01- At the Wortd's Fair a recent incident in be, life has esosedquife islentalitutittitsbiOnlble nt de., The truth of the ol d adage, tr th e l aw i s no e t persons, ",has been realized. Capt, is 7 tw t, &the Coldstreurn r , Guads,,drove his : and pair into Hyde 'Park; military to the phaetonno he was stopped by a policercan. , „ The Captain %c hipped the policeman ',!aerareiy` dud thereon. He wall stopped : however, (akin ' in e ke, end brought before Mr. Hardwick, at the ismoug h Nice Office. After that magistrate t l ; her d thecam,hecantlertured Captain Somerset ta2tU theHoeso.of correction/ The haughty 4ie, of o istocratic name and position, irked to 0, slity the paynrentcf vny sum of money but the rwimpatill magistrate would not me t re tieeentence very praperly 'warning the Cap.. I . 7 that h e gold set a better example of Obedience :68 log . This is considered by some a very ww ,e Eentence, bot:ldr. Hardwick,-by w h ets is im. sorawedfor ;alt judicious and fearless exercise of magate power and judgment. It is said to, be, most Teurartabre event in English jurispru dence /Ince the incarceration of Henry the Pith, then Prince of Vi ales, for striking the Chief Justice. • small s Costrocr.—The Philadelphia Inquirer e i n e it e account of * desperate struggle, which ;etc place in that city, on Thursday afiernoon, be. m em a hog and an old man named Was. 'Chore. ley. The animal entered a small shop, w h en AIL Tionn i e y atte mpted le drive it and its litter away. He bad scarcely entered the field of combat before the animal made an attack on him, end a fearful resale took place.- Mr. Thornley ,isetem thrown d6wn end was bitten in the leg r thigh, and arm ' lied was botribly lacerated. The animal for f ew mu _ meets had complete control of him, and it is quite likely he. would bare been killed but for the time ly irderpreAtien al a gentleman wh o lived near to., who malted firm his reaidenee, chair infused, and commenced battering away al the infernal ani. ma Lwaa finally driven away, and Mr. Tbornly was taken h o me, suffering the most intense pain, and placed under the care of a phyaiden. • c ,)fairs "Goa, Mtites."-- Last 'week w e statalthai we had received a specimen of gold dog from a stream in Woven% We have since been by another specimen taken from the same piece by Mr. tames Whorl!' Madieon, weighingfifieen pins, and worth atom eighty-three rents. We are informed by Mr. Hussy, the stage'. driver, that some it ateen more pieces, about 'the size of ker. eels of wheat, were taker. out on Saturday morning lie. There can be no doubt of the fact that gold has been found in our country, whether of sufficient enmity rd make it an object in working the mines can only be determined when the water shall fait safficiently to allow of a. more thorough examine, Win.Skowegan (Me.) Clarion, .tticw ffsiteserxr..—New Hampshire, it appears ts. the Governor's address, will, what is rate for it, tie-in debt,..at the end of the ensuing,year, $76,000, oriel to extraordinary expenses of the late Con. wove, &c. The ordinary revenues will extinguish this debt in from three to 'fire years. The State PIM7II shows s surplus of $1,300 of earnings over expenses An acknowledgment is made of the lite, Able! Chandler's bequest of $25,000 to the Insane Asylum. The Governor sustains thefugitive Slave Law. 0- In 'the Circuit Court at Washington, June, sth, the jury decided against the validity of the wili ai kasciusco, of 1896, as his lan will anittestament. Catmquently the foreign heirs, for whom Reverily Johnson and Major Tochman appear, will be enti tled outlet the will of iß36,to /Cosciusco's entire estate, which is considerable, and suits will be in mimed tar its recovery from the trustees here and their !amities. A Foor Ract.—A focn rate of ten miles, was inn at St. Louis, on the 14th, for a purse of 8400, be tneen the American Deer,Jackson, and the Bnffalo Indian, Co/lee The race was won by Jackson, who made the ten miles in 58m. 341 ; beating Col: fee Im. '2 t*, his lane being 59m. Ms. Both ; it wall be seen, ran the ten miles tunleran hour. Tut Srinu 01:A Locuar.—Near Westchester, Pa, last week, a young man named *moron), was sessreiy stung en the hand by a young locust, in consequence,ot which the arm soon became much 'wallet,' up to the shoulder, attended with consider able pain. The .general impression seems to be thatibeloeust has no sting. The females, never theless, has a spiral sting, and some deaths have beta ascribed to wounds inflicted by ii. tut MARYLAND 11ET01151 Et.corioN.---The fiellOtitS continue to came in very favorable for adoption of the Constitntion. The majority i in ail counties bui nine. is about eleven thousands. Washington and Frederick counties give each two thousands two hatilreil s majority. The entire majority in the State will, it ie;thoughtihe from 6,000 to 8,000. Paicncm. Swriai.—At Syracuse, N. York, on Sunday, a fat negro women, rigged out in the new Turkish style, with a dress reachit g just below her knees, flowing treasons and a gipsy hat, with 61 Teintinenbbons, promenaded the streets, attract • ing connilarabli; attention. This dress was given tier /5y dorneyotruggengeaseaot the airy. &me Amanitas SrtraCatioreartnic—The stater Convention o the Native American•partyp cif:Penn sylvania, will he held in Harrisborg,on Weilneaday, July 23d, 1851, for the porpoise of placing iii nonsi. ration candidates in be supported by the party ter Gotemot, Canal Commiesionert&e. Sims tY PEssavtvants.—A Mine_ has recently tees opened about two miles from. Phoenixville, Chester county, which yields about thirty three. omen of pure silver lo the ton, and fifty percent of The Westelester Affersonian says that the whole valley of the Schuylkill teems with mineral wealth, suelt as lead, copper, iron and coal. ftr• lion. Timoth fres, member /al the Senate 'from the Potter district, hair-resigned State his us that body, tidying, eentluded to accept an appointment on the Portage Railroad, tendered. !Inn by the Canal Commissioners, 'Mc Ives' term in the Senate would have expired this fall, so that new election, unless in Case of an "'ma session of the legi,slature, will not be necessary. C 04171 01011`n% THE TEITIMONT 07 A LUtfATIC.." Samuel Hall, charged with the manslaughter of en inmate of a lunatic asylum, in•England r in which he wai teener, ban betn +lamented to twelve months' imprisonment. The prisoner was ctinvicted on the evidence of a lona* patient, and 'the jtulgeti have since held that he was properly eiamined as a wit begs. Q:: 0 ' The Earthquake at Guktadoupe, an the 17th repotted at -New Orleans, did ctonsiderable damage to the South part of the island. A Areal m any houges were threwn down and the piante• none throughout the' island mans er.ietis injured.— No one was killed, so far as intelligence has been eceired. Ll*" lion. Welter Fikaniei hes been nominated 'l 11 . i ., Whigs to the Presiden t Judgeship- of the . 01QQ/end Allegheny Cooney. x i , . A terrific hail atoms took place at Nashua, • tiro Illondarafteroooo, which did *great des; ilVatt to • fruit MM. _.III3IIATMRE AILBIABLIMB—ISEIL L BROWN LIN.NEbb °CAWS for $1 00 as ° lt * ft " per ar so794.es. soli Beta , D CAMPBELL'S. , --....4.......12!,4_...._ &tomb. 3""if ' ...." l a l it ' 4 33 .. 7 I! T EATHER—SoIe ;ad CppePLeather; 9140- Kip , Sen a t, • - 4 -7 4. .Li• and Calf 'skins; for safe by ' 940 X. 41k ca. •• r44441as ... •17 439 7...39 , 1 IL DSWIDAI4. 19 492 7 211 g BHT Sugar sod Mallsomolso - 10 ebosts more 4? Tovuour 19 43$ 499 UP . am fradt'sow • Teal warranted soodof 69 money , • rains.. .... v:44 '2O 4 h 729 vilevisf,r4See,B4l4ll4ll4,Elol 4 nth and Tthltr! si , i „ "uphir• . 21 ; 4 OIL - , ' 7 - 2* of whic h vrinbcl44l abort' • • PO A'4 , • .._...,.. .. , lIirPARTICULAR NOTICE.- The under ltigutotamtlemstatTo!Fasiajimoty sh. podia to the th4e - alerts. iiill'attbe" ediott Friday, the 4 thiiiilittiitilfiltezt. Thia rang *eat wig he. striegy - w - P.init so taa • .11. *4 M. C. Mercer. hlontanyie 4 Co, 'Shapley dr, Lewis,' • 'r.katePb EioPterf• '• Roma•Kiiipbeip t IL it ,4 Campbell, :- J,I Phlnaey, ' Tracy /a Moore. R. T. Pot, XX Betti. -,..‘ • Raiff & ; hue Poet, , ' D. ' • _ _ Dr TOWANDA DlttefON NO. in. 8. of T. The members are tequeated' to bepanci. ival in their attendance at the Divisiort room oa nort,Tuesday evening, as buiiness of importance is to be transacted. • By order. May IC • ' A t R. MARTIN. 11.8. ALL pinions are hereby cantiOned against porch**. ing a note given by me an the lith of Notembir, 11150, to C. B. Barrett.. for VA. The terms of the contract for which - said note was &leen. have newer been complied with on the part of said Barrett, and I do not consider myself legally or morally bound to pay it, and shall not do ws, unless- compelled by law. Monroe, June t t, 1851. If .0. GOFF. NEW SUMMER , GOODS I TOESEPH KINGBIIERY, ban just mturned from al New York with bia third grand wracrument of goods for the season, embracing a large invoice of Funny and Staple Dry Goode &c., which shall pesitiselyiba sold cheap. Towanda, June 12. 1851. MORE NEW GOODS .TuBT ood whith be a so l l e d at the un rge uteM of ate7ily lo ew a m pri: rev which we have bad the pleasure of introducing into this market. 'The cash-paying public are invited to an eurnination. SHAPLEY & Towanda; inne 42, 1854, LOOK HERE !--We are now adlinit th e beat arti de of Molasses at I,l} edits per BaIton._SHAPLEY & EWIS. Towanda, Inn. tI, -visa! FISH t Mackerel by the 11h1 and Mackitaw Trout sod Whit* Fish by SHAPLEY & LEWIS. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! Hardware, Stoves, Copper, Brass, Tin, AND SHEET IRON WARE; HALL tfc RUSSELL having ° formed r co-pariner nershiP, respectfully call the attention of the pub. lic to their assortment, to which. large additions have recently been made, making it the largest and most varied ever offered in this - region. Among the multi tude of articles a few will be enumerated 2 English, American and Swedes' square and round ; English and American refined; hoop, band and horse shoe iron ; nail rods and makable Iron of an descrip• Lions. &c.; with a good assortment of Neils:-3d, 4d, sd, Bd, Bd, 10d, 128 and 20d ; 4, fi and 0 inch spikes ; wrought nails and horse nails, by the pound, keg or ton. Also, east, German, English blister, American spring and tire steel, dre. Carpenter's said loiner's Of all descriptions, viz: broad, narrow and band axes; hatchets, adz, joiner's cut steel mortice, firmer and framing chisets ; common and east steel augers, of alt sizes, from In 2 inch ; braces and bitts ; augur and pod lutts extra ; planes and plane irons ; band, tenant, X cut, keyhole and slitting saws ; iron and steel and try squares of all Lees, frongsl to 15 inches; hammers, spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, mortice gttages, of all saes, screw drivers, scratch - es, hallow augurs, &c. Illacirannith's Tools. Anvils, betimes, vices, hemmers, sledges, tinting hammers, stocks and dies, drilling machines, dec. Tanner's Shovels, square or round points ; . picks, hoes, day, straw and manure Corks; log, cable and binding chains, crowbars, grubbing hoes, rakes, grass scythes, scythe 'mattes, scythe stones and rifles, cradle scythes, bush scythes, corn cutters, shovel plough• moulds, garden rakes, hoes and trowels, scoop shovels, &c. Carriage Trinunin,gs. Carriage bows, top leather and cloth ; patent leather ; India rubber cloth ; brass and silver plated hub bands, concave and Boston patterns; brass and silver ploted curtain frames, lining nalls,carriage knobs, apron rings arta hooks, stump joints; brass and silver plated joints; seaming cord; striped lace. .wide :and autos*; silk striped lace, new style; top lining, worsted friage,moss, varnish cloth, patent sales and sale arms ; springs, 4T. Ramat Trimmink and Saddles, Ware of eat and mast approv e stylies, and of se Trimmings, We have on hand Mo a u full asaurtment. Also a largemnin tity, of LEAD PIPE, which eve we prepared to furnish at'the lowest prices, together with copper and britannis stop cocks and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump ;Mina and Well Riggings. A general assortment of hardware. Saw mill, circular and wood saws; plastering, and brick trowels; lathing hammers, shovels and tongs : tikasland maps of all sires; shoe, and tack hammers; drawing knives, turners chisels mid gouges, ems setts, callipers, pincers, knives and forks, carving knives and forks and steers; butcher. ' pocket and pallet knives; coach wrenches, trunk, chest and airless; teflons and steep sheets; table and bed casts; dinner snd tee bells, glue and enamelled sauce kettles; brass kettles, from two 'quarts to half a barrel;' Hollow ware and eanldrenikettfes; tea and' coffee pots; brass and bd., tennis candlesticks sad snuffers; trays, fruit trays and large servers ; curtain arms and pins of the latest styles; stair rods and holders; ladies' and gentlemen** pocket win's; razors and razor strops; German silver and lnitannit table and teaspoons; hair, clothes and shoe trashes brass arm steel barrelled pistols and revolvers; gun locks, steel nipples and nipple womches ; - shot, shot torches and 4 Podder disks; barn door, strap and T hinges. Also Manufacturing and wilt keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Itin and Japanned Ware• Wo have dio just received SO tons - of sroves composed in part of the following patterns and sizes: *radiant air tight Cooking Stove, Number 4 Forme?* do • ; do •: 9 Lady of the Lake, do •: 9 Queen of the Weil, do Iron King: do :: 4 and 5 Improved Pre:Mime do :: 7 to IQ Eastern Premium, do :: :., and 4 Jenny Lind Poem Steve., " :: , 4 Cottage , do ( 7. 2 and 3 Cylinder do • :: 3 and 4. , Air tight- . do :: tto 3 Air tight 6 plate Btores,l i :: 2to 6 Biv plate Stoves :: 3to 7 The above comprises bat a few Snide, of the most -meet which they offer to the public, and all of, which will be disposed at ettremely low tate*. In proof of this, please eadfat, Hide old stabd.actulb side of public., squirm, and elite:ding to Pins street. . . ar Old Copper, IroM Bross arid Meat kinds of Pro. doe% taken in payment. Towanda, time 4. 11151:- 30 fleB,lB„"eti'''sir:ww7fetirallB-1. baportaut to in notortoto4 I TtiE subscriber takes this narthoil of informing all thous who are indebted to birafto call and pay up immedisiely,as it will be of much hew& to Warr sad for theinierest of those intetental. Towanda. April 28. tSSI. N. N. BXTTS. AItPET & VLOOR. CLOTH, &v.—Hood woo ;rise=ralZehri rker ittry I CI ow T, and 14 Dome* Dee- 24, Lsso. 0. D. BARTLETT: IS Nati 9 , bvettsements., • Alatition. iron and Nails. Nan 2thertisanatts. -t fir T1M2,21* COMBINE Eg WILL enter the borough of Towanda on /Uter day the 14th ot. June, beaded by the New 'fork Weis Band. , The animate are those which were Ellin/ led throughout the principal cities of Europe by Van Aalborg. The performing Elephant Wallah ex cites the wonder and surprise of every individual who has seen his almost incredible Performances. . The Equestrian Troupe is withon.t its superior in the known world, among which is that celebrated Sty Horse Rider, N. B. Turner; and that Clown of a 'Clowns, I. Myers. Doors open at 11 and Performances COM -inences at 2 and 7P. M. Admission 25 cts. Chil dren under 9 rears, half-price. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of KENNY D. STILES. deeeaied. We of the state of Ohib, are hereby requested to make payment vr,ithout delay, and all persons having demands against said estate era requested to present them. duly authenticated for set. dement. JOHN H. WIHUBT. Administrator. Ulster June 5, 1851. NEW CHEAP CASIT. STORE. Shapley di Lewin, 110ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that they tak 13 the store lately occu pied by J.J. Ward, where they now invite the attentios of purchasers to a large and choice stock of New Spring & Summer Goods, eovereste4 Of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE 4. CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS $ SHOES, , comprising the usual variety, with many articles an styles not to be obtained elsewhere. • Their assortment has been aelected with care express ly for this market, and perdue*/ at prices which will al:ow us to mil as cheap as any store in this region of country. Cash customers are invited to call, with a promise that they shall not go away dissatisfied. c o. Remember, SHAPLEY & LEWIS' new store, nut south of the Ward House, Main street. Towanda, May 29, 1851. ONLY 81 , CENTS !— Another use of those Cheap Prints, at cants per yard,jint received at May 28. • :SHAPLEY & LEWIS. NOTICE is hereby given, that en Election wilt he hell it the offiee,of Laporte Noun & Co., in Tow. ands on Saturday the meet day of June, between the hours 0(10 o'clock A. M., and 12 M., for Officers end man agers of the .• Towands and Burlington Plank Road CJ• la compliance with the charter. Be older of the Commissioners M.y 30. 1851 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, _GROCERIES AND UQUORS, LTUSTON & PORTER hose just sailed to their it assorwitent`it large stock of Fresh Druck-Medi cines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Grocerick sod Liquors, which are now °Riled to the public st tow woes. - Their stock of FA NOT GOODS & PF RPUMERY is the largest and most complete ever °feral is this market. Also a chi:tire assortment of pt►ra WINES & LI (VORIS, suitable for medical purposes. A 'large variety of Campbene, Phospene, Fluid,Lard and nil LAMPS, containing 'many new and beautiful styles. Being agents for all the best Anent Medicines of the day, purchasers maa depend upon procuring a genuine ankle in all cases. All the Drugs and Medicines kept at their establish ments may be rellekupon as genuine and of the best quality, barinit been carefully selected with a maw to their usefulness. Cl'Soutit atm* of the Ward House, arid N 0.2, Brick Row. - Towanda, May 21, 1851, Not the Towanda Furnace, BUT STILL IN OPERATION! (IEO. W. POTTER would respect . fnlly announce Ng to th e public that he- is in puma:mum of the New and Commodious IPOUNDAT & in the borough Of 'Towanda, at the place where the Choir and Bedstead Factory formerly stood. where be totem% to manufacture and keep constantly on hand all such work in the above line as the wants of Jae public require, such as Mill Irons and Gearing, Saw mill nods and Oder -roll! *Mews, Heree.power work, Ploughs, of various patterns, Corn Ploughs, Scrapers, Cultivators, &c. &c. He pledges himself to use hie best endeavors to keep up with the improvements of the age in snicks of bus bandey in the line of his manufacture. He lots long since learned that the best way so serve one's self is to serve the public; and he feels confident that his e(l4rts from time to time to introduce such articles as experi ence has proved to be useful to the user, will be pro perly appreciated. He would say in short, that be intends to be in pos tern:don of the best patterns of Ploughs and Cultivator,, and all articles of husbandry in his hoe. He would SUM say that he has had an experience of five and twen ty years in building Machinery, and has great accom modations for that purpose, and would invite those who may want Outings or Machines fitted to give him a call; and as he attends to his own business personally , be pledges himself that the wants of the pubic in his capacity shall be fully attended to. As he is desirous of bringing his business as near cash as Possible, he will sell astonishingly low to cash pay. ing carlialers. Come one, dame all and tho subscri ber pledges himself to please all who will be pleased. He has on hand and will manufacture Frrov ES for sale. Towanda, May 26, 1851. I 4 toil A DgINISTRATRIX'S ALL pinions indebted to the estate of JAMES FRIEB, deeessed, late of the township of Wells, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those baying claim, against said estate, will please present than duly authenticated foe settlautent. MARGARET FRIES, Administratrix. Wens, May 24,1851. 4DOZEN more of th ous ebesp and good LINEN COAT*, this day remised by Msy 29. IL dr, A. CAMPBELL, Cum= can be Cured L THE aubacsiber bas been for , many yaira 1 with a C neer, and bad applied in volts for help to k different ;Rapidan/sof sumo celebrity In =eh maeo; his tempi:Om being got:taideewl by Chem end tithere without 'rowdy., • Hs bar recently been folly mired by attending o few ameba with .Dis. A. V. WeLrgarow. of Rochester, N. T., tout can ebartnllj nwommeod to those entering under that terribleAmoto to toll on him. VICTOR TOWEILEV. Smithfield: May 17,1851. . AU Sight et the randeldser Ilepot. H& CAMPBELL, Mum thole come dunks . for the libe al istronege beretafore bestesrek and would again call attention of their friend* and ens tamers to their late arrival of Nosy *lentos Coes& Consisting of di :hies* tireeessary for clothing the out er usso ; stir& will be mkt at a Gate tower pre eethan he hithertafore been -aka-- M=iGi=ll Tlififr.loodood ozother„torge asootuttoof of dittos -AP -cheep - DOOM oiolololllB at , Dees * .• g• NOTICE. H. S. RUSSEL Sec'y SKOP, FIB glisteilancons. VAIUYETTEIIMniII;pITO SIZAntreAkITONE• lIIME - Midersigned, formediforemllo for ninny years ..L.• Of -thiridiyette Burr •Mill Stine' iiitrufactorY; VdO.Weshlellbut asset N. 1!.; (IV., Track, ~4Sezif) would inform his friends and tripablic in general, that 'he has established . BURR MILL ATONE MANU- FACTORY at Riughaniton. N. Y.ln " Le. 4 Build lap; oppcsite 4 1'hetiii.Moscl," and solicits a share of their patronage. Be will, We constantly on tend s lugs stock of Frock Burr Milt Slonekris ohm s large supply of Empire Arida Alones;also Tread Burr iiktic s , Bolt in Wire'leal Calcined Plaster. The undersigned *newest& friends and the public, that he will faithfully execute Orders entrusted to his care a 'not only iu quality, but in prices of article, furnished, abd solicit. their hind patronage. Orders by lotus will be executed with as much cm and is cheaply as when purchasers are on the apot. JOHN W. 'SULLIVAN. Binghamton, %fey 34,1851. a North Branch Pennsylvania Canal. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received as the Engineer's (Mee in Towanda'. until stimet of MONDAY, the 23d of June. 1831, for curaftivlio2 the following work upon the North Branch Penn'a Canal, to wit: Dam No. 1; &miens Nos. 1, 20, 28, 32, 44, 65, 85, 92, 97, 100, 110, 116, 128, 133, 150, 185, 180, tin, tat. and- 184 together with the loth: aqueduct and culvert masonry which maybe requir ed on any of the said SCC.ICPIIS. Also the towing. path sections above data Na. 1. and alock at the bead of the pool ofsaid daro. The work above spe cified is such as was Oleg) , done prior to the sus pension of the North Branch Came in 1842; and that remaining consists of finishing , up the sections. The requisite information in regard to the manner of doing the work. with the approximate quantities on each job, may be _obtained upon application at the office aforesaid, three days prior to the 224 prox imo. WM. B. POSTER, JR. Map engineer and Superintendent Towanda, May 11, ISM. AUDITOR'S NOME. IVOTICE is hereby given that t have been appointed .1. 1 1 en. Auditor by the Orphen's Court of Bradford County, to nrarafrel Besets snd distribute the feuds is the hands of the administrator of Smith Pembleton dereassaf, and that I will metal to the duties of my appointment at my office in the borough of Athens. on Saturday, the 14th day of June mat, at 14t'eloek, at which time and plate ail pawing interested ere re. spited to present their daises, or be debarree from tom. Mg in upon said fund. 'N. M. STEVENS, May 115. 1851. Auditor. Orphan's Court Cale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of 1-1 Bradford county, wilt be exposed to public sale 6n the premises, on Baturday the sth day of July, at t o'clock, P. 51 .' the following property, late the estate of Lyman Warriner, dec'd en th e north by lands of Rogers Fowler, on the east by lands of Enos Varney. and on the west by lands of Hiram Fairchild, and Britton Baldwin. Containing about seventy-three acres and thirty-two fondle*, about fifteen acres thereof improved, with a small framed house, thereon erected, and a small pions orchard thereon. Attendance given, and terms,rnade known on the day of sale. T. T. SMILVV, L WARRINER, • May 16, 1851. Administrators. Stuttering . & Stammering Cured in from 40 to 00 Minutes. E Emdeirsigned having purchased of S. C. Math ews the system and privilege of practicing for the core of Stammering, will consult with and attend to curing at his residence in Conklin. Broome Co. N. Y., those who may be afflicted with impediment. in their speech. that no pay is required until the rat; most satisfaction is given. • BLAKESLEE. Cdnktia, tif;iy 17. 101, CERTIFICATE do hereby certify that Z. Blakeslee is capable of coring any, eases of the above impediments, and won Id recommend him to the confidence and employ ment of all those alto may be afilicted with impedi menta in their speech S. CARLTON 11l Arrfic VIPS. • An extensive stock of Staple AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Jost opening et 2112011 1 1 1 .82811118 & CO'S. THOSE who with to porchowe Good Atticlesat cheap tees, will do will to call, Towanda. May I. 185 1. • NEW COON, AND REDUC7ION OF PRICES ! T PHINNEY. Jr., is just receiving from .I* , w J • York a large and general assortment of Spring and Summer Vat:46 eornisting M shame everything usually found in a store, together with Groceries, Hardware, Paints, oils, Dos, Lanier, Boot s 4. Shoes, Eats, Caps. l3ounsfs, crockery, Glassware, Salt, Fish, 4.e. 4.t. The subscriber week] return hie sincere thank. to the public for their bountiful patronage the last winter. by which the increase of business enabled him to offer his goods . his summer at Itill lower prices than they hare been In the habit of !retying. All persons wishing to buy goods for crab or ready pay, would do well to call at Jo. 3, Brick Row, and examine the stock and prices, as the goods are bought and must be sold. Towanda, May 1, ISA!. WHEAT and FLOUR,--a tarp quantity for sale at myl PHUiNEY'S. SAFETY FIDE.-- 10,000 feet Jura recvivell, sad for sale at ray 1 PIM Y'S. T UMBER.—Any quantity waisted, fer which the matitet ptice will be paid at PHINNEI"B. HOSIERY.—Ledies. misses. and ebildrens, silk, wormed sad .otton abite and colored Rose; also gent's sad boy's mixed, brown - and bleached bait base, cheap at mpg FOX'S. HEETINGS & SHIRTINGEI, brown and bleached kJ—Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp and [caning wholesale and retail, at my 2 FOrtk. QIIGA R. Coffee. Rios, nib. kialainot, R aisins, t3sle. A.Y rate*. Spines. Oil., &o theipest in town. at May I. 18451. 15 CHESTS mom of those Cheap TEAS, ear. rented to suit or the money returned in ell mow, my: FOXIL H.S. & M.C. MERCUR Are now receiving their Second general stock of Spring Goods, which are *fared In at VrtitiLiSAEß OR RE. TAIL, at Jaren lower than - their initial Oen. 'They wry to ail cash pureissosra, coins sivi aea 99 , shod, and you will and goods and piers, , May A, 1851.. WHOLE SUITS, Coaht,Panisingt Velar; all tot 1 1` ,- . • • 4 ''-- trAmPucta. , B. • TITHRAT, date, Rye and - moat kinds .of 'Penduce V V taken, for which the highest pties`wilt tie pad it devil • ' PRINNEY'es. A FIRST RATE ssaartasent of Rata at CA MPREGIM. CASH UP, And ao grumbling, paid far WOOL at CAM IRROADCLOTHS. Cesehaetee., Xetattekr theta. J 2 'sheep's re y dads; &e.. sold 4e# 1 . 9 e cash bY •014 •B. ICIPIGSBERV & CO. 'Zroat Iron ire* . . 1; MOVllWAmetkitei Ehglistivtallitedei hob fienind Wortment aan gin attiptifidisita* th Abat, band *a 49015,15Pw 11 ***•:_end be a& bt do ton ot aundlorttnistri a* , opraituVlES: 1:112=1E1 IMSI „„..„„ fkiIOODS . IX tio:stretioiskgr• tith Arid . beaelftel seseattart l et DiffilieotillitOcitifity,4lf4; ethkisiltti weld . partieulatiy invitee's” litteatietsotell (Took retrAasers, wid will make it en eljeit 'Ns than teAgive hint • Celle es he is deterwined to sell his goods fee'-Clan es low •• was evet Wen. oared . Wails its let. .11iwieg stat ed ea phut inienweriett,thitebeieell the sub• stale federally eisolkletta that baleiki give ware sob lateen* telike tusiotiseis. •et'pril;Re . , ONE: COME ALL, and examine the New ‘..J Gotta,. which-ono tow been exhibited sit • WIC • IL KINGNIERIrti. CKUP NEW GOODS. 311,. PDX, • `Ts saw tsweiring dim! from New Vow* large end splendid smortment of Hoods whiett offers for Me at priors-whilt cannot fail to suit the Asset but en', for Caw. Prmorms. on A 'Mimeo Claim He tesPicifeny mks a cell front 'tapeworm writhing to bal l goods cheap, es be is determined not to be undersold.. Towanda. April 24. 1851. DIOR FOULARD, Chewlam Cherie; Irk Dim 1.%; Silks, French suu! Dame Defoment. w new eructs fur irommar drivers. Frerkth and English Ltwas, Silk Trestles, Linen) Limited arid snp trrrantity clothe!. dress R-•xla tit FO. ''S. LI VERY orbs knows that the place to &cal the largest 1-4 assortment anti best qinlitst of gimlet of dll des criptions is at ap26 tOX'S. wen Ribboira, Miami Silks, Leisi Craws at 806 FOX'S: ADO& Panama, Legions, Pain) tad 44 Camila Strew Bets at sp26 FOX'S. Bt.'ftlk arid Is Silk fur IWAITILLAS at 4 1 126. FOX'S, 17/1.4141E1 Zs Still in Operation I THE substiiiser, have moved td the nevi huffillifOrr Pine streetcar* door Wrote Relents Store Where they will keep on Wm! and Make to War, ploughs, stove and mill irons of almost sll deserititions. Turn ing and fitting up work, will be done she on reasonable tense as at Elniirs ar Owego. Old iron will be *ten in pal event. JOHN CARMAN St. tO. , Towanda, April 26.18.51. I TIRY. 000i/S—A good owortntent • of HierinSen, Caibraeree. De Lank Alpacas, .and prints now opening et j 11; MERCURII. Mairritaint, slid True! IXLI. persons — without respect to Ago or eonettion —indebted to in,. are etpeeted end notified to make immediate mimeo*. 'to 1041,0 &Om that lam in earnest, I will jest state. that I have engagements to meet, which wall require me to have pay. of thus* ow ing me. I should prefer that they woultldoioeolthsturi! ly, but if not, shall without delay" invoke the assistance of the law. Towanda, April Id, 1851. 13. C. HA IX'. MHO eopartftership fterepokne ersi'stlftg betereeti Torts me dr. Sox, end GEM W. Perrtsi. under the Rrnt or Tomkins, eon & Co. be this day dissolved by mutt* consent. The books and tteeoents are left with Gondentigh tot lettledehl, shut aft persofts knotting titentri r ves indebted to de above tint are te quested to calf and settle trp. E. TOMMNR & son. April 14, 1451. GEO. W. POTTER. Spring & Summer Goods. ARE now receiving direct fr om New York; a hove assortment of New ` SPRING AND SUMMER OCKYDB, which they pledge themselves to sell as low as the low est. They invite the attention of portheseni to this stock which has been bought at low prices,aail will be sold at the lowest figure. T.owanda. A pril 18.1851. NEW SPRING GOODS ! T sub scri ber is now inr r of h : Pi tt put. ewGoods niine histo one of the most inteastee in att eatintelz—fer filb an the most tiatnable terms for rah er approved credit-stash buyers are particularly invited td call anti examine thq stock. mys O. D. BARTLETT. Paper THE only coropleto sl ir t l writ lian:ings, Borders, Window Paper, and Pire,board Views, kept in this region, and at prices as losi a ian be found at retail tithes in or oat of the principal Cities, at May S. - 0. D. DA WELETT: T MES' & WitsStUe bliClES—esnoiliesoruneist Li of ladies' and mired Boa oboes, boots and gaiters, sure to phase, at 0. t,. BARTLETT. Winniportk Athens Railroad betting. CLOTHING' STORE, 11. 1117:1YING, respectfully latrine the Pi& Ur lie that he has miaowed his ptore to Co!: Melba' building, one door beta* 'Warner's watch shop; *here he dill be , happy to see sal 'OM may lie in Want of Good and Cheep Clothing. He is chnitantty ridding to his stock all the new and desirable styles and, pat. terns ; end feels ermfideat he tin leafy any one who may gNe hint s tall. Just receiving from New tort, i birge,dnd ectlidtia. hie assortment of Spiv ttod Summer ClOhlit; madein thekbest manner; and which will be sold as nsual at the !meat prices/ He has also reedited; a large hrt df t'AUTErtil & CHILDRENS' CLOTIHNO, to which he invites at ention and which will be * tow rates. He has made arrangements by which he tett send for . any: Sr. &le desired, with the certainty of procurin g a good article, Cutting and nuking up. done as usual in the Mos fashionable manner, promptly and to order. Towanda. May 8, teal?. BOOTS & SHOES! John W. Wilcox, H4B removed bla eatablisbroaat to, ft Ws store, comer of mile street sod tbq public initiate, and will continue the eninufatiture of Boma ihtl Shaer, se heretofore, • He bee just receleed from *ew York a large assort ment or Women's, tlitdito and James' slion, which. are offered at tow prices. The attention el the Ladies is psricniarti directed IN tit; asottinent, comprising the following new styles ::•-• -tt(imelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. Ann ; black Infirm and 911 k token ; walking ahoechotkins,&c. Matte tralteni ant shoes, of every description. A litge tirotttfient of Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes. of ell k hlda. • ' • For the Gentlemen, almost ever* stylk of gibers and shoes. This slat bee been persortallf selEtted -with ewe, and be believer, be can offer /evertor Ankle. a t reasonable prices. crp The strictest attention paid to ittanfoefterneg, and be hopes I:4' doing , work well to merit a entitinu saes of the liberal patronage be has hitherto melee& Towanda, May 8, 1851 - - ' • t FOX'S. DARASOLSI4. , A ioa,Nsottaaedtof boa *Pa other fashionable to I FOX% oßdonttit;-.4 . th tows owe it; oviris. Fnp /...1 dinner and leo eette, of white *inite and blue ware, which will be 101 l elt alp at , 1%TA11,80440 kegs ibsi !Gooiest sad ISt ege by 111 ills ten. fuss et pound at, NIERCUIreI. LOS. Philp Swedal tad tither fltOli -10,00 a fist aeltheit May 1. • MO ANTES & COl3. T•iiiAtlaldn't4—titaptilatalattitagytaij,latar qusa .11.4 Ott b parat'iial GAW • P. koratate fit any io'kititiate*eia at bTICEFIre. " Utah re* 't efi r. .l • ECM inathanbile, Dress 'Good*3.-, Dlssoluttoki TRACT 8 MIMOSA TOVVANDA CHEAP inisnitantm. smaw • ' esallatfiunlog — *Lon. 1k itionii4itifdinAletilien foe pwa. thlidirdte - groWthAttntininuetondhewoly of the Rsit.—reincidn' g dosdultat settee and stuff; dol'curing the edits/du e disown of the eralto,uneglialled fur hahreolsg-howtilig tki its deltellkyaefte new sad beautiful lour. eleid etteeeetitg properties, Trill be faired !IPP6rI &ha lo' the head or irritations on diti'aln. iewilike any of the Aleohnlic and 01/ prepeddlow .anemsonly aged' for the hair. fle stiperkeity Writ all'oafr preparatiorne consists in its properties being *widening and tooling, indeed of drying and heating se thrratcoltelii prepara tions are; and Wilzig* of the greasy qualities' of row row, oils, dm Its pottier th mew" the gliitinoturcost. in; which ohdructs the pores of the akin 'rhea un healthy, and which prevents the (Whew horn etuding an oily substance. necessary to the Mart& molitine.- beauty and growth of the hair is unequalled.. One free appikation of the Hilt Gloss willitupart more lacing beauty sad mowtwe to the bail, than re whole bouts of the el&hoftr. preparations ttanafft wild:' besides it will net soil the fined fined Persons whew hair is **Only "ay. wilt find this silkier ur wake their hair darker, and render their gray twin scarcely pee - ceptildie Mothers wish tier this plerestion the beer they can use to ifreesfet Aftedfaliair,keepingit iff giving tt a arrest ti wanted hen*, and'eattaing it nt grow bizuritinfty. If any preparation of art eau caws the hair to grow, the I/parish laic Glass wilt do Very liberal &coon:a Made to . Iliuggisti end those' who buy by wfiotatiare.. !Mhos C. P. Fey, Omer* N. Y. Price Oh cent. per bottle. For sale by If UertQN cQ POLTER. sole We% 'rewinds, Pa. awn% WEAIFT I 6 SALE. BV virtue of a writ .of Venditiona Expoas is surd out of the Court of Common Pleas of aadtbrd Comity, and' to me.directed, will be expos.. tato fhb& safe, Or the Court litouse in the Dorn' of Tort , anda on, Saturday, the, 21st day of Junr. at one o'clock, P. M., the following piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Athens, bounded on' the north by rands iiipossesslowof Thothas Cornell. ease by land of George Sanderson, south by hands of Daniel Middaugh, west by talks of David Gardner. Containing nirsety-ive aeres, more or less. ; about twelve acres improied, one fiztged barn, %wall pihek' how and ore:hard thereon: /I'L P/o—Owe other Int of hind lying iri , the mint- Ship of Athens, bounded north by land of W,milimp son. east by bled of Geo. Sanderson. tooth by fan& of I. Miffs; West by herd of lacob Baty. COD mining about thirty actes, , m6re or leasorboni twen. ,- ty acres improved; framed' house, framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon: Seized and taken in execit'iiOn at the suit of David Gardner vs. J. Joel Miffs and' Thomas Cornell. ALSO—Sy virtne of a writ of lievari Facia,, the following described piece of land in Sheshequin tp. Beginning at die south-east coiner of I tot run ant to Ricfiard Johnson, apost; tterfee 1° *est 67 4-10 p. Co . a post thence westerre .10-perthits to a post thence Soars 34 6-10 perches to a post ; thence north 89° west 168 9.10 perches to a post for a corner, it being also the north' west corneV of a lot run pet for Isaac smith; thence north is east 63 perches to a }Yost ; thence north 75° east 231 7-10 perches to the. beginning. Containing one hundred and 11kt . ..rotten acres and one hritidred and thirty eight perished strict Measure. Seized and taken fir execution at the soil of P. 3 ilellaters pod wife vs. Thos. J. Wheeler. adminis trator of byres *heeler. deed. mortgagor of 'cher Baxter, R.ll. Vibbert and Geo Vibbert, tn. *name. WM. S. DOBBINS; Sheriff., Sheriff's Office, Towanda. May 27, tB5l. mon. ism *dot 41131 r ALi vs Variety' ; t"zitveerl and Liquor Store f: TW: TIFtAICY bar removed his estreblishment 4. directly scrota tho street froth his old stand, in the store 'stet, obtuitied by Mr. Doane. vibe» be w 1T be happy io sea his old entitonserrii Mut sts tlesty nett ones as may be desirous of) °stewing ,OtOckla h! ne do the ph/O*W tt e Nov. 14; lttstt. O e fit ea* *ping slyly troleaiiiHats; abp Irmo and Palat.leaf Hata ai re. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIO.k. A LL persons indebtile ter . the estate of A.14..E74 Cl. MOODY, decess4 late Duet iovillithiP, are hereby requeated to make paynient dittoes di; toy. and those haring claims egairtat' !aid Mate wilt please resent them duly authenticated for seplerettli. The subscribers will attend at the house of the &est, on Friday. the oth day of May, 1851. fur therurpoil teretttfrig the bustuesi of sniff estate: FjcLANCIS X. DOMit HENRY RINXE, Duren, .#!, mil 24, 1851. A dminist 11/111.1113/1411111.11183 3111-4111.111311-310111127111"0 606 C) TALLOW MOULTSdAtslbt.tl, tiARNANTtrii At bray ib cents a pound, by fife tkii, at TERM Drug Stone; south end et the w a il House, Towasis. Much !t. 20 DOLS. OLD YORK STATE WHIDBEY, just reeffved and fdt Rift Kluge or sada/ quad ottani rak r 4 67, March 4. Dl5l. L. W. TIF 0.-VS" V. New Chair and Bei - 86A Wardroom. JESSE fitThoft; 10 ESPECTFULLY fermis the public thiii he has IL opened a shop itt his hew house. corney s of Melte and Nab steel .; near Opposite Edward Overton 's. Tosiiimis,wirera he keep orghand or manufacture to order, Mimeo*. lt tillage, Wiliddin. tiliey, Cans maid did flatildrott C MIR*, made of life best ma terials. dud of imperial durability. He bee also kis silo tin issortnient Of Biturraays; at IoW prices Itepatiitig dell seating Common, Comirballont titol rliw z iedte,l their*, on reasonable term,. CileriY l Basswood. fur Cucumber kW bertaken in payment Work. Hs trusts that his long iciikalitanie iii tali iiiiiiitiY; siid the dithlbililY di lila etlirk is tested by sky yistre experience, will secure him a ebdee of Piablic pandit age. Towanda, March 1, 1851. ' - (''CLOVER SEED.--A impels), article of both the large and smell stedi for sale cheap hy . lifer:ll i. 11. Kll‘GSlit lit: 3112&J:b , .L6llslsta,) Adam's a *CitairilibO; ti TjAVING entered into en-paitnertiltip in the practice er hivr; hive silo eitiattshed an iticel*y for the vide ()twin r Stie in the hooray Proems baying mil state which they MI; hy- Coaling end leaving description of their Ocipeity witii Uri terms otnili, wilt stialoutitally find it to theft tiatan twit. Perwihs desitotts at pttethising tilt teach ,vitsitie prop. erty is la, sales description oT the geniis viith the price did terpla of foil:atilt Sod be iittoritiati it to tho validity of title: , AAA Tatiana% M. 1410FARIANE. B _ 001* & MOE DEPOT-1000 pair at prieeseitt fait defi competition. kelnuary 22; Slott+l.3ltiis da CO. D PAINT.-hid sod Oiqeiast towdy Firs Proof Mot for isle sett throtti FilOisary 22. MONTAN rgg & CO. itetir,tii sale 'thou: A-L A .4'1:124 regal "I a February V?. MON'FANttS & CO. Agfi PAftWitbuiti..snitd:at Ocato X.) inertia ! aka, , February 2,1: TinFiinVOl. SON & CO. Peakisiligg bßror r„,„. 404 just set:Ping a largo WM. 1 tam to thee atgek. aia ptarsred to famish a- pot• son with, aNiompletttoutBl," constsliag 01 Vooioodof CO"' Polk, r ests, tinclaskirts e "Dratiei, Hati t iZap i ; Suspenclpsi Craig" I* / Ali of orbiet will be 'OW clisaper that: tlib thaapist toy t0t!•••,,,,4 pop, • R, & /4.111,8 1 1PRZL1.. Towanda. November 14i 1854). B L4tirti act; G. • ' WDEt-40 kelp Bfirst.ing POW. till • itIINITAN yss* co. u- 4 -` - 4