Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 10, 1850, Image 2

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r, 46,-11 ''' •
oforo Aqatur•
Free Soli. Free Speech, Free nen!
Freedoms for Fr.,* Territory
Towanda, Saturday; August 'lO, 1850.
Vtmeserot le Matt .:Vosainallona.
J J ., rEt: RC kW Y or Cii.kW 'An Cr!
loit At Ili fiat ••6NISHA
El'llllAl B k \KS,
Terme, of the Reporter.
$1 7.0 per /411.101, wahort tac ) ear 50
1 ;.• .1 .10,1,1, 6,1 pa.dactAally - is advaner , (lit will Le
Kart r,r rit ten 'wren. RI cents to, the
lion, and :5 emu. len o-aett !Orel litfellltsll
ID' Odle" ...I IL ••• 1.,11,••1 th us side of the Patale
Sqn.fe, nett 11,15 . pr to the Itrarth.rd Ante{ Entrance between
AlAuLsrs. Adorns' and Ela ell'. law office.,
reircommtrrEns OF VIGILANCC.—The
Democratic Standing Committee of Brad
ford county, hereby call a Convention to be tom
nised of two Delegates from each election district
in said County, to be holden at Towamia., on Tues
day evening. September 'V. 1850, for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates to t be support
ed by the Dcmoc,atic party of the coun t y ; at the ap
proaching election, and have appointed the follow
111 Committees of Vigilau:e for the several' dis
tricts of said county.
The Cotnmitteea will call meetings on fiaturday,
August 31st., between the hours of 4 and 7,P.M. for
the election of Delegates.
We would enjoin upon the Committee the respon
sibility which rests upon them, and the necessity
of discharging their duty faithfully and fully. The
primarymeering.,.,:hould be called on the day nam
ed, at the usual place for holding said meetings—or
at.some place most convenient to the democrats of
district. Great care should be taken that every
democrat has notice of the Delegate meeting, that
all may have a chance of attending.
J. E. CAN HELD,. •
Mandtpg Cummtltie.
Albany—Joseph Menarili, Set Stephens;
Armenia—Robert Ma•on, IsTar I Moore;
A.% lain—J. M. Hortn, G. H. M'orrow ;
Athens Boro.—C. 11. Herrick, F. S. Hoyt;
Athens - tp.—lohn Watkins, Elias Mathewson;
Burlington—P. 13. Prait, Samuel McKean;
t•anton—.George AleClelland, W. IL Vandyke ;
Columbia—Peter McClelland, Charles Ballard ;
Durell—MMison I:cc:ker. Robert Bull;
Franklin—Horace Willey, Stetvai ,
Gianville—S. W. Shepard. Thei.dore Curtis ;
Herrick—lsaac A. Park, Win. Durand;
Leßoy—John Cole, John Kelley;
Litchfield—Cyrus Met oil, s. P. Wrileold ;
Monroe—Elijah 11. 11,41nii, .1. 13 Smith;
Orwell-James Bullies, Hiram Knapp ;
P,ke—Purley H. Buck, Eugene. Keels r;
R i dgberry 7 -Sfurgi4 Squ rrs, Mask A. Burt ;
Rome—M. C. Cannon, P. C. Maynard':
Sheshequin—Jacob Reit, Albert Tuttle;
Smithfield—Charles Grrould, Erastus Purley ;
South Creek—Bent. Qum', Dunning;
Springhill—Whittield South, Harris Ackley ;
:Springfield—William Chapman, N. W. Bliss;
Standingstone—Alex. Ennis, F. S. Whitman ;
Towanda Borne—Jerre Culp. Robert Smallry ;.
Towanda tp.-11. 1.. Scott. Nelson Gilbert;
'Troy lloro.—W. H. Peck. J. A. P. Ballard ;
Troy tp.—John Porter. Wllliim Baker!:
Ulsterbarins Myer, Thomas Mather:_
Warren—Charles James, IL Bowen ; .
\fells--David Knapp. David Pretzinan
1.. Jones, George Melly
Windham—l:. It. Smith. 1). M. Brainard;
.s,Wyalusing—E. N . Beeman., Lewis Biles ;
tsa C. Whitney, Henry Parsmore;
Delegate Meeting•
Our Democratic friends "sheold remember that
the primary meetings to elect delegates are called
for Sahrdzy the 31st day of _August, 'bet wenn the
hours c,l I and 7, P. M. The Committees of Vigi-
Lowe should see that noi,;.e4 are po-tej up in the
nog pub!i plares, giving the boor and plaice of
hold mg the meeing.:, soihat the mauer.may be lolly
underetatil in their districts.
We would urge ripen Cie Democrats the impe
'ions necessity time is'for attending the meetings
to elect Delegates. It is here -that plar( ()peanut
should be correctly and unmistakably. manife.ted..
