Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 09, 1850, Image 3

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    arCo ~lbatict~ent~. _
- - - - . 1- ----• -= l - .•;',.:737„ ,- •• - .• :47 . 7 . 1j
rrIHE fdllowinn Causes - art - cattle Mt lbw 1
1 De ce * et iTTP l , ll U/ 5 1 ), `Oir°Ppr4 iblwit
, Facorn 'srsip„ 4 . . '. •
exAtierirrrtef. l ' n l iir r isol - Ws. l 11 ,
fliephen Stifes - ti•xe' • 'A,Al37irig t itoi ,
Thomas Welch at - S 0 - Van Flitit„ { • e . 4 1
BB Pemasollirlidi. ; ' GeOrgedandersin •••
w ilt Gorsllne bill. -; ' John Loomis'. t: . .
e;iephen PiCt•cet• 1 - ` lostryllintictod • :
James Meritt ' '• ' t Ofnitli etal' ' • •!. - '
•vi W Tracy ' • • Ethel- eraytor.• ...-
John Video:- - - - oh.nriew &moils -
D s lillll4 4 a ra uel MeDuffee ex.:
Etzh't St Edni'd Bickter i EDorniti- ... ;--. . -'. ":
Harry Northrup • - .... Jerome' 'Salisbury • -
v i
Enolba me rit Salisbury I IIV IProst. , r. t.; • . ,
Alexander Madill V Et& J B•Pitilk.t. ~I
Woodhull at tDosiiiiiitt . William iteampbeli,ii
Wiekharn.4•llatilifgtou ' , same. ,
Daridflat4ter • - '..E W Baird '
3 N Weertotl el' B.lforley Sr 'Hyde •
tame - 1: - . 0 P Ballard ..: ,
Aaron chubbnek .•• ' • name.
G M Kiieley
.1 I.; !Genie •`"
0 P Bajlard ' r J'Wetkins ' V
Robert Depew Brßennett , •, •
Jarvis Buitles V I IA7 Witiwull:
untm Bniith ' - - ' '1 A Weetiin sq. ;
sain'l Rexford Plat 4C if - C T,RlSmati el al
tterin Eames -r } VAiirrrsworth
Eseneze2tl3pigham I t iJ B 4 Oarrip.ifer -
chesteiWoifer et' .Ise L Denjimint et al
samuel Albrn rw qk p Lantz ~..
Eni•nexer Wilson • ••• - •IJ 0 Masan et al '-'•
.1 T Richer - 4s ' • ~,,,, B Ppollei
CSniitlxex Pratt & !Gilbert
Sam - del Hutton -•- B'P Barstow , -
xtrutt, wErg.
N. itrser*adm - X B Wetmore
charles lA7h irplo 3 al
Jkse Gregory W Canfie ld
mlenn's 'guardian Benj. M'Kean a 1
7.Cazhaaici F'ower .lo)rti Moore ad
A Frost et 'use H W Tracy
N .11.eniorh - A 0 Bast at al
...b Shep a rd u'e ' - Athens Bride (N),
\v. I.'np,'lrer & Co. us. J :Wood Jr terra ten
i i ,sc.N D„. Watfurt. - 5....4- i reuirtt A - - -.
M t; Mercor usg i Klue,..§ery ex.
Lciiester Morton 11 Alexander
1.1.,,n 1 .1c1 Chase adm C I Ladd ct al
,a& W 1-'3,l'Kean et al J 1 1 1.1{ean terra ten.
1:101'in Sherwood B Strait et al 4:c.
Sias ("talk - • 'Samuel - Baird
ll C Hickok 4c. E S & B Pomeroy
3i n Ingham ,i.e. NI inerir,les
.1:110 -- '1' , .mpk;ns. David Barber
1.c. , 0a..1 P,att ~ \rYlll)arn Paden
Mr..] Bitrher - ' . Beni. Stereoi ,, n ,
Jlt Worrell & son E 111.'nufbaiigh et 4 ,1 1
13 \V Ames lienrinta Ennea• •
NV Il. , l , errson if Haile). & Sen
.1 11, , kornb Pomeroy (jorstme I i
\V II l'l. , .!nrr • Cm`.l \V p u ti e r
1:r:: , .?. Thom re‘onfUtliPahLume-- y.. il I' 111" tr , l Sc. 1 1 . V 11 - ‘11,1%1. ' . 6 c
D. II; I, `,..0r iS ll O , P
1:tnot:: ~
Patten, 1 - ..ine iir :kltci! ) IrlfaiaN rl n '
, halt
W;:rear & *roti.plcinal-rtt&AtOr -, : ' , hi Ca
. . ... 1. . ‹...ti
:••..- ...It:0. r. r ~ -co•;•J work returrNiWr,,!) V, n.'l iv,
.If i, .I,r .1 Doren:bor. Iftsn, rati lu pc 1.. c ..; 1 ,r....
~ -D and t o t card lrric vo *Molloy Ni-' 4.6.11 vf cue!
.I,f Olk.:1 ',t, at lu ...."clOrt...i•ille - r tl., v. on.
A LUIS MIE ‘N Pr...'F.,
Orphan. , 8 Court Snit.
B 1: virtue of ea order of the Otphans'eourt rd ilr ot l.
ford county, will he eleposed to public sale on th e
fllFll.e4. at 1 ciolork. 111.- of Setuttisy, the thtt dos
Novoifet ricrt, the rdiowitig tract of bind ur 14-yaltot
tr,e t iit y /i 4hip, late the property of Nit,on Arldt-y. decd
' , donning two itundri.d acte.-, hooutted n irin„).) lien_
anon sod Sterling r4st by Done-ran i south
Aekley, west by the loghway
it tihrsre gieeu told own, totailuf,sotsta on 1,1e'.1
ar)HN fl. tlf.liCK,
nrt. - 10, teso
T i - erktlihatats (f,- ii No Ir. '
1 - . itto of an end , -g of tilt- tYryttars , rout( of llrad
• ' 1 . ..r.l rots-.1y, , thvte PP! 1.4• to i.ut,l;z• sr.?,
o.' fh , ' prenli.f". Ht's o'ettsrlf, P. M., of l'ue.fav the
I\ i„ t
0„ , ih , of Tin,v enpher ne ?no fu).#wine 112 o f laid
,:i.l .in e.prittlfi,-1 , 1 1.4,,ri .$,1.., iw.hrstf,i --- 3. ernmi•le
p• .. r •-I in Ow follls. as lea. ie. trornihs };:ttutro r,tstl
~ , '•il , ;!`r1,111 Mn -The Neel of J K.,„ e,.J ruin.
f,, , .: ii , rth 4.1° .rest 12 rods to a past in the 1.r.t. , k.
t.l -.• .. -,; %.-st I rdds 1, 4 ; ~.t,,
, Men” sollth 36'
. h.' ; 1- r ~'. 1.. 1 p .94. thenre Pottil :i :;'-' .4 , 4 15 r•s‘.
i., a s"l . ltii. in 1••• fitillto es, it,e,,,,ce noted fir' ...--1 a1....e
taut ; i:lvi ay Ili 1- Ili rol, L.) ihe beziataing. ('olli WI II
II.: am 3 . [ v.- i d fo if. nrs en F quart' rode , (if !au.:—le--
lie ! .t.. 'net. of Iswip 1,...i.,,,r),, deeeillUta:
A •!, WI 4 1- I ,X. wi:l be given and i/ie 1..;:u ,, of rale illatle
~T; An `...y LUCIUS F1ZE.11 ; 1.71 . 1,
a; L,'! f ) et. A, I i'lsrl„ Ad itly,r.
re t utut. of a writ of , i , entintona
33 Ul of the Court .4 . Common Pietas of Bratitorti
t: wive anti to me direr;eJ, wtiibe exponed to pub
at the CiStlrt Hou,e. in the ht/fi,. of 'rowan
on S'aturti.ty. ihe:2ll day ot N9vetnher ;I,t. one
6, P. M., sk,e.folionitif,„pAcce..or paccel of land
in the I , :mns.h.p of 4,7,•l?irnbi.a, ar,4l
tan& rranklit'v'.l3loter. ires by M. Jl.
I3 ' fi` ‘nith by Austin Sfili4ttibttin•, anitkin.r hd
rt• .40n and H. Itriblrins. rontainin7, one
i and 'fifty acres, .evened RefeS improved
frameti house anti barn and apple orchard
th.e , eon.
talon in ei•entfon at itte'suit of C. S
vow, rs..l4yn 13cti! 4, 0t1.
WNt. S. DOBHtNS, Sheriff.
S , herirs Office, Town [Ma, Oct. 10, 1850.
pOI"PONEMENT.--The nbnre aale *rand. peat
I—ne,l until lit , .nday, the 2d day of December
al,the same plate and fiMe "f" 1 ".
IVM. 1/0 LIMNS, 4stiectiE
: ,. %)triff"; tiffice, Towanda. Nov. 2,185. v.
KiNGSBERY, is nose receiving from New
'frs. York, the most desirable stork:of GOODS ever
in this market, ahirh in regard to cheapness
m I fully meet the espectith - tn‘ of the people. It ig not
c , to , ilde to aive anything like a eeneral retort-mete of
the stork, but the public are inettett to rill and 'vim.
i Me C,r the o refee. before roterbasirig.elaewhere.
1 1._ ___
' T. , aanda. October 17 1850._ ____
n . •
4 - Y I)imutinto.l3lasit Silk Lam, ilite:. 6e., et the
store where Gorda are , o w c h ea p, jusi rexeive.i.
... Oet. 18. 1850. .1, KIXGSBERY.
Bay State Shawl Agency. -.
T AbIES in want of the DAY-STATE itHA W
had better examine the Umost; ebrepeet and bent
snortment ever offered in Ibis marker; before mating
their pcirehaerrs,. 018 JOS. ff GSDE EY.
• B. Further particulars next week:
110,011:1 . S. UM PELTS TINTED
VORwhich.CM.4ll will be paid, at the establish
ment of the •übscriber
T , .wanda. pct. 2. 18:AX
99.000 Witty Pelts Crctuica.
FOR which the highefit prier in CASH .iii be paid
by 025 H. 6. A: CAMPBELL.
THRIE - rimqa 140 ST I
LOST, between fig:A ..Ittille.'-.tieero al* Waverly. a
large GOLD PENCIL. The under will bo
rally rewarded by leaving it at the' Urediont Reporter'
calm. October 26, 1.8.50„ _
persona indebted to the estate •of WiL ,
»-L LIAM 00 VEX. deceased late of Ulster town.
4np, are hereby requested to make payment without do.
in Y. and three haling claims ap,aftuit said . Flaw wilt
Masse present them duty authenticated for 4t lenient
-.I I f . HO VE Y,
UV►ter, Oct. 26, 1850
StALL quantity of those snrerior Pr;rd4Pllklit
yt.t on hand at jtt: • 11FIPANYW.
Et I.
_ _ 9
. Ami. 3
•151Wrirtue tuf:Claritto i f aittirol
.tio•frotittilthetOolutrinott nestettf Bridfckd
.Potiluttlyand to.zowdi ittl, btreapmitilitiptib.
Uip snit the Court' miseeitylifeaniciptisrVoursin..
4daynn klaterday-.;the Sd•• day of Deestimbar ar - ene
O'cloil4P. the.fullowiog piece orparcel.of land
I qiiiitated in tint-township ci Towanda bounded , and
described as folluW9 north bit !MIN - of• Homy'
Granger, west be iands of Jona /Sim:flans. south ky'
•tandlstely contracted to D. Si. Bolt by then/didWil
lman Manger east by lands of Ftnerty & Brady.. Con
taining about seyelity.eigbt acres more or less•abott
thirty acres irriprovedSwintfratned.finnses;.tamfraiii
mil:tarn-% and an apple ordlityrd therion. ••':•.;!
...scized and oaken innesecution al.tlteseit or:4am
met Rummy now•to,the tute - otWilliam Watirtutt •vs.
Wiinatunklangero. .sc „fft • f ;TA, . r
.4,44..404—Tkie.f0/kitrior piece or parcel rirland-sit
uatedin , Tovanda•titaroship. bounded turd described
as followss north bv i lands of Horace Granrer,ssest
by lands of John itirrilmons, south by land latelyetsn
named to D. St. bull. by the said Wittiam'ltiauger,
east by hinds of Finerty & .Brady. Contaitsititt
about seventy•eight. acres. be the itame more or
less, about limy acres improved, two framed liou•
sex, two framed barns and an apple orchard thereon.
t 4 e:zed'and taken Me/eel:6mi at the unit of Wil
liam Watkins vs. William Manger. •
A LSO--l'he following lot piece or parcel of lane.
stioated in the townships 01 'Towanda and Ulster,
bounded and described as fonorrs to wit: north by
lands of William Gibson & Duncan tSinkler, east
by lands of Job Shepard & William Gibson,. south
by other lands of lloraceGranger„and westbilands
belong Inc to the estate of Jolla Glllmnre deeettse-1
and - lands of Wm. M'Slurren containing about silty
acres more or less about four acres improved two
board shanties thereon.
rial at
3 4 )/*
1 kbt.
nei fa:
4 1 P 1
R` eet
23Lzed 4rt,d.taker; ip p.rertuion slt the snit of Dor
t44i 2{i:igsberk;ri. ;11hrtree granger. •
A LZ3O-1111. following piece or parcel of land situ
ated in Athens Township, bay wird and deAeethed a s
ttlows to wit: north by Lands of Franc to Tv ler. west
by lanais of Simeon Vangorder, south•by J! (verland
Cornet, and east by Thoptiti, D. Daiiy.
Ina ah. , ut fifty acres tneire atinut ten acre'
Inaproxed,one honse And one slab stable and
# lei fruit trees thert,elh. .
and taken in' exerutou at the suit of Neil
31nputiee rs, LawrencelGordinici-:
rill I
•.; ny
al ri
• L6o—The fullowinff piere,nr parcel ofland sit
uated in .Durlingtou townahtp, hounded et f.lh,w
to urn:, on the north by lauds of liorice Pratt on
tba.eatot by land.of Daniel Perm south b' lan& of
Juhit Pratt Jr..'wnst•by lands ofJetse U. IlVlCetari.-•;-
Ciathittimpt' forty-two and a half acres,
sops improved, with one framethotise,nne framed
liun and an apt•le at chard thereon.
betzetl anal ta4ea in execution at the aaii of 0 P.
13,,Vard ca. Petry I i'roman and J. D. Van Drke.
A lott—Tlie following, lot of land totnated in Trny
town•ln: , ar hounded,-as C.ilotrt In Wit : tinrth by
Jind:s ..t •• Dauer and Jonathan Host e. e 0.1
by land , late4v the est.t;e of , /in:.t.
› ,tuth nva.(We..t -by I tntlN of 4.1 If. !iieven.r.
acres a 1.4.1 one hundred and forty
(our ykeyrheu,alarnetttronty afre , i pros hou-e
and harn and , brd t ,erenn„
serezPil ati•f taken in elf.etrion at the sod of 0. P
vk: Peter 1(7-eT •
Ihe f;.,1" „av 1.. t r: e r parre: oriand
in• thr toWashly otOrb cU mt.! Runte boun
ded at:ride-en! ed
the north-wott et , rder.if tra.rint lot Na. 119 a I each
carmine, thence nnrh deZree nest luu htta,lred
po rt .n e ., to a line ,h e R. tract thence ‘ntral 81 de
gree% ea ,, t one hundr . ..J and ..eveaty perche% ill the
vrrh.4-a‘t Corner of the !t.. fr,e). thence see
tm.l.-ftre tiezr , tte: twat etr j Awe perches to a lit,e
of th e Poin.efl !rho?. thef!re , euth ,i4hiecti degrees
we•t m a l i ce or ti,n , 1.1 shrvev the ~ .ofithir....l
corner' of the some tine hundred rerche% thence
—ix and one third Jewce. ea,t oue Ilan
• .I:e,f ° o:4 I u10,13 -t, e. •!;es and :hi ee te nth., of a
perch t... t h e N. C. of wilt rant Lot Ng, 1190, a each.
theatFe artist) $ td.rrees tor'-t 11`;' , .e hhn led and
e c
ito4 ► .11,11y-flPh e. a, r4i ;1(.4 La
!t•e Thr.ame m o re or les
improved and nb• qt feteen acre , !...I.o l , ped an 1
shanty thereon.
•Se red and taken in elet , o , i thd ai the sill( of Qur
Kiret,ihery. 30..eph 1 , 1 1,, ,•_..1•e7. Lenin( I ging.;
I herr. Execni. N 44 . i•ocelth 14 , deee-1,44, Vr.
I. Ke , der Attrottr , str.ttr•r ,4 Oh arks rytatierdec.'B.l.
.11..^A)— Übe bd ovrltez 1 4 of lit, I sittlaiel 1.1.
llity teterekhilineed leunfle.l I. O InIRN tr. trlt: (4)
a s . n or th I e.--I‘.ene on lb. eat , ' t y N. 1: ;:e.r,
el. Van Fleet and N Reen.4l4%. no the ututh by the
ann on the west by the widow
Cotvainintz greenly tire or eozhtr
alusnt durtv aerer an oid lor; bpa.... f . an d
•Inall framed barn inere.m.
Ari•ninir floor
!Seized and taken in i4Ocuti Ott at the salt of 0.
liallanl. v.. Wllitam—The pioer or parcel of land
~ Itoa:, ( 1 in the tovrn.hip of Shelhequin hoonde,l
deAr,kbed a54,11.,*;•: nenb by land. Jer,
Intuit n'os: by Nathannwl Khemß, stomth bt•
ifv.hoN,"6.....zrrs ;Ind c.r.t by lan,b, of Itogcr,
Coutaessme About sereniy-firc acres more He
alwa forty SC4CS imp[ueed,r•ne b4llO house. o,;e
fran - .cd barn Wit! a small apple orchard cbere.m.
Sulky l .l awl taLeit to e.xeccuot) at cite salt of slier.
ht ni,i vot awe to the ta.e of .V. Proflatt, now to
Atig,tw of George Itiansey. vs J .toes Smi th ,
A 1,,..(1- 7 The tolloactog lot piece or4tathelivi Lattrt
,bit. LI a I v the tows) ^ttl p Tow au, t 4, bbardej iud
de .44 br4 as follows to wit : br;:i tiring at a rock
oak at theiezurner of:hafts - in the wa rahtee naae.s
of IKppe ok.Thotaa-i Flab attar). shrike y
ctt dtt -Jegceen, tram. thirty-five and sve-teoths
n white oat A.aptiog4hence south t treettpone
de2ree., ea -t fortsoax perches to a post thence
aorta city-e , 41.1.-Alegrees- 7 sol. *lay Jive and fire.
teutfi re:The.' IWit etiekorf,iftenCi north ta en fy de
crees west forty-fi , e percher. so the place or beetn
nur legs acres of land be the same
mole ,•r Irr s.
Se . ze)l a rot. takea iu.eleaution at ihe 'wit- of Reu
ben WI l'•er vs`me Tow'amii
Al.ls9.—The t ollaiventa 'piece or parcel Lifland air;
uat , rl in Troy follows v. wit :
tia die north by lands of O. P. Ballard. on the emit
by Pi A. IL Aktell un.the &mph by Abe • htzb
way t.n the wept by lands of Leyi ilradford. Con
taining one fourth ores *e'en!' improved with one
fritne.l t!tereon erected.
Seized and taken la exception at the suit of O. P.'
its. Leonard J. liirsdfortl.
Al.stO—The 6,ll.,trine niece nr parcel of tend be
ing and lying in *tooth Creek tncenstrip, and bound
ed as o.itneo.: on the .north - by fends tif Wtlliem
Deck er.,tri the west by Cyrus Burlt&-Grnsit lands;
anti south by the OINIVit tand.and east by W.. Drutru
t:t. West. Containing slime vme bandied antl twen
ty-nine' ticies of land with-twenty acres improved
thereon. • -
is'eize4 anti, taken in execution at the suit of Cal
tvin West es. John Hillman.
A.1.AV. , --13v *liana of two writs of Venation - I
/ion" The fohniping piece or parcel of land sii
nated in Townada township Bradford , coon?! and
bounded as enfliisr , in wit north and east by binds
~f Das td Roily, on the snoth •hp lands of John;l4i
mnaa, on, the west by lauds of, and
Foster. Containing tenaciew all fin praied willtece
framed ht,uselfjerowo ereetetl.'
(Seized end taken in execution at the suit of E.
cox vs. sacauei Na'oritins.
11. C. HALT.
ALSIO—sThe (Antrim: pleat or paretic( land sit
uated in the.townsbjp of Leßoy county a an i m u s*,
sncrhonnded as titlows to wit: nn the north, easf
nod s o oth by lands , 'of John lliatnetond on the west
tit- /anis it,f the estate of-titerlotg Ilnleomh late de.
ceased. Comainfne five and three-fourth acres all small ft; r a ir ,s,sl and two block houses
and some fruit treest eon.
saized and taken in eierni•on at the suit of Wit
liv ertewnson committee of M. C. Arnout, va.
ttmith 2nd.
A1.54.1-11v writ of Levan P f acias, all the follows
ins det.c . ribe'd lot or Force of land situated in the
township of Itidgberry in the county, of Bratifard,
beginning n t the Wirth east torner cif 'warrant lot
No I bS3. a post thefibe south liar decrees, west one
hundred and sitto one Pt rchts to a blank oak sap
cling:fut a corner. south rest corner of said war
rautiot; thence ;weir fogy-nine perches to the cen
tre on 'the south line of fill NP'. 114, thence north one
hundred and sixty-four and 01:10 perches to the
north line of said warrant lot, thence south eighty
six degrees cast fifty-four 65-too perches to the be-
testa 'aktrettiscaunts„
, contiffiligaloot•llMVlCatforty and.
841/ Per c hrAnore 01 1. 1 s$44*4 3 g , Cake.,,, , requ - 1 0
rank ride ti 1 4 41` 4 1, 4.-r l ,,ilid . *anibt
Belted and (ado lit 'execution at. the suit o f
Vit#lopr b l fOßtfeolOthe ose of 'OckpAgifideriniti End'
BinfOft riot I,66o;‘kilotieph Att OCtiftris
reoce ordinver Terre Tenant. •
•- • • WM. a. DOIMINS; Sher*
A .-. #llevitriOlffet. Teilrandir,Tiov:lo; 11856."
• 714 /Abet fair 'Dir . 4pirce. • "
Pie v e. bj lgP;lee jkaa p c rt.
James ' E Phial "Izt the CoriOlortflths Brad
-0:d AN( Teem
rrtg.. me, 8,„ xteito in,the /awe m ut
. PlualchcaeLy notifiwithat slice C. PLerces-Youf
7 4 4; ley kw, .ncit rfitoadt,-J. 4.Poty mug:Ate, filed ,her
petition fora aiIAMADIR-thP' 6 Rl4O of mettimeoy.-..
Ama itaytliaa.,sublitene , baajseets :startled, •and proof
male that sor cm nut tofielound.ia saideouuty. You
Are thprefore hereto- speoired to, appear at the Court
game in the .teirpugh, of Tewouleont Welty, ktte .24
1 44 of Decounbes nest, being iheYnst day of December
term ofeaiJ.court of cornotort,pleas v to answer the said
,peroplairit t. exol. sls.sw caw, if any you, hese; why the
said thza C. shall nut he disom4,l-from you.
.W.M. S. DOBUINS, Sheriff.
Bheciff's Office, Towanda. Oct. '25, 1850.
. , .
TRI I Alkitot, appointed by tits Court
Or COOMOO Pletwoo'ilistributa the moneys raised
by Sheriff's sale of the read estate of Patrick O'Llagan„
will meet the ;minos interested at his afire in Towels.
'di horciugh, on NlCedne6iliky, the :Bth Any of Nevem.
_bet nest. at I *lock, which lime and - place
all persons hawing claim. air required to present them
of Av. , he Atha, fret/ from 'meting ta.upnn said fund. -
_ Oct. VI, 1841. • WM: WATIP Auditor.
14 the Mlattcrrf the &tate of lifas..ldger deed.
T\TO rice is hereby given to call persons, interested in
it the estate of Wm. Myer; deed, - that-the under.
eicaud hellion been appointed en auditor hytbeOrphans
Court ot Bradford County. to Audit, ermaine and re
port upon the econont of E, It. Myer, 64miniarritot
upon said estate, will affirm, to the &tient of him ap.
;ointment at the Grand Jury Room in the 'Court
House at Towanda, on the Iltb day of November 1850,
• •t one o'cloeu, P. M. -
H. W. PATRICK, .Anditer
T ISTOF .ittitOns drawn . for - Deeembei T. &
commencing the 2d der nr December.
mite!) srstims.
Athens Hanco c k;
tp,—Levi trtitt er, Levi Westbrook ;
. I. .lltitn—Juba. F. Dud e, Daniel U. Corbin;
Burlington—Charles c,,u 4 us ;
c.s.,o.—Asa Pratt;
Durell--lobert Buil;
Granv:lte Dultha m Ross; -
Mon r.te—Sam uel Diroock ;
Rome—.l„,“,i)l 3 I:en. W. W. WoudbuVu , •
Ridaberi— tnurl nuusautes ;
1 . 311e.,141:ain-4t.ronse B. ;
.511n/I,l...Geld—W. 11. Webalbowk;
Troy Renfaintia /,.itzseith P.,fru;..t ;
1:i-ter—Asa Forrest ;
Wei fs —I .11. Ettmai;
ui.Hutt- Joseph Brts:er;
Ibaro—llorrey I)utataaa ;
Wyala,"iLg—W. L. 1101.;
VlAtaa.l.% Jr 820179—F1451. Vrltioc
Athena ip—harry 13nswith, Samuel S. Clark, E. S
klanhefecon ;
Athenc ho—Charles Brooks;
Aar Inm —%V flta in Ra ',tee ;
Iturlineton—Ear: Efaiin Ken4ll;
clnion—Jno.e. taellarrt , Elu.ha'Ruchwell ;
Golornhia—.N. 41,.raan
Onrell—lsaac Enni•;
Franklin —Eltj ill Plat. e ;
hoe , field—John Fidl-r. Peter Brown;
Monroe--N. I). W7lrtc , r , l, Gorge E. Arac , t, la:re)
V. Wileox
Orwe ll !be,: Cynklin ;
tike—Nieh. Abner Wet .4 ;
I; •rt.e— k. F. 1: isqn ur ;
, :ninelionl-1.01.e N. Pett,
lrn s.aeer
5..1; h Creek— N. V... , ren , 1) ;
NmiTA,tit4—.4ireo Hall;
mrandol; 81011C-1 4 1rninl .. terens;
Tr,,y tp.--4;heney 11c.lth.frr ;
Froy br—Nelson Adams. Leroy Taber;
ronaN,l4 tp-11 , raer Cirang , r, 11. H. Mace ;
I.7l.ter—F,lwar,l Kemp ;
Wysor—Nheph. , n Sirielrlancl, Samuel Owens, E. A.
Coolhatteh ;
Warren—R. kr. Dimon, Win. F. Corbin, Joseph F!,
"Xi flan m—Leri Prier, Charles -Ittis ;
1. ells—John Bentenell:'
Vilyaluwir.e—(side Jennings ;
Leß , s—}l. titene ; •
Ytkc. -{rase n.rti ;
Columbia—Nathaniel Morzan ;!rn wEr.K.
Albany—Ralph Stevens, Judson o ff mcV-;
.4 Cen. 12—A. F. Ty,ler. z-iaanuqoeerbhine ;
Athens Ledo}. t ;
Columbia—Go.'. Gates-;
cant o n—W. P4ekarJ ;
Durell—F. X. Barnet;
C;ranl,4lle—llarye Bailey;
titehfiehi—Joseph Kinney ;
Monroe—Freeman Sweet ;
Orwell--Jam. Battles, Clark Eintih-t
Pike—Samuel Chaffee, O. R. Fletcher, Platt Wood
E. V. A b'bott ; •- -
Rnme.—.B. Mnrrlir t
smith-fort —lll4-ma tithecler, Ebencier,Tittnt, Aca
Mich. Jumps 0. Tracy ;
mmithriPi.l—M. B. tlerouldt ;
StarilenT, Fume—Lea ;
Toriren•la bo-4. Itionlanye ; •
Pray tp—Geo. (taker ;
Ulster—Reabin Petk. Norman Shaw, 'M. el. War.
Der, H. IS. David.zon ;
Wat rea— Samuel Wheaton, Rad McCreary, Win
• 0. Doinnson
Wme t:. tinssell 1
Well,-le,,e Shepard:
‘Vymix-d.-Curtia Fcitik ; .
Tall 0 Irian.
Athens bo—Jason K. Wrichi,i, •
A dwelt tis--Joel Hulett.Julius Teter Jr. ; •••
Cutu►ataa -Philip Made. lioyablklavens, John Dix.
by. swami Tinkhain ; •
Dorell--Jonather. eltevene Jst i
Merr►ek—Juba M. Fronsan, AL B. Porter, Lacias
Seed. •
Leßoy—Orator Holcomb
Monnte—Lanning h ail
Orwell—Seth Cuok ;
Pike—C P. Lines
Home—D. N. Miller. WM. Parks, MOses Moody
Sherhequin—sitar Molter I
B. Randall ;
Sprinele.d--David Fanning. Joel Aileron. Win.
Pierce ;
Standing Stone—F. S. IA kilunan ;
Towanda tp--Andrew C. Gregg Roderick Granger
Troy ip—H. I) Freeman ;
Tray U. Raid win •
Well.-I..rpii 11. 13rers ; •
W the na—Joltn .1. Dunham ;
kta;naiond; _
quaniny of wool wanted for which th
hien-ht 'kite jt CaNtt, at the New
Ctothing +Store, tin. i, brisk cow. IL a; A.
Towanda. May 30, ISM
flotte , , MIX) Ibs.l4tnnked Hairs & Shoal.
7" ders. and 100 bushels of R'y'e & Corn fors-ale
• • FOX'S
A"i111410 1 04 . 1 1 1[0 4 he estate of GOULD
BEY MOOR; deceased. We of 'firths township,
see beteby requested to tasks psyittent witboat daisy; and
those having chime aesinst said vstste-ssitT please pm.
seat acts dal, autheatiestird fsrrsettreisSett.
Pike, hate 27, Iftso. Admit: Wens.
i A
.Arf '- - A 3
,-..-......,,-„Ur 4.4!
- - **7ll l l. 4ire g i t: O i l li g* Cr
.: 6 ';' ,v(k.,...e.' *...i..,‘, 4
Gene *sirnseno'-oVAols, t doods.
ir a
Am* uw. 44,1 f. ti.litAL c•-**".
ALL- Denton. indebted. to-WALT O HULL for Istp r e
Goads are hereby notified, that his notes end cc
eountiiire transkraril to'ine, and immediate pcvment
requestert, • ANN E.
Towanda Agrgnst 17, MO.
i-*Wrcitfi t -' , f . tit - PrOlTi ' i ntA
friend.' and eiktieasers; end the thilific generally,
that they still carry on the *ldle, Harness and-Trunk
making ) wain, as at the nftritand„ a .11:w doors below
Mix & Mason's drug agote;l'irrnth, side of the puhliii
square white they keep eonstettily on hand and make
to order the following erticieiCin their line all of nhiob
for material and workinan.hip ivill hear comparieon
with the hest drat can be produced any wherr. viz;
Men's hest saddles, common-sadJfes, waggon saddles,
cut risge s mese, all 4111' 1 4- tflizitY tram hunt.",
watgori and carriage whips. A (AO . n
. /eri l e risen rtatent of frau an) wood framer Trarelliqg
Trunks, l'urifoto Carpet Bags, and all other articles
in the travelling line
• 'Mei ... solicit a rail from all tab , ' twirl' to purchase,
any of the shove, eoufiklent that they can girt satiefac
tion, both na to the qsraity and prier.
Tonandfi, July 12, 1850
•NTO IV opening at the above establi*brnent a very f
1. A tame and d4Norable rLomorgotent of :SPRING tBg
SUM:4M: GOollb, which will be mold at very low g
rates. fitudoess at Urge establiahment conduefral upon
la"' anti hone 4 principles. You brume our thanks for
past favor; and we for 1 1 continuance of the same
am we are hound to cell Mulch Cheap.
Towanda. July 4. IRO, N. N. TIETTS.
Ulttle.:EltlEd—A large mock of Teas, sneare,
Ca goad ankle (or 6 cents, . ) Corfee, Pepper.
tobarcolee., eau - be bought cheap for cash
at te26, K. 6r: (t)
Tiiß suharriber offers for lisle his FARM in /*Donn
da.toornahio, Bradford comity, N., situated about
two piles west of the {turnout of Towinda, containing
ninety,five tores 4 wary of *WA arw under intordve
taunt. This Farm is of a supertor wil, silmirahly ad
apted to both grazms sod tsliapu. well wistenal, sad d..-
bighttilly situated. To a pirsetic.4l farmer it offers no
ny irsduermenta. Theta aro upon tha f.roi a new
franwsititelling•hausa% a fnamfdharn and eiho
Titans of payment voids esay, and icumrltato
(Lmmion 61,011. - Apply to
'roman,.l,int)ct: 17. 1659. 11:1 LW :V.
A _ _
- yr covtu - -.. Nice rlowcr cur., i, d to.cry
tl.thg th•C that fe‘er erpertaincil to my line tbt
bu-ines%, on 1,463, and 140 tale tery kw for Cash. 11
yoc it call sad tip unix. nod if vu du I
ihl *.urt ;' , ti IN it/ tic actis,f, , ,: a 3 ocr in rent in cini
.intiing t..11.1Ay of. 4, rivr
towcn.l4, Ju;) 18, 18",7.
G liTi] A CC I 1) E
ne.„!, err tin:. alltl 9 Lr rg nn• cri.erei tt.• nr f 1,1,;:"& %V T
adapted to the town and c , .untry ~1
Dry 67Jc r!.%, GevetriC. :rc, Cr 444., J , G/a..13•
JihK:3 S:WICS. Lop ,, i, 10.
AU of which, the aul.-criner darter., Limed' That rroro
an experience al Omen 'ear. in •11,ch0.,,,,40, , ,
and 0..11 ail a. cheap as suit othrr eive.l3thineht
Too asula. !Ades and cenceni. n ,ne most ro.pert
rudv inv , i , vl s wain. my
G Nl.ixt Arida uK 4: ,, unrrs Pr Jucn taken in ex
claan,;o lot good., grid H ea 3 for I,olnher.
Tow3n,la . . 0.1.. her 12 1 ASO.
M. IV A I,:N Ell j,,,t rt.eeit,4l from v n
.11 • lama and unishmtild worm
t: 1, h , trmst Ip.,
aitentusn of Indio.* and treothe,itt•ti tw forth
mud whir - F . l.lmill he sold •t prwe• defy enatttntiti , n.
A !trite aw•ntrateitt of Clicks and Fancy Gonda if the
loam-4 r..tra 04.1.0rer 111, 1..7,1).
A''persons knowing themft.lres indelitril to the
satorritter hp n ..e of 6.):0( account, are repl.sted
to n•cil,e in/nrehote pay mcnt or tlm ramp. nn..l Aar:
Towanda : 4 (.0 13. ',50 B. KlNlT*l3r.icr
TWENTY llorveg, Carta and Ctcvra ; and throe Imo
hfFrae Wazong pr!! E, (or sa?e by ca:;itig to
the undeati;ned in Albany t..vesv,hip 13rrn.r.1
TUT received of r0x1.4 a full stock of Nr.w PALL
GOODS, compri.inz all-the new *tyke in market,
which are mom-irony t•iieretl at Ow Ivirtst priers. A
I-111 a safierted from all olio wish to rotcharre
;lab t. sptl3 I'. F(I.X.
A LL Wool DeLeine* and Merinos hettetifni-entote,
drabs. Alpa , cas prints &c, also Florentie.
Swart/ down, Jena+, Una sad other trinywne., a fir.t
rate agaorment ut Gl,weo,ll.)siery and 'scotch v .rn Ate.,
at FOX .
tz turn Swiss - and Molasses. eta° 10 cheats Mare of
0 that fresh new Tea warranted coact of the ab.r.ev
retained. CotTse. r3slersitas,ll.ite. rbi tad Tobacco. a',l
of which heaold ehnpat FOX M.
IQooUUbliCtri wtr.r Rye . and Oats, .1.
10.000 in New rusk and Jeraiy re' rf
ntiea arazthg immediately in sultana for goods at
aptt3 • FOX'S.
UR arrangpmerits are stet, is to entl.h. os to 4..1i5 ,
cr any pa/4.4mq lima of canal :.Beef, Palk
-, flour. Polydry Fuyca, Wheeltamittos
Am ya Showehr. carts harness, lumber or in fort 01gios
eircry thing nvotorl. t haunt. promptly on/loin! to.
Athena. A uq. 23 1300. WELLS & HARRIS.
ntIRICIK'd V ERMIFITGE. he the dozen ar vial at
kidi timorlyx & poll runt.
EATHBff,--.... 4 01e and Upper Leather; also Kip
LA and Calf skins. for sate by 111)30 K. & CO.
11 AS just received, and i 4 mill receiving from New
.L.ll X.ak Near Gixida„ati.l them.. Yanker Yo
Dona, a variety. Toy a. innumerable ; Groczries without
e t te rit ti ng , an y ki n d ; Liquors n( ail tiescritaanta, kind.
ond qualitier,„end ever., body lines be sells loa
caah. . L. W.
T.,KanJa. June Ibth, 1850.
A Goad Mite DiNcervereill
No I. Brick Bow.
rrilE . Ba bter/Wrillambg jtfsrreerived (rpm :New
Sticks Wee ass:kale/it of ready Made Cb4h
in, Mils 4.e: :offer them for Sale cheaper 'than has
ever before been mid in this market. Fine. near
1" 41 03 cross' tin • of a tine Broadcloth Coal, r‘at i n
Vest. Casitimnre Panic. Nto. kchirts, rmarCrarat and
a fine Leihnrn en' CA' Het,
TowAhda Moir3li, '5O. H. 4t , A. f7AMPBri.f...,
ALL thoae who knave themselves indebted-foe s t ate .
county M.l•miligislases. will praPere themselves
to Sank op-in full at Demanter court and wive eat.
X.M. PECK, - Deputy Thiamin% •
• • .
irn META I L 0141•0 Mato /glow theinlidlea
Mord for Licenses will pay up Immediately anti earo
mat. J. M. PFACK. Deputy Treestum.
Tresses'. Otiose, Towanda, Oct. Wit, 1960, . ,
Alistel~iiu onL
Ntrrrt & erLp
Rtnth, Itelcitrt, Loatst sure!, I
PRE Lecturelifortfito seiiiurs 0110304 i win corn
.L ineiterotiliteilky; Defobei'l4. 4 titidaeotithosei
without inteiloptkui-itutil thiicustriitg'ist of Instal:—
The Faculty is constitutcd as Mims.
' Wst: 'Diana,* M. M. Panel,les and Practice. of
va • W rrr t wie M.D -
. °Needing - and Disetoos
Women and Children.
H& 101 PAlrrsetror, 3L"D,. Harms -Medias awl!
Ittfihteltir„ - M - .. D. kneribry wad Pfivoinlmtv.
Dar ID GALSINT, 111. Ds i ll'iirtEiples arid Pructica - 01
' tt . .istriNoToN L. A ruct, %L. D." Aft44l
4:llnic at the Pennsylvania. tioepitol, the tiart of t
rehich is furrifitied 111 ;4ery• .ori.ed.eotatiat student i
w.thout charge, Pera..—)larrietelotian. S....itto; for raria
tia t ipt Sl5 00 C ration ;30,00 ; The Arratnatiee 1
ream , : will iw ~.rued an the tioetif 0..t01e.r ? under the
. 6:43 of DR. J AME'S 11 t; D.;ntrotorater.
HE Rai e. TATTRiIsoN, M.D. Register. t
Nu 82 Arch at.eet
HYblt Alm Ast) Artu:l7.o.i3, 4tilef, south
uturst in ibo, Ward litiliffl where they caarbefoutol
ready tj calla of their foofrosion.
T"EFuttircribers have commences the rorN.
pay budn.,,, at the 0.',/444.4 tamely octopi
el ea a Chair and Bedstead Facitery in the lie rough
Towarirla, where we will lioiJortraelres its readinemr fir
attend to the wants of any. and all persoita who inay
favor us with a I all. We bops" by btrirt attention to
Lasiness to merit a *bare of l`utdic patronage.
We are fitting up a MACHINE • 81101." connected
with the Furnace, where we hope. to be able to do any_
'and all and/I/ling op O. We will
endeavor at all times to keep a good aoteottnent of work
on hated so that customers may he acconwautleteti
the *hotfoot notice,
HAVING taken pains to secura , the services of Pi:
pertetice4 two:lit:ten frdm the state of N. Y., we liorfcr
ourrelves we aball be able to torn elf wok ID a work
manlike manner and as good as ran be done in any
ot boo, luta 61/alkairtit.
alwatil§ preparea taaaatietale of
stores by the quantity.ol4 wilt keep constmulyAd hand
a few aelecetatternstiiataiL
The aularertlwrs invite all pers9tes *IIQ/way be in want
to any thing In nor luitio give at ateall scar wr paten
-fee thee will tint - go awardissatonoti.
Sate Mill nods.or Parneii .4.1111 crank'. crud.,
6T con.tiatilly on In pnl.
AIo plows of the most aapmved _patterns and Plow
t. by the pie, e or ~ , t omiy to suit purchasers; ad
bev UK ran he proneed at any othe:
avatera ofthe nowt approved patterns, lb.S3 a
S'ilWlL , r article of
Corn f r 'rale 11
voi; .ro
c. rU wrioNn,
'C.o.if-0g June L'Stb, 143().
01e) til.en id et ehnnm. for work.
Sheet Iron anti Coppti. 'Store;
C. HAL' having mule hirle additions ta
• .4.4. k, in. itr. 01n111 4:11n: to 01 tLe cam-a/dui .'sur-
Pdit , .•)!‘ehit t.l4is
Oic flarrfi r egre ne•perlitiod„ I tlutlteliste " the.
wolld" :lot" '• ldi the tritt.6l rn luin.d, (tun fornntnne.
any c.,:libie.tun,nt in Tanausda,) 4:L•eap as
can, 4.allnini
Th e sto c k of ll.rrdsare entb....its of cre(a artiele'ortz.
a:y.ept in a II rii.v ire mom; may be
f..und trot* Nail,. Zoie, tadeet iron, I , l4(Surd an
ha) Furl shovel.. S and Xpad..., be'd.ore.
:a 111 anc t.reg. • 1.1 erg. alert qrlf , gu. Mtn,
CirOtki.% 1.4 ltd saw.. fili"4. 4 . a•lgUrtg 1.1„1.0t/17 , 7.,
I.•naea, aLoycla .•11•1 4 tootItt. but s and tateetva,
lila la sod I irks tv geon-h..xes, eta-topes. ned •nil
rn pampa, Lend 'hoes , : of tit FiZrg, any gitatititr of
rover:tens and Joiner's tools, nil kind. of edddtery
If .r.l.lte, 11.H.Ire :/il , llfrlingrsygn u 4 kins and at 'ail
prtcry in fact every thing ',Lai any body ever saw is
Hardware. abire, °teen reasonably . xpert ever to
In' the Fore firpnefmenr. I haul.--oh! tnete'l. no
nae in trying to tell all-4 Id I Lave iiandtma stovev,
heyatone patent. ea.hatar, parlor. cannon, sax plate, air
plate rtuvea 'air tight aware. Borgevs hot ale. oven
with ro:ary top. premium etoves from No. 1 to No. 8.
central N. Y. stover, ltepuhltein staves. Albany city
at0t...... Stewart* air tight moves, idngh en.fready stove;
atr tight • dinelete, in fact .1:1 kinds and sizes of stove
if not more.
1 als.l have. and intend to knell on hand, any "twin
lit of .111,9•1 t and st•me vive. A al anal
assit"rtairm of Liam, Cdporr and Tin *am t ' from
big holm, kettle down to • small tin Pepper box.
Al lands tin, cooper and'alteet imn ware"knanu
licturrd to order, and eery atii.4. warranted to gi‘c
The platse of hnairte•S i• on IN' Puhne 9.ittaro'on
Pine street, in lilnnton, es' New Litich Block, the store
running throtgit from the FNunte to Pine 16IfCti.
to' peopl..'i finding it, we have t.o *feint, fat we
every body Who wants to buy cheap wilt inquire for
r :r i-iedit glen nrer taar montbs,
to .15116, A nZilst H. I F;SO.
V a nnide Steam - hill( &-; and fcr
sub.cribera oiler el privairy attle.' ONE BUN
11 DRFP ACRES OF LAND, u tindiered, att
oste in tbeftov.nahip of Sorilhfiet t l, along Gaut milt*
Into. the Suaquehanna river. )irti.l is erect
ed s large and ilery STE, tNT SA IN 'MILL. ennoble pi
m lh nl:irtu.inz 1.000,00 feel of Luitthei per Jear. The
I.t Is vorniunded by other u tit - 1A.1,1M Undo, so' that
'the mill earl esei'y l e supplied wills timber fur many
y. lir.. 'The roll is in good rooting condition- PII-1"t
-sen.a rrety facility f•r the .cheap arid rapid manill'ac
lure of lornbrr, and would be a safe and profitaLle-in
tea:tiro nt of eapit..L. A portion only of the payment
would be requited at tl.o ante of aa/c.
fu ahoy r particular. pile' to the istrliac•ibera tir L an
the ;wolfs - es. • . P. & F. S. ArRE$ 4c CO.
Smithfield, fl eet .
171IRTY Thousand pounds of Wterll. is remit . at
X the Vanity in Wyeturing. in ?lichen to lot cloths.
Omni and 13•11 . 011 ctoths; Cassimerea Ste., natinel
niny's and plankete, (tiredied•or Maio.) mill he tmide
on shares or otherwise as is dicOmil: her ritiCrlts 2 of
tiraillard, and the adjoining C'ountien, are invited• to
rail at the Krime PrieMey l•efore theporing of their
Wool elsewhere. - The lowriber *wing grain token
ehorge this paladin htnent, is determined to do bin-i
-nf..% satirtsetotily Jo diner who patronise him:
c 7 Carding and Cloth Dreseing done on Aron no
tice. •
Wyalusing, Alavda, iR34).
Vl., H. nrwrlx . (:. ~..sprotully i.r....:11b c p u l,-
‘, -I . lic tent he is just terei‘inf..froto Now Tvic MI
assortment of rawly mule eisithisvg. to .which he im
site' t:ie attettti.ut 01 parch:teen , . Among hie stocl
may he fottiol
. . .
Cords, garii coils, Rosiness Coarr, Frac& and
Dress Coats. Cloaks. Pantaloons. T fists. Round
ubouis, 4.c., in 911 styles anti all prices..
Ile is artertniried to sell ants Clothing at unusually
low primp fur .Casa, and heliere3, be om !poky it the in
terwo or ilia* wi.hing to purchase tqa give him a tug),
Q'? M the old ►band, between platten ent.l
berv's tttorru, up stai'. ~ •
Culling and nuking up. clone u usturtl•la die most
fiutponsbie ritanrer, promptly Paul to or .lot.. •
Towson!*. Omotter
• • SUCt/l - RS & MOLASUS.. r
or fit*. HVG/t at very law pace.-. li t so ,, %Imo
I , lanai, of M 'e, includiag Stuart'," RVIIIP, lust
recalveo it . ' . ap:7 AtEllci'R'S.
—_-- --,
(AXE sty la nZolcskin lints; alonLeshorn
X- , =a Palm ?cat ITI , s qt rex:s.
= 7l
subeetille!'stwiettiteelptas4f: l tirin g from the
tent fbithisliaTanti bietitne (un
111 that known end deArable Stand
t 4 161 e biro* -of Tolverida, , novr occupied by Mani It
bi boat, on4 w eitary to rocepituhien the adventageeribich
the, lo ng et t l,bufa m blyAn ot ea
,lo g ation„p o ss e wes fur
h q ii rt o r l u ttin g hOkt k for,y e ati t ,the principal Hotel of
the building having .undetgontt vsteniceva
repnehe itiditionit ; tootin g it infrtior to...none iu
toon k stid convenience. pp.y to
tart, lA, 14SO. R. C. B
- 4 N KArilleE, 8f ?A P; for remit Tinetsri paioot,
La lA , striante , i at d I , H. act P'h.
• , 1 - 1 Ttv units itf - tvi in phiell a:ars for Bradford e.oohkir
A. for the yeas- Witt. ,have beer' receive/ at the
Ohoe for dim ritutroil, and are red
df clatittril to receive (hen,.
Tioran, P,ept.. LtaD.
rittlNi) t•.;TOIVIEs, a r...trwrinr acttcla of rivca
4,.. , ,rindtouts . , (41: . aaP.,.!
ri Al,lOl ).F, , ,t—r, F. A It'll 4 id- a F.s.• Ft me l t t
cheap,C j ebco aIF4 Mc.rcinraek prints, {c.4.100
fra I/IP4 ) can be fiFunii 3 t a 7.5 K.& ibO.
rik f i by t
sur : eFiJr ccL 11, can 'be t',und at
a 25 K &
Are prevarrc) at khan riorine and of
I 1 • (Le beet quality, any quantity of powder on
Azze at any point on lino tonal at the Ipwest Thar.-
lot prim. (Weis pr. , :apllv uu. •
uz. 23.'1 n5O: iYr I 11.42Ft1F1. •
These Cheap Goods.. at FOX'S'
CST and 'wilt t. Rnhl for earth at the hrseertt r!tert.
Lit A heautifut article of ttugar ut Gy cont.; flint
freuh Teas, 4.Carrarttetil gad or no rate, at 314 to 50e.;
syrupMoluiesetwat Mr. A1i.6,1 a blade astsortttient, of
esockefy o 1 the noareet pattera4. weryjieheap; Out to
fact ewe) , thing in their bye he roll " cheap as
the eheureut. at the coretttr of Tritrio and Pine rot.
AFi( 18, INS()
N et tri.r . ..vr , eseortownt or Plants and Toola of et.
ery Je•eription will be - found et hi Elif.l7RB'.
Idot7Parikulais about late, Flood.
T tNtatAil & SON, would rev ocifully announce
O. to thc•u etletarners t.t . et notuittilterieling their rev,ut
bow. y t.,e they mil be vermeil • l'y the Isl. 'of btev.
nezt to aerotwrintlate iney give ibernGl Cab. 1.14
till the vuieu, tranclws. t t'oeir tquoto.i. -
:S. D.— it iY ern ti 4i, Jb J t!Jat wr hnnW . hare our
emes oath r the pre:ent circa in,tar,cel. tler.•f:re all those
that it It tta titemselees ind.•hted will qtutiot tie by fat.
iria r.ut sectiir4 tip imnamtiately. 14:ini) OVery One 1..
da it of their uw 11. fr.e will:hut we tt ouhl jopt 'hint
that those 014 e, 441 Hot obry can may 1 , 4,14 y ho
emotional meet to. e15.....1)-rr.
1..nr0e..8414,0, Ist, 1650.
110(:1...t.Nt N—Wherens the lion. ItCrae
/_ 11 .ilt. l'reeident Ju.tge of the. 13th, iodtrial
.1-1 ILe ccumiet; cf LivailfuraTte
sa, : J.r,e Adams4Oecrge 'lt a
er •s, cia; ineuutt!‘ - '. f
lirMliord, I nvit,e thmr precept I ea/ ;mg hie
the I'.oth day (.r Seplem her 185000 me directed for
hohlinc, a CotkAt of Over rind l'etto4uer Lietteral
(2,, r , the l't,dce, Common Peas acid
Oephan• ;it Tovatida f‘r th.e cwt's nr,o
Mud, on the brat Monday of l)el-tinber next 1. , c0g
::d day and to contiose three neeks. •
itertf.ire.liereby given, Io the (3.•robei,,
JTV:I3CP'S ~f r.•zre and Con-tatles ..r 11. e (;..ority
Dradt”rd that tutu he there i:i proper rk-r
-bon at lit o'dock in the lurertoon of sand 6w,- 'Writ
their e:zamisaiww. awl Litlair
their feint 5, la (Li those 11,1 * Dgh itt,,sS) 1,,
elerr w‘iee ierr , r d t,. be dame; tw
are t , . eat by reree,l3:tatice or otherwise t.. I , e pro!:
4;4..1t,t 1.. e j. sumer.. ate. Dr may be 111
, ‘,1,, e, 51154 Lie buttliti
.ipi ear al t'oart, are to Le ill, t ;...114 'there
to pros,-curea7.lul,l th , tri ti. Anil I'4 , in,r,
:ham 54e r,. , q0e! , : 0d to be, rittrwmattn '
i,rnrr;igree,il4 Ip"their tiLtir es,
D.orct ter,e (ifty c 0.m.)1; , r Ow
ve•lr vr our Lochl ! , rt" , 11, , ti53114 ei;:h; hucc rt ci an.l
.ccicv,rind cii the itidepernierxe ut the Catted Btatr.
\A ILL/ rthertill
' virtue of an artier of the Orphan's court of Br: a
forJ eoiyotyi there wid 'be rximawd to publie
at the .1we1.1114 tamer nn the preattreN at 2 u clock, P.
Ni. of N.O:d.xy tl.e 25th (lry at N,tretabtr irrst., the ftd•
lowthe tract of I.tral Impute to ktidgbfriy totengbilt, and
bows..bJ tan::, by ihr.i,l tiantobt, WC,Ii by Its. IZight
roire, I:a.httairc, ne,.t I y Simeon rbekinron,
-for:taioitp.r fft a -re., more or !egg, twenty-five aere."
iibproved. nrr 1111 Ingbarn thervon, late The
proprnly or S,nitit Venabieton, ;let...Ny*4l.
A itetala::ce Liven, and 4.14114 rn ale known on tito
ti-c of ftte,trap wri,
ri.‘en,spi 11:1): Admioivtrator.
T. it. r, ;P: rOf f!:" 71111 , 11 g. r . ,
AVING been oppoittied un Autittor by the Or.
cowl 01 Brook/4 touuty, to actile fool
up tt the account byron Kiri-304,117, aduti- -
nistrator I,f Ole isttie of Sinactt Sl.a tir g ,,
the. unden.igneil vv ill an end to the. duties of his ap.
'ointment. on the Guth at' la o'clock A. the
..thee of Will. EitTtilo ill the lorAugh .1 Towanda._
Nov. I. 1.55 n. 1,1.-I.Lwic,•Avai,,,
A 0:',11:S fIZATOit'S NO fICP.
ALLi.44Auns ind.bte. l 1 ..1 the estate oE JOSVPII
PUTTER, deceased, let , of Towaela towashili.
are hereby requesteele trgaie 14501,15 t without delay s
and theee having deices againEit 1441 ostaieokiit vitas()
p reci tit 1!...0i duly fltablrilie..le. ,
J. .1 . ). MON rANvu, Adniini,,stratoe.
Trostols. No4tuher 1, IRSO.
A 1)111 NIMTR NO
431.1. p^rtotlß ifarbtrd In the e-.!ate of (lust:urns A.
- Uoldnn, tieroft.kl. late of tiatl ItoNnsltio Dureli.
irr hereby r.q.::0..0Ll & inake lvy went without delry.
~10 01 l x r : soos Lating. 4 Lt. 7, 1.2441.0 Inv
IV , l•lin<trd 10 04,n, doh. notlierdirmled 1.,r
!temen'. 14 A - AV t:E/`; Atialiaistrat?r.,
Urtuher 17, 16:,{)..
. . -
( I ,
A LI. reisOil • nutlebttll to the estate of 'ILI3ZIIT
1.41. 11th' )\ deed; late of l'ace:are L. r.
ed to make pa, meat without 'atiay. nd tho ,, e
haring eihims againAt stud .irstate • will 'please
I.te)eut theta duly awheuticated .for settlement. ,
J. 11. W:l.goN.
Ormell. Seri. 7 IFSiI
per.ons itidelited to the Lltate of EDSON-AP:.
_PE?: dccoanii, late of Tuoctuda bor&
ir e f ier ,•l.y r(coe.led-to up3Le lithitout debt?,_
ct aglinttt e.tme v6II Orono
pullout thin duly uuthouto-0t..1 for o r ittnnent.
z;. M.l 1 A fo
(1rt..!..-r 10. 1e.51
Now A rra naentents New Finn
Allli & lltt. 1 1::11. intsita
H. o.parp.e.rish! p .
WC M.tt51ia.:401431104144.1F15S
!Twat resarelful one in.' attention. to thrir ti,sougy,
"r Boetsh, Frene , % •Grosnan end Aw.74cera • btoi.,
tAtemicials,yeimisheoi,• ?slats, Oils 'Diva
PritxmorS•Pixt 4 aliNi''aitioes'.
Complione burning thliJ—aa.l a very large
win •if all kin of I.;iviorfi and flrneeriev, together ,
with ihri elitrowagiairiwintiiir of rule,' Ciooth.. Wis
have s' o, a very gattetal _variety of Lam
,raof various
rieiTriptitios, . r.
liwrioe, receive.] ft fiebh ripply of Gentle, they . 111v:Itt
the peptic to even/hie their stock before poi ehnoirim
Oleo herewomieing.onieiod rtaw.4omay frehltepeeedto
eMsPii to Pm their introrrage. to &EU mow lihor,,t
arum as env other retel.liphroerit thie milic of Yew York.
One of the proprietors being o rieuhe Phy4iien, or,
tads ompto auaraatte of the genuine. quality. of t i 1 Intik
clew sold ha then stere. '
Towanda, June 1
J . Prastr