(SK` 1 . IMI3 • • r 'l , i•r' "44; • TT' ce. o i s t ..• I t : , .01,1..4=m t. u si , N 1/ • ,:t4if• C763/24.\71,13 . + •%'~: c •`ltcti utix 1:c1 - \ • ~/ I •••• , . •'• • ~.• i,sl II" 1 , .1f13()I , Ji i• OA .. . , I • %V.' . "r" . • 'II . 4 , 11: I 1;1.1 . •••• • I 7.,, qt. .. /. • ..• r • #.l : '. . • ` . ' , .ooTllnt• ••I-, f Ir ... II •' 1 .19.4 .. -tu... TT ,i I•• ,, •: -y, - ( ~.. I _ % . C , tligurbap illonnina. l tkrnbirmh,hlatilL TEMPLES' mnt MADE' N 4 ht4 HAV6111:1 Ti... not la .ternples toad* itithisands• The great t.)-eittor dwells, . • --. But on the mountain. topAte•standu, And in'tbeginffltipthailvir '• • • NV herever,fervirotprityer .la-heard,„, Rema 4 4 8 0 1 re#4.4 1 .11 . egerY;f4tOrd ir: In de*.q§l..p.otgaktri.eyrwir.4acs4i lig nevfir liplis,u) mos wgc,Pras el.' 4 . Terv--ftiihe poor mans Unity: liill . , ' Mrd in' - tirerifirrther,Stetiftk, ' ' -' ; Alult'fil the rith iiihn'i Int i rtly hp,' • The'treat Creaihr ritvelisl - ; • ' WV * noo , of ttftee'arelftlhed ht yttaye , t,' His andienee Hal I: Ifliiiiiiiisils There, • • - Wherever' ptatri Ate-e` nirfor - gelee; - ' '• . Is His peculiar dwelling / place. t c Think you that :teniples Oh r i.. stoner/ ... Aoki blessed tly,,pries ly , lignd, • Are MorentOeshaelY .11, . - osva. •-., -. .. .• More remeeettoe 441144 .. Go to thy closet. alkyl : Ake Aifir; : And 111 thy,mereies fidsdei: oeh • , . Thine all pervading God is there t He loves to auswersecrel„praier. . The temple thy Creator emits. • ' That temple is the head " r. , fib trewerint , pire br eosin stoneS; ' Nur anyr work of aft : • The eknad clip spire that protasis en triet,, , Mar draw the lightning iron, the f4ty ; But 'us the humble,inorient' &Alter, • \That drinks in the refreshing ishowera , And in return tirfay.ors irtv ear' • It breathes its fragrance back to heartna , - Some cliagArtire,l.4ies7 sFpli;,s,*#ays, We bow•to ng croate4 ihiful l ,,; • -• . one God we worship; _Tle 01Pnl t , - , Earth is His foittsluol,lleavgnAlig.thrtuis, 7 PUBLIC DOCITMaTS. k.EPORT OF THE sEcial,Alo. - .6F • The report is brief, nnrl• Ott 'lettrliffig poiiifi tire m•eresting. According to-the Secreia-y, iiigre cate siretiglit of the ormgArS3blishrtl by law, sup. twin_ every company le-hare its full compliment tutin, k 17.32.6 officers a n d then', o* - Tng f 6 a raiirly of circumstances, however, ;tile 'number o f men actually in service, ftlll.S shott.if Itie.legal Of, castration, on an arreraga of 130 or 444ereent, •Ol the whole number, 1,796 officers Illirtiterr are tie tinned in. or are under ruder* for To i l' as, Npvfloteit- California, and Oregon, leavin4-44a10 in the ms of the Stales and Territories. •fn / iiew of the troeht acqnieitionto territor y , 04 serffilnini.' l Of which needs lot liftcationit, ffie Tiortlinrs, trlnt•li need proticti'Sn from - the Indians, 4fici fres. mit military estahlieiithem is•thotryilit to • be'inide •tsiate to our wants. • The Secretary, Mr. Conrad, thiniii the n•t4it R poitant duty which devolves upon the woe depart ment. and to which it has been directing its-anew non. is the protection of Than anti f.nm the depredations of the Indian's. The tri:re• , •114; ser ice has been actively .elS6'4.ea,itl 1 44,44 tile companies stationed on that frontier, to the onmplineent o(84 men, as fixed by the not if 17di Jnne last. The department Is satizbleel the Nice now stationed on these hontiers,ilinstilicien i for its protecdon. r • In order to make the troops assistants's' as paqsi ' tie for the protectioif of the settlements, they have teen Feparaiett . efi'leff 41.4filinUr 'moos posts along the ire-sifter. ; . But, es the hon. tier is many hundred wrilei in 'taunt, drew pnete , are necessarily a' conlideiaMe4istatiVesrpart,. aliit the inmost vigilanceand activily,ch 441 parkor officers in commaanlo,ohnbt preireto iroali bends of (Mans from passing between thein and Im2 depredations on interior sehlerne , ntti. The only destrlptiOn'or l i seops that ear; e'sr,4rti .. aj. pot a stop' lb` .(csi-ate iS taielry. those of Their race in this partof thertontitierm rfird 'lndians that occupy the ittrxl end open plains froirr The southern eiilremit y ofTiiimi to °rev:in, in sji heir expeditions,. whether for - vracnf,f6 . it base are invariably' ntoibrieif, Mid are Iva. skilled in The' manwrizeiittfrihe horse. In Their inearrstonte into Ate white.seineMerilk, thirty ork . iicitrvedr, not do much, by a feeling cif hostility; as fry a f L ova Of pion der, and ennsegoently seldom move in bog norri• Ben prepared'ili elit Minter , an *rifted Pyre, sep arating into Baia!' parties, Wee; a:lktAr - ablp -opti.r tunity, make sudden and rapid isataileinicv 114F41- 'laments, drive of whole bents of catile,and men- iionally commit nets of shocking barbarity. They save little tear of ti.okk on cif, roll it" 03 thooi . o,lll Iltat bodies °night's/m . I AI pursuing them to thLlir homes, and severely &tales trine them, might Stake them reepellthe property of the *Whites. It il therefore very much to be desirech;sat toilgresx. QiII at an early iietinti contitlee the 9(4 Creating thearmy ; and 'particularly of raising one or more regimentWofmontlted men. Akhaugl at firstling would be attended With additional 'egpenge, ' .Ye; in the end eeortbnif will btpiornofed l "The actual Cost Of danspostitrg plovisions to sage ral of the military posts In Tokio and New triesreo, averages about :c4l per barrel for pork! and ttrper barrel for. &air,: and tills, - countr,ri, tie)! adapted to grain grow ing arul Tazhig;. If acinquatd protection, for a fear yeais, were afforded theee places, their' resources and population 'would solo- crease sew reodera•►ery small number of troopS Mceslal7l andlhe various' PuraSW' of agricultural life would be greatly fromoted. 