Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 03, 1850, Image 3

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    114 Mons.
our exchanges are fitted with accoents of dime
f,a) the elects a the storm of Titellidz
I eu
it I gli Canal below Manch Chunk, o:limped
!,,, - , i i e rsble injury. Between locks Nos. instri f
Weiss Pots,) about 180 kW Of the towing
a thed away. At Parryville , and' nearihic
' v, oh Gap, the Canal has also received Zzfrioup
l i ''''; g „ Between Mauch, Chunk and the Cap,
:,erairs necessary will delay the naogata,a
bour t o ur weeks. Several- boats him" talked. at
: aficn v, p o ints along the line. ItockporVivis
,,,le,t,yfy inundated by the giving way of the dam
s . Laurel Run. The water filled houses to the
t.„,„d s tory. and about two feet of Beek Mountain
02 1, below the dam, was caned away.
At yolk, the Codorns rose excessively high, and
considerable damage to propekt. c .The rail
osd tram proceeding from York to Wrightsville,
met with a fatal accident. The engineer feeling
v i the bridge across Kreutz oreek.had been dam.
.ad Jutting, the night, and that it would not bear
„. whole train, attempted to run the locomotive
pa tender alone over it, in order to test its etrength.
Ile hid scarcely touched it, before the bridge and
went down, and in a moment nothing was_
wen but the rushing waters that dashed heelless.
on. The body of the ill-fated engineer, whose
„ g ar was Chas. Duncan, was found some unmet
.arils, several hundred yards from the scene
the disaster.
Carbondale, in Luzern county, suffered (Weald
„ably. Between eight and nine o'clock, Friday
mo rning, a dam about a mite above 'the "'Age
. „ 1 , way, and a torrent came mashing down
Gasket Brocik,” sweettieg almost everything in
course. Aker throwing together small build
:, cars and flood-wood in thet imagine.
c onfusion, it distributed itself r g i rttgh Church
3lain streets, at every opporttmity rushing
sogh gardens, bearing down fences in its course
tt leached the: Lackawanna. The first floors
.preral houses were completely submerged with
and water and furniture, carpet'', ere , near
:tuned. Flood -wood, often to the height of sew
,., feet, was deposited in streets,
and on gardens,
wits herelotent considered farabove high wa
the Lackawanna already swonen to's great size,
the addition of this flood, lashed over Its banks
.reral points, and flowingly rapidly toward the
caused much destruction in that gainer.—
miners, the sons of William Davis, a Welch
are believed to have been drowned in tire
.•.7.aird two others and a boy are said to have
: drowned in the stream.
A treat damage has been sestairted by the Del
rare and Hudson Canal Company, in the dessunc
rg build railroad, and cars near the Foot,
reral rods of railroad upon the high wort ores
lack manna, the flooding of their mines, Ike.
--.• :4‘.• to them in actual destruction and delay is
r estimated, but is probably not lens than
000 - • _
ever the Lackawanna, on the tant
e <:reet leatting %Vest, also on the turnpike over
-J,:road East, are gone.
,-,- We have several rumors of damage to our
lines of internal_ navigation by the recent
rim- There are known to be ueverni breaches
'. , .Schtivricill Navigation. but lo what extent or
. amount of damage, the officers of the Com
. hare not yet fully ascertained. An anent
• despatched :np the, find yesteriay, and the
.probably be knowc in a few days. As
•wis . the injury by the recent storm to the works
aC Lehrah Coal and Navigation Company, we
and the following to be the facts of the case..
and Susquehanna Railroad, twenty
long, and extending from Wilkesbarre ,to
„:e Haven, at the head of slackwater naviga
.•on the Lehigh. has been damaged to the ex
- •?, •:3 000, chiefly in the immediam neighbor
.N the Planes, near Wilkesbarre. 04 the
.eetion of the canal, twenty-five miles, ex'.•
-,h , ty, from White Haven to Mauch Chunk, the
ran be started for..:soo,prii) about 41000 more
..e required to restore this portion of the canal
ac roißin.on in which it was before the flood.
H reen:to Manch Chunk the canal can .
• order in three days. It w ill probably re
ry two weeks in complete the repairs on the
or The heaviest injury 'is on the low
• linty-sip miles, M tu.:.h Chunk to
n-or=t breaches are above Allen
' From the latter point to Easton, the nevi
.9l-1 will be resumed on Monday next. To re-1
a' remaining, portions of the work may re
•• hrec weeks. Cost of repairs not yet esti-.
I. The Delaware Division can be repaired
'ince week.. and the Morris Canal in three
Tiwre has been little or no! injury to the
it . Al • work on any of these canals. The
-1.-Iti2h Company, horn cost of repairs
~ , ,t rovonon!of their busine,s, will be wholly
;Lli compensated by the increase-AI firmness,
relnaiiider of the season, in the coal market
threatened with a break down from the
-•• production beyoud the demand for eon
wll —little Ledger.
Important from Califenila—Asellier
Terrible Fire, at Sag Modem.
'sue steamship C rescent City, with dates
. from
A F fan(' IWO , to the loth of June. arrived at New
, irk. on Moutlay afternoon. The passengers on
,•iird have stao,opo in gold. .
o' the 14th of June was another terrible
l'e •ii at Francisco. Three hundred buildings
..... Jesuoyed, and the lore was estimaed at floe
-. l traots (idol/ars 1 s
The steamer Columbus arrived at Panama on
46th Instant, having left San Francisco on the
i lh of June: she brought 160 passengers and
''•'° 0 00 in gold Just on freight and the mails.
rue ,g,11,1 dust brought by the Columbus, Was de.
tamed at Chives to await the Cherokee.
The news from the mining districts continues to
t. aafave'rable, owing to the high state of the wa
rn the creeks and rivets.
ksisn IrreLuctsvice —The intelligence from
'4° mutes is of such a namie as to prove that there
tea greater quantity 01 4Sid dog out this sum
"? than ever before. We Namely , know which
`4•11. the San Joaquin or the Sacramento, has
-11 rot the rieheit specimens but the gold comes
' ll both regions in sufficient quantities to prove
, w. there was but title extrakaonce in the asset
`An that the ore is inexhaustible. it has been
!snit, ton, as. far north as Oregon, and as far. south
1 ` the mountains near Los Angeles. There ap.
?are to be a ridge of gold-bearing quartz running
4 e s hole length of the country almost north and _
"Th. .The ore has been found richer in the mom.
1. " 14 of Los Angeles than, even in the mines of
Lopoia. We have seen large masses from both
6:al eteg• As found in the former place, it will
nacre the employment of science and machinery
-th e 01 1 e to direct opt:cations, the other for grind
'''; the wick — and with these two agents engaged,
rill afford—from the immense quantity, that ex
:',s--eutficient employment and compensation to
'ec.lourths, at least, of all the superfluous labor
4 1e.Calied States.
TlMitigliont the mining regions a great deal of
'"'tv tty prevails. - The water is yet too high to
•.11, successful digging, and the greatbulk of the
: Iro , are leisurely awaiting the fall of the streams
• •e number of miners•upon the ditto rent streams
--'e greatly increased since the past season, and
'Jen the mining season shall have fairly cow.
"weir, great quantities of gold dust will be forth
41Ung. ' •
Lex r.—On:Friday wr i the Portland train Was com.
'z through Malden to Boston, the engineer saw a
mint boy drawing a chihrs carriage on the mak.
I J' immediately checked the _locomotive, bat the
frightened, left his chugs, nod ran. The
t , m ; catcher caught the infant and thrall upon the
of the track. , The only injury it sustained was
"c+atch an die forehead.
Two Men KILLED.—Two men named Morton
Crtswell were kilW at a two raising, in Chan
'l,l4l township, York:normal, Pa, a few days
1 ,1!, by the breaking, down of a eoaflold. Sere"
whet persona were injured.
ItzecmiMpii •
, 411111 2461, WO.
Pe Z ro m e r iltir th i ; olo.l !ve h Pl ri at
Ith erWer *-" tii 6— att '
belittle.") Y. mein, penitent" , ,at
Swinging WWI conktaies of his rat, dud was
ow a *wefthl his meal* upon On gallows, he
wed those who bean! !Juin, to swat their own
sa reficia i rmr :
rhomo;rirp. ri! ' , forage* VW of ti t /'
k" ' • I.
" I Aosta tii oily a felt wads, 4
ed to die, ray 'friends; reek salvation, This is the
hapiiiest denthlor any, if only prepared to die. I
hope and trinn in God, and that I am Ow to be
with , bim in beam. I tredtnmenil you all to the
.holy Word.of Gad, and pm) , that ,rtimwsu nisei
in heavenfi
The followlogis his own confemion :
'el rash to ulborden my soul, and free my east
science of whatever I might, with ell my heart, and
under the eye of my Marker, who will judge me
soon.- I declare tin Moira, of troy the death of
my wife,. Martha B. pearsoa, and my two twin
children, Sarah `and Lydia. confess fluff I my.
self alone took their lives, oaf the Morriingql 11th
1849 y, between the boors of two itonflonr o'-
clock. This is the time as nearly .as I can recol
lect, sod :these are the .principat cuctunatimes
On the.lolh of April, I drank - ale to excess ; I went
to my brother Henry's, in Broomfield street; took
an.umbrella,:kiesed my daughter blelissa i told her I
was going to Providence, soil parted then.
I went down Tremont street and Temple place,
to a glob bouse, and got a peck of cards • then
struck over to Providence Depot and le ft ibem, I
went to Boyleston street, and obtained a slice kale
at a Isbuernakei's; obtained a vial of Laudanum
• at an Apothecary's, then I went to Merryman street
and go t a bottle of gm, I then went - to Lowell De
pot, and left in the cars for Wilmington, I asked
when the cars left for Boston. In. the morning.
answered some one, and handed me a Pathfinder.
I then left for my.liciuse, where my wife and two
children were living. I went over tl rough the
woods, and utupifled with liquor, got lost. It was
kind , Providence to hold me brick, not knowing
where t was.
When I got through, I looked around for some
time, and saw my barn. I saw a light in my house,
—I rapped on the window.--44anha came and
said— , Who's there ;P.—Daniel, 7 answered.
came to the door sadist me in. I eat down,and abe
got Erse ...cop of tea, andt took supper. Shortly
after she retired. i 881 up 8 little while by the Biolo.
Thenorent to bed with my wife. I grit up, went out,
and returned again to bed between two and four
o'clock did the fatal deta lifter the first thrust,
which I think did not wound her.
About one hundred persons witnessed the execu
tion. A large crowd was collected on the outside
of the jail--eotne of whom clambered on the root
ofthe adjoining houses, and disturbed the funeral
exercises by their demoniacal shouts. Two well
dreilired prang ladies before the prisoner left his
cell, entered thejail yard, amended the gallows,
and inspected, with looks of peat curiosity, the
implement of execution. Several caber females
were admitted to the jail yard, to witness the exe•
cutlet). Upon the scaffold Pearson read his biblo
a ith great apparent devotion. When the cap was
drawn over his he appeared to beentgaged-in
prayer, He ascended the steps of the gallows
with a firm step, and as he walked upon the drop
gave a last took at the sun and the scenes around
him. His body was taken to Wilmington, hit' Da•
live place and the scene of tbemunler, br burial.
He lost all hope of a reprieve after he had heard of
the result of, the case of Professor Webster.
