- -,,,, . ~.,..,.,......, ~ . ~. A IDowrostleft—Reindaray. The, following article -is taken from the v„ ae r, of July Ifith, in noticing the action of two 0 ,,,, u b e1 e of the .It constituted Standing Cont. t ome. It Will be seen that their authority set t the legality of the Convention, Wee 'diolustid from the first To the Democracy of Toga we INA to present .a f j . w nal, and, we would ask a cati4ili cobaiderd 1 00 of them i; ow been customary with the Democracy of County to meet annually in mssi conve nt io d if , May, to prepare for the ensuing tail's election, to appoint a Standing Committee for the' cur ,„ I year. From some cause, no meeting was held ls.e. May. Consequently, there was no committee a ppointed, and to allappmtrance the form of atgani ,,,on died, sans cermionse. A few weeks ago, however, mine of the aspired% hereabon:s *recommended that the old CoMinitlee mn nt the right to ad, and to go through . with the fprvila of a rightful committee, and appoint a c w -oy Convention. The Chairman of ,the COM. aiti•oe for 1849, therefore appointed a meeting of the tnembdra to be held in Wellsboro on:Jatunlay Sault-day came—and so did tWo of the Committee wg C. of Richmond, and Jiratmun Boot, of Liberty. A. 3. Sonetn resided bere t malong three, oUt of nine, who felt.diaposed to. pay sec attention to the matter. Mr. %PUT expremi ed himself in optioaition to any action of the Corn ainee. as they bad no power to iiet for a longer period than their appointment designated. There .rere no other members in attendance, and Mr. Ripley reu sed to act ,. • and went home. After this Messrs. Black and Sofield mei alone hose the c o mer Chairmib, and the latter Secretary--and ap pointed Committees of Vigilance, anti fixed upon a time for holding a-County Convention. Their pro. ceetlings e'ta give below, as a matter of political a tanag,ement. Now we contend—first, that the old Committee h a d no right to act at all—baring lost its power by limitation. And secondly, that if it had, it would require a majority to form a quorum; Therefore, the meeting of the Committee, the action by only two of them , and the County Convention they have called, are all irregular, and without any binding fern whatever. What right had the last years committee to Fume to act, m7re than belonged to any other nine men! None ivhatever, as four of them already llerlared, and as three others may be presumed to have felt, tram the fact of their .non-attendance But if diey had, Where did Messrs. Black and So- Pla'get their power to act for the whole coln m ince? We rail att'ount for this: Mr. Black wanted to be metaled for the Legislature. and thought in such convention as he has Called he could succceed.— Mr. Sofield may have had an equal interest, thorioh to another shape. Our reader can see the plan by ahich certitinld stagers" are to be. kept upon the riper asind thmugh a mock "regularity." %Ve advise the democracy' to beware how they rnrnmit themselVelt to this 'scheme. 'lt shall be cur ,!nty nt sin the whole batch of intrigues which ire concocted by the ambitious tricksters, and hold them tip to public scrutiny. At the. proper time jeme ariion will be taken, with the concurrence of `tae real true-hearted democracy of the County, uhwh will ensure a complete and triumphant sue et,* not our trienas be hasty in action. Wait and ihtrk. We 'shall pursue the subjebt df the f , andttlent action of tura men, and our friends must tt PrelWed ' 0 net as eitraMAatiCeS may direct rnAners now stand, there is no regularorgoni• tatlon in the Democratic party. We mnst.nr4antie anew :and that system which is based upon the ar4l. psi, and hturahle representation of the s;i,,;e party, mast command success, and become ' regular.'' Broken and Doubtful Banks: A lever from Baltimore. dated on the ad insannt, tart •=I .rated yesterday that E. Collier. the cashier rit 'he Davie de (3raoe 'Batik, had . beertiarrested. I now' learn that he is confined in Belle Air ibe charge of fraud. The President and laryl.m.l directors, chosen by the New Yolk stack holders nn account of their business habits and copaery to understand the _machinery of a bank. tge nodoub!e(lly nercent vicious in. the hands of. IheST more *fly a-sociaies. They *ere all, how ever. arrest-il vester.'ay on she cliao.te of being torticipaa's to thelniud, and field to bail to answer. Toe exeaemesa 'at, Havre de Grace azainst Collier is very great. and bwhato gone to jail to secure his ?eICI.III safety, instexel of taking Pail. He attend vll3,o, preaching," and held the position of a pillar of the (+web „but it seems that the ((senile ha, given way ' The entire cirrulatiett of the has been ascertained to be $90,000, and the tas , lst'le' assets, itbelieved, will not amount to tr , P the dollar. Toe No Deposit 8311 . 6 C and the Salisbury Bank, re Iwo other paper machines devoted to foreign, ancl *hose circulation is now generally re fovsil by our dealers, or if takenOmmeiliately sent to !he brokers. • . .. Culler 11,e head of "Doubtful Banks," Thomp mil's Ilaqk Note Reporter has the following te e tail:— .. The notes of the Ea* Bank, Bristol, R. T., are ; th discredited by the 114ston Banks,bot are redeem ed to N.l. city by parties interested in the Bank c f per cent. discount. We do not think the bank nil break, but it should, in justice to public opinion wind up. The cashier of the Mineral Bank of Maryland vrites us that his Bank is all right. So did the Cavlter of the Havre de Grace Bank write not a 'Rol before it failed. The ttuth is, the outsiders tie these Cashiers as cloaks to cover their rascality, /Id the Cashter knows nothing of the day nor the hoer when the bank is to break. A correspondent asks why we omit the Farmer's tad Mechanics' Bank of New Brunswick, N.. 3., in err lest of doubtful banks. We've no reason ;we °OP forgot it--so in it goes. ThS TREWING Casosurr—Twenty one persons 'tete arowned at Nescopeck. Luzeme county, on Ilenday last: The heavy rains raised the Creek sullenly -to a most astonishing height. There 'lets five families, living close Nether on the bank of the Creek, all of whom fled to the house, awing on the highest ground. This as - well as the rest was taken off and of the . twenty :three ?emits belonging to the families, but two were' need—a white man and I negro The white man ma le a raft, and endeavoted to iedeee his wife and Child, anion* others, to save themselves, by cattily , cm it. among refused: He snatched the child from the ammo! hiswife thinking/the would follow. She did bet taltirg the dhoti. rushed back Into the house. pretty soon it fleeted off; carrying them along. The man on the ran was saved. The negro was saved; with moth difficulty; and not till he bad floated down to Berwick. His wife and child whom he had preserved till this time, tank from hie grasp. These are all the particulars tre have teamed. We have heard no names.— Co/mai(' Democrat . P4TAL Acctorarr.—Mr. William J. Jones,, or this ToNage. in endeavoring to netsupon As gravel train 1 4 1 o n the Ratko:lli, at the Inlet, on Thursday slier noon•last, as it was about marling, was soddenly thrown upon track. and the cars ,passing over him. tat off both his legs. and killed him almost instant 'v. Mr. Jones was an Englishman, but had resi ded many years in this villeme,-followingthe besi dessvf a house and sign painter.-4durea Chnntide. SERIAL or /ORA WHITE WaserreaFrom the best information that can. be obtained under exist circumstances, we learn that furierat 'services mere performed on Friday evening by Rev. . Dr. Weaker, at the residence of Mrs Webster in Cam bildge drd immediately after without beingac- VtHflp by a funeral_ train, the remains of Prof. Webster were conveyed by Mr. J 968 Peaks, un• cienskei, to Meant Auburn, sod deposited in the timay tomb.—Bosto*YournaL ~erte~cttw .Faw►t"T • POK/A1 TO Ise &MOM= Cssaiblln Hum. Mid; So_pininlendeptatheTdivleio abolraloth ,informinim" that: • the damage , austaitied Ai* yy Ibe Schuylkill Navigation Compaq; is not nearacgreat as leas *Ann suppmad.. • - There is of course an end. to ill paription this MOO* ; but if the damigedonelottlerFts no great er then above, and :1 repair'? are:sonlemably corn. menbed, the'whole tide of canal can be vitt' in or. der in time for teeming navigation early diem Spring.-Reading eseette and Diaixrd. Tan Moos CAusx..—The freshet does not sp. pear to have extended west of us to any great ex tent, and consequently the. injuries to the' Union Canal are butshght,A. Dammam TO ma RUM. gaitsom—The Read ing Itailnard was seriously damaged by the Mallet, particularly between this cityand Pottsville, tbough not to such an extent as to impede trampotiation for any length of • time.. The Company, with its usual indomitable energy and promptitude, had a full forge - of men upila the road, immediately after tha water hadsubsided, and the repairs am now go. ing on with the utmost expedition midet the direc tion of 0. A. Nicoll", Esq., the efficient Engineer and Superintendent—lb. EMI StriLaNlll4 DicrnitOteD 8t TIM F 1.005 AT Rim:tn.-1f the list we have given of buildings carried away, be complete, the amount of damage sustained to this manner, will sum up as follows; —Brick buildings destroyed,'2s; frame dwellings, 21 ;, ] frame stables. workshops, offiaes, Etc, 63; making a total el 108 buildings destmyed It is impossible to arrive at anything approaching an estimate of the amount of loss sustained by the freshet. But we think that the aggregate loss to the county and individuals in this immediate vicin ity, .will not fall far short of 3500,000. Taking.in. to account the vast depreciatiOn of property in the inundated district, we might set it down at even it 1/jeer figure-Reading Gazette. • • We have the most frightful reports of ihe dams. ges dope to property, and the loss of life at Tama qua.- A gentleman who rea'hed our place to day, informs that it would bean impossibility to describe the appearance of things along the Little Schuylkill. --I-- (From dur lornaq4 Lniot—EzirllO NASSIOS ns TOICDROWNSDAS FAR AS HCAND Or. Mrs. Fortier, two girls and a boy. Mrs. Edmonds. I boy, I girl; and 2 grandaghiera. Mrs. David Joned and a child. Mrs. Creasing and child.' Mr. George . Welsh, 1 boy and 2 girls. Mrs. Eltr4ham, 2 girls and 2 boys. Sins. Herron and, 4 children. Catharine Williams, a hired girl living at Thomas Footer's. Mary -McCartney,. a ynnna girl from Beaver Mea. dow, on a visit to John Sewait: A young gill 14 years of ave , dauglilei of. Daniel 6:critter. Rev. P. 2. Oberfelit, pastor of 'the German f.u. iheran Congregation, of this plaCe, came to his death in the following manner t ft appears that he mounted his horse for the purpose of assisting the ; family of Mr. McNeil., after which, he attempted to gain the mocultaiti. and rode in a cellar above .1. Broad's house: when he fell from