house belonging:W:llK- PeferaTergey, in Cole-: b r aoltdalli HAM eelinlyi - OqeStrOyed by fire. oti teisday4iltrnitVfliskettalayottegest fan , three years old perished in the flames. lo t y. was absentsfrotin''hine s e* . firefitiMC 7 .-italit family of several., ditughtem;"l,* oVethinfAive crown, no infant iri'! the house. He had been fdri tiopte dine; and on Mondaypreirit '..married' it second t i m e, a e ado *. edneatiel'l m di itt -his- Wife' h visit, With the inteetiOe'ef her home. Uponritureieg:the teller:Ong inernine.he found his dw.Fliitit heAPArains4hdliialoting toe burnt tilderith.• - The . Ore k!tia'.,! . .fit4,•tTiscrvered by th e plcreet „boy, : . *lio T iVas evt'akk.e - 4 - 17 , the smoke and heat which OetletratettlfOttghtbeffOr of the apartment lie occupi e d' He eScaperlthrOp i gh a window to the roof of alamali, , Phipa i artd :thence J u mped to the gMtiiiic imeitedjetefy, aroused the rest of the family mite Weresleeptag te, another, part of House. , ? 'They barely'saved,.!_heir by jumping , fsem the seccsid,story ! windOws.., , , The inlant wa.s. rescued by. being thrown from,.a dew, and caught in the night•clethea,ef,onsi,of the girls. The'daughler. who last left the-Muse; made aneffort gain . thiroum where heritnie , brother was sleeping, bathe joists, end floar.weresoinuch erinsnmed. that she was compelled •te.fttreat i had leave the'poor boy to the'llames. It - ftruppesed hb diedJiom sciffnatlen,AidoW:llle fire reached him..., When the body r ‘y,e ? , recovered, the head' . one arni; aturpne wereSitinerTt6 Cinder. - t Every vestige of pemonet propeity in the house cias destroyed, ittehlititt $BO in frank , iinteeioneyl and $2O in coin, Melted 'remtiantser which - were recoved fretnNhe 'ashes,' and alifo'hiltr-wife's . werV dingtdreSs.;:fit the tireo the rieighhoraivere ea-and brought to the spdt, there was no possibilitY of saving tuiythilig whatever. . The Pottstown ',edger tnini'ivhicWWe"gfean the above partieutare. 'saysAtrat , ' , ci Mornateneee' , tend F iron2ly to die belief that The - fire. Was akr incentlia.; ry act. There were'llaise who %age:violently posed to Mr: Yergey's tkPeli;llt inittrige; but ad nothing t as transpired which WouldcriMinittei \any one. • • " Svastmc'Scsux Exectittint.+' A lettair (rein Istial, in Sweden, , comains an accona oficstrange and' 'evoking - Beane ltt uzecatiet, - -which took place }hereon the-28th-of January,. p This 4lay,having been,fixtul for, the decapitation 01-a journeyman butchers-named Marcussen; and a woman, named Betilla Nilsdotter, Tor:-having mur dered the tusband of the latter, a va.V 'number of tires peasantry arrived on the previonsitveninvand In,vouacked in the 'learn all night.' Although for sikty years no execution had taken place -in the province, and upwards of eighty -yeanrittaiain all Sv - eiten, it was Hot so muelt -curiosity 'which at tracted the multinufe, as }he desire to swallow up the blocd of the crimmallrat the moment it should ?tin from the axe, of the executioner, it being a popular Swedilailto ,it renders ilia weak strong, cdres.aill or nialadies, and - `secures a long life, - • When the.scaftold was . rected tjutpeo pls assembled. round with cups, ' glasses, bnwis, s ome even w.;itt.) largetaiiceitans, to catch the blood. The woman was firsVbeheaded; and then the man. The anxiety of thit spectalois wasj very great, and the moment them -s ates head *as Pfivred they broke through the line of , soklienr. ', The, Soldiers, to drive them back, twaily.emiiloyed the butt ends 'of their mu=kets, and a desperate conflict enSned. At last the crowd succeeded in reaching the scaffold; but, in the meantime, the police hael placed the bodies in a cart, and had sentlhem 'ciftiMdei a strong escort of-cavalry. They had,hdwuvei, to take the pre. caution of removing, .b 3 l spades and. pickaxes, the ) -irtions of the read o n drops'of blood hap , fall, to prevent the - people from lapping up ire blood. e THE SUNBURY AND DUE ItAiLROAD.47.—.The Sun-, bury G:izette. noticing the recent relerence - ol- the Philadelphia. Board ,of. Trarle,,lto ; the project of „a. railroad from Suribtiry'to'rErir The country bothering On the -West , Brdnch,.and that lying between - the-bead waters of The Susque hanna and Esie t is- indeed a - wonderful region— wonderful in-richneo of sq. in coal- aorliroit, and water po wet: halt Itie'etemerite cif it- Prosperous; antt thriving district, and yet is still a wilderrikir, through which the traveller passes almost by - bridle Nothing is kquiredrto chari#6' this wilder ne,r.irVo the, most fletrighing: yartiop,of ours:ate, teething with ahappy ind'eutertiriaing,peopleOhan a thuroughfire by railroad; opiiiiriVit to one or the o'her of our Atlantic cities„. the city: of New Tr-rk; t- wort hl seem, is 'avyme (IA and it, is With :t view to opelking this region of .to its bade that it is ticir making the road from tjlrnira toWil hams-toil,. and asking permission, l'o„cOnSiruct .a mad frOmtd nap -burg. Shoal& ibese roads be made, Mid they certainly will,. the„trade (tithe r n7ihwe.stern. portion- .of I heStaie Nv.iti„gn Ib Neki . York. hi jhe New r York road, But the„Snnbury' and Erie ;toad be' hifide,'it will'intersect the. Wil liarriapart and 'Eliniii.And the - Erie and Piitibitt roads, and - instead of the tradecir the northwestern Pennvylrania.'griiriete-• New 'York.' ihrt:lratte of aputhweslern New York`Will , . . WS' rtrrrEa NVint.t.s. — Th sk-ohl custoth of post in, wrinen han4bills, foi treadues, & e ; ,(stift preVails to too :rest