Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 21, 1850, Image 3

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    The rot Lilb Iremit Chios
The Bolters' Cudidate for Coop'ess.
Lau Week we imse an amount of the position
occ upied by Pdx. LOWIST, to liter meimwahle eat;,
test between the friends of Freedom and tho SW;
veri .p ro paganda, irr Itt4B, taken froth the Tioga
The lonowing astichl from the same pa
per, gives Mr. [aware* polidcalhistory prior to
t hat period. and shows the consistency with which
act :when they ask .for him the - support of
Ism:craw and -Freemen :
There is that connected with Mr. Lowrey's po
litical coorse that ought to form an insuperable ob
jection to his nomination and'Olection ibis fall. It
u known to most of l i ar readers who have resided
some length of time in the county, that till he was
nominated by this copnty for the Senate in 1838,
t o was hardly suspected of having anT leaning to
wards the Democratic party-Ale was in fret con
sidered by most as one of the staunchest friends of
w ing pnnciples. He always opposed General
Jscxsos, and his vote was probably given against
Atoms VAN %taxa in 1836. This, however, of
itself would, form no insuperable objection to his
n omination, if since 1836 or '3B, he had remained
a firm and Wailful democrat, attached to the prin
ciples, and carrying out the measures, of pure de
mocracy He might quote some distinguished ex
amples now in the county, who havejumped from
the whig party direct into the lap - of democracy,
coaxed to make the whop by some of the best offi
ces in the gift of the party.
In 1838, the very year in which he left openly
the whig party and joined the democracy, Mr
Lowrey bolted the Senatorial nomination made by
this district that fall, used the moststrenuous effort!'
ggainst the nominee of the party, a citizen of Tioga
county, who was preferred in the general conven.
li on to himself, • and went in for a citizen of Ven
=go county, who arterials-as disgraced the Senate
'chamber at Harrisburg by his drunkenness and de
bauchery Mr. Lowsey, however, was not award
of this fault in the Venango candidate, and we do
not impute that to him as blame It is true, too,
that he received the notninatien of this county; Ina
not of the ditarict. In 1819 and 42 Mr. boirrey
" u pported the Whig candidates for fleabite'. and
Recorder and for' Prothonotary. I,n 0145 he sop
ported a whig for the former office, and the old in
cumbent for the latter, whd had theyear before ta
ken a whop over to the democratic side.
In July, 1846, the Tariff law of 1842 was repeal
ekand the Tariff of 1846 passed. Mr. Wilmot
was then a member of Congress from this district
'on his first term ; and, while every other .member
of the democratic. deleg 'non front Pennsylvania
had deserted the democratic, and went over to the
Whig side of the House, on that great question, he
,00l firm and ba't'ed manfully fur the democracy
—battleing for the man of small means against the
encroachments of bapnai—for universal protection
egainst special protection of the few at the expense
of the many. The Democratic party were triumph.
ant in that great measure, and David Wilmot was
haled as the bright but " lone star of, Pennsylva
nia- by the united Democracy of the nation It
was during that very summer and fall—for the bold
and straitforward course he had pursued—for fear
lessly sustaining the democracy and its principles
—that the first signs of oliposit ion manifested them
selves towards him in this village. It was said he
mast be put down—a new man must be got up
and run in over trim—for what ! For the reason,
enetily and avowed, that he supported the 'Paid! of
viSts, and refused, like James Thompson and
others, to tom traitor to his principles and his party.
Among Mr. Wilmot's ripen and bitter opponents,.
Inat summer and fail, and for the very reason open.
*lv avowed as above, was found Mr. Lowstev. He
was one of the main instrements in bringing Mr.
WAITE upon the coarse--one of the chief negotia
-Ts in that coalition of Whigs and 1842 Tariff men.
lie was, too, one of the most earnest workers in
the opposition to the rep, lar nominee for Assembly,
in the well-fought battle with Mr. Nn lei as leader,
to dekat 3otta C. 'Owe. True, he did not
for N,tea. 3N Nate and hearty,
A,wn Ve MI Clymer and Me SAO= merry"—
• bat then he has no voice for singing; besides, hie
to don't run that way.
That opposition to Mr. Wilmot was oste_psibly
basedupon his supporting one of the main articles
in-the Baltimore Platform. He was opposed be
cause he was' in the opinion of the coalition, too
democratic and would not yield the interests of the
many to the interest of the few. (Of Mr. LowrOY's
opposition to r. Wilmot two years agn.„ we shall
speak bereatiler.) - Now, we ask, in view of the
stove whet the the professed democratic opponents
of Wilinot can consistently ask the democratic
party to support Mr: !Lowrey, whose course has,
ever since he pmfessed to join the democratic par.
ly, been more or less in opposition to democratic.
men and democratic measures. We find no fault
soh him as a man tor supporting men not of the
or for advocating opinions in opposition to
:.democracy. He had a perfect tight to do so: He
no doubt acted honest) in his course. But, then ,
lie ought not to min wend and ask those men and
that patty now to support him. He ought not to
base his right to support upon being a democrat,
when his past coarse shows thathe is cot to•be re
lied on as a democrat.
We have still stronger reasons to Mgt why Mr.
Lowery ought not to be supported. 'They ale to be
blind in the fact that he comes up as the candidate
nl!hßt coalition against Mr. Wilmot, organised first
at Washintoon under the direction of the bitter op
ponents of human freedom, and sub-organised in
!Io district under the patronage of men, who would
aimost seem to be willing to sacrifice human free
dom—all th e rights of manity—,-Nonbent Mar.
pendence.--aven their own manhood for the paltry
Policy of securing the eouthem influence to their
Pal•ly—whose organ in this county ie the Eagle, and
to Bradford county the Nora Petery/oanion. We
said " seem to be willing," for we do not wish to
beileye that any northern man-..much less some of
he nien engaged In this unholy wartare against Mr.
