FM 7011.72 a TOW AND,A: cialurbaD SllorniuD, 'Anna 31, 117:40. (correrooodenco of lbs Bradford Baronet.) . Vi LLACE MOVE, Anglia! 20:1i,I85O • Mr. ,Eviroa:—Where is Diddle-dale I and who. Juliet are questions which are often asked, but tyltath I believe have never, as yet been Entislac `, answered. Be" 301161." who she may, Mary.L., Etmly 8., or Li 7- I liieher. and shall in future, to more gladly hail the appearance of the Re :.n.lftc.," in concequenee of the corv'esponclence Id I. fou nd in its columns; ,than have - heretofore ;Jae. although I have ever been, since its first ,r.a,lication, the moot attentive of readers, of pwie- But ervity my curiosity. Dear • Sir, as , tnealton of Diddle-dale, for of all curious girls, pattaio• tligmost largely ofAhat trait which caused ir common mother " to fall l from her high estate." ct me see. T,here are many places within the er Of my acoomintance " with green meadows by wouds—with yellow harvest fields 1)1 bioolnue; gardens," but none of them Diddle- Where is I) idd le-dal e • Noar '711" ilnrile,flows the beautiful Surnmehanna. .c:i I molder along its couetbanlits o 'and while -;1/0,2 mut its depths, reflect upon ooeurreitee,, to waters hare' borne witness. lint to my ;! rea:ros no answers. It speaks not of •.. when along its tanks on either ..11 t wa-rlo be seen, eavo the mighty, mon o. f• , -eat. NVloni to , he rnoecasined foci of sward re'nrlted noeviinwlirli • . ) k.n. save by tile. ~ , ,t ros of _ . 11): l,,ht va . )e svv):t- ol 11s prolres.4, : av e a je.a -,t;,-. 171 nr hare. bren, hip . e he irmhle h) , c•I and inent: Than arty they haw,. NV% Or7;1112 bac been a- 1'.41 - t! I:ie ar!ile!vrroenti of 1, , v; tl.ty.s.i;lce I iipm, - 1 • river: a:•ii tira like an -: hold at The hanks were Woalkt . .l S. I= , . tr..! it seethed' till hid AS the rtleatn l efore the ram ,•211-n pl:tri laq .a 1.011!LIJPI l d. 7 pert;:i:s c:.% v, •j 1 v. p ' ,o3-ittit of 1113 i(•1 Y. 41 11(.1 Chit: we are ca;ieti I I - irnr, to eywn , i4e nor rrat ruling facul. (to it hc".ter than tw tefl , et eveut,,l A {:hougli it ha Ueen I. •.),lie has no riahl to reflect,'' 1 lorf • 1 ,-,1 ire; and • atolk with the t' ME )1;e pi:e , ••.• ,• lull rune /cri ar. I girtv.are cre..a e (19 Ilink i k--ut,tl w.ill iii:u:up I now, I may Aral my narno %yr., tlin.e Ju net," ," Romeo,'' " 'crabs's," Am;!.l lab" and " .Nloses : 4 41un:les," ass re4ular to your valuable paper. At any rate . :!:;:•k. It Is for vu,, to decide. ;'.':L, 1 ILN T— 11 ICII DIe•CONCERTEDf 011E.1 . T —.Many anecdotes have been told Leaning .re ::s h•trd epee the late John Randolph, 'some •0. d 1 arnnotis, others not. Among them is the 111111 CM iL/ ec.l3toll, lit - Len, the subject of roakifig apiiippouths ior the public buildings a-as under ' - uni.lo: - .tiirris in C o ngress, Mr. Randolph rose as -' ,,11 F, , "he in Up2r.nitiOn to it—appropriations had atkCil -and *grawed--:atid still Qte . .‘ent up with a stealthy pace , tie wanted sPe g o , r o d of it, and for this purpose be moved . • t^r o.r...tibi , rt to die commitie on unfinished A rioikmati in the gallery close by, it :h.' opros.ition Mr. Sr. hatl'tlhovfn to what Fripport, and unable to bear an't in a voice somewhat like It'a, ,re, Mr. S t u-ever, that At gcalf rilen be ta.fd I_/ the sap° committee." Thia serrre re• • the ill-formed and badly made orator '"‘ 1 v p seithe whole House in a roar, and .:-.‘•arms was immediately despatched dr - e.t the offender, but he de appeased aud i cuuld no . le 10:.ud.' T!tr. M . Acir or Ktmaszsts.