Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 07, 1850, Image 3

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    I „,i the same should ever vennala free; acid we
appose d to the extension of Slavery over any
jo i l territory." hi =necessary to tespeat these
• s No one with the lepat regard for truth
to tonon •
a do/tote that almost every free slate passed aim.
ro t at ions. The Democratic Governor of New
„„ firs h ir e in his message, 1847,• speaks of the•
;; D „ a iid rote in favor of the Proviso. He says,
, ito , role has given . form and substance to the
t ild Janis of the people of these States--As deep
o pent in their hearts—and justly received, through
oproa ry warm/dies, their cordial response and
of The proposition contained in this ProTi
„ 'ying as 'it does the ddermined will and true
0 the American people, aflords a pledge
t heir principles with be faithfully - carried out
oar National legislation, which must give joy to
f < friend of the Union and national freedom."
Pans, Governor of Maine in his message the
oe rear says " The sentence o f the free states is
r ound, sincere and almost univemal, that the in:
p enc e of slavery upon productive energy, is like
~, bight of mildews—that it is a moral and social
1 1. influenced by such considerations, the free
, trill oppose the introduction 'of slavery into
ylerritory which mhy be acquired." During toe
ear Hon. John Wentworth said in his as Dera
,o„L ••Thas we see that at the North all parties
oniung in favor of the great principles of the
Coo: proviso. This is the only rock of safety
Northern Democracy. Indeed, nearly all
tf Ann•Wilanot proviso Democrats have already
oar ed (or Gen. Taylor ? as their favorite candi
,jK ;he next President." But I have not space
.salliplv extracts. I trust the point is sufficient
;6labiole.4l to satisfy even the hard-to-be-con
„ea North Pennsylvanian. Let us now recur
0 0i vi their strong convincing argument against
of the Navies?, g‘ while'such men as
slims-ere denouncing the principle of the war,
every possible obstacle in the way of
:onorebie termination .” •
Po Editor undoubtedly, in this case thought to
cr t4 himself frern the charge of misrepresents
ra hr using the word sack. But he faila in this,
T isch men as IVILM3T would speak as he spoke
„I isle cc he voted. And Wtr.stor used the fol
•rig language, m the very speech in which he
Pierell his amendment to the two million bill."—
li t agreed witch some of his friends that this'
Iv aa unnecessary war ; he believed it to be a
~,;:ory and proper war i" and in regard to an
—ntrable termination" he said "He trusted the
lent w•as sincerely ready to negotiate for an
do peace. But the Preahlen t asked for twn
ini of dollar.; for concessitut which Mexic'l
make. \lr. W. took it' therefore that the
finked to acquisition of territory in that
this he htd no objection, provided it
r;• line nn the. propercondition. On the contrary
ns tiot!s that a portion of territory on
nlll.l come unto our possessions, by fair
ist ) onntat,...i means, bx purchase or negotiation
hr c rrirest. lie coaditded by offering the
t7 , 1111P a truer Nig against the establishment of
sten in territory which may be acquired," His
ei;yo , were to sustain the war, and bring
morahle termination" We should be
in.e4 !he .\'vth Prantylci,eatn attempt to prove
But this is not all. The little Ward
.g.r:e.heet a+ it continues becoines quite excited
• !a3l , more anJ more at random. " Who"
eirlaims " is to blame for placing Pennsylvania
we. Whiz rule 1 D %vita Wmator ! His cour - se
'.7111.7 the Gobernatoria! contest . was treacherous to
etlsariil en e m les." The remark of WiLMOT
bat maitre is blind and impotent" has never
Ni;_l a tietter.witneos then the above sentencest4-
F-4 sure;y if it were not so, such rid iculous charges
Tri:J repose in the brain that conceived them.—
iln.sor opposed to Longstreth ! who in Bradford
ever heard of this before 1 He was with
is 'nes ; we beald his specs:hes and private con ver
s,,,ii .All that he could do' for Licitgertreth, was
IrT,e and Bradford dune• vs duty nobly •while
:„ez porioncpf the State proved defective. Long.
lervived 37t8 voles and Johnston received
507 Democratic majority. This too
had travell:e.d the county making flee
~pecelies, North Manch canal pledges, and
• 'orieermg the people with soft words and - full
Shank the year before receivedonly 3058
•e, and a majority of 538 in the county. Yet
V .:.501 I* accused of placing Pennsylvania under
rule 0 most veracious Nortk PennsyTealtiOni
pprtrait should be taken on a plate of silver
r.l pLiced in a frame of gold and hung in the pill°.
Ettention of Professor Webster.
we cm- the fullest. accounts we chn find
x its particulars of the last end of the murder
Partman which we take principally from the
T ' - .3nP The day before the execution the family
nis.,l Pr. Webster RS usual. They were w ith
tilt +he usual time, from two until about half past
^clock. They appeared the same as usual.
Inzular as it may appear, we were assured by
:le :ewers of the prison that they parted with the
ti , Nand and father, ignorant of the fact that they
c'ed never see him again alive I Wo.traW them
passed out of the prison and we are as fully
li.died that such was the case, as we are of any
e,;1,4 within the compass 'of human judgment.
.acediaiely alter they left, a guard was piked in
in cell, and continued with him until this morning.
