Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 13, 1851, Image 3
8 =hip Wing fi - the dangerous piiisitiiiXibliftiing and...tedious Jour.; noir . gut :thetlatived'eafely ar tho2 4 ntniktat l an d," - havellWilevoridlitilktithOrtsble good fortune—bringing their wagon and otherimotn= paltimentri of th eir jou rn ey to the end ofthelittegtt• Nir:' Green tbeti separated .from thelonotipanickai; v ol pursued. hie own fortune tirith!good , iamiedsti4-• lie was blessed-with health duritigthelVallgehrtif his sejourn,and slatted tor home taut hia ex" pectant(amity hope and. hippiness; tros ilhjoy with them the well eamed.huini of boktlund arduous entelprise.- - : But he-wain taken sick -daft hie return , voyage, havinginotnibly ootitraciedkihe epidemic - - prevailing at 'Panama . , when:the reached New Ydrk was able witlyiltMoultyy to pnr. sue his, journey. He succeeded:li' TeiclOqr his brother's house at New Milford, °When -he expjied last Tuesday, within fair or fisrA miles of , hie,zown borne. The pliyisiclins in ntlitbdanie eipiessed bope,of his epeeey recovery, , bat hetank away = idly in.the presence cif !artily; 'affording them the melancholy consolation of a brief farewell !nee* . Ling. MessrL Hall and 'Scott attended , bilk funeral,. and paid their lasi respect's' to the:. eh, *pr., aod, memory ot ,an old. and esteemed , * c= 0 1 0 1.*(0:—. Binghano . 4 Rtptibliiari. ~~ ~li : i Days of the Week. Y: ! 1r . 2 ! 1a/.6 .1 .F. tv • • C" TVZSDAT • WiIINZEDATo 4 6: P.' TOURED/4. •k ' ' " w; '4l ' • • PC: • - • • . airtraziept. ..... . Ifer.- THE andernigned Anditors'oriltadford Zottaty.:•liseitkin , rthe:ditieluirgeof their tbitiel*Nen obligettiglesort the rBooss tunt record ihellricentioutionembkosecss kept by Mr.,C. tl.Rusinms..late clerleAT thb; goitt missioPol.l.with • pleasore- take : 014 oPPbruinitY•of expressing our high, satisfactiobt,„pi „this goo 4 or* tind.tieniness with, nibielt Russell liiks-pt#Orni. ed bis tinty - ps conitaissioneni . Clerk. ' WM tr. pEgit • Toirinda, Feb. 6. 18511'‘''WM.11:0VERTOft. :..;. .• Auditore i n .Towanda township, an Btitanlay 25th olt.;by A. Coniarto 14115 LAYlNA * Wittssalier: ••• • In lyysv, I§t,lEsTsut yynrisit; bilhe 87 h -year of her ago. : , . New IACIEftIIII3I2I6t ii ©TEL t , Tim , E SUBSCRIBh„ h av ii nii J , a e i r o ste d his arrangemenla fool the riccorilmoiliticirCrif the Travel int Public, lieu 'lrrikttworcd ill soliciting' hit ;hair :Uf Public Pallonao., 'HiriTabCaltitille fritishedo n ith the bCst deltic:At fidfordi. 1111 Sfahling itildige MIA Warm. Hie Barlabill frofilledArritliws good Ligior as are to ba fonfidt4 l ,4 l o cafgarf.- j - .. z R ,-,. ; :,-- BESIDES; for itri' 3 aticiiiinnittlation • of `malt y " ; rubscriber ja nuundheturing BR* i 'Shoo Sada', Her. .pees, Trunks and i alit?. 41... i fiv t . And keeps. on band a good assortm t o f. PATENT kIEDIC 4 INEO, for alt ot - Which his will be asked,only rkplode• rate price. _ l, .. , • •, • yvl ; ld Come one, com la ll, - both fir , and mine - A home you'l fi , a bmutt to cheer. , And a cheap a chi if you would buy :- , . • ' Call at Lace •hi and try. For former Tat.. e and,favors, the pane will - please acceptthatak - . thimb of T. D. IsPPING. - Laceyvilie, Rob., ; ,711151;y• ~.) ;',7r ',.'" 1 ''.''•. 1 ~ •, ' ••GBainingFlaittlimii Titllimw - Vatalles;foraila in any tvbaairs at' . 1 - 111311CUR'8; • 118516: t T MHZ. LIGHT • OikSperSci , . 1 quantities to suit Towanda. Febo;3' 2000. 1 9 VP s.9t P.t!Filrf tor ,saisf* thOack or poundo f 3. , .141.11c1Irrs: 01119„ just reteited initkw sate -. (3'' • MERCURW n DOZEN DR by the doges • • - DISSOLUTION. T"Epartnership Int:ittoTOillsisthig between D. Brink. rin J r.i And 4.1 IK.. Peek airSOlved by mutuai.eansep_ and atlrienuu?els.owing by !be firm will be paisi,ll,7, Son;„wite will collectsitsbennutas .ricts t e ertopinz, on soreii; icemurts,A4. , • .1); -DEIN • BRINEJr., ikirhbiooki Jan.:31;1851..:. : PECKS Tbe,above businer4 Will tm coothturd by Daniel Brink and Daniellirink,Jr...ictderibo firm of DDrink it SOO, viho will,keep on band altbe old stand a good assortment of 'Dry rood,, Gricinei: t Prockery, Hard. tvare4 awile. Shoes, ,Lwrihrip they are hound to sell as low as at: spy whin 'tore in BiadfOrd Coniity.