.The Delegated elected shoull be honest and capa- I
ble men, and should have such a plain demontsha
non ot the will of their constituency -that they dare
not misrepresent them. This can only he done, by •
the puilicual attendance of Democrats . at the mee
lags. If abuses or errors creep into the Delegate"
system by the artifices of desi r ing men, the vo
ters have only to attend tho primary meetings, send
to the Convention good and tee men, and hold
them strictly responsible for their acts, and the evils
will be abated. Such a course, too, will ensure sat
isfaction with the decision of the Convention and
be a guarantee to its nominees of certain and easy
ELF:crtos tzi Massnurni.—The. election for mem
bers of the Legislature in Missouri took place in
.Missouri on Monday last. • This body will choose
a U.S. Senator in place of Col.•IIEN•rou, and will
determine the fierce coolest which has been car•
tied on between the friends of that gentleman and
the Slavery-extensionists.' The result •which is ex
tremely doubtful, is yet unknown. We trust that
Ccl. B. may be sustained, but as Missouri is a
slave state, with the determined opposition which
has been waged, we fare our fears. It the
trien Is of Freedom in Free Slates Cannot stand np
under the opposition of the slavexteracy, it is.hard
ly to be expected that in slave states they can sus
tain themselves If he is sustained, it will be
against the influence and wishes of the recreants
of the North,"and will be a withering rebuke to the.
- pusillanimity - which dares not fight .for the right,
but prefers to take refuge in the arms of a power-e
ful monopoly for succor and sup,•tort.
(nr7 By all toe 'eloquent speech Mil
1100. 11. Wit.mor, printed o:i our first p:149. it is I
the most manly aird straight forward speech of the
sessian, and if there is a constituent of the speaker
,ho can read it without a feeling of pride swelling
his breast, that he is represented by such a man:
then ho is a first rate specimen of a first-class
Dough face .
L. D. TAILOR has been appointed Poat Mu
ter at BOrlinzton, in place of .Citant.s4 T. Mmuts,
- -
Tim “IlliastralM 1 alterrillaii
Thu"' Readier, Contributor" is in estate of intense
nervous excitement. His Minsfrd Of last week is
in spasmri. The intensely hot weather of the dog
days has had its eflect upon the superabundance of
venom accumulated from the went of an opporti
nity of emission, and eymploms greatly resenn
blirtg have supervened. The cause
of the present outbreak is that " ponderous man,"
our Representative in Congress. If there is any
one thing %itch alarms the " Regular Contributor,"
particularly, it is the tear that Motor will be sus
tained by. the people. " WilinOtiSM " is the bane
of his WO. It haunts hen by day; it terrifies him
by night . it stalks " unrevenged" by mid day ; it
~,,,„e „ in hi s d rea ms, and &steps his repose, with
a shoe•ter which for the time chases away the
ghont, of defunct banks, its appearance is so terri
ble to his mewl. '
A101 6 41 - GoNikaLy Cn
Hence, now that the indications are, that . Mr.
1V I 1.! , 1 ,, T will be triumphantly returned to Congress,
the hatred which has so long been concealed, or
but partially macilested, breaks out in all its ran
cor, and spasmodically berates that gentleman
most unmercifully. The " Regular" scents treason
in the gale; plots, manreuvrer, and bargains are on
loot to betray the Democracy of Bradford! But
for Mr. WARD the Democracy of this district would
he without a faithful sentinel on the watchtower of
their citadel. How kind of him to bend his fatal
lies to the task of guarding their rights—how his
keen perception will unravel stratagems and bar
gains. How intensely generous in him to estill.-
!ish the North Penn.sylrerirraii and to give up his
valuable time to its editing, that the Democracy
rnayivave a faithful and vigilant organ. It cannot
tie that these disinterest:a and valuable services
will be unappreciated, particularly Oben it is re-,
membered that the t' Regular," is a new convert,
and has come into the household of the faithful
I since he wished to go to the Legislature on the
North Branch Canal ticket.
OF I%lu rim Co
was alysaploass t
We trust the Derpocraay will have no repug
nance in accerieg Mr. Ward, as its Mentor. 01
course his natnral modesty would now allow hire
to attempt anything unreasonal Is, and he has a
sdrt of "right divine" to lecture and lead the
lkinocratic• party of Bradlind at will! His dove
tion to the principles of the republican party can
not he questioned: because he has professed to
l•clng to that party but a few months, and it is
hardly time for him to veer round yet. His admo
nitions then should be heeded. Listen to his
alarms ; " What ! ho ! Democrats of Bradford,
you are in danger ! You w ill be betrayed ! I, the
Jteg,ulai Coutributoc" tell you so, and I now have
tie foio charge of the Democratic party !" Therg
is a great moral beauty in the self-sacrificing man
ner in which Mr. Ward gives up his Federal doc
trines that he may lead the Democratic party •from
the quicksands which beset it. High-tariffs, banks,
internal improvemeuts, &r., all the doctrines of the
tlalphins, are given up in a spirit of generous re•
card for the welfare of the Democracy! Kind Mr
Ward ; self•sacriticing Mr. Ward : a monument of
solid brass is due yourpraise-worthy efforts! The
Democracy of Bradford will hold you in grateful
remembrance They will remember your untir
ing eft iris. }our unceasing devotion, your lavish
expenditure of time and money,.to prevent their
betrayal, and knowing your entire want of ambi
tion, and lreedoni from all designs, wilt honor you
accordingly. Now, that you " profess to be a
• .Democrat—humble though we are," they will un
doubtedly tall into line at your word of command,
and terrible would be the forces marshalled by the
Regular Contributor!''
