Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 16, 1850, Image 4

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Planting , Trees.
The most•rematkohle, if not the met culpable
neglect--that which indicates an unamiable au& 1
uncultivated, as well as an impmvident nature—is
the omimion, on the part of gentlemen irt the conn-..
tzy le plant trees about their homesteads, for shade
tind (ornament, it not for frith and profit. Let any
one who woad be convinced how easy it would be
to provide, in a few years, even in the most ex
posed and barren situations, all the beauty ati I lux
ury ol a rirfi3l, only as tar as the Lu
natic As ) tern, between Spruce and pine 'ewes,
Philadelphia, and see how ',mein? is every rue
oT the Intirlsorne trees too th/n4littully planted out
there last aninnin, al the instance of Mr. Cresson,
i n a n ticipation of the failure,, some years hence,
of the old sycamore. The wen is only to be once
well.done :viol the trees well roteeted and then
they may be left to endure forever, the monuments
of the good taste, of the planter, transmitting his
memory wilt graitude to po. tent)... '
We remember nn •' p at the moment of seritolling
this hastybut earnest dxhortation to all young friends
to-plant trees—maples, horsechesnuts, locusts, lin
den trees, (anything het Lombardy poplar.) the
there is in_the garden near the house Duoraglin
Manor, Maryland, the classic residence of the late
venerable Charles Carroll of Carrollton a weeping
Willow, state'} and'grai•ecti!, like her who placed
it when a child, that will always be aSSOC?:iletl with
the name of Mrs. Caton. flow mach more are
such momorrek to be coveted than monuments
stained with toloodcemertiede ith the tears of the
widow andihe orplian.—The Plow, Loom and Anti,.
Pas:Parte rrt',Worrra.—The hoarse u hula are
already. Figiling a requiem to the gay sea s on, and
the early blast of winter v ill scion be here, with
his reign of terror to those who are unprepared.—
Farmers have a great deal to do to get ready rut his
approach, and no opportunity should' be neglected
to have everything in readiness.) Ai the days are
short, early rising is importa9l,t4 success. that Dui-
Mals may be fed in season. and everything ready
to commence labcr as soon as it is fight enough to
Fee to work; and a brisker action may be borne
than in hot days, for it it produces a little fatigue,
the long uighta of rest mill recruit nod invigorate
the system.
Trees that have been newly set should be protect
ed by. heaping up the milt around them, to keep
the roots warm, and support the tree against the
%vim_ A ls: for if left syringing in the winds, when
the 'clitttid ii soft, it trill be loosened - in the roots,
and the water vi ill mn down around them,
with the Ito4i, may destroy them. Those who ob.
ject to fall bansplanting., prnbaply do not set , their
trees welt. hav3 set many trees from the last
a September to December, and never lost one ..set
at this season. Carefully protect trees horn cattle, or
they will destroy them when feed is scare.—Decker
fotra Hanle Journal.
. EcoNotittcm. MODE OF DRAINING LAND —ln the
Amer. Agriculturist we find the following by Linns
Cone of Troy, Mich. on the mode practised by him
in draining lands, and which he considers econonf
cal, and answering a,good purpose.
I am a believer in' borough, systematic draining;
when the tarmer has a capital to don, but the great
er, part have not-that capital. It is therefore ncee s .
sary to adopt a temporary system, in order to raise
good crops; for it is evbtent to every farmer, that
grain, or even grass, will not vow advantageoutsly
on wet lard.
The manner of draining that ` s have [itemised fur
years ) I will 'now attempt to describe, which an
ewers a good pirpnf , e on all stales and wet places
that are not fed Is; springs. If necessary, let off
the water by plowing a furrow - , or ۥy opening a
trench with the spade ;.then plow the field. After
the sod has rotted so that you can plow to advan
.tag,e, mark out a laud, the centreof which will be
where you want your drain, with the outside ex
tending, if practicable, to wherry the ground ascends.
Plow deep repeatedly lessening the 12.4 a little id
such plowing. so as not to leave a 'ridge betwcen
the outs:Wei of the field and the • en're. By
ing, from three th five times, and clearing out : the
dead furrow in the centre' with a shovel or spade,
you will have a drai , i or hollow two or 'three feet
deep, that will last fur years.
There are several advantages attending this
method. You have a drain nearly deg when you
want to put in an under-drain, which may be mit
ered by throwing the earth back with the plow.—
Ton also have the sub soil Mixed with that Of the
surface, which, in most cases, is deficient in veget
able mouldi and is ill adapted to the growth * of
wheat a-►d other crops, thus rendering it more pro
ductive than any other•lran of the field.
