111 Vgratforb poxtor., Fiee Soh, Free Speech, Free Slept l'avoloso for Pros Territory. E. 0. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, September 7,1850. Ilemperatlle Male Alirashealltess. vol rasaL encongsurcrit. .WM. •r. MORISON, or Morrooxtre Co FMK Kin Ul , ll. GEXTILAL, J.! PORTER BRAWI.F.Y . or Caiwroav Co PQR •ruttot owookAt, EPHRAIM ...... or Mwri.of Co FOR, THE AMENDMENT To THE CONIrTITOTION asisfteratie Colo.. Pfeker. I DAVID WILMOT, rim =urns, GEORGE SANDERSON, or BRADFORD CO subject to the concurrence of the SenatoriaL Confeteece. lea 217 , ZEICIITATIV216 ADDISON MAEAN, HENRY GIBBS, .° vol 00111.111011031111 L, STURGES SQUIRES,- 1. • vol 11011/C1711:10 *Timmer. THOMAS SMEAD, ' or SPRINGFLELD 'on corsrr stlivnas, EDGAR G. NICHOLS,* • rot AVDtToll, WILLIAM H. OVF.HTON,.. Tema of tke Keporter. SO SO per annum ; dand withini tLcnyear b 0 cents trill be deducted, for cash paid actually in advance, 6l 00 will lie dediseted. Atovitarunremrs. per square of ten lineio..so cents for the first. and IA cents (or ?mob subsequent insertion. Office on the Union Bkoelc. - north ride of the'Pablie folquare • next door to the Bradford lintel. Entrance heowecto Messes. Adams` and Elwell's law °dices. Centremional Nomination. We refer our readers to the statementbf the Con gressionat Conferees from Bradford and Tioga, in regard to the nomination of a Representative in Congress, from this district. It will be seen that they have placed before the people, the -name of Hon. DAVID WILMOT, as their candidate, and give a full and fair account of their reasons for do. iog so. Of the regularitygand correctness of their proceedings there can be no question. They have assumed a position which will be sustained by the Democracy of this District, as the only course left open for then' to pursue, while representing' the wishes of their constituency, or having any regard for their principles. The'Democrary of this District are 'thus driven once more to do battle for their principles. The slavery-propaganda have arrayed themselves in hostile attitude to strike down those principles into the dust, and it becomeh every Freemal to gird himself up for the fight. The issue is a plain and direct one. Are the Democracy prepared to aban don all their professions—are they prepared to be branded as recreants—and support a man - who holds no principle in common with them: This is no question of men—it is a battle for principle.— Our candidate stands on the broad and cbinprehen. sive platform which has sustained the Democracy for years. We would have been content T nay, Were anxious for, any other sound man as a candi date, standing upon the same principle. This has beeil denied us. The battle is forced upon us.— There is no evading it—except in giving up our principle into the fiends of the Whites and Brews ten and lowreys of Tinga, and the bolters and die organizers of Bradford. The crisis demands of every man activity, vigilance and zeal. It is no time for hesitancy or doubt. Every man should inscribe his principles upon his front, and do-baffle for freedom, or join the slavery propagandists. The statement of the conferees shows conclusi re ly that the conferees from Tioga with whom they acted, were the legitimate and regular representa tives of the democracy of Tioga. Their utomina tion is the cmly regular one which could be made, and as such is binding upon every Democrat. It ,}rill receive the cordial support of all—exc ept- the bcr,us, bolting squad who supported Brewster in 1848. , To those let there be joined every loan in favor of the extension of slavery into Free Territo ry. Against this parti-colored band, composed of disorganizers, '42 tariff; Cameron men, Will be ar rayed the Democracy of Bradford, firm as the ever lasting hills in support of their cherished principles, and determined to uphold the man who is assailed for his steadfast adherence to those principles. We understand that the Conferees hom Susque hanna, united with the bogus conferees from Tioga, and placed in Domination Jaws LOUILXIr, of Tioga. The fears we expressed last week, that the 'leaders of Susquehanna were endeavoring to deceive the democracy of that County, hare proved too true.— Their Conferees have united with the Brewster men of Tioga in placing before them a candidate whose life and principles have been directly an 'agonistical to every feeling of the radical democra. cy of Susquehanna. ]ogles LOWERT, a Tariff of '42, White man—;an opponent i ol the Proviso, and a Brewster man, to be supported by the Democtiey of Susquehanna! It is insulting their intelligence and consistency to suppose such an absordity. We have a disposition to examine the pretensions of the man, whoa' , bolters and traitors ask the De mocracy to sapport. Passing over his ancient Federalism, be was in 1818, one of the active spats in placing Weirs the people Ronal G. Witrre, in opposition to Mr. Wilmot. Mr. White's opposition and nomination it is well known was based upon Mr. Wilmot's support of the mill of 1.846. On the 24th of September, 1846, a public meeting was held at Wellsboro, to denounce Mr Wilmot's 4arifl vote, and to second Mr. White's nomination; of which JAMES LOWREY was l ire President, and which, among otherseiqually *spiv*. sive, passed.the following resolutions:— "Resolved. That the course pursued in relation to the Tariftby our Democratic Senators the Hon. Simon Cameron and the Hon. Daniel Sturgeon and ell the Democratic members of Congress from Pennsylvania, except David Wihuot, meets our hearty appsobation. "Resolved, That we regard the fiction of this county who are supporting the Tariff of 1846, as traitors to the best interests of our 401111132ooreallb, and as enemies to-the great democratic party of the State." That principle was mistimed by the .party of the district, and'Mr. Wilmot elected, in spite oldie op position of Mr. Lowrey and the erpiad who have brought him forward now. ...or BIUDFORD Coutrry or Buauxordr, or oowsi.L .or Itivostarr ....or Romm ...or 'Araess in 1818,the . giviat question or Homan Freedom was the pnecipte at issue. The bolting disotgan sere of Tioga County begs ht *ward Mr. While*. their candidate. Sampiehaana refused to accept him, end Mr. Wilmcit Wa• nominated. The. most active and prominent in bringing Mr White for. ward, was James Lowrey, and findini; that Mr. White would not submit to be a candidate in oppo: anion to the regular nomination, a plan was con cocted in Mr Lowrey's office at Wellsboro, in con nection with Grime half dozen of their unprincipled leaders to bring' nut Jonah Brewster, an aged and respectable democrat—and'a messenger was des patched to the Tioga conferees to obtain their se qciesence in the fraud. -In. these disreputable transactions Mr. Lowrey was the chiel actor. In the contest against bfir. W ilmot be took an active and prominent part, ti,aversing the county and attending Brewster meetin4m, and making speeches against the regular nominee. The broad ground was then taken against the Proviso, and in favor of an.equality of rights for the South, to transport their property to our newly acquired territories. The principles of the party in ,this district-were opposed, the regular 'nomination bolted from as it had been 'in 1816, by the Fame lean, whom men*retending to Jbe democrats, have the audacity to pit forward as a Deititicratic candi date for the anppotl of a party distinguished fur its attachment to principle ! That the Susquehanna conferees would concur in the notnination'of a White and Brewster man, i.l an opponent to the tariff of 1846, and a toe to the Provi4o, was more than was expected by those who know theleelings of the people of that county. True, it was boasted by the Slavery extensionists, the convention had been managed in-inch a man ner that ifie . voice of the people was' disregarded and suppressed, and that their Conferees would as sent to any man from Tioga however obnoxious,— that influences from abroad 'had prostrated in that Convention the principle of the Proviso, but an abiding confidence in the integrity of the mimes, forbade thc'thought of such a dereliction from du y and principle on the-part Abbe Conferees. That they will accede to the pretended nomination of Mr. Lowrey, we do loot believe—the . principle which they have professed, will not so easily put aside, at the bidding of those whose motives are purely selfish and ambitious. T. the'Demeealeq Sr the Twelfth Cowrie- Maul Marti The undersigned, Congressional Conferees ap pointed by the Democratic convention of Bradford 'county held at Towanda on the 3d instant, deem it proper to lay before the pOblic a full statement of the facts touching their action, and the manner in which they have discharged the duty assigned them. The day following our appointment we met the two conferees from Susquehanna county, and or ganized by choosing. Stephen Pierce President, and C. M. Gere Secretary. Two sets of conferees ap peared from Tioga County, claiming the right to seats in the conference ; George Knox and .1. F. Donaldson claiming under one pretended organize,- lion, and A. P. Cone and C. C. Green under . anoth er. The contestants were fully beard; and clear ly appeared from the smements made p and facts ad duced, that, by the usages of the democratic par ty of Tioga, a county mass meeting had been held in May of each year, at which was aroarolly appoin ted the central county committee. fThe.central committee thus appointed, lever heretofore, pre tended to exercise any functions but for the single year foreCbich they were chosen. Their office as the central county committee, expired with the year for which thevere appointed. The May meeting held in 1849, appointed accontingto usage,a central committee composed of .nine persons. In May, 1850, no meeting was held,and of comae nu central committee was appointed for the present year.-. Thus the very basis of organization was lost, by the -neglect of the party 10 bold the usual animal meeting in May last. No one democrat of Tioga, had any better right than - 4,30(6er, to usurp the au thority to act for, or on behalf of the democratic party of that county. Their organization was com pletely defunct, and it belonged to the whole body of the party—to each and all of its members to move in the work of reoianization. In this con • dition of affairs, two members of the old committee, appointed for 1849, usurped the prerogative, to ap point committees of vigilanct; for the several town ships, and to call a county convention of the party. This they clearly had nri more rightful authority to do, than any other two democrats of the county of Tioga.. It was wholly without warrant, or the sem blance of rightful authority. It was under this ir regular and unauthorized call, thus made by tiro members of an expired committee, and the assem blage calling itself a convention, which met under it,.that Messrs Knox and Donaldson, claimed the right to seats in. the conference. Six members of the okl central committee ap-.I pointed for the year 1849,actinappon the ground that their functions had ceased, and that the whole body of the party alone had the right to set in the work of its re-organization, put forth a call. addressed 'to the democratic voters of the county, asking them to assemble in mass convention, and to reconstruct and re-establish that organization which has been suffered to be dissolved by neglect. This call was endorsed and approved by a large number of the democratic citizens in various parts of the county. Publication of it was made through the press, and by publics notices distributed over the county. le pursuance of this call thus publicly made by six of the eine gentlemen composing the central commit. tee for the year 111149, the densecreey of Tipp met in general masa convention at Tuna vdtaige, and appointed a esetitral °suety committee be the year, and abided Messrs Cone and Green Cower sional conferees with instructions . to support the nomination of David Wilmot as a candidate lot Congress. • under this state of facts—hots not disputed, the ondensignedl could not for a moment doubt as to the right 01 Messrs. Cenci and Green to seats in the conference, as the ally regular or rightful represen tatives of the democratic party of Tioga County,— Much to our regret, the conferees of Susquehanna, took rE different visw, r of their duty, anJ curtained the pretensions of Messrs. Knox and Donaldson. A motion was made by Mr. 13rowriof Susquehanna to admit into conference Messrs Knox and Donald son,, which was lost by ,a tie vote, the Susquehanna Conferees voting for the motion, audthe under signed against it. Thus it became imp&sible to organize a full conference. We are unable to see upon _what principle the Susqbehanna conferees could resist the admission of Mesas. Cone and Green. If they claim authority for the old com mittals appointed for the year 1818, theta must cer- Minty they should mogul= the of that committee, and not the ads than mserlourth of its members. U ever is for tide committee f the whole num' was composed, ;inked in giving I tion to the mg& &short under Green claimed their seats in the ing unable to agree tqicm the adm ferees front Tioga, the midersiwr by the conferees from Susqueha they bad come to the determine and act with the unauthorized an. tees from Tinge, Messrs Knox thus inumming to settle without oil! ence, the question of the contested Under such circumstances, we nod left, and recognizing the confereei golly and rightfully ippointed, un the nomination of Duero Wt of the democratic party of this di Every Minn consistent with se maintainence of principle, that made by ,uszto bring about a tine. We were rmanintoesly in , the re-nomination of Hos. DAVI well understood his personal • to being again made a candid the gentlemen from Sump . them that we had received f letter to that elect. He in cote ed, with the great mass of the trier had no other desire than plea upon which we hed mood should be consistently andhon Looking to principle alone, kn. Mr. Wruscri himself, and rely* tism of the party Of Bradford to the responsibility to go back of informed the eanferees from would willing ind chee4tolly the nomination of any dem. past course and presenfpositi. confidence and support of the Upon being reqnested to n from Toga in whose nominati we promptly, nave the names C: C. Green Esq. and Josiah there went many others wb comae entitled them to equal named. The ennfinees from ed to unite with us in the no . the above named gentlemen. gaged in these efforts to bri and united action, the conb informed us the rthey would n Guernsey Esq. of Tinge.. TEL ful assent, only asking that r passed clearly setting forth the upon which he was nominate( conferees from Susquehanna t news to tuna such tesolicions, Might be, and reque•ted of tie lotions and submit them to th were encouraged al this time at length principle would be mony prevail. • We framed gave them to the conferees f after sleeping upon them, next morning that they won man on the basis and principle Here then was made a direct principle—principle sacred wi , the democracy of this; Conn ty ,a ion, they will never comprain had feared from the first, that rence of pnnciple between tivea of Susquehanna,, ahhoug claimed to stand on the same We were willing to compro principle. We were willing mot; the unanimous choice pressed through the convent willing to surrender one jot of upon 'Which Mr. Wit.sicrr man. The resolutions upo Zing to nominate Mr. Gae which we have made th Wilmot, the only change be the name •ol David Wilmo' Guernsey.' The refusal to accept Mr. sis of these resolutions, el.. possibility of arrangement, in that direction was made whole controversy was na and naked point of principle agree on men—we did _ . sey, but we could not _ • upon which he shotild,stand democracy of this dish ict. us the issue of prin ciple is presented, naked I unembarrassed with questioos of minor impo e, or with controver- sies about men. The dem . racy of this Congres sional District have the IV - tendered, arid they will say by their votes whet er they adhere to the ground upon which they ba e hauled PO gallantly for years, or whether it is to ;. - abandoned, and all for which they have cant dad surrendered op without a struzgle. ' We ha a presented again the name of the Hon. David limos as the regular and rightful candidate of the i.moeirstiii party of this District. In this we feel t at we require of him the sacrifice of personal el - and interest, but we also feel that we have a t to demand this sae rifice at his him* In this great conflict for princi ple, he is the roper and I . himate standard bearer He. has so-far borne it in nroph, and relyingopon 'God and the People, we h se an abiding faith that it williet now be struck MIEN PIERCE. LAPORTE. letee• hoes Bradford. Ace veneer in the taus of all the farts abcrre:stated, falling 'with our knowledge ; ark! specially those connecie with the organization of the democratic party of Tillage County. A. P. CONE. C. C. GREEN. Fonferees from Ticrja..• Sept. 5, 1850. f^s.. The following is the ptt, mittee for the Mass Con Messrs. Green and o Co) were the names of some , abte and prominent.de Demecnatle The undersigned m Standing Committee of - 1849, having taken no pa city of said committee, in the present-year; and boil mate and valid organ" • pommy, must emanate fro assembled in Mass : do said patty, respectfully - • critic electors of rings; ventlon at Tioga Villap • , -04 e, Or a myonty of two only, less y Power what. I -fixer its - ' of which it - y and sane bieh Cone and lever,. Be. ion of the con- . , , Oepsember next, at one echielc. P. III; far the - per► pose of adopting such measuresasmtiglit be thought proper is relation to the approaching October elec tion. SZ. H. POTTER, r CALVIN a ,awm, • WM:IL RIPLEY.: N. COOL L. MILLER. JOHN J. ROBERTB. Wellsboro'. August 27.1850. were informed na County, that to recognize irregular conics .d Donaldson ; voice VICINICIIIN seats from Tugs k the only coarse from Tioga le. ned with them in as the candidate Itrict for Congress. 1 respect, and the mld barnacle, was mations n. mina codedmed to support Ws war, bet we [ ingot to be adverse 'We so stated to a, and infonned Mt Mr. %Islam a mon, as wit belies. people of ;this (ha at the great princi ed tattled for years, mtly 'maintained.— wing the wishes of upon the patrio. sustain us, we took r instructions, and .oehanna that we [ nits With theon in t hoe Timm, whpee entitled him to the rty of this Distict. te any gentlemen we would concur. tf A. P, Cone F.sq., kmery Esq., stating firm and consistent confidence with those incinebanna declin lination of either of While earnestly eu lig about harmonious from Sosemehanna 'l ste upon John W• we gave a cheer tions shook' be princ ip intet. basis I. We understood the express a willing lowever itmog d ey in draw up the it inspect nn . We with the hope that' , . indicated, anti her Ithe resolutions and Susqueltanna,who rumored to us the Mcactia, Esq. presstritellowing moni tions, which were ituargmon.sly adoptes Resolved; That our Congressional Conferees be instructed to use all honorable exertions to secii the nomination of David Wilmot as Representative 12 this Congressional district ; and also Resolved, That they be instructed to support no pan as such Represebtative who is not a sound and adical:democrat.' And one who is not only avos'ed hr opposed to the extension of Slavery into Free Territory : hut his opinions upon that questions must be well known : and unequivocally expressed, and his past course of action must have been such as to afford a sure guaranty that we can safely rejy upon his integrity and firmness. r not nominate any of the remit:6one nil naked iseue ppm •th the great body of which in our °pin sier or abandon. We therd pelf:led a. diQe is and the representa+ up to this time, they ground as ooreelvee. Ise everything but surrender Mr. Wil kif our party as ex 'nn, but we were not tittle of the principles ad stood as a public i which we were wh itey, are those upon nomination of Mr. lig, the substitution of for that ofJohn W. :nemsey opcni the ha !l the door against any il no further attempt 1 1 'y either side. The ',wed down to • clear we could, it seemed, upon John W .Guem • upon the principles the can %late of the I of the Standing Corn ention which appointed . Attached to the call, mired of the moat tell of that county: Ceriveaties. rs ef the Democratiqp 'oga county for the year in the action of a minis !ling a Convention for ing that the only kgiti of the party in this the voters of said party Woos, as members of assaend that the demo ty meet in Mass Con a Monday, the Rd day of DEMOCRATIC CO. CONVENTION. 111 .4. _ A. .... ,/ A Convention of , Halogen% t ot th•digesentaisc- Aion districts of Bradford county, was held at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on i nesday evening, Sept. 3, 1850. STEPHEN PIERCE of Troy, being called to the hair, Luca FL W EMI of Ridgbery, and Wm. IL 'Annette of Canton were elected Secretaries.— following named delegates then appeared and ..k their seats; 6is4— lbany-8. Wilcox, James Wilma; nnenia r —[Not represented]; syltim—B. P. Ingham. J. H. Morrow; ' thens boro.—Guy Tozer, J. E., Caefieldi tp.—David Gardner, N. Edmituaer ; • orlington—Hiram Gee, R. R. Phelps; Canton—W. H. Vandyke,'E. Pratt; ' , Colambia—Volney Furman. Peleg Peck ; • rell=ll. Laporte, J. M. Bishop ; ranklin—Stewart Smiley, N. 1.. Dodge; ranville—B. A. Bailey, D. B. Roo ; errick—W in. Durand, Charles Sill ; Roy—J. Hunt, A.G. Pickard; itelifield—C. Merrill, R. Merrill; onroe—G. H. Bull, Geo. Smith ; rwell—E. M. Farrar. Jarvis Dilutes ; ike—Eclivin Taylor. lihelden Payne ; Ridgberry—Jas. B. Webb. Geo. Cooper Rrame—P. E. Maynard. Simeon Rockwelt7 Sheshednin--Charles Chaffee. Somers Kinney; Smithfield—M. P. Ransom, C. B. Reggs ; South Creek—B. Quick, D. Bardsrell ; , Hpriaglield-11. spear, T. Wilder; 14priaghill—J. J. Green, H. Shorn way ; etanding Stone—A. Ennis, W. R. store; Towanda boro.—U. Mereur, J. Bridletnan ; tp,.--N. L. Odeon. James Nestor; Troy boro.-41. Pierce. A. B. More tp.—A. D. Spalding. L. B. Morse ; Ulster—Geo. W. Russell. John Bowman ; Warren—James M. Bowen, S. B. Chaffee, Wells—Jimes Calkins, R. Spencer ; Windham—A. Donhans.Jr., J. A. Anthony; Wyalusina-8. W. Bilen. J. R. Smith ; Wysoz—lL J. Madill. Corns Prink ; Wilmot—J. Corson, K. Como ; The seals of the delegate* from Towanda borough beirit contested by John F. Means and William Elwell the matter was taken up. and on motion the gentlemattlwesenting credentials admitted to the Convention. The seats of the delegates from Ulster township being also contested, on motion Messrs. Russell arritikarman were Omitted. On motion ( the convention proceeded to elect CongressicmaltMtlerees, when B. LAPORTE and STEPHEN PIERCE ;Puce unanimously-elected, The convention froreeded to the telection of a candidate fur Senator:— Mr. Mercer nominated GEORGE SA RD4I.RON Mr. Bull it G F. NlA.Oftl. Go) SsmucasoN was nominated upon the firm ballot, as foltuwa Messrs. B. IVilcox, Tozer, Canfield, Etlniitister, Gardner, Phelps, Gee, Pratt. Peek, Furman. Russ, Pickard, R. Merrill, Taylor, Payne. Cooper,. Webb, Maynant. Ransom, Quick, Bard we 11, Green, Shorn way, Wilder, Ennis, Storrs, !demur, Bridleman, More, Spalding. More, Spencer, Dunliatn,Anthony, Biles, It Smith and Frir.k-37, voted for GEO. SA N D ERSON • Mfmtsrs .1. Wilcox, Tris.rham, Morrow, Laporte, Bishop, Smiley, Dodge, Vandyke. Bailey, Durand, R t Sill, hunt , C Merrill, 11. G. Smith, Farrar, Bet ties, Rockwell, Charle Cha ff ee, Kinney, Rigg,, Spencer', Scott, Nestor,- terse, Rumell. Bowman, S. H. Chaffee. Calkins, .1. Corson. M. Corson. and Madtll-33, voted for G. F. MASON. . . On motion E. 0. Goomuen, lona &Lewin, B. :LAPORTE, L. W. TirrAmv, T. J. Dictum and A. S. Smrrn, were appointed Conferees to meet Confe rees from Susquehanna and Wyoming, for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for Senator. The following fesolution was adopted on a call of the yeas and naya, by a vote of 57 'yeas, to 11 nays:— Resolved, That the position adopted by the Demo cratic meeting of Nay last, appointing Senatorial Conferees, is just and equitable, and the action of said Conferees, meets our approbation. On motion, the conferees were authorized to substitute in case of their inability to attend. The Convention then proceeded to the nomina tion of Candidates for Representative. The names of Addison McKean, Henry Gibbs, Wm E. Barton, Julius Russell, Simon Stevens and James M. Read, being placed before the Convention, the following ballotinps were had : Addison Kean Wen. E. Barton.. 4 . . '• • • Henry Gibbs.. Julien itnimel. " James M. Real " Simon Stove= " The clerks not agreeing in the tally, upon the second ballot, the vote was retaken, as follows : Henry Gibbs hat 61 votes, Simon Stevens 7 votes —the names of James M. Read, Julius Rasselland 1111n..,K Barton being withdrawn. ADDISON hrEF.AN and HENRY GlBBS,hav mg received a majority of all the votes given, were declared duly nominated. The Convention then proceeded to_ nominate a candidate for Comm issioner, and the names of Stur ges Squires, John Porter, ,James M. tdsall, D. B. Cotton, H. M'Clelland and Allred Gore, were plac ed before the Convention, which proceeded to bat lot, u follows ,: Ist balk*. Id ballot_ IttariresiSquites had. 31 42 votes. John Porter " ........19 .19 " D. B. Cotton *. . 9 withdrawn. Alfred Gore.... ...... 8 James U. Edsall " 2 H. liit'CleUatid, STURGES SQUIRES, upon the second ballot, having a msjonty of all the votes given, was de clared duly nominated.. The Convention then proceeded to nominate a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney—Tho's.Smead, Francis Smith and J. Canfield being named to ifia toniintioiripoifla *oleo; As MEAD was nominated, he having 42 votes, Fran cis finiitli 21 voles, J, $. Canfield 3 votes. .=For County. Sorvsiori Edgar G. Niebols,georgit Siiiivenviand 3. W. Vandyke, was balkitleOr tN tolkiivs la ballot. IM biffot. &gar 0 ittiettole..sahad 26 30' , ..votei. George.ihvens " . 28 . 23 N J. W. Vandyke.. - 11 withdrawn. EDGAR G. NICHOLS having a m tiority of an the voter, upon the second • ballot, was declared duly nominated. The Convention, proceeded tp nominate a candi date for Auditor, thP names of W. H. Overton, Jo. aeph Matiardi, hi: H. F. Hinds, Wm. A. Benedict, and Jonin_ Kelly, being plar..e,d before the Cowen_ lion—as follows • tin ham se banns Wm. H.Overton.l....liad 25 ' 37 votes. J. Menardi. " • .1 'l3 16 " M q 'D. F. Hines " ' 7 5 " John Kelly.. , " 6 withdniwn. Wm. A. Benedict.... a 4 a W. H:OVERTON having rreived a majority of all the votes was declared nominated. On motion, the President appointed the follow ing gentlemen as a Skidding Committed for Brad ford County for the ensuing year:—Joseph It. Smithy Junes H.-Webb, Nathan Eihninster, P. E. May. nard, W. H. Vandyke, H. Lawrence Scott, Joseph Mewed', John H. Black, E. C. Oliver. , • The following resolutirms, offered by U. Manor were unanimously adopted Resolved, That William T. Morrison, Ephraim Banks and. J. Pi Brawky the nominees of the Demo emtic Bute Convention, 'merit the confidence of the party, and eminently deserve the support of the Democratic party of this County. Resolved, That the democracy of Bradford Coun ty is competent to vindicate its principles-against the assaults and machinations of profligate:and cor rupt politicians, both at home and abroad, and ifoc cation demand. - lion before the Resolved, Thi nue Laws of thi the policy of the of justice and eqi Country; and • croakers who so disaster" es the Resolved, Tim trpon the North utmost pleasure That we regard and trust the Hi of the boric: tains, and an out ral treasures. Resolved, Thal steporter ly reflects the views and feelings of the Democracy of Bradford county, and is entitled to their confidence and support. Resolved. That the proceedings of this Conven tion be published in the "Bradford Reporter "' and the democratic paper, of Susquehanna and Wyo ming counties. On motion the Convention then adjourned. The proceedings al the Democratic County Con venti•m of Tuesday night.last, will be found in an other column., The action of that body was char acterized with great unamnity, and the spirit mani fested truly cheering No doubt Cliff he entertained that the Democracy of Bradford are sound and radi ';l4---that they maintain /With firmness and conbis ert cherished principles, and will . nerr the machinations and schemes of