an extent,through 'the country. Many of l'aem are decilledly recherche,. opthin penman hip . and orthography. Weltave frequently seen speci, wens theet Would have attracte.l Mitch attention St Banium's liksenni. The custom of putting •uP x!rinen notices is a very foolish ono and Should _be abandoned fly paying a trifle more,. (sometimes less.) to ib e printer, he will .put in proper amp and print as many neat, plain harultills ;es' are nee sleti, thus saving the .persons Whits° 'names are , written at the bottcrin of these - illegible ttaticeif the .unpleasant reflection of beingfidictiled,losay rtotlt of the benefit derived froMitie ability of'penple to read what you wish to mat is Hare your isits printed, for gracious sake, end dmil - ilefsee the walls ti bar.rooms' with your - Obols.cap sheets .of miserable jargon 'that no body can read, without 14;ising his jaws , inte all sorts of 'en unnatural -shapes. The LOCIISTS COMING...We copied a fertr days ago. an extract from ;a Baliiinore 'paper: in' which Vrideon &nail, a -naturalist of , that city, pre dichthe appearance of the: Seventeen year locusts in Pennsylvania and - other parts of the United States: This prediction is likely - tolre traded earlr, for Yesterday'a gentleman . called,upon•UP With one of there locusts, which to had' found on the grass in: his yard, near Front and . South orreer. 4 : Its appea ; "ranee is Itat r of a grub-worm, about an inch' and a halt in 'length., insect breaks thmugli. .cot A . cling :ae4ornee forth, looking 'something': like 'a moth. Their issue tram the:ground - - iittheir,.grub slaicatly . in die sprin r i, and the grottrid where they are seen iSifou,ed,perforated with hOles. through -which They ascend. The late via'rnr Weather has no, doubt given - . an early 'start to iticOriseir;:and 'about May., the wriods will . _be; ounik vocal - with their peculiar MUSie. They are:perfectly, bailidesi nyheir character, and though found ' clinging Y.:111 auint:3re to trees arid plants, they are noiinjurious Icq•vegetation. The chickens , and'> horp.: - destrity 1 4 1 ,e by thousands. , iSstx or Mas. Mlirn,aorr's PitrunEs.—The sale afWas.hingtrin of the eller:is belonging to the testate of the tamentert Mrs. Madison, drew ' , together, on Poiday, a iarge company: The pest portrait of Washington; by Stuart, sold to a gentledman of New York, for' cash e3OO. That of Jefferson, by the Enie artist, at 5360, to Governor' Coles.' Fortran f James Madison, vtas taken by the mune: ffentle• mut at $266. Dr. Canstea porehaied that of Mrs. Madison, at:s27o. Portrait of John 'Adams, (the ekler) Vi6o,:to the sante gentleman who purehturett the first picture; Portrait of Memos.; sso,.iniOnv, Coles. Several other painting, -went , oll nt . eslo *25. One of the .larger , Pictures 'for 'Ofteh Madison refused 4 33000„ anil, others , of leis value, were withdrawn by ihe ailmilistrator, there being' no bids for them. Two carpet'in the :front jailor, in a good state of preservation, Was iseedained:to tre one.linndred and eighlyyearroa. - - minister' and was withdrawn at 51 7 : • -- IttekifiiiniCitOift.—TheiTiticitidiiigiCiifiVe tei: islaturalindicate thitl'ititPlieW4Etinty of Montonr,'' e;reetetkat.thejeKaesituforthtlierAttiatttre wlintiji bfaillaticattiltMile*ltitihilted naiiitehiiMM A bill tp re-annex the !entire connty, to Columbia liinPli t rhiattiiittelintisett till it littottiatthit 00144 tad `ohleii itltti*;4t.*Attei'fhtt * .fitittlulitatillethdt bailey r Oecti.ttettr . etltini2l4*lttliottatConv4 elrlettilkia4Whfitilitg erMtittf#, plitili;i'litillitfrA .electdl ofrietiti;lite. • - l' ' ;' 5 . , --/ ,, f ,' .-/I: , •-:.ct•-t ~; ~, 1 - .I J ,„:„. , ~ • ~ .t ,nt em:` , c1—tt,t0,....t..r..,1-,,iiitt ,t- . , 4- -,reeve- ? ; - , 1.,,,,, , ..:;...y....1 ' The' neliti drit" Ugistalu rep Wit itittEM hale 1 / 4 ii4ieed rn to adjun on,Tl i t ritab i l Vbit'iiiil: ',TS Temperance bill - gait Passed . the , use, .140 balm* to be acted upon in the Senate'. it propit!pipm oclittege the law organizing thelavy cettrt„pi Appeals so that the_aniember&oLtlioAce. FeittillAt dreds should be eltlctoil - byr,tlutiPtlliliAdh and AIM by, the general *Angler theC9l44, "la, utpreaent:fai I. egi 4d .t :l e gang; 1 1 . 1hilF• ~..r?7 -,..:11 : o I. , -.1 1 ). ;4;1. , i.,.1 , lii"4Chtlild.Teb."sth; " Hi xrona D. KIN3ZY 10 NEWS o , „t 1, 1 , •-• X mbesbequin. March 44 by Rev. El; J,.'Gtheah, Holi01:13. ilqataia4co;Misa; Maly (ham, -.- .)•!.! i • • Died, thlii Barongh, Febitary 25; oricailet feitti. On) . Tuts oilf.4.p.titt Mal Ng; Batflett - ,' aite'd uclt 'Months and 22 ' s - r• .t. Ignra , In this .11nratigh. 21. of iscarlet,lerCry-Prits tAxasta 'dair , hter of N. C., iktidglii f *th,Totalti4a 3 years 5 months. „q rw t:!' Alas! now changed that lovely flower; st ,lyhich bloomed and charmed our hearts:li ,, t; , Fair. fleeting comfort of grt - boari-t. t • sooalte:Aecallectldipsartit.-i • .: A ` a shall our bleeding, hearts'prq v / 1 'rhatibr'Qd. who ways Ardlei 1 „ .1 .obirgirklyi9horilhAtflrepus-.OR rill()8 ;Fa_betnebbiesis.amovel: .1 "NO ! let usrather humbly pay Obedience to His will, .1 Anti with our inmost tspintway. The Lori& ig„righte'ousaitill.'" [Cod. In lrsaw, NA'44lo. , ltte-211d.aliViiiiary, Mrs. C. AD LIA, wife of E.1 t ,.,„01er. aged 20 years. The deceased wel daft titer of Alvin T. Myer, iforme'rly of.PAtonsylvagiag . cpwqfvfiromPlißilt/if Stated, Althoughlarldislantjosso • her owndtame. .diate telatives,, her nittoraidobler an lovely - bill& of 611.4factei.'ivhiih'we#, , lfOii4Ciowtt* - thOSlO;Wiiii iinii*iliittst.44'%!l4riiiol'::hfr•,* latg e circle, o f friends, who will foost.lleeply mourn:ter loss:• To herlartly; the blow is ttoespeeted and oireilhelto• ing.