B r ; tabirrracciroicire IMAD to sere lave cant 'Boutin Acv.--This Department of the Intefier, bun issued further instrectione in Mani tope hito Bunn: ry Act:. tie sim was imidetiaid.-to Lisitotiltcre* ty !indents Whole army of the 'United wbweire located-Who iimeof the:lo46WWar,' hrit , only tblitosewboseitteirtieeiresitimiepted:Wbb, , ~tir-hadi direct Wifererme to thee iiitivOtotehlt not necessary that iheyshordd hive beikilfdihtthe ofidetice.• — Theidistbrbibiceson;the §outh• western Iblintieeirt 1836,.ib"the therainieleicati* • irrlB36 and ,1837, sittltherewYbri , diSh,lthaitees' is 1838: indlB39, tie riot toisidered'atiretbriated by the provisions of the.bet of SePternher,‘lBso, 4 ,Tearatens Ind wrtificers who' Intoned to ana tt ny 'and weredetached; for that partiOlar s,er, vice, ire entitled to boonqr.labd: 'The perfontting theninilitery amide; iiidLnot. the:eni; . :Voyer, is entitled to the ; land bounty _ ; . *A l tai an t enkagement is partli - perfonied: hy -both, • meth , ie 'entitled to , his abate according to the period of sec. vice. In 611'800k:drone hereafter to 6e made it will he required that the claimant shall state hi his ere(Fatiors that lie had not received norlie entitled. , to "r eceive bounty land under any other , act of Con. i gress, such persona being. excluded - under the Etat, .of 1850. Widowsufe untitled to the , land ,bounly of deceased soldiers, if they are widows ut the pas% sake of the ad of Septimber 28, 18 8 0.. This the , - law= its generatapplication. But the widow of officer or soldierltlid inhale is entitled to maxint umallowed of one hundred and silty acres, with otit id krone* to AG period Of her husbandPs seiTice, And, although a married -woman - at the passage of` 'the act t lf rintotried at the dateilf her - applseatien,' her claim as Up to the prtisent penod, one. /tundra) thousand vappheittioni hve keen been The o ffi ce,' with , all its force, h as only been able to issue - between_ seven and eight thousand warjants on declarations 'received in October and eirly'm Noverriber._ Some -dale; therefore, most elapse boforet, the numerous jclaims whtch arrived-in . November and early in 4,ikeember can be fi nally noted _ From five hen-, •died•lb a thousand warrants are daily received:— The office iinow issuing between a thousand." and twelve hundred indents a week ;.buysnoreAan eighteen months must elaplobelote the claims now f on bituttput bo,daml. - of, or ;natured_ into the ( "MP! . WarrultsP • . HoasmSrtausto...on. l'huroday or Friday last,* man by the name of Don F. Revelkma, hired a . horse ofJames Whittaker of Factoryville, to ride to Barton,,Mr. Manakin sendiog his. boy on another, home to take the hired one back. Don F. Bevel land rode away front the boy, passed Barton, cros sed the river at Smithboro, was putsued by the boy to Nichols, where ho' hall been seen riding at folf speed a short time befoie,:up the Wappersena road. The boy informed JOnathan Film. 241, that the m ' an• was opining awayi with Mr: Whittaker's horse, when-Platt started in pursuit, overtook the fellow some miles up the creek. took him back to Barton xvithout-procesa, ; wherrlr, ;was arrested in due form ; and after an examination of - the case, Jas. uce Seymour Wright gavelito into the •costody of ' a - Constable to be' conveyed to Owego for safe keeping in the County - Jail =titian, next Oyer and Terminer.--Orrego Glazerfe. Cortrizmus,Psouutra,:who died in New Orleans on the 10th inst ovus worth $1,000,000. He left 'lke balk at his prOperty to his - itumerous relatives. To the Baptist Churtlrle has testoted thq property which once belonged to theft', corner of St. Charles andllevia streets, valued-at $30,000. He left- alFo S5OOO to,the . PublicrSchools of the .Second Muni• .cipality, and $5OOO tolhet Male Orphan Asylum, at Lafayette. IIITIM .r AGE IN Korructv.—T nn The ase of Jamea and DavitUßeall, near Floysburgh, Ky., was enter ed on the night of the 12th inst., by robbers, who beat theinmate , a nearly to depth and then robbed the house 'OEB2OOO in paper money, and a bag of silyer °Unknown amount. One of the Beads will probably die ofhis injuries. The robbers escaped. - Marrlled, • In Nryalosing. Marett '24th, by Rev. S. E. Dairow, JonATratir Ropier, of DOrell, to Miss Haiturr DONLST of•Wyalosing: Marc' 10, 1851, by D. Gardner, ER., Brass CLsat . of,Athens, to Miss POLL . / Minnsuon, of Ilidgbary. In Troy pn the 21st inst, Mra. %Tet i wife - of Eli Esird.figed 40 years,6 months, 11 days, • In Springfield, on the 19th instant, Mrs. Tartarus. KszToin the 90th year of her age, wife , of Bela Kent, a revolatibaary soldier. OfCOMMITTEES OF VIGILANCE.