• • rhe highest ptieirpiid fir of:traduce and' {ember; •We have Also-.on hind at'lergerquantitY•of Grain and Potk *tab WW will sell ebutialUib or Lumber. • •D. DIM 11450 - N. - Dilmbo- k. Jrm 1851. Doctor Irsensrelf Ibr Twig —Else Cts. IYMEANS OF THE POCK. - ' ESCULARLIIB, hie own. Phytirdietarnot-: Teen. editioh, with. dpiraide ,undnal- engravings; ihoirlng rate diseases, in , riaery, -, shape Corps, and' itullthrtnaddll ,of .24Anuelite Priem. arnve‘that ,ieisena iniffe!biritann wad din esuMit• *CO- 1 / 1 010.600knirthe b, qi&PriseriPlionnnoewslia nitre biniselt; without , bliat rance to looilioos'Acitlakkissitedie, ,most In mate friOrikend.with one both idle usual espense:«-• satlt44, to the gettertd ,noutine,of.trinaln_dissue; it fuflidagpne tba essay of msub 'stesuly deelig* ..:1 1 • , TFooq• othe! Anebsejsiests gals 01*propeg to empna tie in the phblio prude; • Ampereononndlek2keeres . adored._ . in a let- ter, will receive one, s oopy * kb.; 4011, ,or Eve copies will be eent'fir one '4044 Ad.dreei, " W. Young, No.' 152 Ilptifiat` OW, Philitilektda.7-7, , Postpaid. - - V Dr. YONNfi eon ite 04114 any ct tile Diseases 4eiet‘bed bits different publieo antis, Ofßeet f 52 Blew. pees, %Tea Oar bei644,Finap, o'clods, 0004 8 • *Olt WO OA of the Farinignuadaehigt_,4 I sposano2 ol . Le reeeivni aniirtEe iVot• ,orlifirp,nee,!. no whip it.will be Let or BOW 'AI bedi *IRO bidairr Posailios given on ibe idikaegaiti Monroeinn, Jen.47,' 1 Bko. .I?)viMitifftia FARM FOR BALE 2518 Sobecnboi teen! forwolon r . orreenti eitiottol in Standing litobi toontsli* Stidfatd etnity, esitsinAng . : abbot Ono - timbal-416C eights sato, oboes Aftsi, of which:saw .inrinorid. - laid taro t la well sitooted-fo* grositnt ar ;tiles is weir attend, a4ll op aired road. Pomo wisbist ie per, 4 11 1 11 0 Ouzo are twiorpond to tall - end Antotoini for thaiwelies.' It will ton. , ol...loforiand terms of poyinetit mad* nor. '.lElYl#**(l/ii'l• - 131iunilikillono;Veb.'41415I - ••• ' 7 •" ta SMITH & SON tune -Cie:Hison 814 to nestly. the Wanriroup.4.te, dm* ,triiith,Pionsylinugal". P r intinge alAlk'sCriet: -Jam. ;• • 99.000 AtedvaPaLeg. ot' *ate* Wilted CABB l iana & A- by --.023 .tt &A. CARPBEL I:t l Cif rimed sad black BillogiatidVagaWier silos, IQ* 111 therms birektumetitithreloii h kink pawn. s 1 Sun Wiles. Sun Sem :a :Iv - .16 Ti -18 19 SO 21 OIL. 418- 6 19, c:8 7 4 • :640 9 6 - 86 • , 6 , 1111'1 6.37 1 0 - 6:221" - f. 15 114!: trfteemiratir. { ...... __ ice- ;e, ? .* r: , fr pluAL. i . i . gpoßirikl , l-,.-..-.- , ,,. - -•,.._ : --. ~T.„- -•"•" --„,-,--,• ---.:::: ,, i , „:,-.,-, , i-ci,- , - , •? , ,,,,, 4,_ 4 , wy itltigh •o alii -, 1: ,--.....4-1- I . llaL -1-, 0 .. i li , - If i rilfr•A L . , ..,. urwo r: - j un ," • (Mr , --' ' 1. 7 . 4 1 ': , . i' l , s :fittniheitt!' illtj r a*VVialthe "atitte'llteo44,litilettiiioe - '''''' ' "•-; '''•' ,i41;,-;' ,-. e. , ii,r: , ..eill• •,*-1,y , ,, ,, :.i.: oilioor,"b•-•ttiftst • • , :. a... •-:. r• ~•:•....- ;,•.• ;.,., :- , - - `.4.• - -..,'• ,-. ,;.-•''-,.-.-•::.. •-,:. -, ,-.....:.• .„' ...-•,': e. Sitseseeis,l' •• - Arot l'Atiridge eitstietti, ?Tall° ;poi Fuel. ' , Justices Fes, - '" 411, ' "; -914346 Sabha for Pubtis °ricers, • 66 - 76 Oriea Fees. •—•suilm Ismverse Jurors Feelg• - "t , • lgogg For various Incidental '.4011114 111111 foe Printing, - ;"4"; '2 C !lit 25., POT ordinary repairs Of Oldie - IVO I logthelttppotrpfeinViots rientlaq,;,), ' t 56 .07 gigo ok ; ist i t i o o sll 2l: t",r•t v.': 11 12 25 1 ll:Pauses of laying , state road fattsflalitiiti'%". '• to the Susquehanna Riieiri • 600 'On Wild Cat..Certitleates, 'lO - 00 Bridge - views; - - -'• t." Sherifflfreds:-.for Libre letteliff for. e t onveyitig Pr , bittlietif.`"r tlip:•&o.lPetitentSol,l:: ': al - about espenses C 4' 4 Total, . ' o '.: Account with thelnverit Collectorinr,County, la;enfoi the County onicadto , . , -,,: tear. Township #e. Collector , ' Nunes.% • kiil6loriod. ' 'AM% 410. „AIeIESOPOIL , .CakrifCliar ,Aai't Dor.. 1841 Sheshequut,, Eliiihliorton, r;,0'..22;4/8 - ... 1 , , i . , 11 4 ,, .-, „. - s - -, ~.. $ ,113 I* 4842, . 00 Iumbiat'' neon' Ethenv o 4. .- ......., • '- ' ' ", :: - • ,_- ,-. T.l , , :4-• -.-,,,. 1.03 05 tfl44"Asilomi ,`,lsson' Horton, . t / , ‘ ,.. 1 ;,, 4 32.; ';', ' . , = . 5 1.., , , , , ~o, - ~ : . ~- 4 ., 36 ..,..`„ "'Franklin," 'llathnel Aitiabk, '9;4s -' • 1'54 , 1,. 511. .. 533 • . leir etaxid'4l.l3tone,lsasc Westbrook, ' lB 3$ s ' , - k...- ,-,Towtmda 46 Darid-Ratty t - -,, ) .;,1 ,511 ' 17 , . ._ . ; ~ . 1846 ',..: Allokby: , .f.lsares Wileai, 4.,' , I 1 10424 t " r - ,I 4 At •„.,'.. s 19, ~,,, .7,.63 " .... llidgbery, Hiram Dewy, 14 50 - ' ' , ~ . • . y ... 10 ,ca , .... Being. Stone, GeorgeVannest, 17 7'. SAI i 3.7:4, . . 01 ...,; Wysoz, Wm. 11 Stropir, . 81 2 '' ' ' 'l6 7ct , 15 &I 1847 Ulster, James s,.Gorttlihe, 85 0 ~.. s. , ;.- i . 1848 Athena -Trirp. N.lololinslef. . 110 55 -,' t ' x ' , l 66 $9 54 .... AlbanW --- -..... , 4Vg1iime Lei,"' : 1 121 82 ' - "J 5 00 ..„. gob/nib's, Cpinelios Forman, 89 58 . ".' 50,98 ...: Herrick. Arad Goodell. 44 ou i ',' . ... ho ii. .... 7.itchfield. ' A. IP:Wolcott,, f _,110,y98 ' ' " 90 00. .'...', Montt*, . it g. Stniti.! l -- ,'' , , 8173 ' J .... , Pike ; ' ? ' Oen: W: ILlmpliky; '' ios : ' ,1 i 43 - • ..- :::Rome , , • ' ' Solosion Ilpalding, - ' ISt 92 ; ', , ' 45. 00 .-.... -South Creek; 4:dariet Lewis; , = '';; -;- 74 'O2 r • ' '5O 00 _ ,:-.,.. Std'ing Stone,Clistles Ross. - ',. -37 80 , 'l3 80 5 4... : Towanda bo. L. Worgaar. -- ' ' . 8748 , 34 00 .„... Wells. "- Janlei.M.'Edsall, - - 64 ... i'• ' .. / Viidhain, War. Sibley, ; 6.14 '-,' 6 1 1849 Athens bum Wm. Hancock. ' lB2 31 '' 330 , 0 .. , -.:: • Athens lap., N. Edminster, 834 93 " ' 4b13 . 2, .4.. Albany. James Allen, ' 6l 89 -3119 ' ' c:;:. ;Armenia, 43.11 . .. Webber, 7 411 ,7 43 .... Burlington, D.A. Res,: 1. • ' 385 17 s 300 64 .. . Durell. M. T. VangortreF, 150 37 ' 8360' „' .... Graaville, Harris' o' nAtfor, s, „ 286 73 - 14 a po ' •.. Herrick ,' " llzekiel'earr; -- . 116 79 ' 03 31i , ..:-.- Litchfield, - . 'Win: Bostwick,,: 1 ",,, 't 'lBl - 74 ' '6O 00 • .i, ..I.ernyi =. ~. /..Tilkittio% -- ii', ,7: .1,21 131 . 1 ..: ; Monroe,'" , '.' H. tl: Herry,' -' ' '34o' 01 s- .5 1 ' PO , r ., Orwell, A.V. Matthews, , 321, 44 172 18 ... Pike,,,,, Ransom Brink. . 151 ".„11' .14'60 ...:: 'Time • t f aii P.ToWrier; , 253-95 'O4 /8' ... ' tlitlitb; l 7.,' Hirain, Deiber.".2, ., 142 oo 40 00 Springfield, L. Leop ard ,_., 178,412 -' 130 00 - • -_ _ .. : . ','l4tlt - 1 - 1 - Creek, WirL'titoldsaiitli. - . - ifii:',lti .. -- - 7 - - . . f . „. , la ..:: Btd;ing Stone, tsiac V.eolleis: - ._,; 112 IS ` d 2 69 ~, . , ~ 80.13 ..... , :fOhranda b 9 -"leader - L. 171tiiii„ .„, 682 - 97 . 634 90 .'' 41 56_, • 74i 111- l ' , 20 'O4 .... ~a ", ; ' Tp. t _penui4likiiiV: „ - 91 70 '-'''' ' 91::74 ' . 3 411 - •, ~. 92:04 -,,1 '-.4 40 I• • • in3er".. 'Jan:40.. 1 4901'13 4 0e. . ' l3! 92 ', .- ' 4.4l`AV:",!:jt:lti '. -. .22 7j ~, ~, .: INI 29 ~.'.'l.Kyso3; ,;;...A. N.;.9..wi11artv... , 1 0 v ms ` ' 43 6 „A . . • $ :la 90, P,.: , 04-.118 '..,..,'' 'W14411106;4. 1ie.. 1 41 301 3 1 ',Ack1e7. ' t 4 08 ' ' 1 04 0 --.: t 4 3 - 3 ,4 Ag iv _9 3 97 1850 " 'Alleitii jioro thiy 'ricer. .., , illif 38 : - )28 00 ; • ',,, •„, 4. . _ .., , _.,••,192,39 " twit. James R. Sion,. _ - 942 94 : : ' P41'60 , ' AI 02' ~. „ , . ~,,, 291132 ... ' Albany r, -, gill'sca A. Ladd, , _ 1$8. • 02 ' ' :'I6IY 90 ', ., ~ ; . , f., , , _,, ~98, _O6 :.. Armen. ... 7„ :,11: ,Webbr... i i . .., ~ , 45.. 66 ' - '16.27 ' - 9 Al :,„ ~ 12 .01 . ,•*, •; •-, -:':` Aiilhm. _ - ' dirlieliiii.4,tskek. . I nails 'ir. " ' 28/741 'i:' 443' , •.f 14 193 :IA , . 1 ,74 '' IltirlingtOri • 11. It. Phelp%, ... Columkia A ...,.. ..A9Pißg.ll9dil, , . ;, ,_ 5 • 433 73 , , • , _; ~.2 6.46. , . „ „.., I. ;''.' banl'o.; ':. latig,Oiiit,. .‘. ~.,008.00 - -... #9 'SC' , 7 14, „,, 4%414, •.,. • ,41 ,IP • '.. 1 Ihret, ''' l' M.T. VA60 . 0er,.. . ,- 277, 'O3 •-' ' id; 48 ~3, 30 .:. : A ,03_, •_,‘ .. A 4 ii , t.... ‘Fral?Xliny,- .-Ggii;oo:,-.941$ .: 41-s-1 , , A#o VT ''' ' ' ; i ll o .oo ',. '..- :, , -,4A1! i, : . • ,70:17 •••: ' 'Gratkvilll;l ' Xelitagtlo.o4liN „,;!: 290 4 6 :‘: '' .In Ob l ' -., , ~. , •,, ',.,, 1 1, . 3 „ , 113 46 .:;:-' Hillier, i „ -0&%,13 1 4 . E11i0tt, , :, „ ;413 2 1 - ` ` 4 112 09' .I/3 21 ... Litchfield. ' Virtnroitirick.. • .. ;,,..190 fie • , 944, 00 es:oe ..'...- I:eroy, ' Win.'l3. Wilcox, '' '222 - 58 • • tee iiel • ' ..... Monroe; _ 11.41.1Kyers„ . - 468 40 305 00 ..'..' Orwell, :, '' ,N then Payso n, -, 904.31 • , 473 68 ... Pike, ' . . .... - ROttie , ~ ' taiiritice Fought, .„. 826 66 ' 223 00 Ridefery,. 'PharliO'rencit, . . 324 62 ' 297 79.' ••• •• I ShAnbetiutn,, '3. 51:13inith, 1 889 113 ' ' 631 02 ...; Bmilhfield. ftkt. era's°. , 610 60 600.00 . •• • • ePrigoo4ll. Lafayette Leonard, 428 39 403 '43 ' .... bprioghlil; -' D. b. Black. ~ . ;Ai 82 91' 05 .... 9 td'inOtone„Ale*ailder to, . 269 78 -:'' , '175 00 . . ;Biondi Creek, ' Coin eliikltnight; ' 187 21 --' ' 29 02 ~, . .... - Tawauaa tip: Wm ~A4hamberlin,' 1270 :92 • • 11131 - 53 ' 14 46 „,. ; , " ' lip i e Wirlirling,lr<` r; "' s i'';433 84 389 11 • 24.26 troy top : Geo...P.i Freemali, 612 95 I. : - 61323 9 45 . " bora% - • . _ llenrYl:lbyl.,.: 249 75 , 234 75 e ,3 64 ..h. ,trtiter * ,„ I „':,.... H. andyke, • -. ; 360 99 • ;151 00 ', ; .... Wri • li4 ~..,. ~...7.- 1 1. *filer. , f,2**' r '.. , ,998 at ~: .. sit '24 ti - 647 h i ..-... Warren. e , - ROI* offiwoon; ~, , ~.....- 6 09 95 288 00_ _ j 36 .• ~,, - .Wilmot, ~ James H. Tutrelk • , 190 „02 . 105 28 6'84, 600 .... _lVindbaro... t • Abraham .DoSbam. f li 4019 49 3ll 99 . 2 03, .., 16 01-,- 7. -- ...: Vyalgsinge, , 4tleA t ander v.Biles,; ilst 49, ,'' 990 - 00 - a 42 2.7.13 . •.: • .W Y 4 04. - 40110 pre's% -: .:, :49#.1 5-i 463 1 IC , : , :If 68 :44! - ;61 .; '• . A a 1420,570,30 , 414,745 79; . " OO l. 02. $ 1 .27311 .10. - : - ... ME MIZE ''''' P '.... r, - - P. ''Z' Dr.: ,_ . ' lalui ,finipilttisituoi '.fadtera.dmity,liraecitiO'iiith ialdAionity; -, r -, f . ` - ':4:- - Y . Cr.. , Money in Treasnry Jam: 1,1850,„:-.. • $ 237 40 0 Rettitold 04m', priielo.l6so t:.....,:-Z,,.*:„17,36 26 Doplieates oreo. Tat prior to 185 Q; . $872 41 fteMrnedno„Dop l a,of• tiihO, , ‘‘, ', 'll - 1:1231j3- Bs Dnplitater of Callow Taxes of .1856; -.- . 14698 119 Retained 4,iiialpkentAloteir, 4'4... P :• 4 -0 8 39 .0 .43 Judgment NotesilthAie the 430 . ,". • -to • -1001 - 78 Colleetc r s per ientam._ , '- - c', -, ‘..r„ ips 50 Unarmed Imind Transcripts,-' 1 - i t i : •"...1-&--.72442 Orders rimmed in ;850:.: ~,. ''''' . -- - 43281,73 Money tio'd oti. redemption - of unislatieli , -- . ;-10 ., 111' 2 1 . per cent; eon, iirlisiiri 'oh: taine; ' : „.- -*; ..- 264 .63: 'Abatement of Mite tax (oleos, on - that& `:- •. ‘ - Uncarrent *fine.7• ' ' - • . :: 142 . ..,00: : • loved Colleetors;; - e- .i; ' •,-: - ; -••-• .: 1- 184"si , Bp.tiliee,diti die Cestincr '''' .'''`-' .- "'' 43348 * -71" Money rec'd'ini;forfeited tecognein!, , 100 00 . I • , . ,Miscellaneous receiyals,- .-- -.- . 61 85 -, .. • . - - • sap* 40- . ~..,.. =MEM jobagartst,,lreasurerat lheto. of in Doe on 'Duplicates prior to 1850 —42014 110 Divon:DuplicatesollBso;" 10870 81 'Reed orvltedetnpliotl:or Dome&Laifas 13; Of llothatet LantitTrinsetipti : :4. -+ ~, • , :... • ..• r.l . . . , .. ,•• I • Or. - , (5 ,, n . ,, 8 Cru!k.itilc!7 lo iceoutt wltkefutult MON. : n-Cer.ded,analy,,,r,"3Bnedll2,,,,a,..,lBsl;flerbi. : „ .', . If '111111.14 , 9Arderslitir inlfs°.;„::, .r-;774.....::-=.:Ait,;•_,, ~, ateatiting atsiandiok.: 4 . —I- - ....:.--• - - 3311.4t#01t0 OCittNIT; isB;—"litiiiii:jiiiatiAiiiii y .6.llcrebiteitik ria‘kihetabeirete beii-troe itiffalierevstatettrelit, +fibiliwaivabil and expeadhatesat sai&Casaty, L. H. Arthe fir" ( 11 1i-ensa.WY-Yilbe.itlinOult dli cirrtgcePbefiA , l). f 659.1adalive. Wiliatit I.4'4ltiiiindr n& Was tints *II thil 21thdaf or January,4Bsl. . , --.4 -, —, ~, , .. -.-, i O s .1.. —.. .. ? i L I - Os 8. MIT% Cdouglisibilersa .., Wi l ' • 0103 WIRD& ; .. , ,-'' ~ , - - • . . - • - teak. - - - 1888 EL , ROOM ildaigAiAitedis .0014 itc= t i.iik n. kr ikk-OrPillm 1 I CauitAlikmlitha IML beliali.,atzdas• tha ararter• * O O7 41 1 ‘ . .- 0 0, I lose taken this lanai of , uifileming &tie miens* that I shit /Nom Privoket bt". 1141 4.,1 4 Y ila ull7C44 "' 4u4Pirdl—ugg ) 1 1 ant* 'T4priplatttta,ti 1651 2 . • MORE'NEW,,GOOI) QOM' issonmeik of Voidt. Aug. 31.41.'&111. - • ' ' s‘l - argilVtiOndl_ . Ted& by , ' „atirjl .":1E1E1146 110:1 1 4 1- L - '1 - IBM >; =. ✓ r .. WM ME '513.2150 72 ....,. ISE3II ti r o i r uPollort' : lof - e , - reetitoi br,coPTI " - 1 - 1 001 15if pdidierisiipV#4 ' t niglceaf oat Loan, ,- ';` 1 1 1 1:::0 3 : 00 'llllerein" rw.atim!ta'"": - :0001 Arie*mihi 6 40!h Hingar taL:failofAct.if d ao, ; , 3: I that late` Coaltiniiittpner,bal~: title AP„/ . 11 ) , ti!tattk 0 2 2 , 1/16 ,.,.: • : : 4! ,folyoxitn(sskititero.lB4g;yr,:.,;_..:,f , '1550,1 .! 1 • 14 - - 0- tlcf. 4o rt ;FrisaulatiSi. - • s•;!' , r 2,- AI/recitation . $111731 41 iit:si a,05 1 q ,7.,09, 41 84 . 18 SS Mi 62 , Er I I I CI, 7> 00 4.44, 13 56; 1 1 it, 189 40 549 , " ii I , 15 67 493 B3 9 33% ' 7 Si 7 b 9 , ;, _, 21 31 2 `2O trittfthetoialtiat heat. ' Cr y. Rettaried on dopliciis prior to 1850, . , 11884: 84 - ..,'3'224-69, ExOtteration to Collectors,, 3 00 . 16 coitedoespeivienpie, " 605 16 Watt; Tititigier's receipt& ' 0599 95 Ivor tiedt: tOmtaistidtt'oo - ante; 85 OW tionenitiotto o>t ttttielited land trauservtai s '''2l 1$ Bataftce due state;' . : `'4t'3 98 .. i.c).A MEM :GREAT-BARGAINS. - agiugiiiitiosigadificitiorindbef T %mi. web be. ofas itte.ptillie kii: 01 # 0 414 01 .Sughtqabe boallb, lll s 4 40 I me sod bs st sespkstikily'isy ihergosbliithsti is no ovitsystitsp,_ an *l4 piis4Fact.,dias bit *MAU *SW AO)" bk had Ao l: VwfitY• /10 811 Fregt boodi. Don'tsiiist. &spin:644e. Si BA:oam - • H. piumar. Jr. - Torso4:Pre:4; _ , 1 • VLANNEII;* Lidiee Swim itis Nice snide. 21 1 "!"1 2 04. 1 4 1 , 11 abY r5:1110.1,,'", D BARThEIT. it • gw . mrtneepor.. Ith , Prim lOU fill , ~..ymnrard.T ~l_~~ 1* . . itaiidiaiirinik-q"‘: - c- , •-:•• 71. - - ------ •,%'''-...--v... ~_---...-e••••:., • --.t .tr ..e!!#:•..-.-7 . .....-L Otiatertghteariblithadene In* , - RFFlGgir.s'Pliktif` , Aik7 R 118 4 ,, HUSTON iiii. fORTV44I; - xiiiitimili!: .u , _ _ _, senOw awbe , Anklibili ills ishmtoceir_ing Ai: Ariniii PAdiirloye t ,a9e_ of rqopi ..,,,,,:,...„..',--' t1ir.,,.„:-:-..iy. .Aleetleof, , i„,:i. : v.-, A ,-.t.10, 14 , 411!eralivii. 1 110 1 0•," ; ', Ktiliterborkeri iv; •,: ..,) lidermAkivot , illegague,;( I.htera•Livitigl4.V!; , ,e... ..e,Ledfillook,, i t ~ ,Direenois -. . . 4014.15 r, .-.,,, , 1i..., -,- .....,:.ii . ‘.i i =i, Whig—, , . 1 , 66 , . Grahato. . , , -,' ,V 4 l 'Low* Qlll7l, I ... flolder4,_- „" ..,• .. .: Eilloblirg.:, ' ~, gal ,-- tairiee ROilkid;• :: ''i Tfinit BMA, ' ' 4, ' 1` - ' Totaled' Cabinets " ' , ' .344 Wf1 ic tir jr 1 4.4 40 7.;;31t , ;.:1; r,. / 16 4 Pffiges*a'sX•rat tei ;...,Altuver . ' sand she International lifitgaiineileminseri 'eraliberiovr volume with the ilteetiitier. riturotter.Abo publio-will'plesew eel' lit `aritabaiiribe.:LEiteh nut.' her paid for is delivered.— Lailitateod Gentlemen eviit cm youtlffdeho. t- '''A .011 , 1. r•‘Z. - GRlght'f.t, :ME .OtOTAIN—G'STOREH Attx.H BusTgokruyinfoinwtht * .llol,tiat he id just from blew Yorkin erielidpenede i ittaatimi:of„ierFtmiere;,Aomg,4lo stick may 'he "&lad „. 0 fer, .Coata,,Sqck roatsi t Btieili*f o 4l'Fiokand, "Drisi Coati; Maks. Paiiialooia,-.Vists, aboutei,te.,.ifexWityles and! atl f -plccs. " • • V' lithaelatse -*ear kAntik* ef Iqtrriila* CHILDREN9';UL THING, to er,hiOige:insiiii at teatiMi iia' Which If 11"le ma' at low ratee;-Ilie liis made artimgeineatitylehicif be tawatead fdr say a r :, ficiedesireloilliii the cenaimy procarinca-gocia ;,,.-•38 ; 89 A DS le itiestainni io,s4 hie _Obl42ing. at,unuioally lass, paq, for= Con. end Wino; he Gen make lathe in Iciest of than parebene .tßß~~t bier al4 •CC2 ; :Atihiiala saeW.b l 4 lBo sa Bsclistt and Shilro mYs.eloceep uPtalSinb. ,Coiting,en asking. op. .done ae usual Who moot fashionable names, promptly:and to Wen. ,! - /**anda• DecliTbar 1 21J8 50 Y. . • - • .1.: ~ 1316 lattliltirangrailiaTo "& IP' . ii .85.08 ;4 20 j 0.83 1.20 69 09 ;;37'. 40. f; _l3 , EZZI MASON,yrould msnethilly,-,liform the L. ilm..rliest of .Towanda iral•uicroity..tfutt she bee open-. eda Millinery,establiahmeat on Afeinfetreer. four doom below: Bridal, 104 iA -ahe Imam formerly merlin' by D. M. BRA. Sheba Oh kind e .tvellitelecrod fanjet, of,, the most fuhlonsble Millinery Good*. shin Winn Maned the genic*. of a kabionable- Mil liner. jot, from ilie Gtr. sbq kohl conkient'of sirint :miti!fikctlop .to those whodipteiglepil to: boribeitPlk4na6o..•< •- ' •,- Struts Bannt44oeaned and. Proud in the neatest manner. on short :malts, by , 14 new , chemical, pram. !Web VW %beans biantiftil whitenem, vrithout In; the maim BOIUSta dyed ot Gray ecolor i tuni *hada Tawands. Noveraber.Bo. 1850. - - • ' LID ;; ,21,5: la 44 05 AI 4, r . , MA 01 ? : 04 50 70.00 33 63 e 3 ea 14 27 AT +.4 , • 1, 113 28 .68 71 i 33 73 x :121 74 •fr. 133.01 45 30 ii ti WINTER . r. :..O DS'I T. .VOB bas)ust receivOl anothet fors) stock E. of WINTER GOODS, to wikieh the attention of ihe public iv invitell.' . . r , .i iN0v..211, 1850; .4EI 74 12403 21. 7# 31 47 Further .roritralare of the.great Flood op NEVI/ - - , COODS!' - Erin% N E lrolit e _e_th e rier ad Z il gt il us. ll4 Delpine , r iippteryi o,lnvetik Trigam TN _ rho a d 4 1n A t rf IP ; I nt F a 5 ba i gl2 , llEl, ikettiort true" , umnsw at • ouqg .mlO ihrAT um% 67 113 17 15 172 95 UR 60 2 56 •. ,138=48, 9+lB 91._10 80 11 „es - as 29,41 30. 17. -1 1 336 ..101)! 99 lees. • 1121.,47 • 2 00 EEO 44. 07 0 =I .41* - Atio 72 - I:3lii litre lib : '.".*i4,lSti , Lit 4111034 tO MEE <~ ISE . i. f ' • t: .:1f 4 .1* tn VOA% t MZLLENRR ANA 'T , mArathi, J.V.L :MAKER; her TtstnovEd to'No. b'; Hrieb wok when triit condone* ivttn• bialientinitna patrons promptly attd•thanittylly. ' 4..41 „t . Noiriez4 ,44 ,444, t . • onett ifDralforil.gOontt tl: t:eijloth i ;7Z 70:. rvelt,iliettog the ip: peahi fierce' iheifiestaiineetii fer'dber feir' ISO,. it their office -"in'Toot#ndi; to wit: March ,15,th. l Litchfield, Windhitit;Warren, Pike, Orwell, fttime; . Wyres, Standing stone, Herrick; EptinealL"A r yigu• sing; March 6th, Ulster. Athens Sep..Atbitiittiftonith, Ride:pry" Smithfichl,Bpringfield, Troy, tsvp:,Troy:bo. Colombia, Well:4 ; l4mila Cre4.. Dujiliagm ; March ?Lb,. Tomei/A Awis Tfityan.le bare., ; Monroe, Duel. AF7141.14..W . 5m01. Albany.iFoinklinittransigniLany. CsultOn• PidiArnienOr Ameasola oflthaleiloc• titre townslops sod , born't4,.are requested:lain:punctual in. delivering ,the notices to the. is main mak• ing their returns on thotisyk yeqtionedein Abell.- war. rants, anAall thoso who ma, feel themselves 'grieved by thowswensments, are requested to attend on the daysahowe.epeeified, as there i1411...b0 xto.airisatent made thereafter. Dy order of the Commissioners. • M; • 'Comrnisithier's tiffleiN rob.. sib; tot - • Inifie." BLASTING .tscsWazgliVd'AP4T,s4s4, VE ate ptipsiell to fiirn at iitott soil` of ` the best4ioiift h. 4 powder, filliOat',4 point on limo( Eotiol It thi 3 ,l4#4i - mirf, ket prim., °Most promptii.oll4l4:tin. `Attiring, Atig; 23 ''lB3o. - lITELIES"4‘ HARMS: LTATB AND' CAM Boats indßlitiar, Overstates .Cl Gaiters. Children's. Boots .surkeltoes;:s grid rimy. Also, Hardware, Croeliery; Fidl4 Grodurpri (in cluding Sugars an& Molasses , by the46l: or .604 for sale by n 1 ,LICINGSBDRY: //Mktg 4" glitainSriii/B l iri! 'MOW* the dolt to pui4ol. " BOOKS 4id*;,loisg lr eveniiiisr Verson* Of /Nati aid Va tionery mill fiptl,thg.lergesk mock qyer , offeire4 in ihisixito niti; 'nein-wins a t thwribier4nr,*inilut constandiraniving Kai Malik % %i • p - , --1 ~• •4.llTNafteßw: • RE.MOVED. •.; ° 111.1N'tstil'itinioed , 4 . l iVatch and tiewefriftit ,"11,) WRirigitieit'ac Oer Mick bllelr;'wlkefet Neekiirtiefra yam, ezteniintl iiiiortmeht - ,Jlnrelfit, Panty Giadv; kistilitiree3l,oe 114 0 . 1 lion; reeeh4d Wixom Rom ' . icy ?If lIDIII 531: ~„1 , • ' • /Area the largo snl coernio - known emytba," Waril.llokuo,!,ohersheis now. to oecoliono4to *ono who 'neighs:llW seals ,; lie is ail:411;04 birisilduowiNtention to thtt 00160— hiralP a sa Z t ill! ilt ton. =j9 • l:ole, Tho'hOerolifolfooe e lit !althorn Penni, widtmeiy 'cps* .81ablintoke.. ittathed, it . * beamed: tho &mi . gad« fietkHl eip be. &Tr. ,Totrosolik;Por.'2ol,l4 , • . - -VA:lslEliffitAt'A*FlierittErfr,,OlOi IiEV - AND . , - SFASONAgtOddOligi J tiffot oturfoi4ifo..3#.4o 84 4 - Cub. et' • - • ••• 0. - jg.:!.OrrLMl3.l • ,Taiewidit, _ . IMPIAMDSTSIMTv /rite Isykeil inj avnijiamplociaKitmeni cf k119 . 01' J.- Mink and houradk. - .Bvo, ent igrited to ibis triatifeatiiiiii ,nrt. ocildaeponifik at, 410 OAK D71;,RT1M713.:, k idraracy , fort ;" ,eta is D.-Bikanstr*intiamii• y ' la 164Aiik : tipie it riairliablfteV ese,49 COVERB is Fiswei h tracquAnd ildis salad Oa eiriettallo7leint of Wild* at *dill44l#llollo.lojet Coisb;; :If $40 0 9)100 1 ce#.l l 4 1 0.§ 41 0) 1 3 9 00 immaire•-. El At' TR 1.. sal pkaiwt - 1.,H4--- i , Ititiiol- - Idrca• ....Al v . . r ik pf , Staldi'? g Ilctl l , ,to tua „ emay , went ytitho c lei 0!" ifiilose ; Having Pillias ligaiist , sid ,egqte „ 11 Ptem pK ,s ehethlm duly &Abin* 9cSel. ~,.. ~, t.. 0 rEi?4 laiiiiiilaear. ._, — . . I; '..4 , :".'-• A' I MINIM'' ATOLL'S NOTICE. '' • •• • ;-- 3 `i 3 ' \ t l _ Ak . "4"iwil , the •tototio; of, 'LUTHER .13ART,'E ' ill d, tate °Monde gouroithip, 4r• lievs by ' mate payetwat'Aelthont delay, multholo lull : 110 iigainot said estate,, will kleir prolootthrs limo ntiesto4Air sottWomoi, ..z , -: 1 ; , :.,.., , ,:t , ! t . - • - 44:___PICKARpittiltorolotiofoni: ..., Canton; Jon. 80;:issio...- -::. , ~: .. . .-... i , .. i. 1., ;', .„,,- ..;:.-: -1: z ' ~;: ,•'., ti - 'l-out virmor a txri . . • . 19 'oda th a s ttiort • r biatioon Pleas, of thadford oOtir.ty, ind . lo' tar di Oted; will hi eXposid loyab itc-itile.'4"the tours .ElOcii - e,hi the Ron' of l'iraratt = da oh. Patirdiy, the ftrst -day of Maids. it one. o'clock,lPAL. the rellEileint Piece 9r. Parcel of iced iitnatedllisthyriiituirrtship. hiuilded. • a3' ttillosis, to wit: all lbe i tight title itad interesrwhatsocrefor George Prittber,aild tb Valhi itiull ided ohe half in the following lief-pith:Or fake, 0 and'iituated In 'the' Bora' of,d.thenst BOldflird.Chua . bounded Rad descipied)a folloitathwit; heginsti 'at the, north put t'Opier - orpily !Toter's', lot: bounded on Malo'striat, thatiee•totth along said" Sureet 94 feet to ;the comet'fiflrinal and .Main: sireita l r ihetire:, westerly abutgpanal.streeti3Ofeet 10 a postha the: aafttsielut corner of M. 8. Rogers' lot.iheagaistoth• wardly alcibg the'hast lineof IC S. Ro2ers'il4 14i 6 the-north line itf G.Tosees 104150 feet.tbjlatVlace. , of' begianiug4t .being - the Otte ItlttoT : fotiNer... ST ) and 39. as laid out by Trwritas ,R. Rani :lit-the. IV of Athena. ..Connuniag abouil2llottgostre feil Ire or less. ill haproved;bnerranied buildhtg moil apiedas.a.Grocery. Store, tuts :framed' Wagon 4),.nodSranindlllacicinsith shop thereso4- ~..vr. , . 1 reizedindialien in execution id tbb-.suit.otGeo.' ug'to the Use of 9. r.- Welles,jr, n. George i tc h er . .1 - r:T - .40 .4 ~...-.... , , 4 , WM.- Et ROBBIN.9.,SheIi#: • Iherides ()dee; Tkiinteria; Fhttniaiy 909511' 1 1 , ADMINISTRA'rOR'S._ &Tao- Pm+ ioJekted: to tho wale S. Blip% daveaped, late of Wyaloolog l omep.; Rre .407 rdg ellied to Inali•Pqmont whboot-dolay. *ad Ammo tutting vlaiori , ogoioot aaW , astu !please prowl Wait thily autbootkouta•fats sattkattoig.l ILARRIAON-1114ACKE!•," WYggelnibrob. pow,. • Xi:MICE Where . * giien.'tlAtthe isititerishiit hem ;,tdforsitiptlisg beireen: the subscribete,tist begs Molted atonal sciose,nt. The *Stint oteptlAup wUi beiiirrinitO by URI= All Permill fadf l 4 - 4 ,IF,,,Tick,to et4lll,theil mom% HIRAM ':rioi.iO 4 ,4 1 8 5 0 ! 7448051 • -; -•! -- BLACKSMITHINC). -- 1er4, 1 ( .WlNE.,reSeeo4 l o, Ph' P -45 4* . rl O 'AO 4 4 0 1 ) *leis WOW Osire, ~qvi,croOr44, , Dearly, onposho P' ik t rui .iuiitirk,ll4o:ll is tinily : toga Owe* in I" atie. !st timr=l" inAM 1 0•,1•4•404 .. tariniPo - 1113* *P4UP'Irt ho.Lui iU i is ;r t i tilful ., Pofkluili*ltmoaaPc. 6 7:Kt anti* oCdp. iota- , oretutt'op or Imr, soy.pAttiluipp, to baiammo,, • "TOOLS: niiiiiiitatkureif id of. iU kind, triinitedja the bein.,nienoeropod every ki4 of Am) ,Afigoaaquring. riltibekinnenp4ort IPLlce t and 0445100 desired, i Ijl ffePe SAwityg. on rissonebie-Piniit• fi b ; Wroducc . in p_ity_ninki . ,ll4: Aitoik,lo4,ob• jests strongly& ese,lit,, , Tl 3 waildis 41 , 4 17, 1851* The Right. Place to_bt ` :Uoo43 , Cheap FOILAVILN:11,11 B. - kiNGS,6 PRY - 4.lC!'Wg' - 7 , 11711 ERE Abey 14 1 14 opened itifM ) ' Nom, , V twora. At voirte.bay." th i llt eta b efo r e offeged to thelmbtle, Amongst them' nipy round aid orßieb vxl Elegiwiti at well se Malin 4L ' C`tieep Fall *o4l.Winpr pry Goa* of every Nitiotptrid style+ Towanda, tioyembeel. 11850. " itarrEbtlis M ;ashy Lahas;"‘antreiihrearilWil j: of the 04 Alan* sad a' . low SS even one *Wall raooo f, ,P,llfg9PßEA X 4cf)!ii FitrtNom merinoes eo4I simeUs. of titeiga Ae sirable pattern.; also Worstedflaidslotdressat, u well as ch#llre4i; wean! (01404 0 4 4400 * l !..bY Nov. 7. H. PNGOASPEOrt*SPr IDRINTEIi flabbekeed Teem litrabn 0 well as ; P- L iirge.*OClL , Orr `POCCIeII , D41 1 44 11 4-cilt anal*paccaa, can be found fee sale bc,, - ," -Nof• c.; ItlNP,Ltgal" PPV,..v# l ... ; :TaituP.l. a . 44 tbenutit*iei 6e iii arrestma onc3rint s ije*l pifynth - 14 ff e, and that it does not cpme: of flhocgaiich, f eend en o cer. Eto 'loot At tat IiTLETT. .NEW - GOO'S' AT tHE CENTRAL STORE I AT N. BETTS hadidistai4eiseu a fresh and gene .l.ll • rat stock of Falrit*Winter Goods, which be Oros to the public at low, des as Amp atitAceheap; est, r,essb or atosair • . • In his • merit of .Ladies'Di* _Garai itads ; • le; for the ressona ,lso a end coe .. •": • I.adliWiltritiaseif4Deikeso2ol4lo4 Boots shoes; sintoiti - o,q; The geed ieet4eot - . 4iii;iilliiilL:*Witioritty are !s -ifted to ealtaltd . riatelta reelbeleielhA rehas. g Asetshesi * L . 4.44o4otieitthiqiit*Saudy • th eta u to guilty dr geedeleeko4l,:il ; . • Towanils, • PC " 6 , 410 - *ix 404 - , 7 - wforioait per . withro m s4iiloott,r*,o43* - :: , • , overcoau, coafi; .Uaddikv . to, Drawers, ilatiVanSuspentkrs Crae42es e • All of 'hick wilt L ebilpyr 0%1616411141prd Wr rad"' •-•• let 'Tiwasiki,,Nrisagor 14% ONEnve grips onyiewlolo Hw i. *hilwarboin Ad o hr natiai ,';.S:':IPDXIM I ' "- BRIDGE' LerTtNo QE/4•FaLPIIOPISSALS, will` /*Maw: it ` ii: tae PerhowiedlepPir's Mein. Toenthaektlittil!MottillY - the Nide, ,qf rebigery nest, 'et bellitieli et adage ..eroerlbe Vowenda Creek. hear btonroetter. Bradford coeniq:: Pheriesill eqrtificathsw owe M tbe Commissions:Vl:Wee; for-one week , previatekAis eke tbieetires.4 By:rider gibe Uospriesiouere. - A • • - ! 1 _ .1& V4itflt; t . sP- 4 " po d , r L 2 i 1110;ibni ' Whig .foittoned, 0.1114 vim • Aietai g v . 16 0,itt Adietrifigly HINSEII% . , MEE ~' • J,r4 L,,.. -: r,,,,, s' :: '' ..; ~..4„,? qi,,1 4 t,.. ~, . v , titart7l.-1 '` ,f __ rriIANKFUti 44ealaitisin dailliablie to , de* %,i:-.. A pprod a lbtpaiih - liy 14 gonad .::!Ittlio-1119.: Avli tpo ri p* , iPOtt, „tint ,P1.141180t1 • i t em wereltr tti telt w itpprotio of the needy lory't - ce :: o * not si ' *limiter the kit eie* war ' itteniedi i bkinkrsuodcpw,iiidils, to site , them: iii ritif.4 .4rtatioie :dot , choice meeker Whiter Citto4/44•7 int nowt . rnetiiblif;:iismiliaelag iii itecietel •iiimettitsktit tir iwitilat iiisi etyliii : arstai they, usually keep whiett, will lie solket.' id ese".. Pift•Cathtejech,. ,- -- , -,:,.. • - . •.. , ,, 4 , h ~,'- ' • 'ratio o. Jelt. 18, '1 Mg. . • nitiC, 1 3 99P*4.1i0 0 a -11Feut of -14 - 0048:446 ALF; tleehtes. aaisty AI !Via lriuto6o , --• opening eten Dt , A l l II ..- . _ :~~ ` _ f.r"CH~ pdt-estale f ik diOgaitUtMeat INHAS4 1110gttorlr 4 . 4 ltmilwi COOK HERE ,eis.uf Otis is iniecl i fur ten Tf4itiemsa *wit,. 1 pteliF will Tielilti ' .' ..y -ItEßellftil:.. ....,! ' ''' T. r ': •. A. CAR I .. 3. lit ovrAN,yrrtk. cv.-; - finder ttfo fiiiglibioiii IVA neetroolty of shying 'l4th t "customers. toil** • *pane or; Wite ',bap one, yol i •attaillog g 1111414 s" ' In4st , 4 0 clarcili and those heitin PidgmtatilMok N °: rri e 4110.'will do well to &Oleo° 2 .. loryo for pafroeq While tbry:retarb ilioit 'tin' e tbaoksito *sip., - . ill- for•papt &row tht*:croislil i %rile thoiki rta.e4,Atp 'otoinstwei of their, trq extansi, ' 11,01taliot:or 12libeNhi ' jilt:received twin '.Newitork, pity, olichiod -is or. is. _,,A, lylest ebb in thb market. . whi ththerarediepooel 16 #3O attic \ hofolo• ,to Or -Mail. at icec.that cannot fail .to ploarre.. • TO,Cadt. tome' want .coma. =Ell , our iworthrfrieodo.i ina WO 4 come in 4 job*, oi that we : on at able o grain' ye t i 'l"Coadoor woo of Gsvora..i 1 ',- I E.' . Qr. J. D. 1.1.:41t CA, •' Tagranda.l.C 2o . 1 8 51 .--.,: z • , •_4 ,- •', 3',11 MEM iFions - togaiti n. .of .Warranti,. THE B.ubsoiribit n s /buid befall inennUnll are Linda aidactba Act of "angina p,t 1M). that be baa•tnida ati;ficosamennowbetatlY hi eat cd,, tuba their Narraniititkverf )itsl4l,trouVis ,10 thatnichrea by'calling on' bun., H. . alao_pqrponw .••to" take a intp to dui wealth* ettigtoppifig Or bah will locate wir . auttah , nsotioat • Ignorable titian. He is also tasking. arranuamaiita , mith •a Aiwa] , who Las Wisconain tiantt a tivin rnr. sod ie will icquinted • witli thillo'intlitionartha sutioutisithic Country, and .with land Ace b osineoi; who win 10010:, lantana. in IllinotatWheonaini lowa tit' linassiata, tot ' suit the holdefo.ew will purchaas Omit wanase4Rumb tmusretrhla bjs JAREDAate I DI. ocicirTicortit To*ands,! tan. 20; test, ''L ':-:.-' - -:: . 0011zois; fc - **pi:*:o:.! . .;:."::_i L-AMIii)RtERS,:INO:IOBBEIIS:. 58 Istbirty Street, Now. Task. *wean Prow:way:and Nassaa,) it RE now receiving s A i sh ndlosadfol lasarionmiti El of Fahey Silk and Millinery Goods; to adifehlin would, patticalarly :Wafts 41ta- attention:- of-. stil fraiM Purchasers, and. u4 lll 4oblocL f'fi th r 4A P - Wire nil a call; aii inivtidetannliai to OM Onr /OW. for 10Weitikaktivrot befwe'offsreduldiri Millinere oah suOtrthetwelvei with every saki@ to thek Itonolt *lout to dove. of Impartial** otAito• AST-Plitelw , ' Waal of out roils eta finantdadass4 . 1 11/ye r l,,f l f c r! c !-I9 SO°. ! If " l eN wal b i M ser 4 tor,beginty or 10,1 pnaca— . Bibiwni, a largiiitiatti'' , Silks andfSatinsiba Bonneted - Y.:2. 3 essfiet, ctitPaLJessi. Tar/aloe sand fugal= Laps!. Thninungs for Hits, Cap! azul, ' :Jenny' tind COW, and - Party Opera H e • Einbroidend Care,Vollarr,,CalteistutZbediiieettea. Embroidered Eagings.di twanlinp,titaisa t ir , = TbnnOinMsseti.V. l 4ncienes $014 41 • Embnatied4sirs mid Phan' Candals-Ifkrag., -.olosen; and. dEtde 8114 Lida ',Vinod rand Hawing Silk, 4 Be as, and Dress • - Swisadieotiatt;rlloot Btidlogo(Witis l •:s Haitanidetal . thanask and 'Phis Catittlai Vl* PT assortniant.of Straw Goods., Piench'itid'Aituinean • With a 1141 iari&w tint Mentioned ITC wishing In awod,jiaying ionit Isajaal atilt wadi* r cOling..and.lo43ring tbrunOv.ll-. GRE - ATACCIDENT .AS befallen tbrnielehanta i in r emeeitrnee entiseiiliors Lir** revived NO: S,HHICii'IIOW lifiredig; disdigeittiat aoluniast of4FALLA:WINTHR.IIOOI:O3i I ,PRFWIY 1 40.9 W, ;fhthe ;On !MI gattplfY . 1 4 1 4fMcil*A44/ 0 . 1 0 Prk. 61- 9411 64174 #41, 'Plif , 'Plrl9 l lt!s? .ars• Pain us% Laum.r.", • 41,0 ts 4. Sho es , opt, - '"" An 4r aa experience of -fifteen year* Ini-dte tataineiiiittur4aaar and- at till* ito;.oniretliet , ialtbliitufrairilink lowan 1* • , Jfailies. and APitei4 Bl l !ko motti!'l4. ll • rally iniiteaTo ail( and entrain° aniataeir. • •-01.1inif fiends *itleatni;riProd4nriaikiiilait. change for goods, and CASH paid for Lumbar. >-----•--JArlbtEti--H. PHINNEr. :TAMPON% Ctc6l47 , UM, itwiyytkvAtoNAßLE - A - m: - 1, ARNrov,' reciiieo ritintlitiikWii -4! Vole sitilinalikaisfArrient ef-WATCHIM JE %WPM der.vtitithir aoettfalikio4olo,-,lo::trk which.albAtivotladig.i " tialn and irhiCh 'Air via it inie: f t • ticticke - og." , Citd.o &Aitken* *C . lowiscratei. ti=l. • 411444 sabieribri by. tidikonbooleaebeistiVoiriltestl4 A*, mak* otbiiiiiate pithillitofthelioar.:antaityirsoslcA , Towanda Sept,. 12250., AMIP•I3I34Y ok: 4 r„;,. L:-. , ..'-' , .`.,‘' •", ATORtsPf lk, -OgiUNSI4I-XXV.AI:44Wite TOWAN,DA. 0;:r office r .l4l4.4 tt . the:Rublic..4l4* NEW: GAUPS • TUST,reeeJW4ilitiVtlfs stock GQoDB,lalmguifing."ll., Ito nestrafyles in Mirka , . miiiespietruni. drew. iicihwest call la saliaited tranvia - who, whit la payebasegandi sptl3. „ FOX. A %Woo ami Wm: 411. lrbibotetAtur, Alpartis %MO% &eloaiiii'llirimistiee SwansaitO,s o lesuly TAW motodsor • trimogogNok &tali P (It F: 16 04 PrObre?• llo #7 o . 3 a s c?tehYll". 4l 9!vii •It' iipti4 • . FOX% - • 10E 7: : ;I:c'e4ga,ii le aworacets 7 iibieb briogora to: dilopitoe' wi l ,tratif ilifAttPeFts l4sl o.4o imp* , 4011• 1 geflorof ttotokigie - Or,„ • ; pouffe W. tho'pabliii in kilted ilion a& ramie ., Ins Giribmilatis - pnthubsi *Wyk*: • ; ~ .T0911011416411..:1 1 50 . • - • . 5., r i BUS - GOODILIPAIRT LIND ANDMILIFIrrii Trimaphohelietillilk Lei" ea. dre. at the ' iiiiiiisbnreOmbitinpioidthesp.few eff~: 'PBraXI),,,-, . . Ray SIaIP Shawl; Ageniti_ T. • ADIES aient'of th e BAY sarterg &RAWL* , JUbakienier examine dm lergesk eimipria eat,beii easement ever offered in thie mania*. .bilme mak% their parciamer. - ' JOS.AINIANgar. • ;PC OUP .101t i n.WANTIM. ralloibieltAAlSiLliatibt• 414144,„ , • 11 -' Willi 4 * ?PUMA bffr, 4,4 NAOt: , . ADIW, eatihstkiseetl•pdpOludierr4iO4. try ' 1 Nur. T. , D. KINUVIERV kCCr; i MI IA OM } af :? ~