41 is also .sugg,iss led that the inhabitantS, • includit the Puebla In.: dians, be furnished with mine and placed under the directietsi Mier of th e army, tOr 'he protection at the t r ag,trlbsethe"wantlitring tribes. hTtsh ing, however, the Secretary thinks, 'would be like- Ty 'to slop effectually the depredations of theselribes hut the adoption 01,suCh Means, the pert ,et the . government, as will inditee.thein ternbandott their wandering, lite, maitre in villages, and ratan' tcr rzocultura I pup:trim: Although the rentinarn it 'd 4ori4 . Ail; num berin,T only 101:1, cedse'd Int;tilify"th: - *aids the *twee., still they'are a source or annoy: I:, :I. 2 - .1 . ...ti1T .1 ri ..a .0 .21:74•,.0 i'7. ii• .n rt 1. 4 ~ ,ni T . : , ii •to .ns I I r: .s, it • , 4 - 1 -,,,1 sib ". r.; : s-,•,i : - 1, t' I: j 1 : iv . ...t tn:, A l fi ill pl I •,-.4 . r.., =II 120 .1 I .1 t , ..rye tl r`4'tl() . I. MI =1 ~ ..:1111irr:;....ic 1:21 1 ,. .i , 0-rie, e. 11.4? >!w'• , r•• ,, l - I"'it.'9 , T '-lire.'.? : I *.i.r. ,2 1 . latir ~1 . e , ri. mil t.. '" Ps. ii, ....!_l.r.' ,I, .441;1;i4.1 , 13M • 1 v ,.1 .. .rulytsji pt . ' . ; , OT :?,gti 4:4 i'./ 1 "/ T . ,, ~, .... ii, i .."; 19 . ,r;":4er '• ; ' . ”• ,•• r )11 • it IT tiJ 1J s. 4 •' '",- ' -; i '? :,. . I P ' usi rr -.tit 6. a ri6V 6 •,1 . . J Gn17.,,, 0 ii ttr 1 l , n Tlf.' ' • • • •'• /141 .1 • g.t4tru • •tAr r'; c. r.' . • i. 71 I I yi 1•' 6 BE 10 j rr F ,1 trt I i ---,-.-....A--,..y.--..-L.--1...a ..-.,-.....,-...r..-r-...r.r.-r...- - 4- --•---- - —.-- . :: , ,:ik oc ; izr.l ,-1,1 it: ^iii`.P7-f. ~ L, 1..,/ ~ /. 1. . ..1 .it t : •••• -• • ' ' ''' ' ' '2. , :CI 4416a{..1 (!: tellit , "--o - rAty4ll, 'O•T‘. t , .-ca.... lu: Igrl , in B.c, ..,,s, 1 .., c I LA I rt. , ,, . tf.,l ~, ~I jrti, ail ;•11 otancinagagApribmirimartam • neon AXT QUARTEIC" - 1, - , " --. i 41 F ra; I.x. • ~•: lute .I.IIAM ells :7 . 10.(..11 1111 , 11if.:144 'Vit.., ,C 1 il si ,, q2: ,„1..,. II l ijai. _ . A.,.. a .~. et? ..‘ -. 1 ? a -i, t. 7 yt...1) _ 4 .t- - ,r Pia • -- 11 " .... 3:7:71r --- 77,1.• ap .4ift ' ,, ,111 i). sl l , ..,...,V•i .: to?ri: , 1 ",3 NQ . it iemt. • i . 4-1.1.1,14 ilr'. jitv• 41.4.: dra:Ct i th i ndir...%-- 'All --It'''. ''. PUBIiIIWED ri iiirr ,4 4,itlitfitoittyrAfr fliqwitztiDA, ,, BitADF, .. . 9, SA99t. , ..,. n ~,t, tr,v ::: , • j., r , , ; ....i: . r Tr, -u. *trz . ll . f . ., ‘ ik_ . hr l • .i. :: : ,:i s n , "K i r. Voss :' , l.l± , e , •!b_•"Ml sOftli I r.tirt :1tr.. ,,,n, ~I L :A O L ' , III ARItiIfOOD4!P• I=ll2=l "qt. - ?Ince, and reta4;Asfole,nrial pt . jpart,,,p i r isiotu.A4kw,gpmpaniee , isatF4,Amen,rotal4tell in Florilia4orinetrait arty postlittib:•ontbreak, AINI , AIbt ) eilfittinl i WiPillel lb ;Oiled the main o fAi -4,4W 144 ,dul:gr4ft4 *ifty of :the 'ndtion' ',AV • I west. Jti littinnesotaohrough tlibinistilifientsfly• of its Itn*Ornisf;'a b, t_e Chi ppewas "'•• 'IV h ,with .11 wit t e ,yO.l h ! ,were at war, and who , nres ,{he aggressors., ~Ttris Insaty'fiastnendriolitedtrthe.Siouz y , ahld•list ' , the United §tates have Fund thdmMelvp to rittsetkr rfaaLY , Aaat:abia 4 4ll.fpupp.ba sent figititu4 44 3 'and}! pmensotetionll Wolf? faditub•wae thus pre , Vented. .likA„igiiTO 4t4i4 7 1 7 ,4' 1 . 1 1 1 0 rt!ltart s itliere nrixttn ' l, ' 6 41t0 exoni inn the 4 oi4o iiciari of A e jj. S i .,j ut i in tiosigrinto.poinoi for fortifiontionoltnti metal demo., have relervecl in AN Ihtni 11,, tftn iJe .high ,11F19 3 0..pr1l ' ' r!kl'makrtkli;rogre - rrit ine964.114tu es ,to.cqnnue . ski-Prko.on ibitzoos4 at present -Ls .,1 • rrheliartripponded in virtneottheiel of Ma 1849, to e i xplore and •ourvry the regime itt fiti- PeliiltbiiiffoolforitiWdi:etit !S ti lt tAlte,' Live fitilfted 4 cf,iffliib.cfidinkVare,9o. titekw;is hgspo. end like appropriations, a panty has beets •appolintaie. to f*itiorit (rota jos beltd,giailtriOtot junction ,with the , Cotoradni an& this river again atrth tbalqwolaila 'the-Galt - Iff Catikaniti. An aptiVaPitkian o r sApectAhe Nig of the Masiraiip pi zitgp; visor of aieepin keg its' channels at its ro etti*enl.o4 4 Elliews. :beerevebt 110 I iiltlects and ..;-"° wbafe wbole_aueiefee, will be ,giTge low4l *bloc!, retrfle <WNW,. Metritot Who recen. 