Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 30, 1850, Image 1
\F:AMEII3 Zlto TOW ANi) A: Baturbaß Aloptinn, NentrabeT 30. 1850, HOME. ' }lame ! in that wont how many holle.s are hidden. llow many hours of joy serene and fah. How many gulden visions rise anbohlen 4 . And blend their views iatoz rainbow Tztal. gonna home what images of beatify cloister ;. Links which unite the living with the dead, f;: copses of scenes of most surpassing lustre. Echoes of melody whose voice is Led. Home is the place where we bare ever blended Our hopes and happiness, our tears and sighs, whence our united worship bath ascended, As grateful incense to the listening skies. Where we hare nourished bright thoughts while be holding Some sun -eyed Hewer, the centre or nu r love ;, And while we watched its gradual unfolding. The angels Cattle arid carried it above. Mankind. however fettered and benighted. liou e'er opprcissed by penury and care. Ha, e their existence by Wit beacon Bare still pas bliss which ail may fmtly share Home ! cries the world-sick wanderer as he trend 11 lilt baffle.' footsteps o'er his weary seay-t H ! t.ighs the wretched otneavt as he seentette A longing loOk when once be longed to stray. 11:-ue! ...ars the toil worn rustic when returning. rroin daily labor at the fall of night ; n flint ! sines the emancipated soul as srntrniem Th:s ut , ild of sive, it plumes its u u.oa for &light iimne ' like the burning lens eollects tirgetber ,ne 'point affecticln's scattered rays, ; 1 1 4 ihe .ternest storin. the wiliest weather, h rQ4s a bright and spirit-cbetring blaze. il , nr , he u-aichironi firing with etnivion Th e heart. and nerving him to fight ; ihr pole mar. e'er the storm swept ocean ' tt: the --alter through the stormy night. :ft I* 3 ban to en tn..; mortals .nu u. rlt.•et tit the botids kre, .ead our fpirtts „curly up to Heat en. r , •ha.!, , w forth the brighter homc altinc PODG E'S, ELOPEMENT c o, 1•-e ItarrAtive i• Os.siart r ,„ i •ekt,rale,.l &won Voc.ili•l %Ali , . paid • . .f Jenny Lich rs firbt i'.,.. i. ] the eccentric and unequalled delMealqr 3' !'le ladies call him, the 'ineomparatively appeared on cliant;e -agrani I.utt v eel, tLe next evehing after Ina appearance, i• • tastionafiljeulcam—Rt s alges . he .itrrarters. a: a!! raliy boar ilenAely crowded with the :lie order," to lenen to die rib holding avothit of the man) metilenta ever to beinet with e I,le of a Concert ...n.gee. ‘tr , nl a time, and of: have we 'baker' our rides u..ecin:roelatrie laughter, as the torment • ..: Ary atid ti,l.urattrittPt w it, fell from rker, as encouretned and as care •-• t " . : 1 , 1. 01 spray Goat the crrethan; in, vl, As of wzara. &'r. how-e'er. of the tlianv` rich things t'''" . 4a tmu :n not pre.ence have left .he laughter • as, the the following ; but I/I Order 40 be fully 2 ecuted, the readers shocid sce Dortge tell the >ears .1;13—aloe& the time he qui. • :ear, oP tcax•fruit, and flou'er • mak i rig c itiuunatc ly , tout up that of comet iing which Ire flea , according to rxrite, atttattaira .Itierendent fottatie—male a s Meat aztcets the ";:,:tr.,., and one line morning icruud I#taself in r 01 C Inc Ulnali tie took passavtin the afterwards nnlatly frame , the 8-15--, hound down to ?dem i l',.:Lstrarg, Natchez and New Orleans. , :04t wan densely epswiled.- being vowed ott (leek, vt nit agrwahnral tmpl,•rrtents, horses, mkt, Much emigrants, and other hardware ..e t:te cabin oi etheed was filled up with trunks, ;ones, ca-res4rage l tmibirl:ast, and• such like :oat shored oat, firediarsuicel i rnd away down ' si.earn, whakt her ohl rtwf. I,srde a colk, , r +ok cook, vehicle Curly eau.ed -41 .:-rnelneling, hills to re-lo e,,upper. 11t0.14e haven: by letter of retmdere aae the feraititaneeota very weful zee:- 'tete, te:cipiaip Itge, tLef, !kiln ' in.a r gti, a peep en the ladies' saloon d - aa cwe gull orie cf the lollies was playin t a a piano elegant. ," 'hit.. some Gthefft, havurg-a meat taste for 1!.. A ., mgromeoiit was 4ornining over tea Gl the /ate fashionable protae.icais of xi* kllorer, Dempster, and other eminent corn- 051 The Captain and Dodge atom] • for some time in 'secilul silence, when the lady aCthe piano very, r. ely mincseted *id to asaftt her in that giorio - A eahilerating, never ilyin old duit,the "Cann a Boat Seng." .s tray ()edge's rev; he very readily stepped ' card, end hegedpermission to lead og ou please, sir,",a•aid the lade, whose angel- cutce, Th - td:;e rowt , , neatly took away hat Out hero pitched 4010 the "Boatman . ' hoe • road of coal, and ploys that ontied with the anfte .**roice of the Missititppi 14,blittgale,,the Laid) za,te -Rome Alm theßoatman, eame.a few selections (mm Otitetas, lately pottlishe‘l ; and the ntr.,tit now •••g far advanced; to tea] tip, Paige was obi.r,t• tecor the tales tth a (!erciiptate eethes ttip Va -are Faits. • 64 k:lour, - rays the Ca, :sin, me . soicsal hap about rnranOit; .• you VA alory,g T. ft; 4;17 among, the Ia sea—why, you rsurglils •)- es, t •f+g a Dodge. 1 - 5 d clad yoz thernbacAt lady. g ttar -Rao 1Te:1:1 rather guess 1110 torture it 're 4 Ptri tell use 4 - 3piairr. AU flilat ::e:tel is 1. 0 .5.:N, Csal rings hie a sl'i6t4riideti I . . , • t . • r • r- ;'"' 4 ",,,;,, • . . . , . . . • • k•rr r;7. '.:;- • - I , , =I Oil — 'AI Wciffe 11,/ t PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. 0 and playa with the finish and perfection of a pre knot P The Captain (being a noted wag, and the terrot of all )hkers on the Idississipri river j' suddenly conceived the idea of selling the Yankee with a joke, which shank] write "hqh" among the New Englanders, In ages to come, as a model "sell." " ThOtlady, my dear fellow, is a—widow r , n You dutet say so !" ra te s Doe& . '• Yes, but I do though, and. more than that she's rich as mod, air,—rictras mud ! worth seventy-fi►e thousand dollars! young, and beautiful, into the bargain !—a good champ for a yankee boy, just commencing life like yi‘u, sir." "She's certainly very beautiful," pays Dodge. " Beautiful as an angel !" says the Captain " A very fine musician t 0.)," says Dodge. " Unequalled on tae river," rejoined the Cap, "sir, Ahe sing,s like a seraph." MI "!Tow kal i f; has .she a been a widow," inquired Dcklge A hide over a year now, since her Captain was Oared under the sod . 4 ' AO then her husband was a Captain, was be," rays Dodge. k• Ves t be tiNut a Captain, but he got biowed up, poor fellow ! This steam bating is a nosi ness fur a man that cares anything about his life, sit risky Wisines; but then if you get the ix idow, int] yinlvelo do it, air just like a knife, if yon,only 5-ottonup strong enough, for she likes you already ! , ,,avy it in her eye—you can retire on some large plantation, and spend the rest of your days in in desetibable and unbounded luxury." %Veil Captain, hang me, if I ain't a mind to ;read myself for the young widott, and try my liand at entitling lot the tint time in my "Go ii, my Ixiy, I'll back you with all my influ ence : ti I tras'ilt already a married man, rd sure. ly go in for that chain - tin-4 woman : but you'll wru .—yourt.4—good looktrif i ; 4 • don't„•tl y nu please Captain.•• " Ming it, Dodge, don't be f.O , modest !" " Dot, CAptam, ga, ; 'soup, pu44y, think of my lectin,t4 ! " Dien you sing and play life a book, the rrid. ow /ores muiCw. she loved music to disaraction ; an(' nou my 14'ir, strike the iron is hot! Why otir r it 1 could sing, and lead the guitar equal to you 'd— ‘• 1101,1 on. Captain, hold nn : I ender.traid aff about Klat • but nos• tell me all about the young and ta'autifid %radon - : give me her name, age and ; residence.•' , " Ifer name, - replied the Captain, "Amaranths llm ii son: age about twenty-four ; residence, New Oilcans, and as we shall probably be about ten days running down, you'll. have a fine chance to exert yourself .4v tww take my advice, and make the best nee of your fine. .11," - l Wilt, gaps u 'atm,— else; for al ways having ars eye open, his suspwiuns were aroused by the Captain's attempt at fiattery. and big seeming disinterested endeavors to bring about a hasii avowal of love for the young and ac el:imply-ha and really beautiful- lady. So setting hs t. ie to work. he lost but little time in ilvsco veiing that the Captain had been under the liell;;Li fut of Hymen, but..