Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 20, 1850, Image 2

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Clover makes at most deftiableiedoolfro,ittli
provided it be cut ittseason, and prepettly cated.—.
As a general rule, it is ,not advisable to Permit it to
remain standing much aler the period of iolloreti= .
cence, as the ripening of. the need in Abe 6M#ll
exposes it to &certain degree of deteriastion which.
cnnsiderbly diminishes its value as a kid foratcels;
besides insuring acertaindree of actual and . on
avoidable loss in handling it, as those leaves and
heads which have become dry, are easily detach
ed from the stick during the proc ess ,
, of raking and
pitching, even when these operations are perkwm
ed with the most consummate care,
My plan of operation in curing clover, is as Mt
lows :—As soon as, the beads are all fully blown, 1
commence mowing, care being , bad 40 lay the
swarths as closely as possible, and to leave no scat
tering grass between them, if it can be helped.—
About lour o'clock in the afternoon, provided the
weather during the day has: been clear and warm,
1 have the swarths tamed =irefully over with a fork
and in This position thew are allowed to remain
till four o'clock the next day. 1 then with a pitch.
fork, commence cocking the swarths—pitching the
ball made grass in flakes as....moch as possible, and
making my cocks compact but small—say about
eighty pounds 'uncured hay to the cock. They are
then neatly raked off, the tiseatterings" cleaned
up, and cocks permitted to remain unopened and
wholly undisturbed, till dry. .
Should the weather prove favorable, the making
'will proceed rapidly, and in two tlayi from she
time the grass is cocked the hay will be fit to mow .
This insures the entire preservation of thl tops and
foliage, confers a beantiful green' color t o
the bay,
and 'prevents The stalks from assuming at dry,
hard ligneous c6racter which they are ew to pos
sess when made by exposure to a het sun. Clover
made in this way is never mouldy, sell even should
the weather, prove unfavorable ; or even wet after
cockiii. , :, the compactness of the cocks will prevent
their becoming saturated, and a tew hour,. sunning
' , will render them lit to mow. I have known hay .
cocked in this maiiit6 to remain out a week or
feu days, aid still retain all its original greenness
and fragrance perfectly unimpaired. ",
Making hay in this manner, is a prfictice 4 11' ot
yet iu much laior with American larmfrs ; but in
England, Scotland and other European countries ;
the "grass-cock system" of coring, has now nearly
spperseded every other, not only in the manage
meat of clover, but all other grasses, even the finest
when cot for hay, or as 'a dry feed for domestic i
stock. In the case of clover, which usually grows 1
thick and rank, the fork should always take the
place of the rake, which is not requised.—German
roust Telegraph. , . r:.
The Irmoroweeneat of Land.
As an art, Agriculture consists in fertilizing the
soil, and making it more productive than in us
natural state. This may well be styled a useful
art ; its object being to furnish man 'not only with
sub,istence, but with comfort anti happiness. Fer
tility of the soil being the first thing to be attained
(it being the foundation of farming) we ought to
try to lean every means pertaining to this grind
end. Of what avail is! the best rotation of crops,
the best implements, or the use of them when the
land is barren. Before attempting to pursue any
systen of Agriculture, let us learn to enrich our
ground. The common practice with farmers who
have extensive land's, is to clear a piece of ground
every year. This practice lias sotriftitnes been
continued until there is little or no woodland left
for fuel or fence s , and some of the land so exhaust
ed as to . be not Zivorthy the labor of the farmer. I
say this riot as a gefieraf thing, but it has happened
and may ant as a caution to oilier future Agiicultn•
rists It has always been found wherever farming
has been conducted upon a fair rational plan, that
it is much easier to reclaim lands which have been
exhausted by cultivation, than to cat dawn wid re
duce to fertility uncleared or woodlands; and reno
vated grounds have been knoWn to,eaceerb in profi
table product almost any newly ciente(' fands.—
Now cleared property may at first present luxuri
ant crops, but they seldom continue long to. yield
crops large ennu„ ato pay for-the labor bestowed
upon them. And in all lands which have been ex
hausted by constant use, few (if any) stumps or
roots may be found; hence three acres of such land
could be farmed with mole ease than one of new
ground, and the labor and time necessarl to grub
an acre of ground, to cut down the treei upon it,
and prepare it for cultivation, would be trore than
enough to collect and manure double that quantity
of better land so as to produce far more abundant
crops. Every acre made to produce an much as
two other acres tit an improved management, lain.
effec t the adding of another acre, and with the ad
vantage of saving so mach of the woodland for
fuel, fences, building &c. Both religion and pa
triotism-plead for it; it is our duly and our profit
at last, even if the gains should be slow incoming.
Before proceeiling,to detail, the best modes of
improving land, it will be proper first to Mention
the practices which have combined to produce its
destruction. • Then perhaps farmers will more
dearly see the proprie:y of adopting the model!
propose for its renovation and improvement. Art
has always improved nature. Custom, on the con
trary,injures more than it benefits. Civic; aver
beers a part of every crop, bas often provertAinte' jtmt..
of impoverishing terms. They go, on year after
year working the land wiat their scanty kneeled.
of the real science of ag,ricoltune, and in thereounre'`
of time, as the crop* become smaller, theyleave
their masters, and this &instant change, as well as
their want of the propehind of education,desiroys
the fertilit) of their grounds. The system of tillage
generally pursued under the name. of the'lltree
shi ft course,•has also proved injuriotis to our lands
.This system is first to put in. Indian corn, then oats
or whit t, and next to pasture it without the appli
cation of manure, or allowing the land any rest—
The reedit of this is that,(as is commonly said> the
land is killed. All farmers know that Indian corn
and wheat are exhausting crops. Then the ques
tion naturally arises, whether in a course - of graz
ing the Lou arising from its impoverishment will he
croMpensated by it or not. The land being loose
and open, is expased to all the injuries the tooth, or
hoofof the cattle may inflict. Vegetation eaten off;
and the land "trod to death ;" thus its natural Otis
are closed to the refreshment of the antiosphere..-:-
Tide system has bat rme merit ; that is " horreati.
It premises to kill our lands in theory. -rand 60d* ,
adheres to this promise in practice.---North.
can Farmer.