64 suite were in corielvencetipty re viir littp cioairtn .. iviila itefitrillof tiortEic teryovhiots mimed lo.neknowlerlio the autktorijy_ of the convention that formed the State constiv, itiqh stsVbtiftieis's lias4tl The teNfilifial ' tor * - 1;;%r :1144ic0, Me Alepart client tliterted °Ewer in command io abstain 'From interfering with -the orpolitleal aethoritifis of the territory. • Tha peadeniii at *Vest Point continuls . •. , to sustain its higtt reputation. ..TbuSecreterY.recoinmtmity the re m oti on of vetoed filsref oflici4ra of the army. Mtmy nfTteeci, in ehorequeni4 of id %ince age , trontrdp or diteage, are unable in renilef service, and yet i receire lull pay:, Artioqpr . payastul exemption from alLtiu ty. he would 'in gratifying to rueh officers. .He also" t , :llif the attentionol COogiciit to the proriety OT esi44;7lTiv.4p, asylam !pr 51it•abled Andslcatitute , . •• The gnat ternmetees dept . :4o*M hires MO men. as teamsters; 0011A:falba,. nottbeingsuh- F•c • I In mitAry resirabilm : are ihsubonlipate:,,tience, tyre Secretary recorhipends th 4 sbch tinmhers of them akinaf be:needled be. entisie t l.loi tiTeser vise, at higher rates of pay than the pi vales fif-the army The . ehnnal einimate for the war depart meal, far niShetl' tire Secretary of Me Treasury, for fir.: year <44 - srrepeitig duly, 183 i,-Willeseeed the agregate :estimate o 1 the enrrent year. Tliiite,Ncess is owi t ig . .einetly to the tallowinq causes: rine. •No ain't° pet:Kinn 'we's required by the Sobsi‘tenee Depart . meet ildrunf the eurrent year, there_ being a bat laupce ou h ue resiating ,om over-estimates du ring 'the war, sales of subsistence, siores i kw,euth• • 64ht foii fhb Service of the fear. &vivid. BY an ; ibe'hieY of t e4esA, the ratl .artil.iie al Ahiktlinpanies serving on the. We.sterrf -fretrtiarirsisi tr, cnnly anoth-, cer adt,1101441 joivanlS' the telbsiedvlrlsiiine session typay,atall the 'raters snit men 'serving in coo nia-auti Otegoa.vriug nearly Afoobjg. An•inereasecieitnindmifer in the •Qeartermaeter's fferttirlmhtili tfl",latitottnird'enst Oland and "eater tinnsporta tfin, the exorbitant Coil of funsising, 4uppties . for the troops Texaid and Newt hiez ieo, a re -the eau fief at this Eixtem. ainfihe cianargnenoe sit nn itrie:re lo 'the expenenure of the.Queiter• epartrnent. ?n the year euttetig Jima 30, 18,44 the empenditorea of that Delta/1;11mA asuotint edlci holy ' 8870,08973 et the yelir entfinfilime 80; 1850, they Mere TIT trie-ftlienAl'in; June 6, 141, Qappropriaeetl) - , fn ihe year endOl . Jone 30, 1852, eestinheedby • jilL die year the ,cyn.s of tranaporiation, for ape want WO leap tbrfri 6130,004 ; in the rear en° fine duns laar, it uncoated to .aboni 5t,4)40,• 606, Ofurring an increase of about fifteen bemired • jahrcent. • Mt' ercmorny, the Secretary thinks, can be effect ed' by reinitilerthit minimum made stplit poihtt ve but wool& on 11 hate the eflect to aceinntelate arma, , , , ,es • 'SYNOPSVA 11W - 'REf'OIIT OF THE. SEC RFlritit''Oi' THE INTERIOR he Seerseg of the Interior complains of the Getstresifteel'4hd confliethig relations of the dlpart meat, antkappears to think' that eontsaehtiiirls Yanety of interests tenet should not be embraced in the fdit „ csions.of a single bureau...l:hi ac count lie leioal irlenils. a retrieve of:1/10.ael of Con. grifal abating if fl pfai:an explicit istatenierit el al!' the duties : and- charges-appertaining ,to ihw yen , offiee. MS !hafted experience Inat'been sufficient to demonstrate the necessity of such revision tei r ther efficient action of the deParintteril. The fleteretary itutarritit; in tabular form, a sum rilaiy of the'estitnaii4l le& each branch orate public sesvidis vritliiil Atejarisiliotion of his lacer and recommeods the creation of the office of Solicitor of the fleptinmentyio ISt' ffileet t9y a IhriyercOmpe tent tit ineesfsaat,'atfd tieeide many' of` the iiitpori 'lO4 que4linall 9r4is , 4(14 lict arising um:the nu merous apirsials:laiiren front the bureau. Tho ..excess , over tfie- estimates sf tact Orr! amounts-1n $172fr,67u 63- The expfiatiori*A this excess is given under a variety of captious. n -r; 1.:~-:~ ".“;(1. 1 ti,•l I li ji Demi - Mani penpurpthekeel imam. bra ths , nextrintittindtsbalon ihavionetb persenti 4,01W -I;4tislieonitte,theasis, an' deficiency otfa,tntreitios) year teibe'prottitied for,-end - thetentampelted batmen on-han tip tar With ht /addition- WI the-sem estintatedosiiimupply.ther•wants of thederlattment.: !TIM estimates unherlite -head. al , Land • Sets ice I emceed • Llanemilast yeas :267,418 - 211i, canto& I,ty the , increttied'inepeasin or ' the; Hate beoety itetiby : des extetsian of the-istal .aystscrooser, nen tern., ; tern end 4lithiAlefteinacies , ialthei animates IA .the lasi firma year. iferindi4 Maim, there isanelatest nvor-the lifetime** f4ast lean of i31;42.39033. 49eaciihr; • from', deficiencies it'imperestintaten andtha:maressitli, of hage expert ditares4p carry eat new tarty. stipu lations, and extend our Indian. relatiohs into nets lerwilOciem to the Permian Office, the sleet! tett r 3 -theft esthriiiiei* '&015 . 0* Ilifi"Oti t yx,4le or (Om 11 rt Ote 4 1 1" la rl' I ,}Far p ,c4iperi um, - le, t o mg. le (e. ftetemitts of-itte-precittling tear/ $921 ; 688 4S. The 1 -- , tetrole eakittlittickt is'estbihited by the i lieeretary in rye I ". • .