Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 16, 1850, Image 3

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No) 1/
THE following cans
Dreember Term
es are on the list, for t
t 839, as follows to grit
,rcarx . rirrs.
Rtephei[rt`ules use
Thomas Welch/sr
D B Fergusons ad
W tit Go rsline use
Stephen Pierce
James Meritt
it W Tracy
John Wilcox
D ft Miller
Egb't & Edm'd Sickle'
Harry Northrup
Coolbaugh & Salisbury
Akiander Madill
Woodhull & Company
Wickham 4 Hutchisou
David Barber
J N Weston et
1 Dusan/sm.
A & l'i R Stiles
C Van Fket &c.
[George SandersOn
John Loomis
John Mahood
ll Smith et al
Ethel Taylor-
Charles Loomis
Samuel McDuffee es.
p Horton
Jerome Salisbury
I S Post
VE&JE Millet
William Campbell
Aaron Chubbuck
M Bixby
0 P Baitard
11:bert Depe w
inrvis Bottles
Eihanan Smith
sanil Rexford nal 4-c
Orrin Eames
Ebenezer Brigham
Chester Bottkr et as
Samuel Albro
Ebenezer W
T Richards
C W sruth% ex
Samuel Huston
to VlStg.
N B West more
.1 Aria eta! -
W Canfield
Benj. 114'Kean ad
John 1110iire ad
li W Tracy
.'s 0 Hart at al
.%thens Bridge Co.
J Wood Jr i* ter ten,
S A Tenant
J Kingsbery cx.
D Alexander
U K Ladd et al
.1 M'K'ean & ter. ten.
13 Strait et al d-e .
, k!amuel Baird
E S.O E Pomeroy
Miner flues .
David Barber
Williarh Patton .
Benj. Stevenson
E B roolhangh Cl al
Hennetva Elutes
D Bailey & Sun
Pllfillty GOr•ohlie
C e.. % ' Potter
IC ERathisona
W°llVaniis ke
!SR Chandler "
~,D 1' Ballard Hebb
'James Kipp Nei fa
I week returnable on Monday,
,er, I$!1). at 10 °clock tore.
1-k on Motiblor the 10th of. thr
iiek in vibe 'forenoon.
AI. LEN NUKE ‘N Troth'''.
Tile.1:12;111 Nur to buy Goods Cheap
flogers ram
Charles Whipple
M'Kean's euzirdien
Nathantei F'uwer
A Frost et ex
Shepard rise
Welch, L. & CISe
ji&ND Watford
Mercer ti , e.
Leicester Morton
samoet octet
W F M'Kean et at
Sila. hark
C Hickok &e.
1l B Ingham
1,e.41:11 , 1
I)av,l Barber
fi Worrell & son'
II W Ennrs
W I:ohcri,on
J 1101romb
W H Cheney
TIV:113p , 1 , 11
P 11.11.1111 .S-C.
P.111 , 11:1..111C h Anril
Wal;iPr & Tompl,ins
14i7p,r1171, for serowl
Ib , 9 h v
oh and h.l 1h11•1 t
Mtr9111,:11 Itl to.CI
B. KI,VGSgERY 4. CO.'S •
itr.itE they bare opened some choice .1'4:17.W
t7t1(11.) 4 , at greater barga i ns Bien ewer before
.i`:, , red to the public. - Amongst them may le found
It ul nich alid Elegant, as (tell ar Plain and Cheap
r.n Wilder Dr) Goods, of ere. ry carioy and style.
Tnnand.t, N orersiber 7, 1851.
hivr 1:D and aid Cashmeres, of
1 attr mo-t At out Avlro, and aa law a• eat n one
FHline a ) i 3 KINGSBERY &
Metinoes and Paimettas of the mio4 de•
.1011.1 e patterns; also Worsted Math)* for d1144e0.
- a. at, Hats ebildtru's IRC4f, lot • tie. eleersi 4a ca•h, try
I‘, B. KIN(i- ,, IJERV & CO.
1.)1aVr1 . 49 Flannels" and Turkey Ueda, IS a•
I- a hoz , Anwk or I.lii es, Cashmeres
! ran I c found for tt-tle Ire 7: 11. KCNCsSIVEIIY & CO.
TA1111:: , * and i7enileirrb's Pori.," 11 ,, mg,ercliii Is,
11.a.0.ry, Cravats, Slows.
7. B. KIN r:SWERI - & CO.
1.1. f rr•oit , itadebtra to the estate • f fr 4 HAF.J.
r; nod:, deera-ed. late of . 4 :then% township.
grhet - .l') lot• ified to make payinent.and those hay
, y. 4• ,Aallll% wzainq .ail estate, are notified to pre
rt authentic.rted . to the •suhscribrrs fur
2o.tnent. JOHN WATKINS,
NOV. 7,185 ft. lidmintorators.
Further Particulars of the areal. Flood
- YEW Brarirlethe, Vratiege, Prints,
- N N 1.41 .1r (lathe, Ntrrinne.,6loircas. Mew. 'Maine.
tinalerv, Gloves. Trimmings, Phi. •xl
Tian Flam.rb , I.l.achtJ PhOrtitsgis. •hirtings.
I." 0. jumt.opciteJ it tire Cheap glare. ,
:10, I 5.51:). 'J. KING3I3EIIY.
II figured and Wank Saks. strulyark Satin, Int
ta'e u, low as they Cl'e be Intehase.l in New 1
wire.4te pattern. ,J. KINGSIIERY.
HA "I'S AND CAPS, Boot/ and Shoes, Overshoe.,
tiaitvi. Charleroi'. (loots and ehneß, a great ira
l• • 0.1.0, If ant ware; C rorkvr., Croce r (n
-'ll6ll t.:ugara and Midmost.* Ity the -hhl. or
,h 11.1.) (or
1 11 nt J. KIN(;SISKRY.
- • -
vc,,,v is the tin* to purr-hare BOOKS for the long
timings! Person* in want of Books and Sla
uq find the largest r-toelr ever offe;ied fir sale
v• IL. borough, at the store of the aubscriber, who is
reririviog New Books.