1 have reclaimed considerable wet land• in this
way, and have foetid it cheap and expeditious. 1
always plow the rest of the field, if possible, so as
to cross the main drains' I make my lands abet I
three rods wide,,always plowirig them the same
way. When the field is Sovreil, I run the plow
through every dead furrow, and clean out the earth
with a shovel or spade., I think it the above meth
od were practised by farmers, we should hear less
of the whiter-k Wing of wheat and the failure of
crops. My experience has been ot. a soil and sub-
soil of clayey loam, which. is the character of most
of the land in thie state, called " timbered open
Carmel—Few people are seam that it is as ea,
ey to alter the Irame Of nor cattle as it is to alter the
style of our dwelling o. John flail, for instance has
gone onto improving his oxen until he Las got a
breed almost without legs. From the returns of
the last census, it is safe to say that 1,000,000 cows
are now milked in this State, which are supposed to
yield about 8o per head. To improve these up to
avertr,.o annual product of n I earth, (that is, to
. o . r-half what the best large rliiries in the country
now yield,) would add ;312.000 000 :o the income
of the citizens of a .single State. This gain, by the
improve of one kioit ot rural' mateliinery, would be
equivalent to creating a capital of '3 , 200g:10,000; and
placing the money where it would yield over six
per cent interea perpetuity. If the thirty mil
lions of sheep in the United States gave as good re
turns in wool for the food consumed as the best bun
ilred,thonsand now do, it would add at least sixty
minify 1 pounds to the annual clip of this important
staple. There are not far Tram six million horses'
and mules io the United State. ; and h is not too
much to say that in a few generations these animals
maybe imprOved full .*() a head on an average,—
lf so, the gain by this increase of muscular power,
and its greater' durability, will be siso,ocefithy. if
we study critically the machinery form/averting
grass, roots, and,grain Into beef andpork, the - dif-.
!prance is found to bo ,still more striking. ' 1f the
taets relating to this subject mere spread before the
people, great improvement wild soon follow, and
all climes equally in the profits of more productive
ilabor.--Albany Knick. . .
ME OW di- 3 SMUG
1. H. KELI.OM... A. M.. Prineipai.
Mrs. H. KELLOH, Teacher of Music Drawing 44e.
Printery Drperfinectt.
BE Fall and Winter season will eonimenee on
Tuesday August 20th. and continue without in
termission till Christmas when there will ba a vacation
during the Holy Days.
Particular attention will he paid to those preparing
to teach during the Winter
Afar scholars can be accommodated with board in
the family uf the Principal,
TrTtor lab Cll7 JAMUL
Primary 'Department, $.2 to 1600
Common English. 8 60
High English. , 400
Latin, Cheek and Higher Mathematics, 6 00
turna rurros.
Alincie on Piano Porte,
Frrorh;Painting and Drawing rich.
$l3 00
$2 00
Troy. Bradloni county, Ps- Aug. 1850.
TE next term of dim Institution will commence
on Wednesday the 2d day October next, neder
the charge of a. R. Bail:Ea. as Principal, and Miss
E. C. BARSTOW, Preceptress.
Tuition pet term el Ekren weeks:
Orthography, Residing, Writing, Geogra
phy and Mental Arithmetic, $2 00
The same, with Wells' Grammar, Adams'
Arithmetic and Town's Analysis, 3 00
Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Logic, As
tronomy acid Book Keeping, 4 00
Algebra, Geometry. Trigonometry, BmA-ey
ing, Conic Sections, Analytical Ocomett
&c. 4 50
Latin, Greek and Frebeh LanguPges, 5 CO
Fuel, Ist and 2d terms, 25
Scholars received at any period of the term,iand
charged only from the time of their entrance.
Board can be obtained in private families on rea
sonable terms.. J. D, MON'rANYE, Pres't.
C. L. WARD. Seey. of Board of Trustees.
Towanda, June 15, 1850.
C. 45 0 YAltUil 7110 D BIKED. 21350
THE Corning, Elmira and Buffalo Line. hawing re
dureA the fare from any port on the Chemuna ca
nal to Bultalo;afford facilities not hetetofore offered to
emicrants and others seeking a home and fortune in
h Great West.
A Boat of this fine wit( leave
Corning & Elmira for luffalo
Every week during the sessim, in the following order:
Leaves Corning Tuesday's at in O'clock, A. M.
Leaves Elmira, Wednessy's at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Havana, Thursday'. at P. M.
Tows down Senate Lake Friday,
Touching at Big - Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Dresden,
passing Geneva, Wetterloo and Senna Palle on Sat
Leaves Buffalo for Elmira and Corning every Sat
urday morning, leaves Rochester every Monday more.
Boat CORNING, Capt. E:"H. CALEB,
Bunt BUFFALO, Captain
For Freight or Passage apply to the C.iptains or the
following Agent":
W. M. Mallory, Casing-8. B. Strang & Co. A.
G. Reynolds, El mins— Wm. Reynolds, Horseheads, I.
Wintennnte, Borsch s—E. 8. Hinman, Havant" L.
G. Townswsend. Big ream--Woodworth & Post,
Lodi—Hastings & Fie , Geneva—Gray & Sweet,
Waterloo-3. Miller, Ben a Falls—h. Boated°, Mon
tesnms—H. L. Fish, R hester—Niles & Wheeler,
cCrProvisions for 'sale by the Captains on board.
•Ehnirs, Ara 4. 1950.
I..L.EurArlizz Hrungu„
THE SUBSCRIBER. having now completed bis
arrangements for the accommodation of the Travel
ing Public. feels warranted in soliciting his share f
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
the best the market affords. Hill Stabling is Large and
Warm. His Bar shall be filled with as good Lignor
as are to be !mind in the country.
BESIDES. for the accommodation of many. the
subseriber is manufacturing Boots, Shoes Saddles, Har
arm Trunks and Palm, 4 . c•. kr- And keep. on
band a good assortment of PATEZiT MEDICINES,
for all of which his our will be asked only a mode
rate pries.