—The. Democratic StandiorConmiitee of Brad; t ford Copnty, have appointed the following Commit tee of Vigilance, for the several election districts of said County,.whose dory it will beto call' meetings in. their respective districts, foe the purpose of elect Delegates to,' the County Convention to be held at the court house in the borough.' of Towanda. on 'rrieiday the 6th day of May next which county Convention is hereby called for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the State Conventions tube held in June next, tri nominate a candidate for Governor; Canal Commissioner; and Judges of the Supreme Court. And' the 'further duties of said County Con vention, will be lo take suitable action in relation to securing to Bradford County a just representation in the Conference hereafter to be held for the pur pose of pliiiing in nomination a candidate for Pre , sident JOdge in th: Judidial District ; and - generally to transact sash other business as may be deemed conducive to the interest of the Democracy of this County. ; • The Standing Committee urge upon the Commit tees of yigilance the importance of discharging their duties fully and impartially. The primary meetings, should be called on Saturday the 3d day of May next, between the hours" of 4 and 8 o'clock its the afternoon at the usual place for bolding-said meet ings, or at Some place most convenient for the demo- Crats of the district Great care should be nsed in giving notice of the delegate meetings so, that every democrat may have an -opportunity of attending. • ' JAMES IL WEBB; N THAN EDMINISTER, • , ' P. E. MAYNARD, Vir.s. VANDYKE; H. LAWRENCESCOTT, ' - JOSEPH MENARDI, - JOHN H. BT.ACE, • • , ‘• , '.E.C.-OLIVER. • - Vti*iiiidadeingtritOth 101: . EBB • • Albany—Benj. Wilcox, Peter Steriger, •Aftiettilia-8, C. Shepard. Eckert Maw", • Asvlttiari-Johb M. Norton, Jackson• Stone.. Athens bo.—Jaeobliareter, John Snell jr.' tp:—Solonion Bosworth,Geo. J. Walker, Boolington.—C. P.ltlichols. Samuel McKean, Canton.-18unnel Owens, John Turner, • .- Columbia—D. V, Barnes, S. D. Goodrich. Statesa. M. Bishop, . . , Franklin.—Stewart Smiley, 0. W. Dodge,; Granville.--Harrison Rots, L.Putnam„ •Herrick,—Gee,, W. Elliott, NelsosKeeler,' Lelloy.—Jedetliah Hunt. John Cole. Litchfield.—Danielß. Cotton, Milo Merrill, Monroe,,—T.M. Wilson; Geo. Smith. orwego - ...Jarvis Rustles. 0. J.Chabbacli, is .Pike.—P. H. Buck. Geo.' Graves, Ridgberry.—Johtt E. Smith, R. D. Squires, .Rome.—Lawrence Vought. Charles Forbs, , tiheshequin.—Wm. Snyder jr. Josiah Smithfield:—E. G. Darfee. C. B. Riggs. • South Creek,David Bardwell, Henry Thompson, Springhill.EdWard Wells, Horace Lewis, Bpringfteld.-0.• A. Vincent, Elisha Knapp. • Standing Stoned—G. W. Stephens, Geo/ A. Stephens. Towanda bo.—L. W. T,ffany, H. P. Got - Aridly 4 .tp.'Reuben Belong, R u f us H. Mason,. . Tray tp. J. A. P. Ballard, Loren Mdrse, -- " tporWilber Baker, Wm. R. peek, illster.t-Edward. Mills, M.S. Warner,. - .• - Warren,-_-Rufas Buffington, Charles lames, , -Jes.4 Mean; Wm.S. Ingalls, • - Wilmot.—J. L. Jones, fchabod Corson, -' Windlikm.—Wm: Sibley; A.•Danhaut jr. Wylkuting..-Theadore'Hinis. Milton Hornet, Rted,ckii-. . Died, !NP Baliirpote e n k tiiik WiPoolOne94:getnlicemkr tificuussww• ,landed aikl The Widdycon waskowned bY M efiS llf • Wakiren of 20 0 8 06 , 1 7 71TheCInktfiiiilieirOh. 4166 - 14 and= freight '• ititatifoliWOati!OrtArica . A . V* ( hii, t m siif 11111141rthliE_Aire _ _ llof the Week. . . MONDAT,. •-• • TIIZSDAT . • WIDNISDAT ik .,.v o i • ... . SimiviT;l r• r 1143 ! .Nero gthn L . S',PRIN - 6,::'.;:,,,:G:0:01)8:_l • r '. ;•M lit' C.' MEROUR I A RE now 60 % 4 0 13 5.114 'offer tithe . public at their' 4. a. CABII,PRICEB , a large sand ge neral asebrimilmt . - of SPRWGOODS, compiling alnioseeterYtbing, bt the tine of DriVioda; ElaidwzrriHaltand Caps, . Boots and alsou t G: rafaies;("matey dad 674iiiiaare, o#B,'Pairsti,Tys &OA •firi:;*: generoni tta towage bestowed upon them tlseV hai 'thus early enabled them in advaneid' ' to Orel to - their friends cock of IOU& WOW sylheiralieri , don. And they are determined-bb judlidous purchases and small profits to Mails It the interest of all those who pay, Cash for goods to. Pattonile them. ' Postanda;March 211;185t. . „ . E(III3TERI3 NOTICE,-41oties is hereby • eit R ihae there turns bees fded and ed in the -of ewof'Rellisliersd Willi ; in - . and ',kir the Coati* of Itradkni. meant. Ofatbniaistridan upon the follow ing estates, eh; t, Partial semune of Artmah;Ladd one of the execo tors of the estate of Horatio ;Add deceased late of Al bany. . • , Final aeconat of. Thesis craig, agod Armond 0. Williams execntaraaf irstatii ofkiseph Craig deed late of Ridgberry.' • Final account of Rowland Wilcox and David Sabin administrator of *be estate ef 4 eltMe,'PePl. l 4 l t'4 o =ased late , , `Final account ,4E.sP,; Colnizu aml Polly :Morrie ed. miniriratoia tor Aladeon Monis -decease& late of - Stan . Final'account' of A. 1.. CniMinCr iunieing exacts— tor of the edits or Samuel grammes &Ceased late of M_ onroe. Final aoiotint;Of. Adilade Swaim formerly Sergeant, admininrator of the estate of George Ser geant deceased late of Springfield. , • Final account of MT. Maion and Abram Fox ad ministrators of the estate' of Ire C. Fowler decease d: ltte of Monroe.. . Final account of Harry Morgan, administrator of the estate of Warren Gillet deceasediate of Sheshequin. Final account of Eli Gibbs administrator of the es• tate of Nelson Rogers, deceased' bite of Orwell. AnTthe same will be presented to. the Orphan's Court . of Bradford county, on Monday, the sth day of May pert, tit confirmation and allowance. • - , - H. BLACK, Register. Register's Ofiki,-Towanda, March 24, .1851. PROCLAMATION.- - Whereas- the Hon.. Horace Wilbstott,.President Judge Of the ,I3th.Judiciat District, consisting of the counties of Bradford, Tioga, Potter and McKean; and Jere Adams and Geo. Tree. - 7g - squires, AsSociate Judge; in and for the county of Bradfs4rd, having issued t heir.precept bearing date the 18th day of March, 101,. to me directed, for holding a - Court of Oyer and !ermines, General Quarter Ses• sions of the Peace, Commari Pleas, and Orphaire Court, at Towanda, for. the county, of , Bradford, on the first Monday of May nest, being the fifth day, and to continue for three areekr. . - Notice is therefore hereby given,_ _to, the Coroner, /winces of the Pace and Constables of the county of Bradford, that they be there in their proper person at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day with their w ords loquisitioni siaminations,and other their remem brances, to do those things which to 'their Glace ap• pertains to be done • and those who bound by rec ognisance ar o th erwise to prosetutted agitittst the . prisoners who i re, Ot May be in the jail of said Court,, or who ate, or shall be hound ,to sppest, at the said Pond, are to be then and there to prosecute Against • theft as ithall . Jurors ate requested to be ptinchtal in their attn. dance agreeable to their rt6tiata. , Dated at Towanda the .26 th day of March In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lift ' one, and of the Independence of :the United States the seventy-sixth, • WILLIAM_ 8 DOBBINS, Sheriff. ECONOMY, OORAINLITY AND.. NEATNESS. Saddle, gayness & Trimk Minufactory. "(ERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public thiethey bare taken the shop lately, occupied by C. P. Herder, on Mainotreet. a few doom below the Brick Ravi, where they will keep on hand a large o stock of • - ataß N 191.D52Mia DZILOZZGht TaIIIERS, WIMP, ZTC. AU articles in their line manufactured t 6 order; and made of the best materialiand for workmanship cannot be surpassed in Northern Pqnrwylvania, They solicit a call from those wishing to purchase, confident that they can' give satisfaction both as to quality and price. c 3• Cash will be. paid for Hides and sheep Pelts, et the highest, rates, at our shop. Towands. November 18th. 1850. GOODS SOLD FOR CASH ONLY! pOSITIVEL,Y NO CREDIT WILL DE GIVEN, After the 20thaterit, 1851, • AT HUSTON &PORTER'S. 13:"Notiecis hereby given that after the above date we shall sell Goods for. Cash poly, and Credit need not be asked' for or expected. . March 29. Tatern to Rent.—Rome Springs. a. THE well known end celebrated stand 111-1 near the "Mar of Rome, in Bradford co. U • The house and not-bnlllings. bernwand *bring Oro in.good repair. -The 110131115 is large and ememodions. and twill accommodate a great many boarders, WWI can be 11•11 daring the simmer months by anylirtie who Will keep tegood . honsti. as the media* Qualities of the water are so *elf kiloWn that lore people hare always been'deiitottrof visiting them than could And comfortable entertiinment. -- The tidese his recently, keel itted - ip; and is about 9 miles, from Towanda, one front the village of Kopko: - and ab out •18 front the Waverly Thipct. •Ifis On the' main post raid from Rome to -Athens, and if well kept would be found a pleasant moat horn the cities dur ing the warm weather. - Reknince for terms: (which" will be liberal to the right hied amen) ten • be made to Edward Oeenon, Esq., of Towuids, who is authorised by the noderaign• ed, the owner, to lease the lime. March 1, 1851. DANIEL KEIFFE. JEST received another large assortment of those 1 cheap BOOTS and SHOES at Dee 4 ' PHINNEY'S. Gridley's Cheap Publication, Music - AND MAGAZINE OFFICE, A T DRS. HUSTON As PORTER'S. where sob A seribere can be furnished .11th the following Ma. guineaihnV M ieviews, free of 'Postage , edic, Harper's New Itivuthiy. Knickerbocker, i •-• • International 'Magazine, Litters Living Godeeit Lady's Book, Demoeratie Rearms, - . Sartain, Whig " Graham. ' • London Quarterly, '; Holden.'"' Edinburg,• • " Lake Repository, • North' Whisk " Yonth"s Cabinet. Westminster, " • )Gather'. Magazinei., Blihrrottit - • ILodlop s Wreath. 'Harpefe led the international himptsires riommen• 'ea the new 'demi with. %el:Om:ember Dumber.' The public will pleattei call - in an& truhaaihs. Each ps,i for es rietivered. ladies and cientlemeir writ oikytter orders: I • jnt''T. . E. 'GRIDLEY:. '-- . _tom '.. 1 '., ' 1 - ; { J 6% ''''Ci'; !,:, . n ," . ‘'C Is ,:.", •-•:,.6,:;i9.,'i ‘fregt;}. =T:=l 5'46 .646.. [• 39 41 , 30 31 ' • 2 iseaierits' ; , • ' • -7 - ; (Pa Gikdit -4194,34RAiii r.,ppierid t in whalutri k ,sopobitia.,44,Alia. rot atiritegoot4;4;.ile4itisthisititti'' '`bf lbw above itisa* the bOiii)iit etas ellOitiVariadietinivitli;iiii - MWAY liitVot I At0i1,T410 1 4 0,4 1 - risen. interkt*ff!!oll , takirmotke, ' • - • Nribicipastiffra , :eirest 31E3Et3r, — - ~ GOOI:Y.TALL.Q _WMOL/Lti CANDLES; poitil t lit tailed; - =TEREETSitit *OAR,' 1- sinith 'T otica nd t , 21 .. _ . SALE' B 7 * Venditiona trap: li4stied Out Of t*Ciiiiit bfCOMminirPletti Of 'fir k dford meta to rimed; :trill heoeipfilif ittb ! .. Goneelitt tbißrittl, 'ild;On'SatnidaY, the 12911i'day er.Miireh j esi.; at one o'clock...l'. ht., the follbwing let, - piece, Or,psicel Of lend situate in te 'berohglt of . thens; Bradford co. BitindeffoOrth-by street'ruitting Ohm : Main' street M . Biiiira raid; ;Welt byituid:of PeGeorge, Sciuttay land lately ioniited byEd W ard'lleiriCk, : east by main striet:'''ContaitilognUtit one 'acre; mitre or lesir;Ph ihunid:lo,oi;"One framed barn Mid' alkeittle fithel, lher*oPt' the'ritht iftle,&intetest whatsoever of UndiVided`one' half 1 1, 66- SA O9 i - it viete'or 14011 of land•situated• in thellOro* Atheni,,:wearoiir Connty..hoinded and f ileieribeitis fblfows to wit,, beginning 'tit the' north east Werner,' br Gip Tozer's tor 'bounded` on Main street, 'thence north - Ming said street 84 feet 'to . the corner . , of CanaPitLid • Maki streets ~theice weiterlialhngCanal street 159 feet to a poston the ninth tartearner of MAX /edgers' hit, thence Ninth. , waidig along the easrlitte Of Kg. Boyers! 84 feet to' the north !Weer , Gtij thence' easterly' along the north lii* o f Toier'ilet.ls4l feet to the plaCe of beginning; Containing abouel3Bll'square feet of land; More Or - less, all improled,,one framed bitildingnew occupied as a Groeery , &pre, one fram ed Wagon shop and Blaeltsmith shop thereon. '"Seized'ind taken' in execution' at the snit of & Williston Vs. George Ptltcher. ALSO-'—A piece-or parcel of land situate - in the township'of Athens, &ginning at the N.W." corner of a lot'owned by Lemuel thence ninth it , east 109 rods to a' corner. thence south 1391° east 115 rods, tO thesouth west corner.of a lot sold to I. B. Sherwood, 'thence' south. west 139 rods to a corner, theacelnorth 881° West 115 rods to the Place of beginning. Containing one hundred acres, being lot No. t More or tees, about seven acres iuiproved, one log house and Tog barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at'the suit of H.W. Patrick vs. Henry Weaver. • • WM. S. DOBBINS, Sheriff. SlieriiPs Office, Toivanda, March" 5, , 1851. AUDITOR'S , NOTICE-, ITAVENG ipeen appointed an Auditor by the Or -11-phan's coact of thesCoantY of Bradford, to di.. tribute' the funds in the lands' of the administrator of Niram Ackley, deceased, the' undersigned will attend at his office in.the borough of Toirando, On Saturday, the 12th day of April next; at one. o'clock; P. M., at which time end place all persons interested am requir ed to . preaem their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. WM. ecorr, March 4, 0351. Auditor. 20BBLS. OLD YORK STATE WHISREY, 4AJ just rewired and for sale in large or small quan- Allies, at the !omit market price, by March 4, 1851. • L. W. TIFFANY. 'FRESH FIGS, just received awl for sale cheap; at March 4. • . • New Chair and Bedstead Warerooin. JESSE TAYLOR, REBPECTFULLY informs the public that he has . opened a shop at his new house, corner of Main and, Paine streets, nearly opposite Edward Overton's, Towinda, where he mill •keep ont,band or manufacture to order, Flag-seated. Cottage. Windsor, Fancy, Cane seated and•CoMmoi CHAIRS, made of the best ma. orris*, and ofimparior durability. . has also for sate an (1801=1 of Banersans, it low vices .' Repairing and "Seating Common, Canwbottom and Flsg.sealed Chairs, on reasonable terms. Chen*, Basswood, Whitewood.and Cucumber lim ber takeri iii payment for work. • 'He trusts that his long arquantance in this county, ana the durability dills work as tested , by many years experience, will secure him a share, of public patron age. Towarga, March t, !fiat 4. TO SPECULATORS. DBLED APPLES—any , mmotity for sale at TII. FA N Yl3, for VS cents PER BUSHEL. Come bee, mmar all.' . ..; March 1, 1851. OLOVER EZED,.A superior article ,of both the tarp and guild seed, for sate cheap by' , hisrA•L'' ' ' 13..KINGSBIRY. LOVER !MED.—Large and small Clover Seed for C sale by ' flB INIONTANYEE 41. 13 °qT & SHOE DEPOT T -1000 pair at prices .din defy'. all competition.. ' Februaly 22. , MONTANYES & CO. PHINT! PAINT i—Oltio *n4 Oneida county Fire Prof Paint for sale very cheep by, February. 22. MONTANYES & CO. TjA RRISON'S COLUMBIAN INF, for sale whole 11 sale and retail at Philadelphia paces. February 22. MONTANYES & CO. CASH PAID FOR - 01.1) CASTINGS, at the Com menial Works, by February 22. TOMKINR, SON h CO. FURNISHING DEPOT ! subscribers having' just received s large *deli iion to their stock. ars prepared to furnish a per. son with " cothplete outfit, consisting of Overcoats, Conts, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Hutt, Cups, Suspenders, Cravats; Oee. All of which trill be sold Sleeper than the cliespest for neatly pay. • , U. dr.A. CAMPBELL. Towanda, November 14, 1950. MORE NEW GOODS The sesseribere aie_tiow receiving Another GeneTal :of ;.Now-:. Goods.' 1 4 , 0 8. 8:1850. '+ 11.'8. & M.O. MERCUIL - 11011ROADCLOT1114. - Csealmeres. Kentucky:Jean. sheep's, grey ckab, tkce . sold-very low for cub nl4. ..KINGSD.ERric by , _ - .GREAT BARGAINS. HE cabscriber bee just recolsed.oaother lot of New T Goodgwhicl* be °Tem to 'the public at a less price then 'the Same gtialittcon be , bought in this boro• and he woulkrespectfully say to thO public that this is no nennco, but an ebsotate that be will sell goods for Cash or ready pay cheaper than can be bad in this County. His assortment is genital and all Fresh Goods. 