Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 10, 1851, Image 2

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1 . 15E11413...#011, Free fipeech, Free Men!
bpi 'Pres TintrUorsb
E O.,GOODRICH,-El-Mtoll.
4emiud4, Satarday,-.-May
• . . . , ~ ,
- Terms of The e Repoetir. ' '
11/11/50 per witiate—if paid within Abe pope he erinis will
'be dellueted—for eu pnr.d netually in ndsanee St 00 will - be
4e4oeted. No paper tcent over two yenta. noires ytetfor. '•,:,
V I , Il i Dessriiielismi , . per iNuort uf. to lities. 50 cents for ,the
. )t
oi . end t 5 etidt* for oriels inbuilt' tit insertion: '
' 117"1011iee TO ilm •• Union Block. north side
,or.the Pottle
tows. mice door to the Ern.143r.1 I oiel. blutrunee be.W•ecii
• 'Adams' nod Elwell.* taw o to*. .
Delegeier frame z Tedford,.
Goappa F. Masos „ ,,and oAranoLoNgx Ls•
. ro - art, r e Reading Convention; uninstructed,
but lav,orable to Col.,BrcLaa,tui the candidate far
Governor. Toahe Judicial Conven ion, DAVID
NOT and Utsescf Mratcca, also uninstructed. The
Senatorial' delegates have not let been agreed
Col. William Bigler
,The nomination of this popular gemocrat, as our
candidate for Governor, by the Reading Conven
tion is now certain. Already-a sufficient number
&delegates iay . orable to him, have been elected, to
secure his nomination upon the first ballot, by a
lug. majority.
it has been , long slime the Democracy. have ral
lied to of a better man, or sounder Demo.
crat, than %Lulu BicLea. Ills name upon our
banner, as our candidate, will arouse the Democra
cy to a determined effort, which iS always the cure
precursor of s•brilliant victory. That ho will be
-elected triumphantly, there cannot bd.a iloubt, and
•his elevation will be a guarantee that the adminis
tration of the affairs of the commonwealth will be
honest and upright; and her integrity and faith be
:fully maintained. •
—By the proceedings of onr County Convention
it will be seen that a fesolution 'instructing our Dele
gates to support Col., Bial.ka was laid upon_ the la
ble by an almost unanimous vote. This .was .00t
the result of any opposition to him, but Cronin feel.
tug that ihe resolution was unnecessary and muse.'
4. It has been customary, in this county, to Select
sound Emi t ! capable men, who understand the wish
es of the Democracy, and who will, faithfully, carry
them out, and leave such Delegates free and unem
barrassed by any instructions. This-is the case in
the piedent instanze. The Delegates are the open
*nd firm friends of BIGLER. We have looked upon
that popular Democrat as the proper person for our
candidate for Governor at the 'next election, for
some time. We presume there-was not a delegate
in attendance upon our Convention, whose first
choke was not WILLIAM BICLCIf. He is the favor
ite of this County, and the choice of its Democrats,
with entire unanimity. •
. Such being the case, and in view of the fact, that
the nomination of Col. IimLER is already beyond
queition, it was deemeirunnecessary to pass any
resolution upon the' subject. It moreover looked
like a reflection upon the Delegates elect, to pass
"resolutions instructing them to vote,lor a man who
was their first choice, and whom they know is the ,
choice of the Democracy-of BradfOrd. The mei&
bers of the County Convention not'having any ut
ter* objects , to 'emphatically refused, to
take so unne cessary and unusual a step.
Agricultural- Meeting.
A meeting will be held at the Court House, on
Mciriday evening next, for the purpose of forming
a Corny AgricithundiSociety. We trust the arm
era from diflerdin partaof the county who may be
in this place, Will fuel sufficient interest to be in at.
tendance. . The ,adjoining counties are,. most of
theni, far ahead of Bradford, in this respect, and ,
how their agricultural pooh:spas formed and , In . suc.
easeful operation. The utility of sueltorganizations
in:forwarding the interests of the ag,riculturist.has
already been proVen. We hope .our farmers' will
take hello! the matter, with zeal anchletermina•
lion, and form a society which shall be second to
none ia.this region in,prac.tical beneot.
There is within the border of this flourishing r - ag•
ricultural County, materialS enough to form a Boole.
ty which withits yearly displays will be both ere&
itablwto our farmers, and the incentive to greater
VO6ll. biSittCMENTAL CoN,czar.—Wii had
. /
the pleasure, on Thursday evening, of hearing Mr.
and birs . '
at' Alex:ne
s Hall. The former is
au expellent performer upon_ the violin ; the ;titter
woo the guitar. The singing Wm! . gr, eatlY superior
to . atty'ilur citizens 'mire haitan opportunity of hear
ilg.fur_sonie time. They give another Conceit at
the doud House, on Saturday evening, and we, ad.
vise th3se fond of good Music and excellent singing,
to be firearm.
VIRE /If MONTROSE —ln another column will be
found a - lnll mecum of the late disasiretur fire at
kfentrose. The .gallant firemen of That place r are
highly praised for their eiertions and - success in
saving property from the devonringelement. What
• spectacle -fie would make, iu this; towni o,7,hting, a
fire with tin pans, pails and kettles.
„ .
1 4 4 ' 4 ” AVAGAziSE, 11 4( May.7*, P'Pet l o l -Ylupon
euv. table, forwarded by qiIIDLZY.; Tho ',ialfrest,el
the wer/ki.s well kept ~Tbose,who44trer a pes
o 1 ibis characiet,4ll*livagire's , sl ibe
Intota(iopo excellentAyorks, tutd,furitiOecl at low
raise. %rim* receives subscriptions, earl
work delivered at the•eArliest possible moment
-teiloing issued._ , " .
