Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 12, 1850, Image 2

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- - _ _
Irmo on, Pres Speedy tree Ana
E 43.0! EDITOR.
Tenzda, Stark, October 12,1850.
4bodetie se lb. Illeput edr.
• IPS &Ili pectinous= ;if pea within' Iva. 0 mite Ind
bit dell!~ ibe sea Id advestee t N Id Will lie
Abvtirnseingdps. per MINIM sf 10111 OWL $1 eons fee the.
int. sad lb mite fee each sub...worm insertion.
0111 e• m the a. Unmet Block.. SONIA aide of the Pablo*
figeate. owls data w the Bradford Week Fausatie beanies
gam& Adams' sad Elwers law Wiliam
Nkial Von of Ilraillunt County.
Wm. T. Morrison,
Joshes DIEWLO r •• • •••• • • •
Morison's majority,.• •
COI A IMlltolt 111311:1A1,
Ephraim Banks
Henry W. Snyder,..
Banks' majority. 343
J. Porter Brawley.. 30*5
Joseph HtliileTl43ll4. ........
Branley's majority,— .:-. 193
ix .
Tor the Amendment.— i 2889
Apinet the Amendment,: ' 938
Majority, t 931
Ma COSOI/0/1.
&desks A Gr0w,.......
John C. Adams,
Adams' majority; sts
George Sanderson,
lithanan Smith,
amities Majority, 168
rea agrasisarralsvis,
Addison M'Kean,
Joseph C. Powell,. 3033
Lewis 4 Bosworth.. 3883
M'Kean's majority,.....
Oibb's majority,
POl C 01061.1101111.11,
Starves 5quire5,.........
Ansel Won... ... ...... ..
Squires' majority.
rod 111101111=71110 ATTOSSZT,
Thomas amend.
O. H. P. Kinney,
SasealEs mafority 84
Tea ►Coma.
Wiliam H. Ovarton,. 5974
1, 4 Tog COVITT 'rays-rm.
Edgar G. Nich015,........ ........ .. SIM
Orson Rickey, n 2899
Nichols' majority,.. .
We publish above the official result of the elec-
tion held in this County, on Tuesday halt. , It wilt
be been that our entire County ticket is saceeveliil.
The majorities vary according as exertions were
made by oar opponent' for the defeat oCocr
dates. A. gain of one member of .the Legislatiue
is made in this County.
ColooBl2C—Swiqueharina gives baow 1000 ma
jority. We have no news from Tioga but are ce
tain bt his success.
Sairroa.—Susqoehanna gives SAPDLIISON 900
majority—Wyoming 40 majority, making his sloe
, lion certain.
TieilLeman la the State.
The returns front the State, show s that our Buie
Ticket has succeeded by a large majority. The
following is a list of the Congressmen elected, as
far as heard from :
I Thomas B. Florence, Dem.succeeds Lewis
C. Levin, Atm.
Joseph R. Chandler, Whig, re-elected.
111 Henry D. Moore, Whig sad Land Reform,
IV John Robbie!, Jr. Dem re-elected.
V John McNair. Dem. succeeds John Freed
ley, Whiz.
VI Jesse C. Dickey, Whig, probably re4lecteil.
VIII Thaddeus Stevens, Whig, re-elected.
IX J. Glancy Jonei, Dem - . succeeds Wm.
Strong, Dem.
X Milo M. Dimmick, Dem. re-elected.
•Gallusha A.. Grow, Dem. succeeds David
Wilmot, Dem.
XIV Thomas M Brigham, Whig, succeeds
Charles W. Pitman Whig. -
XV Wm. H. Kom., Dem. probably succeeds
Henry Nes %Vhig.
XVI James X. Mc ianahan, Dem. re-elected. -
XVII Alexander Parker, Dem. succeeds Samuel'
Calvin, Whig.
XIX Joseph H. Kuhns, Whig, succeeds Job
Mann, Dem.
XX John Arson Whig, succeeds Robert R..
Reed, Whig.,
XXI. Thomas M. Howe, Wkig, succeeds Moses
Hampton Whig. •
The mob in the Luzern. Owlet, is not ewer
tained—botit is probable that Fuller (Whig) is
Littlefield is in New York, exhibiting wax fig
ures of Professor Webster and Dr. Parkinan, togeth
er with a model of the Boston Medical College ;
• &rim webs is enriching the
show with a "rehearsal" of the whole• of the
Pasenctrus. &scrum, 11152.—Aliens who have
bees ruses Yates in the United States, who Ad
not arrive under eighteen years of age, in order to
be qualified to vote a' the Presidential Ele4on in
V 145 most declare their intention to become NAT
UItAIRF.O on or before Sneak day of the month
of Member, ISM, otherwise they will Ins -tbe
privilege of Totals on that =saw •
Hott.&v, vita fik.sva.—At &steeling of the col.
oreif population of the city of New York, held on
Monday evening, ii was ousted by the Rev.Charies
B. Ray,. that ate o'olook that afternoon, the money
bad been paid making op the MO, for the liberty
of Handel, the fugitive slave taken to Baltintote,
the other:day ; therefore, he will come beck to his
l urifi t and family,
ditic Aar. AT Caesuras.La.—On Saturday sight
a fire occurred in Carbondale, Lamm co., which
destrored the Pod Office, Mansion Rea; R a il.
way Hotel, Tiosperanoe Hall, elllowsonat" Cake,
and dwat forty other ,teriklinp, poidoipally dodo
dud dwellings, embracing nearly two ibirds of the
town. ' The loss is vary groat, and it is increased by
the depredations Upon goods and cube! property by
/miners and others. Nearly half a mile of the Met
patio telegraph was destroyed. . .
late AM Imprint Iwo Califeriar
_ .