Prof. Webster was notified some days since by
s `. Putman that it was customary in such cases to
Pee a guard over the prisouer the night before
execution. He made no objection,
but asked as a
are, if they did so that he migi#t have the priri•
of selecting Mr. J. C. Leighton, clerk of the
jet, and Constable Edward J. Jones, the officer
coo bad charge of him during his trial. This re
tries was granted, and last night, immediately
gee his famly parted with him in his ceU, the above
named officers entered upon the duty named, and
remained with him until morning. He was per
fectly free in conversation confining himself who'.
11 ,, IS moral and religious subjects. He read the
'Ode and other books with a great degree of earn
estness and sincerity- He conversed and read un
-4112 o'clock, when, he laid down. upon his cot,
spread upon an iron bedstead, and slept until half
Past four this morning, apparently as sound and
restful as under ordinary circumstances., m e as
rued Mr. Leighton that his family paned with him ,
last evening at half-past six, entirely ignorant that
he was ao soon to sutler death. He ( f requently
'poke ()Phis family and seemed to be quite happy
to know that they were all religiously inclined.—
Hs briefly spoke of his execution and repealed the
Passage of scripture, , t It it be possible let this cup
pass from me, yeti not my will but Thine, 0 Lord,
be dime:"
On arousing from hilt slumbeis, be mimed in
devotional by prayer and reading of the
Scriptures.. He was as calm as the sunny and al
most breezeless morning.
As sally as 5 Ir-2, Mr. Luther Denbo,' with a
NW of some sik or eight titer began the : work of
erecting the scaffold. It was located between the
iwc prisoners, near the centre of the yard: It was
'he same instrument upon which Washington
Goode, the colored man, was executed in May
19 19. It was then new and consists ol.a,platitnat
of Itiltifee7 'PM - 1107
a - square, la t e
than one's head, and a single beam over it as much
higher. In the center of the platform was a trap
door,.etnitanaled - wiffte raised OW frame.. A rope
was nth throw% two holes in the beam 'Unillustrat
ed on the poet'', the noose was sukpemded corn the
trap, Which was so adjusted that the executioner
might let it fall by simply placing his foot upon a
spring fixed by the floor immediately in front of
the 'Wain. At 1 3-4 o'clock the machine of death
was'fully comPfeted and in ihat dhection the dead.
ly notes ofpreparation ceased. • .
The scenes around the jail, appall*, tops of
private dwellihga were most resetting. From the
windows and tops of about thirty houses on Uowell,
quiseway and Leverett ats., the horrid Spectacle
was witnessed ‘ by men, women and children.
On the top of house No. 3 Lowell-st., planks
were arranged . to accommodate about 100 t•kraons.
The windowsiitall the other houses north, except
Mr Andrews, the jailor, Mr. Lovejoy'a, and two
others, awe filled principally with.women.
Tbe lola:ming is from the Bee, Eztm:—"We
noticed that to top of Mr. Ncah Wyeth's house,
51 Leretett-st., was lined by men and some few
women. We pained round to the front door, and
found it guarded by police officer. One man
said, " I will give a dater to go up, it I can see the
execution. - The officer'opened his blind door and
let him pass in. From his appeanmeetere should
judge the men who so foolishly partial with his
money (for we
.heard •it demanded of him) was
from the 'country. To be more certain that Mr.
Wyeth wakepectilating on views of a man killing,
we 'stepped' inside the door and asked him what he
would charge us to go on top his house and see
the'execution. He came toward us, with a hand full
ofbank bills, and said, " O'ne dollar sir?" We
stepped, back - and made this reccird, which Is only
a part of the proceedings." ,
IWe learn that one of the looses elated does bro
ken into by ihe=mob, so great was the. anxiety to
view the slaughter. They.did great damage to the
furniture. While in the house it was surrounded
with a pcnsiste of police, whodenied any of the par
ty the party the„privilage of coming out. how the
matter will end we cannot say.
The witnesses and officers began to gether gate
7 o'clock and continued to collect till about P.
There were about 125 spectators admitted to the
jail yard by passes from the. Sheriff, beside the of
ficers in attendance.
The whole number of constables and police offi
cals on duty vans 125; 25 constables and 25 police
were stationed at several ppints on the inside, and
75 were on - the ground outside the prison.
Rev. Dr. Putman arrived at the jail 7 1-2 o'clock
and immediately proceeded to the prisoner's cell.
where devqtional exercises were held.
Dr..Webflter was in the further corner cell on
the right, oh the lower 'floor of the nouth-eastern
building. •
At 9 1-2 o'clock Sherif f Eveleth snmtnoned to
,the rear office of the jail those gentlemen *hum he
had requested to be present as witnees, and there
read 10 them the order of w,hat was to follow,
together with the duties devolving upon his several
Among the names of the'winesses were the col -
Inwine:-11. F. Edmonds, Philip Greely : L. H.
Wright, Isaac Adams, J. Put Bradlee, Robert Cow.
din, Peter T. Homer,
Wm. Sahouler, - Henry H.
Hooper, Thomas Gill, John T. Heard, John Beals,
William Barnicoat, J T. Crocker. Joseph Smith :
Osman Brewster, Benj. Adams, •B. Perefy Poore,
Olewell A. Thompson.
The &lend stated to the gentlemen present that
they had assembled by invitation f-nm hive as law
lul witnesses of the execution of John White Web
ster for the crime of ; murder, for which he had'
.been convicted anl 'sentenced. He detailed to
them the eider in whieh the proceedings would
take place, and expressed his hope that the utmost
quiet and good order be maintained, is consistent
with the solemnity of theoecasion. He hoped that
he should not hear any loud talking, not a voice
. ring the progress of the proceedings. •
,From the Jail.otfice, the Sheriff, supported by
Deputies Rugg and Freeman, proceeded to the
prisoner's cell, followed by the witnesses and oth
er deputies; where an impressive and eloquent
prayer was ordered by Rev.. Dr. Putnam, he being
the only officiating clergyman present. No other
services were held. The prisoner during prayer,
was in his cell to a kneeling position.