Wilmot, would Willingly with a full knowledge of
his course and principles, stand up in the streneth
"1 his own moral manhood, and say that Mr. Wil
mot hasdone wrong And c.e wilt not do the in
police to say that he from' the depths of his own
moral nature, after surveying calmly and reasona
bly his course, wontd award to Mr: Witmot aught
but the high es t ! ne e d ♦
of prairie for his manly bear
-11:: upon the absorbing subject of human rights.—
Ho moral nature has been too well trained not to
admit from the bottom of his heart that Mr. Wilmot
I s right. Has is Mr. Lowrey been unfortunate in
Politics?" We can ten hue thit urn man whose
moral training hart been such as his, cats succeed
When he succumbs to influences such as direct this
mustppos to the pricciples of Mr., Wilmot.
He first get nd of himself. He must destroy
the last remnant of moral feeling within hisbotio. m.
He must be able to " roll sin awe sweet morsel
der his tooguis"--to swallow with an unmistakable
. Übespieristo gusto the revilings of that motley
4 . 41 W who rail et the idea of political moral hones
ty, and treat the inherent and eternal principles of
nghu with disdain. Of them, thanks to his potitan
Wanting, Mr, Lowe new can be. In their ranks
he can never succeed. Then, why not shake off the
very suspicion of contamination I Why be with
them, if ha cannot be of them! Educated men
have a high moral responsibility. Their minion is
A as high above the groveling, time-serving, office
hunting politician as the infinitely pore is above
• th a t , which is cast out as wholly corrupt. Let Mr.
Lowery some out and do justice to his moral and
intellectual nature ; let him propagate openly and
fearlessly what in his inmost soul he iltnows . to be
right, and we as openly and fearless) Y predict, that
be will not, five years hence, complain of being
Unfortunate in politics. But what if he is unfortu
nate I Who would not have the high and enduring
reputation of a Wilberforce. a Sexton, or a Clark
8011,.rather than wear the laurels of a Napoleon, a
Ciesar, or a Calhoun.
But Mr. byerees present unfortunate
before the diatrief is antagonistic to the principles
for which Mr. Wilmot is preeminently distingUndo
ed. Re sin fine, impssigon ibe eandidate ofthe
Southern interests, in appear', to Northeni_sighte
and principles. His position ',that of a emprownser
erne ehmtal principles of Mimeo
,Intedes4 . while
Mr. Vr i gitmt stands Got Wore the people as it s ad*rtainer. Wihnetes defeat would
be looked sport, as indeed it would-be, es a defeat
i n t hi s &g r id of the psionpl.s of Dittman liberty
It wield be bailed by the South ass debit of the
'North lit Mr veor *art of the. North—nee univer
sal shout would go tip from southern disunionists
and , slaver* propegandies.-4be MN of human
liberty, Me the sea upon the dial of Abssi, Would
go beet ten domes% earl a gloom would pinkie
the whole atmosphere of freedom -
We do not say that Mr. Lowrey would gain for
the extension - of sfafpny, or would owe Om the
tonstitutionat tient of the Booth' to awry their
slaves to a girt of the aegaired limitary; but we
do say, thin would be compelled to defer in a
- measure to the party who supported.. him—dist the
atmosphere *hush would be thrown around him
would be weakenkr; to his moral nature, end that
instead of being the tea and manly supporter of
the right, as Mr. Wilmot is, hi would lead the
North but a feeble aid, aft!, before'his time is out,
sink, evervated by Southern blandishments, into
the arms of Southern influent* and like Wu:tarn
and Dicznisos, and Tnoirescri end Darrow, an
others, 'return ffrom the embrate shorn of his moral
strength. Placed as he is, the
of Mr.
Wilmot, and the candidate of the tmholy hard of
Southern lea&ers, it could not be, otherwise with
Mr.! Lowrey. ' At another time, underothereiieuir
stokes, and in a position where hpeonld make an
open and manly avowal of his moral belief, it might
be otherwise ; it cannot be.
(For tbe Brad And Reporter.]
Hembree& Soutiay Behold CellebrAtiiist.
Mr. Horroa:—We have had stirring times in our
little village and town, to-daf, bringing ourSablxath
SChool to &close. The scholars have taken a grefit
interest in the school, and have been punctual in
their attenda6e. The teachers have been very
active in their exertions, teaching the scholars ac
cording to their abilities from the juvenile A. B. C.
.to the doctrines of Christian Philosophy . . The li
brary contains a large number of useful books pub.
Ilshed 'hy the American Sunday School Union,
which have been aniontively read with
.profit and
tint * tide .
Thinking it time to close the school for the pres
. year, the teachers and scholars met at Daniel
Brinkl on Saterday, the 7th of September instant.
A prdeession was formed which matched thence
with music and Fith . banners waving lin the gentle
breeke, to a grove upon the premises of Isaac Hor
ton. There under shadh, a table had Lien spread,
to which the company were marchedVirectly, large
enodgh to accommodate the whole assembly, and
abtind.isitly laden with eatables—which bore testa
'bony to the hospitality and benevolence of the la
dies who had superintended this important part of
the arrangements.
. .
After discussing the good things provided tot no,
the procession Winched in
were commenced' itit vocal music, that
or er to &Stoats. The
t i
hounded beautifully in the g ve, after which Eld
er Marra, of Smithfield, who slificirderl as 'chap.
lain, addressed the throne of Grace, in grateful ac
knowledgement orthehlessings we enjoy. This
appeared tLe more appropriate and solemn as the
. 4rell remembers when these wood!, *ere
hideous with the yell of the savage. After ihstrn
mental music, the teachers and scholars were ad
dressed by C. W. Bor.hts, and by the superintend•
ent, Wm. E. CAMPISELI.WiIO were follow irl by
Elder Mama in sonid veiy appmpritird and: elo
quent remarks. Instromeniftl music then enliven
ed the scene.