him hone. He was seem -age: out of the cellar with his horse, but anothel strong current of water dashed them both into the stream, which was the 'last seen of DICAD DriDIES FOINCD: Wife of Thomas Foster. Mary Williams. - - Rev. P. Z. Ohertettlt; A daughter of Thom.ts Poster.. Two el iWren of John Eftringharn. Daughter of Daniel Oxritler. Wile of of Thomas Edmunds and two ebild,ren Wife, and daughter of Mr. Creasing. TINE roaLowiso Parisons nscirittn. Thoa. Edmonds escaped by swimming about two and a half Tiles down the river, end landed_on a tree, froin whit+ he vras rescued by means of ropes, Daniel Oxrider, an agbd: . man, escaped by swim ming about two mites down the river. He was washed in the eddy at Longerkera. • Thomai Cascadden wadi in Fanned house when it separated: and leaped, out the back window on to a coal car floa:iiiL , at the time, anal was safely lauded on an island of coal dirt, hear Harlan's screenk 14 ..creasing was rescued froni a Mlle, alma one and a half, miles belpw town. " Terribk accident on the Western Railroad—Three ' Passengers Kilkd—Many Wounded. .. . . Setuncriew, Sept, 10,.10.50. . . A shnckieg accident beret last ,evening ' s train from Albany, when near the Washington Summit. While going at the rare of 26 miles an hour, the forward axle of the second passenger car broke, letting it down on the track, and in this condition it was dragged along for at least 300 Yards, the broken axle, &c. breaking through the floor of the ear, and flying. up anion; the crowded passengers the car at the same time boonding and grinding along„ partly on its remaining wheels and partly on the !reek and sleepers. .The scene that was witnessed in the cars amongst the passengers it is impossible to describe--all were in the tentost confusion, scarcely any escaped o injure in some _degree, and ree were killed, viz: Col. S G. Mountford . ailaw y •er,,of New York city; Miss guest* of Albany, dadghter of the proprietor of the Delevan House; and Mr. Whittmorrit of Leicester, Mass .; lames Hagerman was badly in• ivied, rite les; bmken, and he was taken away on a litter. Amish Richardson, of North Adams, Miss. was much hart by the handle of the seat being thrust into the flesh of his leg. Three ladies were seriously injered and rendered unable.to proceed, but livers Well cared . for at the place of the accident. A number of others injured, but it is hoped and believed as yet but slightly.— Among there was Mrs. Colwright, of Siiickbridge; Col. Mountford, one of the killed, was accotopaln ed by. a young daughter, whose injuries were ..not serious- ; her conduct9s described as heart rending, on seeing the mangled and lifeless temains of her father, drawn from the rains of the car. When the train was stopped it was hound • the the car to tibiae-the accident had happened was alniost atuentim wreck. The wheels,were ell torn off,. the bottom broken through and the seats smash ed up. The bodies of the killed were mixed up With the wreccit was some timelbefete they coo d be eirtrlcifed when they Were kind, they proved be dreadfully mangled and torn. The third car was detached from the second just before the train was ixotight to a spend, arid stopped short, but ter this , ft mast with kta passengers have Shared the fate of ' those before it -:,_ • Mas. fdiLi:Ea.—We loam from a source fully entitled to credit, that Mrs. Miler, whose sodden ilieappearahcei mid stipposed *nisei& et Mier* Fells elicited so much remark a few rrionthesinee, has, within a few flays returned to the home of 'her father, the late Senator Norwell, at Detroit. Michi gan, -who has died 'during her absence. The sto ries with which .the Press has teemed about her having gone to Europe in company with a gentle 'man, &c.,lic., are wholly - unhanded. She returns of hut own accord, drawn mainly, Ire belive, by a strong desire to see her children. Her mind seems to be disordered, and, it is simphied by her friends. that her absence was induced tby the strong neli- Finns eircitement-ander which she, has been labor ing for someAime.-Coinier. li t -The Albany Stale Fair is a . ificent`taffair.-- T The grounds, compining.oo ac ',, are crowded in every part. The' le presen elaimatedlrom 50,000 to 100.000. Abotit 4,ooltmethhets tickets had been sold on the second' day. Edward Fayette,' , .grand-spn of the illustrious General, is among the prominent visitor*' ' The Lyeoming Gazette states that two persons escaped. from the Jail's! Willie*gmoit _a few dela since, ty scaling the wallet* the jig tent. One of. em broke-hs thigh by fining frets, tat wog i• and was te-espnrred. .'. • : -.. . in ithediequin; September lath, by Rev. B. Jro Mr. Airoalrir 4. l'aeireto Mils; MI boa of Towanda: • - Is Athens, by D. earthier Rea x hi:nit Zia to Mrs& iltsraves both of Ridgberry. . MILIEU' omsziOTICE~TheN3 2 ,itswetiaiion of Universalises m Orwell. Bradkord Monti, on Thursday, Sept. 191 and 20th, Paring the Meeting the church I erected at that place, will be dedicated The . I are respeetfolly invited ro attend. Sheshequite, Anti:MOIL, tB5O. 1111r.E8 TRAY. CAME to the ewaloaorofpwaaltlorinth • I S fnr as : i aw. t white about 7 years oil The owner win • • rePaltY. Pay thanes and Like boy sway: Towanda Sept. td. '6O. BAUM!. IMMO LfICETITIMILIC HOTS THE SUBSCRIBER. haling not: ,dompletad anangementafor the accommodation of the T e► mg Public, feels sarramrd in soliciting his she a Public Pitronagi. His Table shill be furnished id the best the searketaltorda Ms Stabling &Lang? Warm. His Bra shall he tilled `with as good • as an to be found in the moony. 'BESIDES, the accommodation of many. hi subseriber is ma afecturing hootaSkres Sadileid nem %maks d Pokes. ite.. And keeps re band a good assortment of PATENT MEDICIN for all of which his patron@ will he asked oafs a rate price. For former patronage and &yore, the poblie l please accept the simere (hawks of T. D. SPRING Lacerrille, Sept., 13, 1850. ' IMO ALL persona knowing' themeless indebted to aubaeriber by note or book amount, are rapes - to make ismedirde payment of the tame s did save Towanda Sept s 13.'50: B. KINGSVERY & Co, • TO" CONTRACTORS. TWENTY Borges, Cana and Gears; and three t horse Wegootand harneta,for gala bY calling t undearigned in Albany township Dradford Co. EDWARD WOOYERN. NEW.FALL GOODS teeelved at vors a full stock offirtVi PAL J GOODS, eompriving all the new dykes in mark which are respectfully offered at the lowest criers. call is. solicited from all who wish to purchase right, aptlB E. T. FOX. ALL Wool DeLaines and Merinos beautiful color Thihet etoths, Alpacas. prints &e.; also Florenti Swansdown, Jenny Lind and other trimmings, a fi rats assortment of Gloves, Hosiery and Scotch yarn • / at apt l 3 FOX'S. 6 HIM Sugar and Molasses. glad 10 chests more that fresh new Tea warranted good of the tone. returned. Coffee, Saleratus.Ricw, nth and Tobacco, • of which will be sold cheap at FOX'S.% 1000 BUSHELS whew, Rye and Oats, a to,ooq, in 'New Pork, and Jeriey reli nsteswanted immediately in exeliange.for ends at eptl3 FOX'S. ALT. persons indebted to the estate or cutßtß • DIMON deed, late of Pike, are hereby slquei ed to wake payment without delay, and thus having ,claims against said estate will' pleas present them duly authenticated for settlement.- HANNA DIMON. < J. IL WILSON. ' Orwell. Sept. 7 1850. \UR arrangement& am etch sto enable ua to deli ‘," er at any point along tine of canal ; Beef, Por Phil, Flour, Powder Poem, Pick., Wheelbarrow Am es Shovels, carts harness, lumber or in fact aim. every thing wasted. Orders promptly attended Athens, Aug. 23 1050. WELLS do HARRIS. 3LA STINK/ POWDER & OAFETY FUSE. 11E are prepared to famish at short notice and o ", the best quality, any quantity of powder an fuse at any point on line of Canal a the lowest mar ket price. Orders promptly filled by us. Athena, Aug. 23. 1850. WELk.ES & itA Rink ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: A LL poisons indebted to the estate of NORTHRO • .Cl. MOREY. deceased, late of Orwell township ant hereby requested to make payment without delay land thole hawing claims against said emits will pi- - present them duly authenticated for settlement: • W.. 8 DUNHAM./ A MELIA MOREY, S Administrators: Windham. Aug. 2.7, 1850, ADMINIS'rIt&TRIX'S NOTICE. . ALL pawns indebted to the estate or GOULAJ SEYMOUR, deceased, late of Pike township' are hereby requested tdmake payment without delay ;and those having claiins against said estate will please pre. sent them duly authenticated for settlement. MARTHA .BEYMOM2, Administntriy. Pike, Jane 27, 1850 fIRRICIE I B VERMIFUGE. by the den or vial a dt ' HUsTON & 'PORTEIrB. PRINTS, GOMA AMS, LAWNS &e., a beauti fat assortment can be found at April 24,18511, MERCURS'. W, TIrrANY. LiAB jost received. and is still, me - Giving from Ne York New Goods, and Its of them. Yankee N. lions, a variety. Toys, innumerable; °rm.:ries witberu excepting iny kind ; Liquors of all descriptions. kind and qualities, and every body Marks lea sells very lo for cash. L. Nif r. Towanda. inns 10th, 1050. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. LL persons indebted to .ths estate of JAME ' AWOODFIELD dee'd late of Wpalnrb tow. ship; are hereby foptested td Inas pa meat without lay, and these hag's', elisiess against said ,estate Wi plans pelmet them duly eathentitteted for waleskil JAMES M. WHITNEY. ADOTH WHITNEY. Wyslissing. Aug. 6. 1830. Adatiniskstere. - NOTICE • . i 'IXTIfkREAS ray wife Attains Erato, bas.left VV. bed and board _without any ifist cause or p 1 toeatfoo, and I btitiffy WWI all ai lefsons hotrod . ' A or frosting her on ery'aeooopt, I shall pa .1 debts of bee eantrneting after this. ate. Towanda July 24, 1430. JACOB Y. A,' = i I A Gild Mile Disco • - • it 4 THE. NEW . OLO d i No -1, Brick rrHS Subscribers bevisg just received from Ne X York a jugs assonmot of ready man Clot ing. gala di.. offer them for sale cheaper thih ha ever before been sold in this market. Fine ne snits 'consistinz of a die Broadcloth Coal4eati , Vest. Cassimere Pants. two Shirts, one Ctsilat a One'..Lechorn or Silk Hat. *Riot slil.oo. Towanda May 30.'60. H. &A. CAMrBELL • , CASH PAID FOR WOota ANY quantity of wool wanted -for width Mel highest price in Cash *lll be paid. at the New Clothing Store. No. 1, brick . row. H., di A. V. Towanda, May 30, 1850. Those Cheap - Goods at PDX'S! UST end win be sol d fof deals at the lowest rate.? M A beettitut article of - tiopt at 14, tents fine fresh Teas. Warranted poll or ao sale. et to No.; syrup Whams at here • Mae.' lame aseattnmin of entekery of the newest pellerne. hf7,eb.ip t and iat feet every thing he their lips will be odd as cheap as • eitespest. at thi eotneedlifeln and irm, re, 18/10, • • E. T. FOX.; • • me spring NA selas* liar; sLo Lesholir w and Palm' leaf Hate.BB , - . T EATHER—SoIe aid. Upper Leaky': alai Kip K. 4 aid cat-Akiisjor sals by- Jim X. a W. 4 Nan Userlisemento. NOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S Nonce. TO CONTRACTORS. GiDlM)rad•Biltxtelhela rimaiiIHMMIMOMip a, rr/HERE" by tin act otAssdnib/y of the Neb minwealth. gadded. *las act retatint to the l elettionelo this Coanionwealdt," It is enjoined r.'• ipon Isola glee public notice of such Media to be held, aid also the enumeratio' it in siich-tiotice at whaildMiers'ary tip be elected; t WM. & DOB. th BQftlt.Hellainie of the wimp oirßradkitd. de hereby inaltibmioins and give soilell se the electors ly • - of said County. on TUBSDA Y the Bth day of • . P - tidier in toe several districts in said county. to w it ; In Albany at the school house near Dan lel !tinges: In Asylum at Jacob Primacy's. In Athens boro. at E. B. lisathewsea's. In Athens inv. at belies Tosees. In Armenia. at John B Breckees. 'l n Burlington. at Addison McKean's. ' o. lu,Canton. at Benj. Coolbanglits, ih In Columbia, at James` Morgan's. In Derek it the school house, ealled the centre 11. school house. near & Decker's. In Franklin. at Wnsi. Deemer's. In Granville at the school house Ho. 1 Oran- Q corners. & In Herrick at the school bons/ nepu Daniel Do. rand hie MtII In Litchfield. at IL Park's. to Leroy. at the school house in Leroy. In Monroe at .1. P. Smith's. In Orwell. at the house formerly occupied by I. H. Ross,;. In Pike, at E. DeWolf 4 s. to Ridgbers', at 8. Harman's., In Rcaie. at L. 8. Maynard's: In Sheshequinnit Srink's lo Smithfield. at A. J. Oeronld's. In Spribgfield, at T. Wilder's. In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's. , In Soniii Creek, at the sctioOl bows/ near Au Oil let's. In Springhill, at the Noose of D. D. Black. - to Towanda bow., at the house lately occupied by George Meriereao. In Towanda twp,at the school house sear A. C. Gregg's. In Troy hoe°, at the Eagle tavern. . In Troy twp, at the house of V. M. Long. in tTie borough of rimy. In Ulster; at 8. B. Holcomb's, to Warren, at R. Cooper's. In Wells, at L. Seeley s. In Windham, at g. Russell's (deceased.) In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black'. In Wilmot, at the school house near James Foster's. Iti ;Wysox, at the Academy. At which time and place - the erectors aforesaid will elect by ballot. One person for Canal Commissionerof this State. One person for Auditor General, and one person foe Surveyor General of this State. One person - to t4present the district compose4f the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and 'logs in the Congress of the Unite(' States. One person to represent the counties of Bradford Susquehanna and Wyoming in the Senate of this Commonwealth. Two-persons to represent the county of Bradforr l ; in the Muse of Representatives of this Common. wealth. One person for Commissioner of Bradford county. One person for Prosecuting Attorney of Bradford County. One person fur Couuty Surveyor of Bradford County. One person for Auditor of Bradford County. I also hereby make known and give notice to the qualified electors of said county, in. pursuance of the provisions and requirements of an Act of As sego*, passed the 9th day of April 1850, and of a writ of election, issued by the Governor of this Commonwealth, and to me directed. that upon said second Tuesday of October 1850, aforesaid at the time and places hereinafter named of holding said General election aforesaid. the proposed amend ment to the Consutiltion providing for the election of Judges by the people. W:11 be Pobmuled to the• people agreeably to the requirements of the Ith Ar ticle of the Congitution of the State of PeAnsylva nia, for their approval and ratification, or rejection. The tickets will be labelled, on the outside with "AmendMent„" and will contain on the inside the words "Fur the A meodment," or the words "Against the Amendment." And iu and by said, act.; lam further directed to to give notice "that every person excepting justices of the peace who shalltold any' office of profit and trust under thd government of the Milted States, or of this state, or of any iucorporated district: and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legislators, and the select and common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict fs by law Incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appoiritment of Judge, Inspectbr or Clerk. of any election of this common. wealth and that no inspector or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted for. By the 4th section of tin act passed the 16th day of April, 1840, it is provided "that the 13th sec tion of an act passed July Rd. 1839, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this Commpowealtn," shall not be so construed, as to preieot any miltia officer, from serving as judge, Inspector or clerk, at any general or, special election of this Common. wealth." In the 61st section 01 the act firstiabove mention ed, it is enacted that every general 4od special elec tion shall be opened betweep 6 , 01 and ten in the forenoon, and continue Withow. Interruption or ad journment until 7 o'clock in the 'evening, when the polls Shall be crowd. By the 18th section of the act passed 31 Feb. 18413. " It shall be lawful rot the inspectorsiind judges of any general .eleetion Which snarl hfritailet bb held in the Armenia eleetiotf distlitt of gratiford county, to close the polls of Both election at 6 o'clock. P. M." It is farther