Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 17, 1851, Image 4

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.... t ,f;M"tirha;re'Setit ' eAgro herird t he ,rerrtat~t r .,
With the good farmer, everything gives way to his
and ',appearance:aMill,
tug ;ficnce, you are;not to expectleauseas about ;
hid dwelling, and his dooeyaal being • cut up - into
rood,bol4s by the farm wagon andr„the nratietc-carl,
and the dontiguiry of barns, pi -pens and kitchen,
such as convenienc , e, and not freedom from the pe•
odorsculiat of hog-yard and rich manure heap,tuay
bidw, CO speak Ilturly, this is all rti*enefr , it
so happens,. that. in Linn neatness and.ifirill at.
mot invariably go to2ether,, The sums line of or
promps the farmer to clear his yard of
WA:in hoops, fragments of boards and
kick's . of woOrt and whatever else defaces and de;
files his premises, promps him to haven place
for everTthing and everything in its .plaee which
iii'lcaleulated . to bear upon real substantial .profit.
Same of ,the very best tarmera with wheat' we
are acquainted—whose eminent success and. heavy
rtofira separate them in thisiespect in bold distinct-,
tress - from the lest of their neighbors are,patterns of
neatness, and the touch of iireir hanttin . expulsion
of every kind of nuisance. is visible alFover , their
fauna, Their door-yarile show-that their taster is
at.home;" the barn-yard, which is not so near the
house that ail the butter and • cheese manufactured
is flavored with the effluvia, exhibits' 'the same
neatriess\ev'ett,Wliere all the retuse of "Other places
is collected for enriching, in,due time, the rest of
the.farni. A farmer of our aCquaintance, with one
'fidndrei andsixly acres, in :whose faini•Yant ire
could scarcer' discover a srispvt straw, in,the wrong
dace, remarked, * 4 Oh, I don't attempt to make , a
gieinteal from my farmL-I expend so much brim
prosernents that my clear,profits Ilie only abot f t a
thousand a year." Another of these neat farmers,
fn.whese fields cockle, docks and chess obtain to
oothohl, nor along, : w hose ,fences a solitary elder
hush or nettle f 5 ever seen, ,towed twenty-seven
hundred dollars worth oltarm produce at the prices
el 1814 ; and both of therle farthers ltvein %%Totem .
New York, where pricen are comparatively low,
entirely away from the peculiar advantages of mar.
ket which nearness to great cities gives,
. _
Now, let no man sal that these remaritsare made
at the tong' season it(' the t ear, and That nothing
can be done for nealnesS"ktitl order .in the wiiiter.
The same general role, in someshapeOrmariation,
has an almoit infinite nntnber ol applications. - The,
„Fare of domestic animals in winter needs pm-etni
inedtly the application of this rule. No anitital can
thrive welt io the midst of dirt.
Even a pig does not love dill for-,dirt's sake—Le
only happens to be-so much of a philosopher, or
rather stoic, that'he is willictg to endtimiliri tot the
sake of a soft and cool bed in summer; for •it - has
been Sound that thase - Uttimals thrive bettevand fas
ter when .-kept clean and well curried.
Horses and cattle are often neglected in cleanli
ness. We here actuhly known some who did not
clean-the manure from hOrse-stables for monthyd
lowing it L . :man:illy to thicken.under feet with :the.
accumulating burial a foot in thickness teaSurr
ing, doubtless, as the boy 'did who. combed - 914s
head once a month and was astonished that title!
torture and Trouble from the Operation could be en•
(lured daily by othei people. A farmer who does
his own chores, can hardly afford to keephis home
as finely" as the gentleman of wealth, who has w
man torn other purpo.e; but every one should
have his Istable-iloor perfectly dean at leasl !Klee
every day, once in the morning and once al pi lit
before -littering, and ofienar would be better: •
• BeMember :that the, oftener it is done. . the easier
itis accomplished.
There are many other particulars where neatness
*way be attended to in whiter. '
Gale hinges and gate fastenings often need re,
pair, that they may shut like clock work ; boards
b'econin loose on old barns and board fencetiSitools
becOmelawliwartlfor use, and need, recnoclelltog or
renewing; mary other small matters in doors
antlrnut,,regeireattention; We are aware that to
many ol our mailers, who we already examples for
others, such hints as the preceding are not appli
cable. To such we can say . that they need not read
them—like the man who'chiseled on NV stone at
the finding place, "When the water comes to this
stone it is unsate to cross."'
The Peach-Worm. 4,
This is probably one; of the most assiduous ene
mies with which the:cuhivators of this excelfent.
and.deserverlly admired knit are called . to contend
In order suceesyuity'Ao'eforiata its awl:* some
stetsons recommend removing the soil 'around the',
tre4, to the,clepilt of three or four inclies'arid apply
boffing hot water, soap suds, or warm brine at any ,
season Islip it is unfrozen and it is said that if the
gum w t hich oozes from the wooed, and which is :
u 1 infallible eiidenee of the presence of
• this worm;:be previorisly removed; so that the ap
plication can enter the aperture, the enemi is sure
to be, expelled'or perish.' In some Ob‘ervaions it
lestratlei al 'the Habits and entomological cli'aracter
of this troutlesoree insect, a recent wuter say . s :
" Though it feeds on the pulpy part - at ttivtiarh,
it seems careful not tb di*trub the cuticle, so that
were it not for filth nifeed together on the outside,
it would be difficult to • 'd;d the depredator. The
fresh filth, however, sufficiently indicate' its pres
,By entering a knife at that pidrit,‘ and slit
ting dui cuticle,' longitudinally, -the establishment
Is semi binken up, for it. is seldom four , inches' in'
length ; and then we discover a white 'grub, three
covets ofan.inch long, 'v. hick is readily extracted
Ineri it pfrerititied, the-tree speedily recovers."
The _peach; in this 'Climntels, I lielieve,lesseutt i
jest torthe depredations of the peach worn,, than to
c. seda . ridiera where it is.mote extensivelipropaga
led.' :The trees, hriwever sometimes - antler :from
' tiieir attack and in manrinstancee,lntleeit,` they
' are greatly Anil fatally injured' by iliern' r have.
kneWo somo Cases where their depredations, have
caused the thistrinnine tif 'fine trees, before 'the tea
turit cifthe evil Watt, discovered on even surpeCied:
It is alwityri A n gnarl plan to examine. ; the peacAtree
tr i
uentlyaed ., with care , as it, is „nesespi• ,When
, . tht y dti Make' sit' atfacts*acrisi, and read e•them
at butei:4lkstdri krinhfir. •:. '',
...: .".•A • -
_.•••••- 'ty --• ..!..
CITTLa is caused by a 436ange fro"
Po vAtOV.Strial feed ins: is rhos{ -OgruPoeikinla. jor the editing;oi
iiitolooo, ;Thom'
ly chain. , o the %later ere moaltake OCO f
riirtrfi , hols fOlVti;:,(1
be asbanied,of -
.9kgrirnitaralltnplemmts, ‘?c.
gticulithl;Atiot - jailt „ tuvl
• .
NA:HEE:MS, • & ALSO EMERY :13s. ecos
snalcuraustit. soca - A.l's mica .
- • ',assume.
!Rail`ll:44 . ' Hord e Power 'St 'fresher .
With Lthe Latest .and :important '.lmprovements; fir.
sehich Patent is secured. , -
TilE subscriber takei this method to iorcirtri the
Farmers of Bradford nri, the ailjoininefounties,
that be is agent fore and:hasforsate, the stove ei(l. bia.
tett and uneenultek Heise Parser and ThrrshirtiMit ,
Chines, Which ho is prepared to furnish on tini
terms as by the niimufartnier,: with the witditinnOrthe
actual coat of transportation; for' at titeloW
est and. best ‘' ' - ' •
The subscriber has sold a nnmber of the' above. Mil
tines in tilts:and the adjAining counties of Ohentung
and Tioga, spa all'sviiliout exception haye given
the very best
.satisfactiorr; 'in& where they are `known,
all farmers give 'them the preference, on account
economy ha threahing; being operated with much less
expense. and creek ing end wasting much list -grain
than any othei 'machne in - rival •
The Two4cirse Power Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three. or foe, filen, of threshing
. frotn 190
to 200 bushels of ivheat'or rye, or double thatiltiantity
f 'oats, per day.
• ' rinexs.
'The prices for Emery & tlo:s one
Power ' $95 00 •
do Thresher and Separator, 85 00 ,
do Bends, wreneh, oiler and •
extra pieced; 5 00—5125 80
do Two-horse power, $llO 00
do Tresher and ;Separator. 35 00
do Bands, oiler, wrench, &c., 5 00:4150 1)0
Also,Whecler's one-horse poner,Thresher,
and Separatior,Complete, (jdiprovcd this'
Wheeler's two-horse 'Power, thresher d
Separator, cibnplete.. l4s 00
Price of Emery's 'Fresher and definer):
with bands. wrenches, &e.;
do' • Saw Anil, completeifor use,
Price of Grant's Fan Mills, adapted-for
hand or power, frotu ,
.23 00 to 25 00
The subscriber 'Will also the coming season be pre
pared to furnish to order
EllEatif & Cia. 9 s NEW,
Emery & Co. tor nearly ;two years past have been
experimenting to perfect a deetzeztto be•opersted with
their Power for public and, field'• threshing ;land. with
much time and etpense have - succeeded to their entire
satisfaction, and are now prepared to furnish a Self
cleaner, ciatibitted with alt the advantages of their
overshot cylinder. and at the same time requiring less
tercet° operate its rotary motion than is yellowed by
the vibrating separator. jibes been tharoughly tested
doting the !eat harvest,. stn some of thrim hiVsbeen
used the past ammon.lor threshing in, the best grain
growl:4 sectiMia ol:thestate*of New Your With the
best success—threshing months together an equal am
ount and at lens - expense, thatisthe common kethers
with the vibmting 'separators. •'. I
The Cleaner has alt the advantages of a good fan
ning mill, cleaning the grain fit for market, wastiqg
none: Ile additional cost being but littlikonore.thata
a - fanning - mill, or about thirty dolktra==niakiiiethe
whole Thresher epd Cleaner cost $75 to the •Fettuar,
Mill with Ether; & Co.'s twe-house powei. STBS 00-
-The Cleaner can be detacliel, and the Thresher us;
ed elone When desired.,The new Thresherecld Clean
er are destined to take the 'place of the old, expensive
•sncl cumbrous thresher and cleaner now in use.
Farmers Ind others - wishing to procure any of the
:.above-mentioned Home Powers and Tbresheni,' will
save trouble, risk and expense, by purchasing them of
the subscriber.
ry On account of the large demand for the above
machines, and the difficulty "of immediately filling or
ders for thim, persons wishing to purchase Machines
should givo . me timely notice as to what kind and at
whet time they wish to procure them.
Farmers wishing to do theii threshing immediately
after harvest, should priicure their machines as early as
the" finit of .3 nig. Also for sale
Al nianufadure?B,4tith pike4siich-as
- -
11.1voitripg_ Him Straw and Manure
Forks; 4.e.
Cut Iron and Wood Ctston and Well Lamps,
LEAD PIM of, ell size*, in loge or small quaoti-
Oar a shirip for cash;
thlL WELLES will. the. Cerr!itieo. be pro.
pared td famish 3 .V.Grant &. Coe telebratettpatent.
Premium Grain Cradle,
toketesale andThe4radle wilt be furnished
with Dunit's celebrated 'Sono, the. heat made. in the
Union and • warranted. Orders respectfully solicited
from town and Country merchants.
Atso for sate, a large and well selected easortinent of
VARIOUS stiattrox, pArrEass., saes, mums,
atoilt . of Stoves, antl
bly , with Oman pf any :hove Stele' iby' of the large
neigOoring' !Fuchs: " • ' • -‘ ' „- •
Tin, Japanned anti Sheet- • rep_ att.
manufactured and-fcr eatisrlanleiali arid keit Cheap
or Cash. -
A tome-'sitar I Patitciine . 9f
tat'entiand , ,flioyea; f r unifsh'elt,ol4,
!Meg ficri,iifnia 4016666 by toilailSpianliaid.
• Athetii4,lsZ;g4ooe - r' . 3o; `,'
mar o . mr. mar 41011 711 . 1 r, ,111r m 4
Variety • Grat4lliigior - tt
IW.—"rjElgtlirtit rti , tho:: ied
thVotine lately-occupied bx , Mr. Dolne l mtefil6hri4lll
csaaraii rimy lbrafthrbil
AP a she to rept possible:At e
T> nj. t-AttioftikiNturmeg*W
..'l - ' O l.
tgarftitkiiie {Mitt r • 7 - „t”-4. , t ,- 1 iikriket t , 4 :11074
Chiiter PerPetwit# ''n;fl. • .6441449;90 0 ;
'r;k9ictrr,Medicale**One, , t r .*, Pat
• I
sipli4tions for 1r5iin1 41 4 1" :4 4 4162 e frFi P Pelli
Tikb i'Veibittgeol!s‘tipiqvis:,,tiiiattratice co:
• TI!e( largest Mul,tuif;POPPY,ili WOri4e:t
'..° ll fr SLOOONoq?...**.f•Styils:loo,o'oo members.
Spate Mittual, at, vrts,_ ttplp t Pit.
Ttie'gre4Prnrssylvstiiii • Obitipony.'lleing a Farmer.
Midliterchant's eompaii.Y.' , Ath liltirie - ind increasing
'Cad' fiaild, tieing both a. stoskend iniutuil Company.;
CANFlELlY,Ageni,,lithens, Pa.
sioa and itiata4
The eutidcrilkr bath rticeisitiriilLilli Pension lows
instructioliti , obit fortti4. (rent The proper de ,
,partinent at Washington, ivill'atterid .. .l94e applicalo
'o,l3 . 9l4(rro,,Witlows, dint,
irlint4;the late lase liciunty Lana for
' f itervices;ren'ilered dirdn'iihe war 60812, or an of the
- Indian; Wei-4 1 8111in A nd all claims. up;
'iretthitarftnis acts of Coviiteris. ; , Tboi - late 'pension
taws d incisions giving 16 - trititi,f pinslotis not here:
'torero entitled to them. Prordpi'attention et,:. alt
Xitiene4:!ic. l 2B, 1850.. E. ,CANFIE
Chimer - Perpetual...Cash system.s2f.o.olllo
'OffiCe No. 24, IllevehantiC,Vichange:' •
TIRO A NIZEDimon the' !‘ mixed nihicildri." stock
V and Mutual, which . cembined features offer to in- ,
sured members double the u,igaJ security, The Cash
of payments has also beenidepted, thus avoid
ing the' heavy drawbacks created ,byunitaid ' premium
dotes. , The table-rates of premilitn, ution, which its po
licies are being issued, is the Cully' scale experience has
proiren should be adOpfed, as affording requisite secur
ity to be insured, and an Undoubted guarantee for the
perpetuity of such institutions. An esper.imental ta•
ble may be found werttiless,'at . the - ,,very instant spoil.
cy should possess its greatest Value.. I ns Oranee,
very properly, is wresting the attentionpf the world.
the public however, in their ckimmembible willingness
to embrace and employ its wise and salutary provisions,
should make , ultimate security theinimary and most
important object, which can only . be attained by so ad
.lttating alum:en:llama as to anticipate unexpected loss
es and fluctuations of every :kind. It is the purpose
of this company ann ually to credit. upon the polices
of holders and books of the 'Company, such en amount
of profits as shall not affect gte stability, or impair the
sacred:4es Of 'its contracts. Premiums may, at the op
tion of the insured, be paid annually, .seimi.annually,
or, quarterly,.in advance. , Alt niternisry information,
together with thinks, pamphl4s,dr.c., may be obta:ned
Ipatio, at the office of J. E. Ci.asttLn, Athens, Pa.
•$l2O 00
75 00
95 00
Stephen E. Crawford, , PaulG'oddard,
Ambrose W. Thoinpsen,' Lawrence Johnson,
Benjamin W. Tingley, GeOrge Wdlenry,
Jacob L. Florence, _ • ,Llsriee Ddiereux,
-`0,0146,w Goodwin. • John L. Linton.
PrgrnEW-W. CR4 W,FO:I3D, President.
, . Anneals W. Tooxesini. Vio. Piesident; ,
Ciao. G, buss, Secretarial:lJ Treasurer,
AuTrmay—Mancel Eyre.
Comeau. •Yn A monis:it—Thorns, Belch.
t: F. 8. Hoer, Medical B.:miner tee Athens.
December 27, (850. ' :
DISSOLUTION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
itartnerabip heretofore ratting between the sub
scribers in the Harness and Trunk makina business is
this dafdiestolved by muturl consent. E. Smith &
Son will Settle the business of the' late firm. Those
indebted meat make immediatepayrnefir, end those who
have agreed to pay grain, are floated that unless de
livered at the time agreed, Cash will be eipected.
• . • ' 'l% SMITH,
November 15, 1850. 4Eitt - tuLp.
„ . q
E. Smith at..Sms,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they
trill continue thrbusioestatthoir old j stand, north
side of the Public square, and wilt keep onhand. and
manufacture toxerdir. every variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, 4e., of the best
materials and of workmanship; not to be surpassed.
By strict attention to business, and promptness in
1131100ns eimagetnents, they hope to continuo the lib
eral patronage they have heretofore tojoisl.
-Csnatasri Tomtits° will be dunedrihort notice,
in thomeniest manner.
AS kinds of Grain, Produce, Hides, Sheep Pelts,
will be taken in exchange for wort.
Clock, 'Watch, and Jewelry Store !
A.M. WARNER traria this method,
of informing his old customers and the
public generally, that - he has purchased
of J.P.8u1., his stock of Watches. Ell'icks
end Jewelry. and commenced the above
buoiness Wall of its various branches at the old stand
of the 'latter, on Main street, two doors south of. Brick
Row. His reputation as a watehAepairer is so well
established in Chia community, that his hardly neces
sary to say a word on that point.. With his long ex•
penenee end great tolvantsges rot "igniting a thorough
knowledge of the business, be has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clucks, I will
do them justice.
, .
All goods sold,or Repairing done, warranted as,
recontinend, or the Money refunded; '
A good 'assortment of ClOclrs, Attelierand Jewelry
lain constantly on hand..
`My motto (ball be—qirtek sales, small profits, cub
doiru, and no credit given. Credit need not be ssked
forws botind not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda. July _12.1851. A.M. W ARS ER. .
AYSICIAN AND 81.7110ECIN. braes in - the
Stock," up stairiv 'North side of the'
Public Nevi, over Elwell's Lair Office, • Entrance
between Elwell'a'and Mama' law offices ; where be
nay ala t aya_be founol whets uot prossionalty named,'
Towanda, July Ith 1850. . . , ,
58 ItibertrStreet, Naar Rork. -
!geneses Broadirs find Ifsiuma ) e
A RE now receiving a rich and beautiful assortment
.13s. of Fancy Bilk end MillineryGorids. t' which we
,particolarly invite the attention of all Cash
Purchasers, and sill - s n ake it an allect for thein to
River - tie • call. as wo aredeterushie to sell our Fawn
for Cash. lower Wan' ever' before alb* ktbio market.
Milliners can supply themselves'vrith every 'article
in their lino, at about the cost of'insinuttition
Lion prices. Many of our goode are manufactured
eapressly for our own sale, arid, cannot-,be eurpaseed-1
fncheenty or tow prices. ' •
Rich Raba Cap Ribbons, a large variety..
edits and Eiatins for Bonnets,. ';
Criipes, Crepe Lisses/reitiitoris arid Lacce..,
Trimmings for HOE; Cape and Limies t ,
Jenny Lind 'Cape,' au Patty 'Opera Heed
Einhroidered Capeis, Cuffs, and Cbttnisettel",
Embroidared'Edgings Inscriings,fdriisii'dclifuslin: I
-Thniad Itinent,ltidericierin; Silk and Listerif t ea
GlovesEentl 104 1 _ 4 Silk, Lisle Thread, and 1
Sewing ' I
, t kicarfs; Cmvatit end-MAP Intrs. 'f I
;signet% Vogt' M.oll l ilist Rad Bial4 3 l.4winui,
Enibroidcw4Dernask- *na y Alin Cantors Crape
!sl u m s , . L ft ;1 > 0
Akita 32880.1118SitatalrOrStoodari- v-. gle4,rst. _4`
mentioned above. j .1.:;/;;
- *lrytslthit Ai l aseid, , paylniLlongyOgev - ,441
tatt9r_WAslting all:patisfAlnglitem*lyeo :'"
: •
T 6R 1 : 1 11 Ifikaina — CarClothr; Casosimetes acid
tgairittrilstreapeolaiptlat: D:311- 1 10"
aiiik)lll44:4l,:oni*tiot• t#llS' i ttErp.4--
, -
tt - '7 f .. , 11147. 3 3 t "yr.,4 if x:•:• . .1.- ,• - Watr - i t
, T . k t rzamta -- r ki n
'Df. i itek - :-Iled e.s
whino ,l,:iMuthi tgaiiit t',. '': Filvor -.. 774.....-,1
':.--til kili.l-1FOW:: tt,{le7t l . 6 I.ZiIviSI4t .. .ITINI:OI: i
1 , ..- , • • , • '.. . 14 - .• - 1- g.. 4 . ,"
. if % -&-' ttljoiiiitiii:f 7o hig
' Polutomiixt faraineuti '''': At 9 •-
461 d f Di•Peilit illixitttri 4 Wes till.l7lilutrtie#ol4.
l it
Ifo rt hle i rai .11..-o- , , 1 , ..! , ,* rii ,, , p 500 , ,' t.l -- f-1' :,:;,,
c, y esi or ug i t i!.: .4. ,v,..., , ~.,,- e i nivisofigai , I 'o' ; , l I
' 4 ' ''`i Tortuga Stedlduit Vogl 'Hit Oir - ke.V:' ) ;'-,
Utitiblun constantly satirist& iiwaliaA . l;a isie n
OP! in: the;retamest opCsughs,liCatOVebititisiptier
Asihmrk iltariliisaMO.t . bippeptioitakfria , Ski*
PintnapiiiteuvUstion, Female Comptanct4 Piles. 4.e
pr.Ardclol, ungquallea, Pig*-011ver.04041idanilta t
e'fitinlimig,rsifialPntillillatetitbliriOnt* 4 ** -1
" bre ve; — Dr. FiAirsiliikinEsfing tar. ;
Dr. e Yet Celebrated 4, 1 T ...r4gig, l -V
on itte'pyiveAtiOn 'iCiriii9`4:o4uiaiiniti;,,,4lutitik9
roiliF”ei ur'Atii: iiiiiirt,&e., and* the ,ountOci
' `presierviig ti earth 'and' beauty rikii..pia iii. _ d
•: -
~,This*lLiihnuLl WI iumerrfauilyk... , ToAtuw-Coni
./Elny,Orp it: poi nts. out Abe 9uly, reauctusbleiinpo.. fir co
tii.r. To mot ors, the ditections it givpi to thecateao
education of children ate invaluable. 78,000 copies u ;
this book have pixel thioolgtillie -, mut. and the sato
continuo aught fird. . '',.-- • ;1 , . -1 il ' l l s' l .
•., For.u9l9_ by ,B,B..Erren & Co., 789 Broadway: l N.
-Y., and HUSTON. Are PORTEIty-Toorands, - and by
* et ,E,RATIIDONE, Contort. 4- t tv,, , ~, I •• ~ ~% i
, irr,Dr. Fitch's Guide to Invalids. or direeticins to
persons using Dr. Pitch's remedies / to be had \ groeur.of.
all the Itients: ''' ' '. ' ';" ,'. ' : ',.. ..`..''''',l4Y?
0 'lO '''Olitio7slll.o„fikiiiii
Stan. ,ines.
The follarinr equalled series - if Panigy Illithping.
_be dipendeil upon withthe uhnqstar cc:
ThOrlurre the approbation of a c hed yid-
clans in the country, and art recant
, mend& by all-tehaAawe used than 1
. as superior to any snalicines. • '
they.,hall beta, bcfore thb foldle for fire fears,
During whiCtutimegiore than -5000-I:eitificates have
; .been. received from eminent public inn °
- and otheri,and are now on file
. at ale COM peny'a office.
They Are Compounded'
With. the oinked care and skill, and the ingredients
are thoieughly, tested by scientific chemists,' so
that medicines of a uniform and reliable qua:
lity are cuaranteed in all cases.
Are particularly valuable for the . prevention and cure of
Fevers in gene' Bilioui and Liver Complaints,
Jaundice. General Debility,, Common and Sick
Headache. 'Dyspepsia, Heart Eden, Costivennia,
Griping, Urinary _Diseases, Obstructions of
the-Aienties, Influenza, Asthma; and for a
variety of2 l l/hrOnfe, , Eittesses; in •
fine, for all orirmarY family truer:
{'Full directions fOr the venial Piiesnes sccompsny
each box. Prix 25 cents a -10 x.,
the Graefenberg DyuniarT Syrup,
A speedy arukinfallible reinrdyin Diarrhspa. Dyeenta
ry. : Bl - 400*:;'P
Yj aholife MOrtma:C)Laierilataaiimi
and durASIATIC CF/LIMA, if taken with the filet
sYmPtoinseY* . :. womkting and,diatrhas t s, It ne
ver faihrto cure the - worst . posiibter ease, of
bowel complaints; generally its a few hams.
shldom beyond a day. 41 -
Vaal:Tam.% and teken in any gain-
tity perfecily.trarmlesa.
The Gratfeaberg Gran Noontide Olatmeht.
Invaluable for Burns,. Wounds, Sprains, Chillblains,
Come, Bores. Raveling, of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Borofols; Ulcers, Paitur -in
the side and.back inunediatcly. relieved, Whin.
matiatt,*#the Bowers, and fors& cases where'
_..rthece ii rriflaminatien.
Marshall's Uterine Catholiesn.
A certain cure Ibr Prolapses Uteri; and for most oldie
distressing complaints ineident•to females. Pre
pared by Dr, THEO. POKEROY, of Utica, •
solely for the Graefetibeit company;
TBII arias onsets:rasa° 7tintClAss All
Eye Lotion, Bitters,
Consumptive Balm, ; Fever and" Ague Pills,
Children'a Panacea, L27)6y,'s Pile Ointment,
Sarsaparilla Compound. .
027" The Graefisoberg Manual of Health, a complete
hand-hook of.nlediciao for families.
,Price fifty cents.
Office, 214 Broadway, New York.
Carnos.--The public ii requested to bear in mind
the Ceuerything, prepared by the Griefenhe% CoMpany
ha's their seal upon i 4
Spurious articles.have been issued closelyresembling
the genuine iri every particular; eteept the sell; and.
the utmost care should be used before purchasing.
Agents for Uradford..Coulatf—Zr..HUSTON and
Dr.fORTER Towanda. ••:; - • ' Iy3B
tay.ahre himself, without hind.
ranee to buriness„ or the .iMoWledgelof the- most in=
matiefriend. and with one tenth the usual expense.— ,
la addition to the general • matinenf Prints disease,
it, fully implants the cause of mantitiori early decline,
with observations - on marriage—besides many other
derangementaWbkhit would not be proper to rinumei
lite in the public , . .
ca. Mir-person sending 35 cents bucketed bra
let,';. alit receive one ',copy of. this book. by
five Otani for one:dollar ' ', Address.:."Dr.
ti, Voting, 152 - ,3pruce,atreet,
Post-psid;• •
V"DrAVIING can; be . ceesttlted 'on any of Me
Dieestsiled'elerittediht his different Phifficationvoit his
Officet -152 Elmore Street;eiery . diY - betWeen 9 and 3
o'clock, (Sulays excepted.) . . .
AB ierii4red to`a few "
' a iiitfrirat
„lutifgrui :. .rot 7 ,
merle • "
'All niterafione aniontitlutto; $5O, pr over t oneAta
to *paid /16vro,:tti iematpdei Jr, rtlireo montly!.. ,
the - operation 'pro* onsetisfeetory,the: money punt will,
he refunded. A'siote,4l4l4ltotierer,murtnanurettle
tiro lf Onit ,6ittkit,t:irovien.l
mamma nom. t
. • ‘..4
T.'lE3ilitS(. l llll3Z}tc bavinstnoir 44x.repieted; his
aralolicitient4 l ,(orlbeacoornmodation of the Travel.
Ong Pubtic, reels ugaranted iq solicitintellist.shs*of
Public Patronage. His Table 'ball be furnishes] with
the ballhe marketsffortriCATiii.Stibling
~i sLarao and
=Warm t, AIM .1W !Wed with( 'g•ei'44 lilgno ''
itiareltp4telontraa-Aba4citinity - 41; ' ;
-BESlDEFfiletlir , soennialorit alartnY,llffer
ruts, Trunks and Valles. Sse l 444i'4Arid kelps c by]
barskat Odd asbliflineif id - PATENT lEEE, CINEO;
kw ail ftehiett his patiOns
.4 '*ilietl way a made;
one, some ell.ihoth far and near
hOnsetymi'Vlintl.l-ttatna tieihrtii • •
41,711/tbd , -vtlisop odds itorokr would b,lll.
, . vote Laceptillaeaullsfy:;: ,. ••
favors., ilia ul lie; ;ivilb
pleft*Ecept thri.iinac#46 4,1' f „,1);,
4 Licitville;Tett., 13,18.51. " • •
- r4314!
„ -
for Tweilljr..Fltreto eta.
tT EBCULAPWS, or. Every
lo hir own Physiciin f vat *-
Err' edition, 'with upwards of
Amdred engrseings, showing
iiste diseares in eviry shape
.411* form, 'end tmilfimintioni of
the• Pc, nerative system.
The timihas now strived, that:
perschuranffeting from secret dis.
easel, need' cm more become the
t by the 'preseriptionecontained '
, ~ • , .„. .
~..i . , -, ~_ t . o ! - • c ,,•-r--- - - -,- .--•
vo,R lii tett* hicioaioioitti • l i i i ß s a,vi
A - , „info -Aeiginitie;Artort . ,l,t ... , ,,
Eng 'Ih.G ,:0111 0 116; Calni l 6 ll Idnii t„:.' li
1 4,l llt4fi 1211104gY.'. 14141 4te ' • •;. • y and.
t t in
' otny.,..(f th Otk.*4 41i OW 1/0110164 49 pluiii
144 hose shide_al4bfat;/:fiLoOttL.44sLoheguinuri
pegiblii.iitnutiily in a' - ` _on inflow, . $lO6 00:,
. i n „' s 11-14..-lii
Day eeholers O r .. , ~ .. - „4 1 .
..r.14 -I ,l l ri ititakiktifite.3 vt !i',.
'rieneblpai 4iNthein P.(;^...ricai..l. -zi1.4.1.. o r : .11,-` .e.s4 pp
Latin. ' ,10 c • ,i-•:. /.f !Li tit , 5 5 :
- 1 4 4 1 ) . 1 145. , --.l' . .. 11 , 11 :.-',4 -..--•1 ~'! -:1 !•, -:! 1 :''.:....1 .5 , ,14: 4 40.i,
144 1,#tAi9 3 ..: , : .444.P0F,1119krtirr,, 0 oei
Elfin 111410‘.14, - I ~ ~,,,-..,4 00
An icoultli itAllgf !,ifithliet.liilin the p i ano
e,riviiegal• , Team roCi, , ',',lii iny one. of the "boll.
engages; an she sante' . theta additional charge.
4.4 . ',pint p.mrliki studins'Atiel Thiglisti-htinchet;
the pip ' learnivreith of (hi aboihtfrenntitikere
per 1
Inetruetlons ii,,ate' - 9i4tar, • '_, ; ....:„,f,7 ~.4 00,
Use of Plan ' '', :' '" ' ' '' ' " •—• • • 7 5
„1:04492,40, 11001111.1n,.Walcr..SOlollioneln$14,„,„,„
- the use otoulenits; siphg RireviAng : paper,
` paints, peifißlV:&&:.:',.r..,'.; Up.: EI, 4, '-1. 4 00
O'd ptiintingp einvesc
~ - "' , 10.00;
P.ntl n * "ItiPsTA/P 4 f i a d f 4 ibidlig*u . dillti4sl '
'`l 7iiappTylof 'rniteriiiii; each ' - - 1 . (14;
Fonnoltpsilo4„on. paPer.l# l 4lll l 4l4.!ekr;,,
14 11 Pit( 011..'. _- -- --•• -` ''''. ;': _,!- -, 1 .... r.' , ...•;,., •,(5 00
Gikll l ollo* . "elif*U',: ; • - ..'''''---- - - 1- de: 7-2 ' P',l3 00,
fiZWelt - - .4)St'filkiAtef;i., - , : - I :,.___-•:‘:.,,-.1: .;:j6 00
Penaen4 ink, ", Ad
%.*Weihing, L • ''. . • ' • -- ' ',-,..-2:450
Bali' la iOatfai: $2 'OO pi reek.) - , 1 , .• : '
• , nein p,pfikidanessalik• Ole, Iliesci " . 7#OF
Frlllißilighinioio**44 5.. - :T... 'Sill :4//
eLi*P*o 6 o',ltilP/kii 6 t!•;',...• '. ,••• '":),'' ,% ...,...*: ';.;
OR 'fik .- TYPE
No.; net strAetlrovi , ,New. , •
NOWSPIPer. rajAbitters 4214 Win**.
7JI fl con tliii-trade..bffOrOlhey
— tiarehaie else'utitere; ttt . tiVetni call at'
128 Pilltati•istieeti York,or_titlYO;l7 Canal•at.
Ilow,lBili Orleans, where ;:tui reads furaisb
theta tlittlft ' ,
'11130 . K . AND NEVM'ArEIt TYPE,
- of die neist and most beautiful styli. 'I - atts also
adtnircd scotch lettei.
havicglamelyprdeured'frout'Elittllaud a aerie& of
these beatitifulfices, together 11th every variety of
torus and p l attero of ; - •
Minferirig; •&e. feet assured' that the .'el,egap6
and accuracy of the Typemanufactured by me
etinnothe surpassed bsPany Founder the Union.
Stan ethirilynesti Method irt the, leiif!ig rand'iiist
ing artrenabled to retain the ofrfdas of the compo=
stem part, of (he and thus td produceith addi
tion to an 'elegant thi most -
beret ' fore offereil ' ibis last feature I
crophl in partictitar call attention, for solidity ,and
durability of Type is, on the principle 'of economy,
of the greatestimportance to ‘ all-typogrAPheis. The
members of an craft: t►illalsoAnd taeready lc:sup
ply all kinds of ,
_ _
for the establishment of complete Printing Office's,
such as Presses, %Doti Type; Cases, Stands, Brass,
Press and Wood Rules, Imputing Stones, ComPoro,
ing Stick, Brass and Wood qalleys,.lliVeo, Closet
Racksoks.,,die. , ' •
'''Old Type taten new 'at' 9 eeitta
per' lb. The Trade dealt with on the most liberal
terms, and patronage solicited on the ground of fur
nishing to the purchaser of an article with which
be Will he pleased ant which Will bring hini the
worth of his money.
Editors or Printers wishing to establish a News
paper or Job Printing 9frice, will be furnished with,
an estimate , in detailof thteost by stating size ot.
paper and kind of work tn. be executed.
Publishers of Newspapers who will Insert
advertisement three months and send the papers
containing it addressed to ••" 'Neittigo .I;_egisteri,'
Nero York, will be paid in Materials of my mass-•
facture, provided they purchase , six times the amount
IA their bills for advertising. •
No. I'2B Pulton-st. New York, and ;
izety / No. 17 Canakit."llOw,'Netit grleans.
. .
gem; ved to B. liingsbery's. Block !
. ~ . .
\iii. 11: , .s. Cha:llst.,
comprising :
es. T_T Aft judrietumed f nmiheeity
'it:- -Li of Neiv York . - "eh surge
1 , , .q k anppfy'rif Witches, Jewelry and
% • • 77. 1 8 1m ilve f r orfote re mgintclest— in Lev a er,
• ) • ,E . - Mpinriand Plain Watcheo f with.
`\‘ h„, z -. 2 L-`:)"---eir- a complete assortment or Gold
. • .. • • - Jewelry, such as Ear Hinge, Fin
ger Rin3a,Bteast Pine, Dracetets.Lockets, Gold amine ;
Gold Pens. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity ofiSteel Heads—all of which be offen
for sale esceeedingly cheap far CASH.
Watches repaired: on shoitholiie, and warranted
to run well, or the money wilt ter fefunded,.and a writ
ten agreement given to that "eilbet ff requited.
N. 11.--MAPLE.oppiut,4oa 'Conwtrir Produ ce '
taken id raiment for worm and iitip;- !. 4 no t ip„ a yd
foreretcrhorthi Produce inuetlii ' " tiaria the work
i s done--3 wu.againil credit hi al Aeon*. ,
• • ' Wili-i-: CHAMBERLIN,' - Agent.
: Tornado, April 20e.,1.850., .., -. :,* : • , -.*.
coasts etrapstaa, ;
"'JAPING' twitter in Tinveidi, his,,aerticAa iniy
IX be obtained by addressitik a brie tbrangh thOPoat
Orme, or by: calling-at thet-othicrot
Esq., where he iwrill bo found. Or inhere a written et-'
lioaptop,tney be lat. 1161 , 4 ~ 1,850. 1 ,
O.- mr. r.
ttr Office, Nprilt.4,cif the 'Public square.
IP_lrMlaa&Sf Avian 13025414
tPICE on /1,44 AMP= Whom' Bridle
, 4114e1l 'where, he. rail pc oPna.whow. not rota=
sionally i engagea. Towtnda, 0!•,80v1.860.
111 LIN'S It alkYl 491:1-8
.r. Anitrink PA:
lig•st6iiiTher iiipeetfoll'ildforaiitheiliblie Oaf
•-&;Ate tits .taltetr /tioasititsiew oirhia old iota,' in the
aouth'iratt'of the. Boro' of Athelitilahere he will be et
4 1 1 tines )%.*P3!4?-*4lkraiiids,l44-wiltindlir
difrelting pub t
lic will secure hioi - thef &rite of - thii . olthatrans of the
MVlVASlll e glPli*v ° t t itkozikttitet contr.
torte ' Vad CCM iiitehtatofphigillaik •
.111 e attatX wilthirateUisoppridshd the -best4:• -
4witiCtie Procutalot ;1,4w ;‘,l'
°soil Venom*. eiaatwehtui with maaefillanallUen4
livatteatleor#,V, .4i,
cr An amnitMlf.,,R" be s a t sta
tion, to cr ly . paowt , lindlto train.; env
oreteute4 /-I'nv ,itAillegreoM)
'AthINHVAPtiI 'fc‘
Cl 4
AS 310PITANYEtlir& C 0.41
:Oka' ed 446 of Vit '' - 1.
cf :0 40 ,-, 404 - 4 • ' i h ii: 4 ; iecie
r ii ,__, , ~4 , ,,,L,mrfilfww. A ~.- 4 1..;:.., • .,.,„, i 1 ,
aiPMl l ,P:e. ° 11 1 es_lo,n, Arks.o6
Z . T.
.. l edarfi#PSsll4 l 7 l 4 P1k.444K.1!"-. 1 ti4i4,14.
3 7 40tiiii rifi az it iiii L ;) t 6.
po i ti ii n i.
4 w4 : 1 1 ,. / (.. :
and for, tbetbettefit of my, all" • , hcic 4:
itta ti'tiiiitiltriiiiit'esbolt ' ' 'OW truly
t tlew
indifie.iinikoietati Cita Oilleitte. frettakleagN gfi
kutscisreslritilp; Attain.: • " itifilot'lriu
afflicted vritS a ,vielekkiiil,kiefifelilettiej do my b oot
hird-igi:andevers few l deya'aitaidfd ialsee a nsideia.
We blood; my cdogb,wals . fight end diensizing. E den ,
JO bkit el Oleitt"kleo eteelthie4 ll / 1 4 arid -Ik,aluse
f sverateat eight, lei* gioat difßerilt y of bleatbingand
great loss of appetite; my,systein ' wear MAW, Ora.
ilifeittifflegOOftdiffirtelo bed - iitiskinf the titni..—.
34,1i,0f tths mint eminent 'ltliyefrAttivt thie 'city at .
latill,4oll4ind lefttil itiltinstitg ' ill -their' akM. Pro.
iniunar int; erree iminaldt.-' !Mogi 'one' mid -my
.laugeelrettsalftsoatipme, and t eoeld 'tot ' Oftildy re
reovet,,,t. Mail stage of say disesse,l4as. piessp e d
Ippo fP try :DO. Sehendes , Palmonidifiallefese
4 heitteht tn.balt *Amen bottles; attr seetwered
sa to be to go &beet the boots. Itomemed to Wench.
°D M' !hole eletelthlit Itteeened the cough end Mop.
- 4 -41 1 .b 14011
1- .- 11 4 .boweld,becsmer regular, an d
liensteittg l ale, seemedto digest easily and • nourish
my ,fie Flea. lotlegit.:t!ttett ,trAl .00 - rapid .pro
gPri'°f MY Ittelligt Xttl lo ettallo Oft..ettettlfet that i
be ' esit* ( "Mt4llo 3l e,are. 3 1' 00 4 eftit!rePti abaralee
-eld the ore.ol,the reedielne•:Wets the ••disesse au
thoroughly eriailittvd,*hielt iterated jeAtnettalr attack
of Weeding; et the InitijOaet talciceird by a dn.
'irmtalig cikßgb:,' ,I again commenced 'taking /be . pu4
itionie Syrup, and sent for, Di..ffehenat who. e re a
liirefill' examination, lashed me to continue using it
`,Befoi4 r hid fain 'fdoitionktir; an — ahreis formed in
my 'side i which gathered - end broke, discharging, b neat
do I ganjudge;ir pint of very diaag'reasbleyellow mat
tei,, rallte eeequat..t!frAletteett ea Pear My wholesys.
Nil; Fran ,14ja-UP3O.I4IPPLiff get better,. 11114 gni
haPpy to ell entirely Itteoeffesit, - -Its we at this
1 1
time I eojoy,hetter health than 1004 ) the lest ten
years. Slues I r eimmeneedirdtigo.N. Olatocir. Syr.
op; theve icier, Wed' to recommendt wherever 1
Went, tbet iothettis,+l well' 4 .4,4044 might be saved
raved from that awful ' disease;: for tleel it a duty I
owa,lovie'sfliiCted'toperlipleh ie'4l theliorld s Permit
me 'tit - Mention a few Mires iehich ha v e . come under my
immediate - ohiervition. B r ehig on it matt to Camden,
N. i., heft shimmer , ! isle a 'ova; evidentll in the last
stied' limit iiitteumitian. ":'Tie - Mother " Informed
Ina that the plyeicilths bed given ; the child up as in.
eatable.' ttold her What benefit I had received from
the use of Sehenclei Pulcoonie, Syrup, and induced
lily to procure ri,hottle: ' I heard ! nothing 'More from
the littleaufferer until three-4041r a fter; being
in the market, iny,nitention was drain' to glad, who
observedine' very- attentively: 45tinthially approached
me, and asked if 1 was not the lady who reenmetend ,
ed Schencles Polinonicyrup to her dying child lest
summetin eamden.l , J replied' that I:ents. She said
that her child had entirely rearmed', and was uncom
monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson;. , and now
resides in Britlesborg. Another Indy twould mention
iu portico's/ s ay/60W a serafulousaffection.. Halm
I and neck presented one,continuedsore,and one of her
eyeaWae meriously greeted with. it. • dhe had become
1 greistly emaciated, and to sill , appearances paatssoovery.
`I induceinier to try Schencles Puhnonrek3yrnp,mbith
I ale did; and is now perfectly , cured; -Another _lady,
Mr 4. McMullen, whose residence I will give on apph
cation, was the last etage, of,Consumption,
I preielied upon her to try the Polinorite Syrup.. lot
very shart time shit ivis#othely reeoverted4od clown•
joys excelfent health, having become ex ..... Mei-fleshy
These ang three eases 'within' my knowledge, - which I.
know viere cured by Beheners Pulmonie Syrup, Alt
who doubt this state:trent, and will take-the trouble to
call mine at my residence_Parriati street-five doors
above, tenth north side, I think! will be able to mitts
tictority convince them by own case , end :others that
I know have been cured .by this Syrup. Since my
cure. there bare been so many to See,nreto know what
I took. that I have bed a very gond opporttmity of
knowing a great many that, hare glikan it, and have
been greatly henefitted thereby. and A think if persona
afilictesl with Consumption , or . Lied Colineitlet, would
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully afamine
their lungs, inn 11 be says be can cure chain, (pilaw the
directions, and prevent tatting cold, they will rapidly
, recover: .
GULlEtttit L. tunrErr,
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
I. M. Scassix—Dear Sir—i have known Mrs.
„Leibert for 'event years, as a member of nip church,
and-have all co dense in her statement, and am re
joiced to tend h again restored to health . Any thing
t ill
more, to addl . • n to her statement, is needless.
Yours, truly., THOS. L. JAN EWA%
Patitor of the North Presbyterian thoirS.
Philadelphia, Jmus 200849, , ' 6th et above Greco.
Prepared and sold by J. H.SCHENCIC at his Lab.
orratory S. E. comer, Coates & Marshalleas., end by
the following Agents;in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athena; D. Bitiley,, Leraytrilte; T.
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome;
J.J. Warlord, Monroeton; D. D. Parkhurst, Le Roy;
'C. E. Rethbone, Canton; King & .Voiburg, Troy,
and by. MIX &, MASON, Towanda.
Price, $1 'per bottle or $5 per half dom.
F:7:1:114 - ,‘w ‘ ` . ll‘
UM Mit
The Gieei COIIGH
Many years of experienee, and more titan a Hundred Time.
mad Cares of Coisstumptiee complaints, have proved to
the.undoubted saisfaction of' all permute wbo bee become la
enlaced with this sioaderfernmeee, that it is greatly etteerlars
Wit Is Idergbtrer e rsa brohop, and wore versals. to core
17.. knew, ei j er„teit wird Tly me that dreamy
tiaa Met act be aired.. -Be that the opinion of some
tow or the few,
we alien not attempt to mime with .sueti, but this we tea say, Me
d 3 Owed w srerekerkleh can 'be proved in thetrsaade of CUM
that this media* sauceigrat Owes and disones whieitargoes the
wink were erased, were called real Ceasalagglea, and which
attendedWerattended with Oleeleeelll that. resembled Info In all re.
wens tikl theiVions of Moe treo die, sod rhos dart me said to
have died with disease easseespden. This asheua
boa cared ilo gsasiaidl ST Teseans edississese said to be Waked). at
a„haed - ,._ heiV re ffrlb rodthWOoisgbe-Paikeinthe Breast,
OlgOt low Bakth- , c ity of - liresetklag-+Platiga Erptrtorg
tim—ilatir, Fever - N4oBatidp—vid wasting !Mar of the
Flea YensernsJaving such complaints have bean
cured altar 11 was said thdy 101 id eat are a week longer. This
Medicine bee mired sable Whir wane 'apposed to be to a OWE
torte, Mit. by the use of this re Whey gewllvei sod enjoy
R ood health.
T , se Is 'dir repa4ti cournma. It is pleated
take, zed ems deo In stleetif OM* Or tinder any
cumstaaese. /treenail., wealthiest) . and shawl adraeateas
Cures by ratifying,. 8 t stag, al i u t ijihrfaiait the
whole systeta‘-by werrsip the& a assay
efloilse Came la-rsedisy‘ari MrprataL eileur
soar Beals =peeteratlea. it the libiloWing OA.
COMM; -rawlar.ltramaitis.AstUs, Ngeed, ?faro
-60M41*Iitlielank /SOW
glitleulani 'et anis, .see air Poo
Min ,14114114 our AVMs boo gm otos sw37.
For late by HIISTOpi At.• PORTER, Mantis
C.. 11- Herrick, Athens; C. E. Rathbun.% Canton ;
H. D,.,Parkh oral, Leroy.; J. Hanson, Monmetoo s D.
W. Usird i %tamer:skid; D. Bailey. & Son. Lellayr
T. Humphrey, Or tell ;. Maynard & Woodburn.
Rome; E.B, TiVls B.lltigiftele; Guyed! & Gee, Bap
lin ;ton ;- L. &
D..Runyotr, Troy.
All orders most be addressee) 0. WALLACE &
Cp. got timsdway I Y • 346°111Y
Very Strange but true.
Gentleman of -Utica, N. Y., has obtained from
fiV. lbw Witch-betels , a,sicaple remedy. which' laya"
mot:nine, claitn.nt thetname of " family cure alt than
any :Medicine ret-Aveco i enT. ha" InsS wt * /414814
is connected 1 434iplittIa Alcohol to prestos it.
*ad yeip494lkitk.pgiti certainty in removing Foio
and al), oral intlittnittmp, Miring all awes. barns, brat'
s44: l 4 l 4tikatalitilty. :Nes, bowel complaints.
cifPlf*lnrkteyheintiFF go, ear ache. tooth-ache , ocw
eggs; ilgs ll rtult.,ltOos. tifreitiOns. It is w hitt: •as aster
and rts.hitntalisi t ,ott4iCis O il ed
OtOyer J y , end nettling Extritd.
mine eefiew'Peilirs . Extract" •iiblowatlr.
the bottle. - Mr. Pond first introduced this Michela* to
the gt,ublin and bas7eViltirdeTicyasi treat of siai 11 *
030f4!11'btiliiiilit it to i 7. ate:of l i ertretioti) awl
we now *Misfit 2 bottioln give via a~
A tann - bi l itin •nitritisiiir Spitte' has pot forth as.
. article ealted`w•Th'i G s oyftrEatrait" athieb claim' to
be from-the Wtteit.hitett'"lffiviin Mit ihroh.lw no"
s.Peree.t'latwiPtiotti f itoll it d: w9tenmerfect
elf( t be net deesited; get 'a Pintligtiefsnd sss'.
For sale itAtiontanyes &Co. Towanda, 8. S. The
men Monroeton, ,Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Horace
Willey Franklin. June sth 1550.