Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 12, 1850, Image 1
,iv.olevi 1.41 rpm II 4 . =I syouriiti TOWANDA: satsubag Morninp, fitoctobet 12. ONO. i. t . , . We hear, no mere the clanging hoof, - And the stage conch rattling by.. , For the steam•king roles the traveled ;world. And the old Pike's left to die. The grass creeps o'er the flinty path. And the stealthy daises steal, Wherelsere the stage•horse day by day. Lilted his iron heel, No more the weary items dreads The toil of the coming morn ; No more the bustling landlord runs. At the sound of the echoing horn ; For the &nit - lies still upon the roof, And bright eyed children play. - Where once the clattering hoof and wheel Rattle! along the way. No more we bear the mucking whip. Or the strong wheels rumbling round,— Ah hs. the enter drives us on. And an iron horse is found s • The cough stands rusting in the yard; And the horse bath sought the plough. We have spanned the world with an iron rail, And the steam—king rules us sow. The old Turnpike is a pike no tame, ' Wide open !muds the gate; We have made us a road for our borseto stride. Whteh we ride at a flying rate. We have filled the rallies and leveled the hills, And toneled the mountain's side. And round the rough ernes dizzy verge, Fearlessly on we ride ! On--on-l-on—with a haughty front! A putt, a shriek, and a bound; While the tardy echoes wake4lso late. To bublile back the sound; And the old Pike-road is left aloni: And the.stagers sought the plough; We have circled the earth with au iron rail, And the steam-king rules us now. _,. ____.____~~.. ___.,A BATTLE WITH BLOODHOUNDS HT CAPTAIN 3LATNIC BCD It was daylight when I awoke--t road daylight. Nly companions, an bat Clayley, were already a•nr. and had kindled afire with a species of wood in Ranut, that produced hardly any smoke. They were preparing breakfast. On a limb close ininz the hideous, human,like carcaes id an ig 111/1.1. sti:l wridtintr. Raoul was whe•ting his knife to Ain it. while Lincoln was si some distance care t...:i re:oading his . rifle: . The' I.ishman lay upon e jrass peeling and roas - aug them over the Tde 1::131121 Soon skinned anti brileti, anti er COrnmenced eauni all of us u nti good. ape- •By S.lnit Patrick : " lull Caane, .. this bates fal; ann' all Its a Intie oneself din-anted, in the olds"), heann2 of shim ni...7ars in hirrin that US be tomtit' kanny bawl !oneself some ISE ate't you hke it , Martagh !" asked Rafeq,jo IZIMS yea ; its better than an empty bread tia,ket. but it yoti could sway taste 'a email tittle or a Wield:4 ham this morriin . , anal aarnitingpratie, recent of this brown sop, yea---" t• said Lincoln, stinting eicilJenly, and the bite ball way to his mouth. . . IVhstio it !.. ti-ked. I'll lett ytt in a miwit, capin." 'The homer ravel his hand to enjoin silence, and striding to tbe edge of the glade, teAllat to the gtoond We knew thaVe vras limning, and waiting far the te ett not long to wait, kW hrhad sauce twout.,,,ht his ear io contract with the earth, when 'prong sudifenly up again, exclaiming; Hounds tradia' its, by the Eternal God !" It was seldom that Lincoln uttered an oath, and awes he did there was amebic:l-kw - fug in his man e wore a despairing look 100, unusual to tar bold character of his humans. This, With the statement, acted oe es r.te a galvanic ..) , ek, and by one iinpulse, we' leaped from the tie. and thr,ew ourselves flat upon the grans. Not e word was sioken as we strained ow ears in ha te" At fire we could dtatingui4 a low moaning kvrEct like the sound_of a wild bee, it seemed to F - -tcne oat of the, earth. After a little it grew loader armj .harper, then it ended in a yelp amid teased ad- - 'Nether. After a short interval is began afresh, lime stilt clearer, and then the yelp, load, sharp I +z,l rrng,efid. There was no mistaking that mom& ik war the bade of the Spanish blood bound. We shenhaneouidy, looking around for wftpors. , and then oaring at each other with an • I 'll)=es/ion of derpair. The tia. and two case kn , Tes were all the, weapons we had ' What's to be draw II" cried lie, and Ail ryes sere tamed upon-Lincoln. The hunter wood motionless, clutching his 1 4 0 ad looking to the gtowid. How fats the crick, Raoul r he asked gee a • Nat 200 yards ; this way it lies.' 