• ale Ineyeatouling 80th - me t , 1854? •• " •• -deficiency embraced in pre. + • estimate f • ••• •:" "' kg=titcchereeaktie-te year end— th June,lBs'. _ I:63.ate , for die 'yentrtt 1852, . - • iiennutte M aoey at "entling•letti-itinesl. I -.., `tear.`'. • 110 ME GM .rte tait-185 , 0• r .2;200;031 43e sil estimate ' - Athe.explindenne of-itte , sear OW- . - • Jutm, 1851, _ - 4116.091 83 bl expemliture.:oceasiontuLbr.lb9 exteosiOu of the -ie is of the Pension- kiiAltpetntl.by the fadmin i - trition t theAvnioliiy Tand y late ootiVrintordevoltet • on iliCrensibn 4 lipjuf ate; amount iahow essdgy ler the Celts UP service, beyond the miin of fllllBiooo of the last mei rime. The estimates kir 114 rends that of last leer :311,2.10,M the ineratme of-the busiartacormspotufirv.; wittrthe inetealie'lll the' prinihrlirin 'and besinem ofthe wen hp. Thif I . l 'ec'retary, howey:'-er, contently that* oirlitg to forthr ifitieulfreS, the estimate It leas,,by 2 9,01hae espenditens el the lasi Ile,,yieblie - boiklings, pauper lunatics, err, icaltural statirtiee, Trediteriffin}, there it no rna , terMchan#elif the gt inaatcs, Thesstiotatc hn;the.ge4 bawl dary-sursey is . S/130,000—ttoternahracetl let fiat &- luta tes-of !an tyre: • 4 "The Sec:re4tary tfieti inetents s n 'fisfr remailcui in iegard to theopera-hoes Of each 64reau,seRapue4. fire, es hole number of peraone now nu the pension wilts •i9.7BB—the camber drawing ptmetents 'tilt ing' the fit-it :true sefforid quarteri of die preSeii,l4l - east, is fi.b79. The number: of deaths re p wed-within the last year is 8.16. Of all the revs• luticrenly tem:lons graraettl.y the different nets of tritigre4;"; fherP reir?a ?ft '5,247, het el an original pdrubrri 0r.0,4 r the liitt,ltalfo Itte pres en; calendar }4tar, bat 2 1 -108 have appiie43 for their ' petitions. - Undis the consecutive rats oft:cagiest, the ntraiber of orictows' and orphiiiircif - reeoftmoria. ry soldiers, is 5.1,513 7 ,' of a tticft nhmher there are Hi - orlon the respective ratio aliqul 6,01 K, cl thera i d targe-proportion lave drawn tiopensionssiuring trio prim Test Dtt nuknfOr et Invalid pen: ninety is , now 1,142—an ineretete tinpna the "ye 'of 6_2 4 ! The number of widqa s and. orphans of solu t en, who were killed iv the, Melieari warier- died. of Alit.ease - ecintiar..ied in the sot othe il and pensioned aniiei the iet of - 2.lti t;na' 'subsequent acts. is ,4,4456. The whole amour; erpethledior opetti-ions awing the,present year is wirmated by rhe4:tenmis, iTIPPIr :lit, 400 400 :The whole worn beForincil fi l arrattlitir , ;!ecil CorittEissioned offi- - tett coutineniaLtunly is 2,626 i . to nort 7 cem miesioned officers and, privates 9,742, awl land is slid due to 1 l tbllidens and' 1.993 non earn rnitstion• pit oftinerremill pri:vales. The vrfi r efe itturtbel csl w with 1 15 1 7 41 1 0 ,fo snidiera' in the war et 184.2 x ur. der miens acts of Cnntsreas, is 28,8713.• The number of rilainit thrnagh the 3.lexicap war is :Ls "VS; Mal fur tfurrif and money id lure of lamh*3,. 320 tRY, Makin.; an regfegate tIF SBI t IOS tlCr. ' The number of claims i presented tinder the,,i'en end bounty land law of ill'3oo,l,as- already reached 9,4 ibid. is rapid ly ineriearing. The whole Mum - lber or p'ersonewlar, if Iliffig;*Wetifiut "errittleaclo the beeefii . oftlie lea / ei6e;irrt,l ra riitftinn. The ComMistioners su+ntes, from the best data withinhis.reacb, 'het one tall of the number are dead, leaving no one to claim muter them. The best rein,lhttlthiri tie* beensgaopterf lb pf.tfvertt the success of spuiipue claims, aol_fo. facilitate the claims of legitimate /spiders. [4r 4,295 ; 298 60 3,816,954 00 4 ; 950,000 00 i t /1 '147 • rIT The sales of public land', daring the year/1849, maim( to I#f' 29,90 t• IT; and total area dis•Pisetc of in Serious ways reaches 5,184,410, 91, During the three quotient of 1850 ? the aggregate smountis 2.815.,366 acres. 'TR average revenue from thd pc brie lands, for die last •fifty !calls; lief been alsnit one and a quarter millions of dollars per attinira.-:. The Enmtnissiotter recommends a. variety 01 pro visions, *Web are ealeulated to Memnon the elfi t riene'y trinfieVeitrie of this treirartinent: The Secretary is of the opinion that the mineral lands el the Gaveruntent should be Alivideg into anal' trams, and` sold rd fee simple to the highest bltlefer et ancients. The tracts sbotild tilwayit be etimigh td alfofT persons in moilettiteritcam stances an opportunity of becotning bidders,: and Aims entatge the field of compention as far as pos. sible. The anriOaiirrn erresas nhd the ?linen' treaty Mexicut4ve..addril -*um one lionthil sold txerity-four tline%and 'lemma to our intlien'popubo lion. The milieci demands the instant attention of Cong*lsii, in eedt - egnenee of go 1 . 4 rooky ' and ire. tig)k.s.. Trier poilOs appointed at the close of the session - at aisnti trod commifts4vrr,l:fa7e ol m e ir wklzt„ kigna?FicTale'rg . , anTtongreis is regnestftPto whiea s s:rr 4e . lsci nn . n eAjst.its i ftir limit ~e of 'their Attars. retaent ictßerints44Cul, anitNree _mineralai.64n/ ,tarn er? apkant ?r l the r natim ilorbregort. Two smiarserits base been Forarnitsioneq, unitertir act OiSirite , rltier, JE ) ( . I, to corporaf6 li - ihe re 4411 sktenl , rn Visas, tu conciliatiuf the !tali:lig' gEj '§itee p , tuna' ottij ,I . 1. Y • measures lava been taken, whie.n are rsalcutate‘l r .to sußpre r , the dolquibances ppn n Jen , bring thViribei ablecVnit and saborslination, '`Ta'Sl:ireicri'4,cecti6l66(ll . l4eat+irist'Attgritfon of congress to the etatort i sllttigir 61 airinit - kinll of bi hail iciiite'racitte, rMfttfrn'enis itei4eni" . 'rectintmenife'llof a aerrate bureau, tor the ad vanceninnt IMO:dec. tint) bribe nricnlitTral Inter;let, declarideempiniti catty and argumentatively,Aat as ri" trd Ind tfir ly to benctlf ritiftrm'es or the Wridei." Th4 - idea hinunl Vernon, lb be tilled atO s4anaged'bridef the ilireetien 6f fhe bfireiab, tins been %wit eaied ti* in impatient iii IT. findraling the bfitt' mndefinf Caltnte'snl.edvatie ritg the flit agrit - nilifir'af c The r@tuins Irani all peat rif die Up kin rite ifylii easurinceil'fril certain 'will tie 'edrnpfglk ediviltbbi The fine fiiitlttiol by Istor'Nind' I!'flied: tier ereilitabfeleitClr Eheeteld ift"?t:' i•fith rot rcittl 50 , 61tiy intve•ji kVtipldlt t r atirieoltgiinfeinniflu non. and the eyqtectirtforr cifCmitereOft: as 'iftAit.iftql fri noctitisisftirkiitia net' ,f the 151 h brililaly tun, his? trer ifhltift l ll. citfrll4lolkin'6l s .lt-Thiek cede . vittailttnoilllftd maitre buildings, to preserr; the Pirrifiltineolf 4etifiefittlYcy Ong i.tni,nifetsl",afill:ithieb ift new faerbfbinbchig, fine flee •f of the • " -• .51,479,256 le .36t.688-46 1 ; 8.045 13 1,824;7 6 , 3 f 384,5148 45 Tha oumbor. mini. tome& 13'44- 4 10 , 1 :uikell Stites. at !W.:lose : o,oa liacal jest Intlut;,roo,ihe .Unk, of Joao last,-.was 5,560; Ole eatufgake al snob mates was ,178,632 sailas4-and • ;he pant her atcannouicus 'gni:dived thereoq,4l l 3GP ,1 The annaal.tosnef onanon of ihn Leans on awe r,canea-waa ,46,311,433 miles, al an nannal cost of .14,72 -- A - S;atei Courts . ex of The increiaatia.the,qwasbir of inlaud fouler 110646.4ite_issar was 6,4 a, the incrpopetinjlielengh of mail 1: rites was 10,969 miles.; Nal Ala., anao4l tra,nsmtatioa qf the, yaar.,eaccedzil that o f ttje vre. vions year by„a,Q42,25 icuties, al air iltFregatl co,i of ,T,34 4 .44 1 0. the ;nail sereree in 'California an,l Oregon, 1i v ink been irre•%:tar in 1 4 1 na , icr, and rrnifer• let lIX reetirted' io the beliarlirojl, Iran r irf 19e'eh embraced m tite foregnitg, staierpent. - 114 re were nn the 34th of Jane last, five foreil.n - • , , map ylittes oftheag t grez,ale length 15;0"?9 , vitlea trtiin the annual rice nl the trari.port.itinn thettttin, ' il7artmeut, was -5261.6e9, ‘ tieing itt,trea4 ol i :••:8,c11 4 , en the cost of the pteceed- I= I=l .1r• xnac4o..,rAl UMEIME2I I OM oor,t n.: r.-7; 1 . 0 =I ABSTRACT OF THE RF.FORI 4 OF TH,E. l'OfT1 1 01;Ekt 9t:igfi A[ l%. • mg % E , r . ~ . . Il e i m . r 6, - 4 of inn. inaajiiirviee for the last A= cal year, over, !he Sear preeering, tralr slot's 8 I• 10 per rent., and trio incieastl or the total 'cost tea, at,out 12 7-1 p per coot . . The number of postmasters appointed' during the year, ending .iine 30, 1850, was C 518. Of that 'Winker, 1,609 were appoirited to filliacanciei cle pr roe*l., by, resigarit ions* 01 ViPteacriulpiescirea- , slotted by Out decease of the prerkus incumnests: 28.2 oili change 4 itie.friles octiT ?er! 1.4 fii „ for . reh t i lley Fine appoitated ; J * 444 ,en...tlie xen • Vial, clf da97sredsrerarrritz and 1.97* ire appointed an • the:estahnitivert fof Ow 51 1 5e14. '" , " ,n,14, whole titiii4{` of post,of4cs 1 . ri",,(1,ri . e.liieJ States• at the end of tam year, was 18;417 1 -There were, I,979'pin offices-established, and 309 tits :tontrolfeil ;fir lit.: the year. ~ '' bum ti ;e . Tlieltrnes 'even na.of Ow impart naiadine year ento4l June 30 * 1850 r was • iti5,552,971 481 the 'grins exp6nditures of the year were $5,218953 48. leaving, tut excess of diecaross revenue overrtheex ' rperalietares of 8340,018 l'h, The cost or a4rearAetf mail feed - tires her the torrent year will airwave to ' 86.019.809 Ofi c inc.6tliag, the foicierifilail-t r - .„ ... 1 ,In leteriptntenareduction o f postage the if frit- Master General says. a-considerable rkduction of felt". postage, ;arid Ifte - adoptlegi Of a nrillearn intuld rt,l '!4 by e 4 eer. a large volition o epee ' • 1 • 1 the United states I recommend that the inland '-let!er pratfne'he datum! to thtee bents, liter singlet letter„ when Ple.plud, aniefe fixed at, the incrtiam rate of Civet cents, when cot. pre paid; r and-ialso, that ?the •Posamerter General- tnr !mina ed to redeye this • pre-p4sl rate of two rents the single letrer;vrhen eVer ii e4tall be ascertained that. the revenge of Department, after the reductions n- w recommend. erlishall,have exteet 4 to its evirenrtimices by' none than five per tent. for two . ecturecntive fiscal years. I also recommend that mem> cents die single letter be ehar_nrd on all corrceporedenee wand from [ the PaciM. eivast,,Soilitt A-trnk-a the rastehrWri. tinetit and. its Wands, and points beyond either; and ten cents letter aud,all ollies sea-go :ling telliers,• ‘, thbut the atrperar Id Ohm ilf Mined' poll { tage,)n any case, E....ft:00114: IrriVr:ever, all eases, where,snch.sea prutages hive been or shall be ad • jnined at different rates by period steely already coneltirlerl rehireaPrto'he male. falsO recommend brat the provision which in poses an additional half cent postage ripen newer. papers* sea mom than one heriared miles and nut of the Nate where they: are mailed, he re+led, a') as to leave the uniform ittlana pOstag4 on rtn‘kFlm- Ora, sent tooot-cribers, Isom the office of publica 'iiiin, at oiler cent tarsi: - ' The postage upon pamphlet s; perietlicalg end other printed mailer, except ,newspapers, may be simplified and strinewhat reduced; with advantage ,to the Depatiment. Two yenta for theorramphlet or periodical of; he 1i:40,41 of la a Rai!Se 'Ar lisii' and one cesitlin,etreay NJ(' itional ounce ; or- fr.iwtion of an ounce is recentmended as the inlandtrate coon all timphle&, pet an'fical.• ; ‘, ans r ,lo i dier Priteed miller, tcread ofalic/decut rate, oohe d and al:rill i.a.ratl - , . - , iln !•wo.s(l Tll -7— i -- ? l ' . 'tl-I'l/ 9 d 701 Ilrear.:4 -,:ivqq/I ..:11 . • , - --• t . Int . ! • , 1 • ' .. .._ iNi; li ~, . ...4 , ? .. t o . s , _ a * . 4, i 1 ' tl: : el :., • r*:-_, I b . „ ...„,i „,,,o. ~..,_ 4.-,,,,,,... ' n i- j : l jt li • 1 . c. ..taollt Lit tic- . “ ',- t .;EN;'•f . •,,, ka.r...-i.i .. . 5 . 5 ., 4 1 11 . Ake : , 4, t /rmilel ' l2l''', N. '.. Ir. , r '''n'i . la It bag et .t. ta _::', #it..Nv, , -;1” . - .. -, r.K. 4 • • dth. , I .1 i i .7 ". 1 'Pt .. I ''• . .1(1 ! .7.(•••(..ta , • fi g mi crt,: 403. ' 1 4.1 t 10 . ./. • I ) ”It: 7.1 . . VI - - err fustmaece, azutecc cent limo aildsycall erbium* cnifiebtion olYllYtrnoce. at* 4! reiliter in rage now) Oehniffe4rale4 . tag_ if rarfiFil i out, re ice the revtmee4 o fihe c 4; partrnent, ketalhe first deed or four years. i t lbri enzt - of thatierirk!. the—vervenuea of the Depart +Vitt; undeillhflufiirtakflpfpoviezes. w pro. lzsibl) again etitafirti expetefliiire.:, deficiency which mn‘t Janata ibis "redurAlm, the 4 /01,441 1 P1ettinlie fil• l lfPfil t " c lifflu*Q42944tiPt fr' ' 3 69 1 j44 1 044 1 0PH/ 1 411u$1k004fti*etti aluar astiiese..conamag 11.1,M .14 if4fheAlghtt.Vr ;444 thg. eeisting plimakveth 41,4ei 4asi.aft4,,rect;iwilia. 11'4 0 . matter through the mail., ... r Tlib continuance of the traritcree, privilege—a 17 . wegi, 444iitaalte•tuiereft si4i !he. - 1.14/jot' Idle kmtilitaiWnol Mr . than tthei telireimita iitnii.z.tfobe•riletateti by itatiotillptiteeedtftitblierpn. litry aterretwitatil by Ihter. prattle mamma: int 4 the aittrnii fty 'begs:44'4M' r pricile2e peestathart4. by newarleperytiftprietrmi otviptidiritient. reectivio7 &lenge papers flee 'et poemder,if .tbeke 4) r i i lt aret-vmtMuctl f - rearmatllreohmitterl that thia •Department:J.44V•bo paid •for , the cam. ' , prince el the miner mitt freto tinder therm. by on airernertatiott (mat al.. public Tiea.ttay. rather than by a tat Yon -the -rime innieeponeenee of the tteennry.. "`.l. ,7 a., a •.' c. 4 et Pt et 4 " Any 606 h p -re rlPro - starrelAitketr to increase &e late*. inti 7 relittek., l lhr elitesreli 4044 the coat iveasittinti tl#tikert stenitritesitessiiteve: listbeivetole reedthateseltitl shit *wet' belgiviii the Aldo thirsterthelernlio ieereatittiihirratissof egmitiitoion ii the- esnalbsv oaken, se nirtli ihOure *gists services otcompeticerlind•(iitivint offtc •entJ.- Severat otheiverggwibus *ref madkr awn ntrim-, mbar-wter.. , Vbe, cjcflloostAatiirs iu Wash • is ton b stodwer bourn smilletyttimesowenient- • A reale ot 'be pfaal utlicetkuare ittpareonitremled,and the Wits auII IFervilivir need ecipthe,sniaite to be .r , ,-. 'V.I., b THE. SCIIOOI. bilsrat.ss AIM LIZA CAstrof FltriND. —O:ie of 14e nwskaatigitoiateaticeok of canine at !lchment of which weeTerpeartl was retairil to tl4 Itte ^ ot.ier ay gt . , rp matron 4,e r neignioorhtaxl r,l;e l ee he tinittelltrie 'rtir AM:Wry ci l i..it l Astret - ienia??: • " " . ~ e_ ! , ....' 1 . " I. yr);11111aui - nt drie l oT Oa northeiie (ovens e t - Z•and,innes omit:lst the cna I beds i we LI i:tc . overcilgto Al,, emil ' ity ; ,Apijil A ga ..f el, " i n. iii i i,i i ii i i goloof the nature a :le pi:: 15 of this i era, , They am: , 'almos t past Poihnier - cli twat; k;ik: mit;s rtn6 fiei'Veirii.,.twat; ;II of a pimpie cellular t , t.rt:C;,ure, !";11,:i 50( . 11 asel IF t tiiheii'ttlitit' tok'retitts (hi 44e' lir 'het" s 'eti;•iii , riment. wif!t pi Jr. shall , forinP ; (fior9e t.ti . ..; ctitV mki'..ser.,_ ii:iNita 'erii'd6pSrlrid libliiceitienf,ti'llni illi,Vet anti 1,!..n. ; ) but ail vancctl to an egjinetur Magni , one ot her empluref i l, - O'it ih'e - pec'tiliii. iiTle6 I.Ylfis quire :. The rec . ies • me ali . tilt% . ffil ; i•et ex Ilitct I: he i Vcie4i.il,utisik AJ W ,E t Oilla,,l4l44cpWytutPl i k in: . retrt.tl yletal ion I;et t erall;is!och int,,ntit . l kirow .in 'eine- - :40PLW1L,4,4K,..4e9„1hat 4. vitiAl4 Act-304 be ko4ein .;7T,s, Q 4 l irc , os: ! ! l it , 10946- . 1 turn Triflct . I, ; tve b ee n' t he ~listtit he;*eggt progntites.klyAutfweFylg t fill twitoof 1,. fet:lf 1 I of: 41 I i rill . , terrti , etttAF . I,7 t Alit:t eirreltei‘l is e hailer, 4 °1 4 0.0 0 k IP , ddi.li.NPAir4.„Ai tkic e,filti- piv.,,,l.!fin of 1 i ti 0 . ,.....,,,p1:::,L1 . ,:g , t7t i i.t. it t',..1.7 is, (or. the coo l ; natien nt her sehooloeke l le : ll,n%,f,,tio t g,bee:th, i p.traio are Tutin t l.n il . t temperate aml even the po. , PlafFut- 06' 1 4 Itt P 1 4 14( Ant 1 41,,Pflty / :.9f4 rgo",kkYncea the 11,1ar..,T,egiut. is: :: Tfl'e yoriel , n;nt l';:erefore, 10, n Melt do' g4 - ie 64114 p( WA- dr4e.t4l.lqwitan, ku hollow h er , ~riiotri ge;4: , ziatr hayeuriireil i., that the" eattit. cei r•whipli ppr.o*,.. el l e .turi t ed Le. the tataier k , H o I :4irially un iitcantlefTeut or highly healed ITIRFS soon 414C 1 04,4-pprFlttlo t p of ,11,Tati#P1„, witi,ltiiow I,w as grail all,lt cooled 'clown moil iii, the ' ctlrlsEt ',,,kry,ls.,4lls4Alictl,l,r,hpins,, It sr y rlsj rkpribi on i.l3tf'*,tifi Nriott it fosteted a gru'Avli of rate-4W 1- L 'il l f. 4 4 ll lV- li rt'Artows e •Se -7 i'ntli"h er sJ• lia Yl., e(l .! ° i ''''''''af:'"' all n7er its 1 , ...3t fare. to n Lich the exist } to.ckt-AI"UNIVAI;; II O, I .I4ht,tI,. kie9ti o to wa, t tc , .. ere, m y 1 it t ;; jungles of tilt? Ini - tits arr,, mete barrenneps fn e.ravo '' A fteT . r . ll±;;ltig 11.14:, : 4_ anoTattgernent , ,Ote I,..le,trippa,iisoit „ This lilifi . fin.A utii'fo'ini I:empetature urn ipeilittiefy look . to lier,kit td, anti said; ra i tidiy in curithinetl we .h a gtesterprop'ortion of cat bottle ais 0 4 4,1 wftien in ahout a wcel: terinetatra is , acid ;;:is in the matinfaettue, would not only sue- ~ . het death.. Airing her whole' Pictneer, the 1 - i'tith• taut a gi...tornsci.:: itl p7oltne vegetation, but vrouhl r full anti evidently Porruw.piricketi dog, ,never„ hot afro cte.tle tietitt.er -.11 . x.e . ,+, sitowers anti rain; ; an:i i for a few momernot et-a iroye, left the sick room, these kkii.Tntille` titers ; petititlic al intinilatiOn;..and .• t !.00nstafintlk !Jim ilejeetectly -near dhet bead of her i deltas. litui , ,e'!l the conAilrmis ~ , ..f t tr emetisi ve (le. r bet an*seittfluirr4 flurtneiblen-winuOrninitted to I posits ul woott: in cfscritiEt' P ; Would arise (rein this . liar brefetwordli tvn d.,,,,wirk•h Irks l ex t nekerally es. high temperature ; and every elicitz'risittnee eon -tended foe bis hauler dares:we: -ikefkier •finill hour _neyt.etl • w ith the coal measures p o l :i t i 1.. su c h con -drew. tteari ./islecams , inditferent.stotit 'food and t dititin ''' . .. . / • rsocm refeeethitaltragiitiren - Ittrer -her fteseliosilich I he teemed te e atitin'ehenit he -mete, cell to watch i rby the eorpse,meli ariwithtieseileeivin= it, ! nail that j wan when The 'euiftin. cane; iiiiiinli hatitte arrived i with the boffin; that earfiett -snit plikvil b!I the belt i.efilie Wave, previously-de eg,.. in en enilin:mie firer the hou,e. Ile then, has in:: somilliow , been noitle an ate of eliat was going ot , , Came cut of ti n , Hoene, it - envie the ease, and - hilt hie pawls oti the. side( !coheir in t sat& seemed to-exalt the it mien ' Misty. 'Her then In in neri do mai • inwilie gins°, and appearedio itirreel that itt‘bp seisit•dqtattaare anti anoutionv . He then came sairctoihitio lied , hark m his ma Nigher N lips°, -whieb he etin tin vied •el watt 18;1111 it Weis brougat nut toe interment, when he eltimely totteweit tbactittic amt`. looked aticrow , lattrionia•ts it sena to %cavil Iti its , finnl rei7thia' pi Ice, inlrands* gra Ari Muni •t•ii. When ,11 is , i: itni an-lel li or eureerscretiredi . tinware. ribs ..te maineii hehii4l. and lying down at the head of the prate, con!,l not .I.be if:dr/L.4A to teaiel the spitto.ifnieme. lir the ii:ii 'test day's,' all MeV then, far ar troek . or two ,p rh ,- ' Mary rev eiring•ir when brousztri - to hi rit ;-and •at ...last going oeeasionntlt to the ?rouse for it, but only to kiespuietr bastel.r 641 wee set bet re him, mid to region to his Bali auctoltmeti which IM:hi and 4114 4 , he still , voistittues to keep up over the vvniaius orris belovet . miS t rem V. A NT.I —The si,f'Crtr . tlf4lr Genera/ Di t .SOrder in the kutle of } - or lA, of a hfm'oi hill. A check on ale, !Pull: of Neutimillniiil. Some uue to.i.olleut 114 e, tent.?,iii au nhl coal. Soundacture. to lake part iti a foul play. . 4u_iiiitotlinqieu to the It rinier 0 . 1. tkie Sigh of_ • r - A saucer belonging, to the cup- of sorrow. The cover of the ship. hat is no longer ouTWiard bOtifitt. List'of flit* entities eureittrttl - by 'the Falls of St. ?twat -airy. - ThenthS+ilir ttsetl-in'tishoU+r of totito" elMB ' The rr.an I.rleNtu tit by 1113 horst 0' -r' lan=e. Was ridt.tr6ru tie fe%ri of Lou. _ .1 1 1,11 - 444. - " • ":.‘ The' Tracee. 6 rthe 's'afe's tit title by the . writor.pn .'the ki t ), mit ,tiring Ow t. oluobec of meg) id;uretl• irk the fait keixlreJ 14/ arcliebrawklAuctiunelas, . h " td• ks pr " o r amo matt I tti:7, te'VVillaete, she! 4" . "' " •'$ * 1; t t 4 •i• 0 I .;.) t r • • ni•••3 '; ti**9f. ki .24 57 -. 3t f. - 03 • . I ge • MI .1... , •; , A I ..v,; . 1 1111):)(1 . - zdrrn tc;l .RbarituT 1..141 • I 1710'. A SrIR3.4.CP 11E611VORW1 44111 . 1N . 0 4 ; * .paileitt. 11 4r4erfattrlianMe. it- 11 )ila.' wutems Se4ohto rrteeWas a child t- 4 • 44. . Bmtudiou., 11:111pnpifit.4 11 leivintr, B sa*rmit malseilltiltier vienf.ii)jal 11 caittiimg, 13 mmitimt, B 1nt:44031.8 true./ 4. • 11 le,n re ratr'ill neffirtEnteri4vOrtattlre.and 11 ita rt. L i.r +inn clu of-money, n 1 time. .4-/3 ebetaitt, Bitelheral..l3.ltopettri, B flew, i "* PgaCtergllbmllevfoileat, 01.1131430 .leara.i u , T 4oprageppf• 11 .1 . 7 titje..11.114erg, sty , • Appl teeinise Mon iri'du4l; "" 4 • , 111-11enl1Pot.tire1trityieor:iintind in tlie fa-Alt, • /3 Active, tieruteil APl n ftoA - . II P I b.TtIb.P ar CEX•E9I I OF.ct l B dermident, 'Ansi -e, and . ypu rlll'reettre.' :* . fromi-ohlutneos. Arr,e,thmr.) • ' l lPrelv Cci 'vrtts Aftitirl ' Cr4oosiS lire PcOF. 95 1 .4- l Als.at 9PP 1 , 4"i94) Picrle e4l - 4116epooncasly etuntiarrt,lapyl. Fegeta.tirii, 444 ,ruatrepr rabbieh of Lerhir.:l4, earriod iotp, acro!, atarV 1 ere stiiik:tut-tho it9itoto r pftergard reeve-43i' qu , gi . I,Ly : ea L 4 ,:, u 4. maid.. L 04 21 17=4111e Ora 6 41k4tIce 4 liiCh we pole teerrgotzt•pri co.al. • This a:As p ll,pp ! turaljrantsa4n of V:i§i consequence tQ ps . , .get•irs, buy; rocuit In litity, an; fi s od in Fei!l,.br)llt (91' wariP 'IN our _al trelliugs- : and lof , rovigee „rnaltufqo l7l .l.. !I7 Ikell. io the protlectieli Of tilttrn,.,lty vti f icti.,Fo , iiirV 4illechlikieat p 0 ..1% er , i6 : IgSrte , ', 4 !cl, ; r i !g l 'i l l!;1 141 7 c r %s I,g. urpi ise ; 41tie, ti,i tr. tregt;lpb!s r qt . ) a . t rLs fk)11!4• tore an. cUOVelelOy. CIIKZia!„ ItteiC appatFilt „ :.•:in t p:a l e r cr "Pa. : . P'Wtlitl 1 4 141- •,... -P"),lii'i'' can e-!:'4'.laitiT•ri 4 chest try. f atn_par,t 9 (it t exuar,rvl ?I - comes e ; lrtar 4). he sithetest orferplenibp4l alien e, r.ee4ll Thip Lim ni a r lc t r that damp Iwy.,4rovvti• pl9Fq iptP,ii a heap, gives out heat, an h l t...;soines of,atiatit coioc %%lien a vegetable tarts in exchniedirotn the, air, aod,subjectod to gteat Pressure, a biro r4er ferr nieniaii. n is plOt,lOUed, In.ll tl,e resekl t:.tr. tpine ral,eral, tl, WWI is of Vai( OF cliatapers„ accorit in.. a; the mov•lias been ufii:jitallyl.lterintriglekritit 1 &Intl, piny or 011,er earliy :impurities. On account „..„. of .111 e cl,ange eller:led by snineralization i it is (Mit.. 1 colt to detect in ronl thrt ttaces ola t egetablestrue• turrt; but lure can Zie matte clear in ail e•Neept, die inztily bit::;-pinp4.; - rat:. tio 4 ; coal, by r:ining or poll. -Lung, it do :C(1 int;) thin bat iLpww'it 514,e5 : e hen II:e Ahte.to!•cipe . ,ltol.its tl'le:ii'ltrez: afirl cells - reef- plainly, E'torn tilsiiuct isolated specimens f.',tiuli' lu the STI4II4iNC.I - OpNE . 4 Rit:lT:4 —old i•tty4pS very of. . .. tf?i have a fprc f ible appliciyaon to resent iimes.... 'nig fplfovi iii_ Eme•zitioic , we met x% ith lately in. an e,iv•kawe ir..r . : .. - - ,• ' "" I it.;% is lidoim lila; you ..:r . ,..11.: Cie wagon honici OA Fpt• :1 • rt rim! i f ion. 'J ir l broke ii al iviri.• over c....14::in " e , W iier; . ."' - ; • - • , , " I.;-.ck tr-11, ',one's I.:11 f a rnlP o r sal . ' "R1:1 ahy i.fi.l yi.o. 11::i . agtiti'uil Cie stiun 1 ,7 I . C0ti14.1 . 1l i you see how to dive - ioraiglii." " L 6/7 IlliVi.t: sti.oglii Et '.. r anil 'th.tt is itid very ", _. r ' 4, . i ~,I .. ma . ...0n i,:ai ::ev e river -.1.. The stump w a s . di. , revil)• In the Irtiii:lie . ii; er,e; ri31. 1 • • • - ‘' *hi., if)-:,n. (lid .-cil:t not'l• .nand 1' e:rii:sp, s i r, 1. 1 . : ,;: :, ni-np - Ti.ici f fio ri.2.lll;iii Vio rliii.i:e of theii. - is‘.l ; an Y , li.iii :i.l -- :iTil..ill It I ."' •4 T. de, ;A u. anl.•:tirrr)i .. .) eir•' • ;!:!':init"tc) I)4e 14..141 in 16 mint:hut I wonder tht Y.ini'viere Ito li•Olisli I -, .-is hot to epiii , i:Ter iliat ii was:hek.'. - arid Oil i i' i-- , ' • ~ •• f•Ir011gel . Iltnit your wazon " - • ' . t . ' "Why', f..ilie r, (in . y . nu 11.1i,iie fliat•T ant alw:Tis In yield up my 641,1; f Et:;:kup whs. But %vim; i&atie op 'fn when y . uu o;.ry gyA"ri grral l er V roll, by io Clualgr I . S!t;i11 IlinTl. i; 1r e ll - , ai l f I,v° !oAri;lliis:—hereafter you niu,t flifiri,ll your uvrn u.c.pris." 1' Q A I,:triyer to avett.4e htintsel nn ah tiny' trent, wrote a Itasca!" in tt! The ciw" f 4 ' t the hat tool it tp, looked quietly into it ' ld tsirn " ityz artincr if d tri ike• exelai.nnd I elahn 14 ° prolve!ion cl the hrin .rzttfreoort,46r the r`Ply ging ena , lo , l . l iw„;,fwe n mime en My hat,. And Vivito he inikth4 iy•muke oft• with • ‘') • 11111 A 7 - elie yrnna• roan, in s writiaT n Iti , 4 lady 1 1 , 1fe-, rah:,'• her lave i s t lamp of atiabrutter, ht nh• with' pleairtit , ; thoughts.:' lthat• an tintelvalitig eepeinatly tirehe would anew you 'ri ronclba'e with. kisses Take away the sultra, • .4 ITO irl4:itrat of hgvi--4-Ittt - y•erif geod humor. ,Htt k afft; anti they furltetat g. , - sootrat; they ate rat of retch. - DN,!etu, and Viet, tuo: h.tpl y .ts evt. ( ) 0./4:1 ritt:one tltey tc: rtiout: )#(.!:1 c I 1,17.17*.itrnif.,,=---- =II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers