Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 07, 1850, Image 3

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    , .
- t
the origin of the Goverwment withered and benefi
ciai eomornetion. ;
Not only have light-houses, buoys and lbeaeons
b ee n established. Mid floating -lights maintained,
but harbor:4 have tires cleared and improved, piers
comrec ted, and even break...raters for the', Beefy
a shnTing. and sea 'rang to protect harbors from
belig ma op, and readered useless by the intim
of the ocean, have been erected at very great ex
roc& And this eanansction of the Coastittgin
wea rs the more reasonable from the considera
tion thatk f these works, of soca evident imminence'
; A utility, are lot to be accomplished by Congress
t h e y cease be accomplished at all. By the adop
(jug tithe Coostitaioa the several Suttee vobrata
ray p a rted with the power of eolleetifig defied of
,t2poSt 11l their own ports ; and it, is Sot ter be ex-
T ected that they should raise abotiy i by internal
taxation. direct or ind ant, for did therallt of that
rot amerce, the females &heed trap which ,do
u m, ether is whole or is part, p tstotheir itint
Nor do 1 perceitre any, difference - betimes Nig
power et Congress to mate itpmeopriatiods foe ob.
rem of Mistrial on the &eta moil the power to
'aisle appropriation Mt Mailer objects on lakes
oil rivers, wherever %het aft tarn msough to %ill
on their oaten an ettertiltrithrallic. The asagnifi.
tent Mississippi sad its tributaries, and the vast
lakes .of the mirth . mid nertkirest i , seem to fah
within theexercise of die siower, as frodY and as
clearly as the Ocean Oil the Milf of Metico, It' is
2 miAilke to regard , fhpliiiilitnies judicieitsly niade
tor these objects as ei.aditaieti tor local porTiosen,
The meats or ate di me work is fiecesitorily Lo
cal ; bat tiveasility Is general: A ship canal arodfid
the fails of St. Mart of less than a mile in letigill,
though local is as enbstruction, would yet be ha:
flaunt in its ha
peg mad its benefits. as it wod id ft:
move the only obstruction to a ri v **dolt of thole
thin a salaamed Miles. effecting veral States, as
E it
welt as oar onntmercial relations • h Canada.
rto, too. the Breakwater at the month of the Del
aware is emceed, not fop the exclaidire benefit :of
the Matra bordering on 'the bay and river of , that
name, bat for that,of whole coastwise navikation of
the IJaited States, and. to a considerable extent a&
so, of foreign commerce. If a ship' be loot on the
liar at the entrance of a rthitiliern port for want of
anficient depth of grater, it Is Very likely to be a
hoithiro ship: and if a steamboa t be sunk in any
part attic Mississippi. dd acetic/tot of its channel
het haying bera properly elearedof obstructions,'
it may be a bi t beton ging to either taf the eight or tee
states. I may add, as somewhat remarkable, that
amens all the:thirty-oat Buttes, there is none that is
not, to a greater or tells extent, hounded. on the
ocean, or thebialf of Mexicch or rune of the, great
lakes or some navigable river. 1
In fulfilling our csansiltatiortalt difties, fellow-citi
zens, on this subject. as is carrying into effect all
'A ber:- powers conferred by the gonithetitin, nee
s b„ u id c o odoct ouiselve.s an deliberating and aeting
fur one and the sante country, atilt bear constantly
In mind. that oar regird and oar duty are due, net
s a particular part only. bat to the, whole.
1 thcrefore recommend that appropriations be
made for completing such works as have been al
ready lie7on, and for commencingisock others as
may seem to the wisdom of Congress to be of pub
lc and general importance. 1
The difficulties and delays incident to the settles.
ment of. private ciaintsaky Congress. amount in
,awry cases to a denial of justice. !There is reason ;
, , ap p re l issis katiatmany intforinnatt creditors of the
t .rernmTrit hni•e thereby been unavoidab'y ruiried. .
tt,mgre , s has so mach Loathes.; of `public charae.
ter. that It is impossible it should give much attee
ton In mere privateclaints, dud their accumulation
i• now so great th .t many claimants must despair
of ecerbeine able to (Anoint hearing. lt may well
be dinthted whether (. 4 4i/tigress, Rom the nature of its '
i rzantzdtion, ts properly constituted to decideinpon
ouch cases. It is Impossible that each msiher
should examine the merits of every t eeth, on which
he issnmpelled to +We ; and it Itt preposte *. to
a.k a !tinge to decide a case which be has never
such decisions nthyoadd fredeedtly mot, cid iti.
in , tice either to the claimant or the government;
and I perceive no better remedy Or this growing
rail than the establlehrnent of some tribunal to adz
Ind c rte upon writ chains. I her Matta, therefore,
mist respectfully to reetitliftlead ihtft to bitiflen lu
made la'y law for site appointident or a eo dtwfitision
in settle all pritate claims against the toped Sweet
•an I, as an ex park hearing must hi all contested
— ease he 7: ry Immo isfaciory. I alsolfreitonmend the
~ ..appintment of a solicitor, whose dtlly it shall be
represent the governrdent hlefore filch commission,
and to protect it m.fdtrfst elf flteetal, ! fraudulent, or
tmorst claims "-Web mat kb otntailed fat Med ad:
This Dino icy, nattich hal neither 'Mee fi or 4' ote id
in your deliberations. Woks to you i for 'primer-rim
and aid; and I commend all its waists to gait fa.
i arable consideration, fah a full elonftdenre that
Tow will race' them not only Oh jeistire, but with
!Wrathy. ft ihonld be borne in mind that in this
chi, laid out by Washington.andeinisecratee to his
name. is located the capital of our nation. WE ern
Mein of our Un ion, and the symbol otitisy greatness.
licre, also', are situated all the pdbli buildings' ne
teisary for the use of the goverome t, and all thees
are exempt from taxation. It, show dbe the Tilde
aftmeri-ans to render this piece a rant to th e
['emir of the Whble republic. and dvinient and .
e i ,
free-fur the tratinaletirin of the publid i pithiness and
the preserratioh of the public rein *. ....The goy.
ernmenrsthadl I, therefore, bear a liberal PlNtrionion
of the bootees of all necessary_ and tiseftd impl'ove.
meats. And, as lathing could contribute more to;
the health. coiffure. and safety of theicity. and 4he
recunty of the pubis biaiddings and !records, than
an abundant suppl of pinto waters I respectfully
i i\
recommend that yodtta
ke soeliproirisions for oh. '
taming the same as lb rode ehalinni don may deem
. jropee.. , ''
The set palmed' of feet last athinit3' makiincimer
. • tain:proptiaiiions - to Texas for setdid the disputed
bp Millar)? bettreetr that Stale apth Territory . . of
New Mexico, was immediately. on' its passim.
ervastnitted by express to the goveiithr.ot. Ters. to
he laid ' by hfin'before the general asseingy for it.
dtreemi•nt theicto. Its receipt was duly arirrietel..
' 4l P.'sd: Mit rib °Mild ihfornsation' has yet pen 'Me
teired of the atilon of the general aisembly there.
, th : it may, bowel:lee, be very soon eipectell, - na, by
lie termth of the'phopositinns submitted, they were
In have beeh'aCterr arab' dh de befdre the filet day
Of the peelehfrefidetilt . .
It was - hardly* have been . ' eepected that Aloe
ties of mhacures past at yob( last session, with the
view of heilm4 the sectional differences which had
sprang, front' the slavery abdtteltriteirlaitqueatiorm,
should at ofeeehltier reales:lnd MOP benetittent pnr.
Pose. Ail mmital conceaeion in' the nature-of a
compromise 081 nEce.matity bff dharedcome to
men of mitten" opinions - And thou t' within:it
such entices/thane pot Constitution' maid not hive
b een' formed, nod cannot be permanently sustainect
vet we have semi them made' the'sublect of bitter
Controversy hp bl 4 se/okras of - the Republic. It
sequired many mohthessf iliseatairem& delihera.
;Mr to memo the coact:Wrench of a Majority of
Csvelress Or their favor. It wont& be strange if
they had been' received- with' immediate' opproba
' t itto by retail. and Slates; prejudiced' 'and Imola
lit' the e zeiting coffin's-ender; oft their rePresenta
tires. I believe thete nthaanteiihavit been requir
ed by the circumstances end Conditiona4a ' the cdtin T
try. I believe they were necessary b. , allay aver.
hies and,animosiiies that were rapidly alienating
one section of the country from another, and de
stroying those fraternal sentiments which are the
strongest supports of the Consthetion. They were
Adopted in-tie spirit of conciliation, and -for the
purpose of conciliation. I believe that a great
insewity of 'our fellow-Citizens aympathith in that
spoil sail that purpose, and- in
. the main approve,
and are prepared in • all respects to sustain' these
enactaitenta. i cannot doubt that ,the Anierieatr
(people, Woad together by kindred blood and com
mon traditions, radt cherish a paramount regard lot'
the Union of their fathers, and that they are ready
nnyet xt he any ;newt to violate its integrity, to
disturb the compromises on which it is based, or
in resist the Liars arbieb flare been Enacted lindOr;
os nodosity.
The series of mesioretberbieh I have alluded
are reowdesh by me - an teetalletnest, in' principle
and substance—a final settlionehts—ofttbe darieee
nos and exciting subject* which they eetibniteml —:
Bost of these subject - O, indeed, are beyond year
reach, as the legislation which dispoisedit - inribem
was ) in its clarailerj fivatind bliermacable. Wag
bepresnmal;from the opposition all
encountered, that none of ihttse measures was
free Iromiroperreetiotus: but, in their mutual de
pernlesteer-inakcanntis ion, their to rysyaretts Of
compromise the moat enneilitito7 and beat for the
entire ticiumty That coold'be cordbin
mg sectional "Wrests and opinicimi.
" For thi3 reason I aar'adherebee - to
the adjustment established by *k is* meaSnres,
time - sena eiperience alien demonstrate the ne
,pt further legislation to guard against eva
sion or alma*.
By that atliostment we have . ,heen remised from
the wide anti hi - mindless a g itatiop, that surrounded
us, sad have a thin, distinct, and. legal ground to
rest upon. NJ the occation, I Mist, will 'Nati&
me in exhorting my countrymen to rally mind and
maintaid ennui as the beat, itwot the onl
means of rpsloring peace and quiet to, the cou
. p't ;
add, inviolate the lategrity Of t e
. And Kiwi fellow-citizens, I candbi icing Whir
commthadliort in a close without invidang yen to
join me id-hitnitild and devout thanks id the Great
Rdler of Nations, for themultipliedbleslings which
he has gnicioualy bestowed upon us. His hand,
so °lien visible . M our preservation, ha-iltfyhd the
pestilettte;sivilid us from foreign woo, dad domes.
tie disturbances, and scattered plenty throtighout
the land.
Our libertieri; ale:ligions end civil, bairn been
Maintained ; the foul lains bf knowl•elgt3 lave all
been kept open, and me r e of litypip&ii
spread and generally ennyeil l greatei IWO Vase
fallen to the• lot of any othet mutat. And, while
deeply petneirated with glalitude kir thli past, let
us hope that his all-wise Providence will so guide
our counsels, as that they shah resift In giving sat
isfaction to our constituents, sechring,tkupeare of
the couatry, and !titling new strength to die 'wiled
Government ender winch we live.
11111A.A11.11 VILIMOFiE.
Washington, Dec.,141, 11150. '
UNION MEIMNO.—Tite - eitizens Of,
fter in
Bradford County in favor of sustaining the
giotibus Constitution of these United States in all its
rittiviSicifts and,cipposed to the agitation of all Dis
unionidts whiffler under the prb of abolitionism. or
any whit i.m, are requested to meet at the Court
House it the Born es of Towanda on Tuesday
gvenlng 10th Urrituber instant. '
THE subsglibei. having attended publii.
