Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 21, 1850, Image 4
• r ft El 044 =44e: Itiolyig-TH.44. .e, , ''ettlime as a igallUreo-w2l To speak. of as a manure, Inv PeOaPiv tie those who-deny, it the possession,ot tuty ytflur it 'is a ermstimencirot only of laf . r uf f but the,plants fri a gitrater,citlesS. Wt'inaYre.outiithr. it rut altd-ftisii9ilseto - and gnu urging WA 11111111iptk lilow it , thus aels,.anti in what way it etraduceti to IheproducJiMi g f.ier7o4, li d s Isatgle"..cii misander stoisticaud ['fluty ilreoultave , .• , beemfttAvaLW•gdrill )l only taneilul but fallacious. That large quantities are uselnl, qr thal'lay • the a[Plicatioli chi !lite alone, fdrtitify-vatat der' kept up; have become 'exploded Neils. It is novrTresi, I evert tb 40 batbtby'ttremi ia 'dombin 4 tidic tint 4Ktieettj.--4114tirtnOttshi l 'Ate - ) t .., • , r • inert matter britk,:Fegclahle4pd rtlan4rnl her which it has alHUitier , and entering nentallyiti o the corn pos Non of the plants, atvproved . kixtebeinical ky. sir. The ash id. wheat plant eriltlairis 6 per cent , that of the peu i r I i r - t -While the rish•of the or,1: 32 per cent., or is conapceed 'of near'Y (h.c third pure, • . I • Lime ha. L een found especial to grain plash , by atidtulatiug theprxyiduclivaener, a 4es of the soil—anti by its efficient agency in the pros duetion ,an.l preparation of the elements'OT vegeta ble re, It hues this wen prOperly applied, by aezelerattng the decomposition of all dead vegeta= ble and Substances—tlyeennalizit, the 'flee acids of the soil, .and thus clitVortmging the growth of coarse, noxious weeds, nod promoting that of the grasses. Under a fuvorablereoneuirerice of mocjd, tuoiiture and beat, it induces the formation of eu- Irres, imparts warmth to tie soil , nod ittereavOilas power of ilbsorbtion---erveg to render stiff soils fri able, and gives consistenei: t l'o sanity °net. / It !irb motes by its electric force, fermentation and ulti mate decay in, inert matters, causing cat bouic acid to be evolved, and tiitrogeneous gases to be ilist7n gaged, thereby controverting that which I..vas before unavailable; into active sources of vegetable nutii zuctiL Lime, clover and marline, are parts of that rota tion of which wheat is the product, and, like a pro. bleat in proportion, mu4t have three numbers given to be sure o[ the fourth, The ielemenhs of the soil which go in form tha_Frain , Tinst be returned again in some shape, or they will finally be ex hausted, and,profitable production will cease. 4a our_sumnicr fallu i via s gt tlite rficriy.o.lo.,AusAiot failio . provle ti it if them ihts constituent in the Ail, iv., appliewion proves cgcpeeialfy valuable. Some !prefet.tupplYing it in small quantitift , to the land when in graes—others compost, it with muck, and applying it lb ,#y crop in rotation. Lime should never bp. mixed With barn-yard manure directly. as it decomposes and evolves the .gwes.---dissipating its most valuable iinalitie.k. But mac?: becomes mama tby ferrnenta lion, which mixtnrc ith litre prodtires. Johnston ploprics a mixture of salt and lime--of three bushels t9liell lime, lieu from the kiln, with vie of econnion ealti which forme chlorite of lime, and carbonate of soda, mote genial in their action than either - alorre. Finn bushels of this mixttue, 'wilt one cord of muck, will fully 'decompose it, forming al the end of a tnouth, in warm weather, a most valuable manure. • Lime also acts mechartically when ripplieti in the state of a carbonate, rendering heavy soils loose and friable--actiog for along time, both chemically and niechanically. Its ellecos° may be seen 'lot twenty years , atter its application. in the lightness and tenthly of the - soil h h contains it. Jts eflect is greate:st when applieckto the surface, as it is not of a volatile character, arid when below the manures applied, its tleccmptkr•ing power is lost. It will not rise like other manures, in gaseous exhalations, but is only,• bronaht op by .he toots of plants alieh take it into circulation. Clover. es. btings up this constituent and other ralua ble salts by its penetrating roots, arid it is this pow er which makes it so valuable as a green manure, and as a preparal ion for grain crops. But it must net be forgotten that lime, or any Mb er mineral manure alone, cannot be depended upon for fertility. Neither can animal'-and vegetable substances atone produce always valuable crops —for, thoegh the plant may grow, the seed will be imperfect, The latter are • primary, the former a 2. ceridary in the character of the benefits they ad, mirti,ter. 1u the use of lime, ears the veteran e.ii• Ire of the American Farmer, whose language. we rooted in prevjolis paragraph—ll Its fell benefits can only be reltlized, 'where 'dee attention is paid to the applicatini of animal and vegehible manure, —where a: judicious system, a proper rota:i m of crops, is rraviccd, and the culture of c/4 and irosees formi an element id nth system ; /mar most befurni.shed :via 'the rare matcrint to. work up .into Site food of pianfe, and clover, or some other green crop, must be grown and plowed kr every third and fourth year." Thin it will be seeq, that practical and scientific knowledge and experience, lit this as in alicither operation, Upon the farm, enn duce ; rinich to the most, prpfi able and jtidicious use of lime as a manure. Tim. Parrs Ma Mom:" Or FEEDING CATiI.E.