El ~,~~~ .. ... z .7), ,_ ~..:,.., .;',,,....7"t4"1:"•."`•! -----*-.....-.,--7, f-'!. -' ,- ~,•"' • ••••• I ,401 le, .‘ . r t '' • -.... A e ' • --. .' ' IC i .1 ,Z*47,'4..w ..... . . ‘,..- ''. • -/.::"; . ' l ' . _.- •• . .. . .• - '.4'''!C•re :- - "*.r4b.rovb Yid Bin, h ' eep speeell Fete` Meat otv , t% ..-orgreffidivorAw...v.i. ?riveter*: •---- Towanda, ': *inlay, Mardi' i k voi. R'iems et Tilie 4 Repealer - • , 1111V511 antitits—iirada within the it daducw4.4menehri in ANPINCiie dieralteiL pipit w ofittien yelitt; ant 'final to wfli t• Ant% SO *nu ljursond cw aczi t lf o oLiis u lh sub la oee=4.4. dip i sibte Wism nr2l door to the Britltbo) Hotel. .ICotratterebs,,tyeeti inne. Adanitiquit 1441 z.ef.L h p 148 /C1 .21 1". , 8 4! 14 4 1 4 0, 6 51,414ttPc A MEETING. Of the .ormocrolktionding Cone . e , held s at the bohni ipf .1: P. Ciosi, on't3iirtitii4; die fob *diiy orlftereh nriLeat T o c10ek..P.1 1 4..i- the fulicririort gentlelneu eomponoisiitcopiwittreoseph H. Wel4, Notilan Effinkosier. P. E. ,liioynard, W. 11. 1 iroodytre:11: Lito'retice Scott, 'Joseph litinardt. Johten. flack. P.O. Oliver. • . - HI •• -• ' N. - hprt 1851- .1A,Z.51 1 4101. •Orriemim. ilitile el' the alithiot—tls g d s. iii4aveitently, (Om 'die p.l • -• petieal pau fr ibettoiren fieilinit page. .• ' ;I ' Cadisi 31 topqrsoN, niter beiug to sestion'allniiglit adjourn ; ed en Tuesday last: at nonn sine the. g4e, a full report of its rcfceed,ings_.___ The joint sesointion,_ wlitch pissed' the Honse giving Ritchie frrnit4feto belt 'hundred thousand of dollars was laid Senate., ,We trust it may lay ,there i terever. • The cheap postage law f reducesthe rases of pcet re!einralt¢ ielter postage, provides, t'that from Ina attari Alpe gt f -4851,..1e ilea of the rates of postage now established by law, there shall be charged the following ratesoo snit : For every single letter in manuscript; or paper of soy kind pprop which information shall be asked, &0 „conveyfdln the mail, s,ir any dimancebetween places within the United States not eiceeding 3,000 railer, three,cents, when the postage :shall .have been prepaid and for any distance exceeding ZOOII miles, double those rates; fur every such singlelet ! , ter, when eenveyed wholly or in part by sea, and and to or from a foreign country, for any.. distance ever 2,500 +dice, twenty cents; settler any din. • 'lance under 2,500 miles, ten cents.;, double and treble-letters pay double end treble these rases: The rates of postage.op netvspapers may bests. fed thus.: newspapers,. -not exceeding three ounces in weight, sent to actnal .entweribers from the office of publication, shall be sbarged as fol. lows: Weekly papers, within the county, where published, free; for , any distance notiexceedieg ty awl not more than three hundred miles, tea s els; per quarter;.over three Hundred and not exceeding One thousand mites fifteen cents per quarter; over +ne ,thousand ,and not exceeding two thousand miles, twenty cents per iwarter; over two thoesand and not exceeding fookthousand, twenty-fire cents per quartet; andjor any greater diatanee, .thirty cents per , •quarter ; semioreekly papercto pay double, Pi-weekly treble, and papers jotted °knot than triweekly, five times these rates. . • The House passed the following Bills and Res°. • lotions, *it : I — The Nisi - Jkpprepriaticie ;'ilie bill making alrproprintions lit Light Matisis; the Senate's bill to Prevent Constrifetive Mileage ; the bill Limiting the Liabilities of AmericariShipClivit em ; the Milo ascertain nntT' viable - Private' Land Claims in C,ilifornia; the Senate's John Reirolntion ililthefiZiltt the President TO send n Govermcient ship tethe'llgediterritnian to bring kossfittrand his' companions 'to the Ihrited States.!!'Tliti Senate); aniendniens to . the House Retoluiiimi extending ter the widows of Rsielliticmary Soldiers the benefit of the, Acts 011311; '43 and '4-1. The S,eitale bill providieg'arr Aaftitn . fOr aged' and disabled Sol diem. The Sthiate bill mar, (anti the A'PT° iseale't , , n of rurportetiMetchandise, and provalinfer thenp• pointinent of -four Appraiiers at' Urgel; the Jahn Resolution' providing, for the' distribution of the forthcoming census rettinik,among the. members. Thelfoesejefused, to suspend the rules, to ,teke up the . Fitinch Spoilation; bill *Well had assed' the Senate and passed , a Risoliniongi'llo,g (o each of t'ie employees Of that bodr, piroikeupers, pages, Sre-Ac. 4 430 extra . pay.., . „ , • Among those defeatei were the ! French , Spolia tions bill, the Riker and , Harbor Appropriation bill, the Joint Resolution making, the tiew'i Land War rants assignnble;the Joint Resoletiop,flinMi . !ling Mr. Ritchie's Printing tontrait, and the,Reaohtliall cre,- titing Mir grade of Lieutenant .peneral in the Army, %skated. The amendment lathe ilicy,Apprepria; lion bill, jnensaiirig the ectrepensaton of the Col-, tin's Litie•of Steamers for cirling the Mails be tween New-Yolk and Liverpool, was lost Conn, vb Barssv-...The President him tender. eJ to Ike. Hon ~11. Jones Brooke, Pennsylvania, Siete Sensor from. Delays:3m county, the appoinv mentqfeensul to Be:fast. . • 111r 1 .8.: was the member teltoi.iutrotlugeil :the Webster:resolutions in:o the Leg. ishtture. Hie re want bas been very,promptly given 504 - 111 ghIt.CILLIA . U. S. SGSATO*-41 . •ii elated that Rhea halt expressed.. his detiimittation to te. , siim his *tat, and that Mr., Batler . , , his. colleague,. *little waled that he will ant com e back any more. the aims just taken, it mewls, too, that South Carolina- two- members- or:Congo:4— That "can't be set down to NorthctninjuStice rep. or .IFoucllirazosor..—Te learn Latser Mat Hon. Tti?stAiii3oazo , loz,the:t . ilpret6 Coon of this 4 - lig,. ill 0' MO ivii4orke of his oon-iit-liw in term - inn); n. 1 " The flhn. R.. P. LIFTOuta, Mhiaiter of the United States to thareptileie of Mexico; ii at pniseni . In Washiugtot. Mwrr Noah, the New lark rt no says, has been sofferlig for the ,Werliinw, rain a rtroke or parely4s. Bonito bearii. 1 Scalia* Barrmtr, who was suffering Iron) at Washington, was repotted conirideretife bower On _ • . Stuurs „Coinni PniliJingn Oita in ,Wasiii*a on - a ' 4 a • • lre; Ts Law m chi *with , I .' y,.% as , 4 in , II e !' , tng.k -Weir Hat r , a ,• ' • , aspeseb i an Web said, • eonsia • • the Jaw tinjust i inhuman, and not fit to jui obeyed." He sotenitily pledged himself never n . ) lilt a itopr .11 0 1 •1! 1 $ 41 * - IfnuminglrfrilearvI. 1 0 i1 1 0- neither would he mu his official power to protect Slave ealchers. i - A series olstran, g refolutiotts irere pawed out as fti or which is llowia- • - =I 1 c arecolved. Tim fa, ra!rinkopf top t tlyvAriti onarerrii will beret err's% in enCi i irAsitenii%,ll I t .f ~.i.e 3., LH!: " A meeting inn . ition to the law is to be linh. Imyriteeviat i viilEirowaintear*,,,;. , i l , luta to4punow night. 1,i , ;,, ~ , . .,,:t., '1.!.: ~,,1 rte, ~ I, {",r; '.- '' f'" : '''' ' ' ma iiiiiilrliiiiiiiite t iZ - '''' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ~ 1 it - 1 c... , 1 :.1. ' '1 ? -1 ''.. ..,4`1,..1 'll ..... 1 ? 1' Wictugovorri Altuctv 2—Mr, iirtiayins Motif!, Ctiritinissiboerlif the •Ntrlio' liaiklifilvi, s itia ibis mu ffli n g,' v. , " ... 1 . 11 1 '4'.11 .1 - 1. 11 , -3,1 e.,. t; ~., '.. . OSeilatag I)ent.tiniirlin)satilbeeti Aim .A 1,.. do!ing 111e,iwi 11tc.,017,5, Ai qiO4...rpinsento , .. ~, i,, , win:l . , 10 . 04, i owner ortiti• eity,,iiis; iiihnetil orittsaccivhiih be hnifiin'iiihnitl 'pin avrif ' iti n - brixi , ; thiet httnansti AutiatiViiiitrif is othirettfur the recovery of the money - , . •-• :t.o i• ~: ',: ~, •. lilteni.Frowx, onnareeat mete e 41 ,1, 4- 4 3 , fire or;euitea here' iestenfafihntning,'l4hieh broke. trat - inAlie'leare of Wk.' 'Parmelee, - titatreyfng That together:with:the Mote, of, J:.C.,lieroil; Johnsim. A. Putnam ; and Grani)l,,bathettehop-- The (ewe of Raio's tetegraph„ ,a4` the Sentinel w nerpaiu4 olfrieireier'll2 , 6 ilektreyed: ' The 'rots Is' about 12000; perfrailfeoetreil by iiistigefet.,' tikllros4ll. _ . ..." iihr.altarn.llllpCg.,4l. freight depot of the Boston, Concord' . in& Mai tros Railroad,. at this, ,wa!nntirely culOtr#44 tire this morning. • ' ' ' ItcrfAx.o, March,. I". ; , 18311.r.-Thene:,waa- , analher murder.„committe4 here _eight before , .jwa &M ikanrow,.a man named Catrip - ittack Patrick McCiorriiieli with an axe and brake hit sVnli IW6I Con tribliti, and :tho Coronet held , an i n q u e o t thin.ainfaiag,,w_hen . Camp Willi committed au the charge of murder. , .„ , Grunt , . tltsit, Monday; MIMI 3 stisettimich: er, named Kirkland; white skaking inTlitrr mitket e yesterday, wasattacketi for having-paid spree. Minx -gains' Catholic, ; ge, moped into anise', 'where he, was iltb proefred from the mob. Di9TIIVISMO AtiIIiCST.,74IpARMOC.EXPP444Ir" Thiliedity,Aecember 17; 1850, Sermiel ,Ifrown, ajonng.man,:aged 22, Ipt villageOt Qinterpe... ton, Bur hanarr courityjnweon . horse Wyk, to, ttlullt• act soon holiness it grave some, twel4.ra Bea die taut, betiven Oe..ll 7 Apotpinicoq agvi Cedar rivers, Oubit+.re ,Whee about four miles from (bias •qacion, while riding over -a strip ~ ot ice, the horse fell, and precipitating "BrOwn (whirl right side; and hie friotcreniiiinindtightin itirtup, - whieir *age smalleus:oThe horsermained-his foot 'before Mr Brown recovered himrell, and ran - off et friß,speed. To preservehis heed fmtn !njary l he,clnpped,bsth hands'about his ritiht thitth; thus in Part sustaining tee boa r , sWettz irmnedietelY be. hind the kut:sifatiehs i lacredible *shine" seeni; in this horrible position: be weedreped thmemilee, Thei.hoise,rin themeantime, by repeatedkicliMad fractured - both bones M his„leg, ahem four 'inches abode the. ink and braised' thin' i o "froint the knee down( into 'a • peifect - jetty: At end' or ihrea miles, theborse becoming lat*sed,i abated his VW; and by,PlTere atoms, the nun; Aye. cee,led in extrzemini, his jpot Nun tne Boot, the fat: tt#retitaitiii in the te7:op,'•llo *as dropped upon the'ripen•pranie; threemilielrom any bodge; and a ntileand a half irom *toad, end in eochdraigued, braised ‘ und sprained,stote, that he, entirely, of either In, Walk lnihid situation, lying flat'aiirin his hick * lie ie. mined from nastily af:ernoom Petar:l,P 17, till Saturday 'afterntion, December 2t , the. ground be. iughani and frozen, aml.thejeetv.her thtr i ctiltlest, have:hid this Winer, with snots van the grantal vhich inereasettlO" five or six inches In depth by the Antra onoWednesday, Deeenaliere.llV -He trakoil itiovovetcoatlind , etrappedit round his Leo• ken. leg taprerent itifreezing, but without success, hip left, leg being trozep ebtiro the knee tetiell he *an fou n d, 'att'alS6 his right•fnot,iiiiiddirad gars. 'During tho•fonr.days and nights, he neither we, nortl rank anything also except snow, b or, close& his eyes in sleep., The small prat iro.