The Superintendent then arranged the ffiveession
order to close the' exercise* of the day. The
Mara and stripes were gently unfolding in the briersi
of lieavon, upon' which the eagle appeareck turq
la her tiger, the words. "Hornbrook Sunday Scha g"
—tinder which was the mono, ,‘ /a the name of oes
God toe karat taw Banner." Upon the other side of
the banner ; was gi fitsfruct the youth and save your
nation." Them appropriate mottoes presented the
foundation of some remarks. A piece' of mnaie
was then chanted, idler which the procession
marched out of the grovb and Trained a hollow
square in front of the store, and wail diktribbetl,
amidst cheers, the strains of martial music, and
the waving of tie banners.
'A During the day the utmost harmony and deco.
rum prevailed, and the 'company separ a ted after
day of enirtytnent and pleasure.
liolurattooa, Sept. 10, 1850. W. E. C.
Hcrrrx.—This house now fwned
and occupied to T. D. !ammo, has been refilled and
improved, and presents accommodations not to be
excelled, while the proprietor takes great plealare
in miniriering in the comfort of his guests.
to (At as, Wednesday &s i r. 10th by the Ker.
W . H Kings Rarsosa 'WILLS% to lA tss
„Laub- P*.t. daughter of Mr. Thomas Page,
bot , of the same place.
There will be a celebratiod of the I; O. of
0. F., at Towanda, on Tharsdlyt the Skil inst.; al
which thei members of the Order, will appear in
procession clothed in full
An appropripre address will be delivered b 3 Bro.
A. 0. L. A RAIOLD. of Philadelphia. The services
of the Montrose gonna Band have been engaged
for the occasion. - M. B. MILLS, tdePj.
Nab edburtasements,
V rHill Company respectially aril tbo attendee of the
pablic to the following advantaps, which they are
enabled to offer to the Wanted:
First—The Dine:hits have secured a gnaranke capi
tal of $75.000 , - •
decond--The inenrsd sham annually. in dividend of
prelim, and in ail event are ~_possible for more thee
the wooing of pleatinew paid is.
Third---Oar.half of the annual pertaining will be
tails in nets, if the insured desire it; we the presitage
say be paid quarterly et nanknanaihr.
Fearth-•Wiive aley imam the lives °fib* bosliends
et hipshamis nay imam di* dime is at their
wiser. dins wicariag is their intiling • ewe that oleo
left moat mesh in the agent of the death of the hag.
For farther information; apply. either ins . or
brletter to the taidergigned, an Agent of the ay.
at his office in 'remids wberecirenhas sad ,
explaining the objects of the coespeiny - -easy ha hod
yetis. WILLIAM SCOTT. Asset,
Towanda. Sept& ink HOG.
Thi nubserßen we now nailing ..eta
General assortment - of New Goods.
An. 8, MO. 11. EL k M. C. MERCUR.
Goode ate hereby that his new sod ter
was IS tronsiorrediell"iodiammerne peynneet to
t ri =da - Aeinet 11,1850.
gittekiiiihr, at.
riAlltille the imeheire ettbosetereher is
‘..0 kw Am Oak tallied Car.
white east t=hi. The @weer will
lia r i Zir It. W. SA
ALL peruse knee*/ theinsim
..retie y sae sr bask sermist, we
sei mike iwetx.le masadalks awe, amt
Timigida 10 04 111110811ERY
rrwsimr swies 4 Cm .M Owes Sad
A. Wm Wftems Nod Irma, kr itloy m
unieuirod Is Albary tomb* maid
T U tensietri at rorsahn owl efNEWI
esuptinini all tbs ono etyksis
whidi a u Isspeetfolly oliond at ibn lowan
WI an anlicinna ham all obi wish to pa
*M. apll3 L T.
ALL Wool DeLien sad Merinos beautiful
'Met cLAs, Alitemee pricks ike.. iLa FL
Serene dove, Jenny Lied sad other Meunier.
ells aeanetesent d Glowee,Hoeiety sad awe* ye
ept I • rop
g HHII Saner and btolawee. she 10 thews
that fetch new Tea soarrentei esti of the •
loormid,r,eirae, eleletateaXiee, Flak end T
61 erhieb will be moll cheep at ro
1000 BUISFIELB wheat. Rye and Oa
10,000 in New York and Jersey
seta Minted inenmfwiely in exchange for good.
ALL persons indebted to the'estate of OIL ER
DIMON deed, late of Pike, are hereby re uet
ed to make payment without delay, and the
,claims against said estate will lea
present them duly authenticated for sett!
Ofirell, Sept. 7 1650.
nUR litengeosents ere er_ch se to eastikt on to
er at tiny point along fine of canal ; Beef,
Pit a, Flow, , Powder Fuses, Picks, Winelto
Am es tthottets, outs hotness, lumber or in feet
eveii thing Witted. Orders promptly attended t
Athens', Aog. 23 1850. WELLS &HA A:
WE are pr e pared to furnish st ohm; notice
the best eiuslity, any quantity of powder
Atrial any point on linger Canal ar the bwest
ket price. 4 Old". promptly filled by es:
Athens, Aiig.23.lflso.Aug. WELLES & HARRII
ALL pensive indebted to the estate* NORTH • e
MORE*, deamagl, Igo of Orooll towns
are hereby reiresied to make poymeni without dal
and thong haring claims. against mid estate will pl -
present iftbni duly autbrpticated for amtleasent.,
A MELIA . MOREY, 5 Adasiniametom
Windham, Au 27, 1860.
ALL persona indebted do the notate of GOUL
' SEYMOUR, deceased. late of Ake tosnishi
ye hereby requested tkienalte payment witboot &day. as
those having claims Seined said estate will please pr
ant them duly authenticated for settlement.
Pik% Jobe 27, 11150
ruuticios VERME UOE. it, the damn as vial
DRINTB,,GINGH ANSI. LAWNS ace, a tonsil.
fa! assortment can be found at
April 24,1850. MERCURIP.
UM!' just inatived, and is still receiving from New
11 York New Goods, and bra of tbeas. Yankee No-
tions, • **defy. Toy., iniannerabk , Circe:tries without
excepting any kind ; Liguori' or all abletiptions.ltinde
end qualities-, and every body knows be sails vary. la*
for curl. L. W. r.
Towanda. June 10th. 1 &SO .
ALT. pentane indebted to the estate of JANES
WOODFIELD dee'd lets of Wyeltaing town
ship, srebereby requested to make payment withoutde.
lay. end those hewing Oldesi spinet said estate will
please prieist than duly eatbettbest fot sottlemenL
Wyalash*, Amp 6. 1658. Aihßisistnitegs
THE next term of this Institotiod eadnient
on Wednesday the 2d day October next. e -
the elate', of., 0..8. Balms*. as Principal. and Ili
E. C. BARSTOW, Precepirestr.
Tuition per term of Eleven treikr:
Orthography. Reeding, Writing, Geogra
phy and Mental Arithmetic.
The samt, *ith ,Vii..elle,Grattilitat, Adams'
Arithmetic aka Twin's Analysre, 3 t
Philosophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric., Logic, At
trodomy and Book.Reeping, 41
Algebra, Geometry. 'rrigopcsdititrj.
ing, Codit Stictions, Analytkil Geometry.
Sic. 4
Latin, Greek and French Lasignmes, 5
Poet, Isi WI 2d terms. .
Scholars received at any petioa or thle
charged only from the time of their entrance.
Board can be obtained in private families on
amiable terms. i. D. MONTANYE, Pres
Q. L. Watts. Sec'y. of Board Of Trustees.
Totradaa. /one la, isso. • . .
A Glold Mille Discovered
No I, Brick Row.
IM flobattibers havilg just received from
1 York a large issontitent of ready made C
lists Ire.. offer them for oak cheipet than
ever btrote been gold in this market. Fine
soils coasieliii: of a Sae Broadcloth Coat.
test, Cassimere Pants. !we Shltlat one Cravat
a hoe Leghorn or ktillr Bat. all [or 0100. •
Towanda May 90. '5O. H. &A. CAMPOS!
_ •.: 1
ANY quantity of wool wasted for sthi
highest pries is Cads will be paid, at the
Clothing Store. No. I. brick row. EL &A.
Tows Alia, May 30, ISSO. •
HA@ teamed t. s few Aisne below Bria . vo . • •
at Me Em ids of is ties • •
easopiol by J. D. Illaatoote Dot.
All opesatioss semaliag to $6O, as liter
to to paid d.wa. lbs immirobtr ia Moo ap
tba operating perms emstisictipey, dm' sow*
be milmiod. A aolo ofbiatel itomost .at - •
mama Outs WAD aopaid. wide a remiss.
014ARLIE8,1C. LAW. M. D.
PHYSICIAN AND ittntazing, *des
•trite Dlost," op omits; Noe* Ws
Public Some. or Elmore La* 01Am E
bomou glooll'a sod Aisne looi olSomot
Nip always to Amu w►eo sot yoromy
Toinioaajoly 12. MO. El
AX sitimiles eareusest grPlassi ..d T
wry aggeriptiog will be bormi. gt MUGU •
QUALL quantity of Moan superior rfried .1 11 , 1
1.7 yet on hand at jl2 ruPrA 14
111172.620CPW iIYZEPSN'
Ta r msamay Wand e 4
I make potsuiceal at Tower. whin
MANNA 81 the Wart Hoess—rtilis oratkiesi
mit Copies. Maundovisamilmi sod
useal. Toinailktept. 4, tsbo.
mat Bledllea Prothwatkia.
by as set of Assembly of the Com-
Y 8 monirealth, gentled. "An act relating to 'the
egotism in. this Cotmantawealtbr it te eijohted
'spasms to give patine notice ot such election to
be held, and also the enutneratios is such olden
what oaken are le ha elected, I, WM. S. MR
DIM High Sherif of the county of Rradfoniolo
hereby make known god give wince to the electors
of said County, on TVKISDA Y. the tith day oft sc
athes in the several districts is said comity, to wit :
In Albany &gibe 'shoo/bow sear Doak' Miller's.
• In Asylum at lamb Protehey's.
la A6ms boro. at E. 18.111anhetwasn's.
In Athena tarp.** JuliatToser's.
In Anstalt, at John S Brecker's.
In Burlington, at Addison McKean's.
In Caaton. at Benj. Cooltmegh's.
In Colombia. at James Morgan's; •
la Dwell state school house,. caned the centre
school house, near S. Decker's:
In Franklin, at Wol. Deemer's.
In assaying at the school house No. I at area
, vine cornea.
In Herrick at the school house neat Daniel Do-
In Litchfield, at R. Park's.
In Leroy, at the school house is Leroy.
In Monroe at J. P. Smith's.
In Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by I.
R. Ross,
In Pike, at E. DeWolf's.
, In Ridgbery, at.B. Harman's.
In Rome, et L. 8. Maynard's.
of In Bheshequin at D. Brinks.
In Smithfield, at A. J. aeroold's.
In Springllekl; at T. Wilder' .
In Standing Ikons, at Simon Steven's.
be In south Creek, at the school house near Asa Gil
let's. e--___
In Springhill. at the blam e o
ID Towanda bow., at the house lately occuis:
by George •Mersereau.
In Towanda twp., at the school house near A. C.
In Troy born, at the Eagle tavern.
In Troy twp, at the house of V. M. Long, in the
borough of troy.
In Ulster. at 8. B. Haleotnb's.
In Warren, at R. Cooper's.
In Wells, at 1.. Seeley's: • •
In Windham, at E.,Russell's (deceased.)
In Wyslusing, at the bons, of J. H. Black.
Iv In Wilmot, at the school house near James
k Foster's.
9 In Wysox, at the Academy. At which time and
' place the electors aforesaid will elect by' ballot.
One person for Canal Coramissiouer of this Suite.
- Ooe person for Auditor General, and one person
for Surveyor General of this State.
One person to represent the district composetcof
the counties of Bradford. Susquehanna,aM Tioga
in the Congress of the United States.
One person to represent the counties of Bradford
Susquehanna and Wyoming in the Senate of this
Commonwealth. ,
Two persons to represent the countvof Bradford.
in the House of Representatives of this Common-,
wealth. .
One person for Commissioner of Bradford county.
One person for Prosecuting Attorney of Bradford
One person fur County Surveyor of Bradford
One person for Auditor of Bradford County.
I also hereby make knowe and give notice to the
qualified electors of said county, in ptirsuasee of
the provisions and requirements of an Act of As
sembly, passed the 9th day of April-1850, and of •
-writ of election, issued by the Governor of this
Commonwealth, and to me directed. that upon said
second Tuesday of October 1850. aforesaid at the
time and places hereinafter named of holding said
General election aforesaid, the proposed amend
ment to the Constuotion providing for the election
of Judges by the people, will be submitted to the
people agreeably to the requirements of the Xth Ar
ticle ..f the Crinstittltiort of the Stale of Peaasylva
nia. fur their approval and ratification, or rejection.
The ritkets will be labelled, - on the outside with
Aniandatent," and will contain on the inside the
words •lor the Amendment," or the words "Ageing
the Amendment."
And iu and by said act. lem further directed to
to give notice " that every person excepting justices
of the peace who shall hold any °lke of profit and
trust under tint government of the Called States. or
or this state, or of say incorporated district. and also
that every member Of Congress and of the State
hegislanirs, and the select and common council of
any City, or cometiasioners of any Incorporated dis
trict is by law incapable of holding or exercising.
at the same time, the office orappointment of Judge,
Inspectoror Clerk, of any election of this common-
wealth and that 1113 inspector or other officer of any
inch election', shall be then eligible to any office to
be voted for.
By the 4th section ot an set passed the 16th
hay of April, 1840, it is provided "that the lath sec
tion pf an Wet passed July ad, 1839. entitled "An act
relating to the elections of this Cominclierealth,"
shah not be so construed, as to prii4lit sh ntiltif
officer, trOm serving as judge, Inspector or clerk, at
atij , general or special election of this Common
In the 61st section of the set Snit above masking
ed, it is enacted that every general and special elec
tion shall be opened between eight and ten in the
forenoon. and continue withou: interruption or ad
journment until 7 o'clock in the erenlng. when the
polls shalt be closed.
By the 18th section of the set Passed Ea Feb. 1846,
" It shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges or
any general election iltilich shall htiveifter be bell
in the Armenia election district of Bratlford county,
melon. she jicfl or such election at 5 o'clock P. M."
It is further directed that she nieeting of theJudgeS
at the 'Court House in Towanda, to snake oat the
general return, shall be on the 3d day!her the elec
tion, which will be iigthe Ilth day of October.
WU. ilk bOBIIINS. Obeli&
Itherifi's *trice. Towanda. Sept. 10 1850.
IgrernaNYlNVl lu rt
td d 69
T EVELING. Lay in g out Roads tots, fluidity
Jl-d Emotes. blemorting Mowery, Rohm'manta. Rm..
accurately doom 11} E.O. NICHOLS. Office at Rome
Pradloni meaty, Pa. Permits it a ealtatret. needing
Nis samiers, shall by writing bias a hes i Mr days be.
faieband. haws Men business promptly aimed'.' to.
GItOttRIBS—A large attfek of Teas, Ragan
(a Good Witch for 6 tents.) (' offer, Pepper.
ISpaler, tobacco ate., eau be bought c heap for east,
at a 25 K. 41. CO.
WITS—, A saperipr &nit* floe also
.1.1. palm Wit aad Legbota bats.** te t to at
a 23 K. & CO.
g SUPERIOR Wino* sod Lhistors-40 tibiathat ow
WU/ WHISKEY jaat received at 11. &T.
lICIEWHEAT FLOUIL of a superior quality,
.L.P for sale at • iirrat.
'Doom & Men: Woditn and children'
.L. 2 the best assortment in town, fan be! tonna at
April 24, '110: MO.
B AY WATER. • Woes, : mit Ode. lad Pelfaaw
rye( NH kinds. et Pie. 1, B. R.
Hi & P.
LATH and Upper Landsat; k kip
and Calf skins, for sale by tali K. it CO.
188,01.1 M A
JOTTCI is booby gismo , that w
IN boastofote 'Along Warms Bass & 4511 ;atts'
this day &nob* by anstual mason, Alli ilsosada
duets said litat, will be tartiised by L.C. Illall6 who
will .site all OM business of tido his'ann.
trio* Amass, It, '6O. W. Z. WA.LICO:
More lartiniars sbixt thi late ' lood.
T !IMAM A BON, would isopiestolly oosolima
.1 • to task asiotoodo taxa notwiAdsaAat Ara nom
ism logo they will lir postai by tile le, of Alt.
oat to accoamodatit all that am itivo Aosta call as
all dr whom broadro of dub bosiona
N. B.—lt is vas, dasisabistbitt vss shsaY have sus
Jan mks ilas presser sirconstmess, *mkt, aU ems
that haw thomssives Widow' MU Wigs se fry ta
ins sol old*, sPismosiisisly.we iris& ow, suet*
is ittitissir sus kr wiY. hat IN walla Jest mat
list dim dot Bs ail Amy this ail- salt passibb , is
essopellei mimes siwirlarre.