0 7 Doult mistake the place—No. 3, Brick Row. ; J. H. PHINNBY, Jr. Towanda, Dec. 4. trA5O. • ' BLACKSMLTHtNO A DAM ESSNWINE vespeetfally informs the puh. LA lie that he now occupies the tabop where himself and brother beve for ears, worked, 'nearly opposite Tomkins' foundry, where he is ready to do nil work in his line,.as formerly in. the best manner. 'He is de termined they reputation be has attained as a skilful workmen shall not Wirer by any neglect of the inter estrof customers or by any inattention, to buskins. TOOLS, manufactured to order—;machirtery of all kinds repaired in the best manner, and every kind - of Repairing and Afannfaeinring wW be done at short notice. and in the stile desired.. _- Horse Shoeing, on reasonable terms. Hs will rho take Country Produce in payment for work, but ob. kelt; strongly to mall • • - • • ' - Tow* . Jan: 17 # 11851,:- • IIakfUNTED end hdit.DeLellies.'snil ° 0 ,4 1 ' nisrasilif `'.."44 the 'teed - elegant style:4nd SS lOW,IIII Anne a pied, et B. KINGSBEIM&tO.. , • ~. •:;''''..*. - 1' ' " ''.' ,:--- "" . " :.- " .;;,- • • , • : 1:- - '-....;:::_'. i!: A 7 A ,; ., - - . "37;TOWANDPCHEAP'''Zi""' '.- - -;:.i.: : ' vin - 4 04. 1 1 7 ; 1. itiet:ll, ...tili,aktortAllvv-11,-, -uitlu.ol - voz'A ..., . ...:. ..,,,,..„,..,,.,..„..,.„,....,,,..‘4,.,, -- =lolkitrqoilipettiniiiitifipie , ...,14iis thkijiiirlaiiiiiiieffiiiit ffs), New- York _in TO'-efOrmodi"X Bo o4 l 46tif.,.**Vti illi • *lie Ai. &tianiit'.. , !,Pnaat till,-itak '',._''.ll:; - =: - "' -"'...,- °vei l , Oink ',SaiE tix4?Batineze Coat . s,..Frock, orel, 'Dies' s' it'oati - flintirkithisAii# 4. ll*tid• I 7 2 .1 217 ,,;,. 4 .4 . :v . ,.ak it iaa. 1n - u uial l iii , 1, R e 1 4 tn 1 - toil - tittwOr• OuterniNcr.lii which he iioi i 4ill= • togonj4eihieh wiir.boout - ,;iore,n4ol;,ep• his Pidi.iiiiaiNiliiktibi.*44:l l l**o.!* ) .-ffa r'SW Sr. : 11aki.1.4*** 1 4 1 40:,a*ii . -. 4 4 Pr9oo l :4*g.•• %. ,'''' ._ .I' .- 2.'..,' ,i,,,,,.,1 ~ ,, j l4l,lelletienninelflq:r e eli lie , Clothing .:at 'line:malty, law pikes he . eisttl'uta.tiaiiiiisi he can make it the* , tcfc.o4,l l *!l, t.,04406-00,*0-0.; 44114401! 4. At glitroidlitind. (titian - B — udeunni" , lruii*i :biTY:i .StiMise lIP sialcl.'i I . :-.- [, F • ' l i 0 11 )g,Io4,P1Pa!gii1 . ie . Si-4 811 4 !RA4; . Tp 4 Sviii‘ik . wa.wr:votwOlya*d 0 011 * , .•)•• , •:, t. ; • ..:Town.o4f.Popp*rg. !Voi.i. t: ,, ~. ..--, -,i - t. ~ ,r " , I. gitittlistutzt - be 'VIM —ASO , would res tfu ll y, onn e a. rhee Jot Talon& and' Aoki*. that shn bee. apes.; estahlishmentlmbr t ain stnniriont .dsont belovr,Bridge., et, is the bottle formerlymepildity; M.-13011: , She baron hand i welkelemed-mdiety: of the most lashinnebiellirtnittemeoeds.- elso'having wand:the serried df_a &Wettable , Millineri jot:from the iti. She feels'imitident - of giving' satisfied& to thole Ittni# extend' te.hei their patronage: • Sfrow•Bansels Cksyseer.au&Pressed in the neatest winner. mistiest gait:e t /1y a ems she** Promo , ishiettoiSes them a beeptifiiVerbiteams. without iojm Ins the stakerC, Sonnets djed staged: eolorial. 4sda k Tow aiuts; rtomnbei se. 1801 v•inrrEß' ,- coopos_i 70... T. FOX -has jai received another largo stnek Of WINTER 000D8. to add& the attention: of the.putdc is invited. , • No.. 28. 1850 .Fittliettartictilaritif the . great Flood .: - NEW_i.COODS s. ATBW Cash:Cerro; Broadcloths, Vesting's'', Prints, 1:11 Mohair cloths, Merinos,-Alpsceas; MonalDelaine, - Ilinghams,—Hosiery, Mem Triminings,'-Plaid plain Flannels, bleached MUllii29, sheeting,. Airlifts:: bets, tiekings,-/Sca, just openast the Arore. Oct, 80,188O:' `•- ,• - • I.ICTIVGISIIERY. _ Arr.:AthmiricaolarAwir.a. nips. D:QANE, MILLINER , AND' MANTRA iVI MAKER, has Removed to No. 6„ Mich Roily, when she will continue to wait on her friends and patrons promptly and thankolly. Dec. 6. FOR -SALE.•OR RENT.., H TBE Monroeton' Hotel, for Sale or Rent, with most of the Furniture and Bedding. Proposals will •be received until the first day of March next on which it will be-Let.or Bold to the highest' and.best bidder. , Powession..given on the 15th day March. Monroeton, Jan. 27, 1850. J. J. . WARFORD. I - FARM FOR SALE. • r,p IHE Subscriber offers for sale a valuable . Farm,' *hunted in Standing Stone tovaiship. Bradford County, containing about one hundred and eighty acres, about fifty, of which are Improved. The said . hum is well situated for grazing or , tilling, is well watered, and on a good road. Persons wishing to poi= chase a fium are requested to call and examine for themselita. It will, be sold low, and terms of payment made easy., . , • LEWIS E. GIBBS. " Standing St*, deb. 4,1p51. TITHEAT, Oita, Rye and most hinds, or Produce TV - taken, for which the higheit•priee will be paid at - #4. PHINNEY'ri, . _ RENIO'VED. • ' TAT A. OffAMBERLIN bis.timovedlile. Clock, VV Wald' and Jeweriy qtrire to' B. Kingdom & Co.'s Brick block, !where he