„tsolsgs borerad mound Min at night • but without molesting Nip ) thotighlhe.Y apPiotaidivithiti itirds: ing the day, he could see teams and thetrpassingon the public road, a mile ands half distant., Heleter. ted. Warne ) ," to,ranntinost nfstrength, tornakeltim ; seitlieard by those teamsters, bat' will:tint biinging any of thetretri'hisa-Sitaance. It' ci.. in 'tit way that he was heard'onSatarday,:bk these Who ' , Were bunting forfiimi.ot.the distance' °lino miles, and by this pearls he .was.found. . His effort at halloo, ing had tet,his Itings to bleedity, and when fonnd he had cri msoned the snow for several feet around him with Mond, He .was brought hack Ilitatertie. ton, and.two"weeks afierthe accident, (but, not not till mortificalian, had taken place,) his friends ,sue, ceeded,tifer unsuccesstul arra.s,getting, .ter• geon to"ampoiste the limb'Re was still' living, at bot taxon_ nts but with -little hopes 'uf .. rsormiity.,..... Miner's (Dulnique)-Eritressi 30 aft • - • A Doesr.wEsorranarr.l-One of the most singular cases,otderartion and elopeent on , record...occur. red in this 'city on . Thursday 'last. A min named Peter McGovern, • residing in Esiter street; WhO had been married about fire Weeks, suddenly appeared on Thursday allernenn Imit,andabnut the same time the wife of hlr. Joseph. hfitchell; . who had been Married - about eight ,week 4 ,,Widing on, Pell's Point ; likewiws disarireaned:' Oil enquiry it wag merle , ned that the n -parties hail been seen togetbin'afthei - Philadelpins steamEssat wharf on that afternoon, and as Pater had courted her in. days gone by, and *Wiled - rejected his suit, !hero seems In be no itanhithat They have rekindled the ned (lame and MI 'traveled off togeibifi Itlrik. 31o: Genera, 'the deserted-wife; .is very young and:fine looking woman, ond,,lthe , dererted -tiostsmd, 311 Oleg, is tOProttiv and industrious ous Mani. hating :one . to tense kiseptpg' With cloy eenitott'aionrid him': His wife was only benteeett fifteen andsireen ) yea+ of age.' , It is now Ilitakda therwentttsethet to Cut4berial4o•rsll4 ant f a . „ Scostoi , or 0 .gy,to * Turinic 4 .4m. , --,The Yew rot ILTrihtine of yesterday enemies the following: We are informed by Capt. W. B. BradfOrdOfthei Tends Wird Parke, therWitig 1404Tlitinti , known-as -A:hie:Eyed Thempsomt! arrettadroa4l - olay. an A chisrAkof ; Rising connielleiti money. andosinfined.ip Essei Maiket Piierm„,yommingsd snionfti fast evening, by faliiis<22'gratits'cif 'Mar. phino: ' Grains Were - heard kith' Wel:Wet , abbe, 9,) o'clock, when the officers entered and found' Thompson in an almost insensible condidork Dix Wells and Bel Cher were iminediately sept for, 'rho aPpliesithe stomach'pnmp.' At 'l2 O'clock he MO still alive; hat there was no - ohatice"Of recorery;..i-' He left a letter for his wife, and also :one- for she coroner, inning that 1114 ileath waactuused by taking 32 grams of . morphine, and entering into. a history of his life t o some extent. Ile also lefi 110t0 ed. dressed Mr, Oliver, the keejser of ike•Priskin, re. questing him to minify his will of hia skids: - •In his cell was a tract entitled, nail) „yon Pie • Hap. - P7l" on the margin 01 which be had written, es Whit a stratimeomeidenee that a trail - ashes kindihnutd be placed in' Ids lustuls! Heeinahl aria awes alinvnor.vely,- for he had been bribe last half hour ender the Influence et a .dendly ismoner of the tsl incl.. :iiiiit - itE)",cl:';':47the: Em=a MEM :Anga.bFir, 3 l l 4fr;l4.**lpsio.,.., Attaches' illityriet'PreadbeiVV: t0ga ....... ' Eitee . o. . e::,' • .St olio ; wi;n --- toili- ,it ._ , Ived that the '' .7= trifin: ... dith u r c 'is ".',' nby the co " ::!..,,f t ; .holeten' I- be - T• eetleti wilt, in -' ~_ i t __ t °it- en t .: . :"' e u ni lt w °f ast ih th e a:; '4 . ? :' ide ble privjtess was made. in the pavane ot the.bill. An anent wait intute in the committeeto chatme _ . _ i 1 altiVtiF Ytnk, an ..nnienilment having ben,' onbinincit by Mr. PnUmix. of ;hat State,lntilitiiefleiti thallAthe&' ever a bailable biiitding shall have been erected at New York, to be unrrenderett In the GenentliGov. rnrsonuk.- la od- Mk f 1 , 16 - ) • 1 = illinui tlateciave2Lcitilltt l ciw. ' eregrep 9ltirt;suiflhiP Oti'o l bFA:ig4calfPiwko4 ;kw% was ~ , tittairtr.it-7 a yeu tole 4., 1144' then' retiiil itself it 6 ernoinittee ht4heoWitole iirrtheretaieittrthi& ettirid; *heti the remajnirtiteniti of we re, progendeit AT4 11 ,, rind itePari4.,i2inenlmenlit were ,posseil, whiels liartte, reogifilepled l hy die danirnfiiie of . ir4s andlrientie;' „ "' fitirnber''otteher gineridrnebts' . were' prolictiierT by men:diens, individually. which tWereeither ruled lct be'cOMPCP',de thnilluOlr-Art-Wier, o Ai' when rutesWere ( Among thesewere, taint' of bY.l‘g kismcni Nntlityoapitc, chovettei.whiels were deehied 4o be cmt of order. bi 11 •4 2 7-irg•rtltletA4*..l poseu.or, the committee rose , ,enairning report e eil die bdl-aitaiteed 64'4 intsie4irestli 1'r441 the dleit; thOseeblitsbri to vihithiliectirma were mac'e being reserved fos futaot decitieni r•' IT 1 ?! 3 . itersen.f, l 4, l o9.W.,Nriing berP. l 44 l3 kilaYe• rally on i, 'die, they were sursairicil by . Ilip_jtpatse,; , and the yeas.and nays being biker? on the ' prisOage of thebill;it 'war' , amid 4t4 yeat . i27 nays .55; ihiblipikryly:moved•ki refer' back the A t oms, bin/ and teCnrilm!nded 0 1 4, 1116 -amendineMik Proposed by The Serrate be adopted, which warg agreed,o4. • fie aiiiiePOrietrbacle the Military Arradenty With 'a vecomthendalihri that the inneratinent`cif the Senatetbe notagreed tr 4 end that,the bill be again 'fFrenerl tft the P?Pthroe !xh olo , ol l:the , stale of tha.thdoy. . • . ) -Thelionse thi4 resnlvetl'intelfittio - e`iiini ,, nAttoe at the whole, and proceeded to the considerationef the , mfirattaendemji bill; , whett;ani-iiniendinent, 15 1 3'idi!1 ,1 0i'lhaile-,: 4 PrOm bgil4; 1 41:19! a riding !,eheol at ~Wriet- y ,o,rnb Wat l ` taken, op , •. TkitoWrisitibesalritirig , arrised i the commit. tee adjoarited till Ilk lo'ciciek; ' 1 " ;:riAttbc.dveiting-sestion the Militir3r 'Academy' Tal,passo 3 ,xithoui a vfoffiggint- - - - The indemnity bill was they ,t10FF6114,•athd,..44P Seetetniy ol Stine charged with - receiving ,Fieettnia, ty. compeninnion befor&tritiitenting lo'.lake 'the , r • r, ' •-•v.e - tf "Mr. Allen, of Ilastraehnsens, daring , his speech, afier,speaking to the rptesupg, immediately at is ne e tiroac charged - the Secietaty Of State with bivrog accepted $5O 000 from the 'moneyed 'interests 'of Wall-streery *Near 'York, 'and Shoe street; Boston; to relieve him fivirri„ pecuniary, eabernisements, previous to his accepting, °rm. r . This Itailie then *lamed at iOl o'cloek: ' ,Iyfaxr.snAr; Feb. - 26. The Voila, . 0,41 ,the , dry dock in Califomia—airriolutionteing thisSlieidr: er'siable for instructing the Sea. of War to modify 3he existihg contract for:n dg dock, elvish) limit it to allosting, dock, n•ithout a basin mut, sailnray. The mornin ,, hoar having elapsed, the,floneet pro. cieded io'rot7Sti tieen, reiiortetklet einddishinto, frosiniadO , ' ' ' The readin;:nfrthis wise - idled jor r ir having been only read ItY4o.:tract-i 'bet! this was opposed, and the bill 'finally passed; • On motion of Mr. 13a,,Tly;the itseltinfnitedmittittee cirtlibleholeltn ititiliMte of therileicapaml the Mersieariimitimnikrbill :again came up for consideration, which prodecedmepe ! what occustiixl I,o4 , etening,Mr ,Alleit re itaintinghitfassertion,'iritirblv:AMlTlO replying which he said - 116We% alghotifti to csvarturtcor the is4ragyneia4 0 1 44ta,j4,01e4milorquxllified man. a comm i ttee ere rose, ant a motion. was made and lost, to sibrfairril firelfiepurpcite oiltinttinivall the Ilvenrinateivilebate. agairkresolted itself into committee. half past three o'clock,havipg,arrisedi tbet,oom, mine? took a recces. . • ' The ilutekeinet the'discos alotiorres en - the-o'blexican instattnent bill, acid it war Onally;paried. I T....• r , • P• •'7 TheAllily bill was ,taken np,in committee, and arlebalninstred, deringithieli Mr. said he was in Error of increasmg the army in`/steel` and keepin• proper booridsdennagogaes bonze; and for sustaining the law. tfi : ,Giddingajyrt the doer,. a nd nityle A , speech ii,garnstirlavery, after' which the committee rpsfh teef;tifii qinirierbeforiiiinialtook,`thelliniii ail; jonmed until to morrntsQ EMI - ' TinnottAT, 27. 4 ' Ittelinitseui'an early hottriesOlieil NO into a committee of the whole on the elate of theMnitin; and foxek t ie t i With the conaidetation of tffe• tinny bill. yr t ,Ho . wardof Texas , addressed the committee, singave a very interesting'ilAuni et the original settlement of the Indian tribes by die Spaniih emmAiti which had in view theip.entiverstohi to Christianity. - Mr. Toombs, of Gecmia, was in tavorofereduc. tintil'af the armyohe existence of which in time at peace is uncatleil for, and - iiijnritius the" priblin interests by-rrit hdrawing able bodied meditate the pursuits-of useful:labor.. .„ . • Mr. Burt, of Siiraih CalYitilla : se - chairman of the coihniinie on Military affairs was in VIVOr of' the" Maintenance of the present e;nitiliihriunit, and With reference to the increased expense of the. Quaner..' master General's department, to shioh allusion bad been made, atiteinhat it is attributable to .then.; creased line Of kende, of the tlaiteitt.titoti sir:tribe distant Military posts 'te "whieh •nitiort,,clOthing,t acii; have to bur forwatik.dt.i'' , r: thMr: ; Ba rry coneluded.the debate i 'and - - defrinded e course pawned by the committee sty, wale and ineans,lti recommending a reduction to the, army estimates , . •" • " ' ' • The einegion tratihetv taken - upon '- of Mr. Giddhige to strikeout the chum° epproltria, ling' 656 000 for enliatmente • end negatives) without a diviiion. ' 'fkher•iectionti iiefet takerPuß snit moire:had' an, di she hoar fora •rematched strayed ) when [becalm! During die,erining se.t!sion 1 4,OoneidettAli0 .o 1 the' army bill' CMS coniineed ' in coinniittep of itto whale: • Thiiiippropilatfcin of 8108.00 lc* atr i a • meet of.frinißwpionsirasiorieken oar, and other ref dpetlona grade. ;It, , The navy a voPrielion Wit 011°144- F o4 eFasied ton i ght . , ie 0 51 . 60., sirsiort.—,,i4rlvales A rgeveql vioc#4lpl4l4l of Mr. flayircl;,'co tferaware. • atmctise Milsaya'ofSentlens:':kfilie& • • lifeWit.o4 l (kith the Priming,) mad" st•relam 1 1 * the relief Of Rik+. ie on amount of•the loefieChaa is, alloyed tol have !captained in,executing the .Congressional prieting. Re (Mr: Mc _ 11'1 inul.aiiiiititinea that Ititehie,Was &Irma to it - great 'meant, and lierfonned 'the 'con.' trial kithlully ctt 'en aver e:- 'Alter fedhott pro' eeedinys! ••• : = • ,Mr„.. W . 44.unx moved te, lay the,sehjeet t onlhe; ta. bleAttNietkeed—i - eati 84 ; lays 111.. ile• Resolntion Which relieves lifr.ltitahie • frnm' the' terms of his contract, and in. lie° iieri 1 himichte., Ng( the praised, fixed by thole* of 1819, siairOr• demi lo,be,sl Pyr,Atite- Oejor,itki ma was reeJ,e,:thii , (l - lime, atruwel 'followed betty eet the ivikoltelgtilifid fends if the • inoeed to l la)' it' en ilk ` table; not :car. ,rtF cic~—~ . . net , ' eta ottrari • • !re -• • eas -- 1 Nava 10t..4.4.11reer ;hours - were . ttitet'eeniumed. e • • thet.. • he r4e4 ta its ita ' .t he -4 t tit ty t tI „ 11 - in gt ght la ere •k. , C. the 3 AX .eti 4 tre In tai: ar • 4latton lit a Ant t'o Itiitte tti.aireatigi e made by Mr. Allen againiA: Mr. Webster, n.4' - haver %ter to t 144 r Apes 4tici• re • . na to . naa-Pinset 11l rectos taken. ,, ''"Af:iitirtfliktbei - tiliatit'bill'hppreptiating ten lions'of acres ol public lands for dimribution ami the Siatt~i ; fOr the teatil stinkthe snfitaftt 61 - the ititgen poymtAgitqp Miv intaileatrilthw hitif and alter* Kabl Jail +innate. without coming to n ditto vote ontl e- 6696 vit6ii -ti o om it :0 ,r: ' o• ', 1;e. 9WOO it et,iinhilf en thitistryaApfnel!rititinni* is-Iftk: Ifto/4111FPIichiaArtki9fkg,reat,IPii**0.' Illeen:terN p -s! plo•mr. Statt,ol3l - reert. '....;: rc ,i • • li:iutiiiteliikittfeliete intriendeffid ilketyk: tine fer 4 infintinterlintoMhAllen'tidunietregit "-. ME Wttlistet.'gnOliectitnubeing !rnetleobete. - etto: r " . itniTe l utWiltArilltßeNiflgVlickAff..llowllt• t'. ii e i nl e 'ef l • i t.,- 4 ,1 11) , ,,.. n ir, ?....ii V r ", ' i 1 .I.;', ;', cti i Eta% ..1 . bri . c.:. ilt x ' al a - i 0 1141 "3:inl' On r.l ii".3,! , lk9oMi i r*/ ..PVTi' A . , Surest .— The routine: having;lteen:tgt,r4,ithelligtk, ' w 6o ith, :the River and Herber „Bitt: , ..n?o,o* t • - I..ii, v ii:ln •- • t 'Li i , • n Moiriote *S it ti' ti: timemilment Iltprepriati 3lK4ooll..eeeb , toriitrytteOntenE oUrenneesee -!4itti! illinei,s siekts..,„Ogretet.l. ..P,ektater,,ilrnteti; ileteni' Several "neteptlinentsiarne iipin ,cinle,r:initt were, iiihilly'intedilitvert.''''''' ' -'. - '''-- "', 4; . : 51 :: t,t, , i t ' r-IliV finidlnfrf4kkieforfi.antoriiiinetfllthaoll4 ' appiiipriationsk matlo:try: the7bill 1681111ot be extienp: • 4,q 414 t hereja 4: 1 9 fRATARzIhe:.TFIN9O4. ii in , p y . t4 if'th k other eEnses orl;ayernmetik. 14: sekeont toditrii.,ipeethir , toiiiiiiiie, 4 hit' wit rin in lk 1 himingh'*.iftitliffittoh+hrilitVeiiHitiolli 'of theltessmy.';olittilid thatildhetbilLip ed Litt %Y 9 144 P. 1 .9, 11 71P -Pie cPqnIF.Y. Tinto ikk!'ElOtE 6 -s 9.60Y1 wns . livpally 'l,4: • giu Peusury, to, meet . lir/. SO, ! le ~. ninite`npoti ' it." -- • ''.•:•-•: • • ••• .. 4 2lr -, : _ : . ' Mi:TOOti-Millrid!Witi Iliio';Eifiatititit , • L idii*: Nolitegreedia: , i. I. , 's ::./ 7 S'. - G f:". , :11P; , wc.l/. 1 4: , i; hie:.'' , 4AVS/ipme.friUher.ilehste, the question:, irs,,talw en and Mr: grAilhurfs amendment tmeil ti t re, . , git.l3eirin 'incherlitn 01neittlinent stri i nk. out the appotinntitin 0fe2,6400014 the iditilitital-tif 'OW. [ infections tne.rhellin Annuls. 3r. r . ) '•':,W I I , '. tr-• , !, 7 ' .lie,fiP ol l , 44etertco;44: ll *4 l .4entlmenti,inksaid that this part /of the appropriation made is thefe,bill f was not applied within the limits of the! Vitited Stitpit.i:! , :"It : r t- , :, ;:•:...., ,: ' • I, • 1.•.: ! I' f . Mr. Case rated. anamendment; bat sititumment-: IF Irj;killeW,itOkal:,o.-Pthetr:MPFPPriovlitoOs Matte hy, thitt,hitl i - shaU. take elect uponoutd_tinthorita, the iiiPoMliinie Of arilrsieliiitirphis aitithill remain inilioTreatitilt and' AO:liihtitm *bin tin ; 'itienties the apprapsiationti made by erinitets from - the lusts. Mr. Rusk Wantel to take up the Postage iiill. Ohjrieteif to: Mr. Hale, amidst much nierr . iinent;'wanted to take up a series Ot resolntions sustaining the 'Com ramise AM.,..lllb9Feted to,. • Bradbury then offered the amendment widlt drawn ky Mr. Cass. Mr EriiiiffSaid , thit it iias`nothing - but a ruse to defeat the bilk and-wished mall the- puttied to no opuntond.make,thentJake n the respooibliity for 111,41 "g 4 I I MI M At i aiiP4 0 -ieng,COVrik*lnt s . hg eaulitpoini . his,finge !poi ,tykietp respo , "a., sibility reseed: , "` • ' • •'- ) • Mr. Cass wanted i facts distinctly and correctly State 4 fothotte.anald anistker.,_ _ r. ERin,A said pat he eo . 4dd, not be• miaunderl , „ , Somerchnfieloti'eriloskienr the S`P r eaker . order! eilMr.P.iringlo:takii bksent.• •!, - • , •,..ii , :.f: V - • - 'Vlf,,Casefaiddh4 ho-di4JlOl, thangithe intend. ed to, plier.the,rettlOtion,,,„,,„„ ~,,,. . ~ _,, 1 ) „. 3,lr:Eivink hiving become Competed; siiil th at the arisenslntitiiiihkeri 7 Alenikeelle defekt4 bill'. Iltrilitt lint m'antkortuhutireihni , diWtinsh:3_ ' ! . - ,'1 4 /r..,..rPCJ10 kli9W.o4:and - restoredAtui• Senate • for tlse.lipte,,teitt". ! , 14 1 .0 0 4-11431 Of. , - -w Ell r,,,,:, . ~' Aker eonsiderahTedebate the . gbeitton waStaken on the Casa resolution,'lndit *as hisi bfriiieicitS. ••••Severat other tinindiriiinte• were na tide!etd.'sh ar.. 1 eilllllitet fain. ri, ;Jii'ii, , or. - ~,-,,,:„ ,•• L9, , , ,, --,.: ; ~,, Z.h 4 0rA9,1 ifi!gg,claPl 1 14cfllig,s , Weq•FIMAP P 'take a recess, ' . Itti:llliniciiirliiiied tb"Avelither; ntiPropriiilort bills and movedihat die Harbor bill bestaiii on the sablit;.l .Lost.. i,-- • .-,... biii,,,...f, i 7. .).:-,, .li, 7.1.: ;. M,r, Snide M oved . nit, amendment- ,apPreprtating 3163;04311 lot ifeepening thiLrotioth of the Missislip, Pr. • Anil' along - debate, a lernijth r y report read res'ilid-r•nhjeck , i 1 ~-, ,- ;•' -,,, • 1 = , .;• ',-, -''-! ' Mr. Phelpetsaid . itie.tiail listened! to rber.i reading OrAke, report with - much„crmtspoture, , ,wol. M. the thought it wet likely to‘piit.every.body..te sle ep, , he avoid . ninvelhat ' its reidlii . be-dspensed withia-mtorepartierlarif as theiseasion 'theis *is - nOr a.close,.wheteall the Senators. anted to, keeptheir eyes open s i •'l‘/:.:::':)!;)+:', `, _,` '-. •' , I•, ..! if; , , i ~ ; , Mr.' roate waaansiona to,hear the -whole report rAdi'init reVietra r quisilon of order. . ~ • ThaSiteskii,deindeitihe-ritatioit to TiPin r iardar. A tenuthy debate took place ow , Parliamentary rules, when the irusstisa was stated. orbthe...Motion medilby,,tir.,Phsli!s.,'. - .- ••• . L , ' Mr.'reirce;', in Order take up the v 4ippropria. lion Ilitl,:'nrovest tliarthe Mier rind 'Harbor bill be taut oiptastablg4" . 4.enta.myeas VS,. nays 32. -, ~ The qupsion, was ffiecr taken on • Mr.] Phelpee Motion,: and the farther reading orthe ;report was diSpensed With. ' ' • . ._ . ~ , .1- ' i M&SonTe eitilinired the•delade in - faitsr r it f his arneudrnent.! .i • !'.• , -.•.-i - • ,. . i.,: ii - ii .. ii . i - .1 ., . - f _Two or threarsasucer fulettempta were mule to lay the Herber Bill on the. table. i „i t .. . ~• . - Mr. ,Downs advocated the amendrnent.ollered by Mr.' Soale:•' ' ' '''' '" A -.-- -". ‘ '., l -' li , The , galleriesiare:now:Aensely croWded with People. .j,.. , ,,, :. . ~, - 1.... :..1 • ~-,-• ~. il ..! ". " • . The debate was continued at length,, when the Harbor Bill .was laid aside for aati ri ti ti m e. and the Postage Bill and the Post Office Appropiiiikin . Bill Waist taken op and passedo,'y ~. ~ ..t.l.- .;• , .:si- ... • • The Senate thin sexton the - - certaideration pl the River and. Harbor. Bill. ' . i.„ on " the r_., .. I , -.? : The Senate is stilt rff s' . ant ein, - the Ha - rhOr . bill, Me: Soulr 'a am .as been rejeeted. • 1. . • Hogitr}-440;4otesn took up.the„Post pines s t:p ; ; pit priation_Bill amended by the'Senate. Afier'eatisideittbleillierisiion, itielinuse info il to Cnticiiiiin several of-thrramend Meets' - made , y the Senile, and-the bill was. thereforeeent back , .1 he bill direction two id dets,Re i liments of int try, to be converted into othonted.rifternen was ii. ken 60;100111i aniended indpattied:' ' " ' 1 •i•ThelParent Offici'RepOilliatireeeivell,eitil i 40,.. 000 colies Ordered :10.be.printele: 5'f! , .... ; ~. f 1... - The S nate 'till to,Arcpriain,„end„eittle - priv to LW CI ims in CalifOrtno,weqaker , rip,. del* ea anal passed . '," '.)- - '"; ' .:-'- - ' - j - - • ' r ' ) ' ' Theleint-Rettalmiimlalieadipasseil by the SO: , ave r ) - requestingibe Premilenf„tolbriagEtdinth and" 1 Itis •qq.lPP*OP.jnAtnOlill.fiVlPaill.4- I P'4 l O ICCVriI 1 was passett. . „-, • , ~.!, ' ~..: 1 4, , i Several inetleeted atteMpts'yrtins," Made 110_114m ' laktiVlVSlitialetbiliretniropriating 11:000ciersis'of Land;tor•itheinlief of indigent fnsantrieuttiritreater, 1116-0fr1e43,0-kilkklil.Moello4>. -ofH l ip '''''i' 7 1.- ' ' . Th . (Chill limning, the liabilities : ,ovegersi ..., watt taken op and passed. .- • • '' ' '''. '' 1 . j.i4lresbill'Annitsetiheenehinctiverliit ageafrnitil=- boa t of Copgresio..; vow. raseeid,.... : -7,1! - .460 - 11 0f 01 4ell Aoclia . ?fece!so.- .' , -.; .. I, ;i . ' ,- &mini SeiriOn. l 4drieh'exeitemen t r , prevailas.- , 1 ' - A. lifitv,ei crowd iii - aintethhted• in 'this 'grlleriiii: "Otte'' Ctingman and Me.. Stanley, in rimer it krity fitie4 . ,seenedsailittet.l*.attlaicatie.i :Neither lee mita :hint . The con fusion is no greatthatteennotAnl -what it tires ehAllV,.. -r' --;..,...- ' , , a ;, . ., ,'..1: :, '''. Menilters itrelebiaitsaitYpoppinn 'rip' With - cries, .01 itiatte ,i .'4peskar=z u 'Ortlerr'! i itietlerr'r'" 1: ."' *if JOS now Iktitckseki: and - ther nouns Is e* great-Abet 'lean *timely keep,gielnn. of Whatiialei,ng,dpne., .:Thet.Senatelkimendmentritlhalesolutina a en; ,diriglbtilinifit i.ritisols at 11143'ind Illtf 1 the T o - I. vvidentstifiteVollitionatir, eolcliefeWaSegretralt, , i., The bill ehingiegitheterni , of that int it.-Crierts. . 04 sms 4ePiialikalal il gtikAtte4WAHVPllN. fort' e impartta t ant tab e - marinertm Which he 6 charged the Ai* Bpeakerp , 4 .:{. n u tt - cl_ll , ;.`l -, .AosoleCrott t wes t i l , 49 lirotqtalexim,e9roppo ) 41.4r sation.,to the i etnpht o. 4 0 ilhe i lbur:- g 1,,tk0 ' ~ Mr:olo=de . OSPilinatibil is to 'the ehlitgt4lihril'Alidn' - • nn i llirliielf Webster; araLsaidttrard Crdleoteitillreidey , inulleldatiourthe meJteustxsollYi At, ifeei4llk, ttenblo Weald ,itaXei tlen. a le (1 0": ' 1 4 rii l 4 i - 1 t i'Jl , i'r'i., ----): The erotic i paitAg Hi nnd not of - the ante.. riletill *bete ii]sfds ilAiftinst 1.4 prtiirAtt. , P Messages are co tin ally passioltaandfroin the 'House ettd-00,' Bea ef i, 1-1..• b., . ~'. e. i ...1 F-§P , Mg 9 1,1h fi rm i be,. xe;ellingt,7,erl', l PerrY tu?d, I exceedingly taliat re.l , The utmost , ;owl feeliN 1 prevails. 1 Ii -' .., . ' "f.. . ` ll 4 .o' ek i nto4M l t tlttattinst molted tolaker taken Ba t t _rect . ttla f m eight lir) ril.4 t Vs* Vacation' wait taken, cod thelnetiog vkt tt,11t25 1 ,,- , f • r ;;-..h -., , ' , , A candy Or b4s nets not particularV,irribortcp 1 has been got throw h With. - .A - meilsime( i ltaa f . aun tentltylVeSenate , th avihe ilonto is. liflAkeltf Y l edyeltell' i; ..s' f- ...' i• '''^ s' ,{ NG, Stepheett4FT rgt,a.rel 'l2 o,'Flocr,, moved nn ran adjournment Out is. , Lost. ...) , t Mr. Boyd tidier !alike ericesa tar eiett henna.' Rejented. °' '1 .1! '4' 4. 3 fs . • ) i ,g, -t, am- is ~ firetentl kit eattptlinelimteivrere - wade- ht•flterl l Perillie , r# ft varicWl'.o.!'mParlant-PTROO°WS 1J o'docc— he lio sri ts,likely to be iii sesSite, , f tilt Ll:velvet - o' fookl'on nestiay." '— ' 2 otrlork.:- el fie tentittreigettirlloleerty: The nsfiestnnents ititiittante r roornaremvingent.- The crowd.thall•dfilit4T4i9o l o //c AeoPPeareil, from the ] willeneit. , i 1 ~ , .., , . 1 , The Srlitlent h es eqheif:ieverat bits during the 1 night. l 'I'I ' ' ,'1 ''''' '' ' i i '' ` ~ . 1 fr ) t ~ 'F ^ t I H iserstarost -March 4. • SiarAtt —the three"ilarge appropriation ''bill. '' nob signed byttluSChair, :r,. , f ~ ~' i . i Ttet,Jeiot Iteaelutkoo.PPssfsl4Yeasn; Nays ao. lr. Foare mei'ed,te lOestpene pll.other business , en take op the ioinCße'ssalution for the relief of Thrimas' : ffitchle4 ''",', ' l , ' 'S c:., ''' ' Mr. CLAT-1 word the motion', Mr. Haman saithitee Light House 'AIWA., Op the tablq,and ought i l lq' be sued en. This joint lie skthition could net ptisiqbis day, ; . Mr. Pernie44.lllsall the Senator to radii. it is not in enter to use such language. - - • , Mr. Pesece t said he , had materials before him for a speech on , this`seliject, awl a speech„ t a bleb ran. net be - made in 9,;,iirrie of thii,...eision now left. Mr. Serest:li e t talle4 tor rheYeai and Nays on the motion, and the; were :ordered. ~ , , -e. , The motion, talte,op was anr ~eed to.. Yeas 28i *Vs 22. , 0 ,, i ,i , , 1 -,',, r , ~ - ,_, ,-- , F. =Mr: Ilizte called Tor the 'reading of t he:Oscan Wien, whichuwas ieltd, and ikeiipted the time till 20 sninotee before 42.4 _ ' Mt•Feereihrießyexpleined,the resolution. - , Mr. Pesace. spek for some time, when Mr. Foote' Said if tiovote oat be had, it, were better ti t tadevete therreMairti g tett minutes to useful tin. sinew::,:, 4 4 ~," I - I- e 1 ~ -Mr; Pea yielded, and the joint resolution was laid on the table . 'The - Civil shi ' Diplomatic Appmpriation bill and i the Post Route ill• tveresiped by the Chair The hight 11ease.bdt, was taken up and missed. Chat'. Noma APpropiaiiee !fill was signed by the CholF• The Light House bill was enrolled and signed try, the Climr. "The resolethin ;allowing`calm afiewinice to the employes o e t!itrtenstewas taken - up. .. Mr. %Viet Soil commeaced a speeoh ag st iti. Mr. 1:10 il i uo7 k . trona-Ate Committee, to u ail on ibitPresiden : rep rfeit the( lie informed ill he 1 lin hacl trOthintr, &that' io eirmananierfte to them \of a legislative che atter. - I t •••• i• 7 i. Mr. Bean 4 altered a resolution of thanks to. Mr. King, te , presidin g of fi cer—unanimously adopted. ' The Ca'rit hen reiticinded, bat in such ' a -low toile we uld,not hear a word. He then pro:wow ed the Se ate adjourned sine die. et a Mier s itite cal of 'twenty minutes, the Senate was calle d terder. Meiins. Bright, Bayard. CaSg, c.ll Jeff "David, Ha fin,AMaken, Pratt, Husk and Dodge of Wivionsitt, , Senalrmi elect,' appeared..and were qualified, •1 Iliii.Sofunctris appointing Comminees, to, inform,the President.that a qtrorom was peseta were adopted.ll , , The Sena hen acttonmed: : • '' Reese —On , illeae r L aski , d to offer a reso lotion that the noel conineetion of the.tontract for the public printing be referred to the Attorney Gene. tal. Objected to., s ' Mr. TiiODiP3ON of Miss. , moved that a Committee be appointed to wait tin the President and my lo him that if Ihe has; no further 'emetnuhicatirm to make,Congress is ready to adjourn sine die. ' During calling the,roil, on laying a bill on the able, the memberswere standing all over the halls a question wairraiSed i that it was after 12 - o'clock. The speaker said we must allow a tewtrtoments for variation oftime. i - Mr. T.noatescati of Miss, repotted, that the Prtsti. I dent has nothing further to communicate. Oa mop lion of Mr. Stephens, jthe liouse adjournel , The Speaker arose and said t GcsmssiarroetincllloWie chr REPaVIENTATIVICS: Our labor. aranos! over. We Were summoned, to our posts from.whicht , we are now about to reiire, at an exciting land' tm 'orient period ot Ou.• history, and while they may trerr properly - exist'atliventity of opinion,' as to the serious mamma -which we have adopted,' wei may at least in this closingscene, ar,ite in thepartial hope that the futur e happiness l and prospe rity of our , common country will illu'scrate the wisdom of , our ahli Gentlenten, 1 retorts you -I my sincere thanks (or the flattering manner in w hi c h y o w we r e pleased to speak •of my official conduct. When , ( first.took this chair, I ventured to offer yet) the pledge of an honekeflort, firmly. faithfully and tramrtnilly to discharge its duties': I have endeavored inc , good •faith-trr redeem ;that Pledges Sod e0w, 1114 I [elite, from this, position, -j feel uncoro t ir s u s of ever _ er having done intentionaLittat. Insilco to m any Itrembei of this House. It !rem a i n , fore only, gentlemen :10 Tpirferm my lest'official duty, by declaring" that this Houseatarttlaadjearned, :iodic t( ,1 .! ' I Loud applanse Succeeded, main a few moments the tialrwas empty. DerratrcyMx or Sr. Taoistic.' Cttvßen, trionting;litioni a v ireartertctone fo'ileek`- ' one otAiTifteendr IWO:Pollee diaeorered• Thenms!Paltht eentet.4fql3reeavraY ina.kiellattfa at{eet,.t i,'Yoric,,tck be on tire, and iinmetlitceiy gate the , • The Mania-when.. iliFenierectevvere`hmakine way up ihe eriltrg, behind the altar;•to! the roof,: and in about Ova minineti the interior of the edifice, was, a Slteet:tl fire.; Some-Fusltione, books, a,t.nd other amall moveable article ' were iliai `were ifier the fi re • was firs t - discovers* the.mot . kll, immith at terrible' email atuf Okota.akiearatt na poofible,,chen ce 'afruotiati.l hoitt tudf peat ode o'eleek the fire 'was , extinguiehelVtini net until if 'had : destrayed- bat atantiviallovritiiirrettnain itanding.• F The ori. tfin of -4e;lfire be: :itacertainek: but euppeed4 th 4 it)oas.eapsed e,A somefeet the fartatee ot_heatent,Ta`fire,hitifeg "'been : made bet a rear Imeriprtiribris i hiaftheiltureh fern twice' orteanday, -,, Thistoildiftvotte ereited abbot thiliy. a . 14 rult *. atllifflr ifilliell r itlifillfalinfig - -' - ---` laitirit, list ;week, ' lames Roberts f t lt brughi before Justice -Smith a n d r... ~. a barge of nutting the (teeth of Mar. " . 1 on, an tdiotic4anper, whom-he sap. an . /. 'mut. She died orr the.k of Febrea. I, . - to Bth the bckly was exhumes) and ex. I. 'Dry of-inquest fctund ghat she died in lenge of cruel treatment, and exposure to ' want of suitable and aufficient,tood i Ishii° sieWeßsAl.tessidyr...--4ft..t.-- , ..u.,41.-- • - _ . hitch Government have effected a sato of Kt opt Of die .C2,Bo4l,l*trofirtiftEWholb ey diSpose of. The sum they offered at a fix. was .£34o.ooo,'anthrbid - for 400cr,000 at er per ccont.^ below what they had, named ..,‘ mg been•matte,- it has been accepted Several houses joined in, the purchase, and the greater opetzmpveritrilittivvrete -- ttooremlntr • • t. fr-Z '/•.) The Hon. Genre ins eater (says. the Vick& bli4tyliiii of life - 15th hi Fibitial). died at his re sidd '*".4ln,tateheihtta,,thertattirW. lodge: Win. chesteritas been i,,retraleniot hI ississippi fort he pad thirty-twoear; i stand „veg. frtigh . in the legal' pro. fesston, ant% wai,iiiittix..esteimed Ai a citizen. The Keokuk (Indianayitegister says • the lows ,I.egislature, following in the'footstrips of Wiscoa. 'Fitly has abrowomi An tieogr-)APWlll(filr!rmitg par. lies to make their own contracts tor the use of mo. ney. We 'treat that Wilconsin; ,Wig, li nef' et; good example, writ''' take poatepriAascitward." The °Astor, Houslvvrae,tliseoivered- ta•be on fi re in the upper part, on Sattwdayile , smoW..theJon tha t of Commerce says, oceashiftintceasiderable alarm . A large volume of escapert i , bathe fire was exiingnislied without the . ahlof the flredepanment 'and witholat'seriotie loss: .'