ii RAYMOND & Co. AND VAN AM LONG • ESTABLISHED MENAGERIES, ~,NITED in one large and varied exhibition, consisting of all the rare animals now extant, numbering over one hundred opeaimens, will exhibit at TOWAIS LA, on TUESDAY, OCT. 15, 1850; open at ~'eloelr,T. M. Admission 25 cents; children under 10 years, l 2 cents. Amongst this great collection , whietr is the largbst ever exhibited in America, is the RHINFCEROS, sr, the Uicorn'of Holy Writ; the first and only one in America since 1836. The great diffic .lip in waiting this huge and savage creature, together "with the almost Impossibility of keeping. him alive in a d.mate so uncongenial to his habits and constitution, renders the exhibition of a living Rhinoceros the prarest curiosity in the Animal Kingdom Also, the GREAT GRIZZLY BEAR, FROM CALIFORNIA. In this great collection of animals will be seen FOURTEEN LIONS, of the finest specimens. from Ekren( countries, some of which were presented to the renowned Van Amborgb, by Her Majesty. queen Victoria, in his recent tonr through Europe,. The Monster Elephant, COLUMBUS. the largest in Amer.ca, weighing 10,730 pounds. Also the beau fol Elephant TIPPOO SULTAN, which has caused such, a great sensation' all over Europe, will go lroagh a variety of Performances, such as Waltzing,' Balancing, Ringing the Bell, Creeping on his fore el ., Walking over his Keeper, Picking him up, Drawing a Cork cram a Bottle, &c, etc. Mr.; CALM A MBVIGII, (the rime' celebrated of WI - Asimal Performers.) WILL GIVE AN 'EXHIBITION IN \A DEN OF WILD ANIMALS. 11, 5 perfirmances with the Terrific Groupe of Lions, lifers, Leopards , Cougars. Panthers, The onse as performed bf -him in all the principal cities of E rope, with such great renown. HIDERALGO, the Lion Tamer, will give a performance in a DEN OF 'WILD ANIMALS, separate, 2,4 altogether differFn t from Mr. Van Amburgh's, making two grand Animal Performances in the same Exhibition. . . . . Many other Performances will be given in the course of the Exhibition. such as Ponies, Monkeys, &c. A full description of the Animals, which the great experience, enterprise and resources of the proprie ,rr have enabled them to bring together in one large and splendid collection, will be found in the Bills, at the principal hotels, previous to the arrival o the Company. The Company will exhibit at ROMP:, Wednesday, October 16 ; at LTIE %YBVIILLE, Thursday, Octo r 17. ocl2w B. J. HUNT, Agent. BLANKS! censtable's Sales, Attimai't P=otations, Receipts, Eirecutii as, Wartiments, Deeds. . %ItrAUllofts. ti Mortgages, • %.bpOoss, Notes, Le. „ol on paper. for C ILI 111.• Oftllo. /'tanks, re•- , dellerlrn On, rioted to or d er . leinnifying Bonds just printeci,and Lk ot this office Dian' led, la Shesbego n, Sept. 17. by Rev. S. I. Gibson, Mr. Joics J. WALLOr to Miss Ei.sc.ra C. FOX, both of Monroeton.. At Athens. Oct. 14, by the same, So LOIION Mi • r-n, orElmtrn. N. Y., to Miss H6]RILTTA ht•Rtf OLM STU, of the former place. In Monroe, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. Johns Foster, N.D. W A 411 , 01/11 to 111LIS ULTRA NIL Habil:T. fro .HEM'. MR. SAWYER, arniver,alist,) will preach at toe Court House, in thi4 tsunday evening. 20th inst. Ncul Abocrtisemcnts EMIR - SHERIFF'S SALE. DV virtue of a writ of Venditiona Expo. issued 1) out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Courtty, and to me directed; will be exposed to pub. he slle, at the Court House, in the boa of 'ToWan da, on Saturday, the 2d day of November .at one °clock. P. H., the fol!owing piece or parcel of land , itaa‘te in the township of Columbia, and bounded 'nonh by lands of 'Franklin Baker. 'west by M. B. Canfield, south by AuStin and RUbbing, and east by f - nah Ferguson and H. Robbins. Containing one hiindred and fi:ly acres, seventy acres improved sub one framed house and barn And apple orchard thereon. seized and taken in execution at the suit. of C. ti. Russell's use, as. John Benson. .l.so-By virtue of a writ of revari Facias. the following niece or'parcel of and in Herrick Dup..' tesintring at the south-west cu er of Jonathan B ut- Hes' lot. thence south 1° west t 540 perches to a T°O on the north line , of 173, th nce south 89° cast 157 7.10 perches to the nonh sat corner of said- - thence I° east 51 4-10 pert to the etorth-easr cor ner.of Bottles' lot, thence gorrh 75 ° west 162'2-10 perches to the place of beginning. Containing se renty acres, thirty acres iinprovel, one lug house, framed addition, one log barn, one other frame, not enclosed, erected for a dish-mill, and a few fruit trees thereon. • B...tzed and taken in execution at the suit of Ze phut) Flower vs Eli Gibbs, administrator of Nelson li"li,!l's, deceased. 