Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 18, 1851, Image 4

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.t.0 , . - 3-.:• ---, ...... - -I:i?-'it:',.'jf's.;,.. , !• - • - z1.- - ',j4..' , - - - -- , - ?-,„-.......,, i ,,,-,-
._ ~ ,
„,,,,„., -.4i,,gvienctitvat'---r-------
Irlie:;B4lnOvatilini erogaverthowdu
trartbtinggnottglr them:OJT.
ii`iii . .see'itiiiiiiiiittitids.ttisit*ppliartii be_ tning,t - n
l ircay4 mai:mine 'lariat Week-1f Ifie, - earne
t!ur,,aristnovr beiOmprOvel it may bei• -that my
- 1 tpoorr . ...faimerfir will not beoffended, , if 1 give, them
lmy.experience . .In„1848.11 . o, otho rd' *O
it: n
„rough prung Mlle - decaying wood, it having
'neglected fora number of yeari.- I plowed
:6001044 - i! tiipqtataes: - !iithonf -- matitiTti * ; . ,
break Itiiiol6 - oar. 'hefted, With the
My potatoes g r ew rapidly, and t0 . . - all op ,
pearaticii*ere - the last of
ainuth,, *heti the). began' to.deeity
• hew weeks , there .vraillardly. a restige.lett to lathk
the . spot *lied° they once flourished but I.hadihe
satisfaCticat An* . 'derided
malls of iinproventent. , : kattlY:lait spring, 18-19, I
plowett it-age/Li and finding•there was a heavy
grate& ef needs the - dast of haying ; tout Marilynn!'
Wealher.i gave lt,aapther tliiiicingh plowing : . The
rebuff tows onst•salisfrictory—my 'apples growing
much larger and fairer than they had for =ir pan=
P.r!!!kln... There has been as great. improvement
• to ili4;,groW.thof the trees as there has been 'in 'the
apples, they hating formed more new wood than
for ten years before; and f thi k the pritteipal cause
has Veen, •the tree use of the plow.'l raiatli. the
part seaiton one Hundred bush:-.,13.01 Baldwin and
Rtts4et. apples from what were, fire )etin4. re , a.
. .
twenty. old, decaying. trees. •
•laud ;
• di speed the.plow, not only in toAre
. but amongst the apple trees: It ring - One has-an
orchard that has not been Often, Pt . hint' serliie
on the old bark and put ht• the plOti . 4 and then, pet
in the plow ; and , then put in : the rtions, and be
sure and keep down the young 4hooto, and he trill
find that ,receive areal interest en the ea.
pital invested, by wailing a few ) ears.—Blaine Fur
Tug Rsysoes or fesurrs.—Sueh trisects'as the ;
Hessian and wheat flies, cutaolies, weevils, army
-boll worms annually de-tioy crops to the amount
of twenty millions of dollars. if d pirate on the
thishigh seas, or an Indian savage on land, injures
' the property of a citizen to the amount of
,a few
;loners, millions are ispenileil; if need be, to.pusi
, ish the °Aunties: -Thusi's right: But when, public
eoomies of a diffeteut - name, do a thousand times
; more injury to a whole country, are its eiiizens un
der iny necessary restraint Which forbids their
Making a common effort to ptetect ' their property
egaiiblinsect,desfastators. , Psrasitic plants i such as.
rust au wheat, and malty fungi, as well as injurious
insects, are on the increase.- 'to attempt to explain
the reasons why this is so, wotild , lead at iince into
tlnestions in animals gad veletabfrf physiofiVr, oat
of place in this brief synopsis of such ( rural topics
as are believed to be cf general interest, It may
not be amiss to remark, however, that many',boys
are, apparently, edoiated to kill small birdi that
subsist mostly en bisects, as soon as.the!e young
sters are large enough to shoulder a germ.
, If farming fold their 'Arms, and isay that nothing
van be done by the science of entornofoery, or by
any other means, what hat an increase of the evil
is to be expected! Not to try to (rape she evil
ii treating onelenemies with unmannerly forbear
ance, and evinces a belief in 'fatalism worthy slit'
elide oflohorneil.
Curristc is f 'some diversity o
opinion yet,mnong farmers, respecting the expe
diency of nutting corn stalki.'• iser„ording In scrMe
experiments, pretty carefully tried;itcrine yiars agn,
by Judge Bud, cutting them, diminishes the corn
crop alittle. 'At was 'thought by. seine, that 'Mae
much as the leaves of a plant are necessary to the
"growth and Maturity of a plant, they ought to be
kept ula'on it until thwevni oil by nature, This is
undoubtedly good reasoning. On the other hand,
many contend that the stalks if cut and cured well,
_an:eons valuable, and sefticiently counterbalance
the diminution ; of the crop. '.At the pressnt season
we think it .advisable to cut the stalks for the pur
pose of lettir the sou its more beefy.
Gums is Cm ess.-11 ie !Al ' that thi' removal
of a red worm in the throat of a ehicketi with the
.gapes always effects a core. This worm, the effect_
of thedisease, is easily dicilorlM.d by pausing tldwil
a feather stripped np to within half an inch of the
end, into the throat of the chicken, then , Oving'il a
.twist or two, and hastily 'thawing it out,lwill gene
, vallrbring this Vermin with it y and rain the lice 'ol
-tire bird. Lithe water and coarsely ground corn
lure alga` said; to be good for the gapes, There are
- Venturi remedies ado for the rare of thistrots
'binsonie and . sometimes taut. &Maier; but thiii.e.
who ,have not tried the above tue invited to (faro
, --Germantoten Tek•raph. • ' .
• Fort - Fooon —The' best rerrierlythat 1 have foam
is rosin, pulverized fine and fed with:the erain. 7 -
,It not only stops the conghi but• seems to. improve
the health of the sheep - ` every way. Alter ening;
therosin,you will hear theyt sneeze beery, wltich
'is also a remedy for the I .grus in the head--bet
. there is n‘eertairi cure for this disease that I have
been ebbe to discover.
Pbt&os : or Eaarrize•Waae— : ll frequently oe.•
'elm that •ti *hole faintly is poisoned by eating , wrrar
bar been ectoltetkfin t 1 glazeiearthern-iretio4l. The
glazing in &Itch trowels is potisonott, , and when it
lines ha adherente•oatiotingl‘a with the food tow
. !sine* in , it' apt 39
_lead to: tat a!i• itonSequenha..
oiways,kest tohy the 11:01 . 0 fait
--laid or tallow and trobjeCting it to. &ire heat of an
oven. . ,
Cow:etc? irtr6nt. , !...—LiVte there" any Bushed, poir•
big along your cures!! ibere recollect 'hey
, ire so many eisidenes;of •oloveirly. fanning, 'end
obielld be renitiveit:l' i Thereftire,'4ixe livery !OM
morpent!herd u t doted twlov the surface
'the earth, sea on the erown,ef.eaery butt, thui
reanoeut; Ono, a handful of nit :rwo,or t h ree
mob operations viill-ensure tbeir, siesinaelion.—Ne„
" •i
!¢s' A * Si ts
tOICOIit 0414i...1'010e 5C0tT5.......::
:„744 black - 'Mimi' shelii, 'dtieil aria , itlkertOtl,
.ea: ittt , teqiial..quaittitot tidtti,ibep wet
. mint teaks ire pitts'itxtet the ainter, entail hickory
'lois: , - dive.' t i ttiee'or rem at these Ohs' it'd dose
shirt th e not itit. the drease 4 itaittrate? the
,pilti,te ,ht astern, and repeat the diase,., ~. 1,., -
crie.r4l . VAT roe . Fai,rr Ta,ar ii. 4141; it' a *peg
ikeip• earls, /af f iliate it with salt, thiekewraitk ashes ;
_lathe, AV
;= hTii part
tied, -sir revision:l4 ) and apply with a Inush.;• It
'thews aomettere i end leaves the bark a.greei
and Leatihy color ' '
I '
ntb,At. t c
guivi, thi"
AT - 04F10.
sOCIIPIr .. 7 14,
HOli Horse Power - k -- Tresher
Wilk the it' Of . itri Ani9cH - rtan•illQum en' . i ''ftir
- Pdent 11 al cureii:'
Tiff: subset' Bier tikes thi-wirtboti to- inform the
Fanners of Bradtird anTthe adjo ining pommies,
that he' is' agent for, - and- her' fdr• sale; thi; ItistWe eel , hut
ted Old iiiirql9llett None raWer ;' eual Thrashing Min •
chinis,iiiiiieh he isilnepoinif•iitilirritish en MP Pattie
teroto 'as' by the ntintrfeetiiri4.ifith !fit adlitii'm of the
actual cost of thinsinirbtrion„'contracted fur of thelolt
rad an& tied nitre ''" • •
The sulaieribci has trold.4 *wither .of the
chines hi rhio, and the' mij,Oing counties of Vheniting
end Tinto. N. ft., end ati iviilinne exrarition hii‘e given
thevery hest .istisfiretion. *here., they err known..
411 farmet horse iflftmi the trateretra:.; oft' agerinrit• of
ecOnotny in . •ihresbing;leingolurrafed With Mitch lima
uspense"„ 'erieting'and'. - waiting mnettlens grain
Ihnn any . rithei'inachino in use. .-; • ' •
"' l'he • Tirlforio - Power ThreSher afed• - getetratni is .
isMahln, With' three or four tnen, of threshing frovo 17.0
to '2oo‘busbels of wheat or rye, or double that qutintiiy
of 'OMR, fill
The prices for Emery 'dr. • Co.'S one •
• finr-e PoWer„' pB5-',OO
• do : 'Thrasher and Sep:tinter; .35.00 - ;
- du • • •139 - ots,'srMtich, oiler nnd ' -•• • .
• • ` • eitrdpieris, • • 4 5Y00-4125 00
do Tvrinhotse Power, $llO 00 •
do. TreAre and cliralci•i._ 15 00 _ . •
do Dinds:'oiler, wrench, gee.,ls-00---$l5O 00
Also,Wheeli‘r's• tine-horse post er,Threiher,'
end 89atarteir;keemplete, (iterated Mi.' '
season). . $!2O 00
Vkheekee IVArei,Ttretaler and/
Price of- Emery's Trestle,' and Cleaner,
with bands, wrenches, .• ; .75 00
do Saw Mill. complescrfor toe, 35 'IA
Price of Grant's • Pan Nitro, adapted for ,
hand or prover, from -22 00 to 55.00
The orthseritwe wilt also the . taming' season be pre.
pored to furnish to order •
• - EMERY . Co.'s NEW
Emery &Co. for nearly two .years pest hare beau .
esperimeming -to ?effect. a cleaner, to be operated - with
their Power rot, public and held :threshing ; and with
much•tirtre andeiperoie have pa * ceeed/41 to their entire,
imtlafartion,Mul are now prepared to `famish a Self
eleafter, tor:Mined with - all the irdvantsges• of their
Otershottylirulte, end at the cans time requiring fees
force to.operate its rotary motion than is- required by
the vibrating separator. ft hasbeetr thernughly tested
daring the last' harvest ; end warn of them have been
wed the past mason for threshing in the best grain
growir.g sections of !fermate of New York with the
beat success—threshing months together an : equal am
ount arid at less iapense, y et the Commit* threahas
with the vibreibig separators. ' „ • •
The Cleaner has. ail this - alrearriages of a gcrod fan-
ding mill, cleaning the grain (it for =diet, Wasting
none. The additional coat being • but little more than
a fanning mill. or about *thirty' doltars—ns . aking the
whole Thresher and Cleanir coat $ 7 5 16 the Farmer,
and with 'Emery & Co.'s . B3 'Oft ,
The Cleaner can be detach's!, end the ThreAier alp
ed alone when desired: • The new Thresher oral Clega l 1
er are destined to fake the'plaee of the' Ohl, expeasive
and ear/throw" thresher.and cleaner mew in -we:
Farmers and others arrshht prectrte an) of the
above-mentioned ll'orse *Powers and -Threshers, will
sare,tronble ' risk and sipense,,bi purchasing them 'of
the siebecriber.
Qtraeconnkaf the largrdemand,for thenhirre
maehlited: the'dritiortrmf Ilifing or- ,
dela for them, ,persons wishing,to . purchase machines
'Ahead 'glee one ititicefr to4Wriii hied' itheet
What time they wish to procure them. , • '
Farmers wishing td do their threshing immediatily
after harvest, should procure their middies as early as •
the hist of July.; Alao for safe "
A GENtIIAL. A*BOIIT2ENT ittpriovgli
41 manufadureist rifail prim, tuelr as
Reesoltring florae; nukes. Ray, Strati" and Manure
Forks, te. 4.c Also,
Cad Iron and - Wood Ciders, and Well Pomp',
- LEAD PIPE •or &Weise*, inlarge or small quanti
.• M. M. WELLES dia , coming season. be re
pined to famish J.T.Grant & Cot . ee.lebratedvatinit
• Ask/mitred 'Griefs Ciaol4
wriolesalcand retail. The cradle 'Will ber furnistu4
with, Dunn% celeNatea &Yili!, ; ;tfte, best. Inge, in the
'Minn and . werrintetl. OnTene, reipeetfalljr- solicited'
front town am ceuntiy - nierehinta, • f.
. ACM for. sal; is large and well selected aasertinent of
C 004 % PaRLOR
61tV ( P-TIO*4
atOu S gleatrlllrOterATTEßVrlsl263,
mi.ftn.o or sloy andei.iffief94ovlP (*Timer Awn*
MI with thole 444 14.0ve IStare hi - say of:the large
11 00 6 . 4 1 . . 1
Tin; lapaliped and - Sheet-iren , Warr
pnanutletared,itr4 far itilqsh,e,keete sad 4litatl. (*Apia
A large anti d'atdo gne
meats and -Stoves. wi.h engravings v faraiihed "rule,
either here; ceteht ilyieitionlllziaiirked:iiikid. •
t,-.. mmotoptalt4:WELLEW
Athnia,.Ps. E November.3o„ MAO:
• .11EIG .11W. 31111 E W..A1k:31r..4 -
VII G d'L`'
"ar y te ry 11 Igor Store.
W TIFF ' NY au removeil hireeteblistunees
;LI& lertite the surer frh* - 1
4 9111:1thibdi, in
P*t Ftajietiter = o iipied ' b, M; eeike; lib.* be will
be'happy to Alialis lota ammienv end 0 tdioy - ifett
cm* as mai be. itisirms et, •wchiselg ordeal iniale
into- et the burnt tomitle:st te. 14" . Nov. 860..
_c,`~.s~.~~'tY:.:~'L'~:FY{~~~: Q.`j.t krs~"3ii,f v..i..i:"~''~`_
T J, h.
vii.t.a...ifitii - 4*.Lir.tsiiittifiratie 4141141 eio. ,
0;1:flii 'Noe i iindite r lrilitiiitc(keiiiiiralitirtiiiiiti
, .
ITillhezPrftila• • •
- Capital 4250.001,.
r , .PLAVYT;ll 4ll; ail'Exi.rhipeh MVO*. Js*r
Insiion giveh,liad :" '''''
° t 001P1rtia),-)letbriWPa•
mildkidians for nand? _sgajwst pposk fireits
Ths IN•shhilittra,Vor
'rtNr hitt'off Motosl 1:4414*4 thp woda..;
iner Ot4loo.o4o. , coittreit 100,01* methtem.
:Ter get* Arto tato,: mtertstsseto
The great Pronsylnuis,Viiiinry.liwiiiit 11.rimms.
and Ittleteheneit-Umnpany, with a lenge end inclining
Cash - fund / ta*. filth stn'etointtiutla*V, cotapiiny:
-; • CANYtEtdEk
Pens . areinert,
The sahseriller having reeeived:all ithelPensMn !ewe
meresistf iftstruminnitiadleetakfraef.the proper r:e•r
partment at Washingtrin, - Will attend to-..theapplieatitirt
of Soldierly Widows, and ,iltinnr_.ebildren
irhn by. the Istelser inreettitled to Ildiattyliarshr.for I
*melees- rendeted duriegAlse weetif . 18 If.'cre eny of the
Indian wars Awe 1198. .`And all , claire* rd.;
der the t nylons iattunt.C.ingtesi,` The s late ;pension
lints and deribMaceiving tnr,, many jrnsitont not here
tofore entitlad to 14cm. Proinpt attentiOn *meta a/I
!lost pitid , entnntunieetinni;hy
Athem , „ Dee. 28. 1859. CANFIELD.
• . THE UNtrED stvrEi
Olnee Merchants' Exchiange.
OROANIZED upon the "irked principle-Stock
*nil Mutual. which combined feiturni offer to in
anted members dinible the usual, security. .Tho Cash
-syste.a.of payments has also been adapted, thus avoid
ing the heavy drawbacks' created by unpaid 'premium
antes. The tale rates of premium, open whi t: flits I *.
ficies are' being issued, is thereat! mate experience hes
-proven obeold be adapted. as affording rs quisite secur
ity to be insured, and an undoubted guarailtee for-the
.perrietnity of such institutions. An experimental ta
blet may be foetid wrirthlearot the .very instant a poll.,
cy should 'possess ill greatest value, Life .insursners,
very pioperly, is tar !ifipg the attention of. the wield:
The public !Twofer, to their commendable willingness
to embrace etid employ ifs wise and kaldtary previsions,
itunild,,mahe' Ultimate security • the primary and most
important Object, which can only be attained by so ed.
'hating the premiums at to anticipate unexpected loss
es pint flortuatiiins of every' kind.' It the . ptypoie
of :this company annually to eirefit, 'upon the polices
of holders and books of the Company, 'such an 'imam
profits as shall , nut affect the stability, impair the
sacredness i.f its contracts. ' Premiumi May; it therm
non of the insured. be 'paid annually, semi annually,
or quarterly. in whines. Alt !merman.? -information,
together with Hanks. pamphlets, &e., may be obtained
gratify at the office or J. I. !-"'ANrixl,o* Athens, Ps--
Stephen iii. Crawford, . Paul ft Goddard,
,Ambrose W,Thompson, lawrencelohesulh
'.llerlsrein George IfFneliry,
Florence.. , Cannes Written's,
i'iliiam At Goodwin. ~. Linton:. ; .;
sTePHEN. W. CRA WFORD; President.
Annumic Vil.'Firostrierr. Vice President.
Cale. Cr.laidle. Sectetary taut Treasurer.
Arreragi—lifsnucl COW: -
' Convect arts ATTOaNae.:.Thirinigg VOA.
P. S. Ifortaifidieal gNiukiner . for Atheist.'
December 21, 1850. . ' --" t
'RT co re co 3_o X V o
01.3. D take this meth/eller hitbilin his old pa-
V V trons'and tirrennmiunity in general; that he
may be found at hisPoilic_e in Troy bore', the week
following the Seeot'd and Fourth Sundays in each
month ; and , Vihe Ward House, in Towanda, the
twit Court. Ahen, at Werfoid'i Hotel
Memeoetrin, the week Cottoothig.the firstflandaya in
lineal, April, July, and Octs.fiet MAI at Canton
Comers, the week 'following theiffSonday* in each
, of the above months. Alas. •at Bikrlington Corners;
the week folknoing the third Sunday' in Fels.., May;
Ang. and Nov. ANo st Smithfield Centre, the Week
Whirring the third Sundays in Dee. • March s June,
and Sept.. And also, at Athens, et Olmrnert's Motel.
the weete following - the drat March, June,.
Aug., and Nov. At the above tints end plates' he pro.
primate operate prefessionstly, in all 'the departments
of'Dental Surgery and Mechanism.
tuTroyi Noe. 14,185% ' •
146 00
, . .
11VSSPLUT : given, distibe
-LI. partnerrhin , heretofent exialing.,,hetoTeu the sub.
scribers in, the flan:pm nuJ trunk eitiking htifinesCis
this day dfratie, teed hy.muttni consent , E. Smith is
Son will settle the business of the late firm, / Ithose
indehtetkenest make immediate pay gent. and those who
have ;greed to pay grain, are notified that unless de.
11:rered at Lte time,ngteetl, Cash, will be M expected.
• O.T. silrrit
Noyeenfiet 15, 1950; JERO .
*nub if Still,' • :
DESPECTPULLY inform the pnblin that they
1.1. will continue the business at their old stand; north
side of the Public' "end will'keep on hand, an&
tninufacture to order.' every 'yokel of tiADDLEaI;
a., 'yo TRUNK§, VALICES., acc.. pt . the kit,
materials and ofivarkininstitp; Pik to lib earpesseti.;
By a:net attention to hiteinelos -anti promptness ini
fallfilling eugernento r ihey,bnpe.tozootinee : the
erarpationaae they hays hereinforeitijiljetl.t.
VittllliAOlt TWINNING *Mho. deetort• short notice ;
.in 'the neatest, foamier.; . ,
,Aft Windsor Grain.,-.lPcoduce. Hides, .Sbeep Pflug,
wilt be takettiti ezetiongre far work:.. •1 •. f
„ .
l4i SUS V(3(108.11,
Watch:;: . I
M. WARNER' WM' this 'omitted of 'lnformirtg;
Ills hie old etetomers and the public generally; that
he has *chased :of 3.,r. Bull; his'anteliollratehie.
MAI end leittelifi and hit eamtnenetat the above
,fasittewritt'all its'iratione Imareihresit . the old stand.
of the tattet4on Mein'itiert. two door south of Brick
flow.' Ilis.repotagon as a yysteb tepairer . is se wall
established in this tomniunity,,thiii it ix. lewdly netts. :
say to say a word en that point.' ; With his long ex.
ratrienee and-great athrentages'foi acquirhig alhoratight
knowledge of the hatei nisi, at eon &knee m sating
rep thertublie, bring , on yottcave bee saad clocks, i will
, do them justice. , .
'Allirtods,sold i s or 11,,eitain
nieonypenj r or the . nipneelffentiet
&geed iseorimnt of Cloehe r :Weteitee end Sewell
heitieonstantivettbeed, •
My motto phalftie=7quiek"eates, amen prate. cash
4 ". 01 406ifidit - sitefi. 7,vgalioecd'imit be' asked
for...eel eat-bound not to make itesegualtitanee.,
Toitandli loly IS 111150
- CHARLES lc. , LADDiNio, EY. -‘
IIIitBICIAN AND, 'EfUItOtON, 'thrice id ~the
"Voider Mock," 'ail etaitr '`North the
Pee , lie,Sqtare, - Etirell'• taw' Office Emineo
twtiveen'ElwelN and Adam.' I** offea;, *bail he
'fney itio_rajpi be fount: wHen aqpi4.oiioney, engaged:
- : - ' - '4•J - lITEITOSEI , DENTISTr ,
11 0 0 r A§.'iiittlwriii to It faw, dooti:bolow *en,
" the t +iJte of M*11: in thi 'bi.4lo44faf•
Orli Occupied 117..1: : D.ltt,oßtanyi
Alt giPerairotal anuWirithlg to Op, or over; one"h a)
to be paid down, the. ittiteitider. in three Witiethe.
the" opera don protTA onaadafaittiii, itie" Mane* iirdd.m i m
be te t bndeds . _ A ii to orltatid bOoriorlotot *herd 'hit
Poit*Ci4tho - ft.loPef.V.tolOtd". ;IWitt ItrOAtia,„ ,
!gTBltilklit, "AND BDRGEONi, ofitee;'
' isoreintlie iNanl *am vitieratUjimay tarlbandi
read y tti amid to ofroptheto rimparest
EATDEttorit , and. Upiter'teailien also Erp.
linfiCalf alcias.ifor pale by tnBo
. AWE assortioenc of Clotho,
4 1 : Siltinetui! Alin Calico and titerl) Alias so
cbeip that defies comOtipo rotoltre:
ainotherjellote ‘. ,
' r ' I - ' ai g ' „e filitlitOnkSYntp., ~1 .n ; l
Itt+l following Mier it one of 'tho - tyyteatasiltrianpheit,
etetilllellli'oettilliellnaliiir published in medical biteri
turet.cliria kr , ''
.v'' ,`, '' li ' _ . t .'; rii , - , f p z S : v;'4
tionepted ignOtaibettitm thetfeelbtottenetreleatie
and for the benefit of :toy Wfilietvillelltnir , beinswt .W"
sire to make knnwiaiaLidant &seriph* of my divot*
end the anetpeeteit retie retittained frolo - SCHENCKS
PI /LE4O>IO litititUP:4 Abott three pars sew tenet I
afflicted wit4eildelit vailif,whieh settledeamy brevet, 1
"and sideiond '' Iteer diva 'wound rabefaintidenis
tile blood • aired - li was tight and ditiressinit. revery
1 .
Jay ,f Mal 'trio fr ee, , creeping - chiller elel- , PrPflim.
sweats at night th meat; difficulty Mr,' breAthi4ll ll6ll ;
VOA luss-wf a hat myaystin , wait entirely. prte l
bawd. being. eon to my befit meet of;-the time.-ro.
Twet:itt She: most ettiment• physicians of Oda-city , :
tebtted me. and a ft er rwitintating all their skill.
nounced mectueribitatakte. riadeadr.efte said my,
lanfle writ,PliTrd, Im 6 ii - ijOr. E fjOit# n ot J•?*!libit re .
mterq ~ tki AN Valle etiii.l dileseer T wee iieleik9l
foleie,lo try SatorettrPtiffeete 'S.Vreir, end %trap
I Aid t 414.1 half, i'dOreir bettles,ie as wrier recovered
as toyfiii ski*i
ratitivoirt, tt seemed to strength- ,y
p ,,,,y-',fia. eyst r iyil l t tdcirnikr the _ cough ntl * `stl) p .
in.(' the bleeding-. - illy 'bvie
oti"liecame afar; end
ratty thing I ate, seemedierdkest easily` an *fish
my : elnde system::: Indried. Hairs` wits the; rapid pia 1
grew of ray health; insd so sailde.n thliChaime.'that I 1
. breaMe It* sangentit of it speedy cpre, and abandon-'
rel-the see of the 'Medicine befiirelhe disease was
derotrib If eradicated, *b1eb:644(61/h iteiither tirtick
of bleeding at theltings taxi yell, acec:trepanieil by s dise
treeing cough. f again-commenced taking the-Pal
-meek' SYMP.-rand sent (or Dr. *heath wile. atm I
careful •centigrade'''. advised me to continue-using'-it.
Before t had taken Atte/ bottlea.lan shieetis formed in I
my eide.whickettfterad and broke. dischging. as nest 1
as I can juile, a pint of eery itimigreeisit yellow met !
bi l ly
ter. This seemed to cleanse and privity whale apse
tern, Perm , thin time !bettor to gat ter, and 'am
happy, to say entirely mooted. IA at sure at this
unia i enjoy better iiralth . titan i'lniert fill. the last ten
years. since 1 comineneed taking,the Putinonic Syr.
up. (love never tailed to recommend ft wherever 1
went, that , othent, es welt as mYeelf. Miahl . be swell
sived,fiom that awful),diaeaset ror I, feet it a duty 'f
owe to the afflicted to pallish it t o the wmtsL Permit
me,to_mitntion a few awes which, have cr:tne,unifer My
'immediate - observation. Being` on a vim to Camden.
N.,1., last summer,l saw a child. - evidentty in the Last
stage of bowel . consumption, The niother informed
me that the physicians bad given the child np as in
curable. I told her what benefit I hal teethed 'from
the use of SclienclOi Pulnionie 'Spey, and induced
her to procure a bottle. I heard'l
nothing more from
the tittle sufferer ontft about threetnonth kliert' being
in the market, my attention-was drawn toten a lady who 4 .,
observed *e vetrattentivety, 'She finally apptoscherl , ,
would waked if I was not the, lyily,who recommendez
ed Schenck's IPultrionic Sirup to her dying child bet
summer, in_t litindeet I toPlied 4het i, elee• .. 8 4 said
that her child had .entirely, recovered. and was, tincom«,
moldy healthy.. De; name in Alra. Wilson, and.nois'a
resideein Drideslimg. Another lady I would mend*
in particular, who hail a iierofoloes affection. Her face
end neer presented mre continqed.aore.and one of her
eyes was .criously atfeeted , veith it. ithe h lemma'
l t
Arcady emaciated, and to all appearances past coverl
I induced her to try lichenck'ii PultounroSyr p, whi ch
she did, and is now 'perfectly cured. Another , lady;
Mrs. McMullen, wham residence I will give en oppli
cation, was evidently in the Mat stage of. Consumption;
I prevailed upon her to try the Palmer& Syrup. lea
very short lime oho was entirely recovered, and now eri
joys excellent health, barring become emeredingly deidt,
These are three caaiii'Vrlthimary knowledge,. which 4
know were cured by Schenck's Pulmonie Syrup, All
who douht this -statement, and wili take the trouble i o .
sail an me at my 'evidence Parrish street five door's
abater tenth north side, I think I will be able to satiij.
fi ctorily , convince them by own eve, and.others Oat
I know have been cared by this Spot), ' SinewMy
cure. there have been so " many to we me to know whet
I took, that 1 bays; had a very good opportunity id
knotr h m 'it g , many that bate - taken it, and bait s
been y bewailed' thereby. and 1 thirds if Persons
at with Consumption or "Aver Currrpfainf, would
send for Dr. Schemer, and let him carefully examido
their lungs, and if he nye he can care them, lethal°
directbnis, and prevent tabn` gr Old s they wilt
recor. - I '
Philidelphis, May 20, 1840. '
, i•
J. B. &Inapt—Dear hsee known Mis ,
Leihert for 'several years, as' Menthe,' of my china),
end have all confidence is her statement,. and am4C.
F deed M . find her again restoml In health., Arty th*
more, in addition to her statement, is needless, • r
traly.. TEO& L.-JANE WAY.
'Psifor of the North Presbyterian' Church
Sane 20, 1841. Bth st. shove amen.
Prepared ondrrold ho ..1: IL SCHENCK. at his Lib.
'ornitory e. E. coiner keit.* dp Marshall sts., and
the foltotring'kgents inEradford •
Geo. A. Perkin*, Athens LersysirillelT.
Humphrey,' Orviel4 , Mayrisrd & Woodburn, ROM.;
Monmesorq D.E. Porthonst, Le It t p y , ;
C. E. Rsthbone. , canton ; King 'dc'Vesburg, T .
and by MIX &1 11 ASON.Towontio.
' Price, sl,per,bottle of $S per half dozen. •
•To ads. letether r With tile
ett eye ineparationeroUthe-Grairenbeig CO.. • bY
I'lo6ll' & Porter ‘ 41 , I•L'lttit 'in. Towanda; and by
ippanlidirreseb town htithecaunty.- : • •
Also. foe sate, the Greetenberg Mensal of Health, ti
nimeitMO Ott. r reritiliektoritainino infoim s .
bon relmite to the treatment st elmoet,erery jean: -el
of diseesef 30(1 pagee—price,;so OeMte. , • '
V. A Family Fiewrgwee will be trivew r ;ZeC of
charge, for one yeakto-alrarboinnebrute heryg
Medicines.,: . :••!
eimmuntealiens mist be adtincemst: In:
gersil,-,Zleileariatemencenerity.4l. General Alit
Very.; ittirafigai bat lrare. . .
,It . Gentleman -of May N. Y., hair obtained frnm
I I the Witchlosel, ts simple remedy, which lays i
more just claim to lift rtitio or !" family, core air than
any Medicine we, have eves lefora inacwra.• Nothing
lis canneeted , with, it bat 'a iittfiAlenditil to,pmserre i
ao4 yet it nem with great, eertaintY,_ in removing pe:
and ; all focalinnatiation ,; miring all sofa s b*r, brill
an'agl.d limeflesii rapidly.,;Pii,! , )to w eIeoPIPIAIPN
'eholiramorbus, hemorrhag,,nat idle; tooth-itelte,:soni
eyes r and all nervous tactics:oh:AL Is 'white-as w a i t ,'
and as timinibisOurd it ii Mitt,' "^i. ;',— . - .; ' . . ,
0 P4iuri Pain Destroyer and Irwtsni Eihrtd.! 2
None is genuine except "Pond's Etract' . ' is blown in
the bottle:. Mr, POiniiiret itintiduled this meirmien to
the, public and has otperaOd 1 rrOtArti of; timer and
,m 1 ", b"fintiat it 49 , 1 hiattAtt4 crt-ier4iities.:ind
!ft isow-winsig PINY** , AP l *. iidge*42 ,•1`,.'.,'
• i A man by- th e., naratorAnintsw bas Pnt-n..tortkna
"id. callaA Tilt 00,1, •
EMMA' I -4Vrllick:clams .. to
be from the ,Witch;bassi., .It from that sWr,;its'ilalp.
i a 1 0 e140 :Akeeittiont la # it 4 , ), l l# 4 l l etifq,!*.
Ao r be aok deceived. get. pamphlet saa-oßmz :' =—
For sob Ilk MottlanYtit dr. Co, Tirrandsi,!.ildio
,maclitbunetorw Partiorobt 04i. 1 ..0,!•0R0T,' iiir*Oe
WiliorlrouMioe , . 1,.1...,,,i s\... .-, 1. 1 1 1 4 1 *: 40. 0 - -
lutes] 10:1
tlitviser mufila thi*onsis otritvirnife;
oe '
xi. sit wilt entripted-itCmi ilig . 4 111.11 e 40“ with
leftism ! *nil dei*eb:ii, Tioto ' left ei;•1141 17 W!ird
notisfe' wilt ettsarittption. • : "
-147 249 1. 8501, ' .101 1 ,' d ' anintiot, .
Rehm b.,ct. ir. Wain.. -., lii imagt.
,ivr. i
ONERB 14 fisorktuttui. 101214 ,
axe it - ;i:it `" ' "Onfrit lic
..XECto'llr*lillir: 3 tat"EjlrllEilr.ticfl!S
-•.' .#4711‘,X1 01011 t, ) 11 6 -'' . ;'-' r" i
mverb giestetin --, .ligi senii..o., umy
Aualeibfainitd bsiddi IT , i Ilikieq.#l*
mover* wax ailtive 1 tutrewillPetit.
Ea q : i white he via Otilbialille* i' o o6lP*
nettplultilts, betel!: r : No% k 1 ' , - 1r ? '',
The Celebrated Gratfeabcrg
- '
TegstaNe Pills "
vieit intrittleceit info the J. 8.
year 1848. Their EV
tiordiriori iiituPa, aeyi hope
iorpi over Al Other PILLS
established their aka-
An! Aredicine qf ihe dt* ;
r. „ lilliggif
i 'l id6t:Z llllK iiiiiYlll MIP
',..,:;',;—. '';'
,01tettattilidel.4ffftutftgrary,_ , ;As*
- F'64,'-,o44;lAtithfinti,44lo4o4 - BobktOitiati'l
Bititiebl3l6m4V. Ithei 4 fet Coniiikkoiti'l!ONNAl:i
kstititioyiti,litith eiti*of!i*itio Witi*
tiiieijidre irtome . 4,7 - Mooki Mufcrephy I sp4 - etarimy,r,
poxibtivipikaterty,, fin' adyintii:er„;
,e*is 1 :Oh* 00
' 1:1 1 1 0 c4 P' 04 ge,r110r.44•7' 7V 0 , • • :`o' - - !-,..,• 06
' 4 -- ritiiiiiriiii4o,'. :: •' 1 , i t •••• 4 :,
riii t i tt; k 4 i ii iii i. .....,1 , ..,; , ,,,.., , , ..,-, ......, oar 1
Lapp .. _ , '
~ " '' l : t 1 • : '4llO l
ami3 4
~..-,, - 2 .. -Fie F ;;' 1 ...5 , . : .. - .. , r. t'''r' . , , -". CDO
lkine. An .thePie9P4 Pee, helegeri "-' .! ''
ilr' o o'
Etntniiqfpifitill tug IPb:wk. " ' r -f' ' - ; • x , 44
4-Atl i Ptiqilarircri!ingliitricant .ett 'tie 'Oleiti; ,
tiOvilefri4 110 trim cog -work ; id, of di sbOY,I
ailtrges; and thectostniii tithe; iviiiiiiiraddittoilifetfirgew,l
IV* yeanillisti letup f etudiar he Eiglish'brinches; J
-- qtp Wits 'Or,hismitsg 00i - ditto oat( branches;sivi
Ter voila, r"( ' 1 -- . . l'' ` - . 4 3 -tiv
itii4nteflanoi. on'tiostoitar, -'' 4 oj-
Ilii of Plato, - '1 - ''' ... -I' ' ' ' 4 76'
Drarl iind rtiptint(im watereolorCiaelturOir . •
' :ihit tise'OVinateildli, iaiti'lo'iltsurizig:psiper,• , , ..."' -
paint!, penelle. dr,e . .. - ....-,.-7 •!r--..., , ,-..,,.• , . , '4' 44 1
oil pilitmtan'eafilief!. - ' ''' , ii ...
- "
.''' '.; ' - 10 '4 P0 1
rfitheini troneptireni werntoii'shadie;.iiztelediiii ,'- ' '. I
'''hytiplify of initteitile r eich I ; -' ' I . 4 '',o6
forinala paintlivi s eb 011treijOil ilea veiia, per • • . 1
. - tikve lehainilt, -- ,, r - ' ' ''', • ' - i 6; 00'1
Gilding nit silk; crap: && -
.' r .,do. ' ''' - ' . 3 00 '
Wei noiveis Fel- tinter, I, . ','' ' 6 00'
Nen e i li di d , , “In .. 1 I , . 'l.l, . b e
west t:,, I
Watt! iniiikitisin, : e..." fl lity *oil, - ' .
' ` letters post.iisid, adreavaiii ttii , lfissit *Hrrt
&GftIFFIN, pingt.idopq, ii!..•!:,ip - cip., - 41.:1t.; wig,' e-'
iciir firc4iipt, 'sfrett!ila. . , ?" ' '' ' '
BOOT . & ' : Bill
V. .
• . ,
gliebb. • ' -
aled l6 , ---'----
''HS %V. NVILCOX;:;tuis retiftfiettina estabru&
at"merit to' fl§ it top bctsweett Kitigsberes - Dart.
litei Stores, end••Srftere ' ho , mitt solicit"' a share of
public patronage. Ifte intetos. h alcarefitl 'defection
of irtoek,ind' by. attentttinlis the littered, ar his emit.
Mere to mufti es n it T it tEdiirablif work 'as can be' ma
nufactuo4l in Ibis pert *i the carrnsri" * •
lie iijillieep..ciiiiitanty 4n . hind, and .mintairtnis
10 order,.7lloriuco , enif . antr Coarse &Oh and goes
Indies' airera; .tloes - iinit Slips i q"Aiktr*e'r do.;
Geneo_Gailere att,d fumpo,4:e:
`id'Oritnitry FrOduce, ormosideSeripticins; taken in
piternitit for stork; Mc die market ptice: ' '
Toseando„ April 2& te,Sco.
rinflE subscribers have eomMeneed the FOlllll.
.L DR Y business at the old etan4 tonne, occupi
ed as a Chair end Bedstead Factory in the Borough of
Towanda, where .we will hold ourselves in readiness to
,attend to the wants of any.. and all pinions who: may
(swipe with s fall. Wb hope by strict attention to
ilmainess to meritla share of.Pabliepatminsge,.. -; • -
.• .We MO fitting up •34 4CHINE, ;SHOP , connected
with Ow Puraik" where we hope to be able to do any ,
and all kinds of fteiaking undid:bg up 4-c. .We
endeavor at all times to keep a good asiorunent orworks
on landeo - That customers may be accommodated on
the shortast notice.
- DAVlNGtakenpains tosecurethe services Oiex
periencedWorktrren from the state of N. Y:, we flatter
°Treace we shall be able to turn of work in a work&
manlike manner and-es good. at cmt he done in any'
other estabfuhment. . ' . •
We shall also he preptred Jro the otainiftetere of
stoves lyy the qtrantity.irel will keep eon at* tly on hind
a few select pawns for retail:
The au tweribens invite all pereatitaiho' tiny be la wine
q any thine in oar line& eta et treatitsSif we
tee they wilt not eis awaftfisealistiad.• - •
Sitio Mill Rods or Parakli slides, Atli! • -.
—----- in it - kepi sllntli o ' knit!
. : CO P , , • n .
Also plows of the most apprcived patuena and Print
Pointe by the piece or (Motility to suit purcherelis, is
lOW es can proctrred at imp other. establishment.'
• Otftiostont of the most oppreted 'patterns, also a
superior article of Corn. Plow. 114 ask by .' ..*.
• . * . GEO, W. POTTER;
Towanda lune 2gthAaso. , ; '
()C7' Ord casting* taken in Oichange,. for work. ' -
Removed is B. Kingobety's Block
of New Tort with large
- .7 4
supply of Watchee,levre . lry mad
Silver ware, compnismg in part,
the!following aiiieles :—Lever,
`L'Kpine and With
complete assortment of gold
Jewelry. such as Bar Ringe,Yin
ger Rine,Breast Pins. Bracelets. Lode* Gold obelus.
,Gold Pens. Keye s -etc. ;. A aorta of Silverware,
• &Many quantity ofr3Wel Beads-411 of which he offers
fin site etecesifingtj dup. let. CASH.
_.,.Watehri reputed on abort notice. and warranted
to law well, orthe money will he refundelf« and : is writ:
lets agreement given to that effect if required.
N. IC—MAPLE SUGAR; „and, _Cowry_ Produce
• taken in payment for Work Vaud sin.feasn,nowi and
forevet r thak the Pirshice must Be peed tegiess the work
is tforrislA Wert ?ping maths elfin fern*.
silo, 011AMBESLIN E J4ent.
TowanitakAprit2Sol3l/0. , . '
:Nf 13 " na" steaami
THE antecriber bee rienevid
tlrir new AO ; a Siarrodiabole
Air fernier lei:6lton and *top*
peeks aide of tile etreeforbere • be
contintee ib uldeenfattere arid
!cep on `band, 'all kis& of cane
Jnd - wood last CHAIRS; and
SETTEES Of cadent kindryt
BEDSTEADS of'titer, desevip
- 7 SO% r wit self iota for
cash or Tfrodhce, or Pine of Ch iony - Lumber, or aim
piank e itiil be received Ibr work. - TURNING dew to
Wend the' nestaiskinanner. , Jatio.,"
make's! kept to - band, or made to order the: bel
manner:. JAMES,
L" l'Ontrada.,Bfarelvtg.ll349:
trim , einiseßni ER. •bat* nairl - einapkolod
':;L • involiemehtsrchAshhisismadatkh," the'rnivet•
'll4 Patti . ; *eta- igeliekint sham of .
Pabge,Pautaage.- 1 Hie' Mar shaltbe furnished with
the bisfitissurdefafrards.' iiegjapans and
with lir gibakiipsoi
'as Statile &audio t
• ',lfganDES; far Ai im2Ohisatiattah , af ensayi :ther
sabieribiii sisuniWaiitai &WM" sidam , thy,
Trvi oak Voila.' =046 'Ana"kaPP 6 ' hrt
bend it* asstiashf PATBItT , DIEDICJNM
'Air a 4fir*di 414 - patiaoarilltaraliecf eat a iiode.
aated; TWO:APPRZWrietthilid
pad thiother t o o tde Himosi irtilitattandatig - , 143,
• .TO? liard . lavisradOgopatsr4twilt
`ioNtsit'Sozeprtha asaberiitssidit be 'TJWISPIIII§IOi
vilifyi3epti 131 4•l'vqz"l4i-
- - -'ii. • 0. ;"`"r' ''' '''
iPl"Vgaktikirett s - •t511120)44 ;r :
eVrorafiltiliAtrie ,IS dams' bekaarriate
`N?,': l litte.'glen, I Viiiiirbittatuhlitiritell AO:Pa 11- .
11 7 4 MPItedaA 'Toiralidsi, Nov:MX-1M
RPET* FLOOR , g_i•OTHAtotiamt*l, l
is c: l o oll : 4 Wwavi#Reo.4oo4ll,4fil 4 Pro•WI
.. lietlitlatl for sok very km tIY l'--L.
- - sitelsw, - . -0, Dom/law.
!VW satifSti commence'im,,tooda ilte.2lll de,t, /wary next, trade r
:tio, obi 'or as;Prirmipal, and mi ss
;Z: reteetstM .
...12%titimepo term of Mean ireeks:'
ortkooptijy - iginaing, writing, Geom.
phy, mid Ifeefarrlibiselle> #2 00
Mlle Same, ;41014*64441E11ar. Parks'
.' , :dritbomht
and Toiries4o4o4l4 to PbilatopliN'ehtfii4lo/thofeiLoblei2e
:meow sod Hook' Ifeepingfi 400
'Atilbrs•Reotiketkrelf*o oo 4(fi,
- • ing;c ol 4 l34 o9ns4D* l 7 ll m4 GeilMetrl• 4
.Larirki Greek tuutfre44l4.42swites, 6 ee
'Fuel !stand 241 terme„ fe
444 sChaar rill, J 4 1 ,1 1 01-144 ;kr 1116 s time tuft tt,belf
Solitaire enterieg..itter: the eeniteagemebt at)(1
before the iiiiadreof a qiiirter will be charged ibr
tee whole quarter._
Board eart:be obtained in private &make en ot a ,
minable tenzie, : — '.'Nf.:DPAlONTitbrirt,Tres'e
`: C. L. Wadi, of Board of Trolsetese
I'oriaDdit3lemi 12; 213544.:, t
or -
Dr. Fitch's Celebrated'. Medicines !
Vulmonary lia*mi - :: Depurativs Syrup„
Pectoral ExPnti ' - West Esemetse.
Pulmonary I." iment. ' Hamm Ceini e ter,
Anti•Dyspepti I Mixture, , Cough and anhartie Pithy
Ni ne . , ,- . - 4 . Female Pills.
Vermicmph,- i- • Female Specific.
• , Pure ifeliaisal Cod Liver Oil, 6e,
Used by bins ,font! y 'ea talk iterpreccdeeled itte,
cal sit Mt fr Meld ofCoughs, Colds, Consumpline,
Atlhmir:' H t Haw** HliVelmial B erefzia, an
Exuma. - mom, Fe trintepkinle, Piles, 4e,
Ditlitclete u qua ff ed Patent silver plated abdomina
• support ers, Improved plated steetrprlng shoulder
4 ' br ace, Dr. Fitch's silver; inhaling tube.
Dr. is Caelir:aleil Six laztura,
On the peeve don and core of CoMmumtion, Asth ma ,
Diseases, of the Heath dec., zed on the method of
presertiuthedth•endbesuly Wee lid age.
This book should be in eel lifillly. To the c m .
somp_tive it points out the only reasonable bops for r i .
lief." Tie mothers, the directions it gives ut the caravel
edit:mime. of children aselosaluabTo. 111,1tfie copies sr
!hie book have passed through the 'press. and the sale
contirmes unabated. : "- . •
For sale by 8./S. It'si:en knit. 700 Drosditsy, A.
T., and 'RESTON & PEIRTn, Towandi, stud by
O. E. RATHEONE,"Cs.nton.
CO" Dr. Fileb's Goidelei biralids, or directions to
persons using Dr. Fitch's =ones, to be had gratis:al
ell the items. -13 y
HICIET ss i s velawa,
. Ivbpk t f!Fed ! einitdeskri is
To the South store in the Ward House,
TAThere they are, now; receiving snd opening
T new and estetisive assortment of Drugs, Med.
icines s Chemicals,Paints, Oil, Glass, Varnish. Dye
Wood and 'Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries, Choice
Wines and Liquors, Fite Works, Toys, Perfumery
Fancy Articles, Brushes, Combs, Stone. Glass and
Wooden Ware, Blacking, Tobaeo. Snuff and Ci.
gars. All the popular patent mediates fee
Their stock now comprises every article usually
kept, among which may be found the following,
.opionV, Cretan Tartar, Camphor, Castile Soap, Liquor
ice, Alio Bars Capaiba, Rheobarb, Alma, Flowes
chamomile; castor oil, olive oil, quicksilver, magnesia,
roll trod Boater sulphur, borax. red precipitate, 'mice
turpentine, eps milts, corro sublinastive, aqua ammonia,
sods, tartaric acid, laudanum. pink, name quinine. Ali
the essential oils: gums, myrrh, tragacanth anabic,gase.
boge &c. Corks of all kinds, barb brick; anise seed;
coriander fenugreek, isinglass, glue. nests foot and
tanners oil peruvian bark, cayenne pepper, emely, sand
piper, opideldoc, _Shaken herbs, sersapatillay boneso,
orehound, dc:.
and tea of Sandi,- morasses, Tire,
Pep Pei, ithalistd, doves.; nutmeg, mare; fish, rums
citron sad mined entrants, 'stud oil Choodatt, memo.
da, and bottler &tickers, eke; raid, giagei,
varig?ted, white and bar inn, Sperm mad tailor can.
dies, Jugs and bottle etlpes, ninstsid, Weal), rep fa
sauce, shad, casekerit: seams Ace:
LlQtrOitft •
Cognise ; otard and aniinicin brandy,
macs and . New England rum, Pont and sm. gin,
Irish and - MenintigaQii - whiskeihmasest, dant
linborr. pest atDd ettampaign *iikeoferdhils, crrmo de
eitrowitaistg, iose,-f 044, eauelle: Oran"mokii,
tnokii; MOM,' kid / atgent,r than ever offere
Sow, Gitettr.
Shaving cream; soap/; 'rid windrol, Galva,
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indelible cembs:. purees, lioeket books, transparent mot.
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