. ,
ANNEXATION, g, „cup,'
sjitio,fiselie , * neiski“,
M bwilooso.*Poill lama at. W.** 1 . 1 9, 14184
:mantras* hit has *km** dirset Min Pi* York
ala se : supply of - -e.,
Dry Goods, Groceries Liqoars, Ready Mita
• - BIS 4
oil of oddrit losi/o at so so o g h
price for ea& Hating zoisalioimn a it s
chasing. and ouches. kw in country wow ato•Mlim
he Batters himself that he can and will makait , the*:
tenet of those wishing to puribase to giro Ides s all
before purchasing rhumbas. Landlords mod Indivi
duals wanting a superior article of
ILTApip mkt*. 9
we would all your 'pedal ottemtion to thoite old 9414
Cognise, Champaign. and American 'Brandy • Mott
Holland and American Gin larnsicsand
Rom; One Port, Sherry, Cloret,Madetra, Mai*, OM:
ger end Raspberry Wines; • few WWI Chaufaißos,
• superior article,, shit on hind. We at deteniiimal
to pot our Liquors down to the lowesullgti* beitig4i;
/from to quit the liquor business. Our tonne ire in'
all wen. Casimir Reidy Pay—and no ,stand ;AM.—
Don't mistake the place—the west corner of:Main and
Bridge sis., in the stem formerly ocimpied bj LlCings•
Towanda. June 4,1850.
T.T. fad's (of lilts, N. I.) hit Daiwa 10
11[tang Eitrut.
N extract Lam the &nib celled Wil4baxel.
it " sly from that, with the exception of a little al
cohol to preserve
It will care all local pain and indanwtions, oid mum
fresh wounds and bruises, Piles and all diseases of the
bowels of a chrostie situp, tooth-ache sod ear-ache, is
good for female comphunta etc-, Bc.
It is truly whatit professes to be,the'peoakiframe
Providence has eninerril eking the .vuggid paths of
many things that contribute greatly to to the comfort
and happiness of every body; hence their great value,
and well may they be called "friends-of she People."
One word here to guard against imposition. A man
by of Spencer. bail manufactured avid et stud
for sale a spurious ankle called the Caryl! Extract,
that would be extract of tbe"hirzei-nutrthe genuine is
as white and as pure as Water, while the spurious ant.
Lie ip colored, which enabler the public to distinguish-
None genuine hot those marked Pond's Paia Des
• For sale at Montanye's & Towanda. S.
man Munnetra', Parkhurst & Lamb Lenny. Hausa*
Willey Franklin. June kb 1880
rr HE next term of this Institution. will commence
1 on Monday the 24th day of June, under the
charge of G. R. Bsawsa. as Principal.
Tuition per term of Eleven weeks:
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Geogra
phy and Mental Arithmetic,
The same, with Wells' Grammar, Adams'
Arithmetic and Town's Analysis,
Philosophy, Ch emistry, Rhetoric, Logic, As
tronomy and Book Keeping,
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Survey-
in.>, Conic Sections, A nalytioal Geometry.
4 ,51)
Latin, Creek and French Langusges,
Fuel, Ist and 2.1 terms;' 25
Scholars received at any period of the 'term, 24
charged only from the time or their entrance.
Board can be obtained in private families on rea
sonable terms. J. D, MONTAN= Pres't.
C. L. WARD, Sec'y, of Board of Trustees.
Towanda, June 15, 1850 .
MBE Claming, Blinks s Basle Line.-having rs
doard the fete fro y port on the Cheyennes
nal to Buffalo, afforyieilities not betesofors offered Co
ernigrantimmi of hrn meeting ■ borne end fortune in
the Great W
, avy
Boater this tine will hem
C / otiing & Elmira far Buffalo
Ev week durltig thassawm, in tbordaßoaring order:
Leaves Corning Tuealsy's'at I °O'clock; A. M.
Leaves Elmira , Wrdnesday's at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Havana, Thurnisy's at P. N.
Tows down .Seu= Lake Friday,
Touching at Big Stream, Starkey, Lodi, Drasdres,
passing Geneva, Watierloo and &macs Falls on Sat
Leaves Buffalo for Elmira and Corning every 844.
urdsy morning, leaves Rughwiter every Meade/ none
Bost CORNING, Capt. E. H. CALEB,
Boat ELMIRA. Capt. R. P
Boat BUFFALO, Captain
' For Freight or Passage apply to Ike Captains in the
following Agents:
W, M. Mallory. Corning—S. B. Strang & Ca, A.
G. Reynolds, Elmira-- Wm. Roynokls, Horseheads, 1.
Wintermnte, Horsehasils - -...-E. 8. Hinman, Havana L.
O. rownotarsend, Big Stream--Woodworth & Palk
Lodi—Hastings & Field, Geneva--Gray 4 Bersot,
Miller, Seneca Falls—h. Buster* Maw
tatioina--H. L. Fish, Rocherita—Nilea 4 Wbeekw,
07Provilions for rain by the Captains ea baud.
Elmira, April 4. 1850.
0 1 ,1 OR lEN TA L
. 4 )
4 14 , 1111 BALM 1 .0.>/ , i
I. r :71
Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.
Ni 0 other medicioe has seer been intro/seed se the
public that bee met with such unparalleied sem
fees. as Os.flocotes (Mesita! Seeereige Beim NI&
Marin been but sit years before the gabile, sad the
advertising mai), competed with mom other modiciamer
yet they have worked their way into every stem in
Union and Canada.. They balm ilbwoudr become
the Standard Medicine of the day. They ate purely
vegetable and so admirably rompoesdal Shat elms be
ken in large dame they speedilr ears the most delicate,
nervous freak, end time raised nembeei fres thole
beds after all other remedies had toiled.
As there are spurious Pills bt Ministate ealludidai.
cots) or Sovereign Balm. be me to leaberons you boy
that the name of y. Dr. -E. L Souk".}' Cp." is wilts
fsee -of dthent-tmi blegenitheel We
are nal assanii the.rg one who
articleles - yet daied to maks use of our name • but
scone et. ttianynive bed the mpodeueri trt habit; so
boxes- and copy our Circulars. Certiliemesofre. Malan
the public aravarefial whets they pun:here, they
be deceived. 18y.
iorl• The genuine SOVEREIGN BALM Pll LStim
he had wholesale and email bt Dr. B. 1.. Soule dc Co.,
Euclid. N. Y.. sod lane/Ruda by HUSTON &POR
TER. ind by Agerits in every town in the country.