'WM. 8. DOBUTSS, Sheriff. Aherirs Office Towanda, Oct. 10, 1850. Orphan's Court S#le. -PT virtue cif an order of the Orphans' court of brad; LI ford roan*, will be exposed to public sale on the Premises, at 1 O'clock, P. M., of Saturday, the 9th day November next, the following tract of lam, in Wyalus• mg township, late the property of Nirem Ackley, dec'd ^detaining two- hundred acres, bounded north by Den 'lasso and Sterling Aeiley, east by C. Donevan, sleuth b:r Benjamin Ackley, west by the highway. Attendance given and terms made known on the'day of ule. JOHN H. BLACK, wyslusing. Oct. 10, 1850. Administrator.. - _ pARMERtir can find CIDER BARRELS; 'meshing 8000 at • 010 TIFFANY'S. flßocEprmex and LAN DLORDs will find an excellent article of Binghamton ALE. by the bbL, at oil) TIFFANY'S. Orphases Court Bye. AiY virtue of an order of the Orphans' mini of Brad ford county. there will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of traced's'', the 19th day of November next. the followingjrast of land sam e in Springfield township, bounded—Beginning at • post in the highway leading.trom the Elmira .wad to Smithfield on the firm of J. IC Watson, and run north 44° West 12. rods to i poet in the brook. 0 , 710 north 74° Mt 4 rods to a post, thence south 36° nag 14 rode to spoe thanes south 33° west 16 rods 1, ) a sunup in the higlioray,thence north 40° west along led highway le 4-10 rode to the.beginning. Contain -41 one acre and forty-eleven square rods of land—be be late residence of Jason Watson, decrees& Attendance will be given and the terms of sale Male known by LUCIUS FRENCH, Springfield, Oct. •8, 1850. ' ' Administrator. GREAT ACCIDENT Jae befallen the merchants, in consequence of 4he II subscriber* baying revived No. 3; BRICK ROW asarly opposite Mature, with • large and general as sowatent of FALL & WINTER, GOODS. especially adapted to the town and country Wade, consisting of DI Goods, Groceries, northeast, .Crothery,,Glau ware, Points, Oils, Pyes;4euilur, poets 4. Shoes, Liquor,,tc. , MI of which, lb. subscriber &uteri himself, that from as mperienee Sheen years in the business bo• can and will sail as Asap as any other establishment in Towanda. Ladies and gentlemen are moat respect- WI invited to cell and examine my stock. Cr Moot kinds of Cowry Produce taken in ce llular for goods, and CASH paid for Lumber. JAMES H. PHINNEY. Ttenrilla. October 12, 1850,. LerEATHER—SoIe and Upper Learn ;• also Kip and Cal( skins, fog sale by m3O K. & CO. BLANKS! 1 OH'S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the astute of EDSON AS PEN WALL, deceased, late of Towinda bore', are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. E. MARIA ASPENWALL, N. P. ASPENWALL, ; October I 0,,J1 850 . Administralora. , _ AUDITOR'S NOTICE la the Matter - of the Estate rf Win. Myer deed. NOTICE is hereby given to al2 persona interested in the estate of Wm. Myer, dec'd, that the under signed having been appointed an auditor by the Orphans Court of Bradford County. to Audit. marline and re port upon the areount of E. R. Myer, 'administrator upon said estate, will aural to the duties of his ap pointment at the Grand Jury Room in the Court House at Towanda, on the 11th 'day of November 1850, a' one o'clock, P. M. H. W. PATRICK. Auditor Oci 12 . NEW ARRIVAL OF FASHIONABLE JEWELRY! AM. WARNER has just received from the city a , large and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JE W ELR Y, _ate, of the most fashionable styles, to which the attention of ladies and gentlemen is invited. an I which will be sold at prices to defy competition. A taiga assortment of Clot ki and Fancy Voods at the lowest rates October 10, 1850. CRANE & CO'S ORIENTAL 27; - - U -,_, - f - ?:o:-0- .N.*t--j.r--r ii--. -,-„,,, t • - :-- - 7 . - _ - :- :}-, :iW7. --; •..c 4 .PrV7r,,‘- s , :-.4..^3 . 4.;-ci . j. ',..'-::" 1, - ' "* ;_ - '74 , Zir • \ ' =— • 1" op • iv • t o, .4 A .., iii..ll ' - Air *-A kr4, 4,... - /A10•2! '.• - r 4 te Z 4 - al- lir ' -it - rdivi u) p--,... ....,.... - • _..„......,, m c ...-1, ~„.„. . s 41 ., '. 4 - 0-0 . -- . ---- ,../c - L - .:- .... 1 04 -- .---• • f > , ,,,l".li 'as.__, - er - ... ---, --.. 47.."11 : -If%;1•7 .- ..era . . ; T ..,.....—.....-.".• , ,..:T. : ......„- . ... 6 .-, A...., lisv i, 1 .,4 ........ „.. , „......10 1 . 1 . . ~ I• ~_ • .. , ...... .... _ ii, , . ,4, A ..._ . --, i ‘4,.; ,..A 4...,.. ) - -....,..----- • Embracing by far the largest establishment ever pr eanixed, formed of the principle equestrian and gym nastic talent to be found on either cribtinent. consist n g of 20051 EN AND HORSES, CHILDREN AND PONIES. The establishment on entering town, will be preceded by the Monster DP.AGON CHARIOT, drawn by TEN CAMELS, of the Syrian bevel. lately imported from the deserts of Arabia fur Crane & Ca Next the FAIRY CHARIOT, devoted to the convey. ance of the Juvenile Corps, and drawn hp. 12 DI- MINUTIVE PONIES, e'er more than 30 to 36 isruss pa DEIDEIT driven hy .the celebrated Mast A. WARD, and ollowed by the highly ornamented carriages of the atablishment. The whole 'forming the most imposingescene ever witnessed in America. Will perform at TOWANDA on MONDAY Oct. 14th. Doors open at 14 and 64 o'clock. P. M. Admission, 25 as. Children noder , lo years. 124 cte.. The Managers takes pleasure in announcing that an engagement for the meson with the beautiful and gift. ed M'LLE ROSA, the knit Female Artist in Europe and America. also JOE - 1 PENTL AND, the Clown of all Clowns; Mr. H. P.A.A MOAN, the great Eques trian; Mr. H. GARDNER, the celebrated Dramatic Kinsman ; JOHN SHAY. the Eastern Juggler: Mr. L'NINO. the Trick Clown; Sig. BLISS, the Contor. tiniest; Meson MURRAY, and REED, the Acrobat' Artists; The beautiful Twin• Ponies. DAMON and PYT'HIAS, also the Pet Poesy, DON,N,Q. who will dance, waltz, and perform other n,„,,441. feats. Also-following the above perfonnae4 of ,D on j s j n. will be presented the most wonderful exhibition est!! introdneid into the Ring, end now for the most /- fared to the public, entided - the CHARIOTEER'S DI LEMA. greed object of introducing the Camel*, is to finable the Managers teprodoce, with ample dreg; the raegnilicent Oriental Pageant ofibe ARAB SLAVE, OR THE SULTAN'S 'HALT IN THE DESERT. Each entertainment will conclude with a most COMIC AFTERPIECE. IMAM lIIIRKP ?BIM WANTED Volt which CAKH will be paid, at the establish ment": of the subscriber. Towanda. XI. 11. t 8 tO, • ®tl74l 2 : TrllirlES!(ls9 T EVELING, Tlaying out Road. and Lola, Dividing Estates, Measuring Masonry. Embankments, acs, accurately -doOs by E.G. NICHOLS. Office at Acme Bradford county. Pa. Persons at a distance, needing his services, shall by writing him a line a few days bs [wetland, have their business promptly attemicd to. GROCERIES- , -A large stock .of Teas, Sara. Ts, (a good article for 6 costs.) Coffee, Pepper. poke, tobacco &c., can be bought cheap for cash at alb K. ar. CO. HAT..., superior article hoe kSilk Hat& also palm leaf &ad - Leghorn bats, for sale at a 25 IC. & CO. BOOTS &SHOES, Mena' Women and childrens the best assortment in town, can be found at April 24, '5O. MERCURB'. THE - NEYSTONE MUTUAL LIFE lIIMILANCE COMP OF jillA l / 1 1118MNIUDI. PA. nits company respectfully call the then • .1. publie to the Lillriwbsg advantagee, which ensiled to offer to tbeinenred: Plist--The Direetree . have rimed a tat of $75,000. - Seased—The 'Unwed ebans,anauelly, in ir prnilts, Sod in no event Ere reepeneade for 1 the amount of presaieles paid in. Thinl—One-half of die annual rentints , taken in notes, if the insured desire A; or IM ; ' may be paid quarterly or sead.snoualy. Fourth—Wives may insure toe lives °MIAs h or husbands may insert tit* lives in favor wives, thtuX securing their familise •um du; 10111 cannot reach iathe event of the death of bead. _ For thither inWrnation, aPPIy. ei th er in by letter to the undersigned, an Agent of the C. at his office in Towanda wherecireulars and pa explaining the objects of the company—may • gratis. WILLIAM SCOTT, A Towanda, Sept. 17th, 1850. MORE NEW GOO The subecniiers are now receiving motto , ' General assortment of. New G i l Arm. 8. 1850. • H. 8. do M. C. HER i 10111rNOTICE - ! ALL persona indebted to WALLIB Good/ are hereby, notified, that his notes counts are transferred to me, and immediate pay requested. Towanda August 17, 1850 STATE FIRE MUTUAL NSURANCE -7--- COMP lIARRISBURG PA. o T HE business of this company is cond ted on the only true and equitable method in a system of Mutual Insurance — that of Classifying is risk; sad be Directors, hare accordingly adopted It itt? „i c i laesart.,— First, the Faftner's glass, in which they re no property except Dwelling Houses, Out Howes r and per sonal property therein. In the Second Class, the safer kind of town risks, merchazdiae. &c., and 'their charter provides that no part of the fundr of one class can be appropriated fur pitmen of tweet occurring in the other. , The Directors are confident that the rates they have adopted will enable them to pay theft losses with promptness and libersOty. The swears of•thie'Company is unparalkled with any Company in the Skate, having insuml over half a millian in the months bf May and June, and on the safest kind of property. J. P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. GILLETT Atterelary. The agent for Bradford, is C. 8. RUSSELL, To wanda, who is prepared to rercire applications for In surance, and from whom all necessary information can be obtained. • • Towanda, Atm. 9. 1950. SADDLES, HARNESS, AND TALK MANUFACTORY. SMITH d< CULP, -respectfully inform their old friends and customers, aml the public generally, that they still carry on the Saddle, Harness and Trunk making busint ss at the old atand, a few doors below Mix dt Mason's drug store, North side of the public square where they keep constantly on hand and make to order the following articles in their line all of whioh for material and workmanship will bear comparison with the best that can he produced anywhere. viz; Men's best saddles, conimon saddles, waggon saddles, carriage harness, of all ,kinds. Heavy team harness, roller., Bridles, waggon soil carriage whips. Also a large assortment of Iron and wood frame Travelling Trunk's, Porlfolio Carpel Bugs; and all other articles in the travelling line They solicit a call from all who wish to purchase. any of the above, confident that they can give satialac lion, both as to the quality and price. Tau sada, July 12,-1850. SMurti & CULP. NOTICE. 