Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 08, 1851, Image 4

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I 3
• '• -411
iIT.„* . AI4 ; 1110291.40,1.:. , ; 4
"osigeu,'4lci n=ll, en,4.r, mliPOur , P*oM r42l %
nitrogendiftirolen, chlorine, and .linceine, or. obi t
inlitilirineiphis of matter-4irople eternettivnever
Stot'dietainposed or tendereti more They
allsinter :into -lime lornistions.' , 'Oxygen; ana ecti
tiara in - I Airy c)einenta afronitir lime. ' , Oxygen
eart;otild writ. The OZidis . Of 01=
rime combined with carbonic ace(); kerns tba ear
Donate of lime—the materbd of
. e.mensive 'lrctoort •
oftiMeStone tie varieties et 'tee.
larit,eettic, and other properties.. Coral fimoations
ititeterm many thousand miles in:dilicrerni tester
of the sarth t arelhe carbonate of lime, - .andm‘d
for the ciolittary pupates of .that mineraLbfarbies;,
elistirtg. in several handled' varieties, are alsosao
batistes :or tinteC. So is chalk. - ;. Snare sever:dhoti.
a!#lcumalpttot itirportant; elernent of
ira. Mends!, preeentej
two or three hundred different shapes,:can. all be
reduced to One shape; shown in rhombic spar,
*ftir4i,lf biriiien into frii;ginents. emitter than'•Atte
head,of i pin, presents , ui every , fraineut a- thorn
ble'ordiamond shard cline!.
. ' All the 'carbonates of lime are ramposed 'of tine' a
imple ideMetits or gitirnale iliTilialiget viz ; CLIP
gene the rest seppotter of: avilmocion; , carbon.
thepritkipal elimeni- of coal in alt its laiireitr—
whether reinseel or vegeta* of_coulut-thia.roost
importantimbastible. l : - -Theorygie- i tiril exists in
twaenropfeetice*, si*:-'*ith Casimir *ha 'ailcitim;
thest,:tWoCoMpounda ere also gond:tined,- oicourse
will more compounded, producing the most abut:-
Sant earberode, and one of the moeptbaridatti road
' itit4, o ofelffit,i*Aeellerl get:ih'he:
, , Nut 10:verkmetes *Clime, the sulphates ere the
*teat abundant and useful of aft time fertnationc. , :.
Dial* oo ire.. ll , o :t o mPnie, a:i , t: three etemeits, :and
11, gam* no in till; Winnow • except ti vt. sulphur
takes do place of earberf.' The •oxygew , and.the
itelPher keto eelPhteid add i that; eteehhtfell with
the engfe , elceltiteer gititeg4eetPhele.ef time.
The abundant deposit of lime kemaiion, area pre : ,
mai very numerous appearances. 'All the rut
pirajea of limo, or neatly sci, givonthettendmisil.
The. cirbUetes .yield . tolhapoint of the Mile y but
motto tha cub-nail . Tl,i-carbociates "efferve sce „,. , iwitinnY •g, acid, even vinegar, whiehalfimieft
cence rho . what is celled Sat in -in eye-stone,
!which is lb mouth-piece of certain shells; all the
' shells bete the carbonate of lime. Sulphuric acid
has s stronger .1141 in itsvariouS 'combing*,
• than most. .. her acids,. me. 'hence, sa*ot. displaced
*fatter brurboiric, moriatic, or adz. acid.. Cort=
sequently the sulphate 01, lime 'doer not, Ake the
cirbonatei eirerrerce with any common sca r The ,
ltounb,nail, the point of* knife, and any contemn
acid, are hence sufficient tests, for (Winery purpo
envie distinguish the carbonates of limo from sal
,_.phateui. The sulphate, like the' urbanite, appears
Id aranyleautiful crystalline forms., - -
. F.knUtiewr.—lly collecting such varieties. of
!Weselle lime Tonneaus., as any one can easily
procure, sad arranging them upon the mantelpiems
or in a ease, * bitaatifni tl Colones Cabinet” will
be formed. These specimens; tested by each oth
er, by the the thnmb.nsil, the • point ,of * knife, a
pi* of goads or Owl, any acid, even vinegar,
Oro by tap sight, feel or taste, will Tarnish Much'
rich-instraction and delightful , amusement to the
- pastessoV If any ose- doubts it, let • him try the
experiment. If he has no doubt., he *ill try it, of
Derr/ or Corcaino Stays:--As to the proper
depth xrhieb feeds shrilld be covered, mach de
pondeirkireurnstaneet. tiara seeds,snchaionion,
earrot, beet, parsnip, Ire., ,that vegetate
shoal be covered deeper than turnip,
toostanl octet!, anti other kinds that vegetate
If bald seeds tre sown lite in , the'seascm, on
Al, soil, am) the covering is shallow, there is don.
ger of the earth drying - down to the . seed before it
I besides the differencein the peculiar nature .-
, _
ef ds, there are other circumstances that have is
great awn, and require that the same species of
feeds should be covered at different depths. - Soils
74 1 / 4 0 much in teenne, that in some haffan inch
is a sufficient depth, while two inches are netts.
saryin others. We have observed in our ganlen
that while same maid soils remain , damp at the
surfaceiteireral dirie after a rein, other salts wonhl
dry down'one or trio inches deep in the sametime:
\ On-the wet-land,•half an,inch depth would be sof&
OW+ covering ; but en the dry foil, two. inches
IWould be little enough ; and then trilling• or press.
Mg the earth closely on the seed is indispensable
to irwere vegetation. Seeds sowed early in spring
require less depth of Covering than: thoie plaived
lite in spring or early in summer, even on -the
same soil; for, ash it usually coot early in the sea
son,"the earth drieislowly, and if the seed is co: .
vered deeply, it will not
,Fegetatit so soon, and it
will be•moni halite to decay.
In many cases, cartotseed sown in dry soils,
the last , of May and early 'in June, and it fails from
the drying effects of a hot sun The better way to
paid . against this knits to soak the seed in a warm
place two'or three Jaye, and then drain etitbe tsa;
ter and let it remain a few days longer hi' the
moist state until it is Omit ready to sprout. II ithe
mom convenient, the seed may be sown afiersoalt
ing arts,' or two. , There Is no danger in soaking
hard seede several * Jaye. In sowing 'soaked seeds
in a seed sower, spread thinly, and dry offehe mots. .
tare from 'the surface of the seed; or apply thy sand
orplaater to dry:them. • ;. •
:Me ere iMlueed to ,. make these - re' maika•' from
seeing occasionally / arbitswiy. rules prescribiogthe
depth for'covering different kinds of seeds, triiboot
any c relarit to the important circumstances of soil,
seasos,.&c.`.-lcto Ell ka Farmer.
• _
To thst Yessv.-;-Tri two tit le sized boiled,
isitstoes t nad a pint of boiling water and two table
aponfuts of brown srvir, One pint o 3 hot ,aater .
1:;* aPPii‘d to every half. pint 'ol the corn
rola, not water is holier warm weather. The
Yrs; being made withrmt lln;ar, will keep longer,
mid to be meat Wulf than au . y previously
in ass.
- - COO eaKMDIA .011M4 WITH 4:aas —Tim). _one
q'~i4 of boilimmith or water, aa te a fiat of 'ln
dian:meal. When Ilikewapi, add three table
.epaifafale' of itatte;threa e2,gs welt beateryatitt a
iit.:lmpciontal of aft:- flake ithr_a griddle.
'A *Wild! al inuorencirana 100 dui
preittesi awn, wear , aext
11gervi is eo belry
otemare. • "
.-!o' oL,
•ra . 1 J.
(1111111111 i ‘llllllO l - 114 13111- ~1 3111111%
WHEW:II , W fh, ; .• ?WA:),
tis.w.trosi maiscivtusiCsictrairs „mare
nail Bone Haile Tower Tresber,
With theLatest' and hirportait: im ts,-for,
• • which' l'ittent isieeur
rrlffl,sulscriliernelces this Method '• infamt. the
BradfOrd Fad the • ' adjoining
thin he is"ageni and his for wile, tholibove eel. bra
tni and. nmignalled Hone rawer and Tbreahhta
ehioes. which hi is repstt63l3.lliMisit on the rams
terms as hy, the numnfaettner. addition ado
&dial tan of transportation, aimtnuled for et the low:
The'sulicliber hei sold a ; number of the sheen ma.
chines in:this; and the adj doing *Mini of Chetnong
and T.. and all, without eiceptiois bawd, given
the sory best ostisfoitiati. and IrCe!'• they are known ,
all farmer, eve , thorn pfekrenni on account of
ssonsol in threshing, being operetedwith mach free
expense." 'coding and wasting leas fliain
'than nay other tiiiditto is use:,
The T i fil4ferini Paw mimeo& aria sepa;moiu
ttakutitto, with "three or fair inert, of thiiihilig fwint 174
to 200 bushels of wheal or go, or double that t omtit,
row; pat day:
T,hoptiow. rai Ewer, & 1.;o:. ono_ .
Rowe Power 00 5 00 -
. Thresher and Betantti.B6oo.
, Boob, wrath, ohleotd
extra.ooi% eo-413 OG
- *Wahine hirer s , :4
' )30 Trerbrieral 140anitOr. • • 33' (H)
d 0 ..4F.. 6 0 0 - - 74 1 6 0. 00
AlottViedelmogowto power,Threober; .
• led 8150wdori, cootie*. (loPleeld gag'
otwopo) < • • - ~, , - , 41 . 2910
Whole?* eroliOW Powor This hos and ,
Akpgrator. win** •
'Price .0 Emmy', Tiowhet. aok,Ckarson •
with band.. wtonehoo,dtc.,
do Bow Mill. complete for seer •
Pries of Goat). Too Mino s adapted but
band or poi., hots 2$ 00 to 25 00
The oubsaibor Ywiil ohm' this awing memos be, Tow
pitied to Ihroish to owlet
I •
norT & Co. for dearly two years pest hantrtne'
enpunnenting to ;effect a cleaver, to be operated milk
their Power for public end field threshing;
,end with
I much time and expense hiss so:ended to their entire
noldutioo. ttod Ore , now prepared to famish it Self.
cleaner combined; with all the. advantages:Jof shell
ininb4 Oilitiaert AK die moo time foloblogisse
krerto operate iter nom. motion than se requatedly
the .4arsting separator. It lining thoroughly tested
dining the ,int ,lutreset,.„end some of them has. been
mod the Past meson , kr threshing in. the. hest grain theetate of New Teak egitb the
best enceese—therehing months together in et* am r
cunt and at Ina expense, than the common thrashers
with the inciting mrpentors. •
The Cleaner tor ell the advantages: cf , a good fop
rdoelolil. amnion 740,11 , 1 th At lot Ittlthet, wasting
none. • The additional eon being , but linkman than
&fanning mail. or about, thing dellate-ltraking the
whole Thresher and Chomp cost $75 to theTrenner,
and with Emery do Co.'s twroborseptvertr.slB4 00.
Th. Pkorlsor,o o t be delerba!,
.aid the Thresher or
ed *me "that desired. The new . Thresher acd Clean.
ar are &kissed In take the pine of tin old, e7Posite
and eambnysihresher and cleaner Dow in
Farmers and othenuitimbing to procure any of the
*boy, teatentkmed Horse Powers and Threshers will
sasstrouble.-sisk and expense, by Purchruing th em of
On account of thi large demand for the above
machines. and the difficulty of immediately filling or.
den for, them, - persona wishing tn . , purchase =whines
slung glee ms timely logic! ato what kind and at
what time they wish to procure them.
Farmers wishing to do their Anshing immediately
after ha eat, should pnnute their machines as early re
the fine of bay. Also,forealo ,
At intatufiduries Wail pries, aid as • -
Revolving 'Horse Rakes. flay, Smite and Manure
• Forks, ire. *o. Also, .
Cad frog, aid -11Fot.ill Valera and Weir tamps,
LEAD NAB of all sizes, In lute or, snail gond-
Ma., atirep for est&
R. 14. WELLES will: the coming season: be pro.
to furnish .1 a.Grant 4 Co . Celebrated pnent
pattak , e ristas , .
1/Pregam Ciadle,
sad retail. Thocradle :will be ;famished
with Dun's celebrated Paythe,. the best aurae in the
Union and )ersnanted.. Ordain respectfully solicited
from town.and country tnereltants; ' .•
Also far wk.* largo sad well selected . ummwrifor
il1a141:1 4 warrurt& smzems ants, ram
Mystact et-Stoitek and pion. wilt eompur &Tow
with those of any stove Stott in say of the large
Tie,Japannad. Sheet Iron ,
'Waif -
Call: ettd Ais& I,:olesate - eitd stall Chen
A law( Ina rot dal.of eArrievam' ralinple
ettenbgask4 Boni; *Lb "eavairings famished ipuis,
eitheTbere,ar ou appliestbsit by mail poseNpaid.,
, • ' RAYMOXD )1 - WELLES. '
Alto.; 1 1 8,NovemiliTICtiscr:. •••;. zrza •
1114. ' 10 Sat WS 411. 3E4
Vailety, • rocery andaor tort!
~„,i , --,„ -,.-- i -,,.. - - 8 . , , r
u ..inq
T. - W. - TIFFANY hill liinoveallsiililPH4lien - 1
L. 4%44 irirosi the ai!ret :front his a1c114114 1f ,-iii
like ostelomy blr.L Dortho.orhaelio *ill
g bolloppy./4- too bro 41 cutout:nem , an.l as' rainy two:
t otkinore4y•lne aeoltOus ofp arehasing ankle: in hi:
lett*-stike tleneet rayabk: c 4, e t ,
_Nov. 'II, MO.
~+w - ~..,
4. i
-'4 , 71.177
U WA" 11 I T"' 4 W A Nc: t g
arr: l A b iit s,l i d i r riem H
106 `
91, A t i li fF• l o l #4 l k l 6 : 0 0 1 * ,44 + 4.1 4, 21 1# 04 I
, rmte r
tr r lfar*, Moped Eloindoew A aaimp,i;pk, ;141P
i4litsim 'live's', Eirived
• • •
foqtainfovia sgearit 100 1 1Fikan
Waiii:lllKaaliasgiterra V. sleasauel Insaenntata,
Thi MulasiCOraparryiis*.Wieidp,
!apital'ositisl,ooo,ooo.!.., ..vortAccowirsinsga.
*ba skits'xidasii; at noirsoure e
, Thetteit Petufeyleania Lleintrany..being a:Partnere
ind,lierthant'aeoraprint,'Wilb lama saistlimis
cash fund, being bah a Omit and Fawns] Coremy. -
' ' CANFMLD, Alen, Adina s Pa i
, 141218kidi fra4o4pagasitimbit-' jroaer - .
1- -Thop enbecdber iiiwergerierived dee Pealavira
necessary inatroctions and fors* Inrertbe pew de:
pattawrit at Widdrigtonorill attend to die applieirion
a Soldiers, , Widoti a, Ind iliitiorciablrelf of 'Boldieni,
who by the-late law - nriiinthled twilbeintyliatati for
seleicesiindiied doring the Wir 411412,, Of ,ainy o f We
foram aialairhace 17914._ And,afl Polka, claw nu
de! the various set! of Congr,ars. The, la!" pinion
laws and arcialorui to realty piessiaira not he*
tall* eatidid to them. Pentripi 18ientioe givarkto
poatilaid wanumnieitione; hr-- \ - '
Athenic Dee. 28 # 100. t ? E. OAitiPil4CD:
ONire No.lB.'ilierdisate Mamie.
nitnANIZED sip** the "mimed PrhWipte." Stark
't." and Matuttotblellailithirial laitares , elFerlo
vaned meadow double the uskiallittirity; The Cub
.yite. of Mentes beit r llle edePtedi lblkeekeid.
ins the heavy drineberke .by unpaid premium
notes..,. Tb.
NM' table,iorero, upon which bwpr.
Wee etrilitiltii bee inAintM
etretei AlY"_n gbi_eeti mkb inn
sho - Da efelle
ti tumid; sad an undoubted, Minn : Ma Air As
invendko if inch' iastittithiatc; Awes ( perlmetnitt a.
ble may be fetid waithlem e it_ the very instintApolt.
penises its grealst Life inier:we.
v7PeePelig; le `nieleting; tie ittritiOn.di t
no public buirever. in their commendable willingness
to embritartind Won and ad! 4, 1 1
should Cake AilibroWseelrdly the primary end most
*eV, eet,. Oka , whieb cab aelY be eleliere Ismi
juminicaui prsruntais se to antielpets unetweitual
ei.end illset ,eee7 dm Pinion
of, Ibis , cgcrpoop (Oman* le Cledhe el= the - polices
. er holders and books of the Company , web.M anion t
of *Wei shillala end the suddlnYi of
.nrpnig the
sacredness of it. contracts. Premiums may. at thitCp•
lion eitheinsitied. he paid - istausty,- - selikinnually.
or quarterly. in advance.- All aerating information,
together with may be ableieed
putty at tie dice of J. E. Cascurca. Mbar, Ps.' •
143 PO
SS , 00
stairoiroia. '
-Illegbin B. Crawford.— • '4 , Pod 8 &diet
Hadamio WA'billey;
J oe * &atomic., - - Jim., baveinge...
'. John•L'Liatoni .
LITEPHerf: W. CRA WP,0111);' President.
...41,w000ss W..Twoxiworr. Viet President. .
Viliug. - Cusinrarar. eseimilu7ead,Treasuret
Asirtuurra . -411snotIrEym • . .
-Cagiest as. krrorkwyr—Thotoooßolek.
P. 8. Hott3lolCol Estirobier for Athens.
December 27. 1860. -
" -
sernazion Rxi*vai.lestig
UTOUL D take this method to infotits his old: pa6
trorMand Conufmaity . in getienti; that_he
may, be' found at lust Mrs* Trcly bon?; - the wds
following the &Mind and Foirth Sundays In each
month!' and at the Wird' Holten, in Towanda,- the
first tweeted etch Court., Also's* WarfoM's Hotel
in Mommeton. the week following the firstilundays in
January, April, Judy. end October: Also at- Canton
Corners, the week following 1k 8d fit/adage la each
Of alas above mantis. Maa s - at Burlington Corners,
the week following. the third Sundays hi Tic; May.
Aug.iind Nov. Also at Smithfield Denim the weak
- fatiotehtg the third Sundays in Dee. 'lamb, June,
and ldege. And els°. at Athens. at Olmsted'i
the !reeks following the inn Elanalsys in Muth, JIM'.
Aug., - and Nov. At, the above tints end places. be pea.
poses to operate prokssionady, in all the departments
of•Dentsl Sagely and . /detimaista.
- Troy. Nov. 18, 1 spa.. ,
glean, that the
D ISSOLIMON.--;Noties is hereby
partnership heretofore existing between the sub.
ieribemi kt the Names. and Trunk making bushress is
this day diesolved by
„muted +consent. E. Smith &
Soo will genie the besineter of the late arm. Those
indebted mustlnake knerediste payment. and those who
hsve agreed to pey grebe, are notified INA unless dr
livered at the time agreed, Cash wilt be expected:
• " • 'E. SMIT11„.
~ • • . C. 7'. town,
November 15, 1 . 850. • JERE CULP.,
. _ swim ikon,- •
VESPECTPULLY inform the public desk they
. will continue the business stiheir old stand, north
side . of the Publics square. eAdvillikeep on hand. and.
manufacture to order. eve* variety of SADDLES,
HARNESS. TRUNKS. VAUCES, &e.l, of the best.
materials sad Of Weekmanshlp, not to be surpassed.
By menet atteintion - to bindings. Cud PromPtnerra in
Raining engagements, they hs to , continue the fib.
oral patronage thejlevelteretororeenjoyed. .
will 1 / 1 1 - dteaton short notice,
in the neatest manner. .
Mt kind' of Crain, Produce, Aides, Sheep Peks,
will be taken in exchange for work.
CloeL., Watch, and ,Tetrelry Store !
A• IL.WAIINZIt takes Ibis method of informing
. his old customers and the public:mm(l'. that
he bag pun:buil J: P. Boil. hi" MAO of Watches.
Clocks and Jewelry. and, has commenced the Above
inkiness hi ell:of ha Whine "oilititur
of the latter. on' Mode emit. iwridook south' of "%kr,
'Row.. His vsOutation. u a witch repairer- is rowel!
iestablishid in'this community , that it is hardly nets&
airy to say a word on that point: With his long es
'pedena and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he bee confident:sin saying
to the public. king on you watches end clocks. I Will
do them justice.
All goods sold, or Repairing done,' kattanted as 1.
*commend, or the money refunded.- .
-- A good , , Alen of Clocks , Watch., and lowelty
.11e rig ep in ns o t t l : Al l e l - m2l q . aicit oaks. mail
.ptotito . ; cash
'4olmillint * okt Siete; Crelit need Ire be sated
;.*!"4.lrtitig hontntnot• to make Ito ecquotntance.
Artiveandsapty 'I p, 1850. • , • -A. M. WARNER.
OHRittl• K. L. DD Pk 0
• 10111, 6 Wp stain; North" side of the .
PuldieSquareorter Eheell's Line Office. Entrance
between Matra: and", Asimme;liw office': where he
may always tie tenni: Wien not protenionailiengisell.
Towandeduir 12, 2850. . . ,
HAS reamed to tt,&w. door, helm.. Bridge; -.week
LA on the got ado offifainl 'th
t, in e banding for!
study oectspiest by .f. D. Montanyo . •
. All operations onteundng to 150, or • alien tine -.hi!
to be paid dome; the remainder is dime ,mootha,
the opetothemmtes nnsatiftfaetery.,the money paid will
he refunded. - A, note of hand hornet Inon imam the
paytomitofthebelfleft nopiid;with h proMitio:'.
DinteiClANS AND ".SURGEONS Aglice„ sou th
r 'walla the. WitiA Wait , :vihrre I .4oYinsi 4 134 0,
natty to' soca to calls of ibeir Protessipn. ,
T-EAVRER--Sole and I.:pper.Leatherfialso;Kiti
ind:calriliiikft: for Aale hy tn.lo - . K. 4 ca?..,
T-AROX •Ciiiikinieres; and
-LJ; astiipti«, also cog° vhl . 6thee:Muy Mods *te.
amp that tlyfies compile - 1M '
+.. y~~s.►r•
. -- M .
e it . t . _l d4
0 .-' 1 ,.: 1 - y it e . s -
Afiatiiek i litil l ifiiikkniJ ,
Welled t!
I^.l Pidiikiiierifi . '''';
, ` - ,
i - vtlititioioit*Tobio to ono of, tgraothot , titolopt;
Of*Melt* eethigtheei own' 10 1 , 11 thW iik' l 9# 3l ciabli"
tosiii. ll Fitiittjtt -:,-- , ~,' ' ,-,‘ ', - -•• • • •
. Pro644.byitnthet thetitbereertngett beatriiiiii*
end 'for*
hi begs, I'd&
Virilikinakit t iniiwir a Alit d a rm , trotioti,
inot the isheipiefia iore I Obtained frith bUIiHNCKS
.1 1 ULHONIC STRIIP.: I Abbot. Atha we agcr liiiiii
atratedwit iirieleireoblierhich sebiattninibriete
.and side, atom, tolti dot 'walla! true' Convitiera
i blibliedtintiedekliethilittit elsaaistOthiant ' ' I TM
' dej Iliad litolial , font - Cbille;- mid *kite
swells at night,' With 'greet &Rei lay Of breathinkind
gteallele of appetite; sty' iyatenOtai entireikprott
biked; beingixesertell In my bed most Or thalkee.
Twit'of "the 'shit entiectiVphjelebtrie or Ali 'city*
tended rte. , led - 'after :eihaelting ",illtheii- WU, pea. f*aneetl silty reise; . iniurabk.` ," Indeed, . ante' slid me
lungs:Were einiaikgone, and I Could net PcWintdj ns
'corer. - 41'this stage `army • diem% f Iris prevailed
tippet 'Airy 'Dr. Scrataige Ptrionnaieffiri j,, and hernia
1 bid taken hid' , i'dozen*letiviseiti fir renoverchl
ii 'tiller to go 'eked the binge. • Ittietnied bletiength:
enintvitiele iyitent;..-itletieeited the einagifend stop
ped the` bleeding=daty Awing" lotaintel tegtdar, and
every thing! ite;'sertned to digatteriallyind. trouristi
_tny . WbolOeYstim. Indeed, tm4- , I was the tripid4re,
teeter of MY, health and so sudden* eltinge,ll4tl
became 'COO linguine of a tipe*Cure,ittd ebandeir
ed the use Of the- inedicitte *foci' the 'ffleetwer was
fflitheughlkeisdiested; with* resialteilli inether edit*
of' Wel:ring st the lungs East. tall; ticionipinicidby i die
treisinrcioattit. ' I 'gain commenced eking the Pull'
meek ' Sirup, ind - itent 14' Dr.licdteneir*ho. afinn e
earifid eittininitioll. %drilla Melo diatintie using it:
Before l'hidiateti , four blades, id *tease fonned in
*Aide whit+ gathers& and knack dikbarging,ii. nee r 1
eel Can jadgeot Onyof very clise~lir yellowtail.. i
ter..,Thie sawed 10 clew:dela putifylny viholeiyfid I
tem; = Friar this lintel begs& thipit lietter,intd ' inn
happy to fay entirely recovered" f int' etne 'ttrerie
tome' f-enjoy better heahlt•then't have for tba last, ten
year.. tilecil commenced tilting the Palma& Syr
up, I here near, tined 46 nem,men4 it wherever I
went, then, °thereon well `'as inyeelf.`nifght ,be saved
- timed from that , awful'dfflensei for f leer it alloy I
owns tothe afilittediepibilth 1119'0i tiruchl.; Perizdt
me to nwitietia leis two Whit* hk i iitoMe'under m
luttnedlei(Pheriretkiii: Ileini iii.evisitio Ceinden.
4 ,l;; laistunonteralevr:k child. evidently in the tut;
stags of
. bwrit 'consumition: . The .tnetbei inAneed.
- wittiethe'Phieiiiiits bid given 'llii Alla' up as k
~ I to whit' benefit f 'aid received'(
the me otSetenek's Pulmonic Syrup, and fainted
her to procure s bottle.. )1 beard nothing more from
the, littlesufflver entil *bind' three month. after. being
'in the market, rrty,fintentko was drawn to a lady Who
obseived me very attentively., She Sully epproiehed
mad **QM I was not the lady who recommend
ed Schenclea Pubstonie Syrup Biter dying child last
sunitnei in'ttatndert: = I replied *elf tn.*. ' She said
that her 'auk! bad entirely reetwentd, and was damn
enmity healthy, Her name is Mn. Wilson, and now
Weilesier Hridestung. - Another littY 1 mould mention
in particular,irho bed it etrefuloileilfection. Her face ;
said neck revrotsa oar ettelineedttore,und woof her
"pie !as-ma**, affected. with it. dile had become .
11 16 4 Neefeleiedi and 14 1 .eilePPeetheem Peet !emery
1 induesdherto try Schenck's Poi nrolilyrop, which',
ribs did, and is now, . perfectly - . . Another ;laird,:
Mis. McMullen . whesesethlettee irwill give on spit.'
cation, was evidently , in the last *ego of Consumption,'
iflTAiled.filner heetektmeltal'ellocatic.flyrup.,- to a
very dick thee she Wasendrely recovered, and now In.
Ins ocellent health, having become exceedingly ii _ ~ ,
These are three awes within my knowledee„ which . I
know Were coed. Or fivtleivek's,Patarouie Symp. AU
Whci doubt ibis statement, and will take the trouble.ut
can on me at., my residence Parrish ' street Ike dooni
'above lends north aide, I think _I, will . be able to satiei
.Gitorily convince them by own case, end others that
I ktiow have 'been cured by this Syrup. Since my
cure. there have been so many to see mein know what
I took, that Werke& e .veti - seid eliPelleeitY of
knowing • great many that .hare taken it, and hay
been. reatly bettelitted thereby, and ..f think if p 3 ;-•
afflicted with,Coesumption or Liver Complaint, would
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine
their, lunr, and jibe says-he can cure them, foUokthe
direits'ms. Ind, prevent tatting cold r they will rapidly
recover. . . , 1
lispadelphii, Mai 29. 1949._ .
J. H. filcosicc-.Drar . base known_ Mts.
LAM &cameral year, as a member of my thumb,
and ham ail confidence in her statement. and am re.
joked to find ber spin restored to health. - Any thing
mom, in addition to her statement. is needless.
Pastor of the North Preabytedan Chunk
Philadelphia. J one 110. 1849,, Bth at. above Green.
Animal and sold by J. R.BCHE? his Lab
ormuiry. 8. R. comer Coates & Marshal sta., and by
the following Agents in Bradford county.
Deo. A. Prothro, Athens; D. Haile,. Lemming; T.
HumPbreY: Orwell; ;Maynard & Woodburn;Rome;
J. J. Warfotd, Mont:Won ; D. D. Authored, la Roy ;
C. E., Rathbona, Carlton ; .King & Weiser& Troy:
and by. MIX &"MABON,Tocanda. •
Pricey St- per bouts at $b per half dozen.,
nl_lsoi..AlY- 11.111.41,-
The Given: coven Azarinit.
nnoiyielors of remerimor. as more dna a Hamairea *MOD
mod come -of steweeseeethe Complain% tome rowed to
Me ordoubted satisfiretkos of ell perms who boo V on
gestated with dd. tesedwiel risesee, thet is groins • sr
become it is essteles and bran* mad moo yeoman e
Cosossonene .the , Laisto, ttio say other neareity M i d
mod. 4aser heroes. bawriver,thstit Is old to some eat mom
Ike am sot be aned. no real the °pinkie or do am" or die few,
ww Oen oat attitoSt to serge with sack tett ads we oar OM an d
do assad ali • hdorldete oto be pored to illomostodo of es"
teat astdictoelaas MOS Omsk sod dissos erblethbefirs tbe
a yes weses were Wild peal CoessoneMbra, mai wheel
were attended woo saweserms that resembled, sad were to all no
Moat MN the MWSmi of Moe edeiSs, sad were dot ere said to
have does Awn Shia hod disease - Belem
.has eared etwisomo of perm who were said to be boaster), at
Illeterrbo bed bertdrs. ' Met tbellresurt.
OW end lob.lbliteriles of ot
las—Psodos factory.
ries—Hritit • e'seer.—/i wasting away of dm
=sad Blom& : berthersods emplane bow been.
bar lows We they toad set Ike • week looser. Thlt
leidae hes eared toms wbo wore saleemsd to be In • fiblalf
gm= by do aorocalde rumedy, ders msor Dire, sad enjoy
repiediem= i Nszteesimt e r
eumsemesVit Nes -WA= ram .i...•-•ths:Sms
swA i t br opmft io sedstrahr p ,
1106110.041•1 1111F41111 mkt*
Cane the Senoritas dim
Conitiumption v
sler tiarear , ,
bomb. Rautond ali VEMAL I VAIL.
ir Sal 'Moe tbo , sighni,
e iz e llt•a. Vitit leg pirtlathreastz to oke ear Psalm
, •
Por sale by' HUSTON dr. PORTER, Towanda ;
C. H. Hetrick, Athens 10. E. Rathbun, Canton ;
D. D. Perth Obit, Leroy ; .1: Hinson; Hodiecton ; E.
W.Haird, Runimirsfield; D. Bailey -dc Roo. Leßsys.
Title; Huniiihity, Orwell ; -Myriad & Woodburn,
Rothe; B.S. Tricy, Smithfield; Coryell & Gee, Bar*
lin ;ton ; L.& E,t Runyon Troy. ,
• orders must be-. addressed O. WALLACE' di
C0:304 Bniadway,,N. Ir. Meow ly
Veryilitrame halt frae.
a t Gentleman of Utica, N. YA, - bas obtained 1 from
11l the Wildebeest, A simple remedy, which ' e ye a
more Jost clai to the name of I , family mire ir then
any Medicine 'we bees cser befahr - know.. Nothing
is connected Wititit but a little Nobel to preserve it,
and yet' it aim with great, anal' ty, in removing pain.
end all load infiarnetitat, curing It sores, bums, bini.
Ina end laminae, tepidly. •
,PII ',bowel COMplainta,
choleii.litcribos,liemoirhese;ear he; tooth-eche, Sore
eyes; and all critioukaffectioni. I. h is whim as water
and as harmless, end it io called 12: ; ' ~ • - '
" Pondi , Psin Destroyer ondpealinrErtraaY -
None is genuine eice"Ponderilixtrem," is blown to
*stouts; ': Idr,ll".od first introo , ad,rhis medicianto
the public and has expended i let deal of time. and
4 er
Marley in hating if to shigli* ti Mr*fection,":and
we now - varpintvei*toffio ti ' re' ton.' - - "
A - Mad . y the 'name of Open has put Anth'in
sioctopolopTbe. Coyle Fre " , )leiliell' Ali= to
be liem the Wilek..beeek • , if lio ebasohltikilanitse,
s e•ferilretik.Mieibn, and it is very Imps rhet :rd.
el.; Ire not doexivell. get., pamphlet and see. - -
k . =';' : }. l o Ateit Arliiinyed & VtiATitrende;lik Oilfiti.
Min' IfOrtriston. Parkhofel dc, -- .l4Mitii I . ellny, ifoltice
Milky Fenildio. • i lane MU ISM,
T r , , • 7.7 •7 , 77
SOINWO 110401.
70.01 t agilldiellOPt *lt 14 1 140.14114.
lag WritineArithinotici. Volk BookAiwthii,
Eigliihthiineurißbeiosiie,:,Compc,W" 9095, 6 14 i
Ilse of lisoaloloa,Minarelogy.lloollloool4 l .7. 4 o
Astronomy;the tun ate ird*Prirolio.loig
tt,ts thaws studies), Vellttrhilosoptki. sod •cOinniistry,
peyable,guasterly In Advance ; f, 41100 SO,
Th l 7 gefria,ile PflMPu!sf "'"t
per 4cutet ,, „
)' `• 400
itgerotiliiiirisia per :
;Di eieel4,'"l 1:` IM!
AnyPei* MY reakileilliftielinh I ors'-the
a privileged to learn retwork,tie any one era's Sfisi.l
sopogowanithessolotio , ' . ..leativastadditianalishorge.
To a young lady whoyupdieslbe '',Engliab branches.
uhiil4 o : IFWe IM
rglaner " , o
.p a the ow
o fpu so * , ;
;1 , 74
Drawing and Plintingin apOterieloinvineluding , ' I
' the use ofo *.latenolepeeeltAndraering.paper,
paints, pencils, dee. 4 00
Otl P 4 4 10.11 1 04 =neei .10.00.
Painting 4sPriurit'l l loooei 6110/ing'
'thesopply of materiels, reek, • ,• • , IA
Formula pidnling oupaperisilli and vel vet, per
Gilding silk:drain: elku,', • j do. • 3 1 00
Wax Bowers, per neuter,; .." ' d 00.
Pens and ink' , : • • ','. 20
Washing,. ,;•. _ : 2 00
Board in vacationittlittier '
Letters post.plisdiaddisieditothellihnotte , WHITS
&GRIFFIN, a BinlibiuMOO'Briruk:f!'ht:*•• 4° '
eeive prompt attention., „, '
BOOT & SHOE kn . ]: I' ACTOItt
111116 W.
: r
jjnrrn IRAIWH;COX;•iii*ed lihr,estihrish.
4. meat to , the . shop bitwieti•Kirrimbery'i ind Batt.
1 1eteri • states...Ma wbets IMF solicits . a. share of
ilpnblie_pstronage. He'urterals. by a careful , selection
H of stock. and by attention to the intereatiof hie cost*.
iners to make as neat Aid diiribte work u can be ma
Imatactined us Ibis part: thoeumtry. •
He will keep constancy on hand. and • manarscinrei
to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boats and Slugs s
Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes 'and Milos r Children's do.,
Gent's Gailer and . Porn" rto. •
la Country Produce; of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at that market price.
Towanda. April 48, . 1 . 850., , , ,
frrlE sittneribers hive commenced the FOUN
DRY business at the old stand tormely oeeutri
ed as a Chair and Beditesd Rectory in the Borough 'of
Tbwands, where we will hold ourselves in readiness to
attend to the wants" of 'any, and ill'perions who, may
favor us With a ciii. MTA., hops strict attention to
business to merit a share ofPubliepatronage.
We artifitthig np nMACHINE SHOP connected
with the Furnace, where we hope to be able, to do any
and all kinds afilnishirtg and fitting up §.ci We will
endeavor skull times tor goodsmoetasent-ofirovit
on bend sty, that eugunners may:bo accommodated on
the shortast notice, ; •
HAVING taken pains to secure the rervieesof ex.
paktum] worlimen from the State of .N:Y., we flatter
°unwires we shall be able to turn off work in a week
manlike Manner and as 4rood as, CM be dons in any
other ettablistonent-' I
We shall abloibe prepared. - for She .nuainfeetute of
staresby the sioantity.and svilliteep constantly unhand
a few select pattern* .fee tetaa, ,
- Tbs subiteribers inike all koarsonewbo may in want
o any thing in our line,to awe us a call and we guaran
tee they will not tO'assay dissatisfied.
Saw MN Rods or. Paralell slicks, Mill cranks, gad
_ grans `i r i kip* i rim:fanny on hand.
Alio plows of the Moskapproved patterns and Plow
Points by the piece 'or *entity to suit pitrehasers, as
low as can be prottmld it any other establishment.
Cilti4ators of the most approved patterns; also a
superior article:Of Cory Plow. for sale by,
• .; 1 N. C. TOMPKINS,
Towanda June 28th, IASO.
Qp Old castings; taken in exchange for work.
Rem'cited to B..Klogobery's Block!
it Chantheriis, _
11413.justieturnal fromthecity
- of New York with .a large
( ~.00 supplyof Watches, .lerstley and
2 , Silver ware, comp ris ing - in part,
the (Awing articles:—Lever,
• L'Epine and Plain. Watches, with
complete lawman , of Gold
Jewelry. such as Ear Rings. Pin
ter fliolectreeet P ine , i Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains,
Go Pens, Keys; etc. Also, all sorts. of Silverware,
and any quantityoftlteel orwhich he offers
for mile exceeridingli cheap for CASH.
Writhes . repaired on akin notice, and varreoned
to ron well, or the money wilt be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to, that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produce
taken in payment for work; end alas. leant now, and
Conyer s that Ike Protium. must be paid token Gte work
Id done-4 war against credit in ill its forms.
Towanda, April SS, 1850.: •
ut AVING *iestned the busineis of SURVEiINO,
AA 'all work,Cottuated to sty carewill be'llone with
aectirsiy and despa'ch. Notices lea, *jail “Want
Rouse^ will ensues attentiooy
May 94,.1850 .108. CAIRN-81111P8ON.
Refisos to-0.1 1 ".;Malowi • :I Michael %OW '
• -C. L. Wird.. s , IJ. 8. /Ogden.-
• ,
Mao itailawltio — arAt' itipit_ 4 6ol .
ecivanir anavaaan,- •
AYlNG . biseatorl' in Tonande , his eeivices miy
bp'obtatnel by *damning a line through the Pent
°dice, or by calling at the edit° of Ulysse,s 'Moms,
Esq.. where be will be ftnind.vor where it-writterk.sp.
liattraoti may be lat. _Nov, 1.
E H. tvIASON •
riarZactialiSTriti ZThaettingfs.
rkEFICE on Main snail. Jour. dooni below Bridge
~attest; who* heCmaj isr, found; !then not mite.
ihn•ll:7 .-TownviticNo7.3o.lBsfk4
riARPET kr,1:011k CLOTH, drA—Cloatill *Oat
','Catiiiig h iktim Okith;iud Dnigget
just recristshro4 ay yen
#* 20; O. D.IIAWMETT. - •
A ifirD• ffarrand Valium abso. to dusts inotekof
V that fresh am* Tea-lehrrantett gootof the money
returned, Cf4e; Baleritoa,Roe,- Fish sod Una" an
of which acill her sail cheap at - FOX:s.
::~:: a~ - ~ ir i"~~:w: a+n+^i ^ a'l~i ~wb~+.l%in': i~~v.*A ~~4a'~'i~+'.`,
.~ ".. U: }
Air Twenty-Ore ( 116
his own Physician! raw
urea editioN with upwards of
unfired engnevings, sbovirg
leafs - disease" in' early ebolo
form; and malformation; d
tt4lterative system.
• BY . WM. YOUNG, M. 1 : 14
The time has now strived, !Mt
.06a ge , - persons suffering from secret ids.
eases, need no more become the of Q,l7ACKIrlin as by the presetiptioni o , Plein ed
in this book any
,one,may cure himselt, without bind
ranee to business, °vibe -knowledge of the molt
nude friend; and with one tenth the usual expense ,—
la addition to the general routine of Ovate disease.
it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decliw,
with observations - on marriseideimany ode
dersngsments, which it would not be proper toe row
ate in, the public pities. •
Any person sending 25 tents eneloced in a ht.
tar, • will receive one copy of this book, by 10w 9 .
five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. " 9 '',
W: 1 4 0 0119NO. '152 Spruce street, Philadetpbh
'b ^ " DrAtPrlit ,tap be consulted on sal of
nisei* desarilietrin his different publicati o o o .i l l
_152 Sptuee Street, same day between 91w .
o'clock, (Stodge isetpled.).
CIROCERIF4B-4 large „stock of Teas„ B[4lo
N-X" (a good artiile for 6 Oents,) Caret, NPP er b
ileict, tobacco cau bought cheap kr ro
at . et.
'~l~taA•~; r__
Tog Dmtetlorol fi l4sji nd wi lco_mmeae.
or*, igolhaltr. the lib Ai/ lout, itud, under
the chilly 'of 0.1 t: Dimon. as Principal, and Mina
E. 41,, KARSTON,Pseeeptrele4
VlVograPhyl mm—isk . °engin!,
. - phpuid:imiental'AriMMetn. ;'" 00
Tht!cattine, yiltif English tliammar,Rpirieol;
• Arithmetic randlottee - Atialysie, ' 3 00
Phil s oinpikt,rhenthib;lthetome,
- t - ri o nomy end Dna Keeping, _ 440
:Algebra, Geometry,. Trignnometiy; Idarsv.
- big; QinieSeetions, dinidytipai Geometry , .
• '' 4 se
Greek' Nita FliMeti'jmigmiges, - 0 6 no
net, istlthd 24 Mims, 26
No - scholar `be be received to* 'a less time than
Sehoiiirs. mitering atter t he Minntseneement end
beam , ibe'itiiddleof &Angrier -be charged for
tee whide gunner,. ' • •
Board - caw belibleined in private fatitilies on rea.
sonatde•tenns. • MONTANTE, Presl
Wmiedikey. of -Board• otTinsteen,
••• • 11150'
,Acungcy OF •
Di. Rte 's' Celebiated Medicines !
Pahnousry Below, ~ Depthatieit Elyripi •
Pectoral Expectant, IleariCorrecuir,-
insonary •Ligintetit. Humor Correeunr,
Mitil/yspeptia itizturt, Cough end cuthartio Pills
Nereus,, - ---; rasa , Pala, •
Vesixdfoge, Feanalei.olPreille,
Ptra.eitidliedicinil Cod friar Crd,.&e.,
Feed by hem turialanif l na Wi th isyynreirdented are
tea bias traftinent of c oughs, ,Pa/de. Consuseptunt
Asehnus,. Heart Dismay 14 1 1 4 444 1 , Sku
Diseases. Atilfuuration: Female Gesiplqints, Piles. 4e
I), netetanequalkoi Patent Silver-plated abdomi ns
Supporters; Imprifted plated steel:spring shoulder
brace; Draitela Alva inhaling tube.
Drvi FitchPs Cddkrated ,Six Lectures
Oa ibe prevention• and cure of Consumption, Asthma
Diereses of ; the Heart, ifie—, and on the method
preserving health and besot, to an old age,
nil book Abell be in every flntily. To the Con
sumptive it point's oat the only ressonable bops for is.
Her. To mothers, thedireetions kens mtbe carssad
education of children ate insatiable.. 7000 topics
this %sok have -passed through the prils, lad the oh
continues nnabdied. • • • ' • . • .
For sale by B.Berreelerg Ca, 709 Brasdway,
and HUSTON. -dc. PORTER, Towanda, and by
O. E. RATHBONE, Canton.
CC? Dr. Fitels'e Guide to Intalidr. or directions ni
persons using Rt./Itch's remedial. Sao ba bad Puled
*II the apple. 13y
TO TO 80111D I ESari8B COMET.
The ,fothneing equalled series of Family Medicinal
ma be depended upon with the utmost confidence,ifce.
They have the approbation of the best mil
clans in the country, and are recom
' mended by an seTro hare used than
• as superior to any medicines.
They hue beet before the Mlle for fire fran c
During which time more than 6000 eenificaus have
been received from eminent public men
' • and otheis,and are Dow on fils
at the Company's office.
They Ore Compounded -
With the utmost care and skill, and the burn:Omits
are thoroughly tested by scientific chemists, so
that medicines Oa uniform and sellable qua
lity are guaranteed in all eases.
Are palatal:oly valuable for the prevention and cured
Fevers in general, allitilious and Liver Complaints,
Jaundice, General Debility, Common and Sick
Hesdache. Dyspepsia. Hart Born, Costivenew,
Griping, Urinary Diseases., Obstructions of
the Menses, Influenza. Asthma, and for a
variety of °the, Chronic Diseases; in
fine; for. all ordinary &May bees.
fiFull directions for the various Diseases accompany
each box. Prix 25 min a box.
The Graefraberg - Iyantery Syrup,
A speedy and infallible remedy in Dim/Ines, Dysente
ry. Bloody Flix, Cholera Mariana, Cholera Infamem
and the MUTH Caoknaa, if taken with the filo
symptoms, viz : iromNng and diarrhea. It two
vett fails to cure the Worst possible cases of
bowel compleinta, generally in a few boors,
abldom beyond a day. It is Pinny
Vzolvaucar., and taken in any quan
tity is perfectly harmless.
The enierenherg Often Mountain Ointment.
Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, al:Whisk*,
coms,lores. %peelings of all kinds, Rheumatism,
Mysipelas, Bronchitis, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pains in
the side and back imutediately relieved, ioflsm•
=don of the Bowels, and for all cases where
them. Is Inflammation.
larshall's Uterine &thence!).
A certain care for Prolamine Uteri, and for most dills
distressing complaints incident to females. Pre.
pared by Dr. THEO. POMEROY, of Mim i .
, solely for the Orathnberg Company.
7113 OVUM 111/143,12111L1C1 xaarcwu 81111
Eye Lotion, Health Bitters,
Cemsnmptive Balm, Fever and' Ague Pills,
Children's Panacea, Libby's Pile Ointment,
Sarsaparilla Compound.
a:7b The Graehroherg Manual of Health, • complete
band•book of medicine for families. • Price filly car.
Office, 214 Broadway, New York.'
CAmrtoi.—•The public is requested to bear is mind
that eunything prepared by the Graefenberg Compaq
has their seal tom it.
Spurious articles have hien issued closely tesembirf
the genuine in every particular, except the sal, sal
the utmost care should be used before purchasing.
Agents • for Bradford County—. Dr. HUSTON Ira
Dr, PORTER, Towanda. • 1.138