Towanda, his services may be obtained by addressing a line through the Post Office, or by ealliOg et the ;Ake of Ulysses Mercer, EN., where ho ail) be found. or wherf, a written ap iiestruiscvey.ba " Nov. 1850,, • O. P. ILININEtri • ATTORNEY 4. pouNtEL.L.O . FAT LAW, TOWANDA, ORAD, CO., PA. (fr. Office, rorth tide of the -Public Square. ..„ IPMI2'.IIIOII, AST tas '63 amasztiog, QFFICC en Ma street. Ifoin. below Bridge . in *twat, irheie he me* be found, when not pref.!, sionelly envone4.'Towanda. N0v.10.1850., NAIISIDE ITIOUS3 I .11.22:111211111, rA. frifE subscriber respectfully informs the, public that 1 hs bas taken possession of his old mead, in the • south part of tits Boni of Athena, where hp wilthe at all times heppj to see his friends.and will endeavor to Make, the, • ...":14 with' hint agreeable. He trusts that sn `asoitlunits uncoil* to the wishos.of the travelling pub tiovill secureint the favor of thyroid patrons of the ...Mullion; a d the shot of those who desire . a cues , Esrtable,ambr eenient napping-place.- . - .- 'His Tama lOW.* wall supplied..and the, 11 , 1;4 li 'quota he procured fist, the .Dar. ~ .. .. . Goon thaeLtais is attached with - careful lasi atten ds, hostler* ! i i ' • - - =, • C,ltta om is will be, you to the. Wassrly its. Lion; urcarry, to and noes ...very train, east Or wort- E. S. IaAVIEWS'ON; p tomain, Athens .. ,Ar 4 r i 1 its TUC."''. ..e - ' ' i ~ $ _„. i l tortaSED.—Lar ir s and small Clover Bead fur Me W I DS S+IO,I,iTANYES & CO. ===t4= '~~ ~~ SUW . L. MNIMI i2EII ,--t,..,- ''' o not (spur Anidiftui , iiktditreitualf;;;),-.Thifittly. -. ;:;-: Rtgni67* *v. , ;,- - - --, ..,(1 -.' l The: : ' f' catia.LCong of the . firess.4','llbt 0f44 4 ici0 3 4 "*“.4 1 . 1 .W1e 0ef.f001444 1 4 1 .1 1 . 4 411 tory. . Rerid ltr _.; . ~ , • Prompted .byno otlierltrian th4feelingAbilleveltesee and for Ifi e.*4 l, il.guiiiilinied - .4 11 *; de: '0 4 .,t e c il l i k° 7 4. 6 S!,! . WO 4airliki 94. , '' I. '' ' and the Oneorpectedsure I otiethio freak , . PULMoNICIFFRUF. Afibiiiitirli*Okiii#, g , iris indicted will a "relent cold, which adaidiViltiflNllast Med eider afatevitj leer 'days, woelltillikemorkketts blehlciod ; ' rey ;deer Wildest ind.dii(iiiaihe .` kw y day I had 'violent fivercreepine ibid.' . en- - ",;pa sweats at night;With great difffeurtiit bill tea imitiot. o f app e tite; thy 'Systries' wee 'Mai" . . jugs. ed trated, !ming confined tri'my liel - Meat Of thisAineit; Two of-the ;Most etre nent 'phi attires of.vski gisy , se. tended me. mid filer exhausting' all " their ikill. Oven; noutmed my 'ease incurable; Indeed, 4 infe'siadiery lungs were alincrat-goim, and t could not promitsly re. cover. At this stage of my 'dieeteeclerea prevailed uPon to try Dr;Selienek's PolmorrieSyntei. and before I had taken half si dozen-bottles, was solar recovered as to be to go shwa-the house; .It seemed tostrengtit. en my; whole system—it loosened theraxigh; end atop. pod the • bleeding—my bowels beams regular, sad et!ty ailing I_ ate, seemed to digest ea* and monk ply %thole eyetern. Indeed. such was dte tepid- pm . _gives of mty, health. and. s o m4deithe change, th at r became too sangitifie of a epeedy cure, and a bandon. ed the use of the medicine. before .the disease * dieroughlY eradicated, which resulted in another attach of bleeding at the lungs, last tall, ssivimpanied by a die' tressing cough. I exam commenced raking the Pei movie, 831,146 arid aid for Dr. ffchenck who. epein a enterer ex a mination. advised Me to continue using it, 'before I ha taletsjoid Nadel, an abscess formed la my side, which gatheied end bnike,, discharging, es si r as I pin judge; a Pint of very disegrireirble yellovemab ter. This seemed to cleanly and purify my Whole syn. tern, Fran thin tiee I etieu* Witt. better, and