WOULD respectfully inform the loam and rte , ,
wlt man of rowandc that he bee taken the entre
Immediately oppositetierWatd Met* one doitenteth
of Mies drag stores in Main itrati. where he Isinittal‘
edmein, Sat 1.119 all ardent 111th which
be may be far . the gentlemen hi would
that bhp Boon'. of whatever
,tiesenpthWi stilton% Joel!
made Hader: two
sepeielition..And sena* Fie.,
ranted for thnibMty and neatness: He would 'alas in:
Gov] tbejsbdies that ha is prepaked to mates,
GaiteraitilhipperevBhoe s , eke. , • #
Fore long ezter . ones in hast . neskand • Oetonnina•
don th rise instal tweerpeks ba receive a
ahessoflsablinpstrenewe. May 10. Mo. -I/
,all-4: ink: f loe 4 6oQ or goti7Ve, 447 7
115bliffel at , PNOSVER,Y 80..,.
•:, '
Di.Sirsyses tappaNNl I
'Mk Illinton Zeta editerl
vrse illtecksid- with er
lengs,''secompa' aid with v
using verioas tether, ietnediew
by theme of note bottle of
Syrup of Wild 'r
Wm; Not:Wilt
Schuylkill twenty.
ed I send you a con
izen of our amt.
knows hat ,and of
tem emir* to
Thee is but use
ry,.and thatla Dr.
the publie, which Its
States used, and .on
orations called by the
put oat Woes Ma -
in corder to give ea
of the genuine is •
raving; with the
also• Dr. Swarm's
the portrah of Dr.
as to distinguish hit
0: 1$ WA YNE'S r
"A sere and of
Cholentlforbos, as
and the most awful
the public."
This *MUM is socciadulfer
a long time. and k . mewledged by an
who have triad it to. (being so very
pleasant 10 the taste effectual) to any
other medicine Wm es tor whirl ilia
resoi mended. It toms, but it in.
vigorates the erbole sires in Its of.
kcts, and the health (ways improved
by Its use even when 7ered.
Moat Goon New --Anderstown,
Indiana—Do. Owe , An year mediate
mil well, and give Your valuable
Compeers' inyntp e r v been the means
of meowing sore Ibis soesion.—
Your PlO. are taus yea to eend •
good supply of tht ' a bottle of
your Vermifoge lb! 1, and by its
use it discharged 6: worms be had ever
seen.' It is somewhat dii to get the people to try
it, es they hive so eaten been led by nauseous and
wottbleas worm medicines. Y being so very pleas.
ant to the taste, at the paled effectual, I shill be
able to dispose of, a large_ q entity. Reepecifolly,
yours, &C., • 'Toirgraz s T, tissue, P. M.
To Dr,. Swam, N. W. wet al Eighth, sad
Reesem.,Pttiladelpata. •
da Q3'
Reawmbw the peaking '
3 00
4 00
Da. Swarms's &roast Cos
Erraae! or TAIL PI&U/r•
CM be sted !wily by
they are *sloped to maim nen
matte, obornetioss impurity
The, are a gentle and egged
the functions of the liver. and.
Weal affections, they,em ecru ,
in every family They ha!,
mge White tinitar. 'whereby e
to lib& taste or emell is entirely
least affecting the excellent qa
Remember ! they ere now pot
of the rigid woorl.arrerat with
eisnatitte of Dr &mu. N
The shove valuable medirds
Dr. BWA FMB, N. W. tether
ono, Pitilwielphia.
Huron dt Pear's,
Chu, Rathbone. Canton,
Beidleman Brown, A
thane valley.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy.
C. T. Murphy. Cantomille4
Daniels. I
8. W. tk, D. P. Foramoy,
Troy. '22y
To the Victor
tog to give relies end
diseases. V* "IS ha
ae De.tilbaimmea Mei
ble to the taste. easily
precedested soma which
remediable tames odd*
justly lay elute to the tide
mama for which thefhare
Cure the soca obstinate mem
They have eared a large nr
been given pp byikekeby t
who have ben ' , adored to
us t** biriva. a Wl*
cheek end now live to lay
imitable asolkiee, Dr
Have hems proved in saws
fallisbla, la het the only
Medieine .iliscomered.
Then Way cam* be Snood to
and the.benelit derived from
ciaa s ilea is this form is gnat
When die breath of the child
them is picking et the Date,
lag of the math during sleep, ,
with flusimsd cheek% bleeding at
drowsiness, starting during sleep,
awaking with hightning acmanw,
feetwiensos think vi
winced sad biesemd
many prominent symptoms
relieved by theme incomparable
wow been how' to !rids' Dr.
Kenning headache, defiFoll
°fibs heart nod sick:Nees is .
Imams of *phi* damn
cramps of the stomach,
they keep up the opinto,.dimpbl ,
dissipation, and enable s pertain
tal or badly tail. Dr. &herniae
acknowcadged whohoi
best suengthing Planter in the
remedy foe pain' lad weakness'
breastoirdii imilleilaist% 'thew
One millions rar 'eriN Sot sin
Centimes imiseespo7, arilhere are
persons who would force a spark
Plater, with a ni mi esielf ac mit to "elf
back—go, other. Ks youtistrA
than swat Proindide
r y'h llNGHAMit—Good
eta. et; ilflnstr"
•att. .4111=30ra:
eV *mak belliiilessd et b.
0 / 1 404-Thowirlietamosiiiit
cu gyhootoin alt ipiaaviikadvisi ,
hearseind awilmoUia ,
ortipt Wettiomiee spy.
:ifistrousing ealvtl'aftei
iwith Mr tor rielitilift:
r.-Sutoyee's Polly*ltid
- -•+.4 toy *Out
. Tf.
auption is well
be attriboars.
syrup at Wild.
.D! RE/111:
*4l . Wilt Chat-
Awed to
; alai all peep
,ferry have heat
. Raab bode
tetifor Veal so.
PM, thereon ;
tetbor wearily,
OM" Dzipepsis
children cc Woks
not and to
lie wow psis* is poen
vhteer of theme NM
who hove seed them t
be maybes elf morbid
the hlsel,rlka. doe.—
purgative. correct all
• en alterelive in drop.
Ituddeond should be
in Unlade testing of
ieothing diaspeenble
without in the
Ws of di merdieiss
_ is besep. turned oat
red label, bauble/ the
ether is genuisee t z
eue prepared only by
Zigith and Rags
owanda Pa.
& Rockwell, Mogi.
Bernd' , Album
dr. Maeda. Sha.
ag Co., East
he Spell.
\ fors of" Popia-
A ismer:caw
the porpoise
11111 WOW
the ets
sod the
it may
the &-
• few boon
who have
Pines; toy dmii
bilhe *1.411
praise of Ibis
.4 lobe la-
Amu thaw
• iesdiehis,
-4' midi
A rifts, rb&
A;bwe at
Nov aeon Os
- and - ear
s PY 4 , I ""
. 4 •
4he Ohs
lebse„ das
1 1 4 . 61 1 4 e4
on the
21 '&.;,
--, :)fiDliirrs Mir 111010111,
asa/•o.aialn wise peas a milleilitirsilitiger*ll
af laree_ la Wit it It ass ea Oa aa ale
lasabillturalaso ate ' easnowiser
lisolitairryf-imemellititemerraexplemeris ft&
seitaampraVosiiir ffspwieskr, •
oviit=winmlt wmiermiwist.
map tkiissio'israik. ,
5 16 7NA•sim sbe d ameiserisedi
jaksbialkairp W redirldtoraYalinlirjn- - •s .
• 0 4, ani.. 7114 4 41114 . 41104 4, 14 0.' '' •
Sit it ' loot lo wpb umbel of famoorilo. 04 ti 4
No edam* tir ionalloalOof labs so or* moll
itotwlood obo Dowd Somorrilio lobo
ow Nowalaffmosoatao—Taloug. Papa,ow Moo 4 4 04-
*bpi moo uoirotaflas 'roils a boob Of
beak oisilpoiaw oppoopok as mew IS alb%
and to moordiora ~~"VV moo op a loafs of la
.. .
• • Wow, /rya, er Ns bail- . •
=lv flo a beaks/ AV* firlaso, *X balm,
10 101616611rDer. doe abeam of Ihmesetillat,
ma Was May motioet I mei be at Plemestwe
era ilasuee et the &ay( M/N thee It
PlOBO that pas hoar of Mb Animas is tritill "nor
ymelletesapeales I bap* efSioustetina - i
The Moot oosoolook moo oo yet Moo the peel 4010seast to
mew Woven the Milist eikery of liestres TvesTi m eall /AM.
rsaitte. Thiceral smear Ity the estilimeteM , laMterre
Iltielkis*alhowise diet •
0014 OOTTLE Of /RANT'! MOW Eit " ' '
bag Mei dikilei-awi erns teen import Mot . AM
- , ?ON peaks/ of OaromoorMh. i. t . .
Map OHM* 4_**rO kioOf*'Oii . Da olio'
Sansweliker sa a a 1 far TOB oks.
pit.,44L aims epitoten, Cloeftbfte i isonsr . weep mit
Ilesopipi to left, smote tbthe fetter retool below tall venom
thr Sem= Deno eels COWAN; Ye* en 4V 140
380, NAN teo Ofteorloso ettennetenelo e—
person it teso Mire/ NO IWO PM imloolbenova Ise reneloi
11144•111 sends ' oill=tlPasoree lorouor
=es ississei she be woo peamodeC .
dun" to fte prow tweet doe elu r ot Itoor
sail do cue woe npronot lg. Or 'dart to "ft ft
it Ltberir m ot=losot Limper se WINN no le ant
to . 40" ftorp Ont
Moon of Snore Witter Mt MI Nee owe miummietrama
rreeesseirrsoresne, sad tha IRA eassitiod. oineriestilopolebr,
nel,ftoreiroen *se lest *lofted se domenree. Weecole of Mt Xi
tie woe =Went ea Mktg Jibe, eel lassiono ~V MI • witiner
to mord to do Warn nepablethel, mil tb oftineep that noir
• otennuour
fts. Wino nee, t moot noloinot len ttrtb Parelaag talaall—
Um moll Is ere ekensies 144 sims. i les •017. 1 4* ~NC
by It; t eas onal by laveralisruipa—tho to eel 'WI add. me lee
•am ••••/1•44 melee* orb la seeseens• eats iahniatiak mar
*wee balk, I red Dere. hortior..ll.4i e 4 aufaine Who I leximi.•
• el wag Or hialliarl W Mao mail saw led • bag limas 1 radii air
&axe any bra ea a/elm/. am ore maw am War im bin MUM INIP me
adve as salsa et owe loam It amid le Owl want al lita . Aadi fatly
1 . 61 .11*? a PIMA Mee.; stab moose akumaga ge slat
au Mee passel imiteet 4 dap Wales yaw was as Sy as Imp
ar, book Aftwbor re... 4.• eft seeeie4yr 14••• • •erliMaidel=
ay ale, se eat miy bomb noel be %DIN WM tse WIN OS 11, to
*MR my aaakaim er aarabor obial. b.J who argarlais t W ..rat
aim armee. 1 ena *nod* T. 414. J. moo 1408.1..114*-1.11001,1144
el Neal dew twee ewe /esker. am di* 4 • 4• •
speweddratGot IP WOO maim apt ima or bob de mood
battle I sot tao Ni dam bloke
worm, as We yea sits to rib aa• War to liamano arlaiama
towark al iliaor Caulast.Mmat lwama taw WeiNl & thia iambi .101/0.1111 3
ALL INV 17147.1111. Weave ow. allmotaallirge gal allarlorb. "
art 11 Ora gaoled mamas alanalma owl I amed as /Woo wee,l4lo
mone e 111111,441 mewl ma
i MI 444 A. :me r w.p
OA/1100111 COWL
Mr. a s. OWL% meadas• Maw, *mak teesetp, r.
emend ea lama • amaisdkator t. aetid amity etr u hr i Meses
deafol caret ot Cheeses ham& the 'Mao 10
IMMO IMAM. • tiler. ht Orestes cousty, 4 1 . 11 3
ales sang Pammez. Mt . A. B. dartittlobadyas , m Vii.,
barb% Matageemy may, N.Y., het ashamed as at hapeamit
eeseaf • cutout qt Jaw ~Um whit* was Mood at so lei
tri.Ltlimi Ora U. dinuelbreytliL Pun= ism Cieets, by Its
%sun ismer ? whet ahpare disease at do Mad
rarti 7aual Seem yews dephisms istaimpla "/'raw ere ss
sass bodatissiatedleara.
TM In. .114MIALD iItINKM6 itassr, la
drink AAassiladsi Maws osseif.ll. Y 4. one , i lhe itiffr °rll.. .kon•
ftpeespr,T risitted • kaist Use Mfr. gummy Dom m isistivele Os
awl ofilli , mg
siiima= ,
a VI" W. .1
did ithat Isigs ws *Ala's.** *
sr a Ihninam. Ifs I ider, Ls vas Maw. alsi NM sr y
es arpssosi Toviaawrs Kamm. Rosa Sr is.
oft Ha mil: •1 Iwo use wig mow. awns. or 1111MITIO
IntnciNZ. i Mini AI
W4S sm. fros row &OW
illiaMay awl I' ess siour ertorii or bliadar at eke
Ilhad a aw• if mg los. 0 les ihisplaos Ilmr bil soilselles
Noe RMISAID et eumeitieVems, me et leo Wien
ate reepudette wee oft Liemeimie.
rir. 4 n M : Mr r f-lreß terifaitt emet=l.ll.filllPS-PIN
deo wed. %!.• reit ems et *lbw vire%
Pie nosey semi to dr pailebro eser Wen UV I.rwt .et
'NOW n•ss.l4,&‘&tlr liselissal umbras* sal bwimoderisio•
at Me is Swirl Pvt.seasAav Bum*. It askew op IiSMP.
100 . thr-bigorm ansmiliss, or sew mak
um—it ILOVIATag 16 by asuipasmimr avows. eyelids*
emeaLailes. awl relliefrald ~ow - nano* lailBl7.
tar iks• pusiliatim
ie. Ow girl is dr wpm ald Or imam et NM& vo—die us
ere and the aim? r Inbassit • ate►
awe diem "at tesimaini oda casspase• of
Is& chime. . .
`. Guam C ino n
X 7. WALLACE 6 Arena ool.—Caddsur a .
irs• n 14 sees elm
• yaw, 'Oland wld a draw of as mil. I oda OK ad la
srms7 obiads adds' elmiletzsa pear aidareissi
"1111"a sa i rrist e se 6111"14 0.61ARTNZD Icar M alk s6er
to sry dirp••••••sd. sod sal admit Os add pia saw
dada 1 eissibre mad • dead losidawde6 laraddiddrased
dis was&i aae err wog smit lediy.•6l ad ad ddsd
Al.[ viand Wass surd, or lie samidi
& wtheas al. "
Toses •
Mr. 'Mims ii=lo ma dada d Ado.- •
I.R-11111116 URI,
" roar Qum= Ca. N. T. at 11,
- Vaasa MI, T. WALLACE ik CO., Boas ,j Mt wy
Mk Maim Mitnimad tom do aim lamMaa md sr.
las Om NM* Am Oa coda cal IM.Maddiarporama embalm
and 1.111. Bar aided meamm vadat amanar da
*OM ori of iba nee when IMAM.% ma aur
maesissrsifawaftsf6es. Ma Mar ass eiznaM.
mgia w. dm lea eammal %Mac Mmes. de
se me Um m Pa
datapamda MI " „ woe ," I S M
adamda. adda,aia Mame padbadymn. Taiwan ism
dm Ow is am amilail da. an Madiad mirk - aid
asird ndrtypemie at doable Mar mak&
"Tam taldh CL CIAISMTTML"i
TM mid win Mem diet Mr. Waxman mid afar ams."
=em danda s krust b Z. IL Way, Zw
d ~ ofWwwww Atm W'
It f.l , i le )1.4
IMO: 7,.. 4l = a r w r o rl a modo .
e a = f iliwizsi tim
Afoot, Ws; orate
A. BDUNTAXDIII. ~kr" 01•04. Una*" r4A,,Z Jo
11,14 NA_ Immobile re. Isslom saw bombe stroll Iterwase a Ara
tio rubigollllT SALAAM Istelhost Oa me m et N ija
MMLinoWii. NM: -I Moe pwrisar used VI NA
ZZTNAIOT, Ilar gmesest of lerrystra. est I
W imp bodribra ft wvirristitis as Derrimalldwillilumeria
oat trmilogass ran Immo' ilitijavie nee SOW, /14/THOP till.
MOW Wham irib litre tea !/4M llabilM IRlVM•riimi
armilihirillookaplailinfir van switarsento." .
asi Alamo aim* abasis ihr away atm, aeni
Mums Zalle4CT.
For embe by RUSTON * PODTiii; Teweadi
iferriets & itetbbrue. Ceeerok-D.
D. Peribuist, Leßoy; Daiwa & Reetweli, Nome
ban ; E. W, Debi, Rneunerfleldi )4. H. Wags, WI.
ales*: D. }k' Lelltayeeekt; T: Btitrp6r~
Orwell; %loot & IKtied6epn Rothe: E:o2•Triirey
Dmittilleldi Cory's!! it Gay Darlington; L. it agar'.
0111 r welter. ingpaigi mot *Mem* 10-14. Ar,
are toe Diweriwiy,
NEW Eszeutuanawir
• ,,t
r- ‘.t. *TEA, Cov. Tionlara
s lßSCotagea*Otisen", artsrt l
- - aids and the pablicriniralli, that
71 lellisidAmanufileture
2 • athr_ia lams - 01,-VABINST
' IYMINITURE. itimeleth use
' En thin, and wethintothipthateepant
shotariara will likiths tiethiaa
maks b eider 'WAN (4 1,0 6 . 3 . 8 1 4 Pod •ffrififei
paatirnii,Winelot 171=;plialetile rap**
e come erapeased
yr* ismer Arse alit& AUsaAti: hat lraiehlif
begapreithisilmeinlifellyd, With anielY hair,
*Web nave* lama P w i t osi tbiM l 4 4 1 1 0, 1 1614 4 /
bad iii*tienialis the linalinni.
th eathdYikil who may diapered to bah ea ea
9 2 44 ued Piko..e•Clerariet-itairtfori tit tii:loiu
itcipt aroma thid naive the patseethireefirillbeint loth
TtMianita .11 !* n r -kI II 6'FICN r•
f!tlta)tiiii r
ov rs`Tl V ll Vrt i rellaier
*1.6114 00-V i t e l t, urn 1.4
ItrOllew k • CA114.4b.
liessloicromitm -
, • .- .t• -
-144 '
WSW 1601e411:14 110,
'Atimbeiry,' diet.'lll NOWlAlMNikollivel 7 40,/mO4
*41 ,5
610114 *
,0 01 ,4 141 4' • 4 .".„„,
nefickrft •
tik• ',
rioe r r wht l r -01 l i ttlihniti*Wf? .Atef
,i+400404-0_ 11,00,
• %toy** kalOsiaiktilistriethe 'efie:tute
ipi , 4441 lisriiligAiarlfrit Was dike.
istmiguctifir Aim*
vets ?nubile/04i iharnitilietaithit
lusemetiewltit, 111,i_VW, foe,
aPieies; * " • 'l!rt.
.Theirifig mod pilight Firdoirmwo.,l „
- dig is* ermikiws, ud! is
Zpug:Petah; • -
itionirgisteesysou " " `:
Riad* thisrpateao4ll4 . esi
seprty - tOsiiett •
'remelt *Wit eNkr , ;#,l, 7! !tit,,
110 1
G 414101 *C
evipe. - ' "
et feleem. p4s, gn u Pam mil lak "
Dwain gawk* Or etr.frimir, •
1 ~1 P o 6lol4:l4drasibrokelor AdarirgriltiM
&GRIMM Rinefinit"; iitia4,l47Cl7ol,*
etion,preesplitiiiminiC " ' -
Boct!u kif9E -141 0WAMYA'.
. . ,
Ton" *Him'edits 'lots' Mist
asset to' the shop betwireleXhrilimbee Sart.'
Iletee etre, sad *here he 'ortir e Olielhi a r iharai .
pbblicpatosliege;' iitinias; by 'a artful iiihetioi
°reset, end ht attention tb the literati aide paitis•
rent to moire es peit srd durebliwset es can hitim4-
sotbetwerf in thie pelt -4 the ebob try Her' ttl keep .
eseseinfj ea bind s and bientifeiihtiel
to ester, Kerne* Coif ant eotrie'lloollind alers l
Valid' llehers','llleel ant eirlss fie. 4
Greneir lhriftre end Rove, ¢e
cc? Como, helot* of meet 41.04004 tow in fbr week' et theleuntet *es,
Teersosia. April "141. Vitt '
as. 1110 W 111 r '
UMW , %Ma MEI lair/PIM
CP. NASD . ER racy whitey to Wm the
. (Wawa* of Tweak, maths palthe that be hat
umwammood the • -
to Towanda: ea Haim mut, oleo dean abet. Bridge'
straw, when be will Ireepealwomty ea End at make
to ord.r,Pitkil•wad apasame ilersesse. Trindis
Trask Varatokand - kiadeei wort hi Me hoe. CAS. ,
iolvedst.• Fain Ha oxpetiester ia the teteisow.• sot
powtoafw7 is auseraeg soh, he hope* ha ay matte
a abate alpatiieiwttawaia i . - • •
ix,. AU, kinds et work airy ba tad at laSshopilseap
toe them* soy other shop ht thieetwwdy.
Towaada, JINNI Ty,
Resovett•-iierthilde Pib li e,Squre !
lir -4. - almiutlierths,
- .... TIA Slog Monied fiaee thi chi
b: J-4 of New York with a large
1 gce,..
rE Aft slimly or Wed* lewPhY gui4
0 7 ether wusi; itastsisAng bs' loa*,
, the 'thlllooring ' inicks :--Lever.
L'Alamtand Plain Wateltai;iiidi
1 ~, ' - 'ti eomplsie viewless* of 'Geld
Jewelty. with as Hai Slip. TM
ger Rim is. Breast Pins, Bratodats. Lasts, (fold ca•iss,
OW Psis. Kapip'sto. Abe, alt so t to of Plibretursta,
and any qatintitjareatal Beids—all otwldth be An
or sale azeitedingly Atop toir CASH.
Wattles repabrad ait abaft ilea* and warranted
to ion well, or ti ti vie be ndandad, and a. mit
ten scrsissent gives as that Whet UMW*.
N. 15,-.IIIAIPLZ SUGATA ? "add Cowry, hada*
taken in }aliment !await:W*lWe: kir* *ow, au
fweve r,
that Me Praha snot iepais,' wthen Skew*,
sr stowe.—l war spirt eitallt iii ail itsatm.
W.' A . CHAllM111.1N; Apia.
Teinah, Apiil WM*. .
istredeted into the W. S.
mi.. Their n
o/wee, wit wiliey
alf other I'ILLW
thin teensy, has
Ailed them r tie
illfaiicase of de des.
elle, together with the .
• 1 Mir s i T f m enliers ea. h 7
o ,
and by
gene efewisted is eeehnown is the tessty.
Also, For tete, the Owereelietig Wined , of Wealth,
et sphie sees Stoma fillt Plisilite,eowtehiine Mina.
tine relative to thetirtmee..o, - alate,-an*M ions of
of damson; 808 ieite--prioe,bo Casio. -
N. B. A Paoli, Newspapie will he *Awl, few
x ~ for oecyear. to sN who.partheee wafting;
Aii eemeseniestloes taut be edaremei'te P. C. le.
8 4,1 i t-C,01 1•1 1 Aet.
hit iliditpti rigiewdvit amass Einrels frt' riais cm, that
liank"gliad or A n•Pie9s• As reiimraracw
this Nonfigice stPlaw-Soreq aft» ASIFIPPIrek
1111411 : 6 1 aPPUWaiII /AM inlignisiegobor akin*
" IA " 414 ‘ 41 / 1 / 4 *4 1 4 Natio it.‘ It so**
thi Nakao siek . holm: gawk
and ciesioin. a
laure—taaamas. Alasimak
ma *omit Pisphi
fawns Daus.; Yilliaii,e4r,pisiati,
anrulifires* mime* -
READ TILE OPINION °MAIO .•Jams• c. annak.
Atiefi,bo boo y aeu atipole' oil
*Oat .af jay *aim! 004 estiviatiw
WTalaid . rapid t!pirip . . la, oat 4if vas lima
ErwA lx.f" ..,!'"ti* * * wri!cal 44,,,farlieg•
um alms t—aaai that it preys a Isola "Entail
AmbalY iror 41C1t#111(1100164Piiiiiiiiira
ul OmPoo s ,ea4lie N air ol*siebanobl7
0044. ‘lPintltstarrastioa sok aavatimmatilL
tii:detanuaktimt bial vale Ohs appro..
b w ge
he . th i r iM ° M, ll . Y ,4gis miklpeaddiaziaaatity
t i ol o t e Nl;
0, 14 !t !! r91.14 r jest anlftrar
iine '6 bsM 1 101iituavas1 be loud *all the A.S.
4030ttha.11.64 Anhohlipt,amilebilivitmt.;
e f t ,!,;. l , 111,10W,t, "
.Vl' THE
to bin ottbsgiberiti,"lll4l4
Am " re
„, A il l i ****** o7/*ll 640*
• - 1
, 4.1 the stresAblea Ido
lo id
, MO: CliAlltlitZiaid
11 , T , - I ~ .1 5g *E1 -5 51 411( !Wimp
AM &
. re
' OY
ea. " 1 . 1, ' mitroolt. • bier ,
.1 d .a!tirols"Olor tibillotore oriel*
•VI . J V i Ol l. POW .
aisief toWskie;
lo: sitionw ,
~ , ,-, t o,..ll4Bted at i, Jailidelpia .
_, , t vi di r e mirwi. _ ~— ..i• li p.
......1 _ - um 1 1 / 1 011/411* Ili sigig l i%
:it,.,. _,_ .. * Ok a . Alellosil„ai
.....on a.
'--, '
fat ailM r al,Oiteirmlis, , "- . -.,..,
r!:1,, Uftwippliplirssilla , llop C
i to
.: 4 2 j in VlLis,l,olW, biLlzmi=p4;le
' •1'''' .611 4 7 OPIPOWeIit sr aT e g
, : 4011bsimilllibieuesitpposple,
, ..
6 0:rsei inilksid sup.4:M
. ii ll es t rurai -108113. ales# ll
-h, , t tom ' :liersooliello Chow w...,_
rac. Atiipasaskarammerlsfiseniga r icrit._
posiass - 1ik,1.4. MINIM ftneself ski en* ig
ptilerire - „,
it iiiditAmpur glwrileXt Ran low_
;',#. lUM.firsii, Ciiabse mitlifessakiCat ihi Imiyi - 113, 4 "
Plorerllieli•at Jolt?. AIM
•10 MUM' Viiwi Obit OW' issa r ft
, 1i0N,1,1414 , 1WA,0NAN“,19.110•4 liiit siilift %a
1 i ieg. o INO_ o M e ir l iall 1111.00 , . Pailniti
Sir fie• et mow bays Ist h ullo .,
'l iirtill ige=iit i.J.ll.l" Z " .
•• . Aim." ilim • ***eft** Il y a
Awake peiliCilakkrapis estesetas dEfiii. Wald
' .
._ ' illieli et disiiii Wallas. ,
pair limme—Z sThii ie mimp r il itkiti ll"." s Tas %, fairft www liagi" it ast risik asett te mooi s t i l6
PIC Oa Wegollail Ihat; the dillevia4o,lo64
Wis./iv Wu*** ii pyibasibill alima•Olig
----, Olt !oak MIAs we, seriliiCiiisirlilllP6 10 fit ip
• -1 , SNOW FM" Salligkilliiin ....t. I .Pa I . IIIL ' M t
- 10061,1114, 1111 Mae , spook Mars ir, Wyly AWN*
' •witii
_rowlialt: VAIN liefal"*"*.4o
I,t-21 , : ,,. . 1 /01 1 10/6
1 1 0 t - RUGGISTS
' - 'OllOl - satTiossiow Dr.Thossosies Ilinsoards. lei dor
Sikkim mord iit soodoits do ss,
'ldeibithicain &periwig's. asshae ids ra ms * Ar
Me= 10.; nal MIA
*spa ibii)Prost is the landllos,
etoryttard as bad OM edam ow'
ad/wand,Oh 'llO addaids sod bessiit sr Mb
andrialt Ds . tow,
•ittd !Sibbssissa. soin do es
• thisEssiii bele. Wit ' ma id post A s * sa d so steal
skin desstsitityat
I • ditseetkitille stiaire the re, 1 12,
11110111110/111114 ho to mr: ,
*Ws' filte -, •
Doyle yrigif nithoirs *Wm. r. Twines einagot
,-.iddiSiisrssiyksL'.,Jl'ksAgeisibng'islwatnisW'd do sil'
[ pidosoodasod kabalist esystsgs shadows
pogboby WV*
Wet bA i sse i p lisaiNfor
theloiselithd is, De. Ti s s
ile ^irbita
Irid"arit Sq. avid itis sity *
• eisttilhostor Miff. sat abidissilts tco oninty4o,
as* wok roma& dialtity Omsk Morgusoit. '
Mopir r = Saw sortawitti# on ton* tas
'Asehtst Tick viers be lkasjoifiit oinast •
nun Wahtiorthstasaintsis as dliot -Thendais
. • soya nagssibp-, sad issaggistad be t b eiso l ionsillit.
asitp-ohoosali the aisiticiso is saidanand,
• en desalt tin sin die Wet'
netnews test b gionficnroll And die 'lll= Ind
' is this nostry kir shipped to tips
_Otsgstast_ kerb -
lard hassti". sad itsso4so Duididla itaidass
inothiso At die as tisayeagobsT f VI.
hankie a tarp nodisr 0f.... wino id prWhighigig
wain of tits t o a tisb aiikitasseg* &
and lora east, randy' LewTmswOast . &Ws pi elf
or soar* Klee boako. .1 1 Nusissolossillaima% '
The pin ids thi sootie_ taggibas sitspod. ho Wad t'
sambas duos to pt gogiiisom din is ait Is.
