Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 10, 1851, Image 3
. • , -, - b titioriDoN Rxr4c,-:-WhireAliging •41 tritely: loo.'.: --- .. , -; - :-1 : ,Buldalo Creek, Union ,raiinty, 111 r. Therms Howar d ~4-!.----- . -- ! -:•,---1-- 7 --- . .-- •,., ~ - -_,...,., ~ . A , - ' 'camertrpOn an ivortttptk, ten feeV,lont,utoderittegy '...1 '' :-,',-,:', ' i: - •:- t - CAlTlSilitt.- '- 2 - --- ...:: 1 - - - curved - nine inches , tn diaryieles at onikend and - four- ',AITIIFEIJAffi'My!tvifiI:M . AHALA. hinethli day.loll' at the other. lt wail found two feet beltiWiliti:rtnr. IV m y ha 'lnd hoard iittlaireliiitylihseiir &aid: face, in a layer of blue clay;klileh testihl on a -lied isliaaslbi Thy forbid:any perOn - harbotini9r trust of sand and out, It was a:good - deal. injured . in iatCher an,,ity, account, 44_1 alkall-pay.7ilP-4 1 1kti of, bei . _ getting 'I( out, befomitS realehamelei viainereeived, Contracting , tifterthisilate...-._•..., ',' 'I: , _. f- -;,:: . Since 'Wing ekposed in the air, 'it craingei.iatild l e • ;pdrents,,,a„lB,ll- _ ... sagttgitts,Aqtx; - : upon . be .IPAITI did t., ba ,k t .4 * . 6,l ! ii'ci,9 T: e44 , -49a , te'rial - FaRAISOLVtin'e-iisoiiinelli'otlitied rand other arePlalll at "',Fatt's.4 l Yfr4 • '— ~ ! , . : • '•' ' fasthiOnable stYleii; at '- • - . _ , 4.iOnrgrriari.,niiiiie.A . EroOks Hodges waSkille4, , , ft ROCKERY.—The largest ,stock In town. Falk r i. a i ; p u , r. ,.14r0,.;11,.G0:„ . • a :, feiv dayi s . a 20.. ;Al e _ t vaa N.J dinner and tea •• setts. of: white granite and blue ruling a, fiacifeus heirse l , Millis . Way: to fishing place, ,ware; which will be sold e b aii p a t . -,,, . .po o lcs, , w ith a large, fish hook , and linejitachetl to, the. pont. , - mel,pl_ his smile! The, horse took fright 'throwing 'NE W. SPRINGL GOODS.I him forward °tibia tadtlleovhen the fish libok enter., .ett -his beert, causing ..almor _instant , death. The deceased ref about . 1R years old,;and the only.son_ publ i c are invite .to ea anti,examinethe THE. • • • a"' 11 • 41 a widowed mother; wheel! husband was thrown large-. and magniticent -stock of . new „goads, which are now being opened•at the store of,the sub, from a horse,-about two yeaisug,o, And killed. • scriber, 11:is unnecessary to add that, they will be ''.- ': sold cheap., . . ' - , .1. . • -• .Nstrar. Rai-mt.- I L : A dinner table misunderstand. ..• , ,„,,, „. l'owanda April 24, 1851. J, KINGBBERY. Tr, occurred a t ~A 1 nSillrigtan t yesterday, 'between ' Lieut. Nicholson , of the Naiy, and Captain Chant- ' , An extensive stock of Staple - bourgi date of 'fie Is,hiviy:' .It ended by Nicholson lal I‘ , W! caningliChambourg, and a challenge , ia confidently Ft Piort.ANCY.:IIRYS..GOODS-- expeeted. Thequarrel begati between Capt. Chaim- - Just opening at •.• '-' - , - - • hour.* and Lietit; " Alvarado"' Hunter. ' - . •• 0 AZOM I XANT74IIII 'rk. CO'S.. . 1 .. I".i*i. A CC6ENT -On Thnrs'day last; a Finn - was rrHOSE who wish to • perchers- Good Articles at instantlY . kilted by falling into the mine at Kcenig's 1. cheap rates, will do well to;call: - . ' • eben`three - nilles• froth Easton ; At the same , time • Towanda, May I. 1 851. .iii',olli r miner fell into the mine a distance of about • viiit'eti feet and miraculously escaped with bin little 1161 v ilf)fi IBS. tit . itte, Sy,t4iii!land inlet:1110N • • 9 w‘.l just received at . ,•. , ituitryt. ~,, - . ' , May • MONTANYES & CO S.. ! . L S:nit , Tamen —Somerif the New Tork'ship buil- EW ''frets ly that Wick walnut is a'beter timber for , , N.000D5,... snipuilding than live • oak, and that ith high price AND - REDUCTION OF ' PRICES! is the only - reason. why h.isnot largely' used. An ' '011ie) paper says - there IS enough of this valuable! j,ll. PIIINNEY, Jr .,, is jest 'receiving from New —thither split into, fence rails'every year in Ohio to c! s :Yoik a large and, general assortment; of] Spring build the national marine of die Union. - . 'and4fenimeit VOci4i,'Con'sistiiig of . almosi everything usually foundkin a store, together with • .11a.ttinoan Taicic Smix.—Sik rods, at the • New Groceries ; Hardware, &dila, Oils, Dyes, Leathet, Yolk itnd, Erie Ra,ilroadi at Au t dover, N. Y., .sulk - Boots §. Shoes, Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Crockery, on ThinsdaY afternoon, undera -train ofcars, ... tear; - Glassware, Salt, ' Fish,. .4.c. 4ec. ,1 trig nothing in sight but the top of tie, engine chart- . The subscriber would return his •sineere thanks to ' ney., INo -lives lost. -k, -,, - the public fur.their bountiful patronage the last winter, .4 - - .by which the increase of fatalness enabled him to offer • AsSocisvc Jimaes..—Goi.Johnstiin has appointed his goods .his summer at. still lower prices theta they William- Ellmaker, of Washington,- township, and have heel) in the habitof buying. A Itperscinswishing John 1 Smith, ot -,Williarnsport,..M be Assooiate, to'boy . ioodaTur eastr:or ready pay, would' do well to Aidges for Lycoming county, 'Die Senate has con , ' tall at No. 8, BriCk Row,' and examine the' stock and firmed the appointment. • priers, as the goods are bought hrid musube sold. _RdWarula, May 1, 1851. ' . 0;:r. the Germantown Telegraph says that the --4---- , -- ..:‘ , '' ..A ~_ -.. • . HEAL - and r - LOGR,—a large quantity for sate Wheat crop, in all the great wheat :growing regions, - w at - my' PHINNEY'S . of the mutiny; never, at this lime of the year, wore, , • andre promising appearance. The papers in every QAFETY rust.-1-0,000 feet just received and ' quarter all concur in this. \ t.... 7 for sale at - 1 1151,: PHINNEY'S. r 'Y ^ • • .'V.,,, • • ...n . l . '7 ' , . \ T UNIBER.-Any quantity wanted. for which the ~- 1111NIATUIRE. ALMANAC-ISM. JLJ market price will be paid at • PHINNEY'S. ~ _ •••• - . 13 ",.), - 7,,?,[ . the• , 1 ,t.,),,,, Sun Itnoes.l . 43on Se tt TjloBTEßY.—Ladies, misses, and children., silk, J...... -'-...=."--.- ..--..-- ...-..' -1-1 Worsted and cotton white and colored Hose; also Scrsusy, 1 'MONDAY, . gent's'aed 'boy's mixed, brown and bleached half hose, . .1 cheap:at • 's , my 2 - (FOX'S. TuESDA.a ' .;1> WEDNESDAY, ' ':5 ITECILSDA r . PRIDAI, Married, In Bidgbury, on the .7th lost., by H. C. Baird, Esq., A. GAlLDNlxtt,'son of ,David Gardner Esq., of Athens; Io Slsa Ml.Latstt MtnnAron, of Ridgbury fiSpring,fieirbray. 7th, by Rev. S. J. Gibson, Mr. Cum:fours' Bratssici to,Miss Axon:tor, young est daughter of Win. Brace. In Smithfield, .lattnary sth, 18504,1..*N1n MARiA, wife of Chas. B. Riggs, in the 2.7lNyeak of liar age. Those we love are passing frog} us. Pas,ing like tha suintneillawers ; Boon our dearest heart.cotniittniphs • Death shall gather to, his bowers.' Non aonertzscmcuts. 'H.S. 4* IVhC. MERCUR Are now 'receiving their - • ' Seto(' &carat stock Of. Spring Goods, which.are offered for sale it WHOL SALE of; RE it'AlLalst even lower *an' their usual prices. They say to all cash purchasers, ionni find see our stock, and you 'lilt find goods and prices right. May 9, 1851. Iron Iron I Iron" 20 TDIC_S, American, English and Swedes 'Lon ; a general assortment of all sizes of round,square tiat bir, Nand and 'hoop, now receiver, and for sale by " the to or miriller : quantii3i, bt . MERCInrP, kegs just received, and for Sate by 1 4 1' . 9teqcon,:lteg or pourid et •.• ,'sMEIRCUR'A. W SPHINt GOODS! TIE iubs7ibpr nn w in - .receiet , of bia S pring pur chaica Of New Gocids.tVhich makes hitrstock one of I.lle'matCeilesiVe in' the ioimplf—ro r salejnithe mosi'fivotatileterms far Casti : ofnppro'red credit --Cash buyenieie partici:daily invited to ealt'atid •viinninathe to 8 0. D. BAR:t' LETT. , raier litaxtgines. . • miry complete essertmentof Palter atin.tings, 1 Borders, Window Paper, and Fire 'board Views, kept in this 'region, -and - at prices es low et ran be !found at retail either in or 'One er the, pririelp2l at • May-S. 0.1). B A R'rl,ET ADIET & MISSES' SIIOLS-r.4 geed aitsortnient of tidiest and rules& free sheers, boors and'esireni, sure to please. at O. D... TIARTLETT... '.W'mspq't & Athens 41 . 4ilroaa. Luting. ,t• TOWANDA CHgAri CLOTHING STORE . „ .1311,./TfigG, respeettelly.informs the pub- Vr thiii, he has reinovra his_stori to Col. Means" 'building, one dour below W.arner'd watch chop, where he will be_ - happy to tee nlf who MAY he in want of Good and cheap, Clothing....Ne ia..consmntly adding to his stopteall•therkwaivl,VesirabhiAityles and pat terns, and lea; confident he can satisfy any one, who may gitre'him a call: - • jj r at•xftrAiy:ifig.from.Neit York, 41iir g e and Seasona ble assortment of Siring and Summer Clorking,-mede h Atie,best manner, and which will bi sold` as " tholcareif prices. - . • . • also' ; Ad has reeeliA. largo tot: YOurfl',§ & 3'CIIILDRENeULtITHING;iii.wehich he invites at hO'sold it low rates: He tide maddirrangerdents try which hii'eari4endfl:r 47:ii ticle deified, with .the _ certainty iiro'ettiing a' goad . , Cutting and •_nniking up,:4lone tutinetßl in the DOS TashiCillabio tonnaer, promptti int; to onkt. Toiiiiide,Aay Ififrly; • BOOTS. -::;*:,_,S,,IIQES! John. vri..cox, 1 .,< AS removed his eiiebliehment to IT, Mil's store, corner of Main street and the public,sootire, and will continue the manufacture of Bdota and Sh,oea,.tia bennefore.. • • . . 7 1 1 a haft bat received from New Yorika: lorgreoosorl "tient tie Weisman'', Cliildrcit's eaullifiesci' ...Shoes, which, are at low prices, The . isiteAtiO CI the Lidice is Oseicularly directed to Oast) rtment, goinprising the following new atyleia-:=Bninielled Seitriy Liridgei. ' tar Wait do. *hoes ; black ]sting , and bilk giiters walking Apes, buskins4c. Misies" - gaitere end shoes. of every iletcription. &large assortment of Children's fancy gaireis;aboota and shoed,- of all lands. For the Gentlemed.-alatost-eieryetyla of &Meta and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with we t and he belitiveir *he can offer onparior articles at. reasonable prices. • striete4 attendee. paid to Afrinufaituranr o i and* hopes by doing Work' well , to' miirit sacs of the liberal patronage he has h!thavie Wit* liar.' froivanda• ! 'May 03, 14351: ." • liVOnctiuginctlts, -- 7. -,- 7 - . . 11 4 56 7 4 12 455 =7 5 13 I 4 54 7 6 14 4 53 7 1 15 - 452 7 8 16 451 7 9 17 4 60 7 10 -Irra.Scou, & SHIRTINGS, brown and bleached 10—Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Carpet warp and Batting whnlesite and retail, at - myt FOX'S. sUGAR, Coffie,•Rice, Fish, Molasses, Robins, Sale rains, S v picett, Oils, &c. cheapest in town, at - May 1; 14551. - FOX'S. • 1 „ CHESTS inure of those Cheap TEAS, oar ranted to suit or:the money rciutned in all eases t my?.. FOX'S. School for Young Misse s . A KISS L.S. WELLS will *Orin rem) for young IYI raiise's; Mcmda'y, May 5, on Main street, second story of .1. Kingsbery'd store. ttiTioN; rtli TERN Or TWELVE *LEK'S. Orth ogriphy; reading, writitii,' geOgraphy, and mental••arithmetic, • • = • s2"po The same, with English grammar, advanced' . ' 1 arithmetic, and Town's analysis,;. 2 5U Philosophy, Chem fatty; Physiolcnxy, A sin.nomy, Algebra, mental and moiarecience, dtc. - l 00 Penciling, chromatic drawing and'embroidery, each extra,. t 1 50 No sebolar will be received foi Ids than half - a Oar ter, and no deduction modeler absence tinleils detained by sickness. May 1, 1651'. 2.1/1.k..2a 72 , 1U-4111 1 1N k.tifilgrelro Adams 0, - - • • T_TAVING entered into co-partherehip in the practice 11 of law, have also established eit agency for .the sale of real estate in the county of Bradford. Persons having, real estate - which they...dealt° to sell, by calling andicavitut a.destription of their property with the trine of sale, will undoubtedly find it to their saran. tagM Persona desirous of purchasing can learn Where prop. erfy iti fir sale...a descriptiCin Of the sane title & ,the price ens terms of payment and be informal tlia yrdidity of title., LAD. AtrAldEt. Tooranda, it. = J. 11TA()pARL.NB. NEW BLACKSMITH 8110 P. .• TIM suiacribers respectfully inform the•publie that they hive taken the chop forifierty oet;upl4l by Adam Eseniviim, on Main. street' neavly Dixte's wagon shop. iiiiere 1114 ere prepared lotto 01 1 kinds of DLACASNUTlll y NG,epoivreisanahla reek's. They,ore determined by sfotng their ,work welt and , promptly. ioirievit," . as they hope to receive a shaSe of public pationalre. HORSE—SHOEING-done in the beak manner.. AP kinds of repairing Maebinery, executed iathe ricast aka ful manner. . WOCIP W.611K, for wave! will also be made ,itad repaired iaben,d.eaired. . • '" • :All , *ark done outwit ihOP, will be trarrenteal, well done, and 1113nutiituria from the, beat mniteriat • The_pubtie ere, requested t o rriN s re rs l and jud • for, thernselym ESENWiNgdo t4Et iIISCHII. tetaande, Vey , . ILet t r aanecfpr49r's Noti ce --ratra. amount 'a duo to me for Recording; Ices Tin tim,PrOlarta! tofiti,,ar.c.,,evbich,stiould now the amounts!, a re mnstly small, I have tliis Mains iae. 'informing litaie lotertisted that I shall afpect payment •to be maoe at May: Court, and hope That hprinittinitY wilp ie improved. by 101 Waked. ' , May 1551, ;I:'111IAM: " - BLACKSMITHIN, I I... - A DAVE }.l..g . N'AriNE - I:eirictfulif infounti , thelirds-: xi lic that tic new occupies, tbe,skop svhereliirosefil, and hrothei.hatfn for years Itor.ka itiarYf, - o`ripesite . Tomkine fonndry, where he ja,ready' in . do titerk in his line, as formerly iti The ttrst_inanner:`' lie is de., termined the:;:rtiPatition be hal Sitiactied ea a ' ,wortetan, sjaall.not staffer ltY SDI IleVect 9rAte *W— est* of customers .or by inattention to tndems. TOOLS, manufactured. : to order 77 machinery. or all. Wilds repaired in-the best manner, and every kind of Repairtn, anikirfannfaelorinrwitll3, done,nt short acidic"; and in the style deliied.. • !brig Moetnk on reas o nable tents : ' trill take Country' Produce in pail:lei:lt' fag %it, ob dronnly' to credit. _ Towanda, Jan. 17.: 185 L • " PRINTED and plain DeLainns;rand Cashoteres,vf of iho tacist, elegant style,: and as, low as even one ; shilling a yard, at B kINGSBERY & C.O. NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL -STOREI AT IS - . BEITI4 has pet received a fresh iihd geos, isfstoelcOrritU'atid 'Oa.* 4 bich hirers to the pubge" seta*" &ices; as'eheap eat' , for rash or mast kinds of prethes. In his stotit•ivill'befiinnd icitiditssortment of Ladies' lfrats :Goods and Taimmino,_miimbitiforAti and 'colitis heel, Prins% cierietolisiti ittd-tuffi. • • tediee ney's slid Children's-Boots Shoes, *'great Variety' , t • The good,peopy and,eieinitif*e i;)•.; Tit l .4l* ailfaud fOitiMinseivestefeMpsurehits.:, jog astovisitty pfitoedi Towaisda."N'Oi. 12; itisoteitiOrn 'NJ'itid Patin kir Ilits . Fal k , . NEWSP10110:000D13: - TB tiowepteitring a ch letnittfu of of JL DAT GOMM. GildetlnEbi-&c. to which ho would particularly, inTlta the attention of allfOrah'Parchaitio.' and will maker ittm - .object . lo them mitiva hint as ho i dmennined' to sclbhis it oodstbr :Cant sts.,-10115 asoaris over beforb.offered in'thoinaket. ed no pains in.itroeurinc the choicest thelutix, scriber feels' fullyionfulent: that ho can givrtentiretiatf ' Vacts 0 n custombis. • Apt& tle) C 0 Mt Goiiilo:'whiettiarea boar being ishlibitettit ' :-,lo.lSlifif3lo" rz ; 011nr•BEWAIO • ••:.: I • )c. . Inow tveriving direct from New'yirotkA lame 0014 ,spleediksssortment, of:Oootlf , which hp„ foc sale. at priceS•thl4l cannot tik ,u it ltie eji:uteit bpy era, fur goo. Peg!) cc n. oa Airiovia, Out DO. lie lesinct fully eSiis a call tnint. all persona rigiting to.tioy goods. cheap ` : as he is Jetortnitod. not undersold. rowen4a April 24. 1251. ;*" I(fItiOULARD, Chameleon' Cheat., Drees R Since, French and • Barege DeMee% a 'near arkiele fdr eirniner -Trench and*EsiglislaiiinirdAilk Tisanis;Linnin Lurirea* any'quantlty orcither ilreaa goods ot • • FOX'S. TIVERY one knows that tho plops tolta.tho largest &futon:Tient and best quality of gloves of alit dm eriptions is at sp26 FOY 3: P ICH Ilitkiiati; Boitnett.ilks,taite and' Crapes at lA , : 1 117 • • FP.•*'B,t 30DOZ. Panama, Leghorn, Palm Leif and Cansdi Straw Hats lel, - -ep26 FOX'S. - - _ BL'K Silk LicalicliliNTlLLAS at a • FOX'S. UgIIIE Ins:lkm= Rum xi still fic Optratioit ! THE subseriberahiCe.:moved.l6 the new building on Pine street, One doorbolit! Idgrours store where they will keep on ham! - and. make" to order, ploughs, stove and mill irons ofilnuilitat descriptions. Turn ing and fitting op be done alseroll thlionable terms arr at. Elmira or Owego. Ohl iron will'he takes inpayment. • . JOHN CARMAN Sr; CO. Towanda, April 26,1851. . Important'to all Interested I TOE subscriber takes' bis,. method of informing all those who are indebted to hint, to call and pay pp immediitely, as it Will 'be "of much benefit to him,' and fig the interest of those interested. Towanda, April 26. . 1851. IitA_HSVDN nol usiz ) AL=brS, PAL:f THE `subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has taken- possession of his old stand, in the south part of the Bore', of Athens, where he at all times happy to see his friends, and will endeavor to make their stay with him agreeable. • lie trusts thatan assiduous attention to the wishes of the travelling pith lic will secure him the - favor of the old pst!unit of the Mansion:' and the cif those who desire," com fortable and convenient itepping-place. Hie TABLE well supplicd--and . the best li quors be pincured for the Usu. GOQD :STA DUNG is attached with careful and atten tive hustlers. An omnibus Will be, inn to the Waver sta tion, to carry pasSetikeni to and from °sery train, east or west. • - E. S. MATHEWSON. Athen A pri I - 1 8, - 113511 A".persons—without-respect to age or condition I .—indebted to tne, arrexpected and .notified to make immediate payment.. Totatisfy Omni that I am in eameat,l will just orate. that I have engagements to meet, which will require mo to .have..-pay of those ow ing mr,..1 should prefex,th*. bey. would do so volontari ly, fait if. tint, shall_without delay,invoke tlieaeiutance of the, loci. Zi'wifi4a; April 14.4851. D.C. 11 THE - topaitnenthip heretofore ariating between E. Tom t siedt Scis; . and Geo. - W.. - Porrs R. under, the firm of Temkin - so, `.toll :& Co. in ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts are bit with J. D. Goodenough fur settlement.. and all persons knowing theiluoltres Indebted' to the above firm nre re. quested to call and settle-bp.. -1 TOMKINS & SON. - April 14.1851. ' IGEO. W. POTTER. Spring_&.Sunutter Oxgs twit** nitoonri, ARE now receilinirtlicect from New York, a large assortment of New • •• • . • . SPRING AND SUM MER -GOODS; • t.' which the, pledge. themselves to 'sell 'os'inwisi'the TOW est. ' 'Ttiey Mime - We ittention . of Irreltitslotir 'ihis stock which'h`sibf.en ftOtikl&Pkt,l3l#l4riaosTitiil i cilll tie sola et the lowest tetni.: "' . "-' April 1f1;-1 - 851'? ; ' ,"`" 1- P , GREENS -TYPE ~F O.UNDR,Y) , :, 7 Na:' N b. Ft: l7 c lork. oat irrEti: hap, ZieWsPaper rablislidia*lt l yint4; AITITH confidence I invite , . the tr ~•YY intmhase - eloteurbere, to; Otte , ,fite . .n .19,8 Fulton4treetvNew-Yorkvotat:NO,,ltc4nlti 4 t. Row, New Orleans; -- where i aim, ready ; to?;X;lraish theiri t ir ith all kintli'or `l , l • : • BOOK AND , NEWSPAPtk . orthenewest andittost beautiful styler,A aiitf also' prepared to supply the much adm i red :Scriteli :letter, baying Intelyprocured• •frrnn Scotland - la Iseries:.of these beautiful facts, together with every-variety of form nett-Patient of • .N;it = • -1 - - ORNAMENTAL AND , JODRING.TYPE; , Bordeking,,•&c. feel assured- that , titer •ilega nee and - accuracyefall the Type manufactured by . use oaanot he surpassed by any Founder. in the: , Union. ty.antntirelysnevi method In the Mixing end• crat• ing I am enabled to retain the*ifues afthez *nano itinf pirtrelThe nirrulOtiltdins . to produce; i a'cld tioti to on elegarititie most • SOLID AND . DERABLE . TYPE; he'rettlire Offered the•public To ikiilast•fealurd I I would in particular - call attention, fur solidity. anti &liability of TypiAs on•tliwprifiCilife 'or „economy. of the greatest importance tri'alltypitrapheis.. - .The iniembers of the craft win:also find me ready tosnp• ply all kinds of rgnvriNG OFFIC E runigtomp t i • for thketstittlishmint of eoniplitenfriatingt, Oakes, , such ao,Fresses; Wood:Ty:peg:uses, Statds, Brass, press aritt,W4k4 Rules; mposing Blanes;, in. Stick, Brasslutd:Wood, Dalteys,ltiglet.s.; Closet :R;oks, 41,ike. • , i ••eschange for new !at, . -;per The:Trade dealt with:mt..-the most Aiogral terma t anditatroaage , Salicited inkihe kround-offOr-.' nishingO•the purchaser: Itf. .att,article. , :with. which he trill , •t. pleased and Which trill . bring him , tlict :worthof hit money.' • • :Ed itort"or l'ri Merit' ish lag to4stabli*ltia •Nriws-' , pa per _or Job Printing 0 ffiCe, ,e,itirdate in letail bf tl cost by si3t tg site; of, paper rat kind of work te(lte. . irblii here of Newspa ~e rs ,0"6 •ioti insert` .this ' f iliv,r.rfigeOleill)iioe.trnitnill'S F6id' Crituatnint . it'. addressed,l'O' ,‘!"NitrUl,6.S. iteOftei 9.,ctiffr.,. provided th . ef - iro,o, th 006,014 'tit their bilof9r;iidy,cytt.44 4 " - 41145 `. - J 713 11 received another large arsortmeert'-iittiiiitg. cheap BOOTS ark:SHOE& •-• Dec 4 ,c PHINNEra. -. ' '; I DRY GOOTY4:=4 i s nOsi; inniiiii:4 l 4 ?Winnow;• VRaffiks, iv:0116;0* jia• . • OCuit'6 • . Dress Goods... N. N. Bwrrs Important, and True! Dissolution. .• • - 1 5 t• r • I da,-41vpiraistan , m telleviikar.PlA alit:v.44l*M the aates'of Goods, wares an ercnah aze antlieflkildSprit , Ceant3ielbeiki.aDOSslplitht ihax amount of Lietearberenelv*leli44:l, ; --.-----.. 1'454* 7., 1 rtWith or I ci I Airesof i;leAYln,t, .94,,,:t Itetairers t , : wi,ty1t.A..4,41 1 1.14ettos t Afijitily..ititisivlao Wil,ol'ki , * lit 14 112‘ ' VIr , VN 4'l W 004 . 4. - ~ _ :, :„,,, tj,.,..,td. ~.,:f :. '''. ;0 7 . : A 7. Yl 7 7 4,14 • h141, regirrit7 * . ''' 4?) 11 , 1. 1 .. 1 1 1-1 ' ::':: II l U:;,. I :P IYc k . -. ~, El:Toff Itoricip, .l i. ~ ". I; 7 00' '.A . th'eti,s, tfi,;Ailion Wricifini4h; "'''' '! 4 l6l: k 'teleiiii - - - `H,Tiiil'ilat4eisee, "' s •'- 'tit, 114.1.4 6 '- i t :0 ...q. , .- ~...., v i: ,,m r , : ..._ ~, , ~,,),,,,,,,, .„,_ _ .„,.... , anun% 14 o . "Ixtri?e,tVg s & li a r isl !i-, • I , -• „ ' 1 : I n 1 10 (10 , . -9-.7r = • 1,...; -Gr.o• ' o„4 l loj 33 t ,- . -.. ' N. : 14" 1' . 1 ' .4)0 ~.;, , . 0„ Faiii.' . 7 , ~,22;i' ." -1; 4'oo . i,,,,,,,, - ; 11' , , ,/ir: W *4,,, 1 4r,, ~,,-• ` i . ‘ ., " ~- ,y , AY 61 4tilr: 5 nl7 .." , ".-%.,igicrod Burlington. Mel'eari '4lc Tailpr.' 114. 14 .10 50 J'": lr ...Pa ni e ls • . •••.• r II? -i i i `l o4 . 3-0 • -... • •,' :X. & a / I ^. 3l. firt. e ir , , - , . ...'',t;•l4' 7.00 ~ - ,14: P.llleictir, ~,, ' -, :' - '"O. . 1.4,' 1" 00 Canton., i .11 , 1,11.4 . 01 1,11 . ' ~. ~ ~iili.l fg ,i8:1 . 4 ' •.z. ( ,i-E ' Redili 9 ,4 l e..- ;.; ,„,, 4 - ,-,`• 11. i 5:2d0 .s. .. , ,lrandYke. 3 o ' Vrio,.. ~.,. ~, * ' 14 - 4:14:e 0 ' ' Pik - Manley &,1:0 3! , - ' ~'00,tri41;4,',..7 06 Colii - abia..A 0 Ati*Ti .. ' ~,-..-;, -, " , 1 4 4 7 . 0 3 ~ . „, '1) 'V illartieb. .._.i I . :14 ,',l 0 •.. ... •. . :t!dllit, - - .- . . ; ",.... 14 - 7.:00 '1“ ....- -- 'ti q "l4 4 lo - 10 • .., °rain Doilge:,l ~ 1 , ~ , _. , Duiefi h'l66airai, co„. „. ll'o lig:, l4' :I'o C 1 1) Chambiiiaiti - ' - --- ie. ; .... - if , , ~ -C - J R Coniell a • li q . 14=70 50 Franklin...) M Mernori „, .- .,. I " 14 10 50 :-,' , )?..•: - :;:l 10111tIrlfir t ' , .'1 1 11 - ,it; i- 1 1 0.J41. ,1 -1 ', 7 -13 oranville .1 : - DTayloi ' -' ' • ".-- -"- a 'l4' I Iteririek..l,ll . ll •Bronson. r , : i ', ~ a .44,,r2110 Leroy.....iCara.Holconab.2. - _- . ~, .' •-14 7 00 Parkbursi & Lamb, ; 14 .1 7.00 111onrile..: L .s M &.,"1. Illailimpit; ' s ... 13 lif ob - . 8 8 Hinman. ' ' - lig' . 13 15 00 /An Hanatin._ . . o 13 15 0 H J Perkins • h 0 413 10`06 1 9 W Aida; ** 14 7`oo Brown & Ropkwelk; ' '`i 14 700 George Smith o ' ,r - 7 00 0rwa1i.....T Humphrey ; •, ' It la 00 EE . Walker. b 'lt , 7 00 Pike.: A a smi th : ' :'" is I. o' 00 GII Littl, 1 - • - " 11 10 b 0 D Bailey grcii,' ' 13 in OO AV F Robbins, ._ . liq. 14 10.50 11141 . gbekti.1.11 tirthie., .'. , ' 'l4' 10`"50 C T Murphey, ' "' ' 14', 10' 50 4 B r. Butk. " . 14 10 50 C F Wilson. ho 1iq.14 7 00 Rome.....,Washburn & Ohs*, ' " 1,4 700 . Maynard & Woodbuto, 0 r4' 700 Judson Hole y cnb, 'a 14 7DO S. Staae. •.H W Tracy., . 'IN. 1410 Ito 111enria & • elOrri, ''• 1 6 14';10 to E W Haiid; ' iiia IN: 14 - 7'oo Sheabequin•D Brink & Boti, ' --, td i° 00' , Kinney & Sa i ttertee, N. 14' 10 110 Phinney & Lyon,'' .. ' 16 , Arlo du '' WEtampbell & Cii: - Irri liii: 1 - 4 • 7' 00 araithfial.,l,E,4 5111n1loik& Co. • " 13 10 00 - -rt tit tan, ' '',. 13 to oo , - 1 . .. tc Tracy, " 13 10' 00 Durrcy fi Friieher, liq, 13 15 00- Spriugfiel4.Chappey; Blakesly, ," 14 10'50 , ~_ , Phicn EPeAr , no liq. 14 7 00: S'th CrtT,lc:John Reed, ' , " 14 700 Troy burd .8 W&EI F Voinirdy, pg. 1122 50 Stephens & triiliins, • 4 12 18 75 ilerrick & Pornett, . ito 114. l i i 12 50 G F Iteddingtuti, , ~ " ,12" 12 50 • 'F M&Yaell, ' Eli Baird, "" 13 10.00 . •, E P Ballard. ~ 1 , '",13 10 Q 0 - - C K Opencer &Cog - • _ " :14, 3 30 . 9 W Paine. -,.- .T.i , i " .•14.•.0 0 0 --. MI W , Pheliw.. „ , ' " •.14 130 Totrandaib:Montanyea & go.. ..."...• lIJ 20.00 • ....., ~1- 1 OS .sr. MX: Mercer. • ' "". 40 2 OkA 00 ' ' E.T. Poi. .. . ! ..0 ", -13:.10.OP 4 Kiagabery, ,- -.I: !..,. 13,.10 IXI Iv. .0 'D .Hartlett, " 13 10 00 7. , ..P. - ..N Deus. " 14 700 )11aev - A, More, . . . , 1441.„1,15 00 I. -W Tiffany.._ - 14 10 50 $. i; - ,T t ‘ I RatritlC,l4ydenk 7.111q•.11, 44!10 , ‘ 110 ~-i lutnin Kitiziliel•yi'''' 'VSIIO4' " 7 60 B4' ,dity.alt.Dierip,s,.., , _ .1 1 " 11 700 4saae sPio s, l , ~, i$ ~ ; 1, :14 -T3 fll , J 4 ilr, A Campb,ell,, A 4 "3_o • 0 H Boutin& (Doniestie) - , o 14'' aAO • - „. ,-• Hall Or, Russell;. . " . ", 13 4..00 • . lir,o Pflittli• : ..--.L -... --. 1 1i11.4 4 10 - 0 ; • B itu.4%.,....„ .„. _,. ..,. 14 , to,:p, „ 0 lirilinnut, ~, ; ~,: ~- , 1 41 4 d • . - , Edmund,Whailar!..,,,..4,llo.'Aol4li , .Od P. O'Slain. , ,4 . .; ~. , ,i1q..1” 7010 Bristol t..., ~ ... -,T ", t 4,114 50 E Keeney it. Co.. , . t.,rr: ,„ •,.. - ! 4 - 10 - • )11110sPrp . •,'; ...4.--3,1,.”' 14 40 0 1 ; CQ 1 .4 . 103 1 4 t - : -,--------0- r.:- 1 . ,-; "1.-11,:f 0 40 Mart. , " % -Wella & Co.; , no 'liii. 3-10 - 00 ' ' •!PicishateWStilliet, ', -, .:::'' 4 ; ', -, ,141.4 700 Guy Tracy,— 1 6 14 700 WT. Olbsoh, : t', ,t . - .i." 14 ) ,Z 00 Waiien..;llealßafringtoll:(dOntalfc) . " 14 - 1 sto Jacob Icre; " , ..,1 - 4 7 00 -....._, '' , l4',' , . ,' =I • Ge& ' .l 1 " - rvo - ' -"Ttlfiecliii"Fvrel,' i T : 1 " :: ,4 714,41)1p0 Wyaluiiing:Whetcrek - & Stalfdfd;" i` /t 1 li Wells; " a'•• 'l4 r:7 ' A 'Lewis • 14•`700 • ; t1i51 1 4 . 1:ew4,.. 14 , • 4110 s' Ito Wysciit 14- I 'l'oo '' V raiJ''E 1iv14.! 'lOl3O. ' • - '.attidel Co6lfritilirs Z ' 14 , 1010 'A List and Cialpoifi c a t,ickrk, AtAlle .4?cer_taptie,Tlktiti houses &c ., cinder..usdreaCi r of,Assembly-0:440 . • tOtttsef,Ap.rilyAvd)..,lB4o,entitlo444o,cYcate a Sinking Fund, &c, in and.forAradgor . for, the , rar 185,1,d, linines.ofltrsons, AAP)LIP. Athens 80.11 ; • •-•A. • • 0633 , 1prri1, • , 8 ' 5 dd - - John 'lamb; - ,5 off, Canton:: .:tiorii.iiituitl4' 5 00 Towanda l b.Nlles ,VaslerrT.',l - ';l 5- fq Troy boro—BordA enVAsr% • ' X.:P. 8 !.- 6- 1 3 1 • • Atiaaltr. 8 -;: 5 . 4 4 0 • A I.isi Anasetosirkatibit . iii =Bratiforcll.lotiaty a4ilirecild 15y Ifct WY. of Ap_ri.! 18 1. 18 P.' rte.:de:we. ,Nagamorret , 044.. i , n An Lic.l 10: • is 09 A ioty;', ::ts oo Sgrhygleld.r ( I Int' a t r . 00 ! ; shesbectr:4:Newelt ;lc C 6 -; E. 00; S. Stone. • ; Janie's CLot,denf: 'lO 5 00, Tio - Y.;i:':'..3 - ohtl Gsodribfl,''' • "' g 57001 Eiitund , class i fge'ilituf of the PerionireligAtfd It; sale Air sOstekiniii,rati, , t'lkicaieVe**e;;id l3 l - 4- 11/Th of A': • -'" ' " „Readencc,,, tip 9 , ,,e0.01, , Atn LIC. A qiiP,,ilo4ll:geiti 'TO 00. ""f, vity e'Veifre, .• • 4".` .010 • ... 1.7.1•0 . , King Zit: 176;i3i;41' ` ! '" 1 1 20 00 Leroy.. ....EatirttoriNLar 00 Notice ls, hecibrr.givp; ibak bc; lwl4 ei the. o.o4nrrillsioneni 15th flay o( 'July .uexti et. ,w,b,ic,k3 tow and..phice any,m!pl grieved. lay the Aireguinc.ClassiliCl llll 4 ll9 .! 4 ll l .Atiend .if litOY ..1101)14 1 14 , Per. , Al!Ms1 0 !Y , flan!' ; . i s tow.intla, the 14;h day of April, A. D. 1851...,„„: Ti0y.... % MIMI ME IMMM Latuf Upper Leather: - alio': Ky . aDd Calf akifia:loe;itli i 4 ,011• - • K2/ft-Cp.' • I.rtibil Melina% and Patinettis,Zekttss,mtiSt de sirablepatierns; also Worsted Plaid! for ; thesSes; as well as ebildnseis teem for Pale:. elteslk for ash. by Nov. KINGSIOIRY.*VO. . . M/SW rhunels i kna, V 4.1 1 1404 'as 101 l as and aTii ;614=MlaTfeitit FPP,llerri Nov..?. D. ICINGS tx. ni•elVol,B4U4sr e lis . 0;41 elitie i r tided ror ‘.. 1 ludo no Motermtnis - eiRO; - ' BM tige t'nukiakiFtififisir stiff Initilirdt4iie raai a , 01:'perriOlir tOPelkellitadat aadbialiatterona and 0x.111 44 IP :ROT -,i - O"'Ar.. — inlidirld*ldlifitiffet ISTITt . Of ..Innes Athf 1 1 840tanit tie settitatvi's passed I ' • 1* '1,314-49API'llnOrt011Iffimectirity niesesetkuktiaased-fur.Catutty: andAtate purposes_ in each t _ sh and :borough in th . Cpunty pfiliadf rd. and theltutg4ovesnutheiest Itcpording to the itsgessmOil midEin WiCtirAriT4 o . ifoPprOlied by ale Hoard of Revenue CounnissionersAliech, 1851, ju belpindiOznairt aslhe valuation of Oropert i y iu said tnanatyjinittAhe,neakepTetioaectheifoopt as pre "irutpa't, 3 w , . i -, IF'; ..F. i'4 . i'4,: ii'''A-"• 111 ' , ' 41'in - ; gl' •i:sl - orli, s. -v--"---- 3 . ', ---- rt -"- 'g;,.i'ogA 4... F. , M, lA>l4O-TS -•ll.lg‘' --ri 4 . L5 IM JA n -' i ~..P7 .: .. r ) L t) .:10 - ,,1 - :-4 , .te _::::iirif . :, feS.A. 4,1' . .. i , i*' tir".:A • "' `t' :-1, -, •i" - fr -1 4 --, - e; 11 :3te '- , ti ,r 2 .4.,; zn, - )5r , v, , 'Ar - .- 111 a,-. Kl. ..•1 ..::-.. ......, 1,, : . e . 4 . 1 ,. ,:-_ -, i I-. :. : ,:m4 7 f'zikaff Vi t s.p.: ,t?* ;:, ?p a ' 4 1 1 13 ti ' r l ' ' 't '36 : 11' 1 t• 4 T • "'r - 1 ' '" - " l '' '.. l ''' I ; ? '-',, - .1. 4 1 1 4- - t:4111 - tfl, 143 r a Fe .. 4 '' ,7 4l' ';:I.T--1::,-. 'z , i •-?7,* •-• •0 , I e ~ w•-1-11. 41-0 11. ira„ .. l o ~+ • • *•• ,:em , „ '.. elli - '''' "' ' r 4 Z 1 '''. ,',„ l 'ill. -11 E. 7 :T t 'P. s e 4.? i n Fr .' . '''O' • A P - . 0 . ' i - ' 6 - • ' ' * rs_l%.'4... . W Z ".5 1 'l . `` ..' 5 ' ' 1 1: Ido i',,) 4 ; 04 I', %t;t1,: ,, y,f,.. .-"C%::" si 'y ;1 - : 1 - 1 _3 1 ,w, •,,, '4:i,r. :la .... , :iti A- :'i'.•• 1 ~- 6 g.: .... ~.,. ...r,. ~, zit' ,!.. .01 I . ', - ..' i , l'''' , , ta , ^ 4 at. e I"' ,t'T •. „.0..,& , ;„ 9- 4 ,t; ~40; . .. -4 - .... .__.._ ...,.._,_...._„..,......_ t ... t. ,+_ , • 4• C. . . _. .. O'S . I . I )..... i .O . 7 in,i ' . ;. 4 Ai A th „ A t, : u4 l l . s s - Gri;z2o7sl.o 3 1 ; 5 $B - 00 tietui ‘6311 -7 4,177 - 144: r-.1)?.3,77, -- :,. - -$B6ll 49 43.11..ik . , ,r,i,,, , Alhqlll,/, nslep, , 200,4/4o , 29,034 „i 5 . ,5q , ,_,, ~ 410 . f 3 i filr 011. 0,70 4 5, 1 515411 y; ~ "" 71 f 10„ t 20 .1 el 41374. ii :311 lii ii .' ' • - ' 117 'IT" 78`4" 1 1 Aireuitii ... - .-1. ;.111411111. •1.4 . 6 9 1 • ', , -,',.. -.. 4 . - ' .. 1 ' ' '' ' ' ''' ' . ' ' '42.39.":" '5B 14- Asyulun ~, , 62.11114„„1„ ,8021 'll2lll A, - ..", .. ' -- -tt •.218,18 , 6 ,21.:.2 11,prlingitil.,.. ~ ..,:`131.613 ,20,645 ... ~ , -635, , • 127, ~,41--; - ;,„ 463 •..'61 ' • .• - .- s a t, ~.,- ..., (.lOhiSitti r i 4 .... ) , 4 , e , s '1 4 31,0 3 3''' 19 5 818'' -' -. ' i r * - ,t 310 • 460 4 ot (7ap'wo, i -- ,,, , 1 2:10,4n0' : 14, 6t -''l . t i '-'• „ 2314'' -' 4 ' • '"‘ '''' iNi'''er' t,, ' 415 - 191' Du,rell,, i 1 ! ;''t _ '',0.9:09f - 11,131'• • '''' - too •" ' '''- 1195'- , 1 , , - --;• •,,.: • • 324 , lis I -;,..28/ 40 reaplchif,i . _ -', -,, • '31%651', -`" 9,018 f l, "" P>.. '. " ' -'t 45_1. ... I - , 1 t. 4, er 4 ' . 14RI:t ,11-14,31110 1 1F 4 OrpOili ~'' :, ' 'fo,lllit;•', - 1 108 ' - f;93, 13f 1,ifa.)i..: ',- . - '4 54 0 1 . 7 , 001 -' '.• '' -, • 85 , Its - - '1614'14 a t.. .21 . 0 Oo' , _ L ,,,,,..,,,, ~ ..-,..,,,,:- 08 021 , , 0 40 ? „ , , , ~, , ~, ~ , . , ~.,,. 1 ~.. , - -,- , 1 ei27l, fts: [802:00, F ;e "'fin o ;:' , Ft . n - i v: : s 6 $ WA ; i on i.., . mg . -., ,11 .°.1113..62. . ~. Rib ,611 191O s oiroe,i 1. - , ';', , 911414, ',.- 1 soild '' ' 200 soa 0250 • -. .7 317,124 „ ~462,23 0rt0t11,;!, 0 1 . .,:,: a . .' , - "axis • 12.351 ' ' •', l'''' 4252 '. - '-" - b4ri vo ' 485 Ile P . i4, 3 i ',, ' , 1-1 ,, 1A7. 6 50 - 21.427 ' • , '. ' r" 195 '‘ 649 ' .": a' -, '444 54"'; - our to 'A,,lnc • ',.,: : - ' - ro,tat, 1 !Jill . • sso - , , , ~',',-owat , 1 7 au wk ttitigbp,rj. , `,"„' - 70,„281' '13.399' ' ' ' -, 891 ~, „, , ~.. , 5 , , . 5 458. ,78,, . siz,oo, Siielficiiii, ,', (''''' 149,das 'it tio ..t '- ' • 1 40, , 2201,- .., . _ ,1501 33 OEOs sinithoim - , - • 4 •'l' 12 . 8 / 1 313 17.960 '•' ' dm I 7440 • '6' . -‘ 1 46683 '' 'B44S'e pr0g..0.4 '. ; . , 59,373 16,108 .'', - ' • • '4000" ' ''' 1 ' •`'• 529 43 -4111131 1 1 IMI , South (li ek; ' 37,1119 15,476 1 -•-• , 1145 , .• ' 7 . 132.-1191 ~, 177 43, Staitlinti, kit?, 52891 8,744 -', 'lOO i 327/1 , 198,7 A ~ Sal_at pili,glii '-' lii,i3l? - 6,464' '''' ' ' r 164 .11 - - ' , 2 to di . , _ - 18 44' ,- • '12291391 - Towandahorough, 135,725_ 14,319- "1490 1500 " township.. .68,808 11.855 , Troy tovi4ship. 102,144' ' r 7,306. Troy borough. ' 43,089 '" lost Ulster, 7,6;163:' 10.791 '. • WYso4.,_4 , ~107,221 1 13,70" We 114,• '4015 , 102,392 12,361 .Warren, . 113,538 13,653 Windhnm. 71,455 11.411 Wilmot, 91,615 4,309 t - , • $3.025,178 $442,126 $2200 $13750" 02'22 $82,115 i 1 46" t`.o $10,661 86 514,766 MI f7, l ‘l,o'i BiZADrORD'COTIN a II r ; 88::.. , =,V1rt: the'C ommissioners or 'said coanty, - 0 liereby certify 't6! L. 5. above statement to be eotrect, heecirding 'to.. the feta nit 'in'ade - by the`hqieinoriof life seferat - be. nogtN and townships' is said enmity. Witness outtiantis•and.seal'oeuttleelat: Towanda; the 6th ay of 31ay, 1851. - - O:BIMEONLIECKSR,,,- , : , , , '• . .- '-A. 8. sivirrii, ciPlutisslCaeFs. " 1 ' " i '''' ' ''. ' I3TtIRGES SOVIRgS, • ' • •"- t.' ' I, .... =MID 7 •••AD',4II4ISTRATOR,'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to ilie estate 'of JONA. THAN; STEN - SYS, Aielette, late,pf Standing Stone tuwPs4iP f are hereby, requested to wake,, pay 7 .went tritlindt r'an<4 tbbse misiots spins; said clime will present them. 4uly authenticated. forsettlement,.... , , eMix,prittrENs, ,&tholiats;r 4 ti ß r. „Apt:dial §tapc,))gc..itai. ism?. ~ , '.IVIAIINISTRATOWS NOTICE. • , z 1 •i"•• A E LI. ieieodt littlebted fp the estate 'of LUTHER: 13:A ICTLETT diceeii4 fate' of Clinton towttehip, nicrherebY rkituh'sted to tiejterrat without sliataiso hash* claims egiiinseiaid estate, aill4tesSe (heat my tothenthiatetvfarsetiteafeeit: , A. 'Administrator. Canton, lin. WO. i - ADMINISTRATOR'S—.NOTICg... A 1.1. persons indebted to. the estato-of SILAS £ S. -oUM:deceased, late of Wyainting toeep., -are ftereby.tegneWed to make ,payment without delay, 'end those hivinjr- claims •atrainst said estatesiillplease lireiretW, theta duly authenticated for settlenteunl. , ! '; •• HARRISON 8LAt;13.1 , .: .Viryitiniireg, - Peft. 3,l@W. . • • Adminhurater.. NOTiCE., • A Lii persons,indebted to the estate of ,anre ,pana Cl daettasad. Ista of the township of Wimbern, 4Ve hereby saquestell , to make payment , without sleisyi and alltrersous hayingdementis spinet mid estate are rsquatedin present them, -duly authentientedjor mt. Cement. A. CHUBBUCK, Administrator. ; Fetquary 19, 4 1851.• „ , - - ViNitts.toTgATOWs . NOTICE,. Att indebted to itielyilgtroi: 44,LEN boor; „qv.. Mkt tr ‘ cllie l iail .Ensue Ptryiiituf 4erte igoiriA said este' e will - Ploinro iiiiiientieated for, rlcrilent: The subscribers will st: the Nouse' or iti ontati Kaye , ' r. for qbei purpose ', HENRY KlMfg, • ;-:;lThlreit .A 14; _ Aritninistratepk, -,606Q550 . CABII - ' ONLY 201/11iue4 Ar - ttErsTO,lC & tfliT.E,WB h ' is hereby even that after the'abiA'eiiiitei we shell B Il Or'wtai for Caah on!?, and Credit nie4 SlaichittO 31r1 , i4 . 1L,* POOIY.Tit4T:r At onitolfrteta if Trout Wig Siam, .Towanda. r: 'ON nttSr OM' A/ just received at r . titreit, atifielo4est - Vo 1--- A , N 1 ikrt N4ilB5 ~i l., New Chair :at IE)ESPECTFIJIJ il. opened a shop at ..., and Paine sweets, neartyilppos., Towanda, where be wall kestß ors - hand or manufael to order, Flig-soated.Pplititte. Windsor. Fancy. C seated and Common coals, inade of the beba terials, and of ruperitrlitt - tWiIY- 1 : Ile has at low also A ~::,- , a •, -, ciioi,M... #;:e...Z. 13 &D ST h Repair ecritta'lesiltfPitnno;JP, e-botton ' Flae.seated perriCtf fhlWas. Cherry; frCnitiAi.Abite'ritlgcumber I her taken inlilorplititraiiiit[o'::' - 'eTA, He trnatilli4o4 , MiikiktitiObinNtiti ibis en] and the duratilityltrifii4ork"4:l42i4l7by many y et perience,:ivißiteelitilattei'itiiti of public p4l age. DertvaVti:Atokreli:l; 18 f,4 . - -, :;- - . 7 ,1.::%;,. . i C — „ LOVEltrsEttf:•. - -Vibir4ittotitiiiiiiii of tot balks M4rzil Edw. sPoT--' taf "- b oor .. - ctWan:C9l?:Ptl,tYl.l9' trXiecke: Febt _lll TNT!! PAINT !—Ohio and Oncitia cum P Prooll Paint tu t er*,yery clwap by February 22. NIONT l ANYES colfru*lirAN.,;Ntili4rl4. arid retail at , Philaaelphia,pricritc.. t „, rAit) ; m i l* * aiit,r or ikl.y:w :%;;;;;N f lfs, , r,:l . Fribrnary 22. , 'frit FlN:tt, rON,iltdeol.l . :REPO' rrup,aufiriciikei*hislaig4tiO 50). AtainZittieit tit`o4.*4 pripticl, to ,rtirnibbilkper l 64i r. 6 ittli li"coroptiiteittet.":ealitidinteot 1 erc - Uvoats,.4l, ~_Pants Kay, kh . rt.‘ 717 id tc shiif4 Tivirers-iflats,tapfAypiliairs; am* _ L Ang OflthiO. Ise AeFAtfor Vt . .' letuilitA jams lAA -.-T,owniudiallotember ,14,,18b0c "'i ;.v iai rCeidti cky ßeve; e . 0Foolh; t: * 7. :716; •r" • 90 950 "18699 8Go•: . 4 tiOn I 6 . .175; , GOO 9505, t 11 GBl 306 • .1 1600 .• ; 63 no ~ 8076 '' 2515' -• lOil ' 200,. , : • CANDLES-A4o.boies pperinr•srtirterCaridleirafo! ',Why .• .i.,.IIIONTAN-17p15/..4.4). ••' /Pay Ilp -IPag „gip t• 7, 'TLlOSS , whialkaow,4o.4l,artptcarilb • the sabac!iber wil3 lake aopcp once in a gi;ea while T *aril riiy pai'justlikt otket aril OtajO it , diles.adt come of 'Mall; It wick caws totilisa ter. So look oat. dll .'attriMUZ` - .5V1 3 ,_. t' ,4 .-% • Aans.-amsos would respectfully. inforto the:U -.11'4 airs orrowantla end viciulty,SPaks4".4lla l Sn• establishatt kieqesons lieldiv - Driilge at., in fhb - hoodi foimerly occupleiVy D. M. Bull. She has on handly , Well selected:randy of the mod fashionable Millinery - Goods. also having secured theiserilcesora fashionable Milliner, just from the City. she feels confolent of g iving sa ti s f a ction to -them Whe nosy extend to her their patronage', • Straw .0/tunas C Afford and, frcued in ,the,mtest manner, on .i.hort notice, tiy . a new ambient ,prOcass. Which giveis them i beSutitlil'whitene*s, intethit'staiiw • Uonnetedyed of eierrcohe antlfslteita. • :'Fowatula, Nonimbec 30, 1630,- , ,• . WTIE AT . , 4:l4its,..Hye end: moat , kinda•ef Predate taken. for which the bigheat pricalwio be +aid dee4l'H rN."s; • • ME k.,.C'HASIBERLINi ban: remove 4 • , Watch-and .Ittr.rary &erg Ao D. Kipgibrz# Co.'s BriCk block, !who re he keeps op bind' a 'very estensiva agiartrarat of deck's, WatchiV-PrkeTry. • Pancy - lGoodw, Nimble!) he Ilia just baulk idarge.aticii tionacceiTsil bY•rxDrealk. from VAI!-A r ‘Fli• ••, 2111111DIFORID tototetrtray %farina theftthlit that Ite'his ' h{01113•11111 briglVllTUl:nommodioinellonaii firm* Jukolswowitle *!•,Wan.itliouse4' -whreJe 3 is now r!Pd7 to accoutrautiato those who Loa, gist)Lim . a call, is •JeteniunM by aseriddiatit tiftelltiOn to thti comfort of his 'guests; anti sy tittering to thoirapputintain ai f ec t O or manner. to 'limit the patronage of rite-public.. l . The t9U 6 9 being, Into of lattest.ont;;.ntost crleveplpt %t in it iniPennsyliinia,, with' every' poh4oletea,. of - '866116,;Ate:, ittiehed, iSt4rteverlititif faction istasi given.' ' . Tovrsenita; - -Dec. ;24 {650. ttrAIZZ 4 Ca l tM7 rife largest 40,43°5r00m pkto assortment of g ebool, blank apti miseellaneousl34AB4. STATIOji• Efire4r - ofreietf thiti 3 marliat;larilt al 64164*riirt 4 e, Oka filet 1110 3 DA; FVFLETIVAr •' t leinerjr fer kfr/Oki . , ett:'••• • • -n , 13 RTLETre trice - cirderr for ion .on.rtir itt Yerw Volt :413,40 appplyi A. 1 . 4 t Oman nptire, and on reasonapi Alma, Pac,,•260,14.0,, • 131 . SSOLUTIONy , - NOTICE, Ix hereby, givers that - the. li'srt t nershipibere ..111 t9lora exiektngt . reen, 111)tigefill . .11:119 1 410111111 hy o,'eunacca. „ pgrairie r 4itinfelirria wilt le atringVa titlnt;hhi4;: Id - stelel hOr arreounty. Oft.firitlot . I%3axinev.. ,••,) r. EU itTONAI UIER L ,Y;.; 3.. X. SIIIT/3. It. 6*r.. n. NMI; f3F.tlt PARTICULAR NOTICE! -D A M warn i n g-1 3 - in -given7-that my balks end .K. •acciumutiraireiven 1.)/scut iwthi.haads of I:N*4 Vandercook Bui fox immediate. collert . lon t and - tticapi knowing tt!emsckgs 106ted reilr,saye erwtol ,-, ! . .lrovathliaigooy.:ll4:. lan) BEI3 une mat /DN • •IN'tiOnftl-DrittOSll4,lisi • tec . ei;ted"ri4hilfilifitile 11-Akft brthi dozatr_t.toT SigßeliMr MI ( Ethi SON' hive- seitniiirtbkilisifill& Shop. thy , 41,-wfwlteivfia,let, 1413‘," PorO'ckiltetta, " printing 91P,eP-i^l l . nAlr."<firr,cl;.•, Illy. earl, run: 't the . 19. T . PGigPr ) ..PtaskfuT TOP, fg gig-4511 4 SP Oij; Talloyi Ciiiitlycfi ri r te wt . 4,4 l uit'osirciilA6 %.„Tgspetz2,,—.l.l4.'t thai f YfAixicsorp At:roitNo , co - UNset:Lott - : Towasta, 06; I , offic;;Th 4 .9 ll / 1 5 1 j; of ;1 Punic Sittiik."l ME BM lei &AMY, CURABILITY.AND ‘IFATHES9,-.. , • Ai , Sudilie: Harness Trunk' .anufactory. TEE CULP & Co., rervec, tray itlfolitn the-puidits .1 that they have taken the 161k111 , lately occupied by r.-I,llrdet,ou Main atrect. a taw doors belga( the trick go r , alien thoy, will keel!, oa baud a, large '.:to - ckaY M:l v a`Z.ll:;-13; tr.ara'azEaap' nZaaa TIWN Ka, 's' s ce, weir*, ITC. All snide* in their line miinure aired to Niter: en er 'be laittt earitibt its suttittitsed iriliorthertiTmensylvintits , ,Theit soli* fit call fruit those, ; wishieg t 4 putchasr,,roptitiettqlt they - ran ire aatisractioli both it* to quaint" 1111 ea stii-Shett;v rifts, 'at the highest rates; at our atone "r.. ::,11 0 , 7 trar 1 4 4 4 NTIVIk S /K , O. , .‘l.; - cesti ,CO; 32E WM ..4. 1... ;:,:i r.;',.9:,:., [nri 4 .- 40911191 :07 " ,11 6 : 0 1 1 1- '41?'t 7 i 7 S 441.135' 49444 253 08 -MO igo 449,47,, _,,4,n,3c — ll9o' 89 '" Ittel '!"' , ..Bsrt , 98 ' l ' 4 148'111 1.49 , 97- ! .19447 =1 REMOVED. 1110 1 11a31 WSJ EMI