MAW, meetings. at the Court Room. 'in Brisdford
County, Penn's ' on Monday and Wednesday even
ings of she first Coon week in said county. propos
ei, by leave of the Honorable timid., fq MO some of
the most prominent passages in BhakiPeare's Tra
gedy of Julius Caesar. being as he conceives some
what pcninent to the case of this Republic. tit this
time. Ladies of all ages are requested to attend.—
The Clergy. the Hon. Judges o the Coun.Strf nietJ
Prqfessionat gentlemen, and all other adult .citizens,
anti gentler4anly buys are also invited. Noisy buys
with ilgitalloVed machines of disturbance, are re
quested not to attend. If time permits, and a desire
is manifEsted,sitine gentle strictures may also . 'se of
fered by the reader in relation to the dangerons es
citement anitingthe enlightened citizens of this great
and growing Republik.
Dm. 6.1650. §: BARgrow.
TEM - PiiirkiIVFITINGT.:.A meeting
of the Bradford County Temperance
Society will be held at the totirt House on Monday
evening bee. I, neat. An addres? ma
. f tit. 6,2pect•
ell'from the Bee. Mr. Landon. All ate invited toll
end. By order of the President.
W RELIGtOUS NOTICE.—Rev. tkhuyl;r
J.Gibson will reach in the linion'llouse
it Darlington on Thursday Dec. 13th (Thanksgiv
ing) at II o'clock A. M.
bins rdbocrusanctitc,
; 4 rolik I ( •iL tillrA. , WI
ILL MAAR& bits Removed to No. 3. Brieb Bow.
' , bete ahe witl continue to watt on tier friends and
pairods ptodfiiityand thankfully. Dcm &
have &fen prosecuted by B. W. 'hied. for
Asaselt & Battey with intent to kill. I ant de
aienthi of riietang t ammihns befofe going to Pilate
Prison. My goods can be bough( very low for
rash. add Mose Wishing to rumbas, that way will
Odd it to 'belt intereit to give' tdea Calf.
All ibose indibted to !nib!, Ddolt aceount•Or oth
erwise CU untic.e of the above and
set' ifp WintFdiattly:
It.ll:—.lcao be fatinif at m'y Grocery Varie.y
Store, two doors South of M 4418,113 & Co.. Main
at , instead of the thistialent to of the Court
Toshfhlfa. Dec. a, 69
E. H. MASON, M. D.,
0 1[4112v:614w 43 ; ethtimaizr9
FFICE.on Main)etreet fc)be doors -044 bridge
sweet, where la Ow, be ficiidoibeit Doering e•
"Real envied: loyiiiebdi, 1t0..311, fat •
/"V - Eatatadirinitafira
ill kr: MOM* we/Mama, eetfolly Mfortn the Le
/1M dye of *lean& sal ilfi y, diet' .he ha. open ►
add *Marry 'establishment on Main street; our doom
Idler 6thige 18' the home. formerly odcapied 17
D.' M. MM. Eate geoe an' Maid a Ihtlreelected watery
of the Weed feelticniehiti Milllbery Goods. also hawing
*mid atb setriberof >t bialtlbnehte Milliner. just from
the Cite. ettelhot: emlidwit of &ill aet'afietios to
the...who may attend tei bar their
&raw itdarAeri United and ?rein& W 'the moot
Illookaner. on Mint' datiee, by beer chemical Memo,
Which give! thenlibiedlifatwidtchweeim6bent 100 1 -
ing the' odor. Boditiite dyed or creerY mfof slid shade.
' Towanda. November' str, 1856:
—r- r
Messrs. - Goss' & Menlug.
WO;lolEYnigiPeeltitllLanVmece to the citizens of
iiintre tremiiii thal thsiy hive taken
rooina and arc now operating over J.lringshery'e store,
main terra, whiie they . ant prextred to tali," pietores
in the latedaud most itOrrimed style. Chilaree taken
at any age. Perkily Groups, sepafatit piticrihs force
sea, lockets, logs, fie—, correctly taken.' fifedirecion
given, or no charge mole.
Prices vary ,crom $1 to $lll. Forenoon light prefer
rpd. Howe nw children from 10 A.M. to 2P. M.—
LAN and Gentlemen are requested to can and exa
mine specimens. Towanda, Nov. 7, 1850.
r 1 T. For has just received another larig rtoek
1:4. of YNNTgft. 0005 1 01; lb which the attention
of the pikiblie is invited.' . Nov. 26. 1850.
/11=a0 igarIaIICUPWZO
AVM is thittinre to pdithinle BOyiEN foithe,loog
jr oseeissoil Teatime' irPoraitt o roofs' tat 4
dug lorgoot stock ever offered Ig ale
in thittlibroogri, at t stitoo . of oho sofistilbet, niso is
conloindf Boca.
Nos. 1. MO. J. strmasstitt.
99.060" ghee? Pelts WAWA.
VAR which the highest prhe in CASII will bepsid
by 025 H. it A. CAMPOEII.I..'
Further particulars of tire great Flood
Veit Gassinteres. Broadcloths, Vagina, Prints.
43 Moliiitcloths, Merinos. Alpacas. Mena. Delsirie.
Ginghains, Hosier!, closes, Trimmings, Plaid sad
plan flannels, kieneked totians, 'beatings. skirtings,
bang, tietings..die4jtist egasiied et the Chesp*Atere.
Ocr gb, isso. .111:1140/6BERY.
"[JAI'S AND CAM Bobo( ona,Biees, Overshoes
xi Gaiter:, di;lames Boots , oaf noes. • rest vie
Also, Hardware. Crocketyaish. Goacesies. (m
-ehithortivpil ermiN l otolses thp bbl.' or 44)
satiby eft' F.
Agricolthral, Stove, .st,d Iris Stare,
C. 8. IitCdBELL Seer
glifiktiftunil f l . lq*svcrus, &c.
ALS6 EMEtilf it CCM
Rig &id Horse Pewit k Tresher,
Witis file leitt sad lapor!axt: , ts, for
i triadu Patent slur
rriial4p4;sn; kites this method to infelis the
• .1 of ,Bradford and the adjoining emotion
that be ikeeeitt foe, and hes far ode, the ababit est hea
ted and7lled Hone Power end Tit:editions M o .
iltb he is reperwl to, furnish oil the same
terms ►
as by e iiiiklifscturer. with the addition of the
nasal east of transportation; antie foi at the low
est and Gen Wein,
The sableriher has said a entaker of elti,alinee sea.
chinas in this. atd the adj Nnios count* of .Chenteng
and This, K. 1.. end all erfilsent eiersakii has. given
she very best eatisfedion. entinbeee they OM known.
all farmers itise (Ikon die frtfresner. seecient of
swains Is Ihreshisa, beingoperiskirl me th Mu
dress * eiel ereeking and wining wadi kw grain
dud shy. abet whine is em.
Tits Two-Horse Power Thresh. end &purr is
espable,, with altos or four ma, oilduakag flirt PIA
to 200 barbell of wheat or ryirs of Javier this glitaitity
dada pif day.
The Floe f v Emery 4 Cm'e
Sergt.P.orn. Op 00
Ad Tatnet end Bepemitoi. et 00
lai) B. wench, Mire Mid
ruin Weer. • , • 00—Stt6 00
do TweAmm l irmyt„ .01 L
do Trotter and litepitmtar.i 33 •
do Doody ohm, mooch, die., 160 00
Abo. Wheeler's one-hofee poviet,Tbresher,
.nd &ponder, complete, (impti»s Chid
Wheeler's two-lane Power, Thresher ud
esporourr. complete, 149 90
Prior or Ettory's Trnber 'and Cleaner,
gr ieb binds. orreachro, Me,
...,1 70
do B.w aw Mill. eon 35
plete for uor. .
Pries et Gnu'. Failifillo, adapted for
... Mood or power, from II 00 to 25 00
wlltseriber will alas the musing wawa be pa
pered toleftql to order
1310111ri t ir & Co.'s NrEW
Emery & Co: IA niarly two year. post have 'bees
experimenting to ?erft.c.l a cleaner, to be operated with
their Power for pubfix.and.field. threshing ; and with
much time and expense beve.p.icUmled to their entire
satisfaction, and are now r e • pailto furnish e Self
cleaner, c o mbined with 41 thi..idrentiftill . e t illeiv
overshot (Oath r. end at the same lu'aie regaiug Oft
force to operate its rotary motion than is required pi
the vibrating momenta. It bee been thoroughly *WI
during the last harvest, and Nome 1tf . ,014:0 hive hell
used the poet meson for threshing gut 'the beat pain
rowit i .g medium IA the state of Nagt, York with the
best suites—threshing mouths tomuliP an equal min
enis b g e nd it trai eitie, than the ix/Miami tit/tubers
wi ileibeatiovieleirweni, .
. 1.7 has all thcadvantages of,,a sagolfiew
ning nu , ereplitpc the grain 6t kw ittaiket t wwiting
none: siPtilVt,beig b s !tttlq pw . r. th an
lc faiiiiitig del. or firty grs::.
.oialung the
Isr a i , l e Th rr th r e nail not con . 5 g thi e f anzwri
and with gentry & Co.'. Wee-boree 41 00.
The Cleaner can be &ache I .' the Tbseber ow
ed alone when desired. The new and Clean.
er are destined to take the place of pie old. expensive
awl cumbrous thresher and cleaner new in use.
Farmers end others wishing to procure any of the
shove-mentioned Horse rowels awl Thresbera,' Wit).
save trouble, risk sod expense, by purchasing them of
the subscriber: I
in" On account of the large demand for the above
mechines, and the diffieolty'of immediately filling or.
den far them. persons wishing to purchase machines
should give me timely notice as to What kind and at
what time they wish to procure thl•
Farmers wishing to do their sheathing immediately
after harvest. should procure their maWhiales as early as
the first of July. Also for sale 1 '
A GEN - ilUt. koeornixyr ori IMPUOVrti
.11 1 1 mretbdurer'• retail prior, IVA ea
a RD
srunmsWA,suSOlL il othrr pLpirs,
R evo ki ng /brit . Pokes, nty, Sir u. and Manure
ForEs, 4 - r. te -4 41
Cad. fret. Mid hid tillers' A Inn hops,
LEATAIIiPE d a ll rims, in liise ' lositt luiaiti
: ties. etiAmp for cash.
IL IL WELL. OS »pi, t 4 ,i,itif •iiii;ioa prie.
coliariSttio fontimb J. T.Cinnt be .Co's alroia pair*
Pirrafleirt grvitse Crwilei
. •
tolvtleso Ur i kvat 411;•picir4id:Vii fer4isied
with Dunn's eelebrittal lacy me, ther teat oak thr
Milos tiiti wofie4 , 3: Orders raptitiddhe iktataa
from town rtfreoctitri itiereVltti:;\
dilso for .de,ind weir salad aarhabit! of
; , •
fmuilregi BeAUTIFUL PAITIOrkts, INIZEIS 7 rsuccs, kc
My do& of 1 / 4 tow4 .n 3 prim, will compare boors•
hly iffth doom of Gni Sion Meow in orkt of the, tins
'Tin( Japann46l4 beet Poi
...f. e wid aid fonds iittrisila and nisei, &op
A limo owl fall Codirwme of Atridelteftt
anent.' and Stage,eogrvingo, Yarn . litied grit*
dther bst iN of:on opriflftdrw byvgil rditjolik
Athens, P.., Nowak" 90: 11110 f. 1y26
3w int 0 lit 1111-
Variety, Grocery .and Liquor Store !
LW. TIF F ANY has removed hie earehlishment
. directly sawn the street from bit old wand, in
the stew lonely ...copied by Mr. Doane. where be will
be happy to Wee his okl customers,' and es many beW
ones meaty be intiree4 et ptirehasinir, e4uela. s 9
'kg airikOrebt'lioistbOr' rAtcs. ritre.
Nee MaittbsThitents.
-- ,
s ett
NEW 0000 AT - ' . ,-.:„. : 1
pu t
AT ii.iiiirra %s ow '' - '..: :itia4.4
iNi • nit Meek 4 rigletd , 1 1 ,,,k5: sitt h .
ellen to the Mobile at lour "-' earap as* p•
est , for rub er most kbak of prod '
In his Meek will bit tread a OA eiiirlearet of
Ladies' /Mors Coeds 'arid Triessiiirsis, siiialoiii for the
mesas. ells i apiewilit emeirteleat eftbeinitliesei
mad ammo a! g i= o 'reoreti Wadi tiftie f well Pi
Leories"e. Bey's 0 liddreaNi &
Mose. a ' tration
The E mil reple nu t Ibis silo fsif ;Waite if i ii
vited le cell itid . e for thresselves before pierebas.
lag elsewhere. 4 feels esetwed that be ow eatify them
ea to quality of tee& riwil4leie.
Towanda. Pidir. 191, 11#60.
rrne subacribets balite Susi recei;ad I Who 44
.A. don to titei- stoat solo peapareil to famish a psi.
saw with a " complete oak." owinatiog of
Orettocdo, Coots, Paoli; rtit'i. &ft*, tradavkirts,
Drawers, Holt, Cori; Sapt.aderi, Craeati,
All of which Will be soU ebrapri Iliaa
nwady plif. l ) l H. 'I& A. CAMPBELL.
Twoanda, Eiverobat 14, 1950.
—-- - - -
The Bight Piece to bay Goods Cheap
'B.' EiNdSBERY 4 ea's
ii- T HERE they, haretogm awn choice NEW
V V GOODS, .t greater bargifint then ever before
offered to the piddle,. ffssofilist them may be foxed
• la of Rich mod glbsians.d. um as Plain OM Ma*
Fall and Winter Dryffmnie,gf every vitriol and style.
Towanda, November 7, 1850.
- -
PRINTED and plait; Dpitainee. and
.ef the met 'Disgust stykytt taws as etti; one
'bilk% a yen!, at 8 X N B ERT &CO
_ _
r 4 RENO!' Metineee sad Pait44,o4 wood 4
X' gamble patte rn s ; she Weistea Was Oar theases,
semen as children's emu. kw We, cheap fur cask, by
Na. T. B. Mosual & co.
mad TeriMy Reds; es . dell es
L • large meek 44' Ce.ieme. De!Aires, Caametes
lid Alpaca", eao be &mid for sale by
Na'. 7. B. KINOSBERY & CO.
Anteir sad alandaamea's Podkal Hamikerchira,
Hairy, Cravats, Mara &a. &a. by
Viso 00
ieiLmA NancE'
MHZ ettentioti f of the commanding officers of the
.1 several cornpenios of uniformed militia within the
County of Drudford. is respectfully directed to the fifth
section of the Act of'l7th April. A. D. 1849, which es
quires the Captain or Ciimgsgsding offacer of each cow
peaty, to furnish a copy cf rql.lof said company, on-
Ser,osth or affirmation to the Co.'s
.7 Cogunissioners,
at such time as the assessment of tazeit tOr ratternerl iv y
each end every year, designating the township, wart;
or borough. in which each member resides. Uri they
are hereby requested to furnish said copies of the rolls
to the COMMISSIODOIII on or before the tOth day of Da
ce:abet next. C. S. RUSSELL, Clit to Can's.
Comtnissionees Office, Towanda. &or. 15. 1850.
CARS to the enclosure of the subscriber an or about
the Roth September. one yearling Steer. sallow
Helfer. The steer Was dart rat. with ■ white spot is
ilia 'imbued. The beife also a dark red. The own
er rani berm dims by proving property end paying
41arev- WM. CARL...
Warms. October 20, 16511.
1110/KOADCLOTHIS, Csasimeres. Kentucky Jaws.
.4LN - I ' grey cloth, dye., saki very tun for cash.
any orgessesto apt sceh m to enable no to del,
et point nilong* ef. ,1 gouda Seat Perk
Pi, Flour s Poirike „Two; Pick', Wheelbarrows
Ane . es ldbovels, ear Initimes , lumber or in fact alma
eirety,Ong pants- rtrdera promptly attended ins
}IA§ just received, andja still to:citing (ram 141;
York New Goods, antastikftlEillejl.. ISnitre o.
tiara, a variety. Toys. innumer;ble urne : mes wit out
ekeeptitin any kind ; Liquorn or all descriptions, kinds
and qualities, and every bOy ittows be veils very low
for mob. q L. W. r.
Towamls. Juneigls6.
. _
Ald. those fain iessie thenitiel4es sioe,
; musty and militia taxes. will , Preparelhemstlises
to settle up in full at DeermLer court and nye eon.
J. M. PECK, Deputy Tutasttiet.
r. R CPA I atas,-1111 those who know ilititees
tilebted fur Licenses MK ev up hronordithal, fiti! sate
coo. J. ,M. PECK, Deputy Tressiries.
Treasury O ffi ce, Tioranda, Oct. St, ISM
ALI, perms' iniabied is tbo outot• of Goole* A.
Holden, deceased. late of the tonoridp ofwell.
are limb, wriddifed to manor* Fr/stein 41E14
and .n pennon bile .'Rant sai4 nista we
regulated toporoffl } tbin. dia)y, autbeolringed .'dot rotd
demeet. JO W, SWlder, Aihniiiatrator.
Dona, October . ) LIAO. •. •
ALI perions indebted to the estate ofoll.lllrl2T
DIMON dee'd, late -offthAare herrby *quest
ed ,tik peke paytneht wiWint (1141 :those
"hadittt &dos against guilt,. estate wilt 'please
prese third duly anthentiealtd for setilement.
gANNA .ufmtrs.
Iforell, Sept. 7 1111.4. J. 11. *IKON.
More Paiticulars abut Eh tale Flood.
T INGHAM & 8411 eiv;p:ACrtitritr
. A...l4a,ltit i o. f otwitni g azylin g their resent
'heavy loss they will, be t teTi„ by the Ist, of Sept.
rteltl4 eetrutnqste 4 th . ;say give ass a call in!
the,genyos liralleges. ol . l business. t •
It— It 101 yet" AlcuiTable that we should have our;
Juts nears the present. etretunstanoes. thereto* all glur
'that bnesr thwesalses mislead will obis? 44 bij Ol
in sod settling up immeediatelioNVlllNevr# olkui!
do it of their own free PA et nil* . 1 1 1 nt
that thaw that do not Obi this eon may poseibl7 be
M e n ll soOe.sAg- „e,a S j t s
, y Imes.
iB5O. _
G R • ."9 . superior article of Nora
SCO44 i grind doves, for sale at
CAWCOEM--A splendid assortment of Mdse
cheap Cockeo and Merrimack prints. (colors
warranted.) can be found at 225! K.& CO.
MACKEREL by the bbl.. 1 bbls., 4 bbl. also
some superior codfish, can be found at
asb ltAk CO.
A N ostensive awortinent ef Planes and Tnniaef eV.
esdeeerieion will be Arad at MERCURIC
• GnitlE 4 ll2lB, LAWNS Sm., a belted
-,lH'llitirk!octment can bd fotind
Ap 124. 1ia0„ . MgE-CURIr.
.1)1 V Jkagetidtbiti6
I Watch wad Aloft Sore to 13. ItinayWily dE
Co.'a OS& block. "album hit tempi on' WO a very
estetbdida itomottiletif $f elorlre, Watauga, i reeatY.
rineyo &oda, to which beliarfort ntAde obi go AM-
Oen. teceivad by apneas ftow Now York. ea
I\TotlClio hereby 'gives., that the paitnershipheiso
talareamiatinif between the sabseriberi 'has beep
iliaitelad by initial eaosint. The affairs et said firm
will betariaagad try? Hiram Mix. All perwtis indebt
ed are.msperted`to settle their aermants.
E. 11. 14 WON.
'`lgsnitinlver. 1 X5O.
_ •
Wis— g easi r tursitpil aide Await
IniSreMioOZ . S.
The 1 . "'
' MI* • "
Guergl. airmen; Pi'
A 4. 8:1850. • &M. 9.. MERCURA
(71110CERI A fire stoat 'uf Tbitat Ettegers.
15 Ca' good article (in; A eetsur,) enter; Pterrr.
pefeei•tobareo &op can be 'bon& cheap for rash
at K. ik. CO.
THE &war awl for 'abide filling It( tdwan.
des township , Bradfadd enW, Pc, a taw Aid,
two wiles west of the itornigliorToWsnds. containins
ninety-NW' .the, sixty of whirls ore owlet improve
wet. This.Pann is of • superior sell. wheindoly-tbd-
Med to both isg and well watered sod de.
%tidally 're a in . C . 1.41 tail* ihetti tsr
nyjnaucements ; Vigo' VON thonierni gkkli
hailed dwelling iiniiseo..fnusisti bent and Itl-
inapt. Terms of' pijotent 'usade .. efieg, fuel tat& tile
P°" 110 0,0fivAl• .4140. 1 *
I ,lWeMweet. IT, lOC ' Win., HA EDEN.
WIRE,COVERB., Niee noose; fermi sod every
thins else that 'err appf . loinett to my line nt
beeirese, us lewd. sod for lefir ki Oaf. ; tt
you closet believe it cell % I t .0 1 ; It qoii do I
am sum you will tweed et your inferno' in roo-
Parini to bey, of . • L. W. TIFFANY.
Towanda, July 18..1111111.
L~ljin (Tire of the
LI same:wise; hieloi s errival NO. • I(. ROW
opposite alirtente,itlfb_p lame sod mmeral sq
ertasent of "'Au; MYER C/00D11. Mp 0041;
stlilnad So die terlr6 Zed esdotrytredl, amniit of
Thy bood;, Giorir4s, ifeidrAtri, Citthris, Masi-
Cart... Paints. Orli, byti, Lieges;
limb ; et Shoes, Liro#, ifs. • .
4).1 1 # wadi. (be iiitherie flatters kb+ eikthat thus
an experience of fillera years in t& liaslnetx4 he ear
wen'enwensell as elm* w any other eerehfishminf, in
Towanda. Ladies and gribtlemen ere most temper'.
fully invited to mill and Assuitine my stock.
az Moot kinds of Country Produce taken in ex.
dame for goods:* CA MI paid ur Lumber.
„• . ..JAMES 11. PIIINNirt.
Towanda, Outfitter It 1860.
AIN,;Put reeefeed from the airy a
. lame .opleocil ewortment of WATCHZB,
JEWELRY, itedof .001.,nuist fishinewhil agilFe, 1 0
which the minotheijeas.p . nti gmelleM W
arii ineited.
sod which will be r at prices to, defy yoirpetition.
A large assortment of Mats laney Goads et the
tweet rates. Omelet 10, fttitt.
• NOTICE: ,, ... „. .
A I.T. persons knowing tboniortree inilebtO ,10 ,thf
PL sobwribor by owe or book account, any requested
to taa,kle immediate payment Other same, sod save aida
ildwands ileps..l3,'N). IL KiNGsBERy & cm,
rrvirEpr Alan% cans and deers; and three taro
hone, 101‘agans and banal; for sale by caning on
the undeatigried In Albany terrnehip Bradford Ca.
received .et riGIXIS • fall AA tt
' of tirEW ‘LL
=Ol/13, the new sfigt; is wakes
which ere rtipecttolly offered at the ,A
all re aciß.itc . cl kora •n who wish to porchase goods
"0 1 ; Cf , t l3 " • E. T. FOX.
A L AcooLDtheises sad Merino* hearths! aollarr,
ThilleoLodua Aipareas prima dreajlao rionratie.
Swam dictwm. J. Mod awl other trWasiaga. a drat
Tao assomaild tOf Ohms, Hosiery Scotch yarn &e.,
1 Nitta , FOX'M.
• ...111
T KINIMERY. now, rensiVieg *ma -New
J. VOrk the most &mina& stork of GOOIX`i weer
arral in rhieitearkict, whir* in reword to ehespeem
mil fully meet die elogetatiese of the people. hie not
passible to rive anithjuit Poke !Farrel anteloeue of
the stock. but the public am hksurl 19,!;s11 sad e rsm•
ine for themselves before puVettesing elsewhere.
ToWen'tle. Oetober.l7. 1850.
. .
DREV tiorlitta EN i..LNIy VE VET
.TllolNeftlillimelt len ate., at the
stare where Gocarti ire ian'• inr*yed.
Oct. lat,,,Atiso; , tJ: grgOSBERY.
-Bay Start Shawl .AitHey.
T A-1:0168 in want of the , BAI tritiTE BitA Wl.B
. L 4 bitiy l ether examine the largest, eheapeM et beet
emeortment eq•er offered in this malt?, hittnte nothing
their purchases . : ate sott,ffiGSBERY.
NB. fourth/et 061k:th is hen ~
OB ish gAbrif pifill,tie Nudist the establish
ment*" the enbec.rihei: - p
Towanda. Det..t...11100. TI. C. flAtri..
-- 11(iN *it NM= .Aill
Saddle, Hari - eas Trldi *olfactory.
4..Vi t t arigtteliy inhttra the Pubt .
thm 1,, tti shop lately etteuitied y
(•P. RS .60 . sheet. A lOW doors below tbr
Brick Row ? w they trill keep, op hand a Jame.
dock of
Huratil. Bridittr. , Thoth, Valkn i . Mips
e• 4e. •
. .
All artier Ii their hoe netattraitirreito order,•and
look of the how faelrriit; sod, foirrorki s *totship, ran;
troche etopaered suss florthern,Patyeyteilitia. They
solidi a sail freer Ike", piettiter to ittrreheite—Aeonft
dant thus they eau ere aatisfeetkrit WU) quality
0::r. Cast, ~rill herald fee Hides ind Sheep Pelts,
at thitkialtertiateroateut shop.`
Tooaada. Woret9th. 1850.
,A I L pwoons bereft enotionei offline' pi -edge
UitiAlmilieigt;Wirt;*, &Wan
brewer, tpirty.feur eighteol (months !the
dale, d 4.11 Pikevain.s24; Alia note wee "to
*lett time der aiWzribssbj brad essi taarsiseien
•fv •
wila,stuogi • , 40113 A ',RE" !t`:
Kr oTicE, is berehy gives tbst the partnership bars
IN arum raining Wawa the subecribere bee tires
dissolved by mutual comsat, !be Barite sad Aeivtltits
of the Finn will be sett* 19 the rims. Alliance:Bs
ee4in g Utilefiletl,sesounta ate re quetesd•to call and set
tle without delsi: .1.1:4:31111 H.
The busbies/ tvililereefter be 'wed by GEO.
SMITH. hiestroasurr: Nor. shth, 119511),
miti)s,TßA,Tows i noTicp..
Al. toe letillolllC
1 1 • Buirtirigtos 4wp.
we bin!' twitesTi4 to tend pajwepi. witbtut delay.
sad tboiolarnee &fits bait egtate will pima
poem rb duty irotbewtietted toe eitttement.
10,1100. Administnear.
ALI. 1 iPdebted.. th e estate of COULD
SAY Mg ,Lrits.dqceitacd. laie of Pike township,
unbefetiVoilterten tie l inake moment whboesdelay, and
dpee nattist.eaid mete will please pte.
mat Abeni duly nittlAtatioded for sediment.
Pike, Jane 27, IMO. Adininistrewis.
SOSIAC' floor, 1100 lbs.Smoiced Halisittattnot
den, and lee baskets of Rte & Corn for 'ate
at •rat. • FOX'S
. CASHPAS) #"•
ANYquatoy of wool, cui . which the
highest price in Cash will be paid: at the Newt
ChtlitiM 8 1cire. No.ll. brick lOW.. a &A. C.
:r . •
, . •
lacievoitsix, 41 -- •
Medical ll(Pirlineit oll'eniett College,
Neva, belorg'•Lbriti"oired, Philadelphia.
TILE 1404urrii for to e of Isso-31
Mega! oe moildsy.'Clabber 1 tifr.iiiie tonfintle.
wilgou4i#iterroptioeuntil slob eassosti i a ?of
.Tlio. FlNCl4l,:yFectotitateid4x
Wri, Daltii•cs, Ms 'b. ,Principleso sad "Xragice. of
Ilfedic4 • a '
Jost , WrVii. 4 4l M. IffObsterica oird Direosesiof
Women angsl444iri. . , .
Hums B,..PArcsiussis. M: DI Maws Modica opoi
Wir. IL thistiTrlit ?IL AltiiintLy en* Physiology.
DavieGalant?, M. D. Mild / reselkir
MiniXo7olll 1 .. ATLZI, FT: D Cbt*-
Clioie at thitreftelratantk the tie&it of
which is • feresiberl to girfrij teems etsulest
without chary. 1 Fees-111 eetkir etch
ticket 51550 ; Miduati..g ,oTbe Anatomical
-soma-oms Se openeil'en oiDetober =der 'the
clue et -DR. /Milts R Tffit
HENRY 13. rreßioA k
,lA I D. war? -
1%0 RR Arch street Phibdelisbie,t
Dlittin.}llB, ttlitttlEONS, deck weiti
•/. iibtreitt tit* Wool tiamer.phere the, mdsi atom/
minty to lattirof to cling 4 it their oirsion.
Aid tinl and C.oppei
-n q:, Vita • HaVing node lame addititlitTin his
.11/toit,,,inSilei the attention el th e citisleffiof Aar-
Panrirl!anio to la asamintent.
in, the liealbare Deport:gay, I. the
Ittorlel" tee "'en the rr4 elms's/itch:" (Igqi
ant e.ia :01stenanin Towanda,) to eil/ SW t . .
can, shalt and will.. ,
The One* of Ranlware "A.Asta ofsveiy a l kir.Tmenis
all) , kept ide frardsOli
kismet ri0t, 14 11 ,;11449wii rfaciiknrre and
het Parka, stweels.,a4J, JyrialiAN hlaelonnit,b's
anvils and vices, screw proles, ateeloptiogaattiß4 cot
dentin - end panel•eaws, augur'', log cl}sine,
hooks and hinge'', Amide sincmga, hot a and
bride and tacks waggon-hozetharit-ropes, well and cis
tern pumps, Jowl Pipes,-pf all sizes, any qaanthy or
Cmpenters •and joiner's tools, all kinds of Itlifitlfery
Hardware, Rouse Tritrimingi:of ill I'inltrit4t all
prices in fact every thintthat i ontY Indi.rrf MP! it *
Hardware aim, oacanwswoonably expect vier to rot
lh „Psi Dipoiloont. have—o tlicrCa no
ow in trying lo tell all—stiit „ •
hive *team
Rfileinee relent. redintat4piarlia 7 „ gann'tm, .h prate, air
-b egersir.,o 'Pg' Aims, fhackeys' hot Sir-oven
with, rotary' top, prevail= stoves from 11Ta. 1 itt,lVo. B.
&Oral F. Y. stoves, Repohlieap atoveo.,Alltau riff •
'stove; Stewart* air tight stoveS, rough, and srsay vtnirs
air tight complete, in fact alrkiaila thew trd cfoie
if not more.
l sijto ,have, and intend tp keep' nit hand, any.eptan
lily of Russia and Americ•tii siove pipe. A general
easortment of those. Copper. add Tin ware; frotii, L a
big Orem kettle' tHiln 15 if.Smitll tin Peoper tar., „
o( Lin, copper,„ancl Efteewrop, wog Tapp.
factored to c;filer, and every Article wartant4.l to give
The place of hisettritvis on the Put& Sr 'nerti,&n .
Piste street, in Irdotttat7ycg..44WilricillAlgr-ILitk store
running through frorg the Siloam to. Pine
to' people's finding it, we have no fears, for of course
sorry body who Willits to bey cheap will itWre for
Hall's establishment.
Ci• No credit given over: eilff months. _
Towanda, A uen.t 14, MO.
. .
,FORTY Thousand pounds 0f.41•1;99 ,
1 the Factory in Wyalusink i jr; seclystril faviats-
Bread and narrow clothe; pe.iineici • Ft v iart
netawis and Blankets, - (twilled at Olin.) will it, ?hada
on shares or otherwise selet.ticiredt. eiStb•as of
Bradford, and Oprinitikg COuptire7 or, *eller) to
calf" at the .ftimtrtory before Alva. of their
Wool eteenOra. The sub.eribet hying •agalrt taken
charge r.f .1140 ‘enthli harem - . is determined tndri
near sajiß t iltojey witp patronize ;
j Cdiding earl Dreasintdree Sit 110412&•
'IT 13 ruGy
-..•• • - • •
Wysiu'eiritt MIT it, lintt:
A 01 Mm ma indebted to the estate pf .Zonett
.L'l. ITTall,,Ameneed, lase of Towanda townstilp.
r a re hrrebY Ti.aealF4; l 4. lo • l 4? PlAstrtk
and tho-e having claimer ausinst suit) est:o%loli vi eruer
duly an'TherttimA r fohattil•raent.
then X. D. htIINTA7 N Admitnetratar.
. .
Towanda; 'November 1. 1450.
AA Lt. ppr.mis Lhc: emqtc.,nf Pit HAM,
SrONIV eltzeasfllate of Athens Ifthshir.
are hereby trot: fled o '°. ma* tinftneht. Ota Mosel:tr.
log detpatnals.sigfilk,;4o eotateaue . untilltil to pet
%ent the ty duly auttudtitatted ille , :sithserihers fur
alljuittene ' HIV: WATKINS,
rsy STONE.
Ntiv. 7. 1850
6.ifirp *. i .r ant* Molessee:Air :10 chests more of
thet.'feeehi eme,Tea ..parrasted go id of the money,
returrte.l. Vorcre. Sai eremßiee, Fo4 arid Tamara, ail f:
of which will 6e iold diap at PDX'S.
I (Ina !rhea - Rye and Oats, also
11.1‘.47,1, I 0,0110„ e•u, j a i and - Jersey rthel
Nora wanted illuzsedbftely,ki eseharip firi goods at
visit a'
TlittikS LOS T
LOBT. between Is. A :Miffs' tavern 'and Waverly, a
law (Plat PENCIL. The finder will htr Gb+-
rewaiatti t, Wain` it at the' - Bradford Reporter'
striae. Oetolter 26, 11350.
1111'' persons %indebted to the estate of Wll,-
1 LIAM litiVEYedeceimed late of Illater town.
ship,, are herehy tegytated to make payment soltbootdo
lay., and those havmg
,claims against. said • ent.sto will
.plesse present them duly authentiraterl for settlement
Meer, Oct. 2G„ 1850. Admintiaratons.
NEP • -Fret no 1111JICIIIIC-11E-IL.IICAINF.—eAIOst
••• roun•rr rictuttrtt '
LI - AMU located in 'rewinds, his nervier, mii
11. be. obtained by addrtwaing t tine through the Poet
or-by calling at the omen of lilysers Mercer.
Esq.,, where he will be found. of where a written ap
tpßrattan may he I. Nov. 1, I 650.
7IIDS. SUGAR, at very low tricett—alsa, a taw
stock or 141Jtassea, ineluiirm Stuart's iryrup. hum'
rarire.l at apIT MERCURIt.
THE subscriber has two or throe
ah'e :mos for sale. eiiber of which be
• wilt sellfor leas that their rrt&Talue. ft
*Tools a fine opportunity for personiwirb.
ing to 1 ,07.4.1110 permapsat:►. Ali' prisons wishing to
pure...alio are requested to call awl examine fur them
seeea. Terms made easy ; It. FOWLER.
Ilfatroetoo. Nov. Si i 1 450.
Also. some Valuable limber Lantl for sale, u
well calculatrd to make Farms. Will be solJ Cheap.
RICH figured sod bhick.Silks, and Turk Selig, tor
• =leas low u they can be purchased in 'New ‘' ri
by the sineepattem. nl J. KINGIrJERV.
-- -
UTE are prepared to furnish at short notice awl' of
Y V the brat quality, any quantity of powder an I
(twat any point on line of Camel at the towel) mar.
ket price. Ottlets ptitistptty filial by us.
Athens. A rie..23. 'WEI.I.FIS At HARRIS.
Those. Cheap Goods .d.
UST and will be sold for' cub loWeat Mire.
1.71. AAresotiful article of Sugar it cents; 3,ne
fresl4 Teas, wayinted.g.rod.or no /de, at 374 to 347 c.;
.ityrop Molasies at 30c. Alsir; arnortinerit qt
Crockery of the newe4 very cheap; 'rind its
Orel every Ching in wilt brsolef as idasp . aa .
die rils•iirekt. if the cirri:Hl:if Ifsln 'and Pine Ws
April IA, 19h0. E. T. Flip...