suit Ain dalisins, iwr Fuss. - Asa ars catil
11111111111 Oat se lessetisalar, sand sin
Disl Took ft, Was t•iirlitarnolb Tonaahr :
osmwas.osilompsogotty, wish,* siodity dist at Or
tam and sbl oiehollot
itessprida Ohioan; st Dit. IL t. Tonotays pas wooly
this piston thosthisish inn do
bit IR IT OM= ,
sat iscOnstior Deft' . Toonsad, slowss i
Loikstpmwag sod limns kid is- broastst onWswg Iwo;
pion of lb. adicas„ how" so "Dr. Tosolages Soo
siparilk.* sof In Walt tan& picas obi wirstatob
No' as sold* silichi will Wend, Await
!Pima. hiss Tod Dati
sationliogry adistiosontoiddi
• riissugnasi - port se award .i{l sat escape ads,
lL T. Tiktois* aba is:the mitirlprpissesftL
Tissomodi , Dlitaidirdia stiesio assurer'
and lam inks. bees fir moral rim
.15 AM*
acneHo rscobros km th an kiii hudwil ado
issillyttlassand,- Ns otskain nor plat cep.
a arid pnyanciso *Nag thowyardio. Ii at.
dos *Uhlmann kr Mend SW Wil.sad h•hr Paii ti
It.. Vert ets,lisr*lgnotako: ba- hew yam ate
00"1101 11 1 lha sidomarlsoinstiot rtostissyst show
'die "be' bee bid Ara. This stallidas i.solordir if
--ithisikor West. Who Seed Andes ail Norrytpip
destlid sositload sat boas* ids Avoid ••• ie doe
suotrin, as ail so bard
Prom the Odin ask
Ttotedildieswe=zilisisis tin klAssifid;
Solit,Peigy 4 -& -- the assarsos- anon st tit
binge tassitisalsoo, ego Toonsmors bait tbs rind
aiporiaei r. It b iadotd sa asedkat
Irwin, owl it is oar boa hody visa dedidaihossesss
rah ea.naarrd K with yokes sands.
la war *aims. say lawsgit or shoylose soda all
.ports. dosaysrea. Unarm shwa's - oda a pear
pad' by a dos' they no hywing is patas, dad is
Ow de origami sat poem Dr. Tovassartinoutdo s
oaillhodnitthie cdislon did awiirit 0, triad ir e
, dismarr. egallisos ion w baser sae dosil
• Ilinelleitalitto
• Disititsas abort that sae SirsiiposeD arimilir
siriodels. Toossogys. esessootisa. do r alor•1 001
by L IK7 owasalid. olowits • lira* sad raOdli der*
iimmin. H. thilwoold MSuety of ma an act wedtingil ,
Ws swoon Ito so coist Kamm issolliati
hotit that sorsa doody pad&
1111.1baibtOil WWWNWSWII.
Sem psi* vie arti soit vie isibrosksai hid den ,
theyello Gen we .we. war sAnwilsiorsts; havilso
that known Olio a.s. siovtu thsinnew
old Ihrirdesses," thss U one. it amigo, bola so
ftar i r Asa or par dace they vismoncoitisit
eisestos Woad is moths soorisTaile
Mary Odd. disked know is tea playa fistassa
Is the troth god' vs woad kars totho=4.'
ntiraiienei New iftbWil• OICE•••••• • r
do :ash aspoodod hashorts t thsodatastalisr,
wMWb W wootodso sor ishisiso, Thomson otioi
Assinie ipproptaiso taSsitalkonlitanishos.
TAUS 410140 aAvadi TOW/WHI b ND '
Thseare 'asigassriog so Wit las abes wet
r Pkniga it, Ns a out a pig to
rordatogisatot l'hysisa for
non istannst b siasiketars a sootailigh said tower'
• kind dohs do essiefitis somos; TI I tbry is ie.*
intik :1•110110••, sat tbdt is wawa is
arso-has abeam., willeme•• tie few it its ow
'bit titillieWa, tit ad 11 t. - Teesiodb, sd tts
emu"' :ton bektivir Wok% We eel* lebtr•that
, wwlikukagredwieteja tbe Dr. , . %Dogwood', Besse i t
that has poilinsal stoshotha cans kr do air
11111,' ilefidateb Illekeidaenl • itbele• odd go
andishis ova infooshiimhiek is slosh destessit ssaii
•Askshisad. birrossinasestl mars am
ate Osethe r welt te mbstesost due do
soilei•Usbre WlW..T•iiseed wanner. Is that at
woodammon sad cinders, illeyeenelle • mew ay,
hkeimiebt s Fs ti • e Teseseek which et sinners.*
s ei ttilaM - 11111114111111,-
Wino lepitt, tint SAC
P. Ibiorimul weCii7ornei• shay Nee ts tear apes.
ratresdla tie ~
41 1 019 1 1. 46 0 Wa1e2.4401 te n ite• Int Woo Ins IP"'i
Webeiwswe be. lie Wie
be dsNtssd by tbetavorbielponme.
';•-• tell* ItallPtialka.. •
" 111 . 4 "kbalbsPssiikileadidgesbittrober4 ,
ea MAR; •ihnials'd , M M R ver y i.
Winn how WNW
treirdyibrnikerAbomyet4l eneeileraw emir OW
•••1 1, NIPIka.k . Abei !Le* *so is is iways lie a "
leme 'temiutbaeraill antes dio-fted Walt r alhe •
• WW eilemillWeitieteeleeL lemetborti M se lean !alit:
laie~Wpwate :1014 , itleriale lOW *acts
N1P54=1,3:141; saitAkatAri Oat b. Milli
• Mitt ;, dosti tine 'Us endows odo web
• *isStieelg sine' is armpit ell, Not
patidossoodilidiatabolost, evoteUete .say this Kuatb
• ...sett w'clibt`.l/bilet the Ibieeks assts..ante Piet w
Oilier itey4f iti•Wto•-4bielt woad, eb b ".
• Pwwile‘betelftikki• uy mom *use
Comm rime she by Pyt• to isroitholtali at ''
- weW be aid sinons. Tin ars gist saIJPO
it It acitudmair 'Walt lbw -our stem; Tok
siebe.sbeebt ehmerooksed. that mown am**
kentotieiali War•tiks *wad !M I S,
tb meet wienbrank, beastihd sad diSerits socian W
"Hist:4le, immooD. •
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