Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 29, 1851, Image 2

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114'leree IFiëil
"whim nw Pm. %Ng .11.1110 r./
Towaids, Batarday, Nmh 29, 1851.
Tema@ Ott eft 4
1 50 tifit_atlinoli-lirptdd_wittoll .Iho_Yefir $0 eentS win
120 eloduca—tor cashpoint actually i advance 51 00 will be:
.0•110•11 Marque /rot lifer Iwo Y an, unless paid for.
' lesainertne . :Outs. pee square of tit hues. eft, cents for the
/pt , and 115 cent/ for each subsequent insertion.
Er Ocoee to the “ Union Block." nonh side of the Pilaus
!guar% oast door to die Headhunt Hold. , &ankle, Wiriest
moms. Adieus' and Earclfs lair of '
inelvldtul Ll.Dlllly.
The gross franis disclosed by~ the invemigation
of the affairs of the Susquehanna . Comity Rank, 'as
exhibited by the liepolt orthe Commissioners,
- mart startle every reader, sad 'satisfy him how ut
terly hopelessit is, under our present system . of
Banking, to gourd community,frorn the perpetration
bf'aimiter outrages, and prevent extensile losses to ,
arose who can illy afford to bear them:
The history of Banking, atat Present managed,
'Awe how the 'confidence of cominunity is liable
'MIAs displaced--how hopeless it is to trust to men
ordinarily upright ansitonscientions in transacting
businesi with their neighbors, when exposed to the
iemptittonetritli which a loose and irresponsible
system of Bankitig besets them. Experience has
proven that apparemtly no station or rank or charac.
ter is proof to the;seductive influence ; that few men
hive Sufficient nerve indinoral convige to check
and frown upon,"the beginnings -orr,uscality which
finally * trweep outward in a mighty torrent. In.
^thistutem have been found alike the judge and
thq culprit—the saint and the sinner. However.
upright and tonemble men may' have' been before,
the moment the Legislature grants a charter foi a
Bank, they appear to imaginethey hairs a patent
which.legalizes all their doings, and either deliber
ately plot to plunder the public ) or heedlessly, rush
into spechlations and transactions' which eventuate
in Prodneing the same result, and which are moral
ly, arid Should be legally, placed upon a footing. ,
,Engrafting the principle of Individual Liability up
on the charter of theio institutions would do much to
make them more tolerable, (if we must be cursed.
with the evil) and would tend to protect and pad
commenity'frorn snob excesses, by making it 'the
interest of every stockholder to have an insi,ghl into
the aflairs;and a knowledge of the standing of the
institution with which he is connected. As at pies
ent :conducted, thb management of the Bank is con-
Oda in, or usurpid by,4 few individuals, whose
'standio,l; or wealth,'or assurance gives them , the
opportunity, and wheigenerally manage to reap the
" lion's share of the 'profits, while the poor outside
stockholders and the confiding public are plucked
The Bank of Susquehanna Cooney shows in an
eminent degree how greatli, our Banking system
needs thoroughly reforming, or at least that some
salutary provision like Individual Liability should
.be incorporated in every case in a charter when
granted. Such a provision would \ have prevented
that gran] swindle, the surplus stark .
The gentlemen who subscribed sci large an amount
of stock, would hardly have considered it safe to
have been personally. reponsible lot an equal
amount. It would
s have prevented -the '
,Mann &
Thompson loans. Most certainly the men who
would authorize or permit such disrephtable
cial transactions, should be legally resposible to the
community, whose rights they so , flagrantly outrage
Men are'not.apt to loan hundreds of thousands of
dollars to unkedwo and irresponsiWe men, and
without security,when transacting theieprivate heel
_nes., and the Director of a Beek, who will sane
lion directly such scandalous departures from legiti
mate and honest banking, or- pennit hiinself to be
coaxed. or wheedled into it, in open violation of the
by-laws of the Bank, is answerable to community,
dinet to law, and should meet a merited, rebuke.
Some prevision should also be made for winding
the affairs of broken banks. The way the thing
is managaLgenerally, though perhaps profitable to
some, is extremely unprofitable to the public. Ihe
anxious mourners who see the thing interred, only
teem desirous that the memory of the .departed
should be forgotten—that the public should become
reconciled to their loss and permit
_its remains to
sleep unmolested. All inquisitivenessis summarily
. checked. The proceeds of the defunct are probe:
bly fn good hands, and if fifty or sixty thousand
dollars are embezzled, what matter, provided ,a
share is distributed' • in the neighborhood. The tears,
and sorrows.and sufferings of penury and toil, what
matter they, if those who usurp their sweatstaine;l
.earnings flaunt in luxury, and makest least ashore
.of princely . wealth 1 What is the groan 'of a star
sing soul worn With want, in the icale against the
wishes arid dukes of a pampered knitting This
baninc, like leeches upon broken banks, stacking
its blood while a donate' the assets reinains;shonld
be pnt an end to.. When an institution Jails, the
assets should be placed in the bands of a Receiver,
and be applied towards the payment of ilepdsitots,
bit .holders and stockholders, instead of going to
swell the coffers of those whose acquisitiveness is
,greater.thaa their conscientiousness.