After prayer we had an opportunity to see Pro.
lessor Webster in his cell We had no: looked'
upon him since the day he was sentenced. He
was greatly altered for the better. We never saw
a more healthy looking filet/ than he appeared to
be Ilia countenance was much mote pleasant
than when he was upon •his that.
Shortly atter, at 9 20 o'clock., High Sheriff Ere,-
etli attended by Deputies Coburn, Freeman and
Ruge. Sir. Andrews, the Jailer, Mr. Holmes, the
Turnkey, aml. the- prisoner, accompanied by Dr
Putnam, came out and ascended the platform of
the scaffold, the prisoner taking his position upon
the drop.
Dr. Putnam immediately entered Into earnest
conversation with Prof Webster, and continued to
do so through the reading of the Governor's war
rant by the Sheinf and until Jailer Andrews stepp
ed for - ward to place!' the legs of the pri-nnet, when.
the Doctor shook Rev. Mr. Putnam affectionately
by the hand, bade him a final farewell, expecting
at the same time the hope that they should meet
again hi Heaven'.
The prisoner was dressed in a black suit, appa
rently the same clothes that be wore during his trial
Deputy Sheriffs Rugg-and Freeman, adjusted the
rope at just 25 minutes to ten o'clock.
Before the cap was drawn over his eyea he shook
hands with Jailer Andrews, Mr. Holmes,
and last
with the Sheriff and thankeii them for their kind
treatment to him.
Sheriff Eveleth than said :
"in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa
chusetts, and in accordance with the Chief Execu
tive, 1 now, before these witnesses, proceed to ex
ecute the sentence of the law upon John W. Web
ster, convicted at the March term of the Supreme
Juwcial Court, of the murder of Dr. George Turk
This said, the Sheriff placeiL,h is foot upon the
fatal spring, and in an instant more the victim was
launched into eternity. He give several struggles
and all was over.
New albnettitsements.
IS pennspently located ai Troy, and will twaditts to
Make professional visits at Toianda, where be will
beloutul at the Ward House—and also cantinas to vi
sit Canton, Mooneton, Burlington - and Smithfield as
usual. Towanda, Sept. 4, 1850.
Valuable Steam Mill ac Land for Sale.
PILE subscribers offer •at private sale. ONE HUN
DRED ACRES OF LAND, well timbered, sit-.
nate in the township of Smithfield, about four miles
from the Susquehanna , river. Upon mid land is erect
ed a large and new STEAM 'RAW MILL, capable of
manufacturing I,ooo,ooo.feet of Lumber per year. The
lot is surrounded by other well timbered lands, so that
the mill can easily' be supplied with timber (or many
years. The mill is in good running condition, and pre
sents evety facility for the cheap and rapid manufac
ture of lumber,, and would be • safe and profitable in
vestment of capital. A portion only of the payment
would be required at the time of gale..
For further particulars apply to the subscribers span
the premiere. P. & F. S. AYRES & CO.
Smithfield, Sept. 8. 1850.
ALL persons indebted to WALLIS BULL for Store
Goods are hereby notified, that hie rages and ac"
cotenta are transferred to me, andimmediatepartectil
requested. • ANN E. BULL.
Towanda August 17, 1850:'
" Union Bloek," up stairs; North side of the
Public Square. over Eletell's Law. Odle.. Entnntee
between Eleven and Adria' taw 'Ailftetw; wars ha
—s always to .feund erbea.not prehmionally envied.
Toweled*, July 12, 18501
In Blieshequin. August Star. by Rev. R. J. oi ,
both or Burlington.
In Athens tp. oo tiontlay dept. let, by I)
Gardner Esq., tlrsnax OSUMI to Shat SARAN
tax, both of Athens borough., p
Died, '
At Flatbosh, L.l. on Wednesday. 99th of An.
Awe daughte of Burton and Rowena 8. IL
herb of this p ee, aged 6 years 9 months, 9 d
Died in Rheshequin on the Slat ultimo, Miss.
eaaoaa Griffin, in the year of her age.
The deceased had been several years a maiden
igiA borough, and by her virtues had aecured a h
place in the esteem of many friends, who ton
hoped to have enjoyed her society many years.
He, who overrules in the affairs of men. had ord r
ed otherwise. A severe attack of fever some ye
-ago left her with health so impaired that it I
never again fully restored. Early in the plea i
season she suffered a partial paralysis accompian
with excruciating bodly pain, which threaten
immediate dissolution ; but by skilful' medical tr
meet she vas mach relieved of the .pain, and hop
were entertained of her regaining so much str,en,,
as to enjoy years a comfortable health. Two
three weeks before her death'. she indulged the ve ,
natural desire to visit her parents and enjoy the qu
'of that rural retreat; al the mine time expressing
wish that if her health should not be restored nor
life prolonged. she might close her dayeamong h 1
friends In this place. She had been with her parer
bid a very few days, when 'hei health began to d
dine and she requested to be brought to Towand
But sufficient strength tot the ride did not remai
nor was it again restored and she cheerfully aequ -
eseed in the divine will.
Poe some time past her mind had been deepll
exercised on the subject of her spiritual interest
and for several months she lived In the lively - e./
joyttieiti df the christian's hope. Her purpose
make a:public. profession of her faith, by unitin l l
with the Church on earth was prevented by her s '
den illness. To spend her last days io the_society
those with whom she had enjoyed the comfort
the religion of Christ was doubtless one reason, fol
wishing to returnto this place. But we trust sh 4.
has gone to society more attractive and lovely tha
any on earth.' Though she did not obtain .a pla
among the recorded members of the visible .Chorc
she has doubtless badman abundant entrance trail
the everlasting kingdom 01-our Lord." and constil
lutes one of the invi4ible church who rejoiced be
fore the throne of Cod and the Lamb forever.
"I wonld oat liar ahtnytt I ask mrt In may
Where Vona alter 'norm nand; d■rk o'er my way,
The iew lured mgrnittga that dawn on Loa here.
ettnitgt R.r lire's Intl f.lTaaTfn it. eheer,
1 would tiff hve atarnv, no—welcome t le toroth!
Since Jean( hails Iron there I dread not to gloom :
Then• be on rc.t till he 1.1 tar
To hat: him in trinniph de•ecnd:ug the akwe.•
New aovcrimements,
amngements are scrh is to emNle os to deliti
er at any point along line of canal; Beef. Porki
F h, Flour, Powder Fuees, Picks, Wheelharrowal
Armee Shovela, carts harness, lumber or in fret almOsi
every thing wanted. Orders promptly attended to.
Athens, Aug. 23 1330. WELLS & HARRIS.
AVE are prepared to furnish at short notice end o
the best quality, any quantity of powder and:
filarial any point on line of Canal at the lowest max.+
ket price. Orders promptly filled by us.
Athens, Aug, 23, 1850. WELLES ik HARRIS.
ALL prism" indebted to thr 'state or NORTHROPI
MOREY, deceased, late of Orwell township,,
are hereby requested to -make payment without delay 1
and those haring claims against said estate will
prase* them duly authenticated for settlement.
W. 13 MINH AM4
AMELIA 114011 E Y, Administntonk
Windham, Aug. 27, 1850.
ROM New Turk, intends making his rrindica
vi.cita to Towanda, and will be . located at the Brad
ford !louse through court week, on and after Monday
tteptetnber 2nd 1850. Where he will be in reading-. I
to attend to those who may wish to test his stipend I
skill in all kinds of operation on the human teeth, str
gically or mechanically ; as to the mechanical hrnnc
of his profession he flatters himself that his cngrav
plane of inserting on the atmospheric princ iple. wil
meet with general approbation, as also his new meth.
of preserving teeth.
removed to a few doors below Dridce sheet ,
Hon the East Bide of Main-st. in the bedding for'
tnerly occupied by J. D. Montanye Esq.
All operstions amounting to PO, or over, one hall
to be paid down, the remainder in three niOnthA.
the operation proves umitisfactory, the money paid wi
be refunded. A note of band however must secure th
payment °ldle half left unpaid, with a proviso.
0 I
The subscribers are now receiving another
General assortment of New Goods ,
Aug. 8. I 8&). H. 8. & M. C. MERCIIR,
Sheet iron and Copper Store.
DC. HALL having =de l large additions to hi. .
. stook, incites the auention of the citizenstif Nor
Pdnnisy Nardi to his smorinient.
ht the Hardware Deportment, rilitilleuge "tb
world" ant!'" all the rest of rtfankiz,e' (Oot forgettin
any establishment in Towanda,) to/ell as cheap as '
can. shall sod will.
The stock of Flardserre consists of every article Jan
ally kept in ttifardwsre store--tamongyhieh max . .
fannd Zee, Tie; ekes. hem Wetmore •
- lue Yorks, shovel. and.sporsta, blacksmith's bellow.,
savili and view, strew plates, steel springs, mill, X cut
cireolarand panel eases, Week, engem, toed:tains,
hooks and hinges,ihovels and tongs, hat a sod se
brads and tacks weggon-boxes e arik-ropes, well and •
tern pumps, load Pipes, of all time, any qoantity of
Catpeotere end Joiner's tool., all kinds of Baddkry
Hardware, HoesseTrinstolnp, of all binds and .t all
prices in fact emery Wag that .any body ever saw in a
Hardware store, or can reasonably expect vier to see.
lid the More Department. 1 have--oh! there"' no
one in trying to tell alt--butt have Usndbox stoves:
Keystone patent, radiator; parlor, cannon, eix plate, air
plate stoves, Sir tight stoves. Buckeye hot air oven
with rotary top, premium stoves from No. I to No. 6,
central N. Y. stoves, Republican stoves, Albany city
stoves, Steele/tit air tight stoves. rough and ready stoves
air tight complete, in act all kinds and sizes of stove
if not mime.
I also have, and intend to keep on. hand, sny qua
tity of Russia and,Arneriess skive pipe. A general
sasortinent of Brass, Copper end Tin ware; from .
big braes kettle den to *lntel lid pepper boz.
All kinds of tin. copper and sheet-Iron 'were man
factored to order, and every article warranted to giv
The place of business is en the Public
Pine street. in gontanyes' New Brick 'Block, the sto
running through from the Square to pine street. A
to' people's finding it, we have no rein, kw of eon
every body who wants to troy cheap will inquire
ligll'a establishment.
a : : :r No credit given over roar months.
Towanda.. August I& 16150. •
QUALL quantity of -those superior Dried App
I.J et us Laud at it 2 TIFFANY'd
6171111711311'11V05 9
LEVELING. Laying out Reeds ind Lots, Dividing
Eames, Measuring Masonry, Embankments, dcs.,
•""uratell dew by E. G. NICHOLS. Office at Rowe
Bradford wanly, Ps. Persons at • distanc e, needing
• kis services . , shall by writing him i line a f days be.
fonehand, him their bosiuess promptly attended to.
a l ' Those Cheap Goods at FOX'S I
UST and will betook! for cash the lowest mew
besot:LAN article of Sugar at cents ; fiat
r- fresh Teas warranted good or no vale, at 37} tO 50c.;
syrup Molasses at 50c. Also, a large: assortment of
f Csockery of the newest pattern., very cheap ; and is
h fact eery thine in their liye will be sold is cheap a.
the cheapest, at the scam of Main and Pine its
Y April 18, lello. E. T. FOX.
--- _
it • ,
O N salrals: P re n af 17, 1 : 'at 11" kin
Hats; also Leg h orn
LEATHER—PoIe and Upper Leather; also Kip
and Calf skins, for sate by m3O K. & CO.
fIRIND STONES, a superior article of Nova
kj Scotia, grind stones, fur rale at
Now opening at the above establishment a very
large and Illeenrable eseottmept of SPRING &
SLIMMER GOODS, which will be wild *;_very low
rates. Rushton at this establhhinint eondtod upon
tau end honest principles. You have our thanks for
past favors and we tkg+e fore continuance of the same
more are bound to sell Goads Cheap.
Towanda. July 4. 1849. • N. N. BETTS.
12.1 Y WATER, Colognes, Hair Oils, sneldperrume
ryof Ell kinds. at No. 1. B. R. If. & P.
AC 31E3 •
MACKEREL,in bEds., half hbls., quarter bbl.. and
kiwi; dry and pickled Codfish; also a few boxes
first rate Dry fletrinp for sale at the " Cash Store ^
of apl7 B. 8. & M. C MERCITR.
" A kumbk Sixpence teoro a Slow Sisidiuse."
THE subscriber is now receiving a fresh stock
of spring andstimmer Goods, consisting of his
usual assortment of desirable styles, which will be
sold forIREADY, PAY at the very lowest possible
prices. 'Having determined:to sell goods for ready
pay exclusively. evuuomers mar depend upon get
ting goods of all kinds as cheap as the same can be
sold by r any living man. °pill E. I'. FOX
GROGERIE.3--A large stock of Teas, sugars,
(a good article for 6 cents,) Coffee, Pepper.
psice, tobacco Am, can be bought cheap for cash
at a 25 K.
LTATS—A superior article fine Silk Flats. also
la palm leaf and Leghorn hats, for sale et
K. & CO.
Q . I:PERIMI Wines and-Liquors-30, Ithia. that W.
perior WHISKEY just received at H. &P.
WICKWHEAT FLOUR, of a superior coa;ity.
for .ale at TIFF'S.
lr.' EATHER, WOO Ibs Kole Leather, for sale at
a 24 MERCIIRS' •
MACKEREL, for sale by the hbl calf barrel or
pound at Bull's cheap store, No. 3 13. Row,
Towanda, June 13th '5O.
HAs jail teceived, and is still receiving from New
York New Goals, and I ids of them. Yankee No-
tions. s variety. Toys, innumerable; Grocnies without
exceptidg any kind Liquors of all descriptions, kinds
and qualities, and every body know• be sells very low
for 'cash. L. W. r.
Towanda. June 101 h, I n 56.
SMITIH & CULP. respectfully Inform their old
friends and customers, and the public g enerally,
that th e , still carry on the Harness and Trunk
makin g bosuns' at the old stand, • few doors below
Mix & Mason's dru g store, North side of the public
s q uare where they krop constantly on hand end make
to order the following article, in their line all of which
for material and workinan,htp will bear comparison
with the beat t hat can be produced anywhere, viz;
Men's beat saddles, common saddles. wa gg on r iddles,
carria g e harness, of all kinds. Heavy team harness, re Bridles, waggon and carria g e Whips. Also's
lar g e assortment of Iton and wood frame Tratetling
Trunk*, Partinla, Carpel Bug:, and all other articles
in the travelling line
They solicit a call from all who wish to purchn•e,
any of the above, confident that they cao give satisfac
tion, both as to the quality autl price.
Toiramla, July 12, 18i0. s%ll CITT.P
klti 0 1 0)(111 1 , OW :O_A:11:VVIY.
(NRARLER A. TAYLOR will rive at his residenite
X at Rome Spring', a COTILLION PARTY, an
niday. the IlOth ibiv of August, 1850. Hering ve•
wetly fitted up the old stand at the springs, he flatters
himself that his arrangements are each as 464 . 111 make the
entertainment pleasant, and' none will go away dissa
tilled. Rome, Angiolt 8 1850.
A LI, persons indebted to the estate of JAMES
WOODFIELD deed late of Wyalusing town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de.
lay, and those' having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement
Wyainiing. Aug. 6, 1850. Administrators.
WHEREAS my wife Almhia Ernba, has left my
bed and board witbOnt any Jost cause or pri.
roma:n3 and I Itemby ro.rbitl all persons harboring
or trustiii. ' her on my acomint, as I shall pay no
debts of her contracting after this date.
Towanda July Rt. I*. JACOB Y. ANSON
A Gold Dine Discovered
No 1, Brick kno
rinig Subscribers bawl la just received from New
A. 'York a large assortment of *ready made Cava
bog. Hula 4.e., offer them for sale cheaper than has
ever bell -a been sold in this market. Fine new
snits cnosi.tine of a fine Broadcloth Goat. eaten
Vest. Cassitnere Pants,
two ;Shirts. one Cravat and
a fine Leghore or Silk Hat. allfor $lB.OO.
Towanda May 3d, '5O. H. &A. CAMPBELL.
ANY quantity of wool wanted 'for which th e
'. highest price in Cash will be paid. at the New
Clothing Store, No. I. brick row. H. tA. C.
Towanda, May 30, 1850.
TAHE:\ UP Aria, and secured at the landing of
the rce•seriber in Dora township, on Tuesday. the
19th of July last.. Thirty-free Pine and Hendeck Saw.
Lows, thrre of which. smutted 8 S H ; 4 stamped D .
3 stamped R; t ..tamped O ; I stamped J W M;
sta m p e d B ; 2 axe MarkedH; 2 ate marked H ; J cis
marked' H ; I axe smoked 4 hacks ; 2 do. 2 hacks.
Durell, July 30, 18.50. J. M.
Personally appeared the abovenamed J. M. Bishop,
and filed the above description of loge, and the same is
recorded on my docket.
Duren. July 30, 18.50. 8. 8. BRADLEY, J.P.
A LI. persons indebted to the estate of GOULD
SEYMOUR, deceased, late of Pike township,
are hereby requested ttimeke payment without delay, and
those having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Pike, isms 27, IBM _ Adminiotratrix.
(ARM/03 VERMIFIJOE, by the down or vial a
lotiturrs. GINGHAM; LAWNS Are, a beauti
fulasuortmainerui be found at
April 24,1850,
Medical Department of Pennia College,
Ruitk 6dow Lartist street,
THE Lactates for thikeessiOn of 1830--Sl will corn
mews so Monday, October Hat, iod 'continue,
without interruption until the ensuing let of march.--
The Faculty is constituted as follows
Wa. Menem M. D. Piinerplee and Practice of
Jolts WILTDANIC M. D. Obleterias and Diseases of
Women and Children.
Harriii 8. PATTIIIISOIS, M. D, Mahone M e dina an d
WM. R. GDAIIT, M. D. Amway enct Physiology.
DAVID (il , M. D. Principles and Practice of
W•surVOTOR L. ATLICZ, M._ I) Medical Chemis
Clinic at-the Pennsylvania Ilmipital, the ticket of
which is furnished to ewer, wand mune student
without charge. Pees--Mateiculidion, $5 00; fur each
ticket $l5OO ; Oniduati n $30.00 ; The Anatomical
rooms will he opened on the let of October, andel the
care of DR. JAMES HUNTER Denninittrator. -
HENRY 8. PA TTE RBON M.D. Register.
Nu R 2 Arch street Philadelphia.
Division Orders, N0..2.
Iliad Quango, 13th Division, Ps. Volumes's,
Ease Sosiddrekl, August t, I iSSI).
MHZ Major General officially announces to the Di
vision, the death of the President of the United
States—the Pettiot, the Soldier end thehnoest man.
As a manifestation of reppret for the exalted charactor
and eminent public servicee of the illustrious dec'd, the
Motor Deflect! directs :
lat. The armories will be clothed in mourning.
W. The colons of the Battalions will be crisped for
six mamba.
3d. The officers will wear a badge or mourning on
the left enn.nnd the hilt of lbe sword for six mouths... -
By order of W.. E. BARTON. Major General.
N. BULLOCK, Aid-de-Camp.
. .
I store in the Ward House where they may be found
ready to attend to calls of their profession.
T l 4 OWTHE LADIES :—lre have a sideodi•d assort
.l meat of Prints, Lawns, Gintchams, Doran., 4 4110 a.
DeLaine, Cashmere, Chembra, Embroidered Swiss.
Kpd. Lisle, Silk and Cotton Gloves. Fine 'Linen
Handkerchiefs, dice., at IL KINGSBERY tic CO.
THE. antsse:ribers hav e commenced the FOIJN
DRY business at the old stand tormely occupi
ed as a Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borough of
Towanda, where we will hold ourselves in to
attend to the wants of shy. and ill persons who may
favor us with a call. We hope by strict 'attention to
business to merit a share of Public patronage. •
We Ire fitting op a MACHINE SHOP connected
with the Furnace, where we hope to be able to do any
and all kinds of finishing and Ailing up Ac. We will
endeavor at all times to keep a good assortment of work
on hand so that customers may be accommodated on
the shortest notice.
HAYING taken pains to secure the services ofex
perienced workmen from the staff of N. Y., we flatter
our.elvea we shall be able to turn off work in a work-
manlike manner And as good as can be done in any
°diet rstabliahment.
We shall also be prepared for tho manofactute •of
stoves by the quantity.and will keep constantly on band
a few select patterns for retell. •
Ths subscribers invite all person:turbo maybe in want
of any thing in our line to give us a call and we guaran
tee the, will not go away dissatisfied.
Sale Mill Roth or Paralell slides, Mill cranks, gild
geons 4r , kept constantly on lur i d.
Also plows of the most approved patterns and Plow
Points by the' piece or quantity to suit purchasera, as
low as ran be prorated at any other- establishment.
Cu:avatars of the most approved patterns. 214
superior &Aide of Cote Plow, for sale by
Tnaranaa June 24th. 1450.
al' Old castings taken - in exchange for work.
- 4,7 OTICE is hereby given, the t the copartnership
IN heretofore existing between HALL & WA LIR ta is
Oda day di, solved by mutual cantent. Aill -denten&
due to said firm. will he received by D. C. Hall, who
will settle all the business of the late firm.
Towanda. Angivit 12, '5O. W. K. WALKER:
More Particulars about thf. late Flood.
TINGIIA & SON, would respectfully announce
• to their customers that notwithstanding their recent
heavy lose they sin be prepared by the Ist, of Sept.
twit to siccapimodate all that may give them a call in.
all the various branches of their business.
N. 13.--It is very desirable that we •hould hare our
dues under the pre,ent circumstances, therefore all those
that know themselves indebted will oblige us by call-
ing and settling up immediately. we %/ith every one to
do it of their own foe will, but we h. %mid just hint
that those that do nut obey this call may pswobly be
compelled to meet [le etre...where. •
is.. 1.50.
f. H. tcr.i.Lom.. A. M., Principal.
Mrs. H. KCIILOM, Teacher .1 Music Drawing ke.
Primary Deparicheni.
9 -, HE - Fall and Winter season will commence on
Tuesday August 2Ath, and continue without in
termission tiH Chitatmas when there will be a vacation
during the Holy Daps.
Particular attention will be paid to those preparing
to teach during tha Winter•
Mar scholars can be accommodated with Wald in
the family of the Principal,
TY:TION Pltt 1117 AAAAA •
Primary Department,
Common F.nglish,
High Eng lish,
Latin, Greek and Higher Mathematics.
Music on Piano Forte,
French, Painting and Drawing each,
Spit PAINE,Seey.
Troy. Bradford county, Pa., Aim. 18U.
lI7IIZREA#I, the lion. HORACI .Wrz,Lirrov, Pre.
V V silent Judge of the 14th Judicial districkron
slating of the counties of Luzern., Bradford, and Tio
ga and Jere Adams and George Tracy Emirs, As
social, Judge in and for the county of Bradford,
have issued their precept: bearing date the zph
day m July, 1850 to me directed for holding a cohrt
of quarter emotions of the peace, common pleas and
orphan's court at Towanda for the County of Brad
lerd, on the Ist Monday of September next being the
2d to continue two weeks.
Notice i* therefore herein- given, to the Coroners,
Justices of the Peace and Constables of.-the county
of Bradford, that they he then and there in their
proper peranna, at 1 o'clook in the forenoon of said
day. with records. inquisitions. examinations, and
other their remembrances, to do those things which
to their office app•rtains iodic. done : apd those who
are bound by recognizance or otherbrise to prose
cute against the prisoners who are or may he in the
/all of said county, or who are or shall be bound to
appear at the said court, are to he then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just: Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreea
bly to their notice.
Dated at Towanda; the sth day of August, in the
year of our Lord 1850, and of the Independence
of the.Unitcd States the iseventy-filth.
S. DOD BINB, 811'6
SAERP PELTS.—The highest pride in Cash paid
for Sheep & Mop Pelts at jylB
BOOTS 41r. SHOES, %tens' Women and' childrens
the bent assonment in town, can b. foetid at
Alin' C4,'50. MEOCURW. •
--- IBiscethatconfk
H. M.- MOQRE:&. oces
From Waverly ror 14.50.
6:3-ircENT NA: IN .Tat watch autersava ascitormi.
HM. MOORE & Co. still.contirliM their regular
• Forwarding Line from their Store HOU= noisy
the Depot, in Waverly, where PRODUCE of all kinds
trill h: wirsired and-forwanied'hy die- New York &
iirie Railroad. direct to New York to Capt. 1. W.
Thompson, who will 'make sale of thir'Nsamo. and make
returns every two weeks. (in curecnt funds) from the
time Produce is sent. •
Copt Thompson takes this opporttinity of Wanting
thanks f•f past liberal Fitronsge, and, hopes, by strict
atteriii , m In the interests nt his customers, to merit a
share for the future.
Liberal cash advances matte on Produce at alttimes,
if required. •Ji. M. 1400RE4IVIPo.
. - - -
H. M. MOORE Co. are receiving Allay from
New York, a large and well Id/roiled sleek o?. Dry
Goode, Groorrh.s, Hardware. (.rockery. Boots. gimes.
Pork, Flour. Fish, Neils, Butter. CASIe, and T. 1. Salt,
Clover and Tinioby erred, the. die., which •will- be
sold as chew for evsh or country produce, as at 'any
place in Western New York. •
Waverly Aug. H.M. MOORE & co.
tutnannuntu, PA.
T HE business of this company is conJected on the
may true and egoitablo method in the system .of .
Mutual Insurance—that of Ciss/drying its risk; and
4 the Directors have accordingly.edopted Iwo claraes.---
First, the Former'w Class, in which they inters
property Dwelling Hoopes, Out Rouses end
smug property therein. In the Second Class, the .
bind of town risks, merchainhee, dc.c.,,,and their charter
provides that no part of the funds of one class can be
appropriated for pay men of losses• occurring. is the
The Directors are confident that the rates they Law
adopted will enable them to pay their losses with
promptness and libenikty. •
Tliti success of this Company is onparalleled with
any Company in the State, having insureittmer half a
million. in the months of day and Juno, and on ihs
safest kind of property.
J. P. RUTHERFORD, President.
A.I. GILLETT, &aviary.
The agent for Bradford, is C. 8. RUSSELL To.
wanda, who is prepared to receive applications for In
surance, and from whom all imecessary information can
be obtained.
loveangls. Aug. 9. 18E44 . T.
Al 7 extensive assortment of Planes and Toots °rev
fry description will be found at MERCURS'.
Dr. Fiteh's Celebrated Medieika !
- Depurative Syrup,
Heart Corrector.
Humor Corrector,
Pulmonary Balsam,
Pectoral Expectant,
Pulmonary Liniment.
Anti•Dyspepiie Mixture, Cough land Cathartic Pine,
Nervine, Female Pills,
V ei mince, Female Specine,
Pure and Medicinal Cud Liver Oil, ate.,
1.7,;d by him constantly and with unprecedented Ste&
i.e.,' in Me tremmept of roor,ltc, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Sernixta, deism
D:seases. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Piles, 4e,
Dr. Fitch's unequalled Patent silver plated. abdominal
supporters; Improved•plsted steel spring shoulder
brace; Dr. Pitch's silver inhaling tube.
Dr. /Pitch's Celebrated Six Lectures,
On the prevention and cure of Consumption, Asthma.
Diseases of the Heart, and on the method( of
preserving health and beauty to an old age. I
This book should lie in every family.llbr the Con.
immptive it points out the only reasonable boys& for rd
lief. To mothers, the directions itgivas in there and
education of children are invaluable. 78,090 copies of
this book_have passed - through the preta, and the ask
continues unabated. .
For rale be S. S. Frirrit & Co., 709 Broadway, N.
Y., and HUSTON. & PORTER.-ToWanda.-
Dr. Fiteh's Guide to loralidl; or direetiorwto
persons using Dr. Fitcb's remedies, to be bsA gratis:of
all the agents. • l3y
FORTY Thousand pounds of WOOL is wonted at
the Factory in Wyalueitig. in ezchan ie for cloths.
Broad and narrow cloths; eassimeres &c., Flannel
, Shawls and Blankets, (twilled orlilain,) will he made
on shares or otherwise as is desired.. 7he citizens of
Bradford, and the adjoiping Counties, are invited to
call at the Home Fat:tory I•efore disposing of their'
Wool elsewhere. The subscriber baring again taken
charge ..f this estahli hment, is determined to do busi
ness satisfactorily to those who patronize him.
k. ,73- Carding ant) ClOth Dressing done on short no
tice. IL B. INGHAM."
Wyslusing, May 15. 1550.
GEO. H. TH*NtING. respeetrully informs the pot
that he is just receiving from New York en
assortment of ready-imide Clothing,lo which he in
vite' the attention of parchsicre. Among his stock
may he found
Over Coats, Sack Coats, Busine'ss Coats, Frock , and
Dress Coats, Cloaks. Pantaloons. rests, ROund
. about.., rc., in all styles and all prices.
He is drtcrmined to sell his Clothing at unusually
low prices for Cssii. and believes hp can 'make it the in
terest of those wishing to purchasei to give him a call.
aCj - At the old stand, between Bartlett and q Kings
bevy's Stores, up stairs.
Cutting and making up. done as usual in the most
fashionable manors. promptly and to order.'
Towanda. October gO, 1849 y.
HAV ING resu m ed the basineas of SURVEYING.
all work entrusted to my care will be dote with
in-cur:icy and drape ch. Notices left at the " Ward
Wm..."will enaure attention.
May 24,1106, JOS. C SIMPSON. ,
Refers to"-O. F., Mason, I Michael MeYktrl,
CA. :Ward, I J. 8. Dryden.
$2. to $3 00
3 50
4 00
50 00
$2 00
250 New Suits at Two Dollars & Fifty cards
each at No. 1, Brick Raw. jr.lB
NOTICE is hereby given to the several collectors o
Bradford County, that the Coutaniisioksm will
attend et their office in Towandsom Wednesday:nuts
dayand 'Friday the 11th. 12th, 12th. diva of Septem
ber next to make Exoneration from the Duplicates of
State. Co. cud Military naves for 1850 at which time
they ars respectfully requested to attend and lay their
:claims before the board.'
By order of the Commiladonem.
Towanda, July 17, IAISO. C. S. RUSSELL, Clk.
LACKSMITHS will find Anvils, Vices, Bellow',
Tongw, etc. at spl7 MERCURS!.
bbls. Flour, 1000 lbs. Smoked Hams &Fib-cul
t—, •ders, and 1-00 bushels or Rye & Corn forsale
at ml. FOX's
_ .
MIRA4IVE ._nAP, for re„moving tar, paints. Qils &r
warranted:, at - ill P'S.
CLICOES—A splendid assortment or those
cheap Cochen ar-1 Merrimac.); rrints. (colors
warranted.) can be roond'at a 25 K.& CO.
‘,/ ACKEREL by th e bbl., bbl. also
IYI some superior codfish, can be (Mind at
a 25 • K.& CO.
WIRE COVERS, Nice flower VIIMP, and every
thing else that ever appertained to my line of
business, on hand, and for sale very low for Cash. If
you don't believe it call and try • once, and if you do I
am sure you will be satisfied of your inter.l in mu
tilating to buy Of L. W. TIPFANr.
Towanda. July In. 1849.1
GOOD ASSORTMENT ORTMENT of B srul Anon; ems be
found at B. KINGSBERY & CO: