Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 14, 1850, Image 4

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• gg,otl4tlrttWar.
fattilig Fedi* foi Stark. •
'That rutting folder fur F4Orl: evicially the roar
is n worthy off attention among
farm3yi, will . I beh-.ce, ailtnineil by all who
Wive given it an) thing like a fair trial. Cut foil& r,
bilevesy, dii i ipttno, is of more value for-stock thin
Imm I
o.hate tioirrn pet:Anna to be or opinion that
a-home wooki thriito as well apon - ltny, ai he would
Wili107:11 114 being col, and a ntotletzto allowance
Of oahtaihied. 4. •
lhis.may be claiming too mddit for it, hot 4 - et
there is a stronger argument in its favor.
Horses a+ well as other stock, appear to relish
the same fodder better for it beir i esti; besides the
advantage-of eating it in hall the tiara, alluvring
more for rest. It has also a tendency to obviatin
the dilically to - a hick cattle and horsq ate-stiblect,
iri the %%dour sezoins, when they are kept %mush,
'kidder. such as wheat and oat straw, corn kidder,
poor Lay, which will be much better eaten by
being i.hout4 I have tepeatedly sect
Wile; offered to cattle and refused, 'trod the same
fodder passed through.' the cutter, returnell to them
apparently toViercsalisfartion, from the dispristion
they made of it. flay that is musty, is much
proved by minin, as the dust becomes liberated by
tits operation. There is one otheebenefii lobe de l
tivetl, which is in niiNite4 straw, poor hay, Le. will/
Mat vOricli is good, by which hreasts all will be ea
ten. Some ; however, may object, that straw and
poor hay ate:in a. mariner worthie, , s, therefore noth
ing is gained. But we may ter:Whent that the lime
has not long since gone by, when very many doubt
ed there being.any advantage in grinding coin and
cobs together for proverder; but experiments have
established the fact that there is economy in it: and
from some experience in mixing fodder, I iltiok
the advantage fully equal to mixing cobs. with corn
piovender.—"llsi,re Fan/tn..
Tictrr vs. OPEN sass.—There is great diversity
'krf lloory as well as practice, amni. farmers itt
regard to open and tighC x klants. Oas class will
keep all their barn doors ppen during
,haying and
harvesting, and for some tirtte ef,er, to let the air
circulate through, and carry otri the warm vapor
or steam froin their mows of hay 'or ;pain. Anoth
er class - will make their trams tight, ned keep all
the doors shut as closely, to keep the cold air from
condensing the warfm vapor or steam before it can
escape from their mows of hay and grain—know
ing, as 'they Fay„that if the contriiiied air is kept
confined it will Le - mme quite warn), and the vapor
from their hay and grain will tiseka it, and find
its way out at the top of the bam mhereas ; if the
cold air is allowed to come in contact with their
Mow; it will-condense the vapor at or within the
surface, thereby producing rpintur consequences.
Now, which of these two classes is most correct
in theory and practice 1 In my opinion, the form
er class count not adopt a better way . than their
-own, to defeat their object. It is well known
among liirmers that it is necessary to have htry
dried more rot . staeLt.t , than for it • into
barns; but the tr* reason why it is so, is not
so well known. I m ill attempt to give a
reason, in- part. Every load of hey or grain', when
taken from the field, commits a proportion, perhaps
one-eleventh of its %%eight of moisture or waft•r—
unless it is dried till nearly spoiled—all of which
moisture should pass mr . by I.vaporatitin ar sAveat
iog. Bat if it is put into a stack or mow exposed .
to the air, the vapor will be Itlely to ih condensed
before it rapes, which would Le about equivalent
to throwing ode° much water—trot a small amount
hundred pouutls, or twelve and one .
hail gailons, to every twelve • or fifteen hundred
poen& of hay, k': lam inclined to believe that'
'pais mi;ht be cut in the .alternorm of a dry: day.
in the lattei part of of the haying season, and par
immediately - into-a. tight barn, without danger of
•ispoiling.-I . piral Nenc YoAcr.
CHAnctut ror. SwiN) r..-11 i• not, perhapA, getter
ally known, that one of The best articles that can he
given to swine while in reiteration fill thetulv is
common charcoal. The nutritive propriies'et thin
~ substance are greai and animals have butAri g vted on
it, without any other food, tor weeks too:tiler.—
Geese confined, s ) as to be deprived of motion,
and led with three grains of cant per day, and as
much charcoatas . thel could devour,liarebecome
Mt in eiglit'ilays, thomp they were poor and thin
in flesh when confinei. 'The hog eats it voracious•
ly alter a little time., and is never sick n hile he
bas 2 lull supply. it'shoulkl alway be kept in the
,styes, and fed to the inmates regularly :very day,
like other food.—Penn. /et.
Fassinas . Lt.isriA.— We need a grpal im
provement ill this respect —we need a distinctive
Rona style of building—comfort and convenience ,
tOrnbitted with neat said simpte.,elegartee. firoh•
expensive ; gaudy or clatrwire, but graceful in
fora', eh: s' e in ornament, with quiet, neutral colors,
sweetly , blendilg with the surrounding green, all
breathing the air of peaeltil calm repose on which
the eye may rest with pfeasore. I would gladly
enlarge upon this, did lithe permit. The liouses
should not only be slieltere.l but adorned with trees,
none more beautihrl Mad those of our, own fereats
A few choice fruit neer., of vaTiotis kinds, With
grapes and smaller fruits which need but little care,
with ornamental shrubs and climbers should be
there. None of the tadornruente.of beauty are more
graceful or attractive than fragrant and blooming
vines around the rustic porch. And let there be a
garden, too; it need not be a large one—not the
neglected patch, mirnetimes s so miscalled.
intended for po tatoes ,. and cabbages, 41 fi lled with
, burdock and hfules, but a 'neatly arranged plat for
shrubs and flowers, laid out with taste, and kept
with care . Cul.ivare a taste fur flowers and teach
your chi'dren to love them. In,4ing so you will
give them new sources of pleaspre—new faculties
- foe enjoyment. And do not deern the time they
besauw.upon them lost time; it is well bestowed
and . l,ll4lyiekl a rich seam, in pure and simple
joys, end the cheerful love of borne.