--An I , :sigi4oh writer observes that two Veal points in feeding, canto is a 117,11441 i and a partieufarcore of the, Weals! srJiviJltals Qtt Lys ,raft *Roma there • ought to boplent:l attack recom,..shat too , . !fumy rßaj not , feeit - AVefter . in'artfittt t r lt roinmarr ae the Weatei,orn poi Atinlx. tramph.d,:ttalaii by the strougoy. but• they arc 'worried, and ~beecime enured and spiry less- , -than which there - cannot be a mote uat.trofable sate file •thrift besides thiy are evprenffilitioro icfi orst of the,trcid• der. Thii liomineerit4 ''reMerkably prilvalent among tiorne.tieattie,_That the writer has aitundred ittn4i 01:41erYed..1110 - Janater beasts run ' awe istan.briG ter.etitriserat , absolotety stegitilning tiff Vtetfif icala of dirtuwihtlfn 'rt i eyf Trir t gßt .7 . ruior fairri - 11 4r5., tins is much oftener lhotkiis suspected the chissfseason• of thaulifiereneet a lot of beast ! aler winrees keep. It is likew ise; he says ; a very common and a very sharnefulsilAt;lne a dairy 01 cows, taiee several of them gored' and in a dozeh PlaCeS, merely horn the inat tenni:lett' the ovyne . r,,,likklite ;heated of - clip' Ong ltittrhoivid of those 'that bon: The weaker,aohnols itßcl . pt 'apart, rind in eribfeeding intim ytiid, A is. a 41`OcalnethOsi tp tie up the masters . meals. ' Dr;Gerrillityythbriii 7 shitoTti be more, Oran •oiltiltifte btry:h`wheri direretitio haie At. yij selveN al least, sod •the young s 1 they,Apay,t!et wholly confined tamer oatratford them...- ! • ''elfarrir I .‘ t• Lo 4,0 A".. - 0„, twnerpy?.. •5014 s refiChlrAf 001k1017 ntibig 49; RtSCILLA M B..aWlXllDreitatifewn P = " Pllz?lrneal•- THE Fall and Winter season will corgnalso Mneadaydiugust.XOtb; and confirm - twitbant, termission till Christmas when dim will WA :licadin during.thit Holy , thlyi.. • - .A . ; Particular attention Will be paid to Mao rtilluilltt• to teach dining the Winter '• i 0 • ' Mirraitlntlars can •he iccutitsatalsoad With bawd in the family of tbe Piincipal; Primary 'Department. Cuiranon Enghsk., High English. Latish:Gm& •nd Hisl kfusicaa Pioao , Fl rmortriPaintins, xrz MikatTt ruan - ww - 0,, aato ie grao , s.! , am: rruF. Pr' ening ) Elmira and Lluffaiolf.iue. haidng , re duce& the fare from any port on the Cberpunva I to Iliiffolo, aff edifier not heretofore offered to emigrants and ot e kii3g a home and fortime in he Great West.. . A boater this line wilt lease Coming 4 Elmira for Buffalo a Every week during the season, in the following order Leases Corning Tuesday's at IU o'clock, A. M. Pin." Woleestispst 2 o'clock, P.M. -Leaves -HaventZT , kutrsday s . P. M. Tows down *nom talus Touching at Bit Stream, Starkey, haat, Drewlen, passing Geneva, Wauerloo awl Bisnaca Falls on tiat urilay. . i. Leaves Buffalo for Elmira and Corning every Sat. urday morning, leaven Rochester every Monday wore ins. Boat CORNING, Capt. E. H. CALEB, Bunt 'ELMIRA Capt. R. P FERRIS, Bait BUFFALO, Captain --- W. M. Mallory, Corning-8. B. Btrana & Co. A. G. WI °olds, Elmira—Wm. Reynolds, Horseheads, I. Wintermute, Horseheads—lL 8. riortion,..Havana L. G. Towneersend. Big !Stream—Woodworth & Poo, Lodi—Mistime& & Field, Geneea—Gray & Sweet, Waterloo—J. Miller, Selma Falle—L. Bosun* Mon. teeuma—H. L. Fish; Hochestar—Nilas 4 Whocier, Annexation of Cuba ! pLpttIOLAS-. llRsiyA. TO. THE, PEOP I LE ? foctlisi flbef I. W trousiee he has rearived since'his coarrneime. men: In I.Mviness,,,onld inform die people of Bradford enemy that he has juet received direct from ?kw York a Is ge supply of Dry Goods, Grortri , s. tirrors, Ready made Clot: zing, Boots and Shoes, Cigars, all of which be offers fin sale at an exceedingly low price, for cash. Bevil g extraordinary facilities of put , chating, and such as few in country towns can acquire he flatters himself that be can and will make it the in. terra of those wishing to purchase to give him a cal. before purchasing elsewhere. Landlords and indivi duals wanting a superior article of • 7L..0 Me, 113 OEM IFIL g we would call your special attention to thins old °ten], Cognise, Champaigue and American Brandy r pure Holland and American Gin ; old Jamaica and St.emis Rum; fine Port, Sherry, Claret, Madeira: Malaga, Gin. ger and Raspberry Wines; a few baskets Champaigne, a superior article, still on hand. We are determined ' to put our Liquors down to the lowest figure, being de - !times to quit the liquor business. Our terms are in all eases, Cashor.Ready Pay—and no second price.— Don't mistake the place—the west corner or Main and ! Bridge its., in the store formerly occupied by Jt Kings bore.. WM. HAYOEN. towands, June 4, ISM. MCZYVILIE IFIDTIEI 11 trflE SUBSCRIBER. having now completed his' 1 arrangements for the accommodation of the Travels-!, mg Puble,leels warranted in soliciting his share of Public Patronage. His Tabfe shalt be furnished with' the hest the market affords. His Stabling is Large and' Warm. His Bar Ailf be filkd with as good Liquor, 11111 are to be foondin the country.' BESIDES, br the accommodation of Many, the , subieriber is mannfactorkil Boots, Shoes Saddles, Har,:r noes, Trunks and Valdes, *e., 4e. And keeps" on. band a good assortment of PATENT liIEDECINES,I fir all of which his patrons will be asked only a mode rate price. ! I Gentleman of Utica, N. Y., has obtained from it the Witch-hazel, a simple remedy, which lays more just claim to the name of family cure air than any Medicine we hive ever before known. Nothing is connected with it but a little Alcohol to preserve it, and yet it acts with great certainty in removing pain and all local inffamation, nosing all @meg, burns, bulb, ace and lameness, rapidly. Piles, bowel complaint:4 choleva-morbes, hemorrhage, ear ache, tooth-ache, sore eyes, and all nervous affections. It is white a. 1/11111- and as harmless, and it is called • " Pond's Pain Destroyer and Healing Extract." • None is genuine except ',Pond's Extract" is blown in the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this medicineite the public and has expended a seat deal of tixin and money in bringing it to a high state of perfectiod, aotj we Dow warrant every 1/utt le 40/lee,rtatiafection. A man by the .naml r of Spencer has FuVforth-an rticle called "The Coyle Extract". which claims: th from the Vlttch•hasel. If from the. shrub, its name • a petfeCt deception, and it is a very imperfect arty. ete ; b not deceived, get • •pamphlet.and For isle si Mcunanye'i & Cu. Towanda, 8. hi. Ain me htunroetan; rarkbUrst & Lapfb.Leßoy,llOrraCe Wr Frlnliari• • 3 multi& 1:851i Want= .KNOCKINGS INIOWAICAI. i .. _. Clorly Watch, and Jewelry gtorel A M. WARNER tiskes . this method of frifo ' insing t rAl .11.. his olik4 ri mr sany)teAruylic generally, thil be t has i pur, .. 1 1;4 y _ 1 lAA wf,M41,41F06 a F ttill i oavnint • ' kw.= 2.1.= of shit latter, on Main wrwaile two doors south of Brick :liiisr.l alltiessirotationpicavliiilo44kir* iiihiiicrl satiliiiited ;a thietomonwerpoptiit W Wei` ns. el 7 toainra'sabribun'tbiltpliiititlirbliv4ll, penienewand•grost advintagoofor iinpaiiiog rthoreng knowledge of the business , he hoe ontatieseie in soyin ici - ille public, bring on 7a* oratelerind cloth, I is' portieres justice. -.- • - - ''' -, • • L All goods sold.or Repining done. warranted as 1 i bie ecanimertd4ir • money satandeL ~.....- . ..1 • .. - A goad raiment of.Ciocki, Watoboi and Jewe t t kept eonsz von/win& * My !sotto aballbe--guisit males. sinairprofibt eit4 flown, and no credit given. Credit nassistotttio oatetl , • . Lis bound not tomakoitsliciplaititince. . Tovranda..July -12.1850.. A. 111.: WARNER. Lid bellaMgiu iftaniwi ftwer -TreAieordereiehoOeraotieeludfrrb d 7 thVin i ll e * e. - 4.,}lPaiegil* any 1 4 4fest 11 441awwi (hp hind, Those who ore anclefthe neeessiq curios that article will sod sgall be estiefled. A roil bouredand pall army be had in attwedipeeorbed dewira liepleinher 1, 1847 - -1,." N. NYC 4 CO: UM ,itt4e i sire byitlgn another, Qha such fodiler u the Ciccury al , ' , Tim/ °VMS , IMMO*. Eii Inei&utab: ; R - ETITP - AiNk 9"rol;l3ill4lo3tiouojirvPlL,A !N 1.E15p. For Freight or Passage apply to tho Captains or the 'Vowing A gento: ril•Proirilrions for - sale by the Captains on basal Ap•il 4, 1950. Fur former patronage_ and favors, the pohlie will dense accept the sincere tkanks of T. D. SPRINO. Lace) ville, Sept., 19, 1850 Very Strange but true. le.r7 iiit . evavvintuer 3 ' J.l !be sw . 6 04°Ond sasiiger eq ..T • - I # 6 -fl i e away Cherry, furl other prei . nuruti the papular,oueo, , rivalled for the cure c u es, Viz: itinuenia„ .. Lion, Spitting of I4srEL WhioeiLL-0C'14 11 :1- in the Throat, Unotc .Jew of the Nevi - iteired ennstituti and I I pre% _ falling into •kr., thi Las $2 to POO 410 .boo ,b:4O -180 62 SO 25 eat. I=l Great run: of Euwauu Perfits' ractoty, corner Spring Garden. More wonderful curraliaoptope pouud Syrup of Wild C 1 Dr. Straynr.—Dear s with a violent Cold and my lungs, attended with my side, th at .1 euulli sea no appetite, could get no severity of my tough, w of blood at a time. This tinned until I almost deal tried physicians and num but having beard of the pound Sytup of Wild Ch of by physicians of the I make a trial of it, and at bottles performed a peg I disturbed and sweet, and medicine I am indebted Il I, ehall.he glad to corn 1 t the sashimi who may be p roborate what I haett . aai the rectory or my resuleo CC' Be very particular smuume prepaistion of Ur. Bisque. N. W. corn Philadelphia ; all others ' feit.7 - W All7rlE'S CELEBI " A safe and effectual sia, Cholera Moduli, sick souks, and the most use fermi to the Public." ' I= Du. SvrAT:cx—Dear rious nettsenua Vermifue• highly applauded by lb' slightest good effect, and I speaking in the highest ter its delightful taste and lett somewhat discourage. clei I hod forced upon rni dyspeptic looking worn on frame the Wor their ravages; I conclude Vermicuse, which., had to let go their deadly the titals. Such was the nsifug! oh my child wh assuming all the color of luhsess of en innocent call Yours Ate., No. 4 Howell street, bet, Four ii. Beware of Mheakes! Vermiluge is now put up i the name is 'pelt 'correctly. CLEANSE A Dr. Swaynes Sugar Coa frad of 1 A mild and effective ping blood, •they correct all the as an alterative in Dropsie valuable. 16`iddiness of ah depression of spirits, heada purifying Pulls. Remember always to _inn' Swayne's Sarsaparilla and E that the signature of Dr. Sw The ahisve valuable medicii Dr. H:Swayne. corner of Stt dslphia, to whom all orders st AGENTS . FOB BRAD Hcsrps & Pout ca, Chas. Rathbone, Canton, ill Beialeman & Dwain, then valley. C. D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. I Ki C. T. Murphy. Centneeille.l J. Daniels, Budinzton. I M. B. W, & D. F. Pomeroy; S Tmy. 22y Kin A SOVEREIG b t Xjo other medicine bus ever 1. 1 1 public that tuts met with ma, as Da. Sautes Oriental Havirig been but six years bet advertising small, compar ed 3 et they have worked t heir wa! Union and Cao2lllllll. They the Standard .kledicine of the vegetable and so admire* Fo ken in large doses they speedi nervous.fernali, and have rai beds after all Other remedies Ai . t.e them are spurious Pat este:Lot soveteigu Bahn. be thit this oatoe of " br. E. face of the boxes. tioue VT not aware that any one • article has yet dared an make sense Of them have 'had the kozwe and our Circala the public are careful when be deceived. OP The geonineSOVEß hip had wholes.), and retail Euclid; N. sod in Towa •Traitraird-by *pets . _ Ibtix it pt. E. N. • eel-partnership in the moat reepectfolly solicits at ofFranck Germ ILfa Chemicals, V. Stursaarfotreryr t Paternal eirerphene add burning 'dui went of all kinds of Livia nrith an 'extravagant (mini bier. Mei; a very general • deseriptiinta. Having,nativedi fresh the public to. vrandne tl :ebewthereinOtirlittigonei axonal "to 'them 'theirmi term, injr othefenabli Ontrof rot& iiiniiiiigulisoteetiit cies sold at diakonale. Towanda, June 1; 1: ffn FIC:2 :*:1164 • sti4iinil,o;e4 padded adtingforth &wine, rekbraied TIM'S ° op 'at 11.111Cker41 _ o f i 413. - • !lo a di*ln of any I have ttied ell at this wilt Im o( the following . POWs; Colisiimp., pitAtion of • the /eak, seusatiup • in., Wrik- SAetn, or s;vl n from 'tiny raosi, t prrs4n4 foga Declipe. &a, wtratine of it's CESTIfItAtr. lis Nev. Engineer, et Mr. ("Ninth. soil Wallace sts, obstantial evidence of the ties of Dr: SW AVII:// Corn- VY• , . we c IttLIMIA. April 16, If l so. r--. Bring severely afflicted Cough, which settled upon great difficulty. soreness in ly breathe, spitting of blood t at night. owing to the uld "pit -a* much as a !Sint mournful state of things con ire(' of being cured, having rotas things without relief: rest virtues of your Cont i erg, arid its being approved • rat eminence. lieoncluded to happy to 'carat three t core; my sle up now no firmly believe that to your this great cure. unicate with any person on to call on me, 'and Lor in the above certificate, at Yours, &e. EOWARD to get the, original and only lid Chem. u prepared by r of Eighth and Rare street•, re gectitioas and counter- • kTED VERMIFITGE. away for Worms. Dyspep. nr Dyspeptic children or I I Family Medicine ever of '~ PII t LA rcrnii, March 20. 1849 ir —iiaving made use of .a l Medicines. which had been! it proprietors, without the I.avitig heard my neighbors a of your Worm Medicines, , onderful e ff ect, although I I .' from the result of the arti 1 already emaciated, sickly, hose delicate and almost a had already begun to make ,o make (dal of your ral e oar great joy, the Worms and and strong holda upon Erect of Dr. Switynes rer h is now perfectly healthy. he roar with an the mirth trta:t ful child. TCIDIAB WIEGAND eeri Schuylkill Third and inember, Dr. Swayne'. 'aware bottles. See that p'D PURIFY ! Sarsaparilla and Ex- tive, great purifyer of the unctions of the liver, and I affections they are very • head, dimness of eight, • „ &c. 'are cured by these , ire particularly for Pr. tract of Tar Pills. Bee 'vrie is on each Eros. V ies are prepare& only by ma Race streets, Phila. mak! be addresiett. • ?'ORD COUNTY. ' Towanda Pa. sin & Rockwell. Mon. (*top, H. Herrick, Athens. lacy. & Salterlee, She. t g eq ul uili k loc & t Co., ast rnittitichl. & Vosburg, Troy, . , . . BALM. 1:U ' -% 4 a ! , 1 en introduced to the such unparalleled Poe- Sovereign Balm Pills. the public, and the h most other medicines, into every ate in the eve ihaolutely become rday., They are purely pounded that when ha y cure the most delicate, numbers from their faded.' 'TERFEITS. BEWARE OF C* in eirculanoneilled Ori. re to see before you uy Soule 4. Co." is on the . ran be genuine. We ho is making a up:liens Rae of our name; but mpuJeuee to imitate °us , Certifiestes. 45-e. ILlnfesr ~ y purehaie; they will 14 YIT IGN BAT . M PI I.Lar eau Dr.-E. L. Soule.* ON, . ' by HUSTONA PO& town- in the-axintry; and , Leitinin. room .brin g J 9. 6 ,4 • !rag and hleaients Waitress, ntion to tikr fresh 'ripply so and daserican Drugs, L. itisbas,, Nide, Ode Dye e4tetteee., Often:la. Also. - 7 iref'a very large aesort ' and Groceriei,' together it* of teary Mask ' We y of ;Amps of various t • "of Gook they iniite itirei before purchasing L 9 who tray feel dbipeaed to age; 'to welt ori a liberal twilit this aide of Nirviirat. - genuine Vara ciet heir . I Ansithavelki,leickihipact :r0 , 4444.4.5arwuki ~pgrigorric Ssrtfp,„ The followire - eamisromg Oftibeiganstail or tary-7—Rear-1 it! Prompted by no otheVkan theNteling of benevolence. and fool the bandit roUttay ifilieted telleerbeingi, I de sks tweaks kewenve skeet deseipties rf sardiseale. and themtietpaimert aaltaieetl lkesidMiliahleiE l9 PULMONIOSYBIIn %boat *Misr itegags.l *as gold, r wlticb gatthitilgst my and sid#, wisq - Murales Kiraelld was considers- Ma blood; my Mug/byes - tight and dietrisn'tf"::'i dirtied Molest fever-creeping chills, Sod fitoftier sweetittatmighe;with great difficulty:of breath's:wand grmileas .oftippallte; Ire system was entirely prof- ' t led tog filed to my fell it of 9 ,- t fpleit • rte . is y 411. e. a' r te.iheis&g diet eta re nounced my 'case incurable. Indeed, one said mm In . ne;!vigril flattnikinine, and 1 calla net paitablii" re enentr oAtiltie stage of my Mama% I Wks prevail4d upon to try fir.. Sckenek's Pal/ironic S:stretp, anti bertha I bad toilet) half .4cittewhoulint, mamsalar -mammal as to be to go about the house. It :seemed to strength en my whole ilystent—i4 loosens:ol6e cOugh,anr i l flop ped the bleedite—my every Itiing. i ste,l ?r erineil dlseat mita, end. bean ? "' my wifoJe. !patent, kititet.4such was the rapid pro. gresi of my lica`th ant` io sudden the change, tinitl became too sanguine of • speedy care, anti abandon.. .ed the use of .the medicine before the disease. wag thoroughly eradicated, which remelted in another atfkk of bleeding at the lungs kit tall, accompanied by a die treating Cough. I again commenced taking the Pill movie Setup, and sent for Dr. Schepck. who. upon • careful examination, advised me to contindle Piing it. Before,l had taken fair bottles, an abscess formed In my aide:which gitberedind broke, discharging, as near as I can fudge. a pint of very disagreeable yellow mat ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my whole sys tem, this time I began to get better. and gm happy to say entirely recovered. lam mire at this time I enjoy better health than I. bate-foe the:last ten years. Since I commenced taking the Pulmonic Syr up, Lhave clever failed to recommend it wherever wenethat others, as well a sm y self , might be " 4 ' l saved from-that awful disease; for I feel it *duty I owe to the afflicted to publish it to the world. -Perinit me to mention's $1;•1 ‘ cases which have come under my immediate observation. Being on a visit to Camden, N. J., last summer, I NM • child, evidently io the last stage of- bowel consumption. The mother informed me that the physicians had given the child up as in. curable. I told her what benefit I bad received from the use of Schenck's Poloverie Syrup, and indue-il her to , procure a bottle. I hgard nothing more from the little sufferer notil about three month after': being in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady who , observed mu very attentively. She finally approathed j me. and asked if I was hot the lady who:recommend-1 ed Schenck's Pulrnonie Syrup to her dying dead last summer in t 'entden. I replied that I was. ' She said that her child. had entirely recovered, and was encom moray healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, aril now resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would mention in particular,who had • sctofulous affiction. Her face and neck presented one continued sore, and one of her eyes was seriously affected with it. She had become greatly emaciated, and to all appearances pnst ncovery. I induced her to try Schenck's Pulmunrc Syrup, which she' did, and is now perfectly cured. Another lady, Mrs. McMullin. whose residence I will give on appli cation, was evidently in the last stage of Consumption, I prevailed upon lwr to try the Pultuonic Syrup-. In a very abort time *be was entirely recovered, and now en joys excelienv health, having become exceedingly fleshy , These are three cams within ray knowledge, which I know were cured by Schenck's Poltnonic Syrup, All who doubt-this statement, and will take the trouble to call on me at my residence Parrish street five doors abase tenth north side, I think I will be able to sans tretorily convince them by own ease. and others that I know' have been cured by this Syrup. Since my cure, them have been so many to are me to know whet I took, did I have had • very good opportunity of knowing a great many that have taken it, and have been greatly br-nefitted thereby, and I think if persons afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine their lunta, and if be says he can core them, follow the directions, and prevent taking cold, they will rapidly GULIELMA 1.. LEIBERT, I Philadelphia, May 29, 1849. =3 J. H. Scaugcc —Dear Sir-1 have known Mrs. Leibeft for seamt years, as • raembrr of my church, and have all cemfidence in her statement. and am re joiced to find her again restored to health. Anyhhing more, in addition to her statement; is needless. Yours. truly. THOS. L. JAN k: WAY. Pastor of the North Prealiybvisn Chuich. Philadelphia, June 20, 1819. 6th Pt. above Green. Prepared and Fold by J. IL SCHENCK. et his Lab oratory S. E. corner Coates & Marshall sta., and by the following, Agents in prailford County. Geo. A. Perlin', Athens; .H. Laraysville; T. Humphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn,.Rome; J. J. Watford, Monroeton ; D. D. Parkhurst, Le Irej ; C. E. Rsthhone, Canton ; King & Voaburg, Troy and by MIX de. MASON, Towanda. Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half dozen, To the Victor belongs the Spoils._ ALTOUGH many preparatjons in th form of" Popu ler Afedieincs," have be. before the public, claim mg to give relief, and even cure the most inveterate diseases, yet none have so well answered the purpose as 1)r. Shermau's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea ble In the taste, easily administered, and from the uJI• preeetlented success which they have met with, and the remarkable cures which they have performed, may justly lay claim to the title of Conqueror over the di seases for which they hove been recommended. Dr. Sherman's • wte , 7l 177\ Cure the most obstinate - cases of Cough in a few hours. They have cured a large number of persona who have been given up by their physicianit and friends, and many who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by spitting itloori„ Consumption and Hectic Paver, by their use hare had rose of health restored to the haggard cheek and now liire to speak forth the pmisi of this invaluable medicine, Dr. Sherrrum's " WORM LOZENGES" Have been proved in more than 400.000 cases to be-in. (tillable, in fact the only certain Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them Then they cannot be forced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the iulminietratioarof medi cine to them in this form is great beyond conception. When the breath of the child becomes Offensive, and there is picking of the nose r grittiling of,thg nose, grind ing of theteeth dining sleep; - fiblenesa about the lips with flushed Cheeks, bleeding at the nose, headache, drowsiness, starting daring 'sleep, disturbed. dreams, awaking with frightning screams, troublesomecougt, feverishness thirst, voracious appetite, 'sickness at the stomach and bloated stomach-440e era ' , among the many' ilic - netinebt Vymptiliis f won* and can be relieved by these iacumparablit Lozenges. They ",have never been known to fill. -Dr. Shermen's ! W A .; " CAMPHOR' LOZENGES" • Relieving headaeliti f tiers= s Web beadsehe,palpilation •of the heart and sickness in a fewmiautts. Tint dire fewness of spirits, despondeney; hammy tonic, spasms, •erawipatif die warmth; sommereir brawl eonipliiits they keeprorthe ti **UV diePelalf the ifietTelatra W • rtapiii4p - rfi#F4 - kfie — fi or liselyniilheittseir- ti.igreat men. "i• ‘"POOIVARNSIPLASTER"" - Is aelusowledged by all who liahevenised it to be the best atiengthing Plasteria the world and a Sovereign remedy for pains and winknesa in bath, loins, side breweineek, limbs, loin, rhatimatiamOnethiqn. & c . One million a year will not , sopply -the z demand.— Caughh - there are ,many iinininerpled persona who wSuld forge i efrhifiltht tinkle upon the domain*:eomain. He eirelid fo get Stieniiin's rootlitan's Plaster, with a 'Vise simile" of his written-hide on the boa—none others are podia., and will do more bun than good. Sold in - Tomo:di by EtUt 3 TON4pIIII. TER, ,ITo. 1, Brick R0w.... , • 4f,32 SURVEYING 41N9 .MAPPING: TjAVING romped the business ler kip RTETTNG. Al Wok etittustai to illy care will be done with swipe* enordespe•eb: Notieei lett at the Hoile"1411 elate attention. • 1111,3024; Mtn. • oftIiirt.SIMPSOPT.. Refeirto-=G:r. Masons I.MictuielSfeirczt, U. L. Ward, I J B. ' -., ~,- ~mOded d i-: !I' " COUGH LOZENGES" Mental I ! •• I . , i f il l 'IAC , A .., ..... .r _,_ . IR. int sActr.m.ii— a dia-4114! - • , Zwasisdie New teowdl4lllllll iiis - . ' ; '..P44,401,pfrAi11i4 er-01.1iiiiiirleyilli.' .. f r - , ...intant_siLag& - - limy's,- ~ BIING EXTRACT b she pad to , caworrnaly—em eirawilise ilblryasssBrtisd 110 dat ill taw saralkakka. Ths rsa of Pounrs ower IlausoNionio ita bastOber my Woos. sossaro oodonlood tab heworthz kwita: mar-bearase aft mar rivesokt. so bertimirof dee rats Zoscoineof - Elarsapadllics Telkiti Dock, Mem *arks moo Woo*, inozi vitemi — sf irrafeffi4o so& album orwOon, Is knit of fo cm foommi Os wog hoolo of soolichiNsolloCEturod se Stroopotiaa: flakilecopos T—booludo TIBUO toniller oho posiroto to& iniko o o itigiagaiglito.o.4"4"geW • • - - napits, itatieitli k - tes.fitidette • . Ithe Peetneteo propettei Or which exi /Nogg suretutet to'll‘Wee . • , aid whin eheehie ea t s poine With Barkparas, Yelkmi soot Jkapienss, Alm" mike Slig nediCksis tie siustairsai *Malin artier ' et the Bleed is the Watt &lee, ii Mei axe, Yew awl Owlet mated carat. the Dow to' • - • , -- , • Weeny Tablenpireattid, Ins amempaip i . :. tie) It Is not to whltZeweat of fieretwoi/Ja, feria tit IteWodiottioe (ie tarp W .) being so weed wiesketeed and Misted the Does et•itatsitarthe hie - to be Twip; 711kree, or More .2'. • .a4keteeetfete--Thxze.. i.eint. ix Mete ti.• Len to have deli eyeliner tgbet - and ak globule of col iwido satteiter oviihis. itrellore, to m®p IA 5444. sad Mg oast dares iti day, will use up a lioule of it, In ::1 • . • - Veer Fin ai tax There, • . . • ebeltibet a Will of Brunton 'Ciminer o wnt loot fins Twelve to Ilivileav 'Dm ierreerr.rharr a beads of 11ereeperillif eaS Itita dailypeelleal efficery serail ) ea ,Puiu mem ant . 111Cli.tre- Ihreeleilrerilksies) -or •soft, Noyes that Ong bottle of Veit rintsmo /o w ~ r oar Fire them more than a bouts or gerlerpartite. The ehare.eumeeimowdcumesoi4n..ahowsaik feent,4ifereeee In valve between the_Leedieuet dime, or SaArres kovirter and 8/e/.. PAIULLA. VIII repipeer try-tbe cerufeatoorer -When to femora PaortieWolocrwieg et t oN g o c yri- 4 eisr itgAiiis kWh/it " • . boo eons elleotzr, awl owe wore deerenr blood diaseme, Were 'TEN Sarriparilla. It Silk ClimMitetU - 74,,reatmatt seas be Oni.Deu.anlame Lotdse/ awaspeogbpatmaid sell for Tea Cents. SCROrtms.- , Mr. J. B. Minim of Itateee, Oeeldi Co., N. T., whin was Med of flaufula in 11146,,. swore to the Ism as mewed below la an adios itt the &rating CASSIUS In the etty qf Feb York, oaths 201 of Do meths, 1649, wider tlitrfolitthetos• cactutenusees A pemon to the CYty qf New osit had manufactured and ended . a spasswe Made of medicine, cella; it Baateris Inman Mom cies, in: imitation of the ersudas embalm. Fie was pressMted td *Minn dacuatashia.tba liapreate Conti of the Chi of New , Yeib. and the case WM refereed by as Com! to J. 9. Hoswerta, Ton, an esitoment .Lawlns, to to take Ms med. mot il y7The defendant pleaded In wilfenfisa uJ &mem; this the Pmprietoes 0f,..80u1t , s Medicine lad in mein mass publieeed rata. STAT MKS Or ensefillnd eniA had committed li Nisi on the public, red, detrafme,..wasned entitled t d . tee atee of Mr. Hew kis was mimed as beteg Abe, and Hoak no was suns a. a Lefton In retard to the FACTS as published, and ha tatiemp Nona muss SCSTAIPICD astlpablinatiea. • Me. BAS KIN ma k I am well troirtimoil .to. Ittene• PotiOing Itstaart— ban, mod it ire .4. }w.. Abro.t, Mona Wit I wan very bmily by illy I man Waged by oirmealikart MI told me 1 email sot Ism— that no cordrarna mall ram n... In coonognolurot .nth inGrannalson. fan one mamas Mama and Armies Parldien, I book onomedscoM Whoa I comment 'id no the riarejter I had born .oarlard to my bid • lan; truly; ! not mum my had to my bold t my nova nos •••• stow.. /Not loam a.. *a ao., om ear am ao eaters oat mood k, Mat k emilat be Ltrial op not of ha Oma r It Doty Mnrkeg by • pone at tbe tap i a lado arm ..lon dommi woad/pc, that my tomitli panard In and rad at dm MM t so sheet vas oortoY .moldy, its my brub‘mottrav to.. await my min moan, at large, admit bad amen through my Oda. on That my bodyermdd be Imbed aldot so.lmraoki al`l. “t• 6 4.4 fn.n sly darabtav to nay Omar .barb bad ernes to the tom hod ••••,* slim alma ale. I Drew's la marl Mad.. th*Jen , hood. I••• to rse.w d•Yll. I ..a• re wank I only tonIL lane/dr.!. of • .armful at a dose; Mat bordlo or, me to MlAti, PM to pi oat of betty the sonnaol born* I toot tine &II do.. {a apoootoll, *hail o atrearls+aid me and Lealed ory mem. so ttnit mu Woe tar walk um mite* to diagrams Leonard. at Rama Ceatre. where I got Medi:ad Wire': ihis bora* B FI EA R LKII LL XI U LC MM. bot await ~dawn aboall as Ivry, as unread .nay rim rab. ad I tboa ameted mom at diappiof wool. Ina MY Rater. mom. whirl P4R77C1:24,1 mode • TA a SPX IttiNTS re CT CUMEn awl remored mrni me to ` n .Ers heal* NV, P1../4 vANCIMIS CUBED. Mr. a U. K INN Y, merchant. .Ciatog, Oneida emeriti, N. fortto-1.1 us tits, a cancer-doctor 10 sedd county Wm cdoct.n: , dorful cures of Csacmag through the efbcacy of TAUNT'S I'Vitto FYI? ti EXTRACT. A atscco-dictor in Ureette county, N. Y.. is also acing asst ruatrica. Mr. A. B. Burnt, druggiat, at Canajto harm; 51,mb:emery county, N.Y.- has informed no of . an Important ears of stowing.* of long Standing', which was effected on an aged pt of that place. It, therefore, this Pcturtes. moot Cancer, by its trine, healing powee• what impure disease of the blood can t not curet •Seeert pram' experience and triumph says thane are ease bat what it wilt care. PLITER43ORE ' CURED. The Rev. lUCHARD "DUNNING, Pastor of the Presb thumb. Adams Baein. Monroe county. N. Y. wrote Was: jest rennived • letter from Mr. CUANNET Diuranna, relatrie to the -.nap of Ms Fever -eons. You may depend me what ct Mates, for he a a Christian 113.13 and en elder in the church. Some yearn since tre had to Lave one tenth, legs ad 141 J, to save his rife, in consequence, M a levePoare. The ocher leg being now erected. and shoot tp re sesputated, I recommended - Durres MEMCINE. Red the re sult.- Re say*: •I ham said oely seam acrrrams of. BRANDS MEDICINE. I placed au. nom...from poor raven in Mel ,Pirdtiair, sad I me now say that, the Wessatng of alas drestal a ems of cep kg.'" Bee Pamphlets for full partkuhus. LIVER-COMPLAINT! Dv. RATHAN HUBBARD, of Stavaford, Co.,m one of the, oldest and most respectable physicians, was orchid Icier- bninsavvel. pisist mans rears, and was perfectly eunod - by wing BRANT'S PU• XI FTC:VS * EXTRACT. We soak! name bwideaL of Other Celle, aloe cored. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS: No remedy oared to the public km ewer been kat/ es ea - a& end creme( is restoring ALL the bseideethl emblems end trleguittedine of We eez. u Bun's PULMONARY BALSAM. It AMARA nu differ nee wbettmr the dernagroseat be egurerees, meet„ or ether seek mem—tt REGULATES ALL, by eteegthesisg the stsrw, esposiebe the cuteuLsrunt, and soolkbeg mad allaying smarms murrain:tart Sr' See pampblets . CHANGE OF LIFE, front the pier to the totetant. told the annees of witlells ale.—the ens rasa as etretereted. and the other so greelsany or as to pre- sent any of the faint dissestsast frequenny anse m consequence of Inch change. Dyspepsia—Sour Stomach ! " Areica, Genesee Co.. February 1,16111. "K. T. WALLACE 14. CO:—Gragersere: I wasp, for more thin • year. afflicted with a disease of the stomach. could not eat irdy Ikt or greasy substmoo without causing s great sicluicsa,ud vomiting, and was continually afflicted wit h a pour stomach. I, is ea expertise; tried mas bottle of BRANT'S MEDICINE, which, to my utter disappointment, reed end ethers( the enrol pain aifeei •k. /. I therefore used a second bath; which hascompleudy &red the dl.eale. I am now well and bearer, and can eat alum* any thing without balm pained, or de atomegh bec T. osnhig arse " Toon respectfidl. 4 Yr. Wilcox is • rispeciabl• userbsat of 4.1efe1. 8 NURSING SORE ROUTH, LUCORRIICRI, ie. " Brea!, Otanste Co., N. If. det. 19. Hr. • Meads. H. T. WALLACE CO. :Sorne time last winter ' my wife became we debilitated front the effects of Leeeviers and Nam let _Sant Monk that she could nat lift ter adder perform any house. aold labor. Her medical treantenetmas rdied according to the 'advice and prewxiptians of the nairreiniaent physicians, until oar skiff was extended in useless efforts. She became savory a leek. Me, that at the time she commenced taking Braser_kfedifirre ides weighed Po more than eigtay-dve itounds; but by Medina ambled talumlbsw koala, she became perfectly welt. Tbe cure is so that .he is now enabled to do all trecterary household work, - and thirty pounds of Seat m Gnu weeks "Yowl may, C. It. OALENTITIE." — this - 41iroilittri ih:Orittimiteliiiff iretiF tr," g l we are inforteed by g. 8, Trotax. Esq., of pastime Page. has MlUilnnWkle DISMEiSES. IIItANTS PURTITING EXTRA-o'l , llllllllllore ood thorny* .**d.. Mar of all the Oral elf /11.110.1111 r, or Buy of the various pronto dons of CaLomat. or la Lamar.= :Wok : end tt the Wood, mud s% and oil Da porno • to flex original. mr.u.varr. nail& . GENERAL DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM" Mr. A. ROLTSTANDER, meitbant, Oberita, Lanais ile.. , MIN wane, December 11, BM, and alter having mated how lite a darn the PULMONARY BALSAM bad effected the cure of hi. wife. : a lly. comtoriptire conch, Mid i. I re personally toed BRANT'S PD. RIF 1.7.N . 0 4EI TR. IC 7", fix debility of my system, and I , have no heatable in raying I the test medicine to garrote i and untooaatra rim &MLA th at- have ever used. la ie , armee where we hare sold al S MEDICINES, Meg 4 preamdDair diem and pine the is sails)* acmes.. - .---..—...--..5ALT.,..411eLEA114..... . ~ Rig all . ire #6•osie dimes Nde sum; are always ears by ,m4hT'S mpu EAT*IO2I.- . For sale by " HIISTQN & PORTER, Towlines C. H. Hallitki Aiheat ; iC. E.Rothbene, Canton; D • 41,Forttbuyst, Lwßoy Brown it; Rockwell, Monroe , ton ;E. Wrllainlsituntinerfigtili.l4. ,Welles, Wy• alnaiaa; D.Railey & S l oti,::Le ßa ysale ; T..litunt4V Orwell; Maynard & WOnaburn,Bome ; E. S. Trwiey , Bruirldteld ; Coryell & 'Gee, Burlington; L. & you, Troy. • ill' All Tellers and orders m ost be addressee to lA's'. ace & Co., 406 ' NEW ..ESTsiII:LTSILVENT MMadliMV IlEisPintlre=mmail• =II ot , in country shops, wwwili keep on"hanituad make to order SOFA = .Various and' most approved patterns ; Sofa Rock' , gChaistr,lipbeibtereilho statterlor ~ .4 1 .1 4 - 4 Ftf&critoicstbe saw ,1a nfq oup 'la citi s dusiviho'bilipA rarnig Ma. togas? • utilulty irith_islitest. hair, which never I- oil its elasticity, and finished with the best Imitate • We 'hatter oarsalves that having match a pe•le nekin the himinsaii, we shall he.' i lt b le to satesfy I 'Who may' feel' diapoirea to l eall,ltoth as to quality' .€1 .iiste.'.ind by strict lineation to business hope merit, and *eke tlketntrinol!geofe liberal 6 ' l ! mo qr. • L. itCilfE & CO. °wands Septelnlerk, 1849 • • AThind meet* a new supply the celOrate Fur 1114lon HistaiirPsitweerfinfi:. of t , f clothing's at the new Clothing and O. I Brick Rows N. & ff-4M1411111. • etka CO., leseild ro. adly inform Monitions, of Tow. mid thetipublicgonerally, that :bree orchard dlr manufacture ardor &IV - kinds of CA BlitIET fßNlTliftgiaof- Ma best Mote aud,workeneuship thatconnot upasood,intdditiontotheusual . . . o w { ~ MX ~lllßliVYlllYileitrtetttlgfn ,'rts 7EI j lill ~..Rli,.: - • .;; n o w- 1102rd end todon, h;el tiding 0 rthogra' phy, R e s. .L . . i j ug WAiling, r iktilblitiiii,Alphrt. B9ok4teepi ng, EnglistrGrantirsat. Ittktitii;Vitnippsinoti, Gil ovap b. , Use otibillMithei; Miiehdogy, 'Natural Phiisiog r , Aldsnowng..(with the daciektigiod spparatisiii., ksielliosestudige,) Mond Philosophy and Plagi ary; pqable qmumrly in advance; ft ammo, : I $lOO go ' may' telinat; Pat tietitheri . " . 400 - . :- ' . swear caurnass. FAT 1 4 11 7 ,7 4, 11 1 1 11 *,77.7 , , 7 ' - • ' $4 09 . .4 00 * itieft. - "` • `,. - 400 Maim. (on the piano.) per linatter, le 00 elobnlidozY•Ood ragwork,'!- 2 00 Atli young, lady midst:is instinct/on on the tune, 1 pm,4agia:Pi-learPtC ° P lac a.kf-or‘oul on! , of the alineio n s, °N ei ll fad tnaAaloil idole/-Dil'hOl salt/stud charge, „, '!° a young 4d who 0144 1 0 5 , 1 4, -glii4th breach es , . - ' ries ofiterollis * O4ol:this, Melva o fl o c h eian ...Pit' Varier. , --. ~ **" ' • - * - $3 00, instruction...on the,tiii , i4pt i. , . , 4Do Use orPianns, — ' ' ' 72 - llmoving"and painying in water whist,. including the use orinsterialt, inch ts.o . 4rettitlD paper, illtiotrn On-cri/a. lia•' 4 00 .Oil painting on canvass.. - o CO 00 Painting-transparent window shades, including - thwkippirof "materials ; each • 4 ott , Pnrintilit painting on Otter, silk and veltat; per twelve litems. ' - -' 5 00 gilding. on ailk,-erape. &e. do. 300 - -Wax flowers, per leader, ' 5 00 Pens and ink," " 1 ,, • - ~ . 50 Washing, ." : So Bean] in vacation, $2-00 per week. ' Letters post-paid, saldnisseato the Mitees i WHITE , &GRIFFIN. Bingbamtton.B.toolll co., N. Yn will fa. ceive prompt attention. .„ BOOT & MOE MU-FACTORY, wiellb. 4;." M TOHN W. WILCOX . , hatr remoVed his establish.. al meni to the shop bet Ween Kingsbery!s and Ban. le%'n stores, and where he still selicits • Aare of public patronage. He intends, by a careful selector of stock, and byl attention to the inter . e , of his tusk". mere to make selatiat durahle"work as can be ras nufsctured in this part '3l the country. He wilt keep constanCy an hand, and manufacture or d er , Morocco, Calf and Coarse Onaln and Shoes .Ladies' tuners, Shoes and Slipt j Children', do. ; Genes Gaiters and Pumps, ¢e. cO. Country Produce,.of most descriptions, tak en is payment for work, at. the musket Towanda. April 26,4850. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, .Allll NOW IT 108. \WM ViTAT, RIM ILL'ATITAD-1 C HARDER wisheir to inform • •citizons of Tlnvittida, and the public that he commenced the HARNESS AND TRUNK . MAKDIG roes, to Towanda, on Main street, a few dome above Bridge street, where-he will keep constantly on hand or make to onkr, lilaltd and common Harriese. Trunks end Trunk. Viiliers,and all kiDal of work in his line. CAR. RIAGE TRIMMING and miLIT.ARy WORK cione to order. From his experience iri the Iniiiinesv i and punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive a altar. of puhlicpatronage. . o:7' All kinas of work way he 1.13 , 1 , at his shop cheap aer then at any other shop in this county. Towanda, June 12,_850 • lyt - Removed to north side Public Square! Ir Chamber/in, I _IA AS just returned frotn the uly of New Turk. with a large - ; sapply of Watches, ;reeky sal /•1 1 17 Eulser ware, comprisin g in pan, f the following. articles :—Lerer. • L'Epine and Plain Watches, sall "..." . a.Yris - _ , a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ely-Ringo, Fin , ger P. i mpg, 11 'vast Pins, Drocelets. Locketk Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys; etc. Also, 'all sorts of Silverware, and'ny quantity of ekteel Bends—all of which he offers for sale exceeedinglr cheap, fur CASH. Waselies Lepaind on shorenotice, and trainanard to run well. or the money will be refunded. and a wm• ten a veement elven to that effect if required. N. 11.—.74 A P I.E SIiGAH, and Country Predate taken in payment for recut and BIS 3. learn sofa, anti foreverahai Hie Produce must be pair! warn the work is done-1 war against credit in all its-forms. - ' W. t. CIite.MBERLIN, Are. Towanda, April 28, 1850. For sale, together vrith the other valu.soie preparations of the Grlefenberg Ca.,by Husky) -& Porter, 4 H. Mis in • Towanile, tad agents appointed in each town in the county: Also, toe sale, the Grrafenbeig Nfantriil of Heikki complete BAND noon for Families, containing infant*. tion relative to the treatment of almost every form of of disease.; 300 Piges—price, 50 Cents. N. tr. A Family Newspaper will be given. frrt cOrge, for. one year, to I who purchase GraetelbeT Medicines. All communications m aililresseil•to P. C. irt• gersal, Elmira, Chemang county, N. Y., Genial , THE OORYLE EXTRACT,. Or licatare's Pail Destroyer, and Remedy fee Ditt3o TilfS Eitrect beie pure liquid, free from ever! that inconvenient or dangerous. Asa pain emits( this medicine is superior tottery thing yet diseoverd; end as an application AO redact inflamation, the skald Mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. it Fades the Pierimettl.ysteirr—heals wounds, bruises., sprain' , end cleanses alcers--tedOces all manners of 'melba , and tumors; and cures Summer Complaints,,DyeatT Infantile Diseases, Female complaints, and most of Ilt 4 ordinary runny Ailments. r>, READ THE-OPINION OF IJON. J )4IN'C. SPENCEro After what,.l have stated, you will not be supped at the dechtration of my opinion and firm eons/cues. .that the 'lipid prepared by you is oar. or TRE ROO INTALV•IILA DIRCOTIRIES If XRDICAL ART, or Mop SR:v TlRts;:r—anti that it will prove a most 40 01 remedy - for,all nervous affections, and a cure fur iatlasr tuitions, acute and chronic, when seasonably awl par oily applied. Vuither observ'ation and experiment rin be ileceratiity to - determine the best Mode id its 'Elyria' .tan,whetherinternalty or externally, and the quPlitY to beildtrtiniateted; " :Yuen- 0151-aeivi n t; J oint C,‘ Swap. Tlib eibizrre medici n e %ay he found at all the kr" vied fortthe sale of the celebrated Graelinbrn /66 lines; in the counties named. II The Celebnital Gralcark - Vegetable Pilli were introduced into thef.: he year I:16. Their et •aordutary I , irtues, and snot• iority over all other PILL: itnoin in this country, has estiblisbed them as tie riani aid .I!,d;c'ne if Me rky.