Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 21, 1851, Image 3

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n_f ihStanutti
lb — n .at N ero ?
gala_ i•_ i T rem nfoto Irre- - ta Frane i seois ete e
golds alleast9n) Kase weicii Dr**
13 r9lieri, Dear 3161 SA!'
Nor Oaxs.ams, -Jane 13.—Thir Steamship Ala.
hee a rrived at this po frm . Chttgresi.! ;With
c oif o rsis new s tire weeks l a ter' o
!hells:m . oes al;
vices. .
h t i n pr the lamentable etul asjotusfung sate.-
r that the City of San -Franikiao, hits Wm if.
0 0 0 T destroyed' by one'of t
ibia mast threiree:
tr` o gagrations eve kn own ei ani, 'whir
aorta. 01' 'bf 1 .
The particrdars of is ern master ate 100
ion" 1 0 be transmitted , by telfgraph ,imaiefffitely,
Aini the facts mast be, very briefly stated.
— v ie ne ws comes by way of Acapulco..
/Wetly to the amount of fifteen matrons of dol
la* is believed to hive been destroyed.
Th e f ir kepread to the shippinCeoneumed*Earge
n_umber of ves sels, which were lying at the, w hareem,.
was fi rs t di g overed in Clay street, and ran through
a tterenblocks, quickly spreading to othin p ai l s of
the city L-a ereater.Part of which now lie* ini heap
o f w i n s. Hunter, George, Maine, Centre and El
peradrrstreete are completely pitted.
The utmost consternation Pcerailed- bp* t h e
lire, and thousands were tamed out ot hoase and
home, having lost their all.
, m easur es ewe about being adopted to "e' lieve
the distress of the suflerma. It is feared a "'umber
of lives have been lost. Business was entirely lan
sight ot.
San Francisco presents a sorrowing and, heart.
s ickening:pi:core.
The means of arresting the flames, in posiession
Of the-authorities paired of little - avail before the
r r emendons spread of the flames, and so extensive
was the field of labor of the fire department, that
Title effect was produced by their efforts.
The consternation of the inhabitants was very
great, and of course everything was in confusion.
The number of persons rendered houseless by
this calamity is beyond calculation at firemen'. ;I
The news from the mines continues to be or*
cheering character.
Near Jescoveries were daily being made, and
the prospects ot'the miners were highly' favora
The quartz crushing machines were reaping a
rich rewaril, in some instances, the average per
man was from 320 to 850 per day.
Lynch law is std . ' in force, and severall new ex
amples have been made. •
named Gregory, who was sent up on the ;steamer
ilackeye, from the South, to enter a novitiate for
thb - priesthood, at Banletown gave evident symp.
loins of derangement on the passage up, which
caused him to be
. put in restraint. Yesterday, at
the boat was coming through the canal, he was re
leased, and very soon after, made a violent assault
on the steward of the boat,knocking him down and
assaulting others. lie was instantly taken in hand
and confined gain.
We learn th t he had been intended bybbs father
for the life of c crrequisitti for the priesthood,
be had become violently" enamored of, and attach.
ed to it young lady, who returned hi?.‘patsion. Pa
rental authority interposed, and the course or true
lore" was interrupted by his being-iseet from hotne,l
to enierupon his religious exercises. The stroke
was too much for his ardent and too susceptible
heart, and his brain, maddened tosuch a degree art
to ove.dlow his reason and render him a furious
itmlersland that he brought letters to a tut
tirtsclAlle WHIM} in this city, m which the captain
*sold apply tO laird tar* of him; otherwise, to ob
tain a permit for nisi al,) Marine Hospital, till he
is restored to reasoti Or is alterlded to by his friends.
, —Louisville Democrat.
tat etroxces.--The Western papers lain. , ac.
roosts of extensive ravages by cholera nn board of
the steamboats, especially front New Orleantt. '
There etas 19 deaths on board of the steamer
Pride of the West, on her trip front New Orleans,
and six in a dying condition. were taken to the hot.
peal at St. [psis.
The steamer dread Turk, from New Orleans,
with a large tiamber oremigants on board, for St.
Loois, toss 25 or 30 of her passengers by.the cholera
before tfte boat reached Cairo. Seventeen had died
before the boat reached Napoleon, and the disease
rat then raging terribly on board
The cholera at Paducha is on the itterease,' and
vire fatal in its attacks.
The St. Louis Dcm'ocral, of Tuesday of last treek,
• tars:
For the week ending yesterday, the Citylegitter
reports 85 deaths, ni which 24 were troin cholera.
The cholera cases *eve most recently arrived emi•
grant=, independent of which, however, the inter.
Hems stow an increase ever last week's'report.
Capt. Wm Rogerp, of the steamer Archer, died
at St. Louis on Tuesday, after a severe attack of
the cholera, which last only about eiabt Fours.
Four deaths of chnitra occurred at Cairo on
Tuesday ; of the. nlimber *ere Mrs. Ablatain, and
Mr. Abbott, of the whiff-boat.
• At Jersey City, Kentucky, %ere bare been 15
cholera deaths.
RAILROAD CELEBRATTox,—The people bt tr"-.l4..ili
vothe and vicinity have had a great celebration on
the occasion of commencing' . the *Orlon the Cin
cinnati and Belpre-Railroad. From the represen
tations of the. President it would appear that the
prelims of this Work are. encouraging. Subscrip
tions of ind ividpals and o onntles through which the
road passes have been , pleked or promised to the
extent of more than half the costol the whole work,
and the remainildt it is reasonably expected .can be
carried forviaril on the Ronda of the ,Company.—
This is the road tvhith in cOnnealon with the North
Western Virginia Railroad from •Parkersbum and
the Baltimore and Ohio flailruad thence, are to forth
the beeline railroad from Baltitnom to St. Louis.
Dacorct..—An Irish family, consisting or leer
fetwass, father, mother and two children, were
barna to death on TnuSday last, on the *mks of
the Union Canal, ten or tteelve.miles below Hem
melsiown, Hinphin county. They occupied a
small hutment in which was stored a quantity of
chips, and as the fire occurred in day time, it
alliVOgell that'intoxication WWI the cause of their
terrible death. The Harrisburg 7degraph says that
the blackened and crisped seranins of the unfortu
nate family were brought to that plate on Friday
afternoon, and were interred in the burying ground
Patrick's Church.