I-- Fit ally, in the scheme which is now on foot to
convert the Democracy of Bradford from their he
terodoxy, and lead them into the told of Mr. Ward's
democracy. is the author. of the communisation
signed "X" in the last Pennsylvanian. That pro
duction is. as full of ruitruths ass the cornon con
versation of its author is of lies. it is i keeping
with his reputwion and character. And we have
no doubt juding from the past, the !ruse , ble libel
ler would be the first who would Inder Dsvm
Winner his hollow friendship, were he at home.
Such men can only injure anonymously. Their
gip enmity is a guaranty of sueness to any cause.
Wie pronounce the communication a lie in every
particular, and its charges utterly false, To name
its author, would at once brand it as an unblusLiog
falsehood. -
Democrats of Bradford ! while such men and
their ptierile schemes are proper subjects of con
tempt and derision, the spirit of enmity which is
manifested toward your representative is worthy
of remark. No public man, we presume to say,
eve: met with such untiring and unscrupulous op-
position from men, whose sole reason of enmity ,
is envy and malevolence. Who ever saw else!
where, such fertility in inventing falsehoods; such ,
brazen effrontery in giving them publication. The
fertile imagination of the Father of lies could hard-'
ly be more prolific. Shall tnese adjuncts of the
slavery-propaganda of the south, lessen the estima
tion iti'which the taithtul representative is held by
you? We cannot believe it He is entrenched
your aflec:ions.and confidence too strongly to be
effected by the assaults of a thousand dough-faces,
who may happen to own property iii slave states.
Is there a freeman in this district, who does not
look with pride upon the course of our Represert-,
'alive? Among the bililess, who more faithful
than he? In that atmosphere of the capit4 sur
charged with slavery influences, has he. faltered,
while many a strong man, has gone down, despite
his own judgment, and the instincts of his better
nature. This district can point with pride, - to the man
who has against so malty adverse influences been
true to the - cause of Freedom. It is their duty, as
it should be their pride, to sustain him, now that
firm men are needed in the councils of the nation.
This great and absorbing crisis over-riles all hairier
considerations, and no question of boundary should
rob the country of the services of the man who
has, been tiied awl found faithful.
Tho Democracy cannot be frightened away from
these powerful considerations, by all the efforts of
Mr. Buchanan's allies and ,mercenaries here. They
have a right to manage their own affairs without
peign interference. They are fully capable so to
..1 0 , without any assistance from the " Regular Con
tributor." While they acksrdwledge his transeen
dant talent if) that line—they are not likely to be
come,detunct, like some swindling bank, that they
need his services to wind op their attain.
A. L Roumfort to be Supenntendent of Phil. and
Col. Railway, from the Ist of September, in place
of Col. English, who had previously tendered his
resignation to take effect at that time.
. ,
President Fillmore oa Toes&
Senate,a Message io regard to
Mexico. .- I
The-President anodes to Ge;
to the Texanrnernbers of Corti
portion of territory east of - the II
regarded as belonging to New
the exigency that has arisen in
and New Mexico, may requir
Congress. He alludes to his
his duty, as President, to cif(
Unitel States.
He says he will enforce thc
this is a case in which he is
militia into eervice, as well 1
cies of the regular army am!
state, can employ military I
own internal insurrection, 14
and she has no authority alt
the laws or the rights of t b
In this case, Texas is an •
be treated as such. The
takes decided ground that I
east of the Rio Grande, b et
and for that, reason he must 1
trusion of Texas or any n th
He believes the treaty wi
laws of the United States o
the Rio Grande. The treat
explicitly what is the bound
is his opinion, after careful ii
He will continue to regar
of New Mexico, until Congi
to the contrary.
He deprecates any collisit
themselves or with the Uni
do his duty, and hope for an
No goveniment can be pr
co until that dispute is settle
pediency of appointing Co
line. All the facts are bef
ing now could be elicited b
He regrets the prolong*
Congress to thl exclusion
trusts it will be disposed o
Defeat of (he
This lumbering vehicle •
been making the journey
Wednesday week stopped
of every measure it contai
ly committed. to the House
The defeat of this incon_
result of parliamentary to.
am'ndment was priiposed :
every thing except the pr
gc,vernment for Utah. Nl° ,
result is due to Col. Bcs
gallantly against its Pa"a'
ifomia immediately. admi
any otbet measure. After
neatly her speedy admissi.
The Penalty et the
Benjamin Wilcox, the bl. I
deeds we published last we
successful attempt upon hi
hanging suspended by the
chief, in his cell, on Saturd , ,
tied the handkerehief area
piece of rope and string las i
fie door. When discover.
apparently hung-some lioni
ing the floor of the cell.
chapter in a life, promisin.-
versed by the influence ofi
ly led to the perpetmtiol
and terrible crime our nat
solemn warning wall to .1
A post mortem exam in
wounds, showed that the
Crated the right lung, whili
the diaphragm. Death mi
quence, though not perha
The only relatives Wit
are his , family of children I
very worthy, respectable
this stunning calamity,
our community.
'or- - The letter publish
canian some weeks since
t 3 , and made the subject
crat, was written by the
opposing candidate to Mr
speaking the sentiments
as modeist as Mr. WARD!
democracy of Brad lord.
strange bedfellows," an
should be in alliance in
been believed by a spa
in 1848, when the " Re,
" That every fret
As sacred as a
and undertook, vi et arm
Tee C !TOLER A o—Tll •
made its appearance in
and is proving very
respectable people ha
whom, we regret to sta
tor of the " Genius of I
ad conducted many y
h Irons was a staunc„
and an honest man. II
plored by a large circl-'
ty and throughout the
tides ,arn nnavoiilably
The communication,
Run, is welconie.
him continue the eerie',
choly accident occur
Thursday morning a
individual named Ben
and eeveral others w
horses were drowned.
gets for Northtimberl
bridge, it suddenly br
on, horses, driver and
Jones was immediate
horses were also dro
ger and the drivery J
the papers found upo
supposed he was eith
Cumberland county.
held upon-the body I
Carolina elect on the
comes this year on th
souria on the first,
Indiana, Illinois and
September, the sth r
on the 3d of Scpteml
(Correspondence of
. tho B rernl Retorter.) )
H.iiiiis G, Aug. 5, 115*.
One year ago and !he,. whir paptip of this com
monweakh weniehantirrepaliens lathe grcatfinen
clef at the heat of tho Treastiry department. The
joyous tidings were-herakled to the world that Gin
me l. BALL, the whig State Treasurer, elected by
his own vote, had paid the whole amount 0f inter
est due en the State Bonds, in specie, or hinds equal
to specie. This was announced as a most wonder
ful achievement—one which under no circumstan
ces could have been accomplished by a Democrat
ic, Treasurer or ender a Democratic adininistration.
One would bare supposed on listening to the ho
zamias sung over that event that the whig party
generally, and whig Editors especially, had - fallen
soddenly in love with gold and silver, and were
about to repudiate their old and long cherished
mistresses, the Banks, with their filthy broodal'ol
rags and shin platers. purl would have been the
conclusion to one ignorant of their principles, or
who could be deluded by their false pretatmes.—
But the veil was entirely too flimsy, and it seems
did not answer their ends, for the Representatives
of the people saw proper, very justly too, to dis
place Mr. Ball, the great whig oracle and finan
cier, and elect a good staunch Democrat and honest
man in his stead. No one will deny the fact that
Mr. Ball did pay the interest in par hinds ; and in
doing so, he done no more than he was required
by law to do. But it may be interesting to the peo•
ple to know how he accomplished this, when it is
notorious that his payments of the ordinary expen
ses of the Government went uniformly made,
when 'Made at all, in oneurrent money. In many
cases however, he withheld altogether the =Cants
appropriated for reliairs Ac.,, and even for salaries
of public offices, in order to enable him to accom
plish the extraordinary-feat over which his party
sung themselves into such a delirium of political
glory. It is possible this mystery may yet be rin. 7
raveled. At all events then, are certain knowing
ones who openly and boldly charge that Mr. Ball,
during the one year he was . Treasurer carried, on a
very extensive business with the Brokers; and that
he actually charged the commonwealth, the error-
Mans sum of four thousand dollars for expenses in
exchanging money, below. par, for specie funds
So then it would seem, if Mr. Ball did say the in
terest in specie, the Commonwealth bled for it.
A striking contrast with the course pur s ued by
Mr. Ball is presented in the manner in which Gen.
BUT, et. the present Democratic State Treasurer has
lischarged his duty. In the first place, by hisen
ergyrand perseverance he has succeeded in collect
ing and rendering available about 525,000 from the
United States Bank, a portion of a large amount
which has been due and withheld by that deleclas
ble institution for some time,. and which - might
have been realized durit g Mr. Ball's term, had he
manifested a due degree of skill and energy Ile
has succeeded, also in converting thti whole amount
of funds on hand into specie or its equivalent, with
' out the necessity of a loan or selling the funds of
the State to Brokers at a discount, or the lose of a
single dollar to the Commonwealth. Every dollar
of the interest has been paid in specie or its equiv
alent, all demands due for repairs of the public
works and all the ordinary expenses of govern
ment, besides a portion of the appropriation to the
N. B. Canal, have all been promptly met, and there
remains in the State Treasury, atahis time, an avail
ble balance pt more than half a million of dollars.
Verily the contrast is significant and vastly in favor
of Democratic men and measures, who the whig
press would fain make the people believe, love
rags better than gold, and that the only real rye
cie advocates, are these great Bank agitators, and
Bank note motwolists themselves. It may be
said that in all this Gen. Bickel has but done his
duty, and deserves no especial. credit foi merely
counting the money and passing it over to the cred
itors of the Commonwealth. Very true, and I
should warcely have thought of mentioning k
oCcitrrehee, but for the different manifestations =V
blithe whig presses in heralding the exploits of
Mr. Ball, and in acllenly refusing to announce a
more praiseworthy discharge of public trust by a
Democratic officer. Then the trumpet could not
be 'sounded loud enough or long enough—all was
exstacy and glory for the whig party ; Gidten J.
