Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 13, 1850, Image 4

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The Mt Prh!ciqes` of itertaglord:
Without a tuowleslge of first 'principles nothing
can be ekpected from the attempt* of any one
whether laboring . 14 this, or any other science, hut
those Who are acquainted with first principles, are
seldom known to deviate from them, because they
are usually found to be correct. This then is the
foundation of Agriculture Notwithitanding bunt.
jug is yet so impertem, though so many, realm les
have elapsed since man was ordered by his Ma
ker to cultivate the earth, while in the mean time
so much has been written on hie eobject, n ntt are
many yet living who l hope
, may derive benefit
from the efforts 1 now make to clear their mind
and explain their duties to them 4 Firstly, (as we
all know.) industry anit attention are requisite to
success in ibis, as well as all otheroccopation..but
to the work of a farmer more particularly, fo it
has truly been compared to a hoop-- a has no
The real business of a habandatan not mere
ly to drive a plough, to sow grain, or to engage in
the other menial offices of a farm, but it is In Fl 3
perintend the labor, to record itb re:44;s, to contrive
the meansiolits disposition, to read, at d think, to
attend the markets, and observe the actions (*the
other farmers arimnd him. He must drain his wet
land, for without this process he cannot use it, and
after this he should apply manure to the soil whiel
will prornime the growth of newel gressee. wit
the land is in a proper state to receive grain. A
his fields should be kept clean, and all the hollows
filled up. and leveled. --This gives it a neat appear
ance, and when in crop it presents-one of the most
beautiful sights in nature. Whereas, on the eon
trary, nothing disgusts a person mote than to see a
larm•gning to ruin for want of proper atientron
Here a pond or marsh andrained—there,'it hollow
tilled with rank grass, shrubs, and weeds, and the
. edges ot the 'fences lined with briars, &c. Ma
nures will always fail in eflect if not applied at the
p.oper time, and the ground is not prepaied for its
reception. A change, or judicious rotation of crops
is also necessary to strengthen and refresh the mill,
because sante crops impoverish the land mixt)
more than others, and like the human body, the
ground requires rest. Unless this practice is well
understood, and an - Ailed to, much -land will lie
destroyed . , and the labors of the farnier will prove
abortive. It has always been a Tule among good
farmers, that not more than two exhausting - crops
be taken from a field before a return is made to it
by manure, clover, or silent rest, but I eautibit even•
agriculturist never to pasture land e irectly afterany
. heavy crop has been removed froill
In firing on a rotation, a farmer ought to aver
lain what particular grains are suited to the sod of
his own farm, and in what succession they should
follow each other to ensure tp him the greatest prof
' it, and at the same l fime by degrees to improve the
land. The same crop which at one time, under
certain circumstances and conditions of the ground,
would prove unprofitable, may sometimes be very
valuable underta different state of affair.. Select
ilia. and propagating the best heads and ears of
grain is the sulst way of preserving them in per
fection. Seeds should be selecied ' with the same
care which every farmer bestows in the choice of
breeding cattle.. '• Liberality is the economy of
Agriculture," whether in procuring tools, seeds,
out-houses, or any of the other numerous necessi
ties of a farm. Foresight is another useful item in
the proper management of a farm. It is to prepare
work fur all weather, and doing the right kind of
work at the right time, besides tioni,g it well, so
that time may not be lost in 'having to repeat the
'operation. As I said before "Liberality is the
economy of Agricuttme.•' I peihaps should ex
plain its true meaning ; but not wishing to extend
my essay to an uninterestiti_ length, i will now in
a few words say It is liberality to treat your labor
ers well, to manure your land bountifull), to feed
your animals well, and to be careful - to have all
your utensils in good order. Great profits de . pend
a miseil)
upon gri
This must depend en the kinds oi grass mince.
ted. Timothy affords nearly doubte the quantity
of nutriment, it cut after the seed has formed, in.
Stead of while in flower, and it is then much more .
relished by horses and a portion of the stock. This.
grass, therefore, should never be cut for them, ex
cept when the seed is formed. The proper time
for harvesting is betwehn the milk and dough state,
when it will nearly ripen after cutting. Orclii.rd
grass, on the other hand, althou4h possessing - two
sevenths more nutritive value for hay in the seed,
yet it is more tender,.aint much preferred by stock,
when cut in flower, and as it -continues to grow
rapidly afterward, it should be cut at that time.—
Eveh a few Jays will make an imprittant differ.
ence in the value of grass, %%lien cut for hay.. The
kind of grass, and the stock to which d is to be fed,
cannot, therefore, be too closely noted, -to denote
the precise moment alien the grass will best sub
s/erre the purpose for which it was inten'iled.
Marry farmers e.o nrit consider the scorching, ef
fects of our cloudless June and July suns, and the
consequence is, that hay is too much drie:d in this
country. Unless the grass be very thick and heavy,
- it will generally core sufficiently when exposed in
the swath for two days. When-shook, or stirred
otit, it should not remain in this condition beyond
the first day, or it will thus lose much of its nutri
tive juices: nor should dew of rain be, permitted
to tall upon it unless cocks. ,
It is better, enc.(
partially drying, to expose it for three or four days
in this way; and as soon ac properly eureil . place it
' under corer. It is a gond practice to salt hay when
put up, as it is thus secured aL;aitist damage from
\ occasional greenness ; and thew ieno was;e of
'3 he salt, es it serves the double object after curing
the bay, of furnishing salt to the cattle and the ma--
mire heap.
Clover should be cut after having fully blossom
ed and asSumed a brownish hue. By close mining,
more forage is secured, and the clover afterward
springs more rapidly and evenly. The swath Am:
less very heavy, ought never to be stirred open,
blialloweil to wilt on the top. It may then be
carefully turned over, and when thus partially cur
ed placed in high, slender cocks. and remain till
. sufficiently dry to remove into the barn: Clover
may be housed in a much greener state, by aftAd
ing evenly over it in the mow from ten to tweril
• quarts of salt per ton. Sortie itild a bushel. but th is
is more i an is either necessaty for the clove r or
judicinns or the stock COOPououg, it : as the Ptaga"
tire ell of too much salt induce a wasteful con
istimption of the Image.' A mixture
. of alternate
layers at dry strew with the clorer, by absorbing its
juices, answers the same purppse, while it materi
ally improves the flavor of the straw for fodder.