— Western New YorXer. In Canton, February 23,, Mr.' . 6411; llcktwit.t., of that pleoe,ltged —lcara4 • ' At a meeting of taiiit au, o. 321, 13.'n 0. F., Licht March 1, lat. the fullowing_fesolutiorts - were . 'tinariimoasty acopieu % . Whireasi By . itdivegstitiovg satilkitnrug ant an on, b as Ito imgnie ti f ..rtqcKlertaa4 , lbis &pima bfirjnotifitborlieji riii42444ess with'cbmgain ptitichi 4 ,e resigibibonourroandid by his kindred and friends, ‘Tho,wifli the BiCifiren of the (4:der druly qua* teredltil ts ivaran.arid neerssitifti , - . , • atepOlved. Ting in bowing ltrionfaitting Weir of Divine.PraVidenee,' Eve tender br .friendkand (aunty of the diteeirsed Mar beirfelt end' sbreere' Candolenee bereavement - . ..‘• . ,:.• rt'U • - , - - - - Resotved. That as airihute of. rospact.azaial in memo,* , of t4e many *macs of heart and graces ()Carona of Ihe.deceasel. the Iti . ilhren'orthis LAidgeireto. thh uatilthdtlge o,f;piouriting for thirty days, ;„ „Resolved. Whattlhesep.esohnionata gik ed.hyaho won. ifitereit npoalha joanaifi of ;thlis anl Ahnte copy be dent to the Ihndlt kind '.friends orekhis3-Yeita to the ediwr '.f,the » iterortgr,m tiqttralirequestioViblish the tame., - , 41I1i lATIJRIEYALMANAC-41331L. D Week of the _I. ;. t • ' .., -• : -j' ';:• -. IS e : sr naY , '• 514 ! , " 16g1 S " alie4 I:§nni9eta1 : § nn i 9eta IllovsAr'a;...... . V . ~. itniifi. Nil '• ' l ' 0 WELVSZSDiT, Fattivroi..; 4 . 4 , SATEMDAT Ntt ) 70bc#1010a. MEE ANNUAL 14.1tOtikr, . th.e.4Ccje'lp4, dad Bipewi ores. of . the, Borutigh Yl7 o l, 2o TfArvilktir ntcsrrrs harp „ ASSET*, • - :T i ccast!ry. 10..0 liue op simpliefite f0r,11169, 260 'Bl Rata A:IX , , Iste treasurer, 10 66 Nmisual,f4ilisjillnsie 617 16 Reciiiec for license for shiusrs, : 437 . 00 OrdCrs issuctlfor,lBso,,,.. , ; .; 383.60 t' - - - • --- ' j ,StBfj. , 3s ' tzeisrintrits. [AVoik done ' on. Orate and•silltwalko, • $630 , 64 Expenses of PorciotteEleiiiikti; - • •• 50 Prirititig onnottOport; ; 4 00 Josticelifeci, . , • —4 2 75 • - 720 00 &tilos notitmo'Of !Epee!, , .'• 300 `Boolol end stationery, '• • ' • ' 1 00 - oO)Sts•tetitrit f ed and cancelled. • •_' ?Exoneration, to WM Biiggo On' dup. for" 11149 13 05 • • A ' ' - $BOB .02 DUO from Woodnift oniudeti, ' $lO 00 • Frtifo Wm.'Brigr, 'collect. for 1940.'127 - 19 - DuO on dupncite'reir 185 D, ' 834' 97 - A motet in Tieasury; . ' 9 26-483/33 • , 01351 25 . 1 ' ' • / I)ttlert ottetenainr 185Q;f ." ." 'llll2' 111 r” 'issued to 1859, ' • " -863-60 Returned and eancelled Feb„ "IT,' T 950; 01A:jaiiaiiiitl'et;.' 210 At!,'.‘ Saline. in treettery,Yetr. 1850;"' $ 28 35 . Reeq of D.Vandercooly, cot. for' 184 p, .: 30 00 a J. 13:Geigerieollector for 1848: 145 W: A: -Charebertin, Col. for 1350„2, - tesm; " J. D ,. .Cipotlent 1; . l i g 4, late Treasaie -= • • z J. NelsiniirpPort of Nestor. transient pan: 'peri4lo 00 Fe neral elmsey of eerie,' • I J. lierinty;suppOit Of pick. !Snowden; rimier.. 4 , 00 Funeralexpenses of • • 2.!50 Henry Duller p)! .. .lre_Mios 1 1 FPW,51 A 0 6 88 T.O'Day, keepingsfre. role, dr, lifii.ltrAdsztui, 30 26 Wrn. Wiiiner;keeping' do. -- 40: 1- • '9O 00 Relief of John Robinson': transient,psoper, 5 _63 E.Whaling, support of transient' Pauper; 17 'OO Stage fere. , of transientintoper;,:t— „.1 00 Frineral'exPenses'of:%Vid'.'coniey; trade. istrp.•t-'4 OD ; ' do. • i•Little..: . . ft! 6;27 Temporary relict oli o lind pauper..., " '3 1 .4 1.10 LioktiPhysiciart,i •• i, • • ' • .7 - - • 15 . 47 Relief of Hrs. Dennis, I ransient-paupck, - 6.00, T. 01/sy;support idbfary Brown, - do. 6: 55 MIL Warner; talharine Dugan.: dm— , • -2 67 %Vire:Mix; tempo - rag relief for .. do. . Ipo do _Poorpaster_for 11350. _ _,_ 10 00 ••'‘ • z ad Exoneration. to. W.4 - .Ctiarriberiitt. eol. for 1850. 2 . r6 • - • Amonni in Tremtiry. ' • - 8 .56 1l b 9 Doe from AthetAftorrristop, N • 2 ; 2 " Vintlercoolr,--Colleicor,^lB49.l 39 16 -.44 W. A.Clssmb Ikea - $187:18 We, themsdersigsted;Bergeie awl Tole Coes*net the Borough of TOWinds, de hereby eirtify the Wove to be a true ,spd. eerrect swims of tile Ite:ce . 1101140 E;penditufstwol :raid gorouili;fpitithe 24otrelims;i 111850, to the9ti4 day aril's:atm. WlLLlAMgtvitt,.l4 • Tann doundis " ; Jose Berit.virktri - C: MAIITIZIF,' ltL Cillfameal I N.N.•Briri. : • • Attist - --Wx:BCOTT, , Ckrk. • * ft 44 5 48 5 47 5 48 '5 50 5'51 5 52 9., 6 • la' 6A4 11- 14t , AV'S ' =II $47570 193'18 aim 42 tookitso. $247 'b? ISSE7'f. xil 411*nlktad voutty, and to ma Alirpotapallptoe *apnoea to pub 10gCstrat,00444 1i9ti1614 0444 4 N. la.d/firVirt • dio4l l •44lPftsAltiP, l l4.allY o'clock, P. fc, the following lot. pena l *F.Pfrees,Pr 1 .,4011441110444.-ltwilfill#A,fklW4,o l U4 l 444cm R02 1 , 4 5kn0t14:10 , I.tigctoßtlitlti 4rom.:MEn..,ruct !94MiriCrogd;14(04,loYMI4tettivliadagfiggr -Itsutiv,byitaisi iatcl7.ikw4o4 tka4wW,lictticgi IR* ¢Y,AlttpAgelf •I•Annt4iPil/gillMillteMlNAJWlttof 41441P366.redp,041t-I`4l9tatoultnn* tl.*Wlst , RAW lEWFAbframirbifew Cnj' IfeAsAfgetn.., l t144 80 -A ll oPlisk iblei•ktifEargwl*R4Yottir qMgc rdicitgro- at 4 1)4 lbe un4,404 1 194,1 1 01r ictthe:oll9l4i 4 l4 10-Piasa as,pinsol crliAcki4/441411 ocAlheirgißPOtortttGAPßlY4WOO and 0,444 1 m* , 4,4oellitnnißg.! l . l ,l.Atte 14T14,e 4 MteCtrittri9COV9iTaVenthillN1114041 , PP 404 oErPele Altiette4 .4414:4114411441,d0drAi gti , tio4he,corator copal,444.444l4lMts,btlgirti, Nis,lo4.4 l oPLeartahlttalliWkifegt. l 4:o P 4 24 9 1 , 1 - 44 C • n0Ftb14 1 1:49 1 7 1 4K41 4 . s.,l44:44!lotclhfAce lcuplbr WartllT along Alte-easl.Pittl4TA : l3. l l 4 aell; B 4loo l t9 thalantlb litta_of,49,o,-.Tikoteen Int* tkenCeiirciAtlY aloogAteportn. , ,linnof.q.Tozaeo,loosoifeektn,4 place or lnitminar 1-C4nA4ittin4altout o§ll7 l 4lP4rf ko more, or 40 1 011 iincir.orrft4oPeSf4 WI • bald in 1k4w , 49:4.411ind Oka ficncerygoroone cat:a id W#gop Inpokood.illan)tantlib AbO.PAP4'99Ot Seized ant lakenAin VteCationl,l4l Aut;42l; homP§ o 4 Willistqo UeorgO ••, 4 ALSR4A piemorypacoetrorlood situate in: the I ,o4'4 4 hjitgAthntaitneginatag l l4he Ar ,- Vgf-Soorf* , or a 1!" -41) ed 4Y , Utalue I . 8 1 wYe ri the9Cofirih: I ' evil 1 4 9 tik.,411)0, 1 5 8 ift , C4At s , lll4,l4,llle.fOillt.wastnomat of 4[lo nold 40. 14. Slipwqq4i, Owner-Am* / to? ~weoi.Wil ,yrkitoc 4 aijr!MrtlleaPexeflh , €3Bo3lfefii I I rodsbuttillePkaff 4t-begullkillkAlontaiattlione•birolglisdAomne* ~,, lot 41 1 4 , ..1'.taitre,,90,14 . 5a. 0901004 gyircilJT pypy4 onAt l9gilvittse And 19g , k4ra Aberecgt,, , ,„ .44. e _•fleia i vl.4o 4444 P .ItW•Plion Ahe sgit l of g;:tv, gottricir tr.f..lloPry Waver.", I 1V14#41 94icti TANanda.,l4argh) ft, 441} A , • A' 5 , , nlyhrtiS :NO 1-ReAl 9 0 ibe'br: t ' :/ 4.17.. ....01,iin Atio v r, , to at o . T.lvitiltir:im,,e3 arßiti:M; t d di t.3 :3 41 71 1 1tropt sir .A.A. pharl'V° gi A ifrik f - ,, e , .14 ot,Repa tribui.ihe pria‘T ag ej, the tukaf, Mr on Lurdoi• :Slim 40 4. e /A a borooo4l rcfnutcl;eov *lSt til ' °Ewe 41° Aktil n e f•t* al- CM °- ,..tea au rolt3lr' 0 12tlylei 1 T ..9.ofransjuotll , f rom cosung which to, a puce 41;;111. or , hi rilvnirSCO,ll:t • ea 'tu'Etreff` th eir , t '1 _Auditor. in li P o I 1851, t %larch , °O BBIi'eIOI:I7 9 YORIti&TATE` :14rHISHEr, jot received tint]; R44;1161,1' cir small qiian tide/. at the 14west maiketlpriee, by 7 Mirth 4;1861. • 41/.•=l4'. Fitris,H Y.lO, Igo.' , facia le, cheap,' :p,t it!arclu Tti ' o 3 1,41.1M55,-.) Nevi; Clfaiituand ~ 4ESSE. , TAYLOR i i..; r. Mt/ ESPECTFULLYInftines WASS 1-11 ,.. ofvened s illop hionde.nonYeret Main and reinti etteetsr: neatly piputite 'Eatistir 04464 Towsndsiiilieff be will teep ski:hand liellitittafsettic ta'ordeterisii-sesitiVecittene, Windsor.. Fancy, `Ctin;e seated Ind Coninfoit CHAIRS; man brthe 1.01110, 1 9nd• of sureniiiedn'tability.` . •"". " He hasni‘olar ule ri nb - nititiltinent .- orOstreni' strider - • t • -- • • Repairing and Vesting' 0°11111;6n'; 'Cine.biAtatienna Fla wrested ehaitsVentinestlnable terms: heny,.D asswead; hiteson'd 'end OfinuinTierlditt ber alien inittginent 'Li work'. i ' ' He trod. that Tong setpontinee'in 'Oh; eontits', and the disebitiir othils - werk tented efivtien'as, win seettreltinfiti abate 'of public. pitinn ege. , Tevrante, Mardi 1,'11331. - '" • , eACULLATC4I e liiit - 1•10- S-0 ~:. t)! - moth/ for' jai n 't'Ell BUSIIpr.: Volitie D„ 11iE , D 7 App 0 1,xfs.,..4. :ri Fit Nrs; lool7lo ! 4 e l E'is. ~,,..• .- sich"r. 1 1 4151 • oneiendie alt. ''-• ' - . ‘. '.., , tiioivii'atia Seino :74t/' near Pia Tillage of Rome, in Bradta4l'c'e. The . barns:end stablinF are in uded refralk* Thiateuse is large and:comtedions.ttedwillieeetdttioditeit Etiest many botoders; which .can .be tatl'duritirthd rlifminer months by may - one who will 'keep . -ititkid lienie,inr the medicinal qualtlies' or the •tritteritre that more people bete always been them - than eduldendleitibrOrtable enthteinthent, Ilse Muse bas 'meekly' been thted up; in:d is sheet ltittiks from Towatitla;otte , froth the .111eiSe'brIlleme, abdTabahr reeirilie'Wevekly' hit'on the cella' post Ivid riere-flomete: Atbecio,' and IWO would be feentllt pleisatit y - e.leat tluf iqg the ifraTm'oretcther:: *.' . • .*1 -)' t •-fteltrence for teems, (which ' , Aria 'belibetattdlrie right kind of nien)`rril`be made le gdwird'Orferfeci, Egq,',.!.cf.T4riatida;wholiisuthetizeilAry the •Ti ndertilgn ed, the owner, to lease. thesarfie: U: • c March I; - • - • mikrrEL , Kgrrrg_ rLOVElUMlVOCitietitridialitaf both the . Inge anklettf e dsA r ra il it i lrit2 ailkl.l 7 gi 4 OPVARAaktir LatteSiipHlVOiltia. •or V Baia by ' (18 11j9NTANYPS 51 co. DIA t;co W l ii _R.-50 1W t? " kegs RlostingPor• irei; n 8 -.-*T..4I9.NTANYEO44'O;,. BOOT 101 M 'DEPOT- - tO 00 pair at pricei that can 11,etY " Felircary 22. HINT! PAINT!-"—Ohiq imd Oneida mirky:Pit' : ProartiiiiacOalo , rery kOmartra• IigiONTASYES . , & CO. . . TICARRiSON'SCOItbiIHAN ISY.foisa ! e . .L.L aiklikankretatil*t_ntladelph si: ia prier Vebiciary :,-I,IIIOIiTANYZB.Ii. CO.. rii,‘ool PAJiI :FOR ObD..CAffrINGIViA thtPodi4 ‘, • F e h m , y ,22 : , TOM Killft - SON de: TN tubseribeFs 6uring Pst .1 0 014 4"fllargeWili 4 tiOn' tO4hoit Atock; aro piiiiired* to-furnish a son with al , eompletii 4)1" • , , Overc D oats4ratAt r aWagervhirls, raw s, §•e. An sibich will be sold theopet thdtfiiis ter` re .04 Ze. 4:OA7.4PIiELL: -T4olodo;tlilOvonilwri4; ; ? • MORE ,NEW'GOODa Thri'subser'bera are no* Reciving another - • GeneraLassortmeet New :: Goods; A 0030960. & C. StEnCtia BROADCLOTHS. Caibimerea.` Kentucky Joann. grit' cloth; dre.. iintl . ie - ry low far emit' nI 4 B. KINGSBERY 'lc , MO ° GREAT BARGAINS ) 2 , THE subscrib er lot ofNese ' ;booth whiehlui utters to politic at e lees Price than the genie ;quality can he'bough(ikthle !)ero', he,yrptild' respectfully.. say liithe e putarc that- this is no , iteireia 41 an Anoint() 'Fad that_ he *ill jell goods for flesh or reedy pey, cheeeerrttreieen- be bad CoOrity. ',fits assortment a iiitty,el; Fresh 'Goode. pC7!