For former petronap and favors. the public will
please accept, the ar-were thanks of T. D. ISPllhia.
Larwyville, Sept., a 3. *B5O.
Very Strange hut true.
Gentleman of Utica, N. Y., hai obtained from
the Witch-basel, a simple remedy, which lays a
more laid claim to the name of " family cure all" than
any Medicine we have - ever before know.. Nothing
is connected with it brit a little Alcohol to preseree it,
and yet it acts with great certainty in removing pain
and all local intimation, curing all motes, Mims, brui.
see and lameness, rapidly. Piles, bowel complaints,
cholera-moths:is, hemorrhage, ear ache, tooth-ache, sore
eyes, and all cartons affections. It is white as water
gni as harmless, and it is called
"Pores Pain Destrmier and Melling Erfrad."
None is genuine except '• Pond's Exit Met" is blown in
the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this medicine to
the public and has expended a vast deal of time and
money in bringing it to a bigtestate of perfection, and
we now warrantevery bottle to give satisfaction,
A man by the name of Spencer has put forth an
article called " The Coyle Extract" which claims to
be front the Witch-haul. If from that shrub, its name
a a perfect deception, and it is a very imperket arti
cle ; be not deceived, get a pamphlet and'see.
Fot sale at klontanye's & Tanana*, 8. 8. Bin
man Monmeton, Parkhurst 4r. Lamb i.eitoy, Somme
Wilk] Frinkfin. June sth 1830
_ _
Clock, Wald!, and Jewelry Store !
A ht. WARNEU tikes this method of 'forming ohl cost:mere and the public geninitlythat
he has purchased of J. P. Bull, his stock of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry, and has commenaid the above
business in an of its various, branches at the old Stand
of the hitter, sits Mein street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His reputation as a watch repairer is so well
established in this community, that it is hardly neces
sary to say a word on that poiut. With his long ex
perience mid great advantages for acquiring a thorough
knowledge of the business, he has confidence in saying
to the poblic, bring on your watches and clocks, I will
do them justice.
All good* sod l r or Repswing draw, warranted as I
recommend, or the manes refunded. •
A good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand. •
My motto 'bail sc—quick calm small psofiti, cash
down, and no misfit even. Credit need not be asked
tor—as 1 am bound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda, July 12, 1950. A. M. WARNER.
1.. B. trtrATT,
I S permanentlylocated at Troy, and will cantinas to
make professional visits at Towanda, where be will
be found at the Ward House--and also continue to vi
sit Canton, lifonroetim, Harlington and tiaiithfieW as
usual. Towanda, Sept. 4, 1850.
HAVING resumed the Weiner of SURVEYING,
ill Work entfitsted to my care will be deo. with
eeeeney and deepwelt. Notices left at the " Ward
Hoosemoill ensure eueotleo.
" May 24. 1850. 308. CAIRN 81111P8ON.
Rams to--13. F. Meson, NieheilMeylmet,
C. L. Ward. IJ. S. Dryden.
MOD it oll) TIFFANY'S.
ertfOcolcs cnui testimonials, virident to Jill ereri
column of this paper, can be produced setting forth
the ITO:anti]] ratites of Dr. Surayne's aid/err/a
family Medkines
Celebrated COmpound Syrup. of Wild Cluny!
that I
would n o t
give one bottle of
Dr. Bersynee Com. •
pound Syrup of Wild
Cherry, fur half a dozen of any
other preparations. I have tried all
the popular mom- but this sands un
rivalled for the cure of the following dis
ease, viz: Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Coesump
lion. Spitting Of blood, Palpitation of the Heart,
Whooping Cough, Tickling or rising sensation
in the Throat, Bronchitbi, Asthma or weak
ness of the Nervous System, or im
paired *institution from any cause,
and 11 present penronv from
falling into a Decline, he.
this nudicihe
has not it a .
Crest ruin of Eow tee H tvaos, Eogineer, at Mr.
Pettit* . Factory, corner of Ninth and Wallace a 1.,.
Spring Garden. More substantial evidence of the
wonderful currative properties of Dr. Sw AT Nell COM
pound Syrup of Wiid Cherry.
Dr. Swayne—Dear severely afflicted
with a violent Cold and Cough, which settled upon
my lungs, attended with great difficulty, soreness in
my side, that I could scarcely breathe, slitting of blood
no appetite, could gelteno rest at night, owing to the
seventy of my cough, would spit as much as a pint
of blood at a lime. Thismournfnl state of things con
tinued ontil I almost despaired of bring cured, baying
tried physicians rind numerous thing. without relief;
but having heard of the great virtues of your Com
%Timm! Syrup of Wild Cheryl., and its being approved
of by physicians of the first eminence, I concluded to
e a trial of it, and am happy to state that three
;rules performed a perfect care ; my sleep is now un
disturbed and sweet, and I firmly believe that to your
medicine - I am indebted for this great cure.
I shall he glad to eorrerstinicate with any person on
the subject who may be pleased to tall on me, and cor
roborate what r Lave said in the above errti6cate, at
the factory or my residence. Yours, die.
Engrain Hisans.
(0 - • Be very particular to get the original and only
genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, a Prepared he
Dr. Swart., N. W. corner of Eighth and Raee streets,
Philsulelphis ; all others are " ffectitious and counter-
0 A safe and effectual remedy for Worms. Dyspep.
sia, Cholera Mottos, sickly or Dyspeptic children or
adults, and the most useful Family Medicine ever of
fered to the Public."