Ttt EHIGIUTMY TO Anelllelvk letter from
Norway of a recent date, ral-s:
,„" Emigrations are preparing on a grand scale
here this year ; the number of persoas who propose
expatriating themselves, in order to goend try then
fortune in America, is estimated at 20,000 persons,
being two per cent of the entire population of the
kingdom 'k"rom or.e commune alone, that of loe
lag, in the pievince of Akerehans, which cnniains
5,1145 inhabitants. 663 individuals arc about to em
bark for lsits. York."
stated as a somewhat singular coincidence tin John
W. Web ter committed the murder on Friday—he
was arrested on Friday—the vertlicl of the Coro
ner's (secret) inquest was made public on Friday
—one of the regular days eelected for his family
to visit him at the, jail, was on Friday—the final
decision of the Executive was giv.en an Friday—
and-his execution is to take plasm on Friday.
In Southport, Chemung Gounty N. Y. by Hiram
Roushy Esq. oa the 4th last. Miss E>au• A. Pie,
110 VS of Columbia Bradford Co. Pa. tour. WILLIAM
E. Secax•x of Springfield Bradford Co. Pa.
in this Doroonb on Monday 15th inst. Jzsitst A; le ire
of Jos P. Kona", aged 2T years, 7 days.
The death of Hrs. Ku by has left a blank ',which
will long be felt. Bereft at an early age of •ber
mother, she grew up to appreciate the More highly
a mother's duties ; and seldom his a family of small
children mitered a greater loss in the death of a pa
rent, than hers. She left fiver-the eldest scarcely
eight years of age.,
To.her husband she was what the divine des
cription represents a wife to be, " a%help meet" in
every sense of the word, and " the heart of her hus
band did safely trust is her." Few men whose bu
siness calls them mach front home . have . condded
more in the care and judgment et their companion
during absence, and we may believe ndne ever found
that confidence more worthily placed. She 'yes in..
deed, what the wise king of Israel declared of a vir- 4
tuous woman-r" a crown to her husband."
Devoted as she was to ber family and her domes
tic duties, and unobtrusive by nature sad habit, it
is not surprising that animate friend should re•
mark at her .death, "Her worth has not been
known !" But a circle of warm friends besides her
family shed tears of sincere sorrow over her grave.
and worshippers ie the asne.teary, where her voice
was raised le stag the praises of Hod, dal the orb•
seme of that webs, at ones as aliamostmitof their ms-
joyureut in plane worship, and a solemn, though
silent admonition " be ye ready also."
Her early religious instruction laid the foundation
.for.s just sense et rebgitias obligation, which she
manifested as occasion offered, before g. 'enjoyed
a seas. of parboiled mkt: and this encouraged her
cbritliaft triads-is the belief that a good work bsil
bees begun which God would not fail to carry on
to perlieetkin; and that belief was mosteoasollngly
realised at last. She retained her senses and her
speech till near her last breath, ani-in tboseeoleom
moments when the soul seems Gingering, between
time sod eternity—and with a fervency which a
wife"and Mother only knows, shleconsmiued herlms.
band and her children to the merciful
whoselrands she bad intrusted her own imrnoruel
interests. With cheerful resignation to tbe divine
will, and bright anticipations of the joys of beeves,
.she left heifsiends, ID go to be with Chyle*.
"Blessed are the Aced that die in the Lord."
WMIREAB my wife Abide* Ertl a. has left lay
. bed and board without any just cause or:pro
vocatioa. and I hereby Rebid all persons harboring
or trusting ber am my *coeval. as I shall pay no
debts ofber catitractina after this date.
Towanda July ht, )1150. JACOB Y. ANBON.
A LL persons indebted to HEATON & PORTER
IL out call owl Mettle forthwith.
New Abstopcstents.
- -
eittsi 'tut* wltatrill.M4s.llsoied
oat of the-Cant cf to .e us of Bradford
"Coenty, and to me Mewled. will ter e:posed to peb.
lk sateen* Court Mouse,
la the borant TIMID*
di isa MONDAX. the ea dey.oLlsPteaber,istaee
o'skek P.M, the followipg piece or parcel of lead
sileated. is the ' of Wyslasing and Team
tom and bossdal eribed as *does : &Igle
sias at a sugar tree thence by lands Johalrocke
sad A. threetp. swath r ease //a perches Inc coot
an: thence by lands of Heavy licked aertflikary
filocke south 8111* west 108 p. to a Weak thence by
other lands north 38P east 483 p.m. the piece it
beginning. Contaiaing three bandied and forty
nine acres, one Modred perches aid allowance of
sic per ma, about harearscres improved, three log
,honsee and two kg Ands and a. Sim fruit trees
• Seize'land salamis asecatiaa el. ow suite Ma,
ry Talaad. Mwgasetta Takad.Bliaaboalli "Wawa and
Jaliaana •Tolaad ra. haw Ingham sad B. B. Lek
lour tear tenant. •
ALSO-Tim following piece or pared of land
situate i a south Creek tdnasbtp. and bouaded as
fdlowso on the north- by lands of Ptak, rand end
on the east by dontb Greek, south by Pbilo Passed,
on the wed by the road leading from Troy to Elmi
ra. i Suppose d to contain three Wet 11Pa the same
more or all improved with one steam sew mill
sad an old framed building formerly occupied as a
grist mill thereon emend.
ALSO--One other lot of land situate .in Booth
Creak township, and bounded as folk:ties:or wit
north by lands of Winthrop Y. Glineson the east
by unseated lands, on the south by lands of Corne
lius Haight. on the wad by lands of Join Thomp.
son. Containiag from sixty 10 six-ty.ftra acres.
Seised and taken in execution at dr* suit of Ma
ry A-. Immure nee, vs H. C. Tallman.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land
situate it Meth Creek township. boarded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: north by the New York
and Pennsylvania slate line, east by land. of Jared
Arnold, woods by lands of Samuel and other
lands of H. C. Tallman. and west by lands of Jesse
Lane, amtaining about eleven In:piled acres
more or less./ about twenty acres improved, one log framed barn,and one saw mill and seine
fruit trees thereoa.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Reath Creek township bounded and describ
ed as, &lbws, to wit: north by lands of Jesse Lane
and H. C. Tallman, east by land of Smith,
south by lands of Asa Gillett and o tl,een, sad ne s t
by unsealed tan& warrantee unknown. Containing
about dve hundred and tweedy-Ave acres, more ay
less, about twelve acres imprcreed, ose leg basat
and saw mill thereoa.
Seised sad taken in emanation at the suit of Aa.
ron Borrows use. vs 11. V. Tallman.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land sit
uate in the township of Monroe .In;the county of
Braderird. and bounded and described as follows to
wit: beginning at a post on the warrant line and
corner of lands of William Coif jr. thence 'south
51° east• along said warrant line 105 p to a post,
eoniet of Jeremiah Hollands, thence along the
same south 41° west 83 pto a white oak, thence
nonb 51° west 38 p to a post, thence south 41°
west 45 & 7-10 p to a post, thence north 493° west
& 5.10 p to a post, corner of said William Goll's
jr. land. thence along the same north 41° cast 115
p, to the beginning. Containing about fifty eight
acres, about twenty-five acres thereof improreit
With I small framed house and barn thereon erected.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Gor
don P. Mason, to the use of John Ray, vs John
ALIO—The following lot piece dr parcel of land
situate in the township of S.heshequin, bounded and ,
described as follows to wit: beginning at a hemlock
the south west corner of a lot of land deeded by P.
J. DeCaters to Moody and Gore or the south west
corner of lot No. 13, on warrant No. 88, thence
porde 89° west 116 pto a hickory, the south west
corner of said Warrant No. 88, thence nortlkl° east
2014 perches to a post south west corner of a lot
deeded by said DeCaters to Z. 11-Spalding. thence
south 89° east 162 aid 4-10th p to a post, thence
south I° west 554 p to a chesnot oak. thence south
89° west do 4-10 p. to a blackwood. thence sonde
1° west 145 and 2-10 pto the beginning. Contain
ing one hundred* and sixty-two acres and twenty
nine perches strict munsore, being the whole of lot
No 14. awl pact of lot 15 on warrant No. 89, about
ten acres partly cleared.
Seized arid Laken in exrcution at the suit of F.
L Jones use vs Philip Rogers and Ogden Rogers.
Al,BO---The following piece or parcel of land
aureate in Franklin township, hounded as follows:
beginning at a Dogwood. thence by lands of Dani
Decker and-Lerrtiard McKee, north 19° west 347
p and WI 0 to a hemlock, thence by other lands
north 70° east 87 and 8.10 p to a white pine, thence
by other lands of Allen Rockwell, south 19° east
355 p to a post. thence by lands of 0. W. Dodge
south 74j° west 88 pto the beginning. Containing
182 acres and allowance, and being part of a tract
of land patented to Allen Rockwell by patient dated
dated October 18, 1838 with about 35 acres ineprov
el one log house and log barn thereon erected.
Berred and taken so execution at the soil of 8. 8.
Hinman vs Charles Green.
Al.BO- The following pieceor parcel of land
situate in the township of Ridgbery. bounded and
described as follows : On the north by lands of D.
11. Burnham, west by Warren Callen arid James
Strowbrolge. south by land of William R. Batik and
east by unseated lands, or land now in possession
of Horace Henchman, containing about one hun
dred and ten acres. more or less, with aboot Irk
acres improired one framed house, one framed barn,
and apple orchard thereon:
'seized and taken in execution it the suit of Rich ! i
ard.R. Swill vs Abner Buck.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in the township . of Monroe, hounded and
described as follows on: north by land of Ezra
Kellogg west by the highway leading from Monroe
to Berwick, south by land of David Ridgway, and
east by land of the said David Ridgway. • Contain
ing about two acres be the same mere or less, all
improved. one saw mill and one framed house
thereon erected.
Seized and taken in executiort at the snit of Platt
Hollingshead & Co. vs Benjansin Coolbeogh.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facies,
all the following described lot or piece of land
Gate in the township of Franklin, in the county of
Bradford. Beginning at a hemlock on thy south side
of the Towanda Creek. thence south 200 p. to a
post, thence nortbAlt° east 281.10 p to a post, thence
north one hundred and ninety and 3-10 p. to the
Towanda Creek. dreams op said creek the several
courses thereof to the pleas of lbeciruing. Doo
ming forty acres and traerebreansallowsuardia.
' about 111 arms lamps one framed - house one
framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
'Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Bank
of North America to the use of *Wren Pierce vs
Tidman. D. Disdain and Leonard McKee. tart ten.
A1.210....Tbe following daserthed lot piece ser par-.
eel of land situate inthe wrolitiO of earlititori
bounded and described u Wham. six: Beginsfig
al a beech Net* west caner of ketßo. A 7. on war-
rant latito. Isls. thcnes_zorth '.one brandred and
sixty two and 4 7 10 p to a post, thence east 107 and
3 10 p to a post. thence south 162 5-10 p. to a post,
thence west 107 and 3-10 pto the beginning. Con
taining one hawked and eight acres and forty-fire
perches strict measure, tweuty-five acres improved
Pro log houses one log barn thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ro.
bert B. Davidson, Administrator of William David
*on dec'd. who survived ,Ti mothy. Pagan. vs Austin
Farnsworth. WM. IL 1101111016.81teriff.
Wrenn; Towanda, Ang. 1,1860.
