==M! CI - WagloActitraf. bgeollirisbing the' Eq.& We retaltv the book of Gerteais tine after God ittia • trewe'd 'Man,' he cominatultidiliitii, among . Whet rep:etush thikearth.h We have lohg 511=6 thought, that, Lotwithstandang the many evidences that we see utr every hand, • of tivert.3-9- iniproFplro7, - agliculitrrilly her impoverishes the earth 'most' essentially, instead of reptemAting" -Our views and belief in this respect have been very much corroborated by reading the retnarks of Dr. Lee, in e the, agricnhoral department of the Patent Office Report. This report is tnd yet fnHa published, but we have received a portioir of it ar , published in advatice of the boric ed mutt. The suggestions fur the imprusetneut of agricul tore, by Dr. Kee, are very interesting, and present facts . , which not only the harmers of the Union, bin every 'body else inteiebted in t 1 ,e prodecticin of fuud, (that is to bay, all whit i wiNit to eat two or three times every twenty - four hours . ) blicnild upian , ierioteily. • These reiriatks conclit-ivery, that we are every day robbing the earth ..1 ii- reo Iltiy. and rc storiug, but very little to it. Ilis,tory Intor ne us that Many tracts of country, in both %hemispheres, now barren -and unproductive, were once e,*ceedingty. fertile. Sicily was-nice very piulific in corn and provisions„,bot it is row the reverse. bilany sec tions of th+otthern states have been exhausted of particles= worn out," it is an id, and now i,bal•dirtied fur the tatty ptoccbs of 'being re plenished by nature. Here are some of the;Dnetor's 'ideas on the sob. ject : " The Board of 43edittue, of Ohio, estiutats the crop of care in 1840, within the. furiiik, of .that. state, arseventy millions of bushel,: and 'it will hardly be extrat'agant to say that •the farmers of Ohio, Indiana. M Ili4an, Illinois and Wo•consin, 1 , 1).011 a million ions of bier/dm/Ms and prOvi4ol,s, where they import one ton of the atoms drawn from i!/eir virgin soils to lint agiieultuial pi (//Inets. Can II be said, in hull - Lll at a mill ion ions ut bleadalid meat are pr, , ,iueed from auNing I Will it be eontein.led that.jhe eat - Ill....within the reach ofgood plowing etintaiciS an unlimited 1111101.111 1 of the p: ev ise things enti-urnd, to m;;ke the plants, hose organic elements are 1 , tiikert born the roil, alel never restored 1 11 tho. be hue, ilien ali fel - tilizers a;e het. only otinroe,saty, but atisoluteiy, :Ibis cannot be so ; for lands that seventy years ago produced tram twentv•live to thirty fite.lieli eli of IA heat in the state .of New Yolk, now, yield only from six to nine bn-hels per acre, and in all the old planting states, the Jesuits of exhau l stion ale still more disastrous." Again, he observes, 'i;Tlie continued fruitful ness of the earth is an interedt far greater and more enduring than any form of government. If the twenty two millions of people now in the United States may rightfully exhaust the natural fertility of one third of the arable-lands of tbecoun-, try, the lorry-four mtllious wlio wrftbe here twervy five years fienee may pmbably conQume the pm ductiven* of the remaining two of all the American territory.", zy• • • t ' Thii is taking a broad antrpational view of the thitig.. It is looking, ahead to ihe natural &sults of things, and contemplating the existence of-ciienin- Kancee which mu=t inevitalify follow causes now in action. What ig the remeilS . ! The stuidy and universal ilis&ernina:ion of aLnieultural knmAiefl2e, and the practice of the knowledge in fulfilling the command of God in " replenibhing . ' the earth vviierever cultivated. whether in the r a rrlen or in the field; the.easy, little enclosed farm of the New England, or the wide prairies of the Hoosier. 'God has not made the land exliaustless-; it lie hp.l, he would never have given the rommand he did, that man sheuld replenii.li it. dt would have hecri use- Farmer . Pork Makiag. Aral.liaig pork is:one qt the most essential inter ests of the farmer, and nay be made one of the most profitable. We cuiestion, however whether, as genetaly conducted, much money is made by feeding swine, and the reasons are sufficiently plain. In the first place, but little, attention, if any,' is paid to the kind_of hog used for feeding, It is enough, if the animal caught and caged in a pen is a hog. The fact that a given quantity of foot! fed to some breeds. ; will make nearly or quite as much , again pork as when fed to some oilier breeds, is overlooked ; an asionishing quantity of roots and grain is thus annually wasteo. In the second place mode of fe'eding is defective. The food may be good, but if liven to Ate hog unprepared or uncook. ed, much of 'its efficiency is lost. To feed hogs profitably, they should from the first be kept in a • thriving state. Not half fattened at one, time, and then allowed to fall away till they are miserably poor; but kept constantly improving from the time they leave the sow until they are ready for 'slaugh tering. It takes a much larger amount of food to • raise an animal of any kind allowed 'to become poor, man to keep one eon sanity thriving." Again, the time alloted to feediug is usually too litnited„L- Good, firm, heavy pork cannot be made, no matter what may be the feted used, Short of three or four months. flogs mail, be puged out and made to look pretty fair but their meat will not be Laid and 'firm, and will be affected wah the complaint called :winking" in the pot. flogs fatten much• faster in moderate weather, thrin,in severe; and hence the process of fattening should commence as early as the food to be used can lie had.. Alter the process of feeding begins, see that tilt+ have enough. To suppose a.signealing, ravening bog will fat, is a 11/1604.e, butimlortunately a common one.—Dock - -ertourn Home Joarnint. TO t iI:ASCRE Ti IT IN Tlll ST4O, - .—More than twenty years since, 1 copied the .felloWing method of 'measuring hay from : some publication, and having verifesd i's aencral-accuracy. I have both toou,gbt and sold by it and believe it may be useful to many farmer= •wheretbe means of weilh ing are not at band. '•:leloltiply :lie leo;.:„ and helglit iota each otne .1 ~ .y r., -vra what eeuled len solid yawv will mi.:se r ICII . -- Fr a)..i/qt intelligeacer. • SALTING Iloi;.‘i—By the advice of 5,.:1.0 :.r• rnc:•-, i !hire fed my Ns salt, freely .nd tegui.n especially while fwitening, for four or (RV satigied that-it is Of heat sets ,cet • in.goring permanency to the: appetite and solidity to the'flesb besides 'being well pod for eipeusend trouble in gra:eful grunts and strinckitrz chops.—Gsis. Farmer. rob yourself," fis The far:nei said white the lairyer called him hard namee. TOWANDA ACADEMY. ,• • ; MUTE next. term this Insututios nip comaienle rp til•laday the day of June. under, 1s charge of G.Priupipal. •Tuition peplum-If Elena weds: ... Orthvzrephy, Reading, Writing, Geogra- . .--,' Orr Anti Mental Artehniette, s2 00 The same, with Write Ellatrunar,Adalue ~, t infirm tAudiTstts. 's A nnalysti. - , ! ,11 ‘, 0 0 t Phl I, knophy Air m ist ry, I:het..ric, Logic. d . er: : i tainoury ud Book iieeping." . ' 4 00 A tvetra. likotnetry, Triannnatelrf..Bollll3' ing, CultlC:Sec tum 34, Analytical Geometry. • . • - ... 4 50 Latito:rprk and French LanguPges, Furl. lit anttlif iernik„ ,I. • . ticho4n , irreettrvi atalvir period of Ike term . changed only from dm firm- of th eir entrancc.. sr . Board ran be obtained in praval farm ite4 na.roa benla term.. J. D..MODITAiNNE. rree't.. ('. 1.. Wann....9ecY. M Board 11:rrnattea. Towanda. /Wit .16,18.50: , .. • i) '0 0 - GOLD` N WISCONSIN ! • rr E Corning, Ekriirs awl Duiralo Line. liating.te lured ihe fare from any putt ibe,Chenitinces nal tonutrAin,Atford facilities notlieletufure offered to Tmigracoa and others accisiog it bouts anal hiatus* in he Great, 'West. Afloat of thin line - Corn log Elioira for Baffato Every week daring The mason. in the I . .,llowing order Leaves Gornin.• 'ruee,frrv's_ at , 10 o'clock, A. M. Leave' Elwin: Ntvdrin . ottrii't it Z cetiodt. Leav+ Havens. ThatidayW tt ' Me -,' -'Tows down Krwiea Lake. Friday; Touching at Bin Stream, e 4 tarkey„ Lodi, Dresden, iraaAing tiencra, Watierloo and SOntat rol. on Sat urday. • ' Leaves Brad% for Elmira tml Corning every Sat urday morning, leaves ilocheaer emery Mondify ;moo ing. Boat CORNING, ORM: B. IT. CALEB,. linal ELMIRA Capt, R. P FERNItS , . • BiistßUFF,ALO,LhiplaTft For Freighfi PogrageopplyAo-08,1; iett4iapp! fi,llovitig.igento;-: . W.. M. Mo!tory, Corningit. B. Prriing L A. G. Rey noldri, Reynolds, Rom-heath, T. Winti•rinnte, florseheacl4--E. S. Hinman, Harm* ,L. G. Tvi.wngwAenct, Big Sire:tin—Woodworth ite Iba I, Ar Field: Getieve—Or3y Ftweet, Waterloo—J. Miller, Senora 13.14tetito, Stnn tromirig—H. J.. Fish, Ruchester—Niles At, Wheeler, Buffalo , o — / - ProvisFons for . nalli by the Capella!la on board Elmira. Ap.il 4 . Iq3o. Annexation of Cuba ! GLORIOUS NEWS TO THE PEOPLE ! Ar i r ILLIA NI HA YDEN, grateful for the liberal po 7 lvmage he has received I.llllCe has cornmeuce. men: in I.u4siesa, would inform the people of Bradford county that ho has just rszeived direct kom F.ow Yolk a h ge supply of Dry Goods, Groceries. Liquors, Ready :nude ClothioTc Boots and SAoef. Cigor!, all of which he offers for sale at an eareedingfy low rice fur cash. Havi: g extraordinaty facilities of pui , char ink, and such as few in country tr. he flattere incest oft h,foie pin duals wai we would Coal.' c, Holland ai Rum; fin( g , r and Hi a au; erior t o put oui IRMO a caws, Casbo, Ready Pay—arnl•Uo second price.— llouX mistake the place—tbe west corner of Slaitti and Bridge eta., iu the store formerly occupied by .1. Kings bery. HAYDEN. .Towanda, June 4, 1350. BOOT & 6110 E MANUFACTORY. • S. HATHAWAY,' TXl'OlLp respectfully inform the ladies and gentle- V -men of l'crsianda, that he baa taken the store , immediately opposite the Word House, ene door north of Mix's ?rug store, in Main street, wnere he-is prepar ed to seeeive and promptly fulfill all orders with which he may be favored. To the gentlemen be would say, that his Boots, of whatever description or quality, are made under his immediate nursers ision, and will he war, ranted for durability and neatness. He would alai in form the Ladies that be is prepared to make to order Gaiters. Slippers, Shoes, &e. Frain lung expel , enee in business, and a determina tion to give general satisfaction, be expects to receive a share of public patronage. May 10. 1850. MR= 'Very Strange but true. it, Gentleman .of Utica, N. Y., has obtained from _it the Witchthsael, a simple.remedy, which lays a more just claim to the name of 't family cure ell" than any Medicine we have eier before knowt. Nothing is connected with it but a little Alcohol to preserve it, end yet it acts with great cenaintyin removing pain and all local intlimation, cutting ail 'chem.-burns, heti see and lameness, tepidly. Piles, bOwel complaints, cholers-morbue, hemorrhage, ear ache, tout .ache, lore eyes, and all cervous affection:. It is white es water sod as hartnkes, and it is called '• l'atirfs Pain Dcstroyer and Healing. Extrarl." "one is genuine except " Pond's Extract" is blown in the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this medicine to the public and has expended a vast deal of time and Money in bringing it to a high state of perfection, and we now warrant every bottle to give wailer:melon. A man by the name of Spencer has .put forth an a rticle called "The Coyle Extract" whicli elalms to e from the Witch-hazel. If from that shrub, its name a perfect deception, and it is a very imperfect 41x!i• c e : he not deceived, get a pamphlet and see. Far sale at MontanyettAt Cw Tolishda, E. H. Hin man Monroettin, Parkhurst & I....amb.LeEoy,litoyrap• Willey Franklin . June sth 1850 MYSTERIOUS KNOCKINGS .IN TOWAMM! Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Stec ! A M. WARNER takes this method of irtfartriing .Cl• his old customers and the public,. genefialks, that his'iut purchased of J. P. Bun, his stockpf Watches, Clucks and Jewelry, and has commenced 'the abuse business in all of its various branches.* the *hi stand of the latter, on. Main street, two. doom south of Wick Row., His reputation as a watch repairer is so well listabliAed in this community, that it Is •hardly neces sary to ail a word on that point. With his toxic ex perience and great adcariages for acquiring a themes!) knowledge of the !Jolliness, hr has confidence in okaying to the-puhlic, bring ou your watches and clocks, I will do them . justice. All zwds sold, or Repairing done,, warranted as I recipmend, or the mono refunded. ' • Altood assortment of (;locks, Watches and Jewelry keit c. , l , otau.:y ouhantj. • b. 1.11 •. profits, cash do% ie. qrL. n,.1,.;c1..: asked Iv( --as 1 .1•,I bona hot to ruke •N • :74r '1:1 lE7 • - mg; W ILL be ki het.:l n lar::e e.anrtrefent. end trithle-tn :ietter and I;.r t"a .r a t Hey than can be pt ,, '..e..cd melther oste'tlishif.ent ft the 1 n These' who .ne ui. kr the necessity of pro. curi..a that amide sod obeli be satisfied. A, rind hearse a:A pail may babad in stisn.lance when dein - hid. Septemhe! • L. M. NYE & CO. • SUGARS 4 NOLASSW. •, %- r 7 nD3.-81.,i4AR, at Irery low ncelea, alaS ge Altoelext Molasses, isiclutling Smart's 17rup. but received st sp7 MERCUVII. El= ------ ---t- '..--.. --t: 1 C : 1 ,41 1 VS t i ; I Xvi Tac t vt. , Di Caehriin*, tial =xi Dr. ' puu Cherry, other prr. Car , popular b DO :5 tivelled for the ,stessAs, rex: Lauri (ion ; or t, Whooping 4 lough =in the Throat. nem of she ' pared cow ~ .0 41 1 fe I lint I= • t, . • su-rn Great curs of. En Pettit* . Factory, cu .Spiirmi Onolen. .14 arosulerful !lucrative • pound 3yrop of W• Dr, Suvrone--W 1 with a, violent Cad I ruy icings, attended . 1 my i f idc, Unit' I s tuuld inkv . petite,,coujd serenty,of my coug of Wood at-a doer. tinged instil;! Bleu* innd physicians and but ha•ing heard air pliOnPlittryf 4 11,41 rafdkySy &an fhwf make a trial of it, a boalei performed a digturbed rind sure?, rier)icine'r am indebt I abaft be glad to the airljeet 'who may roboraie what I Lay' the factory or my (o* - • De very partic i , rrioine preparaiinti . 1 Dr. Swayrie, V. W. Philadelphia; all oth reit." B%VAY.NE'S (El "A sate and ell'ect sia, Cholera nimbus. amilltbllid the rnii , t fereal to the Public." I= D. Ssr•Tsc—Uri riot's nauseous Veimi highly apphorded .lightest good rte speaking in as its delight" ! felt some cies dy, lighest "taste an aal discour ititl force) up.lt ptic I.l.lkitta chip Varn out crnme the W; tll.ir,ravaze4; CJIIcI4 uable Vertnicuge, u hie had to let go their ileac the %d 414. Such wa4 miffigr on ray data u-durning 411 the eohr fu oP 3n :I/Of cr IJ 1 ., ur6 Ka. '4' Hour ell street Fotir h. Be ma, u k Veruusuge is now put the name is spelt en Dr b . errip,r's &war ezz A mild and effective Mite& 'they -reelect al es en alterative in D valuahle. (Wiliness doprrasion or spirits. purifying Pills: - Remember always filwayne's flarsiparille that the signature? of The above raloaltld Dr. H, Swayne. corm iblphia, to whuni'all* AGENTS F•OR HVarct&l Ches. Ratlbbone, Cent BCldleman• t l / 4 .113 row thee' valley. D. D. Parkhurst, Lett C. T. Murphy. emirs J. Daniels, Hut linshst.l M. W. & D. F. Porn. Troy. 22y A .80VE V 0 other medicine h! Lll public that has meg, as De. Soy. Les ( Having been but six y inivertiaivi swell, am .1 haveleinked Union end Canadair the Standard Medicine vegetable end so adni ken twinge doves thenl 'nerve*e len:isle, and it 'beds after 'all tither re BEWARE 01 tbede are spun.. entail OrgOtereign Hal that the name of. " 71r face of tbe boxes. .are Oat aware that any article bee yet den* some of theta have hal hexed and copy our Cf. the nubile aro careful Ij` be,tteccked. The gen 0i94P1 EDail veholavOtt antis uchtl,. N. It.. t0r;4 . 114 7`412., and by Aienta it New Arrangem IQ - & DR. E. .1.1• colorromirrstaip moat. mrctl,Oly soltri of Engirsh. .Prerteh,' Medicines, Che-rnimlis &Of+. Perfimery, Cemphene and burnin mein of all kinds of with an • extrairsgant q tune also, a very gener lePcdpfirrits. Having received al the inzblie to examine tiscoite_ te4rOnnsingP extend! • t 9 them- theie . . terms es, any other este Otis o f tbi rmiiiriel fords twee guarantee eintiold'at their store. Towanda, June I, 18 -supply of Goods, .I,llg invite libeir recede before . ' pertaining !ad OP , Rb °O2B .7 ,o eAttillrrini, 11 1 Otionge, to well oar" liberal infernint abolition( -he?, York. &gilt& minks Plit4tifie . .scir• die genuine quolii! A .11 tt tbr the Sick. , atifficient fili:everY. per, can be litoduced lettaig:fol - his hugs of Dr. swaysii s celebrated SWAYNEI3 ' :Ind - Clierry 7 comio., 4,71.7 e . • *. she would not e 000 bottle of bwaythes Vow 63:vp of %id yr half a d. zees y(pay rations. 1 have tried •n nee," but this eituds,!m , _cure or ib. reffouhlg dispi Urembe.„:Coitler etint.unT• l i eliutettop of the Wear!, Tickling or ruing eensito.n • roehiter, Redone 'ot *rah— iceivoue: eg tilotion from any came, revegf,. pliikaufa. in Decline, &c. • iLieeidir e ct ef - r not* ff.f-- equal. t swim reArrieziAv2.4 I ,toullaxsoir, eorrineee, net ofjCioth Ma. r eubuissotial egidenoe .of the tics of Dr...BwArarea tom °,Ciwrry.. - , l art.Ancurota., April Ilk 4880. r oover e ly s imi c i e d whjgh settled nein • it great ifildulty, soreness an remedy breatheopining of blood no rest al nights. owing ioUthe would epic, as much art • pint ThisOmoratful state of things cow ilermaired of being cured, haring umerous thinge without relief; •: groatf virtiies of your Com oppereollll ho-firwergigerk4 J.. aro happy to state that three rfrct ewe; my sleep is now on fonily believe that to yotkr for tilt; great care. enounicate with any person on pleased to tall on me, ond tor , said in the D him° renifreatt, at I. d i r 'nee. Yoani, oirc. EllOrAll II 11 % , 0107. Air to get the original and only I Wild Cherry, ias preparyd by .brurr of fli.r,h.th and. ROM streets, l.ra are " licentious and counter- 1E111: kTED I'ERMIFEGE ?al remedy for IN ormi. rpelpr ickly or Droperoic !or oeful Family M ociue ever EMI= MEM lA, March 20, 1849,, 11tomag made use n( v i. Medici/Ica. which had bran their proprietor*, witlhout the d hating heaPl my neighbors terms or your %Alarm 1 11edwines, 1 wonderful effect, although I pet! (rim the result.,( thenni my already enaacialied, ii,trom• delicate an.l aluto4 LA RL r Sim Irvi n to rti:ike led A malte trial ut your tval- I. W our great joy, the Worm. on• 1 art wrong hold. upon e of Dr. Sick:goes r cr- Lich is now perfectly healthy. f the ro4 • With all the Inutil e/1d 1.1.)1113 child. 11)131.18 Wltf - RNI). between tichnylti l Third stud 1 Reweipber, Dr. Swayne'. up its square bottles. Sea that ly, S wly:st AND PURIFY! nyder! ti.traniaritta and F..r -f Tar rifl r. itorgnti.e, great pneifyer of the the fenctinne of the liver, and inpairal nffertinns they ere very 4 the bead. air:noes-4 of sight, eadarhe, &c., are awed by theiie 'o inquire pal - 6..1,120y ft,r Dr. and Eitract of Tee Pate. See r. Skvsyno is on each BON. medicines are prepared only 17 of Pth 3!1.1 Race street., 1%1111- ' 1 i - tiers shookl be eddresseJ. BRADFORD COt'NTI. °intr. Towanda Pa. Brown tic Rockwell, Moo ,A- melon, C. H. Herrick, Athena. S. Kinney & tisierke., kihe [.. .lie. shequin. M. Eallotk & Co., East ny. Smithfield. King at_ Vosborg, Troy. MON nm,m veer brrn•introdocsl to the pi 06 it ft such unparalleled sue &.r.reign `• rs before the public, and the Instil with most *her ruedlleiues, It Way lad every - Mite in' the They hive stsm:utely become of the dey. They ale- luiriely bty mmpoundral that when Ica speedily cure the most delicate, U. raised numbers from their ire bail &ilea. corvrittncrrs. 1 Pills in circulation filled On. he sure to see before you buy E. L. Soul! 4 90." is on the e others can be genuine, i lVe one who is waking M - Opinions . !Mike use j of our name"; 160 1 Ilte impudence to imitsto nue culars, Certificatei, 4-c. Culcsr 1 4eir thex. purchase, , they' will , ,'ZiItf7,..NI34,LM Pll lay lBcan tail or Ur. r.: L. litiole &C m , oyrmidaliy EIT"STVA & r im. ever, town in the country. nts nail New Firm H. MASON, twine formed the Drug and Medicine nor.ieress„ astennon to rbeirriesh supply moo and A Patricia* Mugs. Vernishes,,,Taitsfa. ,(Idl Dye t AY: tie Also. lltsid....eitni atrety time tossiort- Toon, end (traceries, together wily of Fane Miele. We I variety ef-LatopeOP'etrioos @I • , 2 • r. Afflicted do not. =Despair - 4ilizatrzeir4Vettt 11 AlcAenci; a • - dm * . • lit .. 114 .1093 6 4L10 1 11 , 04 , 440 0 /04 , •:Larli ‘-atil#4o6, of medicine over disease ey,cloatitis an milt;; tijs: wry. Read it , . PrettiPtwl iry nootheitheuthe:feelifig of lienerohnce, amt For .the lemesit el my,affliched felleWtkings; I de. Hie to Mae laionn a . sheri deacription of my diseiae, and the unexpected sure LubtainedfrotwethEllENClLS PIILM.ONIC SYRUP. About three pars ago t was afflicted. twi4 a Yiolenk, cold, whigh.,settlial uo my Inept ttudisids Simi every Asw .daye woulld,l4ll, contitlera.. Mit blOcki ;my *fest; WWI light lindarthessillg. .tviTY• day.) had violent 'feint'. ttreptrig Chills, and -profit*. sweats st. night, with greet dil.scalty of , breatlitog and grest he. of appetite; my system was, entirely Frew, (rated, Icing confined to my bed. must' of tie `No of the most eminent physic ins of Allis city al tendril me. slid aftvw 'exhausting iIF their skill: pro: notmoni dry easo - ineuralite. Indeed; brie Assith 7 rny lungs wersi \ alinost gone, mull I could ten., lexesdid! fo cover. At this stage of my disease, was prevailed upon to try Ifr.A•liences Put:north' s:Vilisp - ;irnd.lxtirt." I bed taken big s 'Eisen bottles. 1131/ so fir' even eyed as to he tu'go abort the bowie. It seemed to strengme est ogy, whisk system—it losieerwil the cough, witk atop. pad the bleeding—my bowel. :became regular, and etery thing I ate, sr...melt to digest eerlty rid nourish' my whole system. Indeed. each was the rapid pro' gnaw otmayherith and. so sudden the change. that-1, became too sanguine of a sPecily cure. sad abaudint-. ed the tied of the mormine before the Jisear was thoroughly eradicated, which resuffed in another stleek" of bleeding at (be longs lain till. accompanied bye dis tressing. cough. I, again commenced • making the Put mon it S 3 rut). !MI aeut for Dr. Schenck a b 0,1111.0 careful ciamination, nicked the to omtinue Before . ' had taken four bottle*, an abreast, formed in •any aide, which gathered trod broke, discharging. a. mew as I con judge,. a pint of very disagreenbie:Yellow mate ter. This seemed to cleanse and purify my who:says. tem, From this time I began to get !vier. and am happy tally entirely recovered. I ate owe at this tune li'aming•brater health than I have for the lest ten years. Mooed commenced taking the Pulmanic Syn. up, L have never Smiled to. recommend .it wherever I went, that others, as well as myself, might be saved saved from that awful disease; for I fielit a 'dory t owe to the Militant to publish it to the world. Permit me to mention a few cases which have come under my immediate ohaervation. Being on a visit to Camden, N. J., last summer, I Ws/ a child. evidently in 'the last stage of belief consumption. The Mother informed me that the physicians had given the child up as in. curable. I told her what benefit I nod received from the use of tiolien..k'a Puhnonic Syrup, and hod c , t 1 her to procure a bottle. i heard nothing more horn the fink sufferer nntil shone 'three month after; ht4ng in the market, my auention was drawn to a lady wills observed me very attentively. ales finally approachal me, end asked if I was not the lady who, recommend ed Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup to her dying child last slimmer in l tirmilen. I replied that I was. She said thit her child had entirely recovered, and was nricons. monly healthy. Ile; name is Mr.. Wagon, and now resides in Brides - burg. Another lady I would mention in particular, who had a acidulous affection. Her face and neck presented one continued twee, and one of her eyes was •erionsly a ffected with it. 'She had become greatly einaciat , d, and to all appearances past racovery. T induced her to try Sehenek's Pulmonrc Syrup, which she dal, and is now perfectly cured. A-wither lady, Mrs. McMullen, whose remdence I will givi: on appli• cation. n ass etidently in the last stage of Cunsumis lan, I prevailed upon her to try the Pplmonic Syrup. In a Very short tune she was entirely reciovered, and non , en joys excellent health, having become exceedingly firstly Tlsesie are three eaves a ithin my knowledge, which I know were eared isy Schenck's Pulmooic Syrup, All who doubt this statement, and will take the trouble ta call on me at my , esidence Parrish rrect five d ore ahoy, tenth north -.de, 1 think I will he able to sate.. fi ctenly convince them he own cave, and others that I know have been eared by this Syrup. Since my cure, them have been an many to see toe to know what I took, that I hive bad a very good opportunity of knowing ti great many that haw taken it, and have been greatly lunefifted thereby, stud I think tf persona afflicted with Consumption or 'Liver Coates taint, would vend for Dr. 6chenek, and let him carefully examine their hinge, and if he Lip. he can cure them, follow the diretdicrris, trail prevent taking cold, they will rapidly recover. nITLITLVIA L. LEIDEPIRT, Philadelphia, May t 29, 1949. 1. H. St . II r. Dear Sir— I have known Mrs , . Leibrn. for several year., as at member of my church, and have all Confidence in her statcruenr, and am re. joked to find her.again restored to health. rrny thing more, in addition to her statement, is needless. Yours, truly. TIIOS. L. JANE WA y, Pastor of the North Nest,' tenon Church, Philadelphia. Juno 20, 1542. 6th at. above Green. Prepared sod sold by J. H. SCHENCK, at his T.alt:r drratery S. E. corner Costes & Maishatl sta., and V the rbllowing Agents inHratlfonl County. 'Geo. A. Perkins, Athens; D. Bailey, Lcraysvillel T. Humphrey, Orwell; Mirynarrl & Woodburn, Rome; J. J. Watford, Monroeton : D. D. Parkhurst, Le Roy ; L. E. Ilethbon e , Canton vKing & Voshurg, Troy , and by MIX & 111 A SiD N. towanda. Price, SI per bottle or per half dozen, --•- • - To Ihe Victor het() ngis the Spo ilal. A I.TOUGH many preparations in th formof•• Popu lar Medirinr,," have been before the pnWie, claim ing. to give relief, and even core the most inveterate diseases. yet none have so well answered the purpose a. Dr. Sherman's Medicated Lozenges. They are agreea ble to the taste, easily administered, and from the on. pretc4estad success a high they Alive met seithi end the remarkable cunt" which they have performed, may justly lay claim to the title nt Cumitter e r over the di .eases for which they have been recommended. _ Dr. Stennis's • -toUGII f..nzENnEi" Cure the most obvtitiate cares of roogli in o few hours. They' have cured a large number of persons who hav e netermen ttp bye eirpkysiditteatid friend: a,Muf Wetly Wholinve petit ceimthe the Terri of 11107 1i911013 rby spitting bloc - id. CoroluMpan and Herne rever, by their use haveliad tree of health restored to the hagieed cheek and now live to speak forth the praise of this invaluable medicine, Di. ttSherinan's WORM LOZEXCES" nave been proved in more than 400.000 cases to he in falliable, in fact • the only certain Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them '!'hen they cannot be forced to take any'pther medicine, and the benefit derived from the administration of medi cine to them in this form hi great beyond conception. When the breath of the child becomes otTersive, and there is picking oftho.nose, grinding of the nosesgrind lug tsf the teeth during sleep, pAjencals about the lips with flushed ci.eeks, Jilreding- al.the nose, Itesdache, drowsiness, starting during Sleep, disturbed dreams, awaking with friglitnin F screams, troublesome cough, feverishness - voracious appetite, sickness at the stomach and bloated stontach—these . eee _among. the manyominerit symooms of wori.. oa...eafi he relive tYl by thasis idoompsrable Loringeis e "th'ey have it known to rip? Sherman'i CAMPlibk Lo2ENGES“ Relieving hesdache,-nervou a sick hs;adache, palpitation of the heart and sickness in • few roimitt a. They cure lower of spirits, ilespondency„faittuess, conic, spun's, crampt, or the stomach' Slimmer or bowel complaints— they keep o p th e spirts, dispel all the distreSiung of a atonpation, and tmable.a petlaon to undergo gteatinea tal or bodly toil. Ur , llherman's - POOR Ntrki!...S 4'l, AST E R" fs acknowledged by all who have ever need it to be . , the „best strcngthing Plaster in the world and a sovereign remedy for pains and wenkness in the beck. loio, s w e %resat, nek, limbs, Inipts„ riteuntatiriaa.loinbago„ 'Me malion a - year will not supply the demand.--. Caution is nectar, as thCre me .t1I1F111.1:4:4.1 per B 9olllolo nou d force a amino- 11:Viti, the emnmunity. the careful ho net r Plaster, with a "Jac simile" of his wrut,t, munc c on Is e te I back—ornm others are gpnivi . f l e and will do more hurt then good. I.itelditi Towanda ' by IIUbTCI& & VIAL TI;11. No. 1 arirk flow. • I.rie . _ . ‘., Hy %TT, V.`E, ZOZZIVZ:3*'II, dr Troy, Bradford county,Pa., P ROPOSES mating ; periodical at Towanda durinkthe.ormion of perry court. He my; bf ertkortbuse of J. B. 'Cross, eciatinenellig ein..4he 3,t o . (goitternber. Referente can be-Nor - from arivilai of the county. All work warranted. an 19m3 , EMI 4,36tEr- -=McII,.SINA:GM.A7M,),• IN , IRANI ROTIPLIC-4bre 111114igtrai4 Dons kday-I.oae kink eutituhtluplltdultittl. • TUv1 411 7.: 01 . 10 n a r ie ''''' *as Pitee sueb per'344,4 ittt . . .fe".10 1 - 10 - ;- 3 1 11111BIL Ar a Veltis9a4e, WART. .11QTT.LEfh, - and is ,of awe 00 . 1 .0 1 4 lostmomi as that to the *war Wilts raggperukeepentantifut Dots roamssa oterigissarimmartZ other Anther virthalues, nay le some aneseure be Dreiere from the follsesste ttuen , =-Verame k not datiliassesseS, mooipssof itos Pus Xassams 'of • Barsaverillia, Yellow Dock, merry surd Vlsumireas' awns aVV:lllMlPlMMearbribr tliemfr u g s r. mitixo partite's E ased beak or cu, tkautt botthtuf mealtime, call ed tif lasseepasila ia- Nat s,,,,,spii.v--bausoss This Ellitlerr /the pommy IN! mat lail Auil Aral*, et' ngeptr itavai au, - Arid Vegetable., ' QM rolt:Ztuu prepertieeof 6111.110014 Ghee arc coot wish Seraaparek,, y e a, Seisultrii , 0 . 4 Make esedieteetve most end strive le t leellnalpststos Me =rid Ito true te We: that to lava erers slasicad t gushers! aid, ,b Dun- la But it to not town!, Ertr.et 07Wr14;nfita, fiir to ecoommirscii . of fb an d gyiai.,* tow tooter) botovoo much Irititkerod4init' reitstrod tbe_J)air. of Sttnisperilltt bat to be Twig, Thu rr ,+ . or more Tobleivoroj.b-iTtotert. Feick, or Mast finer* Thin totbovo ea, toodirot offolit . o,s) es. • Amato oVertrarportno-troiy bola. rirtri4or PA , thamotrore, so Jimmy. spoonfuls at • dati4 aid 8o moor '4B: , day.•orlll; tt.e opt add& Ouse get Premeito *nee Twelve h. ttliteen,DaYe lever den ■ Inntle of lerill.a; awl( ha dully asedidal:leaerY meg 40.4) be a&rrenrYtee land Beaune ,Ine iirs,deny {hare.. dose) of 4ernicargla, thee it ?tarns thal Den Untie of MU Ititeriti won 'Z'Arre, F.tr, or VOI tioadit3oolo deie..bodeplur nerraparina. - The shore..,ekdone vol,,et show the gnat rliferane to enherbeferren m - enewea Wean , Of ewers Pt*ir,r n and SAILS.. taIlLll.l. This will appear by lhe anniflesope el cares in Amato reergfle, ftle,,,htg that opiusterrLCOF ti CANT'S PultinEß • has inere'illinLey ',left eerie men impure bleed disenaeqine t& thee Outilern•Cit of Patirtte perks for Oxt Douse, Oss Hartle of fidasuourida should sell for Tea Cents.. - ~ vericraous. scßorutak. - 61. y. J. B. Rosati/ of Rome, Oaeltfa Qn. N. Y. mbo.oraa nand of Serobila to 1614 .wofe to the /oar Sa related bebop., In an action In tlfp Stitawma ilovit in dm - MOW New York on the Mk ejj D. amen. 1849, notleethe folltriesay circumstances o Ai permit) in the City of Irmo rt.* had manufactured ancreended amerfour artitlefilf nomilehm, online It Bakst% lient/or mai% Ia iwits/ion of the yeamiar modicum lie wail ,proirestad to. obtain datum.; in the Supreme Conn of the Citv di Item York, an-lithe east tt to rgyrrroi bp the Court to J. S. fiosmoin, nab. taberty Weet, an eminent Lawyer Mt Wimp to take the mot . The defendant pleaded to mitigation At damages, that Ito Prairie/router itratubi Stedloionhad to tame mom pubtiohed racsa STATEMENT/ of arra, and thus had committed 114zaud tall ptlanl a and, thereat/sr, warm* entitled to datnaamt. case of kit. Has. het wan selected at tyrista fol., and ii atm,' wan at a Calamai iu record to the Potts as published, cothAft teatimony twat titan Wotan/et/Ike rablimition. it,. /LASKIN .71 am earourtortaul mai trate* Parirpinag Extreet— ha. ourd It rer, eao. Alen.* three tear. ahoy. I sea. ry luall eey at le-Ltl Lt ; I was nomad . rueful doateno—they• all bald use 1 modal and bee— that on med• Joe on.ei , ure on. In • twaequent of to L aufoasnabe he lama myeatelmene t area 13ram'e Pantranc. I troi no namt-inn. Mama I Anneemat Cl toe Puraafcr t had beam .00r,nand to m) bed . h.,.1 tame . 1 couW sot ream my bawl to any beady-bay nee/ eve tme atm. hi front In. en, to ear ; one am ea eaten out mood it. that n could be bind op not of to plake., t mat,. Ladd., h a • pmee et the tup , • bade on. name mr....yr. teumfaave, en that ay ~ tmatt, paned in and not at the bade; tar oker Mutatnay ahon+r •• F s 9, and, .'.miler tau Nude. My inn moat, m I,..v,lstels tad .ten thrG•tAlt my *Wm eu that tally body costal be looted min ae Owe* on my lammom..bd bum in thookler to tau Whom *bah had eatento the Lone ; 1 had ma Irae/ , adlme eke elm. I seed Itr.er reeriller in mow+, &Fiske, tbe _atria bottba feet ed velum tee.. I gr.., em e e vaul t Inc. aueda or • apnea,/ at • dom. that fettle rtmectimacal me, am to. nhl. me I" yet not of hod , the amend borne I bat the tat dame to epromfall, Each en - alseta,throed me am/ hauled ma mum, m. th at I map Wu to vraa •••:.• to the al...gavot; ul Vounaul. et Hume Cryan., where I gut um 0, r.. 1 bott,r thts 6oltlet 4LC IP SILL MY ULCi /LS, but three moot sure. Oman a. large .. the undo/ m 3 /bond, end 1 Ilona ernifird mane at Oisorpme semar/. I ward /kr Pathn more, whack Mete t. PE R VCCT CC 10K. ami or/tomo ln A.• 44. CUR P.I;LL M.46:71C1. LAU, ZEE BRJ:rTS P.I.VPHt.Rts. DANCERS CURED. 0. Is. EINNZV, Y tbrUlhit lig that n tentret.h.r.or to .11. l town'y •-ri ala T.'l.V.-ai through the thr.hry et filIAN't•S pt'itt. F.VritAt — r. A atarf.d.lar m 41 ,,, w • ' , AY. V. .13. tntao who.: oael Prk,Ell R. Mr. A: Ii Santa:. ara2Clll. EY Canny.. , o1:1-, N. V.. Ilea he . ..ruled ona,r nn trni.r.rno t t a C %v, t a of II at, W../ It., '. Was Mi . .' ed on on rt,hht ;• t.iythat place. IC therocure. Lbw ft no, tea cares 'awe,, by tt• purifyiet:, hearing power. , what ine•cre charane of the lefeel can ' if not curet S rrl experwoce and - trzomph soya there are noun Dag what ft wdt coca. FEVER-SORE CURED. The R... RICHARD DUNNING. peers of the Prethrter's, thurel, Adam Bmin, Alutsrue meuity. N. 1. orual to as. I hive inm i.e....1evel a h.gre from Mr. CAI , , , NCY NsiNc, to ties lams of h.s Feaer,inat, You map depend on what .t states, fur be Chruesan man and an elder an thee cleneh.Some peon once pe had In hive-nue of hi. Mrs eat °Jr, to rah , his life. in nee IS a Emereene. The other leg being new affected, and about to anootated, I recommended FIRANT'I , Mr te,,NE. Rend the Ve ts& Its ways: •l Or mad only THRRe grerrt.r.s of BRA NT'S Mum INE. I plmed at., Hurt. free war resesoomeabon, hue Anal I can now .ar that, the Messing of God hue vitriol a men/ we kre.'" See Pamphlets fur full particulan. LIVER-COMPLAINTI th. RATH &N HUBBARD, of ShrAfard, Cam., time of the oldest and nowt mapresefl de physicians, sets nel'eted , pplarat boulru.s. 11..11 perfectly mod be mine BRANMS Plt. RIFTING "TiLACT. We cud:a name hundreds of Wad cues, also eared. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAIJITS. NO retmely offered to the public has ever been half ee ram end eroMod it. entering • Lt. the foe-Mental trotknesses and threeshreites of the sqx a Brasres Put. Batsaw. It makes no differ este w rtire derangement be sapprosim. emus. urotaer teem ac's -at RE I.7LAT.TS ALL, by an•vaisrsia 2 Nu srairem. .17 CIIteCtATION. aaa sootkisg and ailogibre SERVOUS 111111TMIU.ITI Lir gee ,pazue3l.4a. • CHANGE OF •LIFE, from the girt to the woven. end the lumen at riddle ape-11“. Me. IMV V esselerured, and the other so ressiveßp ....premed, as to prate wt any of rise fatal diseases that Ire quently 'tribe In consequence of . seat Menge. - " ATTICA. Oencsee February l, WS., 'IN. T. WALLACE it CO.-4mile". v. um, for more rum year. afflicted with a disesee of the stomach. T could mu eat acy fat or creasy substance without causing great ram, sickness, and vomiting, and W.. contimmlly afflicted with a o.lr la as esperummt, tried one bottle O(OI:ANT'S 1i1E.10C1I(E. which, to my utter dirittpointment, eased need reilered tie wawa yaks after raga,. I therefore used a second bottle, winch has complandy cured die discos.. I am now well and hearty, and can rat alutoet any thing without being pained, or the stommch becoming cone. Tours respectlldly, T. S. WILCOX.' Mr. Wilcox Is • reepectatle merchant of Attica. RERSING SORE MOUTH, LUCORRIHE4, ke. Guarr.sur e Co.. N. Orr. le. 1147. eson. M. I'. WLLACE C 0..• Some time lan wager ray wife became se debil itated hom the effects. of iwerseeheys and N 0,.. 1.9 Son. Mouth, the ehe could not lift her chador perform any haus& toad labor_ , Her medscal treatment orm varied eroding to the White and prescripsams of We meal eminent physicians, Until our Witt woe exhausted in useless efforts. She beemsie so eery a eke*. rink that at the time the commeneed taking Proars Medieine Insighed no mare than airlupsive pounds i • bat by the time Abe hod taken fuer bora., eke hesitate perfectly well. The cure Is so perfect._ that rio , is now enabled to do all neeeseary household. work. and 'amen thirty pomade of !With in fear weeks. Yours truly, C. B. GA LENTINF.." The reeler wfIT observe that Mr. PALIMTTIVE Salrr . wer Ha we we Informal by Z. S. Teeny, Esq., of the Mane place, has awned tablicine. N'ig i 1 :(q1):i C.l #. 0 kit RILL'IT'St i'CRITTENG rxTR.S.CT i.. pewfretamtaarot* Pflug rata, al all Vie .c/ferb of hi titetra r. no any et the inuioun prepura, lions of ,CALONCL Or )1 Laccpypars the system • and It mama, the Wad, roil thr part. iseaaarl, to their . originaL .11LALTUT irrAtr. GENERAL DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM! /lb, A. tIMILTSTANDPIL merebant. C6eel7n, Tnry.tin wrom. MT.:tidier 19. 194 A. and idler Intritic Pasted hem like a derma I'UFPNART BALSAM bad effected dm n.e. of hi. wife . cowgirls ve meth. said: .1 Mere Mersa used ERAS V'S RIPII. GI - EXTR...11f.17; fur general' debility of My nymein, and I have neliesitadun in saying that It Is the best medicine to traromic and mirmonars: Irma reacts that 1 lame ever med. In sreep in sisters where .re bare sold BRANT'S' MEDICINES, toe i lam Pram , / Muir affirimit. and pima tin IR CST NATISFACTION" SALT RHEUM, and an trnvore Wvisk disiona qf noon, ore always gun] by haewr's I..X.TRAC r. For sale by. , HUSTON dr PORTER. Towanda C. IL Herrick, Athena ' • C. E. Ratbbene, Canton ;...0 D. Parkhirat,. Leßoy ; Brown & Rockwell, Monroe. ion . ; E. VV . ,* Rain!, Rummerfield"; M. B. shoring ; Dißaitey &Sin, Leßaysville T. Humplary Orwell; Maynard & ,Wocaltiuto, Rome; E. Tracey Bmlt6liCll Coryell* Gee, Burlington ; L. & E.Run yon, Troy. . , , , • tl"3 All fettepittode mrderaMit be addressed to .Wal• dee& Co., bet - Hrondway,•N. Y. '. -13 y .... ,---- '- --/ . , NE Or ESTABLISILi LENT • . . .. •••• • AIC D *nom -env me-itiroirec---. lt. NYE & CO., Wouldire ty inform the citizens of Taw -3 ntrthe public cycler:My, that lave en hand dr manufacture it all Itirids of CABINET ilTinzg, of the best meta led' workmanship thatcannot 'Passed, in additionto the %sun • assortment in count'' . i43ops, wwill keep on transtland snake to order 40FM,41 of vari us and mostapprdee,! . patterns ; Sol'it lt.h.ltißz Chairs, pholstcred in superior style, and furvase sou durability cannot be surpassed it even in our large cities. Alai), the half French Ma boinny Chair, beautifelly riplibtstertil,witli curled liair, which never:. lose r its elasticity, arid Gnisberturith' the bast heir seating'. - We'. Hatter ouriettes that &mina had much ixfslience in the buoinass, we shall be able to'satisfy all who may feaT'disposeß to call, both as to quality 41 . 0d A l t i e,i; 4 44 11 .11.iftri4 :iitteiitkis . to busineis hope to i nserit acsi roositro the irakronage of a tilierq' I,osian mortity i i „•_.,•• t 4 . XtXtda Aupitigtherhati49 . ,• s , s ,tistlecetwid_ 'alstiri seriply or 'the 75eleMstre •• ILY-or' z llttiertrarti Rra,sideveryeheap. AIM a wew of of clothing, at the new. Clothing and HetrrorrioNel l I Brick Row, - H. &A. C.VIII'BELL. -4 41.111eintal. , ' 4 f ! 1, . . Pa* Ore'llitifispo.?utiO; ant "ma is bey. insur, Foy. orznA Durso -TEN Dull. of Sarsaparilla, Dyspepsia—Sour Stomach ! --111 i ..,, • _ .—.....__ .., ..., . .. .... ~..._.... _ ... ma pp TIE Mato IKIARINIC Salt TOIL-bowd sedtatinsirinclodingOrtberipay,. ins W.04.9ge AtithaMic.:Miew a , 8 0€4.1,1 7 . EngliA OptrortutrAdwor,re, 6 :kmposition, a I Lib - ()rib:. tx,l4. Mineraliwy, Natural Philoito i Astrovidiny. (*id) die inli Of 0.1.0 /sod .04 sloPeatisiergia. pale rho" studick) Moral rnikworia and Oh m ... Rayableqmanaly 44 soNfu* In mum, 1443 .1)29 , scholars, per gustier, • • II 11. irraa CIIA3I - 01r4o • Paged') wittlirkli • tattyl .. - . is . . . . . .Ipaoleh, " . ' • 4. 4' o gt Music. (nn the piano,) per gtiarter, Aro Ruirtordery and rug work; 4. - - . .. Any Young tidy receiving insunctiew on A igs ki,n s privileged toleera.ruglrorkor soy mu of thso , Z` itngciages, and the same tinte r without additioest e l:: Twit riting !hay who 'aniline the English hr s _ ._. the terms arbserning each of the abovebrasehms„ , per quarter, Insupetinns on itie . Guitar,. te . 4 te Useorphintis, . . '7l‘ Drawing and painting in innier CO/Orn. indedillg the one of tnatetiaisrseclumskawing piper, paints, pencils, &c. . 4 bit painting on canvass. . •i. 4po Painting transparent window abides, Including lo ' the ;limply of materials, rich Formula painting on paper.,:aillt end vehte4, pig 4 le twelve lessons. I • finding on silk, crape. &e. 'do. 5 60 Wax Bowen, per Tam 14) er, • . Pens and ink, " 64 Wishing, . St . Board in vacation, $2 00 per week, - 1 4 liiilioni post-psi], addressed to the Misses Warr/ &GRIFFIN, Binghamton, Broom co., N, y. , wit' ge. wive prompLattention. BOOT & SHOE MAAUFACTiiiii, oil• e • - , TORN W. WILCOX, has removed his' estsh ii. h, went to the shop between Kingsbeii'll and aa, lett's stores, and where he still solicits a shim d public pianmage. He intends , by a' careful' selatio ! of stock, and by attention to the interest N mfbi s cag , mere to make as neat Or durable work ati nufactura in this pent , t the country, can be au, ',He will keep constant y on hand, Rita Mstuftenne to order,. Morneeo, Calf and raarse,Bindsandi ,Ladles' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips; Children's do S4ft. : 'Gent's Gaiters and Ponape. 4e. , 0:7 Country Produce, of moat descriptions, taken a perment for work, nt the market price. * Towanda. April 26, 1850. _ • _ THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE • W O R AND :lOW IT 14, IT T,CILL -.13A F. HARDER respectfully wish.. to infarct. citizens , of Towanda,. andthe publir commenced the : HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKING- BUSINESS, TO'N arlir3; on Main vt!rcrt, n few dots aboxe street. where be will keep consiahily on hand or moo In order, Plaild and 60171111,71 liarne44. Trani* ad rater., and all kind. of work in hishne.CAß. RI iE TRIJIINIING and MILITARY WORK doe, to order. • 'From his experience !ri the punctuality in intending ton, he hopes he imy Ivan a aharr of putdie patronage. All kinds of work any he 111,1 rif his shiri•6n 7 aer Alin at oiln other shop'in this county. • . Towanda. June 12, :S5O it! Removed to north side Public Square! IT' .1. Chatithcrlin. . t.,yi . :t „, 6 , Lir AS - just turned fmmtherm 11 of New Vo . with s Ism •4: si -.. ; , 1 1111 su pply of W tchc Jewelry tae ksil f , - 5 7 Silver ware, cow .rising in pad. 9 • k .,:, , 17 i,, the following snider:—Cher, ..,-- • t .:1 5 - a_ I.'Epine and Plain Watches: sits .la b k . , 4 "?_ :„. 4 , a complete assortment of God Jewelry, such as Eat Rib,. Fno ger Rinse, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets. Gold dais, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Siberia's?", and any quantity onSteel Beads--al! of which he o6n fur sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. , Watches repaired on short notice, and wareswei to ruri well, tit the money will be refunded, ands ant. ten oareement given to that etfect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Tibias talten.in payment fur work; and alas. /earn nse,sat, fiieerer, that' the Produce must be paid tehe*titetri is done--lel*ar against credit in all its farina. W. A.. CHAMBERLIN, Apt.: Towanda. April . zB, 1850. ‘•,:' .* 4( 5. 1 % . c• j C.:4c ~* ' _'••• • ..• :.,„ _-1..,:' • ,--.-'- ,- , • • • ' ~ ,% • For sale, iogethr with tb other valtraOre preparations of the Graf' Heaton -& Porter, 4 il. Mix in Towanda. ad agents appointed in each town in the county. Also, -for sale, the Grrafenbeig Manual of Health. complete BAN n nook fot Families, containing infast Lion relative to the treattnent of glove,' evety form d of disease; 300' pagei—price, 50 Cleints. N. IL A Family Newspaper will be given, fnt Pi charg,c, for one year. toiall who purchase tirsturbell Medicines.. . - . Au communications must be addressed to l\ C gersal, Elmira . Cbetoung county, N. V., Gene:3l.4l THE CORYLE EXTRAGT, CriNatore's Pain Destroyer, nodßearedy for Diolg rrifilS Extract is a pure liquid, free from every Ogg -1. inconvenient or dangerous. As a pain easier this medicine is superior to every thing 2, et discorete• and'as an application to reduce intimation, the Add mankind is challenged to equal Nature in it. heads the Nervous Systern--heals wounds, bruises, Fria and - cleanses ulcers—minces all mangers of miler and tumors; ind cures Summer Complaints, Dyrear Infantile Diseases, Female complaints, and'most ans. ordinary Family Ailmentri. READ TUE OPINION Ofd HON. J r After what I have stated, you will net be aerie' at the declaration of my opinion and Linn comers that the liquid prepared by you is wet., at Tat OCT INV A.TAIAIMS OISCOTIVIAI2II TN mantr4L ART. Or/ SP c " Trill ;—and that-it wits prove a most eireS remedy fcir all nervous sitrecnons, and a care ( " I°4" matrons, acute and chronic, when evaeonably sod rot erly applied. Further observation and experiment° be necessary to detoimine the hest mode of its aPP I ' tien, whether internally or externally, and the gunalil to be adintriatered. ob't servant, Joss C. Spurr& Titre above medicine may be found at all the Alta' elect& the sale of the celohrated Graefenhetl slu e cities, in the retinae:. mined . , ` Chl- CALttb• .5 - .1,N413 .Uil:!0B' V f'IlLD 5 ' f . ....,_ ~... . rill: sule•criher hx, rrao‘ l ,l l , . : . to-his new shop, a lex, rods ihael , but former location and on thrtof , imifflar. ' s partite side of the street. gybe" il , . _,. 0 411 41, continues to -.pfantilsrture 04 1 ' ' .:;;- . 1.;••"" ' keep on bana,,tall awls o f MI ' .'7 - . t and wood erfit (;:fi Ante; 491 SETTCE§ of ennous kinkik I ' , - TIEDSTAT.i• , of es s ql aeslit" , T .. • lion, which I will sell loin 6.1 e. lk o car .Pro d uce, or :Pine or I' herri Lomher. 4 iil lir 0.. !. 1 114.F!jit - bri" tecciao for work. Tva:so 6 &ON - v.... order id th e .Deatest inanner. dlsa " CABINET WORK, 174 e firth tepeoli hind, or made to ()rim% im ihe JA'MES l'uwarida, March 9, 1849, The Celebrateil thvernerT Tegetable Phi were introduced into Me C.& ni the year 1846. Thor et. raordinary virtues, andams iority o'er all other PILL! kaalen in dim cotmtr!..tie established them as th. , !tenet ard'3fediririe of the dart.