_Den'A mistake the pliee;=-15ii., 3, Brieltihrw. - ' . - IIIIINNEY.; Jr. Tocrande,Dee. 4,1850. - . 'VANNtLiI I:adiro' BrekM ' s+ery ' niioe uncle, 'just 'received ;Ina fOt sale by; •'; ARTLETT:•,!. JUST reeveillinathir isr*Aisionment dos, chitipßoo'r B p4P4# o 8 . , HI GLEE . 14.1 .1'0! wit Vet s. 'the, 'higheit paid in Valk' ' _ gra; song meipkin jogborn ralacte.lll; lilts at. '• thous. LiiiMIMAUlt :, " V ill th:ll.lolNlts6,l4ii , et " 11;foraltil poir , ~ ,mitl he if jthil l ' ity&Milerii) Yew' York 9 ( dbierga-builetcohlog; ;wi, ' jiitm Atiii he tali cilieVolistido intliit IV iltbek m,,,. tefi - rt . ? . :.. p . n ~ 11:1(1 1 3 ax 0.. v.. 2 LW 41i,9474 zioßt 944 , ifiraprVehiliffilluihop o Coat Frock tin, . 0 " a t we' , . V. l 4: 4 ,6flifrirdei MAP * " - Th; ' oats etas; POittitaowi 're yi l ux . . ,tr., l - i_T i rL.,.L.No:le ar lir ,reitif f ic A , vfirtiffitiooßdfntricP. I, 7o,lbing uvilag tentiot Taiksigelt 40 kikit palm ritfo. JP h" PlitkAirthillilf9K.l4.T,lo94lcht *kisq4foruglifrar• 04.4fikr414 , 10V,05eq0415g3 1 14 , 1 1 r 0 00na NAP* Vilicle,«, :,JIL tn.' g ~.. r ): W. p.. JO •31!) , 1 bwil z ,:+•r:, AI iIiMPPOPIO ktkorliAirßotbins .0 ‘ utionall, low price& for U•l4.stul.belinves ho can make it the in IlF*l444 o .4SWiltgiiik*Wftelkoillireibill'= ,-nollar- *APO/ 01114.1/41.4Pittpt 0,1131,ttA443. ikittrylikkilritrottoCOSVlOAtll .kr... A l , 2lPrrni . , i •••,, :I , , Inesr; m`g- 4041 $ WO inikilo gtkr4clnf.l l B•Psuelin , the , Ao, .64illilitalt IllittlPßA Pf91711)1 1 1,0P4 AO °PUG .41- . : ". s 4 ITftntlfl • 11011elahMINIEMAYwt--, , ~. ' ~, I ~ . :..1 r ai l4* , .1 , a go , tra tv - 2 2 t 1 M:47 , + 0 .49,L• :Ml_ 144 1 1E9Dr *gal/ sevjuMy , ,the Ls! AlieetA Xneituido i oWiticioi tfifil luthei 'lnc hoe open. ed s Millinery 'establishinept,4o4igin,atme. folatjioom beißim jxt Abe hone ! , fonnextri*Ati* by -ivetiveleeto - veriety. of the most SUMO Gael. also having r rtt l imolqrit. WAN, t o e oho ee emu ent ,o as is action lay Atria* bet. ibeqr - Straw:Elwin diiCkatuid did, Treat & id:the neatest AltP4er.AWAli4lf 1-RPOP 3 + ciieIOCIVPF, F4ollo.oktlfeel , ll beitqAtiNtittitfßeess-illitiPtit 3l 4 l o . Pirilhg , staar.;i4gwegottatftrAmriPlormAck 444, ,411.•!-INRIrtrAi.e. ;JALAPA% . M . :14131 , 4 :a`int.l 11.1iiiiii416,F , r rE:Th? . .i • :' 7,1', .. •' • ' 4 11411rERil (1 1 7 =00 •- 0 st , 111 Ivr 9410 4i! li V I:7,,,CAXamps.ilustageeimtmirtkciimive x4m,9l.lvvirsx QIMIS:4O vrtAchib, , APeoVop l i 44141141k;i09ritislo. M ,t .ti:IDVJ NAVAV. 440 4 01 e 1 %T. 4,314% . .± Itrlli. • et . tt. ~ fitithier irtiialar*otilte gr Af 90a! „...?„,„:„: ~,,r,„,„,,n,,..,..., ,„„i: r4i „,i6vio:. tikh,- . 1 :101 i ,u Tr 11EVV - COODS - g' 1 1 ' ' .,1 - : ,n r t.m. - riA ItereW l einiffifekk 7 'Broilikfillii;r;" Viiiiiiiii; 4 1W10,t tAit gratistidtilitilreritioki AlPlk4ifearidellklifiiki trillithar* floiieervio*C"rridififititi:VllßClSl; SaufFrititipli;4bleiachalliatiiklifiiiliitii~ll4nWiy tatfOieldrikii:'&e.4lliit that•iiiPit ihollhAfllyttio.:' , ~vor. so . 1950 1 : 0,%,1.1.1,,,, !....,lig lEgitigsßErrit.i.. , q.llllllo33s2l l MrnillirAlk-irali.c . Tvre-rytri I.; !MR& , DOANZe. Wilitiaß.L4lo - • eLleard' 14$1.4,KARE'limArmoved where she will continal4o.WAit on her friends' an`d patrons.prproptlrau4thanifslisso,:- - .1 Dec. , S. x~ ' , "'"••••r .Ic.• • - Ik ,- .7f ?I:ISOM - SALE ' OR,RE.NT:- m lit Monrbetoortilotel. for SaliPor Rat, trith Faiwittnit and 13eadivitil PkopaialsNaill beviceieritllidlirdierlfrie - 43411 , 0w i efiiiiiit on which it will .ho , Let So tordta:Masikrandimwaidder. Poiwaviiin4rivantoirttsal t&thila„Olifirrefl. Monroeton, Jan. 27, I 850v1 'JUL Jc WARPORIX% 1..1 'FARM , FORISALITA Subscriber offers for site'i ~a~uuibl2_ Firm. sifikeiell in lifulargiqtm township, Bradford cluunty v cesitsiurng. 800 'ciery tires, polo' fit* of 4 ofiicb ere • irprYreit,' said If *ft !rfll '', Perim:i eir . lStiinft,te Fur- Chi - We 'riglieliVel I'd calf siiit 'esxmiiie ,for OfViiiifer4 *id( . " tpirdiv:taeus... ! "Seoisi: F 0 . 14. 031: . " EiIeXIMEIR- ,i inaligt;l .1 , , I , _ t. ,t,,,,,,! , 3. -./...,11 .r1,.--,..0 ',I 14 , •,._i - riIdirrISUBSCRIBER. !tning , itote' , /tiitieeted 116 J. , arrangements for the ececoneteitat ion ortheTritet mt Public! feels etininted , rin ietliiitidk -his; share vs( Pubs Patronsgei. Allis 114/e'shalebe4nf6rnitthed' with Ambled tad inarketiff.srds. , • , :MI :Rudest ill Largo slid Worm. - , Ills Etas shell lietti!olWith stlicecLiptirr agate to pat found ,in dm SiOkUltry:% , , , 'r ,-.; t '"'" '7 BESIDES, for the.; sciorritficidatien lOf 'hiarty:l the subscriber is manufacturing Boota,:Shries Saddleijler nen, 7i114.1 - 7 ql l . . r. 1787 6 - 4 17 4g• V r i cgt . bawl a ' 'Vim! AA'orti'l!!r:f of P4 l' li Ei . 41 7 rok . ltfr i4i,AiAkir , :qflt.34o::ll l r.tieisitki4,lo l iii,l „ f: ?la fe 4" l #* : in^.•. -1 ~1., , , ^ pr t. .71 •, , ,,t_ 7. v, ...ILI; , onte, fwe. go, na,... 1 6 both in and Inlet. . i 4 :u;' re C; 4 bqIIMGY O i4 , I4 I:I 4 rtOI 7 I4PCIP crllee.irWs. , to '.o;'"'. it& Ai l pi dm.. ace,. • >c° • 1 1 Pnce7"0 8 .4114 V1...44v,- ~,i .1.: w 3 It L.liqr , ;. For fotmeV listrilinge and favors, the public will pleassl tieteptlbd *breve Monks of T. Lk ISPRING. bectyallte. Pstb4 13, 1851. ~.. '; , ,t, I 1 .. 7 C 14: ,1: WA. CHAMIIERLI?i-bas removeJ his Clock, • Watch amlN.TeMilrfnotwto Kingsbeg & Qbh Brick block', "where - herikeips ,eitensiie • assortment ofx Claikee:Watebee;, , Ferry Goods, to which , he hatjost-maJevi large eithli: reeeiird by express frowNevvYmit. , 7 ,, ',1b8."•• DRAB IP giik I „ ..• 411 113 • - • RESPEVIT.Vgit . 00 tins taken the large and knows as " Ward 4 0 90e;.!-,cittere itelia* 4 .3v rOvi9 `to accomMOdslitheite.*tiks ► Malt )114;liint'n,c'n)t.., : 'is determined by assiduous attentienifo tbezeunfott: of ,bis gultitCaßittl elted'lrlilifirliPP! ll 4 ol 4!,l l PV er manner, to Merit the patronage of tbelitiblre: :11 bguse og,onp otilargest and most-convroiepk in Nbrrthrern evVrViorgirenieciieW 'Stabling, &e:. attached. luta belielitlih'sfgeitireYeatli• :faction can be-given; ,; Tenriantlajtetols, l, lBso. l • f at_ligPAP 44sPAIIIENT. OF: ,1•'. 'N ,'IV I I:IINkSEASON;APLE' GOODS un orraiLio, (orAlakt terrlovr- Or Cub, 14,24 a IJAICI'LETT'ef ••, Woronaa. ummber 400850.4, ,:atlvand INHE Largest:lnd mOatrornpleteasaortax,ent Of setsiot i 1 blank and miscellaneous BOOKS Ackiril.TlOlV BRY inc offered in ills=Am, ind afeiwylowpilies. now just opening at 11111-10.1,.•DARTI.ET1"8: • for - ikooliii; ;_, ~D. BARTLETT,p4l,lOO.OOers , fqr on7r U 0 .611 We et; islalin Istiw,liork cio'ouutiapply_ikat !tun_ nikiee,_end 0,13 reavnel4:tc : rnao.,....l*. 26.,1.4% --- 1 ' ' 4 ' ' DISSOLUTit* ' ' .' ` AroTICE; if bevehrgivel that ihejpitteerehip here Ili tofure.'ei.lithik tetyieeri the stipseiVei i it'. Ices hes, Idioubilreetttl. m utual eivrieettt. The'elTilte of' ailA llentt viII I hi arrang ,11 by ' ll.friiegehny. MI pn4enisinifebe, ell iii'requeeteitto . ttle.theii preniitits hi the (Putt if Mslo l l. -"" ' •' ' BURTON KINGSBEKt; • • • , '.= ' • -' '' ' - 1 . I." IL' liiMITIL ' ' '' -Feb-Is. 1851. (L.K_ KlNGistf Itl e .'_ - ' I._ OACiTICULAWNOYIO !,'., FA IR liittilng: iii hereby slink' flint ''looioaii . ita , Santini have tent - tileeediirthe . hisii!hfilf DetHei Vet?ilercook Egq.; 'for litithell I lite volleetfon, illfld the - 10 knoveivir tlittitselees Indebtid iillfeive caste - 446441g the wittier iennediste attendee: ' ' illitAlil'MlX: - • 4•l l iiwee,,ela;•Fehruery'l,2lo - 01: - ' ,'-' ' . i rT "' !'• ''''l, 3 . 6 . 1' ;justliiTheiELßngQaM.i 1 , imtidE'ircUl;6a•li SMITH 'di. - hi - ee,teitievelthesr *pit 'et, titztili - elifteett the Ward Mitre Into :the ! ! North Pelitsyleatifeit Prktliett 4-,tnetti greet.. „ i ilso‘ T Lid HT.—eimptiink Batting Thal atop 44, OilzSpam ant) ,Tollow Candle', for solo hirony quantities to ouit.parthasero it ' t MERCITIrS. Towaodo, - robt 3, 1831. , :. - 12 ,m lO3 THROP L. '"imetitM9. •>‘• '• , " •'. SHERIFF'S SALE; ~ - - .' f "- Ipitiiiiiie' i nt f iinidry iiiiabrViddrOmi Expori 4 .11 iniiir 012, al tni ' cork' a tdrntain tiro , I , q Bradford Coptity ‘ and to mc,directied,:iiiil,:be!splis. 'Cif tayblpiiiale, i t . the iF itikese In i 'y lie toro'' orrOpandi A n fiatilitrik:thellidifiji ',OF Maifh at iia ficio r ilt i ` , We'llie foiltioilliste Iv' I paicet„ of lattiltilitted lit WfliSedkcriittlii Ilia 1:4;64a...end ilesib - ell al foliatiiii ~iit,, ,,i , l ' i' n"oithlii Viola 4r tifidtiVOlttieyM YifeYdn br din Aleri."ikri *' 'Robin I§Pnisihk'ald le tba Wilhitltia , VAis Mil ler. Containing abon? l 6 2l •li4iFtvlillitiMl 41i :0 '1416 im b e z A r A * V I bai l li t h 4 3 34}10 ?4 , ,k, IN ay `their' , 1 ,. - 11;drzOd'ati4 taliAllr'ilitetttihri A %elide of:# 4 #. ?dyer vs. Francis Shoemaker. • f." "" 1 • ALSO—The folio wig loVpiece or parcel or, 'kw/ situated itthe Niincseip of tialiakne ni';l4iiielled t i and desert gig f9POWS Ili Wia no and Fct by lands of it:Mr. FtdcW*inith r hylinds - Anson QOM NO, jce,st el IN itihhuif,g; ritiiii: coal; n di g , 'Mr& NE crss more orffrs.s 4 ; *l3 - 34, sixty , acres i improved e tointed holis'i,opiliejlON lug hob ie two ,fa ha 'Aid "Me clltird'lreon. . I •it L s O= detitWe pie PoP 'arid 8 and .Ailnatedi in Standine l ßintiVlTAlenshirbeMlideinidteictibk * f , as ful owe wit toti6VlhArVittltar-beistirkfatil:d44 byl (GleiWllis on, on the east by lands of H. IV2 4 Ffilcs,, on the soo t loysliindilroltossissiOneortiatietitlet.i libel on the Vest by other lands Millie staidTlL•iir. Tracy. C tidliifigati.efiicidi niti dftc")Rlll-1 'Alviland t enty perches'atotekelths..` T It-' i c* , Jr 10 NiAzed a d **et% leeteeuttim ate 'diets& of Retie w. Tracy 1 . Alteperottk,ltimbril.tb'elettirl)nti ,, ' hi ; r tlikeitr' igititil isidgment, and altkPits*SetittiSr. . nfihe , lait wilkstatittaensenkttf.litlel Tuttleodeceaseti4Snd; H. W. Tray vs. Alby Tottleo , Esecutor cif dbe +last. will and teigmeitt of Joel TucseAed ; and H. , W. Tracy ± Ni HaCry*Miffe 1 t&lcji o-Atbyl'ottle, Ese-1 de I.°l t 11rihgerTrItWIPIa.frillijer_FTRi.1 .' Y '- ' ALSO , -All thetlaterest ArithijberilikWeleg tr. iritielbatt'lt midi Mt tediately) before-Ike time Of4lls a 4 itli, 4 in alteitaltilot mecelyr piieel beiintl/vito sic In AS TOtinsbiliitribrofttett bmiliodtsittA" inif te setibed 'Mt folio wit to*Wirf dtPtheftScirtli by; litidii'df at isertortElipti Blauvelt. sfrof ' e Et Atridei : Gic.,. brilbelbatt byltindv - ofitt'ibtfal 4 A WI Jallitt`Vogi. lish)tind?Jiihtt Brktofvott-itorsotttli yWildS befdap. inV tb thf 'lsla* ofialViiiiiin War Attlett;teVir mid 0W08 4 '0 , 101 landPitflei6VbfES. Stits'bury;titt'd °blob rebit;let ; ephiainthe'llbeift 4 lol Were, ; 1 MT dierivritipe.ived, , ratib•tWft'leffibe4d*elfidgltibiek one frittiOdtdret: Mid telftrall Tfter/b1 theirecith' 4- Pil3eitell Ord btkeelteleitidittdiftt tbeistlit bf The.. mas tilliott vs. James RAWittivibilkitikeratPtiof ilk ettl4l - 6( o VAlaWlttitte, ilidtrigeldr."Mfd On? C Ifvitte arittliiibeiri'VtlfSke.VerWTegintsi'4; 'o. ^ ALSO- The rOnoinfri ttirtrekti #itta.t igi MKT .ii: snide ltf - Torraaita ToWnstifi.c Brattleiteeeditlf. bOrolded *id deiiiitred at follOW!rits teihrliiifittint at-VsiihinOltitttkell tot a'corciertnear4 iiiir 46.1 of spriliebrobli,Wence.'stfotb 7OrtNiikbP;itatrAn tiYa , store'e!beitikr 4 . thente 4 north litr; ieleit 44 hi 'Miro a *bite' oar fret, thebce ffeittbilnektiegrteV, east ISO Vitas to Si italic at a whiklikktittiocit, tytiff. eel' op by the` mote; thence' soalh '1 Of degrees; tiait 1461 , todei 03 the pram of liegintiiitg. - ebritilbitte 93 IMirlskiblier or kss 'abettt.lo aeries iniproved; one framed house, one Tog house, and fuorreirittteislth i'shNfittrtebed Itind apttfe ombird therebtr. 