'I km see no other chance, eip'n, than to Las Irateri ireignay bainioade do bounds bit, if 'Acre' good ma an.". Nor. I. 1 had . thoeght oldie term plan." it we had bowies, we mower to the dogs charweir; bat Ter fee we ; an' I kin till by he growl, that ain't lees nor a *hen 'em." f' ha no use to remain here ; load ea tolls, creek Sint !" and following the Trencher's; we 'dashed kitnsly through the thicket On reaching the Qum, we plunged in. It was one ol those tsar . data tooreoto—oommei in Maziee..epota of will Irawr, alumuding with caleaSsi 'hula* and foam beet thapelem memo of antygdaloidal bands,— N , waded Mentet the fun pod, and than ' 4ll :lherirg among dte'rocka, entered a lectxtd.-.- Thu was a good wreath, a hawked prim or more, a crystal water. in which we *tie 'Wilk deep.-- lve look die hank at the lower 1114 au the sea* I ',lnk 'n back into the timber, kept row wad ...4y4trevf the stream. We dal not ;43 far - lamisii),3.4. . , - .71Mull "'Crime* 'tat' -, i •1 . -tint! IS I•Csitii if Ir. ' -VOA eiiid tribiri—slio: 34 ilkti-•illk• 3 !v. re I ' jar -,,- .itj.••-: / aPril titLilx-410.1 ;Kit A . L . 1 • _ . :,1.- 1 •-_ "4 -sr; Ir:r- ,, i,nii 0, =,- -- • • - - ' ••41 __ _ ___ __ _ . , :,4,,,4z i -- -, , ,,,,, , ,; f , ....,, ~. „, , 1 .1 ~..; ft:: , ~ --, . • .. , . • - -1 i , ... le ~, • 13 00- 3 / 4 , -,.. - Az t t • .•: -, /73 • 1: . 5B . ~ ~.. ~..,, • ..,...„,..,...,..._......„..........,....,.:„.,„.4 •••• ~•!:',-; , ~, it , ••• , i . •-r ; , , i , : 6 , 4'. . ....., tietilit.'• , 'lW' ' -,_ '.' •• i 3 - 1 ,. . ~j 4 4 4., ~..* 4 '!1 ' 111' ... "' yr -- "-' , 1 t”s? _ .11 ..: ( _ • `,l: . . 4 4 . • ,- e ( . 1.1 . in - _ . - . - .....! • 5 . : ..''‘ ''... , - '. l . _:('- , -• • - 1 4 ,r • ; 41r51e.4). •1• 1 - ' j - ~ • . - , . .. . ~.& • • . - . . - .3 , i., - ~- , _,.. V - ''; " ' ' - t !,a;......r -..5i41 - p9;t410 .1-7.0. t it It* wv-iell - = may how the water, lest we might be pushed aPie,M rgittal the rem. •' this time the yelping of the blood hounds had bean ringing in oat we. Soddenly it 'ceased. "They haie touched the water," said Claylev. " No," rejoined Lincoln, stopping a moment to listen, ." thy're chagrin' them teams." "There, egain,"eried one,'es their deep voices rang down the glen ; in a chores of the whole pack. The nest minute We dogs were mote a mend time, apeakmg•at intervals in a fierce growl, that told as that they were at fault. Beyond an occa sional bark, we heard nothing of the bloodhounds until we had gained at least two miles down the Orman. We began to think we had baffled them in earnest, when Lincoln Who had kept in the sear, was seen to throw himself 'flat on the grass. We all stopped, looking at him with tnesddess anx iety. It was but a minute. Rising op with a reckless air, he struck his: rifle fiemely upon the ground, exclaiming— u Swamp them hounds, theY've arta us again r •By one impulse, we all rushed beek - totheereek, and scrambling on the rocks, plunged into the wa ter and commenced wading down. A sudden ex clamatioa burst hom Raoul, in the advance. We soon learned' the cause, and to our dismay—we bad struck the water at a point where the'• stream conned. On each side rose a frowning precipiece, straight u a wall. Between these, the black tor rent rushed through a channel only a few feet in width, so swiftly, that had we attempted to des cend by swimming, we should hive been dashed to death against the rocks .below. To reach the stream Wilier down, it would be peceseary to make a. eircuit of miles, and the hounds would be on our heels before we could gain a hundred yards. We looked at each other, and at Lincoln—all panting and pale. 0 ‘ Stumped at list," cried the hunter, gritting his teeth with fury. " No," I ithouteki., a thought at that moment flash 'ad upon me. " Follow me, comrades. We'd fight the bloodhounds on the cliff."" I pointed upwards. A yell Onn Lincoln an nounced his approbation. "Hooray!" be cried, leaping on the bank, " that idee's just like yer cap. Hooray ! Now boys for the Mod." The next moment we were straining up the gorge that led to the precipice. And the neat we had reached the highest point, where the cliff, by a bold prolectinn, butted over the stream. There was a Itvel 'platform covered with tufted grass and upon this we took a stand. We stood for some moments gathering breath and nerving ourselves for the des perate strnmk. I cupid not help looking over the precipice. It was a tearful .igbt. Below—in a vertical line, two handrefeet:belaw—the stream , rushing through the canon, broke upon a bed of sharp, jagged rocks, and then gliding on in seething aeon-. bite foam. There was no object between the eye and the water, no jutting ledge—not even a tree to break the fall—nothing but the spikeY boulders and the foamir.g torrent that washed them. It was some minutes before our, unnatural enemies made their appearanery bat every Fowl sounded nearer and Learerf Oaf trail was warm, and we knew they were teen:ing ii on a run. At length the bashes crackled, and we could see their, arhite breasts gleaming throigh.the teem. A few more springs, and the foremost blood hound bounded oat °port the bank, and throwing up hie broad jaws, mugged a hidermeggawl. . He was at belt where we had entered the water. His comrades now dashed oat of the thiCket, and joining in the chariot- of ifisap pointinent. scattered among the at mss. An old dog=-scarred and eunning—keyn along the bank, Mild he hid reached the canon. This was where we had made ear crossing. Hera the bound en tered the channel, and sprigging from rock to rock, 1 reached the point where we had dragged ourselves out of the water. A sheet yell announced to his comrades that be had fitted the scent; and they all I threw up their noses and came galloping down There Was a mincemeat between the beetilers and the bleak We had leaped this . . The old dog reached it and smodltittraining upon the spring, when Lincoln fired, sad the bound, with one short trough, (hopped-in upoo his heed and was earned off like • flash. "Counts am less to ptieh over,' said I:Le - hunter, hastily reloading 'his rifle. . - Without appearing to notice the strange conduct or their leader, the others creased in a. string, and striking the warm' rail, came yelling up the pass, It was a grassy slope, such 'as is al seen between two tables of a clifl..--and as die doge omikeld op went, we could use their white taw, wad the eel Blood that had baited them clotted alengtheirjsirs. Another crack Foci Linn:do's rifle A il Axe ',.. most heend tumbled backward down the gorge uk "Two rubbed out," cried the Wiliest, ...,1 at t e fame moment I saw him Slog his rifle to the ... ground. The houndstept the trail nOlonger: Their quir t, was befogs them, their Watling tistled,aitil they semen upon us with the silence of the assassin.— The nett moment we, were mingled together— dogs'and men—le the fearful rug ci life and death_ I knee not how king dna surge 4117000 ft• ter lasted. I hit myself goapPling with the tawny. monsteesend haring them over th 41.04 : They 4ming at my throat, and 1 threw ran my' arms, thnonag, thetnntarknaly between the shining tows of teeth. Al em 1 wasbee again, and samitg, a.leg or a tad; ar the loose tips of the neck I dragged a wino brats toward tie brink, and summoned all j airy strongly dashed him wins* the boor, that he gni* tumble howling near. Owns I lost - my iiii• sage and Denny awned over the pnocipiee at l i length Warms sad exhausted, I felt to the ill:tel i I looked. around for my comrade. . Clayley and ' Beastf badaank upon the Vass sled lay tern and Itilmoditg. Lincoln and Chase, bolding a Wendt were betenciej biet ova lite dal • i . " No*, Iltmiter,".erittl the heater, 4 ‘ give .bite ' a good bent, Loa see if we can pitch his car en ICalvet aide.; hee, whoop--boo:'' PUBLISHED EVERY: SAMMY, AT lOW And with Ude ejaealation, the kick VW launched into the nit. I Geoid not Jag arum the yellow body boendai of the opixtaise end and fell with a foto the wa r ier below. He- was the r !mat. Ow Tie ii.—The Romans of the Einpi ed in the shows of animals. In the d Republic, Pompey was drawn in trim _ ;giants and Anthony by lions. Amelia es drawn by deer; Menus, by ostriches ; Hell us was sometimes drawa by four hoes, then by tigeta ; now by foie elephants, then by four ill s, not =frequently tby four camels. At one time- he caused to be.bollected a thousand rats, ' a nother time a thousend weasels, and at another thou sand mice, all 'of which he exhibited to Roman people. And for the purpose of astern inwitodis of . the city be caused to be ) such a number of spiders as were never - before, nor have ever sic= been seen bi eye. They neighed upwards of ten pounds ! 1 e would also give most curs ems to those fie called his friends. Ten' one ; ten crickets to another; to some to to others tesi flies ;len ostriches ; and ten ens. To some dead dogs ;to others, d and to some Vessels ran of worms, of toads, of serpeets or of scorpions ;And- fre his feasts he w old i pa t h ntroduce bears and, lidos and - - ets deprived of their ] claws. Qrcertoss sos me Itocuescr.a Ksocil Saltpeter explode on its own hook al Who struck the lamented William How are yoa oft for sone • Can yon account for the milk in the Hour did ii Lei atre What's the price of potty I How long wih be before that good which has been , so long coming! What was the secret of Lord Byron's are turn, and why did his Lordship intbi How many Woken-heir - led men are in California, utterly cursing, the boor heard mimed What is put opinion of the gulf of Fla teroal patent! _ Do serpents hi*? Is it advisable to go it while you're yo.l Is there a warm place down below ,1 people : and, it ap, when are you going b Is this a great 1, 1 - etl'ntry !" and, it 60, it coat to fence itlin! Will Painea digestion enable one to I pipe at a pomp?' Eh! Darsuivrri.—That social dem:vitp have been so common among men, even kited society, is owing to their hicious rather than to their originally vicious n children beard mi profane swearing, M. not invent the practice any more than tb speak a strange language which tin i heard spoken. lion would they be giver and theft, if they had not opportunities of the uses and odvantages that may be ; these meana4 child, we assert, so banns& fi e, i had not previously team vantage to be expected Cm, the fie. , Ni believe that childien would thieve, if not old thieves to leach them, or from ample they could limn. Why, if &Mai amoral peopensiti of human nature, a would be thieves; i tot we do not find thi On the other hand we find that among properly oducaterlithat is rarely found a a deny to &gamin* Bad parents and tuldj make the bad ebildr.en, who grow rip to and women, and these again add to their by their continual efitts to snake every o whom they come lo «intact, bed like the Witairo Acrtoss;--Remonie does bot sd evil vrbieti bird it, *hen it promotes, sot . but despair. To base erred in one branch dinies-does not unfit as [Or the per . the rest, unless We seller the clerk spot to over our whole aware, *lnch may happen end:nerved in the teapot of despair. This despair is ehlefly grounded - on a karat& yeti indiykhial Teas mike or constitute the who! of man, whereas they are often not lair trim tires of portions even of that life. The fu of rock in a Inooritsio•stromer any tell onseh history, in. in feet, reecho of its deings; bend sot the smarm.Thry slate droned &ma it swan turbid ; it iney no' r be clear; they much the teed, of other daelstortanees es of t that of the prom ; their history is fitfot; 1$ as no sara-intaligettee of the hone masa, tareffll i or of the aware et its sasain; and' arturely show. an than • den it his not always asit is. The actions of mien ate bet better indications of ,the 'wen tbenweires. Tara as Paw:hum-4 colosid pinching recently son Meek andienee, at thel mid ; I epee, indeed - I e'peet dat de teem Lord made an tweak teen war, 'cause be are white men up 'lone he got to de hawk mm, a had to make him bock. - Bat dat don't mad odds, my Weidman ; de Iced loot twin* too. Don't de seriptate say dal two sparer am add for a faalen and dal notone oh 'era fall 'post de gioanJ widow ski bidet I Well, my leashes, if yaw bebbendiy Easier careso kw a opener hawk, when you can bay two o foe a farden, how bent mach more be care Jai am math aim ar when handfed dpllatia . -If that imminent isler a oolong non sequitei netiereaw a colored non miter.—kwidairix If we week! '47 O l iveira, we meat la I wodd as it is—mix icSaideffseasispotsef —eidissl hew mad ibame-:e Welt sky—e, sorlay--a calm itmoofororwitsot doll, wilds of Wow ; azetthe wank restrie; ai seasasar. A, BRADFORD =COSY; PA.; BY E. 0 Consaniies tionsitur Adventures in AMC)s: • 111•15-EATIllie LION. ; We foes splastr of 'be U► the 2kb we arrived at the small vigil,' of &kale& These natives told' me that elephants werelabetnlant on the opposite side of the river. I accordingly resolved to halt here and hunt, and drew my wagons up on the river's bank, within thirty yank of the water, and about one hundred yards from the native vfilage. Raving wispy). ned, we at` once set about making fix the cattle a kraal of the worst description, of thorn-oyes. Of this I had now became very particnlar since my severe loss by lions on the first of this month; and my cattle were, at night, secured by a strong kraal, which enclosed my two wagons, the bogie being made fart to a nektow stretched between the hind wheels of the wagons. I had yet, however, a fear fur lesion to learn as to the nature and character of the lion, of which I had at one time entertained so little fear and on this night a horrible tragedy was to be acted in my little lonely camp of so very aw ful and appalling a nature as to make the blood curdle in our veins. I worked till near sundown at one side of the kraal. When the kraal for the cat tle was finished, I turned my attention to the reek ing a pot of barley broth, and lighted it fire between the wagons and the water, close on the rivers bank, under a dense grove of shady trey, making no sort of a kraal around our sitting place for the delttit. at the by ale. 'ting the tea I ••• Hewett human hou bears to camels ; pelican's ad bolls; bogs, of loently at klVsyd'h teeth and evenmg The Hottentots, without any reason, made their fire about fifty yards from mine; they, according to their usual custom, being satisfied with the Atelier of a large dense bush. The evening pass ed away cheerfully. Soon after it was dark we heard elephants ' breaking the trees m the forest semis the ricer, and once or twice I strode away into the darkness some distance from tire fireside to stand and listen to them. I little, at that mo ment, dreamed of the imminent peed to which I was exposing my life, nor thought that a blood thirsty man-eater lion was crouching near, and on ly watching an opportunity thawing into the kraal, and consign one of es 6' a most horrible death About three hours after the son went down I called to my melt to come and take their coffee and sup per, which was ready for them at my fire : and al ter supper three of them ten:lined before their com rades to their fireside, and lay down; these were John Stables, Hendric, and Ruyter. In a few on nines an ex came out by the gate of the kraal and walked round the back of it. Hendric gin up and drove him back • again, and then were hack to his fireside and lay down. HentlrlF sad Raper lay on ore side of the fee union one blanket, and John Swint/is on the other. At this moment I was sitting taking some barley broth ; ' our fire was very small, and die night was pitch dark and windy. Owing to our proximity to the native village the wood was very scarce, the Baka. tar: having horned it all in their fires. Suddenly the appalling and murderous voice of an angry, blood-thirsty lion burst upou my ear with ni a few yards of us, followed by the shrieking of the Hninentota. Again and main the murderous roar of attack "vas repeated. We heard John and Roper shriek " The Iron the lion!" still fora le* women*, we unintt he was but cluoiry one of the dogs mind the kraal: but, next instant, John 'Sinfohn rushed into the midst of es almost speech less with feat and terror, his eyes burning from their sockets, and shrieked oat, “ The hos! the I firm! He has gat Ilenthie; he &ag ed . him awe from the fire beside me. I struck him with the burning brands-bat be would not let go his bold. / Ileudrie is dead ! Oh God ! Einadric is dead ; lei us tithe fire and meek hit's" The rest of my people, rushed about, shrieking and yelling as if they did not stand still and keep quiet the lion would have another of ;as ; and that eery /shady there was a troop of them. I ordered the dogs, which were nearly all fast, to be made loose, and the fire in creased as far as could be. I then shouted Hen- Ones name, bus all was still. I told my men that Hendric was dead, and that a regiment of soldiers could sot now help hint, and heating my dogs for ward, I had every thing brontst within the cattle kraal, when e-e lighted out fire and closed the en trance as well as we could. My terrified people sat round the' fire with•gurts us their bands tall day broke, still fancying that every moment the lion would return and resin again into the midst of us. When the dogs were first let go, the stupid brutes as degs often prove when most required, ionised of going at the lion, nulled fiercely on one another, and fought despe rately for tome minters. Aker this they got wind, and, going at him, disclosed to us his position ; they kept spa enatineed boating until the day dawned, the lion occasionally emingin; atter them and driving them in upon the kraal. The horri ble monster lay all ietda within forty ) . arila of us consuming the snitched man whom be bad cho. ven for his prey. He had dragged him into wind* hollow as the bark of the thick bosh beside which the fire was kindled, and there be remained till the Jay dawned, careless of oar proximity. - It appeared that when the unfortunate !dentine nee to drive the ox. the lion bed watched him to his fireside, and he had scarcely laid down when the brute sprang spat him and Royter (tor both la) under one blanket.) with his appal ling, mur derous roar, and, roaring as he lay, grappled him *ids his fearful claws, and kept biding trim on the breast and shoulder, all tha while 'feeling for hit seek ; having got bold of which, he at ouce din. / god him away backward round the bosh into the dense shade. As the lion lay upon the unfortunate man s be faintly cried, "Help me, help me ! Oh God! men help me!" Aker which the tearful beast got hold of his neck, and then all was still, except , that his comrades beard the bones of his neck cracking be tween the teeth of the lion. John' &Wales bad lain eriala Wallet* to the fire on the opposite side, and on hearing the rem he gime; isp, and seizing laegellansing band, bad belabored him on the bead with the burning wood ; but 'the brute did out take any some of him. The Bushman had a nir- -w3ll IN I cocoa-nut ime comes Iwife 2EN ;Mete now they escr let's vas. I= !• tricked ktoitl bat will 3Q~ d crime in ciri- oca 7 wanlJ y would =I to lying,; • inexl by .141 Dever • the W- C= are E[.fli] OW CI- Wail a children ibry are. cbikirea Efil , .. ben) o with .selres- to the inf aewe ou; • URN* , ad of % that life of its are bea 1 I 1 ' en ' asks 'shall den, noeb dun you, NU 'LIRA. GOODRICH. row eacape; he Was wit ultigether walliless, the Pine having indicted two gashes in his seat with his etaws. r The nest morning. just as the day began todawn we heard the ham dragging somedringap the.river• aide under cover el the bent. We drove theeattle out of the kraal, and then pruceeded to holier:l the scene of the night's ae•tut tragedy. jta the hollow where the lion had lain consuming his prey. we found one leg of the unketrusee Hendric, below the keee, the shoe still an his toot; the grass and bushes all stained with blood, and fragments °chi* peacoat lay esound. Pete, 'Himilrie I I knew the fragments or that old coat, 'end had Oen 'marked them banging in the dense covers where the ele phant had charged after my untoctunane after-rider. Hendric was by fir the best man I bad about my wagons, of a most cheerful disposition, a fine-rate wagon-driver, fearless in the field, ever active, willing, and obliging: his loss to us all was very serious. I Feb contonmded and utterly sick in my heart; I could not remain on the wagons, so! te solved to go after elephants to dived my mind.— I hid that morning heard them breaking the trees in the opposite side of the river. I acconlingly fold the natives of the village of my intentions, and having ordered my people to devote the day to for tifying thekraal, started with . Piet and Rnyter ae my afteo,riders. It mesa very cookday: We crossed the river, and at once took up the fresh spoor of a troop of bull elephants. The bulls nufortunately joined a troop of cows, 41 when we came on them the dogs attacked the cola, and dwindle were off in a moment, Wore we could even seethes. One remarkably fine old row charged the &gra, I bunt ed this cow and finished her with two shots from the ia.l.lle: I did not attempt to tollow.the troop. Sly followers were note little gratified to see me retornii. for *error had takenbold of their minds, and they expected that the lion would return, and emboldened by the success of the preceding night, would prove still more daring in his attack. The lion would most certainly have returned, but fate has otherwise ordained. , Sly ,health had been better in the last three days my fever was leaving ine, t•ut I was, of course sU7l•veryireak. It would suit be two hours before the sun would set, and, feeling refreshed by sr- little rest, and able for fur ther work, I ordered the steeds to be saddled, and went in search of the lion. I took John and Cary as after.rideis, armed, and 4 party of the natives followed up the spoor and led the dogs. The lion had ilneesecl the remains of poor Ilendric along a native foot -path that led op the. river. We bond fragments of his coat all akin the slime, and at last the mangled Can itself. A haat sic hitrulosd yards from . our camp a dry ri vet's course joined the Limpopo. At this spot was much shade., cover, and heaps of d i ry reeds and trees deposited by the Limpopo in some meat flood. The lion hail left the foot-path and entered this secluded spot. lat once felt convinced that se were opoo him, and ordered the natives to make loose the does. These walked suspiciously .forward on the spoor, and near minute began to spring about, and barking . angrily, with all their hair bristling on Men backs: %crash upon the dry teed. immediately Followed— it we, the bon boomd ing away. Several of thepara were extremely afraid of him, and kept molting Oorwinually beekwanf and opting ing aloft to obtain a view. I now premed forward and aged them on; old Argyll acid Bess took up his *aria gollesit *yip, and hrdat the ether dap. Theo awomeoend a short bat lively and Orions 1 chase, Whose conclusion win the only small satis faction that I could obtain to names for the horrors of the preceding avesim. The lino held itir the rivets beak be s short diem* • Sod look army thwiegb some walbs-bit thorn cover, die best be could finili but ',eve:thews open. Here, in two minutes the dogs were up with bat, and he tarri ed and stood at bay. As I - approached, he staid, his horrid head right to me., with open jaws, growl in; fiercely, his;tail waving from side to side. • On beholding him my blood boiled with rage.-- I _wished that I could take bim Alive end tenure him, and, setting my teeth, I daubed my steed for ward within thirty yards of him and shouted "Tour time is up, old lellow." I halted my borse,.and placing my ride to my shoulder, waiting for a broadside: Thin the nest moment he *coed, when 1 sent a belles through his shoulder and drop ped him on the spot. He rote, however, again, when I finished bun with the second in dm breast. The &Wan can, came ep a wonder andi delight I mitered John to cot of headand Anemia end bring them to the wagons, and ; and moenling niy hone, galloped • home, having been absent idiom fifteen airmen: When the Bakelatisiromen beird that the man-eater was dead, they cnmatenced dancing about with joy, .caWrig .me thrirfieter. F.AILYLT thiarralGUl --110vr cavity are KMe per-. soma ducouraged. If they try some project for an hour without stamens, they fret ; eel acn e and give up Seta eharacters never did accomplish any thing worth naming and never states that he was three days and a bailee *single soma, which he wet endeavoring to transtase—. one word only was wanted, and, that he eretlj not supply. It is said that Gray was ten. wan , In !ri ling the, " Elegy in a Country chinch Vail." Yet you are diwortoced in an hour. Shame on you. What can be eccomplishril 'Ma tew -mnments can of patient industry are often upent in project mg 'Erna woriuk. Some men have employed &en whole litres in iniponant undertakings, and, when jrnt-ornvipleited, have died of okf age. Imitate diem and never yield for a tit'ornent terilisccinr*inatts, 11 you are.made of theme material, Ton tuner will: . • Some senablechapsaysinaly, that spasm-who tries to taieskiesself by smodalizitv ethers, might jest as well set down ca wheeltimew, sod an. desiskolo wheel *met._ ir, Mu Mroan---Cbasiog balloons and collect in; pinto" 'a bills. , .w)Trz3, , ME MMIM Nat, cease to ask the reason Ally T ragout gaily smite to-skieu.— _ by_gto/ILLIOEIC _arscis,mitessi. Igt 4 "4ft 44" My bosom owns annex's grief, That eye& t►Ott coast *ever share, . Too stern for modes to glee relief, Mises dame west pass usibeedetakele Bat dint lot. love. that eye for rae.- On others happier let it shine. The last—worst pang muss prove - to see One clisad reflected then! tram !situ BM Myers bit. Holden's Magazine for Aignekeentainetios• 101-• lowing anecdote of Ree. T. P. *Ent, AMMO Tooth and west es a temper:ins, Wenner: • - ; •J A small teniperunkii society bad been started in it community very much midst the ecite,tul of a:rich distiller commonly celieti,‘ Ail Myrna Ilia man had several sone who had become drunkards on the faciliiies afforded by their education at home. The whole family were arrayed. against dtatinpve ment, and threatened to break op anVlDeFffillitcan ed to promote the object. -Learning this Mr: Runt went to Wneighberigilistrict ior ternperince vol unteers for that particular- oCeasion. lie then ere out word for a meeting, and si the time founiA his friends and enemies about equal in number. This Lict prevented any outbreak, bet - Conld not urvent the noise. • Mr. Float mounted his platform, aid by a few sharp sneedotes anJ 'witty sayings, soon silenced the noise except the sturdy Bill Myer's. This old Dutchman crying ciut, " Misiber Hunt, money makes the mare go.". To every shot which term ed ready to demolish him, the old fe - os presented Cie one shield , " Mather limit, money makes the mare go. At last Mr. Hunt stopped and addressed the im perturbaNe German: ‘' took here,,Bill Myers, you say that money makes the mare go, do you." '- Yes, that is just what I say, Mosher Haut." „ " Well, Bill Myers, you own and worka distille ry, don't you ?" inquired Mr. Hunt. " Pat is none of your busjness, Iklisther Hunt But, den, I ish pot asJaanael of it. I bas got a still, and work it foci." • " And you say " money makes the Mare goir do you mean by that! come — here to `get money from these people." " Yes, Misther Mint, eat is just vrhat I mean." Very Well; y'ou work's distilery to make money, and as you say, c' money makes the mare go," Bill Myers, bring out your "Mare and Ilk bring nut mine, and well show them together." By this time the whole asiembly was in a fires . of delr,grit, and even Myers' kalowenscould not re press their -Merriment at the evident embarrass ment of their oracle. Ia the meantime, we most premise that Mr Hunt knew a large number of the drunkards , . present and among them the sons of Myers himself. " Bill M era, who is thatholding himself up by that tree Pa inquired Mr. Hest, pointing:to a young map so drunk that be could not stand alone., The old mall started as if stung by au id Jura but Was oblige) to reply. "Mt iA my sett; but p.s • of dot, Mobil- !Noir • Good deal or that,,Aill em go •, %at ton has been riling Soot mitre ant got &rosin." Wire there was .a potiecesptoal from all puts of - the oitembly, sod when ankle*, restored, hopro. ceetied, asittpstit‘ted to palter sett `=siUMiers, who is that mowing as it his limo trete as weak as potatoe rings abet. host r S. Well, 1 mitipore dat is say son, too," replied the old - man with a ferycrestlallen look. At this poiat 114 old man pet up both Sands in a most imploring manlier, and exclaimed: oilt,iow, Mr. Hain, it you ROM say any more, I will be still " This ammuneenient was received with a icor of applause and lane:der, and• from' that meateat Mr. Hoot had all the ground 13 himself. Karp Trairrytion —The only safe comae tor a young man who woold retain his virtue and his correct principles, is to keep away tom tertipt onion. How ;amt.). have fallen .who merely yen. trued to look at. vice in her pady colors ! Her -temptation was too strong kw them to resist. They partook of the fatal, glare—enasched the gilded ttessure, or gave themselves up to tmelerm nets. None are spectre who run in the way of vitt •'we mellow near they can venture an the dinesboLl of •ire, wettest antst4ing their feet ia Umtata at the Weer:rag. • In regard ba Tice, -be only it sib who flaw" away from temptation. Thom who voltam pair are often crpsei and destroyed We can point-So Mdtrailnals who are load in virtue; who, Whimilley took the first wrong step ; resolved never to lake another_ It was a voice of a preunaled honuf,,it may be, which urltitern on, only for once; fiat i l a pan their-destruction. 'Y e' ho are now safe, whose hearts me Mica tamin i al, !igen to the voice of wisdom, and go not where there are strong allurement* to vice.-- Keep away from the „puoirg-ialate, the grog-shop!, amt the mirfn*ht party. " Keep as far oft aspos. 'Alley' and a figs of inter and vino, will ea. woredly be your Lire C* or Amster Mininums --The N.F 0. D e p asa y s that Me tat ,Carondelettueet inhabitants, of the gent* Petition*, who Jigs been lot -Peara time; i4operted of bruit &fleeted with the. wads, passioir 4heryffthbothboa. of -hot keno, Wady. made doubly sutf,'• by :talkie; act dposstmet wl4lLweiY WI Veeitnea ota /mill raised alretbor bead Libiabidlnistiara tbsebrean, a fitvlabotoit eibededistakfar her paned, sad did i?sit 41:c!4i geirinfir fill abs barl irallect* eal 3lo 1 10 as and. - . ' J. Sloth, him rost, consumes &ger than labor wears, wheal the wed key is aleraya, hiZh ; 4 lift 024T-' =1 !SIM MOM GRIEFw 4 :416