The Steamship Empire City arrived at New
York city on Saturday last, bringing hail a m illion.
Tie tolliiiing Ifintlisiellniar natetilif Aid
I.s;tind aniainnes thilearritiveld the _at Ser
teleaute, he* the Feiht wal:bruken ttttl
when the Carolina haft Si. Franeiscca4
' Tie nigbirssed4rithout the least . distorbente: .
The companies ot C apt. Sherwood and Major tint.
tiff, and the Artillery under Major . Fowler were
( tee.Y,l7,..ak-titu.l4loo.....kpotp*
'2OO. The gni abet vtzgimm was bit in
Wither arrests were ma& and quiet seems to be
fully restored throughout smile,
city. -
The Squatters bare soccespirely concealed them
selves or lied. A proposition is very generally
awned, to give notice to all occupying ray Fop.
squatters to leave lotthwith, and that their
tenements to be demolished, and all vitattes, their_
presence be removed: An early sedan to this di
rection will probably ensue. Lieut. One. hicDott
gal returned from Benicia on the Gold Hunter this
morning bringing 50 stand of arms and 1,500 cat-
e undentand that a delatchment of cavalry
will be despatched to the neighboring mining de
pots for the purpose ol arresting any who may be
mdentified as having acted in opposition to the
officers of the law during the riots ; also to obtain
early advice' of any hostile movements in those
quarters. .
The following additional particulars are from the
Poe* News, Aug 16:
The City Council have appointed a Committee,
With power to procure all arms and amonition nec
essary for the preservation of the quiet and safety
of the city. The acting Mayor also has been or
dered to offer a reward of 61,000 for the apprehen
sion and conviction of any of the principal leaders
in the riot, and *MO for any who were with arms
aiding and abetting.
Dr Robinson has been arrested and placed in
confinement on the oath of several
'they saw him deliberately aim at the Mayor,
An Irishman named Caulfield, sectored of a simi;
lar act with repot to the. Mayor and Mr. Wood
land, has elm been arrested.
The following are the names of the killed :' W.
Woodland of the citizen party : of the squatters,
Maloney, Jesse Morgan, late of Holmes Co. Ohio,
and one person unknown.
Wounded—Mayor Bigelow, .1. H. Harper, Mr.
Hale, and a young daughter ol Mr. Rogers. The
only squater wounded was Dr. Robinson.
Al the first fire, the Mayor, who showed himself
through the whole a brave and determined man
was wounded very dangerously. One ball glancej
his cheek, another passe-il into his thigh, cup tore
off his thumb and shattered the bones of his hand,
'and a fourth produced the most serious wound of
all.. The ball passed through the body in the re
gion of the liver.
.Since the favorable reaction last night, good
simptoms have continued to prevail. He has very
little pain, and rests and breathes easy. Sanguine
hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Maloney the leader of the squatters, was an Irish . -
man. lie has formerly lived in Vermont. He was
one of Riley's company in Mexico, who deserted
from the American army and too ht with the !deli
cans. After the Americans took him prisoner, be
was branded on the cheek with the letter D, and
allowed to go free. He has since,. either by an ad
dirional bum or some other way, entirely oblitera
ted the D, but a scar remained at his death on his
3127 votes.
2780 "
.... 347
A Foavcarra Mince —We yestenlay conversed
with a gentleman just down from the mines, who
gave us an account of the good fortune of a man
named Johnson. He has been in the mines but
three days in all, and will return home wtih the
largest " pile" ever taken not in the 'same length
of time. He commenced, work on the south branch
of the Middle Fork of Feather River, digging up.
ward from the base of the mountain, when, on the
second day, be came to a rock, around, which the
rivet had termed an eddy, and 4 o'clock next day,
he bad
,taken out gritypottoth of gohl without wash •
ing panful! The lumps were from 93 to 9.1100.—.
He then sold out his claim for $lB,OOO. and pack
his dust upon a mule, and started for this city. He
will probably reach here in a day or two. This is
undoubtedly the best day's work ever done in Cal.
geniis. The truth of the story is well vouched for,
as our inlormant himself saw—San Fran
risco Herald.
... 231
Hoasoss or Inn Deseay.—The Tama*, Sec
ramento City, has seen and conversed with a gen
tleman who has just arrived in the country by the
northern overland route from the United States, who
tgaloorroborates the distressing accounts of suffer
• ong the emigrants. He meld numbers who
very nearly exhausted their provisions and
•wdre dragging onward - wearily, almost bereft of
hope. Families they were reduced to a state bor
dering on destitution and , staivaiion,'smong which
the helpless infant shared the keen pangs of dis
tress alike with the watchful mother and
father. There were numerous graves along the
road, 'nth-frequently were found' bodies unburied,
deserted by all human kind, where victims to dis
ease and famine had laid themselves down to die.
—Alfa Cal.
Gclicaoorm—We undersia9rl that a man
named Young, residing at San Jose, will Nan from
that place this morning with two hundred dollars
worth of flour, which he contributed himself, for
the relief of t he suffering emigrants crossing the
Plaine. He take' his own team and wagon, and
pays his own expenses ! Such generosity can not
but excite ihe admiration of his eUow men.—San
Francis= Herald.
DARING o uTRAGg .—O n Saturday evening fast, as
Mr. Richard White of Roxbury, a proprietor of the
Roxbury grain mills, was returning home about
nine o'clock, he was roosted and threatened by
Patrick Mc.Ardb3, who was discharged from his
employ some time since, on account of drunken
ness' lac. Mr. White took no notice of this, as he
had been threatened before, but proceeded home.
Mimi two o'clock in the morning, he was awak
ened by a noise, in his room, and on rising to ,as
certain the cause, 'he was met by a man. Mr:
White immediatelyealled to his br.aher, Who slept
with him, and to a man who slept in the next
room. He had no weapon at hand to defend him
self with, but tore the clothes from his bed and
wound them around his;arrn to ward.oll the blows
of the assassin who was armed with a knife ; but
the fellow became alarmed and fled down rt I'm
Mr. White plumped him to the yard, but rettrnied
to the kitchen and seized a stout cane, .and then
gave chase, calling loudly upon the watchman.
The fellow turned and presented a pistol at his,
head, saying, if he spoke another word he would
blow his brains oat. Mr. Mite struck his cane at
the pistol, which the fellow snapped, but it mired
fire. A toe& ensued—Mr. White knocked the
pistol from the assailant's' hand, but be got posses.'
soon of it again, and snapped it a second time, but
withcert efkct. ' Mr. White then knocked the pis-,
01 from his hand a second time, secured it, and
gm his assailant so severs a blow with the cane,'
that it-broke: and the fellow immediately took to
his heels, leaving the pistol. Ihe brother of Mr;
White and his man waited to put on their clo heti
before they joined him, and in the darkness of the,
night did not reach him until the fellow bad fled.
The officers arrested McArdle on Sunday,
on the Highlands, in Roxbury • he was examined
yesterday morning, and ord ered to recognize in
85000 ' for want of which he was committed The
pistol was found to be loaded with ponder and two
slugs made of sheet lead ; powder was also round
upon the person of hleArdle, and a small piece of
lead. The pistol was new and bad never beet!
1 flirt—Boston Courier.
Tau rearms SLAVE LAw is creating great exi.
a im in g at Worcester. Springfield and other place*
in Massachusetts. Slave catchers are reported to
be oa the ; track of the fugitives who have for some
dote - lived unmolested in those places. There are
fears that any attempt to enforce the law _may lead
to rioting.
Ate! CeWise at On—
The steamship Sourbetner,
lag 'night horn Charleston, ran
- offerld, from *japan bound to . 1
'monifiel! at4lr o'cklek. The fan:
• ly, Intl tar rinisools were
aesissisi of thwureible dimmer I
41f tbi:Sealitiiner
at 2 - 7►. M. lat
istficass - t water ;_sakeveit the
uses after we.maile a sail on
the helm baud sport; stopped
clear "411611. stopped the engine
down unit,/ our bow, whiclu
minutes from the time of the
the cries of distress in the sea,
of the crew and prosengims
thine of Ftaistrit's life-Imets
crew and two pasiengess out
She proved to be ibis beck
York for Savannah, with a
was sailing SSW, viz NNE;
Wowing amp wide a sharp
ly put their helm to starboiud I
saw us first, and loot us for
I shore. We remained until
disappeared and nothing was
in g of the sea.
Too much cannot be said i
life-boats; hail it not been for
have saved we soul on
would have been stove to p*
coming alongside, the sea was
with what facility they *ere g
ates from the time the first
nett by the second officer and t
retuniol with seven; the
find officer and two of the cre
Capt. J C. Barry, who nobly
vices, the third manned by T
twee of UV crew. When we
finding any more, we turned
own danger, found that we hat
cutwater, bobstay and flying j
head mils and some scratches
The folitariag are the Nona
A. Bradley, W. IL Stanton.
Anna ejthe passengers Lae
of Conn • Miss Harriet Gianni.,
of Macon, Ga ; Mrs. Barnard of
Ga. ; Miss C. Barnard, do ; M
do ; Dr. Maginnis, lady and c)
R. Grannie, Conn ; Mr. Comic,
Adams, of London ; Captain s
Offic;ers and Cress saved—Capti
D. Hildreth. Ist Mate ; C. Smiti
lin, Steward A. McMinn, H. Ba
man. _ _
Crew Lost —John Smith, M I
Savannah, Ga ; hs. Draper
Robert Moore, Ene and ; Rich
Cook, name unknown, Jas M
York ; Mrs. Bradley', Atewardestil
The Captain, J. C. Berry, na
one wha=epressel (the brie I
vet, *MiwC) founded at sea in
79 7 W. on the 17th of last mon ,
Gas. 0. HIIITOII, ins MAIL
week noticed the arrest of this
extensive robberies of the•tnit
worth! seem from the followin
on the preliminary hearing, that
cape was very slight:
"Mr. Haskell testified that w
rested he had 8250 or more oft ,
gistered at Newark. Anotherl.
tir - thirty keys were found in his
Hinton arrives! at Wheeling it
Mr. Bottslord testified that H.
though his family slept with o. -
Hinton has been ordered to
for leloniounly taking a mail
near Mount Vernon, Aug. 5, an
from the mail, Aug. lb, at m
The evidence was m conclua'
charge, thafida lawyers made
• Taewtsmons HAM STORM.-
AKIII3I of bail, rain, and wind, (
cessant lightning, with continuo
that has ever been known in th
try, occurred on Friday eveni
stones were .1 extraordinary
such force as to render it dang
to them. In numerous ins:am,
tiered unmanageable and ran
yers, while in other cases tha,
persons who happened to be I
were placed in imminent per
• In the West, it seems the
'violent-Ahan here. A teleg,
Pittsbing,represents the hail st
from 9 tl) 11 inches, am] w
pound ! it is estimated that '
Amy City, ouit twelfth of all
broken. Lavnaphin, Risers
broken • the Monongahela
'Charles Hotel, 350 ; the Gas
many calm homes in the
Isar dug the shippigg on t
fared sevemly. .
._ l ._
, - otr-Th• Turkish Amber
ily arrived is this country ii
Jost now. The sultan psi
ibis protection of the mini
gees, against the ferocion
of Russia and Austria. li
• his magnanimous Immo
duly appreciated in this ii
bas resolved to treat hi
, tinunished ermvidemtion/
'of Oriental hospitality,hat
;to defray the expenses
Otr Prof. Webster's
leave for Azores, whe
A Boston paper says
have been offered Cue
and in part by malici. '
bad the villainy to sen
containing a wood cat
particulars. The da
ladies, (!) a mother •• L
house, and alighting,
of the criminal, statin
Fame. They were of i
he' Panama Star, tha
he two most di 3h9
the Isthmus, on sew
lions travellers
too much baggage.
one hundred pounds
and that the best m.
it carried on the toe
done in good time at
dollars. It also mat
Isthmus has become)
mends a premium o
the currency of the .11
Snoestua Muansal
pain we are compell i
rensville /braid, of
gene of a most brut
ted noon the body o
Malta' two to
needay, 25th instant
negro woman nam
lam. The culprit Ft
our jail, and tax con' ,
atrocious deed. Th •
a common pole axe
iog been inflicted m
deco wed. The sit
mi.tress in her Own
into the hie place,
conscious of any n I
to commit the
with the edge Of ax •
been mortal(she
and left bir loorni
prisoner assigns no
anch penitence.%
Uwe Let
I bieh arrived here
• the bark Leer
• I;We4ive •
I iiii2
- baboon, bow ; pot
engine and bock-
hen the reel wed
II onlli.ion. Hearing
Ithnongh lb, exertion
i s wets able to man
' • animal seven of Ma
t thirty-three in all
iliamd , lnans Near
sable nava She
he wind to the North
VIM!' Minden in
ery vestige of her
card but the MCKaI•
f favor of Francis's
hem we could nol
; a wooden boat
- in lowering or
so bad To show
, ready, in 45 nun-
I t was lowered, man
o of the me*, 'Mc
d manned by the'
„ Capt Lubbook and
joinnieered their ter
!. . Vail and the bal-
ye op all hopes of
attention to our
carried away our
b boom, with the
the bow.
were saved—E.
Mrs. Cath Bradley
Mrs. Amerit Barnes
" ilm itr4ton Wand,
•er JOhn Barstow,
ild, of Savannah ;
on n ; two Meua
, .1 H. Brown.
n R. T. Brown, J.
, 2d do Frank
ey, J. Brown, sea-
; Francis Batter,
ngarian Ireland ;
1 -- En'land •
wen, 2d do:New
l ed above, is the i
nn, of Sommer.
32 15 N. and long
.11111:11L—We law
an, charmed with
States Mail. It
testimony given
his chance of es-
en Hinton was m
i. e identical bills re.
7stifies that twenty
baggage ! When
as hot weather.—
, called for a Are,
n windows."
i re bail in $15,000,
from the wage
ear MorristoiVn.—
ve on the - second
o defence.
!The most Tiolent
mpanied by in.
peals of thunder,)
s part of the coon
g last. The hail
ize, and fell with
roue to be exposed
• - horses were ren-
iway with their dri
we have heard of,
at in their carriage/
arm was much more
pbic despatch from
nes as varying in size'
eghing upwards of a
Pittsburg iind Ming.
he windowiglass was
Co., bad 1211: panes
House. 500 ; the St.
1e beikling, 150; and
me proportion. We
coast meat Dave sal-
! • or,Amits Bey,reeent
r the lion at Washington
great popularity by
ousts Hungarian rein
and vindictive designs
y way of showing that
t of these unfortunates is
by, the Government
s AmbeasaJor with dim.
d congress in the spirit
voted ten thousand dollars
I his sojourn amongst us.
lamihy, iambi, will soon
! they have a son residing.
me of the greatest insults
!family, in part by ignotant
ly wicked persons. Ones
a newspaper to the hoot*
of the execution, and all its
after the execution, three
d daughters, drove op to the
emended to see the corpse
that they had come on put.
FIN refused.
smaras.—h is stated in
September and October are
able moths in which to cross
t of the heavy rains, and cau
-1 .
incumbering themselves with
observe* that no more than
'of baggage should betaken,
e of conveying it, is to have
of a native, which can
1r charge of only six or eight
that American gold at the
very mum : and now corn
from 17 to 19 per cent, over
IX LAITITSIS S. C.--"it is with
to announce," says the Lan
e 27th instant, " the intelli
-1 and horrid murder perpetra-
Mrs. Itarbari hfihr, wife of ,
les' below this wallop
about 10 o'clock, A."on W -
M. a
I. Elliot, belonging to Mi
r. i
been arrested andlodged in
1 ..,. the perpepiiion of the
I . murder was oirotniued with
'; several mortal woundp haw
" the hpad and face of the
wrat'slipped up behind her
1 ziont and knocked her down
eat which she was sitting, on
ntion on the part of her staff
' d after inflicting Ihe
! either of which wl
dt a fire acmes
I , .*
Wi ith si
ion shii iras
F r- husband. The
cause, and professes
•Ir. W INK , at lbw.
Mr:Wilmot has for six yearsnrineernied
Caggress, be Colonise of Brodkin', Boyquebantm
TL ;\ the / 11W Congo/pions'
trittrielef Peonstilvan* Oa eaellitioccesety elec•
hikpop?ljrity kwyeaveri, arid* his Isal\ trial,
tbi wet & of khiltasolud antral pony or.
isriens Waring beivilf.pon 110 m, butistwived
is! kilkyriowmoicnitietv
-LiVdrocrt o6er Tracy,ArTiylor) "It BM
" over Brewster, (Cass) 7,704.
“ over both 1/41V934.'
~fi.'W'dindiiriis"Cnt' month ietiiintrialQ a
I re-election by the regular Democratic Convention
the delegates of ume three comities.
But a feeling of local jealousy bad been stirred.
op, al doe teat, bai-for three usecessite anurs, awl
now fix • fourth, the representative bad been 'eke.'
led from Bradtsrd chanty, or lathes tit:nov a e Jtuttig,
`fie — pretireiteiToppiiiat — ion to K. VOit;nat
The betterto divide the Demoonicy of -the
trier against him,Mr. Wilmat's oppanemsnomina
ted a man "'lodgd to tree soil measures as strong
ly, in words, as Mr. Wilmot himself. Thar the
struggle would have eventuated in the triumph , of
Mr. Wilmot, no one doubts •, tor the elect*, of his
district were thoroughly imbued with his principles,
and too well instructed in the reality to be put off
with a counterfeit.
Bat Mr. Wilmot declined, for reasons which he
gives, to enter into a contest of this kind. He se
cured-the nomination of a candidate as deeply and
as sincerely dimmed to his principle; as be is him
self, and having done that much tor the cause, fell
that he had a right to withdraw his nametrom a
cuntest so personal and th is Threat
ened to be.
He has seen a great measure, with which his
name has been indentified, incorporated into the
basis of the govimment of Oregon and California,
and be can point to his own exertions and vow as
the happy instrument of amusing the American
people to that feeling, which, stronger than positive
law, has protected the vast regions on the Pacific
from the taint of slavery
This is certainly g °Timone' krr one man ; but
Mr. Wilmot is in the vigor of life and inlefulnese,
and we look forward to the future for a renewal of
his honorable course.
Mr. W.'s letter will be found in another column
—Albany Atlas.
presto■ YIN.
We rejoice to read the announcement of the re
nomination to Congress of Pacrros Knot by the
United Democracy of St. Lawrence and Lewis
The renomination—which we will not doubt to
have been as unanimously awarded on the part of
the Convention, as it was generally .desired by the
constituency of the counties, and expected by the
democrats throughout the State—is a flattering but
just tribute totherinn and unyielding and:tlemocrat-
IC,course of Mr. King.
In the present Congress I?tr. King had stood, al
most alone as the representative of a democratic
constituency in his State, (tor his sole democratic
colleague, Mr. Walden, though uniting with him
generally in his votes, unfortunately differed with
him on a most important question) but there were
few democrats that did not feel that the Empire
State was most honorably and effectively
We reganl a renomination in this *lance, as
the guaranty of an election, and look forward to
Mr. King's return to the Congress of 1852,10 r a con
tinuation of his honorable and patnotic career, not
less lull of gond fruit and fraught with honor, and
acceptable to his constituents, than has been his
past representative coarse.—Actor. •
Massacre er Calilbrula Emlgniats.
The Stark ammly (Ohio,) Daaocrat has the mel
ancholy news that five citizens of Canton, and a
man from Wisconsin, were murdered by the Indi
ans on Pin River, on the 28th of June last. The
Dentocnit says :
The persons from Canton so ruthless massacred
are William McCalSmu& D. Kaufman, Ed•
ward Meffert, Levi Barrel, and Henry Kaufinan.—
The Wisconsin gentleman was Daniel E. Wash
born, from, Janeville in that S:ate. He leaves a
wife and family to mourn his lo.s. Samuel D
Kaufman also leaves a wile and family to mourn
his loss. The circumstances of the bloody tragedy
as we gather them from two letters from George
Siock, the only one who escaped to tell the tale,
to his sister. Mrs. S. D. Kaufman, and. a letter to
ourself from 1k R. H. McCall, are these :
On thYrnight of the 27th June, the company har
ing travelled alone some sixteen days, encamped
on the western bank of Pitt River, a tributary of
the Sacramento. Having kept watch till tenor
eleven o'clock, as natal; and finding all quiet, they
wrapped themselves in their blankets and fell
asleep. About midnight they were awakened by a
volley ofarrows being fired among them, one of
which hit Mr. S. D. Kaufman in the forehead and
killed him. instantly. At the same time Henry
Koaftnan, Levi Banal, Edwund Mellen and Deo.
Stock were Willy wounded. They were net again
molested until morning In the rooming they
*nil their mules and horses killed or wounded
and were waiting till an emigrant train should come
up, which they expected shortly
About a o'clock some five or six Indians eame
to them and endeavored by sign and gesture o -in
duce them to leave that place. Not understanding
the motives of the Indians, they determined to
await the arrival of the train. While so waiting,
they were soon seized by a large body of airrage.,
stripped of their clothing, and butchered in celd
blood, by the river's edge, with the exception of
Mr. Stock. Mr. Stuck, as soon as divested of his
clothing, plunged iota the river, andlhough fired at
and wounded badly in five places, swam across
the river and concealed himself between the drift
wood. and bushes. He lay there till
,five o'clock,
and though the savages searched for him a great
part of the day, they did not find him. At SP. 5L
a small train came along and rescued him from his
perilous situation.
It seems they had thrown everything away after
crossing the mountains except one suit of clothes
and provisions, and were pushing along at from
Misty to fifty miles a day. Mr. S. does not say
they had any fire arms. Their only refnge from
starvation was in getting soon to the digging. //
FARM BALL AT Lootant.Le.—Tbe Lchtisville
Cowin has a long atmount of the grand,hincy ball,
given on the 25th ult., by Mrs. Robert,d. Ward, ihe
lady who figured so convpicnously M the Lawrence
divorce correspondence. The following descrip.
bon of the appearance of the/late Mrs. Bigelow
Lawrence will interest the - ladies
- Miss sail", Ward, as usual, was the matte of at.
• ion. She appeanal'auring the everting m two
endid costumes, each of which was peculiarly
ins;. Before / sapper she was Neermalird,
tight of tke Mira*. film' wore a pink satin skirt,
ihretlammoriver it, and a bndiee embroidered with
Over and studded with diamonds; her oriental
eeireavere of whim, adorned with silverand cold,
nd blr trouters of satin, spangled with glittering
; her hair was braided with pestle and coy
-red with a beautiful Greek cap, and.her fly pink
slippers were gorgeously embroidered 'l7 silver.
The splendid jewels profused over m ificent
costume threw back the light w • . kll o , t h em
• if in sheer disdain of inf. r effulgence. Her
second appearance was • at tke Fatal itt
Rose. Her dress hite:illusitaildoged
Ter, white 'save . veil, wreath of white rams,
white silk ith silver anklets, and 'be bons
he Charm • ale. In this latter character she was
rely •'• Mal exemplification •of the poetical
1 she represented. Always sweet and fair,
,lovely and beautihsl, she was, it possiblei more
so during that evening, and her different characters
- were sustained incomparatively excellent.
Tam A =ANT MVIIIIICLII.-Reuben Denby has
been committed at Alt:am, for the murder bf the
twochildnin of David Lester. He is the stepson
pt Lesser, and is supposed to have comitied the
heed for mercenary motives.
The Wag Slave Law.
Beau Bramwell was oat.; asked to latheate the
beet joke he had ever beard in his life.
miemmite said be thought it .Th
lees fiettpoular left by a mai: to hit triklio
, garb, otrthe British Nat West Math L;
-...The Was lived is one of the darker ibges. Had
this bethq bleat with the daylight of WO* wield
!aye Ilmothised that the passage hf •th47agitive
1111wreAsill (sat o thers) espresslziojtP444l6 lll
Wlsiery question 'was a jag entirely ahead of his.
And the vehement assertion of Messrs. Dser,Bssh; ..
- 4 1t-atitil* dse..aMirwAlav • •
present sad future; seated, Bute , pit to
deep, by the measures. west eves a degree beyond,
the other. It was earryiag absstdity to the verge
of the sublime. •
slaveiy genitive Lu been buried- by the
MOO' fothersi of;this Fugitive Nave bill
1 1 1 1 1: 11. A e legvaph std the Partials already begin to
show • though OS yet only a very few of the dim
smaid *us labor
have been reached-for ands it. Yet already !land
sachasetts is deeply agitated by the erects of dna
bill, and ear own State begins to be ammilsed by it.
Pennsylvania, Ohio, lodises. will soon be ablaze
with it. Not many Members of the .11011110 will
henceforth be elected from the Free Iltatesunpledg.
ed to its repeal; while any . general or systematic
enema to enforce its provisions will obviously be
met by concerted evasion if not by overt resistance.
The law can never be enforced.even to the extent of
returning to slavery one-tenth of the fugitive Slaves
now living in the Free Mites. it will be very dif
ficult to enforce it at aft fifty miles. farther ECM or
North than this City; end of the thousand to fifteen
hundred full* slaves living in Massachusetts,
we don't believe twenty could be re-enslaved. with
'ow costing manj lives. In fact. unless the Rev,
Moses Stuart should be moved to writeanother let
ter to Daniel Webster,proving from the Pentateuch
the moral ditty of restoring Slaves. we don't see
how the law is to be enforced in New-England at
ell. ft seems to hive no friends there. Even the
Hanker Democracy. who make a point of defend
ing every other iniquity. seem to fight shy of this
one. It don't promise to pay. On the whole we
reckon this law will have to be repealed or very es
sentially modified.—Tribune.
Tee Cum= COUNTY Muareea.—On. Satanlay
morning last. as bliss Rachel Simples., teacher of
the. public school near Becky lfiil, m Fast Goshen,
abont three miles easefrom this borough, was ap
proaching the school house, within a few yards,
she was fired upon by some inhuman and devilish
on - tuner, with a shot gunk the load penetrating the
back of the neck, two grzens entering the brain and
two the spinal marrow, causing it slant death. The
young lady was in her 19Ih year , amiable and in
telligent, with bright prospects before her; and the
only motive which we have heard suggested for
the perpetration of this atrocious deed, wars a desire
to plunder her of a gold watch it was known she
possessed rind generally carried with her.
George Fhsiroah, a younng man of about 20 years
of age, who lived and worked en the nighborhood,
was out gunning, las been arrested and is now in
prison, Charged with this murder, and the facts-and
circumstances elicited, as they have been commu
nicated to us from reliable sources are briefly these
When apprehended, -he denied having been in that
vicinity that morning ; hes boots however, being
placed in some fresh tracks found there fitted ex
actly. Several sizes of shot were takes, from the
head of the deceased, by Doctors Worthington and
who made the post mortem examina.
tion. Shot of the same size was found in his shot
bag. The wadding found near the body of the de
ceased was of paper, and appeared to have been
torn from paper found in his game bag —West
Chester Republiant, lit ,
Steoctra Sulanr..--Nlr, Robert Steele of this
County, a few days since committed ,saicide under
the following mysterious circumstances: Prior to
the execution of preen, which took piece in Jack
son Co., about two months ago, he Irequently ex
pressed a desire, to attend and witness the death
His parents first discouraged this,design, and final
ly forbade his going; but, on the night before the
hanging, he left home• clandestinely, walked to
Ripley, witnessed the solemn ceremony, and came
back i highly pleased with the *flair. Since that'
time he has been heard to spesk ispkiringly of
death by hanging, deeming it the best mode could
be devised. It has been stated that he repeatedly
indicated a determination to apply the method to
himself---gt-great was his fascination. Be. ibises it
may, the suspicions of his father's family were not
awakened; and availing himself of the absence of
the'male members thereof, he last week took a
plow line, repaired to the corn-crib, and there hang
et! himself ! His body was found some two hours
after by the younger children, long after life was
extinct _Hd was a yourcs man aged about 19 or
•20 years, and of irreproachable character. No
cause hes been assigned for the commission of the
self-murder, other than a morbid preference for the
mode of, dying.—Ararkersbesg ( Va.) Gazette.'
'mini Lase in Boaron—Worretarux Estano•
stun—Bratee, Saturday, Oct. .51k.—Jenny Lind,
this evening, sang before the largest audience she
has yet had in this city. Tremont Temple .was
filled to its utmost ca ity, and the enibusiam
rose to a higher pitch 1 at ei th er of her concerts,
not excepting even the A L Indeed this was de
eking". the best concer t er given in this city, and
we think we may safely say, in this country. The
first of the programme consisted of sacred music;
being selections from the operas, oratories, &c , of
Mortart i ,Handell, Hayden and Rossini. "I know
my Deemer livith," was sung in magnificent
style by Jenny land, and was received with loud
applause. An encore was complied with. "On
Mighty Wings" was sung in fine style, and was
also encored. The last part of the programme was
composed of pieces of a more secular character.—
The gems of the evening, however, were the
"Flute" and the . " Echo" songs, which were receiv
ed with tremendnous applause and both encored.
Jecny was never in finer voice than she is now,
and her concert 03 Tuesday evening will be a jam.
Fish tc Vcsrat. —A building owned by Rev. D.
Foster, and occupied by Sylvenus Hagadom as a
Store House, was burned, with most of its contents
on Saturday night last, at about 10 o'clock. Loss
of building about 5500-5250 of which was Myer
ed by insurance. Mr. Hagadom's loss not ascer
tained. He had $l,OOO insurance, which it is sup:
posed will cover his loss. A store adjoining the
above owned by John Spencer , and occupied by
Wright & Tompkins, was alms' chummed. The
goods were mostly saved. No insurance. It is
inspossiblcks tell how the fire originated. It was
first • red in a portion of the building distant
fr9( n dor , where, only, any fire had been
to e d.„_Bi n k r iadon Dvreocrat.
uz7 The Dunkirk Journal says: is The work on
is end of the Western Division of the Naw York
ind Erie Radioed. is progressing, and we are in
formed by those who have lately passed over the
line from Home!Wide, that the whole work is in
a fixvrard state, and that'every indication is now
faiorable to its final completion by the first of May
next,the-time set by the Company. From this
place east, several miles of iron are already laid,
and the sopenstreeture of about ten miles more
will be ready for the iron during the Fall." We
understand there are .5,000 men at work between
Homellsville and Dunkirk.
Ciurom4 Goon—lt is eithiasted that up to
this time full one hundred and NO millioas et dol
lars hi gold dust have been darted from Califor
nia, of which. nearly twenty, eight mi:ltons have
been received at the mints of the U. States, and
probably - twemillions of dollars worth of gold dint
Mill remain' in the hands of individuals or bas
been used bribe manufacture of jewelry and other
trinkets, making an aggregate of thirty millions co .
gold dust received in this country.
Dram or Hon . Cam= firmac—Pkiladelpiia
Satre:dal, Od. sth.-=Chester Balk, the Whig rep
merman"' of the Xlth Congressional Maria of
Pennsylvania, died'of typhus kirer this afternoon
at the American Hotel, he wan on his way home
born Washington.
ENsisigd as/ Mar CoNode%
Eng ish Statesmen and writers vseetirgly bo ut,
says the New York Sun, that the eves mg gun of
Intabuteirocods theNhost the world. In a ee ,
lain sense the 'boast is true; her empire stretches
to the farthest regions of 'the globe—bet it is not
has trueifhat the proud boom of bevevening gun
iirakes do corresponding echo le die brews of
arose o*m to ter cokeiataway. She does not
_possess teurgki colony, whether in the Ewe n , of
Western Hemisphere ; Wire Woof beneath the
torrid scone, which is not"toady in a erste of
itaffnamegeirrelt.' "Airmenti RAW etearner,
inlbrm us, that the Australian okieisivare at ibis
moment in a state of routifiy, end seamen to sever
the connection with the mother country. The
Rey. Dr. Law, • preebyterien clergyman, is -said
to be the leader of tbe•movement. flowerer, this
may be, , we may rest TAW assured that the Cola
nists have ample reason to be dissatisfied With their
• seed Kest.— They lergieremrettort have all the et
kin ism of England, ever been governed, solely
with a T i e , 'la gin Aggemslizenient Of the mott l e,
country. Speaking of this matter, the European
Time sew ; "
The only consolationis, that the colonists ;;
,Englishmen, slow to anger, and disposed, before
they embark in any desperate enterprise to calcu
late the cost. If they wore likely to be led by an
adrentorer.of the Ling rags, we Shashi dread a
repetition of the scenes which followed the out.
break with the American Colonies, that embroiled
two or three of the most potent Emroplean dynasties
of the time in the q ."
Yes, the Colonists are Englishmen, mid, we may
infer from this fact, bow great most be the wrong
which drivei them to rebellion. The Australian
Colonis s ts have our sympathies.
Sincethe acquisition of California, an extensive
trade has sprung up between this country and Ans.
tmlia, which has been attended with the happiest
results to the latter.' With the growth and prospe.
rity of out- pacific States? this trade will naturally
increase s thus bringing into closer communication
and more intimate relation with this distant colory
01 Britain. The position of Australia, the nature
her coasts, her climate and her soil, render it very
unlikely thalsfie will ever play any very impor
tant part in the world's civilization. The general
influence, however, of American comnierce aml
civilization ; the breath of Liberty, borne to her
from this continent, across the waters of the Pa
cific; these, added to the injuries which she suffers
will one day. maser her to burst the feneo which
bind her to the mother country. The day ma hap,
has already come. 11 . so we bid thee joy Australia.
The C o tto* Trade.
From the annual statement of the cotton trade,
published in the New Orleans paper it appears
that the total production in the United Slates iQ 184
was 1,026,600,000 pounds, valued at *66,400,000.
.The probable estimate for 1850 is 2,800.000 bales.
The consumption in the United States, the past year
was 626,712 bales—exports 2 : 228,834 bales-
Decrease in entire crop estimated at 616,000 bale.
Hopes are entertained in Great Britai n. of the fi
nest quality of cotton being callielitiql in Ceylon.
It is found to grow better there than in any
put of the East. The price of cotton in the
is not over Id., and• ltd. the lb. At Port Natal, il e
few bales- heretofore prepated, harti — not brow; it
over 2d. on the spot : the quality was good, and
sold in England for 6d and 7d. and &I. A compa ,
ry is going to advance money for the purchase of
cotton on . all the west coast of Africa, where it is
indigenious art tI grows wild. Some speculations
exist respecting the probability of growing it in
Asia Minor, and it is IL "
id we will soon hear of
cotton plantatio nse Euphrates and.T4ns.
The imports 0 Limdon, from India. during a, pe.
riod from January to . Ist Septemter last, for d e
past and present year, have been 69,6E0 bales m
1849, in 1850 it wa5,1 7 2,200 tales-102.520 bales.
But the greatest rise was in the four Jag
and we should by surprised to find, before the I.t
of January, 18511, an advance of .150.000 to 200..
000 bales on the quantity received in 1849—a mat.
ter of small importance at first sight, but one which
makes a great di fierence as to price.'
FOLK BANL.—Between - I an 4 2 ieclock on Saturday
afternoon, a bag containing tz.5. - ,000 in gold was stft.
len from the counter of the. Suffolk Bank, just ger
it had been placed there by the messenger of the
Exchange Bank. Previously officer Staikweatber
had noticed in the street a man whom he supposed
to be a thiet, and discovered from his movements
that he knew Stark weuithei to be an officer. and
therefore requested Major Thacher to keep an eje
upon him, while he, Starkweather, remained a In.
de in the . background. In a few minutes Mar
T. saw the stranger no up into the bank, and upon
following up, found hint making some memoran.
da on a piece of paper - The next moment jut as
the teller had turned round trom the counter, the
fellow lifted the bag of gold, tucked it under he
sack, and walked out, Major T. following him
Upon reachil'ig the street, Major T. beckoned In
Starkweather and, supposing that the signal vras
observed by S.. continued on after the thief no
Eilby-alreet, where he was joined by an airom.
piece. The two then proceeded southwail Nlnja
T. keeping in their. wake until they entered the
Foiintarin Howse, at' the comer of Beach street and
• Harri.eut avenue. He still thoi...4 . ht Starkweatt*
was following, and went bark to meet him, hot
such was not .the fact, Ind in this interim the. cots
ple that entered the Fountain Home' left it rinntu
served,' nil' have not been
_seen sitice..:—Boon
Ltre—Paducak; Ky., Mouth of Tennessee Ring, al.
7 tb.—The steamboat. Kate Fleming, Capt. Donbas,
from Louisville to; Caori, burst both her boilers at
Saturday nom:, and alterwards burnt to the water§
edge. The accident occurred near Walker's Bar,
where shelled grounded, but had got off-when the
bell rang to slacken, and . the explosion oenantd,
caused:it is thought, by *ant of water. Ten ate
reported killed and missing,. seven or eight wound•
eel, among them the Capt. dangerously, and 19-are
reported badly homed. Capt. Dunham and
others rerW op lite hurricane deck at the timed
the accident and were blown several feet into the
air. 'Some MI on the *reek, others in the water,
who were saved by7swinkming. the rek
ing a large amount of money belonging to the
host, and the deposits of psesen,gers, was 1061; bet
, t is thought will be recovered. Dr. Janes, 01
other physicians left the city this morning to 'MD
der assistance to the sufferers., .
soma:three or kw hundred white and colored ads
was held at the City Hall {tit evening. We.
Topp was called to the chair. Messrs. W.
Pepper and others addressed the meeting, rod the lf
remarks were enthosiastisially applauded. TO'
denounced-the Fugitive Slave Law, as oniust; sr 0 "
constitutional and at-variance with human tie! , 15.
The meeting broke up ; both' whitd and colored
men expressing a determination to resist !licitl y
to the last. -Should the slaveholders attempt to TO
claim any runaway in thiii city, blood oil met
der may be anticipated Ktischriwirri
TxxAn.—Galveston dates to Sept. 20th are wig'
ed..- The news is, unimportant. Col. Walnut, t"
Go eminent'. messenger, with the Boundary B'IL
bad gm, on to Austin. Thera was no doubt Ito.
the bill would be accepted. n et ent i r e debtoi
Texas is offibially stated at 111t000,000. No Itdo
mirages are worded, which is something be
The cotton mop looked very well. By td
from Nevi Orleans we learn that Col. Waitco IP'
returned, and that Governor Belt would, issue to
proclamation 'immediately, submitting the:Vl!,
Lions of she BoandarY Bill to the peep* , In ° -
will take place probably on the lst et pron
Ancor= Forvas.—A mius named 811
Savage wai convicted in St. Louis, on a cinsV A
being one of a party of abolitionists timoYin;
Slaves. He was sentenced to the penitentell
ti yea's.