8011, a wing - State Treasurer, elected by his own We,
undefthe administration of Wm. F. Johnston, the
Maid of eke ruling Federal dynasty of Pemuyitonia
had paid the interest due to the holders of the Funded
debt of the Comnumwenhh, ALL in specie or specie
fiends. Bat they forgot then, to tell the whole truth,
and let the people know how much it cost the State
to convert the funds under his charge into specie—
they forgot also to publish the fact that in nearly
every instance payments to domestic creditors
were made in depreciated funds, and the laborer
was compelled to suffer, as well as the Common
wealth, to enable Mr. Ball and his whigcoadjutors
to boast that he had paid the interest to foreign
bondholders in specie; and now they forget even
to mention the fact that a Democratic State Treas
urer has paid the interest at all ; when it has been
accomplished without the lose of a dollar, to the
State, and with a surplus in the Treasury of lover
five hundred thous:and dollars—of coarse they are
not ignorant of all this, but then it was Mr: Ball,
the whig Treasurer,—arm the boot is on the other
boot.. - It
Although I think much credit is justly doe to Gen.
Bickel for the prompt, energetic and Courteous
manner in which hedischarges the trust reposed
in him, and also to Col. Asa Dimock, his Cashier,
lot the very efficient aid Which he is enabled, by
his experience and industry to afford, in protecting
the interesth of the State, yet it is not for the pur
pose of eulogizing public officers that I have given
you the foregoing facts; but rather to dispel illu
sions, if any are left, created by the boll and im
pudent boahting,s of the whig party,' that the honcr
of being honest and paying" the interest in par fields
belonged exclusively to them. The difference is,
when it was done under whig rule, the Camino+
wealth lost, and the whig Treasurer made, four or
five thousand dollars. Now a Democratic Treas
urer has accomplished all the whip claimed cred
it for, without the kiss of it penny to the State.—
She has sold no uncorrent funds to Brokers. No
body claims tone thousand " for expenses in con
verting uncurrent luni!s into. specie." The current
and the semi annual interest have been promptly
.said in par fonds, a large surplus is in the Treasury,
and the credit of the Commonwealth is better than
it has been for many yearn--all under the admin
istration of Democratic officers--whO claim to have
no more than their duty, and ask no "extra pay"
for baying done that duty.
Triers, Truly,
last sent into the
Tel and New
Bell's letter;
ressksold that that'
io Gann% hal been
lexiect: He thinks
the aflatns of Texas
as extra sessioh of
fficial position, and
e the laws of -the
laws, and thinks
doomed io call the
s 10 employ the for
navy. Tmcas, as a
.ree to suppress ber
~1 her power is local
;ieh can conflict with
United States.
!under and r•he will
!ident, s inlos . message
e territory in dispute,
ngis to New Mexico,
protect it from the in
.r State.
h Mexico, extends the
er the territory east of
does not determine
ary of Texas, but that
said territory as part
l ess settles the question
between the parties
ed States, but he mast
immediate settlement.
for New Nell
! . He doubts the ex
miaaicmeta to run the
re Congreee and noth-
such Commissioners.
,on of the contest in
f other business, and
, 1 before Congress
ihich has for six motiths
the Senate, was on
leztirely, and divested
L ed, except Utah, final-
ous measure was the
[ tics ; amendment one/
Eintil it was shorn of
.vision for a territorial
h of the credit of this
os, who has kinght so
We host to see Cal.
tea nnvonnerted with
shirr , so long and pa
,n is due to her.
aw Anticipated.
y isle of whose mis
k,log,ether with his tie-
. own life, was found
eck with his handker
y morning last. lie had
did his neck, and with a
ened it to the hinge of
he was dead, haying
s. His toes were touch
This finishes the last
much at the outset, per
strong drinks, and final
! of the most revolting
re knows. Let it be a
ware the tempter !
lion of his self-inflicter
oat aevere had perpe
another had perforated
ight have been the conse.
leaves in this county,
mostly grown up, and
ndividvals,".who have in
e heart-felt sympathy of
in the North Pennsyl
from Susquehanna coun
of remarks by the Demo
pmtlemac who was the
WiLmov in 1844. His
;o1 Susquehanna is about
r representing the whole
Verily, u Politics make
d that these gentlemen
1850, would hardly have
f r
for in the Post office here
3 .lar Contributor" thought,
'aces feelings are
'lackgraird'a nose"
:s, to carry out hia.pecoliar
Cholera, it seems, has
lUniontown, in this State,
at. A number of highly
e fallen victims, among
e, is John Irons, Esq., eili
iberty," which paper he
; ars with marked ability.—
, Democrat, a good citizen,
s sudden death will be de
of friends in his own coun
A number of original ar
of our friend, from Sugar
le shall be pleased to have
‘ We seam that a melan.
L ed at Northumberland on
it 2 o'clock, by which an
Vamin D. Jones lost his life,
re seriously hurt, and
While the packet pitmen
.il were crossifig the Canal
!,ke down, precipitating wag.
passencens into the canal.—
Iy killed or drowned, the two
, ned, and one other passim
'•• ph Dixon, was hurt. From
the body 01 Jones, it was
• r from Danville, or Fairview,
A Coroner's inquest was
esterday morning.
0:I —Tennessee and North
ust Thursday of Angust,which
e first day of the:month. Ilia
onday in Augnet. Alabama,
lowa on the first Thursday of
of the month. 'Vermont votes
bar, and Maine on the 9th.
-111wirrivvvia Gnat
11,•••st LW.
Beersw, Julf - 3712
` - `4 l 7e learn b a delipalch just received from Edit.
Pa, that the steamheAtnertea, from Sandusky lot
his porti:burstartt pipe or drim hbout 2et
clock tine matitingialien off Barcelona. iurd
towed, into Erie by,the Alabama. oneofdia Engi:
nears arid two othei pesons were killed, ind many
others persons were killed, and many others were
badly warded;- two of..whotu hate since: died. One
person was found. dead - under the crank. The
decks of the boat are badly shattered.
We have just received II the following list of
wounded, as far as aseertainlett, by the accident.—
The most of them were hands on board. There
are others whose names we are unable to learn.—
There were 27 injured, Of whom 9 are dead, and
6 or a' badly, perhaps, mortally wounded:
Michael Haggerty, Buffalo, badly
Michael O'Connor . Providence, de.
Patrick Welch, Buffalo, do.
Wm P. Bennett, Ballston Spa , slightly.
J H. Stanclill, Aliddleton, Conn., badly.
Patrick Heady, very badly.
Arch. Lindsa) 4 , Michigan, badly.
Jerry O'Cooner,wife and fi ve children -- wile.
and two children badly.
. Timothy Luc:elle, Ohio, do.
Thomas Fumber, Buffalo, do. -
Patrick Henly . do. do.
CLAY sun Weasrta.—There is nothing which i
foreshadows to us, lays the Wilkesbarre Farmer, ,1
more clearly the decay . of true Democratic genii- 1
ment, in the Democratic press, than that profligate 1
disposition manifest with so many of the fraternity,
to heap incense upon the altatth those two licen: i
tious politicians--Henry Clay and Daniel Webster.
In the name of truth and fidelity—in.the name ol 1
justice and t consistency, what gratitude do pure rad
ical Democrats owe to these pOlitical d e h a ach e e s .,
How long have they both labored to extinguish
4 4
every trace ol turcarmpt Democracy in the Re.
public' How long w hey the pensioned ad
vocates of the , United St es Bank, laboring with all
" the subtleties and profligate abilities of their char
acters, to sustain that unconstitutional, dangerous
and rotten institution against the independence and
purity of our government; How long have they
contended for a system of grinding and oppressive"
taxation, cruel as.the.grave, upon the interests of
the farmer and mechanic, and more destructive of
independence and equal prosperity than
Egyptian bondage, the tendency and object of
which has td build op a worse than English
aristocracy? Why should one true Democrat in
voke the aid of these foster sons of aristocracy and
champions of profligate Government. Better that
Democracy fall under the wrath ol an inscrutable
Providence than shelter itself beneath the shield of
the Devil. Low must be the virtuous sentiment ol
the Democratic party, and desperate indeed its for
tunes when it must invoke the aid of Bailie' Web'
ster and Henry Clay. Democrats—high minded
and honest Democrats, should spurn any offered
service from political prostitutes—and fearlessly
plant the standard of their faith deep in the soil of
1 , their country, and resolve Ito' sink or swim—tri
umph or perish under its shade—but never crave
I favor from those who have betrayed its brichtstars
I -and cripes to the enemy. FIAT terrarts IWAT CAE
ik Ls: At.
LYNCH LAW vs VIRGINIA.—In Culpeper County on
Wednesday last a lawless mob assembled at the
Court House, and though resisted by the Sheriff at
the Jail door,. entered the Jail and took therefrom
by' force, William Grayson ' a tree negro, charged
with the murder of David W. Miller, and 'hung
him by the neck until he was dead. The Superi
or Court of Culpeper hail twic,e convicted Grason,
anti the General Court had twice granted him a
new trial. In the last opinion the General Court
said, " Upon the whole case, •we are ot opinion
that the testimony is not only nut sufficient to prove
the guilt of the accused, but that it is hardly suffi
cient to raise a suspicion against him. The judg
ment must therefore be reversed and a new trial
awarded." This infuriated mob, consisting as we
regret to learn, in pattof justices of the peace and
of members of Christain churches, have thus by
violence reversed the decision of the highest tribu
nal in the State, and been guilty of a foul, cowaid•
ly and fi endish murder, and that too, of 'a helpless
free negro, with none to defend him nor avenge
his wrongs. Grayson", we learn, avowed his. inno
cence on lbwallows. One minute was given him
in which he was told be was to confess his' guilt ;
this he reinsert to do, and told them to execute him
at once, which they did.
This first attempt at Lynch law in this Common
wealth should be rebuked with firmness and pun
ished with severity. l'uless speedily checked
in its course, it most overthrow all government and
render life, liberty and properly without protection.
It rests with the legally constituted authorities. of
Virginia to wipe out this foul blot from her charac
ter. We trust in God's name they will not fail to
do iL—Frcdcricksburg Recorder.
The Washington Union says:
"Some lew are willing to attach the Wilmot Pro
viso botli the Utah bill and to the New Niemen bill
This vrohld be a most outrageous blunder. Such a
pr p nitton cannot, in.all probability, pass the
House in shape whatever, and certainly cannot
succeed in the Senate. And most fortunate it is
that such an Occurrence is impracticable ; because,
were it to pass, and to obtain the President's Signa.
ture, the Union - cannot withstand the shock."
The only Union that is in danger fmm the pas
sage of the proviso, is the one front which we clip,
the above extract.
We should think the brimstonress would be
ashamed to continue publishing this sort of stuff
after the late. Omnibus catastrophe. We can assure
the Washington Union, that as long as that journal
and its allies keep threatening the nation- with the
consequences of pressing the proviso, so long the
nation will continue to press it, it not longer.
PRICSIDERTTAL.—Congress has provided that, in
case of the removal, death, resignation, or inabili—
ty Of the President and Vice President, the Presi ,
dent of the Senate, pro trmpore, shall tas Presi
dent. The Act of March Ist., 1792 Chap. 8, Sec.
9, is in the words following :
"That in case of a removal, death, resignation,
or inability, both of the President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States, the President of the Sen
ate pro tempore, and in case there shall be no Pres
ident of the Senate, then the Speaker of the Rooms
of Representatives for the timti_beitig shall act as
President of the United States, until the disability
be removed, or a President sha Ilbe elected."
DEATH or COM MODORK Joe es. —Th is distinguish-
ed officer died in Philadelphia, on Saturday last,
after a lingering illness. He stood 'nearly at the
head of the list of post-captains, two names only
taking precedence---Commodores Bartell and
Stewart. Capt. Jones, we believe, was a native of
.Delaware. He is one of the number who in the
war of fBt2 contributed to establish the naval re
nown of onr country. He fought in the Wasp one
of the b'o idlest nava' battles in our history, and cap
tured in 45 minutes the British brig of war Frolic
of - superioforce; and under circumstances highly
unfavomb to success.
Forth' tion -the States of Delaware, Massa
chusetts, a d New York, each voted him a swoid
in commemoration of hisgallantry, which was in
no wise impaired by the subsequent capture. of
both the Wasp and the Frolic, whets ( in • a crippled
condition, by a Banish seventy-four.. Commodore
Jones was, but recently, governor dills Naval Asy
lum on the Schuylkill, of the command of which
he had been relieved previous to his death.
Boston Bee of Friday, says. I •
Mrs. Littlefield visited Prof. Webster i in his eell,
yesterday afternoon. He received her very kindly
asked her forgiveness for the wrongs )v-hiell he says
he has done her lamlt. She forgave him ell. The
scene issaid to have been
.a very interesting and
afleeting one. ProL W, seemes to acknowledge all
his wrongs, that he may die at peace with the
' l
,Ae the dewnikeight-train was flossing th e he n
biniga over a Anal! tributary of the Del ineate
about threimilee above Lackewaken, at I ceet ee i
W e dnesilittreternoon,the bridge gave way, pre e i p i.
'Wing the entire train into the stream and strewte g
the. freight in all directions. The train was ve r i,
heavy, maiming of nearly twenty cars, which we
filled principally with Live Stock ter the New.
York market, :
The' accident -occurred '
d soonn Wier the passage o f
the Express-train. As the locomotive of the Fr e i g h t
train came upon the Bridge, .it Was observed to
settle gradually ; but the Engineer putting on all the
steam, the increased powercarned the engine over
safely. The leader parting from it, fell, with some
fifteen of the freight-cardi into the ravine below, a
distance of settle 26 feet.
The clock on board consisted, of some 500 Sheep;
over, 100 head of cattle; and 290 Bogs, nearly all
of which were destroyed. Only 16 cattle and 100 -
'sheep were saved. -
The most, painful part of thiscalamity, however,
is the lass-of several lives; the uumlier of which i s
not yet accurately ascertained.
The engineer and 'fireman:escaped with some
slight scratches The engine having run off the
abutment of the bridge, and gave him time for
these men to escape. Our informant states that the
Conductor of the train was badly hijured, and was
not expected to survive. A correspondent ol the
Commernal'Adiertiser states that another of the in-
jured men was still alive at the last aecounts, bet
was suffesing intense itgOny—the horn of we of
the cattle having been driven through his breast.
The bodies of the killed were immediately taker
into Port Jervis. -
• The drovers and hands in the rear cars pa re d
themselves by jumping off as the vain went &we,
and so escaped with little injury.
. The scene was faintul. in the extreme. The
mase,was wedged nibetween the two banks ol the
chasm over which the bridge passes, the cattle be.
lug pierted with numerous splinters of the are,,
and impaled upon the. horns of each other. A f ew
were 86k/dive, and after fearful struggles, s om e,
eu in extricating themselves, and getting outs pons
the adjinoing plain. But those that did thus e scape
were apparetitly all more or less. injured. A num
ber of sheep also escaped in the seine way.
It is supposed, upon rough calculation, including
the cost of cars and bridge, that the loss of property.
will amount to aboqt Sto,ooo.
The bridge was 62 feet in lenzth and 25 feet in
Night. The damages. we understand, will be re
faired to-day, and the core/unification on the hue
w ill sufler little interruption.