To Fatten Fossn.s.Fowls may be fattened in
Sour or five da3e by the following process: Set
some rice over the fire with skimmed ,milk, as
much only as will serve one day. Let it hod till
the rice is swehed out ; add a teaspoonlul of sugar.
reed them four tines a Liy * pant y and give
them as much each time as them Great
care must taken that they 69411 - uotbang, sour gi•
vett them, as that prevents their katestip„ Give
them dean miter, or the milk ft:wattle-sloe tothink
By this method the flesh will have a elem.' white
IIeSS ; led as rice goes further than barley meal; it
will be f.oud more economical
N j 101: iffiE
. • rsorraccrium
I. ii. Nzi.1494, A. M., Principal.
ws.e. Kti.LOM4fratittrar Wasik itliaia44ll.
PROCILL4 M. kTHER WOOD, 'teacher in
Printery Drparlatent.
THE Fan and Winter waken will (vintner:re oil
9'arado Atiekad 20th. abd coatinae without
trrmirsionlM tnaliatabas whealthwe will be ft vacation
Jailing.the Holy Days.
Portivoliratteribon wfl be.peid pktbille preparing
to tezch IThmaker4heltrer ,
Alai echsilars ern • emitansodated with - baled Fie
rmailyittlibe Prin4al, • •
Terries yea itametme.
Prime, Department,
Common Bogfish,
. .
High. Eegi f erb,
Latin, Greek end Higher Iliadvediaties, Oiti
FRANCIS SMITH, P resident.
Troy - , Bradford eontity, Pa, Aug: IRSO.
fullosting causes are on the Hilt for trial A'
December Term 1850, as fullowirto
Musk on Piano Forte,
roma, Piinting sea Wincing mm 44
lucid. atoll.
no wszte. .
N7B Wesintore •
J Arla et al
• W !Can field
Benj. M'itean i
Jahn Moore ad
jj W Tracy
A 0 Katt at al
Athens Drage Co.
Wood Jr 4' ter ten
S A Tenant
K:ingsbery ex.
D Alexander
C K Ladd el al
I J M'Kean ISt ter. ten.
: Strait et al tte.
time, Baird '
Rogers ailra
Charle. Whirplc
s levicrt)-figoryi t
hl bean ' s -td an- •
Nathanie,lP'ower ,
A Fro** et ,o.F
N 11.eIficlt o
Job Shcparil Mir
Wrlch, I. &
J J & N 1) Warand.
M C Mercur'uNe
Leicester Morton •
samtiel Chase adm
* A
& W FAVICean et!
Rollin Sherwood
Silas Clark
E 8 &E Pomeroy
It C Hickok &c
Miner Bile's.
David Drirtrer -
William Patina,
Benj. Ctevens"n
E B Conthane' er a'
Henrietta Enrico
Jerez Tomrkina
Leonard Pratt
David Barber
J B Wor'ret & son
B W Eane.
U Bailey & tun
Pumnny Gontlrne
1 Ge. W Patter
W Robertson
J Holc.nuti
W H Cheneq
C ERsithbone
W HVandyke
Uriah Thortipgen
O P Ballard Ere.
David Barber R Chandler
Patten, Lana & Alle:110 P Ballard
Warner & Tompkins James Kipp
Ft”pornas for second wit returnable on Monday,
the 9th day of December, WO, at 10 oclock fine
noon and for third week on Mt.nd:ty the 10th of the
same month, at 10 o'clock in the fornoon.
ALLEN arli.EA N Proth'y.
THE next term of this Institution will cortnt - nce
ou Wednesday the 2d day l)ctober next, tteL:e.r
'ha cbarac of C. R. 13Accur. as Principal, and Kiss
EL C. BA irsro vv Preceptre.s.
Tnittori per term of Dr ;fn. treeks
Orthography, Re al Writtug, 6 eogra•
phy and Mental
The spine, with Wells' Grammar, Adams'
Arithmetic and Tow ti l s Analysis,
Philosophy., Chemistry. Rhetoric, Logic, AY
tron omy and Book. Keeping,
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonbmetry, S.urcey
lir,. Conic Sections, A nalyt feat Geometry,
ot. ) c l
4 50
Latin. Greek and French Lange/lea, 6 00
Fuel, Ist and 2d terms. 26
Scholars received at any period of the term, and
charged only from the time of their entrance:
Board can be obiained pricasehmilies on rea
sonable terio.. , . J. 0 .2 1111ONTA:rit, Presl
C. 1.. WARP. Seek. of Roars! of Trustees.
Towanda, June IS, 1850.
DISSOLETION.—Notice is hereby given, that the
partnership heretofore existing between the stib.
scribers in the Harness and Trunk entities bust Wm is
thia day dissolved by muted consent. E. Smith a,
son will settle the business of the late firm. Those
indebted must make .immediate payment; and those vi ho,
have agreed to pay grain, are moaned that tintless del'
!twirl at Sae time agreed ; Cath will be expected.
Novemlkr IS, 1850
Szni. Son s • •
RE4PECTFUL d LY inform the puiid that they
will continue the business at their old stand, north
*ido of the Public square, and will keep on hand, and
nienrifarthre to order. every variety of SADDLBs.
BARN kISS, TRUNKS. VALIUM, see, of the Lest
materials and of worknionshlp; not to be edipassol.
By stnct attention to business, and promptness in
rulltilling engagements, they hope to couthillinAte lib
eral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed:
CA ttartes Tanta:NG Will be dune on short Once,
in the neatest manner.
All kinds of Grain Produce , Hides Sheep' Peke
wilt be takon in exch ange for work.
ell . Eo. N. TITTNIING, respectfully informs the pub.
1 .—. 1 lie that he is just receiving from New York sn
assortment of ready-made Clothing, to which be in.
cites the attention of pnrchtfters. Among his stock
may he, found t t •
()err Coals. Sark Coats, neainess Coats, Frock and
Dress Coats, Cloaks. Patti . ' doom, Vests, Round
abouts, 4E., in all Myles and all prices.
lle is determined to sell his Clothing it unusually
tear price" for C yen, trod believes be can make it the la
terest of those reishingto purchase to give him a call.
iy At gibs old stand, between Bartlett and Kings
berv's Stores, up stairs. '
Cutting and making up. done as usual in the most
fashionable manner, promptly and to order.