3 ' tieiiett andlikentin eleetnion nt' the sußnf 'Mi tten' Welt+ iie.'W it: ii firtidett.Patnek €l:Hirgen. 14 AttiO 4 Brvitide Of i 'writ bf 0: M. Mi. Mfive, ing piece • or partelliffandeitriati4 IVO iminabip of Canton., bbhntear' and ilescribid - as 7 fcfflows. to si Isi' It otite by: 'bnd 'of blyreire W. z Gil rdttr NW * land of Charles ,Loomf4.' abode by hind' of Mitten Peppers; sad:west b r Hiram Rockweltivantaioing g h =r b Ol it t artitF, Gvet . litti b lu i ff.? tees ME tts ti4,*'..iwr#4 ; ;ltsw seized andttsketrias*sseittiorrat the suit of Ste. ORR rierFe MAIPTS 1 00111ii• ..17..j* I . ! k 4 tolice,t4ricP4 l, :-teA•?!. /84/: CM ;; T.! ; POSTPONEMENT: jf i rrlit thee-tote- atied:'Hintt to the 1:„Ift. 4c. r,-weile4ir. v.; qeoteeßritcher. is postponed to SatqTttay:Marcb 2%111514 nt 1 o'clock P.l4 l „allbp Cont. lionsq in, biz; botoo^h. L t 4 kVA RVA, l l l Thitit' - ; Sh e riff ca. Officeao:wanda - ,klarchl ilisr.f , ADmiza§,TßAtpg's — ` 1" --- r -- 4ti tr e "k: . ' A Tao ..r TV* . t.fds to. ,he ratS-qPIE' 8 ..1 - 1.: 19. - BDWC.," deeitisid.liiii Of '% ialuitgig toreS.; are lierebilitfilideti to.,intietpiOn ! ` it'iklftet delay, intObtatellnreingelaints . agaiiiet aiditestaiierarill please !PIN* 'hair deli authentitstelliat'aettlAseaUfi . :::,•::, . 1 ;,L", , ,_ , , • , sHARRISON.BLACK.t 1 Mryaln'ing,Feh, 30851 v r., ,1 : : cAdminisantoe,, ' • itl/Dritk l a Ntiriot. 'l6ltAil 'a n ippoit ti iD . 71,1,1kt0. bilbow_ , ..L. •of t f omolaw . glAsp.lMjaykbtktf.thefneys mis ed by ShrtfrEo fetithWasetol,4l4' — rd va..lohn I D. Smith .theurfaeivittet wilt meillh 'parties i n ter !Wed initerolliiiiiiVittiattaa'ent - Weahrlitliy;:fhe Bth Jay of April, 119 M, at 4 one o'clock, P. • M., at ;which ;time and Iplace 'all peliatis interested aro required to ; present heir elaimit i ctjaodebarred from coming in ,Upon gai fund. 1P 440 .44 O. 11. T. KIN N CY, . ,Upon i Fehrn 7 29. A.,_ Auditor. 11) ,,,. .1' ..... I. .., • l e 1 li. ATO rt 'g 5 1 herikkeeiritii:' '.-: 'l.': oppointe%l ILN 4 an -' . ell the 'CO:. ' .7.___ .." l'or Bradford . ' _...,,,—' . nds of the ad r tnifthfra . .4101,1 4 1*„. ' _, " 4 "`, ~": . and that I 7,ill.7ittie rip Atilltilessii , A : ',... '': , ent et my or fice in tb bnißligg'irr• ' l ".,:' ;S.''. 'hi. the 10th ;day of A rattf(sl.*lNid, t which time and iliac.. Stpericina interelotetritesmie r red to prevent pelt clarketbsktieharip,! from edit , in upon said fund; ":: , ..:`..- - .:,,.' :.:VSIE 'Pi: NNEV. Fetal ' ' , ::"- 1 1 . ',„ Auditor. i lnicei i" s iLt 1 71113,,.. i ?)!-. * es t"; • D N Lt. pßriopi telebl .4; ocesi:gok I"l.44._souit, am' ere (wkiti•etntiesteti-te Tote yiiititt!*wan delay, and pfliWTh4ity . „ riaia , mate, ore reqoptite d to res in; t h em . duty anthenticatell , -Sur set tlement. A. CHUBBUCK. Administrator. : Otwell, Februlo 19, 1851, . • . '' - it''''NEVVrGOODS AT THEY 'H" t '' ODITRAt. kSTORtiI N:; . 14 4. - i.ifftfritsi 4 :,,,f;viv t/o7l. l .,l n iliril e le * ofreis to f tls,mlitic i st loss ,prices, a a .clatap as 14 c , ,aiti,,- eat,tat riudi c inert kinitinrrodvoe;: .1 ; : r -. • t i4"="iiii -- it*c' *iil be figlndfr "a ail ussetirnenier Locke „Dr* : t'vudi' aita.Tiasonsingy, suitable'ror "the reilioti„ilid i splendid askirim:iikt,of Miliaria. silk, linen `enif, , cotton limes, Finish sitiylienll:l*l oi4 ila, p - iisdies•Cientlehe ecie,l.lo3's.atuyOtkildie**s ll osts di Stuili. IS giest t sir - - --- `y w. ' 1' "i '.— - T.T he gpod le,of tbil village and ,Fieinittere ilt, I vl :10;eill *4 ts4iiiine. rut thiiiisehrii fagot* pi/Chest i n , s er b e r . e • Allg'.41"u'",1!1110! cell . 1 ,047 thou: u I iiisidity,:er pod' • Aiiialmies, -,, i, .;- , Y. -I, i ISW •- ' *'' ; ,r.. • p i ANDI.EB-4o seittompetim iptiiie Casettes sale 111 lenrrifiriypE4 r ' i` lIMEE T 4; I trIT„ I . -. 1 41 41; Oft l y' t e i 4 S =amino • ft:B46 trt - e7mErtcut ir ter - i pp rm i o r: l l,, t G 112 14 -1 4qPnt or.ineed b lb* Airrituiiitagaimbwid thineibi• virojibiThilieedolly vaguest itiFithampvididf,t y PAS, slAtai -144 1 F4 4 51.242!!itP*0tr Pf.Aht! ; debts unsvoblafity hictired s by, Fuca* clrer iligt;re ttiitat is!! 'lnd i•s - strant. "ut fitchowst tenetatiertOffitlels A114;10100" ed NM* 11 70rDtkRft w !i!!!"viktr M i thA t 414,4 ag prices., _ 1,91 , 10.4:11t- , rt.. • - ' . • 4 14 4 lialtiA! IVO* apeiiingin 4kBttbnipivA r.datviTEßstorniumF:Rwerinimituni .JLels of Oat; mrsairdi furilihiAlVath YYflif , c;r: •:,.,P!• • ../.4P4 4 ,4;W#l) 4 t-t • . • w•v.a.7%,Aaßar. ": , A - VraNTANT/37. iintler, tintrANNO 41 . 1 `.P9 (41 7:9 r .fr!108 1 g 4 'keit 0*R.M!!"e 4 144 Aceo9ptit or Mort thin one . , stitupig t they initit toreftiieit'and daP. Mgt to , tusk* iiimipaartions taikpapsentx L,Yltiill;lberfrturn. Itte'irt !ince , * tiellgulto *CPO' lic e pilot, favors , lnc:y. l, 9 o o .knlitethePh 4° 0 1 - , it: animation of &Ili srary'Ariensire'essoilmentiA (was jiist seciiitieit finny! Itiewor:wir Clityl puiebiseil 'Vibe lowest ebb in the matlitt..wtgallt lorceliePtiel: l4 %nugget& nr petil9 f etPrir.e l4 ~.titat . c~paof Lei! to ease, tint, custome i4 We 14 V e n a e • erg to lib, tvoilh). Mite & lb* itiOidehti3 %piled' wee inar still. tie able teitrant Yoe it tandems Oro: fien n Ir.