—Who wilfd r eny.there "a m 34- in kin,dness, a magic by . which ever '4'ief may Le dispelled, and every tear be bruslie3 "4y--n 1 thy a heart.satl and sorrowing has been '173.1.r lulit by a single icinci drord or deed, and " r ar'Y a i , er , oti has been by its gentle itilinender frm'sbame and "misery. Yee'. it has id- I of virtue iu the .bosom or many .n v'•ere 1 sinking to ruin anit degradation.— T:!n‘r ff`f,h4 have taken root rind flonrislied making hapvy and honorable those 'who '44%..):,1 0 the r *am livre Licea on!raist of ininead of a harsh word has ted•the t'a , k to the path M virtue, and shown him there bright 'to he -attained by following (Aimee. Then who would refuse `4 kind , ir a gentle word ; it costs nothing, and bay be nt great price to the children of sorrow and tutus . ETECTORS ie GREAT lIRTTA IS —A Parliamentary r has !wet) Printed f•hows the iitllTl • Tr of parliamentary electors iu Great Britain and Ire'%nd. amordirte to the registrar - la of 1848 and V , and 1849 and 1850. In ISl$-49 the total Cras 1,041,203, whilst in 1849-50 the gum ber %%Its 1 : 050,187, in the United Kingdom, In °whet present registration, the number of '`" 839,7G7, and in Wales 48,Cr19;in Scotland, 12 ` ) :; making the total of Greet Britain, 978,121, azr~M 1 re1and,.72,066; making the • total in noun ernes, and boroughs, ,1,057Ccib7. cilser 'we follow icat*e thdiongerAliallive tsuliet• 4c late the sooner die. ri .7...-:. ~......ra.,,. 11. -tr . cf,t - ~L F ,t4.: .N.. c.'; k , ,. ~,, ,-. 1 e,114„ mi ilowv La.,42 441 ' 4 33 1 r344'3. 3;14.: 36 - : ii. wQ A •'.-ractz-.41 - , • , . lIV-....:4 . . 3 • ;. 31 ''' r '°. • . - 1' , - - :ram-. $l.:. "..,,,. v • , .r. ',-.- 4 3. - - ?: , 4 3, " ^', .. s. . . . i . . lie- piqued conte:o7. HIM ENNA Dir AL P,UBLIKFIED EVERY'-SATURDAY, AT-TOWAIO THIVEDLER AND HIS POG. ~Am AtitORIOGRA.PUL BY J. It RODXNSON . Some years ago 1 travelled a:troughs. portion of Michigan. I minion foot, or rode, as belt suited my purpose. • 1 carried rich silks and jeurelryoo sell those disposed to 'by._ My only. companion during my journeying, wasp largo dog of theirow. foondlanrl breed. Lion wan fit to be kerg, of all Wm - species. • He waif good natured and tinier,, and there was something' alirto:st human In his'eye.-- He attended : lo i ts own bubine4, and neier quar relled like curs of " low degree." He would bear an insult from vro`rthless puppies, with a philosol ph:T, worthy of emulation. And I never knew him,r ease op.a few occasions; resent undue liberties of puppies of - larger growth. When his bile, howev er, was thoroughly aroused, he made such °fiend era a terrible "evil doers." When 1 travelled, he trotted along by my side. and when 1 stopped tai trade, herereateri. near tn 6, and watched Or my movements %nth a very geave an,l.businetts-like expreion. It an- noyeil bun a little sometimes, to see my cus'omers drat,' the goods from my pack, and handle theta with such freedom, whit feeling he expressed. by a IC)vr growl, while he follod•ecl et - ei'y piece kith hi 6 eyes, to we that they wpe not appcoiniated . without proper ttpmpensation, and with - nly. full con.en t Era r;:ariy took a strong (I:,lite Ikt those who were daii.tosed to find limit with ever:.ilting, and toy pri- CaB in pariettlar., I believe he I,new every article I earned ; and the valve I attached to Ile this as it may, IT' f'd 1 . 1 , 11 ed T tv.l4. aNd lit- tail when I made' a gotni nada. rit, wac exectient watch-dog. and there «'A% 11 krPr. 0; art) thine. conlijed to Inci care, being ta• kwl as ay. 1 loinadfilm very useful arid in my tritvels_,. Con‘rryane,.. acre io scarce 3ntljun-ertain, t! at 1 wa , nQ,•n 0tdr4«.11 . 