Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 14, 1850, Image 3

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    Lots of ta_Stramer &law Slum.
„,- , e s wa m.; 14 (-lona Stamm ebaadcmed at
,„ Nov 181 h Three . itsmerr 'and” five paa seii .s.
„e,, a ore rhowwed>by the astaMpint on thd,
The rest were ail nbttili4
, •• *Vey bad " ' c< ' 2,
tie pers'OM were drowned;lcrtne ioho±
_maw, IC.eur York Geo. Wen seaman ;
.1.0141 110*1411, reatnun, Ima l loodery, bey
,:: fdrArdrer, eearnan r at...4ll.entreali mak
sties ce paiseupers , • • .
'l,t liviena.Slomart was en her passage from
Ham b u rg to New Vert. Shir/Wari in 'a slinking
cop,. tfron mta days, and when -sheowas Mb by the
11, -041 ire Are tia,kl p.m fret of -water. iv, her hole.—
wan her triad-hip Her cargo area About , 150
German and French merchandise, a Rime
ofitmery satnable, 450 - rons soai and 100
'„„ . i ron, It,o Mile for ballae. • • •
passenge.s were 22 Cabin, 3t amidehip, and
9t In ‹leeriv,
crew intqatlim. nFliers, ingineeri &C , were
;)• iS Irstctet) . ; faetsittim. The eleateer r ip st
uno, ear=n vaitteti at 575,000, and was heal l
• .i.ttti in Will e.
paftgerrgerA 6` the ire hair.; km:lPd a
ex; reit.ive h' kittdue of Cala.ltivey, in
le. iment ffT tit sat vivt,rzt taken front the
An seachtnent was issued a2ainst
irt.ini the plitritte Court Gtr mit aopeatihs : .4 tts a
Apes% •' iippearetilii Court ;Intl &hied 1I nth - -
it that ehe had been ,oubitoi after ward
testimony in the suit, was kir ton : ii•
cal set %%rye by one 01 the 4..1.6-.leirs mid aHooled
,extol opportunity - to the sovreq,..n people to see her
‘4l the stage.
111 4 CrIV CIIA , OF A Tfillt /ZINC TO f•Arriti —Oh
F,,,fav ni:rht the evi.lPtire of a thitil Hut :mind
tilts i'larret, which traii been for sometime' pect•
et was ascertaitieti by the at.tronomers 'ret Cam.
bitilqi‘. Mass. It is interior to tile two others, and
Iflpretott "Ito dislalletv from the body of S.alturn gib*:
he small. The PY,Sit Ql salt-dine of arts Phmet
t Mg.-ore/et) at Cambridge, by Mt. abuut
ttt 3 sietee.
Nl,. itiu Wire. l'ine‘mitlw —We learn Irnm
l'is4':ear-piiii2 Sentinel 161 Mr. P. D. Taxioi
wile of Wilitamtnit 111 it., were poisoned
I,.t_„or k, tinm the effort of eating apple-butter
cni,litiiietl lead extracted (tom badly _dazed
urn k fir the verdigik horn the kettle in it
Mr. PaNton made a narrow escape
onto death. noiv improving: but hi.. wife
7w , t t a very critical state, niot is not eipectecito
r ous t ntii.e's Sales. . I Ati Nuett't atirecatiat,e,
... nrceiptit, Exeetttloiks,
ittneintorstis, i
..litulll4lll6, PT ortgna•es.
titihru‘.net•,. • ' . )?Motes, dice..
„ •.. ~,, • , tr-'rwr rnr.r. fol ,:,'c aprat °thee. II tasks,
• . • •• sr, 1 ~,, rrimeit 'il ~,,,1 4°1
C, ,n 4 1 1.1 r ' c 1a.1,-mitifyl,:ir Brads jF. ct inintectatid
vr s !1 , - Pi iki.: ryfire .• - •
. .
OPFNINC, Ind fnt onto PTV rd./ r's.h,
T0.,."'0n. Pet-oft:74r 10. I RSD,
^ cr" , "..z '."4 - ‘ 1 • v2=n4.l.llMr.
r1.c..1 al)] rothrtele as , orlmrt.t - , 11 , ,td,
14.1.4 :lilt': 1111.4"M:Olit OUP n 1 )()KIS &
Er:V c,.•r •••,tcrui ;;) this marker, it'd al •rly low pricef. 6
0 1 .,11 , r17. o! . d . 0.1). D.l RTLETT'S.
1111' r.‘l,r) itrYlll2S--A fresh otpidy of g oo.l Bur
-1.1:0 10 ,,, jug recei.ed ahi for sore eneap by
11 , r , r0oir 11. 0. D. BA RTLETT.
Pay Up l -
rill(); , E who I now themitelwee to he in arre%rs
the ftli.teither will sake nonce that once in e crest
while I w tot tug Tiav jitt.t like other people, and that if
nC oat route of Ft Cil VOWS 14.1411 as otri- .
•• :" 4 .1 to oat. tilt tl. 1). ELMITI.E 1" f',
- -
Iv' AT, Own., li)c and most kepdis Protluce
v) vt hi:h tltr Di' , ' heat ptive be paid
• -
It der 4 • - El 'S.
. 1111 - 211ut)a'n Court btatt.
71 Y r tri o.• of an outer of the Orphator%eiourt of itlcariaq
I) Sod: . ra.unty. there orti he reposed to public sale
an the pretutaea, at i o'clock, P. 59., of Sartmlay, the„,
ta,lt d.ay ot J gnus, y, tool, the fdlloo ing tract of lanrY.
In Vr ititraarn hiwtothip. Bounded—titeraunitta
ti tl,r grail) ram cornet of a WI frometly aurvo) ott '
tothglill`g Iturche. thence' south. eighty It deg. 1111 , ,
II had ram filly se,ecn Ver. to a post, theace'aouth. 33 3
'f.t 62 yr., a post, itches! north 684 deg weal 57
(*.to a iat,t aid theare math si deg msg. 42 rt. to the I
.tare of hegiuni9.4'.,_ tontaioing twenty two acres i
oat One froth of an
antirvidoil one fith part of the fel
dmi dercribrd piece nr parcel of lan& 1)Ilig in
Wia.diarn toarnatnr,•countv'enti Oath iffoteasid. and
hatindrd as follows to wit, on the north .hy Henry
Ihkahmn oti the east by the main rand leaattut 11 -0 *
1 1 - Ahem-to Ilewegn. Ott the'etitifit by Visite B`lrdfir et
•nti and on the west by hinds of Eliza Ann Topper.
tontioning about ninety four screw and eight tenths..