Mr. H. L. Robinson, C. S. Mail Agent, irrived
last evening from the scene of the disaster, bring
ing the following additional particulars:
It is now ascertained that bet ihrte lices , were
lost, viz.; J. L. Clapp. of Parrisvill, Onio,.the
owner of most of the cattle ; :Hr. Randall, brake
man, a native of this state; 11. C. Clapp. a nephew
of J. L. Clapp before mentioned. The dbath of the
latter occurred under peculiarly distressing cucun
stances. Ile was. discovered soon after the cam... ,
trophe, buried among the- fragments of the cars,
directly beneath an ox which was still afire, and,
at times ; greatly distressed Mr. C. by kicking him
in the breast. It was impoii-ible to extricatr h un t
until the ox wah removed. He retained MS senses,
and gave directions how he could be relieved.—
He thought he could endure the weight of the ox,
-until it could be killed and removed piece-meal.—
It was therefore shot, but in its dying Bungles,
kicked Mr C. so violen;ly in the breast as to de
prive him of life. Immediately previous to his
death,he spoke much of his family in Ohio stating
that he had there a wile and four children.
In addition to the killed, Mr. Hatch, latecondne
tnx was much injured ; also two brakeman. 31r.
H. was on the tender when the bride care way
but saved himself from being crushed in the w r etk
by leaping from it. His head, however, is suppos
ed to have struck a slime abutment of the bndge to
his descent, causing a bail 1;41.h. The body of the
dead brakeman was briw_;lll on to his place of resi
dence; near the Hudson'River, last ereniag.' The
others were enclosed in coffins.
The total loss of property resuttin; tram this cat
astrophe, is estitna'eil byre of the directors of the
. 4 _l
Company at 0.000 .:35.000. The cars were
worth about f. 1700. each, and S5O a head was recent
ly uttered for the cattle.
Srlueric: to DA:sr:cit.—A new book has jrl
been put forth, by a citizen of Syracuse, of which
the title page, to . say the leasys sen:ewhat novel
and startling. It is this:
" hoe Doomed City lase 1 - alley. or reasons for be
lieving that the city of §yi3citsc turf evedivally
sink as did Sodom an Gomorrah, on a-cc= of the
quantity of saline water taken from its base for Are
use of the salt manufactories."
The writer is said to be a salt rnanufacturet,wlio
had-paid consideiable attention to the piniosoplay
of pet licks, and who, as the results of his sttuit,
anootindes that the eity of St - racnee is placed a , -
mediately above a rzat salt depilsit, which is cco
sternly dissolving, by the action .cf water, so gat,
at some time or othet,tit mnst sink below the nit
In that ewe, we may add, that the inhabitan:s
less they make their escape in-time. witlget lye
pickled. How the aatbor learned that Sodom
Gomorrah sunk into a salt pit, we cannot saY'.
we have not read his book.—N. Y. Euennig
. _
Tn. Canvs.—The Rochester Anierican of the titt
says :—The farmers in this region ace brio %
thl wheat harvest to a close. Bat )rtle of the
cro remains to be cut. and considerable frea!rss•
dy been drawn to the frame. Should the weals
prove favorable there wilt be seateely - a -hod
the fields at the close of the "present weet Dr
quantity of wheat raised in Westetn New.l'orttio
year is very great. There were a re-y larjeor ,
ber of acres sown last Fall .;and the seasofts
been as favorable as could be desired :or the trd
and ripening of the grain. The (only of ea
Wheat is rare ly bettet than it is this year
The Corn crop - in Monroe and Loi l l,l:toriere•
ties is looking remarkably well and thrifty, 'IV
weather is very favorable to ii g iawrh sed
is every indication that a large crop will be"-s"e"
SuLuvis _COUSTIC.; Nlesms. John Strohm. R®•
Williamson, and Wm. M. Watts, E.-qrs,. com
sionerit to locate the seat of j obtice (.4 NOS
county, have performed the. wot k - asszaed
They have located the seat of I llticeiat Lif
THE BRADFORD ct)11511 - Mme'
CAL. SOCIETY will kid its 4a a°lll'
meeting at the " Ward liou.c." to T o wtoU.S
Thursday, the sth day of September, at P. ft.
Professor Psi-mos, of the .Nec. lurk Untritsgb
will delivei a lecture to the Society, at the C
Rouse, same 'ivemiug. The' publii; are larded
atkend. A ugu.,t 8, 10..
C ouriexmixon . lts).A:tvift
HARLES TAYLOR g.I,E. at his '
' at Rome B Printte , a curl 1.1,10 N PArrt
Friday, the 30th day of August. ISM). lio rn g
—t•—: op the old stand at the •pring`,. h
hirdaelf that his arrangements are SU( h as will 63
entertainment pleasant, and none will 6o jq l t
linme, Acquit 8 1850. •
ALL persona indebted to the estate of I
.WOODPIEhD dee'd late of WPRiusi .
ship, are hereby requested to make payment:ft
lay. and those having claims against said c.:
please present them duly authenticated to
JAMCS M. wiirr.
Wyalusing, Aug. 6, 1830. .I.lmatia
WHEREAS my wife Almina Ernba. has
bed and board without anv just cause
vocation, and I hereby forbid all per , ons h
or trusting her on my aeoount. as 1 shall '
debts of her contracting after this. date.
Towailda July 24, 1850. JACOB V. 0'
- -
mt'',ll.l 1'4.)111