Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 14, 1850, Image 4
II EM!== . . .. 0 4 _, ..,:z,--wk.1.....L: - 4.ig .:* . _ .t . ' "-t -...x•.4.:0,..iw:1-4,...4.vii , a . € ;4. d ,_ ._ ... - . . 7 ,7 - "e ' At . * ::Theil*ieff#totilY orlt P 10 , 44 9g. - fur sc i licet; ankthe fiVe ,Inte 51e.u 1 NR..5... or the ;wheel ctiltivator, is ttudTlSing_Pre*Re 7 e r t fiat Every-renson, fset-and favkirTit Itet in e, and tire 'retvlt endorse iE4 Tertrlci - Wet:4 old:systerm.of.three .91 *re plowings ;Alf there is any one.fact in vegetable phYsiokgy settled, it ie, that the food of plants are, gases, and tiitnefew soluble mineral subkatices, held in so !alien by water as the mensimum of violation. anti distribution: The principal loud of .plants; iaihe production of the decomposition of regerable'onn ter, from the change that takes place when expos t o maimurev—forming. a new _material called 'fi;onur, or an incipient ehareoal,iltateases the 'dark c":tlering of rich soils, and Possesses a strong affini ty for. the oxygen of the air; which combining, with the carbonaceous prieciples, forms earbonio: 4 iicid , which combines with wate: bulk for bolt, and is the greatierntiotilie-produrtion of live fibre-in the gorving plant. The nntriment expended upon, and Which con stitutes the value of the relation of crops and the constant seeding with grasses, is the mots and her bage—the toll tlfille surface; and its true and only available tLe :!urtare, nuexposed tothe sun, wind slid air., and in'a.eonstant state of moisture, which is a c-.nilition “bsolate to its per fect and ripikl klee.omposilon. Itt die old prneeßF, t4e vegetable matter is: Mined in ont, expoAed to e.variration and lerithinj; of the' surla:re; , without the ability . of becoming' rented or" decomposed, and a great portion Of it lays in a p. Lien that escapes withrint charging: and saturat• ing"the soil and its contents, t witli the very4fap and • pabulum of the baby plants- The tlec4posiogt. material should be below the robts.of the'plant. 1 never wolk4 well above, for all the gases ascend in Moist or heated soils, %id come in direct contact with the months—the pong jolt!! of the roots. Every one will admit that this is true p ith the Indian corn and' potato clop—as both those articles are never so sure, as orlion planted on a fresh turned green sward, and the same eflectare produced with thltosioter ave. 't - Let the foul grass swards be turned fiom 7.t0 8 inches in depth, al -the ordinary time of summer fallowing, or even later; and be carefully kept un• der by the cultivator, and our word for it, it w illbe thoroughly converteddre gasses kilted,' and the result prove the beneficial effects ol this course.—. C!ean clover and timothy lays may be advantag,.e -misty sown a fortnight after being plowed, or even the same weeki—ilicu.;h it is pieferred that an in cipient decomposition i-hould hare Commenced, to feed the young 'lt:tilt SEED lIHEIT. t There is not flinch care taken in :preparing, seed wheat, in regard to pertly, as is important and proth table to the sower. Ited-r,-ot, cockle and chess are the three great impurities fo be guarded againSt ; far if any (4 these are sown, they multiplyeNceed in4ly, rednee the ern,, depreciate the price in mar ket and inflict a lasting evil to the laud that years cannot obliterate. Whet, there is no other cone for a farmer but to Le ob:iged to use seed that is foul, the best method - to pursue is, ltaviiig a good fan mitt, to'draw out chess board to near it: middle, and toyer throngtt one quarter or two-thirds more wheat than he in. tends to use—blow ieg over withg rapid motion all the light and foul seeds, and all the light kernels of wheat, leaving belried full.grown and perfectly de veloped and ripener! grains fat the future crop. iff °rice through does dot pet - free it7repey the opera -lion until it is clean and 3'4li:factory. It is generally supposed that red root is sown with the seed, as its seed is so small that it must be separated in `pacing the last or screen in the fanning mill: This is a mistake, as the exami nation Of wheat grown where red rots prevails will sho'w. The jokt containing die seed is mach stronger and barder at the knot where the steeds is produced than ony other part of the stem, and con- qnently is broken oft_ above and below, holtliiie the seed in its capsule!, on a stem too large to pass he ca•k,e screen, and goes down with the wheat. Management of Pear trees The practice Of what is termlecl root-Pruning has of late years attracted a good deal of noise. Root pruning is, however, no modell discovery. It has been followed, less or more, fora century,. and per haps even longer; but the System of docking the rOo's,, and dwarfing trees i. sqmewitat new in tl ii. eoun . ry, although well undesstood in the Celestial Empire The tesnli-ot this practice has been the production of stunted, balk boned :trees, the fruit from which partikes more of the character of the wood of the tree than that which ire desire to fird plump, well grown pears. I therefore take this op poriunity. of cautioning my amateur readers on a print which, to my pent.tnal-know ledge, has sadly %islet! !many of them. It, may be slated in fact vecognizett as nu axiom, that unless a tree is in a 'kindly growing condition, the froit wilt at all times be' inferior. Let it not be interredirom this that 1 mesa ovetdasuriance; et that ease wood alone will . be made. rears shoe — generously used when they are 'lf ret planted: the gmand - should -I:te‘ in. good heart, and rnannred neat the surface. this-curse of aW. years the trees indicate a tentleucylo produce mote-mod than is desirable then as reepecta the t t' e= or -irol.maring the limits ten eau to Iti,gitially.ststrqued them, thertrlt tst),,,,_ Ale roots, and' varefully cutiail their azoberanei, tot this should be done by Degrees, met the rdtmth . efltognq should be pre:cried to any oilier for the .operation. The most important. point in the. management of Mt tree*. hinges'ori the summer pruning; imagine that when the trees are ,planted them is nothing orbs to be done, except picking the fruit. notion has converted somelittle gardens into lime forests. _tiuring the summer let the superfluous shoots be stopped hack to within .3,inchesot the old bearing ?food, brckeu all rather than, cut. This wpi cause floyre:butis to, be formed at the baster the shoots so treated. The projeeting . pan ean removed in autumn or 'winter close to the fruit talf-, by 1(;11owing this modtrof treatraesstAsi tees litil!pe kept within a limited space, and their pro.' ductiveuess secured.