keeps - on bend it very extensive assortment of Clocks, • Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Geode, to which hit hai just mile XAittge addi tion. reeeived•by minis from NewrYork: ' na ISIMEDIFSED 1E011631 •. Dia aVaatta RESPECTFULtY informs the public that he has taken the large and cammodions house,formerly known as the " Ward Horne," where he,la now ready to accommodate those who may give him'a call. Be is , determinet by *gamut attention to, the, rritfort of bib guests;tied tii criterktglO their itipetitei'in i proper Tanner, to merit_the patronage of the public..! The house being one of largest dad most ein;iiitient in Northern Pennsylvania with every'coliienience Of tikabiing s ikc., attached, it is believed that entire! Satis faction can be given. Towanda; Dec: 28, t 8.50. A GENERAL ASSOETMENT NEW AND SEASONADLE.QOODS, JUST OPENING, and forae very,loar for Cub, at : G. D. uenTLgrrg. Towanda, December 10, 1850. • 45. eaLuxicasalatr. r HE largest and most complete assortment of school, A blank and miscellaneous •BOOKS & STATION. ER Y ever offered in Ibis market, and at very low prices, now just opening at dlO O.D. DARTLETTIB. dgency for Hook?, etc. OD. BARTLETT will take (mien An_ any Book . on sale in New York eitband 'apply i at short notice. Int! on reasonable terms:, Dee. 26. 1850., . DISSOLUTION•i! ' IVOTICE is beveby. given ,tbst thevarinembip here' IA tame existtng between tbe.suteribera bas been divolived by mutual consent. The a sire.of said inn will be arranged by O. Kingsbery., All pavans indebt ed are requested to settle: their amounts by the first of May next. _ ' hum* NifiGrIBERY, . . 3. K. ‘BMITH , 1 ' el. Pk KiNgSBERT. Feb. 19, . • . . PARTICUI,AR: - . NdrIOE . • j' AIR watnieg is bombs" given. tad my.books and ativonitelave been placedirr the bands of Daniel Vandernoek Esq., for immediate colleetiori, and those. knowing themselves indebted will save costa by giving the mutter immediate attention.- ; HIRAM-MIX. Towandeaebruaty 18.1851. ,t• • • 30 DOZEN PROPMSkjust . received end for sale • tty the - dozpo i" '• p ' • 2 MERCUR'S., . XELMMIWIRAICIIVIIV-:11L11F-As SMITH dr; SON have iemtiveil theirSadillidt E Harness Shop to the ,ho Ming nearly opposite th 'Ward House, late the +' Nosh Pennsylvanian" printing office—onln4in'strert. jars. I. . , . . , 1" 1G WT. LIGHT .4--17ametine. Owning Fl uid, I amp Oil; Spann and 'Tallow Candles"; far sale in any quantities-lo whit pneehasets at MERCURI. ~.Towanda. Feb. 9,1851: - 9. II In KINNEY r ATTORNEY L COUNSEL,OR AT LAW, TOWANDA,. BRAD. CO., PA. ' O:tr• Officc, Nortli'lide . of the Public Square. NEW FALL'GOODS.' tiJST received at FOrEisfolistrock of NEW FALL 13001:18 comprising all: the net sfsdecin markets which ore respectfully olieredit the lariat orices. ' A call Is solicited furor all who wish to purchase Pea ispOp • E. T. vox: . . A LL. Wool DeUm ind Maim ea ".. Thibet &Rim 44,W=1 ptintiOce..adso Flereguier. Swami floww.lently lAnd sod Are i fitst rate . "101. of Glileih 111, and &Mich Yougge” at`.seta^ tore. millaidelOMT*4 r* otmcdo'r ittri u s i f 1144 1, 1 ,7=r , " 4 " 14 t P" * " I . nittodil i iat'withootdiy i nplusa_- ,a.2 I‘l4 1 ‘ 14 duly ootimmticated• for settlowegf c AdmilaCteinktenh, . , inflAr VRATOR'3 NOTICE - A,LL' ::.EXA' • tt,) lOWITENS,-41e,411;.'" IV* Stinditig PtaiitoirmilliP; ate' iI,X4W-Mbestid' toemake pay- Saylng 58id estate will pleise iwelseat them dgli **en; for i settlement. " - ' t3TEVENS,_ Adptiidibjttt4ot '' k)iftatidlnti Stone,'Dee; , l6 . thi . losot .! - .- . ' 'MIN IMIATOWS ,NOTI ( g.l .-,, . ')/( . .ti... - " sliitle‘ititi -, th eiestatir' , 4l.l#l*Eit i iiin t.n.'.11. T.LATT defaiml.lltiorViutfill.Owo*iiN ire her e - fr,i - Ostal.io ..c6ittre iispaciii irithi ashy.. ,ind thipvinif criiiiitOiglinisCiiiid,istithio(lll4l, priiietit . in if4Ysii}hitithiaiiet. fprimittlente!at ...- .2` ' ' o'''''.' - : -- A.llllC4kßl . lVAdatiits . ' -.! • 1 ';', C -- #l2,tiiii,4lrillel - „'1851?-...;'' :..-- .'- -t , .'1 : 1; AH MIN IST R &TO WS -NOTIC H. LL. tipersort* indebted* .to`-tbe ',veleta of 8 AS •IV EX-BUCK,Aeoeased, Um. okWieleslni Io p" are busily revolted to make pey_ment,withoutdeley, Itott those Seeing claim seHOtetimill Ones IpreeeitSteeidtily au thenticated erttleetent. 1 • - L • • HARRISON BLACK, 1 • • Illyalfteing,Frb. 3: 1851.• , , .• •• • AthoiMitreter. • AUDITOR'. uIN AvG,*o appointed - en Auditor, hi the Court 111 of Fora me n Pies.; to &tribute the moneys relo ad hy brherfif,:elde in the thee of E.llV.Thdrd %doter I),,Stuidi: the undersigned .1011 meet the paniewileter ustridat Ware in Towanda on Waineediry t tith fib ,day'of April. at one , o'clock. P.,llll,,,strethies time and plate 'all pinenne , interested are required le pressnt their claims; of be. debarred front cousins in. upon aid - fund.l - 'O.H. P. KINNEY, februmy , • , . Auditor. :..... ~ AUDITOR 'S , NOTICE. - ' ' ' ATOTIC,Bis hereby givewthat,lliswebeeW appoloted 1 1 11. an Auditor by tbe Oryhan'a Court of Bradford 'Catinty. to distriboe the lauds In_ dm hanile 9( the ad ministrator of ?gestri.• Mason, deeessedi end teat I - will attend to e duties of n l 3' ePPointliOnt l it Y of. Bee iti the borough of Towanda, on Thuradef.6 10111,, ' dsj of April:1;851, at 1'0'46)04 P.M.. at irbit time awl place in persons interested are required ingsent their claims, of be detainee from coming' in a said fund. ' 1 O, II: P. ICINIf l, , ' February 28. ~ , , , i Au ditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S- NOTICE, ;. ALL persists indebted to the estate - Of Daniel Doium deceased. Isle of •the township of Witidham, are hereby requested to mike payment without , delal. and all pawns basing demands against said estate are requested to them duly"authenticated for set !UMW., . i .A..CHUBDUCK, Orwell, February iv, 1851. t IST OF JURORS. drown' for May I'. 'le L commencing the sth day of May, 1831. • • uaann ;vaults. Albany—Jacob Hottenstine.., Columbia—Nelsou Wolfe, James Wilsoa„ Peter S • Durell-r4licbard E Gilbert. Litchfield--Silas Cartier, James Lareociu. Monroe—James Ingham, J L Rockwell. • . , 'Rome-1 W Woodburn. AAi Wattles, E, E• • Smithfield—John C Aldrich, George tit Peek. , • Springfield—Bela K Adams, Chester Harkness, • Hiram Spear, Constant WiUiamsr Troy tp—Suiphen it Styles. - Wells-h-Ransont Beckwith. • ' Wysinging—William Conover. • • Warren—Bela Faircitilds. vtivsnis goaclas—nner Armenii—john Beelier. Athens tp—John S Ovenshirer - " , boro—A P Stevens.. * , Asylum—John 'M Quick. - Burlington-Francis • Ingalls, .?redprick PowleiBWain - . 4 Columbia-4Osiph Beeman. Canton—Seneca_ Kendall, Silas Packard,. Aim eel Owen. • • I • i Orwell—Joel Johnson. .Pike—Jesse Gregory. Ridgberry—Smith B Brown, Horace ,Bmcbman, Calvin T Covell. • Roine=L 8 Maynard. - South Creek—Timothy Brockway, Bamui4 resin gall. . r" Bbeibilittin-41eyen - Bidlaek, Wm. ' B Campbell, U. E Horton. Gay , Smithfield—Crel Faintish. • ; Springtield—Deonison Gates. Standing Stone—Thomas Scoonoyer. Towanda tp—Wm. Gregg, James Nestor Francis Watts. Towanda boroW K Walker. Troy tp—Wilber Baker. Ulster—Wm. McCarty, James Van Dyke. Warren—SaMbel Drown. ficcOarli Athens tp—Cherles McDanie. Alhert Tater, John Watkins, jr, John Wolcott. Albany—Augustus Sterigeri. Burlington—LAgney, Wm. Hall, Jeseph 'Hilton. Canton—Robert Lilley, John Lilly, J W Van Dyke. Columbia-t-Leinuel Mosher. ' FranklinSatittel, Miro, Leroy--Samuel Bockakell. Pike—Myron Stephens, Simeon Ti Ronte—John Mist, Hezehiah Tots Ridgherry—William Buck., Springfield—Bernard Newell, Na;] 'Smithfield—DOM Macon;Harvej Moody. - Sheshequih—charles.Horton. Sianding H Van Nest. Troy tri=Samael Allen, lI F Lob " boro—Leander Hickock. Towanda tp—liarvey. Kellogg. " boro-t—H Shalt. Benj. Ulster--Gny Tracy ' Wysoz—J M Coolbangh. Warren—Chsrles James: . Tante *US: Athens bcittods.Asa Dedustos. A Gores , Athens tis—Psilet, Sable ' Albany-14s IVlatoheirs.' Barlingtoi—Kneelt Charles ElSoutong Callen F Colambitt.. - Atyron Baliard, lasi Durell—Wms Cole. Franklin-5 0 Ridg*ay, Henry,. Herrick—liit4slVoOd. Monroe--Sleven Shiner. Orwell-:Rich F&LIotL Pike-41alloeryiett. , Spriaghili--Hdrty - Aelay. ' South Critelt-4very Bmithfiedid—J! 14 Gerould, mama Towanda horo:=0 D Bartlett.. re' Troy tp—brvill Johnson, Ebene tilster=Thornas seolt4 Aytts. Windham-0 S earner, John Wilmot--Ichabod Carson. _Wtirren-441exander Dewing, Ja, :Wyalasittg—T. M Hewitt. Wysoz—Win D Strope. 2000 rru.24 sca2,F. QI-IiNGLES, and nom& vri 1.) highest !ties will be paid-in -r i NE care epying style tralleaki .W.mal Palo leaf Het, at " 11DILASTING PO 'intElt.-4 de?, by ' ' (18 MON .MILANNEL for: Ladies• Sseki ..josvreaeived and for -age - by^ Der.46,11350.-:_ ' O. ECM 00.441seltaisOulitiploti itednoef, s 14141 imairielLiniPto_now .4ffRIIMIIO% mattivizooKlnutznii Thsersand '4l.4loittit wilt 6b paid ark.' -•••- Ateniiii*Trosomil'ob.-% 18494 • ;At T4. ls Doe from Worrirgir. et id. , .30-t9O Due on dutriterfiii:lB49; 280 . 'lreed - or 11:ksodoliciOglie.hte toilworn( 7 `40 , -.88 Atnoout orohndkate „.1 ‘11 . 71 RerOlooo for Haase for ' „- -,••• .-Orders iseitA t0.085k • • • 969"60 • "1111311145 • - ' ' 1171 9 nutiTv gal • Work - dOne.on stre s ets4od rids 64 Eryetisor:or Donnish Dbielsois;;; . -*/ 50 - Pnotiog ainnial - repitt; dLe. ••- 4'-00 ksaticatee*.- ;,511,711 Clerk's salary.„ , 26,.00 'Elervintnotiee of - fipl4 . ' 8 3 06 BOA* and - • ' ' I: 00 Ordencrettimed , stresnadlsd; = • t :1138 , 18 Exoneratioas, to Ww..Driggo oo dup. Car 3,444 . 14. 1t14911. -. •. • ' • 'Skit Of: Doe from Woodnaff;onludet, - • ' FOOS Brims, «)Ileet. for: 191 Doe on di3plicete kte too., 33618% , ,••• Amount 9 '28483 3$ • - . , - . sonopor,ouni"s. Oars outstsnairig FebL, 2, 11150, " /Slued in 1850.. ' Returnarssir eastoalla rib. 27, IBA 'Uois*din P0b..27; t roue, Balance in treuury►, 1850, Reel rif D ! Vond k, ad. for 1849: &Geiger, coiledor for 1548'.. ." 195 "W. A. Cbarnberiin j cot. for 11151 X 291 - 00 A.:D'OmdilToueltiate Treanor. 7.0* I. Ralson seppoet of Nestor. transient pauper. $ lO.OO Funeral expenses of same,, • ~,,, . 750 J. Ifetnaly, support of Gee. :Snowden, pauper.. 4 .00 Funeral expenses of um*. - ' • 2 . 5 Henry Butler for keeping pauper, , --•-, • ' '6 88 T.o"Dal.kseping Ure..rolay dy-blis./11'Adasos.40 30 Was. Werner, keeping _ l • do. do. 99-00 Relief of .folut Robinson, tr ansient pauper,. ' 563 F.. Whaling; support of iransieat pauper. 17 00 Stage fare of transient pauper. . 1-00 Funeral expenses of - Wm. Conley, trans-paup. 400 do. Little, , , " 5 ST . ~ Temporary relict of blind pioper, - 400 0: K. Ladd, Physician, • ' ' ' 15:37 Relief of Mrs: Dennis. transient pauper, ' , 6 - 00 T. O'Day, support of Mary Brown, - do. 625 Mts. Warner, ` ,l ' Catharine Dagen, ,_ do. 287 Wm. Mix, temporary relief for di. too • do . Pom master foe 1850, 10 OD 0. D. Bartlett, • do._ , _.6„ 30 Exonerations to V..A.Chamberlin, col. for 1850;11 2,6 Amount in Treasury, - 0112 g 9 Duo from Athol., township. • • *6 56 i i.. " J. E.A.feiger,* 'olltsuor, IB4k . . R : .99 /1 D. Vanderm , Collector, 1849. 39 16, • a Mr. A..Clusm ,rlin,collidtor, 1850, 211='08 We, the undersigned, Burgess And, Town Conseil of the Borough Of Towanda, do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct statement of the Beeeipni ind Expenditures ot. said Bonmitt, front the Stief Fawns. 1 79 1860r-tro 1402114 day of January, 1851. WILLIAM ELWELL, Bargees% -,Town Council lon* •liiintittitri v :1 C.M. M.D.• Miner/it, Aitlat—OAN. &arr. Clerk. • INPORTERS' AND' JOBBERS,' Ltbeitty - fitreetatew *ark: .• illetweetrßroadvray an Nab= 1 - ARE.now teeeirrings rich ind beautifulasEntineet of Fancy Silkorrid Millinery Goods, to whichwe would particolarly invite the attention of , all Cult Purchasers, Iced will Make it in Oblect for thenlei to give us a call, as. We are determined to Will - our asset for Cub. lower than ever tiltrotor:diked hrthis_merket. Milliners can supply themselves with 'every article in their liha, it about the cost or liimottatfori or Auc tion prices: Many of out goods ate manufactured expressly'fortauf own gals, and canna' be surpassed for beauty or low. prices. Rich Mined Cep Ribbons, o large variety. Silks and Satins for Bonnets. Crapes; Crape Lisses.Peritions and Illusion Laces. Trimmings for Hite, Capwand Dresses, Jenny Lind Ceps, and Party Opera Head Dresses. Embroidered Copes, Collars, Cuffs, and Chemisetts. Embroidered Edgings & Insertmgs, Swills do Muslin. , Thread, Brussels, Valenciene, Silk and Lisle Thread Laces. Embroidered, Revoke end Plain Csmbrie Cloves — and Mitts, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thtead end Sewing Silk. - -\ Sc arfa,.Cravats and Them Mira. ' Swiss, Jaconett, Book Muslins, and Ilishop_Lewns. - Embroidered Damask and. Plain Canton Crepe Shawls. A full assortment of Straw Goods. , -French and American AttOcial FloWers. With a large.vatietv not Mentioned above. ' All wishing to avoid paying long pricer will mike money by calling and satiefying themselves. January. 1851. aylor. ..send4 an Potter, Mufti; Ulysses GRE AT ACCIDENT As befallen tilt nietthinlailh consequence of the H subscribers basing, revived No. 3, BRICK ROW nearly opposite . MercUri. with d large and general a.- solteant of PALL & WIlliT F R GOODS, especially adapted to the,toten anti enbntry trade, consisting of Dry (look, Groceries Crud:cry, Glass , ware: Paints. ) -011s J)yes , idxtikr, • . Boots 4. Shoes: Liquor, homisi UM lirgesciti, Alfred I - , AU Of which. the sub:miler flatters himself, that from atlexperienev of drieen year* in the business be can. end *AI eeb as cheep de any other establishment ill. Towanda. Ladies and gentlemen are most respect, fitly inaited to call and examine my stock. 07 Most kinds of Country Produce takes► change for goods, and CASH paid for Lumber. JANIES B. PHINNET. Towanda, Hetober 12, 1950. ritatio chnls. Nash. GNI 'fir ARRIVAL OF FASAIONABLE JEWELRY! WARNER has just received from , the city a 11.'tar¢e tind-splndidassottment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sri., of the those faglinnable styleti, to which the attntion of ladies and gentlemen is invited. and which will besold at prices to defy competition. A fargO t4ssortmeni of Clocks and Panty Gonda of the lowest rate Oetoher 10, 1850. 1 Niles. civil Powel er Pomeroy. atner, CENTRAL STORE .! es TibbNatte, jr. AT , N. BETTM has lust received a fresh end Gene= s rat stock of Fall and Winter Goods. whielt ha Wren to lb° public at low prizes. as .4cap as As elkiap cal, for rash orvnost kin& of proluro. - ' In* his stocTr will' be fiend a good assortment of Ladies' Dress Condi and Trimmings, snitable foi the season, nisei a splendid araortment of Shmila; linen and cotton Taws, French mirk collars and cuffs. .tadiest Gentlemen's, Boy's and Children's Book & sattoilt. atreat variety. fEt on uknii aad r pmmti nt litetiß ; ift f 4.. te4 for 4hieti the tual at' PHINNEV's. Habi also' liecbcat The) goo 4 people of. this *tillage and akin;ty Ire in. l itod to call atatexamine for thomseleep befor'Pt Teat& ittir s elsewhere, he feels aaaarea that he cattratiaf)rthem alma itiatiti , or van atia mew. Toleinda. N0•v,.12; 11350.• . • " keis'lßlei ill Pow o NYEt3I4 !:. ry . . - iicii - allitkti ''„...1 . : D a tIARTI.ETT: 10 teeimii sup* . rinr stied. 1:10,11.14k. C AIN DLEI§ .ale by • MONTANYES St CO. . • . - ,f • szysrnmrust. AMMNi - FREEMAN, HODGES; 81, COy NEW GOODS AT THE 0333 33, $1;12.10 '263.'60 0476 70 103 18 $292 62 # 28 25 AO 00 6359 841, 6247 5% am