-am , • ;ft • - •qt. w4.4..l.fikiSrtttrtilrcfc•. 4 r' II ,Namar . es. It V.' ri:gomstion titmice* arming farrnetts IO stiffer lbeierilnansynol ilnisg,to ferment until due. fibrous matter of its - vrr,entikeompereirm le all klitt,6Ltur die mannielli entrain j snit. ' Indepea4ent n ill the.gene%l thenrenehl *pinions seating this prac tice, there are tunny ` lain farevwftleh .show tlint , hr* gii.afTittlil`neverY funnier.' twine fermeatetion tutfeseatplotlie,periee . Ciirpm* t posittautifialkuutetues, alarge quautity.hods and generous Ratter is lost. Ibis redivest the - weigfit'uf the dmig—and the inocit is„its lisiat,.4 flying ii.totbe einffiSoh the r e , Maids, es idler lasi. Heat, ,brbeing,retaitied.bi "thoistirte,' is climb% tif riottris'fiN mAkAy )(hilts" of „gegatiAtiep . ';'it,germinales their aced; wbeu ed in the earth r an.lavaists thoplainf in Ilefirstesagi. of growth, 'ivlierr mcistlit disriatte'.:' l An • r inripi ent fermentation is of greid use in the iinnghill, but it is better cbr . ,ttlege tr L vrift,ntnett toffee:than too • „much- --Fiero whet( Ike have now elated teretlY: welf-in:treeted•froaseririll see the etili.y of,aprity ing manurete'llit soil as soon as fermentation hrs Te0.4.7604_ its fi,rll ae - rein' 4) - (4i04. mai be ite=oo4llo in (Tripp.; b,entrth, die ground the fbids pro. itticeil are instantly ap . plieLi is tls& organs of the conseareitdy rr.ore fikidS to be'eftlitint ' while it is - let warm, MAO netintne that hag gene th Myatt !hip prpeess:' The Jieritieions efffir - la i horn auttsnuteix . lll .the pow-emus of puke ' Welton-seemed to lineal ou the. propriety of bury ing them iu the sod where . theyfantlegoodsa food for Intnie.crops. lu,this wity_ilte, natural subais ..tenee el plants iw prepared where it ea/ lie , use.), .-end all that would offend the'seases• itiritne the 10340 isconritried by gradual piecessels into !isms of beauty arid. use: the rery nauseous smell of the immure is thus rendereil . a constituent of the aroma 'of th e most sweet -smelling,flowers. In cases,nhen manure cannot be immediately applied to cram Ste., the destructed fermentation onebt to tie prevented as mucicas possible by de 'fending its sinface hom the influence of the Amos. .pitere. A ettrupaCt trir..ll, avovering of very te ,alacious clay, oilers a rrery.good protection nainst tkwair watering the compost bears is of:en tie. ointnended i,nfertnenttine; krul this lin ' ie.' is so incorta:stent with-albehemical knowledge that for the abre a purpose I enturely reject it. Hin teeing. only cools-the manure lot a short tbale, tie being the priticipal . agent iu all fermeutations Dry matter will not ferment. Waterbeing as nee rssary as ittr to this process, to supply nn agent 'slue!' will hasten its decay. When manure is to be kept ally length of time, the situation is of great importance. ' it should first of all be defended fNnn. the sun. That it should be under sheds is anedier important com••itleimina, or if. iii •some places this cannot lhakplhe heap be placed upon north side or a wall or tome place of protection. Hay. in: now Ilealra of this management of manures st tole in !hit biro 4-ant, I w if/ "0.4171. Vile rime and 'Manner a?V.yingXittem to the 140; All Weiler manure shvold be hanleJ our Orly in ilre spring ' and ploughed o.'Boollas possillltt upon all groursts not used (or pasture. For conducting the butanes+ of agriculture t r the fall adrairtag4, the faimer most . pti ; Eue objects which systematically et:alarm-a such course of particulars as follow and depend upon • each otherirst the attainment ot Ills great design of husbandry. is n(2l immediate produce alone tha t Timm be aimed ai, for whilst era desire folk:mpg, it is still neeeeoary that the hand be preserved at the same time fall rigor. Observations-ou the Ma i le of cpaimun fanning tivithe opinion drat fro nmaorn pursues tend to insure a succession of edtahtageons firming far any length of him:. 1 —, i ---- -- 11e- , K flitos.—Now (the husking reason) is the lithe .Icl ftecutp the best aed must durable under beds. - - All the 'inner hu-ks of the chin should, t3u hived lur this purp tse. True,. it tak es -a great minty to make a berl, when ()nee the sack is filled it is a bed for life, utl it r the lightest and lctftest thing of tTie It Intl th at one could ,dt sire. The husks curl er) and th ey , y pita never , mist down ahem- trilt..— .Nkoreuver, oniredscrts erer lodger in diem, es remain do iu straw. ',They ate inteieFdlicleatti i and •tvah% ol &strong teeer*, they will not,weer oat kw yean. We regard algrintlAusit bed as cheap at t't.s, , A -- / 1 young' married couple, to . th e end of litre, however e 'lan. Will hie no re c ision to tale tit:1 1 %0*(10141, ,5T t . ~ o . tliey nce Lave their, eels lilted with.good; soft, well rltsed cren Itu,ki. We had all our. tilled til l teen years atriti,,,,kl Ilia; are te l this day as tc.good us ride:',-s7,ttric •Ntrcirioi. . Secion..—TheAe gentle creatures, who both teed 'mil cloth u•, require Orr ;epics', ander shelters-da ring the .ttto. The boner they are. kept, the greater t and tore tpeautiful will be their fleeces—/ lion mo - a whey they nal put into-your potitets ', Their Mat, whist should be tight, tinti f , th, , !Min 'ah, anti tlien lipetr aril,, :Islet be be cyery few Jays with straw ; soMi to lieesfthem cle . They ehoulki enott 0E41049-about three p mds e dal ty—if given ti'l e ill of mt's, bean, or pea - , ,daaly, u two and a heilf annuls of hay will answer, or the Won rtnaiiiieytorWel eared Ihrlittr r? !they,' 'l"ri puntitik of roots, to be cut up, and two peon+ p 1 ionfrfovender will answer fo: 'a day's ratio}, a head." At troi4h with snit •ortrewn . neer lar k sho4l 21 all times, be actessitle to them, 11, ilairerga, you supply damn vigil. pine hews to browse on ; you may disloense Wittr the 'tar. The yard, which typf`sheepli4e access tn, shonkffitskreeenrc a Ina 01Natili in dopih, fashioned into a' dish shape, Alio!' fbau4l be the covereJ with ,ettrow,' from tune to time, for the rioubre riurpose' of atkljngin the comfrn4 th e sheep, and abstthing their to*, time, for aim iatu e with their 4(1 droppings .. Shelp dying autt ni p wrine4hus nootected fronu‘lotedu lotion, if a e , the richest inanores, anti we ten_ tare -itie ; , selion, tint a flock of one hundred t'beep he rurni.thed iwiiii the righLhinvi of material, would tunkeintenoe enough, fronitNotoomber till May, to fertilize fifteen acresrof ',via.. To Discs i 1% Mtrttooi - ps.—ttio..burtlook ii' untie iirre.a'TerY• *softie plaqc.and front its long erintilluance. .places where. it it. riot wanto4l, we suppose ~it. is egaulett by route as difficult .to el terminate. r. t o D. Fishers, a eorrespondent °Ellie liestors- Orli i or, says thaei'llie Wistrocit if not . porcni,tted to ti to, seod fur tap yearii; wilt. •, 6. 0'. pea: ' *Pie I est yeses grovrth; fro m . tint motione ' ; toes not Piod tide colt; i& llter inutiin' Iry ni the '., d year; haven; fern Abed their stock • of see,4 tfify the: It' the ' ith in "ttipivated land; they, rite", . t.t o epiittg:tip , th . 144; year Worm-the .creed bionglitirt the `iturfai•o - . fltepto tv or ott;croji , e, .eril!ley , ,,,t , i'Fitli ittliii)c.:o)er_:,'S all seed do ton , getmittole or ctoeirXi tt ti 14:4' . 11Py 'ai ti a iiliiii a. few tuettef of th e . ,tprfacc u/ tt t * iif?,thii" ' , - • • • itticitr rwa -4 07t0. • I ~, taleitteeous. . , [At l i' IItELIOIC • Klik ll 7'iliti: '"1:' '"..r 1 !o.ln.ticr.lit nr l ,llll Now. PRIUNI 1111:.5 BOY .IT "1 Okiniuif A 74,111,64. -'' •.. - I rpii.E rApik..o ,winier aeasop_PM , goami'Per.fn .1. : Titie l eda- A Nip,4,lo*aolicosoioce. whirls Jo:. '4!rit.0 , 04 , ...d 1 1 giOnsippi,y4it ertiiitl kii4 is4ifili , tlwrp t flto i Holy biy.. " I ; -.. 5 -_,: - Patticislar attenhogi will he paid to thous "pertvanit to teach &AIMS 1,91109 MRAI v a4lt- rirOm9 l o l li.WWo 9 . 4ll AMOtNet' 4l hut, Attoily,of - tho E:tuwmat,,• , l • 11 . 11-1 w , .' . 1, I w.uu-_,. , . 4 ,,• • ,1*7 4 .41f..F.4 1 /•,•quay.4 7 *.a.: - 11 ,, .•sr - s , rq.9o4rX ,Pcgail:ptT,lt 1... ~, .• , •.. ,--- ..,14 44.1,1 V i9 41 ,,,9.09V , 144 ,, N. ... —, : ~.-., i „rill ~.. 11 44 1 444 1) .A0"ii 14111 ; 61 .::, - :,4 : o1,4), , p .. I. i_p..l tz....19 1.( 14 4 . T‘CTI.N• ... II , r, , ttt•lno AIUSIC..OII rilllUtryitife, . , ~. t, 11 • Trt 4 l4• N4r i l l 9ll,AD - a• PPIthIS focht.T. „: • 1 'PO incilVitials. • ' . ,,„ .• all . . . . ~ Olikribl? Sktrii4staliltitar 'it lni iAtzci.soey. . . Troyc Drsifeirif oritntiir, , Pd., /rile IRMO .1 ‘ • 1 - 7 — Y7 - , ,- . -- 1 -- - - 7r -- - - 41 , 7 ,- • - r -"---,-,..- =l.r f 1 . frii-B k.lleoting causes ace op the.litit, , fur. Ohl) 'at JL December. Term il LW, alvfolloand la ' , wit : . . , t • r iticroliD lir l ett.; .77 ''• 7 9,1. ,M. S • :,: ii.1iiii,... 4 .•! urrsalisirs"."' ''. iligs. Strphen Stiles use Aki&•D It Sities' issue. incrltear , , S V af: f leefAc t . I:l2ija. Fe! lad , rize n erpt‘ 104 abe ' . .1 hu I. s- ik,l V. Stipbeerilierce ~ ..• 4datEllahbotf . . alit, ikaio Matt ,i • I.l4askth et al • • r , -.•-• I H "W Tufty. „ , ” r .. Haber Tailor , - -,• : - ',h i , . wilodar '1 li 1 ICiariPi ljnbinis'" 1 11:141Miller• .' .i . r . Santa,/ MeDothstt47l Egli"( &Hdm!d Sickle Hliorino ' - .' Harry Northrop . Jerome Salitbary C“otbatigh&Sali.bury I 8 Pima i% Alexander 1124i11 . . , VE&JE Piaci . Vaudfiull & riunpazii Irtilain'tamOele: Wickhana 4, fle-, Hut 'aime. .. , thrill ' . lThrbe' t "" ' _ilriil ..arbet •• ~ W teed ,_ , J N Weittin Ex " "1 1 Mo 1 1e:9,X' AY4O . .‘:' same , llillatd `'' '" ' Aaron-rk Tr übbnc.k, . ' same. ' it to. '''.f Gil Iliaby .; ,litt °nice '' ..." 0 P . Dallartl '- ' " r's Watkins , Robert Depew .' II Bennett ' Jatres i lltinle: t f r, 0t,itt,• 44, 1, weitr;fit, w . Elhanan Nrnult•'" ' I'nr Westim et. dam't Itexfaittetkl de WC Tallman st ad." Orrin Barnes • -- - i Age Parisporotilv-RN 1J 'Ebenezer Brigham` • •S S ) tbeisst 4 gaKeto. Chester Butlin'et in. Ix Denjamtlf•st al Samuel Mbro •- ' W4t, PIMA. ' •Ehenezer Witten J G Wanton-et al .1 TRichards • V E Piollet - C W Smith's ex .. :1 G,pron, &J Gilbert ~.. Samuel Ijuston • rirstow ' .. '. " r ' Vertiii trait. ' ": 1- "'''' • N Rogers alm !: N D Westnktiii.“ Charles Whipple , Apia ant,. ~. .. Jesse'Gregoty ' Canfield r M'Kean'omit•O'un '' "knit M1,...5ea1f,414 . Natbaniel P'Civer John Moore ad ,- A . ?rod et ux H W Tracy N '.l I 4 eDi4t, , - ' .1 0 Hart at al 'Job 4efiard-U‘e- ' Athens`Drictge flo. i 'Welch.' L.'& Co. use. .1 Wood Jr . ter ten, 3 3 &nu Afarfyraf r tilt redapt - T 1 Ti W i( 1114reer el , I F,ei r ohiry 44 1 ,, Leleester Morton ' AtelatiZer .Etaninel Chase adm V JC.-hatiikei,4, ~ 1 A kW' piJl'kean eta I M'Kean,& ter.-tea. Roll tfberrroodo,..ltitratt el ttl,4z i . ~ Stli. Clark ~ i t marl 130,rd ... R C Hickok &e. El 4 & k 'Pomeroy H B Ingham use. Miner Biles -Jabez•lfitimpitina • Diveitt•Jiarber ," ' Leonard Pratt • . Willtiain Patton' - . 1 David Barber •• Beni, &iteration J 41. Worrelt 4 eau Bi BOooltiaugh et el B W . Ganef" Henrietta Stoles W Robertson 3 31(lieffillb -',_ ';'4 it rsline Wlf Cheney" go. ot er iffialrTAompaon - ERathboiti ' ''' 0 Pittillard 41e. W *Vandyke David BarbOr R Chandler It Patten, bane & Allen 0 P Dillard .- left' Warner '.4k Tompkins James Kipp " ci •fa Supoctias for second week releritihlfod Moariay, the 9th day of December. 