10 f,,nl flan" nne meet in anirlwr. Sr.metimes trt re agr% i:l4 lbecr;tri;'ry uar al,d rev% t!,114: los %%mt. fregnenly the-e itoti Mole M ern r11;111V. nn 1101110, to rit-n tarried would he :sad...tent twat : ctx.o to c.•mtilit a toti:iler. 'idea fre il.lo;,;ly I , l•li•fi , r to toe thitnP i th the %%11.1 woods of the West. But old Linn teas Itr my !e, ready i; - ) die in .my defence, and proud. to -I..tie my wao.h•rot:.ts. I ;ilways went not...a, crt oNeell , r.t brace of pistols—steel barrelled and loin'. rd with ball—were never from m:r polite!. save looit enough to 're that they were in Or.'er, 'and at w . ,, , t) i. i beneath my pilltr.r. I felt quite :}10 4 (2. ;HMI LIWI, wit, o a, cow ;..r, r ii I.ltny nititts ac well as (lays. lie al whys Ink! him t. 4 0.1 :own between my bt...1 and the ifitor. With Ilia !Ace towards the la.ter. No one could C 1441" With- , otA :o,trac!hrz the attention 4.1 Lion. • One day, in the summer of found myself iti a s mall German settlement on the border of a small lake, anxious to get forward to lhe next. was about eight miles -distant. No convey ance could be obtained without waiting till the nest day, which i was not inclined to do, so I set out• on 1 - 00 t; was near night, and I walked forward briskly. I was obt long in my pa pedition would be by no means an - ttgrreable , one. The road, if road - it conk! 1w -called, was very bad, and pawed through thelnost toms, in !hat part ef -thu country: The night, too, crept, ou apace, and promised ;o be darker than common.— But - I.:turbaned along by my side; I wa a ftmart walker, nod was confitlent I was getting over the ground last, so I didn't mind it The darkness was upon me before I was aware of it. It seemed to me that IMO elreMly eiglit miles, but I eouldsee no sigris ii seat:me - tit : This surprised, me a little, !or I eras used to travel ing, and knew well my ability to calculi:kr Asian nes. „Brit I kezt up a good heart, and went v on, up -41 t wa; quite ceriain I had tiii,iaLen the way, or been. misinformed. in regard to the-distance. I concluder, rt wonld he best to keep the rout that I was in until! reached some habitation, In a . short time , i was g ladi had Made this reo lotion, (or I Saw a light glimmering from a cabin:. I approached it as sorm as pns.sible. It had the ap-' pearance-of being very coinfortable within. It was rather aLeve the mcsibum size. I thonght I 'might be accommodated there very well. I.knocked for admix-init. The diem was opered by a man: • Now I. am not a persbn to believ'e in pteseriti , meats, misgivings, and all tttat sort of thing, bat I cerfairrly saw something in that man's countenance that I did tint like, the moment I set my eyeieupdn him. him,' a gru ff ;race he asked my basicesi. I told him,' beliefed I had hist my way, and waii under the necis-iity of asking aceornmodations..— After hesitating a tnoment, he asked me • to enter. Ala female was j seated in the.eomer, near n large rock fireplace. She seemed biisy watching a pielof great.thel was b e aril Oval the fi re. - It strack me drat fled bev seen a more apathetic: • looking Countenance than heti. the hardly notic ed my entry.. She might, be forty years old. fief face was remarkably long, andwrinklel to a degree to excite cariosity. tier nose was sharp and skin. v as was. indeed her whole fare. Mc heal :.-ear wis wholly i e;ei mil from beneath it grey hairs we:ie-risible. Her entire die,s was (plaint, and unlike-anything I had seen. I enelil hardly keep my cies of her. She, as . well as. the man, glanced at my pack as I laid it down. The latter %vita a coa'pos looking perten,.'Whose 'countenance appeared more indicative 61opacity than villainy. To my twestion he replied . vcry r b it feted, and he had got a view of person. I teamed from 'him what ,T had scispected for - the last half hour—that ['hid taken the, wrong road. •0 A kind , of telegraphing timk-plitee betweonjhe 'two; after which I wasiriformea that I eonki otetar." .This did - rint appear io . tike a 'very great favor sinie I had a chance to übscivc my host and hostess. =MEMM The meat uponcoals was eel upon dr at length. I was in*ited to panakerof it, ~., did with my host, Who hail Weil - aNcitnt, I turned a low to mutes heroin). ay: arrival. i my repast ; Lion took his-station by ~my e . I eeivirtg a'portitin tog he - always did.- " .• : c , ,Villien I • bad ,fiiiisho. 4 1 r 1 rosy, a s ty , allnil board, and-ink ing.a.papec. from my pocket, . dedip be-busfreadirexp .- ' - • 1- i . 1 glanced, ttpi4i t ipti f e"l.f,,rro:krtnrurd! . .m.l" arn.Lvias startledt4aee the 44 1 1ir.9 1 Pi? %ii (as welkin the .nma).'wearing.. on laptdly. eyes getrysihnittd,'indi irlattio . ii With his, my paek Wiener, and elleiref. The; _ALaii. the dog , with evident signs of-dissatisfaction. Presently I'noildeil over my pricier, lino ing person. - Instantly the ntatutr of the s t;til sons grew alarming. They, whispered to other, and made signs, sonic) of which I couli understand. finally the tall hag lifted my • and weighed it .rtidi her hand—as able. Her eyes flashed Up, a serpetirs, lor tained a large gnari:4 of specie, beside • vat j , !welrx and cosily pi!kA. I always made a tice of pujtiftirrty sitvv? i liiiiiityln a ti 4 bat positing it in. a corner of said -pack; but my were placed in a belt which I wore Mixt my After she bad done this, she moticmeti for hi conle and lift it, which te did; with apiarent Much eatishAon as his other.half hail exper ed. • 1 Ile Ulan opened the door softly, a . M.I the dug to go out. Though I have •no doub Lion undeismod pantomime ai %vein's any A he did not otter to stir; out lay at my, leet as etly as ever. At last the old hag impa and ..h , mk 111,• imtter at him. Lim sll“%%ed taws a 1% iota teeth, and u.t...eredu •,,I,inaL pamornime ceased IH an instant. The dOo cl and the ok , r vraqi returned to its plat.. slits 1 T; ej c*...•re timik•lt to ob , eryt.,l .• Afi dog 4 .: said the malt, thinkina it p lb* I might hear the remark. " l re.kon he %1 toot n'•;—he as thnnh he did." A ihmse followed t ria remark. lie tliou! might outer him out, but I dia no ',twit thing. "Nice 'l°4," the wnman atter n mn •' nu•e att.l then Ole ofl,recl him a pi mtiut, anti ii..ttA,l:tal to fond: him. Lint' her erpeelatinmi. Linn utterly refuNeri the moat pat nn clot to by a.:,,siii id a Very testy friatilir , This was : , Oott'thitt:',! !ktf2il:4o for him. I n' Lto•v; tottt to refu-e meat hef're. whet' it teat le.rd Ii rn. !lad Lion shared my Ki-picinli l his in tints !might him that .the hand outstreti was nut a friendly one? I Ity act of Itostiiity on the pail of myi the long appeared not a tittle disconcerted. shi t•ettleJ aniio,:t 1.01'1,1;1 the . chair, ItrlO Ahuok sk;:c y fi-t al hint ; but lia• P 1.41 not Cr,rideseeit expess aliy Ottetv , itte, at that rather decided .ciier4ette espre-sion of her feelings. I ttoW dqviv.:,ht it time 'th wake Up, thrrth I with a pretm,Mary yawn or two. The flame , thy came txark•nttrl sat upon the featuri.:s of my tertaitters. I Made them Vlndt4standttiat t wi,. to retire. There was, but two compartmeyns iss cabin ; and they both left the one I was ill tom. ' , Mite arrangernentsin the other lor'firy'necorrit ( dation. They were absent some iime, ntitl I a quite sore I heard Ahern more the Elea to - enoti part of the room. They come out at reititi, art was. told that my becl Was retaly. They Watet:ed my movements with ern:stile ' hie interest when I annieTo retire. I started at f Without MY pCbt on "pnrpose. The laces of t worthy pair lighto tip; T rl , itumcd antl`took - lt; they re!! ins m patent. This was iml.a!F; I pal eit in ftfst, atnl the woman atterpteit to shut Aar hpcnr Libra .: but the fatter planing forth I shrug h, ipraiio after me hi an ihkant, almosl r soul:4 the Itn:i,itt the opera4on. in amnia iiiJ rir to troul like fa stay by.,tl ilia," aha said, by way ~ r apbl64y. "Call the var'inhit out- I min; likely iha genii rtinu Watin• to sleOffiri the ioorn With the beau t " added mine hoSi in a WIT that expressed a gruel • . of auxietyfor rimy " 1 prefer, to have him with urei c ' re~ttleit. , ' Ile won't eat the xyparter of.meat.zu thert.,w Itt r t • WI, no," I anvrere4l. "You are quite right--t woi:t eat t t. Ile never takes anything that. Is EMI 1 Sayjng this, ; tirisheti thstm..goof.i,frig4 . 4r, 4) , 5i .. - ! that"she rim* I;M n litilcl . fe . ritattee; anti) rinihrii , .ed the/door. • - •..- ,• ~. .. .... ~ , , ... bintwi lier" it'atits'}ini ((MI kink a , nor4.l' whici; she - They had providea me arith4fil dimi'llifiorr , had provided for another tifte--preri;;Aßit le (174 my . die and the first thing I did mimic,. examine ever - . ta2dy,.qtras info tim,wneile, 1 .. • ~ , ~,_ tiring . in the room.; . t trap plofiY," . o.l l 111161 . t - Thpirext ihrog,,elas to, aitend . to Ole :psi at,i4 tiolk. up.. %'.moe kit la of vegetables ,ocoOPieji &he 1 The istry.r-le batween,theni are suit goin4 cur rut eat convert, nremtg which. were-pumpirinsi , pot • l'imfrirmer had ihe,:la-9.rsi of it. Liup ,hard_ pet, his toes, mr.tionit, 8;,..., !tether 'With a quarter - Of yen -i .4 2a9 tee t h into the throat ?I the wreto, and . ren sent p et pe i lerked . :oo.) . i4Mitlf.4nhp,:aii!, - , te. - jeredall his efforts Outlive, ,although hp watt' a warned the beilmeat. - h wasa•peoc• eacieern, t c l ump( vowel:cal frame.. tie ..!•as already reekin.; " notrumins or frame being matte of mum! miles irrthweam they were taken lionithe 'moot's; and the'cluthik upon it was contee enough "het struck me-ea being a hada *insular was dial. th' , head bf betl'ults 'turned toward the paentii separating the :wo rooms ; alid tight opes'ne the j ti • tow wa a wido crack, which had the appeamue of havma been lett there by deign.. ~. • I beazta to feet queer knurl this is riot -just th woid to express u hat I mean)' I had little sum oh money about tue, enough to . tempi The vulmn: ' of my entertainers, M any rate, is their , actions ha .ilica‘ly convinced' me: How fa., it would be fo them to shoot me through the erevir ' s while I sky, The idea got possession of nie folly, and I cool, not drive it away. I a (pit! have fastened the door but there - was nailing to fastest it . with, and, I w , impressed with eve - idea thatlhe danger would no come n'that direetiOn. frit Should Lion_wus the . . to apprisenle.9l It. - tr4 . o 'atii3 bus tied aboutigialhough twaa •unateasiag..j plettitifundet nty laid:dowrrk b*T 3 1001 litinenie.rintifableldnifteerlblirire , t' eta 004641 upon me that I could nut think of sleeping. Lion, 4 ,...,3 ''rip-ra...