1r TIERRA.% my wife Almina Ernba, has left my It bed and hoard Without any just cause or pro vocation. and I hereby forbid atl persons harboring or trusting her on my. account , as I shall pay no debts of h er contracting after this date. Towanda July 24. !SW. JACOB Y. ANSON MACKEREL for sale by ths bbl half barrel or pound at Boll's eheap store, No. 3 B. Row. Towandh, June , .l3th '5O. GRIND BTONES,`• a superior article of Nova Scotia, grind stones, for sale at a 24 s Ai ERCURB'. CENTRAL STORE Wow opening' at "the above establishment • very lr laree and destrable assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold et very low rates. Busbies' at this estahlishnsent conducted upon tan sod honest . princirilea. You have our thanks for pad favors and we bops for • continuance of the mum *awe are bound to Nell Goods Cheap. Towanda, July 4. 1840. N. N. BETTS. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. OTICE le hereby given tothe several eolieetore o Bradford County. that the Commintinners will attend:at their office in Towanda, on Wednesday.Tburr day and Friday the I Ith. 11th. 13th, day. of KePlewt bet hest to mike Exoneration front the Duplicates of State, Co. and Military' Tates for 1%0 at which time they are respectfully requested to attend and lay theit claims before the board; By miler of the Commismioners. Towanda, July 17, 101.50, C. R. RUSSELL. elk. 50 bbls. Flour, 1000 lbs. Smoked Hams & Shoul ders, and 100 bushels of Rye & Corn for sale at nil. FOX'S ERASIVE SOAP, for removing tar, paints. oils, &e. warranted, at dl H. &. P'S. CALICOES—A splendid assortment of those cheap Coat.° and Merrimack prints. (colors warranted.) can be fobnd at a 25 K. & CO. MACK EREL by the bbl :. bbls., bbl. also some superior codfish, can be found at a 25 K.& CO. VITIRE COVERS, ' ice Flower • Voce', and every: V V thing else that ever appertained in toy line of business, on band, and for , sale very low fee Cash. If you don't believe it call and try once; and if you do I 31r0 sure you will be satisfiedvf ,our interest in con tinuing to buy of L. W. TIFFANY. ' Towanda, July .te,o4.p. cdcww.irilirimin L be kept on hand a large assortment, anal Tmade to order on shorter notice and for less mo , ney than can be prodocid at any other esublishment in the land. Thome who ire ander the necessity of pus. curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A goal hearseand pall may be bad in attendance when desired. September 1. 1847 L. M. NY,E & CO. NO"TICE ' - THE quota of Pamphlet laws fortradford county for the year 1856; have been received st the Prothonotary's office for distribution, and are rea dy for those entitled to receive them. ALLEN PrItEAN. Towanda. Sept. 2671:8150. Prothy., D. C. HALL. Those Cheap , Goods at. FOX'S ! I►JTUBI' and will be Odd for cash at the lowest rates. 111 A beautiful article of Sugar at 61 cents ; fine fresh Teas, warranted good or ad vale. at 371 to 50c.; syrup Molasses at 50e.' Also. a large assortment of Crockery of the newest pattern, very chap; and ht fact every ••• .g in their Dye win be sold as cheap as the cheapest. et the corset of Male and Irmo ses April 18. I . . E. T. FOX. T UNDERSOLD YET. 250 New . Snits it:Two & Fifty, Cools each at No. 16 Bela Itaw. H. & A. CAMPBELL'S,. IC)t AY WATER, Colipgara, Hair Oils, and Perfume -14 rya all kin4ls, at N 0.1,11. R. - 11. &P. - • iniuellaurous. ANN E. 13 NEW GOODS AT THE End eilbentis" nacos. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LI. pereene indebted I* the esiele of JA s: wooarnlLD deed hie of Wysluing.6We alp. ate beeeby esquesied to sake payment widow de. lay.ead throe laving dawn against avid entitle will pines resent tbees dulyantbendeete M. WHITNEY felt eenlesset. JAMEB . . ADOTH WHITNEY. Wyelusing, Ass. 6, 1856. Adoinietnitens. 2ii ADM INISTRATRIX'S NOTICE: ALL persona isdeleed to the estate of fiGULD SEYMOUR. datempesal, tete of Me township ere hereby requested Wings payment vrithoutdelay, sod those harlot anise eauhset said estate will please pre. sent these duty iilrdientiosted fey asitlement. MARTHA BEYMOUR. • - Pike, lona $7, 1115 k 41dnahriekstriz. iN ADM ' ISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of GILBERT IMMON deed, tale of Pits, are hereby request ed to 'make payment without 'delay, and those having claims against said estate wilt please present them dily authenticated for settlement. HANNA DIMON. J. H. WILSON. IN CR pan,. 'Phleti• bad nt, Orwell, Sept. 7 - ISISO Ear ES TRAY. CA ME to the encloinne of the subscriber in this born. a few days since. a Brindled Cow, marked with white about 7 years old. The owner will prove his property,,pay charges and take her away. Towson* Sept. 14.'50. SAMUEL HUSTON. AL,, persons knowin g themselves indebted to the subscriber by note or book amount, are requested to make innwdiale payment of the wane, end save owls Towanda Sept-,t3.'50. B. lUNGSVIERY & Co. r l r Store sad so. I eot 111 I.i L/.. TO CONTRACTORS. 'TWENTY Horses, Carts and Beers ; and three two hone Wa g ons and harms a, for sale by canin g on undearigned in Albany township Bradford Co. • EDWARD NrGOVERN. al NEW FALL GOODS. T UST received at FOX'S a full Mock of NEW FALL a/ GOODS. eoatpining all the new styles in market. which are respectfully offered at the lowest oricea. A call is solicited from all wbo wish to purchase goods right. apt 13 E. T. FOX. A I.T. Wool DeLeine, and "terbium beautiful colon, A Thibet el.dha, Alparess prints &e., able Florentie, Swans down, Jenny Lind and other trimmings, a first rate assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Scotch yarnAlke., at 4PiIS FOX 6 Hirt/ Sugar and Molasses. also 10 chests more of that fresh new Tea warranted cord of the money returned. Coffee. lialeratos,Thee, rish and Tobacco, all of which will be sold cheap st • FOX'S. 1 000 BUSHELS evilest. Rye and Halm, who 10,000 in New York and Jersey retie notes wanted immediately in exchange for goods et sptl3 TO CONTRACTORS. )UR arrangements are etch es to enable tra to deliv er at any point along line of cadal ; Beef, Pork Fh s, Flour. Powder Paces, Picks, Wheelbarrows Am es Shovels, carts harness, lumber or in fact almos every thing wanted. - Orders promptly attended Athens. Aug. 23 1850. WELLS & HAR 8. BLASTING POWDOI. & SAFETY N AT E ire prepared to furnish at short notice and of VV the hest quality, any gunplay of powder and fuse it any point on line of Canal at the lowest mar ket price. Orden, promptly filled by us. Athens, Aug. 23.1850. WELLES & HARRIS. OHRICK'S VER.MIFUGE, by the dozen or trial a dl HUSTON & PORTED'S. P RINTS, GINGH 4MM. LA WNES &c., a beam' ful assortment can be found at April 24, IRSO, plat received, and is still receiving from New HNork New Goods, and lilts of them. Yankee No time, • variety. Toys, innumerable ; Grocnies without excepting any kind ; Liquors of all descriptions. kinds and qualities, and every body knows he sells very low for cash. 1.. W. F. Towanda. June 10th. 1850. TOWANDA ACADEMY. MIIE next term of this Institution will commence on Wednesday the 2.1 day October next, neder the charge of 0. li. B - as Principal, and Miss E. C. DA RSTOW, Preceptreas. • Tuition per term of Eleren weeks: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Geogra phy and Mental Arithmetic, The same, with Wells' Grammar, Adams Arithmetic and Town's Analysis, Philosophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric, Logic, As tronomy and Book Keeping, Algebra, Gecimmry, Trigonometry, Survey ing, Coale Sectibita, Analytical Geometry. 4 50 Latin, Greek - and French I:wipers, 5 00 Fuel, Ist and 2d terms, 25 Scholars received at any period of the term, and charged only from the time of their entrance. Board can be obtained in private families on rea sonable term% J. D, MONTANYE, Pres't. e. Wsan, Sec'y. of Board of Trustees. Towanda, June Lk 1 8 50 . • A Gold fine Discovered IN THE NEW CLOTHING STORE, No 1, Brick Tow. fru% Subscribers havi-ig just received from New A. York a large assortment of ready made Cloth ing, Hata 4c.. offer them for sale cheaper than has ever before been sold in this market. Fine new suits consi.tin z of a fine Broadcloth Coat. satin Vest, Cassonere Punta, two Shirts. one Cravat and a fine Leghorn or Silk Hat, all for $lB,OO. Towanda May 30, '5O. H. &A. CAMPBELL. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. A"quantity of wool wanted for which the highest price in Cash will be paid. at the New Clothing Store. No. 1. brick row. H. &A. C. Towanda, May 30. 1850. J - DENTIST, HA9 removed to a few doom below Bridge atom. on the East sidle of Main-.t. in the building fur wetly occupied by .1. I). Montanye Esq. All operations amounting to $5O, or over, one half to be paid down, the remainder in three mouths. If the operation proves onsatisfactory, the money paid will be refunded. Noah? of band however mart 'score the payment ofihs halfleft unpaid, with a proviso. • D ISSOLUTION. NOTICE is hereby gi4en , thr t the copartnership heretofore existing between Har.i. & W is 'this day dirsolved by enthral consent. Alil demands due to said firm. will be received by L. C. Hall, who will setae all the business of the Iste 6rm. D. C. HALL. Toorenda. August 12, 10. W. K. WALKER: A N extensive assortment ofTlenes and Tools of ev rh. ery description will be found at "MERCURS'._ More Particulars about the late : Flood. T INGHAM & 80N, would respectfillly announce •r to their costousers that notyvithetendinir their recent heavy lose they will be prepared ty the Ist, of Sept. peat to weeinenodste all that may give them • call in all the various brambles of their busimem. N. 11.—.1t is very desirable that we should have our dues nada the prevent eirtanntanCelk, thinefose ell those that know. themselves indebted will oblige us by call ing end settling op immediately. we wish every one to do it of their own free will, but we would just hint that those that do not• obey this all may pamibly be compelled to Meet us elsewhere. Monroe, August. lit. 1880. SPERIOR Wine" and I.:iguana-30 Ws. that to mine WM MI Ml' jam received at H. &P. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, of a superior qua li ty, for sale at NOTICE. NERCURS' L. W. TIFFANY. JOINER'S TOOLS Aladianbig, Sr. Medkal Department of Pen* 011ege, Noah, below &wet street, rkileutilphia. • TSE La:tures forth. make 01 com metres so Momlay. Ck.ober- latkoad coothme, without iaterroPikm until the mete* Id of march.-- The Frioalty is martitated ap fallouts:— Vim Dattaaat, M. D. PriociEles ...s1 Practice of Mediate. • - . Joao Wtvratra U. Mame. sod it sasm of Woolley mid CbAdrem Meal 8. Paresasou. M D. Nor wica saJ Therapeutics. We. R. Casey; 711. QAoatnurj Phyriology. Davis Ur D. Priori** ant Praitice of swam Wassisirros 1.. Arias, M. D Metios/ Meads; rrY• Clinic st 16e Pennaslaania ak the ticket of which is finuisbed to may scoed.couree student without charge. Feesillatrieut.tion. 11500; for each dello $l5 00 ; Graduetila 1444.90; The Anatomical rooms will be opened nn the lit of Ortuber, undo the care of DR. JAMES HUNTER Demonstrator. • HENRY 8. PATTERSON. M.D. Register. No 02 Arch street Philadelphia. DRS. HUSTON & PORTER. iIYSICALANN AND SURGEONS. (Awe. mouth P atom in the Ward noose where they may be fauna ready to attaad to calla of their peoremioo.. COMMERML WORKS, NEW. ESTABLISHMENT. , THE vubscribera have commenced the FOUN DRYJL busmen+ at the old stand windy occupi ed as a Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borough of Towanda, where we will hold ourselves in readiness to attend to the wants of any. and all persons who may favor us with a call. We hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of Public patmnage. We-are fitting up a MACHINE SHOP connected with the Furnace, where_ we hope to be able to do any and all kinds offinisking and filling up 4e. We will endeavor at all times to keep a gond assortment of work on band so that customers may be accommodated on the shortast notice. HAVING taken pains to venire the services of es perieneed workmen from the state of .N. Y., we flatter ourselves we shall be able to turn a wort in a work manlike manner and as, good as can be done in any other establishment. We-shall also be prepared for the manufacture of stoves by the quentity.and wilt keep constantly on hand • kw select patterns for retail. The subscribers invite all persons who may be in want o (any thing in our line to give us • call and we guaran tee they will not go away dissatisfiad. Saw Mill Rods or Paralrll slides, Mill cranks, gud geons ;'r , kept consign/ 11y on hand. Also plows of the most approved patterns and Plow Points by the piece or quantity to suit purchasers, is low as ran be procured at any oche: establishment. Cu:fission; of , the most approved patterns, also a superior article of Corn Plow, fi t r lisle by • ENOS TOMPKINS, N. C. TOM P KIN 8, *CIEO. W. POTTER, Towanda lune 214th, l‘so. 17,0' . Old castings taken in exchange for work. STOVE, HARDWARE, TIN, Sheet Iran and Copper. Store. liC. HALL having made large additions to bis s stook, invites the attention of the citizensof Nor- Pdnnsylvania to his sworiinent. - In the Hardware Dcparinsent, I challenge " the world," and " all the rest of mankind," (not forgetting any c a ". in Tovrandai to sell us cheap as I can. shall and will. - The stock of Hardware consists of every article :rm ally kept in a Hardw ire store—among which may be found Iron; Nails, Zinc, Tin, Sheet iron, manure and' bay Forks, shovels and spades; blacksmith's bellows, anvils and vices, screw ,plakik,'strel springs, min t -N.O,A circular and panel saws, chisels, augurs, *leg chains. honks and hinges, shovels and tone,,, nut a and screws, brads • and tacks vragg,ma-kOxes,srk-ropes, well and cis tern pumps, Lead. ropes, of all sizes, any quantity of Carpenters and Joiner's tools, all kinds of Saddlery Hardwire, House Trimmings, of all kinds and at all prices in fact every thing that any body ever saw in a Hardware store, or can reasonably expect ever to ere, in the Store Department, I have—oh! there's no ore in trying to tell all—but I have Bandbox stoves, Keystone patent, radiator, parlor. cannon, six plate, air plate stoves, air tight stoves, Buckeye hot air oven with rotary top, premium stoves from No. 4 to No. 6, central N. 1. stoves, Republican stoics, Albany city *toys*, IllasOrarts air tight stoves, rough and seedy stove* air tight complete, in fact all kinds and sizes of stove if not mere. 0200 I alto kette, anti intend to keep on band, any quan tity of . Russia end American wove pipe. A general assortment or Bram, Copper and Tin ware, from .• big brass kettle down to a small tie pepper bor. All kinds of tin, copper and .Beetlron ware manrk factored to order, and every article warranted to give satisfaction. 3 00 4 00 The place of businees is on the Public Square an Pine street, in Montan) es' . New Brick Block, the store running through tram the Square to Pine street,* A. to' people's 6m6ng it. we hawswe fears, for nf, course every body who Wants to buy deep .will inquire for Hall's establishment. • ga' No credit given over four montfs.. Towarels. A nutlet 14.1850. • I Vainable Steam Mill & Land for Sale. THE subecribera offer at private sale. ONE HUN DRED ACRES OF LAND, well timbered, sit- uate in the township of Smithfield, about four miles from the Susquehanna river. Upon said land is erect. ed a large and new STEAM MA W MILL capable of manufacturing , 1.000,000 feet of Lumber pet year. The lot is surrounded by other well timbered lands, so that the mill can early be supplied with timber for many years. The mill is in good running condition, and pre. went* every facility for the cheap and rapid manufac• tore of lumber, and would he a safe - and profitable in vestment of ctipit,il. A portion only of the payment would he required at the time of sale. For further put:L:om apply to the subscribers opm the premises. P. & F. S. ACRES & CO. Smithfield, Sept. 8. 1850. WANTED! WANTED!! FORTY Thousand pounds of WOOL is wanted at the rectory in Miry"lusing. in exchange for cloths. Broad and narrow cloths; Cassimenrs *c., Flannel ' Shawls and Blankets, swilled or plain.) will be made on shares or otherwise as is' desired; The &acne of Bradford. and the adjoining Counties; are invited to tall at the Hoo4 Fodor's/ before disposing- of their Wool elsewhere. The sabscriber he'ing again taken charge ..f this estahr hment, is determined to do busi ness eatisfactorily to those who patronize bin. CO Castling and loth Dressing done on short no tice. - 11.8. INGHAM. Wyalnsing, May 15, 11150. TOWANDA CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, GEO. IL BUNTING. respectfully informs the pat lie. that he is just receivina from New York in assortment of ready-made Clothing. w which he in vites the attention of purchasers. Among _his stock may he „formal • , Oyer Coats, Sack Coats, Business Coats, Frock and Dress Coats, Cloaks, Pantaloons. rests, Round abouts, 4z., in all styles and' all•prices. lie is determined to sell Ms Clothing at unusually low prices for CABII. and believes he can maks it the in tereat of those Wishing to purchase to give him • call. (I:s' At the old stand. between Bartlett and Kings. bergs Stores, up stairs. Cutting and making up. done asmerail in the most fashionable maneer, promptly and to order. • Towanda. October 20,1849 y. SUGARS & MOLASSES. lIDB. SUGAR, at very low pneew—tho;a large I ■trek of Molasses, including Stuart's syrup, just received at opl7 MERCUIra. ONE rase sprinenryle moleskin Ham; also Leahorn V and Palm leaf lists at i~lis~eitatuoßo. H. M. *ME &CO'S RAIL ROAD FOR - WARDING LINE ' , row waivedy nosy . . mar PAT n *OM, 1/11.1114119 EMMA. II N. MOORE &still misdate! theft regniar 44 • Forwarding Line Co` . ~h their 816 n' nollot lOW ,the - Depot, in Waverly, wkor.. fRODUCE of ell kinile will be received and inweniee by the New. York & Erie Railroad. direct to . New, York to' Capt. A. W. Thompson. who will Mike tide Of the sums; WM looks return. every two weeks; (in etulcint 11184 0 frnis the time Produce is mot., Cape Thompson. takes this opportunity of rearming * thank■ 1w p. 4 liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict attention to Dst io,lntnitaVl bis alsfitutme .to "111.114 share fix the Lowe. Liberal ark advances sone en Praise* at ell timer, if required. M. M. MOORE & Co. £ W. THOMPSON. H. M. MOORE & Co. are receiving daily from New York, a large mad well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots. Shoes. Pork. Flour; Fish, Nails, Butler. Csttle,and - T. I. Self. Clover sod Timothy Need, &e. *bleb will be sold as cheap for cash or country produce, as at any place in Western New I(ark. Waverly Aug. 1 1850- ' U 14. MOORE dt Ga. AWZMY "OF Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Medicines Pulmonary Balnm, Proofs I Expectant, Pulmonary Liniment. Humor Corrector, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, tCouth and Cathartic Nertimi, Female Pill* I Vet etifuee. Fentale-Speeillt, Pure end Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, &c., Used by him constantly and :pith unprecedented AU' eta in the treatment of Coughs, 'Colds, Conn:asylums. Asthma, lleart Diseases. Dyapepsia, Serofsla, Ski's Diseases. Rheumatism, Female Complainti, Piles, I s e, Dr. Fitch's unequalled Patent silver spring abdomina supporters; improved pleted start spring shoultles brace; 'Dr. Fitch's silvcrinhaling tube, Dr. Fiich 9 a Celebrated Six .Lectiores, On the prevention and etrie of Consumption, Asthma. Diseases of the Heart, &c., and on the method of preserving health' and beauty to an old age. This book should be in every family. TO the Con aumptive it points out the only reasonable hope for re lief, To mothers, the directions it gives in eble Cars end education of children are invaluable. 