18$0 1 of TO belock Sore. noon and for third week on Monday the IGth of the same momb v at 100elock in3be Thesagon. ALLEM )(KEAN Prtothbyt TOW,Ars:DA ACADEMY, HE nut aim erthis &stilt:okt trfitefimineriee T on Wedneada'y the 2d day October nrst,one4er the charge of .G. R. Bursa-as Xrincipal, and Miss E. C. LIARSTOW, Preceptreits. Tarlton per term V Elscen weeks: • •. . Orthography,„-Kcading, Wetting , .Geogia.: phy and Mental Arithmetic, - $2 00 The sarriei: midi Wellsl Girtintitaid, Arithmetic and TirproVAttaryaia.' • *: pci Ph i Cite m try Rhetoric, Logic, As- i• Avg:thy tett Book Keeping, • 4 . 00 Aram, cierimetil,, TripoutiqutrY• ElNWelfr 3 sgeocreatoNec A* A isiyireAGeotablire i 4 i 5O riNife iVirtkr4llltigw/00)1411 .111)146 tfo l, Ist an 2,‘ terms, ; • n t s % i Wits 'reciiksied iiiii'perlnifor la Charge - I%ly Trotailie time of tiliere ellgypp t e. . • Boatkl eatt'fit bbiattrAl i in . prfe..are fareihea i riti 'jet minable J. :"MIYNTANTE F . Wes C. 1,. Wean, Ree"y. of Board of Trustees. " ,Tdiarsuittai•Jtine Sifft 01150. L980L15T4 0 Pi ot 4ta Cu tip ker-kattsby fpnreopthst the .prouteohipbosetafose Winos Ihe , MM. Alr-Silbrf a tit Ibe ilesollPt-smd Triads aikiimpllosiooor•is this day. diseeived by 011utual roononsk. , -lIL-45mitblai -Son wilirsidnrike Antinoess of At rlibie firm. ,4 rant* indrbtal must make immediate payment, endears who helm Wasli LIMN% grlllinsikro :20484 ihst-otilem, de livered at tae tune limed. Cosh mill bot esporimic E.4111114115 , * 'l . C. T. SMITH, November 15, 111110111C,' • 1 - 1.3. 6 .01 ERE CULP. tMA HA*BB,s =II .M.BlBlllll l / 4 -Jr filithav '• ipppesPECTlttifitiP inform the phillikr'tliseThili IA will continue the business at their old atancl;l4oHtt side orate PisbNersottent, and twill keep &hada, Ind leannfiwtore th f air i t ir ,,irry.-4ta i risty l of 8A DDLES, HA RN ESS, T W 4 l l l l l, %WEB', &c, of 1,1:71 s asetirinfir atid worltnihselpi• oat to itil• inkripissEtd fertetvlentlen andllittitiptit etititentente, Martin& Hi itiktikhakibirlitk, end patronage ihei hkie trrtitoßweeltfiftidi'‘ ' Ca unix "Ps mei at wilt- be deka on; itiltet %RAW in din nedicatiinanner. All'lthwts Of Main, Produce, /Wee, Sheep 4.lta, will he tale* hivexehatige foe work.' • `• T *NDII CLOT 1 4 lh G baud. flEfl. H. &MIN fespeetieft isfesseThei pub. rtc 11W be is just iseeiebsplisie liesesif ark, as essonunier of rally oselie !Meeting, to which be in. eke s Os attention of prschebeem no" be &fund Orer aidOitirk . Coals, :nnsiatii tistitqWriak and • Draw Co" axe" Paninfoons, Vesfs,; wit aboyis, tr. We. fill styles inurith prises. Hs is determi ned ti• well hilt Mould** al amistialff low prints, kw Ciowfand believes issresisire Wthe tere.t of thaw wishing so panto& Its titiehini 11+11E" in"•'/li, blelsi‘ew Hanka am; Kingr hegira/sem, u stbits. Varttnr lead Apiliidg• asap; in His Apes miotw.rotrilitlrsiiir. to. fir4f, r )(: 211, Mr* L 1ia1M0724144.ed Myt4 •Perig 1 • aid i 1 er.Leathrr.'slen KY tad Calf skies, fur gale by usimr Kr* VOL • = • PG .81 9 1 9 11 0, _,II). ~ i . ..,1 t P 0.11 1, 1 d F!lruP "c VW , • 4 :berry, fur half ail zrsi or sily k 114 piattfittir. l• 1 Ilierii flitla air 1 P reollir lipn, ...but Mix • pal tOrit for rtirr - tare , 'oriltie folfrmiAirr Mil Af l il l airk• n atAtthYtnari, Coaa . ha asekiingrar risirg eenaatiuu ortalt i g l A iP lit i r, l I tiViV . tutinnirtim atty cruim4 / IT ad.. . pent pormnAlUhit :.' ' -1 : m “filling inura Decline...dr' . • e ' I r'. - 'I di i^.''' drily abnlitiiii , , ,' • • • , ts • c I ~.~0,~1nl ~~ , Whonpin ?. l b's 1.1 . hei fa 'pp% tpM• '.• !•n,r , . • r *eh .flot 'iii •"' 7 ' ' oquaft • ..."••/:. • I I, _ 1 . „,. ,I4N;pTIIIIIIairis Ffurr . mkr!, r . i ( Pie l al eyi : 4: 4,:w.11 9 0-6 !Is° ir, tisktqcgrot *r. .riettita' 1 . ty.. , order of "Chili nuf Wallace Its, Sprioi t G Co. 'Mora iulthtantia r d nvidenee of the .svoltdriful4rouhro profarrtertiaut.Lir,rB va Ira sta cfni poutriaky of Wiwi 'Mom.. • ,w. ••t.r • • . I •,. • ,• t ;i - • . " POTILlitIELP111 . 111; Ayirit VA, 'MO: 'Pr. Vto4tie,..r-DeatrAttiO . —Bring semerely. - lai tcte d s with l a linicq,,e4 ,cough wi t i i i , I t A lp! pro m:y . , wags, :itentiot vntft great altetqty p ,aoreperl io my aide, "S tet - ttpufil alaKely,hreath.e, apitflp; of hlood no 5'1 1 ' 14 , . Ttfitl ge t r !a' t at night , eeleg. ke the sorrily;o y c:ough , lauitid spit as much as a int isafttaloud‘ a time. I Thionountful 'talc oft L hlntas n• tinned unit *hood deapakelloi•inglic i t cured; ha n i n tried phyad ma and'otimainus things without , libel; hut havinglhenrd of the great virtues, of your Corn. pound .9yitip3)l7sll7loPArriicrkirlai being a p t 4 pf by rhys; dins of the tat crutrienreL gotighadu i d,to 'insVe a triatoritlimd sit hap& in MatO that' 'tree f.lottfea 'fieiforiiittf iijierfeet due ; may iiNolOs . riow tin flogiik.,,y6 ,1 , "co; #iial- pri o ty Yletieiri . thak (Oyour 'th'ealertie . I lin liniebteil 'an 'thil Trii7n4 Cairo. ' I : Willi. Ald fri etnniiiiniate iiTttir.iny ' peivon on thelhltt *MI iris/ ho ph-dieJ:to ealtph file, au4'erov 4ilaititi'Whai I 'Give s l i 'd folhe abOtiP ivrtilledie„ at the fiettirl or my: tisiifiiire. Tiltirs,lo. ' ' ' .'1•• ''''` '.t ": '' -. • EniviiiVlY,Aa l oN. i ti . TY Be arty N'tifthitit In set the oflOnif: and only g•entsine ilitiiatintit . .f 'Wild vtiniq, la, kei,arti: IT De: likeirytktf:'W - promer of Eighth iria'l2nie 4irecto, 1 Philstrelitttfr ; 01 tether" are " thictitioto and counter- I 'frit." , • ! ,casc. anpl c4I. ca li ‘e I 14' SIP I fleet. i.e. * l. At's• debt. rject. apfl. ca-e. soufa. m I case. I in , SWAY N.E i ii pgtoitng gEtriNtE Rttl I' VW:. i i . _ 1 A nal • siol ca*Livil , yq uhls fur ► 'lr uunir, 4.)15p1mi .114 chile 4itq 4 pu,„ 6141) , or D4rsperit. rhiWorett Jot adm l lls r in thd niu.t 43441 rquill,..Shilliviur.cver lA kreil is 41ii , .rub . lic," , cixtw. i I rtit. Pel e e l I ceps app MU, Tell HOAR altTtillrllllr. 'of ,g PHI L A 1111LPII 11, March 24, 14P Di. Sursyss— Ikar iikle.-lisviss mph, u se 61' y a . rictus nauseron Vermifuee Medil i nga, which had n highly' ardimied 1;y - tit . pra: iielOrt, 'ttithno a sffglierit Rood effeet, - and Wt dig ‘Tlthl • rils 'neigh s ailes&ing Sr 41e%ighestiorries of your' Worm Medicine.. its delightful-40a T untk ffley(6bl (slime, although I i li kit somsw 'at - J73'cinicaisill Vein the i rt9B 4 ofdliesovi ' Opal hair offell upied ttry . letrcin' S.itia9ite,L eitily, (bit eeiftie Wink &la,' 'whoa& Well4A i : l 4, a j u w b o worn out time The Waititio flad iti4li.ll : heist t o woke their r..0:11 ; I'n:included ,a tnikt4 'tits) pr jpur TO us* ym3iruir. which: In our triaijoi. the Worms hadla lei go that deadly aml 'sr d wow; boils' upon the vitals. , Idaphimillsp artleisid . f•., Srea n yo,• B r er , nidi ! ge on, Myr lhild velliCh is noar yesfretly holijiy , auunnhavotlf tht eolarof there're' , ?rith,art the 4411 lentos of one itinerant and tdayfachihi. out% Arr... Tvti Os ty rE oA N t). 1, - No. 4 ;oaten streci, bettreen !Schuylkill third and wilt , • ~ IP t if r o l m .•;„f mz s i a k e ..! . Remember, .Dr. Swayne's Veriuifuge I's now put rep in agrare Nuking. See that the nom t! opPl i tlOrfoutirivS VOlrAltig., -7- -.... 1 debt app.! , ,CLEANSE AND PURIFY! .1. Sviapte's sllgar Couled Sar,nrinirdin and .'E x 4 7 . 411 • . 111114 NMI 444431 pottpuhte, Vreat purify er of the blood, !bet ortreet •Il tho_.futertions of the liver, and es e n shonnive in I.hopeiciJ .stfectiona they 'Ore very valuables • Githbineors of the heed. selicentilei- of eight, iheireelion.of reittite . ..headeabeiecti, are cured by these •4, t4 ....1 , Remember always to inquire rarii•-elarle for Dr. rivramai'4l3iomolarilittlida otiel Bee gut itaa.simnatusw of. Dd. Sartyoanioons made DOW. The stoma aoltsaklo medielnes aro prepared doll ). 3 . De.4l.Bwaame,eorom; of fith and-Roce lone* Philo -4•lplim, whum alLankricaltoski be ameimised. "- MilsrAITS IPQR4ICIAMPORWCIIIINTY: N•r4vbs,stVolict o.; PrOohi rola Pa. Chas. Rathbun. Canton, i ffroara & Roetirtg, Mon Beidlemate rip Brows, )I, t I t ek t esa irillly. dc. l 7,3erqci. Athrett ibe. ; I , .iaritauris t LEHI. l ecineey 4 O ptu b pao C, ' sopil, Lemmings. the f. Berlingtort. M. lingott Or dm, East fit. r. Pornatay, 66044 E titiii A irostiVe T lYlkir .,J$l X " MYSTERIOt OWINGS EN ITAIMAI hBd, INatk lli iiiii Itht ti e 41 1 0 i ! - A II wAVNIIR 'skis tit; .ti °riot.) mill s 1 ra.• tag Al 4iitterypys Am, put fie *entity, Ill* iheltairymeitimeti af i ` P. Atft hie Wet of Wittffits. `thignaiiif iJesterry: Intr bast bisitimenerd the INF' bust/beat io /argils Srarkitiertrithehesit dig ofd s auna nirlausnei *lgo Wait, tens gifori Muth of Mick '• M O ittepidort is a It'Attli *raker is IV ihgl bridle& si thit ittrtnnienitY,lkat it hi hardif aeries. airy tot* inworddit thir ioiitt ' With his long es- Fieneotet and it advantages for imagiing a thonsugh h u odedge of bitunosa, helms Obnittiencle in tarn, to the public, bring csi toav articles and clocks, I rill id° the -n justice. c. • Ail goodesog or &loaning done, weeranted ..ne recommend, or ' t moor" pleaded. . - t I Aired je , ment of Clocks, Watches and eill'welrY kept constantly hand. s i n My Mono ahallte-ii-qineli itikteN Innen prat , . 'cli2 4owert ea& no vont even:: Mean nerd riot be ask forl4ll tail hound not to mike it, annuilintarteerA " Towanda, July 12, 1820. .. A.. 14% 44f ft ON pil l 3 4 • • I I jarrAßLtt K. LADD, M. fli PHYSICIAN / ti SIJINEON, Mice EON, in the ••• Union Meek , ilr up ;Air r i fferth side of the Auntie briciare. over • glwelli- Liree-Oflleer: - 'lttitfrsdee bellied Viiiire and 'Mamie hr.. , elliecert . "'beryl he miy...eCneyn,no Mom: erdiemmegirefeislonalilrisnime4. Towanda, Jul, r4,1840.' ... . • .: , I i . -- - , 17 -- 7 - 77" - - - - ---- - -7 -.- -..- 7 . t._ . _ -' - - 1 Ill'lNT_Ogi. i Tin , tirirB removed to to - . ow Bridge street, LA -to Ibt Ey; inils k uf 11l alterttiirn dm building for. sued, Occupied, !by J.D. Ktretanye &qt. . I ' ~iljl eputetiona A umuntinitt.4.so"l.l" loirh tare . ball to be per . deem, the rwakittoder la , I dues micsadis. • if doe wlwlaljOn proNce neresiiefactorMite money pairlveill he Wooded. ; A noteo Wuxi howfver Alluacacure the payment oldie half left itnpaid, with ri minim S, miler Lke-ratule4 aNfainn,,Sputduig. fi) AVESOulillan,appoiritfal atm. , . /Inland Monnl7, Ig Katie aed report upon the itcrotarit. of Thrum itiviabgry„ nistrappr of lb. ,Mete of Simon Spalding, &reaped, I tho inbartigned: will attend to the duties, alf•iltia .lip• pointnarnt, on thr 30th inat., at 10 o'uloct A. 14 et , tho # 131:LUICK, Addiwt• v/i .PIST ts?S j fl i 1 rs ~' 111iW4 ififie tamer" 4 .-.-- Diilikn ) il" I Another fdlaielieinaQlQF* .17M by Fdicnce Pubnonic Mii.up. L" 0 ,.... gyring care la etap4C,_t ,_bo greatest triurn o r = lnter ftubtiadatal ih-medical his., • •••'' N''..-.6- . - . a ~ S hen thr i fieliniid' Caro neei r and torlitit ienttlaidOnfafilictedfelfilit . op t , de: rat to ~ 'Prik i Ve itt4 , Ageoc 4 i;: li n- 13 t -.1..; _ass', ad & . . ..5 , - 9 Pl - "V t i lllka t., . :4 , lntogo wait te igiiir Ahead wit r,vioicaliA44oo : l ' e4 l a '""'" l3 " rea l and Oarr - a9diaalVil*.aloya 14411Arriskeens idea' We blood; my "altlghwas tigtfiniTaltstegssing. Errol - .8 , llsd illoleratiavet/tcreVini ettillalfgartglic • 44 1 4448i11is vsillA gmhdOcuifseia bffsietbillAnd great loss of appeti.; i ntrveern was entirely pin tinted hcipg pained tct p.* hal Apo, ' cg l i im , t . WIII. be. 46044dlitleit lotifirida - nOtVIMo HO ti Acrik,,ltl.gg Vil v i ar tfk_tilli_4 •l o4.4 ... 4 . 1 .14a ir ,lik i l§ , RV' n o Vi vo my 'ease , aucurrota,, rayon ; one sat my longs yore almost gline, alul I «ail& not irofftyy En iceberg At } th4a eta ga sr tnywidiscirrekTailia Ortsiti;tl ,3 'upon 10 - Ittufh.. cc./.6111 Po 4 irerriiic rtgyrinui re I bed taltilt half • i thertkiintOrfi., GM'ito flu'\ 'is Ri hi.l6'.gTo libruttlir florae. ' 1 Itleetnerfte - las 1 etv'itt# ' whole, iyanetrataLit fiStrienta dal,'codgit"nerl'litopad the lileedingl.-mr betwitita to/1 1 8mo tectrlatv'alid every:ldling I Ill; •attent eft to dia.* !silly' antr' tle - tams my whole system. Indeed, such was'illuirisirlif Jr& 004'A my laveitt'verd rebinstlden therebirep' -; . iliaat 1 ; became' iodotortgoitte of r rpredy'tnee,,,add'atkiVrth ; 041 ttiteinter Of The ntedierid before the &mak lao, 1 Itlonrigitlyerddlratiti, ifhtetrreirlfellat inbihrl..Attilit. ofrithedinget attune tortiall;reionlitankcPbte die -treorieggrtough. •7 again corpratfief.dr tiklnif the`Pta monk. Berrpa and MR laP Dr. &bent* *105;8n tidi`r careful examination. advieNl Inetrottartinde using a.; Reartettlarad taken . 104 honkto;tereataieese lohatid in ylvideorsideh'irtherestatir.bioke, thsehrregitag:Mileati owl eadirdwompipihe of•Very'd/rierreetrAlterflagiriria ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify relfieb4e4t leffl, Fr= this time I began to get b, -tier, awe.. am happy to say enttrely-reeeread: 1 iin siiN k lit 4ffirt tame 1 i enfli V Getter health than hatatior the la.,t tett year.. Alibi I enthmetosell takinga the Pulmerrac Syr up, I have nevi castled to MCODlMelill'il w britter I testis, thafitOers, ar well as myrtelf,lnight be saved saved fromtliat awful almost :. for I Teel it 11 4 Outy f• owe to tho afflicted to publish It to-the`world. ^erittit ) 'Me to mention a 4......-tolich evtivrt;..o under my immediate oluervatinp. Deans trs • Visit-nrielkostlien. a. '.{.!last atuntiver. I saw a child,„ev.saleathyvin tbeolast tome of bowel coneuroption. The mother - Mammon, me that the physteranittad 'eon ilia child mseif hi eue,otite. I bd.! her what Isnebt {,had received-{tom l : the use of , Catatrack't loularearsacf Symp.:4lof irniqatil cheTto procure a bottle. I beard mothrim alisDibt limn tire int le suitcrevor art ablaut three rentatta sifter ; being in the [Dario; igy, altruist:lo at a* drawer. 10. ft lode- erthe, „w e e r ',aerie Teri, uttent a vely . ~bile &wag appowebed i'l e .. a " a" 4 „fd, l) JAT,444 , .114. 10 who recommend. : etl :...t liillihs a rufitunite Sy rp to her slynig clig..w.t 1 .ipiimei ill I •ain, t len., I evi.e4,4Alporp. She said 1 that her eltilb tad /lobe Ocoaellitat and was unrotn , 1 inmilylefsh.ly 4 11 0 :. ) 4 1 . ...Ir v ,: vypa t ni )4,4 i. 4. . 'reekle. lo 111r1.1-0 , 1..rg. Another In s ly f u mild mewl oi lis partleultdr,lllll6 hied h artrOlultms ett e..fioli. - tier'facr. and nivel: jitelettti-d gine coritfotildoweArid'one,of "%cr. ei• e e're' ai -eiibtAly affected crier it: She al lycome gitathrenriaciat..d. anal., alt .p,_, it ariniees .iri rt ~,,,.r , 4. I. ,in,hieerno, to iry S'claciaik'a Pulanot;re Sirtip, ulocla she ruin, sell is now perf4tfy cured. 'Atiot;ier Jailj. Mrs. Itfiltlullen, whore ievirtence 1 will kite or, e.p,i.li ealiott,'wet'evldcorlylti'llic 1e.4 eyrie of ( ..:ifuckaitt Lou. I prey:died upon her td tit, the IPoloionicsyror. in a * if & short time she sits FRflretr /4overril, and now en ' Rita i liielleut nes*, !Hieing' teco die ex cr:gituagly lie4y 1116e:eft three taws within ini knOlortedie, 4.110 I lotto WE re Cared by SrheneVe s t'ultrionie *limy, MI who Atutat this itatenient, and hill talie,the aouttle to ciol on me iv my residence Parrish &Pea fre doors ahose rellth nofffi side, I think I will halide to s'Otts- Pfa 'Cilhfrily "entliinie theM hyorvp case, and ,other! thiat I kobw, have been cared 'Ely Asia B , yebp. arice -Mr eure. there have been so rnauttto ere me to Omar tayst 'f'coolr„:that I have had a eery gcood oppprltaiity 01 kno`stinga ' giciiirtnany chit bore 'taken ii, i lina, tatty lteitittireatly benefittetl thetehi.,"anti I thiqk i persons afflicted Wifh'ConsumptionOr fairer Compl a int, would reit& tilt fir. ffehenek, and fee him carefully examine their lungs, °fir! if hit lays tie can cure them, foll,,, w e th e directions, and preveut taking cold, they will raipdly , reneger.' • nutit'LltA L.Ltiptrr, rhiNdel k hi., May 29, U 84% • I. A. Eleiftart —Tiertr Sir —7 hboe knnirn teibert fOr 'eyelid seat.. as a Member of my church, and tare attentiaenee ltt her statement. 'aria am ,re joieed to find her'artiln restored to hioahh. niche, Vi stltlitinti to her statement, ts'grrdless.. Yours, leafy. THOS. L. J N, Pastor of the Korth Preabyteriart Churea, Philadelphia, hoe 20, 1840. oth at. above areen. .p rerine d "ma e 40,11,/. itto,I3I.7HENC li,stitthi 10- orrenailt-81g. eortiir tlbrites bt Miiratutll sta., itid by the following Agent. in Bradford County. tiro. A. Yorkist', Athens; D. l3sdoy, Lorayarillet T. Flunwhrelt, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn. Nome; J.J. Watford, Mooruetant; D. D. Pask i hars4, Jar Roy ; C. E. Rathhone ' Canton ; King Ar. koithurg, Troy , and by MIN - &MASON;Torrafttid. Pore, fa per bottle or f.b perhalf'doien, ' intr.:stoma into the W. 8. .he year 184.1 Their - Cie ordinal vista* mid itepe •ty over'aU othier , PILIMS ' iif i Alia, panntry, has lisped them as Me stand .4l4dieine.of the day. 1r gale, together with Jhe A the Ur ielanbers Vo..lry ..A. IN!.-., -4 ~..- AM M Towanda, and by agents awirrteß in. &felt town in the county. 'ikA l l4 I %Ile , the Ckirele9 6 4 %Or' s#o4llkh.• complete n•ain IBOOK for ParrllliCl a CIZ . MI 14ning informa tion relative titAuftheaameatfor al every form of of disease; 1111111entea—Oricerttl cm, 410,0 L N. H. A Family Newspaper will be given. five le/ charge, for one year, to all who purchase Uraelenberg Medicines. rt..? All communimtionaliitellit be addressed to P. C. In. genial, Elmira, Che ty, lit. Y., General Ag't. Very Sir go but true. Ar ca. % Gentlemanol, : . has obtained from .11 the WClsiditaMM , t . blarbach lays a !more jukelaim nititsitnexii,4ollklapar e all" than any Mediellaitme4satmsamv,...„ .. ... Mikat il ie E. . Nothing is ronneetmt with It tilli I Mr to resolve it, and yet icaltawith great Okialati „hi 'removing pain and all hmlitillarnation, curing : all Wares, horns, [uln ae+ and Lammas, rapidly. PON. batted complaint., 'cholera-m(os, hemorrhage, ear aellim, tooth -ache, sore eyes, and all-esnous airectiMm. It is,zahito as is ater and as harmketvend it is celled ' " Porufs-Patn Datroyer mid BPI_ jag . Ex , rad •.' None is genuine incept “Poetd'ir Extr• is blown in the bottle. Mr. Pond first intimate.dr Aikkm.imine to the puillieloul her expended jOnisfilical of time and namer tn bringing it ma bildelltiilt onsetfivtion, and we maw walla - Moiety hotUe twitilMsatiafeethic. A mertAmt k e name otErpeneell:fila put Truth an article called •• the Coyle Extract" which Aliams to be from the I , yitotphszel. If from that shrub. its name 5 a perfect decPption, and-it is a very imperfect arti cdsmannot deceived, get a)pamphlet wed see. ' . " -- 4 11 tiregfq at Monianyee ache. Twerantle,,E,,ft lila man Monroeton, Parkhurat di Lamb Leßoy, Erotism . VlAlrwirranklin• , : ~, r, ~ i J . mt a ,t t ittgfi! l 1 , rift"- ..' --*414.1- i-r+ti----+4•44. 41 , .4 if` L. IL lIT.ATT. Sli Ir(HtTa low . rmWrtilrAlry 1 03 PenewarkalYiucetat at Trof.) mid will maths* to maks procamilmal jviaits et Towandiao s h ere Ike sail be tonna at itte.Vifar.lllio ohm cantinas lormio sit . emi mi , litompetom, gurliogtoti mut Smithfield as usual. ; Towandayoept4 4',- 1350 e. • - •• ,7a• f ,so .11 A ActritPk . filha T_T 7 1 \ " t? reatimed - thiamine= of NURTEVINC, atetealt r it t At t Oir r at: WiY4l4rirttttlfannbl ilAuse,arillensant . it rr OAlRN„sprEpspx. Barprtiorr,fikr. hiralmoi t C. ILL tia.ll:34leg i ol ca ti " , nakes.s.l4 , ciao= Wit .don at. • • _'' •' ' 11 ) '1 An 17..W* . 1 . vailt ii ' litiw viiii u'tliipM(o . l' ....1 tr r Ur+ r.... trl 1:77,7"fr . _ , ~ ..W. 1 , i . 4 1 ~.., , r7l “ it :_ , L . •• I. i ' 1 1 • 4 .. .4 • • •JiLliltitlA 1.•••. j 7 , P:1117:M 7 11 , 012.4 . r . ••• •••• • • 11 1 rn. i FVISVI.V3IItrfiII.IOIIMPU ' ' jWRI II i T I i n g ntin Al Pr i tsF . A i g g lft • .. lift i flgi • N R i tl i f b .P I 2P I M l ?fli gig hV P ßlt ti V' r! . :i 3 : l khk.4l. l mlincrf , ,T," pl. ...Ak . tv. . 4tit tit ; t';i(b1"611 4,4 r „,PiPr i tt l, iiate - 4'464;5' A " Philoppe7 en: -4,..04, tiiimP t eitritiflY-ill' it&ii/e4. 1.- . et httillii 6, ,, tl'6o'llo. ' Ala fl flge.rlo ges,ku l a i rt i l l it iiiiti . ii. , ... 1 I,t; 1 f 0 ~1, rl4ll6l3ll•lliistifeiVril..E. • 'o_ •. i Lt. •14,} 44 114 . u ft i ki ;lic it ::... J . •,.. ~ .. 7 , ~ ~.ru 1., .., 47 r.t. f -1 ,- 4 4 1 0 Miff ( ..shim , 1 41711$ I ,•., • •u:; ! ' Iff , 1!) ini q llitestretnielhe pi4tiltiyilefr.qetattriz e ' Ili ', old To . pit,o l 4,l 4 o,,7 i i i d.i n g4tbl i k, pc i Hu, ,i . , , ,r.11,..5,ed . tatny•iti&erledytteclottittrituttrettintilse ltbe , firet4 ', pnw.., . la illegettleavartiirarg.eiatkler iiwir qr.* of Me ill* i anguages, anti the some time, without tolditionalthettle Me h.younit latistiwbo.-stectiont tilistignglisle biniliehes •t • she tve274o lestaidireeelt ei the above•bitriebetvere ~ for loonver„,„ • ~. , ~ .r.'• • ill • ••:rtla , 041 , taetructteept• en I the Ottite4 :. ,t -‘• 1 •'' •41SQ Ijoitiot Mammy , . , ' ~ - ',- -, •.P , .7 -.25 .Drinoing and Intindektiutesttne cokes. bawling ~.. ~the Klee ofsnateftels„ such al drewiastrlpero • .e -,.., u•-,P 6o , ll ‘iPencill 4 4c.,, •., - ,„ , • .1. ...A-00 011 - p,ontine on chnvassi. .. • i.:.14-00 keinting i llatrgorpte wirulow lit.etlee,,,,in i cluditig„ , i the.ellpp(s:4! . (,,o4.a,t!ristlN cle l P' , „ , ~ .-, - 4.;Cid • Fersiolvimeitng.,oitpap?r, malt and welvett,pet ! ' .. . . ~ A ' O O aiding' eh sift:` cfrapr. &e. , flo : ' , ~.A,90 • •trii mi w e rs , s e i r onatter.: '‘ •• 4 " i r enaAml; ink, 4 ' • ..", ' ' 'Shied' r vgiegiftyn. wen t rei-verow, ,•:. ' ' " I.Vf?etettlisepaid,'lldiettiAiliktit: ;Mewl Viftitt: *OI2I.FPIN, friairmlitii, Elititlet„b:';'l*4:' It':";''lra IT ' - e.e.ivii p maim ltertittip• ' ' BOOT & SHOE .MANUFACTORY. ii •, , a,-.., -”f1"---.01 ••• 4 /••' , "••V.f 11. .rt • •-t-o , 1. , -, • , i• I , • P '. C It .71 . 4 .3' •i .]., 1, , o i i i A ls t ... , .... 11 - 11., .... ...I Pi I ', ryH2ll- W. WILCOX, has reonaveli Itia e A k a ti 04 1 Jallop hetarrcu Itingsbery's or 3 .. tlett'S' - ishere stitl solicits a 64 arel Pethlic pirtrorcso:i 'He by. a ca'reful •seteelion oritnekilirrif by 611,Mi1v.6 fitihe intercAi of his itrfil , - impri, to mike as neat tr d doraqe cis can be Ina - nuitsetorell in thii" pint 'idle country. He AM keep coivrtaney hiertit minufaelnre I it-order: ileornerti, Vitff and C.Strst'Aiota and ShOei;• - -hatfol, Onkel*: 'Ethhoh mrd B?ip.t r; ' n: I ; Cone,: 17a1 terrl end ' • try Country Prodder., takbn fn I'llssunintt for work; at the rice price. ' fi ' rows/olds; Apar 26, I Rad, • ESTARIISHMENL L t T HF: utiitcrers have remain-nerd. U the FO- L DIM hn.ineo. at the (Al etas.' ea w Ilahair and Etedmead niktory 1h- llocit'a - rrt of foseattiia, where ire will hold earrrreloes s in 'tety.,lineNs to attend to the wows of arty; sotl all person; who opt Iftiver us utwh a (..011. We hope -I.y rtrii t attention io butanes'. to }omit a share or NW'', pat qr. Wergild 6tiiir2 siZtiACHIN E tklq(rP connected the Furuatv, t, I , o}•e 10 t,elide .0,11101 antfAtfkiroli Zjifileiin‘ mu; piing No I en.leador at all limes hi ,101 . 