SithigitrPt il4
--AtiNEXATION-67--CUBA I (.. •
WILLIAM I'o YT)EN, grateful for die ffiert4
•T T tronage be has received since his' commence
men: in business, would inform the people ofifrailford
county that he his just received direct from New INA
• la ge supply of
Dr Good's, Groceries, brats. Ready madialdhing,
Boots and Shoes, Cigurs,
ail 'of which he offers for sale at an esesedingly row
price for cash. Having extraordinary facilities of put
chat ing. and such as few in country towns em acquire
he flatters himself that be can end-wifl maks it the in
terra of throe wishing to purchase to give him s call
before purehasing elsewhere. Landlords and Izabal
dual. wanting a superior article of
31E—s 4(e„, 111L3 - 11111...P8 9
we would call your specie! attention to old Chard
Cognise, Champaign and American Brandy ; pure
Holism! and American Gin ; old Jamaica and St. Croix
Rum; fine Port, Sherry, Claret, Madeira, Malaga, Gin=
ger and Raspberry Wines; a few basketi Champaigne,
a superior article, still on hand. We are determined
to put our Liquors down to the lowest figure, being de
sirous to quit the liquor business. , Our terms em in
ell canes, Cashor Ready Pay—and no second price.—
Don't mistake the place—the west corner of Main and
Bridge sts., in the more formerly occupred by 1. Kings
beryi, WM. HAYDEN.
l'owsnds, June 4, 1850.
af °TEA - ID§ 7;LEl.=g
T. T. Pond's (of Mica, N. Y.) Pain Destrover and
!haling Extratt.
A N extrart Com the ahrob called Witch-hazel. and
porely from that, witi the exception of a little al
eohil to preserve it.
It will care all local pain and infatuations, old sores,
fresh wour.ds and btu sea, and all diseases of the
bowels of a chron:c nature. tooth-ache and ear-ache, is
good for female complaints &c.. &c.
It is truly what it professes to be, the "peon/ciffritner
Providence has scattered along the Tugged piths .4 life
malty things that contribute greatly to to the comfort
and happiness of every body ; hence their great value,
and well may the* be called •-friends of the People."
One word here to guard against imposition. A man
by the nu ne of Spencer, has manufactured and offered
sale a spurious article called the Coryll Extract,
tliatrould fie extract of the hazel-nut- - the genuine is
as vAiie and as pure as water, while the spurious aril.
dr is colored. which enables the public to distinguish-
None genuine bat those marked Pond's Pain Des-
troy r.
For sale at Montanve's & Towanda, S. R. Hin
man Monroeton, Parichtrn. - t & Lamh Leßoy, Horrifies
. June 5Th 1850
THE next term of this restitution will commence
on Monday the 24th day of June. trader the
charge of G. R. 134alcsai as Principal.
.Tuition per term of Ekren weeks:
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Geogra
phy and-Mental Arithmetic, la 00
The ,amei, with Well.' Grammar, Adams'
• Arithmetic and Town's Analysis, 3 00
Ph Ilosophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric, Logic, As-
tronomy and Book Keeping, 4 00
Alzebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Survey
ing. Conic Sections, Analytical Geometry,
&c. 4 SO
Latin, Grek and French Langtioges, 6 00
Fuel. Ist and 24 terms, 23
Scholars received at any period of the term, and
charged only from the lime or their entrance.
Board can be obtained in private families on rea
sonable tering. J. D, MONTANYE. Pres't.
C. L.,Waan,.See'v. of Board of Trustees.
Towande...lnne 13.1850.
A 1iZ.5.0 IVAA.RAI AILE:DVV,B33. :1436;0
TAE Coming, Elmira and Buffalo Line. having re•
duced t he fare from any port on the Chemuntt ca
nal to Buffalo, afford facilities not heretofore olTe•ed to
cm:grants and others seeking a home and,fortune in
the Cheat ♦Cest.
A Boat of this line will leave
Corning & Elmira for Buffalo
F,iery week during the Peewit,, in the following order:
Leaves Corning Tuesday's at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Elmira, Wednesday's st 2 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Havana. 'Thursday's at P. M.
Towi down Seirara Lake Friday,
Mocking at Big Stream; Mbvkey, Lodi, Dresden, G ye, Watterlotr and &nags Falls on tint
Leave. Buffalo for . minr and Corning every Sat
urday morning, leaven Roc tet,every !timidity mom
i ng,.
Boat CORNING, Capt. E. H. C'A
' Boat ELMIR 4 Capt. R. P FERRIS,
Boat LI T'FF A LO, Captain --
1 For Freight or Passage apply to the Carit'sins or
coliowing Agent.:
W. M. Mallory, Corning—S. B. Strang & Co. A.
G. Reynolds, Elmira —W m. Reynolds, Horseheads, I.
Wintermnte, Horseheads—E. S. Hinman. Havana L.
G. Towninvsend, Big Stream--.-Woodstorth & Post,
Lodi--Hastings & Field. Geneva—Gray & Sweet,
Waterloo—l. Miller, Seneca Falls—L. Boated°, Moo
teaumal—fl. L. Fish, Rochester—Niles & Wheeler.
c;:r•Provisions for sale by the Captains org board.
Elmira. Aril 4, 1850.
other medicine has ever been introduced to the
public that has met with inch unparalleled sue ,
cess, as 1)n. Souta's Oriental Sovereign Balm Pills.
!ravin g been hut six years before the public, and the
adiertiving small, compicil with moat other medicines,
set they have worked their way into every state in the
Union and Canada*. • Thr7 base absolutely become
the Standard Medicine of the day. They are purely
vegetable and so admirably compounded that when ta
ken in large doses they speedily cure the most delicate,
_nervous female, and have -raised numbers from their
beds after all other remedies had failed.
As there are spurious-Pills in circulation called Ori
ental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to see before you buy
that the name of " Dr. E. L. Souk 4. Co." is on the
race of the boxes. None others can be genuine. We
are not aware that Any one who is making • spurious
article has yrt dared to make use of our name; but
some of them have bad the impudence to imitate oas
born and copy our Circulars, Certificates, gie. Voles:
the public ate careful when they purchase, they will
be deceived. . 18
_ - P._
cr The genuine SO VE R N B ALM PI 118 can
be bad wholesale and retail or Dr. E. L. Soule & Co.,
Euclid, N. V., and in Towaleda by HUSTON & POR
TER, and by Agents in crory town in the country. ;
WOULD mvectfolly inform the ladies and' gentles
t'," men of Towanda. that be has taken the stare
Immediately opposite the Ward House.-one doer north
of Mix's drag store, in Main street. waste he irrepar
ed to receive and promptly fulfill all ordirs with whieb
he may he favored. To tho gentlemen be would say,
that his Boots, of whatever description or quality, ■re
made under his immediateaupenision. and will be war
ranted for durability and neatness. He would &a, in
form the Ladies that he is prepared to make 10 order
Gaiters, Slippers, Shoes, 3e. -
From long expe-Fenci in business, and li determine
lion to givegecatal satisfaction, he expects to receive a
+bract public patronage— May 10, 1850. '
;CtpOIJR, ! —A superior quality of flour for sate by
1: the barrel at m9O KINGIBERY & CO.
by the owe of one bottle of Ut
Syrup of Wild Cherry, he
Wm. MonteHui,' respectsb
Schuylkill comity, writcs,Janu
cut I send you s certificate of
izen of our town. His arse o
known here. and of lour stand
rote entirely to poor Oorn.