* 4", 1 *. ih.*Arri fpg,, ;, • !I:Ls FREEM4NOW)D42"""°44°''''r• crIMMRTFAIS AND Y ;JOBBEitR. . ic A irtarbeirty y'•> :,ont i1itinv0407.190411141441 7 .; 'Acka.naJwausirtAggiVlMll Il drain ) , which we weal particalePOikiti ikrettattekr:vitti will.Saailti ittotilotpktirtoti Mini to I r ri C )*Nn i t l lP Of! b e fgPx9AfA e dipl t h p i 1)1 irier4 cii suptity'themieTiee wit every er • 'fit tie* Mi . , illibeat Mireibit44 s titithitkdtkireirMie: ikon Ipticeeetlillenpiiil our itocablenetinial m*Pre*"!7 f"...A43 sal fo u #PrPhiklnf 4 R l 1 1 - 4 Tur twits! Odom itrireh: , Wit ii*t witi; .wskitilki:odaitiarfor ).;;;ilrlw;r,. r lA r a Pe 4411Abikerlderskentlylireeiee Leeffix TOP I PP- 44 •4 1,41 C4F1 1 1,4011 ltirslcs.• ititglae'd Arid Tyriy,offni tbreise., , Vas, ilia ChAiiiieitil DribibideratEdgismeet'lnsettinge,e‘slisithadia. 14:e00P4fis#01'*nciquet .. N1,44 1 .4 11 :4 1 ; ,0 , ioleves''ouid Maw KadOak.: Lisle Elbeeed •iiiad . f)emiegMlice . , „ Seas's. flivabi f ena,Drees Hu**. ItuArins, 61.1142444k' iAlisicialeifflANititiele . end .Pints " ,1 , 1 • - 1 , r5 vi" sr:OVlli4tw r tT 3 o 1118 , 0 0 i : coati and mericiii Ariitcia rlotscrs. "With 'thintfailtol iristrie!' 11- or iat(ink% fcrimikt pyin - r tang Trier, wilVaakie pang : by l c4llliFig4o,aatisfyiag,geinsoirti ft -s lanhav OltUr-ACCIDENT 1 - WA4 3 .3 l !lioff.Ae fifffeho.nfi, iff.conseq o6 .9 4 firh• 11 lrocriir rs au ham& rcl,i-yei Ne 4. Ufficlf. 9_W, •gprihrite Mbrche, with 'a 'Tillie arid general iW psnassits'br rittue4 AVVSTER VOlMMirsOsefilir ifief Nd4a. ther roma , and, don iiteV Iradd, comsat ins of- Dry OA OA* groceries,cilarthrare,,,Cay . rixty,r4ifeas 4 n F'Ve•4!!'inN—U il .st A 9 02 1 1,4 0freg v,6 wootil ww f s. Vinor,Ac. _ Aif kithic7l3" tteitidcriher iattirs hiMself, thit,Yr.;as' arn4erierkete Of. lifteetficiiit The biiiidess iie ihri end w.fl 4,11,1tir Chap its 40 ettiesnefeatilisttsitt: ha T, 41 7firld!.. IduiVPllesnes -arefrnoaffseVecto fullyinvitedy. calf . r and exanaipe_sy, sack. •, tr 'Most tinds or Counrry Prollas faiehisi li change fur goods, and CASH paid for Lumber. - ' 7 " 4 ----- +AM Cl3-11r PH !NNE Y, fiTztwafula, Octos,e;•112i18511. -•" ' ) ' ,'• " AA ,A.T..,r'4 1 / 4 Rlytti Alas just recekitqa from Ow 4411 large end' tiplentlidlisiOrtmeni of WATC4IO.. JEWELRY; dre.. Or thelirialt , which the *amain of ladlei end gentlemen-is Invitotfc anti 3Kturrik-wi4. be Poki• fit .Price" i. Ocf9 A' lirike etasOrtmeot of 'CloOs and Egruw,Gooels.or this tooist ''" Obtolx.rl-0, ' NOTICE. p ALL kricrlkknowintu tberaleiyin. 41Jebt,eil to the autmetibei by novi of book oecount y. ant . telaiiied to MI6 inwitinittellafmatitnithe wane. aid saantniti: - Towanda BiILINGSBERY - Oa • ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT .LA VV; ••r - , TOWANDA;• BRAD.. ea; - ' 4 `t• Ott`' Office, North 'side of the:Pular Sqturfe•C''' NEW I AI-8T - received at - FOX'S i tali Mork of NEW FALL' 1:3100D8„ airapriring sit, ihrenha styles - 1w Marl willah are naireetfulig offers! at the lintel (34E4* call, is `.solicited from all alp wish . .!tr .1) undone orate. ' '4,11p E. Vbx; . A LI. W oo l ,DeLaines ~nll, Merinos „likenutiful L entos', II - Tidbit elattii"Alptieess ptints dies, also rloientie. Swittsdown;lennt Lin& end cigker friminingi. %Orrin'. rate plowmen% of Uloves,liociety and Scotch Yamdkc.o 'at • , „ •,., apt% Li , i! _ ~ , rOP3. .s, - BLACKSMITHINO. • A DA M ES E N WINE 'respeethilly . Wel -put•t* 1"a• -lie that he now ocenpies-th•Abopasherohimielf owl dirnlhnr Alava , for , :fats wotiied... neatly . opposi,or. TiUnkilitfontlty ‘ . *hero he is ready to do n:1 work , lila fordeily in 'the test inanbir. - is'4lo-• teenchtel ths'Tepoistirin he har•-etteinad as a akilfuLt anakataodtall not start by inarliegleet of the: inter.; es ti of eusionters or by say inattention tobkisinets. TOOLS. manufactured to order --nr4hinery a all kinds repriirrillii thelkt 'inalitier: 4nd eintylirat Repairin s n , and - Manufadaring - wilt bedonalat snort , notice. and in thoostylodeairerk . • Mlle Shoeing, on reaspnabie terms. He will *tan take Cotiritry PinefirCe hi payment for Wort:Sut Ob jects-strongly. to malt. •, • • a" . ' •Plw*Ttafillytr 17. 1614..,^ The Right . Mace to inff Goods Cheap' •-1 = FOS CSSII. IS ST B. - . KIACSBERY . 0.. s ZIT HP; E tae opened 'tome choice ; NE Yr vv GOODSI, et fireater barghips then iq:cillefoe °treed to the " Amongst Them Meilvilinne of Rich end Eleontifts *elf sr Pe k in mut Viieep reil Wintee TYritleiNtc , ;t every vari ty trill style. rotunda; Noseinher 744 1350.' ' • ' • DRESTED pibir,illeTotkirsi. apkesslrierfs 4 ,,ot .1- ifie mn4 eirgirie fitvliti , aniteol . l4* a ! even ope .billing :cold, its , 7 ' Ir'IIINGSTITIRrik Flek • Nflff jlteriones and Pamienas of ihfmost us. - sitabteripiitterniti aTed.Wriested:Phili for - dr6ssCs.' as well as children's wets. fir .sto. cheap for cask II Nov. 7. velg.tif:RY & UINTED ttifififits awl turick well tisio:mefiek fir ea:iefiee.lia;:irrr, cashmete.; atr3A4preera, can be Gtend for sett. hrb•'' • Nov.l. - KINGSBERT paw; Vp t'Pay Fp/ tLRotAE who know Itittiwebres to - be orkwith theittbsen'ber will 'tiit'a liotow did on - earn a graft while I want litypity-jott lam otherpoplii.csniF NOG it tfoca tintaltme or itgrlkin am+ caw.' 1 aowl.tut en ccr: 'di 1 Q. 1).`4,‘ TiTLI: 11 CO. Q ..;p9P