*biti two weeks, and the 1 , ria rde a Wow wzs no ruoi-e norleas "than the iden seal, charming. klotizeii wife of the Captain. - " Now then," trsys Dodge to Inn:melt, " ibt the Captain hint rtarnled a joke; he shan't be diaap. pointed : 11l only change or slightly alter the plot, and if 1 don't, in the end, give hint a regular eye opener,. then he may hare the pleasure of inform ing liter 5 . how he 'done the Yankee browns". DriliTge bad' something title a week previons, sent on Us bills and advertisements to the editors at Natchez, that he would be at that awn' g town during the. owes, arid would at fifty eents a ticket treat 144 inhabitants and visitors with a series of in irtfiful, musical and social eutertain meros: Nat letting any Berson on board know at what '-:What'. her name r inquired Dodge place he intended to stop, telling the Capta';e ha i r reckon Maasti's from de Noir Don't know would settle his Lac nten he lett the boat. he im- —nigger caul read, - iejuined the laiV,iiile.:, palace proved every spate momen: with the widow over of darPrtess. . , 1 the music an:f 'piano, until the old steamer came Dat*e aild his companion, immediately teed a pulling along side of the Leere at Natchez I nt v l iew of the tlittant steamer from the n hide% l f the , 'Ascertaiiv Item the Captain that th e steamer coach, and soon •satistted themselves beyond a mai m l eave i n a b ou t a th r ee l oaner, of en hour, he doubt that she was none other than the identical B gave his l'ag.gage in charge of a resident in town, S. -- who k i ,,, i a b out l eav i ng i h e b oat , Then, watch- . " Iyhere does Massa want nigger drive to m 4. g the Counting-tocsin of of the lures.** times now, inquired the wonder-hicken but tripe:llld ender the hilt , tot erh 4 ieh ' eaiiionally ., brought t shiver. goods from New Oi leans, the ocaliin immtilittely i "To Natchez ander the' 14.11," replies Doke. seem to the Captain's wile, and very coolly in- , "and govern yourself according to the speed of yon. /Mined herthat, through some eismanagenseut of t tier steamer, as we wish to board her." * one of the needs, the boat would be obliged to re- " imt, se!' main about twenty-foor howne in Natchez, and that ' As the bow-line was thrown ashore, Art. Dodge, 1 her hest. ian.i had arconlingli accepted an invitation and the rased* widow alted Item the canine, to visit the race-emend antfwiAled , the voi•AM tefi and walked slowly toward the boat. The Captain, to come up as soon ier smneenient, ib a canine, overcome With joy, sprang froim. the taffrarl and 1 \en the Captain'a*ik.. Not dreaming of anything soon had his bride clasped is 110 4 aims. After a 4, 1 , 444 the l a dy b i a.t t ly threw on her shawl and kim and a few words in private, he, turned to. bonnet. and declared herself ready fare start. ?rep= Marl taro l'lbed It Ing on, 1.1* .e one convinced ping on ,hoe, Dodge hailed a colored coachman, he led no right to enjoy the scene, and exclaimed Nave him a shittirg doubloon, and in a srnotheed " fly dear fellow, this as happitiem, and no miff . voice, ordered lams to drive tea miles in an easter. take; but 111 own up, that I've been sold ;•corst. lv d irection, and then. without a single question, pletely sold ;. and that, ou're too many for me al lam tonnd,and slowly return. itrwther ' and now, sir, if you'll promise' iiiii that Leaswag Dcalge * his Lair eompouson la enjoy you'll never' relate the facts of this case, Swath of ii r eir phtasant ilnve,Pser a tedious confinement in Masao and Dison's hoe. you shall receive a ticket a nni ar.d . clatteting steamer, we will now return which thee entitle you to a cabin paesne., on my 'to the Captain, wins it the appointed time gave the 4 0 at from the present time, to the tall of 1895." steamer's bell the accustomed amber .iaf tinge, " ram muctrobhged to you, Captain fin the 'fiattlerd in the plank, bid wood day to his Fiends i Uffer," replies - Mtge, i- hot should prefer not to w and :Moved ma raw the muddy veer . • 1 cle f t it, as jokes that are paid - for are not, as a gen- Nfrcr that die aittinional freir e rht was well hatariccd, 'rope* and chains property stowed away, and ever, thing in saiior's phrase "all um," which crcupieil neatly' an hour, the Captain eistlreal the the ladies . saloon to in his new passerrgers, a nd pa/i ate s,, how ith his sweet ant) afrozoomate woo, Piot seism bit lady hi:repaired to her state-rooto, ertierete ktood the coral r slier of eat an inside ditri s mh is4,l,4*Walippem ; Atoctena, et;:., bra no =E7 d he did'ut do an MaME=3l e t atonuxEss or otsvmtrnor remS ENT OrArrtit!! wifeewhereepou, feeling 'a little uneasy, (di ho ney-moon not yet being over,) a general was made from - stem to stem in the old steamboat, but without the least sticOess. For a mcnuent.the Captain stood like a statue.— A thought struck hint Where was Dodge So:ne renntrked that he had not been seen 'since the boat left Natchez. With the speed of a madman' the Captain rushed to the state-room of the Yankee singer, when to his utter ateenishment, he found that the bnggege had all disappeared, ar..d on thebiAl lay a letter, di rected Captain —, of the steamer B.S. The let ter ‘wax quickly tom open, when to add still greater fury to his phrenzy, his eyes fell on the fol• Igwing : " DEAR Slat—Thinking the you might passAdy hare the pleasure of relating to your friends, how you caught Dodge 'napped,' by persuading him to make a:deciaration of love to yqut talented and truly accompliShed lady; you tried your utmost, both by tzdsrepresentation and personal influence, to get. me in the meshes of your skillully woven net ; and thinking that when we are among the Romans, we are justified in doing as the Romans do, I have by the same method, taken possession of OW beautiful wife ; without her own or your consent. " Your lady shall receive that attention-and kind ness, than none other better than a Bostonian, knows how to bestow: and unless you conclude to bout ship," acknon ledge the corn, and imme diately take possession of tho prize, (which be tween you and myself I consider the most manly and wisest course.) I shall if it meets her approval take her under my charge in the next steamer bound for the Cresent City. " Yours for fen let it come at whose expense it may—in a horn, o.•tst E Dance, Boston VocAtat 4 , r. S.—F.ticickqed you will find the amount of my frrr, and tria-mauch, as I bare taken „prmseesion of yurfrfur, it is perfectly fore that you should take poesce.sion of rev fair." In a 'voice of ihnntic:r the Captain gate orders fur the action of the engine to be rererseti and taking po,...seAfion of the pilot houee Mmeelf, he bad kir a time, an excellent opportunity of 'cooling himsel: down Mto cementing like nctate_ of reflection and MEI2III Being naturally of a generous and lively turn of mind he was soon obliged to acknow ledge takim- sell, that the "in'emal Yankee" hail outwitted and that after all if his wife had received that at tention, promised in the letter, it liould be better riot to make a fool of himself. by a great splurge and show, but handsomely acknowledge that he has been whirred with his own weapons; return the vocalist the amount of, his fare, and then pm- Sera him with a lile-ticket for the steamer B. S current at all seasons of the year: About the time the Captain 'was raging the wild est, Dodge was explaining to his fair companion the manner in which her lawful lord had compro• wised her honor and &pity by representing her as a widow aid the prope+ prawn to receive the ail tesees ref yottig men. Litt!e by little the vocalist revealed •the -caroplicated plot from tr.:iniung to elm), mail the whole was bromtht plainly to light. 1, The lady trembled, hers tioletttly for a few too merits, and Ehally woend up with a merry laugh, e sclaiming— ; "Oh, semat be be angry for a few minutes! But he's a noble soul, and trill, in half an hoar after. wart 9e w ailing to forgiVe ant'i forget , but he shan't I forge: Ati long as I base a tongue to hector him ! But. ; Mr. Dodge harrnt we better have the driver hurry* For the Captain will return immediately on there ceipt of your note, I know he will ; for, oh, sir, we are very kind of each other—indeed we are." Mite nidered the driver to increase his speed. and If he shoeld discover a steamer coming op the ricer, to immediately inform them. " Da'. one maim' now, !drag," immediately replied thedriirer. tail thing, so long remembered, or so nett enjoy ed. as those Yonder' on allectson for the adders:" " Htt n - ain br the great father of w stem," ex claimed the Captain, " tint I'm now behind tune, and must heal oft : so God bless yoo f my dear fellow, but don't, amotv the exciting melees ie. ooneettizirg, ever fon , et Capt.—, or the steamer B. 5 or your ekpronenteed ~titer woes safe." •-• O n 4is arrival at few Orleans the vocalist bound a letter w the Ismi-Oftke coubuuseg : kigettner with the good wishes of the Captain and wife, an Blab• °satisfy finished and massive gokl ring, on which was engraren the Captain's narQ'e• and residence, and underneath, in rery fine leite'ring, the simple but expressive word—" SOLD." Dodge showed us the ring, and amid the shoots ol the fraternity, exclaimed. r• Boys, 1 flare preserved this thig, vfith great care and attention, for a wedding gift, but hasn't yet found The woman who had the courage to of fer herself, and it's all nonsense for INC to metition the stifiect, for they'd insist upon it "Old Doilbe" was commencing one ol his jukes."—Boston Mu• scum." Tar. Wm? or Narcas.—The celebrated Mr. Hume wrote an essay on the sufficiency of the light of Sainte ; and the no less celebrated Robert son wrote on the necessity of *elation, and. the insufficiency of the light of Nature. Hume came one evening to visit Robertsori4piiid the evening was spent iu conversing on the subject. The friends of both were prevent ; and it is said that Robertson reasoned with unaccustomed clearness and power. Whether Hume was convinced by his reasoning., or no, we cannot tell; but at any rate he did not acknowledge his convictions. Hume was very much of a gentleman ; and si he was about to de pan, bowed politely to those in the room, while, as he retired through the door, Robertson took the light to show him the way. Hume Wall bull taring the door ; sit," said he to Robertson, " I find the tight of Nature always suffie:ent ;" and he continued " Pray don't trouble yourself. sir," and so he bowed ou. The street door was open ; and presently, as he bowed along ire the eistr . r. he starn• blest over something concealed, and" pitelied down stairs into the stietq., Robertson fan Atte: lion with a ; aid as he held it over him, whispered softly and ceimutgly, " You had better hare a little l ig ht h orn abov e , It ieto Phone." And raising him 'up, he bade lion good night, and re:urtied to his hirtidS. Discorrates or !turves is Bees irin BALL% MEX.\ —Last week a small farmer, named Jame. Young, residing in the parish oil the estate of John 211 Ned, Esq., of rat Lmount, du; up ont of a bog in which he was moiling, a leg of but. ter, in a remarkable state of preservation The wood composing the Lefitrielf was iompletely rot ten, whilst the butter, about 601 b:, WAS in taste, col or, and general appearance, as though it had not been secreted more than a month. Those in the neighborhood who hs've Peen the firkin entertain the behel that it wai hidden during the " trouble. some times of '98." k few 'la), previously a fir kin was found iu Eeuagh Bug, about four miles from Ballymena, on the estate of the Earl of Mount cashetl. The possessor of it is a farmer, Lamed Moses Tsui , who discovered it a fu v inches under the surface of a section of the bog which bad been under cutting for several years. In this case the butter n-as (woe grayish In appearance, and musty .0 taste and smelt. It hid evkleritly been under grunin.l for a great number of years. The Orkin , too. is not at all like those in ordinal ate. seem s It. have been formed of osiers, Cemented on the outside, and is in shape somen bat like the 041 stoniest amrliiiri This, we understand. is the third or tours!, tiil in of a similar depeription which has been fund in the Fettog Bfv.--Prorincial (ludenci) Paper. TUC RAILT*I iticeaosect.—A very proWie and -!proilqate sailor. who belonged to a vessel I.iyi,ig in th e port of New York, went out one Jay lrom his ship innp the streets, bent et' folly and wicked ness. lle met a pious little girl, whose feelings he !ried to woonif by csingrile and sinful language. The little girl looked at him railiestly in the lace, warned him of lii.- danger, and. with a solemn tone i told Wm to remember that he must meet her at the 1 bar of God. This uneirieicted reproof affected him. To itse his own larigna_4 4 , ,' it was like a bared. ,ide, raking barn hie anJ all, and +aeehu>e by the board every sail and spar prepared for a tucked cruise." Aba•bed and confounded, he returned Icr his ship. He cook! not banish from ins mind t*.e rep/ ou(of this httlt girt. Her look uas pres ent to his mind'; her solemn declaration, " lon muss meet use at tive . tver of deeply atlerted his heart. The more he reflected upon it, the more inicom&ntable he felt hi a few days' his hard heart vcassubilued, and be submitted to the Sa viour. Ile because m oonsistect follower of the Lamb. A KNorri itt - c , rteosr —A sucker, being put to it for • 21a...ta of the aisles, seat into a `nicety adore, and commenced the following dialogue!— " Mister, take Joorpence worth of crack - cis." " sir," tefilieil the pricer ; and the cracker* were accordingly bagged op. "On second thought,'• says the sucker, .111 take a kinrpettee worth of gin, and trne's your The grocer teceived the crackers, and the sacker received the gin, which a-as apeethlF drink, and the r ocker seas abOtit depialia t l 4 " Here," sayi the grocer, '• pay tne lair that gin." " 'ac you," says the surier, " didn't I give you the crackirs for the !" Rat s the crucer, ::bct you A la Jul pay for the clackers r "In enamel not," says the Farber " dian't h;nep them ! Hain't you rki'yoar eraeiera r Vont don't ream a man to ray for what he [Wen) hare : do pm!' Sacker departed, leaviar.,Tracer engird in the process of stratchilig his head! To 11 - :c Gtat.s —A curious tart is thus told in mos of our eiebange papers: " Take a striae that ' iloorneki to receive the degra.ltre.: punithinetit he will mach twice round the neck of a TornV fatly— had Fo often inflicted. Seized with honor, she rose let her hokl the ends in her teeth, and then if the i to he t.leet, chriped her hand in atrpplicatim, and noes* 'yr datlip oseiter bead to tti bat-i of he shucked in to rot and tiespah. neck, it is a venom itahration that she is married, or grants to ber..l Try c;}Drag MEARA GOOI RICII. ATi ling iiiary--hteilleifir is Russia. On 1he . 22.1 day of May, 1841, a battalion of the military colony, establi*heil at fortgor►xl, was drawn upon the parade ground adjoiiiirl, the ex tensive barracks, constructed in the Matt ancient and solitary portion of the city; near l're church St. Sophia. , In front of the ranks stood Gen a tall man of fifty, remarkable for his erect c-arriagc, meagre. tress, sallow complexion, and large grey, restless eyes, Ile n-as known throughout the camp bravery, of which he had given many briltisni proofs in the carapaight of Turkey and Persia ; it was clear that domestic infelicities had soured his temper, or that his heart haul become hardened by the her:pent applications of a discipline, degrading in its nature mi l d often horrible in its eflectr.. Gen. 1.. had become a terror to the soldiers and scarcely a day passed' in ufhich his command was not sit! nalized acts of such severity as weir feserved to be called ferocious. It was known that this man cheri-hel a pmfound attachment for a young girl, the daughter of an old companion in arms, killed in battle. Ile adopted the orphan child l brought her up .'Kith care, and never allowed her to be separated from him And she, though grateful for the kindness of her father, by adoption, was hot the less governed by an irresistible feelings of constraint when in • his presence. the result of his stem brevity of speech, imperious manner, and colil , sever ity of aspect. She I was known among the troops try thu expressive name of .svlon *lova (Nigriimple,) given to her in recognition of the glace with which she sang the • yd pa.l c,t ballads .of the Sclavcriiiner. §olotiriuca, to pltbase the General, appeared at the rei iews fine day fhe was sitting at a window the General's quarter., in a ioem ort the ;pound floor, isherr-t her eye ran, , zed along the extei,deil ranks—and a bright flush overspread her rewriter , as her glance rested s lor a morat. - nt oil, ?he handsome features of a 3 ming eq:eoti-major. Ivan roleto;, shave manly form was seLefl to a rue advantage by the simple uniform of his mileary giraffe. Gen. L p.i.sted and re passed Mont: the front lute of the Ratallron without a single word, but wi•li a frowning. brow and an angry expression on his fea tures, for he ritrreived that some of the men were agent. Suddenly was heard-the slow and muffl ed beat of a drum, and horn the extremity of the plain was seen advancing a band of soldiers, each earryirq in his hamd one of deem long radii which : are still u-ed in the Russian service as the tool ilia hateful punislinaent. dt that sight the General til l ea rl amazemeie(to Ina aids, and in a voice of thunder demanded who had given the order, and who was to be the vulort.- A Sergeant, conspicuous by his scatted and livid c•mintenance, (Lined before the General ; snatched from hiin his silted, shock Trim on the face, and cooly answered, as You!" At these wools an electiß. shock permed tr. pa- Mont! the rainks, and a gleam of ihte lightened up the habitually- passitairess features of the men. By a P•pentaneotts metrement, the of:Neers advanced trom the !mt. to the rescue a' their' commander ; hut in a aornetit %, ere seized, I:;:ttirli to the ;round, and menaced hail bi 4 score a - bayonet-4. Ivan was alone exempted, for 1114 humanity hail won ler him the aticettott of the titriops, grena ,Iter who stood near him, whispered in fns ear, •• Whether the nightingale boor, of renialr4 Jo not Lore. fi trorJ, a sitigle imp, am] you are dead.:' Recovering from his stopor, General L grislierl with each trand'one of the bayonets pointer, at Lis breast, tented them aside with a powerful elliart ‘ armlet - led oat, with a ferocious glance alotig the line, "To your knees, 'rile brutes, and tOg for merry, or there will not lc skin eartn.h on y out backs to expiate for your crimes." A savage chuckle was the answer to this 'threat. and the st rseaht, with frightful tranquility, which iodic-ales a f-egle, l purpose : said— "-Every one of us the doom that awaits him, and is preps/0.1 _ to srkewifFe his lite. IVlien your sentence is fillfilled we shall go before Gen. Setoff, the Giverrior of Sor'e:Tored : trV'sliaif Lay a : - lirs-feet )(sir sword; feet, enters. and what remains of „y our body, arid we shall say to litm, "Gen I L L. was a ti,ger we have slain him : here arse our weapons, we await ens porashment Arid thus saying., the sergeant true an ay the _General's epau lends and warOpleil them ender his feet. " These Jeconitions belorig . nil to you," he mo tivated; " a knot shotild be borne by'the everution• er. teinember the soldier .rota el Tire m Danz. :r;E. jon . f with roils for having been a moment too Case to pre- „- who, th e wciilirs a wheelbarrow, - said a 3Oly seating Remember , the nit sobaitern, h I taebrove al , he rolled aim.,.; ;he p a ve ; a„d I'm tLE fora spot on h is un iform, was ordered by you hom I , wheel, revolvin nit my has i t 'itf, in the the ranks, and snuck cpro therfate'ci'ith your mad, - eartieueth he, as he leak headittn,s.,tra the gut until the blood ran down his cheeks. The unhare Ito anti now rot on dry lacid;, -, as he iefritedkup py man, frantic' with rage and pain . lifted hiiltand r the numb-stone. . hits ceariadttq re ,i tatt, as Lis in tesance, and for this he' Was f10;,..7gei1, and 1 r boats toilemed hi.s. bead tiotra es . tba eeßar- tray, sent : mainte3 and lying, to Sibe ria.'' now the wheel Or firo!te ant - the vehicle is The sergeant, wile he spoke, had - eontinoelli out of re, , air Ptt the poor world aka terrible mi t iposum, to str ip- th e General of . ; on: wheel, - ,an.l a certain inilindusl. woker - up his belt, his row, and his under - prerfen•z: with a scarred cantitenanze rind' a' sli4ht headache. That sew. :leo, hi:e my sett, bore the name of I . Guider:loft we were born . - h; the slime hofel—be was my blether." Spite et his inilornitable firmness, the General could not retrain inunishoshiering as he listened to i thaw feastal attasatiorn a eirsteent in it calm sant rdiettx. so passionless - in its brevity. As Lir 54,10- et le ,ea, she had looted on at first with rape der, unable to comprehend the scene that paorsi ' beto.e her : but when she saw the General elefiriv.- e d of his Tema. his unikern tom his form exposed---then she began to perceive the pnrpre4 ,4 his assailants. and to understand that he u - as i Iran had tifi this moment stood motionless an& silent, but he coeld net ve=st the str,92, 611 of het he b ve d He f0r5,....g Lire !gem elcit.cueete of the loved, _ 1.174 4 IP I the Itopel‘tiess of bis lute:tem:we, and Made a strap forward i but the loud ring of, a Tool:et WAS btard—lran three up his arms, turned on hio heel volivufriqvel;•, and fell to the ;pound a coipse. Tie • - bnftel had pierced hot heart_ . . A gigantic eroltlic4 iteppe i l tort aid from tie tangs, lifted the body, mid bearnig it to the .w nidutp•yiheie - Strl,m lova stood, he threw It at lies feet, and said, . . •• Nightingale, this belotsp tot ou." ricilite as marble, be gaze upon Me corpse of her lover, bent towatilS a, wii .1 the Woody lore: head watt her liaintkercinel, 2a . i oneheradae cry, and fell by us side. BlL•arititne Ceileial L. hail been bound to a gen carriage, draggetrthrung,li the raliksould Et:644rd . . with roils, the torture of which was but the begin sits% of hui punishment. Ile had scatrely reached. the eatielnity of the lutes when a voice exclaiiid,' . " To the oven F 1 . The unhappy ueral, halt dead with agony, • beard the words ; and knew their Iran! meaning. Cue hundred vowes repeated. tt:Tu'llist oven_!" A Iberia! paleness ulerseread Vs features ; bey courage gave tray ; tie groatred and -hued fur mewl. Hui the hurrah:. of the lattalant demands ht, voice, and•Guedentifl, approaching him puce, replied : I too, Ve.CI.I for mercy when stay broth er tell dy Log Ishii the blows Tol'ordered:' We Will teat paste the hideous details of the scene that followed, only ailliug that Gem L. and ' the ofliceis of the ..hattalitin, shut up in ovens, which the t'engehtl solifiers took care to hear slowly, were hterally. baked alive., . The crime presented a frightful originality, and it was deemed meet its etplution olirAdd he like. '' wise. The tidings u ere borne to the Emperor, arid. right days ay:e:rwar,lS bet - CI:II liatialiono of :Wilkey marched through the oleos (lithe ancient Russian capital: they iraic liren in ecmtea by a maim-gene. rah. Ulm hail won lot himself in the Polish cam liaignope title. of Warsaw Eleeilli . llllll% °tie of has ants apr.par(4l at the hvirracks of thi 17:wirrerr., and onteredthern to paradra • the nest mOrtime, in fatigue dress. amt ‘raMaut their weripirns, .in (Inc small scitia7e at" the wr;,,Vierti end of the say, /fire' replied by their invariable avnitenei ; (loo.[.)"put on their lorf _err coats and Mond ea* and oiled their moustaches as for an Ordinary irekl dal; then, p a le, r,: -n!, and with white li(,-tut keeping per ' feet order in their raiiks ; thdiltraversed the city Le metal two hies oink's:l4s, folio el by' the tetri ed gaze of the inhabitants. Natter Veal lit the square, they liaised themselves insole columns, noiselessly ars i l•it ithont e orlfusion • The thetta-Is'al-- , d t ie 'Ortiz.' of the el ruches. al , eJ forth a solemn . clang—arid tire - batt twit ol;can i non, planted to the avenues that ltd rn I the squaw, [Oened upon them a deadly fire oil rape t-haiti— iEach dt-ettar;e n as toweeetted by a 2.1m:31, a Ma -1 laud:eons groan. with n t, rib %vete. iii ii sated the wed songs or those urn) prided themselves on .(1) in: I l'le men who knew no fear. Three Leers :he the' 1 was kept up; and wrieri, at the dose, the exerts , t:caters of :14t.$ Antal sentence -traversed the -place through a take i to blood, they ikll./...! but tare tthorrr. 1 the grape shot bead nut reached—among ihese was [ the (.e recant, ealeilevidl. They all Perished .under - the mutiiers•as 1 ?....,r of the krinut. - The ser,want m it:. tiiiicil birkiirrinc.'sss aril composure to tins 4 e id. Sr. etched on the fetal plan., be scenes Mir; C nowic;im.. of the lash that tore his bleeding 'flesh, end adir4..s,i4g. the executioner, he coolly asked if - I is a'.1 , . - i'ted -. - •. - -ftber cf Mews would soon be coat i . i ... I p.e , v,i. . .. "They ate ittri-Iri_Nl . L‘crai, - * said the mteereihner. Si" aluclillie better, - replied Coca:coda, " lot I am very hung.f." As'rEt - f or tre..yrn Cntuntoot - : : —Tevc *kings appear eery brautilol as a very ,young Fhild to it 6hrou.l. The lade innocent face to `riub timely ,errtitte anti corititt in,i,raritonztit the told ter rors of death—crimele'ss and tt atteAt, that the Irate mortal halt pared - alone uu...ltsrth e•hatlow,tulti p'hi re d t he m , ys.;e r y of Ihefe in its. .ulthmetantl . hjjwtr sc. no t•ti=i it ,et, Tti rare for tt.e Ittor:tive evet tlailtettett that p*.k face . deati d Conic Itiv i.qty oriolt 11., there is v ttnory., Toe t ea•iiingArit Live indeed cminel be Mille.!, foe lite rYt...etttc, ano .and the IN,ie stolid • ii,o ll .}.l * thst were st . tleiqllllll, are :one forevet. A me, too, tt iii o‘erca-t ❑- in --.{=4; p;eserer.e., Gar We are look tn,7, rut heath;' het tre cL t r im• fear A.l the 1.41 y t'pya:„:i.r—for has gnne, simple awl trteging into the pre-eire7of its alt Father, anti of tort we I. ;he Ktragtiont of 1 fi-ave.,. Murrtrief..-11 has lately been some of the Dean!, .cnianerics% Thai '.l"t'snny Pala. .!: i• I 1... 11 - 1 and - steers previsely life ether people. Wl - IG . a e - tileltgl.: it. tk Da ran diiak iv* in America ?'' asked a met- , oeF • `• : we drink &tale- and rat*!!: mti the Yankee A PhilpAnplly amens llAat the tilksim thy, Lklie3.' te.-th theca} Aoctuel than . ,7,eniesziens, i s becAtr.e of the fziotutt 01 the ichzue aua the stnrchrrs tf tie /It The t that Lwked - the n'er has been anestei, and made to ;ire bait. The pica that if wws "eceied at the time, was toted onto(' Obort 141.nrinon women. it is rail, bar , . corrinieneetl &emus; in issui.aloisr , . We kaorr al aaene Au this 5a:11,74 u :X Jo saint . .. x = 211=1Um, La,