'Towanda, October 20, I R 4 9y.
(rantity of those superior brier! Apples
S pet on head at 12 TIFFANY'S.
TCATIIEII--Sole and Upper Leather; also Kip
and Calf shins, for sale by m3O K. & CO.
Medical Departutent of Penn a College,
Ninth, beim' Locust Street, Pitiladethirt.
THE Lectures for the session of 1850.-4 1
meace on Monday, Oe.:Zber /4th -continue,
without interruption until she ensuing Ist of urarch.-- ,
The Picolty is constituted as folhwas
Wit. Dsauscit, M. D. Principles and .Practicer of
Joan Wit-flu:gr. M. D. Obstcrics and Ammo
Women and Children.
Hussy 8. PArrsasos, M. D, Malan Medics and
Ws. IL (;spar, M. D. A natorry and Physiology.
DAVID (hussar, M. D. Principles and Practice of
Wssaisoros L. ATLI C, M. D Medical Chem's
Clinic at the Penns,bran"' Hospital, the ticket of
which is famished to every scond-coupe student
without charge. Fees—Matriculation, $500; for each
ticket $1500.; Groduatiqn 5'0,00; 'the Anatomical
rooms will be opened on the tat of October, undei the
care of DR. JAMES H (INTER Demonstrator. .
HENRY 8. PA7TERBOSOiI.D. Register.
No 82 Arch street Philadelphia.
DI IIIBIICIANS_ Allitt• BURGEONS, oiler, wroth
store is the Ward goose where they may belated
ready to attend to calls of their profession.
AA uFFs-a large assprtment of - lira fur sale cheap
. • . .
reriOchtes • .ICsti;lionin7s, siglikiit to jiff i'keell
itPlYnitl if fir rPert can be 1,9 4 . 1 *- 4 scilinMsdh
flq,pirpfafri virfues qf Dr. Simples, iikbrattri
VifitO3rAletlifinee• .? • • •
St to $3OO
Celebrated Compound .strop of Wild Only:
, Tate&p.T. NcT ►1 4• 1 • 11-ag •
• • I.: • ' • •
that /
• ,
Would net
/give one bottle of
br Svveyne . e. Cp#7.
poem) Syrup of. WM
^ :herry, for half a amen of aol
therittepstation*. I have 'ti e d art
itpoptilim owlet, hot this P nn , ln tin
tis4ll,ll for , thO yore of the frifkkwing
ea's% '
!qi.: Coughs, Colds, Contiumf.
Oen, itip Rang Sot Paltritistioti ot tho Heart
VVll.K.pino Cough. Tickling or risilig srosstion
? shpt.,: Asthma or writ.
lieu of •the Wervoui.System, yr hit
policed teurituutiou 'from sny rause,
slid prlrirnt prisons froth
fellihg two e Decline. &ci
&e., this mnlitine
has out it •
r.CI 6
3 r 111
Azotirienews ccetrelevet.
Guest run: of ttin•Sn tlisso's. "Illinrer• at Mr.
Pet Factory, corn e r of Ninth acid Wallies sts,
Spring Darden. More subotantiol evidence or the
wonderful en:entire propertiai uf. Dr. Sawa r viaZum
pound Syr,up of Wild ektrry4 .
Ptirtt istraltiA. April 16, 10511.
f m
ff/r. Strasenc , - - -Dear . ifir—Being severely _ afflicted
with a violent Cold and Cough, which *enlist upon
my lunge, attended with great diMvulty, soreness in
my side, that I could scarcely breattie, 'gritting Of blood
no lippcsite, could grebe rest at night, owing to. the
severity of my Coitgb,
.epit as much as a pint
of blood at a time. :rbismottrafal state of things con
tinued until I almost despaired of halo; cured, having
trirdlibysicians and numerous things without relief;
but having heard of the great virtues of your Com
pound Sysup of Wild Cherry, and its being approved
of by physicians of the firs: eminence, I conclilded to
make a tad of it, anti em happy to Male Met !!fire
bottles performed a perrim core: my steep is lithe Un
disturbed and svreei, and I firmly believe that to your
medicine I am indebted fur this great cure.
t ail
sei fa
shall be glad to eommbnicate with any perm* cm
the antiect who may be pleased to call on me, and tnt•
mborste what I love said ih the above certifitatei at
the factory or my residence. Young, its.
OC• 'De very particular - fa get the original and only
crnuine preparation of -Wild Cherry, as prepared by
Dr. Sarayne, N. W. corner of Eighth and Mice streets,
Philadelphia ; all others afc " Llectitious and counter.
" A safe awl effectual remedy for Worms. Dyrpep.
„4,.Cb01er . ? Mochas, sictly or Dyspeptic ch dreu er
aruilus, And the most useful Nat* lifclicito eta orf
feud to 'he Public."
luso rata ROAM careervits-sia.
82 00
3 00
Dal Sway:vs—Dear Sir --411rving.nunle ore of va
rious nausem.r Vermituge Medicines. trbicb had been
highly gppleueed by their proprietofs, 'without the
slightest good eft: ct, and having heanl lmy trelkhholni
speaking in the high*st terms of your Worm Medicines.
its delightful taste a:vil .want . legfui effect. although
telt somewhat drscours led fri , m the result of the aril'
ties I had forc'ed upon my already emaciated, sickly.
dyspeptic looking child, whwae delicate and, almost
worn out frame the Worms bed %treacly begun tomato
their ravages; I concluded ,n make trial of your val
uable Vermifuge, which. to our veld Joy, the Worths
had to let go their deadly 'and and %trona hold , ' upon
the vitals. Such was the effect of Dr Swa3me's Ver
nujir4e on my child which is ooh per."-ctly healthy.
intimating air the color of the rose with all the mirth
fuhierii of en innocent and playful child.
4 00
' Pio. 4 Howell street, between Schuylkill Third and
Four It. •
Dewar, 'of Mhrokr , ! Remember, Pr. firiymr'.
Vertnifuse it now put up in square battle& See that
the name fi-apett correctly. SWAY:VB.
E. Sl4ll'll.
Dr. Strayne's SvAmr Co-d 4,1 Sarsaparilla and Fl
trail of Tar Pills.
A mild and affective purgative, great porifyer of the
blood, the? ecrrert all the functions of the liver, and
as SW alterative in Deopeical affections they are eery
valuable. Giddiness of the head, dimness of sight,
depression of spirits. headacbsollec., arc cured by these
purifying Pinar .
Remember always to inquire parti.mbirly for Pr.
Sersyneer bartarfarilte ittid &CUM% See
that the-signature of Dr. Bersyrie Loon eseh Bor.
Tbeiabova valdrldemrdielnes are prepared only 17
Dr. II Swarm. rather of thh.and Race streets. Phila.
orders oto wham ts should ha addressed.
Chas. Rathbone. - Canton ' 'grown & finckwril, Mon-
Beidleman Jr. Brown; A.. ) melon,
then valley.
,C. H. Herrick, Athens.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. Kinney & Elsterice, She-
C. T. Murphy. Centrevilie.i ohcquin.
Daniels ' ,Dufsnzirm. Bollock & Co.. East
8. W. & U. F. Pomeroy; Smithricl.l.
Troy. 22y King & Vo.hurg, Trny.
Clock, Walett l and leitelry store !
A". WARNER takes this method of inforifing
• his old co•tomers and the public generally, that
he has purchased of J. P. Dull. his stock of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry, and has commenced the above
business in all of its various branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of thick
'Row.. Ins reputation as a watch repairer a so well
established in this etrmannity, that it is hardly neces
guy to say a word on that point. With his long es-
Potence and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do them Imtice.
All goods sold, or Repairing donee liarranted as
recommend, or the money refunded.
A good assortment of Clock% Matches and Jewett";
kept constantly on hand.
lty motto shad) be—quick sales, small prolks, cash
down, and no credit given. Credit need not re asked
for--as I am bound not to make its sequaintanife.
Towanda. July 12, 1850. A. M. WARNER.
" Union Block," op stairs ' • North aide of thr
Public Square, over Elwell's Las, Office. Entrance
between Elweil v e rad Adams' law offices; where he
May slimy* be form: when not professions* engaged.
towands, July 12, 1850.
LTAfir removed to a few doors below Brides Weer
IA * a the East si.le of Msin-et. in the building for
merly occupied by J. D. Montenye Esq.
Alboperations ansountinulo $ 5 0.01 over. one he'
to be paid down, the remainder in three months. I
the operation proves uniaih.factory, the money paid aril
be refunded. A note of hand however must wears th.
payment ofths halfleft unpaid, with...a prow*. •
In the matter of the estate of Simon Sprit ling. dee(
HAVING been appointed an Auditor ,by the Or
phone court of Bradford county, to settle am'
report upon the account of - Byron.Kineshery. admi
aim:Mar of the estate of Simon Spalding. dr-eesser ,
.anderaigned will a l ‘end to the duties of his op
pointment. on the 30th et., at 10 o'clock A. M. at th.
oiTier of Wm. Elwell. in he borough of Towanda.
Noe. I, 1850. 11. BULLOCK, Auditor.
*cola= .ar:zNalr,ilM2=,.m.7-,'••
ft: if'MJodl,
More r. the -Sheik.
Pnit. tiirl.rwTa, Matt+ 20, /844 d
lirwrcre & PtitetTA. Towanda Pa. '
• 4 : 4 liffiteted - ao • . •-•
Another JellostatingiietturrediViry Sdiencrs
Pahnonic Syrup
Thefaßort hg ease is one-of the greatest triumphs
of diediiiiingfreW Tomo hest pebUthed in medical his.
tory. Mead lit -
ProutpteilliYedf filltefihan theYeeling Of lantiolence.
rnd (tit die %woe fit rarefy marled fella* linings, I de
sire rttiltudgmown a shottldeacriptionof DIY Amite.
and lb* 414 ifitiitted4mMiohcainyd trait SCHEIICKS
PIM:I4OW eifilUP4 4litairyeareige Ipu
*filleted wit t LaNdiniCeolda Witieliteddedett my breast
and side, and eytm lesttlitYcyroullit,teise confiders
hie blood; ttly edhgli Wes tightitod thstrersittsk l A
hea Ind Wax'-it er r esulping-Chißia . mid
esteem ataight.withierest difienltyafrbeitathimPrand
great loss of appetite; my system wig entirely pros
ktatclit,bfillPg ctl o fitaltd to art ~!Draillos; Of Air *Wet
, Terw•of the neimegitifteril unsafe its ot*tiali
tended me. dud after exhatuning all their y#
nouneed my we , incurable. Imbed, one said my
lungs were airoret gone, cud I could not passably. re,
cover. At stage or my disease, I was prevailed
upon to try Dr. Schenck's' Pullnionie Syrup, mid Wire
I bad taken half a dozen bottles, was so far recovered
as to lie to go about the house. It scented to strength
en my whole system—it loosened the cough and Mop
ped the bleeding—my 'lsayiett became regular, and
every tide: I ate, teemed to digest easily and newish
my whole system. Indeed, ruch was the rapid pro.
gees* of my besi:th and so sudden the change, th at I
became too sanguine of i speedy cure, and abandon
ed the use of the medicine before the disease was
thee/141AI eradicated, Which resulted in another attack
of bleeding at the lungs last tall, accompanied by a die
tressing cough. I again commenced taking the Pul-
Manic ft ) and sent for Dr. Schenck who, tiparti
careful eismination, vidvised me to continue nib* B.