- f''.- , '-' In the isle of ,Wig 7 ht eucli. is the uncommon.m ;nese of the sentriiii; - ltiafthis - tieelare — linratitti. buds r a,Ml4ilossowiS,tlie banks are covered with „Tiriln'O. thei,,turiiips rennin*: pi Otte. - "kn'tf` t he birds ate .1011. of 'oi)pg thetaisee,..qteelt (he lawns, ,and the fieldii.fOplf.,Kgay May. The Duke of Wellington once; left' his Tinibrella by acciderit, on - the statl'of is balls ottanki era lair. tOn returning toi •Itiblr''•for it;tehzireir: told ihuf the 'umbrella hod j ust leeff sold .for tweit fi go eas ,by the raak, who Could - net - resist the 'temptat;rn audit positiebf inlimble a - tene t Fie ihaiitahie purposes, The Hessian flyirsigininxlnced intothjseountry, it is.supposed,'-by the inreitn , mereentivies-in 1717, on f r ".ong tstanti,from:their 'baggage; gr in the o. ragerae for their' horses. , - It' Am -proved- the grenn4i pert on ihikeatttineitt, witN Other, thelexeeption of the %veva: " • ` The Free Banking Law,; wbjehlately.pasFed the Legislature of Illinois, in opposition to the Cover• nor's veto. has'emi according to the'constinnion of that Slate to be referred to the people in Nevem. ber next. The Portland Advertitter.fays- 4, We understand that one or more•foctive slaves passed through thin city this Ixeek-4.Tley-stoppetk,44c.enoogh to raise some funds,to help , them onwassl. They in tend to reach ttiti BritidiTioviriees." Two meii,% iitmes unicriiiW'rt;ao'pposed to hish, were drowned on the 2711$ -in crossing the Connec. e 'n44,fer.54 81 -lbelder the- dam at Ifol yalcif!' Tht itc.4."had gouts from:the river except that spot. _ -The Louisville Couriet ofFeb. 19, states that the steamer Magnolia has been chartered for the Hun of Stti;oo9, to carry. Jeony . Liuhl and troupe, some eighty in number to St. Lou is. A day nqrsery,,ychere the children of factory op. emtives will .bis taken care ordering the time the c m h o es e er r is a t work, has been established at Man. _ A certain apiei in the Gra.l4 Mare at Lender. has been appropriated to the Bible Society, lot the purpose- of exhibiting epeeirnena of the Holy. Scriptures Ur, _one hundred,. and filly diflarent soaves. The. Rajah of Travancore, biagilras Ptiesidency, . - has presented her ; Majesty, Queen, Victoria wjill throne ? .or chair of 'elate, ' composed of poti,hed itroiry and inlaid or ttOt Vitt' abdndance of Firecioas stones., ' Itr Threnio,fiain alone, trill of i 5,000 tolftribed by .workinzmenlor the purchase of:freeholds, not less than £29 000 ) it is calculated, has been saved (corn the taverns and beershops. Pennsylvania has kept. her rank" in the ro better than any other State. •gtor, he wps the seroilil Slatein 1799, end he stilt holds the same position, around her ha:el:teen eftanging: . . Two ,Young men at Brandon. Vt., discovered - a befii frozen - into his den, the water hiving run ( doEvn and formed bsra in front of ',They fired • eight balls into him before killing him, Thecedur orcherry bird, .vas first noticed— nest I et the Genesee river . , in 1828; and now, it is' so groat a pest as to induce many to give up the cultivation of cherries., especially if near the wood. Taen,-41 the„colebration of the 22d at Mat , tin.sbufg, Va, the following was ono of the regu arm toasts • " Tnr. %Mai ep Srxesstinr.-I1 it takes two to make a bargain—it takes two to break it." A. petition has been aitme3 by over 200 riiizens of Suasex t Delaware r asking, their delegates in the Legislature to come home. The Vienna papersntate that en Austrian army of observation of 40,000 men is being' concentratpd along the western frontier of Lombardy. An injonetion has been granted against Cradinal Wiseman not to draw £7OOO under a disposed will without leave of the Chancellor. Mr. Renton has told Mi. John C. Rives that he will not be a eariate for the Presidency. The. Doire f of Ro - rdeaux is spiJ to be dangerously ill at Venire; , • The Pope has elected 'three new Sees in the West Indian Cotorties of France. A colored man: thed on , the Vlh. mat., at Cart,sle, a 'advanced age Or' one hundred and ',ix veers:' He had"beeri fur 'many yeeis a stave in Virginia, but by dint of strict industry and arena in yv"" eo " in 'PnnliaOng-the.:freedom of sell and wile for $3,500. .-Mr. Thomas Rankin, a respeetahle.and wealthy eilizep 01.Uniontown,,Pa:, taborinfx under 4 mental iitiariation, cut his "ikroaewith a raznr, faint the enema. of 'died. clanghteN s•hro was lying ill at the limo, and . 113 AV him cam• mit ; tho horrid:deed, has Ohms di9d; • • The' Roeftestef CM. Y.) Advertiper hoirds at the head of its' ehltunita the following ticket for Pra=i dent Gen, Serpuel-Weaton. ot ,Texas: tor Ylco I s rpidetti Hotatio Seymour el New Yoik. • MIS Lftislattare..of.:foura has pasted a Isla Pm' hibiiing negmes, and requiring thentelegt!e upon „three days' notice of rhe-law under certainpenalties. While Parodi was sinning - in Romeo and Juliet, oil Mt:lmlay ttight;"at Boatan, she fell into a faialiqg andliatrto be carried from the stage. The pertirrances.werts immediately suspended for the night, Jobe IL Clerelenin, Eq , formerly 01 Hirri4urg, was reeeolly reelected Attorney General of Arlon sae by'a ma jority of 700. ` ' Ilia: , man Who has never mken a rinwspaper Ica' Bean in Cinnatti lately. He was inquiring the troY lo l tilt poor house. ~ • . Tit ascertain the weight of a horse; put your the utidei his foot; . 1 The Roston - Post accounts for the recent CO4I weather; b' supposing that Sir John Franklin in P. leg through the north west passage, forgot to shot the door oiler him. • UM 11151119