There is bat one genuine pre
ty, and that is D•. Bwsynes, di
the public, which has bon lam
States used, end some pans of
erelong called by the name of
put out since this, un ler cover
in order to give currency to t
of the genuine is enveloped w
gracing, with the likenesit of '
also Dr. Sworne's signature
the portrait of Dr. Swayne wi
as to distinguish his prepariti
" A safe and effectual re
Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dy
and the most mmeful Family • I,
the public."
This SIM %DT is one which
a long time, and it is universe'
who base tried it to be far ■
pleasant to the taste at the as
other medicine ever employed 1
resammended. It not only d
vigoretes the whole system.
frets, and the heat% of the pt
by Its use even when no worn
Ittoita 'Goon Nsves You T
Tndiana — Da. Sw Arta—De
sell well, and give good , esti
Compound syrup of Wild Ch
of restoring some hopeless c
Your Pills are most excellenC
good supply of them. A man
your Vermifinte the other day
use it discharged 63 of the ler
Seen. ft is somewhat difficult
it, as they have so often been
worthless worm medi'cines. Y
ant to the taste, at the same
able to dispose of a large
yours, &c., Tow es
To Dr, SwAvwt N. Mr,
Race sta.. Philadelpfna.
Remember ! the genuii
1 bottles.
Du. Swot-Iris's Simon CoA
can be appreciated only by tb
they are adopted to assist as
matter, obstructions impurity
They are a gentle and effecti
the functions of the liver. an
sierra affections, they are very
in every family They ha
pure White Sugar, whereby
to the taste or smell is entirel
least affecting the excellent
Remember ! they are now pu
of the solid wood. covered wit
signature of Dr Swevne. Na
The above valuable metlicir
Dr. SWAY:VB. N. W. corm
street, Philadelphia.
Hcsroor& Ponies,
Chas. Rathbone, Cantun, len
Beidleman & Brown, A
then. valley.
I C.
D. D. Parkhurst, Leßoy. Kir
C. T. Murphy. Centrwrille.l
Daniels.. Burlington. M.
D. F. Pomerny,i '
roy. 22y 'Kir
To e Victor bel
A I.TOUG any preparat
lar Medici ." bay* bee
mg to give relief, and en •
diseases, yet none have so
as Dr. Sitermine* Medicatei,
Lie to the taste, easily adrte
preeeileated success which
remarkable cures which
justly lay claim to the tide
*eases (or which they have
Cure the most °him:gateau
They have cared a large c
been given up by their phy
who have been reduced to
spitting blood, Consumpti
use have had rose of des
chrek and now live to •peak f;
invaluable medicine, Dr. Sher
Have been proved in more that
rentable, in fact the only cart
Tedicine ever 'discovered. CI
hen they cannot be forced to
fend the benefit derived from th
eine sir them in this form is g
When the breath of the child
there is picking of the" now, gri
ing_ig the teeth during. sleep,
with Bushed cheeks, bleeding
drowsiness, starting during al
awaking with frightning
feverishness thirst, voracious a
stomach and bloated stomach
many prominent symptoms
relieved by these iacomparsble
never bees known to fail. Dr.
Relieving headache, nerve's s
of the heart and sickness in •
lowness of spirits, desponde ,
cramps of the stomach, sum
they keep op the spints, dispe
dissipation, and enable a paw
sal or bodly toil. Hr. Rhermai
Is acknowledged by all who h
best strengthing Planer in th .
remedy for pains and w
bream, neck, limbs, Joints, r.
One million • year will not
Caution is net:envy. see .
persons who would force s a
community. Be careful to .
Floater, with ir "foe alma" -
back—none others are germ'
than Rand. NM irt Towand
TER t No. 1, Brick Row.
CLING H AMS--4cied pate
eu at my 23 ,
• 41M)1113.3Er•
SILL. be inept -on hand
, made tO ender on sh
net hen an be produced et an
the and. Those *bo ate and
curing that snide will and eh
hearasand pill may be had in a
Beptemher 1, 1847
1•111•4140•41 sad
.. of
Two, Three,
• Moat doer; • Day.
_ • at tianopirtlia asily
Waldo atttyloar graVar• tbabitutie, io air •
Lod soay doses a day. Will aim up a basis dr it to
• - Vow, 111**, as Eta Dowel •
which /bast OM • bade of Nqo Par b fter, win Um moo
Twelve to ailzionts DAYS this a . of
alai if Ito daily medical iaatty ( meal
aad lia.ausa ma ibis daily (/wy• ikon) of Sa y thee
rim:widths' Oita WIN of Ma Pottrial le worth at
rim Mao maw dos a kola at gal 1111pgral
Thai Wave ramparts= dam( tot het show albs *oil Mimi* la
Dane brigades the maim( eldiata of Itoorrs points and lidao“
raatia.a. Tiiie will appear by dr outibestai mombeate. Snags
pumplikits, aiming apt
has mars aftesey, lad ewes WWI *aril, bkai 011111 i, dual
TEN Moulin at flogooloolina•
Sureyne'a Compound
s moored to perfect
merchant of St, Clair,
ry 90, t 049 r—Endo,.
in. Beaumont. a citi
cunsumption is well
ritr; he attributes his
d Syrup of Wild
ration rif Wild Cher
/ first over offered to
ly throfigbout the 1..
Porope; and all prep
ild Cherry have been
of some areurnatences,
eir sales. Each bottle
th a - beaufiiful 'tee! en-
William Penn thereon ;
d as a further security,
be added hereafter. so
na from all ahem. •
for Wm Me, Dyspepsia
peptic children or adults
!indite ever offered to
it. than. &sc. poreLa ,p 1 ta sells be 000 Oswalt Pr .
Peak q / Sarsaparilla shoe sell for To Conte.
CANCIER US 130110191 LA.
Ile. J. B. HAMM of Oneida Co, N. 1%. who wee and of
Scrotal& to /Mk More lo ihe Jima es related bearer let tot attics,
la the Somas Cotner is Po Cita if Nee nail. on sir MP of Do.
oai7. 049. Upder tbil Wowing circumstances
• perms in the Cite Ho f ros Vorit bed asenalketmed and Tessed
a gesonmes erticle of teseliclas, canine tt Beare's &nun Must
ctea, In imitation VPe yens. r•
tie was prmanami to.
attain damp* to the Supreme Court of the City no New Yak.
and the case wee "unrest le the Coot to J. A. Boman, Us.,
51 Linens , street. an eminent lawyerote Wens to mkti Pe med.
many. the deteadant_pleaded to
maigeniee et shessestese Vag the
Proprietor. of Brent% Medicate bed itt seete_attee Pa.bill•bod tales
llTATillarrll am's, and Cum bad committed Il i taaal as tbe PUblic.
Mt, theettom, wise not treaded to denuistet east 4ir
he men edected u bossy fistacatid Haskins was MOM as a mimeos
In fraud to the Facts ss publlsbed. and Mt sodomy mom 111 AX
imam co fit poignance , .
• •
Kr. BASKIN me, ao wan twortiallad meth Weal% Peery iag
bare awed it for dem/Ida /IWO timer pawn ma, I Or
by ....Deeded to morel a.te.--thq all Mel Pea I taloa ma he—
that Ea u.otbestat tould cam ow. In peatorlastwe of mat oftweintom, ara two
woods bet. I wool iltemes Pestle, I took ot oedidea. Mon I tworweoc
ad smog lb. Pertric , I eel bora oedema! to say bad • le% Uwe; .1 could awl
la" thy IMO to my heel : my olo*ov , one WOW to Irma boo MP MO ar i aka
ear Out DO •Otaa net mewl U. MO it oPald W Idled ap eat 01 . ...tize It only
hreiwg by • paw+ at Me top ; • *Oki tins OnOt tbOntei that
Loma. pawed o and eat at do bale t oleo' .Yee alp !Om. aria
an. ao hand, awoken was seder ats son monad; a bard, bad mem Wendt.
op ode, ek mat no bolt esadd be to-Awl mow e• alter to Imo ealeaded
Irma at Onsulder to so allnwp elorh had same a. Ow beim had rower
Oleo WM* also. fitsmet Peelfwe in lead! bank.. dm .firorl.otti , Wit
.bads be I town' ellogd l alay emit /1/0.6110 . 41 a apowdei ale thswe .
Also bottle sn ottrostiomoi s, NI I. .meet. OW to pt bet.. bed do weed
bottle I twat Me fau d... tin ormsdsl). bath so otwsptarawS U. sad Iseeled
pay woo, wp MO 1 ea. tele to taste raw.
ado to tit. drso,oma
Iwowatd, at Come, •Isper• 1 pi theatre tout.: U. boot . Id KALIL it
ALL MY U 1.0 Rd, bat therePowtiwww• abbot as loge as tlw f a.y damn,
ear I tdpea wetted moo pa I tame Sax Ada. resod.*
MI& •
:CL' L. 4 nit
sex Cl7ll/..
J:1-T nestowe de le reef twerse. d'o2 FL.1.1
FIATIM 'lRs rauriii.Rers.
as proved successful for
ly acknowledged by all
perior (being so very
e time effectual) to auy
diseases far which it is
' 'toys worms, but it in
' t is harmless in its
I .tient is always improved
1 a are discovered.
v Sic e..--Anderstown,
r r Sir: All your medicine
action. Your valuable
wry boatmen the means
ses in this section.—
want you to send
purchseed a bottle of
or his child, and by its
•est worms ho had ever
to get the peopie to try
lilted by nsuseous and
ire beings° very pleas
inlet effectual. I shall be
°entity. Respectfully,
an T. SRAItP, P. M.
caner of' righth and
is mow pat up in square.
ran 8 ILLA awn
be virtues of these Pills
'rho have need them :
re in carrying off morbid
I.f the blood, rke., alkie.—
e purgative, correct all
as an alterative in drop
valuable, and should be
e en outside coating of
everything disagreeable
removed, without in the
ulities of the medicine
up in boxes. turned ant
a red label, bearing the
e other is genuine.
es are prepared only by
of Eighth and Race
Towanda Pa.
,wn & Rockwell, Mon
H. Herrick. Athens!.
nney & beerier, She
Bullock & Co.. East
ng & Voeborg, Troy.
ass the Opens.
`on• in th formof+• Popn•
before the public, claim
;ore the most inveterate
,1 answered the purpose
400.000 cases to be in.
in Worm Destroying
wilt est them
ke any other medicine,
administration of medi
/, at beyond conception.
..mes offensive, and
ins of the nose, grind
lemma about the lips
at the nose, headache,
disturbed dreams,
/ me. troublesome cough,
j petite. sit:karst at the
' these are among the
f worms, and can be
Lozenges. They have
headache, Palpitation
w minutia. They cure
I,faitmess, conic,speems,
r or bowel complaints—
; all the disarrenng of a
l to undergo great mea
we ever used it to he the
world sad a sovereign
in the back, king, aide
matron. lumbago, 4Ste..
supply tee dermal,—
are many unprincipled
rioua article upon the
it Sherman'e Poor Min's
f his written name on tire
and will ri"o more hart
I/ by HuArrarit a PoR.
_ ley
• and good colon; for 124
large assortment. and
notice and for lees inn..
ether embroilment in
the necessity of pro.
be setlidedi .A good
- mayhem desired
11. NYE I CO.
[lk) Wel 11 111
Mr. 0. B. KINNEY. rourchaut. afitiou, nest& emery, N. Y. to
pawed us 1.5! • enticer-doctor to sish.l county'," cfiretter wYns.
&Tint cures of Cs iscrats thrones the erScser of BRANDS NMI.
n - ixo Y.XTRA.CY. A emeosr4berow to Grano county, N. Y.. is
11100 UMW smd Puanrira. Mr. A. B. firrytA, &aro. r Cana o.
Mono, Montgomery county, N. Y. tor informed us of co iinportazit
now of a Cmscca of lra sootaiur, which gr., reamed ou amt sped
lady of that place. If. theretbre, this row= ono C'sserr, by its
portfrmg. healing poorer, 'dust Impure Outcome of the blooecas
R tat caret Rumen roue' ciperteso• sod toututpb stye Wes are
eons but what It "arum
The Rae. RICHARD DUNNING, Tutor of eta
stench, Adams Benin. Monroe coner,l4. to..
jam trostred a Mawr from Mr. Cautsver uoaateq Madre to no
aul of his Yererovre. You oar depend ist oho it metes, for he
a • Clottrian usen end se elder to de church. Bone ware atom
to MO 10 home me of Welted 4, to am his Ida to etrenoteore
if a If irrerwore. The order le s hear now offersoi, end about to
et ezeretated. 1 mconmsedor Hervere Xvotefint. Reed the re
sult. He otay.: • / inn oaf to/r rears Barnum of HJILANTIS
IMEDICLNk. I plated Au. NOM Pm ,Rd is M.!"