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess named in
my Fide, which , gathered and broke, diseltarging, t,► new
is i Can /edge, a Pint of deep dbagreealde yellow quit
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my whole sys
tem, Fruit this time I began to get better, and am
happy to say entirely recovered. I cm sure' at this
tune I enjoy better health ati I have fiu the juit-ten,
years. Siete commenc ed ta‘ting the Pulmonic Syr
up, I have never failed to rerommeed it- ' ,b e ig e' , I
went, that crimes, it> well is myself, might •be,saved
saved from that awful disease; for i feel it e" duty I
owp to the afflicted to pas rlish it to the *oat 'Permit
me to mention a few cases /which hive come under my
immediate observation. Being on a visit to thrmilen,
N. J., last summer. I saw • child. evidently la the last
slap of bowel consumption. The mother informed
me that the plrysteiarni bad given the child op 11141-
raral.le. I told her what benefit I bed received horn
the use of Schenck'* Polemic Syrup, and induced
het in procure a bottle. I beard nothing- more from
the fink ittlireref petit shout three month alter; being
in the market, trerkatiention was drawn to a lady who
observed me very anent/rely. She dirtily approached
e ms. and asked if Lwow not the lady irbo.necommend
ed Schenck's Pulmonic syrup to her dying child lass
summer in 4 :entrien. I replied that I was. She said
that her child had entirely recovered • and was tumour
mod, heahhy. tier name is hire. Wilson, and sow
resides in Bruf...slrera. Another lady I would amnion
in particular, who had a serofidotts affection. Her face
and neck presented one continued sore...arid darer her
eyes was seriously affected with it. elLe hid become
meetly emaciated, and to all appearatieer past neovegy.
I induces' her to try Schenck's Pul mon= Syrup, which
she did, sins is eon perfectfy cured. Amalie: lady,
Mut, McMullen. whose residence I will Mee on appli-
Mition, was evidently- in the last stage of Consumption.
I prevailed • upon her to try the fratetronle Syrup. In a
eery short *me she was entirely recovered, and now en
jots excellent hearth, having become exceedingly fleshy
These are three eases within my knowledge, which I
know were mired by Schenck's Polmonic Syrup, MI
oho doobt this atatement, and will tale tbe 'footsie to
call on me at sly residence Parrish sweet five doors",
above teeth north mode, I think I will he able to wit-
, belorily cm:mince them by men case, and others that
know have been cured by this Syrup. Since my
cure, there have been so many to see at. to knoll what
I took. that I have bad * eery good opportunity of
honeying It great many that bare taken it, steed have
been greatly henefeted theieLy. aka t taint if patron*
&filleted with Consumption or laver Csuenplaint„ would
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully exaeupe
their longs„.aml if he says he can cure them, tallow the
ifirecfione, and prevent taking cold, they will MOO ,
Phirstsfdpbini May 99, 189 9.,
g E,
EDWARD lirlxsol
J. H. &must' ir.—Dear Sir—f halo known tire:
Lribert for several years. art_a member of my church ,
and have all confidence in her statement, and' am TO
juiced to find her again ream to health. Any thing
more, in addition to !ter instil en 4 ia tiredbms.
Yours. truly. TII a I. JAN E WAY.
Pistor of the Nort Presbyterian Church.
Philadelphia. June 20, lel9. BA sr. above Omen.
Prepared and sold by 1. H. & REVCE, at his tar.
miter . ? S. E. corner Coates & Marshastat., and by
the following Agents in Braaten! Coun t
Gees A. Perkins, Athens; U. Bailey, Lerayikrille; T.
Humphrey. Orwell Maynard ik. 111700dbern, Ro m e ;
J. J. Warfotd, Monroetin; If. D. Parkhurst. Ilk Ilk
C. E. Rathbun. Canton; King & Vosinn, Troy.
and by MIX &ASCI,N. Towanda.
Price, $ll per bottle or $5 per half dozen.
ppX.Z4 ;or
J t'
• Pt
7 ,1 A
For sale, together with the
.ether ralu preparations of -the Grvelenhera Co. , hy*
Huston & Porter, 41 H. Mix in Towanda; and by
agents appointed in each town in the (*linty.
Also, for sale, the Grrafentrig Manual of Health, ■
'complete titan noow for Fnmilies,amtainirig informa
tion relative to the treatment of almost every form of
of disease; 300 pages--price, BO Cents.
N. B. A Family Newspaper will be given, pet of
charge, for one year, to all who purchase Graelenbrrg
All communications most be addreimed to P. C. In
serial, Elmira, Chrmung county, N. Y.. Genets! Aret.
Very Strange but I rue.
Gentleman of Utica. N. Y., has obtained from
I 1 the Witch-bezel, • simple remedy, *Veil lays •
more just claim to the name of," family cure all" than
any Medicine we have ever before knows. Nothing
is connected with it but a littla Alcohol to preserve it,
and yet it acts with great certainty ip removing pain
,nd all local ineemation, caring all antes, burns, biol.
lea and lame_neor, rapidly. Files. bowel complaints,
holera.mortins„ hemorrhagkear ache. toothache, sore
.yea, and all teryous affections. It is white as water
Ind as harmless,. and it is coiled
" Pond's Pain Destroyer and healing Extract."
vane is genuine except " Pond's Extract" a blown in
he bottle, Mr. Pond first introduced - this medicine to
he public and hits expended a vast deal of time and
noney in bringing it to a high state of perfection, and
ye now warrant every lirottle to give satisfaction.
A man by the name of Spencer has pot forth an
Aide called "The Coyle Extract" which ifilims to
ar from the Watch-basal. If from that shrub, itsnanoe
• a perfect deception, and it Is s 'eery imperfect &nil
; be net deceived, get a pamphlet and see.
For sale at Montanyes & l'o. Towanda, 8. 8. Hin
nen Motirtietnn, 'Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Hance
Kelley Franklin. June 6th tstio
L. B. Hr
313 78 Co M rif XiS
8 permanently Canted at Troy. and will continue to
make profeasiOnal visits at Towanda, where• he will
a found at the Ward lionse--and mho continue to vi.
it Canton, Mimrorton. Burlinuton and Smithfield as
anal. Towanda, Sept. 4, 1850.
Yi •
The Celebrated Oratfenberg
Vegetable NI,
were introJuced into the (1. 8.
m the yeal 1816. Theit , eS
raordinars virtues, and_enpe
iorify over all other P 11.1.8
known in this country. has
established them as the stand
ard Medicine of the day.
cjAVING resumed the business of SURVEYING,
an work mummer:l to my eine will be done with
ecursey and devmeeh. Notices Nil a the "Ward
louse^ win ensure attention.
Mey 24, 1850. - - JOS.
:ekes to-0. FAlnitoni Inebsel Meytert,
C. L. With. IL 8. Brydel. •
77ARMERS can find CIDER BA RREIA by c a lling
- won at 010 TI FFAN Y'S.
.11413( . .
lut t .:vo.tuttimOokict
_m g numr. Arithmetic. Ige ra, Book-keeping,
"riliali.+GlVlßW•"4lKciac. 0004 01 'War/ Thy.
At i o if itocaosio44)eitirsiogy. Nature! PhilaaMlll
AfPfoniMMNlCwith,the Of *veil apparatus to illue !
*Ont) .Phitogoligl arid .Clikthietty,
mettle /Linnet!, in Whim*. stOtitrisf /100 00
Day *sherwr Perquarter. , 4 00
J rAtllA,CliAß ‘ ra°
rretidy, pet 4 _ >
Liatint..l., 1,-f i s ' • . „ '
• %hill "
mbj 'l 5 eielebArlri 00
4 goting Tiattoiairy Orr Idatniciii . oi air 'do `plidd,
ii`Prlvlteged i ta leaM'riiiiztreak'oi t unk etas-otih *bare
"IMF!. steo the erPe time, without additional etaio.
Tti ertidirai;the • taglish titaneter;
' the &irks of feariting:iiiichr efilhcaliofe bredihes. are
Iter,qttattdri 43_00
instratthrnit on tte Huitar, ' 4 00
Use of Pianos,.
Dirtying Ind - painting in water 'colour, including
thb use dr, ideter!str, set Et &minis pipit,.
paints, pencils, &c. 4 00
Oil paintiwn canvass. TO 00
Paintinorarisparent window stradea, Inciuding
the supply of materials, each 4.00
do paper, ink arid yetref, per
ttve ' lessons, • ,
(nett lit in, 'int. ctatre.lre.
Wax Hotter; pet filmier,
Pens and ink, , "
Washing; '•
Shunt in vacation, 42 00 per wink.
Letters ywarr+sid, Mansard torhe Misses, WHITE
MEntIFFIN, Dinghaniton, Broom co., N. Y., will c.
salve proutiot attention: •
swab. .41041
TOIL 14 1 8fr. WILCOt has removed his establish
./ went to the shop between Kingshery's and Bart
lett's stores, atel where he stiH nolicits a share. of
patine patronage. He irgenilf, by a careful selection
oT Rock, and try slalom to the laureate of his cueto.
men to make as mat. Ird durable work u can be sou
atifartured in m llhia , pail .0 - the country. .
He will lieep . Constaney on bawd, and ma: olectnre
o order; ifirneen. Ca/f and
,Cnarie Ilynts and Shoes i
Ladies' Caiters, Sloss and Stipa atfirkvn's do. I
Gem's pita Twaps,
13j. Coontrir Pia4c4, of most, descriptiome, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. Aprll 1850. .
'TIRE subscribers have commenced . the roux
_1 DRY buoinelts it she old *and tortnely Octopi-
Or a Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borough of
Ttniittitfa,lrhere we wilt hold (Molders In males to
attend to the watts of any, and all persons who may
favoring with a call. We hope by strict attention to
bovinewitW men!. a where of - Pubfie patronitge.
We are fiuing, up a hiACIDINIE SHOP connected
with life Furnace, where we hope to be able to do any
and stl kind* off:a/skin& end i dflinff up 4c. • Wn will
endeaVor git all times he keep a gentrasaurtment of work
nn hand - en that customers alai be accotncnodated on
the Attract notice.
rtAVfNG taken peers to setterE tfir artriers of ex
perienced workmen from the ►ante of N. Y., we flatter
ourradaes we shalt be able to turn off work in a work-.
matatii . e manner and as good as eon be done in me
otbei eitabrtahment.
We chili also be preplan] kit tb nto)ah facfn?f• of
doves by tin elathttly.emet Mill keep constantly on hand
• Fear seleal morps for retail.
The autwerilverainvite all masons who may be in Want
o sty thin, in oar line to trite sts a ceased we game
tee thew will net eri reretryJissictistlad.
Sato Ayl Rod, or Parakll Abde, Mrll cranks, gvd
grow, constan t ly on hand.
Alen plows-of fhb moat 'proved patterns and Plow
Maw& by •tine Atm to. Timid, to suit purchasers, as
Marta be procured at any other establishment.
Cu:tivatora of the most approved, patterns, also a
superior tmthr o? Corn Piaui, for lialcby •
GEO. W. rtfrrEtt, •
Towanda Jane
:irr Chi cesnltars takert iti etcharrge fof Wort
Removed to B. kingsbery's Block!
w. 44 OuTneberitas, A
o'7, We, 11 AS just returned fmnittWeity
4/P2 ...L I. oic*in York with • large
. AK Inpfity OrWalichm„ Jewelry and
- i
, \ 4 7 . Oilier waw..tompriaing in part,
• 7 tfi t , following iinicks,:--I,,ever,
)% ,".. ; C
'.. L
,-: 'E pine end Pin Wateles„ with
‘),..,..,,_ , ..e.' a,Aromplefe gnOrt6ent 'of .I:old
--- Jrfwerry, ouch as Ear Ringo. Fin
ger Rin pi, Worst Inne,Bracelets. Lockets, Goldi, chains,
arid Pews. Heys, etc! Also, ull sotto of Silverwvie,
and an quanfify °Med De,ido—arl of whirl! be offers
ter rile eitet*dingly eilcap for CASH.
Warlehes repaired on abort notice, and warranted
In raft *ell, or thernoney Will he refunded, and a writ
ten sereewrem given to thief effect if required,
N. 11.—MAPLE SUdAR, and' Country Produce
taken in paynient for work ; and els). learn now, and
former, that th Produce mull be paid : selrerr th work
is done--1 war rgaind credit in all its foiluit.
W. A. CHAMBERLIN, A l vin.
Toviinda, April 28, 1850. 4i
.1511 To MN-L15T18.6.356.
ei l
SETTEES of now kinds, to
BEIATEA every descripisi
tion, which 1 ill sill low fok
rrt Produce, or Pine or Ch .amber, or cl an
plank ; will be received for work. TURNING done to
order in the neatest mourner. Also.
make and kept on hand, or made to order; in the bes
Towanda, March 9, 1949:
u AVING relinquished badness in Towanda, the
subariber has left the work he had on hand with
John E. Geiger, at whose shop may be found the guns
&c., which were remaining with him:
He bay aim left Iris notes aturf 'recounts with Mr.
Geiger. and glees thh 'lately notiec to all indebted
that immediate payment must be made, or they" will
be sul'jected to cost. He trusts that this notice will
be suMtierd, without •resort to the other disagreeable
alternative. .fOHII TROUT.
Towanda. ICovember 8, 1858
T HE svtiscßmEß, hating now completed his
arrangements for the accommoilatiowof the Travel
ing Pubic, feels watranteW in soliciting his. ahem of
Public Patrbnsge. • His. Table shill be furnished
the hest She mairiclaffords. His Sultana isLarge and
Warm., His Sim shall` he filled With as good Liquor
as ars to bei•tonne iri
BESIDES, for the accommodation of mans, the
zubseriber is manufacturing /Ws. Shoes Saddles, Mar.
nem, Trunks and nine, fre. 4e. And keeps on
hand s'igoral assortment of PATENT !Vitt/TOMES,
for all ofvollich his patrons will be milted Doily a mode
rata price.
For furmer patronage and-favors. 4he poiClie wilt
please accept the siiecre thank of T. D, OPHIPII3I.
Lain rifle, Sept., 13, 1850. -
$ 4 00
to ood
AO .
• 00
6 06
• 56
THE subscriber his remated
to his new shop, .a few rods' afairte
his former location and on the op
poi.ite sae of the street, whets he
continues to Ntannfactent and
Ittirp on hand, all kitds of Eane
and wood seat CHAIRS; and
... w,~3,-~~orib'i
- • r'lt.'; - tsitlooont..Bl. ttes •
From . Waved* :fa MO.
Cptstirszviity. 11102111)/1 to rxr tIPTICII.
M. MOORE & will continutrOleir ler,ulte
Frierardint Line (tam their Wore Hobsa niat, ;
thelXill 6 V l w f Vf Utterly, arberetßODUCHof ell kindet
will befiteelttbd dnd , forwarded. by the New t n i, 4t.
Rallseadvditeel to• New York to Capt. J. IV.
Thanapeow, whewill snake sale of tleratione. and task,
rename entarytticrareeka,• (hrenrryntfuad s). from ths, ;
,time - Piadoethia wink t,
•vito..4 ^PPorloliity of teturtiin i t
thankslorristlibeiel patronage:l'nd hopes, by strict "
attention to••thOinteresasol•his Ceitooll.llllo sank a
shire for (hafnium. , • •
Libthal leash advance* nage on Products at all Hotel,
if required.' H. M. MOORE & Co.
& • J. W. THOMPSON.,
11. M. MOORE Co. arc inceivina daily froth'
Near.,ymk, a Jturtatid well s swotted stock of Dry '
000416: Oroerrin, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, Sham...
Pork,, Flour. Fish, Nails, Dotter. Cattle, and T, 1. Oak,
Clever and Timothy real, &c. &c., which trill be
• solB as cheitp.for cash or country.produce, as at any
Office inOrestent 14"cw'Yoik.
Waverly Anc. I 1850. H. M. MOORE & Co.
11r.. Celebrated
Polotonci+.l:laleam, '
Pectoral Expectant,
Pulmonary , loitiment.
anti:Dyspeptic Mirtare, Cough and Cathartic Pi(lli
Nervine, - Female Pllll.
ircirurfur. Female
Pure Oral Medians/L:64,40er Oil, at.,
Used by kiln constantly rend-with" stnipreeedented Soo!
eon in the treatment of Coughs, Cislds.Consumph un ,
Asthma, Heart Dimases, xla. Skits
Diseases.. Rheumatism, Peronle Cenniflainls, Pike. i f s,
Dr. Fiteit d s tifertittelT4 Patent silifet plated' steoniina
supporters r improved pleted 'steel afitins SitoUliet
brace' Dr. Fitch's silver inhaling tube.
Dr. Pitch's Ceichrtitcd ATt - Lectiirti;
On the prevention and cure of Consumption', Mahan',
Diseases-of the Heart, rke., rend on the Method. of
preserving healer and beauty to' an old age. , ••
This hook should be",in every,farnily, To,tb‘e Coo.
inriojoiye• it paints oat the only ressonable,hope for re.
lief. To Mothers, the directions it gitrns the care sa
education of Children ate invaluable. 78:000 copies of
this book - fire passed through the presii, ant the hts
continues enkabated.
For oale:bli tit.. S. Frrre & 7J Binodriaj. T.
Y., end nuttrrbr & PORTER, Tebrairda : sod by
C. E. RAT FttlyN4, Canton....
Dr. Filth's Guidcia ift- , 0147.i. or glirretines to
persona-nein Dt. Fatties remedies, to be bed genii - or
all the neentr. • 17 -
? , 202W - 51, - ;
Wholesale ant' retail dealers itY
Rase removed their
tA'cSouth store in the Ward nouns,
Weee they are now reeeivinz fl ing .g.•
new and extenmee itN-ortMCIIt of Drue.,Mell
ic ices, Chemicals, Paints. Oil, la , s, l'arto,h. Dye
Wood and Dye St uff‘c, Family Ch•ceries, Choice
Wines and Liepora, Fire Works, Toys: Perfumery
Fatter Article's; Brushes, Coen ry, Nlone, Was , : anal
Wooden Wgre, St.uff and Cr
yes. All the popular patent medicines 41 e
"Ilicie stock now comprise , . e% ere article osualll
kept, 0114.11 e. a bich rnay.he f“ut,l the following,
Opium, Cream Tartar. Cameo,. Castitti Wisp.Pinar •
i ice; Mcnbot Herd nrpolta'. Aheuharh,.Alne.. ffaiked
e h m u o mitp,.e as t r a n il, °tire oil, to ickriljei. ma . germs,
`:roll and floater strilphor. borax', rest pie...5013w, armee
tutpentlne, alta oohs. corm imiiiiinatitt. aqua ammonia.
.andr. taktarrT acid, mudanom. pink. tonna quininr. - Al 1
the emerald oils, coma, myrrh. rratrionnh arahicArm..
1 :. tom tie. Ourka of all kinds, tarth hark; roise seed,
coriander „fenugreek, igin;zl4l4. ciao. nrol: 4 root Ile
tanners oilpsruri3ti balk, cayenne pepper, emery;sard
' pipet, opiiichtnc, afthlteiti F. et li A , ettrftperll3,tioriltret,
horehound, iStz, i
• Su,gar, - criffre sad tea 'of all kinds. molasses, Fre.
pepper, mustard, ielcii•es, netiore, mare. ere. - ruins
Citron and ante Currants, earl:and chocolate, «+•!, 06 '
de. and butter crackers, rice. stash. absent.. sal:treas.
sari-gates!, white and bar swap, sperm and tallow ois•
'dles„ . :igi and bottles pipeil mustard, catiop, pet?r
sauce, shad; mackerel. sa!rnon &c. dec_
Cognise, Merit aatTamerfrafi Tirana?. rel 5',111.1
mace and NeW Enerand rum, pure Holland sod ain.ain.
I Irish and.! ionongahela Whiskey Martina. mrsrai, rlarrt.7 4 r
rwhork, plat sltd champaierr. were!_ cordialS, cilma dr
Miami anise, awe. candle, cr amour; canelle. :Mantes.
mob, noyeau and afgent, Ammer than ever:offered.
. Soaps Pertabrety and Fancy, Goods.
Shaving timers. wales. ttsititny aud.*Pdsor, Giadete
"medicates! perfumed sand soark-imperinlNUSing finch
es national, french toilet. 'violet!,. musk. almond sea
transparent map, *ash balls, Lubin* extracts kens
parchoully, bouquet car'otinevalual. mdie new
r verhean dye. Catlinuk' aarmiditue., - cobrarrr; has tn.!
rose water, rpatail!" lily white, fin router. persian wart
poweer. hair dyes hair! invigorator. hair macaw
perfume ssatchels. court plaster. peeving. cards. Lire
pencil points, Gillot's steel pine, -Limerie nab hook , .
drawing pencils, pernasion caps, inks; red. Vick and .
t in o ti w el af ad era e , raorno. bee
l : l o,plab , eil, peel et
books, transparent Mi.
l u zs.
Bair, IN, Stove, Seruh,Shoe. Paint. MlrkialL
Sastr,'?l, rtiata toontLital sable; Camels Hti' and
ON trippingTencils. Strollers & Badgers, White Writ , .
". - Oounter,:"Flesh, Tooth, Nail, Comb. liro ? nt, noow ,
'tortilla, Lather', Table, Traps, & Brushes:.
irtg_jky2 , l- -
._,lF ea,
Tobacco end snuff Bose*, Nipple . Ile, Nnein;
Bottles, Dream Potcrps;Teeth Rings. bed ' g r ill " .
shoulder bruees, butte . . and ..:Sbdotein 1 supp 0 118 0•
pessaries . , catheters, curia glasses, eradeptel.. iheannne .
rs , spiatulates, forceps, lancets, Liquid and spread adbe
as plaster arc. •
r..1.1N7S A') DYE STTTF S.
Nicaraims, red, tarn and log wood, (untie, Ex I,v
wood, fee dye, cud laser, red :wonders', mild er, slam rat'
Perm'. blue vitriol, solution.tin,cumposuirTseheinic. r
vitriol,.ozalic acid and a th' ileitis, g rs: n tin. pomp .
and rotten atom-, seminTbn Amn Chines and Encli.b.
spanish brown, venetian, verdigris, parts g reen, while. ,
Week lint, red re;nt; chrome yellow and green. 1 1 1' 3 '
coach end raps) varnish ; liampbtark, "Agee. Put t .I
whiting, yellow Ochre, spiv, t urpen ti ne,...c. fins o il rano
'cliallOeyra deidebon, umbet,col 1 leaf. Wm/ 6 ' and I
generidairrtment ci(Paintst'or Artists. •
11...4-11[....a eII2L9IW Pig •
Trench easa 24 by 30, 27, by 30, 20 hr 30,20 b!
24, 22 by 21,. (4 by la, 12 by SO, 12 by IS, 12 by 1 6 .
10 by 14, 10 by 12, 9 by 10, 7 by 0-
431 Tic i i ii "noirugr, mothers relief, Dr -lir rind'
tnedicines, all die sarsap-willa, 'Wooers n. Serene r
syrup of willteiterry,llphams.Pile Electuary a dotbcc•
,rants Indian Remedies, varietiee,ef pi11...00g tcc .l " l „,
.hiliotur iridium vegetable , - tar, oriental &c- e: '''
Christie* galvanic belts, bracelets, necklace and ral
vanic fluid. . .
Ut. Fitch'''. very celebtated medicines,
itu?sgenotanips and pEutpuene, pure champhine as
burning pond, whale, lard and spent) oil.
' AU goods wartantedas represented at the Nevr Cbar
Drug and' Chemical Stine, South Store in the Wo
Hong& ' ju2B ,11 VSTON &Pi )RTF R.
mr ..111E-111 • •
A ir A CKEREL„.in bids., half bids., qu3rtet
/1".1 kilts; dry and.pickled CotHish; ale.° a friv bor
inn rate Dry Herrings far sale at the
oft I P I7 U. as &M. c tiNct;:_ .
• --- - - -
rIN E cafe pring style mole 4 in. I ; son
rtsXz .
Vand Palm leaf Huts at
Deparptive Syrup,
Heim Corrector,
Humor llovrector,