I=l Mvettforb Mglort4l4. Aerie Son, Free Speech, Free rem! /Arvada's for Pro, Trrritory. E. 0. GOODRICH, EDIT(SFL :4104*••••• ,, „ • Towinda, - Saturday, November 30050 Tns rxtos is fixes: two* nervotts,aged l a dy been arenstomed o rend the vapeitirigs of Quattlebum, or the •earitiv4 warnings of Northern dough fare-, 'w it le great tritntlatjrm ani F. mighty her. tor of ll it .,. t .A .stnpendonet evils which were tit open as from I . a/F.l.ga%; box upon our glorious country— she can quiet her fears and in a cup of stmng lea, drink confusion to the agi.atinn who disturbed her tranquility and NH the rovintiy in danger. The business was done at the Chinese Museum in Phi. ladelphia on Thursday the 20r just . that nhl Fed. eralistilon. ions Scrionsicv, presiding over the ceremonies, assisted hr most of the old fogies who have grown fat and els-honesataru the government, in the shadow ul the United States flank, with oc• casionally a vender of t: pe and buttons, codfish and molasses " designed expressly f r the Southern market, "- Mr. IhTll NA N come himself, being now *waged in a kind of K iltenney cat beet with 11.Ett Faszr y g at home, which keeps him busy,-but he sent a king letter, which is no credit to him a scholar or statesman, Letters Were re ceived from Messrs. C . LA V, V.it j Lkancl others Gen. Cass was written/ to, but the " noise and con• lusicn" of 11. e late eleeliorr in Michigan prefented his . answering. Resolut Wins . wt re read by lion. G. M..Pit•Les, and :1(11/tell, and the meeting 'ad journed, the old envies to think elbow fat others when The South shat! have them to di;tribote—and the merchants to anticipations of ittereascil custom and enlarged profits from Southern enstowiers, A like demonstration has been made in Fanieul Hall, nt Roston, and we now hope the song is con cluded, and we shrill not be hereafter stunned. and annoyed by the incessant din ef i those who 'Airy so prove the " Union in ilanqcri f . Profi!s ar.il pa trimism have dispelled the cloMs, and Congress slimild vote a meilll lo those alto hare thrown themselves into Vie breach, in commemoration f their valor, embellisherl:wirliall the different appli- antes perlaining to the various occnpalion• Tur. flew Voris 4 - Et.r.crios.—The Harrisburg Uoion has an article about IA New yotk election, winch contains a display of great intallitzence, con- ceming the political atlairs of that State. The ar nt4clo concludes its britliatit commentary as (01 lows : " But although Mr. linnt Ira+ succeeded, he has done so and nothing mole. Ills majiiiii" Is small, and he owes it 1110:11111e55 to 1115 ctasiec:ion a•uli Greely anti Sewall', and ills supposed taint of abo litionism and opposition to the luginve slave Insc." By what sotto( logic this conclusion is arrived at, we cannot c,omprehend. Mr. font is the only successful candidate on' the Whig State Viet, and the average Democratic majorities are agoot 6000. Thu tact is Mr. Hunt owes his election to the very things here chargeiltupon . him., The haberdasher's gathering at Castle Garden, detested the Democrat ic candidate-kw Governor, and gave SENT ARD a tri umph he before had not dared to hope for. The determination on the part of I) S Diestxsou's friends to insist upon his return to the U S. Senate lost the Democrats the Legislature, and these ex tremely saptent gentlelmen will •now have the pleasure of seeing from that State a Senator exact ly similar in sentiment! to Seward. We reg,re9ex-7 tremely, in view of the recent Union of the- party in 'New York, that Minh a result should have occurred —but the patty haretdone nobly, and if they will now discard some onquiet spires who exist in NrW York city, and who were active in the Cotton De monstration, another elee'tion will see the party thoroughly united and certain of victory fl,:r The NoiTtt PvisgyLVAIIMAN Still Sleeps in the quiet of the grave, the horn of lie reyorrection not baring yet sounded. '• Rumor -with tier thou sand tongues" has been telling of new arrange• memo, by which the ooneem was to be galvanized, and tried again as good coin. \Ve await whh great impatience the developement, to see what new scheme the ingenuity of man can invent. . Query-fir the, Larrycrs.—Are not the responsible publishers (if f illey could be ascertained) of the late concern, indit•table under 'the statute for obtain ing goods antler pretet me, by those who hare paid a• yearli subscription in advance. It could not have been expected to continue the thing for a year, and taking a year's sub 7 sckiption in advance was gross fraud We hope time who have Vol - ten caught In - that way, have got the worth of tkeir money, for they mend about as good a ehan64. of Peeing the bal. once refunded, as they would of having a Tom an• da or Susquehanna bill redeemed. Otr- The Wyoming Democrat treats us very car. alierly. However, we•suppose 11'usrpr has more lucrative business on hand just now. The Stand ing Committee of Wyoming county, at its late meeting; unanimously nominated Jon* Barque, Esq., of Tunkhannock. as the Wyoming candidate, notwithstanding Wtsovrhad announced that tie was in the field. Against their action be demurs, and files his objection 4. He will " stand out" too, un• til the ,proper apiiliancoui are used to bring him straight. The great tmuble is if Mr. Balsam should be the nominee, he knows WIPIDY'S Markel value Ise well, that we are afraid there could be no $l5O \. made, by this Bennett of the Country press, in the operation. He should " brag Itig,h' i r -as that is a familiar game, and perhaps KWIC over anxious can didate may come down with the dust ! BRAD7'ORD bootie is now occupied by the long and favorably known host, %Vat. Hawes, whose•name is a sufficient recommendation where ever known (and that is almost everywhere) with out a word from ns. To strangers, however, we can recommend the Bradford Hotel, as a stopping place, better that which they will not often milt with. to VALLLY R.ll.l.llolD.—The new nark of t h is road is now complete from Chembereburg to Carlisle, and will be GaintheJ to the connection with the Volk and Cumberland railroad by the first of December. The trip s from Chamberaburg to Baltimore will then be' made in about eta hours. - • . sast•s•s /petal. •t Si. Leal*. Cul. Barrrosi's late speech contains many things at should-be glad le publish, bat wilicoaten -u -seless with the following, which is best calculated for this meridian. lle is, in these remarks, paying his respects to the fishonest men who are snarling upon his path, at hnme "Anti:Bentoteril Anti Bet ton party ! A new mode of designating a political party, and mote worthy ql demons: than of merit To char:reit-tits a party by their love fur a nem—their zeal in his muse, nod detotion to his success — to give them has stable, tin slim tier-omit, is natural and common, and may be a...nimble i it not wise. But for a party to ehararterizei itself by its hatred to a man, and to con-crone itself to his destrnerion, is not only un natural and-nm on, but diabolical and infernal Conspiracies aga rs t a man are indictable, and pun ishable at law; t - are condemned by the moral 4 . .r.i4ist of the community, and I the terigiltn of all nation., arid this without arty tyrant to the eato•e of the hatred, and of the conspiracy—even though it be against a ball man, who may have bad Oriel sea. But when men . band .bernselves into a patty upon the principle of haired and conspiracy—con• melee themselves his haters, and conspire his de 'erection, not for taut but tot good acts--because he may shunt in the way of their criminal design-- -then the iniquity of their designation becomes" atrocious and revolting. This is the case with the party in this State-1 only speak of the conspirator o.‹—which styles itself anti Benton. It hates Bentonixtcan-e if can neither seduce him, nor de ; ceive him, nor persuade Lim, nor scare him. into their nullification designs,. and they eon-Tired afzainal him, to kill him off, with lies and defama non, because they knew. that they could tint do it a ith Kalb in the open field. They have deceived ma; y good men—got ninny good. men in their ranks, pot I, assume their designation, and even to operate with them in Public meetings. and in the elections. But all thee° deceived citizens will right them-wit' s. They will see tine everything which hold 114 m about. the designs of the tristutioniA.s last snot er, is tine 1 . - and that everything which i f the conspirator voilhfieta said against me,is false! These two great Luis being seen, the ileeeired men will tight themselves. The deceive Ts will be left alone The real nellification idemocrats will be -left alone ! and alohe they ' , limit(' forever star..) Neither Whigs nor democrats should affiliate with them. Both parties will be stronger and cleaner, without them. They were tint about a dozen in ;he last Plenerat Assembly, and about the same number in this. Most of the others aret . rn the bench, or in the banks, and in some " nullification presses. There are but few besides. And be ween them and me, now and forever. I say again. as I Said once before, a high wall, and a sleep ditch ! No frllowship, or communion with them. This is the only true doctrine—atered as only Besrox kanwiNtow to utter_it. There is no use lalk mg about "rompmmisiag" with men who are destitute of moral or political integrity, and whose motives are envy, yeakrusy:or sordid calculation Iligli edits and deep ditches should divide all hon est men from them, as they wish to keep them selves uncontaminated, horn even the appearance of evil. AURICULTCII.II. IMPLPMV,ITA.—An establishment adapted to Ihe wants of the Fanner/tot the flourish ing enmity of Bradford; has been (or a short lime in operation at Athens, and we take great satisfaction in calling attention to Mr. WF.LLE . II adveriiserneht in another column. Great advantages are offered to purchasers, and we are sure the convenience of always having silt+ an establishment, in our own county, where Farmers can readily :supply. their wants, nt reasonable prices, will persuade them to give !inn a liberal patronage. Ille.MocßATlc STSTECENTEAL Co:43itiTcr..—At a rnee!ing of the Democratic State Central Commit tee, held at the Merchant's Hotel, Philadelphia on Wedite.-Alay evening, 20th inst., Jona HIVE MAN, ,of West Chester, in the Chair and Dr T J. P. Stotts, of Phil*lo tie, as Secretary, the follow. lug RemilittiOto Wt.re adopted : Resotrril, That rj Convention be belil at Fibrils burg on the second Wednesday iu Jnpe, 183 . 1, at 10 A ' 111 , for the:Jonrpose of nominating Demo' cratic canilidoes ler Judges of the Supreme Court of Pentitylvaiiia ;Alm said Convention to be com posed of the sameimmber of delegates as are to compose the State oriventicn to nominate a Dem ocratic candidate ft# Governor, and to be apportion. ed in the name ma:pier. Rcsolred. That ife,Convention for rmminating a Democratic candidate.for Governor and Canal Com missioner, be held at Reading, Berko comer, on he lat %Vechieskla3i inJgBie. 1851, a: 10 A. Al. JOHN HICKBIt N, Chair'n T. J. P. &route, &QTla► y . 0::)- The three cent: piece, lately authorized by Cougrei.s to be coined, has been irwre4l hum the mint at Philadelphi i. It a beautiful coin, 11,1 v• ing on one side. the %tents " United States of Am e r. ica," in which is • circular wreath, includititt the number 1 - 11l " On the reverse stile is the Liberty Cap, inscribed • its the word " Liberty," and sur ronnded with rays. Underneath the cap are the li;utes " 1850." (yam We learn front the Greenstrnsg Republican and the. GreeMiburg Aigus, that on Friday of week befo9e last, the Irish laborers on the Central railroad, Cot Mtn a dreadful fight, which resulted in the death of three or lout of the combatants. There were some eight himilreil engaged in the combat; and the opposing parties fought with guns, pistols, pickaxes, bw., It is strange that arm were not killed or injured. , lIMOM , Tue. Sittlig Akiviencier.—A meeting of the committees appointed to receive contributions to. wool. the erection of a 'finable monument over the remains of the late Governor FRANCIS It. Silt sic, will be held at the Ttappe, Pilottgomeiy county, on Saturday evening, Dricember 14th, at Si o'clock, to adopt a plan for 010 monument, and take meas ures for its immediate erection. Architects are re quested to lurniiii plans for a plain, solid and sub stantial monument , 1 1 11 R C RNSUS C i hiss MOTS —The returns from the various counties in the territory represent the w line number of inhabitants before . the tat of June to ibe 5.193 This i said to show an increa-e of neirly 50 per rent. the last year's entimeiation Recollecting that onl three years ago, the cannily was known merely to traders and trappers, the pre sent amount of population indicates a very rapid progress. It is thnught, from reports of intended emigration, that during this year the number of 'inhabitants in the territory will again be doubled. Inn. or Tilt U. S..Sttie Yoarrowa.—The Qneen Li' rpoo \lab, arrive., at L i 'l rt the 3 tat'of Octob..tr, reports that the U: loop of war, Yorktown. was Imi on the North tof Si Jagn , Cape de Verde Islands, on the 25:h f September--crew saved.— The information was derived from the royal yacht schooner Aerial, from St. 3520, which was spoken on the 2d of October, in latitude 11, longi tude 27. trr Pelitioni are in eirctilation in prevent the establishment of Catholicism in England. The Pope's twill hese:awed much excitement and alarm among the EpiScopal clergy It is said the Queen is prepared tu receive an address Irorn her people, and to tate Meismewt, check the bite, Terence of the Legates ot 'Rome. GREAT LIMN The Calvary church, New N . oik . in addition to 'i. , WO salary, has given : it is report ed, ,Dr. Hawks, its Rector, $15,000, famished a parsonage house ; and interred his life to the amount of 5.10.000. Tiiis is probably the largest living. ever bestowed bpon any clergyman in the United States. Flaxseedlois of the Brodlran" County •e/1. eel So*ilety al Its quarter', Session. • . TOWANDA, Sim 5111,1850, 1 tutisneiSely met tit the " W Int Houstei us the botoogls 011 ml-wide prnassi to public. 'Afire. and vrag catlwl M unter j by br. Iluwn's Pretsislenti at o'siork I' i)st mishap of 1)r. lloscros. H ern. rewilerivl mott,ly. ih:t the thaol'. 01 this 14 .( fete be te•ndprrel to Dr. PATTEN...cm. of AMstomy in the Ussirerprty Vork.lt-r hit• ritrodassre at this borough cm )estesthsy, for the purpo.-e of; &likes• sista, them. The society deeply regret the mi.take in public print as to the day of their meeting, and cordially extend-61 him the to meet with them a. smne !Ware period and aildvens them, The society also solicits tl e favor of using his name as au honorary member. Resolved, Thal Drs. Lion & 'Maw; he a eons minee to transmit a copy of the above resolinicni In Professor PATTICIRSOII, amt 11..rertilitl at what time he will be able to favor ns with en aildrews. Ott motif), Dre. I harries 6r. Porter were admitietl Members of the society. • t On motion, the following officers were electeil for the ensuing year. Po esidrni —I); F. P. A 1.1. RN, Oi ST h fiel,l Piltsithogis —l4. 11. K NAPP, of Orwell, lrro• 112 M. of I‘lonroetim, LAID, of Towanda, AATELL, of Trriy. 'Recording Secretary—Dr. D. lloi.sins, 01 Leßays. villa. Corresponding Serretary--Dr. D. N. NEW rox, of Monnoeion. Trenivorr—nr. lina - romk.of Terry Town. 4 iCntsnrN C T.. 11144, (if Lell..py,lhntrotr, 01 Terry Town, I). N NERT , N, (.1 On mottos Ors. AkAna, lAnn lit l'oa-mit, were elected a cnonnitice M dralt a plan 1, r a Library to be prepeniml at the nest meeting. On minion, the sneiety adjr.tirtied to meet in the evening VeTell nekirk. 7 o'clock P M. The society met pinsruint to adjnmumunt, and was called to older by the Piessilent. On motion 01 Dr. klasoti, Dr. Rice was admineti n member oh the society. On motion Dr. Rlnson, Horton & fitild were np. pnintett a commineu to examine the ac ounts of the Treasurer. On motion of Dr. Indd, it W 34 rewilvo I . that a tax qi one ilnAler per year, be levied on each them ber In be paid nnaiterly. 11.0,olyed, Chat Or. Hinton tin diverted In per cha•r the journal.; of the proreedinv,s ill the arneri• ran '.lrlediral Ak.ocianott fur the years ul 1848, '49 ami '5O. , Re..olveil, That the motion of 1)r. Allen tin NM over wail the next meeting of like PorIP 4 Y ; Mid d rat it lie published with the proceedings, EA this meet- jot. Allett's motion is, that the clerzy who sm• rain or favor Quackery in any shape. shall not be favored wi:h the eratuttonA services rit the retnilar physicians ; but pay the regular fee as is customary with others. The committee for c cam in ing"the Trem.rtrer's ac • coning. report that they find them correct and a bal. !wire in the Treasury of 4.00. On the r.oriely attjninned to meet again at t h e ir w ar d "u e" in the borow2ll of r on Tuestl.iy Decembi 3J 185 n ('ar-t week of Cl/1111) at t o'clock P M. Alien , DANIEL HOLMC 4 , D ; Secretary. Dealb of Garret D. Wall Genera! Garret D. Wall. late I - tined States Se.: ator form New Jersey, died last iii 4 lo, N0v..22d, at his residence in Rurlington. N J. Ili. disease was drop-y on the chest, and his health has been declining fur two or th co years We may salcls• say that no mart in New Jersey coted be more generally lamented than General Wall. Distin guished not less for his private virtues than for his high patriotism, he commanded the esteem arid ate rtion of all who were acquainted with Ilin. General 11%111 was a !vatic; .of New Jersey, and has resided there all his life. He was a lawyer by rfession and strioil at the head of the bar its his native State, while he continued ni practice His career has been oue of little incident, from the fact that lie has uniformly declined taking a proms- neat part in public affairs. During the war with Great Britain, he commanded a company that was in service, but since that nine lie has remained in the quiet pursuit of his private business, esceja (luring one term in the United States Senate, to which he was elected dining General Jackson's administration. He liars uniformly declined all other ollic.es,,, p even that of Governor of New Jersey, to which lie was elected by the legislature. .on more than one occasion. Still, notwithstanding his chosen retirement, he has shown no lack of in terest in public aflairs, anal his views on great qnes lions have been given fearlessly, and have always commanded the respect of all parties. In his early life he was a Federalist, but left that party and j ed the Democrats at die time of the war of 1812. His patriotism, however, always shone above his party feeling, for having no polig Intl aspirations of his own, his motives were never questioned General Wall was 011 i-seventy years of age. He leaves a widow, in atiloenee, and several children. '- • A -Niw Lao 0111C0 IL 1R C Locit —Wit hare teen and examined a vet) , singular piece of Mechanism in the form (.1 a clock, or time-piece, invented ar d manufactured by Dr. W. II Steriton, practical dent. nit. It will keep the time of tiny, clay of the week, day of the month, and al-io the name of the month. But the most peculiar feature it keeps the orht days of the month, and also leap year, and also the odd minutes of every moon, so that it never re. quires any setting. This se believx has never been done with any other time piece male in this country. The striking properties are no leas re matkatile. At either side of the temple is a door, and at the hour for striking, the figure of a Kniv,hl fully etrip pelt in his pantiply", walkes out of one dor, which immediately closes swain, on a semieiiridar a rea , and wheat in front of " the temple, lilts his hand and sti'ares very distinctly the hour of the day ; he then resumes his ejfenjl, and when he approaches the other door ti opens for his lives* and then closes as Men as he gets into the inner cola There are several other unique mallets connected with this int gettious piece of mechanism which we cannot now notice. Dr. Stensen never filmed a piece of brass or steel until his attempt at this work. He planned and worked out its intricate combirations without assis tatted, and has made the whole of the structure with his own hands--mostly at night doting the Est year Baltimore Patriot ~ WHIG ELSZTION FRAUDS —The Grant; Jury of Philadelphia county, have found three true bills, against Jame, Brady, for issuing fraudulent natur alization papers, and two bills against Benjamin Lynda; for forgery, in altering the election returns of the district o`-Southwark, while acting as return clerk. The two? men belong to that !any which is always charg . i.bg the Democracy wt election frauds, but most frequently is caught in the act itself. Tne GeN. TWIGS lIAIR DYE —As several of out readcrs have expressed an anxious desire to test the merits of Gen. Twraws' Hru Resio'ralsve, w•e publish the receipt. It doe, not dye the hair, bat reems to operate upon the mots and restores the original color. The recipe i. as Is:Mows:— "One drachm•lac .ulphur, half drachm sugar of lead, four ounces rose water. Mix them, shake the phial on using the misfurr, and bathe the hair twice a day lot or longer if necessary. «'t I.l.llTltenrr AICP ELMIRA RAILITYIAD Northam papers stales that arranac wenn; are ma king for the completion of the Williamsport and El mira railroarl. We doubt not that the time will soon come when we shall have a conhamotts ma ma(' from the veal of government to the New York State line by way of this marl. Wu would advise our notthem friendaro push on this work lo comple tion. Emmen Mils. The match of AestrPri and B amian troops into I the Rectorate otilessit.Caset has.heeu °rinsed h at the otaemoble permute( reaturisitthe Eleittior re cently driven out by a ritvointion. The mil cause iia-cribed in some gutters to the jeAloosy of Aos nut i.II the growing power and extension of Picssia, whose imei vermin in favor ol a cointittitioual gov ernment in Hesse Carel is supposserl to be merely a pretext tot taking part in the affairs of the Electo r: to frith a view to further eprandizementa A tun ics' darlent of the. London Times, writiorg from Col agile, after speaking of the momentum s and post- , thins of Im.pa, perverts to ray : " Haring detailed the -military p'epaia ions r f the side °I the l'owero most ..xpmeil to the extrem ity .4 war, l recut to the causes of the - present guar eel, oil the diplotr.aitc aspect of whieh.i may give a version different from that wmally attempted. het one that prevails here in the best informed circles and apparently with good reason. The Constftei tional in Electoral Hesse is not the stumb ling Nock of those wire wish for rare. l'ruasia • Is quite in accord with Austria and Bavaria respect ing the necessity of not allowing a Minister to dil• pond for power upon a parliamentary withholding of supplies. In fact Germany is not in lit state for discussing any ethernet' of constitutional law. She . has gone back to the middle arses, and the matter with which the people am occupied is the choice of a good flimsier, while the pretend-err to power are anxiously watching one another. Serious onbra.ge has hero takeir at the extension of the l'rorsiati troops in fiermsny, the natural result ol the events of the past Iwo 3 - ears. " flanibregh Is virtually in Fressiniu7 neenrsieinn. Holstein week, be too happy to accept a l'rerrian army. The little principalities ol Ilelienzollern oc cupy the venire ol the Black Fore-t. A hessian corps holds the passes of that eliaiii, and. with the Grand Duchy of Melee, nmitivies the whole length of the Rhine, from the Dutch frontier 'to Switzer land. It is for the pnrpose of not allowing this ex tension to obtain prescriptive tight that A i.sria and Bavaria are in such consent' . Cassel turned its kernel Elector nut without causing an irterrention and might {linen again were it not for there carrienr ent circumstances Here, then, comer the Polo, non, w hich, dent immediate. will not be d is ta n t i n its operation. rrnssia will give np limmburg or • (kitten, or both, and will be allowed to (weepy what share of Cassel site pleases. Bavarian troops may also enter to save appearances., and will Oren retire in pearefel radar The Ranier th i s . - de, i n t r oesea r is browlit about the better : for all business i. at a stand stilt a• long as the uncertainty remains—a fart for which the low rate ol exchange on Eng land inefficiently vouches.' . There ore reports of an alliance between Russia and Austria in relation to tills question, and it is raid the Czar has invited the Emperor of Ansi; ia to meet him at Warsaw to ernifer upon the subject, and that lie declined a proffered visit from ihr blunt of ritilS.la who rretmate.l a desire to meet him at ilse Fame plar-e. The Czar complain. of the riot &let of the inrifisters of the King of in rout tirmitez to excite the terolni ~,,, try trelieg in (her. realty. 'Floe siumforence of Russia hr this ,natter is nee 01 the twist ominous sylnptumscntutrryedWith it. .Irrozitit and imp ;toil. in tone, yet derided in her mcaanres. rhehas come from her triumph over the revishr ionary sprit in I len:vary Milo( rinifidesice in her (Will ' , trent:lll. and rww...eik4ell with an implt. cattle Ito-tilt!y against everything thial may look lik e p iozre ,'‘ im truf f s Cwnt.ttin,ional •nwettimettl The gene]. Of De•p-itisrn has in Me Czar its most form i dable imperSonatiort.—Bilt. Airier/. Can. CLOSING SC EN ES OF TII E Cirsvexvir.m. November 18.—The Convention as sembled 61 . .4 morning, at 9 o'clock. After a stormy debate on the rei:-Itt of die Committee, it was fi nally to-committed. Mr. Daniels, of Ca., presented a resolution, in. coking, the South to cell on slaveliolOing Staten Itr pmtection to person and State, when denied by anthoi its. The Committee being in session, the Convert lion took a recess of Italian hour, w hen on re-al aembling. the Chairman of the Committee report. ed the original preamble, but striking out all the resolutions, attl aubraitutirry" a series, declaring, the rnachment oldie SoutheruStates to the Conetitu• lion and the Union ; that it was the purpose of die Convention to prescive it oninipaiteil, believing that the Unirm of Stales was the union of indrpett deli! sovereignties--that alt anticipated evil had been realized, filially recommending the South not to go into national convention of States. leaving Cong-e-s to deliberate and act with a view of at. resting further aggies-ion, and restine he tights of the South- The reading of the report being conclu ded, the previous gnestion was called, and all tits cus-ion cut ofi. The Tennessee ilelelptes here said they would dissent fmm the report, but not being allowed to ex.! plain their views in Convention, Messrs. A. 'V, r Blown, Nicholson and Donalds3n declared thrii intention t address that constituents, ilecfariti:: their position, and the reason why they still stood 011 the Tennessee p'atlorm. The vote was •aken cm the previons cinereinn, which was sni4ainril, and the question geranium on :lie report as amended,. it was adopted, the de ie2alinn, li mn the pi:owing Mx States tonna in affirmative. ri7: Alabama, FloriilaGeorgist, South Carolina and Virginia ; arid the del ~;arum ham (excepting Mr. Donald son. %iJwi ruled in the atfirmative.).in theme/poise, Mr. Donaldson then moved for a reconsideration ol the vote on the adoption of the report. Ills mm lion was not sits:nines& He took occasion to pp. nounce the pnweedin. of :tie Convention as nnlinl lowed, mid expressed his determination ol separa ting himself horn such unworthy proceedings. A scene of indescribable contusion followed this tirade. Some of the members were very much excited, particularly Mr. Clay, of Ala., who is the author ol a portion of the report adopted. Amidst great confusion, the Convention adjourned sine die. DREAMT!. STEA3A-6OILRR E‘PLOMON—TIINEF. MEN KILI.F.T, AND TIMER MORTALLY WOUND= --On Sat• today morning, at 7 o'clock, while the men on. Wald the propeller Resolute, tyke , at- the foot •of pier No. 13, East ricer, were at b reakfast,. the bot• tom of the baler burst killing the engineer, Wm. Sliepatil, oti the spot, and scalifit g fire others in so dreadldl a manner, that Iwo of them have since died—narnely,,S. F. Hall, the cook, at the station house, and Woodfield Campbell, at the City Hos pital, whither lie was conveyed—imether with Thomas Wars, Joseph Plummer, and Woodhull Harman, the captain. It is not expected that any of -these will live. The skin is peeled oil their bodies, and they present a trighful spectacle— Charles Maltony, a boy "was slialitly injured The bodies of Shepard and Hall, lie at the First Ward stollen house, where the Coroner is now holding an Inquest as to the cause of death, which will doubtless result In a verdict of death by the explo pion of the'boller in question. But there is anoth er inquiry to be held as to the cause of the explo. shin, which, it is said, has been produced by care lessness,. There will be anotherinquest,:beretore. on Monday, when the boiler will fie examined, and scientific men **Ai-termed to give testimony. The propeller has peen removed to Brooklyn since the accident, but she will be brought back on Monday She is considerably injured below. Had the men been on deck they would not have been injured:— N. F. Herald. TEIPIPLE LOPS or fare.-4 despatch from Con stantinople, dated, Oct. 23.1, says that on that mor ning, the Cepitan Pasha's line of battle ship blew np In the Arsenal, killatv; upwards of !OM people, who were on boars'. She had only arrival from a cruise two days since, and , was just landing her powder. Car iisrmairA—The cranberry crop is undoubted• Iy short, and from the whole Upper Missisisppi country not exceeding - 300 barrels will be exported this year. The growth :n many ;whorls is a total failure. Lam season, or during 1819, over 3080 hands were shipped trom Wirconsin and Mir.ero• in alone. The fruit lei now worth S 8 to 810 per bawd! al St. Paul. The roily s et ibe N■aa*k Party. • WOW, 1110411,fions lo . piosereelhe ity at*. ' rtylf cm* Sti% and to etretigiten it - - then 1- itiortef *or of:Pitnilar sentimihrte. e Nike liffered toolzioch.iii Pennsylvania by seraeseiiles, nut Ickbe weans that this is the oir'y pulley wbieh Con prarmaflently,raecure the asetnithmey of the Democatic party.. The Anti-Masonic escitementytwerity y can nor revolutionized some of stout Best Democrats counties, and the uneselet of the Whig-party its the , interior, has bfien made up of those who, cider . Vie pressure or fanaticism, gave up the broad prin ciples of Democ racy, for the narrow prejudices of t Still later, within our own reeol lecti•m Native Americanism has performed a like Nal itt this district. and the intimate onion of its fortes (comprising a large body pi men. who had termerly with,Ltie Democratic party) with the IVh;gparty, has repeatedly given the victory to an acme' minority. • The iesann of 1848 is too recent to be lorgteten, and ilie . harmonious and us proscriptive action of the Deincerre , y df Pennsylvania, en. its Iwo last campaigns, has secured it two lariats, victories, after the untimely defeat of our Gubernatorial and Presidential candidates. The same policycrictly adhered fril will sive u' a -Democratic Govem'or and it Democratic Joidiriary nest fall, and in 1852, a President of nor own choice. Onr vidories have Her-r barn premier/ or succeeded by no pally meeting's, to &stood, divide, and defeat Ike &mom-aloe prirt9. One sided action, proscription upon ally one p;int, on which the feelings and opinions of the Democratic party in the several States (idler, moat hies itab y defeat it, not only in its State, but its na tional contes:s, and place the pestver in -the hands of a real misiptity of the people Do we, in Pennsyl vania, require a fierce and unrelenting encounter between Democrats, such as is going cm in Murals rpppi and Louisiana, which, if not settled, will kill both sections, and place these Democratic States in tno Whig ranks! Cleat ly not! Von cannot gag Demo r•ks. but by a prutleist:sind conciliatory coutse, you C.tfl la* apt Unite them in the supporl 01 what is essential to the ultimate success of De mocratic principles—the regular nominations of the p o-t 9. • We have looked around es, anti we behold the strongest et ideft 'es of the absolute necessity of such a pot cj- at h s ctisi-, in the stem tree Stales of I'm north and west. which MUM Beside the nest Piesidesitial contest. • General Cass neither voted Cor i nor advocated the Fugitive Slave hill; pin we fear that the action at Wash' ngtcm ha+ revolotioffitrif the Congression al Defecation of this Democratic State, and entreat ed its riesidential vote m the . . House of Represen tatives to Whig+. We were not prfpaseil Mr this det6t, for we hail confidently relied upon the great pripnlarity of net Lite candidate for dei Piesitfenty, and the fact ; that he had studiously avoided eon necting himself with si fiat appears In be-iit most Ste popular measure in the Deiticchttic States of the West. In Deroota• Wisconsii• the same spirit ap pears. -let Ohio mill Illinois there is nil itiimilkiuc public sentiment ; stud tr the State of New York it i+ clear that ilitee-li.ortlis of its people me Doi only (typo-ell to the higher extension of slavery. hot some of the peace measures ni Mettrir.. Webtder 111111.(.1.1, Itv r•oireiliat ion and unity we have gained two Whig liaues--New Jersey aunt Delaware. The sligleest hreath 01 pro.cription, or :nn of harmo nious action amongst our Dem•oeratic friends, will re:oni them to the Whig politicians. By this ruse policy Democratic Pennsylvania has been preserved untouched, nod her tnajmities Ihtv e teen icrea-ed by WI ig Are we to I new them advantage by an amalgamation with the %VIM! devotees of Clay and Web-ter—the ba ler, norelet.ti or and uttspaiing fries M . the immar tal Jackson, the hero of New Oilcans, arid the vic tor over the hank ariAncracy—wlin would have thrown the people under the wheels of the jog. gernant car of the miormstimtional Bark of the Coned States ?—Sprit 4 Ike Times. Mos - I - ova fami iVocas —For several month's pas! : says the Danrilk! Iritelligetteer, the large An thearite furnaces of the Alontitom crimpatty have been o nt lergoiail thorough repairs, multi II:e 4. apes.- vi.iuil of the Alle..zra Groves, and will . nJw snort hr really f u r another lung, and we hope a prosrer ous blasi of two or th re years, without sera us iii terruption.' In allition to the repair+ milting td the .lumace•s, the Mouton, comp my have lately made another large addition to their mammoth rolling mill, thus extentli g its caparity for busi'- nesP. Far seine time past the mil' mill has been moving on in the manufacture of raernad iron, %sly ittestlily and successfully. flotuten Sett-inc.—Freeman Tor ker, a'i old resi dent near 'Montezuma, Pike county. IH wits-fone.tl (lend in his bed on the moniiir_ ot the -sth inst. He kin' spent the night alone in his !loose, and in a fit of mania poi'', as is supposed, he seated Maisel! on the tlor t tr, cut open his abdomen, :onk out Ins in testines, and rut them off in exart lengths until he had obtained five pieces. He then raised himself up. as the prints of his bloody hands on the floor plaiu.ly ant-Aril, laid his knife on the table and siren( to his bed. FREEMEN'S MASS MEETING.—The Ciur•ns of Dradford. 'without distinction of ',any are invited to assemble in. mats umeeting at Me Cop rt Home, ow WEDNESDAY EVENING of the 4rdt week of Court in December next, fur the purpose of expressing their views relative to the FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW. ' It is confidently expected that there will be s ful attendance ; abd that the freemen of this county will come prepared to say and do whatever may become freemen in the prts‘nt emergency. If the law 'is Constitutional and just, let it be sustained.— Dot if it is such a law, Wm no man who regards his allegiance to his God as well as his country can give it his support, then let such mea'nres be adopted as t may seem bes calculated to procure its speedy re peal. Let us d nothing rashly, or for the sake of agitation only •rat her let us submit to be slaves fur the sake of ha ony. But let us do our work de liberately ;an when the interests of freedom - ive in d.nger, as they ow are, flan the encroachments of slavery, let us tect those interests at all hazards: for they arc the most sacral interests of men and must not be given up. . MA NY errizENs. THE DR ‘IIFORD COUNTY MEDICAL. SOCIETY. will hold its quatterly meet ing at the " Ward House" in Towanda. on Tues day the 3d day of December at 1 o'clock P. M. ~ A general attendance is most earnestly requested. November 19th 1850. _ --_ TEMPERANCE MEETING —A meeting of the Bradford County Temperance Society will be held at the Court House on Monday evening Dec. 11, next. An address may be expect ed frouithe Rev. Mr. Landon. All are invited-to at- tend. By order of the President. C. 8. RUSSELL /key. RELIGIOUS N OTICE.—Re v. huyler J. Gibson will preach the Union Mimi' at Burlington on Thursday lth (Thanksgiv ing) at II o'clock A, M. AGRICULTURAL. M ETING —The Farmers of Bradford con ty, and others, having an interest in the formation o a County Ag ricultural . tgociety, are requested to meet in the Court House, Thursday evening, December 3. F 1 'fiber Particulars of the great Flood NEW GOODS! NEW Caminteres, Bronkloths, Vpitings, Prints, 111 Mohair cloths, Merinne. ,Alpaccas,.Meun &Plaine, lam:hams, Hosiery, Mmes, Trimmings, Plaid and pleb) Flannels, bkached muslin*, elternugiwattirtings, Inns, tiekinrra, 'dm., just opened at the Cheap Store. Oct. 30. 1830. J. KINGdBER Y. HA9.B AND CAPS, Boone and abaci. Ovenehaes, Gahm. Chi Wren's Boma and Oboes. • Irma vs. riety. A bo. Ilanbran, Crockery, Fish. Graesties. (en chiding %gars and Molasses by the bbl. -or hhd.) for 'ad' by nl .1. misubtmty, Married, By the Fier, Johns rosier, at the Presbyterian p er . enotlitiOn Ibis borough, on the Stith inst. (h„,,,, WA01411111411 BAHIOI of Tioga County Pa. Sullins Ries ntMAT stem 003011 iv an. lei, Towaga September 27 11350, M tat r prat. duet. ter of .1%. kN. J. Kaassa aged - I year I i c y it 16 dale. • !**ol.ancll n 01...3.0.nde0" 14Sr.ea fa Wysox Nov. 17th 1850, of consumption, Ita nit h s Witt rowar, aril 25 . years. Mr. Whitney's kind and obliging hispanic's, agreeable mannetwomnly drponmeat• and intelli gent appearance, gained for him an extensive CIF. de. of friends, who with bis numerous relatives mourn bitentlisely deal*: - In addition to bia many rnilum,he was a g oo d ezatnple bcrth In life and'death, of that pure religi on ifieiusof - Nazareth Whirl will eventually, purify the hearts of mankind. . Jlilthu' many wrong n o , bound hint to lifk he relitiquiobed them Without % teurmnr and hid/ adiE aid those around him, in the full hope of being rebnited to all that was de ar n , him in this world. fri:Thindaff, Stioquehartna County. Pa, on -th e 29th of October. Mies.liitstue Fur. NT, furmerly of this aged 69 years. Her•death was ve r y am. petted. and has produced a painful sensalion in this village. where she was Weds regpeete,l for her i na . ny ereellint social qualities, and chrisiiad virtues. —pfpusit Ctrarier. a Mrinrrit. dtt WedneStlar, 27th No:ember. at Me residence of her grandfather. K ITR, second laugh_ terof Col. D. M. Bull, aged 15 stairs; 1 m ar * 4 days. • And the oeil hr ill ceeniinglr ' s rqvitrig and inonoceilii Pei etrlT in die." ititd liSifftttihnctits: FL MASON, M D., & 6.IZEZI3ZA ljk 'on kaki street. Inge dbiti Wain inniet, *bete !Ai Niiay he fop I. when not phi* sionaika engaged. Towanda, lionr.3o. 'AW EILLWASTIESTo PS. . MASON. would respeilfolty • inform th e 1. Towed& iftid iicinity, that she hi opm. ed a MitHillery estaidishineni an Mehl' sprig; kir don below Bridge at., in the house fortherli ocrapinl !y L. M Dull: Khe has on hand sr Weil liefected nary of the most fashionable Millinery Goods. aliotwis t arcenerd the sereires of it firshionahle Milliner, Wit ray the 4:ite, she fs•J,... is confident of giving 1 11.1!action to those echo may extent, to heutheir patremace, . Sleuth R inch (leaned and Prated in the near est manner, on sheet WOW?, hy a 'new chemical which glees ORM a brantifol whiteriank, erithout,isits. ism the colal. I/menet:dyed . of emery co!of and Towanda, Novenitire 30, IP50; ECONOMY, DURABILITY MB PEATNESS. Saddle, ss'& Ttan.k kana(aciort JEIIE CI:I.P Aft Co., respectfu ll y inforin the . p u W that they'have.taken the th , p Litety oeruped by C. P. Harder. ort Main street. a few drebts Wow ilia frriek Row, 11 here they wit keep on hand a hip al ock of !farness, Saddles, Bridles. Trunks, ruVrta, •111;is, 4.-r. F e. • . • All ort;eles in their triannfiketored to onlet,o,l made of the he'd material ; and: f.r wcifkmanship. can; not be surpasaed in Northern Pennsyleirtis. They solicit a rail from those wishing to dant jhat the" tan sire satisfaction both as worlds, and. flier. It, Cash .rill be paid for Waes and Sheep rot, at the highr:t .ates, Stour shop. • Tog! snail. Nov. 494., Ittv. C UTI ON . . AAI persons are hv cantionei posh* mg . a vermin 11 rE . given to D. A. Install barer, thirtr.f.mr dollars, do. eighteen mambo ifs, d. t d Pike, May. Ind, 1 SAtl, as and nate sow tii* from the whet/Aber, by frond and misternsi. taffirt. 4 .. Pike, NOV.22d, IMO; RAIN RES, h. - _ DISSOLUTION: • TOTICE is henehy given that the panne*, kro. 1 1 lobate existing between the subsrultersher btu diasolvMl lye mutual mmorni, the Books and Arnim of the Firm will be settled by the Finn. An penos hitting .nisettled accounts ape re quelled to call rim tie without delay. J. B. SMITH. GEO. 'AMC The, business will hereafter be conducted I T GEO. SARI Mortroeusi. Nos. '2sth. I R5O. • . ADMINISTRA'TOR'S. NOTICE. Apersona indebted to the - seats of MIRK PRESTON, deceased, late of Rioliotbe ter. tug hereby requested to make payment without 411 b and those baying claims igainst said estate I nn pie, present them duly authentirated far wettlesest. • JOAN V. D.VAIELB. Burlington, Nev. 30. Joao. . Adeinistossr. • _ _ DANMITTA AMATir 11111rifil.MY. . Bllesons. Goss es !Warpath VOULD respectfully announce to the demo d V Towanda and vicinity, that they bais trio rooms and are bow operating over.lKonasery's um. main street, where they sKr Furrowed to take*totro in the latest and most improvedatyir. Children haw 1111 1 1 ny ate, Family Groups, separate pietnors Wee sea, lockets, rings, dm. correctly taken. Satisfy: lo even, or no charge made. Prices vary fromsl to 410. rorenoron light IW' red. Hours foe chikleen from 10 .%.U. to YP. A.— Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to eallarod rt" mine specimen, Twos/ands, Nov. 7. I ,450 . _ WiallVM" WINTER GOODS! T. FOX has just neeri . sed another Ism, d 4 of WINTER 1 4 to which the stenos of the public is invited. Nor. MU* DI.4 I BOLITTION.—Notioe is hereby aims. th e partnership bemtofore Ceisting b e tsers the re". scribers in, the Harness and Trunk making byelaw ° t h i s day ilassilved by mania cart - sent. E. graph Son will slet the hominess of the late firm_ Thos hadeleed Most make immediate payment. and dew vbe belie agreed to pay grain. ate notified that union 6P• livered at Cm time agreed, Cub will be expertel E.,BIIIITH. • • C. T. SMITH. November 15, 1850. • JERE CULP. SA~ES,i MD -TRW MANIFACW swum iv so! g"PE U11,3.1f- inform the , public that the will continuiribe business at their old mod, ceet side of the Ptiblie wow, and will keep on barsi,. l . l manufacture to order„ every variety of SADD i, f.: HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALICES, dke•, ol.l h t _l aniefiale and of workmanship, not to be slur'', By net mention to - business, and prrirel , "* ° ,, • fuliallallruttlagements, they hope to continue lb"' oral patronage they have heretofore enjoyed tartar/ma Tainiviso will lie done on in the neatest manner. - ' All kinds. of Grain. Produce, Bides, Sheep' will be taken in exchange for work.- - - amaLies a ca.T.Lirlr3: 2lll ' N'wis the litee'to purchase BOOKS for tin w evening's! Person., in want of R,..kir nod ; timely will find the Warm emelt ever .411 61 -i" . in this bomugh. at the store of the st)Olot• coilitantly receivi New Books. Novi, I, 1850. - - .000 Pitits j ; 11 ::::" 99 FOR Weill the highest .price in GAM' will I'M by H. A. A. CAMPIO,II"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers