a g ric **di IN Main buil 'ilia' RAUL -.Vil , :f7ftt $ 144 . iv„,4,..1449-I,i4TErut, , r Alove;11,1.• prrp..rty ; or inorital,mtiay ,prceure :1 m :et Ate ail Vat it4tte nl tseattltxt' l *^pmertn:iii latt,l t , ,tvery hint much mine than this. ttgjwe.4 hitn a glace la the (Inmate ut the timid ; 4,p:ems hit Ind with-ant tile that animate* 6111 creation. liletiq nn inAtroter,nt Ity which men can proenre the b..t.lit•taation of hie wattlzt Anti tleajreP. I.futtlett [en ihoesiabliAlenent cif man twat) verei:4ll. in the mitbil of online It eatirties not poly blowout:Rand Isis desires, but taQtes deeply hi:planted in hie na tune. Ica he family it creates that tlereestit code try. (-idled ismer, with air the )iiitig 14) nipiellieF Ana all the twerp hopes aml Prtjects, which peo ple It. And whilst properly in' land is more con sotrant than any other to the nature of man, it also affords a field of activity the mixt favorable to hip moral development—the most snitril to inspire a p5...1 sentiment of his nature and his povrers. Gt altnov.t atl the other trades or periessions, whether commercial or eciun !fie MUT. eitip appears to tlepeiid ; solely uixbr. Infuse.ll,--oit his 14ents, address, pru dence and vizilatteo. In a;” oltural lire, leant is constantly in the preoenee of 1.1 . 1k1 and otitis power. talent, prndencAr and vigilance, are as .-necessary here.ik ekewAre, to the success of his labors: but they arc no less insufTicieut than they are necessary. It is (iod, *tin rules theseasen and the temperature, the sun and the rani, anti nit those phenomena of nature' which determine the success or the failure of the latxus of man int die soil which lie cultivates. There is no pride w4ich cell resist this 'dependence, no ruldress which eau escape it. Nor is it only a sentiment ol humility as to his pow er over his own destiny which is thus inculcated noon man ; he learns also tranquility and patience. Ile cannot ILittet himself that the most ingenious invention; or the most restless activity, will insure his success; when he has done all that depend upon him for the cultivation and the fertilization 61 the soil, he must wait with resignation. The more profoundly we examine the siltation in which utfid e its placed by the possession and cultivation-of the soil the morn we discover hod , rich it is in salutary les sons to his teason, and betiign Mane:ice on his character. This preponderance in a natural, legiti mate, and salutary which, especially in a great country, society at large has strong interest in le cognizing and respecting. NEEDING llocsc.4.—The report of the committee hor,.e=, fur the Chittenden Co. (Vermont) .luri co ItOral Society, contained Rime good rentatks.— in alluzion to the heredmoy iranstiti.isiott of quali ties, it observed : "The - preog»y n ill inherit the united qualities of their Parents. The gued as well as the bract quali ties will ite:.cen,l Dorn gencratilll) to generation-- Hence you will see the importance of a knowledge 01 the parentage, not only as to the sire, but also to the dam. Peen:rarity of structure anti r•ottst:tu (tun will also be inherited. This 1$ III; important consideration, dimigh ten much neglected, lot how ever per feet the sire may be, every goof quality to .y'be tientrali7cd, if not overcome by the defec tive 611136111 e of the dam. let.the essential points c good in both parer is ; but if there must be some ti i :or deter'- ; In the 0110, let them be met and oveicorne, by excellencies in those particular porta: i I Vie other parent. We l w0u!,.1 also advise you, to (et your breeding mares be in full viviol life. Vo riot commence bleeding with them too young, a:1,1 especially do link let your mares be incapacita t•d for %%elk by reason 'of old age. If in, you may e‘pect that the foal w ill have a varreApousliteg weak ness, and scarcely Will a single organ possess(' its naturalstrength. Our tarmers are usually ton lieg ir, the selection bf their males. They ale tempted to part with their best mares, and to breed hum tho e whit!' are itifetior.'l Titalrry Firers Tessa.—flavirig Len a eta:e inem., some time ago, in an agricultural paper, that to make fruit trees thrifty, in the month of March, wa-li them as high as a man can reach, with one r,iiait 01 n hale eiJ soap diluted in fifteen gallons of water, and it in Arid there are caterpillers, give anotheidose; then round - the roots of the ap- I ple and pear trees pot two or three shoielsful of charcoal dust, or indhracite ashes. "To peachmid pfurp,... lie says. I have tried vai'ions experiments, tel bare Wien() been most pleased' with lobaccia stems. Half a peck of stems round each lien is sufficient. The roots are first laid bare, the tol.iic-• ce rs Olem placed over them arid covered with soil.' To this three or fair sliovelstul ol at ashes may he added with advantage: The past spring I lc.! 4.11 all toy orchard-:tare on suds peach trees as were so diseased by wormit that, 7 l 4.let4ll;eitil. 4-,it up—an apple-noon of warm.' (hot Itioo'reahltiir twin the gas house. • We first removed the earth Irmo the roots ; picked out of woirrui, and then with a hrush covered the trunk of the free eight inches up horn the roots, after this the soil was immedi , utely roirlace.l mound the tree. The efllect was stia-- 14 , tilshilig hi May we applierha half-pint of nano a 4. 0 to d .tressing to each tree, .apd• thrift* treed, trikn of fruit - and with a deeper,,riclicr green foliage cannot be seen. 1 mean to treat all my pushes in this wry, as the . clarapest and best manner of pro tecting them. The above method 1 lialctried, rind t - coulmeotl all to try it, as certain it kt bow mil ( ) heap rernedy. Porx - rok: rt.119%.4 —A correspriti.leot s of the Ni -1 , tleliphia I)..•lhar t wspaper, give* Ito experiefice in potato iitsingijas follows.: • T will merrry telt you my plael or raPitiefolt t'"*.' fur the last Three years, period I h Ave held :Toth' crop., little rot anti first rate ittOcesa 1.1 my ..11nrtls. For early potatoes 1 plough the rroirtil early, turn two 'furrows nearly together, 14.4'0 bow - veil them manure aril lime liberally, drop my potatoes, rover them, hoe them as obeli .1. I cat until they began kossom. A stink tune .0 1 er, the potatoes are lit for use am! no t rot ;Imam: them. For later pre -atoms I plough 31141440 t about 16.• 11111 e I 14:m11i:urn, ciwy the 15th May 4 twithout the. emoure or lime, bet see that the grotal felt rm.l ut tir-t 141 e outaMen, and plant ripe ttee.l but . tilV! }J:111,44,`,4 1011 ;,;,rO4ll kind, I ran select, fot ) .iting awl energetic secil is better thairo•4l. anal itt; lint. fin aul crops • diet/ WO4 k the grouoti titorp,rll- ly usurp the tilnisnltH a ,, pear, ivlice I cease/ a. Intoi The more the plant 13 tli:atirbeil afterwtirils , t tie mote you will injure the gt :bid the greal.-: er I,your proryeet of 41.01111 C 01 sai/LO The firtt eneversetion !reth.„the fIPNt gotpi SC:ISO, the ZLirJ ;nod it tru r ae,f 'the wit, • - 7 ,-- -firt - iiii=AdAttiky% ii:: THE next 0 - 141PfAit4VitiniCIPILV9Inulenee • _ an M o nday the .14, t day of nue, tinder_ ttie ' !titre afr tOrlpitipthi4 - ribeitak ' ' . ' " d . • ntri4o,,Kkregi fcirvree t ,,,,' ..) Cirthograrhyipiltelfiall ritiW gal'. phymittl kilentid Arithursir4 T i helommliki trittr.:l4lello4.4rammur, Adagio? -- .t* .. .. A*4lll4ol= Ind Viuttrula-Analyeks. - ui .41134141. Philosophy, Chemistry. Mien:nide Logic, Oka. - • - ' trnutnny and Book Keeping" 4 ' " -Pi • - "' ll ''" .%Lebra, Grutnetty, Trigonamcgi. eurreY -11%, Cut& Beetisirtritualytieat Llessuetry, ' Ike: , •t: . ' ' ' • ' ' ...4 60 1 Lattitl Gereitatat treuektliitiglugePt• !'•• .11 1 ou, Poet. ii.t Roil . senti... ---4 • . ,' , • .1 .„ sr, Bchedurs teeeivrd at asp-period di the !onion& charr.r4 Only inns the *joie et tibeir-etitrauce. thntal can-heutdate!dissyritote Meshes toe es „ fla w. i tki =NTANICJK, Pres't r. Bea* qrtigAnts. Towanda. Joan 1ta,1104, „ , „ • .1 f) 5414WM*10110- 00L a. IN vaspONSIN I C'orni - O f g, thica4 ilia fan! horn any' ioort on the f.'~ictr~bh ca nui to Iliiltaft.Zarora'factflies isetetufore olt r oad to emigninia and oiliora seeking a hum ma lunatic iu ba Uteri WON. • , • u 1 Boat of thiA lint will leave Coring-4 Elmira for .Beffa . Every wed ring The sessoit, in the l'..lloaring Leaves Cumin Tuesday's at L. Md Leaves Elmira, Wrsincialay's at.9l o'clock, P. M. local* Itivima, Thursday's at P. M. Tows &wt. Irma Lake- FOday,_ Touching lit Dig Stream, Starkey, LititiAlrrvgien, ImgPint - GtiVWWIM(IO OO and Or-rtnorriProPlik to. Leaves Buttsla for Elmira and G.. ' g every,lSet bray esernieg, leaves Rache.ster every Monday sower in;. • float CORNING. Capt. E.H. (3 V EI L Boat ELMIRA Cart. It. P FE, • RIS, Boat BUFFALO, Captain For Freight orTsisaageoppl, la the C Oahu. al the.. follorying.Agente: W. M. Mallory, Corning-8. R. Strang & Co. A. Rryitolds,,Eltnira—Wen. Reynothls, ifoiaettaisdi I. Winterrrntr, Ilorseheacts—E. 8. 1-Inprein, Hays 4 rilf 1.. O. Town swsen.l„ tai kNneiva—rwtoodv•lgirth & Pool, Lodi— H aatinge & Y ic tleneva—Ciniy & Sweet. Waterloo -1. Miner, Seriaca Bosteilo, Mog i test:rts-11. L. Fish, Roehester—files & Wheelet, Battik. rjPrevipions for sale by the Captains OD board. E)Mini, Ap•it 4. :ANNEXATIUN OF .CUBA !7* GLORIOUS NEWS TO THE PEOPLE ! • HAYDEN, grateful for the liberal pa. ponnge ho has received since his commence. ip busine,s, would inform the people of Bradford county that lie has just remised direct from New York a la gc supply of Dry Goode, Groccrim, Liquors, Relay wok Clothing, 800 and Shots, Cogurs, iyc., all of whiciehe offers for sale at an exceedingly low price for cash. lia*ii g extraordinary facilities of pur. chating. and such as few in country towns can acquire he flatters himself that be ran and will make It the in terest of those wishing to purchase to give tail • call liefiare purchasing elsewhere. Landlords add ludiais duals tiracitinra superior snick of IILY AVM/ Mt Mi/.9 we orottfd rail your special attention to those old Chard Coiniac, Champaigne and American ; pure Holland and American Gin ; old Jamaica and St. Croix Rum ; fine runt, Sherry, Claret, Madeira. Malaga, Gin ger and Raspberry Wines; a few baskets Champaign*, a superior article, still oti hand. WC` are determined to pin Our Liquors down to the lowest figure. being de sirmis to quit the Ilium harm.... Our terms are its a ll cases, (.!ashrir Ready Pay—and no second price.— lJon't mistake the place—the west corner of Hain and Bridge its., in the store formerly occupied by J. Kings herr. WM. HAYDEN. 'Towanda, June 4, ISSN BOOT & SLOE MANUFACTORY S. HATHAW A Y, • WouLD respectfully inform the ladies and gentle men of Towanda., that he bas taken the slum Immi dime!) , opposite the Ward !louse, one door north of Mix's r:rug store, in Main street, wnero ho is prepar ed to receive and promptly fulfill all orders with which he may he favored. To thn gentlemen he would say, dial his floors, of vrhaterar description or quality, are made under iris immediste rupert i ,and will be war ranted for dumb/lily and neatness. Ile would alsJ in form the Ladies that he is prilared Str , make to order Gat iris, Sbnes, Ste. `Flom long raper enee in baldness, and a 'determina tion to give general satisfaction, be reports to teethe a share of public patronage. May 10, IRSO. " Gentleman, of Utica, N. Y., has obtained (Mtn ill the - Witch-Mize,, a wimple remedy, *Web lays a more just claim to the name of u family cure all" then any Medicine' we have ever bcfinie know[,, Nothing is connected with it but a little Alcohol tofireserve it, and yet it acts with great certainty in removing pain and all local intlamation , curing all soles, burns, loni ans an d lameness, rapidly. Tilei r bowel "complaints, cholera-nimbus, hemorrhate, ear ache, toothache, sore eyes, and all rervous affections. It la — w hit e a s w a t er and as lisrinteso, and it is celled " Amer a Pain DWroyet and ikaling Edract." None is geboinelnterpt " Pond's Extract" to blown in the bottle. Mr. Pond first introduced this mtdicine to the pittlie ind has ripended a vast deal of lime and mon.7 in briniinrit to of perfeetion, and we "now icarrantirvery 'bottle to give satisfaction. A twin by the name of Spencer has pm forth an article called " TheCoyle ll:tram" which claim's to be from the WitchAtazel. If from that shrub, its inure is a jai Ityt tirception, and it is a very impeded arti cle; be nut deceived, get a pamphlet and ace. Fur sale stlinntanyea & 'o."Fuwancl•, 8. 8. /lin man Monrorton, Parkhurst & Lamh Leßoy, Item-ace Willey Franklin. June sth 1850 MYSTERIOUS KNOOKINOS N TOWANDA ! Clock, Watch, and Jewelry Store A As. WARNER takes this method of informing • his old mummers and the public generally, that he has iieritliased 00. P. full; his *lmhof Wileles, Opt-Ls and Jewelry:, and has othinineneed the ahoy. linsiaelkiti,al( of its s: , atious Gram-bee s o the old mend of the latter, un.ltlain litres, two !loot) Routh of Brink reilif;tion• ti watch repairs! arLwrig comatunity,,,th4l4‘,,handly. weges. serf to my s VVOId on that „point. ,WahL, his long A.. pertenceend great advantages tott.lteriding-4,PloSquilk. know o 7 tlielmorness. he fasimmitkimewsks2434lli to the public, bring en year watches and clucks, I will do than justice. • till goods sold, or Repairing done, warranted as I recommend, or the metres witindril. A goad ausontamt of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry kepi conotaaily on hand.- Ng motto shall be,-quielt sole% innall profits. cash 401 Ins and no credit given. Credit need not tie asked tur—em l air hound nod to mato its acquaintance. To*and'. July 12-. 1859. A. M. WARNER. -,,_ _ _ • 11122111 121 , 11W.111W/gLIIIIT WILL he kept on hand a large saaottalcati and male to onlerop ittsotter natio; sod Owlets que ney than can lie produneil nevi, Wier establishateniio the land, Thois:l who are mule; she nemesis, at pro curing that ttetiele will and Audi by matierod- A gond' beareesitsd,iialltney he had in attendance swben darinid. Sepiensher 1,1t1t7 _ L. .31. SURVEYING - AND MAPPING.. • - . . tj .VlA t t, , resintird the hue/unwed suussvop, till work eutru.ted to toy care be done with licenser., anddespa-ch. Notices kit at the " Wart" IlOuse" will ensure attention. May 21 lgul. JUS. t .VI It`.l; sI NI to—CI. P.I Itlirtiowl Pik, • .e. L. Wart!, b.ftlyydeth Altstent'i. Very Strstntre but true. 0 'OW itwiti pound Ityruia •Wi Ik. tieerte-=Orae With a violent Cold anti C my fungi; attrinda with tny ride, that I ;Mold to Etritetite,emiki get no rev ireveritk of thy toner, woultl of Wand MAI limo. Ttristni timed until 1 almost deepoin -tried physielamt and nosier& jut tureineltenni-of the gre ponntiVrtiit of Wild t:tirrir of [i i i' ploy Mans of tile Oat , neater i triatof it, end emit Waite 'perforated s perfect et dierarbea anitinreet, ind i 61 roeditiner i **indebted for" ll :hall berelaCto etwomoni; the anbjeci who toay,bii rota:orate wbat 1 Lave said •. 1 the factory or my tesidiriee: CO' He very particular to virtues Oreparation of W Ur. Surayne, N. W. (mewl n Pk/Isar/Oda ; an others are feit." 8W AYNE'S CELEURIIj " A safe and effectual rem Aia, Cholera Horbtm, sickly adults, and the mast maul tereil to the Public." I Da. Swat-cc—Dear Sir rious nauseous Yennifuge Mt highly applauded by their I slightest good etrect„ and ha speaking in the highest terms its delightful taste and won lelt . somewhat discouraged clot I had gored upon my a dyspeptic looking • child. min worn out Erase the Worms "their ravages; I Concluded 03 aside Yertnifune, which. to bed to let go their deadly OW the vitals. Such was the eft ndfuge on my child which assuming all the color of the fulness of en innocent and p Yours Ate-, No. 4. Howell street, betw Four h. Beware of Mistakeil Re' Verinifuge is now put up in the name is spelt correctly, CLEANSE AN Dr. Stedynes tegirr Co&eti trod of To A mild and gaols* purged Wood, they ei.iiret all the fu as awalleretive in Droptical valuable.' Gidtßness of the demraion orapirits, headset purify* Pills. Remember always to Ingo BWayne's Nampa/ill* and Ex that the signature or Dr..Swa The above valuable Irtediei Dr. If. Mirrayne, tomer of tith drAphia, to whom all orders ab ACiENTS FOR BRAD Husrox & Foul qr. 'Chas. Rathbun", Canton, Ilk Beidleman & Omen, thew valley. 'C. D. D. Perkbursi. Lent?). iKi C. T. Atorti&y. Centreville 1. Denials. Hallianten. 8. W. 4D. F. Pomctoy,. • Troy. 22y IKi A SOVEREIG Cimpithtti end 6intnt'itutd- Meng - 4sB Olds of Litioceit with in lairs •quantiti hivelairs altity general vih deltinpffi . nae.. Hawing treeieed scriesh alp the public to eiateen - os "hat elembere,prehtleing nee apa.*l Cittll4 to them Cheri Wins as any othe'rehtai)tishett One of the pion eeforeleitti tends tun& gnarantos of the t ties anld it their prorr. Tvereete, June 1, 1850 trp.k, 4irrif Being sesirely sehe' ted which settled upon t difficulty, orreries: le breathe, spitting of Woo& at night,' °Wing' to the "pit as mug 'air phi! rani 'Kate otthingif of beOg O Atop sir ithor# r virtues of Oat 1?; ;Ana its bring Ortivect-- turner, It t onelturd to py to itaiettiat 'ire ir ; my detail' is now an , • l belie that to your weft ram tk`with 'int person on , nte, - and cnr , tho. above rertifitite, I • tovVriets 1141iso7t. the ot)sivtall add Oat, - Chewy:ea prrpaetgt •t Eighth and Rage ehreebt. " flectitibas kid counter- ED_ VERMIFUCIE y fur Vi T oes. Dy.pep• :r Dyspeptic children et amity 'Medicine over of- 111323=E2131 OEM Ira. Week 20, 1849. Hewing made upe of es. Miciues, which had been r iproprietora„ without the jug heard my neighbors f your WQIIn Medicines. earful effect, although '1 Lmthe result of the oni• ready. emaciated, sickly, &fiesta and almost already begun to make wake trial of your val or great joy. the Worms arJ strong holds upon of Dr. Sonsynes -WOW perbrody healthy. with all the mirth ful BIAS WIEGAND.i Third an d tuber, Dr. Scrayne'4, ! gate battled. &e that 6 AYPIE. PURIFY ! Sarsaparilla and Ex. , vest purifier of the (liens of the liver, and ,affections they are very , esd, dimness of sight, El lo dte. are cured by these paitirolarly for Dr. red of Tar Dills. See jne is'on each Dos. Only h 9 i9l ll ;a rrePa ce wte rr ete, a old be addressed. L ORD COUNTY. ITowanda Pa. n & Rockwell, Moo- H. Herrick. Athens. & eatults, She- =1 *allkra & Co., Eggi mithfickL. g do Vorlorg, Troy.- MEM and the heal in the 11 1 MY viten ts- Ceielkate, Inini *eh' WIC lietalemmi Vakwr i t M " Plit 3J21 & CO, it Maio formed a busixoesm, mipply, rintop, .&e. Also: elOrM's vet) , large asion and Groceriet, ogether ,a. rancy Goods t . Wi 'ty: of Letups of veriaela• hof Good', they invite ..,. -balm pOrthimi'ng ".,. - 614 Oetittstiered to to" veif ;tins phi tit this 141 e nitiew York: i regular Physieiotr t if ! ....nine iwoity of .11 era: . 0 5414. t it,m. ti f ikat Am:44okm. • otamgm.AWßA .10 1 km," ••,« -“441, etvry g fp, Ik = ' 11/1184slidlliegetniarte swot 'die tinitiestiettonlphr of niedielotedwirdlitilititgrtehlhibillifiediatlidditid his , tarya 4 lHeeilhire ,•• ,- 11. ,s , - 4 w‘: _V .9 -e 4 PenteallesteadimPluithilinilimeef andtlitrthe tendlli ad irjesillinedlladied4iiiipolkire , ,loilosiodte kuinmioralied deacriptiencedapyrdweasa,: atellhe vier Spine* ciifi-I obtainYalkstme WAR /18:1103 0 I 11040 NllOl5 YHVH. , sthait : duto rear ago 1 was Ahead oaf% elflike*, -col4,4llfnebrollictaals, breast andoolfey andereey' teur• day. etredlit raise cenridem hie Wall ; my edtegh was eightandikstnoubig..i 'Every .by I bad violent fever creepiug chiUswatid profuse sweats et aright, with great didkulty of Matadi:lg and greenbes of :appetite rely "Islam was smissey peso, trated being condor-I to my bed most of the tutee—. Tweitflheigast mamma - pleesittienweLdisoeityst. tended 4ne:liiOl `after iklikneathig . rellitbeiekfakilleprii nonmeirif niji ears inetindie: , 4eilead. tareViaiik , ant: lungs were almost gone, sad I could niehrimilip•4o:' , cover.. At ibis star of lay &sou% 1 oak I poostifed upon tisq n Dr. Seize YabooiiieSpospi Old before 1 hake lid( a &deo bettleircwas gofer 4er:event& as to i.e t ,go tiara dis•house. ft seenerdte strength, eh My eiliede eynteow—it tenesnal eke we* senhatep ped lbs itleeding—tay bowels became ierderf bid - everyrthhis InitiWasemetee digest easily sot *mai* Ivey wholreertes. indeed Omit " was'ille.repii pros grew of my heath and so seidderrthershinarcthat I became toe sanguine Ws speedy cuts, ltd uleieisk' ii 4 'eel the use 'of thWatelicine `beforeAlie, discos was thorough!, minding; which remdledin weraher attack of hfrediagat the lunge flirt tail. aimintpatried try a ilia tresahreeengh. 1 agent emersion's:a -taking '‘elltil. , moose Syrnp,•lind not for Dr. Iteenewk who; upon sr careful elaminatioa, Welded me to edatinuo-using in Before I had taken Ifour bottles, an abscess formed ih soy aide, whichrthked and twalm, dischs%it' tgoistreare as i can judge ' s of very diYagreeable yellow mat. . This to cleanse and purify my whaler:ye , on. Er esi this. time I began to Pi better, and am 'happy to any entirely moweeed. lam sere st din tune henjny dieter beehtetinus thin:elm the 'last tan years. :fie I commentead (skies the Puhrienie Syr upi.l has. never tailed to recentmeed it wherever I went, that eilienr, as welt as myself Might 'bogeyed saved from that awful 'disease ; for I Seel it' a duty I owe to dm el/lined to publish it to the world. Permit me is neentiou a few eases which have wine wider my immediate observation. Dying on a visit to tAsneden, N. .1., last summer. I seer a child, evileady-ii the lint stage of bowel coasuniption. The mother •Andeigned woe that the physicians bad given the child up as in curable. I told-her whit Inwefit I bad received from the nee of fleheeielre Polnionic 'Byrop, and Woe d t. rto procure .a bottle. I heard nuking- mete from t tilde aniferer anti) about then monde .iifter; :being i the market, my attention wade:pro tea lady who o ved me very attentirety. Bhellnaiirmiprimebid gne, and asked if I was writ the lady who reeononend ea Sebenek's Pub:Donk Syrup to her dying -child last stormier in I :louden. I replied that I was. bite mid that her child had entirely moaned, and was unconw manly healthy. Her natne is Mrs. %laws. and now resides in Brideaborg. Another lady I gnash/ mention in punkahs', whetted a actofeleas aStetion. Heeler* and neck presented one continued oete,and into of her eyes was 'el-toasty affected with it. ethe had became greatly emaciated, and to all appearances pastryteovely. I induced her to sty elehencles Palma= Syrup, which she did, and is now perfectly eared. Another lady, Mrs. McMullen, whose residence I grill-give en appli cation, was evidently in the last stage of Cetunsatritiba, / prevailed open her 110 try the Pulmonie Syrup. In I/ very short time she was entirely-recovenol, and now en joys excellent',health, having become exceedingly fleshy Them are three cases within my knowledite which I know were cured by Schenck's Pahnonie4rup, All who doebt this lastament, and willYake the trouble to call on sae at my renames Parrish street Ave doors alleys tenth north side, I think I will be able to satis factorily convince them by own caw, and othe4s that I know have been cured by this Syrup. Since my cure, there have bernan many to we me to know what I took, that I have had a vary geed opportunity of knowing • great many that have taken it, and have been greatly benefitted thereby. and I think if persons afflicted with Consumption or Liver Complaint, Would send for Dr. Schenck, and let him carefully' examine their lunge, and if be says be , can cure them. followthe -directions, and Firma taking cold, they - will rapidly recover. • ' 113 1404 ump -1111 fi jtw eat-. =I 1 ' J 0 %h. ice los. of 'fee 'a Coto- GULIELVIA LEIBERT, Philadelphia, May :9, 1849. J. H. IStenzves—Dear Sir-4 have known- Mre. Leiben for seversl years, as a member of my church, and have all confidence in her statement, and ant re joked to find her again reward to health. Arty thing more. in addition to her sateinent, is needles.. 1 : Your., truly, THOS. L. JANE WAY, Nitta of the North Prorbyterian t'hurch, Philadelphia. June Mt, 1849. 6th at. above Green. Prepared and sold by J. H. SCHENCK, st his Lab oratory M. E. corner Coates & Marshall sta., and by the following Agent. in Bradford County. Gen A. Perkins, Athena; D. Bailey. Leraystrillet T. Humphay a fell; Maynard & Woodburn, Rome; J. J. We Monrooton ; D: D. Parkhurst, Le Boy; C. E. R base; Canton ; King & Vadat& Troy, and by MIX & MASON, Towanda. Price, $1 per bottle or $5 per half down, To Use Victor belongs Ike Spoils. ALTOUGH . Insay prevention' in th bircenf* Priths. far diedianes." - ban'been hrforeempridie, dein. Inc to giverebef, and 'bets mint the Moe' inveterate dimities, yet nene.liave so melt anaentral tint purpose as Pr. Shaman's 011etlieeted Larengna. They ere,t ,omses,. ble to the twee, easily edunniatered, and from the ne• prereclen4y , sneeess which they have met with, and ibe •rernstrics ante whieh they have performed, if justly lay claim to the title of Con gum? otter-11e di mmest for whioh. they have twee reecunsmnikci.' Dr. Sherman'. skcotian I.O3ZEMAW Coes the - room MutitimasassentlDeoeli in a bar home They here core 4 els* somber of persons whit bite hers given' op bylbrirphysieuntaand friends, and many who have been reduced to die scree of the Steve by spittinghload, Consomption and Hectic Fetes, by their use have had rose of health melted to the haggard cheek mud new live to speak forth thole-4w of this invaluable meillenie; Dr. tinverinim's - 4 . WORM. LOZENGDS" Have been pievedlis more than 400,000 cases to be in falliabby in feet the ceitain, Worm 'Destroying Medicine ever discovered. • 'Children wilt' eat them Then they COMMA be forced to take any ether mevlicine and the benefit deriver honk the administration of medi cine to them in this nano is great horrid conception. When the breath of the-child liceetnes offensive. and there is picking of the nowi,Jgrinding of tbenose.gritid nig if the tee di daring slam , Mimeo iikopelhe Drile with. Bushed chests, Weeding •nt die' now; heeled* drowsiness, searting•doring "sleep, disturbed dreamt*, awskilig with frightuing screams. treibleawnicteriugh, fewrisharsaf thirst, veradons appetite, sickness at the statrachwed bloaled . minisch—theas are irdetryp 'the MOW. psamifirni of worms, and - eafi • fie t iAtititilsittossnitas. They have newer boaaltnoilft taloa 'ithinitants a CAMPHOR DUZHNGene' RONevirtglandlichernereets sairkheashehe,perpittlien of the liesifind Meknes, ink frierointftra. TheY core lowness of - spirits ; despondency, flannels, mute, spawns, cramps of the stomach, summer or barrel complaints— they 'keep tayi the spirits, dispei all the distressing of dissipation, and enable a person to undergo grpst men, tat or bodly toil. Dr. Rhermen's to thet ed 4od Ori. ypu buy 'On th e ii2:•.1,1 Finn: “POOR MANS PLASTER” Is opelmowledged by all who have ever used it to he the ben atrengthing Piaster in the world and e sovereign ' remedy Rie pains roil wraingsin the hack, lninj , aide breast, neck, limbs, toinis , rheunatiantinirdiago. eta One million a yearril), not g liPPic the demand.-- Caution hi necessa - y,as-therit wail ny unprincipled persons who would /dims spurious inside udiai :17 coronniaity, lie careful to get tilienoarea Poor Man's Plaster, with a' !Tao simile of birWrittert name ea the hee ***Pw' ether% ana gettaiPas and will do maw hurt than Ord. tiold , takTiriran. byji USTON ar, POR TE--R No. t, Brack Row. 078 ON : NV Al, Of Tray, Drailkord twenty, Pa. T )ROPOSES making :periodical visit at Towanda 'divine the wisfonr - of every court. He may Tie found at the IhNsc of J. B. Cross, commencing on . the 3if of September. Reference can be bad hom any part a the county. An work trananted..' tli:' un 1: CM II r.. Prbuy—ft, im . AttiG A E44111C, i• kfibbot *its ART DOPTILION . i bit Jo' of elf Wails •• ego/ tit ssmbiukiret an. rot I ts, ?quint.* tom St tem KILLA ' fots aorpciatbiminkosavill- Impitbe it allr wiaCgvi; rwri,besserie itmg, " portlier or nmseir dor rtits zsurr,sce of" . • 1 311411 1 01421114 VtiglOW "W M:. • l iarfl " ' ORM droughw mote poikthilily tooringtokiliforia to6W *Wince of 4oOloneon.ielfoo broooi Jim* of airs isot Joe /wad ito vy beetle of rod icOmo, card .k.eftd if Otruripkwela 00.4fasiitie ir,-boookeTho Potofilre jolomma son lealsoktoopliliCkn4wroloolfpoonot .. . . v is ,,, r tia o( Witiettiffe peaty scrums to &ma . *NI t i Ude Ns +crumpet idaywith tion•yerid•;renee god dertlemy they ta•ke dirati•Oltiesesteraho , ~.abdeciVelliber if the Mead t• d• ioeitit. $u in.. i s _thi.. _ ditto sa site" &mild eatiOdUae.110•11•1411. Ar - ' . . flobilduaildtatuededeut. **wands Ow AtallA.l.o.....,:rtnteist,./hosenenotrootaaortueoeo al „Is e•Ra.ties - no WO) being or Otreakelotal ad tauddesll - tips . 'at lhompoutile kr kr la..esmbip ee . . 'at Ape! l'arpVel•-litii_sic._ Yam at Moss ! a DT. jilt, blew t o Clef reef T `llvbf us a bottle frialrAtu'lltuethits tatateßaa.••••••••p 4. ~Z 1.7 se 08 114 0 0:4 0 4.10._ei1l me up It bear . die „ : r. 'your, tilyc l er at: Dayi, , . which thew thee& imiefeerldieuatto riviiier,vrtn laie 'tines `- ,Vireihreiro , kastiß o PporA haw chow It ie 7 airly! 1•4 it Ueda) , poi (fa b e . as roatrutuo Aid RULING 'll/0 : OW 'H - awn awn) it muLtstilluh - ewe * Tuertotird,Olut 40111..0 rditrus he trunk Tatnii.Yeariat, , 'Fin dee ma* thoea' baffle, et lieril Ilealtres thadothuar earit.nsupet -dtaventr purl ditirebt., is' 'wet bitilrEmthi iimaniktkagroGuluirr. Panama and 4dirrj.c .-turet.t.a:` Tom ettlppear loy-the Patio:um at rem hiMaiet• ftexpii" thotriar doe ! • • .. O$L 607111.11 OF *SANTA MOM* boa Lyre efilawy.m4nro, mon! uritint Wag it . kmar a IhM s9lllos ::solleit of iffresparilba, tforo,Chrt ikrryt.t a ',ells 'Or Our. Ihmt.As araiso a M ell uri Tear Cowl. '1 ..l.l.iZ:Lt) i lir. J. B. !haste of Maw, Oneida Ca, X. T.; edigi ' foreieseet of Strafe* to tail, mare se dole* oe tamer bedoends es-sedge • In the Scriutroz COVIT kt the Cif!' 1 Sae Pr*, ort Mrs 7601 el De twerp. eorder tie Ilberrorhrretrearosemeoro-4 ,-, A pereuu in the Cltp of Nino }ink had ateaatattarad•ll4 T 4t re snide of mccilciac, .callle It Hewes INOWl t eu 'll it; cent. Ike initatice if ille• Orem wituryroadighlt Moore dower* hr. the. depeorm— Ceur,t at the e i t i, g o i %op root the cue wee Inferno. sty " the Amor WI: "11.* dl Weer in7 u a eedomoit Lawyer, as Weer lo; thirdent: -04010.• TIM de _pdooded inmaisso.o44. Oat the ors of tale/ Weaklier lid iirsamelaripoibilbed PAYAa olowelogrorepf9oreir.l4o4 l . b 5 t . 00 . 001 41 7 104 oftaile_l4 ll4 l4. mad, therefore, was nit eaddled" 41 - a we came Cif air lits. Ali. was WhoodremiiiiiiAlimvabil Haft wag Wawa NO a seesaw le impel to.;110 AM , s is,peWitcgrdoice• Cie ladjawei stags 11 W , .1114M71tatit tAr peNkrzaos. HASltletrakleitAell 11E:it Cant's P.4.4I4ICTIM6fig tON•4II ago. osoOrolsOo. Meet :.),Awartm, 1 awe ewl tray efiktad by it't t enee,ll4l by cow.; tn&l Apo ...It rc tnr eat ce mike. oleic (acme, -eworecesecd wit coluseitec. ler sr seoesbs tof,ro I mood Rfter's Pro Vier. Oloil No wedirier. When lateestewe ell Amen ar awes iAer 1 bid heel wseisetle ay Cahn Nastkow Letratd fait isky,yedi try ley IM,ParkplotiOklPT fn.& IMO ccoqr4 ewe er ce eaccrece OW &wad behlatePelpeeilifies,itaily , b proteeSA thates: ahoieww." es that ro , brea th plut.d ii add a; *o hide ceas IWWWwa.wirUentett q welkaolrrotterblwileeleti throw Ont ell., No del .4 toddy lonood loos u 4 ovos 044 ave.. 441 Awn sat dweller to oroilmwir *MIA hid Itewalwilet boateil. www/ Wiwi eke." elee. S wed //meet Priam to sewn Nah a O. Ass It kz4 icct , -.idiom days. 1 wog of .nor or sweeirel • dee; tietissak taterwestlemed VIM eit 1.11 *wad, see le. svA %Aid bedi We ware bottle I teed 11.. adld.wattyrtetetelVailth es Awegthesed nit tort‘d wy mew. as ant war aft witer.then witile.te the anomie of M0.,11 temeenl, et Rel. Cele" when I got the elaint toady OaLloollo If ALL NS U LlClSKSiWAthiwilelitswes ;lbw* sallasseetheast•twrdsewb. wet I thee atat.d.sesae es dessAws,. wawa 1 tared tax vt,,ch wade • VICRFICCT ClllllL'ibdtedneed eel. swat &WA& .gOAr NMI PAJZTICVLISat, Alga wars P.AMPJALE.II. CANCERS MUM Jfe. 0. B. KINNEY. sureasat. Maw, theeila county. X. Y., in fretted la that a cancer-doctor In said county was ...gr.' t,Thr WOO. drrftl tortilof rectitAthrivab the e•l6tacy of RILINI"la ItYSNU EXTRACT. A sameccrolmtar to Unceno county, N. is aho wiln; said Minim ire. A. o.ltErri.R. /tnn,Tl4. nr Canajo. bane. llowConllnT aanwaY, N. Y.. has Wormed to art cant of a Cawat.a of,lowg, atandinc. winch was elfin:tot On saliged lady of that Owe. IC, thferefote, Ptaterta carrot Clow& by tI g u r .?"% i l le , lill rl i = yl'4' sod ot the *sad can penmen sod triumph says there ans was h as a what hr w/S4llle. /WM/L.BOFt MUM The see. RICHARD DUNNI. NO. - Pastor of the TresiTerries demob, Adams Beata, Monroe county, N. Y. wrote to : he Jeer reeolwer &Setae from Coutersitir Dosoortd. relater to the :are of by rerrer.rare, You our &prod .xt what tt .statto, for lot Christian man slot 11111 elder in rtleMuryS. *MD rift' 10=0 se hod to hose oue ofbie logos:us AC to aces ht liferJef of a 'reser-sore. The other_ leg being now antU to asetratated, I romomombed - Bousres Illitracat a. she re. salt.. He says: • f Ones mud cry retur. of 13.11.4.Nra1, signiclNE. I Moroi ALL 110 TE, /Ma lOW " 411 Z 1641 Motteber. sod Ima now say bac with the h/esato of . fakes ufectoka erre J. t leg.'" bee Pumplike* fur full LIV ER-COMPLAINT t DI SA.TRA.Iff DURDARD, of Stawfond, Cons ose of the oldest end most resplos. phystetsms. ores sfilletee Z.Strr-Cess pistol many !ream sod was perfreep r oues namirs ru• RI IfYIND Y.XTRACT. We amid owns of other Crew olio cored. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. No remedy oirMed to dm publk ltaa ever beet; 44/ xi aerate trod Greekeee ix rietoriie &&& the Meidetaxl timireimet add triemiardas of the rex, m Daurt's Pcutiox&mr &item It makes cm *der , moo wbethm the dentagement be mop/Imb% cores. or orb& rook orn—it ILFARILATTA ALloby ]!le animesi, xemlist. maecuittox. eM soothese end eassie9 SILItYO9II =MS MITI or &a pamphlet& CHANGE OF LIFE, • Then the Otto the' teouree. and the tome. of Midi/4 aps—the aea erure is enerenefet am? the other or prrideollp comm.* et to pre. nottef4 sa(thelel4.4hethie hvgamatt Itnale il4p•Oll4ftell loch eheoge. . . `Attics, Graeae Co, Fa%wary I. MIL T.WALIACT. CO.—Gasamire was. for wrote thus a year. &Meted tart atlases@ of Oe stamob.l cook, mit ea AM Ild or Em my sohasttee abbe& rename meat part, aleir , sal om mutat= and was imatiastalty Meted arab a sear smarebt a *as lakatPuldwat.trbiliewApeale 1 41111.40214AED1C011. to my alter dlearpolnorteat, marl offid - rghowd Ai weal pais I. I themfbre twat a semat(bargis:whieb has rompletely eared thedl. n.e lam bow well sad hearty, sod can-eas shwa 11117 lbtar without bear pained, Maw atedieb hematite odd ToursWiLt.o2 •r. Wt 1.7=4" sperebent 41111:16 • Hutu setriorm, tucutici, ice. "Itivinit Gomm Co, N: Y. Oct t* Itte. T.WALLACI k CO.l Sass ciao Ism wooer my was became in debilltated Item the bets tworrassz and Nero =l, „ akage t t r aad=o,,,,chad ra t r . tri; zi,,, , *;=pr in iav deas edis= %Tem perati m datta „," tril i t l e /la lw=t 016 *it iparnsigedt eat aninta.likege:t aka, to more theft adglaydlei panels: bat by the time ebb had takes Aar /stabs, she became perfadly wen. Tbe adolmPirZ that she I. mar Molded to do all timesnary household wort, wilted Wily paissibr habit kw weeks. " roma truly. C. H. GALENTINF.." The miller wilt Arne that Oacianat rya wleria RN we am informadAly Tutu, tag.. ot s th a saw Nam. bar isodied a odw dria itinisrvf ihricatir; colt/mot theooofrirrooporor flops of CALOMEL Cr MtiCtlllr=or *dna TeStOIN tM elailit*M l 4l l .loll4aftibrptuist 'to tMolg arfglld. *coon , • GENERAL DEMLITY OF YOE' SYSTEM t Mr. A. TiOLTSTAiiIiER, Ohertia, 3.ariais Co., fain, Wren*, December 111.+1114..evieir ambled hem idre sebum iIbeIaIDNARY BAL S A M Wei ellrerert the eery mr.ter rcike Me' eine ele' t..l4mirrieeteeeidrreseel mraarrrs PLE 2. l4 , lzzein g a l= a cirel SaVIGNIATS artreeobst I here ere, mea. l i e envy in vrieree sea whore , ire brit veld •WiltAirlNC arEDrcner.s, , ari !mei "nerd their diasq,as sittAt 'Astir Action." ..All-t RHEUM, smd // lb" noon, are OM' S MO b asuarrs =Tam?: For sale by HUSTON 'dr PORTER,"l'inirinda' C. H. Hirtirde, Athitkiv 0.-H.Hatfibene o Eaten ; D. Potrichung.,. ilrawn-AAackwell4lioniwt. I °9 E. W Paird,l'uounerOckl ; oblong D • '& Son,lA;Rayaville ;1:s l'uniptry , Orwell; Maynard _ VV. tree*, Uoryiall&Clalillerlingtotr; ii. & Iwo TM. ••• - . d, Or? .• - • . 6 c-All tellers and ' . erikrs nmai !!d_dresperl to l~l r ai. & 100 'headway, N. V. 111 NEW ESTABLISHMENT.- . 111111.132 .111PwARILIKINGIIIIIWANISes , • ; 1.. M. 'NYE & CO., would ra 'PeettlY infOrtn the citheni of Tose itinilshey rd the prbreerezi e tty, that Li gst! Ito orderlr Wash of . ,CA BIN El' 'FURNITURE, of the hi* - mate: ■ • in rhthe, and tivitikitritiehili thee ttiettlet lAtiurpassed;inadaniontottisointal, assortnient.in coluatty-lholps, wn-esiithsviltl bandana tuakplci,!inier SOFA; ot.various and asioit.apprpsed. patierns ; Sofa Ifoching Chairs, tipholiterta Fn **nor style. and fat one ilia ilinnof be siitremed even inlar- largothies. Also, the half .Iwrisieftlifii horsy- ssit • • which never loser ite l atiastiegy e lipl finished with the best hair seating. Writafteeritirsolves that Itasin hatrtimch - eiiirtitteli WNW &rim's', Welfitt# Ntj to satisfy sl t * lio'nilfkef.dakietkyl - te4alDhoili , :as td quality . stsrpriticitni Ai stria littentio6Whinirrkis hope tomtit find rooai.d thepatrrinitgenf -• • L. 111: NY} &'CO: . - Toarandi Hoge . f • AT 8 jus" "f te * ll • oFrOtribe celebrate ' •lve, " /tot Oaremilovelar,cbcor ‘ lot of rlolhiag,'a/ the new 4:l9tltiaq, afaliat r 1 jtT q ; 1 13/.ck Row : - IT. & eillticEn. ME=l . inam-loat r i - — .3 - - i --- 7.17.-':- •-:,.--. 2;:,: - . - z - •- - • - . -- .... miititat , munimmic stoic ...: • z• ~ 1..,•,, t ,;, ~•.,,, ,- ~..,,,.. yr, ". . -i' r tt rI WPi d p k - 04* 1, g ("14154, Real: .V,...,ltiti** 7 4 l ol ll *v 4%44 Bek44ek,. E tk0 103101 t, , R4 11 1;-C.i.iiI , 914km. Oiogno," tdas•liOngoltiliniq*... Nanner Pli6 ;o , 4 . 4 die. ifsei 14.5011r4, Wm* (014 Cliisisil iitinlii!io 141.*V. OdOws7i,j sail Cli es i wy, ,P l /0 46 4 13 0 1 e* IPAiiir, ..,Oinnuin, _ 400 es . • ''''n: - illeinjas. ken 7 A-101 4 i? ' : 4 ,.. Ltpinietii - ''• . 4 4 °' '• - / • - . . 'Mahon (pes iltepiiiitiOper rirter, 4 so ' ll4 06 '''E ititifiMatoiood- rittireirk _ . 294 Ai', roinitiatirictiogidoneekt.,on the pi tik ,. it, pritiiiegel4o44ol44orwOrkt.cw:o7,Yne*Wdie 4ltrre shigskied. anitthentibertifiise, wilinnitedditimirelawse, -Toaryipaarlittly,witr , studio the Engliidi briod iek , ibirlerno liflimnidng-aith• of tbe-sbowe.beineirs,o,, pwalennien . . ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' $3 Oe . l owskint , --difr-Osiimr, • • 4 oil .Unit of flame; •.: - .-' .'1 . 7S Diftwincaind painting-in-wager Colors. including • thou's or midetiwilionnebtas,titnnwing piivest, Pligo 4, Pulcill4Ake-i -, •, = , - • 400 0111tmotMigota possimg.. , ,ti . P 4 1910% trii!PPCMOI 10.84...~ . . aka 4% 11004h/in . the oupplt of rooteriaLr, iamb ' -,..-. 404 ' Y l n_ 7 l. l 4 l o ll ,liMea Mel ? *dk and ye4P4slef 1. ' kaif7flimlirem,...... - . ',- . • .- :. -: SOO GirAng "I , OIL gm*, dee. „ do. 309 Wntlloweri;„Ar iter , .., • . • Pens and tli, fl . , .;' ' . - ,''4 De ,5 1 Vidiling. , " - . . . 2tt I tortiinil e j''raeattOrss,i 00 per week, • ' feltiettsikiAdoWneniedtolh e Waite Winn edßlPPlN L lting!iiinton, o,rooliw c0 .,- . Pi Y., will it. ~ ... . em , it prompt ollmttiorp. , ' BOOT' & - SIIOE - MAAUFACTORE • • • .4/ 11 4 . • .. • T ann W. 11011k0X m 7 Ins ?eoted his md b it , h. Meal° the s betivern Kingstery's and B an . totes stares.-sad 'where be- still solicits a Awe et public. patreetsfee- He intends, by a caref u l te l ec o m of . Week, and by attention to the interests of bis casco. tners_to make.aa wet led durable wink as ewe be ma. nufacturesi in this pad lot the country. ila will keep constaney on hand, and nwatif o o tto to co 4, &roam. Calf and Coarse Boas sad sh oo; Ladies . - ,Gaiters; Mora and 7* . ps ; Ckildrat's do. ; Gepes Callas curd Pumps, 4te. fa - tountry Produce, of most draeriptieso, bl ot , payment tor-work: at the market price, • Towanda. April 26, 1660. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, Iva - 0 Witi=7; 1311 et F. HARDER rtsp;ctfully wishes td inkom th e V • citizens of Towanda, and the publit-Ast bi h commenced the • HARNESS AND lit* MAKING &Ow to Towanda; on Mehl 'street, a lies. doois Awe Bride street, where he will keep eaustimtly on halal IN Midi 10 010 J Plated and common Harness, Trunkt end Trunk Pofices,and alt kinds of work in his line. CAR. RIAGE TRIMMIt4t and MILITARY WORK dem to order. Prom his experience in the business, rid punctuality in attending to it, be hopes hems, mein a abate of puldic piitrunage. 03. A 11.41114 of work may be had at his shop cheap aer than at any other shop in this enmity. Towanda, June 12, :860 Remoied to Honk side Public Square! W 4. Chant tecriin, I% ll As just returned I/milled , ' li t: .. .. 11 of New York with a Inn Cook , : • ... oh . supply of Watches; Jewelry sal .- . 1 d r i r.Stlrer ware, comprisine in ran, :(. the following artitirs:—Lere, '-'-- : L'Epine and Plain.W itches. sett s ..1 IL_ :,,,,..- -' ;#.' -... a complete a!wortnwne of told -..............-- Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fro. ner Rin g, Breast Pins; il racelets , Lockets, Gold chew, Gold Pens. Keys, etc. A lao, all sorts of Silrersie., and any quantity of Steel Beads—all a which he offal for sale exceeedingly cheap for CAelp. Watches repaired on abort notice, and tranolui in run well, or the money will be refunded. and a ant. ten - agreement given to that effect if required. N. IL—MAPLE SUGAR., and Connie!. risdare taken iti payment for wock ; and alas. /eani note, and foreivi, that the Predate ;nazi be paid whir the read Ia done—livar against credit in all its firma. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent Towanda, April 2R, 1860. Celebrated GraOthr, Vegetable Pills me, introduced into the g. a the year IWI 6. Thorn. oysdinary eihas, andam ity Mgr all- other VIII Amin' in this roman, is established them as thesisi. -4 Meditate of the dap 'or side, together with is mem as of the Graeienberg Ca,bf Hatton & Porter, 4 H. Alia in Towanda, ant if agents mollified in leech town in the county. Also, Iter sale, the Greafertbetig Manual of Wrath t complete NAND soot for Faeillea, containing Mina tion relathre-to the twounent of *know miry, /am of &sow 300 paper--price, be Cents. N. H. A. Family Newspaper:will be given,fat charge. for one year, to all who purchase Gractnelli Medicines. All commimications most bo alibi:lowa to P. C. br genial, Elmira, Gliamung county, N. Y., Gellert) Atti, • THE CORYLE EXTRACT, et Mimi Nix ledtriar; lad Remedy fit lists TAlS,Extract,iar pu re liquid, tree from mend* itsconierjeni 3 Or dangerous, As a pain aver this s tliedir.inelirdutWrior.to every thing yet dirovesli. and as - itu4pneatiri,tti naluce intlamation; the insl mankiedlit thinynied to equal, nature in it. It mods the Igeivima'nYitelte--lwals rounds, bruises. gni' add 'delimit'. uleeniddices all manners of ordintl,, - - UOd-cures titionerComplaints, Preto! ; In&totile Dideria; Ferrate complaints, and most d tbt ernerrrisully Anittente. - ILE.AD?IIt OPINION 'OF 'HON J)UN C. artC.l* s 'After Siring rhairiitited. you will not be oral at the derlairatiett tity•opinion ani firm roped - M. ,tharthii4piaid prepared by . you is ova or ?sr sett, t!rf Alta itir.b. Irts it RstM IS "Ml(' IL TAIT, or RIP gatvessalw;-=and that itwitt prove 3 most remedy tor an nervous 'Senses. Indy roe far ides" matiowNueutseaud anemic. when seasonably and rsf only appliatL Farber - observation and experimeol l be necessary to determine the best mode of its IN_ tine, wiriberintetually or externally, and the Ter to be adminietered. • Touroblierraat. ..loaa'C. Swam Tire above.raerlicia• mad be found at all tbi AP* pea,feT 1116 eit t elet do , celebrated Umleiter' SO eine% n!crittlier named. Cld _k Polk jaal7l THE subscribes has no"' loins new shop, a few ted , oo", his forte location and on the i r ,posite side of the Street, Wool 4 w .contbsoot to Itlansfsetwe A lee. pea band, ail kis& el col ' r ood wood scat CH AIRS. IP ` s 1110 . .B.EraIES., of various littesti l" - • ; i;. 7 )ADSTE.I.I)B of 'every dew* ' Lion, whi self hor Is ET - • WORK, ot-made ro order. On dril 614 manlier. . .111.UUNSO. Tuvtaty.l.), Maul 9, 1919 ME