—Ga r d ene v, ammide. Sew elover very'deep—at *marts Assiut:est the drieNht., .We in.bavb4smali fereas'ioa ihoreegb • cellintiona • MVO 1 41 1 /10WANDAC a 445 i 74" 4 11 1 . 1 . Z fiftArannit4histbagklitkii 4'.00)M" y. he t! t: fi; Bas:/a<" IkgriPc!PAgLi• Ttiafon per let* .Eir!domed:lk: ~Orthitgraiatfit:. R eediagOVtlititit Astlyit,V%irA * • phy and Mental Arithmetic. ,< , 402.:01/ The. same; frith - :Welle•Giiiimar.- Adams' ..,•••. • 4. Arithmettt and To urn's Analysis., Pldlciseithy, Cherrititei.Rhatnrib, Logiedlts. • trotiomy and Book, 'Keeping, • , 4. 00 Algebra.Vetithetry..Trigonometry. Etas-eye • • Attie Seetioae f Analytical Ueumetry. &e. • -460 Latin, creek aid Freda' tantinegis, •.•• = 500 Fuel. Ist and 2,1 terms, 26 ' Tehnhtneteeeived it - any terind of the•term, and Charged only from the Owe their-entranue. Board. can be obtained in private famibes on rea sonable terms. - 'J. D. MONTANYE:Pres't. C. i...Wstut. Bec'y. of Hoard of Trustees. .1 - Towanda:Um* 15,4850. • • • . 1/3 TU Gaming, Matins sail BulTalo Line. having .re duregl the fare from any pun on the ebetnooo CA nal to BuB"slo, aflurJ facilities nut heretofore olreml to Others seeking a home and fortune in its Great West. A flooi of tins line will leave Coroing. l .& Elmira for Buffalo ttr- 2' • fAIL rtj taetk dnriog ttivsemint. in the Allnatitit Lott* hcaee Cn rang Turstley'd at 10 o'clock. A. M. naletPElniita, Wt-dtienday's at 2 o'clock. P. lll. •Leaica Hour*. Tituraday'a at . • ,P. M. :TOWS down Senate Lake Friday, Touching at-114 Stream, Starkey. Lodi, Dresden, passing GenevieW,atterlao and Senasa Falls on Sat urday. Leaves Buffalo for ElMira and Condor - every Sat urday morning, leaves Rochester every Monday rooro. Bost CORNING, Capt. E. H. CALEB, Boat ELMIRA Capt.. P FERRIS, Boat BUFFALO, Captain For Freight or Passage apply to the C 'plains .or the I.flowing Acents: W. M. Mallory, Corning-8. B. Strang & Co. A. G. RAI nolds, m.. Rey wads, Horseheads, Wititermate, Hittophoarls—E. S. Hinman, Ilaysto* G. 'foton.wsend, Dig Si rest m— Wxalworth ,& LoSli- , -HssOngs & Clonera.;—(inty • ilk Sweet. Senaca Falls—L. Boated°, Mon. Ir-soma—H. L. Fish, Rochester—N:los & Wheeler, British) . Provi4ops for - ratio by tho Captains on board. Elmira. Aril 4..1850. Annexation of Cuba GLORIOUS NEWS TO THE PEOPLE ! HAYDEN, grateful for the liberal pa. trdnage he has received Since his compence meluin huainesa, would inform the people or frradford county that he has just re,Neired direct from New York a WO supply of . Dry Goods, Groceries. Livors Ready made aothing, Boots and Shots, C'igare, Sc.,e all of which be offers fin sale at an exceedingly low price for cash. Haw g extraordinary facilities of pule chat ing, and such as few in countrx towns can acquire he flatters himself that he cap 'ridgedl make it the in arrest those wishing to purchase to give him a cal lrfore furchahing elsewhere. ' Landlords and Indiii duals Wanting a superior article of . CZ", COl) liit.ld9 we would call your special attention to those old Otani Cognise, Champaign and American Brandy ; pure Holland and A merit...) Gin ; old. Jamaica and St.Croja Rum; fine Port, Sherry, Claret, Madetra. Malaga, Gir.• ger end Raspberry Wines;, a felt baskets Champaign; a superior erticle,.still on hand. We are determined to pot our Liquirs down to the 14wast figure, being de. sirous to quit She liquor business. ;Our terms are tV all cases, Cash+ Ready Pay—and no second price.— Don't mistake the place—the west corner of Main and fridge sta., in the store formerly occupied by I. Kbiga bery. VV M. HAYDEN. Towanda, June 4 . , 1850. BOOT & SUE MANUFACTORY. 4 6, HATHAWAY, WOULD respectfully inform the ladies and gentle men of Towanda, that be has taken the store Immediately oppowite the - Ward House, one door north of Mies drug store, in Main street, wnerc he is prepar ed to tectice and promptly fulfill all orders with which he may he favored. To the gentlemen ho would say. thtd. his Boots. of whatever description or quality, are made under his immediste supervision, and will be war ranted for durability and neatness. • He would 1114111 in form the Ladies that he is prepared to make to order Gaiters, Slippers, Shoes, &e. • From long exper ence in business , and a determine tio to give general satisfaction, he. es peel* to !revive a share 'of public patronage. May 10. 1850. . Very. Strange but true. II Gentleman of Utica, N. Ir., has obtained from .1 I, the Witch-hazel, a simple remedy, which !ayes!, more just claim to the name of " family cure all" Utast any Medicine we have ever before knowc 4 Nothing is connected with it but a little Alcohot to preserve it, and yet it acts with peat certainty in-removing pain and all local intimation citing all sores, burn*, brui• ace and lameness, vapidly._ Piles, bowel complaints, cholera-morbus, hemorrhigc, ear sem, toothache, Pore eyes, and all cervous affections. It is white as water -and a* harmless, and it is called "Antra Fain Derimmand Healing Extract." Nome it genuine except " kind's Extract" L blown in the bottle. Mr. Pond first Introduced this .mcvlicine to the public and lies expended a vast deal' of tide and money in bringing it to a .high state of perfection, and we now warrant every bottle to give eatisfaction. . A. men by the name of :Spencer has put forth lan rticle celled " The Coyle Extract" shich claims to e from the Witch-hazel. If from that shrub, its name a a.perfect deception, and it is a very imperfect arti cle; be not deceived, get 'a pamphlet and sea. For sale at Montanye s & ro. Towanda, 8. 8. Elio man Moan:ram • Parkhurst & Lamb Leßoy, Illwrace Miley Franklin. • Jane sth 1850 _MYSTERIOUS. KNOWS N TOW4IIIIII_ Clock; W .we Jr Store ! ... . • WAILVER takis this . —of informing - .. as old customers and the , tic generally, that be has purchased Of J. J. Builihis stick of Watches. Clocks and jewelry, and hal commenced the Were bualein all of iissarkosupwenelte s at As old anted of_ t h e. fie; on Maw got% two doors south of Dm* Row. Row. petition it a watch i.e . LreLe is so well sestaWiehed in ' anationit that it is hardly nicer sary issay,a it o point. With his long az eitithsvt piaci:tee and ' advantages for acquiring a thorough knowied of the business, be has confidenits in saying to - the public, bring on your watches and 0434.1 will do' thew justice. . All goods sold, or Repining done, - warranted, as' I recommend, or the money refunded. r ,„„ A good assortment of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry kept constantly on hand. hfy motto shall be-quiek sales, wadi- mats, cash down, and no credit given. endit need not .tos asked for—as I am bound not to make its seqnsiettance.- 1850:. 1 A. AILWARDIER. 1Tet34131 , -IEr`.IIErACMPNI. 'LL be kept. cie - taa& 'a large asiottafeti and we& to orderogaborter notice aadroirlele Ole! -ley tbaa me be prodeestat any othereaablisbatesida the haat - Thom glebe are wake the neeekaity pt,co , elietarthet article triH sad "ball beaathiled. A geed beereeend pall may be had in atteadepiewbat 4eitreal. tteptemberl. Imr 111:11YE & .CO. SUCVAS Or #1101411841. HDS. SUGWit fjeiv spep. jut 'tizsiiiiTai- 1 epPI , ' '.XEROUVEte R!I'M MIVMM EMI *it Tait eptufipurlsi 4 -• - ' 2 4thsiralerAPA,* ' Winigkrint Oftile tediCitia ' f'l- 1 f3).l`4 - A Dizi;,BwA •74ekliniklraillpOlit Spin 4":474: 5 •1 4 INA ?I g: No o r ttia r i t • •• I that • w#iihl 11 16,11 011 - elie 1 DeytEltieytiir pouvrino, P,. Cheery,fortislr a ot!ttf preparatinna: the popish& ohm,- but' .t. rivalled for the eine- Of "Airy; fa P'frifin e tits, . Cori Spitting of LlohJ,'-Ps Whooping pough.•Tirldfh in the Tirroic-BOonehir, neap of ilia figrvpus! • ' pairtaVerigistittition anti It present toiling joie tr ' • - die., this , 1 1 • . has. nut • -eg aai BM /1.31171M1120.111. (heat euru Elyerl4ll, Pettit.' Factory; corner of. Spring Garden. More an wonderful enrratice propere pound Syrup of Mid Ch . . Pittuanu Dr,-Sivayne--INar Sir with is Ylokint Cold and C my Innp, attended watt • my' si4e, that d could suarcel no appetite. could git'no @grant, of toy pottAtt, 'moult .filootl it a timer: Thisa4 tinned until I almost deeptti tried physkietri and 'mine tint hoeing heard. of "tbe!gr pound Sytup of Wild'Clo ! of by physicians of the tire; make s'urial of it, and am bottle■ performed a perfect ; Jimerbeitl and sweet, and I urdieina I am imlebtral for shall be glad to eororn the aulifeCt . autio may be plr rOborate what I Lace Flail th-e roomy or thy resideo • (0` Be irery particular genuine preparation of W Dr. Swayne, N. W.. come Philadelphia ; all others (bit." ttWAYSE'S CELEI P ••A safe awl effertuil re sia, Cholera Morbus, sickly *auks; and the nmoi4 wefts fared to the Public." Da. S. .—Dear Si' dons nauseous Vermirage highly applauded by the ;lightest good effect, and . speaking in the highest to its delightful taste and w' felt somewhat discouraged cles I-had forced upon m dytpeptic looking child, ardrn out frame the Worm their ravages; I concluded usblo Vermifuge, which, t. had to let go their deadly the vitals. Such was the mijuge on my child whi assuming all the color of t fu!nesa of an innrce nt an. Yours &c., No. 4 Howell street, be Four h. Bewari of Misitikes! Vennifuge is now 'put up the name is spelt correctly CLEANSE • Dr. Swaync: S l ogur Co, . A mild and effective pa blood, they cerrea ss an alterative im Limp* valuable. Giddiness of 11 depression of spirits, bead purifying Pills. Remember always to Swayne's Sarsaparilla an. that the signature of Dr, The above valuable • Dr. H. Swam". corner o dalplLia, to whom all onle 'AGENTS FOR B Hosreoa & Pon qrs.. Rathbone, Canton, Beitlleman & Brown, then. Talky. D. D. Parkhurst. Leßoy. C.l'. Murphy. ()envoill I. Daniels, BurlMeton. a. W. & D. P. Pomero Troy. Ity N 0 other medicine:hie public that hag met' else. le DF.sovizi Ori ..h,eit but. gig yea etrieetigang ettmll.eotopm *trilogy have meshed the tlatueet and Courage. the flting*LMeilier **table mid mind ken in urge doses they armee* female, and has beds Aga all . cam IE ft the iame of I* Dr..-` Amin. - None are -siskeseare that any • usitielelife-yet.ilaced pone eI Arm hive W ise:Os and copy our - time piblie its eateful w • be deceives'. Tbe genuine ROVE he had wholesale and mai Euclid, N. Y. and in Tow TER. and by Aipwo,aln New Arrangemen HMIX do DR E. A. copulae/11MP in the most respectfully solicits of Es4.lish, French, Gcr Chemist., ---,- Pmfutieny,Pausit cumbers sod by ' 'mentot all iiltulitof Liq • 4itltiti-!ittfamorant him* dips a 1 . 1 7 gegr ll 4 limas, remisiol ift* t4e_pilfes qr. Ainwhies,peomiiirsiatzli ssiesurto tersmtkriLabili•gart M' t Otis froirlituni 31mt I, tub, • e vo x : 14,_!tct,41r. 5i 44 ,44 4. rcriftd• I 'BS EIII o t Ile et , Vick Vtfihl tint of any lisve Witt aN tiffs eoro•*:- . the folhetht;" the: • 'Ctohliir'Coriiiimp. gittitiefii of the Heart, at *Meg gehimitoti , Aeh reior *fah -81 stem, of ith••'•e tiatrise; pop• from inP, &e. 