am happy to say entirety recovered'.4, a* tare at this time ['enjoy better health than T Ittrie mi. the last tee years. Since I commenced *skint thi • Ptifthonic Syr. up; I have nevitf 'failed ;to tecainmend it wherever I, went; that others; as- Well is *eel& might be saved saved from thatiawfor disease; for I feel it a duty I mite toast afflicted to mdslist it to the-world. Permit me to mention irate cakeniehicir have come mkt my immediate obseriation. ;Being on a Visit to Grades, N. J., last summer;!k saws child, evidentlylin the last stage of bowel consumption. .. The mother hammed me that the physicians bad ,given the child up as in curable. I told her what ,benefit I had received from the use of ,&henck's Pulmonic Syrup, and , induced, her tri'proeune a bottle. I heard. nothing, more feat the little sufferer naill about three niontW; ofter;; beief: in the market, my attention Was dr:ratio retail) vibe obserVed me 'lvey eneati•Ock*, Site finally approachedme; ertrhasked if [was not the lady who recommend , ed Schenek's' Pulmonic Syrup to her dying child last sunimerin t 'amilen. I replied that I was.' She said that her child bad entirely recovered, ard+ar ts a n ew* . monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, nerd acne resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I welt modu l i in particular, who bad a scrofulous affection. Ifeeface and neck presented one continued sore, end one of heti eyes was seriously affected with it. !dhe had beireag greatly emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery, I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmotoornrap, which she did. and is now perfectly cured. Another lady, Mrs. Alehltillen. whose residence I will give on eppliw cation, was evidently in the lain stage of Consumption s ',prevailed upon her to try the Pulmonic Syrup. Inv very short time she was entirely recovered, and newer joy s excellent health, having become exceedingly fleshy These are three cases within my knowledge. which I know were cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, All wbo doubt this statement, and will take the trouble to cell on rue at my residence Parrish greet five doom above tenth north side, I think I will be able to sans , is ctorily convince them by own case, and others that I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since my cure. there have been su many to see me to know what , I took, that I have bed a very good opponuoity of knowing a great many that have taken it, and Inver been greatly benefitted thereby. and I think 'if persons afflicted with Consumption' or Liver Complaint, would send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine their lungs, and if he says he can core them, follow the directions, and prevent taking cold, they wilt-rapidly recover. GULIELMA L. LEVIERT, Philadelphia, May 29, 1849. J. it Sena:Ter —Dear Sir—. 4 have known Mrs. Leibert for eeVeral years, as a member of my church, and have alt confidence in her statement, and are reP 'diced terfimd her again restored to health. nny thins more, in. addition to her statement. is needless. Yaws. truly. THOS. /AN E WAY, Paritor of the North Presbyterian Church, ' Philadelphia, June 26,,t8{9. 6th at. above Green. ar Preped and sold by J. IL SCHENCK, at his Lab. orratory S. E. eomer Coates & Marshall sts., and by the following Agents in Bradford County. Gen. A. Perkins, Athens D. Dailey, Lersysville; T. Humphrey, Orwell; aloud & Woodburn. Rothe J. J. Warford, Montoeton ; ii. D. Parkhurst, Le Roy; C. E. Rathbone ' ' Canton; King & Vusburg, Tcoy , and by MIX &MASON,Tovgando• Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half dozen, :1;711,,No *AI qtia 1:11.; POOH Y The Great COUGH BEREEDY. Many_years of experience, Wel more than a Hundred Thou mind Caren ofComnansptlee Complaints, have proved to lbe undoubted satisfaction of all persons who Lave become et. qaainted with this aveutenfel randy, Mu it is eteerttly supeilar,. because it to soothing and heeling, and wont' esrenlia to ears COnalereption of We Lump, Oenany ghee Remedy in the world. IA e know, however, th at it is said bv home that Comump. tion can not be cured. Be that the opinion of' the many or the fee, we doll not attempt to argue with etch. bat this we soill ray, set do anal as a fact which as be proved in.theiaoatodo of own, that this medicine leas eared Cowin and Eno w which. kiwi the macs ware effeaved, were called reel Consumption, and wake were attended with emaptoeu that resembled, and were In all re outs eite the symptoms of those fade die, mod. Woo dead are raid ur have died with that fatal disease Cadlisatioptiiii. This Balms bu cured Women of persons who were said tobellopeinely et dicted.rwho bad hand, dry, teolduCoseles—firies in the Bream, Side, and Rack—lllarulty of Breatliksg—er=gest jc.p.ero, nor --Hectic raw NM'S-Swear wasting .woroo of do Flesh and Blood. Pomona having such comgaints have nee cured alter it who said they meta sod lire • week longer. The Medicine has cured some who were supposed to lo in 4 OW staterbut, by the use of title remedy, unreaW Dee, a= Oaf good health. t Thin Balsam is,perefy a regolasta aimpoauf. 4is pleura is and anecdote iejuPg to any state of diaries or under say de cumstarces. It effects its wonderful and ahead- iniruenlow Cures by Plarifyineav Strreigelaaisg, and Invigoration tto whole system—hy mad ropy cireei?tias, and producing a taste* action—thus edioymg Constreeg dee Netried—sted ad* ISspectoratlon. It Cand the following dlr CUM Pit Cox'Sum:Vaal; COE(CIIIS and Cae, 71n asehitiit ditkoaa, Spdnag tbai, fag at Ur Lungs. Pau is th Brant, ajda, sad cd,..4 Nasaaman Msdarran, Pdlpltanibog 01thot Heart, end all TIOIALE WEAK. biIIdISSES and Complauda sening.tharefroto, Madera latter tam, tr.. nr Per Proof and isettettlam of Cures. see our Par 1/11101s and bliadtdae—sill our Agents have them to girl 0111. For sale by /1.U.% LON &. POll I ER, Tips:tads C. H. Herrick, Atkins ; C. E. Rattibune..csmos D. D. Patkla urst, Leroy ; J. Henson. Monrxton; W. Baird,Hummerefield ; D. Bailey & son. L'n"Y' villa; T. Humphrey, Orwell ; Maynard & Woodburn Rome ; E.S. Triscy,'Smithfield ; Collet) & 6 "e , Big. lin ;too . ; L.& E. Runyon Troy. All orders mist be' addressed 0. WALLACE . & Co. 304' Btoadrey, It Y. S4cowly the Witch-hazel, Very- Strange bat true. AGentleman of Utica, N. Y., has obtained from a simple remedy, which more just claim to the name of family cure all than than any Medicine we have ever teti knovrr.. Nothing I is di:inflected with it but a littla Alcohol to preemie ie. and yet 'it acts with greet terteinty in removing paha and all local , curing all 'mei, borne, bond. set and lamenesa, rapidly. Piles, bowel complaints; eliolera.rnorbos, Iternorrhage, ear ache, touth.acheaasore eyes, and all various affections. it is white as WWI and as harmless, mild it is called "Pond's Pain bestroyer and Healing Eifruct," None is genuine except " Pond's Extract" blown iv the bottle. Mr. Pond Gres introdiiced this a medicines. , the public and has expended's, vast dgol of tine an Money in bringing it to tie:estate. orperfeet*and' we now saturant every bottle to give satisfaction. so A man by the name of Spencer to has put forth articlecalled " The Copy Extract" which claims be from the Witch-hasel. if from that stirub. WI name a perfect deception, and it is a very impsikt .cle ; be not deceived, get a pamphlet end see. *For sale at 3100tielei &Cu. Towanda, S. B.'si o ' man Monroetoo, Parkhurst dc. Lamb Leßoy, Hemel Willey Franklin. June sth 1850.