We do not know that a perfect system of Bankv
ilagean be devised. One based on paper-money
eertairdyeannot, from its very nature. It ht in . the
commencement an illusion ;or more-plainly a
eherat. - Ailisandations are laiJ in error, It. super-
swatters metier built in crime.. Engraved papa
can be bat the, represesialion of money—its value
is not teat but, imaginary. There can be no secu
rity that whai for thousands may not to
morrow be - valueless—a pretty memento of the hal
lucination under which the possemor has labored
terhaiis a gratifying remembran c e Of haconfidente
in this iniquitous and unreal system. *hat had r its
origin in the inconvenience - of tmnapating large
quantities of the 'precious *elate, when comineni
cations were far more dilficult than' now ; which
arose for the conyenienee of tranetetingtusinerst at
great distances, has now apparently become en in
-salable necessi•y, end Paper -matey ins been
,made, greatly to the exclusion of the metals, the
circulating medium of the country. , Bank after
blink is charteied, with full privilege to manufacture
ii / own.fatoney, and privileged like thii Susque
henna Ciiuniy concern, to.flood the country withitit
issues, while its !auks are absolutely empty of
what is the gluts lesitiinve b:041 of.banking opera-
Trot iliataii i liking teatleitey 'inch a cimincy,
the corrupting influence of such instiiiiicus, is al
4iTittiate failikaY ittrailter hydrefittt
-I)(*it c"! 4 " 6 " 144100 d Itie l 4 o th?:, 4 v°o•ten o
012anninuttitY• weak. human - - iseitte cart
acaluely withitand a** tetnratkir peerage
rrolthe legOzed,sseteni 'or swindling- to!mile
tnilltant Phi") ifitt.*iiiii dies . einStittigitandn
--requires no great era* * end the ealwietire
loihariri*the owsinosbellifigneaedie. lbs
other. It Ise Critical position, la trying oldest, in'
which to tilaccranY man.- Fear cormlont
Ad. _And the Inithennt while it incory,tes
inithation upon the betght ofthe Bonttehanne Faintly
Bank, is Acting a n infeintrittielnititylto_eediety!ied
mn!!/.!!tort.443tiLlATODßffidticeTel l 4 o . !Plods
talai4niiiirr and erehelitentem
?neer Dims Cumin ' Emma
-Is.isc Hat, of Newllainpabire, died at Wruddrig-;
too, on Saturday; M. llifi'liostr t :Esq., at • Kew
York, on Batattlay ;- arid IcfneS:St ten ii, Eq., Rt
Balfithore,-On - TridaY.' Mr. Fiti.r. had 'been'ill for
years', and Major Nose died of a strokeof pally.
Mr Srbinair was the editor of the Plough; Loom.
cni - Anitif, and has been' 'connected with the press
for many yeans, having held several-Proininent po
sitions, among thernyostnisster of Baltimore, and
Assistants PostmasterVineral. -
are now busily engaged in laying the rails•on,the
Central road, telWeenlohnstown and Lockport, in,
Westmorelanil county. It is expected that the cars`
will be running West as far as Lockport, which i s
twentplix miles East of Greensburg, by the let of
July next • It is belieied that the rdad Will be com
pleted to within eight miles of Grtiensbby the
Ist of October. , The; heavy cutting and tunneling
at Greensburg are probably prevent; the Pittsburg
Post sap, the me from 'running throughlr;Pld
bidedptiii to Pittebsig hermit the spring of .
Ottr- Gen. Gcoaac MeDor* died at *o'clock,
A. BrI.; on Tueidaf, the 11th •inst:, at the residence
of Richard Singleton, Esq., in Supter county, S. C.
Gen. MoDums- had been an invalid for several
yeari,'suffering from a eofiening of the Willow
mime kindred disease, which not only destroyedhis
physical strength, but seriously impaired his men
tal vigor. •He held for many years a very promi
nent prwitton in the South, and has "opted as Go
-vetoer of and'United States Senator from South
Qtr- The annual meeting of the Bradford County
Bible Society, will be held in Towanda on thoeve:
ping of the second Tuesday (fith) of April next.—,
It is very desirable that the several - pastors is the.
County ; and others interested in the cause, be re
sent on that occasion, and co operate •in measures
to have. the County hilly explored a/misapplied
with the sacred scriptures.
Mcapsaza CON'itCll3): The jury in the ipso or
Marlin Pe!ler, tried atCirwig,sharg for the murder
of his wile, ia Schuylkill Haven, some months ago
rendered a verdict, on Thursday, of guilty of min•
der in the Arst degree; Sentence of death !ae hi
mediately passed upon him. The prisone r made
quite a long speech to the Court and jury, acknow
ledging the murder, but alleging that be Committed
it in a temporaw fit of insanity.
Ne® Harsesmaa.—The state of rarties in the
Legislature just elected will, according to the Con
cord Patriot, be as followti—Lnemocrits 137; Whigs
and Free Soilers ,130, Atriood Democrati 13. The
new ConstiutiOn, formed by the. Convention during
the past winter, and submitted to the people at the
recent State election, lot their sanction, has been
wholly rejecte.l, by a very decided vote.
Q - The Columbia Democrat comes tow with
unmistakeable signs of prosperity manifest in its
new suit. We we rejoiced always to see our
brethren of the puns in prosperous circumstances.
THE Suns NIONUMINT...rThe COlitillet for the
erection of a monument over the remains of the late
Govenior Stnnew,has been awarded toThomas Bar
gvave, \Martge Mason, of Philadelphia. The mo
nument is to be put op eithe 4th °fluty next.
News of the Week by the Telegraph.
Destmetiv• Sire at thalas.
Busouswrortildarch 22.—A hre which occurred
at Union last nigh!, destroyed Abe "Union Hotel,"
and several stores:, The,loss is estimated at $lO,.
000, partialy insured.
Outrages la St. Lativiivaeo County.
ilrws, March 22.—A number of pensons,dinui
sed and with sisupply of'tar and feathers prevented
the officers from selling property levied on for mill
rary Thls sale was stopped, and the officers
Vessels Destroyed by Mee. Are.
WILTIUORS, Much 22, 1851.—The'Swedists ship
Jenny Lind, arrived here, reports that the ship Un.
ear, of Boston, from Baltimore for California, was
totally destroyed by fire off the Falkland talaed. '
The bark Waldron, el &oats, from Biltitmne,
laden with Cumberland coal, was destroyed by Ore,
caused by spoistame3usr.ombustion oil the Falkland
Confident topes ate mow expritied that the 'blip
itctbenit will. be Thii bark Parestini. and
cargo, it is believed, will bet a.toird loss.
Nassau, (N. P.) papers of the' 13th inst., receiv
ed at Charleston, state that the hark Enclora of
Eastport, amenity abandoned al lea, having been
run into ; was brought into Wassail by wreckers.—
Her carp, consisting of ;agar and, molasses, was
but dOtly ilaespiL .
. ~
The IlltsalsssysAreersor of m aims, e..
