Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 16, 1850, Image 2

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    MretOforb eporter.
Free Soh., Free Speech, free Men!
Arrihrains fir APPr, ry Terrnersi.
- •
.... _„..
Towanda, Saturday, November 16, ls''o.
Teries . oft tit Ilsperter.
82 10 per :menet : i( yelerf . orotero the Irrer SD wdl
be dedoeleal , for rash prod oetually in advant t., 81 00 will be
dedoeted„ •
A rovatrnocar:cra. err milliner nf• ten Fiore. 311 erne For the
16 r i. and ?a rent* tot rotra roolorrporno lie•critern.
UT'fhfiee m the rn on It north *Or of the
Stomm. aril door In the Itend.ant Marl, Entrance Ll...atria
llemers. Attain.' and I:lscrirr law offiera.
Not it Ihan—bni Fair IVirslog I
We shall nest week mail to our Anl.siribers
whq are over rim ye irs in arrairi, whivh will, we
trust meet with due MI riattoti. We oath d some
time tan, that inch would he the course we should
adopt, instead ofdunning indiscriminately, for the
reason we did not wish In I hup those who err
punctual. *and we have an idal that two Jmrs is long
enough for any one to take a paper without ming
for it.
These-bills will be made out to the fiist of
neatl and we 14iall exiwet that some attention
will be paid in them ~11.1 every ease where there
is no notice taken of them, we skill strike the mine
from our Goa!, and -take immediate steps to see
whether we are }o have anything for our labor or
not. Such a course becomes imperatively neces
sary—fiir if any subscriber who allows his account
to run for years without settlement ; think+ tie is a
benefit to a newspaper, he is under a great mistake
—his patronage is a burden, and the quicker it is
dispensed with the better.
If payment is made by the tat of January, we
will deduct fiotn the bill 4 50 cents a year, or If
obliged to collect we shall hovellie whole amount.
We shall do this wi:h reluctance, 6nt under a sense
that a paper that is worth taking should be paid for,
mid we are not able to print a paper gratnitouidy.—
If any one offended by our asking for remunera
tion, he had better pay up, and stop his pver,—lic
is at libery so to do.
The Elections.
Nrw Your.—The official - returns make the elec
tian of WASHINGTON. 11CNT,AS (;ovemor, certain
by about 100- majority The Congressman elect
ed stand )18 Whigs, and 16 Democrats. The Le
gislature 'will be strongly Whig., which will ensure
the election of a iVhig U. S Senanir, in place of
D. S. DICK iNFON." Free schools hare carried by a
thssAcirusu - rrs.—T'here is no choice by the peo
ple for Governor, and the erection will dextrlve
upon the Senate, which is unanuhteilly DeniOera
tic,-as is the lionse—ihis result being brought about
by a coalition of Free Boilers and Democrats, in
opposition to :be IVebster party.
We are gratified, in view of the Circurristances,
to announce the triutnpliant re election of lloince
MANN, in the F:ighth Congres•ionat District. Mr
MANN wig thrown ores board by theWeb-ter
once, at thc''•Regnlar' Whig Convention, but as an
Independent has now a majority over all opposition
No choice in rAII.I(ILI'i •
DELAWARE. —llt is believed that the Demoera's
have carried thi4 State, electing their Governor and
member of Corrgres., by alrou,t 120 mi,j nity.
Thanksglvlng In Pennsylw•nla.
Governor Julincon ha. appointed Tlinrsday, the
12th day of Deveniber next, as a day of thatikspa
ing: thrOn,:,hout the The following is hid
proelarna ion :
" Another revolution of the FeaKyns has been al
most completed. Peace with all nations has been
vouchsafed to our country by theSiipreme Disperr:
see of National blessings A beneficent Providence
has continued his guaiiliin care ()retitle people of
'rains Commonwealth. Ile has preserved us, under
the ine:ittitions of free gorrrnment. in the gmetprra
undisturbed enjoyment of civil and religiou.sbity.
He has favored with healthful &waist - walnut abun
dant harvest. laid V 1.1 ual happiiiess'reivards the
irtrerprise of the citizen ; " The earth is full of the
amino as of the LOr s il." the inestimable
bounties of Providenc,e-fiimishe j i a Suitable subject
tor mewl gratulation and .rrateful acknowledg
ment, 'art enlezhiened sense of " duty arid gratitude
to that Being horn is horn they IliivrAiailmunishes us
to unite as one People, in offering up the hibute
of fervent thanksgiving and praises to " Him who
*inches over the destinies of nations," "who
hearts: ofthe children of men," " who
Lath prepared His Thmne the Heavens, and
whose kingdom ruleth over all."
Deeply impressed with the propriety of this duty,
in accordance with a venerated . custom, and in
compliance with the wishes oPihe great' body of
the people, I, WlMani F Johnston. Governor of the
said Commonwealth, do hereby appoint and
ie Thursday. the 12th day of December next, as
a day of general thanksg.iving throughout the State,
and I hereby cf . commend and earnestly isrvite all
the good people of this Commonwealth, to a sin
cere and prayedul observance of the same:'
vember number of this excellent' monthly, closed
the first volume. The ties' proof`of its well meri
ted popularity will be found in the fact that at the
expiration of the sixth month from the time °t its
annotincement,it has an issue of fifty thousand Co.
pies. The publishers, however, not satisfied with
what they have already done for the work, pro
mise that they will hive still greater care bestowed
upon every department of the magazine. The
work is one we can commend to the' itteution of
oar readers.
Ina ARCTIC Excentriox.—The piece Jig' rope
found at Prnt Riley, turned out to have belonged to
Sir John Franklin's party
: The lnndoit Daily
News, on competent authority, says " there can be
no doubt that Sir John Franklin has passed up W 4
lington inlet i<iliat his ships are probably frozen in
there; and that the encampment at- Point Riley
was formed by a detachment sent le be on the
lookout * tor vasseli, who returned to their .ships
when their provisions were exhausted or when the
winter set in."
New Yorte AND Eine RAILWAY —The Sullivan
Whig is creditably informed that the Nev Yorti
'f:rie R.uilroatl Company purpose to tun a single•
track through the interior r f Sullivan County,
*lead of layng a double track along the Delaware
jiver, provided the people of Sullivan whit* it, awl
are willing to oiler suitable eucournippent, and
r,140 that the IP7i.l3 , ere trill grant the
11; 5 . tt...;.. •
In ihis borough on Wednesday evening allot
week, a huge lead evicted shawl. • The fiteler by
leaving it at ibis °Mee will be Puibbly rewarded. •
Off- Theyipinot der a Pte hint orihe Mary• ' ,
land Reform •Convit4ne. Visiitees balms' have
been had. On the lasi ballot, the Whig candidate
bad .1111, the Demecnine candidate, (General Haar.
4RID) 4e, awl the hidepeadetit Candidate 2. ISTe
cem,ary it, a choke, SI
_ ,
Accrue:at —Three men were buried by the fall
of a bank of earth, on filltaril's section. on Tues•
lay last. They a ere speedily extrieateil and tor.
Innately all escaped with - life, dough severely b
jilted. •
Dr. J. N. STAINER, well known 10 our citizens
flied a few days Pince, at Nuncy. Pa. by an apoplec
tic stroke. is hie was insured in the Penn Igo
iiial Co. for the hari&oise rum of .5-1000.
t.t.,-We hail no idea ofincurring the ire of the
valiant editor of the If yoming. Cernon•al, by nor al-
Ingliar to black-mad. IVe didn't suppose he , WIII
abnve bus.ineev, and thought we pointed out a
fine cha ce for him to pnrket annthet $l5O, at Imo.
0;:ir- G. W. HAMERPLY has been appointed Poor
masier at LancaSte!, Pa.
A Am(' —Our reporter saw yesterday a Piker
watch that was taken from the wreck of the Ten
nessee. which boat murk in the Mississippi on the
night of the Bth of February 1827—nearly 27 ypiur,
a.m. Many remember the gloom which that dread
ful catastrophe spread through the comity at the
time. and it was the meaireof first awaking C on
greets to give attention to the security of western
*navigation. It was a dark n:ght,
_and at the hour
of about nine o'clock, the boat wrack a snag which
penetrated the hull;und fmm ii, she drift.
eifto where the water was some 40 feet deep, and
sunk to the bottom—but two or three being saved
to tell the story. For several years etrorts were
made to field the precise point that she sunk, tut
it was only about tco years ago that d was disco
vered. Mr. M A. Mathias, with a diving bell,
ard the usual attendant means, cut his way through
vast masses of accumulated sediment, and finally
got into the old wreck, from which consittetabfe
property was recovered. The watch to which
we refer was found in the berth along with the
bones of a man, and the ,dial indicates near
abott the lime that the boat went down. The
steel works are corroded and gone to decay. but
the brass and silver retain their shape and surface
Commercial. Od. 26
—The Portland Advertiser contains a detailed ar
count of the recent explosion of the powder mill of
sweet & Co., at Camden, Me. it appears that
Mr. James W. IValker, Elijah Loveland, anti Al
exander Hopkins, were at work reran ing the pies' ;
when a large cross bar fell to the ground, striking
a large !stone xhich supported the refs. A spark
was igeited, which ignited the line powder and
dust Abut he press, and communicated to a large
quantity of dry powder in the building,. This ex
ploded with a report heard for slveral miles, blow.
ing The building to atoms. The magazine, a few
rods hum the mill, containing 225 casks ol powder
then exploded, tue concussion teing fen at
sixty miles distant. All the hnildnigs for a quarter
of a n.ile round were more or loss injured, some
.being near y destroyed. Of the mill anti magazine
with the exception of a few pieces of timber, there
is not a vestige to be found larger than a man's
hand Stones weighing two lons, were thrown to
a dt-tance of fifty rods. Hopkins anti Loveland
were instantly killed : Wa'ker lived long enough
to give an-amount of the accident, but soon after
died —Bost.' Trtir , 4th.
ENTERPRISING Loy cst..-51r. llenry Wheeler of
theene county, and Dlinerva Steeley, of 51arctis
sin co, 111., wanted to get monied, but their trienns
did ,it want them to They drove forty-five miles
to Alton, to order to escape this difficulty, but when
they got there found that the law sternly required
a lieen-e, which could only be had from the Coun
ty Clerk, who resided in sandier town. Not .41'11 , -
cm:waged, they engaged a parson and jumped into
a skill, and were rowed over to a small bar in the
river, directly opposite to Alton, shortly af
ter sunrise. ire the State of Missal - li. surrounded by
water ; erviiely iss hoed from the world and the
" rest of mortician," but in sight of the whole city,
:hey solmnly plight td their troth. They returned
in a few minus to the shore, where they were
welcomedyifb cheers by the assembled people.
• LICATION T 3 A CANDIDATE.—We find in the
any Dutchman an account' of the pleasures of
being a candidate, which may be useful to future
aspirants for public glories. The Nachman says
—That Pince last Saturday, seventy seven different
'men called upon a candidate to go security for their
rent—and re:narks of another, that within tha last
five days 319 patriots in depressed circumstances
hate called on him to effect a small loan, " just to
take op a note with." The same paper is ol opi-
Rion that the man who accepts summation indent
illitrict should immediately afterward open an
alrhs-house, fir a large portion of his constituents
will expeci to live out ol his bounty for the remain
der of their lives. It adds this recommendation to
Candidates to take its advice and ionhw g"char.
ter the horse-boat anti gait the State till after the
polls Ouse."
WAIIITINGTON'S WATCII.—A dew nights Finer, a
watch was sold at the aoction room of Messrs.
Cooley, Keese Si Co., which is said to have once
belonged to General Washington. There areu num
ber of well attested documents which veiify the
genuineness of the character given to :he time
piece ; bat the conditions of ibe sale• restricted the
purchaser to a private perusal of the same. The
watchis massive--of silver—and is richly chased.
If wliat is claimed for it be authentic, it should be
lone to the government. It was purchased by
William E. Burton, the comedian.
TII6 QUEEN dr larat.urn has been visiting Cie
peasantLy and delighting her subjects by her con
tle.cending manners. She lately went into the cot
tage of an old woman who was smoking a pipe ;
she brought the Queen a *cool, and bean to enter
tain her royal visitor. On another occasion, the
Queen went to another farm home, spoke ve
freely to the "guile wife".and children, and final.
ly took a t, dropout of the bottle" to the good health
of the farmer and his tami*y.
NAVIGATING VIC AIR —The Madrid papers state
that a Spsni.h aeronaut, who boasts that be can
guide hio'halloon against the wind, has been al
lowee. the Government for his undertaking,
amid, on the 13th lust, was to ascend at .Madritl,
whatever wind may blow, cross the Pyrenees, and
over France, hovering especially over Bordeaux,
and proceed to London, to receive from the Lug
bah Government the reward offered to the man
who shall discover the means of navigating the air
in spite, of atmospheric currents.
A Youth TO allt HUNG..--In Colum
bus couniy, N C., week before last, Elisha Arnold,
a hid .16 or 17 years of age, was.tried for the murder
of Samuel Dyson, an eliterly man. He was con
victed and sentenced to be hung sometime in No
vember, but an appeal taken out on a point of law
being allowed, the sentence will be suspended. At
hol.' rhot Dyann without any ogler provocation than
hiving been reproved for bad conduct.
A Woarny Bartleu, Commissioner to
determine the Mexican Boundary line, bass written
to a gentlemen in Washington, enclosing 8409,50
a sum contributed by the members of the commis
ftion as a tttn.ation in Mrs. Tennant, the vritto'v of
tie late .Mr. John Tennant,
MAGA AOCIDETIT AT Gamut —We have been fa
vored by a correspondent at Gtetme, says the Che
ming° ( N or w i ch) Vilma of the 6tb hut., with the
par kulana of a sethts Stag e anr id en r,
which orturrtit in dun village on the 30:6 ult.
Ogilikasslaylitittieng, after tweadiltim,-Ille Stage
retintoOmmininthatiatass to Owe. matted the
Cheitaticia in'this village, with eight tor nine
pansengetrii math sin ow a jai l t in driver. an d
one whet who bait tai yr kit die di it Cr, to show where
a lady passereger itap_ii tateia
The in atieiviiiing to tun; his Stage to go
into another sheet, in endeavoring to avoid lao la.
dies who were crossing I with PG many on the
seat With him, tamed Po short as to lappet the Stage
under full anoint'. The fall was very severe.
haside were Mf, Loak, the rapiers agent, who
received a set upon the head, mail an injury tome
hand ; Mrs. Chapman, mother of Nelson Chapman,
of Oxford, who had line bone of her arm broken
and some bruises, btu wassailer to go In her ma's
at Oxford that day on the purket ; Mts. Gijbed,
wile of Deacon Wheat, of Gelbertaville, who re
eetred a cut on the head, and was considerably
braised, but is dime. well, anal will soon be able to
to to her friends ; Mrs. Downing, of Vestal, Broome
enunty.:who at first appeared not to have received
any injury, bat Anon showed tint loam the highl
and rinirwwinn, her nervons sy.trint was allecteal,
and she had lust all limn* ledge of a here she was
Isom • She is now happily 'maimed to her reason,
awl will 1141011 be able In pursue her journey. pier
husband is here.. The alive( was retch injured,
but is doirog, well , and will willwoon be nut.
!Every attention was paid by the final host of the
Chenauge House l and the eitineuA and physicians of
the village, in the wants of the isajured
The other pa-Amager/a, lhoui.,ll somewhat bruised,
went on in the Stage.
A Nrw SPECULASIOII.—The lIPIA ly invented
steam diving bell butt.. built rerently at Paducah,
hy.. is accomplishing wonders tut the Western:
waters... Slie was built for the espies," purpose of
rescuing proveity from sunken vessels, and soon
alter being launched and [Repaired for lm.-mess, she
Tiros-ceded l op the Cumberland river to the wreck of
the Meanie? Ch: ries Cation, and in about three or
lour weeks time the entiretcar,zo in the hull, con
sisting of some 4boo barrels pork Hull lard, was 10.
ken out, and finally ths hull *Mali was raised and
removed from the ententel the river, in u Inch it
had formelloa very serious obstruction. This even.
sive job completed, she proceeded to the Ohio,
here the machinery and boilers of a sunken boat
were taken out. Thence she was bisected to the
spot, a short fll4intlee below Cairo, where the reesm•
cr Neptune sunk, thirty years ago, and with a dire
oh lihy-live feet, a number of articles wets rescued,
which were cousidered hopelessly lost. The iron'
chest of the boat, containing sundry articles and a
pocket book, filled with what were once hank
notes, were among the contents of the chest, but
they disappeared as soon as brought in contact with
the stir, and fuelling remained but the calf .skin in
hick they were enveloped . About ; five firunked
pigft of lead in a good state of preservation, were
Apo taken fora the Jeep, and a jar of butler, ileci•
dedly the oldest now extant. The jar i 4 certainly
a cu.iosity in its way, with the iiiiletitical saucer ou
the month to preserve the commits from injury, and
the r are of the shippers of this necessary ar
ticle in those primitive days.
Tux 111riamos —This most remarkable people.
under their prophet Strang, hare made rust im
p.oremenbi nit 11.-areal-land, in Lake 111u•higan.—
•flrey nutnber about FIN hundred, and earh m an
holds 40 to 160 acres of land as'ini everlasting in
heritance. Beaver Islands hare the best inland
fishery in the Union, and the best natural harbor
no the lakes. Tiny hare two rail vessels of their
own, and are building a w liar I fur passing steamers
to stop at. Garden ,Island, six miles square. is one
oldie tidiest and most beautiful island on the face
of the earth. The Big Beaver is six by feu:teen
miles in event Several beaudful, well timbered
islands surround the Big Bearer; each about six
miles square. We rate, lion ever, (hat
have broken out among them. A enrresprinilein
of the Cleveland (Ohio) Plawidealer says :
Piler Adams, who is Mormon proarher and
Tragedian by tams, had to flee fur his life, in rtni.
sequilice of haring provoked the wrath .nf James
E Strang. Quint the. prophets, who. it seems, AC:f,
up his will as the supreme law. Strang is charged
with robbirez the Gentiles, as he calls all who .lo
not acknowledim his law, of provisioris and slOl
other goods and chattels as the Saints retinue.—
Adams promised to expose the winked practice of
Strang and his followers. Strang has been arrest
ed, taken to Mackinac, %%here he was tried and
sentenced to six mouths' imprisonment in the coun
t, j
The Chaileston Sun says Mal Mr. Aiken, the - uc.
cessful ventilate to the thirty. semi Congre‘s, is
as SOOo4 • lIIRUOMitioRI RA Mr. MICO, trllo
94:1 rftmall a cote. The defeat of Mr. Holmes, the
.present member, however, by Mr. Aiken, merely
because he vo'ed for the approptiations fur the
Charleston Inc iheationr, whien the folks there think
might p issibly be tun.etl against them by 'he Gen
eral G t . wer ti rnew, le a ds the Natintial Inteligeneer
to ask what they now send a member for at all.—
If be is to rote fur nailing, he had as well stay at
SENATOR Son .E i c:eching it strongly from the
New (Means impers fir his 6'lk:elites speech on
tetorn from Washingnin, in which he denomic
ed Northern men residing in the South. and New
Weans in particular, fur being under Northern in
fluence. Ile said :
"Gentlemen : I care very little for the opinion of
this city. New Orleans is under Yankee influence
—an influence which we runst get rid ol."
The beauty of this sentiment is tie ninre strik
ing from the but that Soule is a Frenchmen. by
bit th.
Destn ET
.ORmvxmo.—A child abont three
years of age, POtt of Mr. Jeltial Dayton, of Great
'lend, in t e ns county, was drowned by falling into
a cistern of rater, on Sunday morning tom. The
chili) hod been out-about an hour and a half when
Mn. Dayton went out in search, and fitimil it dead
in the cistern, with only about two feet of water
This should be a worsting to all, to either hate
their cisterns covered or curbed —Montrose De
Kr English papers received by the Asia. con
f►rm the report that Are Rev. Henry W ilberforre,
a son of the celebrated philanthropist, and brother
of Samuel, the Bishop of Oxford, has joined the
chinch of Rome, with his wife and children. lie
was confirmed by the cardisal Archbishop of
Mechlin, on Satunlay, the 23d of September, at
Bolursclo. Mr. Wilberforce had been confirmed
before the family left England. There was no re.
bapti-ing. assurance having been given that the
rite had been duly performed in the Church of
THE WILL Or McDoanotrun THE ftl LuoNAtit g.
—John MeCemitangla's will was read at New Or-
leans on the 29th of October It gives $l,OOO and
a house to his sr ter, Mrs Cole, of Baltimore, 925,
000 annually to the American Bible Society, and
the bulk of his property amonnttng to over, $lO,OOO,
000, to New Orleaniand Baltimore, ror establishing
schools and asylums for the poor. He bequeaths a
large sum to the American Coloni7ation Society
Seventeen executors appointed, including the fol
lowing; Benj C Howard, John P. Kennedy, John
C. Smith, Bnuitz Meyer and R. G.Gurley.
INDIAN WAS to ARKANSAS—The Choctaw 'Mani
gencer says war has broken not betweet. the Ton
keyways & Wichetaws ,The Tonkeywaya are
cannibals, and have roasted and eaten one of their
antagonists. A• baffle °coated on the 20th Septem
ber on or near a small stream called Rush creek,
on the road from Washita to Fort Arbuckle. A
Caddo Chief, states that the• Wichetaws had killed
Toakeyvrar Indian, which wt; the occasion of th e
fight. The ['mike:mays lost lire men beside•
their wounded.
Wturrst.t. iron Soismaner.—We, a day or two
since, came in possession of what purported to be
a singular trill, •which it is said has lately beenro.
veil at Liverpool, England. The testator, a Cal.
Daniels, it: seams was formerly a :sojanmet for
The somata insteps, et New Buren, COUR. In his
will*as the following claose : • , I.e
-t-And now, baring no other neat relat l*e and
fi s teridi who need my bequest, I give to a rennin
bookseller in New Haven, Connecticut, in the Uni
ted States of America, all my shares in the Batiks
of LireMbot Eitgliutd, Duitfilett.Seotland, ammust.
our. as will appear by the certificates in my pos
session, and by the Bank books, to four
thousand and sisty•two pounds. rnneury. to
name of the aknesaid tegmee 1 do nor retriemWr,
bet be krill/a bonketose south of the Tontine Hotel,
and is a Lego kart or fire story block, made of
brick. havoc: a batik in one of its divisions. And
my reason Se this betinetit is that the said hookeet.
ler showed me many marks of kintkiess anti coot
wit; erei visited me dining a sickness of several
days. He was a married man, a member of the
Ettgl'oh rhawh, anti, it now about forty
years of a2s, or more.
" Corfirir—if the above bequest cannot be rem
plied with, kw lark of proof, or by reason of the
death of the Imatee.. I hereby direct my esectcrus
to thritle the shnres etinally between the fire
parties first named, in this my last will and testa-
mw named Clunks F. !tangles, ,recently a hand
on board the Perry, was stabbed last Thursday
ereuitts. by Aim Sullivan, who says that he had
seduced her under promise of marriage, mid then
alxmilotted bet. She had for a lo.ig time end a
vored to obtain an imerview a its him. which be
hail refit-ed. On Thursday evening she stopped
at the Alhambra. an eating house iii South Maine
rtreel, and raHed him out. Site asked him to walk
a tilt lier and he refused ; go; several refusals she
turned 'upon him with a auk knife, five or 80. inches
in,lettmn, and plunged it with great force into his ab
domen, inflicting a anal-which is probably mor
tal. The girl is about twenty years old, and has
ma:tined an hottest reputtamm. The ate was corn
mired under a maddening semis of wining. and
shC h a s, its yet, manifested no rezret, and no fear ;
except that her virtim might escape. He was to
have sailed in the I/attic—Providence Antral/
See. 7th
. AFSAELT i'IN REPIN ET or Tll r: "II {ltill.D. " —Tlsi‘
morning about 9 o'clock, James Gordon B•nnet,
end John Graham, late opposition Canilidare for
sactrict Attorney. met in Broadway near the corner
of White F 4. Bennet w a s accomp a nied b• l eis wrfe,
who ; however, hail just reeppeil into aA le Gra
ham, who was accomp.inied by a te Merry.
somewhat known as a "li4lainty, man," struck Ben
net will' hie fist a he approiwltetk but the latter
partially dodged the blow, which took effect cm
his hat arid knot keil it all out of ?drape. : IVidi the
second blaw Graham knocked Bennet rlOwn. afer
which lie slitark bun sereval blows with his ti •t
and a email whip he earnest at his baud. Bennet
colleted most in the lace, Iris tirLse appearing very
much swollen and bloody abet
. the etworrutor.—
These are the facts as related In CIA by several ey
witnesses. There were a immtwr of spectator"- 'tiv
the nutra:ze, but nn anemia was made in prevent il,
and we believe that ap to this time. Mr. Graham
has not been tuteracil.—Tribiore, Nor: '9.
Tur. Ft.vtNG MulitNE ci;t.nni:o.—The Flying
Machine of Capt. John.-Tagrzart, which scent up
fmm Jer,ey City on leethierility la.•t, aithunt the
Captau, haw becitibearsl loan, anJ it it ilestroyea.
The particulais ate tha• relate,) in the Sufic)lk De
linntit.gdon. Suffolk Co., N. V.
It descended item the house of Jonathan Gilder
sleeve. at Clay fate. The ear beeanio entangled
in the knee slide the balloon gently swayed with
the n Ind above it. A huge opening was made in
the balloon to permit the air to est ape: but one of
the ladies approarLeil the balloon with a lighted
candle, when the nittimmaible gee took lite, and a
violent eeplossun Immediately tolluned,
down the whole patty and burning two young men
seiretely on the lace and halide. The ladiee es
raped with very slight injuries. The balloon was
to - pieees, and enkindled into a blaze at the
f.\r't7 r ervt to Missr‘sirct.—Serritior Fiiolr iwarr,
io Effigy —The reception id Gen Foote in Missis•
mai k r a by strniez vicisspniles. At "Colum•
bus his "brilliant" speech was well received, and
at Jackson he was u'elcome.l with a salute of are
finery. At J:ickson and in bLtJtsru, it we arc to
believe his former admirers and' now prejudiced
opponents, he met with '•pet feet discomfiture "
A.t the latter place, we team from the same ;Indio
city. Gen. Foote awe, in the du-, denounce
ed by ‘• HO9. Franklin Sinirti•• as a -traitor, and as,
deserting his scat .in the Untied States Senate,"
and the " people became en exasperate;d, in t l he
eonrse of the eveuing. that Mr. Foote was hang in
effigy." These statements *e receive with ma
ny grains of allowance. The Mississippian. how
ever, says: "There is a majority of at least torn,
ihnnsaiirl in•rcippi in tdviir of prompt and el.
(retire nicasumss of tesistanee."
Kr The cholera continues to rage in Jamaica.
Fui the twetit) loin hunts evhlm; nu the 28th ult.
there were at Kt is-•n t fifty-three new ca- : •cs of
cholera, and thirty deaths: at Port Royal twenty.
one new C/1.4.1‘ and eieven deaths-. lot the twen
ty lour hours ending MI the 29th there were at
Kutasion twen y lit e new cases and thin - five
deaths, the retain., however, being incomplete, at
Port lovirl" eighteen new rasea and three deaths.
mak Mg the total of deaths since the disease appear
ed at Kingston three hundred and thirty-one, and at
Port Royal one hundred and eighty-one. The di
sease was very fatal at St. Catharine and other pla
ces. The authorities .n each place were doing
their utmost to arrest its progress.
A *Eruct AND COLONIZATION —The Colonize ion
Herald. publiolied at Philadelphia, ha ,, --Yeceivett an
intereming letter Irom Elliott Creamiti, E4(1.. at Lon
don principally in reference to Liberia, in which he
tormigly urges the appointment, by the United
States GOvemrnent, 01 a comml to Monrovia; and
more especially, as England has, in her behalf, how
appointed one—the Rev. A W. Haltom', a native
of Ahita.
al Intel['grocer learns that the Secretary of the Na
vy has consented that the navy yard at New Yolk
(including the requisite storage) .may be th.e.l ea
a place of temporary clepraiiie and sale-keeping for
articles intended for the Lotidori exhibition. Any
articles, however valuable, may be placed thew
with entire confidence, under the safeguards which
give protection to the public property,
LAND °Met: CLERKAAMII I .—II is slated ilibt
Messrs. Strong, of Detroit, and Sweeny, of New
Yolk, have been appointed clinks in the General
Land Office, by the c.ret.-ary of the Interior. the
Tribune pays that the Cabinet have. unanimously
decided that the power of appointments and remo
vals in the General Land Office is vested Sts':• the
Secretary of the Interior, and not in Mr. Butterfield,
the Commissioner of the Laud office.
THE PAPAL STATE6.—The measures . contempla
tett by the Holy See for the renovation of the Eng
lish Chow+ are not to be confined to the foundation
of the Bishopric of „Westminister. Bishops are to
be appointed for Liverpool, Birmingham and other
populous cities. of England and Scotland. It is
ported that the French Government has set I a com
missionet to arrange an understanding with the Pa
pal Government en the question of the army, which
is•to continue to keep the Garrison at Rome.. It ty
Fears that the effective force is to be 5,000 men.
thtvelast.ierts.—A table of Ntati.stics in relation
to this denomination of Christians shows the whole
number of Societies in the Utitted States to be
105%1 chmrhes 757; clergyman 683. In thi. State
there are 201 Secictie4. churches, act! 12!
r , reartte ra.
tiTiEPROM CALITOIMMA...-4110 Steamships Ern
pint City, Georgia and Cherokee arrived DO Wed.
neaday, twingitc later Intelligence from California,
upwards of a tbotr passengers, and more than
two millions of gold du and
st. San Francisco has again
berm stained by a Mite destroctiee fire, mid con
sated property whir' is estimated to Lai* been
ariteh 1,000;040.
The boildingetwere mostly out and 'tier/ cheap,
and the business in thit part otthe rity,being chief
ly a retail one. the Ines, perhaps, is qot . mote than
one-thinl'of that tit - the:Jane 'conflagration. 'The
Pacrisc•News establishment was entirely destroyed
—type, 111..h.Prii, paper, anil - buililings. The prows al t o lost their account bueks. The content
was owned by nine proprietors, and was valued at
..E.Vat 014 rifle nick sum Col. %Vetches. ter . lost $30,•
000. The Picayune building on was
also burnel but the greater portion of t h e material
was saved, and the - piper appeared the nest riher•
The overland emigrants are' suffering severely.
There are no provisiods east at the - moilittains.
Capt. Waldo met two men who hail given up In
ilia hater starvation.; same. day two men died
from starvation on Cannon Desert ; those will& wag•
min have tto food but their poor exhausted artirrfats;
footmen subsisted nn the petrified flesh of therleart
animals:omq the Tail, and tila*ll/LO and death am
consininently :sweeping them &MIL The Cholera
made its appeovanee on the Ath,- and eight petsons
tall of a small train died id it in three hours. The
I nil iar4i take every art vantage to steal their animals,
and dips many are leU more than six hundred
miles beyond the settlements. Twenty thousand
persons are yet beyond the Desert, of which nun..
her fi:teen thousand 1 - are now destitute of all kind
of provisions, yet the period of their r.,treatest'snfler
ing has rr. t -an iced " " It will be imPossible for
ten thousand - of this number to reach the mountains
before the commencement of Winter." Captain.
Waldo a-kg , for contributiotto. and oilers to the City
Conned his claim to Sto,ooo worth of property; if
they will forward that amount in flour and Erni..
ales for the sick - io that pl;nee. His reports are fear
ful. A black man from Boston rode - express 400
miles with the information. any of them are
women and children, .willtrWs and orphans. theft
husbands and Litherslaving died with the Chide
St Louts, Nov. 8, 1850.—.1 speech is shortly ex
peered from Mr. Benton, relative to los rour,e iu
the last ties.' of Congress, as well as hi.: resew
position so far as regaids the duel topics of the
Crxrres.trr. Nov 11.—The Ohi.i State Cnweini
tional CMI Vent lon bait adopted a Sertsnir that these
41 , 441 be tw iinpri.lotainent for debt Septe-x in eases
of haul.
A section was repnited. pittii.lint:4 the tight of
guirrit2l" -^•nes an. l jn-41.ifitte... Another w . 3.
report( 't6ce of Associate Juiltzes
in Cam
this .rd
„ViNetsxATt, Nov. 11 —Santa Ye date:. In the .2.1
lobe-r. hare been tereired. man named Fox.
who planed to minder. rind rot. Capt. C limner
;risd was_ rreAtra by Kit Cir.e.e. to
ilbe pint was revealed after the pr,srty le It Santa
Three-hundred warriors id the I'.llo Nati, m
ea no an ecpediTion a4aingt the &flux, and aimater
pary cut the !tame Itihe have gone to theiblouti
tains to make tsar tr i ton he Amrsahens,
w A 4niscrox, Nov. nrillfllPC contain.
the otticill proclamation of a reciprocal healv w
the Min - atm' (Lwernment. Ranticationg have
been/mutual') exchanged betiTeett the two Gotetn
men kt.
MuNtrEt.tea, Nr)Y. 11.—Tne legilatoro i.f Ver
mont have char-eh Ruben l'iermont att .111.1 e of the
Irtrvit Intheiat arid .lamb Cnll.Pnrr. 'Aldo
Rennet, nail Luke P li;tol. for the Seemal,
and Fourth Di triers. They were ail elitt-en
Ithout oiyeeition.
nierros. Nov. 11.—it said that the WitteMT of
the late rtotes-or Wetwer anti her tlaogirtept h.tve
.t.tiled Ira Fayal in the bart,ne ion.
A Wirt: S:urcrtir.urn To Dr:.trtt pr lir t 111, , -;t1.., ,,
—The lollow 412 Ber011;11 of 11 trifintarl ion 11 ii jch 0C•
entred on the tither ride ot the river, last wet k.
may he retred noon, as we have it •from a hiend
cog, lir rat of the facts. A Dutch f11:141, U il ' i...C. 'tl 11r
was taken sick, sent. fir one ot their rmiglitiori's to whal.criuld be thine for tier. The tieLlihor ad
ei..ed her to take a me tenant! go to bed evil sweat_
Aber the niiilibor left. the Dutchman put his wile
to lied, and gave her the tea, ater which he coPee.
led all the beds in the house Mid piled them on her
The wife pmtested ;et:mist haring so math cloth
ing over her--anal plead i all tor relief—btu it
was of no u'e. the Lio.liaint t outsl lintlisten to her
en•reaties. &ie . then hied to get out ot bed. bet the
Ail \
bode enotneed on the top and held her down
The wife: finally became quiet, and after hohling
her down a while, the Itusburid dismounted. He
then went to the bell and raised the covering horn
lie, trine's face, and what did he behold ...,—the ride
of ors bosom rereising in the arms of death !—Yes,
:he wretch had snfloctced. miwilered tier. May
justice overtake him.—Curtianati .Ncna pared.
A Alum. —The Cherokee Advocate,
of October 13, contains the me-sage 711 John Ries,
princi,.al Chief of the, Cherokee Nation, in the Lea
tAtiulet of hi- tribe. He laments the death - of Pres-
Men I Taylor, adding due moral reflections thereon,
esines-es peculiar regret at the death of Dr. Wm.
Butler, late U. S. agent among, the Cherokees, re
turns thanks to Divine Providence Mr the noodriest•
ol the crops, rejoices that peace awl good' order
generally prevail in the nation, !while be laments at
the growth of a ( class of intenipemte and thieving
characters, and purposes building a jail to correct
them—suggests that the axpenses of the govern
ment ooght to be diminished, and thinks it intlis
petimble that a census of the people be taken, in
order thit'fhe appropriation lately made by the Uni
ted S!ate= Gm - commit, may. be pistly distributed—
and all -in but hole more space than is occupied by
this paragraph. • John Ross is a tnsu of busiti6is
and wastes no wonls.
fi;7" A. Great Pigeon Roost is al present In be
seen about a mile and a half Iro i m Ruisetuna, Otte
w:.ere mill* .of pigeons do congregate, pfoufac;
ing a noise like the roaring, of. the ocean, arra w irh
is heard at a great 111411111E1i. At night wailful; of
persons repair thither with all in:km*6r of weapons,
and kilt and afterwards bear away loads of pi.
WIIALCS n nix ST. LAWRENCE.- During the past
month, several large whales have been captured in
the Si. Lawrence, below Quebec. One of these
animals, says the (imber. Mercury, evetitv•five
leet in length, was harpooned at iiamouraska
Maher caught on the 17111 St pt., was one hundred
feet long.
LeAGRI - ea' GAP RAILROAD—Workmen are alma
dy locating themselves in.the vicinity of New Mil
ford, and preparations are being made to com
mence operations soon, along the whole line to the
Great Brad , We understand that the coinpan n y
contemplate having, the Road completer' from Great
Bend to Hite Tunnel," a distance of thirty miles,
by the first of August nest. This looks like a large
calculation, nevertheletai in this age of wonders it
will not do to doubt.—Monlrose Deinotrat.
• .
The census taker came across a married
couple in Green counts-, Ohio, the husband 18 and
the wile 16 years old. They have been married
four years and bad two children, one of them be•
su2 over three years old !
Ohl Whitey " mai last ' week removed from
Washington to Kentucky. On arriving by railroad
at Columbia, Penn., this music of a fireman's cele
bration struck his ears, so elated him, that became
near breaking the cars in his excitement. The
inomic.Aerred to revive the memory of the old
i n g, at Williningtott. N. C. on Wednesday lam Or.
rimed 11114 the fkonifirrii States should lake I nc ,.
diate steps treslabiish a commercial Amino., s a d
such a libretti trade with Europe as will Fruit.,
'them indepeattesit of Northern merchants, m aim .
facttares anifithip-owners. Also, that the repealtof
iliiiquiptittir sloes low, or the abolition of i:lattety
in the Diviiievof Colombia by the Federal Coii-
I4ress,. will be such an inthention of settled hostili
ties toSoutheni institittons as to justly ainl /Noi r .. ?
VP. immures of - imperative newevvy and safety,.
the seceasiins.of the Southern Slates from the Union,
Kr We are astonished .(says the Tamer&
Register) that the Boston pripers,hare not publi,„l,
et: the following among their other remarkable eta
tie*: A„ccrarliman ascended the..strps of one o f f f us
fi l ar class hotels, and Isarrang.nea the crowd ai
low*: ". Itere's the hand and Idled Jenny Linden;
of the eirach. aentlemen,`you Pan arty of you have
the pricilefze uflissing it fur five dollars--childre n
half price !"
Citizens of BradfuriLwithout distinction
of party are itivited to awrable in mos. weetirt.
at the Court House, on WVIDIVESDAv EVEN'
of the first week of Court to Decenar next, for the
purpfse of expressing their I. iews relative tootle.
It is confidently expected that there will be. a f u ll
attendance ; and that the freerrirn of this crony
will come prepred to say and do whaterer
.m ay
he6mie freemen in thepresent emergency. If the
late is Constitutional and just, let rt be sustained,._Out if it is sect a law, that no man who regards his
allegiance to his God is well as his ceMnir, can gate
it his support. then let such measures be adopted as
may seem best calculated to procure ifs "speedy're...
peal: Let us do nothing rashly, or fur the sake of
agitation.only ; rasher let us submit to be stares V I
the sake of harniony. Hut let us do our" work
liberately ; and when the interests of freedom ars in
dmger, as thernow are. fiom the encroachmenu sf
slavery, let as protect those interests at all liazartl.,
for they are the most sacred interests of men awl
must not be given up. MANY CITI2E:St.t.i
HE v. MR. W y ( Universalist) asA
treach at - rhe Court House in this 8.1.
°ugh, nevt Sunday ereninr, 17th inst.
11:e Jenny Lind. u ill
2.5115, 261 h, a11.127-'.l!
1 CII3 r a
b v crtiscinc tag.
NN. BETTS' lies jost nrceived a fresh and rite.
• rat stock of Fall and NVinter Goods, • hich he
offers to the public at low prices, as cheap as the del i? .
est , for sash or most Linda of produce.
In his {stock will hi - found a good assortment of
Ludles' Dress Gonda and Trimmings, suitable for the
season, also a splendid assortment Ili Shawls, tolk,lioat
and cotton laces, French *grit cull as .and
Ladies Gentlemen's, Boy and Childs en's Boots dr.
Shoes, a great variety.
The good people of this village- and •ieinits. ire ir.
rited to call and examine for themselves before parchas.
ing elsewhere. be feeds assured flirt he C3n satisfy ahem
AS to quality of god} and prices.
Towanda. Nov. 12, 1850.
TR.T.u!..criber. bdvini just received :11 Lr4e
Iron to thei- stock, are prepared to f pt•
son with i,;•curuplete witfit," consisting of
Or , rrn rh, Coal , , pants, Sh t,
Dirt criTg ; ter, Cr r rJ
All of ohich will be said cheaper than Ito. rheapen for
trendy pay. N. & A. C.IMPBEI.L.
Towanda, rioiemher 14. Ichtl.
„ .
Variety, Grceery and Liquor Store!
T w. TIFF.% NY 'llia remove I his establishment
1.4. directly aer Pis.the street from his old stand; in
the store lately occupied by- Mr. Doane. a here he wit
he harp; td nee his ul4 customers, anti as rimy new
ones as may be desitou: 14 purchasing article:
tor sv. the Invest prisstble• ntes. Nov. 11. s'sl).
IT FS—a la:ee essprtmNit of Nitta.. for .3:C cf.rap
IV 1. by. nil •B. RlNthstlEll h CO.
B ROA DC 1.0 I . I IS; Cri t ar:bneres. Kenner
sheep's gray cloth, der'.. nod very Ilw f
THE attention of the commanding officers of the
several compriies untfdr:ntl rn liaa wt.htn the
County of Itqadford, i. lespecttully i rert.,l tit t 61113
ction of the Act of 17th April, A. U. I. ictire
quirts the Capt .in or Commanding deer of turpot*.
puny, to furnish a copy t f the rol! of said rouipanyott
der oath orauttirmation to the County Comma/ et.
at such time es tl:e ars.ressarent of - taxes are returned is
each and every year, designating the township, mall
or borough. in which each menther reside,. Arehart .
are hereby reainested to furnish said ctqm, n 1 the ylla
to the Cotnqnssioners on or herrn the t Oth thy
cembet no t C. S. lirti3Ef.f., l'rk to t 4 11aCt.
Cousswistrionci's Office, Towanda, Nov. 15,
Iv'.A CII A NIIIIE N has ir tr 46
oii ol . Clvi.
ll'utcfi and letrelry More to B. hincrlcri &
Co.'s Brick. block, 'where he keeps on hand a ser,
extensive 'assortment of Clocks, Ifi'atcbvs. iserfir.
Fancy Goods, to which be has just male a targs•Ali•
lion. received by exprees hem New York: 0,
, •
OrP/Utit'S Court safe.
J3T virtue of an order of the Orphans court of Dry
ford tootle. there will be exp.-,:CI to public sik
on the premiwea, at 2 o'clock, P. IV. of Tuesday, the
19th day-of November nest. the follosi l ml ' l ° 4 hid
aitnate in Springfield township, bounded-34w=
at a p 0.4 in the highway leading from the Blanc tool
to Smithfield on the farm of K. IV at.m.and 110 '
nine north 4R° west 12' rods to a poet in be biog.
thence north 74° east 4 rods to a post. thence south3G °
rev 14 rods to a post, therm, south 33° west 15 tub
to a stump in the highway, thence'oorthlU ° ree- 111111 ;
said, highway 19 4-10 rods to the bbginninx.r Coterie.
rig one acre and forty-seven equiie rode of land—' lle late revirdencel .4; larson Watson,,lectrassd.
Attendance will given and tho'terms of sale maik
known by r LUCIUS FRENCH.
Bprio3Geld, Oct. 8, 1850. : Administrator ,
- DOSTPONEMENT.—Tfie above vale man&
paned until the 25th / that, at the 1;3111C Oure aal
time of day. • L. / FRENCII, idininiaratm.
LiAVING relinquished Alamos in Teasisho.,the
subscriber has left the work be hbdon hsnJ sMb
John E.. Geiger, at whose shop may be found fbe go°
irljch were renmining with him.
lie Eras also left his notes and. accounts with W
Geiger, and
that immcdiato
.payment Must be made, or :tic,
gives cm, timely notice to all indehloi
be int lected to coat. fle trusts that this notice. ll3
be suffici e nt, without resort to the other thetme , b 4 "
alterna . JOHN TROUT.
Towanda. November 8, 18%0.
- Messrs. Goss S Morgan.
OULD respectfully announce to the citizen , d
V Towanda and vicinity, that they hare wits
roomisand are now operating over J.Kingsberj . !' wg '
main street, whore they are prepared to take ptetstr'
In iha latest and moat improved style. Children wk.°
at any age, Family Groups, separate pictures RS ca'
sea, lockets, rings, dcc., correctly taken. `Jstisfact>•a
given, or no charge made.
Prices vary from $1 to „SIG. Forenoon light fair e '
rat. ll , 'Prs for children from 10 A.M. to 2 1'.1. 1 . 4 "
Ladicsiand Gentlemen are 'requested f o call and et , '
mine iporirnelia. Towanda, Nov. 7, 1850.
CAME to the enclosure ofthe subscriber on or Orel
the 20th September, one yearling Steer, and tgle
&qtr. l'he steer was dark red, with a white rpit
the foinbead. The heifer also a dark' red. The °ll6- t;
er can have . them hy proving property and .P l l l4
Wyo., c,