17 a 10.4 a ol talent of iyoik nn haiorao t - customers accomatiodated: on the ahortiot notice. token pansy to sreprip the serviCea of et perimerd w aibidagrOtrai twa 4tate or*. Y , we flatler . ouwe'ves we ..hall be able to turn off work in s Vettrt-• math MN' n &Ws +lad rigreinalc2llllll6 in any other establishment. %Waist! alto he prepared for the' mm 11011410.1 statical/ the quaiitity.and will lieep-ecora4 tairayion hand a trw select patterns for retail. . Van ael.scrihers invite all pentonsvphe may be in - Want o any thinik lo.out an, 3iatatty wok weiguatim l* lider 4411 tug gra groat disristurfiarki I , t Sou Atha Rqrl% or fitrfldl , shoes. Mill exanksvlld ' gpes .Yr , kept coadvilitily.ort.hami, Also pLlNifill of the must applyured patterns 'and Plow Points by- the piece or quantity to suit itttrehesers, as low a* COI he isoieuro i l ( any othe. estahlislunerm- • C . u . ii•rtfors of the moo approval patterns, also St truireriut article of Corn Plow. t s sale by ENOS TOM PKI NS, ' N. C. TOIIPE: IaNS, • Geo. W. PO - 1 TS It; Towanda June Stith, 4 1 4504 - CCP Old castings:taken in eititange &les/fork. 1111' .I. Citiimberil . ..,.n, , A. 46 -- - ' V R..juarret i 'euleitinathetto eit' y f a t ... ~1.1 H ofNror York Mid, trt j 'Ar 40 , C • ' -RI Itt li ; L w al ant -W a i t l 'o Ch fittg l9 l7 pat at -IA the Killtea ina .iMeire :-I.e %VT . ' to I.:Tfitie ILO PleiNif agile*, with tb . ~: -,.. - I complete assortment of Goid L' , ' - • ! ' Jewell - vouch de Sertßibrit. yfri. .ilar . Ririps.Breast Pine, Btacelete:LoeketsiGeWlehltAte, Uoitl ga l , Keay.. eta. Alen.. en sort, of .dilelfranuo. .etnietty ftmontityofoteel klernitil ofeektiok lion t or i oi. - /0, sok elecoodiagly cheep for. CAS kir 1 ti ft . lite'elios repaired , on'abort votiotobott warnanned *Prue, fivit,(tr tho mosey will beirefunded.ond a .writ teoeigreement given to that offilei ifloquieeol.,i ...ti N. 111.—MAPLr•tbilNAtil b t gob i liremotry-PriedHutte tekeit.io poemeot fot work : eniketext kart my; nod foresee. Mat The. Predate metal be paid sakes thiavark ia•daail--al wet egoinitcretlitio allite Room, :. f' , '. . ~ ._ -- - W. A: UHAillaltilLEN,.Atiatat: Towernie, April 141..7840. .ent”... ./.... e'l.. T Celcbrgled G`racAnberi Aggetible Pith ;,c s .kraMlSs . 'AM, ' MAO .9 4 INZAL . Vl4O/411yilw ,Aumremoved loss new spicT , , Raw.rad*.wilase Lis IGr nee tht .4j.- poaitr hide MAE.' strict, Whene he etintinites beets of hita,lll ira cil.aiine and *hod Seat Mitt ; aqa 'I;;ETTEE6 *utiodir kina, 4 l lIRDSTORiIIWrif irerj lion, OM( I will Setrlow,leir cash on' Pntaitgie, , eir Pine or theirf 114enfier;.or anti plank, Mil he tetleieed N. work: Tvitinfp 'dose in order id the neatest manner: ' CABINET WORK ; make end loppt on bah eitideco order in tke hca - JA3l9xg To nalt.lWeicW9,4l , 49. 'll SPORTSMEN ATTENE? ! • • HAYING ?Anguished 'bushel.** itr Teniremlit;ifte it subscriber baa left the wort. he had on'hand with Jahn E.4tellior, ttwhose-eiwws mar belltpundrthir gone glke., which evere:rentoining with hint. , • f He has also left his, notes sod stecounta with Yr. Geiger, and slrearthir timely notice 'kb all indebted that immediate pa:rural must Intrnade,oe, they will he euljeetrd to cost/ IHo ,trusts that this notice will be at tSciantpwittcotn resort to the othey dho!grecable alternative, i JOHN 7101 UT. TovriniaiMottimbt4 '4lCirirgiai.42 . HO'ii;l3 1 014tij-iiii6llt ' 4Elitriaviiiq 'n l nii 0 4i4iii i . .1.. arv.nottuck,i,nmo494ollr a v e i - i a g Pula, • a lalat4.l so , arc of Public Paironiiia ` Min 'Tat e shall. umis ad, with stietat Menin+ketafrordia. 'ilia kliblino'iiilditgd yid %Pin.. 11642erahaRlie fffleditith.alEnt4 Lighwr in are to - de %mill' inn& ebuttli9.. ' - ' .- • • - ' • - ' . -- HES. ll AE l adetherft6ititimndatioti Irt Man,. the anbieeirkireinintradthrintllndt, Shoes - Utfildltsi i llidr, neeli(! 44fifi l Add'-i - arsesc., 4-e. - it fiii terepOon band a garpTisamitment , of PArRiiriIK,EDICRTV4, fbeidtirirtilati c hbilitntatilin di itikeW dig f a iatl+ ~a . ) . 1 i i . m.."..,... 7 , 7 1 , 47 /MIL-I 1 . .. ~.11 . . 0 o*qiit ,ti!ftitlit 'ear fiforf; ifllghliC . ~,, 4 6 , Ark.. v p .; . 3 ,•.,,„ 50. -,,,,,,,,,,,„.,"..,..„: 00tvlivlERCIAL - WORKS, RemoYed to 11. Kiogsberrs' Btu& KEE ivig.. • • LUlStella is nC0116.... , ,„,. s'atssrowf tett rf4tr.W± . 7l. - b„ M MOORE .C6B lAlti r gOUttiatiikintifOr . . LANE ,ivfo w,-.lo#oll"ll4lo*roirlskr,.. ;514 4 t4?'Mlign-w;f 4 L.ri zymiji.;,..moms,imCrewatill•rialitiettl* **if - Ana l ! nEorwitrdiltErligle Aviv Siiterelici um , fte : Routm, in- Wayeliyt• webers Pile WIVE of all wad. lrill;lnrilerieltaiLand, :forwarded by itte- Eels y or k 13rie Rama. divreLlis- New fiCork-b , "taps. J . the satire m 4.. rolomommertp,twiltireelta t firecafrcrer, hinds), fr om . /he • liina,Prodatini .1* sanbo • A4p4. Tlineparna, taker:di olipartnnityalsettommit tionitrefariniall Moral, patrennettco nail hopen,..-by *i n 41tesosworolisit botetesoi-01-hismannoinst., etrmaiira • • fon jaiiiv. ; r:,6, l Liberal cash vances mane on Product , al all timer, i>s • .y.roe l -i*,r rag .4111 , 1140(3 kV& , rrprrttft rolla-ro.A - erce retaking daily f rom .Nfry Versktda t lingasird, are* olavented mark o fL k? ' Op*. Pyraceonrcibinkrate4l tureirerr e , Boma, mh os , itt eer i k ,N l o on rugraiaiip, Owen Cattle, and.. tm ik, caotoromml,Ti mod,: oftc.'elce;. arbicifolnil -t o orerld 4tkohitatti (w-cashbrancelnatrioprodular ; -as at say Oaf* jn -Waster* New • Fmk: f ±W warerkfk trt inf.r -184116 ' , H. it. MOORE & . ;to • • • AGENCY; OF. =II • ,Dll';'Fitth'it . , ;1 1 ,61ebrate Macao, ! . . , t.- ei., !mons ry* iisisaws, , ,l - IDeparative MOup,• .P.ectoral L'ximer,taat* Ursa 4.7 , orreetar. PAlmitrintl..i*.v.nard. ;. ... ligmor CorrFrio,. ' . 69.6,ppli.tpticiNiVale. • -. C.ottsb-stwiCatbartic Pdh, Nentiflgr-. - i a q-u ,IT i r.. earl* Pin*. . . -+VelltrifPMh q . remade iit - . . .- Orcific, i r ~, I . , Toro•a44ll.eJicinal Cod Liver :041, atc, • • Utritibythias rionstrogiy Wrottofibt ignpreealente toe. icesr Outio irtartoeo otreoolha,. (WC ettiforolom n , iikllitiliz, 4, Heart iNsedetv,L Dy!iliopaid'; ' l .q , ril.rio„llK n Apietnies:Thetantiforrn; :I , ' croak Comploinb, rib% trc, . .-.. Y. 'f r iti•h7s!uritivt?flea Piifent sit4er 'israird eleloo,i ei . ' 'iuppoireYx . ; Einiii.oriila t i plr-feirsilthig shoulder ,• brace;' Wrir.oh'il silver intudiaig luhr e t . . Dr.,ratclo s , cclebteUut :Sha`,.— .Lteltera, On are prevention 111611 cure of C ' dildfitiplionvAiltro g . D,dexbi.co of : , the Heart. ec.r., god' on. she • twilled of pesos:lug- bealth cud beauty. io an *kilo* : + ..`fhil h901u5h04 , 1.1 he Set evert fetrififyi• •Tositie Cell nstrupqes it rdinte den the '041 . 3 rea;eftitle; tithe for ie. I lel. T. mothers, thedirettiontrit ler' 4 akin the, elm els' edorstion ofehlitirenr-tiroi soltrahleV Iff,oo6'ehire 4 'hie Wok - bare Tetivitr44ll F .gli• this 'prate, - niut the lA, 'continuos tirnquOil.".. c. • ''. ''' For Oslo terenitt Pr &M., 7119 Brnaiiway. N. - .Y4-edul- 111.1$111:1 VA PtlItTER,' liretanda, end ht 7(..). E. VA - 1' tilterNt. Catomf. - AJ. (;.- ..../ • Del' Pi re eat' Gir i'vre 1 ft' in...orrtra. or direction' s r., persons traing.l3oF Wylie retheilles, to lie"had gnod ..,f all the egante. - • • ' • :I. 13r SI, ji `s - 14.W.Ajow )e , olweask, Wiwi. ',ale JO Teta haler; hi ORUGS , AND MEDICINES, iti‘e removed thtir DRUG Afslb CHEM'CAL STORE, Trt•pri. 3ygth store ii the Ward House, W here-1.4 y are noir. reerreart and ep, . • neat :Intl esteni , iale as-liniment Dragr,lll.4 ieines. Ctieurierits. Paints, Oil, tiles, Yarnit.h..tht Woe'l and Itae •trtntrs. Farbily Or.;certes.• Cheirt ~Qio ran a atiJA or._ Fire Work:, Thy Pe m eet lartex A rti ries, -tiruslier., ('omb,. tll t oN 0 1 4 Wuocteu -4i(arei Indian Lt, To tqieo, rr e ura an d gam, „An .theupopular Timern nieiteines he he.- 7 herstock Dow Conlpri•e. rvrry azlicse waggly kept', amadw-which may be Conn4l the folloreg, - DR.UO,S ) AND MEDICIKS, Qpitro, - Cream Tart Pr. Ciurrpiat, e4,4.ollrerP,Littaat• ice, Aleolsot, I3al i s Capaihs, Lau üb.ir(t, Aloes, Fluani 'ehainomile,,,castor on.„ olive oil, tkirk , ilfel, =pe w . roll and nower. sulphur,. borax.. reit preeiposie, Treat tu . rpeptitte,ptssalta,corto tublintative, aqua umnorui.r s'ortaAsriatie acid, raud.uirnii. ph.k. salsa pima.. A.) . the .esseut44l gurtr, roy tth,.tragacrnth atstse.gazie hje,t Arc. Corks or all bath kirk, entre smi,t coriatuler fenugreek, istl.ala B 4. tt!ae• ?wall loot ad tunnera oil peruvisin -hark, cayenne pepper, ertirtj, unit paper opiiklaric,„ shakers herbs, sarsapaulls, imam buret:ol3nd. - • • - GROCEFiES. •'3tstar, trolrep 41'741'i/1k of all kind.. mol,- , YF, pepper, mustatile croveit, nolinrr. mace, 641, rain% canun snd aim*. etirmuut, oil Irllooollll*, COMII. darand huttor eWartirro, rice. form+, glom ralaritio; Itarigaint, while and bar soap, ,Term and tallow 111 , * ti WS, pilylMl). ' mustard. rabirp, Ikiwrf saucy, shad, mad:Wet sa !mon Arc. &1 , . • T.IQI-1)1;Fa. (dard and amr, ic,tn iir anOv. Ft (.4.1.,,n1dir Mara and !C?Nrieiit'nful even , I.y•Y lf;11-lial afalua. irvEte and Itionnetat eta N.• h rsk r v mire, rlatel. triftlitict - shaft:prig el' rordinla, rrrmo Ir mot.. Yondle, or orn.mr, roOolle. Proorl; 'Mato; tio;yeaxiond argent cheaper than ever otkra cr 'pulp aud Faarp foods', 6bariittrentarrntana l t mithary and onndasOnslarh ant-dimmed perfonsetbezend sdzip. , iroperial droving Barit es fornib toilet; violet, musk. almond Sal tranapa!Yncsnapl, mash , bills, I.uhieht eittriets he ciukk•patchoulljr, bong uoifle roroliraynowsk.rodli Area ..sterta tist.tvoma arompatiqUe. cotoene,.bay .nod issouvater. opomisb litraibite, fin root*. verso tAI aid poweet. hair dyra hair itt. tgora ot. holt erahriter • MIMI sualicliets. coon plaster. ptskying ifiet paaeit points . fifflotio steer pina.. Lime,* 64 - Walk Pesicilailsurtssaion caps. inks. rod. Mack " 1 indalibt "' mitnhs. Pllleo, pocket books. - :racsrottif to orafefit ace.•acc. BRUSICS slo've,scruk.:36e, Paint, Markio?.. Tv and gable, Camels Hse , atai rOluila,,Theodeis Daghee:'s, Vlete ISAb` Courtier e . rk.t, TOrifb Comb, Broom. Maar liorage & black.ng Brusher.. • /1M $22 V s 1:11.; tYjga ..Totr_tea and' soar Drama. Nipple ShelrNtlang .11 0t1WRIEVII plinipi,Teeth Ringa, bed pakrr flar abouldee-Awneeair irnsaea and uridointnat *Prow"' peasseimaxalbaters.supta glass. arailaidaii. denser mar spalitlatiea, lamps, Pancaui,liqual Dad s *pitadob r sire plastat • • PAINTS AND- DYE STITrA • Illearstnis„ red-, ism and log wood. featie,•Et Vt. wood, fictive, cud beer, red sauntler, Scalder,atatir oo privy, bine vitriol, solution tin,cotopreith'"" vitriol. oxalic acid and aligh acids, vet tic. Prot fikul rotten. alOne, veibil& Amu Chins and Eases : Spanish brews , venetian, verdi,gria, parrs arren. , 7 l °' black and real lead, chrome yellow and vivo. PP" c°'" and -copal vanthitt, lampblack. !Owe. PIM' whiting, yellow Ochre:a pts turpeutine, 4. on; An", terra.l sienna, umber, Roll kal, lamocksi o general as of pinata for A ;List , . - • WO. W-s "INNIS !alio • • Franth eau 24 by 30, 22 by 30. 20 by 3(0 0 5110. ' 22 by 11, 12 by '2O, 12 by 111, IY by 1 5 , 10b,7 /4,.10 by..12,"9 by 10, 7 by 9. PATENT NTEDICIN E &r. nrrieke serfitiftiVe, tWothei. relief, Dr tnetlibinea; tell the sarastwilla, igtar4 and Slava" syttifof Wird elogry,' frOtams 'Pile Elect nary it'd 41 7: i Bratus , indiih Rernodioc, varietie* of 011 4 , wear ' bilious togithibta, 'tar, cutietual arc. (V. P r ; OlitistleF galvanic belts, bracelets; necklace asl.o sante fluid.; Dr. 'FiteWs :Ivry celebeated inetheirres. 1- " • taHT. • • Ttitupsand pan;gene, pure c haruphise burning itnia;nitale, lard and sperm oil. . . Ali OA; idriante4 as cepresentetl et the Near. Cr? D r ug PO South Store in the sr itiuse. • failt 'FITTSTON & ThRTF.K. .1111:70 ..MCIMES .IM-Ar • ir A ORER iillo4 , half bbl? iletnitrr 10.3 i? i WA' tn di?' and prellekid ebtifish; 81.0 2 re W e l f t , best' HentMpi tist iate at 'he ..Ctt , th Sloe aE:' afar r. 0.08...* M. C MERalt .'ealiq7.6ipg---8171Q40(in alsd el/ Mitl Nam oar ILA rvv• 0 _ ___-- -