PaiLAncLrniA, Much 20, 1849
Da. S v*y!C I—Dear Sir—Having made use of va
rious nauseous Vermifuge Medicines, which had been
highly applauded by their pmprietoes, without the
slightest good effect, and" havingheard my neighbors
speaking in the highest terms of your Worm Medicines.
its delightful taste and wonderful effect, although 1
left somewhat discouraged fn-m the result of the arti
des I had forced upon my already emaciated, sickly,
dyspeptic locking child, whose delicate and al mos t
worn out frame the Worms had already begun to make
auk ravages; I concluded ,o make trial of your 'rid
eable Vermifuge, which, to oar great jay, the Worms
had to let go their deadly and and strong holds upon
the vitals. Such was the em et of Pr. Swaynes rcr
mifuge on my child which is now perfectly healthy,
assuming all the calor of the roar. with all the mirth
(ulnas of an inr.octst end t la) ful child.
No. 4 Howell street, between Schuylkill Third and
Four h.
Beware of tlls'ak•s! Remember, Dr. Sarayne'a
Yertnifuge is now put up in square bottles. See that
the name is spelt correctly, BWAYNE.
Dr. Swards Sugar Coaled Sarsaparilla and Er
tract of Tar Pills.
A mdd and effective purgatift, great purify,/ of the
"blood, they crrrect all the functions of the liver, and
as an &heftily. in Dropsical affections they are 'very
valuable. Giddiness of the head, dirtinem of sight,
Depression of spiths, headache, eitc., are cured by these
purifying Pills.
Remember always to inquire particularly for Dr,
Sarayne's Sarsaparilla and Extract of Tar Pills. See
that the signsture t of Dr. Swayne is on each Box.
The above valuable medicines are prepared only by
Dr. H. Swayne. corner of Sth and Rare street; Phila.
'dalphia, to whom all orders should be addressed.
Howros & PORI z*, Towanda Pa.
Chas. Rathbone. Canton, ,Brown & Rockwell, Mon.
Reidlemma & Bmwn, A-1 Topton,
then talky. • 'C. H. Herrick, Athens.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. (Kinney & Baterier, She
ll. T. Murphy. Centreville. shequin.
J. Daniels, Burlington. M. Bullock & Co., East
8. W. &D. F. Pomeroy, Smithfield. •
Troy. 22y Kin* & Vorburu, Troy.
_ _
Ni 0 other medicine has ever been introduced to the
LA public that has met with such unparalleled suc
cess, as On. Som.e. Oriental Sovereign Balm Pilo.
Having been but six years before the public, and the
advertising small, competed with most other medicines,
vet they have worked their way inns etery state in the
Union sod Canada.. They have absolutely become
the Standard Medicine of the day. They are purely
vegetable and so admirably compounded that when ta
ken in large doses they speedily curs the most delicate,
nervous female, and have raised numbers from their
beds after all other remedies had failed.
As them are spurious Pills in circulation called Ori
ental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to see before you boy
that the 'name of " Dr. E. L. Soule * Co." is on the
face of the boxes. None others can be gentiine. We
are not aware that any one who is making • spurious
;article has yet.dared to make use of our name; but
some of them have bed the impudence to imitate ous
home and copy oar Circulars, Certificates, Ualeor
the public ars careful when they purchase, they will
be deceived. 113 y.
be had wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.,
Euclid, N. V., and in Towanda by HUSTON & POR
4TER, and by Agents in every tows in the country.
J. rusrrosil DENTIST,
LTAB reaseved to a few dome bekrw Naha street,
1l on the East aide of lltaitt-st in the building for
-seedy occupied by L D. Kontanye Esq.
Ali operatkate useentiont to $5O, or over, one half
to be paid down, the remainder in three months. If
the °mad. proves unastiafectoty, the money paid will
be refunded. A nese of hand however mast enure the
payment orate indflall an . with a proviso.
SMALL quantity of those superior Dried A pp lei,
yet on hand at jl2 TIFF iIN r%l.
Afflicted - do not Despair !
AnotkerjeUasv kcimr,rtacuedfrrinikaile by Stheack's
Pubm:nisic Syrup.
The following owe is one of the grestest triumphs
of medicine over disease ever published in medical his.
tory. Read it!
Prompted by no otherpan the feeling of benevolence.
_end for the hearth of my eftheted &dew beings, I de
sire to make known s short description.of my diocese.,
and the unexpected enrol obtained from SCHENCKB
PULIMONIC SYRUP. About three years ems I Was
afflicted wit t a violent cold, which settled on my breast
sad side, sod every law days wound raise confiders
his blood; my edugh was tight and distressing. Every
day I had violent fever creeping chills, and profuse
sweats at night, with great difficulty of breathing and
great loss of appetite I my system was entirely pros
trated, being confined to my bed most of the time.—
Two of the most eminent physiciems of this city at
tended me, and after exhausting all their chili, pro
nounced my ease incurable.. Indeed, pne said 'py
lungs were almost gone, sod I could nok pciasiblit
cover. At this stage of my disease. I Was prevailed
upon to try Dr. Scienek's Pulmonie Syrup, and before
I had taken half a dozen bottles, was so far recovered
as to be to go abort the house. It seemed to strehgth.
en my whole system—it loosened the cough and stop.
ped the bleeding—my bowels became regular, ' and
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily end netirish
my whole syktem. Indeed, such was the rapid pro-
gress of my bea'th and so sudden the change, that I
became ton sanguine of a speedy cure, and abandon
ed the use of the medicine before the disease was
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in, another attack
of bleeding at the lungs last tall, accompanied by a die-
Oessing cough. I again commenced taking the Put
!movie Syrup, and sent for Dr. Schenck who. upon a
careful examination, advised me to continue using it.
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess formed in
my side, which gathered sad broke, discharging, lc near
as I can judge, s pint of very db.agrecable yellow mat
ter. This seemed to eleansetand purify my whole sys
tern, From this time I began to get better, and am
happy to say entirely recovered. lam sure at this
ttme I enjoy better health than 'I have for the hut ten
year*. Since I commenced taking the Pulmonic Syr
up, I have never tailed to recommend it wherever I
went, that others, us well as myself, might be seers"
save d from that awful disease; for I feel it • duty I
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the world. Permit
me to mention t lets cases which have come under my
immediate übseivation. Being on a visit to Camden,
N. J., last summer, I saw a child. evidently in the last
stage of bowel consumption. The mother informed
me that the physicians bad given the child op as in.
curable. I told her what benefit I bad received froth
the use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, anti induced
her to procure a bottle. I heard nothing more from
the little sufferer until about three month after; being
in'the market, my attention was drawn to a lady who
observed me very attentively. She finally approached
me, and asked if I was not the lady who recommend
ed Schetick's Put 'c her dying child last
summer in I lamden. ' d at i was. She said
that her child bad entirely recovered, and was uncom
monly healthy, Her name is Mrs. Wilson, and now
resides in Bridcsburg. Another lady I would mention
in part killer, who bad a set oft lons affection. Her face
and neck presented one continued sore, and one of her
eyes was seriously affected with it. She had become
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances, past recovery.
I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmonre Syrup, which
she did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady,
Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I will give on appli
cation, was evidently in the last star of Consumption,
I prevailed upon her to try the Puhnonie Syrup. In •
very short time she was entirely recovered, end noel en
joys excellent health, having become exceedingly fleshy
These are three easel within my knowledge, which I
know were cured by Schenck's Pulaninie Syrup, All
who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble to
call on me at my residence Parrish street five doors
above tenth north side, I think *I
will be able to satis
fictorily convince them by own case, and others that
I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since my
cure, there have been so many to see me to know what
I took, that I have had a very good opportunity of
knowing a great many that have taken it, sod have
been greatly benefited thereby, and I think u person s
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would
send for Dr. Schenck, and lei him carefully examine
their lungs, and if he mays he can cure them, follow the
direction; and pment taking cold, they will rapidly
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H. Bowyer. —Dear Sir—l have known Mn.
Leibert for several yetis, as a member of my church,
and have all confidence in her statement„rl am re
joiced to find her again restored to health. nay thing
more, in addition to her statement, is needless.
Yours, truly, THOS. L JANE WAY,
Pastor of the North Presbyterian. (Thumb,.
Philadelphia. Juno 20, 1849. Bth at. above Gren.
Prepared and sold by J. H.EICHENCK, at his Lab
amatory S. E. corner Coates St Marshall its., and by
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geo. A. Perkins. Athens; D. Bailey, Lentystrille; T.
Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn. Rome;
J. J. Warlord, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst; Le Roy ;
C. E. Rathbone , Canton ; King & Vosborg, Troy ,
and by MIX & MABON,Towanda.
Price, $1 per bottle or $6 per half dozen.
preparations of the GraeAmberg Co. , by
Huiton & Porter, 4. H. Mix in Towanda, amyl
agents appointed in each town in the county.
Also, for safe, the Grrafenberg Manual of Health,, a
complete assn moor for Families, containing informs.
lion relative to the treatment of almost every form of
of disease ; 300 pages—price, 50 Cents.
N. B. A Family Newspaper will be given, free of
ciarn, for one year, to all who purchase GraelenberE
AN communications must be adcimsacil to P. C. In.
znraal, Elmira , Chemung county, N. Y., Canetal Ag't.
Or Nature's Pail Destroyer, sad Remedy for Disease
T HIS Extract is • pure liquid, free from every tbirig
inconvenient or dangerous,. As a pain extractor
this =Aldine is varmint to every thing yet discovered ;
and as an application to reduce intimation, the skill of
mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. It soothes
the Nervous System—heals wounds, bruises, sprains,
and cleanses ulcers—aeduces all manners of swellings
and tumors; and cures Summer Complaints, Dysentery
Infantile Diseases, Female complaints, and most of the,
ordinary Family Ailments.
After what I have stated; you will not be surprised
at the declaration of my opinion and firm conviction,
that the liquid prepared by you is ens or era MOST
ass Tllll4l --and that it wi l l prove a most effectual
remedy for all nervous affecnons, and a cure for inflam
mations, acute and A - Arnic, when seasonably sad prup-,
erly applied. Further observation and experiment will
be neeereary to determine the beat mode of its applica
tion, whether internally or externally, and the quantity
to be administered.
Your ob't servant, Joan C. &macs's.
The above medicine may be found at all the Agen
cies for the pale of the celebrated Graefenberg Medi
cisme. in the counties named.
Union Block," up stairs ; North side of the
Public Square, over Elwell's Law 'Office. Entran ce
between Elwell's and Adams' law offices; wheyele
may always be forma when not professionally' waned.
Towanda. July 12, 1860.
0 T CE.
TREREAS my ( wife Alm ba.4 left my
V V bed and board witbour y just simian or pro-
Vocation, and I hereby fo •td all persons hitboring
or trusting her on my •ount, as I shall pay no
debts of her cant ing after this date.
Towanda Jo 4-, 1850. 'JACOB Y. ANSON.
- -
The Cdebratal Grarfenberg
Tegetable Pills
were introduced into the U. 8.
A the year 1818. Their ex.
rsordinary virtues, and cope
iority over all other PILLS
.tnown in this country, has
established them as M. stand
ard Medicine of the day.
For sale, together with the
FOR boon d andtntinn , including Orthography, Bead.:
leg Writing, Arithmetic. Algebra, Book-keeping,
English Grammar. Rhetotie, Composition, Geography,
Use oldie Globes. Mind - aloe. Natural Philosophy and
Astronomy. (with the use of a good apparatus to illy
trate those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry,
payable ginner!) , in Ravines; a annum, $lOO 00
Day scholars, per quarter, 400
French. per quartet,
Latin. ..
titputiah, .4
Mune. (on the piano,) per quarter,
Embroidery and. rug work, "
Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano,
• privileged to learn rug-work. or any one of the above
anguages, and the same time, without additional charge.
To a toting lady who studies the English :branches,
the tenr.s of learning each of the above branches, are
per quarter, $3 00
Instructions on the Guitar, 4 00
Use of Pianos, 75
Drawing end painting in water colors, including
the uSe of materials, such as drawing paper,
paints, pencils, de. 4 00
Oil painting on canvass. 10 00
Painting transparent window shades, including
the supply of materials, each 4 00
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelve -lessons.
Gilding on silk,-crape. &c.
Wax flowers, per minter,
Pens and ink,
Boar I. in vaeation,*2 02. per week,
Letters post r pait, tidilresseir to the Misses WHITE
&GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom c 6., N. Y., will e
.141 1r4
• I
JOHN W. WILCOX, has remove d Mt citalirish
merit to the shop between Kingsbery's and Bart
lett's stores, add where he still solicits a share of
public patronage. He intends, by a Careful selection
of stock, and by attention to the interests of his custo
mers to make as neat ird durable work as can be ma
nufactured in this part •01 the country.
He will keep constant y on hand, and mannfactnre
to order, 'Morocco, Calf and Coarse fonts and Shoei ;
Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips ; Children's do. ;
Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, ht.
Irr Conntry Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 26, 1850. '
AND I , OIV IT 1X....
WE 0 'l9 - 11, - 1 11318
CI F. HARDER respectfullyertshes to inform
citizens of Towanda, and the public that he
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, a few doors above Bridge
street, where be will keep constantly on hand'or make
to order, Plated and common Harness, Trunks and
Trunk Valiees,and all kinds of work in his line. CAR.
to order. From his experience in the.buainesa, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
a altar: of pol•lic patronage.
(1.7 All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap
see than at any other shop in this county.
Towanda, June 12, :850 Iy 1
Removed to north side Pub-10.6q—nare
111" 4. Chamberlin,
—2.7*., H AS just returned from the city
' 111..,:„ of New Yofk with a large
supply of Watches, Jewelry and
10 ,,,,,,
c .. Silver ware, compri*ing in part,
e following articles :-Lever,
~. ~ , -;•;:.-. L',Epine and Plain Watches, with
\ v1)11a,... ; v r , - 4 ": a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Bin ts, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Bileerterre,
and any rina'nfity of Steel Bearts—ali of which he offers
for rile exceeedingly cheap for CASH. •
Wa•ches repaired on short amide, and warranted
to run well,or the money will be refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Co• . - .. e
taken in payment for Work; and ale,. learn mote, an
farcrer, that the Produce must be paid token the mark
is done- 7 1 ms. against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28, 1830.
THE sulftcriber has removed
16 his new shop; a few rods shop
kis former location and on the op
posite side - of the street, whire ,he
continues to Manufacture and
kicp on hand, all Ideas of cane
and wood seat CHAIRS; and
SETTEES of various kinds, &
BEDSTEADS of every deicrip
lion, which I will sell low for
cash or Produce, or Pine or Cherry Lumber, or d air
plank, will be received for, work. TURNING done to
order in tle neatest manner. Also.
make and kept on hand, or made to order, in the bes
Towanda, March 9, 1849.
ectoteny respectfully tall the ittentiod of the
public la I • following advantages, which they are
enabled to offer to the insured:
First—The Directors have secured a guarantee api
tal of $75,000•
Second—, Tha insulted share, annually, in. dividend of
profits, arid in no event are responsible fur more thi 9
the amount of premiums paid in.
Third—One-half of the anuual premiums will be
taken in notes, if the insured desire it; or thepremiums
only be paid, quarterly or mini-annually.
Four it—.ltyives may insure toe lives of their husbands
or husbands may insure th lives in ifavor of their
wives, thus securing to their families a sum that credi
tors cannot reach in the event of the edeath of the bus.
For further information, apply, either in person, or
by letter to the undersigned, an Agent of the Compsny,
at his office in Towanda wherecircularsend pamphlets,
explaining the objects of the company—may be had
gratis. WILLIAM SCOTT, Agent,_
Towanda, kept. 17th, 1850.
11.1.bRRISBURG •
HE business of this company is cxnalncted on the
only true and equitable trreth4in the system of
foal Insuraneo—that of Chasilfyintrits risk ; and
Directors have accordingteadopted two claims.--
First, the Farmer's Clais.-in which they insure no
property except Dwelling / Houses, Out Houses and per
sonal property there*: In the Second Class, the safer
kind of town 114).4"stserchazdisis, dec., and their charter
provides tl l lsro part of the fund: of one class can be
approprii for paymen of 1011102 occurring in the
,Tit's Director s are con fi dent that the rates they have
artbpted will enable them to pay their buses with
promptnees and liberality.
The success of this CoMpany is unparalleled 4ith
any-Cosispany in the State, having insured over half a
million he the months of May and June; and on the
safest kind of property.
RUTHERFOR Presidatt ti
A. J. GILLETT. &aviary. y. • -
Theagent for Bradford. is C. 8. ROSSEII: To
wanda, who is prepared to receive applications for In
surance, and from whom all necessary information can
be obtained.
Towanda, Avg. P. IMO,
From Waverly, for 1850.
LrILY7II.II DAT 7Tn6 -wens, surrnsys zaczeTtn.
M. TI U YORE & Co. atilheontineesheir regai n.
.11.• Forwarding Line from their Store Hornig near
the Depot,.in Warrelly r ieberc PRODUCE of all kinds
will be reeervedaind forwarded by the Kew York dr,
Erie Railroad, direct to. 'blew York to, Capt.
.Thompson, whn will Make sale of the Caine, and make.
returns every two weeks, (irs mil-rent funds) croft) the
time Produce ii sent.
$4 00
4 00
10 00
2 00
. ,
Capt:Thoropson bikes thieopportunity of returning
thanks for pest liberal pitronage, and hopes., by stri c t
attention to the interests of his customers, to merit a
shots for the
Liberal eashativaneea ramie nnProtle_ce at all tinier
f required. • H. M. MOORE & Cn.
B. M. mooßp & Co. are =receiving daily from
New Yolk, a large and well assorted "Stock of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Hard,ware, Crockery, Boots, si;o e .,,
Pork, Flour. Fish, Nails, Butter, Cattle, and T. I.Salt,
Gloyer and Timothy Need, &c. &c., which , will •Lc
sold as cheap fur cash or country produce, as at any
'place in Western New York.
Waverly Aug. l 1.850. H. M. MOORE h. Co
Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Medicine
5 00
do. 9 00
5 00
2 50
Pulmonary Balsam, * Depuratitre Ryttip i •
Pectoral Expectant, Heart Corrector,
Pulmonary Lii.iment, humor Corrector, '
Anti Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough Sod Cathartic Pills
Nervine, Female Pills,
Vermifuge, Female Specifie r
Pure and Medicinal Cod Lvcr OIL &e.,
Used by him constantly and with unprecedented sue.
eers in the treattheol of Coughs, Colds, Co'nsumptom,
Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrofrla, Skin
Diseases. Rhiumatisrn, Female Complaints,
Dr. Fitch's unequalled Patent silver plated abdomitia
supporters; Improved plated steel t , prinit shoulder
brace; Dr. Fitch's silver inhaling tube.
Dr; Filch s s Celebrated. Six Lectures,
On the prevention, and cure of Consumption, Asthma,
Diseases of the- Heart, Ace., and on the method of
preserNring health end beauty to an old nee.
This book should be in every family. Tu the eon.
sumptive it . .points out the only ‘reasonable hope for re:
lief. To mothers, the directions it gives totheeare l and
education of children ate in4 , aloatile. 78,000 copies of
this book have tas.sed through the press, and the sale
continues unabated*—
For Hato by 8 3 FITE' & 7CO Broadway; ?4.
Y., and HUSTON & FORTEbt, Towanda, and by
cj, E. RATHBONE, Canion.
Dr.'Fitch 4 s Guide to or directions to
persons using Dr. Fitch's remedies, to be had o grat is - of
all the neentg. 13y
a),IM .I C itz9) . osM i , z. :T2 o:a' i.' :•!.ii - ,
Wholesale an retail dealer 4.. in , • .
To the South store in the Ward
erc . they are now receiving aid oNnin, a
new and extensive
ieines, Chemicals, Palos, Oil. G!;:—. V•irt.l-h. Die
Wood and Use titutra, Famly 'Orucrrie , . (;hiar
Wares 'and Lig:l6ra, Fire Wurl ) ,
Fancy ArtiCles, Comb', 1 .4 1,1 , ..e. (;:a , , as , l
Woo& Ware, Tubaco. :-nuT
gars. A y the popular paten/ ktr:—
ThPir stopk tow cinnpri...•e; errs
amont , , may
Opium, Cream Tartar, Camphor, Caaaile soap, I,: si ssp
ice, Alcohol, BaTs Capaiba.T.lieubarb, Aloes, norm
chamomile, castor oi!, olive o:I, map,:
roll ;SAI flower sulphur, borax. red prccipitstr,
turpentine, epa salts, curio .utplimaiive, aqua amill:ral,
.soda, tartaric acid, tauilanuni. pink. - mama quininr. A..
efsential . niyirk traclr.c.•k au;!! {
hoe &e. C. rLr of a:1 hind , , bar,
coriander fenoct,rerk, c!iw,
!aprons oil peroviAri kirk, carruce vcr per. rf , TV.`.r
paper, opidcldoc, 6LaLera bour.e
Sugar, cofree'and tea of all kinds,
pepper, mustard, cloves, nutmer. nwcr, nsa.4
citron „and zante currants, saladotl choc...ate,nnza,h;
do, and butter crackers, rice, stat'ai, • ;;;$ cer, saLrram.
carigated, white acid bat snap, sperm an.: ta:lar, bulges pipes; 'mustard, catzuF,
sa uce,` shad, mac4tel, salmon &c. &r.
Cognise, (Hard and smeriesn'bramly.StCro;:,o! , l
macs and New England rum, purellviisisi and
Irish and Monongahela rehi.,key M.idMa,incrcai,
iiithon, poet and ehampaign wines cor,ll.:s, cremo .
citron anise, rose, sniffle, or aluerir, candle. ( IranteN
moks, noycau and arger.t, cheaper th,o ever ~11;rol
Soaps ?critically aad rarity Goods.
shaving cream, !maps, military argil
medicated perfumed sand soap. ;mil; Wi ;tar Ure •
es national, french lotlet, stolen,
transparent soap, wash bells, 'l.ohins eitiacis jaCte!
club, patchoolly, bouquet de c.40:11,e, must% milk Frem ,
verbena &c. Caa haus arootatique,
rose water, apanish lily white. fie reu. , e, postai,
aLd poweer, heir dyes hair in‘ i t ; orator, haa enklaawr
perfume - satchels, court plaster, Pl.,vi• , a
pencil points, Gilliit's steel 14ns, Lae rti h boot,.
drawing pencils, percussion rAps, r&. lAA In 4
indelible, combs, purses, pocliet iesAs,!rtal 3,l 'nm *
to wafers &c. &c.
Hair, Hat, Stove, Scrub, Shoe. Psint, Markin :I', VP'
Dish, Sash, Artists Mond ilri,l <1!...14., rimel• Hair an,
stripping Pencils, Wenders & Ilidgcri , , %%lute Ws "
Counter,'-Flesh, Tooth, Nail, Comb. Broom. C l ` 6 "
, Infant, Lather, Table, How & Ids k .ng Br ulhcl.
, ZEIMCIPi•24I . II:: S 0.2....1. 4
Tobacco and snuff atiXCP, Nipple Zi , celk . Nur . r - '
Bottles, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings. bed pans,vynnzt ,
shoulder -brrores, trusses and abdominal supfers
pessaries, esthete rs,..cup' t .t claisc.. craduates,themxf
term,i . Platdates, forceps, lancets, Liquid and sprtsJ. o
,iiiare -plaster &e.
Pill Vis AND DYE sifFTS ,
Nicaragua, red, cam and log, wood, hook . , Et 'e*
wood, lac dye, end beer, real ssunders. In n lder.alum.r w
peras. blue Idol, solution - iiii,compwation dor'''. '
vitriol, 0241tib cid and all th [With , . vain un. PUT. °
and' rotten in) ,- yeroillion Amn Chines'aed &rat
Spanish brow , venetian, verdierai, pans ;wen, who.
black a Icaii, chrome yellow and Or , . j'f'''
coach J copal varnishs lampblack. labsce. P' l ' .
wlli . 2, yellow Ochre, spbsturpenlinc,& fills' oil, Toi.' - '
talk, terra do sienna, umber, col I 1,,r, blooms , , I,',;'
geocral assortment of paints fin...ll6st , ,
VEZir XIL-a .r 1 12L... , ....5s
~, so
French glass 24 by 3ft, 2::: by qil. •zo by '''' ' ..
24, 22 by 24,.14 by 18, II: by :zo, 12 by I.i, 12, ;.5 ::
110 by 14, 10 by 12, 9 - by 10, 7,1 w 9.
. Orricka verrnifuge, mothers repot, Dr Jeynes foe
medicines, all the sarsaparilla. Wistsrs and Ssarte
syrup of Wild cherry, UptiaMl Pile rectal; f Ilftj' °'
Brantso Indian Remedies, v.irieties of 1 , 111 , 4 “ 1 .-P r D I
bilious indian veg,ctable, far; nrianal riot'.
Chanties galvanic belts, bracelets, llCCkleg-inj
vanic fluid. . .
Dr. Fiteh's very celebrated med.cines.
LIGHT. ,; •
Phorzene lamps and phoseene, pure champ
D. O
fluid, whale, lard and sperm oil.
goods warranted as represented sidle Sew
Drug and Chemical Store, South :Store in the I
House. • ju2S HCSI'OIN
.111E . SW 11 - 1 X
ANACICREL, in Ws., half bbls., quarter bbl"
kitts ; dry and pickled Cudiish; ",•
first rite Dry Herrings , for sale at tbe Casb
of .apt' H. 8. & hL C
ONE ease spring style rpoleAin o° l ' l
sad Palm leaf Hats at , rt'•
Hare rernaved their