Mira , Lance will he giein and the t terms (We a k, made
mown r WICK% t
s uanhan of Eliza Ann Tupper, minor ehltd . iii Ffetri
eon Tupper, late of W iridttani fp., dep l ew.ed.
Windham. Der. tai, Iftlll.
THE sttliseriiierlh es just reretveil .fillthr? k7r47( 'grew
Ognift whiehlte offers to the4,uhlw at a lest'
PICF Iliad the same podity can be bought is this lawn'
tad he would reapectfully Ray - to the public that dim'
4 110 111 , 1* , an ahsolute Fact„iii!it
ei , sids for Cash or ready pay cheaper (Usti can. be had
this County. His assortment is aerlf . 11T1 , 1 all
Goods. OCY Don't Mistake the pisre—flo.• 3,
Brick Row. •J. 2d. PHINNEY, Jl.
Towanda, Dec. 4, :> 50.
11.75 T rec.-iced sonthrr large 'assortment of tbosd
Strap BOOTS aod•SHOES at
rier 4
['EA --Five chiats more of there choir) Tear', for
whech there bar bleu such a demand. at
Pit tic \
1A !yrs. oil 4, Dye ..Stag, Lag arid finding Chair
Not's Miff k Aiars er d a general arsii.akment Hafd
* "i . at tdee4 PRINNEY'S
- _
A WI. aiptinent. Casaartneten' and
-LA eanytetta, calico and other DJ V DOOdi
C e . '9 Jelin'a all competion al Yiill lk I'S.
i k ,ZI-1 I GLES, and Beards wanted for erhttli the
hrehe.t price wilt he pit ih Cash at
Der 4 INNErlif.
f 3 :a „Ti owig'. S is a l
Ivor". D take: this method to infoirm his old pa
}ll irons and the community in general, that he
tem( be found at his office in Troy Lion., the week
lollewitag the Second and Fourth Sundays in each
rebirth; and at the Ward House, in Towanda. the
fast weak of each Court. Also, at: Warlord', Hotel
to Mouroston, the week following the first sunder( in
l A nnazy, Apuil, July. and October. Alm at - Canton
corners, the week following the 3.1 Kendal+ in each
dhe above months. Ma,, at burlington Corners,
the week folloWing the third Sunda}a in Feb., May.
AI , Z, and NM/. Also at Smithfig•ld Centre, the week
laamsing LIM third Sundays in Dec., March, June,,
and Sept. And also, at Athena, at Olmsted's Hotel.
the ,reeks following the. first Sundays in March, June..
Buz., and Nov. At theabove time and .placettate pro.
to operate profuctionady, io all the departments
surgery and Mectattieut•
• Tri. Nor. 18,1850.
pfur.o APPLES.
M %LT, quantity or 'those superior Dried Apples,
in vtt hand at 1. 'fir/AN rd.
t : ' OTIII , 4 - -:-STORE-
G 9 . H. BUNTING, reArctli4lyinfo the.ptiN
lie that he Is just receiving from NeirlArealt - an
assortment of sneady-out4e ClOthing, to ohiett he hi.
sites the nom:Ilion of purchasers. Among his !belt
troy tie 'found _
Orc# Coals, Sock Coals, nosiness tbirdir, Pvtiek and
Dress Coals, Chinks: Pantakenti, revia Round
abouts, trc., in all styles 4ifid all ;rites,
o has also received, a large lot of IirIIITHYI3 &
CIiS,LDRENB' CIAMINU,I to labich. iifiAws At.
ienilkon and which Wilr ba'aohl at low Him. He
We, ilip s tpitcpentot hywhich, he, Fen send kr i . ty tar
tieie:destred. stilt; , Ow. ec.rutinty ,ptosidting a zeal
artigia, •
tleia'deterinSFA fn,ag'll Clothing, S 1 Alnfilltlisll
loy priceji fot r ,esso.isullitliewe,s.lte can mike the in
oritirfvepishing,to purchdve'in give kcal!.
alai-ft At the old vtanif, between Ballot and rings.
Gerylti Stores. up stairs.
*Coiling l and making up. done as usual in the mak
Esslll.malge roamer, promptly and to order.
Towable, Dorernhpr I•_', liit,ey„
mill: next tikirt of this Institution will co.muzence
nn Monday the oth (fst2sntlary neat, under
the charze of (4•11. /11111: erPribeipal,atat htan
E. d. IMIZzat)W, Precepircss.
• Prifion per trim ff Elercia vela:
Orthography. Reading, Writing, Gcogra t
phy and Mental Arithmetic., • • 00
The same. with Engliedi Grammar, battles'
Arithmetic and Town's Analysis, • 00
Phi tom - Thy+ hcm ism'. Rhetoric, Logic, AD.!.
tronomy and Hook 'Keeping, 4 00
Alrebm.Geornetry,, Trigonometry. Sorvey-f,
log, Cottle Seething; Analytical Geotaietry.
Puy - Cp
4 50
Latin, Creel: and French LatignimeS, 6 00
Foci, tst and 2d terms, . 25
_No ehola,c will be reeciakd for a less time than
a half term
ticltbiars elitr*,rinv, — after the enrrimencement and
hefore the middle of a gnatter will be ',charged for
lee whole whir ter. • .1 .1
hoard can be uMained in private families on rea
sonable terms. .L D, MO\TANVE, Pres't.
L. NV sap, 6ec'y. of Dosed of Trustees.
, Towanda, Dec. 12. 4140.
O NE ndlliolf and a half feet of Hemlock Plank ire
V wanted fcir the construction of the loancairter end
M ei ' Plank Road. Said Plank must x leen
Pet in length, eight inches wide Ly three intilies flack,
free as posvilde from knota, veins, shakes, or 00: ,
PlopoAala for forestalling the whole or a part of 'the
game,' (to lic delivered at Middletown, Columbia OT at
the head of the Conestoga joie* at
each place to lie stated.) wilt be received th• under
eizned until J 1 10t17117 t 5, tbyt, Address Last Hemp
held P. o.l.anciater co - ., Pa.
27-3k21 RONIVIP MUD Fri PrWl:
- —!-
'Minty 'Slicer.
QT,tt.A V
.F. 13 from the encloeure of the, aohnc•ihkf, is
L 1 Ilse month . of August, High! .Jeep—fieo aVid
three young. When they smut away, they were
marked on the site with real paint. •• .1.. N." Two hul
one ear cut olr.atul a hole in the other. sanitise/ in auk
ear. The to.t nuts/larked. eseeptaite paia.t. A Watt
al roivard arta tw paid far the warn or or infuccrtauon
%kale tli,y may ha found. , • - .
Tuvrau , la. Dec.l2, ISA. JAMES N B~ght l l.
VIII EU... 1 8:1 /rave or trim my son curais
T(l‘, the full .Ix-isrtit. of his lahar. mail be
4.a5 . , 6J/rye uf: ag4, thiw le heirgoy to give Pence that
wilt n.s l.e.r.e.poanbraxle c..r any ah4rts be why reenact,
and &l pyrsonA,Z 4 ;urbrig him in an len), meoe ite so
upwi ni. re.rAtn4ibility. LLLJ.IH 1108.
9, irstp.
E. H. MASON, M. D.
43. tN.7IIe,,MASIEs.
OFFIGEI A( sin' !weft. belerietriiige
,ritee4, where Lie" may be fetid!". *lift not prof t•-•
«iontrlty engigod. Tworindro,'Nov 18`51!. _ - •
1 Z . Z 1 .131{7 101.{HInkail:74
ntc m SON wniL3 respeetrulltif inform La
-LIL elaea . et Testamla end vicinity. thatsbe hit open
ed a 2.ll.llitiery estalilialiment on Maitiairret. font doors
"ow 11 ". 1 go oh. in .tini" house, formerly oerapied by
D. M. Bull. She Itss oh hand a wells leeted variety
of the moat 'fashinualile "Millinery Good , . also haying
'seemed the services of a lashiotiatdo lldlmer, joit frog?
th'e City. Abe tcrl. ronfi tent of etyma sat atactiud to
those who may emeriti{ to her their Ratronaine.
Straw B,nnftst Cleani4 and l'elmrserl in the neatest
manner. on short rooter, by a new chemical peovsts,
givers 'them a hrantifill whi!eneas, without-Injur
ing the color. Bonnets dyed of every color and shade.
Towanda. Noiremtai' O. tea,.
wrNT S!
- E% T. FOX hoe kid received animater 'largo etock
. of WINTEIt GOODS, to whirl the etiondon
of the public hi invited. Nov. 28, GM.
,Furil l cr Particulars of the great. Flood
X EV, Cassineres. ,Broackluths, Veining& Prints,
Mohair cloths. lettiktiaoa. Alf.accaa. Nleua, Delame.
Hosiery, Cdayea. Trimming., Pl a id
plaid fannelot, I.ltnebed mnAline. -sbeetings. 161146138 L
bat'*. 1it 14,0211 . &C• 9 Oat owned at !fir, Cheap store.
00. 30, 1650. J. KINtitiBERY.
IVI M fini Removed toll°. 3, Erich Roe,
wheie ehe wa n t continue to wait'on her friend' , and
patrons poly acid thankfyiiy. Dfc. 6.
A 8 I hate been prosecuted by E. Ws. Baird. for
Assault & Battery with intent th kill. I 8111 de
sirotis of settling my accornus before going to sate
Prison:" My goo thin - be bought very low for
4 - a sh, and tho,e wishing:fir phrchase that way will
firelir,to their interest to give me a call.
It Cootie indebted tome by Hook acboutit or oth
erwise will please take - notice- of the above and
settle tip immediately.
8.-11 ran be found at' my Grocery 4- Ya*;e'Y
Stove, tiro doors south of ftfontanyeS &.Co„ Main
sr , instead of the Basement stn-y of 'the Court
House. , 1.. W. TIFFANY.
- T"warlita. Dee. 3.
-wk.. are prepared to furnish at a bort notice anal of
the boat quality, any quantity of powder as 1
fuse at any-point on lino of Canal ar the lowest mar
ket price. Onto• promptly filled by na.
• 'Adieus, Aug. 23, 18.10, WELLES & HARRIS.
Bows and @h or s, ven hoeis.
Gal figi (hsdren ' a flouts arid laboea, gritit ea°
Ateb, Croeirrry, rn.b. Grireerieoi,
elniting eagiirs aturrillottisekr by !fib bbl. or hh(l.lfor„.
gale". nl J. KiNfif4.BEltYl
52.1 2 a 1; 22Z2,: * *72.4 " j5iMi
W is the time to puitlese Bounis &tithe tons.
N - • - •
evento.,,„. moons ID went o san • ci•
ntbl firm the largest stock - ever offetell for sag
- y
in this borough, et the store of the euliscsibet, who is
cottehtintly reeeisr e w ll o A s .
Ntiv. 1. 1,160. IGM3ERY.
99.000 Vamp Pens `!f anted.
r 4 OR which the highest prier in K.:ASH will be paid
by 025 H. 6. A. CAMPBELL.
rWir"Pl'lMl"'?"7 - "T,Pr"7I. •
•COWILTT Strir.r gra*.
Avnto_ located in Toaranda, bis artritiaarnsay
bo obtained by aildressina a lino through the Pod
Office, or by calling at the ulfiec of thy s eeal
EN/ arbvirci bolantri, or arherera , wsitten
pricalion any be 1.11. 1 :Vora 1, leso.
NtuttltataL Intykatents, Stc.
Agricu:l;g4l„ l §4i, r ano),.,T4t , ‘ :Store,
WiAtELJER'S, 111. ki EMERY. & CO's
tarzw.roair..irrairs ivarravrasts soctat's nary-
Rail_ Road Horse. Power & 'fresher,
INA the Latest and Intpcietniif trervits, for
ultidi Patent is secu re d
TRH subscriber takes this method to inform the
Fanners of Bradford and the adjoining counties,
that he is sigmt for t and has for sole. the attune Gel bra
led and unequalled Horse Power and Threshin, Me.
chines, which ho is toepared to fbrnish .on tSit came
terms es by the manufacturer. iiith the-addition of the
actual cost of tretnsportatiuth cdul , ecteil fur at the fioa
est and beet roes.
The subserilli.r lies sold a number of the ilevi'e ma.
Chines in this :in! the alli.inidg bountiest
0. (:firming
and Tiogs, fie V., and all wiihout exception have given
the verry beet satisfaction, and iibere they are known,
ell fanners give them the preference on accv.unt of
econonty in threshing, hying operated with much less
rspeade, and crackink and wasting Mitch less, grim
any other mach:n u
o in use.
The, Two•Porse Poiret Thresher and Separator is
capable, with three or tour men, of 01m - bin& from IAO
to 200 bushels of wheat or rye, or de:llWe that quantity
of Oats, per 44.
he iiitees tor Emery & Co.'s o re
ft••r-e Power, ,OS AO
Jo Thresfier and Separator, 35 , 40
do Mods,otivr aitd
rifts 5 6—5125 00
ao Two-horse P. wcr, $llO Oh
do Tre,her and 14eparetiat. 35 06
Jo Banda, oikr, wrench, ate., 5,P0= 1 ,51b0 00
Also,Wheeler'a one-horse pocies,Tlitaiher,
and Separator. complete , . (totprorikthis
season) _4120.'0 0
Wheeler's two-homo Poorer; Tbredber antV,
Separator. complete,
Price of 4rnery's Tre..hes and Cielnterf .
difit hand*, wreathe*. &c..
do gam, Mill. complete for 1101?;
trice of Urania Pan ladle, adapted cm;
bawl or i)orrer. Irons 2.2 00 to 25 00
The ealwerilier will also the coming mime be pee.
rated EA tarnish in order
EllEllitY & Co.'s NE NA
rtiltEBl I Elt A? 1) CLEAN it;
Emery & Cd, tor nearly two years past listret, trtNen
experimilitifte; ter wrfect ach am-T.. to he operated pith 1
their foarer her public and field threshing ; and with '
much time arid' expense have rurercilell to their entire
watisfartlon, and ire now prepared to furnish tdeir
drain-if combined' with all the advantages of their
e3ershot eylind. r, and et the name time requiting less
fmee to operand its rotary motion than is required by
the vibrating separator. It has been thoroughly tested
diving the fart harvest, and en, a of them have - been
aged the plat season for terestirig in the best grain
errcificii serti..Ms of slate of New York with the ,
beat ,sore*—iFrerhing months together an rival am
aunt and it lees expense. than the common threshers
'frith the vibrating separators.
fiesner has. all the stlvonlsees of a geri,i fan
ning mill. cleaning the grain hi foi mariet, *sating
none. Thestildilfehal 6... it being trot Tittle more than
a finning mill, or &rut thirty dollars—crikaking Abe
whole Threaritr add Cleaner coat 5.7.5 to the Firmer,
and with Emery & 111o.'s twe-horsepose4.o4loo
The Cleiner ean detache,
_anifthe Thresher us
-led alone when desired. The mid Thresher and-Clean
! re ore destine to tale ant ptW of the old, experwive
and einhbroes thee 4fier,sind eleanei nusi M twe.
Farmers and others wishing to prorilre any of the
aberre:onendoweil Horse Powers and TlVeshers, will
save trouble.,l4 and ispensc, by purchasing them of
the: siniwicriber.
rT On a(count of the large deviant] for th% arc
machito-s, and the datriculty of immediately ElSng or.
dent for them. venoms arishhre fo parthite machines
, g!'re me timOty itotree a. io what kind and •at
what' duce th; , 2; wish tiiFiveuie them. '
framers wishing to do their threshing immediately
after jisr'sirst s should praenfe their machines as early as
the fi'rdt tit July. !Owl for asia
A GEN*t t. A . . 0011.1" EliT OF I MORO VED
AI manil . f i adi!eor:s . rdnil pries, each as
CORN Ski EL, xits. MAY' s ritkw 0: - KTERs,
CHURNS, GRANTS c; IL tN'tiiißt.Ft
Revoking . Ibrse Rairs. fl irk, Sitar and Manure
Ibrkx. AT.
. 1 1
Cad Iron and Vinod cmtrra lad falapt,
LEAD PIPE of all sizes, inlarips of anattytantt
ties. cheap for cash. • .
IL M. WELLES will, the eexiiirri seams, be ire
pared to furnish / .T.Gral•t & Cars celebrated west
Prttntun► Cr MN Cradlei
wlinkante and retail. The crialle will be . ?tarnished
with Dunn'" celehrated Serhe, the hest nirialaf iif the
Union and wsarsoacal. Dialers respectfully solicited
(tom town anal country merchants.
Alan for sale, a large ilula well selected assortment of
Cool4' P3RLOR 4.. OTHER
O' 11 COVZOi
OF VARIOUS nr.avriirt:l: PATTEICti+, 61Y.CS , 1 1 :110ES k.O
t•ff *to& of Ftbrria, and prices, ;rill compere favor*:
Idy with thole of rfier'e SUnS in any of the Issue
neiqhburiog totem.
Tin,. Japanned and Sheet Iron Warr,
manufactured and for safe *ham& end getut, Cheap
for Crlth. •
A large and full Catalogue of Agricultural Ingile.
'moots and literres, wib engnisiugs,luruishail gratis;
either bee, of on applitatioo by wi l l past-pall.
fit Vol 0 N p WELLES.
Athens, Pa., November 30, 16. I y
Variety, .Grocery and Liquor Store .1
T W. TIFFANY has rettiosed his Audiiisluilent
L. directly across the street, front his old stand.
the suite lately occupied by Mr. Doane. whirl be t will
be hippy to rue bis gig eusionieni, end as many heit
ones as may be desirous of putrltsilin; etudes iu
rue at the lowest posasble tatuo. Nov: 1 , 1 1 ., 14.50:
New .aentermeitte.
: - NEW GOODS Al_ --,--:,
Nl'i. , -BETTig lay just yecelvitte fresh end gene
. ral stock of Psil andldrinter Goods. u Web •be
offers to the pubic at low "O&', or deep as theciteup
est, for cash or most kinds pf ptciddcri. .
In his stock,arill be Annul a . volt assortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods and Triaanain,tp, suitable for the
.eason, slur s splendid in...mimes', linen
and cotton hem, Prate:knock collars and co*.
Ladies Gentlemen's, Boy's and Children's limatf&
Shoes, a.gre.t variety. .
Ttaagand people of this village sad vicinity are is
'ilia io cull and evninine for themselves before purchas
ing elsewhere, he feels assured that be can sadsirtbeal
is Icl quality of Oak and prices. • ..
[ Tearancia, Nov. 112000. • , ' % •
rpm buhscriberi Pat recAved a farce aJdi
i;♦on to thei- - stott. are pritenrd to futui** per
eon with " complete wait," 4:enabling or
c/cercouts. Coajc Prods, Vesht. Shirt.. Uwkrairts;
Drawers ; 114 h, 091 . 4 1 gu.yeaders, C 4 ' arta* 'lre.
All of which will lie sold chi-wirer than tho rho:west for
imady tatv. ,H. h A. CAMYBEI.I..
Tallithla, Novenab..r It 1350.
The Right Clime to - buy Goads Cheap
1571 . 1 ( Fl u I l l o t t4 th . ey at
g bare ter ope t tned lit ao ui tne ciso
then e i:e r, 1 e 1 ... V4 r :
Urered to the public. Amongst the* t 0.7 be found
a lot of Rieh and Klement.** well an Plain and Cheap
Fall tend Winter Dry 6.)..d5, of only variety and 1dy1....
Towanda, November 7. 18b0.
PPRINTED and Orin Dr-Lintels. and esehmerra. of
tithe tno--1 elegant *lslet. end AM low as even one
tbitntr • yard. at B KINGSBERY & co.
r 4 RENCH 'Merino's and Plumottso of the most de-
I citable portterrt.: also Alfonrt4 Plaids for dresses,
es well as children). weer, for este. rhesp for cash, by
PINTEO henget; and Turkey Roth, ai well 1311
• Fargo ptock of C.jeoPe. DeLatrei, Cashmere*
VAT Alpacas, ran be roved for sale lt .
Nov. T. trg kINGSaY & CO.
IA IHEze and iientleraen'a Pocket Handkerchiefs,
.Hosier!, Ciatats; Shoe.; Ate.. Ere
Nna. 7. B. KINGSBERY h C(1.
)43 00
75 00
3) 00
fiE attention of rfw, coin Nana ing officers 9i tote
, several rompanfecyf uutfm
ore 4 militia within the
? - 1
`!ounly of Brodforil i , is tospectf .fly y direct to the fi fth
it ceiiin of the Act of Ilth April, A. I), 1849, which re.
quire... the Captain or Commanding orwer of each corn,
pany, to furni•h a ropy , f the toil of said,catnintny, un•
ilcr (wilt or Offietninion to the County t o . rrar.iasioaers,
at such tune a. IV a'ii-ewment of time. are returned in,
'vett arid every year, i tcsienonoc t h e lo o. o . a hi r ,, war e,
or horouch, in whicch cart womb*? re.idci. A mlf ‘ hey
are herefiy requi..ied to furnish raid copies i.i the ritii
to the Commissioc'er. on or hefor, th..Ackh d a y of t o .
camber.or-it. O. S. lICSJELI., elk to Coin's , .
CL' i nad,coinnet?. Office, Towanda, Nov. I,k I SUL
TW lENI'Y Horses, Carte and Gerry; and three two
horse Wagons and hiAiri s, for an by calliti on
y - . the un t deatigned in Albany I.,thiship Braifferd C...
Cer ES T R A' Erykkr G
) m•or Ertl.
__ _____ ..., ...___ _
C A itt g '7li .tt se . ' ;:e .t in'Ter re . ot: h ... e .l u ri hß in c : % ;::::•: r nl h ::: IN.F/W FALIJ G001)S:
He frt.. ,The steer was dart red, with a white ilprif in . ..
the forehead. The heifer also a dark red. The orre-.i UsT received at FOX 4 S aro' 11 stock of li r w FALL
er can have them by proving properly and paying •aj (ioous.
sit the
st.tifeA in
charges. WM ' CA i i r- 1 which air re.ipecrflitly offered at the lowvii (wires. A
Wvoot. October 20, 1850•
_ I call is solicited from all who wish to purchase grind..
right. ispin t E• T. T FOC
.... ..
ROADCLOIIIB, Irsiniiiiere.. Kentucky Jeans.
sheep's gray cloth, &e., sold very hov fur rash,
u 4 11. KINGABERY &"O_ _
iIkITR arrangement. aro itch to to enahle us to di4i.\H
er at any point slang line of canal ; Beef, Pork
s, Fleur. rairJer Tures, ricks, NVA.elharrows
kites tibovelL, carts lrarneit., lumber or in fart Amue
every thing umatet rWers routpily attended to.
Athens, iug. 23 1850, WELLS & HARM:42
HreceOetf. tip( is still reeeiring from New
1-1. York New tisawis, and I Its or them. Vankre No
lions, a varioti. Toys. innumerable; Gror'zfies without •
exeoptitia any kind ; Liquors of al! gitscrituituts, kinds
and quartats, zud tvery !Joey knos to sells *cry l o w
fur cash.l,. w. r.
. .
Tota l oda. Innsnth. F4MI .
Atho.e who krwti iiirmsekra imiehtol for st-ite„ .
county and mi litia tries, pniwre thrliselved
acte.e up it& (ua a l Dm-pada-r nowt and suer coat.
J. M. PECK, rieliuty Trasa4r.
To Pier itt utot.—All them wbo know themselves in
debted for i.iceawis wilt plivbedielelY and eavd
emit. .1. M. PECk
, lls'y Taserer.
Treasury Orrice, Towancts, t /rt. 21, 1850.
ALL proems naik‘ted to the ft,410, of Gostaena A.
H.thirn, damped. Isle of the tarnehip of
aro Sive', qne.4ll-. Ale payment unbent &lay,
and a',l persona bovine , &meat atainat mill rotate asci
rrquortol to prroent them. duly aolheftti:pated for vet
dement. JOHN W. SWEET, .4.4rmielotnltor•
Dus t el,fhatoher 17, IMO.
A PI I N'ISTIt .11'011'S NO I'IC E.
Al.T.persons inditte:!tn the estate pretll.l3rrit I
ImMoIN deed, late of Pike, are h. r, by r. tistest-,
e 1 to Inakc payme,t without delay. and those
having' zCisotus 'againm said estate will please
present thee duly authenticated for settlement.
% DiNtg.x.
o'!iret, - Efept. I is!b: re. v: 7 11,,iu.i.
-More Particulars about the late Flood.
T TNGtiAm a EON, would nratleet.fuiti
to their enatomen , nott not efitheafilli;:ig. theit recent
heavy loss they will'he pir,43reti I.y tie lr• el Sept.
next to aerommodete all that may give them a ~.11 ui
all the various branches ear their leisinve%
' jig ten ,. dettit able that Ike should have our
dues under th e pr eseal eireCimpramses, therefore all those
that know themselves indebted will Oblige us by mill
ing and settling up iminediatelyove a ish every one to
h orthrir own free will, t.nt we mould just hint
tbit those that do not obty this tall may
,pxtsibly be
compelled to meet us elsewhere.
Monroe, August, I st, 1.450.
A N extensive itswirtment of Planes art) Tools of ea
rl ery description will he found at 1411-11te[11.03'.
'NAT A, C 9 A MIIY.IO.IN has arznowett Charir,
Y • Trafth and Jrter:tg More to 0, KinaatterY &
Co.'s thick Work, where h • kr.4 nn h•ni a'v•ry
ptten•itra aniorkneytt of Clock.., Watches. Jewelry.
,Fanay ooolla, to which be hao jam mule a large whit
rectived by azpresa front New York. nq
oricr. is hereby even, that.thtt pittraer;rhip here.
%Awe eti.tiorg belayea the eutvac.rihrts has (teen
areeolenl by mutual enrimeat. The attain' of said firm
aft le arteartea Icy Ilirata Mix. All pers..he indebt.
eu are requested to settle their aervionte. •
ft/114V MEI%
H. MAS.nN.
November. I R5O
Meßsrx. CUPOI 5: Morgan,
INTFITLEr retally announce Lei the citizen, or
Tcnearidli' and v:cntßy, thci ditty' have (Aiken
roma and ate war operating over J. Kingstwry's store,
main street, where they are propirml to take pictures
to the latest end most iinpr.isrd style. Children taken
at awry Otr. parody Clout's, veparate pictures for cal
ses,lbckets, rings, tie.. correcir taken.' Satisfattioti
given, or no Charge muck. ,
Ponta vary from)l Oft. Porenotin light prefer.
red. Hours for ettildt..o from Ifr A.M. to 2P.
aentiemeis aro'uested to raft and azi . i 4 '
ion* !peril:teem Towanda, Itoe. T. 1'151).
• fitioreliancim • -
The subscribed; reeiesar reetpring mother
Gknerairassoituient of. New Goods
Ant. 8, 1850 . H. 8. . M. e:
rkKOCERIE*—A Large st Ted% ttuVirs•
N,..T la good article for 6 cents,) i - offee. Pepper.
psice, sobackco &6., can be bought cheap for cash
at •25 K. hr. C 4).
Fal. SALE.
mitesabseriberoiret• fur sale hi. FARA In Towan
da township. Bradford oinintv„ situate:A Ainut •
two miles west of dimbornottb of Towanda, tontaintria
ninety fat arms, siity of a filth ans 'under intonrie.
ntent. 'flint Farm is of i superior soil. admirably ad.
lupus' to Isith grazing and tillage, well watered and de
lightfully situated. To • practical farmer it idol
ny inducements. Thew aro upon the firm nets'
framed dwelling hotisc, a framed barn and litho' build
ings. Terms of payment Marto mil, and ftumeiliste
posses ian given. Apply to
Totswinta. Oct. 17. 185.
... •
IX7 IRE cur Etre, lieu Flower Vanes, and
if t h ing el - .e th a t eves appertained to My , bite oi
business. on hand, and for tale very
,low I. r Cash_
you don't believe it ail end try oiscs;:and If you do I
am sure ydo aid! tio sat:stied of }our iiit.rost lo run
Itinning to boy of ' L. W. TirrAN
l Towanda, July Itt; 1840
14.A13 befallen the merchants, in i•Orlsr,ilienre of the
nuharrilwra hawing revived No. 3, BRICK ROW
neatlz Opposite Merlyn.% with a i - trge and general as.
- , iirtvr7nt of F tLI. & WIN ICI GOODS, ese•Fialty
adapted to . the town and country tfadb, cOnsi . ,.iing 4
DT Goods. Grorrrics, Ilarricr zre, Ceorkery, Wass
trire. Arndt. 0, 1 / 4 , Dyes. Le.riher,
Boots 4- Mars, 1.811021,
All of which, the eutwcriher flatten hinitelf; that frorr
an ezp.rience of. fifteen year■ in the busineaii he Cal/
and w.ll sell as cheap as any other rioshiishinerit in
Towanda, Laibea and centlemen are 11/001 re,pect
futly in.iied to cnil and e.t.intine my,stuck.
g Most kin& of_ Country taken in In
c-lignite fur goods, and CA:411 . tor
Towanda. Octoher 12
AM. W A tatZilli has itrit received from tier rile a
. _fame and splendid BSSOft.tWrit wATettets,
JR W &e.,, of the nowt fashiorodilw si.jlte, to
which the attention a ladies - and 'tgeotleiner is invited •
and sAich will mold at pike. ti defy competition.
A . laic a : lsom/ant of Ckick.) and Foa
ancy G, as the
kivire+i reis • 10. 1.830.
A LI, peraona knowing thetuselvel f:itlehtetl to the
airbacriher r 3 nr*e or honk account. are roptestet3
to make inftirthule payment urine' , Pair. sna aaar eArls.
Towanda Sept- 13. 'SO. RINGsBEAY &
4 -
- •
A Lt. Wool Del.ainer spa Merinos beautiful
Thibet el,thn, Airachis prints &c.,„ ohm Florentie., Jenny 1.41.1 and other trimmings. a fi rut
rate assortment of (Moves, Hosiery and tgeoich yarn &e.,
at apt 1..
tune receiving from New
J• 'lurk, /he neat desirable stock ot GOOD* ever
vireml in tins utarket, wiliclt • in regard to cheapness
Tel I (oily meet the expectstinns of the people, It is not
possihbr to give anything l•fte 11, 04414 i catalogue of
the stock, but do public are in 'hod to call and exam
ine f u r these-elits• bebtyv purchasing elsewhere.
Trott anda, October 113:10. •
rtirEPS: Got)bM.P;NXr LIND . AND vi:j.vni.
TtirrAinzs. Black Witt r.stees,'Ac , Ste., at the
rittore t whin* GooJa are sold cheap, jo=t rrcelvo, , .
Oct.• ]P, 1450. • KINGSBERV.
Bay Mate Shawl Aaeni.4
ADIES in win' of the; Y B.l•Arr. §FIA I.S
better examine the largest,.c.iteapes. an< best
assortment eseiottereti in this market, before tnAing
their pirtebases. 0114 • AM. KIN ti4fiEitv.
- N B. 'Farther pa rtietrliag next writ.
69.46 PELTS
FOR which CASH will be paid, at the establish
-1 ;peat of the P.o/Niegther
Tuvran4a, _let. 2. I f.',Z,41,
- -
, .
Saddle, harness Trunk Ma niif dory.
JCRE CCLP & Co., rispcetfully inforti the putilm
that they have taken .the .hop lately .... occupied by
C. F. Hamlet, no Main street, a few 4.100rS below the
linek Rovo,'where they will Reap on hand a large
,r • •
lictitted, &Wks,. Eridlet, r,Trs, I - at/ice; Whips.
ya .:.,r.
All articles in their line manufactured to outer, end
rpade pflihe lae4 tuaterCal; aiul , f t tr workmanship, ran-
Rot he airp v .,,,,fin Nottlii-ra Peauayleattia. They
tailtz,it a ralt. from ii .e yr . lahm; to purrha.e—annti
dant thst they can give ei.‘tisfacuon both as to quality
and prim.
CasS will be puid fm Hides and Sheep .
ct t t• high9t f attot„st our vhor„
Towanda, Nov. 29th, I tt- -, 0,
- - - - -
A". persons nse hereby cautioned Again-t pu elt.ts
ing ce-r i pitt ?NO r
given to D. A. Kirrand/ or
bearer. ihi•ry-1 or doter'; duo eight. en tt...ntbe j r aPe ,
date, &led Pike, 141 ay, 1.450, as alai note WI
tamed bout rho tibszriLer hi iraird Pivisorpre en
tatiott... • • •
rake. N0v.221. 14 - hO, JnliN 1 - 6
voTicE is hereby given that the iiirtnership 11(41 , -
1 tylbre ?timing' bet*e.n ILL subserthrrl has 141t11
ti 11444,13 A miith 41 consent, ihe P. , rdre nod Are,,o , ,g.
of the runt adi 1411..ettle.d I y the firm. All p. 'n
hiving unsettled accuupt• are ft quested to rail 0tn.1144-
I ,tlis *uh.rut dclu7.. .1.11.
1' 11.
wir:b;..T . c.rte•T ho comi‘icirz(.Lt).
smrrif. Sionrneton. Nov. 25th,
ADM N IsTli A *l*()lt's N °Tic E.
A fA. remyns hoobtrti to the eaiete or !,11.11Z14
deceraexf..l.oe of
. trurkit.. Fr tarp.
em hereb y rrqueated to make payment te!tlictrt
end hose having claims agamat said eatate will pleaer
prevent them duly authetitirated for rettls4reent.
JOHN V. 1.1.‘M Q 1,4,
Darlington, Nor. Id, 11 4 50. Ndmiidetor.
A Lt person* iodeli;o4 to" thoe egtato of 1;01;1.D
SE MO !IR, ercenscti, li-e of 1 ) :ke township,
are hereby reqtfroteci t4'inoko riYnwnt without delay, on.l
the having claims ogoitoo avid rotate will please re.
seta l&bvitttly FulhOttfzested. for settlement .
Pika. I nil. 47,, 19:A1
Those Cheap Goods of FOX'S !
IT UST and will be wild for dash at the totv'er.t rttro.
A'beautiful article of Sugar at ceros; fine
fresh Teas, ararranted good or no Pelf. at 3 .1 / I to 50c.;
oyrop ltlithoutes et We. Alto. a largo asontment nt
Curies, et the newest-pat:term% Eery cheap; and in
tact every thing in their Nye vral be sold as ClWal. 114
the cheapest. sr dtu aTuer of AI Arti and Pibe ate
April Via, .t.rttr. E. T. rox.
- • •,.
• hating uuhle larc'W•rithlitions to Lie
.1/.. "stook; lushes. the so tention of tGe citizens of Nor. .
Pdrinsylviune to his aWinrim.ertt..
'. In tad, Handrogre . Defirs.rhurnt; t ehtilltmois a the
wwritl" Ina "all the rest of mettiiit.d,"•. (not forftellins
any otel.lieLinent iu TOrazili,) to sell as - cheep as I
can. shall and will.
Th• Wo.di of He'rtfweib tbnsists of every irtiele uetr
ellt ktlit in a Hanks ore iifore-- , -atoortor Which may be
found Iran, lYsilr. Zuse; Tin, Sheet iron, manure end
ha, Yorks.
and undies hisekapitia's belinws,
astail ins] Serei; gatr,.- . 4f41 R . pi - I . llg Mtif, ' .lol3l
caseolar jail panel SAM , . 4011.4 A; attouni,) beg chain,
books itl , l stosi'els and tongs. hut s sissi.seresrp,
hinds and tacks sesg i gon-lso'ea,irk-i.51 es, wel snit ci,...
frills polity*, iser:sl PiPesi, of rat ri7ea, [My quantity of
Cessperstsks and .loiner'st teals. all kinds of Sechifrey
.Elartleosre. Itoisse Taimmines, of all hit its and at sit
prices us. so,.t evcry thing that any ever VKIVIr
: in 111
lion u i r:.'e 1 :%.,116, or CLIO ro . :l44)trol+:y I X:4 . i . 1 over to see,
',The i)risorinsi . :ls: I .have..:-oh fhr re'd no
. .
oar in trying In tell all-L-4 , ut I hare Leundtent stows.
ii.epaoosse patent, oulialio, parlor. eanpoo, nix prop, au'
plat *two's, sir tight .mire, l',urki.y.• but air OV.AI
still ro.wiy top, lovinittni from Ito :kn.
moth) K. Y. etovee, Ilepatieirn slaves. Ailtrosy city
stores , . StillWirtl air tight stoves. rough and sessty atoc tes
sir tight cpropjete, . (act 611'1141d* up.' aitce of Ault:
if not alum. • .
I 31 , 0 haft', faisi to 1:417011 h tnd, 9ny yri n=
thy of Ridwiii and Ainotic:in stove ripe. A gvnentl
asamiluesst of limns. Cuppec and Tin yare, !rum i s
big In ww 'kettle down to . t.inall tin pi pper hoz.
All kirtiN tin, copver nud imn w
fatl•tiewt °Her, anti eviry areirit rtdrntuted id tob
The place of business is on thn Public Square on
Pine ittreet,in MOnton‘e.: New [trick Block, tsti shoe
running throngh.frotit the &inure to Pine street; As
cu' iMply's finding it, we have go fours, fat of cotws
elerit wants w Int, cheap nifl intinint lot
eAnfilishrnent., •
Qom' N., cit4it Riven firer fonr, August 14. 1850.
r aitfa Tt.Mft..ol •o, of WOO!.
t 1 c l'art. - :ry in Wyaltrrinr,.. in . lawn lr. fOcelotho.
Braid anti riar , oor Caaabowlea Str..• Flannel
t3lfewia and Iltattkrta, (tolitett ) or Plain%) wAi t e Mule
on =hares or other.% we Ca ht de-aired. '1 he commis of
Bradford, amt. the oditittiog Goottiee, are invited to
rail at the Hume Fotrinry refore their
Wool etas here. The t!utweriber haring, again taken
thia.ectplati blue.vt, to drtermined : I to do hind
me*, !atialactolily 'to those who passoniza him.
Card!nLf cud Cloth Br • ccr .hors no
‘Vyaluiong, May 15. 181:6„
ICH figured and hiaCk and Turk Satin, tor,
I'4 !f ate a. low as they can. la. iturelted in New,Votic
by :he .ortale iittera. n .1. KING:SIIEITY:
. _
A"persons indebted-to the estate of JOStPli
POTTER. deceased, late of tow.tnila township,
are hereby refincsted to tnrke payment without delay,
arid elaittia against said estate, wilt please
pse.etil: Cam ih.,y-usaht tistc4te.t . for setliscnen.
J. L. MON rANYr., AJuii.ik.;,,itor.
Tomr - 0 , . Noven:l4-1 1. 1S"0.
k.A.. -...
:1.1.': ., n;.• indebted !o . .the, estate . of i.S“.tEr.
:,:roNr., dete.,J—le, ~r Athttp: f'' hip.
are hcreby notified to mare pa3 - tntsr.tand those hav
itm dentandN agatti•t satd estate, are rioted to Are
sent them duly alathentlemed 1 . ,:i the stib,cr;lN r., for
adjuNttrrcot. .11111 N \‘'ATKINS,
111 U suzat and Molasses. aito 2 4 4 :is ra:nrt , of
th..t (re.!, new Tea 'worrunled gad of the money
tetainea,ll;•e, tialerattKittre, Fl.ll and Tobacico..alf
of which wilt he EOld cheap at
.1 0() ( C I E At r ;
i iiir t k it3. nt. fi r l jri?it u Pre a l l i ga cf
notca watered itnneciiint•qt•iii exchange for vol. al
sin I:3 FOX'S.
. - -
T OST. h e t wren s tavern and Waverly, a
large 17,01.1) PENCIL. 'The lin4er will he fibe
r-01y ressiir,leti by triivias it ut the • 13rui.ltold - Reporter'
.1 re.. 5, a' :;t1 •
A1)Al 1N ISTi.A . I'I)IrS t) IC E.
ALL pee ,sons isplebieJ tr the estate of WIL
LI ANt E deceased late, of Ulster town
r,line4tett make ray.raint without
frtv. and tha , : Ae hating claims against paid estate h ill
please tlieot duty authentirstrd for settlement
S. '. 110VEY,. •
A (fmiroisrairoa.
71108. .srumt, at very, low paces-11.*, a Largo
atttekw" Molasses, including Stuait's sv run. iust
receive.' t ' apt? MERelitt'S.
. F.IR2IIS ion S.lL'.
r Tilr; R u h terilter h 134 tw, 01 three
ah'e Farnot for sale, ettltt r 01 ohich ho
will self for less than thir real value. It
str oils a fine oPparpinity.fie persona sa i,.h.
in to tocate rttuatouly. Al. persona wishing to
purchase are request , a to La II and csamitto
*elves. Terms tustfe lt. rb‘vt..rtt.
divot. Nov. 7. I Asf)
&Oct. Oct: Cri.
Nlnarorior. N,w. K, 1.50.
alualild Tuiniavr Land for *air. Intl'
relconvegi ift mnke Farms w.ll t. cheap.
:14:>= 4 0;.1. 1.1,1),.--,?%opre is h , rehy Overt * that the
. p errtorore existing between the std..
ssnhers in the flatness and Trunk melding business is
that day, tltesolved by waled eQ1164 . 1.4 suor,
ill settle the husittre. , of kke late f.or. These
4volt.leed mind 111114 r itnntcdtete payment auu tfinsr w 60
have atrteeti to• pay eta 11, are notified th r et, unless r te.
Inered at hie time agv.ed, Cash at i'l be exprawd.
Nurembc :5, !.!stl.
P:. Smille : ,co,,
nirj:l7 . infnrrn the puhlir 111xt !hey
wet (~ , ,tint2-7 !he I tl,,Aine,n: at 'hint o!I gnitnil. north
.i.te of the rohltr.'iglare; an.l..wit I keep on tutn.l., ana
nn,tnatrtore t.i onler. every .t.sAl)lll.l> ,
ii r:s; 11:1 N AIM • 1.7.:4, the.hvat
nv9ririnl.l ant, T;0 oitm.anch!n, not fo be wurpaaentl.
It whet, nnrutit , n to blpitirtu, slid vamp, ta•xy in .
inT.:ltnst engAryiner•b:, th,y cohlinuo t 114:
has r hete: v lJrc
t • 4 tt P TI: I . 1j t tlolitt on short mai:N.,
in the tw , rl.-itt manizer:
of tire, I' ro4uce, Bides, Sheep fait!;
nail t,e taken in evii.inge for walk.
Medical Department of l'emh College,
2 1 : Loth, 'doer Locid• 114.1,41clidlia
rt . ' TIE Lectures for tile nenxion of 1,4 - 30.--41 Ina enrre.
1. Menet: 4.n WO: ay, fletober 141 h, conlione.
without interruption until thaennninv. 14 of march.—
The ?acuity follnna
1 , 1'14„ 1)A n tcu. M: 1). .I'rfuctpfen 4 , 14.1. Practice of
mmikine. •
Jinn Wit.r n M. D. Oh,te;icg nueDiscuni of
Wottlen :ma 4.l.itar‘ n.
I:1Kx 4 r i' A r-r mks° M. D, strrra 'Medico awl
n. It. t tyt . 4:%•,, M. D. A avtnri y. 004.1 rtlVPiology.
DAVID1;11.111::11% M. D. rnincipies 44,d I'ra, lice of
dbrerry. •
Vi'.l.lutNcrut: L. AtLlig, M. ‘l3
(7T3tlie et the Pcnosylraitia Ira+l4, the ticket of
which is furciphml to reit, rand come@ stntleet
wa —lt
hout charge. Peesletrieubiti i . $6.01. )t for ear%
ticket $1.5.00; Giraguati n PO.OU ; The, , AttateaHroi
rocins wtli be opened .'utite let oft .-t..Nr,teisist the
cite of Tin. JkNI t i ruNTL-a nottiong.t l i. ?. .
I lti Xl2 Y S. P.l rnmsoN,'Rekkt , r. -
\o 04 Atch ~fleet, l'lttAetphia.
SMI 111,