Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 24, 1851, Image 4

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, airtitirar•
The lesternsuner was vitMt lumen call s warm
noun own summer. , Tbe elope were pnetally
pea nurrogihoot the country: The frostheld off for
• wholi month longer than in lie average of sow
mei, to this buhude we had no bat injorious to
the pollute of uplands till damming of the 15th
ofprodasr. This weather was particularly favors.
Mein the fillinterat aol ripening of the stop's crop
dads comotrY 7 4be corn erop.
Numerous Stands have sent us specimens of
good corn. Wi havir long earew-twelve rows and
eight robs—large kernel and small kernel--sally
ripened and late ripened. And whir shall decide
which kid s the most productive or the most
provableur latitude?
The ssedreins that we procure front disuse* north
of es, give" us earlier harvest and makes them
more mono hem trot- - but these advantage' are
Der detersive. We want eats that are large enough
rot* NMI M while wir ere husking, for it is
not Woo TDOCaI labor so husk a good sized tar as
it it lOUsk a little one. Busking muesli be done
by 'manual lebor—every ear must be token up sep.
eneely and stn Aped of it" basks. A man will strip
the basks from a bushel of the Very best corn soon
when he will from a halt %Mabel of the small
Canada corn. So also in tilling—lt is easier to hoe
a large bill than i small one, but if !belabor should
- be equal on etch bill the man who grows fifty bosh.
els an sere labors but half as long for a bushel, as
the man who grows but twenty-five.
Weliaus:much yet to learn in regard to the aut
umnal of this important articleof produce. Knowl
edge should be so diffused that one man should not
produce two bushels to another's single bushel from
the same quantity of land and the same amount of
labor. Yet so it is, and so it ever has been since
WS have had any knowledge of farming opera.
It has never yet been settled whether thick or
thin Planting will insure the most corn. - Many of
outlanders seeurto suppose that there is hardly a
limit !albs amount that may be grown on an acre,
provided manure enough is applied. They have
neidsa of the importance of air and light between
'the stalks deem. At some of our meetings in the
' State House, learned men have come forward and
-,weed, in their own einimation, that the number of
stalk, on an acre may properly be multiplied in
proportion to the quintity of manure used. -
And yet all Preotical men will agree on consul.
going the subject well, that when the land is quite
rid number of stalks should be fear—for the stalks
will be larger, and large stalks reiinire mote room
than email ones. Farmers ought to make , numer•
ens trials, and report .(WIU accurately, to enable aft
to judge how many stalkamay be safely left in a
bill wherithebßls are at the usual distance.
It may be that more corn may be obtained by
planting in drills than in hills at one pace distant
%week 'other. Yet oldie there is much doubt,
when the full sized kinds are planted. But admit.
ted the more may be grown by drill planting this
is not conclusive—for more labor would be requir
ed in Outing, titling and harvesting.
It is a long time since we published a particular
statement of a correspondent who planted his corn
in hills, at the usual distance, with rows each way.
Retina were one.pace apart. He left one stalk
wading in each hill in the first row--two 'talks in
the second row—three stalks - in the third row—four
stance , in the fourth row—and five in the fifth.
He then treated the next five rows in the same
manner. Then the five, and so on till he went
through the acre. On measuring his corn at bar.
vest time he found Mattis vows which had three
end fine stalks respectively in a hill yielded much
mars than the other rows: those with three and
four diketing brit little from *bother. We think
this result will agree with dials that maybe made
in almost any field. Mole attention should be paid'
to the ghee point., Wears persuaded that muc h .
is lovably thick !Ranting.
Every improvement that can be made lathe cut
tiration of this crop is important. Potatoes in many
places Whollyfail us : and when they avant found
rotten, the yield is much less than when our lands
were comparatively new. One hundred, or one
hundrill. and filly bushels to the acre are now
thik*ht a tolerable crop '; and yet - we are-quite so
sr of half thatquantimy of shelled•coro t in adili.
don to two tons of valuable fodder torable on the
same quantity of groom!, independent of the con
sideration that pie labor of pis:l644nd Art harvest.
in; earn in int than that of potato" and the ego
tined is not a fifteenth part as much. To these
advantages in favor of corn, we misread that it is
our sunititrop,' angle the soil better for grass
than any of the grains or roots that We are in the
moles of cultivating. ,
dom is a - native - prodoerhere. ' Corn fills the
ground witirrootirthat in succeeding year rot and,
aids the vorettroldtemextomp. Zorn is a good
total= mop, eLd Tetcorn may be grown tor twen
ty yawl in succession ott the same ground without
say diminution of the harvest. This cannot be said
of other:grains or vegetables. i
The tops and out stover of this plant are not se-
cured with the lame CVO that we bestow on hay
end' the straw of the - several kinds of Englishipain.
" What would any of our fresh hay be wenh, if we
pennitted ft to lie open to themutior several days
—for two sae three days *keit become-dry enough.
Bens farmers-me so sgueartildi that:they put up
- their haj inleapatimusheritlit put, fearing the'
seem of a hot sun on It while ifir'immed eat thin
—.yet tliej let corn tops lisforiewnallays, high
and dry without so machtta tying - theta in bundles.
let any one bind them o p 'Croon after culling, and
shock the m ' the field for a week or two, and he
cannot fail hi acknowledge the improvement.—
Mau.:Pfo . -
'To C1.t..111111 a Roost most Bows —Close the room
tightly. "Put a tmall -quantity of - musk in a new to
. beim pipe, ignite ii, and blow the smoke throtigh
the key-hole. This wdl clear the room of its blood
thirsty inmates, instanter. Eiery one who is tor
mented by these, vermin, should try this remedy at
Once. It is always successful.
. Warn moor Ym.t.ow Coarr:—,The Centreville
(aura:Oi) . runes states that several farmers there
-eay-abet they have demonstrated beyond cavil than
latirstr quantity of white cons ean be grown to an
acts than yellow/ The Pries of white corn in for.
Op malksisia higher .doui yellow at the present
Moe. '
t.oer Gtnitientau who was detnnined to outdo
howicultorial who raised chkkeas from egg
. ta, : has outmoded in pctilacing a oolt horn a
eimputtit sod a call (tam acowatd.
TM Core Crw
Aviettm &or, cud TLC Stem,
Araw•itess men izaseinivaas sourres nary
Rail Road Horse Power It Tresber,
fritrits latest end Imporynd seme torimaik for
wkiat Patent is
THE subeenlyr takes this method to inform ths
Femme of Bradford and the adjoiding esonties.
that he Litigant 634 end has for sele, the above cot bier
tad and unequalled' Horse Power end Threshing Mr
chines, Which be is prepared to famish on the sante
terms as by the manufacturer. With the addition of the
actual as of transportation, contracted for at the
emend beet rates
Tbe subscriber has sold a number ofilee Ahem ma
chines in this, and the alibiing counties of Chemung
and Tins, N. Y. and all without enteption Mara 'le*
the very best satishcrima, and where they ate known.
ell ferment give them the preference. 'Oh Mame of
economy in threshing. being operated with much less'
maws, and cracking and wasting Mach Sew grant
then my other machine in me.
The Two. Hone Power Thresher and %Wain/ I
capable. with three or four men, of threshing from 110
to 200 bushels of wheat m rye, or &Gbh that quantity
f cede. per day. I
The prises for Emery & Co.'s one
Home Power. US 00
do Thresher and Separator. 35 00
do. Bands, wrench, oiler snd
actra piecer. 8 00-4135 00
do - Two-horse Power, 0110 00
do Trotter and Separator. 35 00
do Bands, oiler, wrench, Sc., 6 00-1150 00
Also.Wheshes ormhorm pmer.Thresher.
and Separator, convict% (IfoPumed this
Agar) $l2O 00
Whalers two-lams Power. Thresher and
Separator. complete.
Prim of Eatery's Timber end Cleaner.
with bandy. wrenches, Sc., 75 00
do Saw Mill, complete Wr
Price of Grant's Fan Mills. adapted for
hand or power, from 29 - 00 to 25 00
The subscriber will also the mains mason be pm.
pared to furnish to mast
Emery 411 Co. for nearly two years past ham been
experimenting to perfect a cleaner, to be operated with
their Power for public and field threshing; and with
much thee and expense have succeeded to their entire
satisfection, and are now prepared to furnish a Self
cleaner, combined with all tie advantages of their
overshot cylinder, end at the same time requiring less
forekto womb its rotary motion than is required by
the vibrating separator. "ft bra been thoroughly tested
daring the last harmit,and some of them have been
used the past season for threshing in the best grain
growing sections of the state of New York with the
best success—threshing months together an equal am
(mitt and at less expense, than the common threshers
with the vibrating esperators.
The Cleaner has all the advantages of a good bri
ning mill. cleaning the grain fit (or market, wasting
none. The additional met being but little more than
a fanning mill. or about thirty do/lars—making the
whole Thresher rind Cleaner cost 05 to the Farmer,
and with Ewer? & Co.'s twethorse powerAlks 00.
The Cleaner can be &Sachet, and the Thresher u.
a alone when desired. Tb.nsw Threlber IDd Clan.
ur ars destined to taker the place of the old, expensive
and cumbrous thresher and cleaner .now in use. -
Farmers and ether, wishing to procure spy of the
above.mentioned Bores Powers and Threshers will
save trouble, risk and expense, by purchasing th an of
the subscriber.
Xsiti seedont of &slaty demand for the above
sod the (Moil of immediately filling or
dies for them. persons wishing to purchase machines
should elm me timely notice as to what kind sad at
what tee they wish to procureihem
•Tarewn wishing to do their threshing immediately
after lama% should procure tbairosiddoss as early es
the first of July. Also for ale
At ranufacturir's rdail price., sue& as
Revolving Harm Rakes, Thy, Strom and Maws
Arks, tc. 4 JUN.
Cut Ina ud Weed Mut ud Well ham
ElPt of all ili a in bop et small quad.
raw for c t
R. IL WELLEII wellobe esseing esearen. i, pre•
pared to Aguish S.T.Orent celebrated panel
iirritbabe Grain Cradle,
egoism:le and retail. The cradle fum •
with Duan'e celebrated fk7the. the best made in •
anion and warranted. 'Orders respectfully • •
hone town and cornstey ant..
Also for ode. • largo andirell eslecied arsottowee
- vamp= IitaCTRIIL FATTX4III I / 4 WW I mess,
. -
bly siith th ose of any th ose Ettoth iu
osistthosios towns.
Tin, Japanned and Sheet ron Warr,
manufactured sad kr sale wholesale and Cheap
or Cash.
A large and fall Catalogue of .Atikulload
meow and Stoves,' wi.h etwasings, fandshed - g.Oi,
either hare, or on application by mail 3iort-paid.
Athims, Ps.. November 80, 1850. _ 1,28
11133.203 C 211 i. AF... •
Variety, Greeery and Liquor Store !
T W. TIFFANY has good big easatilisheitt
IA throaty moss the Street from his oil mod, hs
die stens holy occupied by Sta. Dame, tillocolls , win
he happy to amide" old tostemese. sod as easy saw
atm as mayle deetrOus sip soablaiss astioles i 9 ,bi
ae:a gbh Wrest poodsheat• Noy. U.
146 00
rot the lugs
VIM pate* States Mb - nurriabee Weveates.
qn the sew piski" i witick Lie insuattparticipat
'• us me FITP•
Altertim Perpetsel. Capita 11150.001.
F. a. Wm Medical &maw. Athene,l2. mix.
`lotion given. and applications meemed
Alm typification. for Mentsee ageism lam by Pim in
fire WeOlellites Cs listial lasettabi am
The *Sea Mutual Company in the',World.
Capital over g 1.000.000 Ower'loo,ooo isogibms,
Wise lease Ilatnat, se limvisloarg, Ps.
TM great Perourflesala Compr. being • Farmers
end Merchant's Compaq, with a large and Maus*
emit fund, being briSb a stalk and motes! Company.
J. E. CANFIELD. Agent, Athens. Pa.
igninden and Remo. Land aresser.
The sabecriber berme meefied ell the Pe on laws
neeemery Instructions and Minh from the proper de.
pertinent et Washiness', will attend to the application
of kleldices. Wide**, and minor children of Soldiers,
who by the late law an entitled to Dounty Lands for
genie= rendered during the war of 1812, or any offfie
Indian ware sines 1790. And all Pension claim un
der the various sets of Congress. The late pension
lon and &damn living to many pensions . not he.
taws entitled to them. Prompt menden' mar to all
post paid communications, by
Athena, Dec. 28, 198% J. E. CANFIELD.
Charter Perpetual.. .:Cash system... Capital ESSMOSO
Office ON* Merchants' Ezchange.
ORCIANIEEP opine this " mixed principle," Stock
and Mutual, clack combined-features offer to la
pped members doh* the tuts! seennly. The Cub
system of paymentehse also ben adopted, thus avoid
'hsg the heavy dnalaeks mated by unpaid ptennuen
notes. - The tab le tem of ru item. epos which its ps.
Seise are Wins . is the ohly Bale irkpetients has.
proven should be opted, as affording requisite WIMP
rty to be Ind/Midi an undoubted migrantes for-thn
perpetbily of su institutions. An et mental ta
ble may be=Porthole; at the very instant a pa
cy shoal! its greatest value. Life Insuranes,
very prope rly, is resting the attention of the world.
rho public etr. In their commendable willingness
to emNisee and ploy its win and &Wary prOnsions,
shook) ma ke a to security the ptimsry end most
important ' wh ich an only be attained by so ad
justing the ems as to anticipate unexpected loss
es end Sudeten/lin of every kind. It is the purpose
of'this compact usually to credit, upon the polices
of holders and looks of the Company, such an amount
of profits is 11 not OW the stability, or impair the
sacredness of • contracts. Premiums may. et the op. '
Lion of the ins .. be paid annually, sami•annually,
or quarter! r, ", advance. All necesavry information,
together with .lanks, pamphlets, dee., may be obtained
,gratis, at the lace of .1. E. Casrmsz, At Pa.
Crawford, Paul B Goddard.
r. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson,
V. Tingley. Charge M'llenry,
loam% Jones Deveraus,
I. Goodwin, John L. Linton.
EMMY W. CRAWFORD, President.
as We Temsrsow. Vice Prey dent.
ass. G. Imre, Secretary and Treasttem
Manuel Byre.
sc AND Arroasay—Thomas Balch.
More, Medical Examiner for Athens.
s 7, sso.
Jacob L
D ia"
lON.—Notice is hereby given, that the
orship beretspfore asiating between the sub.
the Karnes and Trunk making business le
kinked by umturl consent. E. smith &
ettle the business of the late Brat. Those
mat make immediate payment. sod than who
pd to pay grain, are notified that unless do.
the time agreed, Cash will be especial.
C. T. SMITH, •
this day
Ban will
bar 16, 1850.
E. lasUh If Ron,
PECTIPULLY inform the public that they
In continue the business at their okl stand, north
tee 'Public square, and will keep on hand. end
etum to order. every variety of &ADDLES,
EBB, TRUNKS, VALICEB, Ike., of the best
and of workmanship, not to be surpassed.
B tenet attention to business. and promptness in
". anipmements, they hops to continue the B
uenas* they baveheretoforweajoyed.
nurses Tammusis will be doon . on short notice,
neatest manner.
r: I kinds of Groin, Produce, Hideo, Sheep Polio,
• token in ozettance At Irak.
.Watelt, aid Jewelry Store !
A.M. WARNER takes this method
= 2‘) of informing
l b y is .
i t/
= era and the
6s fie. purchased
of J.P.Bul his stock of Watches. Clocks
and Junky, and commenced4be above
• shams in all of its mime branches at the old stand
the latter, en Main street, two doors mouth of Brick
w. His reputation as a watch repairer is so well
• t o • •• • in this community, that kis hardly nem.
u say a word-on that point. With his long em
end gust advantages for sequiring a thorough
knowisdp of the badness. he has confidence in saying
to the pubdo. bring on your watches and clocks. I will
Ao them justice.
MI goods sold, or Repairing done, warranted m I
recommend. or the money refunded.
A-good essen tly tment of Clocks. Watebes and Anwar,
kept constan on band.
Illy motto Shall be.-quick sales, small profits, cub
down, end no credit given. Credit need not be asked
for—es I am bound not to make It. acquaintance.
Towanda. July 13.11160. A. M. WARNER.
*Unite Bleck." op stalest North side of the
POWs Square. oar thrill's Law Office. Entrants
between L'lwell'a and Adams' law offices; whale •be
may shays be foundetiwt not ptetenionally Gamed.
Towandadaly 12. 1120. -
II II Ltheirtylltreat, New Toth.
Mimosa Broadway and Seam)
A KS mow receiviat a rich sad beautifideiweetniest
11. of Foray Bilk spd I itliaoey Goods. to which we
woad putlealarly invite the &Peados of all -Ceeh
Purchasero. sad will ink* it air Aka far thus to
give tura cell. as mate dotemisiti Wan ear anon.
Ihr Cash. lowa than ever before Wind in thio'mattet.
Millipore can sagmly theepotees with may articlo
in aide line, at *baud sh e eat of Importation ar Auc
tion Oars. Many oft our goods aro manufactured
expreedy for our own sale, and cannot be surpassed
for beauty or low prime.
Rich Wend Cap Ribbons. a large variety.
Silk, mid Satins for Bonnets.
Crape*, Cnipe tidies. Tarlatans and Illusion Laces.
Trimmings for H its. Ceps and Dresses,
Jenny 'Lind Caps, and Party Opera Head Drosses.
Embroidered Capes, Cam. Cork and Chemisetts.
Embroidered 'Edgings & I as angs,Swiss & Muslin.
Thread, Ilrassida, Vahnciene, Silk and Lb& Thread
Embroidered. Remelts and Plain Cambric Elhre,
Gloves end Mitts, Rid, Mk Lido Thread and
Sewing Silk.
Scarf., Cravats and Dross MEN.
Si* /scone% Boot Muslim. and Bishop Lawns.
Embroidered Damask and Plain Canton Crape
A Atli easeitmait of Straw Goods.
Fritsch aid Americas Artificial Flowers.
With large variety not mentioned above.
All wishing to avoid paying long prices will make
money by calling and satisfying themaelves.
,assortment Clo th y, Casssimeres sod
Elsniseus. alsocialko ad other DJ) , Goods so
ehe d hat delisi ; compiles at PHINNETMILZ
4; ••
Dr.....'lltde .s
Pelsoadri %km, Deputiatift *pip,
Pectorstrappoid, Bent Corrector,
IPubleasty Lishmaht. UMW Colmar.
Asti:Dyspeptic Ilestan, Cough ad CatUdici Ira
Swim, Feßele.Folle, !
Vsfisifune. _ - F
Pais Mg Kanelnd Cod Live; Oil, ea, .
fisal ily Awl earatearigt and acid opproookotted owe
Cm in Me tenstiteat of Cour it ekte, Conssasphon
ShinA.iluaa. Asiluas. Mart Mt' tooto.. Sese
Diseases. likelunalisai, Amok krisik Pjkla , ik*. 4'a
Dr' Plitett's unqualled . Patent Wow plated, Shemin*
supportetat haprolai plated *eel spring ellealdet
braes; Dr. Fitehte Over Inhaling tube.
Dr. ~Os Celebrated Lecturil
On the presentinnapt ewe Conanoption. Asthma
Dimon of the Hutt, &ft, VW on the method o
pew* health and two to an old are
This book should be la seem emit,. To the Con
sumptive it' rooks. cot the only reasonable hops kir ts.
,lief. To mothers, the dilutions it gins In the cars and
education of children are inaebtabla. 78,000 copies a
this book bare pawl through the peas, and the ads
continues unabated.
For sale by E.& Pm* & Co., TOPEroadway, N.
T.. and BURTON k PORTER, Tolima* and
C. E. RATEBONE, Canton.
Qp Dr. , 17144'• Guide& or directions to
_persons using Dr. Fitch's remediar, to be bad 'redid
all tba agents.
TO so am anal or rito convoirr
Stan— _nes.
The following equalled series of Family Mvhcisuu
V; depended upon with the utmost anyld"ce.
hare the approbation 4 the best imps.
cons in the country, and are recom
mended by alt tik• have used than
as superior to any medicines.
They hate been before the Palle for fire yews,
During which time more than 0000 Mita:nes have
been received front node/Int public mad
and others, sod are now on file
et the Company's office.
They are Cototipeanden
With the utmost Are and skill, and the ingtedients
are thoroughly tested by acientifitr Men des, so
that medicines of a uniform and reliable qua.
lity are stearenteed in all aim
Are particularly.valuable for the prevention and cure of
Fevers in general, all Bitterns and Liver Complaints.
jaundice, General Debility. Common and Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Read Burk. Costiveness,
Griping. Urinary Messrs, Obstructions of
the. Menses,.lnfirsenta. Asthma. and for a
holey of othe, Chronic Diseises; in
fine; for all ordinary uses.
canal directions for the %Wens bloat* steecneptny
each box. Primo 25 cents a box.
The Graefenberg Dyuntary gyrtip,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Diarrhea. Dyeenta
- ry. Bloody Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Inhalant
and the Astaric Citizen*. if taken with the first
symptoms, wit : vomiting end diarrhea. It ne
ver fails to cure the worst possible cases of
bowel complaints, generally in a few hours,
abldom beyond a day. It is Pcasty
Vssrrmses, and taken in any quan
tity is perfectly harmless.
The Oraefenberg Green Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable for Borne, Wounds '
Sprains, Chillbleins,
COM; Sono. Swelings of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers; Pains in
the side and back immediately relieved, Waft.
:nation of t 1 Bowan, and finial eases where
there is Inflammation.
Marshall's Uterine Cithelien.
A certain cure for Prolapses Uteri, and fOr most tithe
distressing complaints incident to remake: Pre
pared by Dr. THEO. POMEROY, of Utica,
solely for the Graefinsters Company.
TII 0111 ZR 4 01114MICRIPte rssnrertrss Ali
Eye Ldion, Health Bittere, •
Connrceptivs Bohn, Fever and Arse Pills,
Cikildren's Panacea Libby's Pile I:)intment,
Sarsa , paril Compound.
Cr The Caufenberg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-hook of medicine for families. Pries fifty cents.
Ofilce. 214 Broadway. New York.
Carmer...—The public is requested to bear in mind
that eanything prepared by the Graefeaberg Company
bas their seal npm
Spurious attkles blue been lamed closely *tumbling
the genuine in every particular, except the mai, and
the utmost care shoohl be used baton paralleling.
Agents for Bradfiard County—Dr. HUSTON and
Dr. PORTER, Towanda. 1,38
Tweentr.invie Ctn.
his own Physician! ram
lan edition, with upwards of
tudred engrevinp.
As dimwit in every shape
, font, and inalkonnations of
at Iterative ardent.
The time has now arrived, that
parsons sofferisug from secret dis
cuss, need no mom booms the,
. as by the prasoriPtiems contained
may curs himselOnithout hind.
ranee to Winton, or the Itiowlodge.
bandof most in. l
mate Mend. and with one tenth the xposes,
In addition to the general routine ofpinurdiseaso,
it fully ersplai the cause of manhood's early decline,
with observations on nearriage...beskhs many other
derangements which it would not be proper to snow.
ate in the public prints.
rj• Any pawn sending 25 cents enclosed in a let.
tor. will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or
five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. "Dr.
W. Young.l9o. 152 Spruce street. Philadelphla. Philadelphia.".,,. tpaid.
1:17 Dr.YOUNG can be consulted on any of in.
Diseases described in.his different miblications, at his
Meet 152 ftrorie Street. ma day between 9 and
eel*, Wafts excepted.)
HAS removed to a few doom below Bridge street,
on the East side of Mairret. in the building for
rawly occupied by J. D. Montanye Esq.
MI operations amounting to 850, ar over, one hal
to be paid down, the remainder in three months. i
the opevation proves unsatisfactory, the money paid will
be refunded. A note of hand however must ware the
muted of the half left unpaid, with • proviso.
T HE SUBSCRIBER, having now, completed hie
arrangements for the accommodati on of the Travel
ing Public, feels warranted in soliciting his share of
Public Plumage. His /We shall be furnished with
the hid Me market affords. His Stabling is Large and
Warm. His Bar Mall be filled with as good Lignor
u are to be found in the country.
BESIDES. for the accommodation of many, Me
subscriber is manufacturing Boar, Shoes Saddlesdriar,
nen, Thintb and Val ea. 4c.. ere. And keeps on
band a good assortment of PATENT MEDICINES,
kw all of which his patrons will be asked only a mode
rale price.
Come oho. ems all, both far and near
A home you'l find. a holm to.chear,
And t cheap article if you would buy
Call at Laceyville and WY.
For lamer patronage end favor., the public will
plesseaceept the mune &mks of T. D. ISPICNG•
Lacerille, Feb., 13, 1851.
• It lona mil tidos, Weft 010b= s0 11%
big WeilimAdtbsoitie.,Alpin,
*NOM Grimm Rbetotie. Cosipaisk Chelgrephy,
Me et thetliobes.lllo,lfich.Nstend Pbikeophy
Astrosisy. (with lb. wrote good wpm. to Mew
tetahorottdiee,) • Korai Ptailowipby sod Cleemhtly,
spite quintal, in. wham*. oe eamuk 0300 00
pig scholars, per TM" 400
t I ri ' • 1
'Trendy per quarter,
tab 0
" 400
sem (on
dery the pl rug per rarter, ' 10 00
Zabrei mild • • 200
• Any young hely meshing bottomless en dm pion%
is pdvileged to Tavern norwork, or anyone of the *boa
Inginglie, and die some time, whitest additional charge.
To • young lady who mud* the English branabeir.
the um= of leaning arch d the above bronchia, are
per quarter, 03 00
tae et on the Guitar, 400
JUNI ofPianoe, 26
Thawing and painting in water colors. including -
the oar otaraterials, nab as drawing paper.:
paints, pentils, Am 4 00
Oil painting as mime. " 10 00
Painting trot:sparest windoW diadem, including
thewp* of metals* smith 4 00
Ponnela painting on peps; silk and velvet. per
twelve bums. 6 00
Gilding on silk. craps. &c. do. 3 00
We: Bowery, per Tuner, 8 00
Pens a nd ink. " • ' 50
Wiwhing, 2 80
Board in vacation, 02 00 per wed,
Letters post-paid. addressed to the Maas 'WHITE
&GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Ilmons`oo., N. Y., *ill r
eel,. protoptettention.
Ivo. 128 iWkm Wed, Sun Icahn' g, New York
No. 17 Canal sired Row, Neu) *leans.
We Newspaper rublisherip awl !slaters.
IVI.;H confidence I invite the trade, !refine they
arettatte elsewhere, to give me a call at No.
ITS rultott-itreet, New York, or at No. Canal-at.
Row, New Orleans, where I am ready to fattish
them with all kinds of
of the newest and most beautiful style. I am also
prepared to supply the much admired Scotch letter,
having lately procured froth Scotland a Sines of
these beautiful faces, together with every variety of
form and pattern of
Bordering, &c. I feel assured that the elegance
and accuracy of all the Type manufactured by me
cannot be surpassed by any Founder in the Union.
By an entirely new method in the mixing and east
ing I am enabled to retain the virtue/ of the comps-
vent parts of the metal, and thus to produce,in addi
tion to an elegant the most
heretofore offered the public. To this lalt feature I
would in particular call attention. for solidity and
durability of Type is on the principle of economy,
bf the greatest importance to all typographers. The
members of the draft will also find me ready to sup-
ply all kinds of
for the establishm,ent of complete Printing Offices,
such as Presse*, Wend Type, Cases, Stands, Brass,
tress and Wood Mlles, Imposing Stones, Compos.
ing Stick, Brass and Wood Galleys, Riglets. Closet
Racks, 4e.,
Old Type taken in exchange for new dt SI cents
per lb. The Trade dealt with on the Most liberal
terms. dud patronage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of en article with which
he-will be pleased and which will bring him the
worth of his money.
Editors or Printers Ibishing to establish a News
paper or Job Printing Office. will be furnished with
an estimate in detail of the cost by starting size of
paper and kind of work to be executed.
Publishers of Newspapers whb will Insert this
advertisement three months and send me the papers
containing it addressed to " Stabile. Register.,"
Nev Ydrk , will be paid in matenals of my manu
facture. provided they purchase six times the amount
of theirltills (or advertising.
No. MS Fulton-la. New York, and
No. 17 Canal-st. Row, New Orleans.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
w .t. C7usinber/In
A* -. • H AS just returned
-. frorathecity
of New York with a large
0 '
. .14 supply of Walches.Jewelry end
Biker ware, comprising in Pa i the following rt
. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
1 / 4 .1j1,„(
- --r a complete aseortment of Gold
Jewelry, such pa. Ear Rings, Fin.
get Rib ge, Breast Pins, Bracelets. LoCkets, Gold chains,
Gold P Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantityofdteel Beads--all of which he Wen
for sale ezeseedingly cheap for GARB.
Watches repaired on abort notice, and warmsfed
to run well,or the money will be refunded. and a writ.
ten agreement given to OW effect if !plaited.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Nada=
taken in payment for work; and dila; • karn now, and
foreveraikt the Produce must be paid tiniest/4e work
is dote—l war against credit in all its kints.
Towanda, April 28, MOO..
1 11,6.=-.633nD
THE subscriber has removed
to his new shtql„ a few rods above
his former !Oration and on the op
posite side of the street, where be
continues to Manufacture and
keep on band, all Midi of cane
end wood mit CHAIRS; and
SETTEES of mimes kfnd &
BEDSTEADS of every &scrip•
don. which I will sett low (or
cash ce product, or Pins or Cherry Lumber ; or clan
plank. will received for work. TURNING done to
order in the neatest manner. Alas, •
make and kept on bend, or made to order, in oho be*
Towanda. March 9, 1849
NlEreie 4/52e• 11111 TX. 111 C3119011C/A3E—eilleg
voyeur overtime.
HAVING located in Towanda. big services may
be obtained by addressing • line tbtough the Poet
Odic, or by calling at the elfin of Ulysses Moran.
Esq.. when be will be found. or where a written ap-
Dogma tag be left. Nov. I. HURL
(r Office, North ride of the Public Square.
E. H. MASON, M. D.,
/PDICZEICIAIIZ 'tts claramiew o
O FFICE on Main street. four doom belori Bridge
atteet, where he may be found, when not profte.
sionally e !med. Towanda, N0v.50, 1950.
IQ/IEBIION 110 1 1182 9
erzums, PA.
T HE subscriber respectfully informs„the public that
he has taken possession of his old stand, in the
south_ part or the 'Boro' of Athens, where he will be at
ail times happy to see his friends, and will endeavor to
make their stay with hint agreeable. Re trusts that an
assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pub
lie will secure him the favor of the old patrons of the
" Mansion," and the visit of those who desire • corn.
•fortable and convenient stoppintplace. •
Die Taste will I. well supplied.—and that best ii.
quote be procured for the Ban.
does blessayso is attached with careful and ahem
the hostler* :
(I;7' An omnibus will he run to.the Waverly eta.
„lion, toasty peesmnpes to anti (tom emery train, east
' Athena 1851.
CLOVER SEED —l -oarr , bud small Clover Eked for
.-Amothrialiciii ift i st
The *Mowing i t
ofinmelidne twee &Imo
totL e l li t i d it • •
to" DiiadleOPlS
nisi tat the hawk of -
sift to Make.knewit a
and the.ems
efilieted with s violent k
and side, and every taw
tie blood; my alugh was t
day Iliad vioMnt fever-et
senate at night, with vest
greet km of Seri. :
laded, being eanfinsi I
Twit of the most mamma
tended me. sad after =ham
nouneed eon ineurabht,
lunge were almost gate, and
ernes. At this stage of re
upon to try. Dr. Sehenek's
I had 'token half a dozen'
se to be to go about the'
en my whole system—it
pad the bleeding—nay
every thing I ate, seemed t
my whole system. , Indeed.
grass of my health and
became too manning of
ed the use of the medi
'thoroughly eradicated, w)
of bleeding at the lungs'
treating cough. I again
movie Syrup and sent
careful examination, ad--
Before I had taken Om boniest an abscess brawl it
my side. which gathered end broke, disebargin e t
as I can judge, a pint of very dissyllabley
ter. This seem to cleanse and purify my whole
tem, Penn this timel began to grA better, aid akt
happy to say entirely recovered. lam sure at We
time I enjoy better health than I have far the lest
years. Since I commenced taking the Pulmenk -
up, I have never tailed to recommend it wherever
went, that others, as well as myself, might be
saved from that awful disease; for I List it ado I
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the wail.-, •
me to mention it few cases which have come mktr dry
immediate observation. Being on i visit to Camden.
N. J., t u t summer, I aaw a child, evidently ia the last
stage of bowel. consumption. The mother informed
me that the physicians had given the child up as in.
curable. J' told her *bat benefit I had rowed tines
the use of Schenck's Palinode Syrup, and Woad
ber - to procure a bottle. I beard nothing more fr.
the little sufferer until shjout three month; after; beim
in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady w .
observed me very attentively. She finally a .
me, and asked if I we. dot the lady who recommend
ed Bchenek's Pulmonie Syrup to - her dying child last
summer in Camden. I replifd that I was. She AV
that her child had entirely recovefed, and was anode
monly healthy. Her name Is Mre. Wilson, and now
resides in Brideshurg. Another lade I would inautiett
in particular, who had ■ scrofulous affection. &rhea
and neck presented one continued surged one of bey
eyeirwas variously affected with it. She had become
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances pist recovery.
I induced her to try Etcheock's Pulmonrc Syrup, which
she did, and is DOW perfectly -cured. Another lady,
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on appli•
cation, was evidently in the lowans of Consumption,
I prevailed upon tier to try the Pulmonie Syrup. Int
very short tirpe she was entirely recovered, end Down.-
joys excellent health, having become exceedingly Baby
These are three cues within my knowledge, which I
know were cored by &bench's Pulniciaie Syrup, All
who doubt this statement, and will take - the trouble to
call on me at my residence Parrish street five door!
above tenth no side, I think -1 will be able to esti*.
factorily convince them by own case, and lothers that
I know have been cured by this Syrup:: Since my
core, there have:been so many to see memo know what
took, that I have had a very . good 'opportunity- of
knowing a great many that have taker) it, mid have
berntreatly benafitted thereby. and I think if *Boni
'Meted With Consumption of Liv e r dornplaim, would
send ftrr Dr. Schenck, and let hint carefully examine
'their lungs, and if he says he can cure them, follow the
directions, end prevent taking cold, they will rapidly
, putrzimA
Mey 2g, 1844.
J, H. flessecs—Dear have known Mm.
Leibert for errant years, as a member of lily &kith,
and have all confidence hi het Adelman, add rot re
joiced to find hei spin restored to health. Anyt thing
mote, in addition to lier statement, is neediest , .
Yount, truly, • THOB. L. JANE WAY.
Pastor of . thir North Prestitterian Church.
Philadelphia, June 2tl, 1840., ii above r
Prepared and sold by J. 11.8CHENCK. at hlsi Lab.
errantry 8. E. corner Coates & Mardian sta., dad by'
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey%=war' T.
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & W
LJ. Watford, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhort4 lie R 01;
C. E. Re&bone, Canton ; Kin & Voatatige Tit"
and by MIX & MABON,Towands:
Price, fit per bottle or $5 per half dozen—;\
Very Strange
,qk Gentleman of `Una, N.
the Whet-hezel, a simpl
awe just efein to the name of
any Medicine we have ever I
is connected with it but a lint
and yet it ads with 'great cern
and all local infiamation, twine
see and !sureness, rapidly. Piles. bowel complaints,
chnienormios. hemorrhage, sir eche, toothl•sche, mural
eye; and 41 nervous affections. his wham as woe
and as harmless, and it is called
n p on e s pain Destroyer and Healing Herod."'
None is genuine except "Pond's Exhaet" is blown ini
th lx -b a go; - Mr. Pond first introduced this medicineto
the puble and has expended a vast deal of time and
money id bringing it to s highlletate of perfection. and
we now variant every bottle to eve satis&ction.
A tin by the name of Spencer has put forth an
article Celled "The Coyle Emmet" which claims to
befront the Witch-betel. If glom dun shrub, its name
a a peffect deception, and' if Ism nay-imperfect Mi
ele a as not deceived, get a pamphlet and , sea
rat sale at Moittenyes & Co. Towanda, & S. the
InsoM o nroston. Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Horace
Willey Franklin. ' 11re 6th 1150.