TAKEN tip rilirrit, rind seemed al the landing of
the eir* scriber in Derail township, se Termite, the
19th of Jody ism.. Thirty-Gee Pins and Heinle& 80,-
Lowe, three of whirl) swiped 88 11 4 0911110 44 D 4
3 "tamped R; i mainprd O; I stamped .1 %V Di; 1
stamped ID ; 2 see melted H ; 'Jess marked H; s axe
marked H ; 1 ass medial 4iteclm
J.M.64 2 hack'. •
Dwell, Jely 30, 11150, ' M
Peremelly appeared the airmenensed 1. 111. Bishop,
and bled the share description a( lop, and die seas is
recorded an my docket,
Derail, July 30, IMO. B.R. BRADLEY, J.T.
S .
eßld sad Tarot Candles. by the box or pound
at d t IlUtaoll & roatzx S.
r •
♦. TURNER & Ca.. Priv,Wen,
Under the direetiao of Dr. E. CIANUNI.I.
Tproprimon would respectfully asnonnee to
.L the citizens of Towanda and. vicinity, that their
Splmplied Equestrian Troupe will visit this. place and
vicieby,opeo for eshibition on WEDNWDAY the
14th day Olin. 1840 far are day only. Doors open
et 2 o'clock, Performance Couusseces at 24 o'clock,
P. N. Evening performance to commenes at 74.
Will be introduced with t h e utmost order and regular
ity, and will combose a great trendy of Epsetrian
Peefirnessees many of which are astarely new.
Nis Espouse has been spared in ruing Novelty of
every kinder' flew the rubric, as tb names of di
performers will testify, many of which an favorably
' 'mown to the public, vs—
N. B. Tomer, T. P. Tamer, J. Esfy
J. W. Myers, IL Miller, H. Hen,
M. Henry. J. Beebe J. Marie,
M. Lapses, Mast. Weed. M. Windt
The Manager would assure oboes who my favor
them with their premises, that this subdost samba
is pit us the smuts and chi cal , of the sever se
lected for their emaarmant, and on me osossies will
ribaldry be used by the Clowns or Simms. The
whoM to be conducted whit Maim tepid to morality
and vises.
A gimbal Beam sad *kris' Bud n( mglip =cow
he the eslitibitias. Lefties S. 14 EAV E. Director
' . NEVIS.
Iref hidl particulars Nee Lame Bills and Posters •
I Will also perform at Columbia Flatus on the 10th
Smithfield on.the 12111; and at Athena on the 13th,
II A w N i l it r i. 'LORD'S notes and accounts was lell
D i . Goodenough this morning for cot
ection, this 26 Th day of July IMO. Call and Aare
ID Y virtue of a iwrit of Fi. Fa. issued out of the
ID Court of Coro:ion. Pleas of Dradkird County.
me dikected, IMP be exposed to public sale at the
, oase of ?Stephen A. Mills in Towanda township,
it SATURDAY, the 31st day of August 1e50,-at I
I ‘
'clock. P. M, the following tut piece or parcel of
-nd situate in the township of Towanda. bounded
nd decorated as follows, to wit: on the north
y lands of Bliatop and W. B. Poster, on the east
lands of John Lynch & Stephen A. M ills on the
uthity lands of Ezra Rutty, and on the west by
• ills of David Rutty. Containing 93 acres more
ISeized and taken in execution at the suit of Jub
. bepard vs Byron Ktnirsbery and, I:aac Myer.
:t WM.II. DOBSON, Sherif.
Sh..rifr Office, ‘Towanda,ug. I, 1850.
. ~
Y virtue o f a writ Vend. Expo., issued out of
1 $ the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co-.
I me directed. I shall expose to public sale at the
'l' ion House its the born. of Towanda. on Friday
e 30th day of August, 1800, at I o'clock, P. M. the
Rowing pmee or parcel of land situate in the born
hip of Springhill. and bounded as follows. to wit :,
, eginning at a white pine fora corner thence sou* .
124 rods along lands of Philander Huvlbart and Hi
in, Taylor to a post, thence east 91 rods to a hem-
It, • corner, thence north along lands of George
i senbery 124 rods to a pool thence west by lands
i f Bennet Bostwick 91 rods to the place of begin
ing. Containing sixty acres, more or less. with
boat forty acres improved, one framed house and
wed barn and apple orchard thereon.
Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Sim
. n Green, now to the nse of. Edward Overton, vs
I en. W. Claggett, Administrator of Geo. Claggett.
.1 'd, and C. A. Taylor terre tenant.
WM 8. DOBBINS, Sheriff.
sheriff's Office. Towanda. A ng.1.•1550.
I 'Y virtue of writsrof Vend. Expo.. issued out of
11l the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford eons
, to me directed, I shall expose' to pubße• sale at
e house t,ortis Merritt, in the township of Co
mbia. on Thursday the 19th day August, 1850, at
I o'clock, A. ht.. the following described piece or
reel of land situate in the township of Columbia,
unded and described as fellows, to *it : on the
E'rib and east by land or Henry Smith, on the soith
' the road leading from Troy to Covington, so the
i Iby lands of.Cirth Merritt. Combining thirty
~ t front, by alai, two feet back, all improved wi th
F e stbewbertme thereon.
tieteedolid taken in eneeatiowat the snit of 8 W
D P riimeroy dt. Co. vs Geo. M. Card. -
WM. 11. DOBBINS. Mimi ,
Bherilre doe, Towanda. Avg, MC..
i HE nnikinmed Militia of anodised' County, even
k peeing the tat Brigade, in the 13th devisees of P.
i, will meet m Battalions for Parade, Review and In
.. . on, in the followingsink% viz: The 2d Battey=
rllemolded by Unit. Col. John Baldwin, will trout
onday the 20th Jay of August. 1850. The 4th
taken commended by Lieut. Col. Bertrand E.
hwy. will meet (AI Tuesday the 57th rimy of Au
-1850, and the Brat Battalion osumnandod by Lt.
