Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 30, 1850, Image 4

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Feeling Cows
Ry experiments tried iofcedsog cows ith man
gold wurtzel, It Las been aseeitained that a eery
co n.iderable iacrease of intik and butter is - protlueed.
The following is contained id a pamphlet written by
Ttionia4 Keeley a Cambia Le , ni England, and
ti:29, o.le inorning I,e selected two
notch COWS which had calved in the spring, and
tinned th sm out in an cnerzaten pasture, and fed
them every morning and evening only with hay,
the milk was measured at each meal, the cream al
so, and butter weigheilat each churning, and fur
one week the i result vies milk 101 quads; meant
51 quart,; butte, 4 . ,1 lbs. The cows then remained
in the pasture another neck, and were fed Ztith
mangold-vvudzel and hay, each cow having a hall a
bushel of the toot rlteed and given to her ; morning
and evening. and the result was Milk 130 quart•;
cream 81 quarts ; butter 61 lbs. The cows remain.:
ed. in the same pasture another week mole, and
were fed every morning and evening, as at firm,
with hay only, and th experiment produced onl)•
milk 87 quarts ; cream 41 quarts; btitter 33 lbs.—
thus most decisively proving, that no small pad of
the increase of the second neck must, dont tless,
be `asctibed to the addition of the inangold- sud.
. That much depends not only on the kind of food,
but also on the manner in which it is led nut to imlch
cores as respects the ylk-prodnetion, is universe.
fly- acknowledged. ".The solier PM fodder for the
milch cow, the more the milk , " is Acommon prov
erb iii Saxony, and it is a-sorted ot.Lthe bestauthop
ity that cows u hich icceive for drink lukewarm
water, give much more milk than these whichilrk
cold water; especially is 1111pOriillit in W interrit
is also recommended that in the winter the e
of the cows be excited, Ell as to take the more rink
for which purpose oil-cake and salt are revomend
ed. Some of the best German authors speak of the
following - Methods to promote the secretion of milk.
Svhweilzer,and Kleemendeclare :the most esculent
means to' promote the secretion of milk is ale fys
good and strong appettency to drink. For thii Olt
ject they recommend a paste of boiled votafees, , to
2 - which is' also ailded bieised corn, brand, oil-cake
and nii;k, and then thinned with %%arm water, so
that the a hole may beciime a thin fluid, the More
the cow will take of t the better. This think is to be
made ready for use half a day before it shall be
needed, so that it retinues ordy to be thinned with
%rata' water. Bruised grain and bran appear to
gain in t uttitiousness a lieu they ate walled isime
hours before use : in hot water, stirred up a n d ' e eft i
stand covered up till used. Mock also strongly re
coMmenib., even in summer, in connection an!,
green fodder die same chink, a soup rit bran (12
tptarts of water for a cow in which 13 Mel. of bran
has been boiled and dissolved) to be giv'en after the
first lodder with diver. In the winter this drink,
with other articles added to 1! lbs. of lye value
given twice amounting from 20 to 2.1 quarts daily.
The able editor of the London Gardner's (1/4run
icle, gives the following answer to a request for
information respecting the: Gest flied for rows." Give
your, cow half a hundred weight of mixed white car•
sots and mangold wurtzel in the rrioinitig, Ptaaw
chaff as much as you please in the tpreitoon, with
hot salt water thrown over it, about quarter of a Ilan
tired of mixed carots, &e., at noon, mtal. then, an
oil cake U cOling about two pounds, stra v chaff at
your picasuic In the afernooil, and three quarters
of a hundred of mi‘ed carrots at might and if the
does not) icki a good milk in abundance it will not
be ilia fault t,l her Lod."
• Cont Sialks is a most exce,llentpo,/ a!sifitr cow
r. M orris of Morri‘an in ; w ;Ise daily is celebrated
for its rich milk, stated at one of Wl:meetings (..1
the New Yolk Farmers Club, that he kept 136
cows,. and that he f,..d them on, green corn, which
he found to make Ouch licher and better milk than
any other food, heel les it. producing more leed
t!'ian any other readable. The tree.cOin highly ie.
commended far this purpose. Taken at the period
of its greatest weight, arid, probably, of its greates t
value tar either green. or dry loaf when the coin
was full in the milk, it is produced burly tons to
the acre
' The richnesi of the milk of co*s in (inner de
pends on two thing-the breed being the same the
fodder, and whether the elm is fresh or an old
miler. The milk ref fresh milker, as Kreyssig and
Schweitzer observe, is thinner than that.of an old
..accortling to Lampatlin; the milk of the
litst month pier calving containing, 1 32 of its
weight in hinter; in four month'', 1 24. 11 the cow
be milked three times a day it is thinner that} it she
b 3 milted only twice, - The proportion of butter in
milk depends greatly on the f'idder, says. Sch
weitzer; the poorest is straw and slop f )(lifer, the
"richest clocer,• roots,fc.c. ; and in general average
the milk is iiehest in the upturnii —Joffe wit GI
: rile. •
• Trie'Prionecr or ON, Cow —We have received
from 'John Reed of Middlo(l\4 lllit'ier co. 0. a
statement in regard to the profits R litchi he recli/cs
trom one cow. Ile has apurlram short-liorq, five
years old cow, and horn lifer he has received lifty
live pounds of n.ilk per ila4 The milk rs of, the
richest kind, and the butter made by Mr. R. 'from
the product of this cow is of the very best quality,
and would commend itself to the taste of any epi
ir ore:
The probable result to Mr R. from having one
good cow will daubtless stimulate him; as ii should
to secure the best of stock, and attend to them with
thefgreatest care and filter the most approved melt
tier. A few good cows can fare better than a dozen
indifferent ttncs They are attended . with no'more,
trouble in kV•ping, end pay much more in profit.
%Ye hopelsoon to see all our farmers giving more
especial attention toilie Driry, There is nu brand'
4.1 I:wine4olm Faye b net, ant) those who can
show rich milk and compact and well made butter
nre qotlght af:er with great avidity, and can secure
to themselves a reasonable profit.—Cie. Gaz.
Xtrcner'G►atrer —Attend In cold frames,_ and
pee them properly prose:led. Do not let your crops
he frozen in the ground. Put away turuips, beets,
celery. carrots, &c, Cc. Cover spinsgg, Shallots
yormg. onions, out door let and cabbage plants
wnli cedar brush if you hare it, and it not, salt hay
Hag or straw. Protect cabbits tormely direr-I
va. Dress an.l corer asparagus beds, salting them
freely, Cover rhubarb. Dress globe artichokes as
directed alder that head. Dig op- horse-radish
and -parsnip for winter use, and protect as directed
Bean poles, pea sticks, &e., shoal.) be stowed
away in a dry place to prevent theirdeeay.:
Accounti b:louh! Ire kept detatiliug the ex
peui a 1 produce of each field. ,
1. H. KELI.OM. A. M., Principal.
Mrs. H. KELLOM. Teacher rf iliufie 4e.
• Miss. PRO:WILLA M. SHERWOOD, Takla , in
Primary Department.
THE Fall and Winter season will commence on
Tuesday August 20th, and continue without io
telminion till Christmas when there will be • vacation
during the Holy Days.
Particular 'mouton) will be paid to dittos preparing
to teach during the Winter •
Afar scholars can be accommodated with board In
the family of the Principal,
Primary Department,
Common Engbah.
High &what.
Latin, Greek and Higher Methernaties,
Music on Piano For,
French, Painting and thawing each,
Troy. llratlturtl county, Pa.. Aua. I abo
RE following causes are,on the list foir t
December' Term 1850, as follow. to grit
A & D Ft Stiles
S C Van Fleet &t.
lGeorge Sanderson
John Loomis
John Mahood
il Smith et al
Ethel Taylor
(Charles Loomis
Samuel McDulTee ea
,LE Horton
IJerome• Salisbury
I S Post
V E&JE Piol:et
i William Campbell
PL4 1 It TI rrs
Siephen Stiles use
Thomas Welchl-r
II D Fergnsons ad .
Win Go rsline use
Stephen Pierce
James Merits
H W Tracy
John Wilcox
D 8 Miller
Egh't &Edin'd Sickle:l
Harry Northrup I
Gx.obaugh &Sali4bury
Aleiender Ikladtll
'Woodhull & Company
Wickham Hutchisou
David Barbi'r
J N Weston ex
Aaron Chubbuck
G M Bixby
0 P Ballard
Robert Depew .
Jarvis Bottles
Elhartan Smith
Sam'i Rexford et al kc
Orrin Eames
Ebenezer Brigham
Chester Buikr et us
Samuel Albro
Ebenezer Wilian
J T Richanls
C W Smith's ex
Samuel Huston
E W Baird
B Morley at llyde
O P Ballard
same. •
ij U Grace .
r J Watkins
B Bennett
W Wiswell
J N Weston es. 1
11 C Tallman et al
Itssa Farnsworth ,
rJS Sylvetser, p.r.ete.
I. Benjsmin et al ` i . '
W A: P Lantz
G Mason et al
V E Ptollet
13 Pratt & J Gilbert
- T Barstow
N B N'estmore
J Ada et al
W Canfield
Bcnj. M'Kean ad
John Moore ad
N Rogers adm
Charles hirrle
Jesse Gregory
M'Kean's guardian
Nathaniel F'ower
W Tracy
A 0 Hart at at
Athens Bridge Co.
.1 Wood Jr Er ter tcn
S A Tenant
I Kingsbery cx.
D Alexander
C K Ladd et al
J M'Kean & ter. ten.
B Strait et al 4c
-lannel Baird
A Fro.t ei ux
N J L-Dtoyt,
Job Shepard oNe
Welch. i. & Co. ose.
JJ&ND Warlord
M C Mercur n•e •
Leicester Morton
Samucl'Chase adm •
A & W F ArKean et al
Rollin Sherwood
Oita. Clad[
H C Hickok Ste.
II U Ingham use
Jabez Tompkins
Leonard Pratt
David Barber
J a Worrell do son
B %V Enncu
NV Roberthon
J Holcomb Pomeroy Gorsltne
W II Cheney Gen W Potter
liriali Thompson — IC ERathbone
0 P Ballard 4.e. W HVand)ke
David Barber 18,R Chandler
Patten, Lane & .Alleap P Ballard
Warner & TompUlu James Kipp ,
Supoenas for second week returnable on Monday.
the 9th day of December, 1850, at 10 oclock fore
noon and for third week on Monday the , l6th of the
same month,at 10 o'clock in the f o renoon.
ID ROC LAMA TION —W hereas the Hon. Horace
.1 Williston President Judge of the 13th Judicial
District, con'-isiing of the counties of Bradford Tic.
ga, Potter, Itt'Kean and Jerre Adams rVGeorge Tra
cy Esqrs. Associate Judges in and for the county of
Bradford , baring issued their precept bearing date
the 20th day of September 1850, to me dire?tei for
holding a court of Oyer and Terminer General
Quarter Session of the Peace, Common Pleas and
Orphans Court at Towanda for the countfof Brad
ford, on the first Monday of December next being
the :d day and to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the County
of Bradford that they be there in their proper per
son at'lo o'clock in the forenoon of said day with
their records inquisitions, examinations and other
their remembrances, to do those thing which to
their office appertains to be done; and those who
Iv bound by recognizance or otherwise to be pros
ecuted against the prisoners who are, or may he in
the jail of said Court. or who are, or shall be hound
to appear at the said Court, are to be Then and there
to prosecute against them is shall be just.
Jurors aye requested tobe punctual in their atten
dance agreeably to their notices. Towanda the 29th day of October in the
- year ()four Lord one thousand eight hundred and
fifty, Ind of the Independence of the United States
-the siventy-sixth.
THE next term of this Institution trill commence
on Wednesday the 2d day October next. neder
the charie of G. IL B . as Principal, and Miss
E. C. BA RSTC) W , Preceptress.4
Maims per lettp of Eleven weeks:
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Geogra
rhy and Mental Arithmetic,
The same, with Wells' Grammar, Adams'
Arithmetic and Town's Analysis,
Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric., Logic, As
tronomy and Book Keeping,
Ale ebra, eom et ry, Trigono met ry, , Purvey
ug, Conic Fier-time% Analytical G eo metry,
Latin, Creek and French Langasgea,
Fuel, Ist itnd 2d terms,
Scholars` received at any period of the term, and
charged only f rom-tite time of their entrance.
Board can be oblaioed in private families on ►ea
amiable term'. J. D, MONTANYE,
c. 1.. W•an, fieey. of DOlllOl of Trustees..
Towanda, June 15, 1850.
GEO. 11. GIJNTING, respectfully income the peib
lie that he is just receiving from New York en
assortment of ready-made Clothing, to, which be in
viteithe attention of purchasers. Among his stock
may he found
firer Coats, Sack COMB, Rosiness Cords, Frock and
Dress Coals, pnaks. Pantaloons, reits, Rouod-
abmits, *c. ' in all styles and all prices.
lie is determine) to sell his Clothing at unusually
low prices foe CASA, and believes he esn make it the In
terest of those wishing to purchase to give him s - call.
cr, -- .At the old stand. between BattleU and Wings.
bery's stores, up stairs.
Cutting and making up. *lone RS usual in the moat
feshionsble manrer, promptly and to order.
• Towanda, Ocaoher 20, 1849 y.
SMALL quauttly of itlicue aurcrinr Dried Apples
pct ca.hatid at 12 TIFF:OI'S.
fs to $3 00
4 00
5 00
Pi 00
$2 00
sci fa.
.c 1 fa
CO Sr.
3, PP .1
Net fa.
s f to
aPP . I
E 8 & E Pomeroy
Miner Riles
David Barber
William Pima"
Denj. Stevenson
g r
ii di
E 13 Conlbaugh et al
Henrietta Ennes
I) Bailey & &tn
sca fa
$2 00
4 00
4 50
5 00
• I,n
v 1 0'044 4 qt•\,,
. •o•
:to iris I 0 C 11 . 10 hick.
Certificates and Icstirnonials, suffirient to fill every
column of Ass paper, can be produced setting forth
the temuktfut mrtucs of Dr. Steure's eekbrated
family Medicines
Ctklnatcd Compoond syrup of Wild Cloryl
that I •
would u o t
Sire one bottle of
Dr. Bwayne's Corn.
pound Syrup of WiIJ
. .:tterry, for half admen of any )
her preparations. I hoar trird all
/gra:pular 0n,., bat this seeds un
hralled for the cure of the following dis•..
viz: Influenta,Conglis, Colds, Consump
tion, Bpiuing of lams!. Palpitation of the Heart,
Whooping Cough, Tickling or rising sensation
io the Throat, Bronchitis Asthma or weak
ness of the Nervous System, or Mr
paired constitution from any cause,
and in pretent person.* from
falling into a Deane r /cc.
Ike., this medicine.
has not it s
Great rum of Enw►ati Hasson', tnrineer, at Mr.
Pettit.' Factory, corner of Ninth and Wallace Its,
Spring Garden. More/ suhstanti■l evidence of the
wonderful curative properties of pr. Swars ea Com
'pound Syrup of Wild Cherry.
Pm ILi DlttllT•, April 16, 14160.
hr. Stecryne—Dear Mir—Being severely afflicted
with a violent Cold and Cough, winch settled upon
my lungs, attended with great difficulty, soreness In
my side, that I could scarcely breathe, spitting of blood
on appetite, could tict no rest at night, owing to the
severity of my cough, would spit as much as a pint
of blood at a time. Thismournfnl state of things con
tinued until I almost despaired of being cured, having
tried physicians and numerous things without relief;
but having heard of the great virtues of your Com
pound .Nyt up of Wild Cherry, snit its being approved
of by physicians of the first eminence. I concluded to
make a trial of it. and am happy to state that three
bottles performed a perfect cure ; my sleep is now un
disturbed and sweet, and I firmly believe that to your
medicine I am indebted fur this great cure.
I shpll be glad to eommunicate with any person ou
the sutjeet who may be plrawed to call on me, and CM.
reborate what I have sate, in the above certificate, at
the factory or my residence. Yours, &e.
cO"'• Be very particular to get the original and only
genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, as pirrparrir by
Dr. Sway ne, N. W. cornrr of Eighth and Race streets,
Philadelphia ; all others are Seditious and counter
"A safe anilstreetual remedy for Worms. Dyspep
sia, Cholera Morin's, sickly or Dyspeptic children or
adult*, and the mmt useful Family Medicine ewer of
fered to the Public."
Pat LADCLPRIA. March 20, 1849
De. Sways—Dear Sir—flawing made use of vio
rious nauseous Vermifuge Medicines, which bad been
highly applauded hit' their proprietors, without the
slightest good effect, and having heard my neighbors
speaking in the highest terms of your Worm Medicines.
its dellghtfol taste and wonderful effect, although I
lilt somewhat discouraged (rem the result of the anti
ChM I had furred upon my already emacived,
dyspeptic lo' kingchild, ribose dolicato tend almost
worn out frame the NVoroas bad already baptist° make
their ravages; I concluded ,o make trial of your val
uable Vermifuge, which, to our great kry, the Worms
had to let go their deadly and and strong holds upon
the vitals. Such was the effect of Dr. Swayne's Ver
alifiricc on my child which is 'now perfectly healthy,
assuming all the color of the ros, with all the mirth
fu!ncss of an innocent and b i. fail
Your. die., 'I'OBIAB WI - EC AND.
No. 4 Howell street, between Schuylkill Third and
Four h.
Beware. of Mistakes! Remember, Swayne's
Vermifuge is now put up in square bottles. ISoe
the name is spelt correctly, SWAYNE.
Dr. Str.Tyas's wqr (Wiled Sar,iparilitt and Ex
trod rf Tar )'ills.
A mild and effeciivo purgative, great purifyei- of the
blood, they correct all the functions of the liver, and
as an alterative in Dropsical affections they are very
valuable. Giddiness of the head, dimness of sight,
depression of spirits. headache, &c., are cured by these
purifying POI,.
Remember alwats to inquire particularly for Dr.
Swayne's Sarsaparilla and Extract of Tar Pills. Ste
that the signature of Dr. Sarsyne is on each Box.
The show) valuable medicines are prepared only by
Dr. H. Swayne. corner of Sth and Rue streets,
dslphia, to whom all orders should be addressed. .
Hyaena & Poway., Towanda Pa.
Chu. Rathbone. Canton, Brown 4 Rockwell, Mon-
Beit!letup & Brown, A-1 melon,
thens valley. C. H. Herrick, Athens.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. !Kinney & tlaterlee,
C. T. Murphy. Centreville.' shequin.
J. Daniels, Burlington. M. Bullock & Co., East
B. W. & D. F. Pomeroy, Smithfield.
Troy. 22y King & Vosburg. Troy.
Clocki , Watch, Ind Jewelry Store !
AM. WARNER takes this method of informing
• his old customers and the politic generally, that
be has purchased of .k P. Bull, his stock of Wordiest.
Clocks and Jewelry, and has commenced the above
business in ell alibi various ;branches at the old stand
of the latter, on Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. Dia reputation as a watch repairer is an well
established in this community, that it is hardly neer..
nary to say • word on that pbint. With his long ex
perience and great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do; them justice.
All goods sold, or Repairing done, warranted as
recommend, or the money refunded.
A good 'assortment of Mae, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand. •
My motto shall be—quick sides, small profits. cub
down, and no credit given. Credit need not be asked
for—as I am bound not to make it. acquaintance.
Towanda, July 12,1850. A. M. WARNER.
" Union Block," up stairs ; North side of the
POlic Square. over Elwell'. Law Office. Entrance
between Myren and Adams' 14w offices; where be
may always be foun.: when not professionally engaged.
Towanda, Ju'y 12, 1850.
HAS removed to s few doors below Bridge street
on the But side of ktsin-st. in the building for
merly occupied by J. D Meetanye Esq.
All operations emountingto PO, or ore►, one hell
to be paid dharn, the remainder in three months. If
the operation proves unsatisfactory. the money paid will
be refunded. A note of hand however Irani suture the
payment of tha half len unpaid, with a proviso.
la the maltcr-o/ the estate of Simon Spalding, deed
HA WING been eppniebil an Auditor by the Or
phone' court of Brodfunl county, to settle and
report upon the account of Byron Kingabery. &demi.
nistrator of. the. estate of Simon Spalding. dammed,
the undersigned mill attend in the dads+ of his ep.
poinunent, oft the 30th inst.., et 10 o'clock A. 11. et the
officeof Wm. Elwell. in the borough of Towanda.
Nov. I, 13511,, D. BULLOCK, Auditor.
Another felkie beirs; racu!drolt: Datth try &h 4,4 •6
The following case is one of the greatest triumphs
of medicine over disease eves pub:Jibed in medical his
tory. Read it!
Prompted by no other:than the feeling of be pevolence.
and for the heitefit of my afflicted fencer beings, I de
sire to make known a short description of my disease.
and the unexpected cure I obtained from SUUENCKS
PiILMOSIU SYRUP. About three pars ago I was ,
afflicted wit I a violent cold, which settled en my breast
and aide, and every few Jays wonild raise considera
ble blood ;my cough was tight and distressing. Every
day ,I had violent fryer creeping chills!. and profuse
sweats at night, with great difficulty of breathing and
great loss of appetite; my system was entirely pros
listed, being confined to my bed most of the time.—
Two of the most eminent physicians of this city at
tended me. and alter exhausting all their 'kill- pro
nounced my case incurable. Indeed, one said my
lungs were almost gone, and 1 could not possibly ro.
cover. At this stage of my disease, I was-prevailed
ow tr try Dr. Schenck's Puling:tie Syrup, and before
I had taken half a dozen bottles, was so far recovered
as to be to go shoat the house. It seemed to strength
en my whole system—it loosened the cough trod stop
ped the bleeding—my bowels became tegular, and
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and .nourish
my whole system. Indeed, such was the rapid pro.
gress of my heath and so sudden the change, that I
became too sanguine of a speedy cure, and abandon
ed the use of the medicine before the disease was
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in another attack
of bleeding at the lungs last tall, accompanied by a dist
tressing cough. I again commenced taking the Pul
movie Syrup. end sent for Dr. Schenck who, upon a
careful examination, advised me to c•intinue using it.
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess formed in
my side, which gathered end broke, discharging. a: near
as I can judge, • pint of very disagreeable yellow mat
ter. This seemed to cleanse end purify my whole sys
-1 tem, Fr= this time, 1 began to get better, and am
happy to say entirety recovered. I em sure at this
time I enjoy better health than 1 have for the last ten
years. Since I commenced taking the Pulmonic Syr
up, I have never failed to recounepel it wherever I
went, that others, as well as inyieß, might be saved
saved (tom that awful disease; for I feel it a duty 1
owe to the afflicted to petSlish it to the world. Permit
me to mention a few cases which have come under my
immediate observation. tieing on a visit to Camden,
N.. 1., last summer, I saw a child, evidently in the last
stage of bowel consumption. The moiler informed
me that the physicians had given the child up is in•
curable. I told her what benefit I bad received from
the use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, an] induced
her to procure a bottle. I beard nothirr• *
more from
the little sufferer nntfl about three month after; being
itt the market, my attention was down to a lady who '
observed me very attentively. She finally approached
me. and asked if I was not the lady who recommend
ed Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup to her dying child last
summer in Camden. I repl:cd that 1 was. She said
that her child had entirely recovered, and was uncom
monly healthy. tier name is Mrs. Wilson, auernow
resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would mention
in particular, who had a scrofulous affection. Her face
and neck presented one continued sole, and one of her
eyes was seriously affected with it. She had become
r greatly emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery.
I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmonrc Syrup, which
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady.
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on appli
cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consumption.
I prevailed upon liTr to try the Pulmonic Syrup. In a
very short time she was entirely recovered, and now en-
Enwauin IlassoN
Jove excellent health, having become exceedingly fleshy
These are three eases within my knowledge, which I
know were voted by Schenck's! Pulmonic hyrup, AU
who doubt this statement, and will take the tumble to
call on me at my tesidence Parrish street five d ars
shove tenth north side, I think 1 will be able to satis
fi ctorily convince them by own catae, and others that
I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since toy
cure, there have been in many to see me to know what
I took, that I have had a very good opportunity at
knowing a rest many that have taken it, and have
been greatly benefited thereby, and I think if persons
atheism] with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would
send (or Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine
their lunge, end if he says he can cure them. follow the
directions, •ud prevent taking cold, they will rapidly
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H. Senesce—Dear Sir—l have known Mrs,
Leibrrt for several yea's, as a member of my church.
and have all confidence in her statement, and an re
jlieed to find her again restond 1.3 health. if fly thing
more, in addition to her statement, is net.dles..
Yours, truly; THOS. 1.. .1 ANC WA Y,
Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church,
Philadelphia, June 20, 1419. 61h at. above Omen.
Prepared end sal by .1. 11. SCHENCK, at his Lab
orratory 8. E. corner Conks & Marshall AL, and I y
the following Agents in Bradfonl County.
Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey, Iserayssille; T.
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard At Woodburn, Rome;
J. J. Warfold, Monrocton ; D. D. Parkhurst, Lc Rny ;
C. E. Rathbone, Canton ; King & Vusburg, Troy ,
and by MIX & M ASO,N, Towanda.
Price, $1 per bottle 'fir $6 per half dozen,
For pale. together with the
other valusus, prepatations of the Gr *fattier; by
Madan & Porter, 4 11. Mix in Towanda, and by
agrnta appointed in each town in the county.
Also, for sale, the Grrafrnberg Meruil of Health, a
complete asap ROOK for Families, containing informs
lion relative to the treatment of almost every form of
of disease; 300 lieges—price, 50 Cents.
N. IL A Family Newspaper will be given, fave of
charge, for one year, to all who purchase Graelenberg
An communications must be addressed to P. C. In.
gem', Elmira, Chemung counts, N. Y.,'Geriso al Aset.
Very Strange but true.
11 Gentleman of Utica, N. Y., has,obtained f► no
the Witch•hazel, ■ simple remedy, which lay-i a
mote just claim to the name of " family core all" than
any Medicine we have ever before known. Nothing
is connected with it but a lonia Alcohol" to preserve it,
and yet it acts' with great certainty in removing pain
and all local intimation , curing all soles, bums, brut
acs and lameness, rapidly. Tiles, bowel complaint.,
cbolera•morbus, hemorrhage, ear ache, toothache, sore
eyes, and all venous affections. It is white as water
'and as harmless, and it is called
"Ponds Pain Destroyer and Healing Erfract."
None is genuine except " Pond's Extract" is blown in
the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this medicine:to
the public and bu expen&bd a vast deal of and
money in.bringing it to a high'state of perketiOn.and
we now warrant every bottle to give satisfaction.
A man by the name of Spencer ha. put forth an
article eitted "The Coyle Extract" which claims• to
be from the Witch-hazel. !Alcorn that shrttb,its name
s a rrfect deception, and it is a 'very imperfect arti
cle; be not deceived, get • pamphlet and see.
For sale at Montanye's & Co. Towanda, 8..8. Rio
man Monrocton, Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Tforrace
Willey Franklin. June Sib 1850
L. IL 11Y ATT,
714 permanently located at Troy, and will continue to
make professional rifts at l'orranda, where he will
be found at the Ward house—and also continue-to vi
sit Canton, Mnnroeton, Burlington and Smithfield u
usual. Towanda, Sept. 4, 1850.
HAVING resumed the business of SURVEYING.
all work entrusted to my cart! will be done with
secure? and deepa'eh. Notices left at the " Word
House will ensure attention.
May 24, 1850. 108. CAIRN. SIMPSON.
Refers 10 --0. F. Mason, I
Michael Maylett,
-C. L. Ward, L S. nryden.
FARMERS can Cued CIDER BA RREIN, by rallifE
soon at 011?.. 'TIFFI(Y'S.
iikbital. - .
Afflicted itot-31Jespair
fithnimic Syrup.
The C'elebratal Gritefenberg
Tefctable Pills
mere introduced into the ti. 8.
n the year 1846. Their lea
,aordinary virtues, and suipe
illity over 'II other PILLS
(flown in this country, ha.
established them as /hi! stand'.
aryl Medicine of /he day.
‘''f; Iniiirdlafifintts
.. ..,g ivritina. 4 .. Filb." l sticAllP4Tte ttok-koo p in g ,
English litanoor,titiolunciuompooluo ll . CittovoldtY.
Mee of the (Robes. Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy and
Aitronomy. •(with the wig of a good apparatus to Woo•
trate those
,studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry,
payable quarterly in advance, at annum, $lOO 00'
Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00
sous, Toanop. _
French. pal . quartet, . • 's4 00
Latin, " i . 400
Spanish, , 400
Music. (on the piano,) peruarter. - 11) 00
EMbroidery soiling work ,' 2 00
li t
Any yOung lady receivin instruction on the piano,
a privileged to learn rug-w k. or any one of the "hove
an the same dime without additional charge.
To rryounglady
. who fill Irlies. the 'Efiglis' h •branches,
the terms oflearitimiesch of the above' inanehrs, are
per guano:, ' , $* 00
Instructions on the Guile!, ', t;"
Use of Pianos,7s
Drawing and painting in watercolore, including
the use of materials, such as drawing paper,
paints, perm*. &c.
Oil paintopy on canvas*. ..
Painting trZisparent window shades, including
the supply of materials, each 4 00
Formula painting orkpaper; silk and velvet, per
twelve lessons,
Gilding on silk, crape. &c. do.
Wsx fistp*Onr, per (mailer,
l'ens and ink, "
Board in vacation, $2 00 per week.
Letters post-paid. addressed to the Misses WRITE
&GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will e
reive prompt attention.
c ,
JOHN W. NiritCoX, has removed his establish
mem to the shop between King,berYs and Ran
kles stores, and where he atilt solicits • - share of
public patronage. He intends, by ir car;ful selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo
men to make as nest ri d durable work as can be ma
nufactured in this pint the counfry„
lie will keep constant - 3r on heal, and treinufcitnre
I o order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Bunts and Shoes ;
Lathes' Gaiters, 4huca and clips Children's do.;
Gent's Caters and-Pumps, c.
Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 26, 1850.
THE 'subscribers have commenced the FOUN
DRY bu-iness at the Obi 3 bind tormely occupi
ed as a Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borough of
Towanda, where wo will hold ourselves in readiness to
attend to the wants of any, and all persons s,ho may
favor us with a call. We hope by strict attention to
business to merit a share of Public patronage.
We are fitting up a MACHINE SHOP connected'
with the Former, where we hope to be able to do any
and all kinds offiniafting and fitting op &r. We will
endeavor at all times to keep a good asportmeneof work
an hand so that customers may be accommodated on
the sbortast notice.
BAYING Liken pains to secure the servictiri of ex
perience(' workmen from the Hale of N. Y., we flatter
ourrelves we rihall be able to turn off work in a work
manlike manner. sod as good as can be done in any
other establi4mcnt.
We shall also be prepared for the mannfoctute of
stoves by the quantity,and will keep constantly on hand
a few welmt patterns fur retail.
Ths 1113b0Clillefll invite all persons who may he in want
o any thing in our line to give us a call anti we guaran
tee they 0111 not go away dissatisfies d.
Site jllll Rods or Poralell slides,. Mmli c.wisZs. gird:
gains 9r, kepi toad:wily on hand. •
Alan plows of the moat approre'd patterns and Plow
Pointsitythe piece or qUallin, W suit purchasers, as
kw as can lw procured at any tithe: establishment.
Cu'tirators of the moat approved patterns,. also! ■
superior article of Corn Plow. f r A.,le by
OEO. W. l'O rTER,
TowanJa June 29tb, Iqsll.
A)kl casflfiga taken in exchange fur work.
Removed to B 1 King lea's Block !
. If: : :(.. .CB trinberlia, ..
... 1.% II AS. just returned from the city
-aim of New York with a large
, 7. a supply of Watches,. Jerrelly and
biker ware. comprising in part,
- the folio% ink articles :—Lever,
. , L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
..1.)!bk,C. 4 .--;:,',e`f. ---mr * a complete assortment of Gold
`----.. . Jewelry, such is Ear Rings,. Fin.
g.•r fin Is, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which he offers
fn sole ezceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Wa•ches repaired an abort notice, and , warranted
to run well, or the money will be refunderloatel a writ
ten agreement given to tbat effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country'Produce
taken ip payment for work; and alai. learn-now, and
brcrer, that the Product must be . paid whealhe work
is done-1 war against credit in all its formh.
' W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April 211, 1850.
Vaitlalll3 AIND METOBricatIPS.
THE subscriber has removed
to his new shop, a- few rods above
his former location and on the op
posite side of the street, where he
continues -to Manufacture land
krcp on hand, All kit da of cane
and wood seat tH A IRS; and
SETTEES of 'Arian kinds, &
BEDSTEADS of every , descrip
tion, which will sell low for
cash or Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber...or ci air
plank, wiil be received•for work. - TURNIISIG . done to
order in the neatest manner. Alio,
make end kept on hand, or made to order, in the hes
manner. JAMES M A KiNSON.
__ • _ _
Towanda, March 90849.
HAVING relinquished badness in Tweranda..;tbe
rubseriber has left the work he had on band With
John E. Geiger, at whose shop may be found the guns
&c., which were remaining with him.
He has also left his notes and accounts with.- Mr-
Geiger, and ghes this timely -notice to all indebted
that immediate payment moat be made, or they will
be sulj•ctcd to cost, lie trusts Mitt this notice will
be aufficient, without resort to the other disagreed*
alternative. the.
Towanda. November 8, 18!90.
ldE SUBSCRIBER, having now completed his
arrangements for the accommodation of the Trailed
mg Putszic, feels warranted in soliciting his share of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
she best the 'market atTords. }cis Stabling is Large and
Warm. Ilia Bar shall be filled with as good Vqnor
ma are to be found in the country.
BESIDES, for the ageommodistitm of many, the
subscriber is manufacturing Boots, Shoes Saddles l iar.
nem Trunks trod Takes. Ae., e r e. And keeps .on
band a good assortment of PATENT MEDICINE:4;
for all of trhieh his patrons will be asked Only a mode
rate price. • .
For former patroness oar &Tem the public wilt
please swept the abteere /hooks of T. D. OFTEN G.
Laceyville, Sept., 43, IEI3O.
' itilifttrivAoOßE& COS! T.
From Waverly. ror 11./450,
. , ,
' oAr,.ksts vim, ssztosxs Extsrrisi.
ur IC, , ' , Co. still eel:4nm their) regular
1 j .. . . pr- - - - - , it. theis Stilts liott4. sem.
4mt lier te,
ibis Dellot r iftWageslit, where Pl l oDGetiCtil 1414
wilt.he FOceri o and lertieded hi the NeerTork &
Etireie "New •Yedefts; 4 7•l 4 :ll W.
Thoopeatissekitt - ti* gttliorsium .. , arurinalo
returik• ever* iiri.leiauga4a:aulteleiliede) flea ths
time' Produce *sent:— , • •• '
Capt. p
Thonisa v n takes tfiiiropporinnity . of returning
thanks (or pie; liberal patronage, and tutEe% . by mi tt
attention to theintetestik-ol his customer*, to merit a
'Share for the (inure.
Liberal cub advances maul on Produce at all ri mm.
It r6 /4 1041. • , M. MOORE 4 - c o ,
H. 111.• MOORE & Co. are ruching daily from
New York, a large and well assorted stock of, Dry
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots, 81Soes,
Pork, Flour, Fish, Nails, Butter, Cottlrond T. 1.1%14
Clover and Tiburthy seed, &e. Ate., which will hi
sold as cheap for cash or country produce, as 'at ady
place in Western New York.
Waverly Ana. 1 1850. • •H. M. MOORE & CO,
4 00
10 00
Dr.' Fitch's 'Celebrated Medieines
• /
Pulmonary Balsam,
5 00
3 00
5 00
2 50
Pectoiat Expectant,
Pulmonary hir.uniant. HumarOorrector,
Anti Dyspeptic_ Matiture, Cough-and Cathartic Pdls,
Nervine, Female Pills, '
Vemnifuee,r. Speci fi c,
Pure and Medicinil Cud Liver Oil, &c.,
Ned by him ermstrmtly and with unprecedented sue.
ee.s in the trea•menl of Coughs, Colds, Conn:nip:um,
Asthma, Head ',diseases, Dyspepsia,. Scrof.riu, -Strin
Dikases. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Piles, &c,
Dr. Fitch's unequalled Patent silver plsited abdomins
supporteri; Inivored Plated steel spring shoulder
brace; 15i. riteh's silver inhaling tube.
Dr. Fttehis' Celebrateet Jilt Lectures,
On the prevention and:cure of Consiimption, Asthma,
ll t iseases of the Heart, &c., and on the Method of
preserving health and beauty to an old age. .
This book'shouhl be in every family. To the.Cort
sumptive it points out the only reasonable hope for re
lief. To mothers, the dtrections it gives in the care and
education of children ate invaluable. 78,000 copies of
this book have pasted through the pro's, and the utp•
Cone in nes -unabat ed.
For bale by S t 3. FITCR & Co.. 709 Ettoat}Cray, flr,
t., and HUSTON & PORTER, Tdwatpl3, and by
E. RAT H BPNE, Canton.
4 , hr. I•'tldia Guide lu IB'olida. or directicias to
per k ons tieing Dr. Forbid remedies,. to be bad gratia;of
all the .tzente. 1:1''
- 10.3353. t7lolit'6W
Wholctale !fl' reldil &titers in
To the S•wth attito in the Ward Holm.'
_\v here tht.y ate now receiving and nr{ning. a
'new and extem,iye as r•ttinent of Detiw,s, Med-
Chernicals. Paints. Oil..Glaks, Varnish. D 3 e
Wood and 1)3 e St,s. 'Family Grocer if., Choice
Wines and LiqUcirs, Fire Nifot! : 7:: Tor, Perfumery
Fancy Articles, Brushe., Combs, stone. Was, and
Wooden Ware, Blacking, Tobaco, Snuff and Ci.
gars. All the popular pfstent medicines he &t.—
Their sinek now comprise* cys-ry article usually
kept, among. co hich may be fonnd the follbwing,
Opium, Ca' ram Tartar. Camphor, Cistile tiorip. Litman
ice, Alcohol, 13al's Capaibs, ithretiarb, Aloes, Flown.
chamomile, castor ail, olive oil, quicksriver, magnesia,
r o ll and flower sulphur, borax. red precipitate venire
turpentine, eps salts; corn, atibliinatiee. aqua ammonia,
sale, tartaric amid, laudanum; pink, sen na
. quinine. Ail
the - essential o ffs, gums. myrrh, tragarvmh ainhic,narrol
boge Arr. Corks of all kinds, bath brick, mum wad,
coriander fenugreek, isiirklass, g!ur, neat. loot and
tanners oil -perurian bark, cayenne pepper, emrty, sand
parr, opideldoc, stinkers herbs, sex:Tonna, Gonad,
Sugar, coffee and tea.of ill Linda, mora.,cf, spire,
pepper, Itittetard, r.Mmeg, mace. tish, mint
citron and zintc currants, salad oil choclate, cocoa.w
da, and butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, salrratat,
sariga'ed, white anyl bar soap, sperm and Inflow can•
dles, jug". and botile• pipes, mustard, natant, vend
'sauce, shati,msckerell,s3huon . &t. &c.
.I.lQrOitg. .1 k
Cognise, °turd and amyl icon bra Si s
Croix, ON gr•
maca and Neer England rum. pureMelland and ap.sat,
Irish and Monongahela whiskey Medina...roc teat, daret.
lishon„ port and shampaign winos conliale, creme de
citron anise, rime, amonr, candle. °maker,
moka, noyeatt and argent. cheaper than ever offered..
goopn.Terfumery and Fancy Goods.
Shoeing. cream, soaps, military and windsor,Goulsnli
medicated perfumed sand soap. imperial shaving Brarb..'
es notrlnal, french toilet; violeir, musk. ihnond and
transparent soap, wash balls, I.tdrins estiacts joctry
club, patchauft, bouquet de corolla., musk. mile Flees
Terbium CaLhous oromatitine, cologne: bay and
rose water, swish lily white, fin rouge; penman mkt
ar.d pos't'er, hair dyes hair invigorator. _Whs. eradicator
perfume 'satchels, court plaster, playing COIN. 4'we
pencil points, Oilloes steel pins, Liineric ti,di hooks,
drawing pencils, percussion caps, inks, red, black ssJ
indelible, combs, purses, pocket hooks, tronsparrntraia.
to wafers'&c. &c.
Hair. Hat, Otoite, Scrub, Shoe, Paint, Markin:, Vit.,
nigh, Sash Artists round anil - sable, Camel' Hilt ,atul
4.141 - Ting Pencils, Blenders & Bragera, White Wir4li
Counter, Flesh, Tooth,. Nail, Conk, D re nre,.flothrt,
Infant, Lather, Table, Horse & Brush".
Tobacco and snuff Boles, Nipple Shell '
s, N twin
Bottles, Breast Pompit, tech Ri ng .. b e d raw. ” 11 a 2 "".
shoulder braes, triunes- and abdominal sitTurfro ,
"14e. ' cathete r ; c°oll glasses, graduate., tbeinoinc•
term, stridulates, fotcepa, lancets, Liquid and spread sate
wive. plaster &e. .
NksraCali. red, cam And log wood, fustic, Et ier
wood, lac 413(4 esillieer; red sounders. madder. alum: ml'
peras, btu vitriol, solution do composition rhenne. eel
vitriol, oxalic-acid and all ilk acids, wain tin. gannet
and rotten. atone, wemillion Amn Chines sod BOP"
Spani.h brown, venetian, 'verdigris** green, while,
black and red lead, chrome yellow lad peen. jams,
coach and copal vami,, lampblaik. ' li th ium reu! ,
whiting, yellow Ochre, a is turpentine, & lint' nil, non.
chal, terra de skims, u bir, golt ksf, bronze*, and 1
general assortment of paints, for Artists. -
• orzair..,Ak.ts*g. •
Frimak Riau 24 by 30,22 by 30, 20 by 30. 20 1 1
24, 22 by 21, 1.1 by Is, 12 by 20. I: by IS, 12 by . IN
JO by 14, 10 by 13, 9 by 10, 7,bv 9.
Orrick! vertnifuge, mothers relief, Drjayne s
medicines, a/I the anrinipirilla, Wani 9 -istand'SvnYn"
syrup or 'mkt cherry, t riihama rule E loci nary and (ahem
Brags Indian Remedies.4arieties of pill+, sugar 0364
bilirrhs indian vegetable, tar, oriental &c. Dr.
Christina galvanic belts. bracelets, nect.l?ce and Sri
vanic fluid.
Dr:Fiteh% very celebrated medicines,
L I G.H T.
Phoigene lamps and phosgene, purr rliampl,ine is
burning fluid, whale, lard and-sperm oil.
AU goods warranted as represented at the ',Cm Char
nruft.aral Chemical tittore'v Santh Store in the' Nral
House juntill IiSTON es. rt. K.
• MC PM 311011 k •
ASA,CREREL, in bbls....hail bbls., quarter 111..sDi
iV-1 kids ; dry and pickl ed Codfish; also a few tell
find rate Thy Herrings for Baikal. the "Cash Stab '
apl7 Hot 3. At M. C
ON} rase spring stale moleskin Hats; - a LIMO ° .
mud Patin leaf Hits at
Depu fatly. Syrup,
Heart Corrector,
Mode iemoved their