Meenets, And I ate now fey that , with the blearing , Wire
dated • ewe if gawky:. Hee !.esthete Bee the pusiedars.
Vt. SATRAN 1117384,RD. of Stamford, CMS, OCK , of the Oldest
end men respectable pbyriciana, ens?lestd Witt , lirmaler
Miimmit and , trie Pffired, wed*/ •Tiep BLOTS
ING E.KritACT. coald mass ether area
also caret
110 remedy alma ter do public has seer been W.., serbrle feed
dream( in ridering Am.,t. locideotal sinsmr gad irrepleritini
of lbw sex, se BILINT'S Paws Bataan. It socket be Mee
nee Wt.OT the denuurecoreit be sepressies. seem. cr other W.
as—it REGULATIVA ALL by Unmethming the rare*. ececlisbe.
lir es ecriamovi. oM raliestg trzavotre nuirrasu.nt
or illes pamphlets
eras thei efrt to di. remen, and the women at midge 0--thil eve
we b aesiortakil. end as other eo gradual* worroark ma to por
,ent say of the /and aroma lhattrequinitly arise in consequence
each done.
"Arm*. Gnome Co.. Femme 1.1111.
"K. T. WALLAC76 k Co..—Goodemoi: 1 wok for more then
I year. gamed with a doom* of. the stemmas. 1 mold not ea Noy
fat .or t measy substasee without musing peat pain, Mamie, and
womithig. and mu eandomdly alliimml with • sour stausseh. 1. as
ins experiment. tried coo Dottie of sailors 11fP.DICII4Z, which 4
to any atter deoppcdnOsist, mot and edited Or meet pole Ulw
miry. I therefere need • locoed bowe, which bee completely clued
tbe dieeeee: I as Now well and *sort?, and res est shoos( may
dew widow Wag pained, or the stomach beconshor Dom.
Kr. %%Meat le " tr=e morebant of Mae&
KIM BORE 11101)111, LIIC010(61,. Lc.
"Erten. OnnisszCe., Off- It vut
IL T. WALLACE & CO. Lies rites I. wester my
wiat bocci debilitated the seem of Loaners. and Nuns
lay don dm she could oat by child er perfMm any home.
sold mbar. sr emdical treatment wait varied mordtog to els
Melee and prescription of the met embower *olds* until ewe
sill wee eassand le useless effort& 186 e become so mm . skein
u 6 that at dm time she commenced taking Brawl • ]Wider
mitgbed so mons dm elpity.tompoande I bat by the mos she bed
taken foro. bib% sbe became perfectly . The me b
that .he Se vow essikd to do all esomery bonehold welt -111 Z
estesd Only pomade of Ban la fora weeks.
Toon truly, C. B. ourrriPir. ,,
The reader 1,111 (Meru that Mr. Gamma aye eso
fle we see Wormed by Z. L Tamar. Zak of the same place. has
• • esedlens.
of all • efeeta_ef Mattetray. or say of the varionspiripara.
goo. of CAIA • or MtIICLILT.~Abe mane; ad It restores the
Woad, onedis. cad ' Or ;wits dt ruM, Oo their olt ieat
Mr. A. HO TRTAIIDI3, - • Okras. :Amite Ca, Mak
If. lA, .14- • • brope t i owl
Wrarmoth. said : wed If itxrr Prs.
garascrote prowst els •• or Mr Tom. sod I
has as henna:ion in prying SW it I. the • • • to agate's
and UTGOILIII2 TINS .Mao that I have_ eyed. la feere ia•
OHM, wbege amp him sold 1111141 MTS NIND • DV. awl
peed *dr Ono, ad pima Se SATISFACTI' •
home amok diatom ef, dyer •• by
11141117.1 SKTEACT.
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda
C. H. Herrick, Athena; C. E. Rathbene, Canton; 1)
D. Parkhurst, Leßoy; Brown & Roekwell, Monroe.
ton ; E. W, Baird, Rummer6eld ; M. H. Welles, Wyt
Musing; D.Railey &Son Leltayssille ; T. Huropbry
Orwell; Maynard &,WoOdborn, Rome ; E.S. Tracey
Smithfield ; Coryell & Gee, Burlington ; L. I Sabin
yon, Troy.
OCT All letters and orders most be addressed to Wel.
are & Co.. 106 Broadway, N. Y. ley
lIIL T IEDW 31P11101.1101 - JECMIII•
. r
_ __ _ ' L. M. NYE & CO, weedy,.
'- -- _---T---.-. .: apectlly htformthe citixens of Tow
- - - -- --`-NN''s: ands and the puhlicgenemlly, that
' --,-,'" have on hand & meaufacture
to order kinds ABIN
1 til n ; ' they
all ki of C -
! . ' ' • FURNTURE. of the bee grate- 1
.• :.
t,.. fiats, and workmuiship thattannot
- "gl be surpassed,in additientothe usual,
assortment in coustr7 shops, we will keeppee hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and s hoa t approved .
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chain, upholstered in superior
style. and for ems and dura=not be surpassed
seen is our lugs cities. Also. a half Preach Ma
hogany Chair, bemire* up , with curled hair.
11,4t .tty,
which never loses its e ' and finished. with the.
test hair seating. ' We ourselves that, having
had much experience ' i busiest", we shall be able
to natisly all who u yea feel disposed to call. bogs as 14)
fi llarsTand price. d by, strict attention to. r imeinem
hops to omit receive the patronag of a rikwa corn
sanity.. /..., 1 . .M. NYE 1 CO.
• , Teirandyeeptemiver 1. 111411 ' . '
lost received a new innpl# of ttitAltibratad
`at 'Union Hats fet.ealowsty thaw. • Alan a new
tiodtingott the new Clothing and Hat genie No.
rtek kow, 11. & A. CAMPBELL.
, s t oil f pe -Alto r
)1304 lit swepOsamig..
-g -
rs '.1111MIT" 010040;A.,110fi;„
'Ugh& Citufoogjdoti, phy
usa -- 11sughoitilnlitfi Aging ef tibia iirokihs 44.
thogegitigint.) Mond Pltiilagephj god
peyible . goiltetTy' lb adiannal of sandisi; ono
'Elgj gelbotanipergaittie. •-• 4. .
?tenth:pa lagette, • - .$ 4 • '
Latin. s 4 1.
•• • - • 401
Mum fee thegigno4fergeettei, i
Zukaidary - g
Any young hilly essaying itignelhe ett.. die time,
g 0.0E40 to Wag gigots Of dui above
god tbe end& dew, Withoguabilitioial slump.
E To a young lady :440 stedget tbi tagligb branches,
the wag of legthing mid of dog don Witmbee.
per quote, 3 3 00
' fnutuntiong op 130 i alikor. • •
Threwiagnod.paill/iii in-water eigieng• illettfpg
4 .heAva of igielliiits.2o.oh as. d r a ta i g pepti c .
Pao.- 400
O 4 painting oa anis*. . 10
Pointing tragsporeoeti*ltoer. shoclieiN
the apply of motorP4 'ma 4,
Formula pahmiti oilp,lfirg4l/k velvet, Ph,
• - tweiii 5
Gilding en silk. crepe. &i. deg 3 00:
Was lorteis:ipet. qua*: • d Od
Peni ai d ink; is • - 50
Washing, ' ' 1 °-
Boardin 00 - Per genet
Leven post-taild. *Mimed to the *bees WHITE
&GRIPTIN, Ringligintoevlbooll Y., will tea
wise prompt attention. " • ' '
BOOT & Sal
ibis: Wit
_ 004,4
, .01 in Eitel" woks
gaILSAT= e I
.n be
oar poemeee.
&12-.4 4
'WINO Ali' ure+
..I=o Minor
Do trwois Ws:
I*. WILCOX, bat lemoved rds establish
meat. to the shop between Bingsbery's and Bart
lett's Atones, and where be still solicits a share of
public patronage. Hi Intends, by a airefal selection
of stock, sod by attentem to the interests of his auto
men to make es neat trd durable work as can be ma
nufactured in this put 'a the country.
• He will keep constent'y on hind, and menuLicatire
to order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boole and Shoes
Ladies' Gairers, Shoes and Slips i Children', do.,
Gent's Calera and Pumps, ite. _ •
0 :7 Country Produce, of most descriptions, taken in
payment for work, at the market price.
Towanda. April 26, 1647.
V7IECD V 7701411 IBIL4V10181:1
CF. HARtig respectfully witbss to in orm the
. citizens of Towanda, and the public that he has
commenced the
in Towanda, on Main street, a few doom about Bridge
street, where be will keep constantly otihand or make
to order, Plated and anuman Harness, Trunks and
Trunk Vallee*. and all kinds of work in his line. CAR
to order. From his experience in the business, and
punctuality in attending to it, he hopes he may receive
a sban of puhlie patronage.
iter All kinds of work may be had at his shop cheap
ter than at any . other shop :ps i -Ibis county. '
Towanda, J'une . l2,lll4fl ly 1
Removed Wt . north side Public Square !
it 4. Chamber/in, .
lj AS just returned from theeity
. ll of New 'fort with a large
C .211. su pply of Watches, Jewelry and
t . t , b iker ware, comprising in part,
t the following artieks:---Lever,
• , i' (- L'Epine end• Plain Watches, with
\ \OIL , - ''.. ---•."-'-* a complete assortment of Gold
• Jivelty..such ai Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin :s, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets. Gold amino,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all aorte of Silverware,.
and any quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which . be offers
for sale etceeedingly cheap for CASH. , -
Watches repaired on abort notice, and warranted
to rim well, or tbeinoney will be refunded, andwrit
ten agreement given to that effect-1T required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country P Dee
Oaken in payment for work; and alas. learn now, and
Arever, that the Produce must be paid when the work
is done--I war against credit in all its forms. •
Towanda, April 28. 1848.
Stomach !
The Celebrakd Gratfenberg
leviable Pills
mre introduced into the U. 8:
.n the year 1848. Their es.
Taordinary virtues, and supe.
jerky over all other PILLS
Anown in this country; has,
established them silk stand
ard Medicine of Me day.
For sale. together with the
other va10.,,,0 preposition. of the Graefenberg CO. by
Huston dc Porter s 4 Mix in Towanda, and by
•.genta appointed Minch town in the county.
Also. for sale, the Carafenbeig Manual of Health, a
complete Fl a ai-soomkte Ferailies, containing informa
tion relative to the treatment of almost every form of
at disease ; 300 pagem—prias, 80 Cents.
'N. B. A Family Newspaper will be given, free of
charge, for one year, to all who purchase Graetenberg
All cammunic.ations Mast be saarcaved to . P. C. In-
Elmira, Chemung county, N. V.,l3eneral
Or *tares Pair Destnyer; u Remedy for Hiseku
xrs Extiset is a pore liquid, free from every thing
1- inconvenient: or danprobs. As • pain extractor
this medicine is superior toettety thing yet discolired; '
and elan application to Waco inikunetien, the skill of
mankidd'is r.hallenged to equal Nature in it. Pt soothes
Pfirvouafifritost—brods - wounds; braises;
an ' tries ulcers—reduces airwomen, bf owellinge
and to rs; end Cures Sandier Complaints, Disentery
Infantile I issues, Fernaht comphdnts, and most of tbe,,
ordinary F , •fly Ailments.
READ THE 0 • lOW Or sox. 1111 A C. 'SPENCER.
After what I b e stated, you will not be surprised
at the declaration o .. opinion and firm conviction,
that the liquid preps by you is ova or was Roar
INV 140A31.11 ntecurfearas IN' lIIIIDIC4L ANT, ow won
um Truss;--and - that it wilt prove a most effectual
remedy for alVersono a/fealties, endweare fur infiam
mations sow and chronic, when seasonably and prop
erly apt:lied. Further observation and experiment will
be Mlles"! to determine the best, mode of its applica
,tionyihether internally of esternany t and the quantity
to lie adminhtered..
Your e. t servant.
The above eaedicibe may be found at all the A gem
elector the sale of the celebrated Graektibeig
tines, in the enmities named.
alteanig 3
THE. subscriber has removed
is new shop, a kw rods otmive
Water location and on the op
site side of thi•street, where be
intinnes to Manufacture and
Jeep on hand, all kirde of cane
end ` l, ood seat 'CHAIM? t and
SETTEES of 'aria& &
'BEDSTEADS elf 'ever' descsipo
time, which I will pelt low
fish or Proditie,* Pins or Cherry Lumber, or alit.'
plarile;iidt , tiveteived for max, , TURNING done to
' Order in this beaten eiontiet.; •
mske and koio oo hind, or nog ko mitt im the he"
manner., MAKIN/30Np 119491
rPtx • , .
- • Arill4llllll -- - 41171140116. •
tbiaCohins sonfar
e , rZlisaida - Trailaaad'alan 111
• dinaiieinaCje. 4 1116liarddrdisst
, - - )nand►imaniudid. eyed 11110 ant •Iglia yasa t ra
.1.:,..-"dZmiddarnapgiii, AV' kola alaidad A id .
throsdirsincisst • IQ;
pig dal inod&-tbiaeln nsanarna,,
7/111... seradisy, eanSala marlarlOsolH_ an."'
„lin all hl kw boon Pdadad Is Want elanna.
litddaa (or' a iiimbair ef rpm. Tbli mire
.ferrimend;,. AClPlailla la a Anallaa.____lt maaa t ect i L i z -
• atada sr Pli•tboasse se Ina am* *at a} •
Illaamennaida; Inas Phi sad dam no li d a :
=B.ll adrattling,' as: rar lidesiortaa "fa 4 lis
Ammo rams. ”drear. -
£.. Lain oftne'handai farmer. Irby alimaal ode r i g
pontim /01111110111 d; broody eel aw e
Am( IisALOTZRII 01,11111,11, WIN pa
• Waroarly.Carkier aad 11Pissarder
r at
sw-s•raw Jo 64 alt6ttlitl
aa 11110*P11011, oar annag Mow
,10X. sciumotra 036 bars Anployad AU 'old ilia ay
- 411.1A.iis ire iialifingaa,l• pat Ws inti6l4llll%. p it with
far do tiall ad Me nona nuns mon bann Men landi7,.;
andinall;nd Walt Lpoiniab dim ia Mira am auk 2 44
Ass, sod dial lining tMi and diehr;disnkolift letakt.
- Las th. plt,lk Jorsild upon ilmiereas at slam Wm ad
beenibk aim
Owe it Sloth . Tileka.
naf •7 slat Vo wawa' fkiimHirarilla NOM nl 11.
imial—dis is his: se v barn kapt It &MO AI
Poi is New Orlsaas,Tazoilllnalest. !PO
. Arra,
and th• tis 3; tbs War k *Pan 04 ha w
It bieinget.: Wa Ask Saw battles briablim
ir last hang,
asla* radiwuad, est .01=11 e.
•. 4 a •
; we% accidas sever sent :Mu*
sieteispleit d • walk* Omits +eery et. lad may Oath. wi l y
era 'stag
_ ,
who spll,Bansparilla Arida is uresplid iiesirsierr
!sis ffor Ilimispssiaisi WWI bold reigessibh
Tieweseril bat yaldtbe heel is die Oaitaddama
*tibia tbelairtlhrs yews, akleast 1130111100. Otkeis
=lrwin t. map do mammy sad beadt if kb site
by publiskiaty that ibeice is the otioad Et r .
abaft Illertapaille. add that sun tarments, seen It& 14. ;
tiers are base WON' ads mad Ctew libels, ud es dad Is
'ini time aseemity ell babas( publishers VlSpos4l o dir Sk/
/made *emir, booms Is, ia cutelaue• dam gibe
teparta, which' are wall calculated to Wire our im ans u,
rsdior:t ra••vet: •
movie roe coacludive thati)r. 8. P. Tout...rah Senate
Ulla is tbe eityistaL; The fellastiag is tre......r tM Mei
taitautabla eat iageeetiald , apen is dill /Watt
Pert tha .4thrmy Ernie: Atlas.
There prolathly bps. sewer been Ns popular • remedy, eit
tent seedicien as Dr. Teermseadb Sarsaparilla. which "
originally, and etratinees , to be itstissifacturol In ibis city,*
het by the Doe& hintseg sod afterwards for avant pin,
mod albs preseut tree by Clapp é Towered. the pram
grestpthetOgs. *Since th• partararship was dried. the Dor
hue resided I. New York where be keeps • oftem and mew
to tbs beams thee aernmdstais at that prat. Thomas*
tery is is this city, sad b cosilineted by the *rise parteinlir
Clapp-there all the , witticism is neatrafirtered.
Few of ear &thaws bays sae idea of the meet it 6,
maidicre. that is manufactured and sold. irides t a ns
is this country. it is shipped to the Camden Wait ladlh
lands. Seeds Ametries.:dod ere* to Swope, I. ceesidae.
rmatkies. At the issabfactery they curry • alma ens.
Weide. • large number of art women sad girl; in is. p.
pursuer of the asedieise, making boar, printing, At b.,
sad are , oat reedy for shipmate, eve4oll donee pet e l
se yearly 3000 haulms This is as saagstras rarity.
The great sale lbw msdicise has roquised. has laded . t
.amber of noes to get up imitatlow and them is at tie pr
ear than' other medicines fee ern chat are called -ft.
Towered's Sonotherftla.. Ones sa asurtimalar. started a den
time ego la Na Yrk la cellos -owl Dr.latedi Toeserre
Sarmiruftle. ^ aminppareattly with a view. by dint et at*.
trams Cad Om usual enemies warred lota sad darn •
appropriate the name o 7 Dr. S. P. Tow aseisies great tom*
sad thus gain as therthritage nothing from tberwelants
et the mama ethich lir has acquired for 0. by yrrs dram
and exporter labor. Dr. ft:P. Tower*. Arm* of too
city, as is well knew, here. bl the iseentar sad °agar aro
eineter of the ardiethe keewn ea Dr Yeessioes
sapariUs." sad we think -theme parr -to em etteapt.
lag to well their article al t h e oriental, ahrld be cereal
f'sois the Nos Tort Din*/ San
Dd. Termonanntb eatrierdiaary edverthearat which..
espies an entire pap of the Syn. will it escape ram
Dr.. 11. T. Timms!, who is the original proprietor of ht.
Towritudb- ftsrpaperilia, sad whti oath is ant te
earn where be has been do wend era is &it* IA is ,
easesbromism& He receives no tees ea feat Undyed dose'
etftarsaperftla pew day. and even thli agleam, quantity deel
rot sappily. the Ileassd.. No asselluss ever ganged so pea
• popularsty as lug preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His sh
doe of Almanacs for the pee. HD Bet and he bee rid to
Nam York Sas fer advertising. in the latt four yews on
510.0(10. lad Ise acknowledges theta is the cheapest area.
- simg he kw had done. This medicine-ii exported is the
Cassia; Won ladies, South Arrest and Eunice sr no
dilatable quantities. end di comp into Mend ." 11 "
aresuies, as well um here.
, - Frew the Gables Role
TIM Odd Yellows paper publishes the following:
Illneturfutacw.-Among the wametes. extese . te( lie
highly tweitisinal root, Brother Tosesseod'a bears the yes el
steperionty. It is isideed an excellent family seediest aid
Inuring seed it ite ear owe family with decided rinses% se
sea recernaneed n with perfect fildiJll.
Is wir opinion any Demist or hisspkeeper she weed bill
the spurner* earraparills, because they cu whe a maw
week by it thaw they can by ulnae the gamma AM en id
for ile original and ravine Dr. Toeneeid'e isrepant.,
sad deceive their cestreses would' coma icy (raid fat
mosey. lath sea hats no tenor awl shone sat ha true , d. -
. &WIND& Bak
Dwight' Of *there that sell Buse puiTle fee the psalm
and entrittal Dr. Toarasend's Barsapartnt that aea swot
by 8. W. Townsend, *welts it Mot sod swindle the re
wasera. Mu that would be gladly of each is act sue rim
miaasy ether fraud.-awl P• Druggist of cognate multipett
bat loorws that den is tip wity.gesune.
Dune people She are ant weU tater:tied, and hue tat red
the pipers, wad ant sees our adyereeemeeu has hem li
to suppose, that because these we. atheist's the and •
old Janes Tioniead'a,' that it tanit, of count be LIR s.
iteaL It is lue them onit year slab they commemed ts wite
their weedieina thus hail:wee is the searbet ever Itt" yew
Nasty shish lbw antes begabge is tee Seem or we a
le the teeth ; and we mead leave it to the pelmet"( M ,
hinetbsded wee. if they do sot 'defiers* et Me Wee Ishme
Or yews sad expeeded 'toadied. of thespeande Odes.
establish the reptuaeos et our medicine. These nes me
dessering t appropriate the prinks to tientiabres.
Thy are 'ewisavoriey to palm elf es the „public ass P
Physicists. Ic. He is net a regular educsani Meow. en
Bever sculpted to manufacture a medicine, until Meows
bleed him far the use otitis aim*. They say they o ewe
the people to believe that their Baresparifla ta man e se
same...bit the beater to deceive the public, they at tie me
lime assert that their's is the Old M. Torietend't rd DI
attend ; mail endemic te_walue the "eepTe beborwit sae
awe, they suasfacture, is the Dr. Tow weed's gensuan
that hu perlbrined to Mini woudirfel cues Or de Po •
tee leave, tat which hoe loaned% reputation which m ade
swidir.ine ever etajoyede-which- ill. II UP, Webninna. us("'
Opted faleshoed. We Have ceauseseed suits pile tree
- we''pr duirods‘l, We wish it to he widestiod that the a'
ense is awrelatiea at Dr. Towaseld' whatever. la bens
wartime/ants *ad circular., they publish a samba, of r .
Dlielasde iteweetitir Dr. Towlines& which ea "II sit son
' ' ' 'VALISE ,11,1i1PORTIO.
Ow . rupees" hare published ia the pipet do , D'
Ps, Towhead was deed. This they semi a Mor Ku°
ebsat the ceettry, who replied that we hen &W.,
awn - tw'Oe. The penewebeeld be es thee gunk L'''
net be ileastriml by Dine sitriatip/ed mew •
Si*flill CHOLERA.
714 &* at the wreselm iii regirded'with Mines Worm
as it is witli is be -dot oar iiesseiwa Moro
.. Die% as in Loraps. Wilms wet, phypeiaa hoe an Walla ,
remedy he the disuse.' yet bll are different in that ries
told reedbe; ' Aid lewili peeve bete as is Boni°. ! Nit '
• Matt twiD4hialiKtill 'widowed owes did--sad Mutt • a try
• list cat met beitentepearted. that there is no boa tmq
-fir. * ilea . foga lasesia, One'physicias says that it beoi!
i t
' 7
own"; by - wild mates ; crasher say, that it inism'sr .
AirDistathertiest au , t bloodies to fumes,
tweedy ; others Waiatai tilwoddettner emcee whin. tto
thPaeans *Weil ikssiti ; end ethers .ay that Jr
. te.enes; . eltEnt the gusacks declare deem NV
cite the Munk In say of its stages--whicti would. ° . ° 1 ....1
' he ' - libedi Ws' won% to hill 'say nu or Watt . u,
Cii sewn. to be men by p rovidence to force Alt feel' "
Da waihbe he diumir and eirteesis. These are the oily Po'
--te atm
kis aelniewhidowl•by ak tbat our Ceuta Yu's-.
mak siake'sheeld be , dared, and that per &subs"'
4isdispewable—but to genre enfety. the inorial Mr,
' the rose irseiletti4 beaudtal sad debuts, eschew ou
THE rim THE st.oop,
The or ell disease taeatu kept pers. A Mis
OW" bleed. eeriesiog. Is hie veins. say Ugh • ID.
Cholera. er et disease. The system must sot be reds*.
&irked or dieueboil briebyeie. bet quietly cleansed
wil d. thus all"leedif. sot 'may cli.asses aad - e° so
eel ..nPum. bet emits. rick and pure blood—diets . '
of Life. Wit is wit say that tkla Sanapatilla sin er •
• • Cllolllll► bet perrint it.. Tile erodieiee him by to airs"'
sae/ sad ,woedertbi effects apse divests. Piped • 48" DI
Stec oesibilf of the globs. that is uspreess , '"7_,
Is AtteaywiesSesediresalleial. te the e et cad welt •••
IY ailelmagy thie paitimil:r time, to Pew* wVera.
Palphadow Diesrei •
Dr. S. P.Vebioseed'a Etersaruiliit cures the Inca 001"..
of the relpitotioa of the Phan. The follpwin 1644 " 4
tberomy. • • •
Wort Nam Isituipi Co., Dee. td Jed
• De. oirese..- •
Deer Sir T : s.. lr
miner reiecibai obliggie o .. to be
• ibiniert I bove reeeived from me- invabiable berierwe.
...Wieling ley eremite, new induce ethers to tr 7 11 Or
ettispletista, hese hese iodated to Sake this cosec
t ' 'Ube emt beielbef these who are aikted ailhatre bees
view is "WIC Jew Senuipuille I ems trembled oaf
*lb pelcitiritee_ order butt, so sash act that t use
—7 OIL
ti k
Wait oilt blame ; doe rseoesearadatios I whalei."
sit piss Illassvaribe. iebielikee eatirelf candor .
Melts la the Dot of bepeeseher; i t• D'
r. Taenliiiiiirt7.o" , Talk Gass yin be is
ormibliiimeleSetieDeenetsuiesiorimieb new
6 , gbailley lad be fitted foe tie better Oterw r
loibes• propriebere sob time ovi!elet'.
1. XI:4I3IeRVR. nusToN 4 PORT" .41.1t'l
br Tovivida.
Joint , C. Sringeza.