Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 12, 1850, Image 4

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.14 - 03NWLTIAAL 10Na
,sr Aoki vatiimi.
Knigh deep to itotf the ray boys'
l'binelt deep to find the - phi! •
The-earth has treasure in - her breast
tinmeasured and untold. - • •
Clothe the mountain tops with trees.
The aides with waving grain!
Why bring over stormy seas
• What here we may obtain
Oh. Britain need Dot bring her bread
Proof countries new or old.
Would she but give the ploughshare speed
And nitre' to find the gold!
Earth is grateful to her sons
For all their care and toil ; •
Nothing yields ouch large returns
As drained and deepengd
tkience. ler.d thy kindly aid. '
Her riches to unfold ;
Moved by plow, or moved try spade,
Stir deep to find the gold.
Dug deep to find the gold my boys !
Dig .deep - to find the gold!
The earth has treasure iti her breast
Unmeasured and unto 4
Experiments on Manures.
We bare seen many instances of milted sue.
cess in composting manures ; and some well was
thy of imitation. One farmer,'whrise farm abounds
in peat and muck, and whose cultivated lands are
composed - mostly of, sandy and gravelly loam.
has applied compost to his crops with mark
ed success. The last season, most of the crops in
our county suffered from drought in midsummar ;
his cultivated crops escaped the effects of it.. There
was nothing peculiar in his method of cultivation,
except that he applied his manure to the surface,
and harrowed it welt in; and in cultivating corn
and other hoed crops, kept a levelonrface, without,
billing ari l as it is barb' rously practiced. This far
mer's corn, planterrin hills tour feet apart, was
judged to yield sixty bushels to the acre. His po
tatoes, planted with compost. mostly escaped the
rot, while those planted on long and unfermented
manure suffered much. from it. His.ot ions yielded
well, while on stable Bong, muscle led,. and the
manures usually applied, the.cmp owing to the
draught, was in many places almost a failure. Fo r
carrots, beets, and turnips. this has been found
equally effectual, nor are its effects•less lasting,
This farmer, who finds himself so well compen
sated that he does not Isk for the Society's Etre
mium, has made within, the last eighteen months
more than five hundred toads of compost manure.
At times v4ben the ordinary work of the farm does
not press, ti' r employs his laborers and team in
carting into his barn and 'swine yards swamp-muck
and peat; this. after lying some monThs and imbib
ing the droppings of his stock, is plowetbup, and
after farther exposure to Their tramping and drop
ping, is thrown into heaps, where it lies ready 16
be carried to the field : It is thought indispensable
to have the muck thaloughly rotten and decompos
ed. 'A piece of peat as large and as hard as a brick .
is as valueless for fertilizing purposes as a stone of
equal size ; but crumble. it up, mix it with some
heating manure, and decompose it, and a load of
peat compost is worth more than a load of yard
dung. When a sufficient gpantity of dung and
urine has not been dropped in the yard' upon the
muck, it is advisable to add more to the heap, and
the farmer is well paid for the additional labor of
again forking over his manure; the finer Niti more
silly it is made; the better it is adapted to t furnish
ing food for the roots of plants.
Another method of making contrast is, to cart di
rectly into the field where it is intended to use it,
. your swamp muck at peat, and there compost, by
making a layer of muck about tour inches in depths
then a layer of i)ung—horse dung is decidedly the
Lest for this pdrpose—and so on, till your heap is
four or fire feet in height, being careful to cover
the whole with mock or Firth, so that the ammo
nia shall not escape. In making a comfit, you
may use one triad of dung to three or lour of mock
or earth, just in proportion to thesireugth of the ma
nure. In warm weather, with twice faithluk work
ing over, your compost will 'be ready for use in six
or eight weeks, (and this is timely for use in the
autumn.) bet it is always essential that the ' peal
should be thoroughly decomposed. Such a coin
post on loamy, gravelly, and sandy soils, is better
than blear manure for crops of corn, potatoes, veg.
trebles of any sort, and, for rye, no maumat somas
ses it.
But if you want a' compost that will make ydur
fields rejoice with a , luxuriant harvest, and that p i on
will be permanent in Its effects, to the mock and
manure and ashes in the proportion of ittrenty fifre
or thirty bushels to a eon] of compost. But world
ashes and leached ashes are too dear. That is tree.
And all the manure we Purchase in our county
costs as much, or more than In any other locality
in the Union. It becomes us then, to be mote • v.
ing, and make the' most of our resources. its
value of pea; ashes, compared_ with wood ash ,
jaas not been arcertained-lbut peat abounds th
us, and a cord of peat will' yield more ashes
three cords of wood, if properly prepared d .
burnt. •
• The farmer whose •practice has been refs I
to,•has burnt peat toppings, imperketly dried
snoops an d
, sods, for the sake of the saes, wit
have been mixed with his compost, and he thi ks
with decided good effects. When burnt in Is
heaps,, there is a quantity of charcoal Vett, wh
in the opinioit of many compriteritt.judge4., is e
most valuable of all fertilizers,and as tar as carobs*.
vations goes, it has not been over estimated. .h jan
be made with us as cheap as al y where else. .. n 1
acre of peat wiikproducefour or five hundred co s
of fuel; in our peat meadows, we have at our J.. rs
mines more valuable than those of California. 11. w
rich and how happy would the farmers of °arc° n
try be, if they woulih be, content to use-and en uy
.bles'sing,s Heaven has lavished upon them ! ,
bo i
Tae subject of composting manures dese - es
the attention of farmers, and is sure to reward at m
for all their efforts. There are many other su -
ces besides peat which are valuable in the corn t
heap. Let every man improve the means he ,
and there will be leas occasion for dissatisfact on
with our soil and 'climate; and less disposition for
emigration.—Traasadions of Anil. Co Agricultural
Soddy. .
Soar Nuts or Oxen are sometimes eared by
covering tie yoke with ;sheet kad. • White lead
is also an eicidlent thing to dry up the sores of
Stile or hoires, and is well worth hying.
Hens sionld never be *llama to mese tbein•
selves, silt always ends ittforri Edgy.
Vggir. LOLIMEilltrOo
I. H. KELLOM, Principal.
tf, KELLUM, Teacher o Moue' Drarringile.
MiM. PRtSCtI.LA M. /SHERWOOD. nada° in
"Priasary' r D e t ie
rrpE and Minter mean* sill comnitincE, no
..a..i • ristaidaf Ai:quid - Mk End conthine
tertnimion tilti.lbriatataa "hat there *ill bre caro ler al ai the 11 . 4 Days.
Particular attenhosiswill he paid to those preparifig
to tedeb - during the Winter—
Afar scholars can he accommodated smith Maid in
the family , of the Principal,
rrrso eel QM %Ma.
Primary Department,
Common English.
High English. •
Latin, Greek and Higher hfathem dice,
Music on Piano Fa no.
Frrneh, Painting and Drawing rach,_
Troy, Bradford county, Pa., Aug. IMO.
.1 85 '0 1 1 ,1531 7 0 MID MAIO. X 34 0
THE Miming, Elmira and Buffalo hinit::" basing re
dueed the fare from any port on the Ehentunit ca
nal to Buffalo, afford facilities not betetofore offe•ed to
emigrants an d others seeking a home and fortune in
be Great West.
A Boat of thit line will lease
Corning & Elmira for lin ffalo
Every week during the season, in the fidlowing order
Leaves Confirm Tuesday's •t 10 o'clock, A. M.
[Aiwa, Elmira, WedoeSday's at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Havana, Thursday'. at P. M.
Taws dna Reuel Lake Friday,
Touching at Big Stream, Startry, Loh,
passing Geneva, Watterloo and Senaca Falls on Sat
Leaves Buffalo for Elmira and Corning every Sat
urday morning, leaves Rochester every Monday moo
Boat CORNING, Capt. E. H. CALEB,
Boat BtiFFALO, Captain --
For Freight orPassage apply to the Cltsins or the
following Agents:
W. M. Mallory, Coming—S. B. Strang & Co. A.
G. Reynolds, Elmira—Wm. Reynolds, Horseheads, I.
Wintermnte, Horseheads—E. 8. Hinman, ['swine L.
G. Tow nswsend, Big Stream—Woodworth & Post,
Lodi—Hastings & Field, Genera—Gray & Sweet,
Waterloo—J. Miper, Seneca Falls—L. Busted°, Mon
tespma--H. L. mh, Rochester—Niles & Wheeler
Buffalo . •
ir," - ProTisions for'sale by the Captains on board.
Elmira. Aril - 4. 1850. _ _
Annexation of Cuba'.
IXTILLIAM HAYDEN, grateful for the liberal pe
lf tronage he has received since his commence•
men: in bromine's, would inform the people of Bradford
county tibia he has just received direct fruni New YOrk
a la ge supply of
Dry Goods, Grorerirs. Liquors, Ready made Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Cigars, Ov.,
all of which he offers foi sale at au exceedingly low
price for e,ash. — Having extraordinary facilities of per.
chroing, and such as few in country towns can acquire
hedlattrrs himself that he can and will make it the in
terest of those wishing to purchase to give him a call
before purchasing elsewhere. Landlords and Indivi
dual& wanting a superior article of
- mr. - vrff ors 1111. MS 9
we would call your special attention to those old Chard
Cognise, Champaigne and American Brandy ; pure
Holland and American Gin-. old Jamaica and St. Croix
Rum; fine Port, Sherry, Claret, Madeira. Malaga, Gin
ger and Raspberry Wines; a few baskets Champaign,
a superior article, still on hand. We are determined
to put our Liquors down to the lowest figure, being de
i4rous to quit the liquor business. Our terms are An
all cases, Cashor Ready Pay—and no second price.—
Don't mistake the place—the west corner of Main and
Bridge its., is the store formerly occupied by J. Ki ng ..
beri. WM. HAYDEN.
Towanda, June 4, 1850.
Laurnriuug 11-110111g1
TE SUBSCRIBER .. having now completed hie
arrangements for the accoounodsuion of tbe Travel.
mg Public, feels warranted in soliciting hie Aare of
Public Patronage. His Table shall be furnished with
the beef Ike market oliwds. His Stabling is Large and
Warm. His Bar shall he filled with at good Livia'
as are to be found in the country.
BESIDES, fur the accommodation of many, the
auhseriber is manufamarirqg Boole, Blom Saddles. Her
mes. Trusda and Valero. be, 4r. And keeps ott
hand • good assortment of PATENT MEDICINES,
for all of which hie prawns will be asked only a mode
rule prim. •
For former patronage and favors. the public will
please mace the einem thanks of T. D, .SPRING.
Laceyville. Sept., 13, 1850.
Very Strange bat true:
Gentleman of Utica, N. Y., has obtained from
/I A
the Witch-hazel, a simple remedy., which lays a
more just claim to the name of " family core sr than
any Medicine we hare 'ter before knowc. Nothing
is connected with it but a hula Alcohol to preserve it.
and yet it acts with great certainty in removing pain
and all local inflamation ming all sores, burns, brui
ses and lameness, rapidly. Piles, bowel complaints,
ebolers-morbus, hemorrhage, ear ache, tooth-ache, lore
eyes, and all.c,ervocis Ofvetirms. It is white as water
aortas harmless: and it is called
" Ponds Pant Dedroyer and Healing Extract"
Moe is genuine •xer • Pond's Extract" ii blown in
the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this nwdicine to
the 'Public and bat expended a vast deal of time ■nd
money in bringing it to a high state of pe!fection, and
we now warrant every bottle to give as on.
A man by the name of Spencer has pot forth •n
article called "The Coyle Extract" which elsima to
be from the Witch-hazel. If from that shrub, its name
a a perfect deception, anti it is a very imperfect arti
cle be not deceived, get a pamphlet and see.
For wile at Montanyes & Co. Towanda, 8. S. Ilin
man /ifoturoitton, Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Bonita
Willey Franklin. June sth 1850 ,
Clock, Watch, and Jewelry . Store !
A M. WARNER takes this method of informing
his old customers and the public generally, that
he has purchased of J. P. Doll, his stock of Watches,
Clicks and 'Jewelry, and has commenced the above
business in all of its venous branches at the old stand
of the latter, on;Main street, two doors south of Brick
Row. His replatation se a watch - repairer ie so well
established in this community, that it is hardly necers.
serf to say a word on that point. With his long em
ttend great advantages for acquiring i thorough
ge of the business, be has confidence in saying
to the public, bring on your watches and docks, 1 will
do them justice.
. All goods sold,-or Repaving done, warranted as-1
recontmend, or the money refunded.
A good assortment of Clocks, Watcher' and Jewelry
kept constantly on hand.
My motto shall be—quick sales, small profits, rash
down, and no credit given. Credit need not be - asked
for--es 1 am bound not to make its acquaintance.
Towanda. July 12', 1850. A. M WARN ER.
swAsmorg Miekrg i
I 8 permanentl y located st Troy, lid will earnings ,to
maks professional visits at Towanda, where he Will
bs found st the Ward'House--end also continuos to *i
ris Canton. Moorman, Barrington and Idatithaeld Ss
weal : Towinsda, Sept. 4, 1850.
SMALL quantity of those superior Dried Apple',
yet on band at jI3
More Neyis tie r the
• ,t;.
ond effictent to foay
f# be Pith:ger • firth
tie taro _ iirtyP Spine s ebruted
CelOnitti Compeatul Syrup of Wild Cierry:
• 'iris norrrknillaClN SATING
- : . I I ,•
that I .
would n'eit
• giire one bottle of
, Dr. SweyWe's Com.
pound Elynip ntrWild
, • Chbrry,fee half slate' aof any
other preparations.. lieveiried all
the ptiptilar•i‘nia, 'bet this rands on
' rivalled for the cure of this•followitirt
eases, vest Influenza, Coughs, Golds, Consump
tion Spitting of blood, Palpitation of Heart,
Whooping tough, Tickling or rising sensation
in the Throat, Dronchiti., Asthma or wealr.-
ness of the Nervous System, or im
paired constitution from any cause,
and to present person• from
falling into a Decline, &c.
&c., this medicine
has not it s
Great tutu of Enerann !Lomas, llngineer, at Mr.
Petal' Factory, corner of Ninth and Wallace Its,
Spring Garden. More substantial evidence of the
wonderful curative properties of Dr. Sways'', Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry.
Putt.anet.eura, April 16, 1650.
. ,
Dr. Stvagne—Dear Sir—Being severely afflicted
with a violent Gold and Cough, which settled upon
my lungs, attended with great difficulty, soreness in
my side, that I could scarcely breathe, spitting of blood
no appetite, could get no rest at night, owing to the
severity of my cough, would spit as inneh as a pint
of blood at a time. Thismournfol state of things con
tinued until I almost despaired of lwsng cured, having
tried physicians and numerous things without relief;
but having heard of the great virtues of your Com
pound Syrup of Wild lCharry, and its being approved
of by physicians of the first eminence, I cooclinfed to
make a trial of it, and am happy to state that three
bottles performed a perfect cure; my sleep is now un
disturbed and sweet, and I firmly believe that to your
medicine I am indebted Toe this great cure..
I shall be glad to eommunicate with any pinion on
the subject who may be plraacd to call on me, and Gni , .
roborate what I have said in the above certificate, at
the factory or my residence. - Yours, &e.
Euwanis Hairson.
v. Be very p!rtleular to get the original and only
genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, as prepared be
Dr. Bwayne, N. W. corner of Eighth and Rate streets,
Philadelphia ; all others are " licentious and counter
$2 to $3 (WI
3, 50
4 00
$2 00
" A safe and effectual remedy for Worms. Dyspep•
silt, Cholera Morbuir, sickly or. Dyspeptic children or
adults, and the most useful Family Medicine ever o&
fired to the Public."
PUILADIL/Plit•, Marc) 2d, 1849.
• Dit. Surtesw—Dom Sir--Hewing made use of va
rious nauseous Vermifuge Medicines, which bad been
highly applauded by their proprietors, without the
slightest good effect, and haring !wend my neighbors
speaking in the highest terms of your Worm Medicines.
its deligbtfal taste and wonderful effect, although
kit somewhat discouraged from the result of the anti
cies I had forced upon. my already emaciated, sickly,
dyspeptic looking child, whose delicate and almost
worn out frame the Worms had already begun to make
their ravages; I concluded ,o make trial of your val
uable Vermifuge, which, to oar great joy, the Worms
had to let go their deadly and gird strong holds upon
the vitals. Such was the effect of Dr. Swaves Ver
mifuge oil my child' which is now perfectly healthy,
assuming all the color of the rots, with all the mirth
fulness of innocent and playful child.
Yours atie., TOBIAS WIEGAND.
No. 4 Howell street, between Schuylkill Third and
Four h.
. Beware of Mistakes! Remember, Dr. Swsyne.
Vermifuge is now put up in square bottles. See that
the name is spelt correctly. SWAYNE.
Dr. gutrync's Sugar Coaled Sarsaparilla and Er
tract of Tar Pills.
A mdd and effective purgative, great purifyer of the
blood, they correct all the functions of the liver, and
as an alterative in Dropsical affections they are very
valuable. Giddiness of the head, dimness of sight,
depression of spirits, headache, &c., are cured by these
purifying Pills.
Remember always to inquire particularly for Dr.
Swayne 's Sarsaparilla and Extract of Tar Pills. See
that the signature of Dr. Swayne is on each Bos.
The above valuable medicines are prepared only4T
Dr. H. Swayne, corner of flth and Race streets. Phila
delphia, to whom all orders should be addressed,
Borrow & Peat :a, Towanda Pa.
Chas. Rathhune. Canton, I Browo & Rockwell, Mon-
Beidleman & Brown, A meson,
theca traillry. ' C. I H. Herrick, Atheism.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. !Kinney & estates, She-
C. T. Murphy. Centreville.l shequin.
.1. Daniels, Burlinston. M. Bullock & Co., East
8. W. & D. Y. Pomeroy; Smithfield.
I T"),' Sty IKing & Yodzaarg, Troy.
I\lo tither medicine has ever been introduced to the
111 public that haa met with such unparalleled sue
rem, es Da. Sautes Oriental Sovereign Balm Pills.
Having been but six years before the public, and the
advertising small, compared with most other medicines,
yet they have yolked their way into every state in the
Union and Cinadu.• They hive absolutely become
the Standard Medicine of the day. They are' purely
vegetable and so admirably compounded that when ta
ken in largo doses they speedily cure the most delicate,
nervous female, and have rained ambers from their
beds after all other remedies had failed.
BEWARE OP commarErts.
AS there are speriona Pills in circulation called Ori
ental or Sovereign Balm, be sore to see before you buy
that the name of " Dr. E. L. Soule 4 Co." is on the
face of the boxes. None others can be genuine. We
are not aware that any one who is making • spurious
article has yet dared to make use of our name; but
Anne of them have bad the impudence to imitate ou•
boxes and copy our Cireutars, Certificates, ofie. Unica;
the public ore careful when they rachase, they will
be deceived. 18y.
13:7` The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM PILLS can
he had wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.,
Euclid, N. V., and in Towanda by HUSTON & POR
TER. and by Agents in every town in the country.
New Arrangements and New Firm.-
- LT MIX & DR. E. IL MASON, having formild a
11 • copartnership in die Drug and Medicine business,
roma respectfully solicits attention to their Nett supply
o f English, Preach, German and Americas Drags,
Medicines, Chemicals, Varnishes, Paints, Ods Dye
Mutt.. Perfumery, Patent Medicines, doe, Alm Also,
Campine', and burning fluid—end a very large assort
ment of all kinds of Liquors, and Gmeeriat, together
with an ittravagant quantity Of Fancy Goods. We
have also, a very gapers} variety of Lamps of various
Hems received a fresh eapply of Mods, they invite
the poblie t to amine their stark before paretterieg
eliewbere,prottikawtorw and all wbo may feel tbopesed to
extend to them their *renege. to MI ow se liberal
terms as say other eitablitenwat this side of Now York.
One of the proprietors being a regular Phyaition, af
rotas ample pansies of the genuine quality of all aril
cksiold at their mom.
Towanda, Jime 1, 1810
• 4lornot Despait.!
•e . !
• ram by ..11
r dst°lll CT otne trait '"'
Aft ; .
Tho,fiffirilvinitoase is one sir gmet,.4 , t riumphs
of int:inane over disease everlublished in nistiEcaltio
tory. Heed it!
Prompted by i ntkother'ohah theleefing oflienevolence.
and for the beaelil of my allheted fellow . Weirs, 1 'Je.
sine to make knowikkahert description of na disease.
and the nntexpeeted tore I obtaiurtd front EIL/HENCES
PITI:MONIC SYRUP. About three rare Igo I was
stflicted wit • a violent cold, which settletyis my breast
and.sides end every low dirt woulld raise euttritleta
tile bleat; my cdugh was tight and distressing. Every
day I had !Solent fever creeping chino, and profuse
sweats at riight,„ with great difficulty of breathing and
'great loss of o a ppetite; my system was entirely proe
trated;heingconfined to my bed most of the time.—
Two of 'the most eminent physicians of thin city at
tended met, and 'after exhausting all their 'kill, pro.
nouaced my l ame incurable. indeed, one said my
lungs were silmost gone, - ausi I could not possibly re
cover. At this stage of my disease, I was prevailed
upon to try Dri'Schtudes Pulmonic Syrup, and hcfore
I had taken luilf a dozen tattles, was so far recovered
as to be to go.aborit the house. It seemed to strAmth
en my whole system—it loosened - the cough and stop
ped the bleeding—my • bowvis became regular, and
every thing I ate, seemed to digest easily and ncurish
my whole system. Indeed, such was the rapid pro.
grew of my hea:th and so sudden the change, that I
became too sanguine of • speedy cure, and ,abandon
ed the use of the medicine before the • disease was'
thoroughly eradicated, which resulted in another attack
of bleeding at the longs last talk accompanied by a dis
tressing cough. I again conturenced taking the Pul
monie Syrup, and sent for Dr. Schenck who, spier a
careful examination, advised me to continue using it.
Before I had taken four bottles, an abscess formed in
my side, which gathered end broke, discharging, as near
as I can judge, a pint of very disagreeable yellovi mat
ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my wholisers.
ten, Prim this time I began to get better , and am
happy to say entirely recovered. I am sure sit this
time I enjoy better health than I have for the list ten
years. Since I commenced taking the Pulmonic Syr-
op, I have never tailed to recommend it Wherever I
went, that others, as well as myself, might be saved
saved from that awful disease; for I' feel it • duty
owe to the afflicted to publish it to the world. Penpit
me to mention a few cases which have come under my
immediate observation. Being on a tre4t to Camden,
N. J., last summer, I saw a child, evidently in the last
stage of bowel consumption. The mother informed
me that the physicians bad given the child up as in
curable. I told ber, what benefit I had received from
the use of Schenck's . Pulmonic Syrup, and inducid
her to procure a bottle. I beard • nothing more froth
the little sufferer nntil about three month after; being
in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady who
observed me very attentively. She finally approached
me, and asked if I was not the lady who recommend
ed Schenck's Pulroonic Syrup to her dying child last
summer in Camden. I replied that I was. She said
thit her child had entirely recovered, and was uncom
monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, and now
resides in Bridesburg." Another lady I would mention
in particular, who had • scrofulous affection. Her face
and neck presented one continued sore, and one of her
eyes was .erinusly affected with it. She bad become
greatly emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery.
I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmonrc Syrup, which
she did, and is now 'perfectly cured. Another lady.
Mrs. McMullen. whose residence I will give on appli.
cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consumption,
I prevailed upon her to try the Poltnonic Syrup. In a
very short time she was entirely recovered, and now en
joys excellent health, having become exceedingly fleshy
'rhea. era three eases within my knowledge, which I
know were cored by Schenck's polmonictSyrop, All
who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble to
call on me at my residence Parrish stmt five doors
above tenth north side, I think I will be able to sans
frctorily convince them by own case, and others that
I know have been eared by Ibis Syrup. Since my
cure, there bare been so many to see me to know what
I took, that I have bad a very good opportunity of
knowing a great malty that have taken it, and have
been greatly benefin4l thereby, and I think if persons
afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would
send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine
their lungs, and if he says he can cure them, follow the
directions, and prevent taking cold, they will rapidly
(713,1 ELMA 1.. LETBERT,
Philadelphia, May 29, 1849.
J. H. Scnitvor—Dray Sir—l bare known Mrs.
Leibert for several years. as a member of my church,
and have all confidence in her statement, and am re
joiced to find her again restored to health. Any thing
more, in addition to her statement, is needles..
Yours, truly, THOS. L. JAN F. WAY.
Pastor of the North Presbyterian Mnch,
Philadelphia. June 20, la 9. flth st. above Green.
Prepared and sold by J. H. SCHENCK, at his Lab.
orrstory S. E. corner Coates & Marshall its., and by
the following Agents in Bradford County.
Geri it, Meilliuiy Athens; D. Bailey. Vatirmakt T
limnpintrY,'Orwell; Marten! & Woodburn; Rome;
J. J. Warlord, Menroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst. Le Roy ;
C. E. !Witham', Canton ; King & Volker', Troy .
and by Ml2B MALlON.Towarsda.
Price, St per bottle or S 5 per half doses,
Ts the -Wider belongs /be Spoils.
ADTOUGH many preparstions in th form of" .ropu•
Jar Medicines," have been before the public, claim.
mg to give relief. and even cure , the most inveterate
diseases. yet none have iro.erell answered the purpose
as Dr. Shertnan's Medicated LineilfeS. They are agreea
ble to the tame, easily adminWerted, end from the un
precedented success which they have met with, and the
remarkable cares which they bait, . performed, may
justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror over the di
seases for which they have been recommended. Dr.
Cure the Mast obstinate mica of Cough in a few hours.
They base cured a large number of persons who have
been given up by theirphysicians and friends, and many
who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by
spitting blood, Consumption and Hectic Fever, by their
ewe have had rose of health restored to the haggard
cheek and Stow live to speak forth the praise of this
invaluable medicine, Dr. /3 'herniae 's
Rave been proved in afore ,than 400,000 cases to be in
fallibility, in fact the only certain Worm Destroying
Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them
Theo they cannot be forced to take any other medicine,
end the benefit derived from the edministnition of medi
cine to them in this form is great beyond conception.
When the breath of the child becomes offensive. and
there is picking of the nose;'grirsirusg of the nose, grind
ing of the teeth during sleep, paleness about the lips
with noshed cheeks, bleeding at the now, headache,
drowsiness, starting during Amp, disturbed dreams,
awaking with }lightning screams, troublesome cough,
feverishness thirst, voracious appetite, sickness at the
stomach and bloated stomach—thew are among the
many tannalitunt symptoms of weems,• and can be
relieved by these Lacomparable Lozenges. They have
never been known to Fail. Dr. Sheruian's
Relieving headache, uervou a sick headache, pairetation
of the heart sod sickness in.s few minutia. They cure
towline of spirits, despondency, frames., conic, spasms,
enutips qf the stomach, summer or bowel complaints--
they keep nrilhe @pints, dispel all the distressing of a
dissipation, sod enable a person to.undergo great men
tal or badly toil. Dr. f}herman's
Is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the
best stnsngthing Plaster in the world and a sovereign
remedy fur pains and weakness in the beck; loins, side
breast, neck, limbs, loints, rheumatism, Itnbego,
One million a year will not supply the denaand.- -
Caution is nearmary, r there - are many . unprirscipkd
persons . who would force a spurious article upon the
community. Be careful to get Sherineres Poor hian's
Plaster, with a "foe simile" of his written name on the
back—none others are genuine, and will do moss hurt
than good. Bold in Towanda by BBSTON & POR
TER, NO. I, Brisk Row. ley
HAVING resumed the business of SITRVEYJNG.
it all work entrusted to sly care be done with
accuracy and despa'cb. Notsces left as the 4 .llllranl
House, will ensure attention.
May 24. 1830. 11;18. CAIRN 1 . 3116(180N.
Refers Mason. Michael Miylest,
I Ward, J. S. Br desr
; -71 , e"' " • • '
. .
EN EACH Berntr-Ons IbliopmVa. a ers—Teass
Dna •ilay—oliersew amtabiafg dame loft
~.Twer Dark
• Prier sl.Njirlstias.f. We Maki fir el,
31131113111T"Will •
PURL - = . .
jild .m =l:l . lint jarri t a i ali ng 'a
"1.1.111 . 4
Tbe rail $ nra Srw , AMU'
NI abet stainer any la moo mama La tomiononol
Inn the 1 'inn tarr—booosse It on wig poonroa at
J arting of fat Op Ihnus Lastiect sir . .
Elonaporlikk - Tolkno Dock, . :t
_,cionisi "ea sairmatua IBMs, !,
awe ifromitiii, Mires asimmili; WI bow ricallWil at
cod of thew IN mot Yea of Ilt am or to foga IN tem
battle of .eigiot Sand if iliftiroyortia: ,
Bot, efecolusi ifr-beerise Ibis Perlllmeelee .11111111110 Ile Me.
kat Orel ma haft Wolin tif mond 114011
ROOIDOBOatkair Ina Irollotailino,
'ha ?tildrellus Onilldraki; of width go pool* anotama to Mono
and whoa Not on wiwoothitd tank liwtonatift, y t o.
Datoa, demo bs Oh stedidottbootaat attokt
and wilier t t he steed dtr add. *vino {1 this.
that to have soy &Mt oadatol the Deed
oat, One Taloleepemerellt tires Noon Day.
Bat it la not so with Fatted of Seneyorafte. lbe to eciweetwwe of
ice.meateetko fat *vs belga) being so much weabe % Fi t a i r
redacted the Rest al denapuilla has so be Tyre,
or more Terldels—Teett. lava, or Naas ewer a Day.
to lava any' eut dial; and an a bottle of Dana only
bide etayfints geokfin, tharefine, so wane opottetab at a atee.
aid so maw dares • day, will we up a Wale of a In
fear, Firs. or Ors Elam
which show that a bade of Brava's Parlfee, will lea fro
Twelve as eltateeia Days (rpm alms a teals of Beessparilbt;
and if he daily medical effiatey (be seen ) 6e a• Ftratrvnto
mod ticebuto as the daily , (lwye awe) al dise
Patame that Clem boats of tide Pea:ma Is worth Yuan, P. or
File tire note than a bottle of Saraspartle
Tao above egautarlatis doss ate yet abewtM gfrad drama in
emir between the watied eilkee• of B tree POUF= nod Sew.
reastba. fib[ ep plat by the ot cams la Streit
Perspffire. are
has was efficacy. set IE~ /NM Wean" Wed Aar, Ala
TEN Betake et egomptparUla.
14 ohm Or Dorms of Prongs iirlefimr On MILLAR Or
Wadqf Sarsapeaniaa aboulki 11 br Tem Cur.
Mr. J. B. Raw, at NW, Onside co, wisp was wet of
Scrofula' to ttN6, sworn to the Jodi as Wand below, In as action
fo the fireases Collar to the Cityut Kee Met as de 21101 erlfs.
essier, ISO, wider the following .ftewi
A person in the Curd Nes IWit bet weillentreetaed yielded
a if/wives article of ined=call=flaseres lewd& Km.
=in beftettia erf tbe Hs wee serwsternet be
dansayme, be Ws Supreme Court tbe City a t New Yet*
and Abe awe was rgfiffrad tg,
.tiks Owl to J. & Boswerne,
51 Libeev caeca,
g aminess Lawyeiror Belem to We the lexl
way. The In esenestea of dinessee; den the
Proprietors or Braille Pfedleim had In Mir lass Mb/ hilbad reuse
IMIKIIIIINTSafara, sad thou bed ceenn
dowers it ted*. a&ed cm de public,
dessetwe was not whiled en imps of Mr. kis.
Hsad,a was eelect , ed as bthig Jabs, end Raskin@ was sewn as a mews
In reward to the Peers as published, and We tedisamy MOILS IMAM
surreuren tar pubbleatee.
Itt RABBIS sobl.l siolforquistsl on Buts Foaling llstrori—
hue osed it Yu ..Wisto. About
Joon sou, t us ury taily
by it; I us United by mural tortors—Usity att had tea I cull mit too—
On modirimm mold coro me. fit oromersmou of soli oforroUt . ll . br sus
froths !maul said Roses Perffire, I took mo
ha d t
sum tho touter I had Mn. torlbsist to ms had a ho time; reread sot
sir my twit to my Ismit ary or* Inn or Wes is-food loos ear rm stir
sor oak so situ out mut it, that a could tie Mot op mit of it oat,
bedtime by ■ pierce at Us tom • bd. 'um omen Moue* my • so that
pout m sot rat ist tie bobs als otos som ea my b lush
u tot but, saistbro Olim soder my ansumolly as Ism, whois bad eues thrush
toy rids, so that obi body scold bis (mist Sao ; am lase Ys atie.d.d
hem my shoollos to my Shur tibia, had sobs% to tboituto Ist worm(
Ulu aims mlso. loud 1111110.4 P.rUiff Unks, thojibt UAL lost
od Sues Sue. • I woo so Irma I cody to
ereetAir* 5p..0 , 5:v . 0l o 800
that tio is ,as to suits am to us. eat of WM; th• • somoul
brittle 1 took this el/ ditse (a spoonfolh whicb otorsithemost me sod blesloil
mry sou, mo that I .11. We to smelt mu saw
4 tors wr Sisal $
Lusts& et Ramo Bollsoliete I mat this shut bests ( 41,10 Bitsprn
ALL MY CLCICRI„ butter multures deur her as U des ass Ismoh,
mot Usu owlet uses 16 thippistg smut I imed-.10. rms. stub
rip 'cancer CURL sod sultoull mor_tO reed /smith, VON PULL
fNIET7Cf/LiftS, .y 66 .B.CMPULSTS.
rot\ ;04 A :izir fig ;11 ri 01l
Mr. O. B. KINNEY, merchant. alarm, moats, r Y. in
Forne.i a..tioi R can in said county ism re velum won
der-NJ mares of Cstrcutut ttwoortv the effuscy of BR ANrs CBI.
FT! so EXTRACT. A euserr-efoitor in Greene roomy, N. Y.., la
mho mins said Poursca. Mr. A. B. Scrota. &netts:. at Cony./o.
bar*, Montgomery county, N. T. has Informed us of an hapweard
.nor of a Carioca of km; standing, which was efremed man aged
lailg of that piece. therefore, this Tenturtun craft Ceres. by it.
purifying, healing power, what impure disease of the blood can
it wit enrol Seven yeas' euporieuee sod triumph wow there are
acme but 'dealt will tore.
. .
M 4 aCi A CE:1 0 ); 1 'll O- lii:,4 61
The 114 e. RICHARD DONNING, Pastor of the Prestrrterfan
thumb, Admits Bests, Monroe toasty. N. Y., wrote 1 0 U.: "1.-haw
just received a letter how Mr. CsiF i r Dtterittiu, relative, !tithe
, :ere of hist Fererlion t. Too may tie 'what it Natea, he
a a Chrbetan man amine elder in church. Some . years since
se had to bare one of Me Wes set 0, to rare his life, tseousequence
of a reverwerie. The other le toeing now affecteth and Moot to
se amputated, recommended - Bug's lilmecien. Read the re
sult. Be says: ' I eras ea/ gip 1110TTLZ% of BRANT'S
MEDICINE. I yieeet au. wen. Pm Per*ww•ow , "‘Z 4 . 1
]thrill,and I can now my thou, with the bleashot of it has
trade/ •
we •• snf lye" Bee Pamphlets Obr fudi
MATRA!!! HUBBARD. of th , l, tme of the °West
and most responsible pi:yodeling, wee .letW with Liew...ears:
W lain iM and 1 " .• P".. 1 " 41, awe'!" TO*/ BRANDS PU
IMPS cr. wsrouaki. name glailareall of other noose
Lao cued.
. .
No moody to the public hem ever bee. OW es sovOris ...I
Veriest Ile ' Au. the inektentot meakwers sod irreg./oriole"
of the=s s Pmartort RAt..M. It toteszo ,r dlttee
etio—lt LL, by streeytkenese the systtle. Irmirftrew
%.CI 111084 Ale lea/hise owl ellotrog soutvocs =STAMM
or p GEIP I dem .
the girl to the semi. sad the per. .! ail& age the ate
Attie Is earderste4 cod the ci4ber so rrisbusay rais,.4- as t 6 pre
toss any of is fliessess the: treceently arise la otereetere ot
emit erode.
• Arrtr.A. Orseree Co. PebrearT UM
IL T. -WALLACE & CO.—Grodemest I Wee, for more that
• r••• anima wtch• disease of the SIDMIAL I could we rat an
tat or mart imbrues:it wither mule; itrent,poin. skkereh and
ratter end was caothiesny silleted.yrlol ■ rrtor troesori . I, se
Wed one bottle of BRANDS MEDICINE. orldtl.,
to oty UMW 10.1411101.11.11114 marl oed odiered No UMW poet 411.1 W
maw. I therrlbre end a elestol hortir, which has completely curd
the ilrenee. I en stnor waled booty. end cm vet stooge any
Wag Irgban beteg ar Ma mama be .000 r
• Taws T. IL I^
Mr. WUrsz is a- march ral at ltlka
lltraost A Giusams Co, N. Y. 04 IS, Is 7.
• Ifesera.K. T. WALLACE & CO. a Some thee Mit whims my
wills Mears to debiliseed from the seises ofjmenillessed Nem
_Sse Nmsb, that Me meld sot 1111 bar WA er perMss sty Imam
sold bior. sr samileal vestment was veers mderdlor to its
shies ui p l . pessortpsibore of dr meet missed yhysliMea. moll MI
that at the time sbe ammeeced tabs Mears X • the
so mu Missies/41m pounds; but by Use dna vibe had
takes*. Imam Me bemuse perfeetty welt Ms awe Ia
Ss she Is mew edsbled to do all encemary bassisboid myrk7 i n
Imbed ddrty muds of deb la four weeds.
Yours man C. B. 0411.1ENTINZ."
'lib.l . 44leT i ll observe that Kr. GALEPTIII6 . Ilej• "Mr WILE."
Be. we are SAMNA by Z. & Tamar, less, of the same pleat. bee
teethed seedletbse.
BRANT'S IPURITTING EXTRACT spread anattaeetel ens/
mew ofeit M. grforrAt Illatamr, or b s oy albs Talons prepare.
tkee CAuxituct. Cr IhICCILY= regain j sod ft mama the
/ANN; etactio, ma an pertt to their otigittal. eramrte"
A. HOLTSTAMDER, merchant, Obai toned. INK. Cie%
wren% December le. ISM end after booing steed how me a elms
the PULAIONAZI BALSAM had dinned tho clue of' Me irtlVe
=Vecomb. said: .1 have peroonelty wed /tzars ru.
t EXTRACT, Inc. mend debility of my opens. end I
hem so heelteden It ember that Ms the beet medicine to anstoat
sod onoonioos vet semen thin I have ever need. In '
Maw where we bees amid WETS MEDICINES. Soy Aape
Ponied Sae ellenew, wed pins Ss odor sameredrow."
awl all haloes *mak liissosia a. stoop, an always !lard by
ausrs EXTJUCT.
For age. by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda
C. H. Herrick, Ather a ; C. B. Rathhone, 'Canton ; D
D. Parkhurst, Leßoy ; Brown & Rockwell, Monroe.
ton ; E. W, Boikd, Rummerfield ; M. H. Welles, WY
aiming ; D.Railes & son Leßayseille ; T. Humpkry
Orwell; Msynard & Wo odburn. Rome; E. S. Tracey
BnitAtVl..Coryell & Gee, Burlington; E.Run-
Y ° ' TRa
pb• AlVietteo andorders mint be addressed to. Wal
are & Co.. 104 Broadway. N. Y. ' 19y
11111r3E0111Mbr ' IIE.RIIILIgCIEr-Miii•
L. M. NYE & CO., would re.
upectily inform the citizens of Tow.
anda and the publicgenerally, that
they bave"ouland & manufacture
to order all kinds of CABINET
[FURNITURE, of the best mate.
rids, and workmanship that cannot
be au inward , i o add Wont* the usual
assortment in country shops, we will teepon band and
make to order SOFAS, of various and moat approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairs, upboltered in superior
style. and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed
ev e n in one large cities. Also, %behalf Preach No.
&sway Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair,
which never loses its elasticity, and finished wi t h th e
beet bair !eating : We flatter °unitives that baring
had much experience in the Waimea, we shall be able
to astiefy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and rice. and by strict attention to business
hope to merit and receive the pietronsge of a liberal cow
munity. L. N. NYE & CO.
Towanda September 1,; 1849
ill , •:
jog received a new supply the celebrate
For Union Hite Ibioade 'cry cheap. Also a new
of of clothing, at the new Clothing and Hit store No.
-Which Row,' H. dt.t. CAMPBELL.
TERMS- OF DE BINGHAMTON Boon so um' bow 11 0 d tuli4 o'.o l e -I °ding th lholtrePhy, 14 % 4.
tag - Writing, Arithmetic. Algebra, Book-ke ep i
English Granunar. Rbelotie, Composition,
i Gep, p l;
Um of thefilobeo4krarekegy. Natural Philniophy i '
Arionolty. (with dgm of. goad IPPoralus to ill
oMothaelt sitedileolliwafllaiketophy and Cher .
Esrable:4 ol 'Will''' . bi-OvagN et annum, $107704
D. =Weak Per Ti o lNt. .- _ • - 40 1
awritA Mtaasa l e.
P ietenb. per vow,. , '-' ' Si of
......- , zt- - -- ' ' 4pp
100iiiish, ' 81 - . 4pp
.M OOO ./.1 410 di m ities's.) 0ff., 2171 0 10 00
:BabOil*7' lam' Ili
__.**kr"._ .
.r— 2 so
Ano young mosetrialumtroeufflo on the pi n*,
aainkassa Inannnoyug:witrk, or soy one of the i t"
.an/rastmes,iind !ha itune-thire,Whbootaddition a l d am.
To a yOlOl4 tadt,mbe dadies the English brin c h ei
the teems at isimi#,'ltack Of therein. bran.o4%, ,
periptartet, ' - -."-•-. ' • . la 00
imenetiorni on the.Gukar,. . :,. 400
• •
Um °Manes, . - 75
Drawing andpaintlig in Wain colors. including •
the use &materials, such as drawing paper, -
paints, pencils, &e. . 4 to
Oil painting on canvass. , '_ " • 10 op
Painting. transparent window shade*, i 04041.1 01
the supply of materials, each 4 0 0
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelve lessons. 5 40
'Gilding do silk. crape. &e. do. 3 to
Wax lloweni, per quarter, Sao
Pens and ink; . " So
Wishing, 2 50
Board in vacation, $2 00 per Week.
Letters postpaid, addressed to the Misses Wg
&GINF'FIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N. Y., will e .
teim prompt attention.
Stomach 1
Omit , .dtale
JOHN WW. ' 'WILCOX, has removed his-establab.
went to the shop between Kingsbera'a and p„i.
left's stores, 'and where •he still solicits - a *bin c
public patronage. He intends, by a careful achen's'
of stock, and by attention to the interests of Ain ea c „
mere to make as neat I' durable work 'skin be m a
nufactured in this, part the country.
He will keep conetan on hand, and mainfram e
in order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Hooftand .ab, e „ .
Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips," Chi/draft do.,
Gent's Gaiters and Pump's, 4-e. 4
ccr Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment: for work, atilsi market price.
Towanda. April 28:1850.
kJF. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform
. citizen% of 'Towanda, and the public that be
commenced "the
in T,owanda, on Main street, a few doom abovelldh e
mmeet, whom he will keep Constantly on hand or mak.
to Oran!: Plated and common Harness, Thinks ens
Trunk Vallee's, add all kinds ofirort in his lino.. CAR.
.to order., From hie experierice in .the busine,o4, asd
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
a -sham.. of puLlie patronage.
U 3 AU kinds of work may he 'hid at his shop chei,
ear than at any other shop in this couryty.
Towanda. June 12, :850
Removed to north side Public Square
11 . Ch 4 flanbtriin,
Aft, I
I j ust retu rned
returnetl from the ray
' of New York with a lam
11116 supply of Watches Jencks and
, o .
.er ware, corm-m.411g to pm,
the following articles:—Liort
L'Epine and Plain Watches, Win
'6 \4./ILC . a complete ncillrtment of (Sod
Jewelry, such' as Esr Rings. For
ser Rings ; Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gold Must
Gold Pena, Keys, etc. Algo, all sorts of Silrento.
antiany quantity of es:Meld/rads—all dif whichlte offers
for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
- Watches repaired on short notice, and trawled
to o run well, or the money will he refunded.' and a ien .
ten agreement given to that effect 'if required: '
•N, B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Product
taken in payment for work; and alas. kora nat. rod
forgrer,that thc Produce must be paid takealdrwori
is dunc.-1 war against credit in all its forms.
' W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda, April 28, 1850.
- -
preps. of the Graefeaberg COI
Murton & Porter, it H.Mii in Towanda, end II
agents appointed in each town in the county.
Also, for sale, the Grrafenbee g Manual of ffeeltlLl
complete u.san soot for Families, containing inform.
tion relative to the treatment of "'most every form ai
of disease ; 300 pagirt--price, 30 Cents.
N. B. A Family Newspaper will he given. fru) .
durrge,tor one gear, to all who purchase Graistenber;
All csrumunicadona'must be addressed to P.C. b.
geraal, Elmira, Cheraw( county, N. Y.,Cieneral
Or Natures Pais Deatreitr, and Remedy fit Dino
THIS Extract is a pure liquid, free from every thig
inconvenient or dangerous. As a pain wens
this medicine ii superioi to every thing , yet disoneM'
and as an application to reduce inhumation, thestilld
mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. It soot
the Nervous System--beids wounds., bruises , s r alig.
and cleanses elcena--reduces all manners of owl* ,
and tumors; and CUM Summer Complaints.DiummY
Infantile Thames, Female complaints, and urn of I
ordinary Family Ailments.
After ithat, I have stated, you will not be rurri ya
rlia declam ation of my opinion and' firm easeictire,
that the liquid prepared kik you is ova or ear ta t
_ i n t. ' .
1.113 la Z--gind that it wit . ' prove a most MO W '
remedy for all nervous effecnons, and a cure Wieen.
mations, sage sod chronic, when seasonably awl PM'
ray applied. Further observation and e xperimented
tie.neeessary to determine the best mode of ittapPtir*
Lion, whether internally or externally, and ale 9uss ll4
to be administired..
Your ob't servant, Joss C. SemMu ,
The above medicine , found at all the Ate'
cies for the safe of the celebrated Graefenberg
eines, in the mantis. named.
tinfainla IEIIaRMICav-Ws
THE salacsiber Ilse woo l
hia maw shop, • few robe)."
' bin know location sad ea foo:
pasha aids of the wiesk .llll6 o 4
1111 1, continuo Mlllaashasere
.------ • licep on hand, all kis& of wo,
and . wood mess CHAIRS; 0 "
s, sErrzza of mime talk
BEAFTEADB of every doe *
lice. which I will vell
cash or Producii, or Pine or Chew* Lawb.g." 94 11
plank, win. ha tusked for. work. TURNING awe*
onkr hs the steefeat saanner. Also.
make and kept on hand, or made-to 'order. is the
Towanda, March 90849.
The. rdebroled Graefothere
• Vegetable Pills
were introduced into the
ri the year 1846. • Then IF
raortlinary virtues, and swe
iority over:all other PILI.B
known in this country, In
established them as Me.slarei
etrd Medicine of Ike day,
For sale, together with the