'C0r...51...,cr0, it is aid, is preparing a history of
die working of the Goverment; from the ea r he
took hie seat is the United Statds Renate, totins Ath
of March last, a period o f 3I eons/tont" years,
hung winch he Waa a methber ofthat body;
a work would he valuable Acquisition the peditk .
history of the country, if ilto writer Weld Only divest
hon.4elt of his personal attachments And Arihnositice
naturally ereated,in itis so public end atilt*as bia
as to do full justice to his political coleinfititaiies and
'opponent& Pew inen ere 'Tiara capable of *riling,
I'm bare had eiperience sufficient for FROdttirlg a
saleable work of this kind. •
Tar Mar 110 DIST. CUURCU York
(441 /natal says:
We learn from the Christian Advocate sintionm
tttat thebook agents of the .blethodist _Episcopal
':hattli, acting upon the suggestion of the - Conll in
me tea loaf respecting the Chuach.PiePefi ha?"'
f ir ciPmei to the cam misstnners of - the Churc h South,
a'llatament of then-preferred claimeby a, legal ;
attention under the authority of the Court? We
am glad to learn this, , and trust that the South
* a/keit:lA promptitude and cheerfulness, meet the
)repotal favorably.
.. .
, ----
, RoY SIICIT , Ir A Woits*.-4 boy, - 15 years old,
'''",°, with others, *its stoning A house . ' of ill-fame
at De4v er,Fret instantly orbot .
aY • F R I
,' . , t l 7 .4 (l a b iliti v 07 mt . tlte fettple piAaties v .ulto came out.
- •rietneiverent 4 Allitilrilirltifbataggewkitigt** :
c-A•mairt gamed teiflerinal tried before the Mayor
•of Allegheny and" the testimony of
another named EartateYer;X Yateittg,
- steal!' notes',
'conerary_ to 'theist, o f feensylvaina. ,ifartmeyer
asked Peiffer to give him Change for a ten dollar
gold piece, botthe latter-Said`that, he coeld•not do
it without Kieft hiot arriallentee.-t'llartnieYer said
that would :do,' and toole;:them;7'. boa:aftermath;
brought ' Mayor ifliterting 'fined' the defend:
ant 'bike'. britidied: flanniiyer, it 'bt *aid;
Wettest the snit i 6 '06,101i leeling of "pteloitil
pique; brit die other iperporfAiould:not 'hate gnedl
ed a favor which
. involved #l:ltict 'contrary to the
I atatates. - • :
A. Dun. artnerem Two Misrecaa pr' Corrojras.
-ije learn from Viokshurghlitu!, that cutifiti . 011
inet„adoel.carne oft between", .Gen;',lrrettnnin, ~ the
Whig candidate for Congraw, and:Gen. 'Smith, of
Japkaort, -, _ the Democntlks. candidate.: : ihnhh, .wite
wounded in the Fhoulder at the -fifth round. The
cause of the duel was, that Smith wrote a Niter to
come papers, and 'bad it . pnblisherl, stating that
Freeman was a cowanl and libeller.. The affair
Incensed great excitement.
. Rises] San Sets
• Suss4r, IV 432 72$
1 7 7 4 ' f ir ci ato bAT' 2 2 4 3 — 4 4 3 3' 2 2 7 7 7 2 :
Wir.Dxssnat, 25 4 32 7 26
M rI7IISDAT 26 433 T 27
Fninmr. 27 4 33 7 27
• Awrowo.tir, • - , -
1111 -7-xv
101 r. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—The under
signed Merchants of Towanda, hereby give
notice to the public. that their stores, will all be clos
ed on Friday, the 4th day of July next. s This ar
rangement will be - strictly adhered to, and no bark
doors kept iveq. June 9, 1851.
H. 8. &M. C. Mercur, Montanyes 4 Co.
Shapley dr. Lewis. . 'Joseph Kingsbery,
Burton King4ery, H. & A Campbell,
H. Phinney, Tracy & Moore,
B. T. Fox, N.N. Betts.
Hall & Russell. Isaac Post, .
0. D. Bartlett..
New ilbvettsements.
Stuttering di Stammering Cured in from
40 to GO Minutes.
TAE undersigned having purchased of Z. Mikes
lee the system and privilege of practicing for
the cure of Stammering, will consult with and attend
to curing at their residence in Springhill, Brad. Co.
Pa., those who may be afflicted with impediments
in their speech, that no pay is required until:the ut
most satisfaction is given. D. D. MACK,
Springhill, lone 17,1851. C. W. BLACK.
I do hereby certify that D. D. and C. W. Black
are capable of eating any cases of the above im
pediments. and armed recommend them to the confi
dence and employment of all those who may be af
icted- with impediments in their speech.
Erick at Athens.
T HAVE now a kiln of brick binned at Athens , and
am preparrd to supply all calls for the season.
Athens Pa. Jane 15, 1851. D. HAYDEN.
Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin
HALL, & RUSSELL having for a co-partner
„neiship, respectfully call the attention of the pub
lic to their ateottment, to which large additions have
recently been dints, making it the largest and most
varied ever offered ih this region. Among the multi
tude of articles a fe* Will be enumerated:
. .
• ,
Ehgliilt, American an Stiedils square and rattd;
Ehglish and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; trail rods and malleable Don at all descrip•
Hobs, &c 4 with a good assortment or Nails i-3d, 4d,
ad, td, Bd, 10d, 12d and 20d ; 4, 5 and 6 inch spikes ;
wrought nails' and horse nails, by the pound, keg or
Also, cast, German, English blister, American
spring all tire steel, &c.
Carpenter's and*Zoiner's
or ill descriptions, viz: broad, nanow and hand 'set;
hatchets, adz, joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer and
framing thisets; common and cast steel augurs, of all
sizes, from to 2 inch; braces and bitts ; augur and
pod tetts stirs; planes and plane irons ; hand, tenant,
X cut, keyhole and slitting saws; iron and steel and
try squares of all sexes, from's to IS inches ; hammers,
spirit levels, bekehr, tape lines, mortice gouges; of all
sites, tether initiate, scratches, hollow augurs, rke.
~la+rhslnitti's ' Tools.'
bellows, vices, hammers, sledges, slitting
hammeis, stocks and dies, drilling machines, &c.
i3hoveis, r4nare dr rode] points; pick; hoer, hay,
straw ask limulltre forks; log, cable and binding chains,
crowbars, grubbidg hdia, rake; piss althea, scythe
snithes, scythe atones and rides, bratint scythes, bush
scythes, corn cutters , shovel p lough moulds; gattlen
rakes, itosis and trowelsr, rhoirsLoSir.e.
Carriage bows, top leather and Cloth; .patent leather •
India rubber cloth ; bran and ( *lint plated hob bands,
concave and Boston patterns; lona and silver plat.
curtain frames, lining nails, carriage knobs, apron rings
and hooks, stump joints bran and silver plated joint's;
nutting cord ; striped !aft wide and narrow ; silk
striped lace, nevt style ; tap lining, worsted fringe,moss,
varnish cloth, patent sites and title arms; springs, trc.
Barnes* Trtinniinkor add Sadiller# VircirEtt the lat
est and most approval stylvtis, and of
We have on hand a full assortment. Also 4.larietpiih
tityftf LEAD PIPE, which wears prepared to furnish
at the lowest prices, together with copper and britannis
step cocks and cOilt mops. Any quantity of Pump
child and Well Riggings. A general ostortment of
Sim mitt, ilmoli t if l ar l id ? wood saws; plastering and
brick trowels ; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs ;
tiles and ° rasps of all sites; shoo .and tack hammers;
drawing knives, turner's chisels and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers, knives and folks, nerving-knives end
folks and etees ; bUtchely_pdtket pellet knives;
coach Wrenches, trunk, chest and till lake billets an d
sheep shears; table and bed castors; dinner and tea
bells, glue rind enamelled sauce kettles; shrass kettles,
from two Oahe to half - a barrel; Hollow ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and coffee pots; brass and 'bd.
tennis asndbutkits and anuffera ,• trays, fruit trays and
large servers ; curtain antis gild pine'of the blew styles;
stair rods and holders; ladies' rind gentlemen's pocket
sedans; razors ,:and rauw strops; Green= silver and
tnitann'a tahlrfand tea spoons; hair, clothes and oboe
brushes '• brass ann steel barrelled pistols and revolvers;
gun lock ,, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; sholothot
pouches p and powder flasks; lawn door, Pap and T
nges. Also manufactining and will kcep constantly
ott band a.largtramortrurit of - - -
Tin and Jamaica Waif.
We have also just received 30 triiis of STOVES
emisprisedin penal' the follonitig patterns:ol4 ghee: :-
Republican air light Coeking Stowe, - Semlter 4
dip 9
Lady of the faire;.. - -• : t - 9
Queen of the W&t, - - 4 to 6
Iron King, do :: 4 and 5
Imposed Preintrn - du . lb
Eastern' Premium, do 0 r. Wand 4
Jenny Stoves, • , r 4
• ri-2-anifS
Air tight - ' "de - ••i Itos
Air tight 0 plaie Stoves, • it '2 to 0
Si: platirStroes, 3 le 7
, The abuse eourpilses but a fete *dicks ofthe'spoil
ment which then to the public :- and all el which .
will be disposed at, extremely kwv! laws. --In proof Of
Plesie call it ffalre Old stand. tenth side of Oldie
square, and extending to Pine street. - • •
try Old Copper, Iron, erase and meet kin& of Pro
duce. tVkiii in payment.; !Powasidai - leint•e v ISM* •
New:Vali with:bliddid:inindsonaiinientif gni&
for the mason endnneint surge Woke of Valley and
Staple Dry- iicoodi&e4nohieh shall pialately: iold"
thew: Tomandnaanial,lBst.. filik.,f;
- ORE - 1 - NEW,tOODS
':dui' 71Y
UST rood** iiiso aaattneot of ,Now Uoothh
J atilt* - wilrboisom qt.the isfiiremeoiiii low pri
eii; bare tpd ;lie - 04440
d )
3 tutu
o t Tat,:a l vpyintptbliefps moil to in
11APLEY 4 1
lifistra ;zuttkao
-1011: 1 iIiSPIA'PIftF"
FISH FlVillitseliero by Sibs 11131 end .
Also. Mackipaw Trout and White Fish . ,by , .
A LL persona indebted to the estate of IttNNit.D.
1311LE8, deceased. late of . the ' State of Ohio.
are hereby requested le makei reyirietd without delay,
and all persons having demands against said etude are
requested to 'present them, duly authenticated flit set.
dement. 'JOHN Administrator.
Ulster June 6, 1851. t-
'E - Jc Fr
Shapley & Leads,
RESPECTFULLY, infoamihe citizens of Towanda
and vicinity, thit.they takit the store lately occu
pied by J.J. Ward. Where they now invite the atteutiot
of purchasers to 1• largo and choice 'stock of
New Giiring &lb:linnet. Goods,
• ,
~ ; • ;
comp/sing the usual variet y ; With many articles an
styles not to be obtained ebsewhere._
Their assortmentlasbeen selected with care express
ly for this market, and:purchiied at prices which will
arow-uit in 'till is 'cheap its Idly store in this region of
country. Cash customers are invited to Ball. with - a
proinise that they shall not go away dissatisfied.
(11 Remember, SHAPLEY dr. LEWIS' new•store,
next south of the Ward Howse, Main street.
Towanda. May 29, 1851. •
ONLY 9} CENTS t—Another else of those Cheap
Print's; attil•thtiti pre yard. just received. at
NOTICE is hereby given , that an Election will be
hell lit the office oftaporto Mason &tto.. in Tow
aroht on Saturday the 21st day of June, between the hours
of 10 o'clock...A.A., and 12 5 4 1„.f0r Officers and man
agers of the . " Towanda and Burlington 1%4 Road
Co. In compliance with the charter.