• tt-i.- . 1... k ~,,,-• . ' 'l'l.-4 v ....., r. Itr f.• . . _ , b• '. t . . . •:. • -•!.. 41 '' ' . I . ..' ,7 . ~: .• . . is ..,.....,,,,,. 2 ..,,.,,_.. -.,..-. ..--'.. e. . . . . M NCL&TION F1L0.14 4INY" BRADFORD COUNTY, PA,, BY E, 0 tooi appeared uuew•y--rcame mud put hut lure paws upon the bed every lew minutes, them went -back to his Post-Ity the dear, and laid down with a Lind of tevertsh anxiety. At lestl feigned Rieep,,,ml4-Anorea most musi cally ; but I did not tail to look throu t th the crevice to see what my-entertainers were riving. They laid clown upon the bed which stood in-the_roorti, with out taking-elf their clothes, and Were:, quiet until 1 boom to suore,.thstn 1 heard them whisper. - What wve.snreensettons, when-beam , them. arise:softly, and theintarltake the-gua troem.beinnd the bed saw hisn-assisted by the. hag i tdraw out a chas,;e_ot shot which was in the gna and re/Otal Nil With a handl& otatugv.- I turnetkores heavily, anal pre tended to awake. My -phut of action wesnatutged fable jcLt I d re ieg. •j re rle{,C4. -dot : 6110 ;.(1 nt per : each no' i t ack, a moment, I had vi orn a wig for several years, on atvpittul losing my hair by a lever. - I new detennineil to make it el mote use to me than-it had ever been bemire, I lilted myself quietly from the bed, and felt aboutin the dark,imiii Limit louird one.of the pnmplttne 1 had seen. - Over tin* I cheat.',my wig, atiil It happened to be an excellent fit g dies-ed this useful vegetable in this eiscornrrnin CUAR.ML.iLIt Or t THE:, ARIL;dd . /11:0W it rea „ tre , l .l er ,, y , t -b a tik to my bed. •and placed n litla,titie contra t more l:4(.11114 than that ti hich Upon the pilvw tit the exact p05t4011.03.) heoi L lattl , inci,ente‘l uy the 13k-10i/11110 i/ and the ratite occupied.w tv+ts d ins 4L mau , :w i lien brehthilefilia the _ tc juxtaposition with the lung crevice, throw:i wh iet i, tater cat - , alttiotiah indifigtenra the heaaries 0, I now took anotherlook. il e areu t , I. th e li eut. ', were nanire, his spirits .tide elevate, the indolen,.e loading a brace of horse pistols with some tufernal and silence which idniraciertses him in a Mali 1- i slugs. for the ile..!iee itriirriatine f I cau'i say but I :alt a hale dry., about die threat 1 anti Tir"?! nionlion j then.leolsed o w L ion. I von ' j j ust or relating tales , and at intervals, vet it jovrces r screnmin7 out some snot: a ha+. hrovever gni ;corn los g,-eat eyes '!trough theLiailiaierv. Ile %las lent, I still upon the t alent. Pa„pii.ttion begin to roil ajTeetthte hlm4ett and e '' crt ""' (.ll.lt4 o his c mol t lieu i ,intro try Le:e fugreat drops, not that I te:t aLt...0. 1 14 anything bat harroorroinq to a stranger. Ills' T he 1_1„r I fluter uey f am iialucett aut cheerful tb.po-'non. repa,r, rind an active d, 1 —hut did not Itke the nlea of taking liuniati lite.— hard ' y hie, are' well (-ale " hied 'tee"' the best fnt , iil.. state of health. with unimpaired Iseult - les ; I was confident le, defend rupwlf, }et area _ _ "" ea lance wtts out ettou ., me ter: c: an ride:weed age; his giriekness of sight and obas cosiihonible ate. I he ni.2. are .c.irt'ely eree4cierl by of the Nor t h ants Taking or pistols tat en} han d s, I beat orPr the Arnfl o t Inthin` omit ' 11 " h"l'l'm of a" ert" tire bedl=nmrta~ ,valor, al the satin ,. hare atilt' him to trace Ch.- fooriite24 of any par ni 1 0.1 I limo a ,.•l cour t euccd %, hew. the meteitte.ll _ 01 the titan alai Iru ineividnal or animal he .origular, power kialat or holt riceririliii , 2 to Ilitrekli armal , le ,pOU-e E‘er) item III) timer ant.: vci rneil glve 11.ern great..:4 and Is slid to he run g VII P'.'l . s-ed by the • [e of I grimly. lie took ad ni , I lite) lull. - d at each orio're Jud t.ibe of Montll j An Ault, hit. been known to trace l t , to /eel the foetus )a 1 , 1 Iti. camel for Sir thy: along a *mi •toi.l,lo4 . and 1 aperi , aelted ihq e,et tee o t tiannte irt) bed, folliot h barn ernssr,l in ever) direr • a.eth i Iby the lrsg Willi tl peeol. suet a c.4%/.1 4 . term y nitirt.eth's of other torosters, a nd a l O to t„rrotag he pextet.a udu ut) loom. arta brought his ' t tin-ne every individual who lead parsed Ile is ac .-ver fe oeioes-leok po„ m y it!. I C ef I also. by plarin2 the mark of his foot of. turn it would t.e datittmou , to see MI more. a ceitiin spot, in 'a parfVular direction, to make flail I raised n.l head enough to get out of harm's wag, ' 10,nwn to his friends that he has been there, and alio the route :e has taken. Flis tact enables him he f t and emit ed new and then a snore. I lieaid bun , e I.t fix the mo7zie of the gun ,, gtortst the I to find his way- acirms the desert.. independently 01 thd compass, which is rarrly used by him on land og r t n sure op?osite the wig and then wadi a 'rerun! of icdtenativn , and a knit of creei'll• , ell.alk,ll ail near nor, 1 drett bark and awaited die result. It CM eou• able Eriac- 1; de- LAD kin. to rIEZ ned but 'oily. t•t I was a moment of awful p•uvense to me. What if and lie.phould Jta • nver tfir cheat ani.l cleTatelti.4 piece 7 . . 1 A iii:ouand ,uchthouhts ttplied throvii;htuy in a:3 Inatant. The colt sweat Jan down my Lice in . s.fre.tini. Thank; I was nut kept long tu suspense. Ifil A torrible -exp)osi4ri follqweti the fearful passe. hq j A storm of slo.spouted into my bed, perforating to ' the and scattering the Pumpkin in every di , o- reclion. " Re won't never tell no stories," L heard the as- ier say. _as hedropped the breach ?of the gun I 1 1 . lieav' l ly,,) the far , :Suw for the d og .'' Puling these operations, Lion had placed him• by my rude. with his fore . fent upon, the bed, rat while to keep him 'still, 'I put, my band oar Ins tie t mouth. fie knew well what I meant, for I had i• 1 I kept him Guist so befoie. At the moment of the is. I discli.tige, he gave a low growl. I pointed toward dour. LI understood my meaning well. Ills ' eyes fla-hed like a ball of .Lire while he awaited ! the moment to wreak his,rengenre.on the af..ris• " I will iipen the door a lists,, and when the • crder sticks his head nut, shpt him," ; raid thy: she-waif. The door was .opined • Lin "the crenir'' stick his head out. Lion knew better than • that, and awaited his chance. . • e.rribulg!Mril by not hearing ithythino . , the . door • was gradually npentd. Now was the time. With a tem* howl : Lion leape ! t orer,.the heati of the 'roman anal t.eize l l,the 11.1fr!fl !IT' the ihroat, dragized !tint itt ineiatit to the:fleor,wl.lere a gleat stiwgle look Alyce. Jn another moment . 2 he hag wa:. writ!). in npl nervous eurpri.e was so great; whit blood, 4nd .1, baste : tied tosaro what -little life tilts left him.i The dog was. loth Ku quit his. held, and when he: did, be left one, victim to punish another; lorbefortit coal) prevent it, he, WI his teeth quite through the hag's a-rtn,, wlto ihrieked like.* Janalicr • .. • • 3 • 1 1:12#3. fell o w looked ghastly enough Whenl releas el.ltift....l-hs neek..wesArightfully torn, but hei t 9l 110 y~._.'&`j~~ •••:,°- CM TI.:. I I I DIrriA r.ta