78,000 copies of 'isth book hare liassed through the. ions,. and the sale nonce unabated,. For sale by 8.8. Preen & Co., 700 Broadway, N. and HUSTON & PORTER, Tdwanda. , , e n. ./k. Fetch's Guide to lipyllida. o r directions to pet using Dr. Fitch's remedies, to be had gratisof all the agents. . l3y DAL% XVILesvON Yerowevia, Wholesale arm' retail dealers in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Have removed their . • ORUC AND CHEMICAL STORE, To the South store in the Ward House, - Where they arc now receiving and opening a new and extensive assortment of Drugs, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Glass, Varnish. Dye Wood and Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries. Wines and Liquors, Fire Works, Toys, Perfumery. Fancy Articles, Brushes, COmbs, Stone, Glass and Wooden Ware, Biackiug, Tobaco. Snuff and Qi gars. All the popular,patent medicines &e Their.stock npw compres • every article usually kept, among shith may be found the following, DRUC3 AND MEDIINE,'S , ; 1 Opium, Crilern Tartar, Camphor, Castle Soap, Liquor ice, A.kohol, Dal's Capaitia, Rheubarn, Aloes, Flowers ellahromile, castor oil, olive oil, quickening, magnesia, roll and flower sulphur, borax. red precipitate, venire turpentine, epa salts, corro sublimative, aqua ammonia, soda, tartaric arid, laud.inum, pink, gonna quinine. All the essential oils, gums, myrrh, tragsemth arible,gam bop ate. Corks of all kinds, bath brick:an* aced, coriander fenugreek, isinglass, gra?, treats feat 'mat tanners oil peruvian bark, cayenne pepper, emery, sand paper, opideltoc, shakers herbs, sarsaparilla, boneeet. horehound, &:. GROCEFIES. Sant, eoree and tea of all kinds, molasses, spice, pepper, ,mustard, chives, nutmeg, mace, fish, min! citron and zante currants, salad oil chocolate, cocoa r so da, and butter crackers, rice, starch, ginger, isalwratas, earignied, white and bat soap, sperm and tallow e/Or dles, jugs and, bottles pipes, mustard, catsup, pepper sauce, shad, mackereLsalmon &c oke. . LIQUORS. Cognise, oven) and asnerican brandy;et Croli, Ohl Ja mes and New England rum, pure Holland and. sm. Irish and Monongahela whiskey Medina, nesest, claret. 'Won, port and, champaign wines canna's, creme. ,de citron anise. rode, caoilla, or etnanr, esnelle. Oranges. woks, 'mesa and arglit, cheaper than ever offered. • laps Palmistry sad Fury Goods. filming cream, soaps, military and window, Goulards meditated perfumed sand soap, imperial shaving Brach. es national, Renck talk!, violet, musk, almond anal transparent soap, walk balls, Labials extracts jockey club, patehoully, bouquet de caroline, musk, mills Flans verbena &c. Cachous aromatique, cologne, bay anal rose water: Spanish lily wbite, fin rouge, persian toilet aid pawl et, hair dyes hair invigorator, hair eradicator perfume satchels, court plaster, playing mots. dice - pencil points, auk.. steel pins, Limmic bah hooks, drawing. pencils, 'rem:ninon caps, inks, red, black anti t ombs, purses, pocket books, transparent mot• to valeta die. fire. BRUSHE. Hair, Hat,ltove, Scrub, Shoe, Paint, Marking, Var. nigh, Sash. Artist" round and sable, Camek Hair and stripping Pencils, Blenders & Badgers. %Raw Wash, Counter, Plesh, Tooth, Nail, Comb, Broom, Clothes, Infant, Lather, Table; Horse & btacking Brushes. XEUQCUIIVMDTgo Tobacco and stain" Bosco., Nipple Nursini Bottles, reast Pumpe,Teeth Rings. bed pine, syringes, shoulder braves. Dunes ands abdaminal supporters., pessaries, catheters.' cup glasses, graduates, thasnome lens, spatulates, forceps, lancets, Liquid and spread /Whet sire piaster , PAINTS AND DYE sirr: s. Nicaragua, red, cam and log rustic, Es logs weird, lac dye, rod beer, red sa-,:aule e s, madder, alum, cop peras„ blue, vitriol, solte:on tin,cmarosiliort chrojet nil vitrinl, oxalic acid r:ad all th acids, grain tin, pumice and rotten, stn., vemillion Anus Chines and English, tapsnieh br,sm, venetian, verdigris, paris green, white. black Plot red lead, chrome yellow and green, isPan, crneti and' copal varnish, lampblack. lithaae, putty, orbiting, yellow Ochre, slits turpentine, line oil, main. chalk, terra de - sienna, umber, gob I leaf, bronzei, and • general assortment of paints for Artists, 411 - 4 7r' 11C-4 AIL SSA French glass 24 by 30,22 by 30. 20 by 30, 20 by 24. 21 by 21.14 by 111. 12 by 20.-12 by 19, 1$ by 16, 10 by 14, 10 .by 12, 9 by .10, 7 by 9. PATENT MEDICINES Sc. - Orricks vennifuge, mothers relief, Dr Jaynes family medicine., all the saraereirilla. Wistars and Swavnes syrupof wild cherry.lipbams Pile Electuary and other.. Brants Indian Ileonedies.varietieg of pill., anger coifed bilious. Indian vegetable, tar, oriental &c. 4lre. Dr. Christie. galvanic belts, bracelets, necklace and. gal.. vahie finid. Dr. FiteWs very aslebratea medicines, LIGHT.- PhanTenn lamps and phosepos,. pnrc eltamphicia and burning fluid, whale. lard,iind sperin nil. All gnixikwarranted as reprrsenuml at the , Near Ciir'enp Thug• and Chemical Store, Knuth Shwa in the War House. ju2B 171 USTO,N & PORTER. .11E .11E-311r • MA CKEREL, bhls., half bbls„ quarter hble. and - kitts ; 430 aim! pickled Codfish; atm a. fe or boxes first rata Dry Iferrine.for vale at the ".Cash Prom " of apt? . 5. & M. C llrfEßCrit. Bi..Acti.smn . h.... will find ALvils, Vir-i•s,ll,,ws Tongs, 45;c -4f • +p-11 MERCURte. 1!IIIMIlilli1111 Deparative Syrup, Heart Corrector.