• By order of the Commissioners. •
May 30.1851. B. 8., RUSSEI. Seely.
11 usTON & PORTER have just added to their
assortment a large stock of Fresh Drum Medi
cines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, groceries and Liquors,
which are now offered to the public at low rates.
Their stockofF NCY Goons&PF RFUMERY
is the largest and most, complete ever. (Arend in this
Also a choice assortment of pare WINEB ,tlr. LI
QUORS, Puitablo for medical purposes. r
A large variety of Camphepe. Phtwpene.
and (Al LAMPS, containing many now and beautiful
Being agents fits all the.hest 'Patent Medi ' sof the
day, purchasers awn depend upon procuri 's' genuine
article in all eases.
All the Drugs and Medicines kept at eir establish
ments may be reliiid Upon is genuine and of tbe best
quality, having been carefully selected with a stew' to
their usefulness. 1-, '
a7'Boup) mote of the Ward Haase, and No.l.llrick
Row. - Towanda, May 27. 1851.
Not the Towanda furnace,
GEO. W. POTTER would respectfully announce
to the public that ho ie in possession of the New
and Commodious
rovinatz & 2117.ACEIXISMI SHOP,
in the borough of Towanda, at the place where the
Chair and Bedstead Factory formerly stood. where he
intet.ds to manufacture and keep constantly on hand
all such work in the above' line as the wants of the
public require, such as Mill Irons and Gearing, Saw
mill rods acid Cadet-mill screws, Horse-power work,
Ploughs, of various patterns, Corn 'Ploughs, Scrapers,
Cultivators, &c. &c.
He pledges himself to use his best endeavors tolteep
op with the iittrito.ementg of Ow qwtieldwot I.4t
banilry in the line of hie manufacture. He has long
since learned that the best way so verve one's self in to
serve the public; arid be feel. confident that hi. grins
from time manse. to introdoce such articles es experi
ence has prnved tole dselLl to the' user, will be pro
perly apprediateil.
He would say: in Oran, that 'herintenda to be in pos
session bf the hest patteme oC Plonahs'and Cultivators,
and ill articles of imatidhdryt in his line. 'He would
also say that be has had tin eiperiencti of gm oodiven
ty years in building Machinery; and' kis wrest accom.
gradations for that plirpose, Mid would inviteibpse who
may want Castings or Machine* fitted to 'givo him a
call; and as he attends to hiS Min busitwas personally.
he pledges, himself .that the nitintgof the public
capacityshall be tally attended to:
A. he Is desirous of bringing his business is I:odic-ash
es possible, sell astonishingly low Meisli pay
ing customers. Come one, tome all ! and the sulrieri
bet pleilges himself to please all who will be pleased,
01' He has on hand and will manufacture STOV, E 8
for sale. - Towanda. May 26.1851.
A bmiN ISTRATft;X'S Nutlet:.
A LL persons indebtir the .estate of JAME.I
FRIES. demised, late of the township of Welbs,
em hereby requested lb make paythesit without daily,
ansi4hose having claims against said estate, wilt please
present them duly suthentiestot itotement.
MARG.% ger EWES, Aitodoistratrix.
Welts, May 24. tS5t.
4 DOZEN More of those cheap and gaud LINEN
COATS, this day remised by
May 29. A. CAMPlitt.l..
aillight art rtlltaladatiffrpOt.
H• A.CAMPBELL, return their smile thanks
for the Übe al patronage hasetabwe bestowed,
and would again call attention of their4rietub and ens.
towns to their late arrival of New *sten Gomm
Consisting of ill things necessary for clothing the out-
CT than ` ; whisk will h 56 split It *little tower rwesilan
has hithortofore twen,asked.
Please giro us *Call heroin perchnoingehrorbew.,
it.A. A. CA MPll&f.l..
TUST, received masher lame seientecni of thciee
- e/ cdetep BOOTS nod 8110 ES u•
-Dea . 4 . • ; rattcs:gra.. , ,
Caution.. „
ki.l.perm or ate ha*
ins notesisombrom as **Alb pr Ntortolq,
v359,-to C 4,11: Bine% Cm Thli4ellis the
con t rai l for;w6ieb a mid 'note l woe eiren.,,leiltembeet
beam complied with on the pot or said Barnet, I
do not condi* myself Wally of (MAT Mond taper
it, and shall not do so, unless compelled ltylaye. • ,
• mdams. jam ,1,1, leo' f , • ^;:i 4 4^ tiPPT.
_ • L 'AmportsitiolalSterditeirr
trlig ►tilktirthis - -inethoirtit iatorhingf
1 theme who .re indelfiral to Mai. 6.1 pat"trir
imisedistaii,rWjtaiiietibrek e lt tii r b!ai,' and
firtheintgmCorthiss "
rowaniliatteil 2R; P:SETrs.
CARPET -,4r• noon cLOTlll,,6te.—Ckwid dl we
tr• - frpcts;olipo-heary toot' Cloth, Mind,
jot welted mkt fat salo,tety low by •••.4
••• tlevAttri.veri
---. • iltv.zok:-- --, .. , ' ... ~... .._.... 11,--.14,..-vo Avi
14ZWETTEliatilltaL STONE
7 r 47.l ''''- ~-,...,... Mirir- 1 .4; '4':1%1,
ItCIE - oretnan fat sum yews
a 4.4111. idieptie , Butr,*, imiseallidoty,
2 40 i silliftligi It!Ntii,X.,Ais 0-Vii,'l*-1 4 , , Ag e nt)
woos ingann hie:faun& sisilibetpublie in semerel. dm
FA 011,17,64.1Basboapstail i .14; y. 14 a Leialiva:
Inge, ° PP*" flhe l4 x:iletet , ":4 - 0404 1 1 Oiee
; Iwo
ArAltatflitßule4ffri '..,;.• Ici ''' .. L.
ri liAjw ill A1k*A. 4 3 0 ) 0 441, PA - 624 A! 1 14,,541,V of
4:05 ~RWliorrAft 0.9 P ee- al re ' ea,' Nillite a
pturVitAi Riiines, a lsop - - wow . . ,iggi
hig,c,4r44..o4. ,yrfaAd'CiMitifillatTer:' ,
• - -no %indent - 6d smuts hiatfwilattihe 'Wine,
theqml wiltkillAti:Ve eli . 6 "l e Yr•-. Ft re d in
hi.icii# only . 111 ,4 11 kr, ' bvi: ge prim. ankle.
lupiihof 14 f0:01 illiir kW. OthifulP• • .
-,0A*41 11 7 liitfr 1 6 :0e, eifvtitatrik„_e* '!'', .0 1 .
and! 11 4 1 “.10Y,s•Pme4.PReherilla...Pe a" t u r "Pt*
- ,!. 444.1.9 11 *:Mkr 2 1•0 151, .•,..' 1--; , :- L
7.7" 1114 7t.". 7
C . . . . .
EALED. PROPOSALS will be received at* the
Engineer's Office in Towanda, until sunserof
MONDAY, the 23d of Jane, 1854 for completing
the following work upon' the Nonh BrancliPenn'a
Canal, to wit: 'Dam No. I ; Sections Nos. 1, 20:2a,
- 3 , 1. -- 44resrm9,-.lool,,,adkAtaal
IS ; ., 160.112,183, and 184 tp,gether..urtt
aqueduct and ctilvert itiaionry which maybe ietitilr.
ed on any of.the said seo,ions. -Also the. towing.,
path sections above • dam .Nu: , l, and a hick at the
head of the pool of said dam. The wurk above : ape.
eified is Erich as was chiefly done". prior io
pension of the North Dranelt Canal in" 1842, and
thafremaining cousists of finishing. up' the iections.
The requisite information in regard to the manner
of doing the work, with thee approximate quantities
on,each job, may be obtained upon aplitlealian al
the office aforesaid, three days prior to the 22d,prox
i too: . WM. B. FOSTER, IR.,
Chief Engineer and Superintendent.
Towanda, May 13, 1951.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have hoen,aPPoillted
an Auditor by the Orphares.Conrt of. Ilmdford
County. to marshall assets and distribute the funds in
the hands of Ott administrator of Smith Pembleuss
deceased, and that I wilt attandba , thrt drains alloy
appointment at my office in the borough of Athens, on
Saturday. the l4th day ofinne next. at, 1 o'clock.
at which :Ono and place all persons Win: pod, ere re
quired t present their claims, or ho delawera', from com
ing in upon said fund. N. M. ISTAVESti.,
May 15, 1851. Auditor.
BY` virtue of an order of the Orphan ' s coart..of
..13 Bradford county,. will he exposed to public sale
on the premises, on naturday.the 6th day of . -July,
at t o'clock, P. LC the following property. late the
estate of Lyman Warriner, dee'd :--Boundeden ;he
north by lands of Rogers Fowler, on thetast by lands
of Enos Varney. and on the west by. landacif. Rica m
Fairchild, and Britton Baldwin. Containing about
seventy-three acres and Thirty-two perches.; about
fifteen acres thereof improved. with a small framed
house, thereon erected, and a small gonna orchard
thereon. Attendanceliven, and terms made known
on the day of sale. T. T. SMILEY, •
May 15, Int. Administrators.
Just opening at
Wormers' as * ac's..
ToBE.who apish to purchase (loaf Articles, a
ocup:rem will do well to call.
Towanslae. May 1851.
TII. KIMSEY, Jr, is knit 'twitting from Near
si • York a large and general assortment of Spring
and Sunimee Goods, consisting of almost everything
usually found in a store, together with
Groceries, Hardware. Paints, Oils. Dyes, Leather,
Boots ty Shoev. Hats. Caps. Bonnets. Crodiery,
Glassware, Solt, Fish, fe.
The subscriber wenid return hilt sincere thanks to
the public for their bountiful patronag e Ilse hot winter,
6y which the increase of business enabled him to offer
hie gads . big summer at still lower prices than they
hare been in thetabit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy goods fur cash or ready pay, would do well to
call at No. 3, Wick "low, and esamine the work and
prices, as the goods are bought
,tuidinuat lie sold.
Towanda, flay 1, 18$1. 3
'WHEAT anti F 1.01114-11 large quantity for Rah
at myl ' PHINNEYI4.
SZATETY rusg—,l o , oo o feel just received and
k•-,or - stile at my/ PHINNEY'S.
L - MBEIL—Any quantity wrinie4.lcor which the
inarkeS plea will be paid at ! PIIINNEY'S.
U —___4 PSIERY.--Irad.ies, misses, and • childrens, silk,
.11 worsted and cotton white and earned Hose; also
genes and buy's mined, brown and•bleacheil half hose,
cheap at - - 7 - . ' . 1142 -7.. - , '. . :FOX'S.
14 --Ticltini,Cntton Yarn, Carpet sir() and flatting
wholesale and retail; at' my 2 .
UGARy Cam Rice, Fish, Molasses, Raisins, Sale.
ratue,-Spices.thls, &c cheapest in towtiost
May I. IBM. •-- • FOX'S.
F, CRESTS more of thole, Chem
f." ranted tomliturThe nmneyseturned to all ease%
• my 2 rOVS:
• •
Are now receiving •
Second generaillock of Spring Goods;
which are o ff ered forsitla at W-110LE9.A LE kiR RE
TAIL. at even lower than dkeir • mina priers. They
say 18411 leash inarnhaeen. come.and nre.nur skid, and
you wilt find gooda'and prices tied.. - ,t .May . 9. 1.851.
TATIIOI.E SUIT; poati,Paids anrifestpi all 'So.
V V $2
WHEAT, •Clatip, Rye and most kinds of Prooluee
. Arkkarti t raltich-dtwhiabast.pder
at , • • -
A flan RATE sasortment ' at
ABll UP, sad Do grumbliatr:psill•for ti at
BROADCLOTHIS.. Cassin3eW.i. ktin44l4 leans
iheep's play eioi6, 4.c...wi11.v,e4 low for. insb
by . , K.LNG*ltlItItY
&wit *n t 'cot ..;
20 ToNs Americfl4,4wigulkwift w, es
. too
• gential assemmcnt,4.llll oases. fitniAMNiquare
elk 1441g.yal -0 04 , 110 91 1 ,. 'hew 'eceeed,iiiiit eele
due ma nr *Ma& wittmdity. at: MRROUErk
'catiessfa eui , acivutoiT
'nag sabeeriber liees!:ter...estry pieta afllietia
•,,L.a.rit4 a 0 noel , earl had appliedln "mitt for help to
f 'freeilifferent physimans of such ewes,
coorplejett . being. considered by them sadodues
mithoet fretneily t
.111 e Isis recently beett.fully owed by
with Da. A. It—Woct miTon,
-of EfOCOO Bl :ert 11 4X,siitclein chettralltremmeadio
41kase.4140ting un4er.!fiat'imibledioseet4itallophim.
, e' yteTott - Ttiwst4v.,_ ;
.*440.4:46,:tif.',0iii. • "
r44.riff,iiiiiiiiii;pcfrtialjeri- 4 • "Kip
44,461' odr slaps. fat see, bY.. /1/3tl;;L;*,:c9.,
a :14 also I tPdteks ilia! 61
X.P A A fit &key! Tv' warraided rA gbxrof th 6 amtity
iOil!nrdEedifrrei Oiteeituagitii i .kidk 4ad Cam, ill
4,410 P)11:* 6 310:441 1 4'." . 49r$•':,
Orphan's Court S•Ve.,
Amexteosive otott of wisle
- ' , ''"' •
, * - 303Egeniairo:4-41”:t1
Tabbymet* OA ,eon to‘otifsl soothaeof of
1 Da*Voom;Goopoilli;&el'ur oblO Ito would
"partWarly inilte theme:Won oralttash Punisaorn.
oolf:willsooktqt an °Wet, tolitero're gin hits - o tall.
. 1111110 4 e = 16 ooll'ilisiwido go - Cams oo low
MA& 1. Artist: spat.
off Do *is ti,'iooditif*thoetwkootsub'
scit — tutr egeba4lly confide* thiftiortsit r`entirer oat
.,iftr! Wight - .APB• 26
COMB OA 1 104*Attanificassiee We New
Ciwaik which wrilmilieiletilittibited 0 1 1..
Cligtr 411Z i g ' 77. GODS.
, .
IOLA& i;
I$ nicierterr i iing direct fkirs'Ners Voek ktyge and
•gfeadkissartnten! of !Good* bort: 1 601 it+
site et' prices jai - A(42unit fijiohitlit' !hi ckiinst itity
erla, for o.loll 4 ,•Piebnuci.on' ArifithYithektattni..
mpectridij oaks a call from all'pensrata - viishingyo buy
goods ctieiNinche is,detertzkaed. not tb , be onsieviloid.
,•Totrantlit. April 24. IBst s •
• Ththstioadi: ' '
A Ito. Oluit4itton Chen., Brij tom,
.1.1. Silks , Fritiek and Daregb lii•tanes. a nevi article
for Simmer dreeat‘i. French aid F;gglish Fainna.S4k
Tissues, Linnen I. l tigtics add any quantity, of other dress
goods at ,
V Etty ode kaellea that' tha plate tu'6ud'ttfb fargeat
of' glares of all dew ,
eriptions'l4 at'
RICH Ribbon% gimlet . .. Silk% Leise elia. Crapes
- , , sp26
')DOZ.-Panama(l Cestioen;Pat4 and Cansda
UV/ Sonya Oats tlt alith fox'S.
p L'K thik DPI DI k Sill. time 4i.I'dAKTILLAS at
ar26 - • FOX'S.
UarA =MAU:Mk Inr/1318.4Wai
$ll . Still in Operation !
rr lIE su6seribeit hale moved to the new building on
rine street, One door below ?demurs store where
they will keep on hand anil make to, order, ph:malts,
stove and i ill . iroric.of alnuistall am:ripen:me. turn
ing and Ottiaukap work. will be done also on riettonible
terms as at Elmira ar Owego. Old iron' Will ble• taken
in payment, /0/IN CARMM
Towanda, April 26,185 d.
TIRY GOOD--A good amoitment of Metinoes.
L. Cashmeres. De Lain*, Alpena, and print. now
opening at , jig • . .
ImPortag, :and Tine
ALL persona--witheut respect to art Or condition
; .?—indebted tdine, are expected• and, ttatilkd , to
matte iannediate payment. TO satiety them that I, am
in eaincit,l milt hat Rijte, that t have engadementa to
meet, which will require me to haire pap of thOs#s ow
ing me. 1 should prefer that the''t windirdo so volentari
ly, but if iikot, alndl without delayi invoke thetwahstance
a the law. .
Towanda. April IR. 1831. th 0: HA LL.
TI e copartnership heretol
J. TOMLIN/ AL Bos, tue
the firm of Torah:is. 8011
by mutual consent. The I
with D. Goodenough C.
• knowing thenirlves
quested to call and settle ul
April 14.1R51.
Spring &
Tascrstec maim,
A RE now rennising dinwt from Now Xork s bar g e
asnoriwent of New
which they pledge themselves to sell u low as the low
est. They invite the attention of putchaseni to,. this
stock which has been hog'ght at low ptitesoind wM be
still at the lowest 6aore.!
Towanda. Akil 18.1851.
T " 4 6 u '3 :i n ts! a L l( 4B l = Pi ma d lt f etti B i Pring {lock P on " ;
of the mom extensive in the anintry- r -for said on the
mod. favoraWe terms far pesh or approve *rift—cash
buyers ore peek:Warty invited to cell intiltetamine the
stock. mys 0: D. OARThert
Paper &any/Jigs.
Milt only complete esicetment of Paper Thin:lnge,
.1 Borden, Window Paper, and •1 ire board Views,
kept in this region, and at prices as low as can bo
found of retail eithm in or out of the principal cities, at
May D.. 8 A RTLErr.
T. 4 DIES' & 111188E8' 8110E.3-s goal assortment
Li al /allies' and misses' Soo shook, boom and gaiters,
sure to ease. at . wrzaw_T-,
W'msport& Athens Railroad Letting.
riZO: H. BUNTING. respectfully informs the pub
_ tic that he his removed his store to Cob Mentor'
building. one door below Warner's watch shop, *here
he will tarbaPpy to are all who may be in want of
Good and Cheap Clothing. lie is a:instantly adding
to his stock all the new and &imitable styles and pat
terns, and feels confident he can satiety any one *ho
may give him a call.
Just receiving froth New York. a toot and seism's
hie assortelent of Spring and Saramer Milking ; made
in the bed mannet, and which Will be sOld as usual at
the kowest:priees. • • -
He has also remitted, s large tot of YOUTH'S &
CHILURENS' CLOTHING. to which be invites at
*lnfirm anti which will be at low rites. He has
made arrangements by which he can send for any ar.
dcle dridted. with the certainty of pointing a good
article. " •
Cutting anti Oinking up, done u usual in the most
fashionable matrier, promptly and to order.
Towanda. May R. 1851 y.
BOOTS fic,,.„..5140E5!
' • &Qua - W. Wilcox,
HAS removed his establishment to H. Mix's store,
corner or Main street, and (he public square. and
will continue tin taitiatimitire of Boots and :Arles, as
He bas just received from SO York &large mart
mint of, Worilen'a, Childittes an4l Aliases' Shop, whirl
are offe red at km prices. The
s sittention el the Ladies
is parjr,ularb!Arected ; his esmittnitnt. comprising
the following new stiles.:—..g uimell e a
ter boot, Jo. Awe,. blab lastinik and silk.gaiters,;
walking sham hastniastaa... Itcaada , Slaters, and
.of etrery,dincriptlan. • is* assortment
fancy oilers. haats.and Shoes, of aliLmdq •
For, die Heritleitien. 'almost every styls,idgitliers and
shoivi. This sloeli lips been pe,..isenelly.,4leried: !alit
s ea m And he believes he, am, otter simerliar•erticles at
reasonable, Older. • ' •
1 3 ., : rrtio strictest attention paid to Atantiffuturrig.
and he hors by doing milk well to nwrit . ,a compd..
aaee otths likral patronage he has hitherto 'recived.
Tewitnht, 'MAL •
• . _
D A RAStiLS—A fine aisieltinient'ot tined sieTother
sk,,fisehtestattleltx *,‘ i Ii1V•W"
(I)lo4pßiro.-Plio..4 ! gest ,sinctt In town. Full
iraii*: lied, brim
tianOihich drilllo'snld cheap
AILS.- 1 106 kei*:jaat - beaelQ; tind re# 'NW by
the ton. keg or wend at ' ROUtrat. •
‘,91-IYlj' • 44h-sail
,14,May MONTARYp & Cd 73. ,
rr , ----r---r---71-
fililt;ticOiT4tinlitilmr. Ilinifig hula. lamp .
It/ c t
-1 4:: 01 *.§Pflel Ant rTidialtv- Valulk*;for bl in InT
ciatithiii tonuit,Puichas!ni at wi, - ,
tAlWri• 1 •
4' 7o ivaibbb relh_. 3 i• 1,461 e r :,. „: ;',,, ,-
, ,' 1., , ~, i '...,1 lan!. ' 4 4 :•• .
elation. '
Moto existing between t.
Gut. W. Parrs*, ander
Co. is this de* dissolved
books and eceounu are left
r soulement. and all feirsocis
tedee the above firm are re
er Goods.
asemicatfisak o l : 4 l 4 . l 4 °ldnil Oil
'CLEAN, *ate tidy *Am Preparation for pro
-11" thi1,00,04 . 11 1- iiiliOnee Iggaty of the
Hair--gernerri s g - dandruff; atiatM sitikriud vowing
the mgrarrn • a
,dirapseu die eset t —tewrethtl i t,
keeping -, nor tan moist, ligatitifig M I -
neva ii - ea beautiful , hmuri.:ltillgithieltliaa difeheee •
tweipartits will be found -nunartratdr, : agpfted
the head or Initatlons on`#r,skila, o goliltegny r
theldtehoge and".loil pievandona so - Cbgiticinlinsed
fa the hair: ill imp/loft otter all heir Ifriltaitgoes -
eonshoirin its proPornies being moistening mfdl
instead ofrning &id heating as t h e alcoholic peepatio•
eons are-- and heing Tree of gm greasy,mialiticis
oils; &e. Ifs power to teems the gliatifama - coat:.
ing•Which ebangefal the :perecof the ,altht enteg up.
' healthy. and which prevents the follicerr,froor exuding,
sway mihstance..necessarY te the nettoet. =tett?"'
heinity and gmwth of the hair is enrols:riled. - •
' One forropplitation of the Heir Gape
more lasting beauty andmoiaure to the hair, than
whole bottls ante alcoholic prepasagoartnagally sold :
besides it, watt not soil the finest linear. ?crams whose.
hair is slight* gray. wig Ancittiiti article to mate theif •
hair darter, and render there gray hone -scarcelypeis,
ceptiblo,; Mothers will gad' ibis rePendielt the beet
catruse to dress chddren'altair,keepingit io phase,
giving it a most beautiful lustre, and causing it to grow
' If any preparation of art cur' ause thn
'hair to grow, the Spanish:Hair Gloss will do it
Very liberal discounts Droggistaand these
who boy hy wholesale. Address C. P. Pay, Ogego,
N. Y. Price 25 rents per haute. •
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER. solo Wen,
To a. wanda, P • - • glefon
BV virtue of a'writ of Venditiona Esponas- i••
stied our of the Mint of Common Plena- o
Bradford Comity, and to me directed, wilt be expos
ed to public sale, at the Court House in the 'll6re
of Towanda' on' Hatt:tufo?, the' 2114 day of Joni: at
one o'clock, P. M., the following piece or, parcel .of
land situate in the townthip of Athens, bounded oft
the north by funds in possession of Thomas Cornell.,
east by - lab( Georgerlandersoo,sonth by lan& of
, rfaniet Middaugh, west by lands of David Gardhert
Containing ninety-five' I acres, more cm less, about
twelve acres improved; one framed barn, small ptiola
house and orchard there-On. a -
ALSO—One airier lot Orland lying in the mew ,
depot' Athens, bounded north by land of Wm/Simp
son, east by land of Geo. Sanderson, south by land'
of f. J. Mills, west by land of Jacob Baty. Con
taining about thirty acres, more or less, about twen
ty acres improved; framed Moue, framed barn- in&
a few fruit weer thereon.
Belied and taken in execution at the suitor David '
Gardner vs, J. Aid Mills and Thomas Cornell. •
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levan Fieiss; the
following described piece of land ID Bhesbequin
Beginning at the south-east cornceol . a lot run our
to Richard Johnson, a post; thence 1° west 87 4-10'
p. to a post; thence west:ss 5.10 perches to a postP ;
Menet /oath 34 6-10 perches to a post ; thencenotth
89° trest,lBB 8.10 perches to a post for a corner. is
being also the north west corner of a h* run our Ibr
Isaac Smith; thence north 1° east 03 perches M
post? thende north 75° east 231,7-10 perches - to the
beginning. - Containing one hundred and seventeen
gores and one hundred and thirty eight perches strict
Seiied and tramp in execution at the snit of KJ'.
iieDaters and wife es. Thos. J. Wheeler; adminis
trator of Cyrus Wheeler, dec'd..mormagor of Ithrr
Baxter, R.ll. Vibbert and Gen Vibbert, ter. tenahir.
WM. 8. DOBBINB, Bheriff.
Sheriff's) Office, Towanda, May-27, 1851. •
Variety, Grocery and Liquor Store
T W. TIFFANY his removed his estabUslintant
-Li. directly across the street from his old stand; itt
the store lately occupied by. Mr. Doane. whore be Will
be happy to Pte his old customers. and es maul neat
ones as may be desirous of,r wailing Riddell lit• rr
ne a the lowest possitilente a. Nov. 14. TM*.
n flg ease spring style moleskin Hats; also
and Palm leaf Hats at MN.?
persons indebted to the estate of ALisEicf
A MOODY, deemed, late of Doren toemeM_F•
are hereby requested to make payment gamut
end those hasitig claims against said estate swirl
please present theft' duly authenticated for setilefteht.
The subscribers *llletend at thehostee of tht
on Friday, the tlth day of May, MI. Or lbe envoys
settling the business of sabl estate. ,
Dutell April 24, 1851. Atlceitildralote.
IICE4I2O.IIIILICI 3LAlLlGitittir l es
At only 16 cents a pound, by tho WI, tit VIC fICIU•
TER'S Drug Store, south end of tbd Rinse,
Towanda. Mardi /1.
talLss. sasas YORK erisetol3-'WHIBREY.
AA/ Just received and for sale in large tlt
toles, at the lowest market price, by
March 4, 1851. L. W. 1 tFoAikt.
env Chair and Bedstead Warercom.
ESPECTFIILLY informs the ptiMic atin kr has
IL opened a shop at his new het*. earner of Main
and Nine streets, nearly opporiteHdriard .oTefton's,
Towanda, where be will keep dtband or npidofittturo
to order, Flag-mated. Cottage, Winded.: Fattey; Cann
seated and Common CHAIRS, made Of the best ma•
lariat; Cu! of superior durability.
He pat eiso for rude 4U ,ItautilMeni B ftisllol i4ol .
at low prides
Repairing and Rearing Comm* tettti-trlttOM end
Flag-stutted Chaim, on reasonable terms.
Cherry, Basiwood. Whitewoo d and P:uctistiber law
!Par taken in payment for work.
He trusts that his tong artitfardanee lir tide bounty,
and the durability of his work as tested by Outer years
experience, wig secure him a sham of public patron
age. Towanda, March 1, 1851.
CLOVER GEED: —A aepetiOr 01100 0 both. ars
large awl small seed, for wile cheap by
Mar :h 1. B. ICINGSUERY:
liamiLua lzermax.
Adains 411. Effaanirlatkit, -
LAVING entettid info en-paitnership in the practice
oftear 4 Hle elSo established en acency-for the
sale of real the county Of Bradford. Pewter.
having real estate which tliq Ache to sail, by calling
and Itisina a dinicriPtiort of „their' . prePeity with tho
terms eagle, will Ondoeihtitilf Ilia it to their *dm,
Persona desirous of pitishisini rag kern whew prop,
erty is, for a*—* descripticin of the unto with the
price and terms of paYittetifillid he informal u to the
abliditfof ' 1. Q. ADAMS. • •
~ T owuds. &ley J. RitAC FA KWH.
poor 4,IBHiM DEPOt4-1000 pair at priaaatti4
1 9 Cap, aktt al . competition. ,
febrp%Ary *2. • 1110,1)TTORT3 &,CO.
IHINT! an 4 °acids county Fire
Proof Paint (tie aaltp very chimp by
Poisitiaey:22. " MONTAN.YES & tO.
1.1 sate and t etail at Philadelphia prices.
• Fehnii gry - • MONTAN YEB 41CO.
iV orreigd Works; by
'4ehruary:72. TOIIIKINSI. BON At CO.
trfiniubleribers having just. 'received a bung *Mi.
_-L lion to their amok, are prepared to furnish app.
son with a "s;cupplerit skulk." convening of
*yrrAlooli, ronta, pann, Feet. SAirfe; Under:Lai;
Cop, Suspenders, Crsteal.!.,4*e.
All of WI ieVoill be sold cheaper' than thehehealest for
m ay pay. . • , -.11. &.A.CAMFDELL.
Toolentle, Nosioller d 4, thZ,ll.
/aPtreThiIkrOVIIMPL-;:rtfr ketni Mstin; Pow,
.U . 136:47 . .'• MOSTANY4S 41. CO,