Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 21, 1850, Image 1

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vagar3a4,.... =16.: t.f 4 • - ' 4 rt,
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ficaurban tilont(np, '6cptt-mber .1,,1850.
TO Ilia MILVICILLI 8121111 Li.
stay, Father. stay ! the night is wild t
0 ! leave not now your dying child:
1 feet the icy band of death,
And 'shorter, shorter, grows my,breath.
Rtay, Father, stay ! ere morning light
My soul may take its upward night,
And 0 ! I cannot. cannot, die.
While thou , my Father, art not by.
eztay, Pother. stay ! my mother's gone,
And you and I are left alone;
And in her star-lit twine on high,
She'll weep that I, alone, should die.
pray, Father, stay ! 0, Jeave this night
The maddening bowloirhose with'ring blight;
Has cast so dark a shade around
The home where joy alone was founds'
Stay, Father, stay! alone, atone,
With none to cheer, and now to mourn ;
I cannot leave this world of woe,
And to the land of spirits go.
Slay, !tither, stay ! once morel ask,
0, count it not • heavy task,
To stay with me till life shall end—
My last, my only earthly friend.
It was a still, clear night in the mouth of May,
1:43: the stars shone-br.igh in the heavens, and
lae world slept in the little town of ,11 a
t anrwry" of Prussian Poland—al rave one man,
rho watched alone in a solitary chamber, at the
~ , Itontrt of a lofty tower. The only furuitureof this
?canoodle consisted of a %Ote r o few. books, and
4:1 1 , 0:1 lamp. Its occupant was an old man -ol
,rout seventy, bowed down by years and toil, and
:.,1 brow fusrowed by an,, ions ' thought ; but in his
k Alie fire of genius, and his noble cuutt•
, ranee teas expressive of gentle kindliness, and
a ea!rn . conteropfative disposition. Nis n Lite hair,
;tared! on his forehead, fell in waving locks upon
• I.lrouldets. He wore the ecclesiastic:alto:4unit
;he atieand country is which he lined; the long
o'ra.:4ll robe, with a tur collar and double sleeves,
a twit %%ere also ljned with fur as fax as the elbow.
tts old man was the great astronomer, Nicho
aCoperi,icos, doctor of philosophy, divinity, and
::,edocitoe ; titular canon of Wernica; and honora
:y professor of Bolng,na, Rome, Eia. „Corpeoricus
fe.,t completed his great work "111)it the neve
-01 the Heavenly Bodies." In the midst of
; , ..overty, ridicule and persecution, without:any other
t•upport than that of his own modest genius; or any
sagrument save a triangle of wood, he hat unveil
r'?. heaven to earth, and was now approaching the
of his career just as he had established on ,a
basis those discoveries which were destined
diange the whole face a astronomical Science.
that very day the canon of Wernica haul-receiv
el the last proof-sheets of his book, which his (MS
tocle Rileticus was getting printed at Nuremberg;
iii. before sending back these final proofs, lie
to verify for the last time the result . of his
N-overios. Heaven seemed to have sent hire a
eApressly fitted for his 'purpose, and he pass
.s.l the whole of it in his observatory. When the
as:nnomer saw the stars beginning to pale in the
eastern sky, he took the trlangularMstrumeut which
`se had constructed with his own hands out of three
pieces of wood, and directed it successively towards
‘ke four cardinal points of the horizon. No shad
ow of a doubt remained, anti overpowered by the
'.o:rviction that he had indeed deitroyed an error of
ire thousand year's duration, and was about' to re
real to the worts! an imperishable truth, Coperrii
'••• knelt in the presence of that Om jobs volume
' , loose starry characters he had first learned to de
oirner, and, folding his attenuated hands across his
ts,soM. thanked his Creator for having opened his
eyes Is uhrlerstand and read alight these Bas g10;,,,us
;,,,us works. lie then returned , to the table, and,
, etzing a pen, i he 'wrote on the title page of -his
"Itt--" behold the work of the greatest and most
p.rfect A riizari : the work of God himself." And
imr the first excitement having ,passedaway, he
i'rceeded, wi th a collected mind, to write the ded-
Jcarroo of his book.