N.., 1, 1850
99.000 SfierriPcl frataed.
IR which the ht.lhet prier in CASH will re paid
1 I, 025 H. 6. A. CAMPBELL.
osT,betireen S. A .11 , BIls' tavern and Waverly. a
lever. (;OU) PENCIL. The finder will be libe
'AY rewarded by leaving it at the ',Bradford Reporter'
rriay. 'October 26, iB5O. .
A l .l r, persons, indebted to the estate of ML
LIAMHOVEY, deceased late. of Ulster town
arr hereby requested to make payment without de
those having claims against said estate will
an present them July authenticated for settlemen t
11011eirr MOORE,
itter, OCL 26, 1630
j et:llf Ira NW Will=l.llrilE.llE-AMir;
Cot NTT lit'll,YZI•111.
If.tVINO located in Tewlanda, hie servicea;may
1., be obtained ,by,atidreattinu a line through the Post
''fike, or by calling at the office of. Ulysses Mercpr,
*here beiantt be found, or where a written sp.-
wation may be I. ft. Non. I, 1850.
.WINTS, MGR IMB, L IN &c., s beaus
NI -assortment can be found at
Apnl 24, 1850.
TOE subscriber has two or three rah
able Farms for tale, either of which he
'r-Cr will sell for less than their realvalue. It
' affords a fine opportunity for peraons.wish
-3 Id locate permaitetit'y. All persons wishing to
base arc requested to call and essmine for them.
Term• made racy. R. FOWLER.
Nn c . R. 1.450.
• ' v•rdt,lo 1 . 11:1‘), r land for Sa!r, and
, • , t. :* at li, uiil t , c told rhea?.
aci fa.
~ .ci fa.
E Mt Bajrd
1410ley & Hyde
0 P Ballard •
same. • -
.1 1.7 Grace
r J Watkins
11 Bennett
1 W Wiswell •
p N Wm4on ex'.
11 C Tallman et al
lAsa Farnsworth
1.1 8 SyWeiser. gar.ete
IL Beni*min et al
W & P Lantz
J G Mason et al
V F. Pioßet
GPratt &-J Gilbert
8 T Barstow .
a PP".
, debt.
>ci fa.
f rn
s en
f m
A li di
tcgal Upettisnacnis.
11001/Vvirtue of a writ of Venditiona Papci. issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradfcrd
County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic aide, at the Court House, in the boreal' Towan
da, on Saturday, the. 5211 day of December at' one
&clod, P. Me the following piece or parcel of land
situated in It* township ci Towanda, bounded and
described as follows : north by lands of Horace
Granger, west by lands of Julio Simmons, south by
land lately contracted to Dr Af. Bull by the said
liam Manger east by lands of Pinerty do Brady. Con
taining about seventy-eigheacres more or less about
thirty acres improved two framed houses, two Pram
ed barns and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam
uel Huston, now to the use of William Watkins vs.
William Manger.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit
awed in Towanda township, bounded and described
as follows: north by lands of Horace Granger. wrest
by lands of John Simmons, South by land lately con
tracted to D. M. Bull, by the said William Manger,
,east by lands of Pinerty & Brady. Containing
about seventy-eight acres, be the same more or
less, about [bay acres improved, two framed hou-
lies, two framed barns and an apple orchard thereon
seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wil
ham Watkins vs. William Manger.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel orland
situated in the townships of Towanda and Ulster,
bounded and deiicribed as follows to wit: north by
_ .
lands of William Gibson & Duncan Sinkter, east
by lands of Joh Shepard & William Gibson, south
by other lands of Dorace Granger, and west by lands
belonging to the estate of John GsUnwire 'dcceas6l
and lands of Wm. M'Murren containing atxtut.xixiy
acres more or leas about four acres improved* two
hoard shanties thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Bur.
ton Kingsbery es. Horace Granger.
ALSO--The following piece or paterlof land sit n
ated. in Athens Township, bounded and described as
follows to wit: north by lands of Francis T* ler, west
by larids'& Simeon V augorder. south by Harr' land
Cornell, and. east by Thomas D. Daily.
ing about filly acres more or leas, about ten acres
improved, one log house and one slab sable and
it tete film trees thereon.
veized and taken in eXcLeuticm at the snit of Neil
MeDulTee, Vit. Lawrence Gordis:tie-.
ALSPII-4—The following piece or parcel of land sit
uated i Burling:on township, -bounded as follows
to wit : on the nonh by lands of Horace Pratt on
the ea■t by land• of Daniel Perry, south by !ands of
John Pratt Jr. west by lands of Jesse B. WKean.—
Containtug, forty-two and a half acres, thirty-fire
actes improved, with one framed house, ode framed
barn and an apple Mahan! thereon.
seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P.
Ballard vs. Peter I. Wrowan and J. D. Van Dyke.
Al .SO—The following tot of laud situated in Troy
township and bounded as follows to wit.: i.orth by
land , of 1 4 mohlfaxter and Jonathan Boyce, east
try land• lately the estate of Dmitri Loomis ilec'el
south and west by lauds of B. H. Stevens. Con
taining thirty-nine acres and one hundred and forty
four perches, be the same more or less, about twenty
acres unproved, log huo-e and barn and shed there
on erected. •
Setiril and taken in execution at the suit of O.P.
Ballard vs. Peter Ks•-ea.
A I.SH—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated its the township of Ora ell and Rome boun
ded and described as follows to to; beginning at
i he' north-icon corner of warrant lot N 0.149 a beach
sapling, therrce north i) degree west two hundred
perches to a line of ihe K.. tract th.,:nce south 8 t de
grees t act one hundred and seventy perches to the
south-east corner of the K.. tract. thence south We
enty-ti ve degrees cast twenty two perches to a line
of the PUintell tract. thence south eighteen degrees
West in a line of the old survey to the south-west
corner of- the same one hundred perches thence
*min site-sic and one third degrees east one hun
dred and ninetymineperches and three tenths of a
perch to the N. E. of warrant lut No. 149 to a beach,
thence south 99 dogrees we'd three hundred and
twenty perches to the place of beginning. Contain.
ing one hundred and sixty-nine acres and It'S per
dies, be the /mine more or less, ale.ut fifieeriacres
improved and about fi.teen acres chopped and one
I.;; shanty tliveon.
Seized and tal,en in execution at the suit of Bur
ton K.ingstiery. Joseph Kinesbery, Lemuel Kings
here. Executor's Of Joseph Kingsbery deceased, vs.
N. l.Keeler Administrator ut Charles Trindertlee.'d.
.11.40—The following. lot of laud situated in Le
Roy town-hip and b..unded as follows to wit : on
the north icy—S . otte on the east by S. 8,,
Van Fleet and N. Reynolds, on the south by L.
Towandl Creek, anion the west by the widow
Walters. Containing seveniy•fi re or eighty 'errs.
disial thirty acres improved, an old log house and
small framed barn thereon.
sdied and taken in execution at the suit of O. P.
Ballard. vs. William Gurshue., •
AL'---The following lot pit,ce •
or parCel of land
situated in the township of Sheshegoin bounded
and described as follows: north by lands of Jere
miah Kilmer * west by Nathaniel shores, South by
Joshu Shores and east by lands of Rogers Fouler.
fining about seventy-five acres more or loss,
a .at forty acre', improved, one framed house, one
framed barn and a small apple orchard thereon.
Seiieil and taken in executinn at the soil of Shep
herd 4. Dorrance to the use of V. E. Pintlett, now to
the use of Georgn Wansey. vs. Limes Smith.
AL.'O—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situated In the township of Towanda. bounded and
described as follows to wit : beginning at • rock
oak at the corner of lands in thii wat ranter names
of Kepple & Tholna-s Flahanan'theuce south witty
etaist degrees, west thirty-five and five-tenths perch
es to a white oak sapling, thence south twenty-one
degrees. east forte-six perches to a post, thence
noon filly-eight (jeerers ,east thirty file and five
tenth perches to a hickory, thence north twenty de
grees west forty-five perches to the place of be.tin
ning. Containing ten acres of land be the same
more or less.
Seized add taken' in execution at the suit of 'Reu
ben er vs The Towanda Batik.
A LI9I I—The following piece or parcel of land sit.
uste in. Troy Boro'. and bounded as follows to wit :
on the north by lands of 0. P. Ballard, on the east
by lands of A. IL Axtell on the south by the high
way on tne west by lands of Levi Bradford. Con.
taining one fourth of an acre all improved with one
framed house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0. P.
'Dollard vs. Leonard J. Bradford.
ALBO--By virtue of two writs of V e nditioni
penes, The following piece or parcel of land sit
uated .in Towanda township Bradford couns and
bounded as follows to wit : north and east by lands
of David Rutty, on the south by lands of John rti.
mons, on the tweet by lands of Iti-hop and William
Foster. Containing ten acres all improved With one
framed house thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit ofE. T.
Pox vs.'khimuel llawkins.
ALSO—The following piece or pa4tsel of land be
ing and lyinfin South Creek township, and bound l i
ed as follows: on the north by "landsof William
Decker, on the west by Cyrus Burk & Grovit lands,
and south by the Grovit land, and east by W. Brown
if!, West. Containing some one hundred and twen
ty-nine' acres of land, with twenty acres improved
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Cal
vin West vs. John Hillman. •
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit
.ttted in the township of Leßoy county of Bradford,
and follows to wit : on the north, east
and south bir lands of John Hammond on the west
by lands (Jute estate of Sterliag Holcomb late de
ceased. Containing five and three-fourth acres all
improved. one small framed and two block houses
arid some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Wil
lis Brownson committee of M. C. Arnoul. vs- N.
Smith 2nd.
ALSO—By writ of Levart Facial, all the follow
ing described lot or piece of land situated in the
township of Ridgbesry in the county of Bradford.
beginning at the nerth east corner of warrant lot
No. 1683, a post thence south four degrees. west one
hundred and sixty one perches to a black oak Sap
plino for a corner, south east corner of said war
rant thence west forty-nine perches to the cen
tre on the south line of lot N 0.114, thence north one
htindrrd and sire-four sod 8-10 perches to the
tolilt d , 11.-r,c‘• .oath eighty
:out 65-1"0 pe:Cilt'S to site e.C.
Legal 2eurtiseutcats.
ginning. Containing fifty-two acres and fnny and
8•l0 perches more or less. 11 being taken 54" D the
east side of said lot N 0.114 on said warrant kit.
Seized acid taken in esetation at the suit of
Charles McF.uen to the use of Geo. hiandepon and
Barton Kingsbery. vs. Joseph 0. Gordon * Law
rence Gordinier Terre Tenant.
WK. 8. 11011111N10. lakerifL
Sheriff's Office. Tnwanda. Nov. 10. 1860.
Libel for Divorce.
•E1i:. , 1 C. Pierre. by tier next friend, I N. Pomeroy
vs. James E. Ilium In the Common Pleat 4 Brad
fordci County, No tl.l , ay Term, 1850.
nt in the shove same: ,
sI you are hereby noti6 that Erin C. P.env, your
wife. by her next friend. I. N. Pomeroy. has filed her
petition for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.—
And an Mims emblems has been returned, and proof
made that yon are not to be found in mid county. You
are therefore hereby regnired to appear at the Court
House ie the borough of Towanda, on Monday. the 2.1
day of December next, being the Imo day of Dreember
term of said court o common pleas, to meow the said
complaint, and shoe canoe, if any you hem, why the
mid Eliza C. shall not he divot-Jed from you.
WM. 8. DOBBINS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Oct. 25, 1850.
THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas, to distribute the moneys raised
by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Patrick Olfsgen,
will meet the parties interested st his oilier in Towan
da borough, on Wednesday. the 2Rib day of Norem
ber nest. at I o'clock, P. M., at which time and place
all persona having claims are required to present them
or else be debarred from emoting in upon said fond,
Oct. 26, 1650. WM. WATKINS, Auditor.
la the Matter (fthe Estate of Win. Myer she'd.
NOTICE brhereby given to all persons interested in
the estate n( Win. Myer, deed, tiro the under
signed having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans
Court of Bradford County. to Audit, examine and re- ..
port upon the account of E, H. Myer, administrator.
upon said estate, will attend to the duties of his sp.
poiutrneut at the Grand Jury Aloom in the Court
House at Tou;ands, on the 11th day of November 1850,
I caps o'clock, P. M.
H. W. PATRICK, Amßun
LISTOF JURORS drawn for December T. & 8.,
commencing the 2J day of December.
0111,3 D ,rlOllll
Athens Hancock ;
tp—Levi Gardner, Levi Wesibrook ;
Asylum—John P. Dodge, Daniel H. Corbin ;
Burlington—Charles filaspp, 0. P. Calkins ;
Can'on—Asa Pratt;
Durell—Robert Bull;
aranr3le—Dunham Ross;
Mont' ,e—Sa marl Dimock ;
Roine—Jino-ph Allen, W. W. Woodburn;
Itidgbery— Samuel Gonsatilrs ;
Shesbequin—Jerome B. Gilleit ;
Springfield—W. 11. Westbrook ;
Troy tp—Benjamin Beach, Joseph P. Hunt ;
Clster—lia rorrem ;
Wells—J. M. TeliNliit j
Warren—Wm. Hoivell, Joseph Bri..ter;
Windham—Harvey W. Dunham;
Ve . yalusing—W. D. MIT;
Athens tp--Ilarvy Boswitb, Samuel 8. Clark, E. 8.
Mauhew.ort ;
Athens bo—Charles Brooks ;
Albany—John Hatch;
Aarhim William Santee;
Burlington—Earl Nichols. Elajm Kendall;
Canton—James Bellard, Ehsha Rockwell ;
Colombia—N. Morgan;
Durell—lsaac Ennis;
Franklin—Elijah Blake;
Granville—Julius Bally. ' •
Litchfield—john Fidler, Peter Brown;
Fsoy —Russell Palmer;
Monroe—N. D. Warlord, George E. Arnot, Jame ,
V. Wilco* ;
OrwellAlber; Conklin ;
Coggsdeil, Abner Wood ;
Rome—A. F. Eastman ;
Springfield—Luke N. Pelts, Ephraim sargant, A
len Stacey ;
South Creek—A. Worlendyke
Smithfield—Allen Hall ;
Standing Stone—Simon Steven•;
Troy tp—Chancy McAllister ;
Troy lx—Nelson Adams, Leroy Taber;
Towanda ip—Horace Granger, H. H. Mace ;
i7l.ter—Edward Kemp ;
Wysoz—Stephr la Strickland, +Samuel Owen., E. A
Cool baugh ;
Warren—R. M. Dimon, Wm. P. C.,rbiti, Joseph F.
Wheaton ;
Wirolhaln—Levi Prase. Charles ;
ells—John Brownell;
Wyalusing—lsaae Jennings;
Leßoy—H. J. Stone ;
Pike—lsaac Ford ;
Columbia—Nathaniel Morgan ;
Albany —Ralph ftlev:ns, Judson Ormsby ;
Athens tp—A. F. Tyler, Samuel °Terabit:le ;
Athens bo—N. J. Lvloyt ;
Culumbia—Gee. Gates ;
Canton—W. Packard;
Dared—F. X. f3..rnet ;
Granville—Harrif Dailey':
Leichftekl—Joseph Kinney ;, •
Monroe—Freeman Sweet ;
Orwell—Jarvi. nultie4. Clark Smith;
p i ke--samoel Chaffee, 0. R. Fletcher, Piail Wood
E. C. Abbott;
Rome-8. W. Murphy
Broitlaild—'Thomas *heeler, Ebenezer Titus, Ara
Allen, James O. Tracy ;
smithfield—ht. B. Ueroutsto. ;
Standinv, Stone--Lerris E. Gibbs ;
Towanda ho—J. D. lttootanye ;
Troy tp--Geo. Baker ;
Ulster—Reltbin Pettis. Norman Shaw, X. S. War
ner, H. 13. Davidson
lA'atren Samuel Wheaton, Ruel Slcereary, Win
0. Dobioson ;
Windham-1.43. litp.sell
Wyso!„--Cortia rrink
Ireton watt.
Athens bo—lama K. Wright ;
kittens tp—Joel Hulett, Julius 'Kept Jr. ;
Coluathia—Philip Slade. Royalsittiveus. John Mx.
.by, Samuel Tinkhatn ;
Dureli--Jonathan Stevens Jr.; I
Merrirk-John M. Frown, M. B. Porter, Lucias
Reed. Elis.ha Keel, r ;
Leßoy—Orator Holcomb;
MOnroe—Lannting Hart ;
Orwell—Meth Cook '
Pike—C. P. Lines ;
Rome—D. N. M incr. Wm. Parks. Moses Moody ;
Sheshequin—tlial Mincer ;
Smithfield—A. B. Randati
springlie'd—David Pawling, Joel Adams, Wm. H
Pierce ;
Stone—F.B. Whitman ;
To wand% tp—Andrew C. Gregg Roderick Granger
Troy tp—H. D. Freeman ;
Troy ko—T. B: Baldwin;
Ulster—James 1.. Gomline;
Weil4—Joceph H. Deem ;
W in.thatn—John 1.. Dunham ;
Ridgbery—sJared Hammond ;
- .
A " quantity of wool wanted fur which the
highest price in Cash will be paid. at the New
Clothing Store, No. 1, brick row. H..& A. C.
Towanda. May 20, 1250.
50bbls. Flour. 1000 lbs.Bwoked Hams & Shoul
ders, and 100 bushels or Rye & Corn for sale
at ml. FOX'S
A I.l,perilous indebted to the estate of GOULD
IiEYMOUR, deceased, late of Pike township,
are hereby requested trintshe payment withondslay, and
those basing claims against said estate will please pie.
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
hIIRTdIA sEymora.
d unnistratriz.
lic, June 27. IS3O
The enbeertlas ere now receiving another
General assortment of New Goods.
Aur. 8, 1880. H. 8. it IL C. MERCUR.
SMITH & CULP. respectfully inform their oh
friends and customers, and the public generally.
that they still carry on the tladdle, 'Harness and Trunk
making busing di at !be old stand, a few doom below
Mis & kfaisin's drug store, North side of the public
square where they keep constantly on hand and make
to order the following articles in their line allot whioh
for material and workmanship will bear c.sniparison
with the best that an be ~educed anywhere. am:
Mines brat saddles, common atJJIrA; waggon saddles,
carriage harness, of all kinds. Heavy tram - harness.
nob , rs, Bridles, waggon and carriage whips. A Iso a
large assortment of Iron and worol frame Tie:yelling
Trunks, rnrtfulm Carpet Bags, and all other articles
in the travelling line
They solicit a call from all who wish to purchase,
any of the above, confident that they can give saUsfac
lion, both au to the quality and price.
Towanda, July 12. 1850. /31 0 11 ni * CULP.
GROCERIES—A large stock of Tras , Sugars
(a good article for 6 cent%,) Unfree, Pepper.
p•ice, tobacco Ice., can be bought cheap fur cash
at K. ee.
THE subscriber o ff ers for sale his FARM in Towan
da tovrnithip. Bradford coanty, Pa., - situated •notut
two miles west of the borough of Towanda, r outaining
ninrty•five acres, siey of which un.lcr improve
ment. 'Fbis Farm is of a supetiorimil, admirably
soca to•both gnaw:, and tillage, well water. d and de
situatrd. To a practical farmer it °Mr / ma
ny inducements. Theo are upon the farm a uew
framed dwelling lieu" a framed barn and tube build
iugA. Term of rayrn7in wade cal, and immediate
pnin , ca ion sier.n. Apply to
Towanda. Oct. It 1840. WM. lIA 7:DEN.
WIRE COVERS, Nice Flower Veers, and every
V thing else that ever appertained to my line of
business, on hand, and for gale very low fcr Cash. If
you don't believe it call and try once, and if you do I
am sure you will tie satisfied of Sour interest in von
tinning to buy of L. W. TIFFANY.
Towanda, July IS. IRO.
H AS hefatlrn ribertui
. the vi merchants, erc re h ‘ a i n y t: i i N n ,, co 3 norr ß t ß ur ic or ic e of thetite
nearly oppomiir Mercune, with a lire. srorgentral as
sortment of YAM. '& GOODS, especially
adapted to the town and country teal°, conAi.ting taf
Dey Guaqh. Gruff, iel, /luny,'trr Coukery, Glas4-
tr ?re, l'avibg. Dyes, Lntilirr t
Dots t Spies, Livor,
An of which, the tobvesiber (litters hits elf, that from
an elpertetter of fifteen year. in the hn.inesti be can
and w.ll sell e. cheep ee any other,lirbatent in
Towanda. Lad et and gentlemen are moat reepect
fully invited to call and czttaine my «Welt.
ry , Mn 4 kink of (7ourtrry Produce taken in Vl
change for goods, and CAr•lil paid for Lumber.
Towanda. October 12 19.511.
AM. w A ILNEII ha s just received from the miry •
• large and 'splendid misortinern of WATCHES,
.1E,WE1.ft.Y...1 , ., of the most fashionable style*, to
which the attend .n of ladies and gentlemen is invited.
sod winch will be sold at price. to defy competition.
.1 large assormeot of Clucks and Nancy Gouda si the
loweot niter, Cletolorr 10, tam.
ALT. persons knowing 'beam-Ives intl. bre.] lo the
oubperilmrt by no.e or book account, are requested
:U Make intartioalc pay hien' of ibe 'IMP. and save emits.
Toivantis &pt.. 1.1. KING:O3EIIr ar, Co.
TWENTY Hone, Corr:, an.: Cells; ihrre two
horse Wognn• and hams P, for Pak by caVing on
.bc nutleeripcd in Mbnkr lowsolio niatifcrd Co.
'UST 'retired at FOX'S • full stock ofNE W FALL
GOOi), compri tine •11 the uric sty/es in market,
which arr rreprrtfully ofirred at the lowsst oricra. A
101 is solicited front all who wish to piirehare goods
right. apt I 3 • K. T. FOX.
1.1. Woul DeLsines and Merinos beautiful ciolnig,
Tbilsrt cLiths, Minters* prints eke., akin Florentie.
'limns down. Jenny Lind and other trimmings. • first
ate assortment of (Bores, Hosiery and Scotch yarn &c.,
it apt 1:, F0X.14
VOTICE is hereby given to all pesrons interested
that 14 ary Elliott and Jahea gitiolt.Eirentont of
J eeph Elliot, deceased, 'Or'yeltising
Daniel Dobbin■, Administrator of the estate of John
;ourrney, deceased, late of Troy;
An titevens, Administrator of the estate of James
L. Ennis, deceased, late of Standing btone
Partial account of L. ft. Arnold. Administrator of
he ester* of W incel F. Kstlogn, deceased. late of
'Smithfield have filed and settled in the office Of Regis
er of Wills in and for the county of Dradfonl, the lac
v+unts of their seven.) admissistrat ons upon the estates
sforesaidi and that the same will be presented to the
Orphans' Conn of Bradford county on Monday, the
id sky of December next, for confirmation and allow-
Ince. H. BLACK. Register.
Regimes% Office, Towanda, Nov. 7, ISSO.
BV virtue of a writ of Venditiona Eapn. issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford
County, at.d to me directed, will be exposed an pubs
lie sale, at the Court [louse, in the born' of Towan•
da. on Saturday, the 2d day of November at one
o'clock, T. Ad., the following piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Columbia, and bounded
north by lands of Franklin Baker. west by Al. B.
canfirld. south by Austin and Robbins, and east by
ITriah Ferguson and IL Robbins. Containing one
hundred and fifty acre*, seventy acres improved.
%i:) one framed house and barn and apple orchard ,
tileixe;d and taken in execution at the suit of C. B.
Russell's use, Vs. John Benson.
WM. ti, DOBBINS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Glace, Towanda, Oct. la, 1850.
D OST PON EM ENT.--The above slleitands posir
.L pone,' until Monday. the 2.1 day of Decembei
next, at the same place and time of day.
WM... 4 .. DOBBINS, Sheriff.
Sheritra Office, Towanda. Nov. g, 1850„
JKINGSBERY, is now receiving from New
• York, the bust desirable stock of GOOD', ever
offernd in this market, *hick' in regard to cheapness
aft I fully meet the expectations of the people. kis not
passible to give anything like a general astalogue of
the stock. but the public ,are invited to call and exam.
ins for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Towanda. Ckiclarr 17. 1860.
Trimming*, Black Silk Laces, ace.. &c., at the
store where Goods are sold cheap, just receivwl.
Oct. 18. 1850. . J. KINOSSERY.
Bay State Shawl Agewev.
LADIES in want of the BAT STATE IitHAWI.B
had better examine the largest, cheapest and beat
assortment over offered in this market, before making
their purchases. 018 JOS. KINGSBERY.
N B. Further particulars next week. .. •
FOR which CASH will be paid, at the establish ,
loent of the
I!' 2, 15:30.
•M& 11 WI Depirtment of reull'a %Urge,
Nuath, below Locust street, rfidadel*t.
TE Lectures foe the .anion of 18,20-41 opm-
J.. meaty on Monday. October 14tiibtrli. continue,
withons interruption until the ensuing 1.4 of march.—
Tba neulty ie eonstitutiml ar follons•:
Wit. Daaaacat. M. D. Ninety.fen and Practice of
,turn Wit*a AL I/. Oh:Aerial and Disown inf
Women and Children.
HENN, 8. Pi D, Mittens Medico and
We. R. Gs ..e, M. D. A natnr y and Plilminh.gry.
DAVID GILDIART, N. D. Principle+. and Practice ut
Weent3o - rutr L. Arita, M. D Mcdt?sl Che.nia.
Clinic at the Pennseleanis•d, the ticket 01
" - Inch is furoiebed to every .n.tuf: emir.e louder',
wohnot charge , . rees—Matrirnletion. $500; for earl,
ticket $l5 00 ; Gradeati•n $10.00 ; The A...150m...a
manta will be opened on the 1.1 of (llctober, uncles the
care of DR. .1 A M Er 4 11 (INTKIt Ihminnetrat..r.
HENRY 8. PA rEEIISON,II.D. Register.
No 142 Arch street Mole& !phis.,
PHYSICIANS AND, ti URGESINS, offi,v. south
stone iu the Ward HotiPe where they may befound
ready to attend to calla of their profession.
milk: ,vubscribers have commented the FM:N
.yin( business at the old stand tamely occupi
ed as a Chair and Bedstead Factory iu the Borough .f
ruwamla, shed* we will bold ourselves in readirl , mi' to
stir nd to the wants of any, sod all persons who may.
&tor us with a call. We hope by strict attention to
business to merit a share of Public ;winner%
We are fitting op a MACIIINE SHOP eenneeted
with the Fortuity. where `we hope to be able to do any
and all kinds offinialoug'andfirting up FN. We will
endeavor at all times to keep a good assortment of work
on hand so that customers may be accommodated on
the shortaat noire, 0 4 "
11 VING taken pains to secure the sere Wes of ex
perienced workmen from the slate of N. Y., we limner
ourselves we shall be able to tuns off work in a work- .
manlike manner and as good s be dual in sa y
other establishment.
We shall also be prepared for the manufaetuie of
stoves by the quantity.and will keep constantly en hand
a few a•kct patterns for retail.
Tlts sahiesitumi invite all persons who may be in want
o any thing in oar line to give us a eatl aud we guaran
tee they will not go away diavativ6.4:
Salt Mill Rod, or Paralell 3lidrs. Mill cranks, god-
A•roo, .Yr kept constantly on is sod.
Also plows of the most approved patterns and Plow
Points by the piece• or quantity to suit purchasers, at
low as elicits- procured at any oche: establishment.
Cu tiaatnrs 'he muss approved patterns, also s
superior snide of Corn Plow. f-r /WI . by
N. C. TO 11 PK N2l,
CEO. 'tr. r 0 fTER,
Towanda June 29th. tc.lo.
Old castings !alien in rtelinner !.t.
Shed Iron and Copper Store.
DC. II ALL havini made lane additions to Lis
. stook, invites tbe attention oh th 9 eitizenaof Nor-
Pdnnsylvauia to his assoriment.
In the Hardware Departure-or. I challenge " the
world" and "all the rest of mankir.d," (not forgetting
any establishment in Towanda) settee cheap as I
can, shall and will.
The mock of Hardware consists. of every article :ton
ally kept in a Hardware store -. - among which may be
found Iron, Nails, Zinc, Tin, Sher iron, manure and
hey Forks, shovels and epodes, Illiackoniith's bellows,
anvils and vjces, screw plates, steel opting., mill, X cm
circular and panel • two. ehiaels, samara, lug chains,
hooks and hinge., shovels and tongs, but s and screwy,
la L.t. waggon-boxes, ark-rokes, well and chi
trim pump., Li ad Pipes, of all size.% any. of
Caipenters and J.dner tool., all kinds of Saddle ry
Hardware. House Trimmings, of all kinds and sit all
prices in fact every thing that any body ever law in a
Hardware store, er ran reasonably expect ever to are,
In the Stare Department. I have,--oh! thete's no
use In tr) ing to tell all—but I have Bandbox stove , .
Keystone patent. radiator, parlor, cannon; sit plate, air
plate aivarli. air tight stoves, Buckeyn.,ltot air oven
with rotary top, premium stoves from No. I to No. 8,
central N. V. stove.. Republican stovee, Albany city
movie., Stewart. air tight staves. rough and ',redly Stoves
air tight complete, in fact all Linda and of Move
if not more.
also hove, end intend to keep on hand, any quan
tity of Russia and Americsn stove pipe, A general
misartment of Brass, Copper and ;fin ware, from a
big brae. kettle down to a small tin peperer box .
All kinds of tin, copper and sheet iron ware manu
factured to order, and every article warranted to give
The plow of business Is on the Public Square no
Pine street, in Montane. 'Sew Brick Block, the more
running through from the Square to Pine street. As
to' people's tooling It, we have. no fears, for of course
every body who wants to buy cheap will inquire for
Hall's establishment.
(1:7 No credit giv.m over four months..
Towanda. August 14. 1850.
- Dotal: . Thousand pounds of WOOL Is wank...fat
the Factory in Wyalusing. in exchan for
Broad and narrow cloths% ri gAMetet Ste., Flannel
nhawls and Blankets, (twilled or plain,) wilbbe made
on shires er otherwise as is desired. Ihe citiz ns
Bradford. and the adjoining Counties, are invited to
call at the *Hue Facitom Inure disposing of .their
Wool elsewhere. The subscriber having wain taken
charge ..f this establi lutmnt. is tletertnined to do
nes/ satisfactorily to those who itatronian him.
cr? Carding sad Cloth Drearing done nu .hort no
tice. H. B. 1NC11.4711.
Wyalttsina. Mae IS. 'B5O. •
G'ff. BUNTING, respectfully informs the pub •
tic that he it kiss receiving-from Ney York en
assortment of ready-made Clothing, tit litliett be in•
rites the attention of purchasers. Among his stock
may be fount)
Oyer Coo/s. Sack Coals, flosioe t ea Co o l s . F r o c k an d
Drat Coals. Maks. Punk:loans. rak Round
abaate , in all . dylet I all priceg.
Ile is determined to sell his Clothing at einucually
law priren for Caen. and believes he can make hike in
tere'st of those wishing to purchaae ti give him a rail.
CO* At the old .tend. between Danlou and Kings
her* a Storey up stairs.
eutiinst and waking up, done at oeual In the most
faehinnabl.• manner, promptly and to order.
Towanda. fletolwr 20, tR49v.
7 HDFt. 8176411. at very him iineev—also. • large
stork or Moialoes, including Sioart`.. nvrnp, ioet
receive.' at apl7 MERCUR'S.
ALL those who now thennelrea indel foe awe,
county and militia taxes, will prepare t es
to settle up in full at December court and awns cos
J. M. PECK, Deputy Treasurer.
To Are& t cals.—All those who bum themselves
debted for Licenses-will pay op immediately and e
J. M. PECK, Deputy Theestrr
Treasury Office; Tuwauds„ Oct. el, ISM
6H WD Mum mil Mamma, also 10 &sou more of
tint fret& new Tea Wirretsded zouriof rice looney
Marred, Coffee, Soteratuo,Rie., Fials and Totrieen. ill
et which grill be mid eheepat
1000 Bi/SHEIS wheat. Rye awl Oats, idan
10,000 in New Turk and Jr./Try relief
no! ea warned iunpretiately in .-xth.ingt flit gnat's, at
apt l~ FOX'S,
AlsoUa •coos:
THE anbseriter, being desirous of - robing from the
boatels', will rut for the Itelatpw MI time (ut
tit ?itay. hPSI;) that wit 'moon and dcoirahki Alma
ibe borough! Of Towanda. ',ow occupied bylias.
is trz<ti!ly neceswoy to aim hobo the admetagee w hi c h.
this long an Worst'!" know!' Westin* poven.ei far
business--losing here h't yats the ' , Andra Hotel of
the Owe. and the building hawing undergone extensive
trpoier awl additi.ris. making 4 inf. tint to „none in
point of room end convenience. App." to
Towands. Oet. r0.11R50. R. C. n
RASI k: SOAP, Jor trarting °Alp. atc
CJ wereinted. at all 11. .I."*.
r l k g gluon of Pamphlet laws fur Bradiorttcrigto3r
1 I.r the - y.par I.Bsn,hAve been receittd at • the
eTothonotaty'vL i.lfwe for die r4.aiios. aryl all 70.
dy for tho,e caulk...lW thorn.
Towanda. Sept;--26. :ASO.' rxuthr.
GRI:rD 6 1 ONES. s,t•upershr article • 0f... Nut
bcotia, grind atone*, fur rule at
a 2.4
M pf( I 3LIZB‘.
t:AAI.II.;I).ES--.1 splen , b4 aksortment of those
V cheap e-rchco aryl :Merrimack print.. (e.otoes
witrranle.i ) can be form / tot a 25 K &
Nit 4CliEttEl. by the bbl.. bus.. Mil. also
kVA. some superior curtfrab, cau be fi3Oatt at
e 25 >C dr, CM
Wor, prepared to furnish at ahort notice Ma of
use best qualey, any quantity of powder, Awl
fuse at any point on firma' Canal at the luvreat max
ker price. ortleir promptly filled by 1211.
hen*. rm. 23. I MO. WF.f.l. E 3h KA KKK
Those Cheap Goods at FOX'S
AIUST and will he sold foe cash it Ore-towed riter t . . ;
A beautiful article of sugar at 61 eerily , Roe
treat Teas. warranted groat or no see.* be*.
vy rup Molasses.* 50e. A6o, a large asssultaeut .1"
Ciockery of
. the newevt patterns. very cheap; artri in
fact every thing in their bye will be roltl as darer as
the cheapest. at the corner of Alain *id fine sta
April IR, Item. E. T. FON.
A Neqtrnaiire aslant:mut of Mors and Tani* of cy.
cry de.cription will be found al ERCUIM
More Particulars about t6L late Flood. •
T INGRAM & NON, would respectfully aunounce
ar it to their customers ttost notwithstanding ihrir recent
heavy Pas they will be prepared by the tat, of ?rev,
neat to accommodate all that may give thew a call is
all the various branches of 'Wit llbsimas. "."
It is vrr:i dr itablr tbat we should hare our
dues under the present circumstance., thcrifote all lbrwo -
that know lbettirelver bh-bled will oblige us by call-.
ing awl settling up immeiliatay. we wish perry pale to
do it of their oven free will, tut we 'w (mid just hint
that those that do not obey this call may posittly bu
compelled to meet us elsewln we:
Nlontoe. &newt, Ist, {6311.
TiIiOCLAMATION Leteas the Hvn. Horner
WilltstunTrevident Judge of the 13th Ji.dirial
Dist eiCt. consisung, of the counties of Drailiord
, Potter,' hilican'and JE•ric Adams h George Tris
cy Esqrs.Assoc late Jude.rti in anti fur the et fluty f
Bradford, having issued their pt-crept 1 Oaring date
the 20th day of Sepenther 1850, to me directed fur
holding a Court 1 f Orer anti l'ermiter-Ornerat
Quarter Session of the Peace, rennmun rells and
Orphans Court at Toccandit for the county of Brad -
fordi, on the fiat Monday of December neat : bemg
the 2d da c and to continue three weeks. •
Notice is therel'ore hereby given. to the coroner.,
]u.tices of the Peace and Constables of the Counts•
of Bradford That they be Mere in their proper per
son at 10 o'clock tit the forenotin of %aid, day. with
their records inquisition., esaminattims . and other
their remembs'3nces, to do those things white to
their office appertain. to be dine; and those who
are bound by recognizance or otherwise to be pros
ecuted against the prisoners n•ho are, or may Se 11/
the jail of said Court. or u ho are, or shall he band
to appear at the sail Court, are to be Ili/41amd a l e r e
to prosecute against them as shall be jet.t.
Jurors ate requested to he ElLuetual in theta atten
dance agket'aUly 10 their nottet•
Dated at'routanda the 9th day of Or-tither in the
year of our Lord one thou,rnil - eight hundred and
tifty.and of the Independetiee of the rutted Slaws
the bet euty.sizth.
.11 ILLIAII S. DO N'S, Shet RT.
BV n
virtue of an order of the Orphan', iourt of Da.
ford county, there snit he vets:mm.4 to public PAO
at the dwelling ttaurir nn the prenrises; at 2 o:clock, P.
M. of Monday the 25th day of November inst., the fol.
lirwina tract of 1411.1 Situate in Ridglicrry township. and
Mounded nosh by David Gardner, west by J.P. Right
mire, south by Rialalmire, we,4 by Simeon Dickinson.
Containing Eft acres lore or less, twenty-five acre*
improve!, nor log house, log I.arii thereon, talc the
property of Smith Penitileton, deceased.
Attendance given, end terms made known en the
day of sale. DANIEL BROWN,
November 1. lft:.2, ' Administrator.
1,4 1144 , niattcr of the cAtaie of Ssmon Spalding., dr:lW.
Li A VING been appointed an .Auditor by the Or
phans. court of Branford county, to Fettle and
report upon the account of Byron Kineshery, admi
nistrator of the estate of tsimon Spalding. dereaseo,
the undersigned *ill attend to - the dutiMl of his ap
pointment, on the 30th lust., at 10 o'doelt A. M. at tbo
diner of Wm. Eileen. in the borough of Towanda.
Noss 1. IRSO. D. BULLOCK. Auditor.
- lA. Termite indebted to the estate of JOSEPH
Pt) I'TER, dereamed, late of Towanda townahtp,
are hereby tiqueted to iti.,ke payment without delay.
and tho-e haying claim, a.tainst said etre., will plea.°
peweut them duly authenticate' foe sr ttkinent.
J. D. MONTAXICE, Admiuiattatoe.
Towanda, lco.rembet f: 18119.
A Li, penk)(111 indebted to the estate of Gustavus A.
Holden, dereaved. late of the township of Durvil,
arc hereby r.que>ded to make pay went without delay .
and alt persons having demands against said estate are
requested to p r e . ent them duly authenticated • fur
tleutrnt. JOHN. W. SWEET, Aduainistrator.
Hurel; October 17. 1850. •
A D.%; I N ISTRA FOR; S NO 110 E
per:ons indebted to the estate of GILBERT
. DIMON &c . d. late of Pike:., are h. q. ! by reque,t
ed to make payment without delay, itud Ilbosor
having data*" against said rotate wit please
preseut them duly authenticated for sot6ftwwt.
//ANNA 1.4:11Q.N.
Orwell. Seri 7 100
ALL pre.nns indebted to the astateof EDSON AS
PEN WALL, dreeaseal, late at Towanda balm%
Or hereby regneAril to arab, payniead aislikstia
and those havirl elaiers staniadit said te4Ve vela , please
present them did, matberdirareil kbe settleailent.
N. P. ASPEN WA 1.1.,
fletaSee lA. IRV. .14.riiiniotrwtoro.
) 1.711 arrangement are stett 'or m enahle mute &lir
any Point Mon% line of cans!: B ee f, p, vic
rh. t Fi.ur. Powder Fierier', Pirjlte, Wh.lilterrreva
Ant evrMsovalmi. carp,. harness, Tennher Dr In /art stmvs,
every 0644 wr.e e,t. nwliers promote attendek)
Arbene, Aug. 2. IRON. & MARRt.t
(\MUCK'S , VER.III}IICIK. Ky mr viii sI
- r NATFIE4I-4Nolt..mbit rppertLeiitherl also Kip
earl Calf skins, for stOe by ra9o W. Re CO.
HAti lost tentived, mina i• atill reeei wing ham New
Yolk Ness Goods, sad tsts of them. Yankee No
tions., a satiety. Tors. inonmerable ; Gmezeies withpat
sateeptiult say kind t Liquors ef all .sle.rtifitione„ kiosks
wad qualities. and every bcaly knows he wits 'Pry 'low
fat cash.
T.AvaLula, J'LM6 ;Ott:. !'.sf,