Hiram W. Root, will'neeet on Thursday the 29th
of AllMitst 1850. Commanding efficient of Bat.
• will plume give nodes araereingly.
Brigade Inopeeter, Ise Brig. 13 Div. P. M.
: riga& teepee Moe. Le Rayavillo. July 15, ltr.
ns rommil w. kw item hsb &Ike MM.
so the Era ale of whew. in die bahling fop
aecepied hy I, D. Mentenye Esq.
" Commis. Eiet. of Lewes,of Vol.
leEx%(Damask Rams. live loooiood . sad
at TR
GAR Heim Syrup tied Potence Molasses.
,tectived at •ly IS TIFFANY'S.
A. 044, Supr, and Tobacco, nice aniclos and
Teri cheap at ly le TWFA?Y'S.
AIMS—NAN' rate qualisy•of Reasios:
cri4red ' . 4 ' TIFFANY'S.
.11 the Matter of the Eftte of Wen. Myer der'
ICE is heathy given to an persons intimate) in
the potato of Wm. Myer deed, that the underlay,-
ring been anpointed sovauditor by the Orphans
of Brad n) County, to audit, examine and re
upon toe amount of E. R. Ilya, administrator upon
emote, will ittond to the duties of his appoint
tat the (tread Joiry Room in the Court Rome at
soda on the 28th Jay of Assam next. at 10 Weiock
01. •10 U. W. PATRICK. Auditor.
. .
1 Union Bloa: op . staits-;- Korth ads or:gh.
o dic Square (rim Elwers Law Mee. Entrance
i- Elwe ll' and Adam: law offices ; where he
Assays be found whets nut professionally engaged.
ovrands, July IT, isw.
lociNiAtiiii 14 co. -'
A R E . c . fts t and , recriTieS the NA Yeti a Erie
Raihetil. dims fiew New Yaffe, • largssikwk of
whichlieve bees boa& lowowd w ig b, ic is4 c h imp ,
Their 'sweetmeat is sem samsestty hassosiel seers is.
ehreeswors a pareissuere rarely to be meet with. As
inspection will satiory ilia public of thir . fsea
Towanda. With 1850.
wig lia Ikrir ITGSos•
T EVELING. Laying nut Roads end Lem, Di Odin'
ii•J' Modes. liesaueingt Idassary. Embieskseea !be.,
skewerly done by E.G. NICHOLS. Moe at Rintie
*vaned empty. Pa. Petrone el s did= ige. needing
his services. Alan by writing him a Dna a feu Jaya be.
ipeelland. knee Unit bissianne proingaly Minded tn.
Those Cheap Geoids at FOX'S !
Aiurt.7.4,l".w- sold
l . rub gits°6;
lowest nt~..
fresh Teas, warranted pod or no sale. at 37 4 . to 50e.;
prop Molagong 1111 g, Algo,-a large atmetisent of
‘ of . -Me newest potterna. Tory cheap; and in
feet every doing in their nye will he sold ea ;beep as
Ike cheeped, at the maw of Main and Pita as.
_April 18, 1850. E. T. FOE.
(VIE ems opting aryls moleskin Hate; obi Leghorn
I.J and Palm leaf Hat. at MX'S.
T E.%THER—•BoIe and Upper Leather; also kip
.1-A and Calf skins, fur sale by ta3o K. Ir. CO.
GRIND STONES, . a superior article of Nora
Boons, grind stones, for sale at
a 24 MEWILIttr.,
OW opening at the above establishment a very
lane sod definable assortment of . SPRING &
SUMMER GOODS, which will be sold at very low
rates. Sadness at this establishment conducted upon
tab god honest principles. Yon bare our Manta for
past &wort and we hope for a martinuance of ibe same
es we are brand to sell Goads Cbesp.
Towanda. July 4. 1841). N. N. Berri+.
DAY WATER, Colognes. Hair Oils, and Perfume
-13 riot all kir•da. at No.l. D. R.. H. & P.
MACKEREL. in bbls., half bbls, quarter bble. and
kilts ; dry and pickled Codfish; also a few boxes
drat rata Dry Herrings for sale itt the •• Cash Store ^
of spl 7 H. g, & M. C 114CRCIIR.
I Nimble Si.rpence woa/4 a Slow Railing."
THE subscriber in non receiving a fresh stock
of spring and summer Goods. consistingsf his
astral assOrtment or desirable styles, ahielfirtill be
sold for READY PAY at the very lowest possible
prices. Having determined:to sell goods for 'ready
pay exclusively, customers may depend upon.get
tine goods of all kinds as cheap as the same can lie
sold by any living man. apll l ,E. T. Fox..
GROCERIES—A large stock of Teas. Sugars,
(a good anicie for 6 cents.) toffee, Pepper.
price, tobacco &c., can .be bought cheap for cash
at t 2! K. &. CO.
supermr article fine Silk fiats. al s o
H palm leaf and Leghorn hats, fur sale at
n 2.1 K. & CO.
QUPERIOE Wines and Liquors-40 tilde. this
perior WHISKEY juvt received at if. &P.
BI;CKW HEAT FLOER, of a superior qua;ity,
fur 'ale at TIFF S.
I .- EITHER, 1000 lbs Mole Leather, for sale at
I_4 a 24 , w , MERCURS'
MACKERBI. for sale by the bbl half barrel or
pound at Bull's cheap store, No. 3 B. Row.
'Towanda. June 13th '5O.
jaw received. and is still receiving from NeW
HYork New Goods, and I its of them. Yankee No
liana, • variety. Toys. innumerable ; Gtocnies without,'
exeeptiag any kind ; Liquors of all descriptions, kinds
and qualities, and every body knows he 'ells very low
for cosh. . L. W. r.
Towanda, Jung 10th, 1850.
BUGGY FOR BALE. A first rate, nrw style buggy
made of the best materials and good worknum.bir
for sale, solely for want of use. E. T. rex.
July 171114 1830.
SMITH & CUI.P, seepectfully inform their old
friendsond castor:ears, and the public generally,
that they still carry en the Beadle, Harness and Trunk
malting business at this old stand, a few done. below
Mis dt Mason's drug state, North side of the public
soars where they keep constantly on hand and make
to order tbd following artichra in their line all of whioh
for material and workmanship will bear comparison
with the best that can be produced anywhere, viz;
Men's best saddles, common saddles, waggon saddles,
carriage harness, of all kinds. Heavy team harness,
cofirm, Bridles, waggon and carriage whips. Also
large assortment of Iron and wood frame Travelling
Trunks, rorlfolap Carpel Rags, and all otbererticla.
in the travelling line .
They solicit a call from all wbo wish to purchase,
any of the above, confident that they can give satisfac
tion, both as to the quality and price.
Towanda, July 12, 1830.. Itmt - rn & CUI,P.
Ir IRE COVERS, Nice Flower Yams. and every
Y V thing else that ever appertained to my Gee of
business, on hand, and for sale very low for Cosh. If
you don't believe it call . and try once, and if you do I
am ware you will be satisfied of year interest in con
tinning to buy of L. W. TIFFANY.
Towandi, July 18, 1819.
FLOUR —Pt taro quantity of uorsiot Mot. fcr
Sale at .11
250 New Suits at Two Dollars & Fifty Ceuta
each at No. 1, Brick Raw./ jy lit
H. & ak:t A MPBEIVB.
PE@T#9.--flest pries in essii paid
OTICE is hereby given to the eaveval collectors of
Bradford County. that the Commie/WWII will
aftene i et their *See in Towanda,en Wed oesday,Thuni.
day end Friday the 11 th, 151h. - 13th. daya elf tropism.
ber twit to make Ezeneretion from the 111010-tara of
&eta, Co. and-filaitary Team fur 1050 et which time
they ate roepectfey requested to wend and lay their
claims before the bawd.
By miler of the Commissioning.
Towanda, July 17,1850. -C. 8. ft UsSEII.I..
pelf virtue of an Order • of the Orphan's Court
1.-) Bradford count. ,
v will be elm:wen to ribliNi
e sale O
the prernisits, SAT ROA Y. the 3lst day of August
next. at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, the following
to wit : one piece or puma of land. situste in the town
ship of. Shasheopiiit. and hounded and deaenheil as fol.
A ws to wit: Beginning at at prod thence by lairds of
Matthew Wribt; "M O° earl 7T aid 3.10 perch
es td a post. thence south 1 6 east 9 p. to the center 01
tire public Road, thence Glom/ said rued south 75° wan
17 p., thence south 1° emit 302 p. to an ash, thence
month 884° west 59 p. In a stone, thence north I° vre.4
3f7 p. to the place of beginning. (51niaining. 109
acres 90'perches. and allowance. aboat 50 acres there
of improved. with a two 'dory Canted house and front
ed ham, and shoe shop thereon ended, and a_ mall
orchard thereat.
Aftendanco given, tenns route itnnwn nn day of
sale. CHAti. CHATTER.
!Ms. t 3. DIMONEY,
July 17th, 10150
IVIIIBK EY-40/d Yuri; Pale Whiskey, for
by tits bbl. or gallon at
Tit - mis MEW •
Dae. EVS:fiIIOW ft .3163111-riall,
Wb in
Base. miaowed their
To the South More in dse Wantlfoesay,
Where they are li,cow receiving anJ opening a
new and extensive assortment of Drugs, Med
icines, Chemicals. Paints, Oil. Wass, Varnish. Dye ,
Wood and Dye Stuffs, Family Groceries. Minkel
Wines and Liquors, Fire Works; Tor, Perfumery,
Fancy Articles, crushes, Combs. Stone, Glass and t
Wooden Ware, Slacking, Tolman, Snuff and Pi-
Cam All the popular patent medicines &c
Their stock now comprises every- article .usually
kept, amonir which maybe found the follomng„
Opium. Cumin Tartir. Camphor, Castile afasp, Liquor
ice, Alcohol, Bars CsiPsi* llbeubarh, Alleles, Flowers
chamomile, castor nil, olive oil, quicksilver, asagrans's.
' flower sulphur, bums. red, preepatide, verde!
eps salts,orro subliontive„ agile assionnia,
acid, laudanum. pink, semis coin we. Ail
I sm, myrrh, tragaeanth anade,gem-
Mk—bath brick. anise seed.
Ors, glue, nests root and
-Ts pepper, emery, sand
- lfsaparilla, boomer,
l e
Sugar, eon,e and tea of all kit -
pepper, mustard, cloves. nutmeg, mace. fish ) rasr, ,
citron awl sante currants, salad uil chocolate, cocoa, so
da, and butter crackers, rice, starch. ginger, agendas,
'angered, white and' bar soap, -sperm and tallow can
dles:jug. and bottles pipth, mustard, catsup, pepper
sauce, shad, mackerel,aahnon &c. dre.
.1.114G0 RB,
Cognise. otard and runerican brandy; St Croix, Old Is.
macs and New England ram, puns Holland and am. gin,
Irish and Monongahela whiskey Medina, mescst,claret,
lisbon. part and champaign wines cordials, cream .de
citron anise, rose. vanilla, or amonr, canelle. Oranges,
moka, noyeau and argent. cheaper than ever offered.
Soaps Ptrfomery end Fancy Goods.
Shaving cream, soaps. military and windsor, Gonlards
medicated perfumed sand snap. imperial shaving Beach
es national, bench toilet, violet', mualc, almond and
transparent soap, wash hallo, I.uhini extracts jockey
pateboully, bouquet sh carotin., musk, mine Flems
verbena &c. Cachous arnmatique, cologne, bay and .
rose water. Spanish lily white, cin rouge, persian toilet
m. 41 poweer, hair dyes hair invigorator. bait eradicator
perfume satchels. court plaster; playing cards, dice -
pencil points, Gillois steel pins, time& fi.b books,
drawing pencil*. percussion caps, inks, fed. htack and
indelible, combs. purses, pocket books, transparent mot•
to wafers &c. &c.
Node, tartariL
the essential flit!
Berge Corks
cotiandce -fenugreek, isl►.,
tanner. oil pt./metals bark, eay.
papas, opidellne, shakers herbs,
hotehimaid, do-
11th. Hat, Stove, Scrub, Shoe, Paint, Marking. Var.
nish, Sash. Artists sound and sable, Camels Hair and
stripping Pencils, Blenders & Badgers, White Wash,
Counter. Flesh, Tooth, Nail. Comb. Broom; 'Ckotber.
Infant, Lather, Table., Harm & Brushes. •
VM:1=173:4 - tai MVOTriI 0
Tribute* sod snuff Boxes, Nipple Shells, Nursing
Bottles, Breast Ptinips,Teeth Rifles...bed pans, syringes,
shoulder heves, trusses and abdominal supporters,
pessaries, catheters, cup'c glasses, graduates, themome.
ten, spoulares, forceps, lancets, Liquid and spread kink°
sive plastm Ate.
Nicaragua, red, cam and log wood, rustic, Ex log
wood, lac dl e, rod burr, red sounders, madder, alum, cop
peras, blue vitriol, solution tin,eomposition rhemic, oil
vitriol, oxalic Reid and all th acids, grain tin, pumice
and rotten stone. vemillion A rnn Chines and English.
Spsni.h brown, venetian, verdigris, paris green, while,
black and red kad, chrome yellow and green, japan,
coach and copal varnish, lampblack, lithace, putty,
whiting, yellow tkhre, spts turpentine, & Una' oil, rosin,
chalk, terra de sienna, amber, gall leaf, bronzes, and a
general awsittment of paints for Artists,
• I I IPOIM In -
French Ours 24 by 30,22 by 30, 20 by 30, 20 by
24. 22 by 31.11 by lA, 12 by 20, 12.4 114, 12 by 16.
10 by, 14, 10 by 12,8 by 10,7 by 9.
()tricks vernaifuge., mothers relief, Dr Jaynes family
medicines, all 'the sarsaparilla. Wistars 1411.1 Swaynes
syrup of wild cherry, I Tphairis Pile Electuary and others,
Brants Indian 'Remedies, varieties of sugar coated
bilious iodise vegetable, tar, oriental &e &c. Dr.
Christie galvanic belts, bracelets, pecklace end gal
vanic fluid.
Dr. Fitch's very celebrated medicines,
L 014
Phosgene lamps and .phosgene, pure chstnphine and
burning floid,whale,lard and sperm oil.
All goods warranted is represented attic New Cheap
Drug and Chemical Store, SonthlStora- in the Ward
House, jut:B H & PO lITF R.
——- - -
I. store in the Ward House where they may befourid
reedy to attend to calla of their profession:
FOR THE LADIES :—we have a aplendcd assort
ment of Prints, Lawrie, Om%hams, Boma., Moos.
DeLeine.. Cashmere. Chirobra, Eirdiroidered
Lisle. Siltt and Cotton Glover. Fine Linen
Handkerchiefs. itce... at B. Kl\l:dßCßt dL eg 1,
1 000
J /YE ILENS, wanted I , y ilia gut riFyg,er
Immediately st No. 3 Etna Row.,- - •
THE subscribers have commenced the FOUN
DRY business at the old stand tamely octopi.,
el as a Chair and Bedstead Factory in the Borotiglivf
Tuneful*, where we will hold ourselves in readlnem to
intend to the wants of any. and all persona who may
favor us With a call. We bops by Strict attention to
business to merit a share of Public patronage.
We are fitting up a MACHINE SHOP connected
with the Furnace, where we hope to be able to-do any
and all kinds offinishino and f i tti ng ji p v. W e ' ,in
endeavor at all times to keep a good impend of work
en hand so that castonwes may' be accommodated on
the shortest notice.
HAYING taken pains to secure the mikes of ex
perienced workmen from the mate of N. Y. we flatter
ourselves we shall tie &Nieto turn off work in a work,
manlike manner and as good as can be done in any
other establishment.
We shall also he prepared for the suanufactme of
stoves by the quantity.and will keep constantly tm baTI
a few select patterns for mad: -
The eunsmiberaiavite all permits who may be in want
of any thing in our line to give us a call and we guaran
tee thew will not mi away disaatisfiad.
Saw Mill Hods or PitridelVslidts, NJI essinks. gud
geons kr , kept condo:nay on hand.
Also plows of the most approved patterns and Plow
Points by the piece or cplat.tity to ‘suit porc.hasera, as
low as can be procured at any other eatablisbntent.
Culivators of the moat approved patterns, also a
'opener article of Corn Plow. bir sale by
Towanda June ,Atli. 1Q5.11.•
irj• Old casting* Liken in cad:tango for wort.
•-- -
A Stock of Drugs for Sale!
fr HE anhacrthers tin Await to go Wibt, offer for
1 wale their endow stock, consisting of -
To any person 'ohing to go into the buaine•s, we of
fer aw excellent opprirtunity. miraleing the only Drug
glove hi a weer enterppiaing and thrifty town.
The prevent opportunity iv an excellent one for
"ploysiumi, mre tit the subscribers—Dr. Knee, —leasw,
a good practice. which ho will recommend to any DUO
Wishing to take his place. Terms made easy. .
Troy, 4.3itailford ra. lune 3. I 8;,0.