Altstras. AsOse, Ist; 1101141„
M ti• .
~ ~ ..i
Mericid Deputiat of Pahl Cdege,
Ilmikkioir Locust - end, Phaisidgps.
rrillS lariimes ibrtili aim d 11100 6 .4 r will mi.
.1 owe Ileaday, °deist 14111, nit alatilm,
Tb, T
imitioaSt until te swains pit imartk.—
way is pountioned
Dasaaes, K. D. Irk** mei PRlelida of
Medians. '
Jew Wrtresins Ohsteeint end Disesees of
Wanes Ned Miten.-
Ham & Parestseen, It. D. Mown La o a d
W ks.
R. GIWIT, M. D. Amatory sad hag".
Davre Otsserce, M. IL Principles end 0
- 19 7 Y eatzetert IJ.. Mine, Y. D ladies! Mena.
11 Y.
Cline et the Penearlsnein Ifespitel, the ticket of
which le finished to every icresdintme sendest
wished cisme. $S Oh kw each
ticket $l6OO ; Oreineasals3o.llo; The Anistomirsi
rooms all be oprind an the le of Oseeber. when the
ape of DR. JAMBS HUNTER Desenetrainr.
Nd.B2 Are% iitreet PDiI phi.
store in the Want Haase whew they may be found
reedy to soma le eats of their profession.
. ,
THE natiscribers bags commenced the FOUN
DRY boeinees ai ate old deed tamely occupi
ed al a Chair and Bnintead Factory in the Borough 4
we Will bold oorselm in readiness to
ni-to--tbeAussits oraity . . and all moons who may
favor us wab a call. W. hope by auks attention to
barium. to merit a Maim of Public pattommr.
We as String up a MACHINE SHOP connected
with the Pomace, where wa hops to be able to ijo any
sod all Moos offisishing and fitting up Ike. We will
endeavor et all times to kep aimed amortment of work
on bond so that cuatotners maji be accommodated on
the Amiga notice,
HAVING taken pains to secure the services of ex
perienced workmen from the state of N. Y.. we flatter
ourselves we shall be able to turn off work ins work
manlike manner and as good as non be done in any
other eistabruhment. '
We shall abo be prepared kw the manufacture of
stoves by the quentity.andi keep roarlowdY on head
• kw abet patens. for Ole
The oubeeribers invite all piteoniwho any be in wont
sissy Mai is ow fine td give on a cell and we Outran
tae that will not go aWay dientiadad.
Saw Mil! Rode or Parole!: *lidos, throb, gud
geons 4r , andy as hood.
Also plows at the mo at . lapproved patterns sad Plow
Points by the pees or iromoity to Ask parebwers, as
low as out be wowed at any °lbw emabikimest-
Celtivaters of the moo approved pansies, alio a
townie, snide of Cent Plow..for vale by
Towanda Jane 2Stb. 1450.
al- Old casting. tskas =open° far
Sheet Ira au Copper` Store.
DC. HALL having node lanai additions to his
Ls stook, invitee the attensioa of the eitWensof Nor-
Pdansylvania to his stsoi4o. •
In the Hardware went, I challenge " the
maid" and " all the n et , taankir.d," (sat begetting
any estelfahnient in Towanda,) to sell as alai) as I
can. shell pad will.
The stink of Hardware Iconeists otivery article usu
ally kept in a Hirano, itini—einong which eery be
found bon, Nails, Vine, T ' Sheet iron, season and
bay Forts. shovels and bleeksinkb's bellow.,
anvils and vices, mew p lates;;
i, met springs. WS, X cot
eboular red panel mum, abiede, asigam, log eking,
hooks nod hinges, shovels emilltomp, bet e and screws,
brads end mete wanes-boxer4art-ropes, wetland cis
tern pumps, toed Pipes. Of all sizes. any quantity of
Carpenters and Jolliet's ' tools. all kind@ of Saddlery
Hardware, How Tritmliners, of all kinds and et all
prima it fact every Wog that soy body ever saw in a
Hardware store, orcan Mwomibly *veld ever to we.
in the Stove firrporkinet. I bah.anti dimes no
we id 1 liYilli Is be an=but I balm Sandbox 1180 tell.
Keyetooepatent, matter. patio. monism six plan, on
plate sum* Mr tight stoma, Boeiteye het at own
r‘4 .
with 1 toti, premium moms km to m No. i No. 8,
central . . stains, Repuberean 'doom Albany city
stoves. air tight stoves, rough and toady skies
air tight plate, in fact all tilde drid antes of atom
Welt more.
1 , Lake ham, and intend td keep en band; any guest
tiny of Irian and American stove pipe. A general
assortment of Sims. Copper poi DUI woe. how .a
big brae kettle down to alma tin popper box.
MI kinds of nth, arppor and shim, Ws Watt Mum
factored to eider, acid natty article weaseled Ur give
a ...
Once ot,kttaibeen .1a on die public -Stilani are
Plne stnei, in llootacqes' New Brick lillock.,the store
e dirmegh Iron the Now to Pibb atitilb As
to' tiding ili wit have pm Gorr. tor af coiner
every body who *Mita t 6 bby cheeky will davits for
Hales onslilirinent.
crr No credit given sew kir manna.
Towanda, August a. Am. ' - .
Valuable' Steam Mill & I fat Sale.
mne otter. etprioste sale. ONE BUN
BRED ACRES OP hAND, wee timlostol. sit
uate in flee township af shoot &Sr mihs
•fram thelSoNgoshanna river. Upon is *met
ed • huge and saw STEAM It. W MILL capable of
tha,nalltetering 1,000,400 bet of -bomb* per yew. The
let, is stimonialed try other end' iimbeetti leak no that
the mill can easily be bapplied with bather for many
years. The Will is In good Musing entsditianondpor•
onus Mirky facility fat the Amp and ripid atanafae
tore of lumber:sad would be a sale and ptalitable in
vestment of capital. A portion only of the payment
wogs' restudied it the dem of sale.
P idair rdhicitiais apply to the solorvihres upset
the premiers. P. & P. s. ATRES & CO:
Smithfield, Sept. 6. 1650. .
T'ORl' Thouseed pope& of WOOL is iwobted
the Factory in WyAleeitit.le sleben re her clothe:
Blued sod nerrow cloths; eswinteres fie. P".l
%newts sod Blanitets, (twined or jilsio.j Will be
on sham or 'otberwiee .. is desired. The einem* at
Bradford. and lee adjuimieg eoblitier. Of invited to
will at the Hart k'arks before 41044 of their
Wain enewitetek The setweriber Wins agate t.►e*
dump et ibis setsbn Most. is Ortersobeed" to de boob.
owe eelisistiorily oodles" *h. isattebile
0:2" Carding and.Clath Dawning dew on than not
Gee. _H. B. INGHAM.
*pinging, Hay 1/1,
PM B. 111:101TING.1111.11hdlaa' deo pdo
%.1 lie SIM be is jot faadoft boua Now Veit as
vommulnia of roady-modo Clatbbr. to .bilk ba bF
•itei,tb. ateindaa of pavabaners. A.o.g bia sank
say he flood • e
Over Coda, fkeds Coats, Bivalve Cods, Frock and
Dress Cash, Maio, Pantaloons. Itnee,kßoosed.
slosia, tr.., is sfylet mid at( prices.
Ha is ileserniasil is sill big Ckideing at isisssally
low Visas 60.0414 soul Wiens Imo asii admit ilia is
tweet at dims wisterias is puteime to gigs Was • sail
(lg. At tho sli ANA loshrom Saadi sod fangs
bay s !kens. up Mgrs.
=nod asking vp. dem BO anal in die am
sabot, amp* ask le ado,:
Tetrads, October 80.1844 y.
SUGARS & moues*
7HUM 8170 AR, at my km primia
week of WNW" hoduslieglitseit's *pop. WI
Nair' kg at apt? 1141ERC.U.r8.
(VS yam opus
%, wed Palis Jed Fors...
RAIL:EktD --P0
it~>r cif it ism
qa sans sav Jar ats s, ortroavir onosrvss,
10Ir M. MODE & ep, esetkare tbeir smiler
renrua fft hiss flow that Ikon Hams sae
the Depot,]. WatieeIPRODUCE of all kis&
will be tannish*by the Nem Yost &
Eris Hailroed, Amer tr Ne Tat to Capt. W.
Thannonorliirwiltwaite ere of ths saes, sod nit i
Kann ~yaw weals, mast fastio); flan the
tiumi Fenders le not.
Copt Timinpoon tubs this tippenunitrof renissiwg
Snub he pa - fierdd potrosure e - amid hopes, by min
ateathn to the isswene flt le is westassen, as nuns
Ana for the hm. -
Libent nib admen mow on Sans at slttionar b
if "lake& N. 111.•1RE & Co.
IL M. MOORE & en, on sweitiag. dkily has
tirm4rash. imp and . well rang *eh of Dry'
Drooran, Hardware, Emden, Dons, asesa.
Parli 4 , Flour, Fish, NON Borer. Add*, We.
Clover and-Tinotby said. &e. which will ba
geld in cheap #tit nub or meaty, pralinw. su st sty
plain in Western New Yolk.
Wayerty Aor. 1 Imo. H. N. 11100 ND &Co
Dr. Fiteh's Celebrated 'Midiciaes
Pulmonary EaNon. iDepurative Byrap,
Proton& Expectant. • Heart Correetat:
Palatanary Liainsent. Minor Cetrector.
Anti Dyspeptic Mixture,- alb aneCathartic Pine.
Menial... YeatalerMit,
Vert:mirage. Female Speeder
Pars end Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, &e.,
Used by him egaidasalf-ami ailk an . pr eadmata nee-.
ems in the treatment of Coughi, Colds. Collitempflett,
AstAno, Heart Dimmer;Dpprpsia Sanfibt,
Diseases. ithamondism, Peat* Comiolairsts. Pam. he.
Dr. Fitrh's unetralkd, Payee silver plated Melamine
supporter.; Improved plated steel ftprhig shereler
brace; Dr. Fitch's silver inhaling tine.
Dr. Plick 9 s Celtbrated Six Lectured,.
On the prifventkin and'care of Connomption, Latham,
Dimples of the Heart, fie, and -on the method a
preserving health and beauty to an add age. '
The hoot ehould_be in every family. To the Con
sumptive it rotate out tie only tessondies hops far
list. To mothers, the directions it gives in the cars and
education of children are iovaloahle., 'B,OOO copies id
this book have yismsd through the press, and the sale
continues enabeted.
For sale by 8 8. Ftrre & Co., 709 Broadway, W .
Y and HUOTO'S dl PORTER, Towanda.
0z• Dr. s7lers Guide le In•alids. or directions to
preens using Dr. ritett's remedies, to be bad gritie:of
dl the egente. 1:t,
2011.13. - IrlYzfrerti ef. TOYAiffriM,
t• ate Booth store in the Weed Howe,
'Where they are' now receiving and opening a
II T new and mealier, 4sportment of Drugs, Med
icines. Chemicals, Paints, Oil. Glass, Varnish. Dye
Wood and Dye Sten, F,timily Groceries. Choice
Wines and Liquors, Fire Works, Toys, Perfumery,
Fancy Articles, Blushes, Combs, Stone, Glass and
Wooden Ware, Blacking, Tobacoc &nut and Ci. •
gars. All the popular patent medicines &c
Their stock now comprises every article usually
kept, among which may be found the
Opium, Cream-Tartar. Camphor. Camila Soap, Liquor
ice, Akehol. Dal's Capri* Rhenberb, Aloes, Flowers
chamomila, castor oil, olive oil, quicksilver, inspesia,
roll and Sower sulphur, borax. red precipitate, venire
tuflmeolhari . oPe salla. Como subrunativo, aqua ammonia.
soda, nininc *cid, Jar:dant:re, pink, soma quinine. Al 1
the mminrial oils, soma, myrrh, tropeanib arabie,pm—
bop &e. Corks of all kinds, barb brick, Rolm mod. S.
„corianiteS fenugreek, isinglass,. sloe. Ocrila foot sod
tweets ail preplan -bark, capons power, emery. sand
paper. loti rspideldaer .balm herbs, sarasprilli, booms,
nd, ik:.
Sege, ixtrha and tea of all kind", .Ihohrses, vice.
PPM. lbudahl. dims. nutmeg. image. foii, mime
Citron and lauihreurraots, salad oil chocolate, coma, so.
da, 114 batter ceackers, rice, march, glace*, solawataa.
eaticated.atbits and bar soap, verve OW tallow ego
digs, Joie sad books--pipea, citiuP. PPP'
sauce, Mod, mackefel. edam am Se=
esightee, otarti mei a:oedema bready ‘ St Molt, 0141 Ja.
awes mid New Enka, rum, putellelleuJ aid eh.
Irish and Mosoegabele *Mete, Nadine; mceest,'elwee.
Wm, pert' and e=sts wines etraule, memo ow
Mum Wee. fuse. ' almost) auwile. Orestes.
Mae, alums spa ailing, auger Mao Out offered.
Miming masa, maps. military and sitideor, Gaslards
Mediated Millman] sand soaps imperial shaving Brach
ia maitiortel,. &web lade, violin, meek, almond and
tramperrot re.p, wadi balk. Urbino szlisetsral
dab. Obbelainali}, hoop* de earolitie, Mask, mills Isms
minas &e. Ceases aromatique, cologne, bay and
rose water. spiel& lily Bo tongs, pendan toilet
.t.d pewee. knit dyes hair Meliorator% hair eradicator
pachrearst Iti etion plaster. playing tank. dice
peneillaints, dee! pins, Limetie hob briolo.
'drawilig pencils. perrinalon taps, Mk; fed, black mid
indelible, tombs; pries, pocket books, Outlawing mot
to wakes &e. Ate.
Hair Rat. Slate, Said, Bbnik Paitlt i , Mark ing, Var.
nigh, Saab. Artiste wand and sable, Camels Hsi, and
stripping rebeils, Menders & Badges. yVbitte
Counter, /lath, Touthifilik, Cosh. Bross. Ckothes,
Isfail,-Lather; Table. Harm & blackiaig Biuthes.
Managua. red; eon and leat wad, tonic, Es kg
weod. Ise.dye.etki but, red sealers, nadder, slum cap
pyres. Mae triblat. Wittiest tinotoopenities eireonie;oil
vitriol. inane eta' and ill di Beide. grain tin. pinnine
and noon steno nonillion Anni Chimes and Zagros&
Spinal& MOO% tonetian. Ventlivia peek green. white,
black sna teal feed. choose raw sod Immo JaPas•
meth and enrol varnish, lenipblaek. tither., petty.
within. yellow Ochre, opts turpentine, & line nil. min.,
eltelt, seen de sienna, unslair.oni 1 leaf. bronzes, and a
general innertnnost'af paints for Artists. -
°Melo weedhus. to rebid. De J
. Ibeted"-
utereciase e ell the eerseyrille. Wean elk
syrup ef wild cherry. Dpbsie , Me eery sededies.
Brants Indian Remedies... Nerds. °ION, seyee,
tame Wiwi wryest,* les, .th..l dee. hew
Mitosis. galvanic bid* Nacelles. whim, Mid
week hid.
Wholesale earP retail dealers is
Have tittooted theit
~ i ~~
. y; 4.
imo.hrtiikety. ind hay Gook
Tobacco and ne' Bates, Nipple Sisals, Nursing
Bottles, Steam Poops, Teeth Macs. bed papa. sy romps.
shoulder *eel, mares Mal abdominal atipportats.
pessaries, catheters, etqAt etisses, istatilistin4' thermome
ters, spataistes, romps, lancets, Liquid and +tread adha
sive . piaster the.
PAiNiS s b big STUFF'S. -
reveal glass 24 by 30.22 by 30, Ul by 30, 20 Ike
24, 22 by 21. 14 by 10. 12 by :O. 12 by 111. 12 by 10 1 ,
10 by 14, 104 13,11 by 10.7 by IL
Dr. roteh`s very sortibloted atodieines„ •
Phi %ens tamps and *soak pate e bisi Dili
bunting dui& wits* hod and vim oil. - "L'•
All goods warranted as represented OA, NW Chilly
Drug sea Chemical Stow, South *ow in sits Wad
Boom jtallh - HUSTON it PORT, R.
.1K KEW •
MACKEREL. in bbis.. heir MIL. gender 1441‘ end
/NJ. ties; dry and pickled Carlini.; eh. • few leave.
One rata Dry Earrings int rob et the ."Cult Stew
if POT H. 8. dc ACC. EMCEE
ntACKSAIITHS will find Anvils. rwm,ll•llnwo,
T. /cc. fit spiT • MERMAIDS%