- ter.eolte3:.; 7 , At iho Whig .COnnit-cnee
ing onj Viedn&dair evening last, Rod Foivita
Actinir'FifelCcisi- were elected Delegates to the
Mt" Convention; and - wore instructed to sup
port lo re.nmtnination. ,`!,
Coi3sTc.i—Thadileus Tenho, Esq., Ivy'
been elected to cereal:tut this the Judi
cial Conven4on, to meet at Harrisburg, and • O. A
„Tomb, in the Ressiing oentrenthch ivith inatruct
1109e. to . support poi. Wit. Seamy', for 'Cowl
Danowasky,. of Allafitcivo, las coo
- gas molls kr iiic-iesiletie- 'at 'aVietil of
pioject igitated aUtipePti
sin useful' Solt - 1 A
- 0 t,-1: • „
D'EMOCHATIC,; : ei . :I' 01i11314T101„:4,,'
. , 4st ft'
I=7, - '•.--frt' • " - 6
— Pn ;2 rifnantl6 - IX' call if thrt - Demean to Standi ng' ;l%
'Committee; i'eenyention , nf Deleaatea..tmm the va
liant eieetipmdiattieta4f*atlfitteiLCininty,atmenin.
bled at the Court. HOUAO in Te7anda, on Tut day
evening May. 6, HIM; Anti orgknized by electing
E. 01114HA.GOOGRICH .preakdent f and HEN nit,
C. BiIRD and ceLLEN F, Nw.u.l4, Secretarial.
The following D'ele.gitei then titreierned their
Albany—Joseph Menardi. John Hatch, • . , ,
Athens biiiro.-11. Itlird, N. M. flteitliests,
• tp.—N. Mira instee• D.' id; 'frown; ."—" -*•
Darlington—C. F. Nichols; Beni.l2osi4,
Canton.. aionet()veep. Jesse,Griffin. .
Duren—filbert Duil,J. M. , ,
Graoville—S. W. Sheiiiird..D. G. Itith,• • - • •
HerfiCk-i—Atnionlniter;4l. 13.• Portet- ; :., :
Litchfield—Samuel Davidson, D. B. (lotton,
Monroe—)..anning •
Pie, E. Nl:Farrar,
pike—.A. S,Smitlr. Ethel. Taylor. ,•
Bheshequitt.—O. WainiNs, O. P. Lyon,.
Smithfield—.Cluirles B. Biggs. Asher Huntington,
Springfield—`Hiram Speer. Theodore Wilder,
Townnda W. Tiffany, E. o.`Goo'drich,
f` tp.L4obn M. Poi . , )friii..H. Poster,
Tray bo.—,-Wtn.M.,Pecte, R. King. ~
tp -A. D. Spaldin g W. Baker,
Wells—H. Mosier, D,.B. e. Watkins,
Wilmot—fehabod Cartidn, Lorenzo Joheii,
Windham'.--Ahraharn Dunham jr. Beth Doane,
Wyal us la:1;1,—B. W. B iles, Harry Elliott,
V ysex---Elliott Whitney, Geo. L. Strope.
The townships of Armenia, Asylum, Columbia,
Franklin, .Leßoy, Rome, South (reek, Ridgbßry,
,Spririghill, Standing Stone, Ulster and Warren were
. .
not represened. .
On motion of 11, C. BAIRD , the Convention pro•
c,e4ed to the election of two Representative Ode
.gat -
the,Reatling Convention.
' . geitini nominated Gomm V. MASON. -
There bein'g, no other nominations, Messrs. MA
SOSt and 'Lit PORTE Were; c oninotion, unanimeni
ly' elected. ,
ThecrinVentitin ,proZ'eeded to elect two Rep
resentative Delegates to the Judicial Convention at
Harrisburg, and PAM WILMOT and ULYSSES
b] ERCVR AVerit . unanimously 'elected.
'On motion of Mr..Nicitor.s, the Coniention pro
ceeded tO elect five Senatonal Conferees to meet
Conferees liom Susquehanna and Wyoming, to ap
pant Senatorial Delegates to Reading and Harris.
burgovhini, on inOticn D. VANDERcoon, Er.r.rorr
WuriirEvdons Bitrotesteir, Gico. W. ELLIOrt and
E, M. FARRAR 'wey:dected said COttrere .
The killowitrilreamble and resolution .W ere of.
fered by Mr.
Whereag, the Democracy of Pennsylvania have
united on Col. Wilma's Donis of Clearfield Coun
ty, es their candidate for Governor. with an ananimi
ty justly merited by him, and which should be re
spotided to by every County in the commonwealth;
Resolved,. That our delegates to the State 00EIVeS•
tion to be holden at Reading be and they are hereby
instructed to' ote for the nomination of Vol.
fitoisit for Governor Of this Commonwealth.
Mr. BISUOP moved that they be laid upon !hata
ble ; which motion was agreed3o, yeas 38 ) nays 3.
'Oa motion EDWARD ERAIcDA.I.I, was recommend
ed as Senatorial Relegate to the Reading_ Conven.
tion, and Ileum- Grans as Senatorial delegate to the
Ilarrisburg Convention'. • . -
On motion, Resolved, That the Delegates and
Conferees have power to substitute in case of their
inabiliky,to attend.
Oa motion adjourned.
Fidel] MM. Lo i s or Lars.—We give the following
particulars of the burning of the steamboaCtifebster,
on the 2d instant s one hundred mites above Vicks
bulg, Mississippi :—The fire was first discovered
and the alarm Nven about three o'clock, and al
most instantly "afterwards, the boat was, enveloped
in Ratites. The pilot, (Mr. Risckman, to 'whom
great credit• is..due,) baying, charge of the wheel,
immediately endeavored to run the boat aithore.—
He was in, part successful
,but, the flames ;finally
drove hint trim ',his post, !mil 'the - boat being un
manageable, floated again into deep water, thus de.
pnving the passengers and crew from the first and
last hope of safety. At the.first alann,a, seam mr
sued which it is impossible to describe, soul, ming
led as it was with the binning boat, front Which the
_flames were sprinting in all-directions, became ter
rible inihe extreme. Many rushed into thefiames,
while others crowded to the side of the boat, cling
ing convulsively to the guards, until driven away.
by the fire, and compelled to throw themselves into
the corrent—lt was with difficulty that any Of the
females could be saved, many of them being sep
arated , from their
,husbands and, friends. t About
,twelye or fifteen Vol the passengersjumped from the
boat, and "with diffieulty saved their lives by
ing to anatv.ii until relieved by The yawl or the yes-
Set, and skiffs from the shore.. -
As soon as the:fearful truth, was known by the
inhabitante of the shore, throe or . tour. boats were
quickly rowed to theseene of disaster, andeticceed•
ed in saving the !Fires of several persons who were
eliagiag to the sides - of the boat, aint , to snags in the
river. They were taken : on board of the store boat
Grey ,Eattle, Capt. J.
_Cue, who, done .all„ that
could done to afford a lt asylumto, the few we,
Men and children who saved. The number
(*passengers and handcon board the Airebster was
about one bunched,' of whom only about sixty can
be found •, the rest are- supposed to have perished
With the The steamer Nevi Oilcans, 'bound
for New Orleans from Sr. thuis, hove in sight about
- an Oar after the aceident,.and. stopped 'end -'-took,
most kindly, on hOelli la the ~survivors, .end .reri
dared all, other-assistance that:cull, be desired.—
Theiollowing - nie,theTnerties of the killed drown.
ed, burned - and Milt:lo4 so far ass! preient known :
Capt: Sarnuelsßend dad Wile.; ; Mr. Henry Harrison
and child.; Mrs.,Attekman, 'the, wife , the pilot,
and, one chiltii.GeOrge - .7l.3(iSit,:shieCeletit,;, John
Campbell, - Seethed';" child itilltle.,2ll,Obwip,.,of
New Oileantq:Maif HaCkilei r ehanther•
maid ;• He ry rikeeeper frour Cincinnaiill/: Mc.
Carty, I f ynchtit4::end,girt betengiegrlo:thleCarty.
Several others.are Utistibig, wimps names„.are.
. _
The boat',lsi*sothil freet'alliiist. The
above staidmenticuliViii9l,..the-tteiwr'•efitr'fas
senacts r. 5 ." I.'!. -.‘
. .
PancAffox.=—The Lotislon sap" tliat . there
will Within). thoitsand trooltivsithin' five mile;; of
Hyde Park Po the occasion' of the opening of •the
.Great Exhibition tylier -..htajemy; if this exhibi.
titio had been held in the.Unitecl
,Sttuel, not,
gin 'soldier' eiotiltf, fteirefieedionsidereti necessary,
to pieserve the';:fdtietinient or beep tevohrionfrom
breaking out= in tepublicirthe• gotemdtent is 7 the
:people, and. revolutions , are, always: accomplished
quietly., and. peoceably, at the, ballot•box.. .4mtiee
ate never thought Oros a Ott 'A the': police estab;
lishrrtetit :. ••• - ..., •
Dinss4iide—l'hanii4nihcandiiireat Cox raised
hy: Col. N. G.= i34o.dwinfif 'Cleveland: `wUt Soon
ba sant CHI airliginteva , to3hisAVorhrs Fair. Ile
has beaa,*Unnit. l s9ralablifanli and Pala^ Woiff,h6
the ansanionnAgnre of 41,000 lbs I—The,isoritnaie
safely he ifiallengediciroduiv '
poi day. iii,new his longest lea janrneyt Ha tilt ha
tealisinat*Sast by wale/ and froth Eaton! Akin
need tt planitood SOIL eialt tor his intlitWßl court:
*li=—CtiekTeisd eithiti..2lst. I
i3radtbrd County Coital, lOW Tern'.
Igh;:-D11 pied in renni flog
hie ietiths, 141 tfisifitsing of nottions ' • kE",
Tecksiv 6110 , -;6omonwealtak es. Wm. Jeliept---
, .r e
forf ' mrisint, 44t and Battery, neon
41 0 0inhatirkrzllea not guilty-At o4it 4
1 1
bleacea, for Commonweal th , Boo= 11111 Latta.,
for Defendant. Verdict guilty. Sentenced bi the
wealth, and costs of prosecution and stand commit
ted till sentence be conif;licid.' ' 1 '
' Juhn Bird and Lark AI,- who Were cenvie
at Fcbruary terry, ; for Assault-aI4 , B4tWY, ??9libk.
'persim . W 11 1 1 - PloApsi-Weress4ntirteed' iry follnw„,,lolt Bird pay-is.fints,,of
dithars, runl.l.allcliirrlafiro f nf,Ayedullais to the
Cornmenveatth,'UndtheijoiralYtO"pay - the costs
of pmweculion and, stand voloronted till sentence be
complied with. -
WEilstsosi 'Edion''vlairnriaighed
Chniemiit obeying a knit
of labetis Chrpn'S, isstledby :le 14:11 '
ilnrin location. IlearitigContiniaid Tuesrfay
ofniit week. "1
. _ .
Tritest's* 13th - --'-Commontevcriffs'ii. David Ha'lo.
fncur=tnii ictinent for Aiitaulratid - tattery upon' the
person of DsvitrA. Burt,Nrith intent to kill: ' 'Plea
not guilty. -, Wivirritt'Arossts and-ISinviris, 'for
Commonwealth', Er.Wct.t:and'lllgicva, for Defeo
'dant. After' an examination' of .the ' eVidence the
Defendant withdrew the. plea of not guilty' and
plands guilty of AS:sault and Battery. Verdict
—guilty of Awn& ands Battery . Defendant -Sen
tenced by thecoort to three rnonths - impriscinritent
in the county tali, pay 'a fi .e of ten dollars to the
calm aird Costli of prosecution; and stand committed
until ienterice be'eornplied_rith.. -
canitrontecalth• us Geo: Jacksoh.;=lndictinent for
FOrttieation and Bastardy upon the persop of Catha
rifle - Illilhime: Plea' not guilty. - Defentfant also
excepts 'to the jurisdiction of 'the 'coed,: upon . the
gintind that- the child' was begotten ill "Sullivan
county; l witich constitaleit the offence, that he should
'be 'tried in the county where the oflanetiiscommii
ted, eiteb the Cennitution of Pennqlvania,, Art. TX, ,
erect. IX. - ExceptiOns overruled and tad directed
proceed. Wants's, Bocrru and SMCAD, for Com
onwealth, Emr.t.t., Alums had Blatant, for be;
ndani ~ '
~ .
The Vrand Jurymen, discharged Thursday noon,
after having found sisteen 'true bills and returned
,• • ,
fork ignoramus. '
THE MINIMAX Cortsetaacy.—The Detroit Tri
bune of April 26 gives the following chapter from
Ake history of the late conspiracy of desperadoes in
that State. The story seemg utmost incredible. Is
notsome - one pradtisimg upon public credulity for
some Sinister purpose !
The schemes concomed„ and the System .under
which the gang of radians, recently erratum' along
the line of the Central Railroad, were drilled, and
the depths totwhich they were ready to sink them
selves m crime and depravity,' May be partly in
ferred from the following leaf in the history of
their conspiracy. •
At one of the regular neetmgs,,whiA they were
in the habit of holding periodically at their place of
rendezvous, for the purpose of consultation alto to
tare Movements, and the division' of plunder, it
was reported by some, in the order of business,
that one of their sworn number, whose name was
stated, had been detected'in revealing some of the
secrets that should have been known only to the
initiated. Suspicions of betrayal were freely in
dtdged in, and to the question as to how the guilty
ono should be silenced, one of the conclave made
the significant remark that " dead men tell no
Acting upon this hint, it was unanimously agreed
that the punishment should he death ; and that the
duty of carrying the penalty into effect should be
let out to , the lowest bidder for the job! The first
offer was named at three hundred and fifty dollars
for an assassination, and the bidder went on till the
sum was lowered to one hundred dollars—the bid
der reservingthe right to put ,the victim om of the
way in his own place and manneri'and the time'
allotted not to exceed fee days. ' This offer was
the pries finally agreed - Upon, andthe-money'was
immediately counted out and paid over to the
fiend who had agreed to steep his bands in the
murder. ,The individual complained of, and thus
singled out as the Victim of their vengeance was
ono of the two,
who,- for 18 months, bad been en
der pay of the Central Railroad' Company, for the
purpose of detecting and .bringing, to justice this
most abandoned gang of desperadoes. Fearing
that be had become suspected of treachery, her
had disguised himself, and in the capacity of one
of their mote western accomplices, had presented
himself by the, proper pass words, ,and was prea.
ert throqhont this interesting council s %liens
life - had become a price" At the first opportunity .
alter these interesting preliminaries hid been set.
oor rilmarted mannwithdreur from The infer.
nal cabal, little relishing as may be supposed, left
the warm,position in iCh he found himself plac.
eJ, making. it the last time he aver met the prectous
gang in council, and being but a day or two - before
Their official emelt to our city, under the guidance
of the Sheriff and bis t •
Sited - tiro TfECCEDY:—Our eommuniiy •has been
shocked-by hearing "(tribe' massacre of .* winthy
Geiman:cnizeN.Valeutine , Bartle, his wife Catha
rine and their infant child, : aged one year, -in.lhrta
bo(ough township,,about nine miles from this city.
The murder must have taken:place" on Saturday
:Morning or Friday 'night. The . body Of rite man
'was found in.a. meadow, -about 50:yartla from his
house, with. his skull - broken and otherwrse mania
tid. . The woman's body. watt, found' at the front'
.dOor,ltint the infant ititteorner of the ropm, both of
them Mangled in the same manner:" Three'other
-children wile,- mustfiave#teenasleepatthe timeof
the comMissteh of the crime, were found secreted
stable, where they,prebablytled, lit. terror at
the tight Oftherinurdered - relatises: The coroner
had Investigation of the affair,' - und suspicion rests
upon is young foreignererroan or Italian—nem.
ed Briber, who hallbeen oniggyed. by.- Bartle on
his farm, and who had lately
.had some diffibulty
with hint. The - motires of the Murder, besides
• revenze.must hfivebeert• riltinder, as the house was
1 1 ransacked of all its valuables. The police are: in
I .pnrseit of die monlotor,, The Coroner Will, NO
noother% irtyestigatiort. on IliaNday.--7,Phitadelphio
Bittettri. — . • ' '
John B. Irwin, of Pittsburg, died,' a few , days
sinee l : , .entler ,the following: circumstances'; Some
week ego he stopped , for the,night at A ' hotel.--
Willie sleeping,. he tuttlenli? sprang from his bed,
in a dream, leaping/soda distance - 17am 'the bed,
injeritit the arteries and blood vessels,ot
ileauffered .considerable pains in .consequenee of
the able Pr 501 9 8 , 1 i,MR!°g°P 1 -
AleVi,weeii bowever, he not worr e, and was
erientuilli - Cintfineo la' I'l4' bed.' ';A
gradically spleadiaroanil his nelri' causing: wettest
:Rin i . and. tamest-, preventing ltim from taking
noutishmenL The eficola of physiciaps towel him
were :without avail: •
.. , 3 - ResteraerccAo Lawirirldatec ...A MAN Krtteit.
an AA:lite:rent hae,been . created in , Manroe,,
! l iihi 4ePlfi PV, I RSOnn.I_ man named John
touarrts, waft *hot *hire in crimilany the
Sheriff: enderakiering prOgeost• Ari indi.:
indual !seined 'Jewel been r. omen big n 4rrn
holongißitt! COEIOUP" 4nd. *Wit Pt Procel'alquAlriA
given to,the.Shetili, Wno being`rotimad assembled
Osso . and niforniet to Jeviell'it The in.
melee dischrii.*d Oviti the bolt or which enlisted'
attakierleatt IThe Wont Threatened when)!
Jewell.PatliniePito tufloinfingelfhichb.4 l -**
la now in cuattdy.
. .
TrensaidOUs '_-.lloollContrese
-ANS -14•01.901
r ,.' From 4ts Pates f.WitOior e . 3 olB. -
i-e.ol,'efiheerriaiiiiteitil ever own ; ` tins
int ilia . thaeoueV blektr ottibelarien 1 . neifki
ett ‘
to' k V mwringi: inch cb L ir lag a I._ go t :
ti_ -. itheAssMess parkielottrar . it itaii.4
The re was first discovered in aUr - lien.. Searle
in the rear of his large Hine!, (and under circinn
fired by an Incendiary.) *hence the flames tepid. -
ly, commenicated to, his upper ham and stage coach
sheils, und atenCe to - the rear of the large store
building of the Me-ars. Semle's adjoinitig, with the
grocery store of ;. Etheridge, the Tailor shop of R.
•JameioWtifid llteAtiraistere itottse,•,_:trants.:sheilc
'Tin Mid' , Beet lion tilluiufaetoly - tirid'rdibe• large
dwetlituiteustset.ll„4yre, .ttektite.artiacent. jaw,
Office of Messrs. Little,Eigrreeter. Uere the - ve.•
canes betWeenftheseldnil!the=dwelliiiiiiiterreUll H.
.I•Webb,:(latereetiLlaisklit) , on'the comer near: the
4;ourthoese, enabled the c.nizens ~, *Or r great e xert
tionrit stay the , tleVittri.lig e ileinciitt aPtinigh th e
hire Ofirli: Webb'stbuilettt foriernelimis dee m=
ticl itietolfable!') .l ''' , ",z‘' L-;*. , ' i ;, . . , , .'.. ~' ._. 1 .'. , /. !
lit the mean rime Searle's very-large and eaten/
sive Stage Hotel• on the.kuvereopter of the squire
...which arrae l frout die Mei 4 imminent diegisr,frem
the binning bariiic gild' Sheds 'in itS l ierk, - *air ex•
posed to the most tremendocs heat:' on the north
wing, , frum.:the: , largerritore^ house near: it: i Which
burned selong., flettlie fire company. with. their
exe,Clieflt Eugme Mid. ample . Heim were, early, an
the grimed; and'platiteig iheirselvesbythe reser.
voir'cinihe coMeMi' fought :the ragiti,:t eleinenrit
this most 'dangerous point; of snick from one t .11
hearly fonr o clock, with unflinching ;energy, and
filially secce,edeti hi, savin; The Hotel, and with it
probably nearly the whole' towns 'for had this 3
and 4 story' building been given - up, the Engine
must'have been drivenfictin the reservitir, and
every other ailiecem corner and, extensive blocks
of buijJings in taaeh direction must have succef
,fatten "
victims to the fi re, As it , was the
whole 'row 'cid' The 'ticire*iifii of Public' Avetine with
the exception of Searle's Hotel and Webb's dwell
/Novae:4 al..Paee tat tire, resenting 4rit Jupst
feartutt.6Pectaele iltie , towii has eyer known. , since
the great fire on the debt eide of the avenue Some
20 yeiritUga. ' Thdugh higlifYle'vererf bY an ab.
ammo of wind at ...first, the:batting cinders were
blown jar and tell thick overall the eastern portion
of the village, which, bre Ter the rain
` of
whieh telt everything wel,.ipust haverapidly fired
every roar far arid near: ' ~ e .
.' But the gallant's Rough and Ready" Fire Com
pany have, covered themselves with lasting honor
by the noble and ellective, defence they made
against the 'tied - Myer zit the a lt iniportatit parts.—
Their elicits and sr:recess - should hereafter forever
silence every murmur against the vitilityltramerit
of their enterprise, as this trial f has_proved indispu
tably their orgarazation,ankthe,
' appropriations ex
pended for their . Erigitie," Hose, and the 'Reservoir
sunk. for thestorage of water,. to-be-the most prof.
table investment ever made by-the Borough.
Great praise is , also doe lathe , energy and per.
severance ofthe Ladies of the place, who rendered
efficient aid to our ejtizeiiii, both - in carrying water
and removing goals fiomthe headings threatened
by fire. • -
—But we regret (lot the credit of humanity) to
aild, that, as in too many similar cases, this Linker.
ity was aggravated bii the.depredations of those
brutes in human shape who - wire upon such an
occasion to p ilfer anti'lLg oaths, goods Unite un
fortunate which others have exerted themselves to
save. Several such cases are ,said to have occur.
The total loyal& variously estimated at from S3Q,
0017 to 840,000, but a small portion of which was
covered by insurance.
We have referred to the prevailing opinion that
the fire was des aindled by some demon in
humarr form. Thri .
sepposhion timed open the
ARREST or & (limo or Cotrwrcurerticits.--Last
evening (only a few hours previous to the firej
Sheriff Gere, accotepanieti by a posse' to assist,
brought in from Lanesborce and committed to jail
six. persons arrested in_ that place on a eharge of
counterfeiting. A suspicion had for some time ex
isted that a gang of blacklegs and ccitmterfefters
infested various places along the N. Y. and Erie
A private deiptch was received Saturday night
from. Binghamton-, that :two or three of the' sus
pected had 'been arrested there, and pointing to
some birds of the same f ea ther left in . Lartero,'
whereupon. Sheriff Gere, 1.-T. Richards Esq. & J.
H. Womack Pros. Attorney hastened thither and
succeeded in making the arrests. The names of
the ptisoners are B. Ayleswartb, hotel keeper, at
whose hour° several plates for altering bills were
.found, James McDonald Sen. &.Junior where more
of their apparatus was found, John H. Brown, Si
las. Winters and Gilbert Dalton: lt,is believed that
'there Site 'aCCOmplices of the . stilitegang,. msm e -of
whom may have followed them here with:the di
abolical- purpose of binning the,towti to affect a
rescue. ' ,
Asicrruart LESSON TO THE Csact.Ess.—The Alba
'ny Argus has the following :
A very lamentable itecurred in Churchville, on
the Ist ins!. A young man by the name of Alvin
Potter, and a Miss Matilda Lyon, together •wiika
number of othersi,'Were all in a room playing, when
Miss.LYoif remarked that= she was afraid -et" the
gun which-stood in the"corner of 'the mein; and
would. remove it to another part of the house.
YoungPotter,Agoiring w have a little - ,•purt ,on
the occas ion, look, the rifle from Miss L. after some
exertscid,..vbereeperi tinier a spirited scuffle emitted.
Mater rain to one comer of the room, and jocosely
sajd.-tb lhe , reegiwomart,"‘..‘Now, if you crime
near mei t li shorrr you!'! . Mise . Lyon, not antiCipa
ling the least dimgerjollowed Dim, when. ?otter,
pointing ilia atibar head, pulled the trigger—
the eon tents' e the of re divebarged: Therball
struck-,the'Youngwornan npon•the right side bt the
nospoindpassed,theaugirher head, lodging trio; the
bark part . of the 'nark. Potter, nor any one paper),
had not the least idea of the gun being lhaVad.
froirkhe factlhat but a Vaunt tithe before 'the- aeciL' ..
dent, they saW 'Potter's cagier take the:gun: ' ; abaci,
for the.,purpose of eleaninzit, and did , nor,supPessi
that the rifle hid been loaded by - Mr. Potter lifter
he had eleanedil._ _ -
The young lady, we Me informed by' Dr. caeigi
is now in a very Critical condition, and cannot . • ;4live
but a short time. BO of her jaws are tardy hrok
en, and-her lace .serionsly :disfigured; • Inameit)ate
iy After theacchtent ocTurred,.• young Potter beetune
frantic with grief—ran from home, and her . .o4 yet
MtirMed te . bis father's teratlence v wtiete Ly
'oifitow lies; enduring the rtitist excruciating Olin.
This allaieoright to servo use lesson to the careless
and•unthoughtfaV• ; ••1 • -:(
Tnn liOntse g4r.r:,- r 4Ve leani ihafq the
•Ltti, Itatise'ApParattia Weir par Chased at ihepah.
tic sale bfgoeils remained arteallei.: 7 for 'at the :r.US.
torn House, bone for the aurl !
yens in csatt, sag for, $500 . ,_ but et*
plevhiell by the maker. The proliasers at antticn
tople*titeil back; mitt oh Sattirittifif
pldiiiteit egom theme by the Mittel!' States`latirliori.
iii3re arelicrlassifinttihree . replevirr
thepartimen one ofile,haveiteitty.ef
(antis. while on the otherside , there _is. PrPPeO.Y. to
the ialne hrs6,ocoti tb'rin
yen% (In ricitsitnike the 'feast of:thi , affair,'4o''aie
Ulu& mistaken:. :10 • ' 'll
nt.ceisi-,..8y 'recent atenuntif (fent
Havana, we learn ihati,,trinth excitement !exist.
.o areetun et, th einvsolsn, winch:sofa eipeets,
a irniiiiVh . tintiSil on the ; .19th rh. „ ThS,,,,Vittotain
Girternititt'iSeeiVed S'disotilt.'si;itlit„lttiattin e*
pediiiiiii haifsailestilktr' , Neir Orfeink:. :Thereat*
wereeteeping on , theari,vrenip helms •vrenv - read,*
iaNITI PrAilittetms, intl. one oiartiet kiaPiniher .
Meant UP contiqttelly.. *A :yeller 'the . epaulet Ti a ,
bet liti,pettlitig hid keened. 'the lititiittit ' had
beery anidenteirto dei f or. :finviriebesitrdetSeted
imbribingia pant ttieSetto:Lepez. ' trtsphs are
said to desire the invavionAnd are , inipth
whed a teepecieble force leedi oti th e! s li d -I
. T ,
1 am al
• Getingie *MI6
Thesdattast itringitig $1,500,000
lesjiiettOsetfry , Otintelligeticei
.ritt rfigin er liaPerr ,
inCatifomia has
our Legislature of the odious an
mates!li g
to- - elect eitfr Ulu
_upon this as one etep towards
it to be ajuit repeal, and one to
the const itution, by the wants of
by the voice of people, and
-verwreucirthe interest•o(thl co
hritieitiii:efittire'rifitY Wheel
and- he' same
,may, be asserted
There can be na.hcalthipyco,enti
• California.
,TheAqinals ol,erinte,?re,alru as, 4 , 1/rk:
,ss ever ,
UUt tint:eh 11
ant*C9 . l puntsurnent eerh r
lave • 101
proVed consaterably. `Thet*B men, AV hired arid
Stuart, indhitettfornhe:menlerousLat k up0 n : 43 , 1 4
ri.kberi of Ur. J4o l , 3 9coqd: , wilef4, l, wswecl. guilt
tiad wellaigtibeen e.Npiaied by ;yr", Iv.lass,r i f eud Ji
lepe;',haire beeli tiled' bete re ttie . Dief ibe',Couri and
ftitina dirilly'cif nese:tie ifith Intent ier kill- and'
berg, 4 Thejurrsentequed Stuart - to (lumen yearri
in the eunifeelierYl the , kieurtt they uldgiye him.
He .144 tine been , taken , ion Yuba countyrobe tried
for minder, Wilfred, was ' sentecied te it years
in'the Penitentiary: '•'. • ' I • • ' • '
- thelegistature passed a bill authatlaing 'the At
tomey,;General to entee anolteproseeni in the:: case
of Charles Robinson , und• others, of, Sacrarneiun,in•
dieted 'lor'coiispiticy and 'inuider in . the 'Squatter
war, which has been vetoed by the Governor::
There hesteen afigh r t at Surtorn,.growhittiet of
tene.emfliotine miner-claims' in .which one -lean
bLthe nam e of, Davis was killed, .cnd some, o th ers
wounded. 11 vrati,at first' rurnore4 chit Are men
had killed, which . proved tone ot Ighdarrio
Rumor's children.: z• • • ' • .• *••• •
-Gov. Mc Donald : hogr been appealed fo for' his aid
in suppressing , the Indian depredatkons , hr. the Mar
jposa reginn, aikl the ;legialaitife responded , to his
call opon them,t l / 21 . granting'hini"anthority to call
out 600' men ldr 't 'purposed, Taking a' *leer for
the purpose.of act:whin information upon the sub
ject, be came to the conclusion that,the men, were
not needed. anti has not' palled them into service.
Oun of the Indian commissioners has recently beeit
ih' this citY, bringing one , nt the- frietridty -ehiefs4Vith
-him, and /epris rather fav9 l o/Y. l3l i'llf Xlanoos of
forming:treaties with Most of the' tribes in-the vici,
eiby. of Ole Merced, Madness and Fienzo. • Rothe
thinks that two or three tribes;'ortiinf'whieli is the
Chowchillah, wilt have to be soundly drubbed ere
they wdl enter into Ireatien,o keep , _ them when
formed; . • • • . •
small' degree of pleasure and surprise, has
been' , f:elt here firths "arrival cif the - clipper ship
Snrprer from Nets , York, in ninelysix - days and
fifteen bourn, the shortest tun on . tecord. .
Nasty ail the rainy season , which. has rjsited, us
this:year, came &Wing the past Month 'of March.
1 11
:The anew, too haS•appeared on die - Mounfai it be.
yond - the San-Jose valley, and farther to the orth.
This-rein will prove of inestimable value to 4 he ag.
ricultural interests of the state, and I perhaps so to
many Of the miners.
Sonte little excitement was cased here by the re.
tention n of a part of the mails brought by the steam.
er Paillunar by Mr. King, Coltectorof 'Walton, up+
on a suspicion that smukding Was carried on under
cover of the mail's. No (retention of smuggled
goods was made, however by the reflector or his
%mitt ' • : --! tl .
The trial of Charles Duane, forittssault with in.
tent kill Amede Fayol, has terminated in a rnis
trial,ths jury not agreeir.g, and Duane has been
admitted tcrbuil in the sum of $6.000 3 .
%Vend hnndred thauvand- dollars orredeemed
city scrip has been burned by, oin ,Council.
There has been several eases of Lynching in thq
mines. ,
There is a prO4peet that trekiri the next general
BMW; election, the Whig and" - democratic parties
will he pretty well organized, and ready for the
cont4t.. There is more party feelings now than
Ter hefore in California.
Inteftgence horn many points in the mines is
mord cheering than hitherto dining the whiter.
The Commissioners appointed by the Legisla.
Lure to select the public lands to be donated by
Gen.; Vallejo to the Stale, its sites for the public
buildings, hate 'attended to their duties, retdmed;
and it portal' to the Legislature, and now we sup.
pose; the work of ereetmg the various buildings of
fices, &c., at Vallejo will commence
The prospects of this State, trgrieulturally, are,
we believe, very promising ., The known fruitful.
ness of the soil, the ease with Which grain can be
produced, and the wonderful growth of -garden
vegetables, have induced many to tent their alien.
adult° this first and most honorable occupation of
man, and the present year will undoubtedly be one
of great progress in this department.
Upon a fell view of our interests, we may safely
safety-say to the friends of California, that her pro.
greys it no lalsity, no misPake, but certain as well
as rapid.'
TILE ISTIIMUS.—JudgiI, Thurston, delegate
from Oregon, died on board of the California, and
was buried at Acapulco.
Senator Gin had been ill, but was recovering
at last accounts.
Tue rainy season had not xet set in at Chagres
and she Ilailroid will it is sad. if the Weather Con.
antics good, be fiaisliedi g G ' the tat ut
itity:••• - -•-- -• ' • • - -
The health of Chagres was' good. The inhabi
tants had established a regular police, and life and
property was considered much • more' safe than
• '
heretofore; • •
Therm's:gingers. nw the Georgia were generally
healthy, only two cases of illness having occurred
during the voyage. . . . .
The four; of the Chagres murderers have been
arreited ar into Ili-111:1; - adil ',brtitiglif tOPartelira,
where tat vaii •condetnocil :•- he was Confined in
Prison- iThisGeorgia repOrts.thin tfiey - were,-all to
be shot iii j ii few day!, ~, „,' i . ~, !•-• •• •: . :
d'ite ta'ic e nr;r*Rtioom 674
—A divato from D mkirk, New York; dated the
3d in t:, give& the foilowing particetins of the doz.
tractive gale wbieh teak place on take Foie cm that
day : The pchonnerl Lumberman, of Erie, we9l
- below Cattarattgus - , yesion.lay morning. She
*eel:ging riff Erie NI Thtmiday; aboin 2"o cf-ck.
whim a eea vashed all of hercrew overboard, and
.only one,man. succeeded in _reaching, the vessel
again. _He Mak &hail:Am, and alter male how'
of severe ',and exposure, succeeded in
react the'sffore'with' the 'vesisee: 'The% yvt'cre
foUr Men , aralle.tioy - All the shi . pping in' this
portion - of the Lake retie oalthe, gale i n safety, • and
with:opt damage. Mq old wharf was Mighty
4ame.ed. It was the severest - gale . have expe
rtetiegl tor' Mar 4 years.' The - Starlit did ccmsulerit,
tee dmiume - works of the Eriellailrorufgom.
' pany in this:harbor, and, will 'nese several days
lay in the ea l mpletion i artheic watts, Tito . coma
parry is pressing itiHr work forward "Wiikgrent en=
ergy. A dilptitehlratrt Harkin' Iteariwiz the/' same
datel - elso says that:some haveleen driven 'ashore
in thy, late gale, Amltat.iiranbet. are still missing
Luis supposed •that they have, faunclered, , and on all
biteritpertshed. • ' • •
- .
Thesenta amine tionsolo-jhe stoop Meridian
of Cwitlotan. u•as-opset, whew
. opposito Jparnitown,
Tillie "
Thursday list.' Airs Aston,, flocid
4initirs:Voitin.;ralcjrnl'ono °Ma crew,
Fearherabyi vete drayined. - The slocip will owned
by Messrs Crarnitiin.and , Vari -, Buren/ One of the
Udine droWnad waa thit,wilenf ttie , , former: .: ~4lr!:
ititi. Bineuls get 7ho oil VOW Was ;Save*
I , 'Amory, long tututel:tasleen. mangy excavated
Franco„ on the !Wei raitrundjiwting: from
Blanieilleato Avignon'. ` l ;t tkihrie tai in length )
'She hittafrod'Wt nadir' ttnand; 'And though
rook. heiOht teriniettesAWeet.) and
the Width i metre', feet -y I Tbelwarkii rupiah:
el k" cart nia 'th re lfigh , ol l ii ing 4 10-4 0 : 1 P,V*0
franca, of ' a..
"Tee DSOCCNT iron Cosi.—Accoun t.
.cuban expedition Movements. thicken fast upon to fitibrelripktnii! ? showing that President
sr#l,6el•atill Premature in issuing his late Protla
nileiml. -,Ther Executive, with its ample means of
inlikiiiititkis of coarse ahead of the public in all
soh mitt , and therefore sacra course by th e
Pleilidenl allay always be token i ze proof of som e .
Tho Savanna (Ga.)' ' Iketve, of Monday, Las the
followinm • '
with rumors about the , eveiliillon
,against Cuba
supposed to be"on loot, snit the; grivermOrit
cials have exhibited a weal amount of zeal in thei r
efforts to ferret out -the actors in the business, and
preserve the neutrality oldie n,ation. The steam.
Welaka. Capt. Blankenship, was charmed yet.
terday, and sailed last night lor.the South, with W
Deputift Z.:Abutted; ituiPtobroflt.
cials on board, in poniiiit of the ezpeilition,which r
is reported, is Concentrated.soatewhethon the coast
We. will.nm now mention the. rumors . that, are cur
rentlitolie city *' „ca
Thnitostort Transcript • hir tktei dirteitihri"sth
of April, (same dattrattholackionville letter pub
lished in the. Newark Advertiser,) which the wri
ter says: 5.. ...;.
You may expect - to horirpeat lila% soon on ac.
&min Of the invasion of,C,Obi,l aThe 'hoiithra asrpp
ninkir4 ;real preparation Tnt'an al
tacjc., It As thought that they will succeed. I
have bienlet into the Secret 'by a friend of the
causei drift yoo form rib idea of - the- exiont of the
preparaliomilhat Itremaking. Five handiearkegs
'Amite: left Jiefe the evening iif, , the 24th
and wem,earried s,rnewhere down in plarida, but
notiody afipears to knoiv anything foitleir etniut it.
''Three . steamers' are 'alicidy engagedend ge ttf take
them aerata. :I jest saw young beck here, who
has purchased a captain's commission for 3100
Every thinz, !nobs favorable,,, atm! lhlpic the
cheneas am that 'they Will secceed."'
• A letter. Irmir . Savanne,'of 'tisit'2Bth, states that
Is two brass-fiehtpieces , ond Coker • Munitions have
arrived, and: been, senkcamtliward. Companies
have ,been organizing in the interior, who have
drawn Ilielegnota of Blare iitms , arse rendezvous
hare been'established." • • '
1 Ott gi"Vi.,
In *dd. iThe
to disit:Asi?:nit. In,
1 , oqf t most etivf ,
• enitiVreilient
d digestants • For
. ikOtAiLystki*
ernor: -I look
iidoni, bebevin,.
I dly called for 'by
the country, ant)
bat 11 . 101 advanCri
remaikabry goal
' . 1 /.11,f r . )1 .„ 1 !*-
InAboi-world. than
In addition,- the - govemrrient is daily -receiving
illigaligenge'9lMilvementa in .vacipus southern
Ariets, The revenue cutter ~ ,, Tautty " was ordered
to S.avarina Seine day's ago:
The Savanna News, nt the 28th sayor:—t/ Thrt
Erni-eminent of:hi-juts -are _,eery active to ferret nut
;be ar.torsiti.the,expedition,: urrd pieserae the us.d
(Mimi neutrality!' ,
-The Savanna georgian, of the 28th, days:—As
we go icrpregs,'whicti is& after 12 o'clock Sunday
night, there is not a little, noise and confusion in
theOhre {Atha United States District Attorney,
which happens to -adjoin our sanctium. Look out,
ye Fittlhusters I This hustl4; coming 'and going,
passrm4 to and fro, up and down stairs, consulting
end !advising - , portends you no tood r You may as.
pend, on it. ilonaot says that , 3oo of yoir are to be
arrested to-day., We advise the arresters to take "
care that they do nol become the arresters, and
thus themselves 'swell the number of the invadeni
off.abal It would lonic bad to see the United
States Marshal marching through the island, under
Lopez. v utfv. •.tr EXPLOSIO:I —The C.inadian tocarnor
Comm, running between Hamilton . tin Montreal,
burst her boiler•nn the 2 tat oh. just as she was tear..
ing her.dock at Chiwego,.N. Y. She immediately
commenced sinking; but as her stern line teas fast,
she had not got out into the ricer, and swung slow.
fraronnd to the dock again. The vesselts a com
plete wreck, her hull being very badly damaged.
She was owned at Kingston by McPherson an&
Crane._ Five men and boys were dreadfully scald.
edovho we learn have since died. Their names
aralloyal Davis and James Carroll, engineers of
the boat; John O'Connor mid lames Church, nail ,
era ,; and Thos..quiggin,fiteman. , Three are m 125.
ing, and supposed to have beer. blown into the or.
er. The jpry returned a verdict that the exprofon
°centred from the Want 01 water in the boiler.
s n; cta. m u ation.3 Wednesday n i,h, g
wealthy farmer of Roxbaty, Mass. , 'tamed I - am:
Hand who had been on &Jury at Dedham, return
ed to Roxbury, reaching the depot about ten o'cinci...
tfe thence warted on loot for I ome across the fields,
a distance of a mile nr more. At half past eleven,
his wife, who was waitin2 bar 114, heard a noise
at the door, anti upon opening it , fiiiind her husband
nearly speechless and insensibie, from a terrible
wound in the back of his head. He died an hour
afterwards, without being able to explain what had
happened to him. His valuables were undisturbed,
and he may have received his death blow in a (all
others think differently, and that, the matter should;
be investigated] He was not an intemperate man,
and has kept Srstall in Faneuil Hall since it ‘ias
• •
AFFRAY is Bosren.—While the ship Rio Grande,
from Liverpool, fitted with Irish emigrants, was en.
tering Constitution dock at Boston, ett Simday even
ing, a number of Irishmen Otempted to rush on
board t " the vessel„ and in an attempt. to arrest them,
an angry al.emation took place between one of the
party named John Desmond and the Mate at the
ship. 'The former, besides being highly abusive is
his language, twd ; considerabler. violence in his ef
forts to get by the rnate, who sttenly.tasized the cap
stain bar and knocked Desmitnti down. The man's .
bull was . broken by' th'et blew, and' it is thong ht
that he cannot survive: OirteS' the' percnn who
shark rm. n 11.1111 ., h 2, been nre,ted ant committed
lor-exatuitiation..befora ute Pottce•Court. • , •
liits.KNOCILINGS Dowa cavr--So *
eitement hal recently beet] created in Williamsl
burgh, Mass.. by spiritual knocking:sand Other sup
potied.e'aiTYitirt; on-Ata house oCetipieil by a widow
italust Sat inlay evening *-party of men
vent there,-for ifily..enterecl the premisea,proceetl
otherwoie to such deeds as the law o iornprehentis
On.tei` the name of riot, 'Ainon.v Hie rest; they
eteizeA Cheallt Warner, w lie lice7l"in - the - h - onse
Mae him .ott rail, stook , him 'the tavern,' and
.foreal„him to drjoic, two,gjaesec : of, cider, The
pornetratoi a
o f !tier cottage:. were arreite4, and are
wider,scitig Cptottietitl'exaoliiitiCo' Northcicp-
. ,
They now accomplish, enbhety. 4ylhe ehl efehle.
reform iri London. A towel et, sponge iet l dabber/
ranter your nose, you become - tnimestbre;:and are
, lietieed of all your personal vateithies Without your
know . A atom pl shed': thin the
space o„I a low seconds.„.Thisis tt. grand imprmre
tnent upon the old eystem of knpekirig a vietun
&awn with a bluilgeon, cutting hiis %Mai, or blow
ing his brains out: In the • sityttitt — Aft: dead men
tell no tales,'?. we Must , insert the . *on! ueh lora
ortngd n , lor that ef „
tentvm. or E'teralttatirs.—Ttua bask ..110;;atta ar.
riVed itt Neor"York Oit'Situday, brinto a tare • and
valuable fteight of live -animals 'from botia. con.
.signed to Meists. P. T.ltarnum 454 Seth B. Hows,
intended for their west Museum Caravan, the liret
exhibition,of wtrinliWill be, given Newatk, tn.
morrow. - Tile collectioniatisits of nine elephants,
one being; a call - not yet-a yea'r to2ether with
six . boa eotistrietots;•a porcupine, the only bye ono
ever brought here; a Burmese bull, and any num'
'bTr.o(rnonkeSe. A i native chief of tho.. Blarney'
eteceiripantes thii'auttnals,
Warm On) Lois or Ltrt.—The hull of British
schooner Eagle. olYarmouth, N S., came &Axe
nt,Trurci, on Friday ,. the 181)1 instant. The Eso
leftiloston on m sunday,,l9lll inst., and had as P 4 s•
senoer John.H: ciailine of the firm of Kenel El Col-
India ivhict; ; Hciatit: 'lt iisupposed that she.
was capsized in tha4atis gabs, and that ail 0 board
perished.- .
/CNOcluNtas ExPatscn.-:—A . relative of the Fox Wei.
tk• In Sytacrise, pnbl A
stamit that she was
taught by one' of the Fox girls how to, produce the
repttingeohatle isecres was given to her on the
pffunifel tbakeils too would beeome s tedium.—
sbetiitatie'that it illoise_by - the tties'and knees.