BALTIIIIOI Z, bla re 22 .—TbeSoutherif Mail hie
s i k
arrived with New Orlean s -dates to the 15th i ,
by which we leant that theMiesissippi river w
very high ; it was deemed expedient 4o d
out tomes, to strengthen the lercie,, , •
The Viiginhilegislature yestenlay elected Col.
JOB. Johnson, of Harrison County, as Governor.
A series of resolutions were ` presented to ihelorr
er House, of the Virginia Legislature, yesterday,
sympathrsing ivith South Carolina, but agreeing to
the rfquirements oldie compromise, and pledging
suliport tb the Union : also denouncing the late
conduct of Vermont. - They were,'Fin mottos, laid
on the table. - . 1
COoper, who shot fire men at Poitsmonth, Vir
ginin, a few days eince L bas been bald to bail..
Jenny Lind at . At. Louk.
St:tours, March 22.--Jonny _Lind has created
great excitement here, and , her stay has been pro.
longed". The tickets, tor her cootena overage WI
Idate and taaportasit fraa Tuteatike.
NSW ORLICAIIIS, March 2 , 1-6 Seven days hoer
I news from Yucatan has been received ;.The.con.
ditinn of the country liras deplorable. A conapira
, cy bait lions' discovered in
.Meiridi to manacle
every one burn the , tobra:= It *as,' howeveri
hustnitetlkand the leaders arrested and etecuted. •
Aiise — *tetilk iisei raiiiiiicar s eve.%
„a W im. U. S .11A0a. tsysenslup Franklin i ,„Captam 1.
A'. elton, ham 11*0 te and Cowart, moved
,M Nese
Voßi. rer S - meaty eflerason, 14 daylOassaio.
left:oore* Martis Oh . at _ti P;BI.,4Pis 'Weal 01-
a 6 A.: on on Sicily bland,lawdtiattlaskt'
-slip Arishiagton, for SoothamOma. Famed tau*
ber olktelielp betWiett lat. 411 and 60, and Imi,'4ll
mid 5t - March 'solb, it' Iti 'P. ht.,lul.' , t!i $2,
km. 65, 12, paused the stesmubip Partiem, tame for
- Theirs. It'rigidillCCiiiiAliiiVilitalifitkrai
eentributions to the Great Industrial Exhibition, was
hourly Soathanitiktririiheit' - theirrant t,
lin tailed. ' A grand .. banquet was to be given on
"the - leth Araieli, by' the Mil* find 'COriloration'or
smithampon , to yir , .1; R. lkey, 114 Si Corisolid
%ilia*. ' - The Wilcetwol the StAsiwietioi wilUtti-
Ale waited. ‘
The King oiSPain is sllWPriti; iiiilinitinieti - ot
shooting, and -refuses: to -, velum: to Madrid , Datil
ch_u aresoade irk the ogicials of the, palace, sup.
thhe too., fiivonilil to Ocri..Piervkies k of tow
complaisant towards ibe - Queen." ' '',. . '''
Thiltrolon Times: c utins the - dehata 'in Par
liament of the preceding ight, in which Lord' ohn
Ewell announced , the , Ili ratnine he Wended to
adopt iii.condriciini the iciness of, the 'country . ,
\ a
under the cheetomenees o is rtfall'lp power.
- Thellnhe otWeilington having recommended
Queen 'Victoria :to recall- , td lohn...Roftsell, to:
gether with lite ageociotes .itt, the ,hlinistry on tic
eonnt ?f the Inability ot ,I:ord ,Stanley to form an
odoilmskrtioti, the Whig preinter , had ' again ,re
-stuitirl 'fbe.reitts of power, anti no . alteration in the
soustrUstrrat;ofthe Cabinet waslikely at present to
take place. The W hig , Ministry is uterely*mai
dered,,enst .of transition. The Papal Aggression
Bill was to mitigrgo various modifications A new
Budget was to' he brought in, and it was considered
,likely that Sir James Graham„.l4ord, Aberdeen and •
other statesmen of the Peel party, wouid;eventually
loan a erudition will) the Whig government. , ,
The English Poiremment - have undertaken to
provide a sum which - will furnish about ;26 10026,
of the Polish and:Hariars .refugees who have
just arrived at:Ljvetp oot let the par'
rise PrPaYieg their. Palmas 0 All/erica. -) 0
, .
In Lombardy, the Austrians array, amtembag
20,000 . men, is congregating an the fthedir of
Piedmont. It is said that intertilenaPf Austria
- ate to force Piedmont' to withdraw Mr support
from the political refugees, •and to prevent Bimini
from attaining Nexus within the filaila 0110 king-.
Fastice--& the National ifsesibly.m.We
bun no cause this week to. complain of th, Min-
Wresting eh:meter of the proemlinp of the Defia•
lative Assembly of Prince. The motion of Jr:
Cretan, which we elleded to last week, is find ni
come on last Saturday, had given nee to one of
thaw scenes that nicilled to mind: the most. violent'
tarnish which disgraled the wonsidays of the Con
vention. Akin an interesting debate on Friday,
epee granting= extraordimuy . eredit far the main.
tentage of the army of occupation in Roine,sad do
ring which the Benspartista, mitt Legitimists came
in for, their Joe share of reproaches for employing
this republican Troops of France to put down repot).
lioanion hi Italy, eriattempt was made to postpone
M. Cretan's motion for three days; but, upon a di
vision it was determined to- take the discussion
..on the following day, by a majority of 810 votes to
The - result surprtsed every body, and M. Thienr,
with his- rew friends of the Mountain, who were
divided upon the qaesrion,entertained hopes- of
bringing back !Prince de Joinvilte and the Count
de Paris, with a view,-perhaps, to contest success
fallylhe next presidential election. The Legiti-
mists, strangely enoog,h r oppteed - the repeal of the
laws which doomed the Bourbons to perpetual ea-
ile, under the impression that bythe return of the
members of elder surd younger branches to e France
Orleanists -might have the advantage. In this
state of prudes-the debate was determined nixel.-i--
M. Cietbri moved the repeal• of the taw, end M.
Berryer opposed • it, under the shallow pretext that
it would divest the exiled. prince's , of a, portion of
their dignity, and lower their ~personal position.—
The Government opposed the motions ' M. Tigers
and M. Piscatnry were the chief promoters of the
measures, although they did not speak. The issue
Of the debate, was still doubtful when M. Dare Da
fraisse mounted the Whims.
I The-reompound of the bloody Jacobin St. Jot,
Creation, and Cabot d'Hetbois, with compressed
lipi, pale head, intense expression," sund resolute
accent, while a hundred- double fists threatened
him with personal vengeance, exclaimed, " that
those who mootnmeittled pity, were Royalists, and
enemies of the Republic." A violent scene en
sued •; the Whim was unwounded by indignant
inembere all \ enseing the endanntell favorite
of Ledro Rollin who followed up his taunt by re
belling to mind ghat the grandfailiwof the mows
whose bass' they wanted to repeal, voted for
The king' h. 9 Th e Amembly shuddered, end I
,shouted, M. Benyer,..Recing his way through the
lorowd; reached the tame, and was listened to
"whilst he indignantly branded the sentiments of
M. Dufrassie as " detestable." M. Thiel*, Remit
sat and Placatory °felt sure of success, and. that the
'Chamber, out of dislike to M. Dufressie, would
have voted the repeal. But no; M. Berryer stop
ped short, and moved that the debate should be ad•
jonmed for six months. M. Threes end - M. Picea.
tory became furious, they tried to awed the danger,
but M. Royer, the Minister of Justice, having ac-
cepted this offer, the adjourment was carried, and
the vote of the reversed. The Paris
journals have since been felt al descriptions of the
reappearance of the " pale ghost of Robespiere "
in M Dofrassie ; and altogether the scene, seems
to have been more disgraceful than any which rte.
curled in 1818. General Narvaez was present du.
ring the whole of the proceeding. 'Paris is tranquil
and the populace engaged in the amusements of
NOIIWAS Popular Disturbances--Democratic
riots have taken place in Swedsrvand Norway.—
The students at Upsal University have paraded the
streets singing revotianary songs, and their as
sembhtges have been pat down by the Military.—
At the same_period, in some of the towns of Dron•
(helm, the - Socialists and Democrats have risen np
against - the aothordies, who had imprisoned one of
their leaders, and they werejtkfull insurrectionary
movement at tbe latest date.. '
FRO* CAPE OT GOOD Hors—Vie Kaffir War.—.
The former accounts of the breathing out of a war
with the Kea" is confirmed.. Rebellion has been,
up to the present time, the most ( bloody, and of
more fearful character than say preceding
oaths lisp side has bees great.
• The loss of likt
The whole of the beide istricts are abandoned.--
The English Goeimior, Sir Harry Smith, has pro
claimed that it shall be a war of entertateation, and
hat sent to the tale of Velem for More troops. The
Rea Mr. .Bryant, the American Missionary died
Pte.. 231 •It is presumed Mat- this war will not
endanger Me Amerwan missions, although the Lon
don Wesleyan and Scotch Missions wilt suffer se:
rerely. Sir Harry Smith, the English Geremor ? at
the East etsMniets was near : the frontier, assembling
an army, wbieh would soon *mama to to, o 9onten.
The Dutch beets were assembling rather reltimintlsr.•
Those ofthe Colimisis who were slack in reemiing
(0 fight. were, without ceremony henderover to a
goad Marshal.
• CHURCH DMITROTIED —Ma Tuesday morning; the
rool and part of the walls of the Spring Garden
Presbytentm Church ' , (Rev. Dr. AlcDowett,'s)
gave wayand fell with a tremendous crash. An
accomnlation of !MOW • upon the roof trissibe hums.
diate cause of .the accideat, although it witemainly
attributable lotto income manner m which he
Churrli was built. No one was injured: , but had
the falltectured ciU a - Sunday, the loss of lifei wait]
have bees terrible. ,Thediumage is about $l5OOO.
Dossavcrprz Yam—Early on Tuesday morning,
the Aesimldy atthe ca rn et of Tenth and
CheitnniStreet, PhiladOphis, was entirely destroy
ad by -:It was a'opadwas edifice, 'use .stories
bigh;:creupie . FinoyStotes below, and the - pp.
poestotilaavd-for.isdls, exhtbititms,
r'n. • : J 7.
Slat* - stAmaigorilL''' •
. ,
etersAPhiPWQ >With the.' Wills heeke'ali•
hglige t _ o 4 o s o 4-"Alea 8441144fIskinds,
_mrifred at
NMI Yoik on Suuntayitionung, This Obiatimaght
Gni; bandied iiitd A l / 4 gemootsi;idso, sasiooo,
lasi* don from : and 11Pfaxt **in
friss ifikvrthisit* . •
There was moth estilesnaut au the Whim coca.
ke aimed be set ettainicig that a patty of towelling had
ntealhotikeeLientiwe4- 4 ,1 6 1W1 11 ,w0r
&SI Chagreiiiii Parimita. - _
peel OA. ielkwinit 'Balla or the IMO'
Thome . MeDeratol, '274 OreenwicVat. l ,-New,
York Joseph. B" 3l4ll §h uitgi ll:PM 4 : 34 De o 4 llll
Ilmaiins:Ntiii. (irk; itinarinsnittlit
Pepin; John W. Steele, Waterloo, Indiana;
Catharine Cameron; men named Patrick.
When the Ohio left auirtS lout persona, had
biniiiimeinek all CruileigemansOuid wervilit chits
confinement. : Armed "parties were out in ell abets: :
Lions, in search olthe mtuderent.', One'of: the per
' sena arrested her confessed the minder.. ' "."
The purport of his confession being; that the
boat's crew, Ore in number,
_with the boats of a
widow, a native of Chagrel,.were taking nine Po*
'tenger* up th e river, among them two women and
three children that k, crew wished' AMU to 'stay
the night at &talismans's, but were forced by ,the,
passengers to. go o
n quarrel ended in a
stru g gle, in, th e course of which the skull one of
the passengers wescrushed " bya blow of an oar.
lip to this time it" rows not-itiCir intention id kill ;
but then 'they began:in earnest the.wodt ol death;
and after-. daspatching,Lifie`men, with oars, they
poignard the women and children; that they:then
rifled 'their packets and baggage urthe murdered
passengers, and ran the boat into the river Undid;
that he who conlesse . d,charged the' ether " Man on.
der meat witk mildew and directing the murder.,
The U. S. Frigate Savannah, waved 44:Panama
the ithlestv iu SPrt.i 4 beileY4i hete F4irt•
• Lyritan Auden,- a' palm 'man'.front' Boston,
was murdered blamarkrtaalad. .MaClate, at Pans
ma, owthe 22d of February. -
lomat Durressalloloo-67 ra v iaas - arriTil
witted a report oft second engagement b etween
the party of Savage and Indians.' • The part'' intim
of it are Brea in the
following extract hem ,
a - Weir
dated Fibta e ry 42, • • • ' •
" I have rotn. received an acconatolSenge's
wad expafithm, Whieh ['think you Can rely,' upon.
Savage started front Ague Frio, with 210 nieti.;--
Oa the road Savage s stanetV ahead - With seventy
men, to moonnoiter, leaving the balance ot hiskome
With hlej.,Bume, ',They were .to meet at Fine
Gold . Gutch. 'Savage wasted one day at that place,
'bit Maj. Barney not rip ~he want with his•
small tome in pursuit ef 'the! Indians. In the eve
rotate surprised a, line knee; And bad a skirmish;
the Indiana retreating. Neat morning 211' Savage's
mon look the Indians' trail,„ came pp with them
and hillsd ten and wounded' thrty. The Indittes:
retmaie4and Savage's parte.teturned. Maj. Bur;
no v o poly rewired without efflictint anything...
The rbi.ny five men dith by Savage , on
' relummg
f rom his tint expedition', a( Fort Frizine, took forty
eight mules t:lrn a party or Indiana 'after Savage
left them. • - •
- A letter from ..Los Aagelos, dated Feb. 4, re'
" News has reached na that the Tntare Indians
his killed. Danton'e pan: , and Capt. &Utley's party:
Don Henrietta himself wk ii here at the time, after
more homes and provisions; rut his horses had fail
ed, and he was ander.,the nevelsity of making a•
coral at the Four creeke. There !Soma doubt
of his vagueras (herdsman) together with Captain
'Dorsey and his patty, who comlied war Dalton, or
nearby, having all' been killed atidthe .laule,dis
peraed. French's ranch was attacked by e r e same
Indians, who appear to have been several hundred
strong,. armed with bows and arrows. FortumeelY
an emigrating party of 40 Americans ware at the
ranch at the time. The Indians were repulsed with
the loos of about, forty , killed. A despatch reached
es the past,week from .French, askutg arms and
'catridges ; they were immediately, forwarded by
one of his partners; who Wee in the citykuthethite.
Thirteen men, in all, are reported to have been
massacred at the Pour Creeks." t ,
Another letter same date and place says:
"The Mahe have been la the valley within a
week past, - and drove oil Jose' Mario I.ope's
caballed*, amounting to seventr-fiwe houses. Fif-•
teen men (Paiaonos and Semmes) started in pur
suit, came upon toe Utahs one hundred miles from
the "Capon Pass," attacked them' and were re
pulsed with the loss of one man, a Sonorian, who
fell at the firm fire, piereed with five balls. Had it
not been for the donnas of the night thej b arty in
permit would have been nearly all kill as the
Walls were about filly atm% armed with ri fles and
revolvers." •
It will' be remembered that we• bad seine time
age , reports of the discovery of vmy rich ;silver
mien, beyond' the Sierra ,Nevada, This, like may
ny of the gold movies, appear, to have been sheer
humbug: ` •
This excitement shoat the Gctld Blatt appears to
have pretty mash subsided, though we notice an
occasional departure a a Tweet for the locality.—
That there is abundance of gold there, is without
doubt, but the extracting lit probably to o'i great far
the business to be profitable. '
It is repotted that there had been an affray be.
tween the Indians ,and the miners at and near the
Blues in which several of the former and two of
the tatter were tilled, and lonuor five wounded.—
Seven , warriors of the Indians were brought down
o the Bluffs where they were shot.
week under the painful necessity o announcing an
unprecedented and fatal explosion which occurred
at one of the' minesof the Pennsylvaria Coal
Co.. At Port Griffch, (two miles below this place ; )
on Friday morning last.
The explosion took place from the ignition of a
large amonm of firedamp that had accumulated in
the mine, and resulted in the death of three of the
mine.sarid the severe kiln of five others. Forte
newly no one was in the mines at the time, but
near a dozen persons were standing around the en
trance to the mine tt the time of the fadoccurrefice.
Two of the number, Messrs. Neir'site, were lestootty
kinad—ona being blown to the distance alone hue
dyed and fifty yards, and the other about fifty. A
third, Michael Ryan, was driven through the side
el the Engineonse, breaking through a fo ur by
seven inch joiee of timber;in Ins passage and yet,
strange to tell, not a bone in his body was, broken,
and his recovery, we'undennand, is considered
spate probable, being under the skilthilittention of
Dennisof this place, site, together with Or.
Halsey, ofTroy, was prornpdy on the spot, vender
ing efficient medical aid. Michael White was
40severely . injured that he died Me next day.
The Engine House connected with the mines
Waisliertially demolished,: while the fixtures at the
en trance orthe stops:add the shatteradyimbers otthe
railroad entering , the mines,: were scattered to a
prat distauce in,eveiy direction.
We, append a list of the killed. ard woinded.
Gee age 22 killed. Brothers.
-Itobt: Nesbitt,
Michael Witite,"died : lames and Jos. Speerimr,
timbers, severely , injured: Michael Bytut, severely
injured : John Jones. :wounded ; Wm, German,
wounded': Wm. &ones. slightly wounded.
• 'Me remains of the Stec: Nesbitts were sent- to
'their friends in PottswilleonSaturday hat.—Pittsfoa
A ehanielifl lynching attair t piams at Mil.
recently, =A person, named Evans was
enemata! of having stolen .5250, frorn , 'is 'iota{ in
that place, and _he was re ized , by a inob and , sus
prided-in 'boa, with a rope around hist - sec*, un
til he watt.ifead. It is said'there was not a peri l. 'ate of etufenoasigainst him.
A destr‘tive Are occurred in the -
store of
Meake.Haydectr; Oldies and Clan Ne.2lB•Pe: r
street N,Y - . on Friday evening., .3 he bUilding
fit• storied hiAtt; and itith its contents, wits entire'Y
consgrried. "The fire Visas caused , by ``combustible
' c- - .!•••• '- V,....-1,...;.:, ..„- ••' - ;.,,A-.,: .„,.:.-.",...,..........,.....
Peiriedags -of . - ,Piiit, it legislature.:
• , ..
.. .le '*-": tf, . ' s ',‘ ,= l'. 7 l :lllinit9; rii i riokl*W :
:)ii. 4i : :-plaii : 4 Me
allidrii . : ll *
litnta • ;*'' !.'; 1.,...,..
•-: L,, . ...• . .. ~ - 7 4t. 1101111 q0.4 1 t.
liteSets*, _ .. 111 1 10 . - aPaIR 40 6 #0 1 ./ 1 "...#!.
WON; ritoVidlit ... .: ' , , .1 the- final • aoppmett ef gre,
V tli ott re. leie titbit dair.itiviesdled, aid *motion .
. , . . , ..
" 11 ' ; '` r mewl
the Wei of 'ay be Ciasiticsdedi to procal,dl thl
the consideration of the bill repealing certain p i , ,
of the act to prevent kidaapprog. • -:- ;
The' thotiotiteirereject6)oB voting in the - afifo
inatimandl4ll,l4pdost W t . ;Two thirds ari requited
-.l4i4esperettlistolitriCf*Or. _ •
'BiliVeMd—Tho bj! PrOurukt. Pr ,Ilbek.gillfle ' t
%Oil et ' ; in 'Saki itt WWI tolectirir :lieeirii:V
Icenski ihecity.and.cOnntfitf,.PluildelphiCiiii
1, 111 -en „P0, 3 ,i 5 9 12 . 1 00. Ai Jpesths,4 B l l l tiler*
umnorottekon mango,. i -, r• ,: ". :: . :,.i ~. •
`'"'The'brakisibenea Raifroildfik-4he bilttegcei•
~ .iionktoit:eSosquehinhe Reamed 'Company 'contr.
up on , coed, reading , the question :pending 'being
opon.l ente4Oelmen, illersajty'hfr. Persyth k .trp
strike biiit the proviail authorizing the .cortnecitow
with , the' York Ord' . tirobe,itand.'.lleikotoi; ;Ilie ,
antendotetititatie rise jea -; let;l,lit''4: l . l seilOitinlr '4 l iii. ,
ding' hich the Senate adjourned;- '. ',.: •-: ..- ,; ~'.
..., 1 1furainations,for4ridgi, Speaker : laid;
befori the Senate a Fleur
; item Governor Jobe,
eO ilee to be •ta - Atieoeilte.
Judge for ]ho Court'. ftetin' Pleas of , %Yeti*
countr.:•;.. . ; !..' =:=- ,- - , -:,-,.! ~. .- . :.-...
. ,
Hones - -Most-of the session. : Wee corisoined ; in , .
_tbeepesiog the bill4ksootponMe the Peansylvantai
AarigattnratSo ct 'Va'ott.Secate squeorliitente ~t 4 Ilene,: blOtii Apf
lie g ' oast interest were ac ted :epee, when the;
Hottaadjourtietk' (<_ '''. • • ' . ' •. -.-
i ''
if , ,- ',U, B 4 a ' N‘ t 0 •
• , i ;.185 I 1. 1
siaTi.—spea—k9 — Maittii „ te l ltir QM ib • se n
ate a remonstrance front the Board df Wardens aft
the f;ort df•Philadelphia; agaiitilibra liar** ex
tension of wharves an the Distric* t of sinothwarki:
-.E4 p his, Memorial frola the Board ; of Trade of Mails
delprektive to atoodifick of the , go
Wig pilots and pitPtage:-' ~:' . 1- ' ,' ' ' ' .
~.- .dierwrigli, ritimosoreatiwisinmees, itc.....Memo•
Alla were received fronkthe Amnion Philosophic.
eat Society, remonstrating against ruiy tan being;
taiiiiipontheirptopFriy ; and one ' from "this Phila.
deligda Prison -DisetplinerSociety, in relation kilte•
Construction of prisons. \ ~.„ - -•
, Petitions from a nomberof physicians, .dentists
and_ others,. prayipg for a law incorporating the,
Pennsylvania Dental College; for the repeal of all
lags exempting certain , Property from tiiitilion;,
.±:lictm citizens ofilichmond; Philadelphia County, in.
(finror of incorporating a Bank in that Distrieq.andl
erre from the transponers on the Columbia Railroad,.
relative to a redintiOn'Of Oils.'”
Biltsiteported:.=-Thei,Committee on Interpol bit.
prnvemenis reported, ,with amendments,, the bill
providing for the,erection 41 idea' in • the Snsque
h stns river, eppottite Columbia; Also a bill to fa
ciliate the passage ef coalr arid , coke boats in the-
W,orke of the Monongahela • Navi4ation Company
[ . 1 The same Committee niponedligainst the bill to'
protect the•property,of the Commonwealth, and to=
le,galize it dam en a,, portion , of ' the Delaware river..
The Jedieiary Cominittee reported .a bill relative•
to county prisons.. TheNII is intended to remedy
the many niriposevils, wlnch:now.impede the full
seceeis of oar present syem of • prison. disciplipe.
The Susquehanna R t
ail ;.—h m
e Senate resu •
t o.
ed the consideration of t e bill to incorporate the
Susquehanna Railroad • moony. The question
pending was on Mr. Forryth,amendment to strike
out the provision authorizing : a connection with The
York end Cumberland Railroad. After some furth.
er discossionolhe amendment was lost—Yeas 9,
nays 22. and the Senate'adjaumed.
Afternoon &rsiort...-The Senate resumed the con.
r iderntion of the bill inCorporating the Susquehanna
R s dread Company, which was ppssed finally
Yea. - 21 - , nity• S. • f. ,
The bill to re.annex !the county of Montour to the
count y of I Columbia, ' was taken up and passed
th roug h the - Cornmiti of. the, Whole, and fest.
Big, pi i ,4 20 1--To" incorporate the Woodland Hill
Cemetry; ter ineorrate 'rhos Wanabnry State Line
Plank Road Compaly; a supplement to the ita in
corpongin4 Danphi3 and . Susquehanna_ counties;
the bill giving the Aidellnel• JOsliCes of the Peace,
and Cunables colictirren! jurisdiction throughont
the city and eounty of PhiiaLielphia. Adjourned.
Houss.—.The House rail cigtod to order ) ood poi
ceeded to business. . 1 _ •
Bills Altgrortsd•--Bill granting s !]irons to Dr.
Wm. Wonherill, from tsabella his wire-
Bill extending the charter of theSchly4kill
and to relied the capita!, end restore toe same by
new subscription.
Bill fora system of free Banking.
The bill repealing this low'prohibuing the circa
lation of innau notes , from other States, was report
ed with negative reaommendation.
The Committee reported adverse); to the remon
strances against selling any pan of the Columbia
Railroad ;Ind intersection; and also as the bill revi
sing the tolls on the. Colombia Railroad.
Billa.lntrroduced.--Bdl to repeal chat part of the
militia law whieh imposes a fine for non•perform
ance of military duty.
Bill relative to testamentary trustees.
Bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania Dental Col
Bill to refund to sufferers by the great fire in
Philadelphia certain shop. taxes and tavern licen
Rill authorizing:the Recorders to appoint deputies.
The Ten: Hour Late.—The bill supplementary to
the ten hoar law came tip on final passage, and
was rejected by, a tie tote, 41 to 41.
Toe House then-adjourned.
Much '22, 1851.
SIM rte.—The following bills passed an omni
bus" this morning :
Regulating elections id& district of Southwark
Philadelphia Co. ;' providing for the widening of
; relative to the election of eashiere and
sbliettora ot- Bank* in Phila. ,Cow, authorizing = the
corporation of the City, of Philad. r to.ley gar pipes
through the public highways; changing the name,
of Charles Orrick Barton Campbell to Charles . Ber
tha. Campbell; , narrowing Winfield' street in the
district of 'Southwark.;:ineorporatin,g the 'German.
town Water Company, and to continue for an Dn.
limited period, the, District Court of the city and
coenty of Philadelphia.'
The Senate 4,djoumtid withoit 'transacting any
other important twines& - • -
Holum—A memorial, slut introduced in faror of
decreasing the rates of lolls is tettes trade of the
Columbia Railroad Company. Referred id Seleit
Committee; ' • ' • ' •
Bills Rtrited —A bill relativelo foreign judge,
mesas, with amendments. A bill
,ksi the better se:
entity and flayel laborers br this' state, with a rsenal.
menus: , The bill relating twists against' hnsban4
or wile, was reported with uegativelecommenda.
tiOn. • ` • r •
Bills intrithsied.--To incorporate the Blackwood
Ccillep of Medicine..'
The bill M esiabliedi ta new departinent of &loci.
tins was liken up, discussed at length, and passed
—tetis 47inays-34. • - •
The Bill , supplementary to the act to punish se
duction and afloat a more adequate civil remedy
for injury, passed seciind reading.
The House then adjourned. •
'DV MRS. MORIMION •••••Mrllt, Planta A.
Morrison, mile 9f William A. Morrison of
.this vit.
Inge, theladp mentioned by us last week as hate.
Inken Aquaftitis through mistake, died at the
residence of her father, Alfred Williams, of the
town! of Candor, on Monday list. • The Aquafortis
contained moisture of quidailcer, and was taken
for Chloroform, which Mrs. 1%1. had been , in the
fiabil; of dropping hues decayed.tomb to prevent
its aching. liovr she tante in swallow' the tie r
- Olson we arlittot intinmed s . ..bufit mutt have been
unintended.,—OttegorGaz.. /
titian; firma all- sun
,i4lOllll-lsph Philt si Norfolk
il T ii th y be.
tur ass JIIIIMPRF els thiskiiss Masi istid_s party
f: ore triite V. V. litsserisfpro g a p
li bi sit idiwi n k l a n k ibs brier debts/oast, hr.
sli t atm gihrlitott OSP. into it** ClOWa t fareblid to
linkiondetf, spur discharged d iem
tetaklibopft Mir Wale, liobin
liuniumasThimi, ttennely sustruirw, % I s rae l
Stulantussad two , * Om The niters, *is stiti,
nomn - syskisokropikeisaritossomos
is Vow: - lis fin homstßdsriixta3 to jatiilf
Ths bail which :u gisphlo tipp et
Chsplist before. the County Vest% now sifting it
irr binto with; attervingkin kut been for ,
fe ited Whew thereon was cal led befonrthe Coon,
Chaplin was not thee to answer, and of,,co ose .
quenetrthstbsit- vow forkited:l- This.= MA, ^h,
therefore as &gills* from jusice, so& wa i t we on.
dentientl, i berdensuided bjethiGovelsor.-Boitimo re ,
Patriot' - - • • -
Tefilde or - thef.COlorailist River Tear, i re
MimpArt fu the minter Colo.
todO it sale and fortes sMl entrance into Abe Colora.
dcr River above the' Tait. Alio Colorado went T ip.
as fafacColombei t merely) to show boreal!. Th u
is a faciliry . ol iitcttic fable t elite JO, the-people of
that region, but it bits pot" "been secured without '
mach labor. ... r. • •
The U.S. Steamer %tit Witch i .Lieut. Comai.
Misaroon; whict . saitedj!Oi NOrfolk.' n t liiidayof.
last week, foitlie (talc vut;Cliaileetert, got_ back to
that port, where she Toesdey evening,
having aufrered : coinitleMbly in heavy blow o n
Sunday inighi,vpriviose ikolektiah , the engine had
'become disabled. -
Six persons escaped' zn'theijoitat Alihntown
f ti °
ion. Tuesday, by cutrinA ltole.tbreugb the ceiling '
Arco:o win* :their palled into: the Joh, escapin g
'thence by meanief their, blankets cm.' into imp l y
and used as ropes . 1414 thew Own. from the win.
John ficrward ?s i r tf; who' Was recently reCeireill
for the seitind the - entoiiittnent Of count sr
Tunis, is the anthoeitt die wordirth ee in -most pis.
past of all English swap a Florae,. t Hoax;
The music is an old Sicinisavatr r insoquated by
Dunizeni into ontfof bin fiimsteras..
, Mr. George Fcescht was se' tiously!injored near,
Small's mill, en• the'York Cumberland' Rail
road on Friday lath.' attempting tOtteptirawo ra
ear from another: he fell and was can& t elven
the two cars, breaking' bit breastbone and'
tler-blade. There is a ptibs!btliiy . or 14 recovering.
We read is a fleffitild'esPer that is the last po.
dish to a piece or cutlery, nr gieen by the hand of
riroulan.n • The same-may tar eitid ; ol'huniao COI.
host polishlo tryonng babe, is g)-
yen by hies:sizing with female' society." —P
The York '(Pa.)„Press, sayathat theexamittation
of the affairs of the defaulting county treasurer there
is going on. The extol meant cill'his-defalcation
has not yet been ascertained ) although it is knorrn
to exceed $2,0004
The nomberoilliathers al the four cheap efilablifh•
menta in Lemtoo, already exceeds 1,550 ; 000, and
the number of weinert-whq have washed anchlriell
the clothes of themselves-mid families, amuse to
no less than 215,000.
lion. Joel IL Poinsett, of South Carolina ; formertv
Secretary of-War r bas , written a letter to Col. 1. L.
McKay, 'which4as lately read at a public meet.
jog in Wrach, ia -ihat State, strongly counseling
them against discrmon. movements and separate
State action. .
- A .son• of • Henry Proffin• of York, Pa., aged le
years, fell off horn. the end of a car on which he
was-riding, on Tuesday of last week, cambial; his
tags and one arm, ao that he died 'in a lark hours.
The stock jobbers of Lon employ /Swallow! ,
'instead' , of Carrier • Pigeong; to bring the prices of
egOeit, from Paris. The Swallows are taken from
their young, and maternal instinct urgeS them
back,. wearing r a Oboe marked with the prices is
Dr. Chartnirrghs works, of tauter. selections Rots
them, are m coarse:of publication in the Getman
language at Berlin. The series is to consist 61-
teen small vobaraeue
An neat orthe Shah of Persia is now at Melina,
to engage.military ofrtoeys for Ms-master:a -*erriee,
and a physician to• take- °barge of a medical school
at Teheran.
Dining the year 1850, tour brutdredand serearp.
Seven miles of new railroad were opened in Ea
land, one hundred and four in ScoUand, and fens-
tour is !rearm)
The Rev. Robert r Rieci'enri4e, has been Ia
urinated by the people of Fiyette county, Kentucky,
for the othee`of Sopermalidemof Rake Inattudioo
in that State.
' The Piedmoutese Minister-of the Wirier-prop
sea to redoes all milkiest festivities in thatAito;
to one solemn_ day , and to appoint the second Sus.
Jay in May fot that purpose.
John C. Callionn's ISt S. copy_ of his last speed
in the United States Senate, is • advertise:l for sale.
by somil one in NeW Yerk, into whose hands it has
A i ktal accident occurred at the fonndry of Tem:
plin-& Conne , at Easton, on Friday last. One v:
the workmen being caught in a large wheel wa,
carried several times around it, by. which he W 3.1
so badly crushed ae to survive but a Oen time.
In excaratinff on the-railroad, about Flienillei
front %Wheeling, Va., was discovered a s lask of a
gamic animal, embedded in sand about 16 feet
The tusk was not less than 6 feet long, and at the
large end measured IS inches in circumference.
!Andrew Dever, recently one of the Wilmington
(Del) city watch, was arrested on Saturdiy,cbarg ,
ed wah kidnappinz Wm. Brown, a free 'rev, of
that city, and selling him out of the Sate. The
Mayor held him to bail in the item of 51000, for
his appearance at the May term of the court..,
„ .
-There is to be an early meeting clam officers theVintinnani and St. [Adis Railroad at St.Lonit
The company was created by the taws of Ohio-al
-Indiana- it is thought the work *ill be begun la;
Fhort time. ,The route is 330 miles, s e nd the car
expected” to fallbelow *IS estimates.
, A cheerful fires is nearly * good , . for an iorand
at healthy - weather; To make a sick man Ilak
he's dying, all that's necessary to Took half deg
yourself. Hop, and despair are as catching to as
* 4ll lo. l o9 l mortridtunts. Always look sunshiny, Were'
fore• whether you f eel eorin - not.
Tire *mons hare been arrested at htobile, fat
the murder , of Hernandez, whore house was aro',
ed int money atat the occupant kilted. On ass n'
**pentane enlisted Hennaadez's watch was food.
They am both Hayanese.
Tasue.--ecene, a 'groom)! store—Exit customer
with a jag—Grocery, keeper to' his sons--"
ilia % did yott,charge that li qu o r Yer, sir
Joseph, did you charge that " 1111
air-reeo " All ri,ght 'so have t"
The Union denies that Major Donelson, its cur
chaser,' is committed to' any candidate for the Pre
ardency, Ent affirms he will support heartily the de•
mocmtie nomination.
Good sugar lands, in clinic', loeatiOns, can yet t4
Vacated in Texas at from three In five doll3ra
acre; cotton imd corn lands, at from filly cents I"
three dollars, .
A resolction was carried in thn New Jersey Le"
gislature, the other day, to present each member of
the thitil house—is e., the lobby members—with
copy Of the Bible.
The citizens of Barlington lows, have amhorizeJ
the'City Council to subscribe for 695,000 worth ' f
i w toc ith k p in eo a rii r i ajm ili a n t o l L desired to connect that plats
Thg Wisconsin has passed a bill limey
ing.lo tgte of jificrept to twelve , per cent.