A =I INEME trZILWILMI tM;' TOWA'NDA: satarban Mondavi- 2lapan- a, 1180: PERSEVERE. 4 IT " C. X. Mgt. • Young man, toiling on obscurely', • - Struggling 'giinst iii'edVerse tide, With a high anti hottest' poritree • • Which the Necking world deride. Faint nott-leeritcrt, briitelle current, - . Face the tiloino:htereesr rude; Truth will triumph, thou wilt conquer, Godmill seer forardie the -good. Do the proud deride thyealliag, Moak thy efforts at the,stan, With a soothing celdtter , V ila & To thy proud and hones t, cart. Forever attain a station With the gilled and the great. Those who now scorn thy vocatiOn. Then will gladly kisS thy reet. Ras the venome& breath of slander." On thy lonely fame been thrown, From the serpent soul of envy; That would keep the worthy-down ; Forever, with mardppatierce,'• Time will heal the wound you feel, From the =Line such faint must ranisk As thy breath from_ burnished steel. • For encouraging example, See the names on history's page, Those who mostAtieir race have:hi:mixed, Giving glory to' their age ; Names of Newton and of Franklin, And a thousand more as bight, Mum% that gain increasing glory With the world's increas ing bight. Tit - severe! unceasing, (Iron, • Humble though and weak it be, • May o'er come what e'er opposes, • And work mirae:es for thee, Be assured reward will follow, Gold will come to him who delves, Honest industry must prosper— otfad helps those who help themselves." ifs= Dickens' Dousebokl Works.) FATH.EIt AND SON. . one evening in the month of March, 1708-that deck time in Ireland's annals whose memory (aver -1 nig all miuor subsequent (motto) is Mill pre. among us, as '• the year of the rebellion"— and gentleman. were seated - near a blazing hre in the old-fashierted dining room of a large manslott. They had just . ..dined; witle and tlin were on the table, both untouched, white Mr. Ilewaon and iris wife sat silently gazing at the fire, watching its flickering li2M becoming gradually t irc vivid as the ,Short'spriug, twilight faded iuto . • At length the hir4l3:lml ponreil out a glass of Wine, ink it Mt, and then:broke silence, by paying-:.- Well, well, Chativue , these are attlul times; nwin %vete lett men taken up lo•clay for burning ~ t iers% house at Knorkane ; and Tom 11)yrer pays nut Inery magistrate in the country is a Marked = ca=t a frightened glance 'towards trinilqwK, which opened nearly to the gieund i 4111 zave a view of a wide tree-besprinkled lawn; whose centre a long straight avenue led :he high load. There e•as al.sp a footpath at et -4 side of the house, branching off ihnalgtt iiiickeig of trees, and reaching the road by it elle di- t .iirc mule (Amen; James !" the said afters pause S wha N that '!" '• Noth mg but the sighing of the wind among the ' m" • ". Come, Wife you must not give way to im- Leary tears." •' "But really I heard something like footsteps on the gravel, round the gable•end—l wish"— A knock at the parlor door interropted her. - Come in." The door opened, and Tim Gahan, Mr. Hew. ma's confidential steward and right-band man, en. ii.reil, followed * by a fair-haired delicatelooking ts:.ly of six years old, dressed in deep mounting " Well, Gahan, what der.you urine!" . " I ask your Honor's pardon for ,disturbing you anti the mistress; but I Thought it right to conie and iel) cnu the bad news I heard.". .. Si ime thing abou t the- rebels, I suppose!' " Yea, sir; I got a whisper jest now that there's ;! - Irtg, to be a _great rising intirely, to-in6rrow; 'hnotands are to gather before daybreak at itilerean I "gi where I'm told they've a power -el pikes Id. ;ling , and then they've' to march en and sack every klous e in the enantri. I'll engage, when I heart) II l dtiTnt let gram : grow under my fee, bait came 1 11 straight to your:nutter, Thinking yba -you'd :1 1 likelo walk overidde flue evening to . r. Warren's, and settle with lifm 'irlieti best to be 'done." , " nit, James ! I liesjoip4 you, don) Think, .0 go r .. in.,' "Make your mind easy, Charlotte .; I don't in-' tend it not that I slip Oset dims would . tie ttnDel. risk ; but all things considered; I think as '-'imfortable at home," The steward's brow &Awned-as be glanced new.; toady towards the end window, which jutting out ' 1 the gale, tonne] a deep angle in , the outer wall, "Of course 'tie just as your Honor pleases, Wt. 111 warrant you there would be no harm in goidg rnme,Billy,"he added, addressing the child, who ty this lime was standing.'close to Mrs. Howson, make your bow, and bid good night to master and mistress?' The boy did not stir, and Mrs.Hewson taking his t!ite. - Vatul in.hers said— '. You need not go home for halt an , hour, gay and have a chat with the 'servants in the kitch en and leave Billy with tae-+• and with apples and pncs,—she addetkstniling es she tilled the addle hand with trtrie; " I Thaiik you;nietipt,r e thsbalfahl tastilY can't stay_ I'm in hurry home, where I wan ed to leave this brat tonight, but he would fullew Toe Come, Dilly; mirk"' this simple, rig Ye"etig ' 1 ; , 'v. ,' Sall the cliddlooked-reluctaitt l and Mr. itiewaon Eljd peiemptonly— • - . _ • ::' 1:. t•., llii ..tf*,r.,,- - .1.! .....- .._ . _ •• ' . ••.i , , , , •f..., 8.11 i'ser.4 7.P. , t..41 - .1 Wig k.. , Immo...t.vi.s.A.K. stiff ' ..---. ''' el ir1::.16 - ri - . atr: - A. .1%.....-_fr'fo: t -- h i 1.-_, 1.... vv ..... i ii -," '4 ,,, tti ; . 0.....171 lay, :......,..41.:....,a...... ,t.. - ` ..es_t“:•• ; ' 4. . .. t t ,,, t ..,. t ... it. - , ,__,,, ._ t. , t, 04 : Intim i- 1-0 ... ..... ~.. ..., ...yZier e ..I/ I. ' ' ' . , e".. .: 1 - O . ..- 7 ' ' - t•all ..lit gait t . - 2 ---,," -, 1 yh ii,... it,a,, , ..-lt. .._ ,v , 4F - - ' ,.. ' - - l ot . - ' , :-. 1 - 4 ':- PP, T • . ....„ . . rt , t . • .., .. ::;: ei 0ri,47 . 31:„.. , ,..„;, , . ew. 0 , j • ' . 1 1'. 11 '; : a. Nr..L. .401.;” a ‘....; P.43..-411.d Joinga.,,} trrt.t,.. t. :1.-4 . 4 • *.a.tot, tin 1 f wiR., •,„....,....,......,..,,,.. ~....„ . n- ~. •••:-.:! •-' , T - . - ---',' I;'t' , t fi. , •-, - .1 . ::,,,,,,i:;;:,„, s . j:..:7,-„ - ' l —, N...... , "-.., ~ „ ... • , ,,d3 c 6,., - fr i . ' -...flPtc , lesivi:l,..irtaCcA . 4 , 1115 , t, ..*. . . ..:›1 ~, 4 .: ...dr ' rirsvil.:l, :el 4 ELIA 1 t .. .3 4 A' .. 212/ _ • 4i ' 4.45-'l-4:r . : 'r '. , .-: A"""1 411111H1: .:1 14 1.,.1,' ~. . Ito Ins- ; ...,t.., :Et _ it r .. i via .. -,•.3..i • 1 „,... .....,. ..lni - e,. , .(1 , •• • • ~, ~, 7 ,_. ' ~,,,,,,,, . • Y , ,it , r nom ig•tti• .. •i; , '''' '' ' ' v 4 11 - „-..~-• 4'#.i ', 1 ~,k ~ _. _ ' f ......).,. ; . __ ' .4. 1- • ;..V4! t... 4.. , ".. .A. • I",ri PP ; Ili, 1 ,,, ,,, , ~„:. r „,,ft t 43.11-agitr.wvort. - toti,l ei - imir 1:34 itiWt.c's ate f.(14:,c;.1iti.; ..s.- . 'M... bte,: t .) .941 - • t -.- . .. : . ~1 9-f , 7 1 ',.., Mitt 14. . ,, ~,: es, . '.: -=•!......-... ...L.' :, ....--•. • '--- - A '— Th' — -b- - ' - -..*1.L...t__.11 " ,--...--....--e..-..--..-111.."-- • • ----t. -_,_. ' ..r . 4. 4,4151' 7 . :P;fiZt,el ) 01 .4:1, ;Inlc w .I .nr,.,-,D al ri t.q 11,', l/.131.41t/11,4 7.. k,; Al, ..- ''' : - ',... .. ,-: : ,- --./97t•Atilalliaelial&fir .. ... .. , ..11147#0 r.4.11 1 11,411U." - ...:10 . , `I , .; , .'t 1. 4 , 1, 1 .4 4 N.J.. r ...,, 4. - , ;' , .11. • - vs.' sts.lf ; ir.4 tr-...NP.: , :741 .. r , ' - t7 ' 41 , 4'411VMD. ~ -0, ps.,,k, ..,,,, --„„ =I =1 1=212=:1 115111111 MEM ,g 41,1 'l7l I==2ll 4 - 7 ,i7 7 ,11 OW EVER: ME= 9)°14141,3101 .ii i rbt ra t s bk. -PPeA , nit yiitAtilor .ihs launtesildwo 1 i eward. idles 10Vetirilds Silly." ' - ~ , , _ Witold teldawliri.. ' ' le((*) rtionti . a`nd the'.nett 'tn_othent - k'is fail* fiiiiiiteNlMileum*: Ihmighes-laitsJadgititlousso4o 114 to 1644 n r U There's something stratiiit alinpfGalft,uittie his wile 4 1 0,,:_' 4 T9iikda-Mii•rnigik . : ._,..: 11 . 11 .,i 4 i , ::. 'rims 4islPiebor.bsi,shaslw .4411atua ll oadatk, If, and seam almost jealous whew aayoasr, -. to Ins eitild. NOT firth, Billy ! yinitiMilit 'wstili , . - sore luta to Ion," The ,el Ws dos eyes filled with teous,Uad pleas ing closer to tbaladrusitleidirs said :- - - • gs Old Pe g gy does'nt with and areas aurtisliget -4 alfOutnisiY:sise4?' " *- " I, “ Savour:lather *good to -you 7". ... . "Oh, yes; =Oust ? bur he's ontall day•busy, and I've no tone to "'talk to iti l t i as manimy - tined ; for' Peggy : is qiiiiiJeaf - andkris ifiii's alviiA bu sy with .the pip and chiqimtut,", 4.11 wish 1 bad you Billyilwookercate of sad ;to.. isms, for:your poor Wfatiotili sake..4l• 41 Arid ao'you maY,Vbarlotte,"eiikterhastand, I'm sure Mahan, With- ail hie Clad ways, : too seriliblesa fellow not to know how much it would be fiwiris benefit. to be brought up and educated by ns, mid tfie SO' wirtil Just' UM Ps IP tie - cto - thigionely house, speak to Win sdxiutjt‘Pe 4 fine lie goes home. Billy, my fine fellow, come here," he contirmed, "pimp upon my knee and tell me if you'd like to live here alwais and learn to read and Write." u I *mid, eir, iffeould be With hither hie." " So you shall;- , -sni.l what about old Fumy. ?" The child pae'sed— "I'4 like to give het . a pco'north.pf snail and a piece oltobacco every week„ltor she said the other day that that would make her quite happy" Mr. liewson lau:;lted E and Billy prattled on, Fein seated his knee urban a.tioise ofAixesteps ou the ground mingled with low suppressed talking was heard outside. • "lamevlisten ! there it is agal 4 ."' It was OM nearly dark, but. Mr. Ileyrson-, still holding the boy,in his anns, walked towards the window and looked out. "I can see nothing," he said,—"stay—there are figures miring oil among the treei, and a. man running mond to the back of the house--very hke Gahm he is too." Seizing the ben rope, lie rang it loudly, and said o the servant. who answered his surnutona—. Fasten the shatters and put up the bars, Connell; and then tell Gahm I want to see-Itivn," The Mr nbe'•ed ; iierr:),rOught, anc I , altan emerel the room. 3ir Howson remarked that though iiis.cheeks were flushed his lips . . wetwvory white, met his but& 41ari eyes were east opmi the gretiad. • " leok you mural the house just uow;Tim asked the artasier,lo a careless re . iumer. • • . • t 4 What took Me round ihe 'house, is. It Why, ;ben, nothin 4. in fife l sir , but That just as I went eat- side ilie_kitchenAlopr to inia-a stroke, saw the pigs, that Shaneen forgot 40 put up in Their stye, Making ,. right fur flit mistreats' flower garden; so I OM put my thrdhee;i lightning as intas", into my pocket, and ran . after them. I caught them on the grand walk under the mid window, and incited, meam, I had my own• share of work turning them back tn their proper Spear." • Gahan seuke with unusual., volubility but, with out raising biz eyes bum the ground. " Who were. the pantile," asked his reamer; whom . 1 satesnov ing- thretigh' that vieilettitrsel"' People ! your ' _ - r .lAnni. , - r4P I . ._' OaY Peoln movi , az thro,l . ll.be•toopal, barrinolta.pjgs." /11 • C Th rw,°' said Mrs ar smilingoo . liir alts, a the rairieleraf ciwilo . 14itiref'Weeii iaierte - (1, am( siwitie inified Aitto nOn,;.ll:ii;ifri4oioiir4:l darkfign real raw wheti.ticanaa b eing',') -, • , "-Conte, Billy, limit, Vahan, envious. , :to tom- the conversatiotl, " will you come home with me note* I am sure it was retrit of the rrtistrese to give you all them hub app es. Mrs. Hewrion.wargoiv ,to-propose 's le mairsingthat- her heaband whispered r—cs Wait OW to•morrow." So Giblet ha his child were - alfaVi Next naming .•the magistrates of the. dianicts were on thy alerti-and -several saspiciewilaleOltiV men kandluilangoilibou I Were taken op. )41 which fitted tine of them was iiioted up Ot:lsfr., FicoSsaa'•.growei thgi gravel Midas theendoviados. bore many signs of-tonapling feetramlitbeve . . marite'curthh the •ing,at veld, str4tes.,tolalls-jailiteut; , fourrdationt; enchains a :iiitafulipeare.treet a *into piktiviiweapon ettaily I t rtfilhi boHloTniq, thenteircAnzii cepahi- IYAl9ked sasPtcioPtii4ll l l ascots: , mistimed inns :tigOitmeas no pAsiltvxibld , actaally be turaghthome tbthhan,htlwairilittroisslisf: ;Mee of - eximi-; nti-tiksY:444;*'/ efid ettiao.7l!, r l• l 4ilfe}'o ll to' take care of that fellow, Mewson. . Jf I were in. your place, I'd just-tout him color= icouldthrovr 'him, and not an inch beyond." An itidolentrhospitabkt -irishisountry gentlemati, such as Mr. Howson, is netsee ithout at: always `shrewd and often' roguish prime minister, v.rho Names !lie !peek 14e .trouble ,oj looking *leer his own Akins, and' manages everything that is to be done in both the:theme and ktreign dibpationents=. from' putting a now doa, a farm of a Inutdresf actcs , Now or rather these capacities, Gabaa bad long -served. - Me. - Howson; and sostertmeeettreeti!" ll. l the evening on whicfreiff triad slrenigthened"the viola 14-4141' , .ence consuleratily by marrying-iimHelepoteat 4ep scitheated faithful maid Ahtesstitfitatimi.theOtdh alibis union; and Mn*. iy of h e r 9wflt look in ' fich interest rali4 s l l ) 3 W/ f t" shone especially aver the deeds othiiattother, whoi, poor tither! the eeighboos said-wasetirref hippy - and would gladly!, if the dated, hard' chatted' her" % ...ottraisimnee.t u v e gh- • , g. T3 'the country became turottuatifel•ssAisini bled to be of some um to his patron, anddail joyed mOre. oo d more ef,ilie-melfulel• Anothes evening, the twentieth Annie* • iluntwidt whiettibie sanative eammeneedi ,zetind. Mi. and Md. HeWebti`welfiailrhile— Tight teektek atrrighti Tierththen, now a •. :Eref twered.man, entered Mr. •Thiersonie kite end•look-bis-eeaton- the comet ofibersettle next canic.nanne of am Itiah soiLavatiabe. • Theaswauna' kinchiesalowanla Gahan'a inks sandy-and unchanged. Thermo* hi. ibeichouss E and game hi* ~plain-but solid _lion,; so Mal William, 4rbile.yma boy, was nctlssj dtcelling is their batpitsble , homb. =A EMI • The cook, directing a silent significant glance compassion towards heriellowwervants, said.: 4 ' Would you like-a drialltiofeiJer, Tiin;oo' w* you wait apt take a cup of tar with myself an Kill) , P) The old man's eyes were fixed owihe .tire, a a wrinkled hand was planted firmly on each kn itto cheelo , their involuntary trembling,. I'l not drink anything-ibis night, thank you kindly ' 1, 1 4 0111y," he•said, in a slow, musing manner dwelling long on each word. _. • 4 ‘ Where's Billy Va he asked, after lupine, in quick hurried:tone looking , npasoriderily at•thecoo with an impression in his eyes ; -whkh r as she a terwanls sail, 4, took away her breath: l P Oh, never' heed Billy ! 1 suppose he's tin with the master." " Where's the rate, Melly," said the roachmanl "in hiding it from him ? Sure, sootier or ' later mast kunst , it. "Tim," he continued i AGod know 'tis sorrow to my-heart this blessed ni,ght to mak yours sore—but the truth is, that William has don 1 he oughtn't to do to the man that was all - one as ii father to him." • "What has be done'? What will you dare sa against my boy ?" " Taken money, their," replied the coaelima " that the master had - marked and put by in Ii desk; for herstispected this some Abner past th gold wilsrmissing. This ntomitig 'Plias gone ; search was made. and the marked guineas we • found with your On William." The olil ma* covered his lace with his hand . 'and rocked himselt to end. fro. Where is lienownrElitiength be asked, in hearse voice. . , . "Locked np pate in- the inner afore-mom ; ti muter intends sending him ici , goai early ib.mo row morning." NM a !felon! MA," said Galion 'slowly: t boy :has aared V—im; no." "Poor fellow! the grief im*ettintv, his' Mind tray.—nmilture no gre';intler !" said the cook comps r "1 m •not sunny the•old man, fiercely." Where's the master !=take me tolifin rr "Collie with me," said the butler, "arid It a him will he see you ?" With faltering steps the father etiniplied ; an whewthey reached the-parlor, be 'trembled e • • ceetling,lyilidleant agitielt. the - Wall kir soppo ; while-thebtaler opened sbe door, ainrsaidi• "Gahan is lark Sir; snit Vent), to know will iciliiiirotik4toxii . , 9iir ' kilt' him to coipe linil4llll4,llewson c in solemn Sono of sorrow, very diderens from his . ()Rimy ebeefful voice. , Te.W.aftt. Srl!affing,."they tel' ? i on to. send my boy to Egisen ; rin true oo rwe j driJ.eehl , G eh, Tko ) ad. ryho ',"IPPR.PAY.")4IsVehaII ;Ise in health and storied in siglinnswhom.we Jove( alitiost ill'.0111P101:41 was ourSiEns has rahhcli, r and thlitnriS once n twicfrotntsany. times. ..11e is ai- lent and s'oposid velitspntosell,wt yhe 019 hi the money /i r! , !peer withheld when lie wanted i it, i an make nothing of him, and must imfygitetint up to justice in the morn ;, • • I T.,ailasX9lg l . 1 4 0 ..4 esirOnsipAiis t *,, 7 1. los.A Attdro..., , 'resaring s liaban." , f . , t ~ -1 "Lilasaittimeiliri mid , you , witirrla 'iso. • Vint i nenterthe , ' Ldirs iilfit'lliiilile.4l7 . 1 . ,, eine led . 1 1 1. Viili f lub-Fait# 1 0.7.#4 4.3 1 1 0'j mitres paled us, and spoke loving words to him.: Weil brio all thatridkratil 'IVA nightj—litt/e you thought ilt44was bawled Wltfithinii that Were_ 1 sworn 'to lake your, lifei They wititt,tyatAtipg-you outside the window, and I was sent toinveklle you. out, that they might shoot you. A faint heart I had for the bloody tinniness, for you were goer sittLal ways ago(A master 63 ' o , l t P9t . l Ikai "04 OP. oath to them that 4 ihinetbritak v sappcuiag they or, derail me•to shoot my awn ritothsr. • Well.Ntre hand of God was ot;erytkr, rind yet tlttnifdiki'drititor with' me. 1 ran' but lo'tlitiK at al,. i s ipiv, :f , I ft you want tp4o*hiiiiiipa moo . do 1r .ibtZ.izik the window," dnoking-theyrd'be aimed of Ws . but they werenli—,Thertiirerertbnile'fitlhfwa • in& , °nevif thou!, sholite4 ittintinagle. ju 'cifj6i4,4l,4iiir . -7 -.-t i t.fr e #AY aitirail9A. ILA .lotzl 411010040 low I Molt:Silly ouluarkseefind 4-saw klarfaitheukirs a line with the musket. 1 don't know exactly then What'll aahlortril,tifil- - 4 remembei 1-icao,ht• the, mittlitintitcl;thnfisliiip;'aiiiiit4tirto l 6i , 66 - qa: tiiinilol:i64.**ifii)iiii4-ntOn;:r Igie .-..- Aid 14 114 i to figlloll A ' OO they *0644 they ii , a e f . , you fer asrhikyeadgeheitiyetrifidat't put I;irntlowr thiry-tecdentitedr-lraafnigili6 ioihitf of Ithrtyfre'e -- - ding by the road;atiii Wet' sttle iit-ifttiiiniiti 'tli - iuwiawies4o Itf•• , " • i. N• Coati 1 417"444 9 •24a9RY l APri Url NTrifa l .W ilkl n ;1141104 PIPI4•-MII. Arlingt*liCATmilt, fift his R-18°J-E,n41:4.11111446144. -'ill C l . l 7 4 "P le ilt, ( 4l l Ftk e t° 54 11 0 ek, ,e 111 P? -1 ,mtl, was for Pao. all In t tYkfr; It was weariaiiiiiit4 Otwo tot Imp! trc „Z• , down on ht'so • Father rY s t-T°045 , 1 11 •1 1 9, 1 0, 1 121 4 I me i tergri Omet • To itsgractb,.PtbliegirPfie ; s9g—writ 14 * gapv , ll,,lriftal4oA. ,with ine—lend ate gbe TAiuFeuro,il—bo Slnde l l t"P spare rm. mrrp• b oy • it would be diffic ult go deal*: 14!.. gewsou'a feelitie,luatia ire 3 a eni4tnpillieTwaalo botrgett -4 -. 111 " lap!, - REM IS El pens bcr upwiglit, that IIIY adoeted parentis felt that their ei oaswork Was rewarded, and thatjn William Ga han, they had indeed a son. ATMICE To Youna LitnEs.--Tnist not to uncer fain riches; but prepare yourselves for every emer gency in life. Lewin to work and not be depeu ' dent upon servants :o make your bread sweep yOOl-floor", nnd•darn your own stockings. Above Halrthings, do nofeiteem to liglifly thot-e honora ble young men whosestain themselies by the work of their own , hatid4, While you care for, and receive iaUi forfrown company, thole lazy, idle inpinjays whoinever lift a finger to help themselves so long as they can keep body and soul together, and get suflicient to live in flultiOn. Young Romero remember this, and instead of sounding the purse of your lovers, and examining the cut of their coats, look in their hearts and hab its. Mart if they have'traces , and Can depend .up on themselves;-see if they have minds which will Dead them to look above a puttertly, existence.— Talk not of the beautiful, while skin, and the soft, delicateliand-L4he , fine appearance of the young gentleman. Let not these foolish considerations engross your thoughts. Tam—Whether we play or sleep, or dance, or study, the tun passeth., awl : the rend runs. In all the actions p uitkperforms, some, part of his We Pag,, ll s`ok- 3Ve die With nothing, that for,which ly our sliding file was granted, Nay, thonh we do nothing, Time keeps laser:instant pace,and flies fa a t in idleness to in employment. An hiur of vice is as long, as an hour of clime; but the diffe rence which follows upon good actions is infinite from +hotel ill ones. The good, though it-dimin ishes our time here, yet it lays up a pleasure for eternity, and Kill recompense what it wheel' 'itwo3 with a plentiful return at last. When we trade_ with virtge, wade but buy pleasure with ex pepr of time; so it isnot,so much amonsonting of time as an exchange. Time ass ship which never anchors • while . l am abroad, .1 had better doilies* things that may advantage my landing, than pee. Lice such.= aluillcaose my. COMlMitffiegit when come in shore. b i lteriaci, 19, Ppeaking of the imp'top l irmy - pf long sPeecirs at the auniver• saii4lells the following anec i dote: Ott a relliMO! . anniversary in 1 , 1 11v1 41 , few yeis 4i°, a Toriiiionll!ut IF:kJ I , Amnigo c1e; , 41 man was eined - oriTo'chise tl e meeting; with prox er, 61 as the exerciseshallteeti protracted to an unusually late hour, and many of the auchree had .almady left the honie futritie; he w4pmqueete4 tn'olTur Liboit imiyer,which he did imihe-arordcfoiknviug: • - 4, Lid; forgive die rediotrodae 'Of the iffealf erit i :e44 the 'vrefrin!fso of the .p'' • • rrg o ut AND unacT ir . usitt E ,AaYs usr4 I se orie,oL the. fairest.and-artoloratow-gifts of God, aotrbiekSattur4Hiebitrer theist•; , ;fle. tir reMoves' from the heart . the weight • o# gr r irrciwirWWl the Ali einations of pri.l.4lox i hmk„,)ll4,4l,„iii y ind and gentle eon of dirciplinej it refines the passions and'improveilhe tiff the chariest!' Iftwriblodhrat irititti 4 is aide more ootitipiCt . kook tl the opperilaeo `et black: 'Three' who love music ele,,gguOrtt, aadjseneaa in te.reir tempers. 1 always love musics" adds Luther, "mitt would nbrifor a great matt*, be witlitettlVe finis akiltwhieh I poorest in the Viz" JErvits.—The following inwiedisse . of - this eels: baited nsviewier will bolt esinkyreliisheilbraltselso• . ohms lavomi with theinzwryi °fixers,' realist:- I 1 dim, his printer, was proiliwously , pip!ligal - of orriiistiiii; iiiifitnitaiiiitga 'mint' i iheiet 3 would - 66. ; tigialy 61i iiii Martin with his ractil 66' slop. On .dia iCalu; ine beitsoliirop . pot.itis a p _ ,si,,v-. , .. , . 1 ° SG.leffiei:ii6teriliu rogue opcoriii lists r' to itikzowitiva leniety civilTy reeieil-- "',M T • 1 .1-Imf ie uPtrnAlt i KrilMtP t PIM' .. ~.,r' L. l es, trc,, , tei tue.,Aptavy, of, Fognaiap,„ thjeti Mr...1V,441, +RV 10 !'FCEI ig- a box b7vhsiii4es !‘) pepper the proof iii-fth iowl of mi." 114 14 -- - !it 0/4 1 1- / 14 ,...M.1 1 -P9_;'? / 1• 1 ? 1 •79 1 ,1 i , k -ai97 fm.,J0 5 02e4. ! ,. jPitth te1 1 1,,Vmir,tfte!Fifzri . IN! go , tigd . 4oertt .. jp 0 pupg,,. ArliTy l o i tioVisse then^lttltr suit preseptliimear. hi r ell civet's", 'etainces eter , thisella utau , in uuffiuchtug irccli• tuJe. vj... ' -•-• - i!• k otti a nt , .04. • , Str e rltie# 74K .;:f; t I &ILI SL is., 7. 000 p m -i- „. , • M/9 Mg= a a i ' =3 =lll , t 3 , 7 ;az; t 4,t ---..... „, , r••• 4II X 4 F III 4'.Fg• 111 1 1 X4r, Cog 1 .s. .ti ,• 1 w f • Ilfsitifieratietbd glohili" sir: ' • ' Aarttherreets tintnltaliSmintillaty. -'I `" a ' s ' And thought that when I came to he r Within the silentannitid.serr I Twere pleasant that in-tionsery June. Whembrenkasendmpt a-chemist Wiwi, - ' Anil grovr..f,49-YflKir.ttils., ,-/ -` The segtiiii a bao ay grave to tinik:e t ritirrrelettetit - Milan' idi tilififiriatiltstr. ' ' ' ' A cell within thy tiosen moult] -'•A ointiliwie ihNites-I,l's""'n . - ''''t ' With ieregmlogbistriit rolled," - 1 , r •l':' - - 5, 'n, • Ali AntsWhikitfiereatittlempeatiest-- ~ .--- - . ,!..r.,4 wilkilutshilik,of ,tlicse—r,. „ ~ Woe be thk sky milk& the brings. • Lanni'' men the feet; ' ' - ''` And Mello Amp moult saintly pest ihittatar .0 1 4Efoll.114Welff.teM.,4 ..c. 3,- s ...,.... There through the long, long summer hours, Thegoidea Eat 2UB he; . I. . • % And thick .10 11 91 S itertPLAild,BrctitPEOPAtwel's- Biand in their beauty, b ; - The orl6te shottliftdifthiigiAl"'"' " Hot lave tale cloiMbeside4sYNittle!" -- • '' The idle.t.tittally...v..?.. ,- • Ohould rest him there, and therelyihe ' aid ~.. The [motets& lice and liumming'biril And what if cheerful sbontsratnootr.. , Collie, from the oblige sent. Or sones of tnaidsliep , eiittitfie moon' With fairy langhtec kitenst.- , s • And what Irma•thevoesing light. Betrothed lovers Walk in sight, Of my low monument' I mould the lovely seene around Might know, no sadder sight or MAMA. I tITSOW, I know I shOttldent see t, The season's glorious show, 's brightness-would net shine for mc. or would its music flow. Butt around my place of sleep The fn s clove should come to weep, They - ght not haste to got - ttoft airs, an song. said-light and bloom, . Z ' Should keep em lingering by any torpb . - I These toiheirstohe 4 ned brans should bear The thought of t has been. And speak of one wh cannot share The gladness of the ne. Whose pan mall the po that fills The circuit of the summer , * IN that his grave is green; - . And deeply would their hearts rejuide To hear again his Wog voice. thcerav luxrrasTen.—The venerable William in of e sermons:at Surrey Chapel, a few years bine° illustrated Ins views of bigotry among dif ferent branches of the "household el faith," by the following weedy/0c Some , time % , e, - a countryman said•to t " I was exceedingly terrified, sir, this morning; I was going down to a lonely place, and I thought I saw at a distance a huge monster; it seemed in motion, but I could not discern the knurl of it. I did not like to turn back', yet my heat beat; and the more I, looked the more I framed ; ban- as we approached each other, I saw it was - only a man• and who do you think, sir, it was?" " I know Amity "Oh, at was my brother John.' " Ah!" said I to rupiah, passing, away from him as he added it was early in the morning and very In=y--tt ats !" said I, how often, in a lonely place and in a foggy atmosphere, has brother John been taken fora foe I Only approaetoteartir each - other and reeeleansr, and you will find; in numberless instances, what you have•-dreaded ail a monster was st brother—and youtrown-biothet. ' • • AWV Pasysa.4--Lonl I bleu and preserve that dear Rerron whom Thou best chosen-to be my husband.; let hisdlikt.be Jong-and Meisinir cougar "table and holy ; and let me also become a greater bleating and edam kat unto, him, a sharer MI all bia joys, atefreshment in ill bie sorrows', a meet hel ves for him in all tee accidents and chances of the world ; make me breves satiable in his deyes, and very slearmuss him Unite idadheart- to mein the clearest unicntotlove sad .bolineas, endsainstatam in all sweetness, chatity..and compliance. Seep truss me.all ungrodenest,elldireatertirclnes% and unnaismableuesaof passion and hemor ;ainldmake me humble and obedient, charitable-stab loving,- patient and contented, useful and observant, that We may delight invadvdtbeitsetto - Aug to thy ho ly ordinance, and both otos may rejoicaut,Thea, bar irtg our s poition pftho.lovg and serr*a of, Pod forever. Errnmm Hsemitritii.-='-irs - e gladiator frabled ilia' body; 'so Mein le train " en4unsitll sthW,"*lfiliet fieWtfirialikftge — ente Mat rake The Mieli ;hid thoeiy 4eskrieo lAioirti9ifuriirelilierf Suweitoti4on - 4ereait oi - raftioiftgri eible,friedtermindlesihrriele kEpt strong and healthy in perpetual snarbineurdf;"sma` the meitiliir`er3tlYsfattti ii that of Cob-stank li‘ricarrinetifiestsre, Piosp' Met perm .- us Will find diffiehlties and hardshfpa erithoin seeking them ; let them iiori4itie'bui take them as a paebilhat edocatiegal dircipline neeesiary to It the "mind to arrive at tie filthest - . %l Darn or A Brats.—hi the year 1272. a la, boring man in• England was laid only-threennd half or a little more than three cents a akty i . fur .le , labor; runt, in. 127.2. a Bible with marginal notes a del kw thirty pcauttisi or owe henthed-and..thitty. guve dollan l / 4 , it. then required dm entire w-r...ett 4 f thirteen years' labor to purchase a Bible. What ohauge has been wrought by menust of the art of printing —4 • ' ' • ' • -,TAXPis• /W.IIFFIrre? What 046,: , F.Clkabrittt you, black rekal ? Twit*. hare ,you •e 4 me Glom my sound sleep ; to tell me that breakfam is reedy, 101101 W 'tileiti-vortite' , liiiitbriatillettit% fistittr.the.bat cloiteti Whit •ihe , tieticeilo icertlieatt , f o titditi ° to git up344eus hab deuebeeVetrueti , , acteir 414iyzig iseiten fin the taNe star FiteqS Crefiitin.44Sdoubk 3 4 evccehly coniticd MSEII=EIMO T , Id • .metro M=Z orto IMIIIMSMI 1!0, MMEMMWEI ME rLc : MU Odgia 'of Os *wit We Wes. 1. 1110rie canal as estAY fill*, from Me: in Finlfkih, ef.,„whiFciletirietfa % ii?s, Queers of ,England, was at that iinie Proprietor, 2. New Hampshire area the nutoregivere to the territory conveyed by tro Plymouth Company to Capt. John-Altiaini; 4 pateni,lnir 7,, 4632, with refeferni4 tiv - the patentee, who was Governor of -Potiamotatlf, -- , itr•Hsmpsbiro, England. 33 Vermaot-wsa so Called•byTihe inhabitants, in thelrdeefinititti or.independelee; January 16, 111•6„ from the Frew/Lard, green, and moat, tuoturourp ' illiasaehtiiietta e !inane from a tribe " Se'ri m ane • of 10 at►a i the of Boston. The :tribe in'tliought to hive 4eiivetlits name from the „Biro here learned," says Ro ger Williams, " that the Slim of Massaehrsetts • the" Blue Hills" Rhode fjand4ati - iiti Called in 4614, in ref. erelice to the Wind off hodes, in the Mediter. rariefin. G.'edirlieetientas called from the Indian - • 7. New York, (originally called NeW Nether !an(*) was seealliat in'rellerince tck-the Diike of Yuik• and Albany, to whom thiaienitory Was CZ= 8. New Jersey, (originally called New Swe den,) was named hi 1614,-in compliment to Sir George Cadiret, one of its orignai proprietors, atm had defendedlhe Island of 'Jersey againSt the Par liament, dining lei civil war with England.. - 9. Pennitylvania was So called in 1681; etc? Wm: Penn, the founder of Philadelphia. • • In. Delaware was so called in 1703, from - Del- - aware Bay, on whit h if lies: and :which received its !Janie from Lord De La. War s who died in this bay. IL - Maryland was so called in honor of Henri • en r Maria, Quie!, of Charles Lin is patent to Lord liattimoiA June 30, 1632. 12 Virginia was so called in 1584, after biza bmh, the virgin Qneen of England. 13 and 14. Carolina, (North and-South,) wan f 0 called by the French in 1561, in honor of King Charism IX of Ranier. 15. Georgia was so called in 1771 1 ., in hondr of Kin.? George 11. ' 16. Alabama was so called in 1817, from principal river: 17. Mississippi was So called in 1806 - , from its Testers' boundary. • Mississippi is as said to denote the whole titre' ; that is, the riser formed by the unicnS of many. tS. I.nnisrana was so Wed in honor of Louis XIV of France. 19. Tennessee was so milled in 1795, limn ❑s principal river. The word Tennesse is said to signify a curved spoon. 20: Kentucky was so called in 1732, .frotti its principal river. 21. Illinois was so called in .1809 from its piin cipal river. The word is said to ei;nify the rivi r of men. 22. Indiana was osn called in 1802, from the American Indians. 23. Ohio was so called in 1802, from its south ern boundary. 21. Missouri was so called in 1821, fiom its principal river. 2 . 6,'Alichig,an was so called in 1806, from the lake on its bordeth. 26: Arkansas was so called in 1819, froth its prinilipal river. . 27. Florida 'was so called Joan Ponce DeLeon, in 1672, because it was discovered on Easter Sun. day; in Spanish, Pascua Florida. 28. Texas Was So called by the Spaniards in 1616, who that year drove out a colony of French, who had established- - themselves at Matagorda ; and made their first permanent settlement. 29. Wisconsin wall so named -in 1837, from the river of the earns name, when a territorial govern • • meet was formed. 30. loWaiviuteo called in 1838, after a tribe of Indians of the same name, and a separate territo• rialgovernitient formel.—U. S. Anancc. Tim Pruitt or Nan:mt.—The sneers of super ficial men upon the.vreakniss which has appeared :in the conduct of some inquiries into naldre, ought to hatirmo":nflubtrelo diseinitte us from those researches.' If some few lavelrpent fro much time tin.thenterfrof inseets, the" neglect of the nobleropartivoUarestioni theirelirirri;'orqht to sug gest to us, not a total-neglect of those inferior parts 7434natuve5 but.ouly td araiiithwadruake of giving .oursetver wholly to them. • There is no . species whit% Mani* Wisdom has thought Worth *making and presrusing- for ages,. ; hat- is not, supremely worthylof-ourinquiringintoits nature, And.it is certia ttfiOt ftfdtoril of curfoui wiiikalishii in the structure of the body of the meanest reptile, than in.thet-snost delicate machinethat ever was, or Oil/ be, constructed by human Was. .Eiccia.crrt: SELESTITUTEAII old clewman was in the liabit r a* sums as he got into4he pulpit, of placing, his sermon in a crevice under the cush ion, when:, he left it during the singing of the m ew opted 'psalm- Ono Sunday he pu+hed the ser mßt trot too tar into the greirice,. and lost it.— Mien the psalm was cociftludei.l, he called the clerk- to bring him a Bit le. The clerk, Fornewhat Adocished'at this unusual wired, brought him a [4le, :as was tlei.ireil The clergyman opened thus alike:led big congregation: "My 'brethren; I ham lost! my iermbn buff will read y °4 ci"Plef iti Job 44 i?tOi Wu* it it CMWren and fools;'; says, the olgadaP, " tdwaYs-the-thet 4 15 t 13 4-_ "Dialler sent skid it.bglek gill to neighbor, !Ito ask you to °9)°°4-APA. Yika ten svi* „het ..this evenina."— a• Qid say at ttrhaktinne,,tny,deag,l" ." Na Atia*P , • she mitt .ittia that ibitYltolihi ask you, and en th the think trunid be off het . 0.44 that was 411 she said r' ME]