' To the Most Holy Father, Pope Paul 11l : I
4 etlicate my book to your holiness, in order,that all
use world; whether learned or ignorant, may see
ant ldo not seek to shun examination and the of my superiors. 'Your .abihority, and
litter love for science in i geaeral, and lir 14atheinat
", in particular, will serve to shield tnie agaitiat
tricked and malicious slanderers, notwinuttrualing
. 'proverb which says that there is no remedy
•clinst thc,vrounds inflicted by the tongue of cal
/tinny, ix.,
Nicirot,ss COsr.neices—itil 'thorn."
Soon the first dawn of day caused the lamp of
asunr.omer to burn more dimly ; he leant his
Lorehead upon the table, and, overcome by fatigue,.
oalik lino a peaceful slumber. Alter ,sixty years of
lie in truth needed repose. But his present
~,ose at all events, was not destined to be of ton
; it was abridged by the entrance of an
dal servant, who, with stow and..heavy step, as.
tended the tower stairs.
" Master," said he to the canon as he gently
Imelied him upon the shoulder, " the messenger
glio prayed yesterday from Rhetices is ready to,
*.t out on his return, and only waiting for your
2rDocalreets and le tiers?
The astronomer rose, made up the packet, which.
he duly,sealed, and then sank back upon hischair :
46 wearied by the effort.
But-that is not all," continued the servant ;
these arc ton poor sick people in the house wait
lor you ; and besides, you are wanted at Frau
ehberg, to look after thewater-nrac i hine, Which has
sopped working; .and also to see the three'W°lll
- will) hare broken their legs in trying to set it
gang again ." „
"Poor creatures!;' exclaimixl Catlecnips. "Let
?ay horse be saddled direct l y)' And with a roe-
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hue effort snaking off .the sleep which -weighed
down,his eyelids, the good man hastily distended
tht.stairs of the tower.
This house of Copernicus was, in outward. ep.
peasaiice, one al the most unpretending in Wend
ca: it was, omposed of a hibonvory, in which he
prepared medicioe for the poor a little stadia,. in
which this man of genius, skilled in art as in eel.
cence, pi . )04,1 his own likeness or those of his
friends, or traced his recollections,of Rome and of
11010 to ; and lastly, of a small parlor on the ground
floor, which was to all vrhecanae to him
for remedies, for money, or for food. Over the
dear an oval apesture bad been cut, through which
I a ray of the mid-day sun daily penetrated, and, res
tiug upon a certain point in the adjoining room,
marked the hour of noon. This wan the astronomi ,
cal gnomon of Copernict►ei and the only- ornament
the room contained were some verses written
his own hand, and pained up over the
it was in this park/mina the good canon found
the ten invalids who had email,
tance,; d
'owe, a mints,:
uTothers, and one and all he bes.
towed alms and words of kindnem and consolation
Having completed his Whom be hastily swallowed
a draught of milk, anti, was about- to set out for
Erauenberg, alien a hOraeman, galloping up to the
dorm, handed him a letter. He trembled as be rec-
ognized the hand writing of his hienct Gysius ) thsh.
91) of Calm. " 2rlay.God have pity on use' wrote
-this-tatter, " and avert the blow which threatens
thee ! Thy e ne my 'ulna_ thy rivals combined-,-
hose who accuse thee of folly, anti .those who treat
hee as a'herel►c—have been so successful in ex-
citing against thee the minds of the people of Nu
temberg, that men curse thy name •tn the streets ;
he pTiegiexcpran3unteate thee froze their pulpits
and the univetsity, hearing that thy lxxik was about
tp appear, has declared its intetnion to break the
printing presses of the publisher, and to destroy the
work Which thy life has been derwed to. Come
and lay the storm; but come go.ckly, or thou will
be too lee.''
Define Copernicus hail finished the perusal of
this letter he fell back voiceless and powerless into
the aims of his faithful servant, and it was some
moments before he rallied. When he again look
ed up, the horseman, mho had been charged to N.
Cott him back, atled him how eoon he would with
'• I must set out directly.." replied the old man in
a resigned lone; '• but not for Nuremberg or for
Culm : the suffering workmen at Frauenberg are
expecting me ;. they may perhaps destroy my work
—they cannot slop the stars in their courses I%
An hour later Copernicus was at F r ananberg.—
The machine which be had bestowed upon this
town, which was bullion the summit of a hill,con-
veyed thither the waters of Bouda, situated at the
distance of half a leagne in the valley below. The
Inhabitants, instead of suflering, like their Whets,
from continued thought . , had now only to turn a
valve, and plenteous stream flowed into their hou
ses in rich abundance.
This machine had got out of "order the preced
iltg day, and the accident had happened very in
opportunely, because this was the lestival of the
patron. saint of Friueriberg. But at the first glance
the canon saw where the evil lay, and in a few
hours the water again flowed freely into the' lost'.
His first cares, we need not *ay, had been directed to
the unhappy men who received injuries whilst e work •
ing,in the sluices; he set thele fractured limbs, and
bound them up with his own hands; theft com
mending them to the care Oen attendant, he prom.
iced to return on the Morrow. But a blpw was
about to descend upon himself which was destined
fo cru,fi him to the Jost. •
As he crossed_the square, while passing through
the town on his return home, be perceived amidst
the 'crowd a company Of strolling players acting
upon a temporary atge. The theatre represented
an astronomical observatory, filled with all sorts of
rirlii.nlous instruments—in the midst stood an old
man, whose dress and bearing, *ere in exact imi
tation of those of Copernicus. The resemblance
was so striking that he paused, stopified with as
tonishment. Behind the merry-Andrew,• whostr
business it was thus to hold up the great man to
public derision, there stood a personage whose
horns and cloven fool desigmrted him as a repre
geritation of Satan, and who caused the pseudo Cb
pernicus to act and speakfesibough he had been
nit automaton, by means of two strings Wineries] to
his cars--which weie no other than asses ears of
considerable dimension's. The .. parody was corn
posed of several scenes. fu die first, the astrono
mer gave himself to Satan, burnt a copy of the
We, and trampled a crucifix nuder foot; in the sec
ond, he explained his system, by juggling with up
plea in guise of planets, whilst his head was trans
formed into likeness of the sun by Means of tor
ches alltesln : in the third, lie became a charlatan,
a vender 61 pomatnm and quack
„ nredieines--he
spoke dog Latin to ibe passers-by; sold them wat
er he had drawn from his own. Well, at an exorbi
tant price; and ("mime 'intoxicated himself alb
excellent wine, in such copious draughts of which :
did he indulge that be„ finally disappeared under
the tattle ; in the fourth and closing act, he was
again dragged it nth to view as one accursed of God
and man ; and the devil drugging him down to the
infernal regions amidst a cloud of sulphurous smoke,
declared his intention of penishing him for having
caused to turn on itsaxis, by cor.dentning
him to remain with his bead downwards through
out eternity.
When Copernicus thustrelielli the treasupdtlis
coveries of whole life held up to the derision
of an ignorant multitude, his entitled faith. branded
as impiety; and his self denying benevolence ridi
culed as the • quaaketi of. a -charlatan, his noble
spirit was at. first utterly overwhelmed, -and.. the
moat fearful doubts oils imaellnished upon hie mind.
.4t first be hoped.that the Fraennbergisso r ilm
dren of his adoption, to whose comfort and happi•
nese he had devoted himself for fifty years, would
cut shon the disgraceful scene. - Buf-alasl he
his defareert welcomed with applause by the*
whom he bad 'COnfiried sb many benefits.
trial xi•as too 'much for his foiling suengt, h,; and
out by the emotions and fatigue of the piece
night, and by the hairs of the morning, he s
exhausted to the ground. Then, for the first ti
did the ungrateful multitude recognize their be
facter t the name of Copernicus flew from lip to
—they beard that he hart comb that
to the town" in order to retie - •
moment the current of popular feel in
their ingratitude wasquiektrehringedio rerriersel
fire crowd - dirtr, - vinifcMwded aril
iously_round the astrorttrnier. - -41 - eihaTi - mTv
left to call for a litteroual-wir - F^= -
CVs_ mica in_a4yingtstg,2 4 ,—_-Itt ;
still for-five-ays of trial am
r e lamp of genius and of
halo around the dying man. 0;
ing his visit to FratjeLbei r-
~.t • . ue had the students of
made an i attempt to invade the printsrl
whence the truth was abo issue forth. " Eve
this very morning," wrote his rt "a set of mac
men tried to set fire to it. "I have assem led a
our friends wittilnAtTi - building, and we never qu
our posts either day or night, guarding the entranc,
and keeping guard orer the workmen—the print •
perform their work with one hand,. whilst. the,
hold a pistol in the other. If we can stand -- ou
ground - for two days, ihy-bog age for let on
ly ten copies be struck" oft, and nothing will any
longer be able to destroy it..:- - -.---....„, But if either
to-day or to-morrow our enemies shouihncql in
gaining the upper hand"
~_ thetas- le
sentence unfinished, but Copernicus supplied:the
want—he knew Wow much depended upon this
moment. On the third day another message-made
his appearance, and he, too, vras the bearer of evil
tidings: "A compositor, gained over by our ene-
mien, has delivered into theit hands the manuscript
of the book, and it has been burned in the public
square. Happily the impression was complete,
anti we are now putting it into the prep!
But a popular tumult might yet ruin all!"
Such was the suspense in whit the great Coper
nicus passed the closing days of his existence! Life
was ebbing fast, and the torpor of death had already
bernin to steal over his faculties, when ,is horseman
gallopping, up to the door in breathless haste, and
springing from his horse, hastened into the house cif
the dying astrtmomef. A volume, 1. - those le4ves
were still damp, was.treasured in his boscini: it
wis the chef-curse of Copernicus: this messenger
was the bode of victory.
The spark of life so nearly extinguished ) seemed
to be rekindle for a moment in the breast of the dy
ing man :he rai s ed himself in his bed, grasped the
book with his feeble hand, and glanced at its con
tents with his dim expiring eye. A smile lighte
up his features; the book rot from his grasp; an
clasping his hands together, he exclaimed, " Lor
let thy servant now depart in peace." Hardly hac
he ulered these words, before his spitit. fled ho
earl' to return to lie God who gave it. It was to
morning of the 231 May—day had not yet &Wiled
heaven was will lighted up with stars=-the earth wa.
fragrant with flowers—,all i ward seemed to 5y . ...
pathise with the great fevealer ol her laws—an I
soon the aim, rising above the Jirizon, shed h . ..
earliest and purest ray upon the still, cold bro
of the departed, and seemed in his turn to sa .
c- The king of creation gives thee the kiss of pear .
for thou bast been the first to replace him on h i
Persecution followed Copernicus even in the glow:. But, just et the very moment When Potemkin
The court of Rome replied to his dedication y thought himself certain of his triumph, the princess
condemning his book; but the book was the instr suddenly changed her mind, and becarfie dtstant.
meet of its own revenge by enlightning the court reserved, and cold. It tai observed. that Ibis
Rome herself, which at lest recogniml,alitiough 1.. change had taken place ever since the fire at the
late, the !anti eni the genius of the astronomer f princ!pat theatre, where her life had been in danger
Wernica. Prussia, whit the ingratitude of a cumin .- had she not been rescued by the heroic,effottit of a
tor has convene .1 the oitservatory of Copernicus int a young Major, who, tin hearing her screams had
prison, and is now allowing his dwelli4honse o rushed into the burning house, and thanks td good
crumble into ruins. But Poland, pis native lan , luck, and devoted courage, had borne her from lihr
has collected some
.of her last motel, to raise a box, already encircledin
monnittent to his memory at Cracow, and to en t Potemkin in despair of his non-success, became
a statue of him in Warsaw. This statue is from desirous of ascertaining at least the cause of the re
the band of tie great sculptor Thorvaldsen.—Chaln buffs Id had to hear ; and him that day the Prin.
kr' s Edinburg Journal.. Cess Zoumowski.beeame the obje - et of an incessant,
though eovert, espionage. Not- the Slightest clue,
however, could be fridnd ld the secret of her cold.
d Hess; and Potemkin, half beginning to "recover
i" from his fears, attributed it to one of 11100 caririees
to as frequent as they are tntuftorY.amorig women of
bar suirlip, when ii circumstance, apparently insig
nificant in itself, directed his suspicion to snottier
.VAarsni.r. Dansiter.—Sir.lism Johnson ”b
rained from. Hendrick nearly one hundred thous nc
acres of choice lard, now lying chiefly in He •••
mer county, N Y., nerttl df the Mohawk, in
following, mannbr : .
the Sachem•being at the Baronet's 'house, e v
a richly embroidered coin coveted it. The n x
mornirg Ite said to Sir. *Mite . :
'Brother, me &eine last"
, •;Indeed ‘ ." answered Sir. IYilliant, Wtiat i•
my red brother dreamt'
ids 1 e dream that emits atiee. C ' -
" It is yours;" said the shrewd Baronet.
Not long' after Sir iirillhee visited' the Sache
tied be tee hada dream. ,
" Brother," ho said, 1 ilrestatedinot night."
" Whnt did my pate kteezbrother -dream'!" as
ed Hendrick. .
Itel Wages or osaul
" 1 drean3ed . that this tract et iiiatl vat mkt
ilercribing a square bornitled on the South by 11;
'Mohawk; on the east by Canidarereek, and Non,
and-West-by objects equally well known.
Hendrick %gap titmottishetk ,H.e saw tiro enorml
ty of the. caluort4ut was not to be 'outdone
generosity, Be, sat thor;htlutly for a moment suu
" Brother, the land s yetis% but yod must no
dream aguish."
The title was confirmed by
. the British Govern
anent, avid the (Met sis.eallitl.the. Royal Grant.'
American's Chem.
The masa of mankind hateinnoeatio' n; they hate
to unlearn what they' :: t airs learned 'wrglig, and, they
hate so confess their ignorance by enbatittilrg io
team anything right.
=nor; rims asy . cwAmi."
The crying infinities of the letters de catchet, the
abase of which, it is now needless to dwell un - ,
were nckpeculiar to Franc*, but .may-be -tr
througini f uunder
atV lbta
Spain,Tthetastie of Pampeluna! in Kam* it was
itSia - . -- 4211fcsi tiOng r well when
lima — a fact, the . jataitcents of which have beeit'un
courfe-rrey-t,--fnay-W—deetned interesting, as
- matter- of-i4Ahrafison.
iSre sttit_isornore striting-than a review of St.
treartrg, 'under the balconies of the martti‘
.lace or in the Place of Abe .Adinnatty. The
bronzed fattf-thiLsolthers, the unmoved stern
nembritei r espect,ire_'-autelpaton-like precision
roTtlietreristutnes, as varied aslhe s pe nt races
that wear them—here the Tcherkeeses, in ooriental
uniform—there the royal gaanismen with their
silver cth >a •sr.rdates, in the midst of which shines e
n sun—then the dragoons, in black-helmets,
and the Don Cossacks,with their long lances t and
1 44 ~ most remarkable of all, the ungosing Byre of the
Empercering above the rest, and surrounded
r by his staff, consisting of the most high-bom nobles,
and the fmest men of the Empire—all combine to
corm an unparalleled scene, baffling all description,
and the characteristics of which are as difficult for
the imagination to picture to for the pen
to describe.
The military ceremony is held in St. Peters - bog
every year, on Easter Sunday. it took place as
usual in 1848,sind would have presented no peca-
liar feature to speculate upon, had not the Emperor,
diming, the whole time of the parade, appeared in
company with a lihle old man, dressed in a white
cont, turned up with red, yellow breeches, white
:buckles ir..hia shoes, three cornered hat, and white
ague!, who followed him about with a look of
bewilderment; mixed, with rodness. '
The sight of a costume belonging to the time of
Catharine 11. of course excited the greatest surprise
anti gave rise to a thousand conjectures. The truth
however, was soon made known; and we will re
peat, in the fewest possible words the monmful tale
of the old man with the white plume, as we heard
it related on the spot.
Potemkin was at once the most singular and the
mostiucky man of the age he lived in. When an
1.-ign in the body-guard he had the good fortune
be noticed by the Empress, in whose service he
tAerc hiv sword, in the time of the revolution that
occasioned the death of Peter 111. He was hand-
some, enterprising, and ambitious; he becatte her
favorite, and completely sublugated the strong
minded woman, whom the Orin& had frightened
but had vainly endeavored to subdue.
Potenikin never loved Catherine U. not itail be
long beloved of her. Being draft together rather
by the ilmpathy of Mutual genius than by any ten•
der feelings, they were 'reciprocally unfaithful to
each other. Potemkin, like the true spoiled child
of. fortune, tired of his easy conquests over the
fragile dames at court,had grown skeptic in matters
of love, and only gallantry. A
lady undertook his conversion. The Pun
Zumewski was pretty, graceful, and capricious, a
complete coquette, full of wit and frivolity; :and
was, in short, like thb Countess Veronzeff, irAaeli
keff, of our times, the sovereign arbitrer of fashion,
and the divinity of Russian society. the inspired
the tartlet:o with a...violent passion, to which she
herself appeared nit wholly insensible.
On the Mt of March, 1771, the Empress dressed
nit (fie national cdstnme, which she were as much
from coquetry as in
, cordpiluice with the distaste
manifested by the Russians for all foreign innova- ,
tioni,and attended by the Princess Zonmowski and
Potemkin, bad taken her place at one of the win
1, dowso this Rerittikre, Imder tehiett.the toyff mitt
and the tour Reginieints of Proobojuski were shoat
o &tile den; thelquay of the Court. When the
second battalion. of this tine regiment of infantry I
appeared in sight on the hedge of Troist, the pain=
eeiai 'ratified direr 'Om tislcony, and fief eyes seemed
to be Wandering" in search Ciftgoire one ; then either
:resignedly or by accident, Anklet Tall one of her
gloves. A young officer, win#6 . 6yes had been
fixed in the directktt of the palace, saw the glove
drop Tichn the princess* hand and without aeitlera
ring has pace r ot breaking from the ranks, adroitly"
feceisedit ortand point of his - sword,. prerotrip to
his lips, and stealthily bid it beneath the batons Nof
ibis imitorin;
The princei blushed,. 'Potemkin leaned toward
"ThaVnifteer," said be; in a hollow “ hart
become enriched by one of your gloves. to Whom
psi, doyen dastinethe Ober I" , • •
"To yett,feastt, if iir*r are at
tach the leftit 'Woe to such a Itrifle r rs *as the
"Give it me, then."
So saying Potemkin retired.
On the evening of that, a fahljager and
a couple Or Cciaaacki made'their appearance in
Gaternais, at Major ' The officer
turned 'f)ale on beholdiug, them, tot Each 'visits bod
ed nb odd.
" Follow me !" ttaiti th'e' fetdjager.
IF Fly whose order r'
"'Will the joirmey be , tong-1"
o_r e,r h aps
"Alto e to. take a bag of roubles and ome
"Neither roubles nor paper —nothing!"
"Very well, sir, I q•ill follow you," Fa ill the
major, Pale with emotion, '•but permit me, at tenst,
to give a last nibrare to triy mother, who
by, in conscious security, and who will
wake - in teem and sorrow. For mercy's sake grant
ins bat one single moment"
"It is impossible! The orders are poshive.;---
(I" ;:its . c.Ant Iron feldjr.,er pointed to one of thorn
little covered carts, called it-telegues," which stand
very high from the ground, and are provided with
only one wooden seat. All resiStance was vain
and would have been punished with the utmost ee
-verity. .
The Major stepped into the telegue in silence,
and the horses, of true tkranian bfee&—light and
swill ai the wihd—had presently borne them past
Tasili Ortroff, and left the watch towers, the blue
domes, and the golden spires of the citadel far be-
hind them. The snow was falling in heavy Rakes
and drlfifng around the silent travelers. For a mo
ment the majorjeli half inc'ined to strangle his
morose companion when he should happen to fall
asleep; but the (run eye Ms of the feldjager were
never once closed during the whole of the night—
They now reached Pochejeroki. The major ventur
ed to ask whetherthey had comet° the end of theit
"Not yet," replied the feldjager.
They charmed horses .and went on.' Nystarka
and Ponneuskod were left behind, at at each place
the major, whose anxiety waxed more end more
intense in prciportion to the distance, questioned
his conductor, laconically, and still received as his
only answer, that terriNe reply, "Not yet.",
On crossing the forrest of Volopta, the telegue
was surrounded by a band of famished wolves. that
escorted it ilerihg forty vrorsts, but without exciting
the sliahtest notice on_ the part of the feldjager—
such episodes being of frequent occurrecee in jour
neys of this kinc ) , where the traveller has an even
chance a? being devoured by Wild beasts, frozen
alive, or buried in a tomb of snow, that closes for-
ever above its victims. Nothing can be more
dreary than the interminable succestrion of white
plains, the desolation of which is only broken, at
rare by an Asiatic looking monastery, a
hut made of barnhriesiwisted together on a gigan
tic rock, hollOcied out by the hands of time.
Seven days were spent in unspeakable suflering,
the major was half dead with exhaustion, when the
felegue halted on the border ofan arid sterile, wherb
here and there,were sprinkled about twenty wretch
ed huts, mote fit to / serve as dens for wild beasts
than as hcman habitations.
" This is ydnr destination," said the feldjager.
The Major's Nee became livid.
"No, ft if nod possible'." cried hil.convulsively
wringing- the hand of his sinister companion, " you
cannot leave me beer, alone, in this &cutter! spot!
What have I done ? Wind IS my crime} Why
was I carried oil in this mysterious fashion ? lam
the victim of some inconceivable—some horrible
error! Oh! for pity's sake take me Inc!: to ?t.
Petersburg, and all I possess, all that iny family
possess, shall be yours.".
" I cannot," answered the leldjager.
And Men drawing from his pecketilr his Cloak,
a small parcel, He if& seated it I.lkiajor Trheg.he
lowski, adding: ''There is witt Gen. Potemkin
„bade me give you ar.pen we paitetl."
It was the other grove of the Princess Zoo
mowsk i. •
The major starts : his deep emotion caused the
blood to rush into his face ; and a fond recollection
awakening tho courage that had almost failed him.
under so try irk a circumstante, he replied, 't Very
well, sir: tell Gen. Potemkin that i value, his
present far 'more than, I dread Siberia, and that he
has given happineseenough to support me during
the period of mY exile."
ibe - felajager bowed, cracked his whip. and oil
the vehicle flew ; the tinforinnale aEite
watched its disappearance, with much the same
feeling as the wannerer, lost in a labyrinth of cata
combs, would witness his feeble lamp flickering,
and about tote extinguished, of Trer+eiie the thread
that was to guide him back to light . and life, sod
deity snipped asunder. Seventy years passed
by—seventy years were dragged through, amidst
hardships, dangers nail fibritions of every kir:4.-n
Yeti even in that ism Clime, that most desolate
latitude, years fie* rapidly over the exile's head—.
forjt IS astonishing how time seems abridged by the
sameness of the lire one leads- .
Chanerrat length ceased. The unhappy victim to
be discovered, in 1842, by an . officer inilergoverh•
ment; who was sent-on a mission to TobairlC
-14aving Teamed his story, he caused it to be im
mediately reported' to Gen. TeleirenirihOcv who
related it:fdrthwith to the Emperor. The injnatice
had been secret, the reparation was open and
The exile, now'rt centenarian, was salten:froto the
isba that he had rbtiiit with his own hands in Siberia;
he was brought to St Petersburg, and the Emperor
in the presence of the twelve nvirnents asseMbled
en l itre-place of the-admiralityi addressed him in
the collecting noble language: "ilet assured, sir,
that had i sooner known of-yottr miskrittines, they
should loog since have ceased. Remain in St.
Peterskang4A pension of 4000 enables is henceforth
secured to you: it is Russia that gives,
aJi ' ~Y.~.
' Jlajor Telieglwovki has religiuusly preserved the
tiniTorni ater6te in tlie' ei,ghteentli eeninry. No 1•
withstanding his advanced Oge, pearly a hundred
and seven years, he may be 'seen walking about off
the Newtki Parade; with a figure still erect, Mid a
mildly serene Ottntenance, looking with the:g
est Forpliqe en ibe changes that seventy years hare.
effected in society, cud. taLLing,„• with .a degree of
etithusia-m that the snows of
,age hare not yet fro.
zen;of Cathecine 11., the Prince de Live, Count
St . .aut,...aiivi-itteils °doff, as if all these personages
ere atilt to be Taunil in tbe Hill of Hermitage,
in the garden of tlio - Touritle : Palace.
On reaching:the capital, his first, care had been
to write 'his will. It consisted of the following
words :
" I request, s 4 a last favor, that I may be buried - ,
with the gloves that will be tottutl laz.teneti to my
neck, by a black ribbon."
CoLorts.—ln these, the ancients certainly far ex,-
ceetled the moderns. Sir Humphrey . Davy made
many efforts to analysize the celebrated Tyrian
purple of the East ; bot these efforts were without
success. He declared he could nor discover of
What• it was composed. The Naples Yellow, loo;
though less known, was Mirth used, nrii) the art of
making it is now entirely gone. ',The Tyrian par
pfe is the color of many houses of Pompeii, and
they look as fresh as if just painted.
rsisc colors ofTitian are equally as vivid and
beautiful as when Gist laid on by the great artist,
while thOse . of
,Sir Joshua Pseynolds already look
chalky and dead. And Sir, Joshua himself con
fessed, after making it the study of his Isfe i litth
bad never been able to discover how Raphael - and
- ihe other great artist had been able to pre4t:ve the .
beauty and brightness of- their paintings: But it •
we marvel at tl.ese .artists, three centurieS back,
what shah we say of those paintings found in the
tnrribs Of I:gypt, more than two thousand Years old,
and yet-kept-fresh and btight, though buried' for
that time!beneath the ;pound-, in the ,lamp, darle
caves of the Fa=t
The very wife of Solomon is found there, just as
she was painted on the eve nt departulo from her
father's home, to Atare the throne of , Judea, aNI
not only the color of her garments were preserved,
but the bloom is still on her:cheeks and. lips, and
•the lustre in Wit eye is even as it then was. The
paintings, too, date as far back as.the time 70l Ato:
ses ; a portrait supplsed to be that of the Nice, rho
king who, drove the Israelites into , the Iled_Sca, has
the colors of It preserved . perfectly. .
OSTRICH —A favorite method adopted
by the wild bushman , of taking ostrich and other
game, is to clothe, himself in the tid.'s skin, in
which be stalks about the plain, imitating the pit
and motions of the ostrich, until within reageiithezi
he seals his fate with a pbisoned arrow. ,These.
arrows consist of a slender reed with a sharp bond
head, thoroughly poisoned. When a Eushrnan
finds an ostiieh's nest, and the pareht birds. away,
he ensconceg himself in it, and on the return. of the
old bards secures-the pair. 3y.these means are.ob
tained the majority of the pinnies which grace thti
heads of the fashionable world.
Vicr..—Tle who yields hit tielf to rite • mast
cvitably suffer. 11 the human law atter not con
vict and punish hint, the .mbial law, Which will
have obedience, Will Inflow him to * his doom.—
kvery crime is corn - mined for a purpose, with sumo
idea of future personal pleasure ;" and just as surely
as God grivems the nn irerse, FO su rely does a crime,
although eonredied, destiny , he hapiiittess of the
future. No 'matter how deeply laid hate been the
plans of the c•iminal, or how desperately execntecl,
detection pursues him like a bloo dhound, and
tracks him to his fate.
WHAT VAC WID WIT : I. I:M.—MI6 I EO6 a boy
angry with his parents, disobedient and obstinate,
determined to purine his own course, to be hislown
master-setting at caught the experience of age,
and disregarding their admoni:iona and reproofs,—
untesS hs cairse of conduct is changed. I need not
inquire, " What will his end be?" He:not only
ditmbey.s his parents and insult:ols friends, ,but he
disregards the voice of God, and in pursuing the
path winch leads directly down to the gates of deallt
and wc.
An trisitman with his family landed at Philadel
phia, acid was assisted on shcde by a negro who
spoke lo Patrick in Irish. The latter taking the
black lellow Mr one of his own eouutryinen, asked
how long he had been in America.- " About four
manths,' i tia's the reply. . •
The chop-fallen Icisliman tinned to his wile and
exclaimed, " But foot- motiths,in 1116 ccubtry, and'
almcist as•bleck as jet,"
Willis speaks of a handsome oitl whpm he
met In omnibus in S'ewYor,k, as one '• tlre dim
ples al dm corners if whose mouth Were so deep,
and. so' turned in - li4e inveifed commas, that her
lips Iced Ihir a quotation." Wg, should like to
'make an extract from them.—Po4.
A young fellow eating some Cheshire cherse .
full of Skippers °a; ight at a tavern' exclaimed—
'r' No' I have done as much as Sampsim.•• for I
have slain my thouiands and tens of thotemnds."—
" Yes," saia another., "and with the same weapon,` s
—the jaw Irene of an ass." J's
TOAST in' A Senoot.mAsitn.—The lair tiaiTittets
of America—NS:ly !hey" add vi,rtne to beauty, sub
tract envy ftstn friendship, ihu:bplY ainiabie
comp,lislit4ents by sweetness of, temper,
limo is tociatoility atilt economy, and, reduce scan
dal to its lowestdenorninalion.
Batarrittn. Starnstr.sT.—ft has been said of
Washir,gton. that " God cm:16010m tdbeciiihtisb,
in enter that the nation might call bi:n .Father." •
HEARSAY le a liar, and those irho believe Z 1 are
fools. •
x,mlM% taJ