'eine t ERTITIC ATF: f i t 1 'vnintl4r 4 neer, at M r. loth" . Wallace its. otivii evidence of the of Di. iiivrarira's Com- yin*, April 16, 1960: !Being revendy afflicted ugh, which settled upon at difficulty c ;oreneas in breathe, ipitting of blood it night, owing to: the 4 "spit as much es a pint urnliilitikte of thingi con gf being cured, having us things without relief; t virtues of your COED , and : its being approved eminence. I concluded to appy to &tate that .three are ; my steep is now on firmly believe thesis your this great cure. nicate with any person on aca to call on Ale, Ind tor the above certificate, at • Yours, EDWARD ILL -fees. o get the original and only Cherry, as prepared by of Eighth and. Race'streent„ H , " Ilectitious and counter- ATED VERMIFITGE: . edy for Worms. Dyspep or Dyspeptic children or replay Medicine ever of, C eziTtticATz. SLID THIN do Pni LA LPIITA, Murch 20, 1849 i—Haying mole use of vi• teclicines, which bad been r proprietors, without the atringheant my neighbors 1 I iof your Mum Medicines. nderful effect. although I frem the result of the arti `chose jev Ireads sand emaciated, sickly, h pat ad d ak trial already ad ral bei cr y tcl our 11 .' l e ,o - ,; our great jay, the Wrthirts n 'lll.l and strong bolds upon Tel of Dr. Neveyne's Ver. Iv is now perfectly healthy. o row , with all the mirth. i ; playful child. TOBIAS WTEGAND. ecn Schuylkill Third and !Remember, Dr. Swayne' n Pc! are baffles. See th.t I SWAYSE. NU PURIFY! led Sarsiparilla and Ez tract of ar Pills., ;atilt., great porifyer of the fain-trona of the liver, and cal affections they are very 1 kii head, dimness of eight, che, &c., are cured by these nquire partirolarly for Dr. Ex tract of Tar Pills. Sec i'wsyno is on each Box. licines are prepared only . by Bth an& Race streets. Philo s should bo addressed. ‘DFORD COUNTY. en, Towanda Pa. IBrmen • & Rockwell, Mali -1. roman, C. H. Herrick, Athens. •Kmney & Haterfee, She. shermin. M. Bullock & Co., Ewa , Smithfield. • .King & Yosborg, Troy. A SOVER imeimm eTfr been introduced to the I with such unparalleled sue. old Suvereign Bohn Pilo.. briore the public. and.the with most other sued - miner. 1 . bate - libecome the day. Theyttre &rely compounded thscir - ily cure the most delicate. raised numbers from their tea I CattIeTERFEITS. 132311 ..-: r. ". , : hate* celled Ori be were eel eeetefoio. you bity . L. Soak.} Co." is osi the ' .ea 1 ..- TTO - Pining. W. ii tilee l ie melting e spurious he- us of ins awes; but lit li=ersta to imitate ,00e r fiesta.... Celia they Phu, they will - . 1 try. • REIGN BA PII.LB eau or Dr. R. L. le 6c Co., oda by RUSTON PAR- i~N.~ d I= g, ami, New Firm. 80N.: Lam *mood a iDoiskiedesGo= late__N k iiilN li sod Aeolis* brow ' -, Pabst, : Odik Dye Widnes, Alio. f—eod G relax lawmen la roti Oa; togeth 1-6f - Tioey ; i9Oodo: , We er krltyolpoof.frarfloos Goods;Aber intnte ir stock before tairchitiang all wbolaat feel 01044 to • Ato*ll on•ea liberal meat tbie 'Wept New Toll. a kgl.4l#44l4.l4krbtaU.o. PRIM REIM _7,7777 41 eedolretl • • • _. • • • • tristiliffroll:Dialsivitildienctri i nUiPat*lna--Optikeim !.-- W - nihdatitan eVeethlll.o4 4 4nts - acid lor.*lienefil of my afflicted ngyl di. eirettimil. ItrittwnniiheitdeiCriptioit of my.dowirre, - plia unexpected - tura I otttaine,d Item tiCAENVIVO I figoloNic earuttp. Aho l tt threeltoill-agSii4 . 14210 4 4.1.4: 1 6.lnolent cold k whieh and side ; s Seery' far d fd *se eon tile blood; My ariftliiirititigillieritdt. Every ant fliadlyhddlt fever de i tiePi; :id profuse -sweats at nighto kith arra' ti.Orhleathing and great l 7of Anrisyggew Tie aniteatfPnaa , testedibeing confined toss, bed moat of ; the,-On,a,eeri reit:yet-the moat eminent- phleicierte of -thigAity tended tne.iond after eglateetint,.all,their. sell, pro. aannoad my CV! .One gni 4, .elnY tuMgr . temer almostiene, and: fecrtrid - not--posslihiy re-. meet: At this,stage of 4iratiejlies - previdled . Mion tottribt'Scheisdr's PtelstrinitSyruirisna Lhad taken half a ikrenAritles.,..was r ito far, ,leenvcrial_ Seto be to . go #Seetned to atreriatb• itr My :allele state*-'Litlocislened the cinigli s eilatoki the . tileeding y lio4Eta'ireiiiinir 'flutist ing. every . thing tkte; seeined, to digeit easily atukirmiritth my *hole system. Indeed, such, rapid' Pro! gross df berafth and -- so iridd'en - thi chinge e - thit became too sanguine of a Speedy curkand'affinittirf ed . the tine of the atedichur befOre, the disestre'*as thoroughly. eradicated, which iesplied antithiv atticli of bkeding at the lungs l ast tall, acetimpaided'hY tree:dim again ' commenced tilting (hi Pit: Morrie Syrup; arid sent for 13r: &bend whis.'Ciprix's' careful ..egnnitiation;ledvised rue to continue - rising it: Before fhitl tarp feta bottles, an &twice's - formed in my side;whichitinherid and broke, discherging, ashier as I can judge, a_pint of Very di , vigreeatile yttlfriw melt= ter. This seemed to cleanse auditor* my whole sys tem, From this time I began to get ,better, and , ate happy to say entirely recosered: I and *treat -this . time I enjoy better health than I have for the' last ten years. Slone 1 commenced - taking the Pulmonic Syr up. I have . never tailed to recommend it veheriter I went, that others, as well 'air myself, might be saved saved from that awful disease; for Ir feel it a duty 1, ewe to the afflicted to priblish it fir 'Me world.' Permit me to mention a few cases whidh have come under my immediate observation. Elting on a visit to Camden,' N. J., last summer, I saw a child, eel& ally in the last stage of bowel 'ermaumption. The mother' informed moth* the physicians bad given the chind up as in. curable. 1 told her what benefit I bad received from the use of Scbenck'i Pulinonie Syrup, aril her to procure a bottle. I beard nothing more from the little sufferer until about three - month after; being in the market, my attention was drawn to a lady who obeenred me very attentively. She finally approached me. and asked if I was not the lady who recommend ed Schenck's Pnlmonic Syrup to her dying child last summer in Camden. I replied that I was. She said that her child bad entirely recovered. and was uncom monly healthy. Her name is Mrs. Wilson, and now resides in Bridesburg. Another lady I would mention in particular, who had a scrofulous affection. Her face and neck presented one continued sore, and on,e_of her eyes was veriously affected with it. She bag liecome greatly emaciated, and to all appearances past recovery. I induced her to try Schrock's PulmonreSyrup, which she did, and is now perfectly cured. AnOther lady, Mrs. hie/dollen, whose residence I will give an appli cation, was evidently in the last stage, of Comiumptinn, I prevailed upon her to trg. the Pub/ionic Syrur. In a very short time she was entirely recovered, end now-en joys excellent health, having becomeexeeedingly Geshy These are three cases within try knowledge, which I know were cured by Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, All who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble to call on me at my residence Parrish street five doors shove tenth north side, I think I will he awe to sativ tietorily.convinee them by own cave, and others that I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since my -cure, there have been so many to see me to know what I took, that I have bad a very ,gOod opportunity of 'Eariaring a great many that bare taken it, and have been greatly benefited thereby. and I think if persons afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, would send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully examine their lungs, and if he says he can care - them, follow the directions; and prevent taking cold, rapidly , recover. MOE BE i / a. GULIELSIA 1.. LEIBERT, Ptah&!phis, May 29, 1849. J. H. Scat:rex—Dear Sir—l have known Mrs; !Albert for sew rah years. as a member of my church. and have all confidence in her statement, and am re. juiced to Boa her again restored to health. mid thing more, in addition to heir statement, is needless. Yours, truly, THOS.L.JANEWAY. Pastor of the North Presbytrrian Chinch, Philadelphia, June 20, 1849. 6th st. shove (liven. Prepared and sold by J. 11. SCH ENCK. at his Lab orratory S. E. corner Coates & Marshall sta., and the following-Agents in Bradford. County. Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey. Lerayrvillc ; T. Itanphrey, Orwell; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome; IL. J. Watford, Monroeton t D. O. Parkhurst, Le Roy ; C. E. Rathbone, Canton ; King & Vosburg, Troy . and by MIX & MASON, Towanda. Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half dozen. To the Victor belongs 11le Spoh it. A LT01:161f mane preparations in th form .I'vpu. tar Medicinea, 4 have been before the public, claim ma to give relief, anal eve cure the moat inveterate diseases, yet none have so well answered the purpose as Or. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea ble 'to the taste, easily administered, and from , the un precedented success which they have mat with, and the. remarkable cures which they_ have performed, may justly lay claim pr the title of Cooquezor over the di seases for which they have been recommended. p i t. Sherman's Cure the most obstinsteeises of Cough in a few hours. They have cored a large number of . rireana who have been given up by theirphysicians and frtenils,anatnanY swim have been , - . of the grave by spitting blood, , by their use have had haggard cheek end rir of this invaluable Its Have been pr• felliable in fa Medicine eirei Then they au conception. When the brew aye, and Acre is, piekinf :4)0110. mind . kw 01 the teed out the: lips with al ttehed el ring st the • acme. headache, tieuritinces,, starting during sleep, disuiehed dreams, iris - king With Weaning screams. troublesome efongb, remishlle" 4 4 5 4 tmlekqui*PPotiter sickness at-thi stoineeh sad-blostsil stoesseb—aniseare Arnim. ok. • twiny' prominent' symptoms of *Mao and can veisord-by these iacompamble Lamm. They atevetebterr known to fol., - Di. filtertnari's 4. CAMPHOR 10./ZENGEB° Retrains headache, nervou s sick heidache.lmiita of the heart and 'sickness in a few minuets. They cu lownesi of spirit% despondaney,faittness, weir, imam cramps of the stomach, summer or bowel complain they keep up the 'mints, dispel all the -distressing of diropation,snd enable s person to undergo great non-. taw badly, toil. Dr. Sherman's "POOR MANS PLASTER" * * Is marrow! by all who haverver used it to be th best'ix Flekken in Abe-World an -it - Soo! renstarfar pains and weakness ifs Idins,Sitl - Wants need limbs. Joints, emulation, lumbago. & ne million a year will-rsot supplyl the _demand. . • - is there ars Many anpriocip petionswdm mold (Om • spurious articletb Community. "Be Careful to get Shearm's Poorilla? ' Plate iOith w 'fire allele" of his written Mime on t• . "bas ki-noirs others are genuine, and will:da more 'kart then ipaid. Sold in Towanda binprlTAlcitr. Pp • R. No. 1, Beek ROw. • lay ---. SMAVEYING AND MAPP ING. BAYING restaseethe BOA* of 811111LTypsto; entrusted to my ear. will be done• with iteasnay and-N despi'etu• ot!eee lea , ensure sttentitms • • - - 47 12-4 M. 150 1: 7 , '. 1 biediseatai ' ' l o:l:Ward, " I • SEEMENE =MIMME i•COTTOR LOZENGES" ~~~~; EME .1 . „,,,, N : , "4 - itliri: •!'-k . MlLlllthigneseallAo , 4iiiallialipr; - r-L# swam coatibioirilirrNis,,,,,..T. '-..i_t:- y;•7.i - .: 1, ::' ,, 4 ":10 107 4t 7 4 1 . 8 .4** •-, "'"I *- • •,.. -- •. .".;'... „e.,,,,„..411q1L10f•! 1 _ 1 0W:,., ,_2, 0 4#1 0 " . 10...-4 , - ~ _.,,, 5 , IEIIII .- „ ii alai iity, iie . " ' of t AliTlloFi h i t #L4; . and -to ivi?ame stinmois ~ . . -ilatiost thm ....4 - 7 -Thaetainf af Tent Peatraltit VW' SAM EILIILta: Ma • . all Other may In Roam tame= be nedendood 'iltnirtbe Merin Sacra: tsar--booture it sof oily toommeta,: al ' forthemor its romteadaa, the Pori Tunica of . --.- • - •,,., • • Sarsapitailit„ Yellow Dock, :-- % Cherry\ nesi,,dliasat Bark”, - stiv a iefe‘isink~d4fieseinuskand De. •at writ the partlient in ettt.batilenf tt Win =Lb* =rte. . .bude of inedetaeoadled - dWeirter fitunwswithi ' '' - • " Bid dtottaatisTalsuravlllerekerweiresstbe End. fitel,eotanA4Afeku 'WWI! 51- kri Ithcr. - • • • ' • '''''`lfietai . lifirkasa4Vajetniles, - "•• • . the PnaiiiitailAartas of Which are mai serettot ta i girra . • = mi l . .. w h o:t a m Irlf...ccig wills , 49tratrfarilia, raw Asaliattabwa they make - da watkieitheatosturta.S.: Aindneki sirlasi edir dtaßleed ia Me helm Aillikeletbia: ' Ouit l ha have oar dpvirei,evekal, ore; the Dose is • -. 'I • ,•• WV Q uo. Tillidstaitettfalsd?rs Ouse Pink', ... , . BUB 1 a cat c apiiiiti Esirsklif forlasensetwetee of taraidditim (itleree kali) Isdecitrauth weakened tad' • tedneed the Doer of Sarraperilla_im to bet Two, Three,: or Mere TaiWartejah--Ttiaaa. "inon, - Of'filaiirtiat. t r We .to bare amp wahcai erect; Nand'ars bottle of austawate 7 holds Airriplisr apao!Vala,.therefeeeieo.laday. epoonfata at a dose, aid so atm dam a thty, witrasetanibettleafitht • _. • • - - Viwari ltiSi;- of tiiiirktiev -- - •, • • vueb'llhow- the li' 1 ...1it. .tf BranthrAPstirtdie,Wlll lut due . Twelve /0 Si /teen Itsys twasw,thsa. A )route of 4auaParalat tad If lei 'daily needled oflica*r enaltd,') be as Pointrein W 4. Surute as, thi,dadra doW7- ef , deruwidlei , tint. le.. ?aorta dad Ong bottle of air. amnia fa locals ThetcYfew,.o r, lehe tiewevaorittfent Choate id; Satiating:titer ' ' ,:-• • The ebony catapayientf doeattot3et show the peek direin Limier between the sealiaadafiltatfof 81iX1.5 Einu ma and l a w. tanutia';'-Tbfeseitl tiphear , by•thereentacitee of , eares In lanes :Assintsa.Abowlngthit.,. v , ... , „.,... . . . • . . ,0111 , 130rtLE,b,„,8 ANT. '8 PURIFIER !iicifio;:iiii;ingi " :' d • - Vii,'swe fe,;ol46;mc , iban - - : ' OE!: latiti4 if ltiutitiestrfilra. . . tr, thick ttoinar of:Pihuvicii' sells for One Dou4l , Oar &Mem tfanutp!iwilfs should seklloe-Tpalk.Cesittik, • CANCEROTTEVEMOTIMA. : settii. S. Mime of. Rosw;Closida Co:;1 4 1.-11%, wbo moutof . In 1a46, swore to the Mb at relauxi below.. to en action r e to ashm the SCPITAL Comte In th e Citg Tf One York, on,the 230 of , underthe A ProccklA the Cite V tDik i=e e sit initstan Secured std ITThird a spy' suSele' of medicine, call% It Saayse's Inman Item scglns of the panther ,He was to damages, le dm Supreme curt of th e City or= d erk; sad the easserui surerrect hir the pa Esq., 51. liberty au, to eminent Lawyer se Wove to take the Med m P on ropr y.. ie.Ttors he of dea ßowes edielnehad ndant pleaded in asap eqf damages, that the au. sbed -ersucathrrs of mmatund ld thus had mamboed afined on the public, and. therefore; was um entitled td damages. The ease of .31r. 'ent adleall4 IS briaofia.e. end Haskins wee mow la • witness in Mini to the FACTS ILI published, and his testimony swan tour sterminsun the publicatios. XL gib/MIX maid, • on well nertnaintsal with grant'. Plarlerinty kettle"— bathe ashf it for .9nfoln. Abut three yours *owe, I *nu 'nary hollyediahni by Ni I wit• attsnard by manna dart..n--they ell told m.I emild mit tom., that on 11041 LIDO ennld cum toe. In a mwgoese. of seri infrottantbso, fire ord ennstAr bean., I used itromee Porifetr. I tool no tredletnek When 1 coninalee mad tth Parviert hest team roollned le my bed ~lent times 1 toohl sal mt. my halal to 1111, bed: my no* user nor afar in front From ter re taw met tar was noentest out Aland U. lima llredd be Wee ortorte, heady bollard by a pare at the lop ; . hole Iran ram Arendt my, so that my breath reseed in and oat at dee Imlay an akar nee on toy • r sie tune array hbotLanallor do ender tayeembegnelly an I.4g.;whais tmy b&d...oahat , my body rotdd be of mm ea from my eh:dder to my etbomattlid la.s la 6.4 emelt in tbe Woe ; I bad teem/ albeit eke., .1... 1 tmed Brewer Parijits in null frtuks, the Jiro boule troll ea Ohms Syr. •I meow freak 1 oily limb ram ntir dr of a ry.r.t.nl6l at • doer; that bottle . str , aatheoed me, as to enable roe. to get ox 4 b ed; emend bottle 1 toot the NI don ta ermonfelL hided. w stretaat beaterl my t 0.... ea time I Ina able to weak am mks to the'dradstme of Rind Leonard, or name Centnahloqe I got the third bottle; thin bottle BEALE I) •14. M i ULCERS,bist Meta weer( ewes sbuut on luta+ ••• owl. alma* sad 1 to.. worked male at eitspstial xaod. I old .ris Byte mart, whtelt 'mantel' CURE..nd 44..1 w to Pmd /4.4. Arcia FULL P41.77CL11,41a. SEA: 11114.1iTS PAM Mr. 0. B. KINNEY. merchant, Mato., Olddz miray. r.. to fbrmed us ttre n dineer-docor to eaul couOy Pt. , car , tio:r Wnl2 . derful - alum of Csucaas thnstgh the efEcwey of BRANT'S'PIAtt. PlablO EXTRACT. A carcerdocsor to G MFRIC CULL , Iiy, N. Y., te abet rid Pourtta. btr. A. B. Sextt.r.; draggle% et Canajte Wok. MeettXOniery creamy, N. Y. hoe Wormed w of an important ears of a Ctaccn of long Candor: which ear eTrcied on an aged lady of Thai pi tee. If. therefore'. thlt Pesistes. elm+ Caserr. by its in purtfyg, Waling power, whet impure Ow.° of the Wood can It not cute I Seven lean experience nth" triuntistr lays there are mane but what it rum. FEITER-SORE =TEED. The Bev. RICHARD DrNl/7110, Pastor of the Treslayteriars church, Adams Basin, Monroe county. N- Y., wrote to as: "Fl have just !weaved a letter from Mr. CHMIINEY DUNPIRIG, retains to the nate of has Fever-sore. You may depend on what H states; for he •II Christian man and an elder to the church. Some years sine* had to have moo( his lege Cut al to st.vit 6u life, is eunsettoence if a Fever-sore. The othir leg be nu. mrtt• affected; and about to se ILMERltatetl, I recommended Bar tees MEDICLVE., Bead the re sult- lie soya: Arm sued vela THREE BoTTLES of BRANT'S MEDICINE. I pfdard •r.t. HOPE. f Tent wwwiwaufatiun t fq that and I can now say that, With the lideesina of God, t has crtitted a cozy of asp " SeePa.lets for full particulate., LIVER-COMPLAINT: Di. NATHAN HUBBARD, of Stanford, C 0.,..., ono of the West and moat reveetablo physicians was ualthrted with tierr-Aces. Sand' mane rent, tend Ivy perfk/y cored 6 s , asion BRANT'S IT. RI so FTIN cG. * EXTRACT. 'We cuidd unite hundreds of ether awn alure FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy offered to die public hue ever been half ea acerb end ifrenia/ is rooming au. the incidental restnomes sad &remakeilia 'tiAbeer ne Burrr's PULMO NARY Brassie. It mahes oo direr % ,ebee whether ÜbeU be d be appronricra, ester, or other moth REOULATES ALL, by stretyaming the sysTrAL apea / ith. lir dIRCVLATioN, Mid soothing en d adapted - tecryous IRRITABO.27II far floe pamphlets. Qum the Olio the. inegena. and the mem at eirldir Me—the one ewe la agreferukd, and the other to prodagsgte emerged. as to pre rent any of the fatal disarm third frequently ease ut coosemenat of each change. Dpapapsi'a—Sour Stomach ! "Arms, Genesee Co., Fable:yr 1, 1349. " WALLACE CO.—Graffeamen I was, far more than a year, afflicted with a d4aeese of the stomach. 1 could not eat any fat or greaay. Substance without causing great pain, a - leafless, and vomiting. and was cutalmially afflicted with a emir stomach. 1, na an experisneot. trkd ate bottle of !RANT'S diEDICINE, odd* to say atter disappointment, mad end 'slimed the ortual poia %fter es . I therefore need *second bottle , which has completelyeured the disease..l iam now well and hearty, MO can eat ahead rim thing without being pai icor the stomach becoming soar. Tour. T. 8. WILCOX. Mr. Wilcox la a roves:Le merchant of..Affica. MARINO SORE MOET - 11,- LECORRMEA, &e,. • Gies:lei Co, N. Y.. net. tk. lam "Merin. M. T. WALLACE a. CO,: Some time last winter my with became so debilitated hum the effects of Lasserksia and .Tsrs. by *IC MOUS, that 4tte could not lift ber child or perform any house. sold labor. Her medical treatment was. carted IwcOrdcug to the advice and preacripdons of the most eminent physicians, until oar *St was eshasated in useless efforts. She became so eery a skele• ton, that at the time she commenced takinu Bract's Medical* she welched no more than eiclitylive noiends; bse•hy the ties. she bed tsketa flow boats*, she beate perfbctlYysialL The cute is so sesfein. that she I. now etabled to do all n.cemisry household work, and slated thirty +pounds of Resksto lbw week • .Yonrs-tealy, • C. B. OLLENTLICTj The reader IrM obverse-Met Mr. GALISTIMIC nye . ..Mr SKILL." ete me e~m e. me di informed by B. !raw, Esse, of the fame Oxalis WI cine. DICEDICIIIM DISEASES. BRANT'S XITRIFYIXO EXTRA CT hi • pope dad thoreepA read WOW Of air ILOClCriffebf E MIXT, Or Ony lbe +orlon. pr love of CALOMEL,or CleenTtr4f i ree OSA thetheth th e. ldosd, emote% and dee porta their original. lITALYKT YTATE. GENERKIEBIIIriIE,THE SYSTEM! Mr. A. MOLTSTANBER. zuercinuti.o6crifa. bone Ca, Me, emote. December 19, lip, and after Lavine stated how like a charm the I'UL3fONARY BALSAM had .erected th e cute of his wire's eousamptive =mk t mod: . 1 1 hEi e, Triassally used BRANT'S PM RJ'IIY/Nng =neer. Par debilitir of my system, and I have 110_beebetiett in saying. it Is the beat medicine to emarcom •-• lomiCONATit Site IriZelhat I hare ed. elts share where 7 have B RANTS MEDICINES, pod Bar e 4 mod gesea Me IMST 1 1 / 1 9159ACTIOV' • RHEUM, . • sad an Impure Arm* Ammo ef Ms atom, are liar cunt by MILANVS X..1"111L4C7.. • , For sale by HUSTON & PORTER,. Towanda G. H. Herrick, Athens ; :C. E. Rathbeno, Canton; Es D. Parkhurst, :Leßoy t. Brown & Rockwell. Monroe. ,tonl Bairdeßummerfield ; M. H. Welles, Wy. 'lasing; D.Hailey:?rSt 800, Leßayssille ; T. H tampbry sOfireP t:MIIY.I4nI &. Woodburn. ..g outs E. 0. Trac ey b4lM Pmell 4c, Gee, Darlington ; 1.. dr; E.R,uo . yort,.Troy. . Alfle l 4lll.o4ordeili must be addressed to Wsl - AtafßlP7a7; i k i•• Y- .13 _ : ,Msdro Ong eat them medicine, cif meth• . _ . NEW - ESTA-BLIS - 111 I,E . NZ' . zionieow .4*.limlimss • . .•..., . ' . st NYE & CO., would re. '.----- .- ly inform the eilikens ot Tow . - .f. - • ' , -":•-'.: , :% - r . an a and - the publiegenendlY, that r , ,,i71 ry to t Ith have on hand & tpannfactarr '7, 11; ; if i :,`, Ito rder -all kinds of CABINET t- -; 1 - A F NITURE, of the best mate -__. _ .......,„ . is , . is i • lit; and worktinnship that Cannot .—‘ add itionto the usual assortmentip eiinntry shops, we will. keep on hand and make to order SOFA , , of ',minus and most approved' patterns; soa.Rocki -Chairs, upholstered in sopa* st7ln. and for.ease; durability tanner be surpassed even in our large . ol . • Also, the half -French lia ,- happy Clin; heauti Uyspholstered, ‘ with ,carled hair, which never icnes . i ilastiektY, atid-Onished With, the beat hair imatiiig, , ,e.,iiiitint ouritei!tia that haying ; bed muili'Aviriero irOttehinitientorealtalt he,. able to, satisfy" alt who iftiek4lisPosed to toll, both ai to Ir quakily an 4 pticO,, d ; :hy,_strict Attention to% basin • 'hope' thnierit iltid-• ' L. 'lts of a Beta - Icon enmity. , • • L.ltr.` NYE . 4. - go: .. ''Tifyandi lieliteintsifVU49 ;,. . - -,z. • .I.TATa et t,recerred !leR 4 OPP I 7 , 404; veleb zate 'A lit i ll)l 4( o 4 o9 YerY4 3l ,l*- 14 ** IMP • 4 of 'Atte:hew Ckhing,inid-Hitstisyrip. I - Brick Row, H.* A. cluenEa, VAN cEns CIM=D. CHANGE OF LIFE, MMEZMMt=MMMi • . , •• , . - - , toisilviii,' wow scoot. Vi i: .„ - • F9A i rei - Mlitt4iP.o 344l l/iog.PrthegiaPhy,rite a d, •,-, tlag! _1 .bo44 4 .itimilif• *igekat 811 - keeping. 47.4,1fili _ Vtattniii e 4 ; 14414 1 1 . ed iaPPailiaal,9 4 01P1Phy, ' tlai,.4the 61/011.1 . ktti,. NitalallobiWoo l y az i Astroneniy.:(_witb, theihte_tif a good apperatne lb w ol ,„ irate thoseinu - dieslieriii`aUy,kikrihy and ,Chealiat r y, 'Pagabletilaitie#, itf2litfragAC a! abno. l *, *lOO 00 DsjeettelEra4oriatialtii,%" , ":'• - '1 '• - • 4 00 . nem h.pee - tria4l -. quarter;.: ' ll.-° " 7cilA • !Is".. - • 14 00 Win: '- . .• ..,‘ q ;:- , • 7• •; 4 00 'Spanish:- ••-• •:, ---":-.' , t 4 lt - : 47 '- - -- , -' - - 400 . . Mum: (on.the ,*tule,.T , .i• - . 10 00 pntanidety- endivrark . 'P' -; . faV suction 200 . ...Any young•ladyreeecerint on the pian o , a, pri•ileged to leanz•vagootork4e soy one cribs abov e anguages..antl iheseme, time, without edditionalehirge. To* y , ,elaidyr who . studies-4Np :English hntneh eN .the tenni; Of learning:tech-4 Altaic's. branch es , an ‘ . '.. per : guider, . - .. - ~, • • .4 , 4' .t. -,-.. -.1 `. • - .43 00 Iftstruetiene on, the Itinilee,..i•-... 1. ...-. • '' 400 tiaa.a ( Pianal•... L .r.-..-f , •.".! •-3,::-:3 - . .. - 73 Dittyring.endpajetincln:welet celera.-ieeleding dia.:Rita, qPlAteiliklit *Rah, as , ,4O I O II MPRI!,, v iiaiiiie, pencils , &e. 4 00 itia Pimtill* au aanY. l3l4, - .. • '',- , il: - 1 0 00 Pain#ng,learegainniarindow aitainepapelftding ' the iitiVly,orineterials, each. .. I. 404 Pininala. 041.0114. on paper, silk and rilel,,Re! , ' tivelve lelaqiie t -j, " Gilding nn aill4„,,letape. Ace., do. •3 00 Wax tldieers, per tuaT,ter, '• . .. .. 6 00 , Pens and ink - , .. , ' ,, - • - • .-, . . Weehine ' ''.- -.. '<. . 2M Elitard'in rteathoh42 00 pelt week, r Letterii post=pOid, eichlreareato the lapel; WHITE &GRIFFIN. ;13ingbearti:4;llioom ea, N.. Y., will re• eel,. prompt atteritiiii: -'-'• t . • ' * . BOOT ~ !,f‘ i isl. ! ot; MANVFACTORI, =MEIN "45.4r05.,. • ToTTINT, w , Wi - -red Ids estahlidis .1, [pent to.'the sl shery's and Ban. letea ;Atoms and oficha, si dude et publid patronage. ciitidol'actection _ •of /cock, and • by attention Wale •intcresta of biaAtuato. mere to neat u d. dnrablework as can be ma nufactnied in . tkia pall thecctontrg. lie constant I, an band. and ntantriaetare :a ordCr, Jforokco, Valf and OParae- POO. and Shoes: &dies' Giqteei, Shoes' and hlipa A Childrnis do., Cent's Callers and ruivii,.4-0 : . - 03. - CountrY gtoduce, of mostilescriptions, taken iv payment far work, at the marltakprice. Towanda. April' 26, VISO. THEAONStAtIONS ARE - MADE; A rm sow. IT IS, VgIWO WXN..316 MiraitT237 . . el F. HARDER respectfully wishes to inform V. citizen,' of TOwaialii,iind the public that ba czominenced Abe • HARNESS ANT TRW. MAKING BUSINESS, in Towanda, on Main street, a few doors aheee Bridge street, where - he will.keep constantly on hand or mate to orator, .Plated and common Ilarnees. frun4" and Mink nidice-&, and all kinds of Work in lahne. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILITARY WORK ji, ne to order . From his experience in the business, sal punctuality in it, he hopes he may teems char= of putdic patronage. All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap ter than at any oilier shop in this 'county. Towanda, June 12. :1450 Removed to uo'th side Public Square! .1. Chamberlin, rc i Li Ati just returned from the cil . t 11. of New York antra large - . isnyply of Watches, Jeuelrraral • :V? Silver ware, comprking in pan, 744 - 'the' following. articles :—Leser. • . I .; t •VEpineand Math Watches, aith la :ft roinplete assortment of (;41 .Jirvietry. such Ear !tines, Fic , eer Rin ts, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets. Elmira, Gold Pens. 'Keys, etc. Also ; all sorts of Silt-mum, and any rivantity of Sleet Brads--all of which he afro, fix sale emnoef , dinetv cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice. and tdarrialal to run well; or the money will he refunded, and a writ. ten eereemOnt given to that effect if required. 14. 13.-M A PLE SUGAR. and Country Produce cotton in 02T thent for work; and alma, karn farrrer, Me Produce must be paid when the work is done-} war against credit in ill its farms. , • W. A A CH.A %MERLIN, ,kgent T6mrailds, April 281, 1850. • 1C• q; .e . The Celdtrated G.raffenbng ' ...I'rgetable Filit -:Yrr Writ' introduced into the " . the year 1846. Their ri• rtiordinayy -virtues, and sure over all other.PlLV A snown in this country. hu _ established them as the shad. • and Medicine of the day. - For sale,together with ihr epatations of the Graelenlierir & Porter,, h 11. Mix in Towanda, and by agents appointed irate-itch town in the county. Also. toe sale, the Grrafenbeig Manual of Health.' complete train BOOK for Families, conta4ning inform* tion relative. to .the treatment of almost °eery lone al of disease; 300 pages—price, 50 Cents. N. A Family Newspaper will be giren, let of charge, for one year,jo all who purchase Graelenbetg Medicines.: - • 7 • Ail commatilieffioni Missile addressed to P. P.C. getout, Elmira)Chetnang coresty..N. Y., Genera? Agl. . . . THE CORYLE EXTRACT, Or Nature& Pain .Dealnyth and Remedy for flismit THIS Extract pure fi q uid, free from every diet j. Inconvenient or dangerous, As a pain eattraxa: this medicine is superior to every thing yet ifiselivendl end as an application' to reduce intlamstion, the Ail) of mankind-1i challen to equal Nature in. it. It scrota the Nervousayetern—heads.Wounds. bruises, sprain and cleanses ulcers—reduces all manners of swelling “andlamunat trod cure; Summer Complaints, Eireaten in.,_filnlile.l:futeares,Pentalo-complaints, and most of lb'. nnlinarj• Family Ailments. READ,JUS OPINION'Oe HON. 1,1-1 N C. SPFACES. Afte:r li;have stated, you will not be at the 4echtration of ray, opinion and firm conviction. by - youthat. Tar, WI NTAL!JAILLDISCOTILNItIi AnirroF /1 " . - lax /pile ;;—arid that it 114 11 prove a most effectual remedy for all nervous affecnoris, and a cure for infix*• mations; acute and chionic, wire seasonably sly applied. Further observation and .experiment will be necessary to determine the best node of its applict, lion, whether internally or externally, and the quantttt -to be administered. Your obTservanti y Jolts C. The above medicine natty be found at all the Aro* cies fin the isle of• the -celebrated ,Griefenberg MaJi• eines, in the Wanntiet named argtAllren — - , IgIELTOBLaiII-` O3 TH E - subscriber bite. le 2 W" d .11:11 4 f i o ll r n me ew ir l a oesi h" tio a n f e e n w d r cl a lh a e t* ; polite side of tliCe street, when' continues to Manufacture 0 3 ‘teep on band, an kitds of rot tad .wood scat CHAIRS; ettd IETTEES . of various kilds,.. 4 t lEDereAtts of every doerl* too. which t will sell low kr 'tlish"cir'Pivoilticer, or Tine or Cherry !mintier. or d Sl y plank, will be feectiiell for work. TUHNING.dose oo order in the - neatesit - manner. Also. - . • ... . - , ... ' • ....- .. '.. CABINET WORK, • ,make iiiiikeit gii;664...0r made to order. jm the WI utanner: / JAMES MAKINSO4II. • TowanlaMatch 9, 1819. • ' Kg