directed that the nteetlng of theiodges at the Court House in Towanda, to ,mtike top the general return, shall be on the dd daft PAO the eke tioo, which will be on the lith day of October. WM. 8. DOBBINS, Shelia, Sheriu'a Office. Towanda, Sept. 10 1850. . I J7 M tti gt- Gro T }WELING. Laying out Roads ind Lots, Dividing 14 Estates. Measuring Masonry, Embankments, &c, seel i rately don, by E. 9. NICHOLS. Otßee at Rome Bra lord county. Pa. Persona et a distance, needing his services, shall by writing him a line • few days be. forehand, twee their business promptly 'welded to. psT.OCERIF.B-4. large stock of Teas, %gam (a good article for 6 cents.) Coffee. Pepper. tobacco &c., can be bought Cheap for cult at ; 05 K. ar. CO. a ATIS—A superior Inlet. Sae, Silk lists: shin IP 'peen letf tad Leghorn hats, for calf it •ii2s It. & CO. SPEittOR, Wines and Liquesi-- 36 MAL g l •l7' wk . '? WiffSIKEY just received at H. art. atiNfIIEAT rLotra, of a iittlitiof Oa; ty i footile at - TIM& BOOT' & 8110105, Mese Women and children' the beet assorunent in 'town. eta has round at April 24. TUrACKEatt for sale by the bbl half barrel or ILL 1100ntBat Boll's cheap store; No. .3 B. Rows Towanda, June 13th '5O. • J. M'INTOSII, DENTIST, 'ETAS removed to a feW Aeon Maw Midis dm% AL on the Cut side of Main.a4. In the building for. needy occupied by J. D. Montane Eel. All operations amounting to $5O, of etreti woe half to be paid down, the nnrisindet i 6 Mrs, mentbsi. If the operafien prawn Inmatbdaciory, , the money paid will be refundid. - A note of hand however MK wan tits payment of the baffler& nopaidi With a proiko. MORE NEW GOODS tbs , salleerThers us sow rsert4g ilnother General assoruseat of New Goo) Aug. S. UM& & C. AFERCIIyi t . MACKERit. 4 in M N, half bib, gekiitai.6b4l. and kitti ; dry aria *Mei Codfish:. allei • ire* boxes bit tat. Dry Ifiethis ask at. the °Cash Boni'? 4,17 B. It. & M. C. )41.pltallt ingalimsbili: Or: MM IEIE 6 31Er" X Medic* Department of Pena'& College; AR*aegot. Leatil ffieit; riti*Oakia• THE.Lmehirso foitho iswiaii of 10110.111 oiati.. mere "Me r, ' October 14th. kid cootie" without hweesoptioat . mlll the ausuitgr fat of sereit; The Faculty is easstkutid as foliose f-d.; Dessau. M. D.;,Pthiciphwiloil 91. Medicine.. Jou Weer suss 111.D.Obateribrewi Disetwas s oll %Woes end Childress. UMW L PATTAirni M. Do Matti% Medka aed Therepetitits w x . R. Own., M. D. Anatomy snit Physiolowy. DAVID UMW?, M. D. Principles awl Practice of thafterf. WasatitGfolt L. ATLltt e M. D Medical Cheek. tr 7• Clinic at tbal`ooturrlvasia Mospital. the Mum of whit& -is-foroiabed to (nay acoodisturaa student without chirp.' Foes—Matrieulation. ;6 00; for such ticket =1600; Graduation $30.00; The Aeatomieal dome will be *wool on the let of October. eosin the an of DR. JAMES MONTER Detwoustrafor. • BESET S. PATTERSON. M.D. Register. No 82 Arch street Philadelphia. DRS. HUSTON, & PORTER. P HYSICIANS AND . SURGEON'S. office, *nob otowitin dot Ward Room: whey Melon, tic found moldy to intend to alio of diet! profeviion. FOR THE LADIES .7—we here a 'presided. assort meat of ['tints,. Lawn., ainchisms, Dogma.. Moos. Detain*, Cashmere. Chambra. Embroidered Swiss, Kid, Lisle, Silk and Cotton Clams, Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, ace. at B. KINGSDERY ..51 COMMtRCIAL WORKS) NEW: ESTABLISHMENT, MITE aubeeribees have commenced the' FOON. DRY businees at the old stand tamely occupi. ed as • Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borough of Towanda, where we will bold crurselwps in nradinegi to extend to the wants of any: and an rentals who woo favor us with a cell. We hope by strict atteution to business to metit a simrsof Public patmnar. We ate fitting up a MACHINE SHOP couneeted with the Furnace, where we hope to be able to do any and all kinds of finishing an4filling up Ise. We will endeavor at all times to keep a gold assortment of work on hand so that customers may be accommodated on the shortest - notice, HAVFNG taken pains to secure the services or ex perienced workmen Item the state.of N. Y., we Hatter ourselves we shall be We to turn off work in a work manlike manner sod.as good as can as done is any other establishment. We shall also be prepared for the manufactute of .totes by the quantity.and will keep constantly on band a few Wet patterns for retail. Thu imhsciibers invite all persorewha may be in want of any thing in ont lion to give us a call *sultans guitan tee they will not go away disiallisfiAL Saw Mill Roes of Paralell slides,' Mill crank*. gud geon* 4.e , kept militantly on hand. Also plows of the, most approved patterns and Plow Points by the piece )or quantity to *mit pdrebasers, its low as can be procured at any othe: establishment. • Cultivators of the most approved patterns, also e superior tinkle of Corn Plitor,f , r sale by E NOS TOMPKINS, 14, C. TOMPKINS, GEO. W: porrEk Towanda June 28th, 1430. CO* Old castings taken in eschande for work, ISSOLUTION. . ATOTICE is hereby given, thr t the cogertnetahip 1.11 heretofore ex4teig between HALL Ar. i• Otis day di:solved by mutual consent. Alll demands= dueto said firm, will be received by 1). C. Hall, who will settle all the business of the late firin. D. C. BALL. TeNtrefftla. August 12, '5O. . W. K. WALKER: More Particulars about the, late iFlood. T INGE! AM & SON,, would respectfully renoounce . to their customers that notwithatanding recaut heavy loss they will he pfrpareil by the Ist, of Sept. next to seeommottate ell that may gibe them a call in all the various branrhes of their husineit • N, is very desirable deli we should have our dues model. the prb.eht circumsbnCee, thereto/6 ail those that know themselves oblige in by call ing and settling up immediately. we wish eirry one to do it of their own free with, but we would just hint that those that do not obey thii call may psisibly be Compelled Is need us elsewhere. Monroe, Anguit, 130850. MESSY AVIMELUILDIFZO tastecc-rtiee. ICELLOM„ A: M., Prine;paL Mrs. H. KEI.LOM, Teacher of Music Draining 4c. Miss. PRISCILLA M. SHERWOOD, Teacher in Primary Department. HE Poll and Winter. season is ill fornmenee, ob T Tneaday August 20th. and continue without in: .termiestion till Christmas when there will bee station during the Holy Days. Particular attenhon will he prfid to those pfepdritsg to teach during the Winter Afar scholars can he accommodated with board in the family of the PrinciPal, avTion yea nttaarkit. Primary Department, • $3 to $3 00 Common English, 3 h 0 High English, • • 400 Latin, Greek and Higher Maihematida: •fi 00 TCTIOS. Music on Piano Forte, • $S 00 French, Painting and Drawing each, $3 00 Incidentals. 23' FRANCIS. o:l4frn, President. SE t ft. Pk Mt. Troy, Bradlonicounty, Pa., Aug. 1050. STOVE,. HARDWAREi TIN Sheet iron and Copper 'Store. -!! DC. HALI . LI. having made large addition, to Mil • stook invites the attention el the chi/Woad Nor. Pdttna7lrtrais to his inoriment. , In the Hardware Department, t rbaltrele "the world" and "all the rest of mankind," (nnt knelling/ any estaldishmamt in Towandp,) to sell as cheap as an. shall and will. The whelk of /hill Irate etinalsis of artily *Vele •aaoi ally ktipt 16 ellardirrire stors-waniong which may be found Iron. Nails, Zinc, Ti.,, .ilibect iron. Manors sod hay Forks, shovels sod BOW, Itraelishiidei &Sows, morns and 'silks, 'afrew plaits, steel springs, mill. X cut chenlar and &nal 'awe, ihisels. Sulpha, log chains, beaks and hinges, shoesis and tongs. hats and screws. Wads and tacks eastigolift-willts, well aid cis tern lamps, Lead Pipes, of OS slim' any quantity of thapantars and Allner a tools, all kinds of Saddlery gadding. Haase Trimmings, of all Wadi and at all Fires in feet every thing that any body milk* hi e Hardware store, or can rcsionably sipectever to we, In the Shire Dejlartmart„ hate-i-trib I tbetes no ass in dying to tell alt=bist I • hare Saban* stoves. Setstnai patent. radiator, parkikrannoni sits plats. Bit plate stoves, air tight stcrics,.Suckeys hot sir owes with rotary top, premium stores from No. 1 • to. No. control N: T. sta te s, Itepuhlican storm Albany city storms. Siliwirta air tight stoves, rough and Brady stores air light complete, in fact all kinds and sires of stead if not more. if also have, and intend to keep on hand; any Oam thy' of Masi' and A.medem stove pipe: A general assortment of linum Copper and Tin ware, from ;.• big brim tattle dolts td a small tin pepper boa: An kinds of- tin, copper and abeet-iron *ma menm teetered to order, and every Snide watranha tai give untiafaction. TLe plide of businesi it rer the Italie .13quire on Pine streil, in Montages' New Brick Block. the store running through from the &Ow e to Roe we ft to' people's Wing it, we bare no feats, for at comae ere* body who wants to buy . cheap will inquire fat Uri establishment. - . • 0:7" No etedii Mien oior foorvootho. sN Towanda, Aegot 14.1850. - WED MOLEs. •_ • - QlitAtt quantity of those st4eshit Esietiples. yet tot hend at iIITUTA4 ittwAiniii'L' _._ • - • ^ , - . • .. • ~. ..,... .„......,.., H.:wit:am tcoot • RAIL-ROADJPORW,RDINT LINE - • Fro abet ISOIN SYSlii . bat fir Tag *am. dedoiltir **Pin** . A. MOORE & Co., etiliffindlisile their tread •• Fixwedigig tine filth their atom House Mil lb. Depot, In Water*, *hat PROM:lt:kid all kid& will be recaeadard foraaded. by *New York & Erie Railroad. direct irriVerii- York ta" Copt. L. iiif.. Thompson, 0%0,4 titikil.-sele of defiant, add hake returns every two Weeks, (is Marcia ftfrids) , foul." the time Produce is lent. ' . Cipt Thompson tilted this opportnniiy of rethniine thanks for pint libefal petiorrege; sal holes. by strict attention to the internam of his materna*: to ablifig ir share fur the future. Littoral cash tkiatts moo oh trroduer at allihtioni; if rerluirwl. ft: si. MU tOt: & Co.- .• . .• .1 . W. TH OM E • " It. M. MOM & Co. are reeeirifig drily find! New York, a large and well swotted _mooch of my ' Gonda. Orreerries, Iltillorsre, Crockery, Doots, Rhos. Pork: Flou - r, Fish, Nails ; Barer, Catile,ind T. I. Sallr Closer and*Timorhy rcee,i; Ar c ; ? Ik e ., *Web wilt he rald as ekemliir misb or country produce ? . as at GUI place iii Weitern New York. . *overly Au;. I I s S5O. ft. M. moil= & Co. STATE MChiiITUAL COIAPANY. • ILIARRISIFirIif2 'FITE htiviness of this company is conducted on thsr only true and equitable method in the aystetn. of Mutual Insurance—that of Classifying' its th.k ; and the Directors have accordingly adopted flip classes--; First, the Fatroefit Claw. iii Which they 'lnsure no property except Dwelling Rouses. Out dosses and pr r• sonar property therein. In tbeSeconii Class, the sake kind of town risk's. nierrhatdise. &c.. end their charter provides that no parthf the fun& of one class can 1.6 appropriated for mitten of..losect occurring in AS other. The Director/ era entfilent that the rites that' nave • adopted will enable thew to pay their losses wittf promptness and liberality. , • . The outcast of this Company is onparallolcd With any Company in the State. having ineur.d over half million in the raonthsoof May and June, and on the' safest kind of prdperty. J. P. IarTHEIIFORD, Prelidenti A.. 1. GLLLETT, _Secretory. The agent for Dradford, is C. S., RUSSELL, To' wands, who 19 piepared to Illative' applications for to: ikiissice, and from wheel all neceesery informationes4 be obtained. • Towanda:Aug. 9. IS:in. . . JOINER'S TOOLS . A N extensive assortment of Mines sni Tools of es: LA. ery description will be found at MERCU _ AGENCY OF Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Medicines I Pulmonary Balsam, . D.Tarative Syrup, Pectoral k:Spectant, Doan Corrector, Pulmonary Liniment, Hamm Corrector, - Anti Dyspeptic Allstate, Cough and Cathartic-Pahl; f.tervine, Female Pills,' Vetatifuge, • Female Specific, Pure mind Medicinal Cud Liver Oil, 61.6., Dsed by him mnstantl# and with unprecedented asez ev‘s in the treatment f Coughs, rads, Cohsumptam 4 Asthma, Heart biseases; Dyspepsia. Perafzla, Skid Diseases. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Piles. 411 Dr. Fitch's unequalled Patent silver plated abdominal supporter.; Improved plated steel spring shoulder brace; Dr. Fitch's silver inhaling tube.. Dr. Fitch Celebrated ,Sfx keettertti4 ,Ctri the prevention and core nt Consumption, Asthma. 'Diaesaes of the Heart, &e., and on the method of I preserving healer and beauty to.,an'old age. I This book should be in every family. To the Con= aumptive it points out the only rea.onalile hope for rot ligf. to mothers., the diree.lions it give:yin the care and education of - children are invaluable. 78,000 copies of this book hate parsed through the prole. abd the sale entltinuea unabated,. Foe:miry br 3 S. Frrcn•& Co., 700-13toad*ay, tr., and trukrtos & PORTtR, Towanda: Cr De. F Guide to bs•al.'ds. or dirtetions to persons using Dr. Fttett's remedies, to be bat] gratis7oi all the agent•'. 1 v • WANTED ! WANTED !! FORTY Tbousand•pounds of WOOL is *arried'al the Factory in Wyslusing. in etchanni for . cloth*: Broad and narrow cloths; Caasimerea Flannel 314 awls and Blankets,. (twilled or (+lain,) *ill be made on shares or otherwise as is desired. lbe cititens 'of Bradford. and the adjoining Countiers,. me invited to call at the Home' Factory before disposing of their Wool eliewhere. The subscriber haring again taken charge i.f this Postai htnent,is determined to do busi ness satisfactorily to those *ho patronits him. t:l3' Carding and Cloth Dressing done on rbori nos ce. B . B: INGHAM: WjPaltrainc, May 15, 1850. EMI tOWANtiA CHEAP CLOTHING .STORE, G E O. N. STINTING, respectfully informs the puts- lie that he is jest' recrisigg from New York in Ilwicrtment of ready-made Clothing, to which he in vites the attention of ,prirchaserc 'Among his 4004 may he found Over Coati, Sack Coats, 13usines: Coats, Frock and Dress Coats. Cloaks. Pantaloons. rests, Round abouts, re., in. all *WEI and all prices. He is doeffnihrd In sell. his Clothing at cilium:tall* low pricks for Caen. and believes he can make it the ift terest of thane wishing to purchare to give him it call. cE:). At the ofd stand. bdween-nattlutt and Kings berg's Stores, tfp staffs: Cutting and making att. flank se ttsisal in the most fashanrshir manrer.prorttptly and. to order. to*anda, October 20, UNDEIiBOI-15 25 . 0 New Suite it TWO . bratal & Tiny Coot* each at No: 1,• Brick Bow. j, le & A.tPrIkSPBE!.T:B. IL: _IL •VIY A.TT, aa iM 16 - m . Ivaiss2l; T.S permanently locatid at Troy. and will condom's to 1 retake profeesipnal viva. at Towanda, where be 1 , 41 Mund at the Ward Finnse—..ind all* Online" en eis sit (Union, Nonmetal. filurlinaton mai 'Smithfield ei usual. Towanda. Sept. 4, 1850. . Valuable , Stcati Mill -it 1 and for Sale. TIRE s ubscribers rat st,priiamiale, ONE REN .I. DRED ACRES OF LAND irsli timi + stid, sit. nate in tha township 'Of Smithfield, about four. miles (Min the tiostmehriatis river. Upon mid land is arms. ed a larim soil new STEAM SAW KILL, capable of mantifscturins 1.000,0110 Dot of Lumbef per year.. Tbl lei is Minutia:kid fly other Half diabetes:it leads , as that the mill can essilY be Miffplied whit deals fetir mmtir years. The mill is in *nod Manias tiohilitiao. aid pre. saints piety facility for the ejliesp ' manafsc.. lure of futnialf. and media be a safiand profitable in. veatmetit of capital... A polinrt only of the payment would he required It the time of sale. • - For further partimlars-apply to the eul-serthers upaal the premiere. P. "tit F. S. AYRES & CO. Smithfield. Sept. Al. 1850. CarNOTICEj • ALf. persons indebted to WALI,IB DULL forlitoro Ofirmis are hereby nntifoil„ !hitt • his noes ihdi se. eoonts are transferred to me, arid inunedbite payment so . regite' sted. • ANN EAttILID. Towanda August 17.16.'0. oHARLES - K. LAOD, M. 11. • TriIITYSTMAN AND fifORGEON. Offieri in the -L Union Black,r up stairs. Nortb side et the Public Soars. ova Elwell's .Law Office. Entrance between Eiwell's and' Adams' law offices; where he may abet,* be (atm! when not istrifessionallyianprd. Towanda, Illy 12. 185& WATER. Colognes, Itiar Oils, anti Pielllllo. 1-0 eyof all kinds,* N 0.141. di P. 14ACKEIMMIS 'will lig • Aural!, View, 17ellinny B , Tdegi, Ace. rt apl7 ..1111101Ctiallr4 • EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers